#ydkj headcanons
captainnait · 21 days
Go ahead, infodump about Bob from Headrush. No one is stopping you
3:11 pm, 5/20/2024
You will not believe how big of a smile I got when I first saw this ask 😭😭 Like I'm genuinely so happy to talk about him, thank you,,,
Anyway, you don't need to ask me twice 💥
(Yeah, a lot of rambling under the cut, hehe)
— One of my favorite canon facts about Bob is that he REALLY hates emoticons. He mentions it two times: one time in a question, where he refuses to read out loud the category name, that is just an emoticon, and instead just calls it "that. . . thing" or smth, and the other time is in the "Don't be afraid to express your emoticons" Headrush category, where he just straight up tells players to be cautious of people who use emoticons 😭
Either he had a terrible experience with someone who used emoticons. . . Or his old man brain just doesn't understand them. Or both idk.
— I don't know if it's just an Andy Poland thing or not (it's probably is, but still—), but I just really like the way he can change up his voices so quickly. My man can literally go from "uwu im so silly" type of voice to LITERALLY the most brutal and manliest voice imaginable in just a span of a few seconds, and I think that's INCREDIBLE.
If we talk about Bob specifically though, I really like how silly his voice sounds at the end of the round, when he says "bye-bye" or other similar to that lines. It just makes me giggle, okay,,
— I don't remember the full context behind this image and the question it is from, but. Yeah. Huh.
[For some reason Tumblr just doesn't let me put this image in, but it just a screenshot of the game with red words written on the screen, saying "Bob has a "thing" for Barney"]
It's also pretty funny, since a few rounds later I got another Barney question ("Even Purple Dinosaurs Have to Die... Someday"), and Bob didn't sound really amused by it lol
— There are a lot of lines in the game, where Bob jokes/admits that he feels pretty lonely and/or isolated, which is very interesting, considering that he doesn't seem as a very introverted person or someone who doesn't go outside much.
I don't have any specific speculations on why he is like that, but I think (headcanon, I guess) that it's something that he grow up feeling like and, perhaps, still haven't grown out of it.
— In "None of the Smoke & All of the Cancer", Bob says that he finds smoking to be "sexy". It isn't very clear whether if he meant it as a joke or not, so. Eh.
— A lot of people said it way before me, but. . . This man has major dog vibes. Like, I can't pin down specific things that make me think like that. It's— It's just the overall vibe I get from him lol
— I'm pretty sure I've seen someone already make a post about it (I'm not sure though), buuuut it's pretty fascinating to me how little sexual interest Bob shows in women (compare to other hosts in the series, at least) and how little he cares for "mushy" stuff in general, valuing friendship/platonic bonds a lot more.
This probably could stem from what type of game Headrush is, since it's aimed for a younger audience - teens, who probably don't really care about love in that young age. But yeah, just an interesting thing to thinking about while in a shower.
— His relationship with Old Man is pretty weird, because he both shows extreme violence and, yet, somehow, some type of respect towards him? Like, there are moments were he shouts, yells and doesn't mind kicking Old Man for his annoying shenanigans, maybe even having a way easier time with it than other hosts. But then there are a few rare moments, where he actually doesn't mind Old Man at all and would even listen to his stories with a genuine interest.
Of course it's not something completely new to the series, but it is also makes me fairly curious, since I feel like this is the game where we get to see a lot of Old Man's personality and how he influences those around him (in the case of this game (99% of it) - Bob lol)
. . . That's it, ig. For now, i feel satisfied)
I also would really like ranting about Milan and his weirdly homoerotic relationship with Bob, buuut I need to get all the TTwM clips first, so. Yeah. That'll have to wait 💥
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beepsparks · 2 months
Uhh random thoughts. Hosts and their fav attractions at the Disney parks bc Disney theme park attractions and history was a special interest of mine for 3 years (btw FUCK Disney obviously im just putting these hcs here bc despite its no longer a special interest I am still nerdy as hell about the theme parks specifically and I like to give characters favorite rides)
Cookie: this man seems like a thrill ride seeker. He will go on as many extreme rides as possible until he eventually has to go to the bathroom to throw up from motion sickness. I have the feel he’d like the Tower of Terror. He’d probably drag Schmitty on it despite Schmitty seems like the type to be absolutely TERRIFIED of drop rides. (He’ll go on anything else tho)
Buzz: okay call it obvious but Buzz Lightyear (and whatever the hell other name they give it istg it’s the same ride but they all have different names at every park). Tell me Buzz WOULDN’T like the LASER SHOOTER GAME RIDE. He probably thinks it’s cool as hell and would challenge others with beating his score. Nobody wins against Buzz.
Nate: this ride is defunct and no longer exists (unfortunately bc I think it’s awesome) but Extra-Terror-estrial Alien Encounter. Something tells me Nate’s weird little interest in conspiracy theories would lead to him liking the REALLY DARK lowkey horror attraction about a transportation device sending a violent alien into the room and characters getting attacked by it. (Btw if you don’t know what the ride is, look it up, its awesome) He’d probably take Buzz on this one and Buzz would be terrified with all the screaming from both the crowd being scared and the characters getting killed by the alien while Nate is having the time of his life lmao. Anyway, unfortunately since Alien Encounter no longer exists, I guess I’ll just say that Nate’s other favorite ride would be Rock N’ Roller Coaster. (Unfortunately, Buzz finds that ride too extreme for his liking as well so Buzz would NOT have fun getting dragged onto there by Nate)
Schmitty: without even thinking about The Lost Gold, I feel like he’d like Pirates of the Caribbean. Idk I Just get that vibe from him. That and he’d also probably like Soarin’ because he’d find it REALLY relaxing (the soft breeze the ride gives ya plus the calm movements and nice visuals and smells) can you tell I want Schmitty to have time to relax and be all chill yet. (Anyway projecting here but considering It’s a Small World is referenced TWICE in The Lost Gold, I headcanon Schmitty secretly likes the ride. It’s not his favorite but he likes it. Shhh I want the funny man to at least somewhat like my interests too)
Guy: Guy also seems like the type to like thrill rides as well (but he’d be able to TELL when hes getting motion sick unlike Cookie) but he also seems like the type to like rides with music that’d get at least somewhat stuck in his head, so while I can’t REALLY decide I guess the closest option is Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, because it’s a roller coaster that has the chance to play one out of seven songs while the ride goes on. (Fun fact actually I’ve been on it before and it’s literally the only roller coaster I can stomach (i hate coasters) and it played Everybody Wants to Rule the World lmao)
Bonus, REDACTED: The Haunted Mansion. I think we can all agree on that. He’d be upset that the ghosts on the ride aren’t real, though.
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majestydeerakuma · 2 months
(12/36 pm, 4/17/2024)
Okie dokie, here it goes!!!
-Nate Shapiro-
-Gender: Male (he/him)
-Height: 6’0ft
-Age: 47-48
-Birthday is unknown
-He wears colored contact lenses (just to look cool), his actual eye color is a viridian green
-He has black nail polish on his nails
-He also has small silver earrings on his ears
-The red scarf he wears was a scarf that Buzz gave him
-Nate has a terrible sleep schedule
-He is currently still with Binjpipe and his mental health has severely worsened due to that
-He doesn’t remember when his birthday is and will randomly announce when his birthday is
-He drinks a lot of coffee
-He knows how to play guitar and keyboard
-He was the one who came up with You Don’t Know Jack in the first place
-He was in the drama club when he was in high school
-Despite teasing Buzz, he actually cares for him a lot
-Nate tends to think of himself as a butterfly symbolically
-He tries his best to look as fashionable as possible
-He listens to ABBA and heavy metal music
-He thinks Buzz is either dead or has forgotten about him
-Nate did not have a good home life growing up and has been in many toxic friendships
-He has a fear of dogs
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k1stune · 3 months
*inhale* Nate and/or Guy HCs, please and thank you (your choice, K1stune)
(sent at 2:45 am, 3/21/2024)
Oke have some starting with Nate!
-he’s very good at singing, used to write songs in his teenage years
-has a collection of weird sunglasses, sometimes paired with a matching outfit
-went to film making school
-had an emo phase, never regretted it
-he’s secretly an hacker but never expected to go as far as to hack an entire company when he saved cookie in ETS
-if you want dating advice he’s the person you need
And now for the guys!
-give’s the best hugs, almost capable of breaking your spine
-likes small animals, has a soft spot for bunnies
-surprisingly good at math, he wasn’t the best but he ad decent grades
-slowly started liking trivia when e joined YDKJ the ride
-the chillest of the five, he hardly gets mad at anyone just annoyed or disappointed at best (but if you somehow manage to piss him of prepare for the worst)
-if you’re shorter than him he might try picking you up and carry you bridal style around the studio, he does this a lot with buzz and Schmitty when they get mad
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artroidsart · 2 months
Can we get some YDKJ Host/Weapons Drawn Host HCs, please?
If not, that's ok with me, too
12:02 am, 4/8/2024
Headcanons? Absolutely! Buckle up, I've got a lot of them!
YDKJ Hosts:
Cookie is a BIG eater. It's a bad idea to leave a bunch of snacks in front of him because he will eat ALL of them if he isn't stopped. Schmitty has seen him devour an entire bag of chips in one sitting without batting an eye.
Schmitty uses his cane as a mobility aid. He has a bad balance, and the cane helps him stay stable. He's gotten better over the years since he used to need a wheelchair as a little kid.
Nate can ride a skateboard and perform a bunch of cool tricks. He's been able to teach Guy some techniques, but the other hosts have been less successful.
Guy enjoys a LOT of sports, but his go-to is basketball. He's probably the most fit out of the hosts. He tries to make sure the other hosts stay in shape too. (Looking at YOU, Cookie.)
Buzz is the youngest of the YDKJ hosts, something the others playfully tease him about. He's also the shortest, which doesn't help his case.
Cookie is confirmed Bisexual, Schmitty is Gay but went through a bi-denial phase, Guy is Pansexual, Nate is Bi, and Buzz is Asexual.
Schmitty WAS married to a girl named Sandy, but things didn't work out. It's implied Sandy was neglectful in their marriage, leaving Schmitty feeling ignored and unwanted. (This was during his bi-denial phase.)
Nate was a radio host during college, long before starting YDKJ. Now he has a podcast on the side.
Buzz collects a bunch of bee-related things. Bee plushies, bee figures, bee decor, and whatever else strikes his fancy.
Cookie and Schmitty were the ones to stick with Jellyvision, (which would turn into Jackbox Games). They all keep in touch and are all very close, but the others went to do other things. Guy works at a gym, Nate has a podcast, and Buzz got into programming.
Binjpipe ROYALLY messed them up. Cookie has trauma over being directly controlled, Nate was mentally altered into a paranoid conspiracy theorist for "Truth Talk 23/7", and Buzz worked feverishly to break them out. Schmitty is worried sick about everyone Binjpipe got her claws on, and Guy does his best to support and comfort Buzz and the others.
Weapons Drawn Hosts
Lord Tippet comes from Old Money, meaning his family has been rich for a LONG time.
His family has a lot of connections, including the Ham family ([REDACTED]'s family of the Murder Hotel)
Tippet and [REDACTED] have been family friends for many years, and Tippet is one of the few who know his true identity. (He doesn't know much about the whole murdering side of his bestie.)
He's easily spooked. Loud noises like lightning or slamming doors make him jump. He usually clings to someone when startled.
Tippet is the most DRAMATIC guy you will ever meet. Ya boi has a fainting couch at the ready.
The Narrator is a living manifestation of evil, specifically of murder. She's been around for a LONG time.
She's more powerful than Binjpipe or Felisha, but not as powerful as The Wheel of Enormous Proportions. There's a sliding scale of power for Jackbox entities.
As an entity of murder, she has an awareness of all killers, such as the detectives. Should she become interested in certain killers, she can easily learn whatever she wants about them. The Narrator can discover all their crimes without even being spotted.
Tippet and the Narrator have a love-hate relationship. He hates how much trouble she (indirectly) causes, and she enjoys teasing him (in a cosmic entity kind of way).
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welcometoschmittlash · 2 months
Schmitty Headcaons because why not
Some of these I’ve already shared elsewhere but they’ll still be on this list nonetheless
He absolutely can’t cook, but that doesn’t stop him
He’s a pretty good at singing, and is especially partial to jazz standards.
He has a Yorkshire Terrier that he would do anything for
Goober is is favorite food and he eats straight out of the jar.
He can’t dance
He takes his niece to see all of her favorite bands/artists in concert, and it’s basically become a tradition
He’s a fan of Animaniacs and Star Trek.
He has a crush on Duke Nukem
He’s autistic
Literature is one of his special interests.
He’s Demi and pan.
I think that’s all I’ve got for now, but I’ll make a part 2 if I think of anything else
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mariegolddoesthings · 3 months
I have a headcanon that Nate Shapiro has a sunglasses collection and has has a pile of them in a box or chest or something
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voidsandfoxes · 5 months
Waves!! Here are some headcanons for Cookie!
- Can and will sleep anywhere. Schmitty one time found Cookie passed out on the lighting set of the YDKJ studio, has no idea how he got up there.
- He may think cartoons are unrealistic, but he secretly enjoys them since nostalgia. (His favorite show is Tom and Jerry!)
- If he grows soft around you, he will call you by a nickname. If you know about the nickname and tell him about it, he will lie through his fucking teeth and deny the allegations.
Feel free to stop by again for more headcanons!
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HC that the Algorithm is just really chaotic for no reason Ig lol
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mylifeisgames45 · 24 days
I'm all for the Lordiots stuff, pour your heart out!
1:08 pm
Didn't thought someone would ask about them, wow dude!! Here they are:
Lord Tippet in my hc is hypersexual/hyperromantic, so he's the one who's always flirting with Bidiots host and makes him embarrassed. They always goes on dates, but Bidd tries to avoid them occasionally out of tiredness on work or just because Tippet can be quite annoying for him. They both visit each others at their work in games and Tippet does it mostly, he's really loves the art-bidding stuff Bidd come up with, but wins very rarely. I hc that they both British and Bidd is half British half French, and they talk French on their dates(they did the French kiss, guys I swear lol-) They had an art competition and Bidd of course won, but Tippet didn't mind that. They both can cook, and both do that really good. Tippet is a tiny bit taller than Bidd, but it's not really much difference on the look. But their age gap is in about 10-15 years(Bidd in his thirties and Tippet in his fourties) Bidd is perfectionist and always tries to make everything look organised, even when he visits Tippet's mansion. Bidd refers to Tippet with "lord" or addresses him in the respectful form of "you"(like you know, when a child refers to an adult, I dunno how to explain that, he's just respects someone older than him or someone who he doesn't really knows) Hope I didn't forgot something lol
Well okay they are really look cute together and I really really really love them both and their games, they are soooo underrated :P
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captainnait · 16 days
Was recording my Headrush gameplay and stumbled on this silly question
Considering that we also have Abraham (goddamn) Lincoln in Easter Eggs straight up talking and interacting with Bob, I like to imagine that Bob is just such a loveable dork that even dead historical figures go back to life just to meet/become friends with him /hj
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beepsparks · 3 months
Wanna see something silly— *COUGHS OUT AI HOST HEADCANONS*
This is gonna be a mix of silly and kinda spooky with maybe just a TOUCH of angst so uh prepare yourselves (also this is gonna be SO LONG)
AI Cookie
He speaks with the same tone he does in Fibbage 4, which. Definitely makes him come off as really creepy at times.
He tries to seem as human as possible, but he will move his limbs and joints in ways impossible for regular humans if it’s more convenient. (Hence him 180’ing his neck when Cookie himself started unplugging him)
Each AI host has at LEAST ONE “fatal flaw”, AI Cookie, is awful at lying.
When trying to capture someone, AI Cookie is the most sneaky compared to the other AI hosts. He is also the most likely to attempt to trick you into thinking it’s safe. (Luckily he is bad at lying) He CAN grab you, but depending on the situation, he’ll either lock you in a room (like y’know, a closet), or yeah, just hold you in a grab.
AI Cookie is programmed to be able to identify when Cookie himself is disguised (using the cloak Cookie gets in his Fakin’ It form), he’s the only AI host capable of this.
AI Schmitty
AI Schmitty has two “fatal flaws”, the first being he doesn’t understand humor in the slightest, no matter what joke you make, he’ll just be confused. The second one is that he’s based on Schmitty’s humanoid quip form, but AI Schmitty is obsessed with the idea of looking like Schmitty at all times, leading to him trying to modify himself if he sees the real Schmitty in his human form. Which only damages himself. (Plus, AI Schmitty is entirely pink, compared to Schmitty’s orange. If he were to be redeemed, he’d try to constantly paint himself orange.)
When trying to capture someone, AI Schmitty is the most careless and aggressive. Compared to everyone else, he’s the only AI host entirely willing to knock someone unconscious to catch them. Don’t let him get his hands on any heavy object, he WILL hit you in the head with it.
He’s interested in older technology, and gets easily distracted by old TVs, this is probably due to YDKJ: Oldies Radio being a thing.
AI Guy
AI Guy’s “fatal flaw” is that he’s incapable of properly playing sports, he becomes clumsy when trying to play sports (when chasing people? He’ll NEVER trip.) and will trip over himself over and over. (If redeemed, Guy himself would probably have to teach him a bit on how to keep balance or whatever)
When trying to capture someone, AI Guy is the strongest. While he isn’t as careless and aggressive with people as AI Schmitty, he will break down doors (even if they’re locked), shove anything out of his way or just run right through it or etc, and will even tackle you if necessary. Despite all this, however, he will try his hardest to leave you relatively unharmed by his own actions. (Can’t have you all messed up before Binjpipe can decide what to do with you, I guess)
If he grabs you, good luck. You are probably not getting out of his grasp.
In general, AI Guy is the least likely to actually hurt you. Even if commanded by Binjpipe to catch you, he’ll look really terrifying and aggressive, but once he gets you, really all you have to fear is Binjpipe themselves.
If you REALLY think you aren’t gonna escape AI Guy if he starts chasing you, just let him take you, it’ll be the least painful and stressful way to get caught. Most of the time he’ll just run up to you and scoop you up real quick and hold you in a grab.
AI Buzz
AI Buzz’s “fatal flaw” is his lack of communication. Compared to the real Buzz being very talkative, AI Buzz barely speaks at all, even if you try to get him to talk about something that Buzz would be interested in.
When chasing someone, AI Buzz is the quickest, and most “environmentally aware”, he’ll use any object around him as a tool to capture someone. However, AI Buzz isn’t strong enough to hold someone in a grab, so he’s more likely to lock you in a room or lock you in something that would limit your movement idk.
AI Buzz’s speed is a great advantage of his, he could probably run up to you before you can react and shove you down and try to hold you down to the floor.
He taught himself how to repair the other AI Hosts by himself. (Mostly because of AI Schmitty causing himself damage and AI Guy being clumsy)
AI Nate
AI Nate’s “fatal flaw” is the fact he CONSTANTLY speaks like he’s hosting Truth Talk 23/7. Meaning he is very LOUD. (His boot-up sound is even the Truth Talk “jingle”.) It’s incredibly hard to get him to be quiet, and he can easily become annoying to others with his loud speech.
He can start broadcasts by himself. AI Nate is even capable of taking calls from others for the show.
This can quickly become horrifying because when he’s trying to capture someone, if whoever he’s after tries to hide, there is the high chance he will start a broadcast WHILE searching for them. (And yes, he will accept calls while doing such so yippee! Whoever’s getting hunted down might hear a panicked caller telling them to run!)
AI Nate is the most experimental and perhaps unpredictable out of all the AI Hosts when it comes to trying to capture someone. He’s willing to try anything. Even methods the other AI Hosts use (although they probably won’t be as effective)
General headcanons (applies to almost all AI hosts)
They cannot feel pain, but they do however seem to fear death. (Im not sure wether im gonna do this or not BUT I have the idea that the AI hosts COULD be redeemed because one day AI Cookie would find out that Binjpipe is gonna scrap them all and use them for spare parts if they capture the entirety of the OG5, then he’d tell the others and since they honestly don’t wanna die they’d revolt against Binjpipe mmm)
When they aren’t hosting anything or aren’t being commanded by Binjpipe, they all basically become advertising machines for Binjpipe (this can get extremely annoying especially paired with the fact that absolutely none of them understand the concept of personal space)
All of them have glowing pink eyes, which definitely makes all of them come off as unnerving. AI Buzz’s lights seem to be the most bright, could be because of the glasses, who knows.
When fully redeemed and detached from Binjpipe, the AI Hosts’ eyes would change color to their representative host’s main color. (Schmitty=Orange, Guy=Green, Buzz=Bright Blue, Cookie=Brown (considering they’re lights within eyes I guess AI Cookie’s eyes wouldn’t glow too bright then idk), Nate=Ruby)
They’re all actually relatively harmless when they aren’t commanded to capture or attack someone, although they can all definitely be creepy (and annoying because again, when they aren’t doing anything important they just become advertising machines for Binjpipe)
They all do have that fnaf animatronic look and vibe, I’d say their limbs move similar to the Toy Animatronics and Glamrock animatronics (ball-point joints I believe they’re called?) They all also have a slight smile with teeth, stuck on their face, they cannot fully close their mouths to hide the teeth. This with their eyes being one color with no irises or pupils also makes them all struggle with facial expressions to display emotions.
They all wear pink, Binjpipe related clothing. (AI Schmitty, based on the real Schmitty’s humanoid quip form, is even ENTIRELY pink with not a single hint of orange.)
They all used to have to be plugged in to operate. After Fibbage 4, they’ve all been reworked to move freely without plugs.
Okayyy this was a lot. I might add more at some point, but enjoyyyyy!!
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majestydeerakuma · 2 months
thought to ask here cuz why not Any facts about the YDKJ hosts you have put for headcanon you love?
Let’s see…
-Cookie is a cat person, like the dude will stop everything just to be with the cat that entered the room
-Cookie thinks cat videos are peak humor
-Cookie will eat anything…seriously…anything
-Schmitty has an amusement park called “Quipland”
-Schmitty is very competitive
-Schmitty likes My Little Pony but he hides this
-Guy has beaten someone up with his baseball bat before
-Guy has never broken bones from playing sports (surprisingly)
-Guy has a hard time knowing if what he’s saying or doing is mean or hurting someone
-Nate wears contact lenses, his actual eye color is a viridian green
-Nate is a perfectionist
-Nate celebrates his birthday at random to confuse everyone
-Buzz is a gamer and knows a lot on Pokemon and Super Mario 64
-Buzz has a hard time picking up social cues (he has gotten a bit better though over the years)
-Buzz owns a bunch of bee plushies
Yippee :D
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bliz-lol · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Headcanon: Usually after quizzes, Buzz liked to come to Nate's dressing room and chat calmly with him about his day.
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k1stune · 13 days
So, any new YDKJ Host headcannons?
yeah I do have new YDKJ headcannons so I’m gonna share one I quite like:
-Schmitty picked up knitting as a hobby to help with his anger issues, he makes sweaters or scarves with funky designs on them (and sometimes gives them to cookie)
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warnerswilsons · 15 days
Bob Headrush Headcaons
I’ve been watching some headrush playthroughs and I’m really loving Bob so here are some headcanons for him!
- His usual recording snack is a cup of black coffee and bubble gum.
-Everyone assumes he puts a ton of sugar and cream in his coffee and were very surprised when they found out he doesn’t.
-He makes sure to check in on fellow staff members and the interns working there and tries to engage outside of work hours.
-He dyes his hair a lot, trying out different styles and colors.
-He collects a lot of old limited edition, hard to find toys and is a fan of animated lost media.
-His favorite film is Who Framed Roger Rabbit
-He can play bass guitar
I think that’s all for now, but I’ll add more if I think of any!
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