#yandere matespritship
yanderes-galore · 6 months
Hello! I hope you have a nice day/night :>
Could I request Feferi and Eridan (Homestuck) sharing/fighting over a human darling? In an AU where they're alive, if that's possible.
Ngl I'm most excited to write for Feferi in this- Things are vague as the request was so sorry if I didn't go into depth :(
AU where they are both alive on The Meteor and you arrived with Rose and Dave in God-Tier.
Yandere! Feferi Peixes/Eridan Ampora with Human! Darling
Pairing: Matespritship❤️/Moirallegience♦️ - Rivalry/Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Needy yanderes, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Isolation, Rivalry and Sharing mentioned, Forced relationship.
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When they first meet you they have differing reactions.
Eridan acts arrogant and entitled and says he has no interest in mingling with humans.
Meanwhile Feferi is the complete opposite.
She does not display superiority towards you and is actually excited to meet the new humans.
She actually catches you off guard with her running up to you to ask all sorts of questions and to know about you.
Feferi and Eridan have only really chatted with you through the chatting app.
So meeting you in real life is so new.
I expect Eridan to keep chats brief with you until Feferi encourages you two to talk.
Feferi is certainly the driving force for Eridan's obsession over you.
Perhaps the two are still Moirails.
He feels if she's pestering him she'll try.
Well... he doesn't regret it.
He hates to admit it but he really does feel a form of attachment to you.
Feferi is naturally excited and gleeful with everyone so it's hard to tell if she's being her or genuinely has an interest.
You didn't specify what quadrant so I picked two different ones.
As a result there's like four different ways I can look at this;
Matespritship Rivalry = Feferi and Eridan realize they want you as their red love. This puts a strain on their Moirallegience as the two try to convince you they're the "right choice".
Matespritship Sharing = Feferi and Eridan have red love for you but they don't want to fight. The two attempt to preserve their failing Moirallegience with a shared Matespritship with you.
Moirallegience Rivalry = The two end up breaking their Moirallegience off like in canon and try to replace you as their Moirail... only to cause more fighting.
Moirallegience Sharing = The two break off their Moirallegience in order to share you as their Moirail.
In all four ways I imagine both of them are rather needy with you.
Eridan jumps to violence/murder and entitlement when trying to win you over quickly.
Feferi meanwhile is so excited all the time, often taking you attention to drag you around.
The Moirallegience between Feferi and Eridan is very taxing, mostly to Feferi.
So adding you into the mix is somehow supposed to help (when it comes to option 2 and maybe 4).
You may feel as though you're being torn apart when it comes to them as I would consider them both rather needy and attention hungry.
The two may show irritation and rivalry behavior between the two of them but I feel they can't really hurt each other.
Not unless one of them was pushed to the brink.... (*side eyes Eridan*)
You'll catch Feferi ranting about Eridan to you, often saying insults about his behavior.
Eridan tries not to say hurtful things but it ends up being mentioned in his own private rants to you.
He actually finds himself not feeling bad afterwards since he seems to care a lot more for you than his old Moirail.
That behavior would happen more often with options 1 and 3.
I have to be vague with this concept as it in itself is rather vague.
But there is many different ways for how the two could be with a human darling, both sharing and rivalry.
The two are rather needy and have an air of entitlement due to their blood color... even though Feferi tries to hide it.
The two try to act nice with you and slowly court you into the quadrant they want.
However... there's bound to be some complications caused by the two of them.
Due to them being part of the Nautical Aristocracy they feel they should both have a shot with you.
It's up to you if they fight for it or not.
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cryptid-catnip · 7 months
Flushed!Yandere Eridan with a Gender Neutral!Human!Darling A-I Alphabet HCs
(Author's Note: I'm sorry if this isn't my best work, I haven't written anything in a while.)
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?Eridan would be very clingy (in the literal sense) with his affection. He would be very needy when it comes to his affection, constantly asking for or wanting you to give him affection. All in all, he's extremely needy when it comes to his affection and will cling to you constantly.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?Eridan is ready and willing to hurt, maim, or kill someone for his darling, considering he is no stranger to bloodshed. Invigorated with the desire to "protect" his darling and have them to himself, he would be willing to annihilate someone with his Ahab's Crosshairs or a Hope beam. Overkill definitely, but not to him. When it comes to protecting his darling, any measure he takes is a necessary one.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?Eridan wouldn't mock his darling, but rather he would be extremely dedicated to the notion of convincing his darling that he's doing it for their mutual benefit. He wants his darling to see things the way he does, and he'll do anything to do that, no matter what.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?Eridan would try to cuddle or kiss you without asking first, and will need pretty constant reminders to not do that.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Eridan would dump his heart out to his darling, telling about his past failed relationships with Feferi and Vriska, as well as being extremely self pitying, partially as a way to try to draw out compliments and affection from his darling.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Eridan would be completely pissed. Even though his darling is a human who doesn't have a chance in hell to defeat him if they haven't God Tiered, the very notion that his darling dislikes him to the extent of actually fighting him physically would leave him fuming with anger. If you are God Tiered, that will make things a bit more difficult, but he'll try to find a way around that.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No. Eridan would take securing his darling and getting them to himself extremely seriously, and seeing them try to escape would leave him just as angry as if they tried to fight him. Eridan would also not take kindly to his darling being highly sarcastic or snarky after he's kidnapped them.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Eridan would leave you locked in a cold, dark, damp room for several days on end with only him to keep you company. Although staying in there would be awful for you, he would find it quite pleasant due to the temperature, the wetness, and, of course, you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Eridan desires a future with you where you two are in a happy matespritship, and one where he never has to stew in resentment of himself and his past partners ever again, with you to keep him company. 
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
kismesis hc’s for eridan mayhaps 🥺 👉👈
💜 Eridan is a very obsessive, possessive yandere already, and that goes for any quadrant! Something about you just sparks such obsessive hatred within him. But not just hatred, a want for you to improve, as well. A true rivalry. To knock you down and build you up over and over again in his image until you are the best version of yourself you can be. No one else could give you such a challenge, no one could mold you like him.
🌊 After all, Kismesissitude is not only about hatred. It's just as much about love as Matespritship, or Moirallegiance, or Auspisticism. It's just shown and felt in different ways! It's about seeing someone's flaws and recognizing them as both endearing and infuriating. It's about fire and passion and butting heads and coming together into an explosion of emotions and hatred and biting and ripping each other bare. Bared teeth, sharp claws, lethal tongues. And then, you make each other anew. Together. Forever. Or, at least, that's what Eridan had always wanted. Everyone left him eventually, though. He doesn't know if he could take more of the same, trusting someone and exposing the deepest parts of himself, his very soul, only to be abandoned again. Because of that, the Seadweller was just as scared of you as he was loathsome. And that only seemed to increase the possessive rage building up inside him…
💜 Eridan could be the perfect rival, you know? He would, he promised. You really think anyone else could challenge you like he could? Could loathe you like him? Preposterous! The idea was- it was laughable! Nobody but him understood you like him, knew you inside out, watched your every move, paid lackeys to spy on you and observe you and report back to give him every detail. You think anyone but him would be that dedicated to your relationship? Especially those land-dwellers? No. No, you needed- you deserved the best Kismesis Alternia had to offer. Why couldn't you see that? Why couldn't you accept his hatred? Why wouldn't you just hate him?!
🌊 At least, if you hated him back, even if only a little bit, it'd mean you cared. That you thought about him, enough to be annoyed by his eccentricities or disgusted by his attempts at genocide or angered at his pompous attitude. It would mean you thought about him. That in some way, you cared about him. Wanted him to get better. That's all Eridan wanted. He wanted you… He wanted you to be with him. He couldn't be alone any longer. Please, please just hate him. Be disgusted by him! Scream at him, please! He'd take anything. Anything to soothe the ache in his bloodpusher and the cold, hollow feeling in his acidsack.
💜 The Violetblood would keep those vulnerable feelings close to his chest, however, upon first kidnapping you. Or, rather, having you kidnapped. He had paid for your capture, of course, and planned on then immediately executing your captors for daring to touch you. But, when he saw the bruises and marks on your skin left by the vile thugs he'd hired, Eridan concluded that a torture session before their murder was necessary! He could do it in front of you, if you'd like? It'd be the perfect way to show how perfect a kismesis he is - only he was allowed to leave his mark on you! And you'd eagerly do the same to him, he hoped…
🌊 No matter what your reaction, it will only add fuel to the delusional fire within the Seadweller. Quiet, afraid, almost unresponsive? He'll coo to you condescendingly, telling you that he knew you were far too unprepared to last in the outside world. You would be taken advantage of by any other potential hate-mates. Only he could mold you into the perfect rival, one he'd take on the world together with. If you're angry and fight back, it'll only please Eridan more. You hated him! You hated him back, just as much as he did you! You cared about him, wanting to leave claw and bite marks and leave bruises on his skin, staking your claim as his Kismesis. He'd hold you as you writhed and squirmed in his arms, purring and pressing kisses to your skin even as you hissed and bared your teeth to him. Oh, his perfect Kismesis, so glad was he to finally have you in his arms. And he would never, ever let you leave. Not like the others. Never again.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 years
Oh my god I have such a craving right now. Can you please write something with a yandere Cronus who's trying to force the reader into all his quadrants, while reader doesn't even know what a quadrant is and is confused and frightened when he's constantly flipping between coddling them and not letting them do anything for themselves, to tormenting them and trying to rile them up and then suddenly doting on them again and trying to pry affection out of them?
Yandere Cronus Flipping Quadrants with a Confused Darling
-I don't think he would tell you about quadrants unless you ask about them or about why he's acting as he is. If you don't, you'll just be left confused.
-He will mention quadrants occasionally, I could definitely see him telling you openly that he wants you to fill all of his quadrants, but never telling you what quadrants are if you dont ask about them.
-Even if he doesn't explain them to you, he'll still kind of assume that you understand, and that your confusion is just because you dont have quadrants and you're still getting used to them.
-I feel like he would change his feelings very frequently, trying to keep you in all of his quadrants at all time, even though that's incredibly difficult.
-If you end up actually just asking him why he's like this and why he's doing this, he'll probably just tell you that it's because he's in all of your quadrants now.
-Surely you'll be okay with it now that you know he's flipping quadrants with you, surely you're fine with just him in all of your quadrants, and won't ever think of choosing another person to be your quadrantmate.
-When you still complain and whine and seem to genuinely hate him, not just in a pitch way, he'll get a bit frustrated, wondering what he's doing wrong, why you aren't returning his feelings.
-He might try to start with just one quadrant, and branch out from there if you're being too much of a pain. He would probably start with matespritship, because it's the most similar to human romance, right? Though, he might sometimes still end up acting in pale, pitch, or ashen ways around you on accident. He can't help it, he just feels so strongly about you he can't hold himself back.
-If you ask him what a quadrant is, he'll be a bit stunned. He thought you knew what they were, he thought you were just misbehaving and being rebellious because you were upset at him. He'll try to explain the system, but his explanation will be very quick, kind of confusing, and overall a bit shitty.
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Ancestors
♋ The Signless/The Sufferer 🩸
Yandere!Signless - “You’re calling me a monster? Who do you think made me this way?”
♈ Handmaid 🥢
♉ The Summoner 🦋
♊ The Ψiioniic 💛
Yandere!Psiioniic x Troll!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Psiioniic x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
Yandere!Psiioniic x Reader Drabble Opinion on Restraints
♌ The Disciple 📜
♍ The Dolorosa 🪡
♎ Neophyte Redglare ⚖
Yandere!Redglare x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Redglare - “It’s your word over mine. Who do you think they’re going to believe.”
♏ Marquise Spinneret Mindfang 🦾
Yandere!Mindfang x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
Yandere!Mindfang x Reader Headcanons Falling for Dualscar’s S/O [Yanyan-stuck]
♐ E%ecutor Darkleer 🏹
♑The Grand Highblood 💜
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons Cuddle
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons Stockholm Syndrome
Yandere!Grand Highblood x troll!Reader Oneshot First meet
Yandere!Grand Hightblood x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
♒ Orphaner Dualscar 🌊
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons NSFW
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Darling Silently Asking to be Pet
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Broken Darling
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Affectionate Darling
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Potential Soft Spots
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Oneshot Escape Attempt
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Drabble NSFW
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Asking for sexe
Yandere Dualscar Slipping Up in his Horrible Actions
Yandere Dualscar with a Darling Asking for Matespritship
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, H, I, Q, and Z)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, F, and G)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (E, K, L, and R)
Emoji Themed Yandere Headcanons (💛 and 🤖)
♓ Her Imperious Condescension/The Condesce 🐙
Yandere!Condesce x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Condesce x Human!Reader Oneshot [Petar-yandere]
Yandere!Condesce x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
The Condesce Stealing Dualscar’s Matesprit  [Yanyan-stuck]
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clowndaydreams · 3 years
(their darling can’t fully feel flushed romance / matespritship, they can only feel it mixed with pale romance / moiraillegiance - which I personally refer to as a materail - and the yandere is fully aware and fine with this)
How would yan gamzee, kurloz, ghb, marvus and chahut react to finding out via their darling’s confession of the matter that their obsession has a crush on someone that isn’t them? Would anyone take extremes like “taking care of the ‘competition’” or something? Would anyone of them be particularly/especially hurt by knowing their love interest is interested in someone else, even if it’s just a crush? Would anyone of them hurt their darling, maybe even kill them?
(another troll of the same blood color as them - preferably bronze, jade, cerulean or fuchsia but anything is fine really)
Marvus and Chahut aren’t bothered in the slightest. If everything goes to plan for them, their Darling won’t really have much chance to fraternize with the enemy so to speak. They like to kidnap their Darlings.
Gamzee sees no issue and won’t do anything. He’s a delusional yandere, so he sees it as his darling being shy and not wanting to admit their feelings yet. He will not like the other person though.
GHB and Kurloz aren’t so forgiving. Kurloz will start plotting to make the relationship(even if one-sided) deteriorate. He may have to slander his beloved, but what’s done is done. After the crush cuts ties with his Darling, he will kill them and swoop in for comfort. GHB may be triggered to kill the crush and any other person who could become one too. He wants to be the only option.
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Matespritship match up for a OC please?
AU Preference: Tale, Horror or Fellswap but Swap, Fell, Swapfell, Fellswap Gold, Underlust or the Slaves(Roxxy, Jaws, Azalea or Foxglove) is fine too
Character Preference: As long as it’s not a Frisk, Chara, Asriel, Monster Kid/MK or anyone on the ‘not capable of a redemption arc’ lover or ethic wise than any character is fine
Relationship Requirements: Needs to be ok with him having a moirail, kismesis and ‘third leaf’ auspistice//Needs to be ok with him having a large group of people that are his friends + makeshift family
- Gender: cisgender masc both(male leniency hermaphrodite)||masculine pronouns(he, him, his, himself)
- Orientation: demi-pansexual panromantic
- Good Traits: Loyal//Intelligent//Cunning//Kind//Passionate//Driven
- Bad Traits: Bullheaded//Anxious//Timid//Nervous
- Hobbies: Reading//Learning//Crouche
- LV: Low
- EXP: Low
- HP: Medium
While a very intelligent person he’s not very strong physically and his psionics barely make up for it, he’s simply not a natural born fighter and it shows but what he is, however, is very smart with tons of slyness, cunningness and witt to him. He has a hunger for knowledge and knowing stuff that drives him to seek out answers.
He’s very loyal to his loved ones and tries his best for them in any way he can. Despite being quite timid, anxious and nervous a lot he’s as equally passionate and driven, not giving up on something once setting his mind on it which also makes him very bullheaded, not letting up once he digs his feet in.
This mixed with his hunger for knowledge, as he’ll go to a lot of lengths to get info on something, gets him into quite sticky situations and trouble. All the above tends to surprise strangers due to his unassuming looks and aforementioned timidness, anxiousness, nervousness and lack of physical strength.
Also, he tends to passionately ramble about something his intrested in - so, uh, be aware of that 😆
(When it comes to sex he’s a sub lenient switch)
After thinking for a little bit, I decided to give you ... Spice (Underlust Sans)! Here is why. First of all, there are little to no characters who are willing to be in a poly relationship, not at least a willing one, but Spice? He is one of those characters that would enter a poly relationship more than happily but only if he has romantic feelings for the other people too. He would find your love for knowledge to be adorable, wanting to help you get more and more of it as possible. He would also do whatever he can to try and keep you out of trouble, not wanting you to get hurt.
* His age: Human age: 1249 years old, monster age: 25 years old
* His height: 5′4 feet
* His yandere type: double yandere
* His dere type: Teasedere
* His Sexuality: Cisgender Male Pansexual Spectroromantic
A . How would he show his love and affection? How intense would it get? - Without a second thought, most of his affection is physical. He will kiss you, nuzzle you and caress you to show you his affection. He wants you to understand that he loves you and what better way to do that, than through physical affection?
B. What type of future is he planning with his lover? - Spice isn’t sure what he wants to do. He barely knows what he wants to do with his life, that’s why it would be almost impossible for him to actually. But all he knows is that he really wants you to be happy, so maybe, make you happy?
C. What is the scariest moment with him? - Well, the way that he never sees any wrong with you. The lengths he goes to prove to people that you are flawless... Even kill people who dare try to tell him that you have flaws or did something wrong.
D. How does he usually act with his lover? - Spice loves giving you everything you desire. He sadly doesn’t have too much money, but he does try to make at least your dreams come true if he can do that. He just wants you to be happy with him, and the thought that you might not be happy drives him insane.
E. How would he court his lover before? - Well, Spice would probably start showing a lot of care and passion in what you are interested in at the moment. He would support you in your crazy adventures and would hurt anyone who dared to say that you were doing something wrong. 
F. What's his favorite memory/thing in the relationship? - The moments he can help you with your crazy adventures. The way you light up when something goes your way and the way he can comfort you when it doesn’t... Well, it drives him insane, from happiness.
G. What sort of kinks would he ask to try out with you? - Spice is a very sexually active person. I mean, his job is related to sex work, so it’s not a surprise. He hopes that you understand and support his work, though. 
1.  Worship  - He loves worshipping his lover. The pleasure filled expression in your eyes is all that he needs to feel like you are driving him insane. 
2.  Hands  - He loves hands. The soft touching that they give... they are perfect. Little fingernails, soft skin... long fingers... Absolutely perfect. 
3.  Kisses  - Kissing always leaves him breathless, makes him feel loved, so he would want that as a foreplay.
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yanderefriendsim · 3 years
I have a question about what types of Romance that you write. Do you only do general romantic head canons like you did with Chahut or do you also do quadrant themed writing? I know that some writers only do general /human style romance/heart because they don't want to do the other versions or who will do some of them and not others. I know several who don't write spades works but who do sometimes write for other quadrants. I hope this question is not too confusing, my asks can get out of hand.
Nah nah don't worry! It ain't! Just hope my answer isn't complicated / confusing or something. If it is, Let me know and I'll try phrase it better.
As for your question, Yes and no. I'll do pretty much every sort of quadrant apart from auspisticism/clubs. Mainly because I understand every quadrant APART from that. I dunno it's just confusing to me because I don't think I have a good enough grasp on it. With other quadrants, I do! Or Atleast I think I do have a good enough understanding to be like " Yeah that's how that works ". Plus with the little I do get, Dunno how the fuck yandere Auspisticism/clubs is gonna work involving three people. Like is one yandere, are two yandere?? Y'know. But maybe once I get to atleast know how that works better, I'll write for it.
Though note: Never actually written anything concerning kismesisstude/spades. So if I get shit wrong when I do write that, Honestly just go off and correct me. I give you full permission too. I've only really done shit for Matespritship/hearts and Moirallegiance/diamonds. Hopefully this explains everything properly lol. If not, Shoot another ask and I'll try word it better
Remember to take your meds, Drink and eat plenty, Take breaks and do what makes you happy!
~ Mod Cirava 💛
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yanstuck-hivedere · 4 years
Hey there! I'm mod Scorcer [ or TJ, If your coming from my other blogs ]. I'm running this new yandere! Homestuck / Yandere! Hiveswap imagines blog. Feel free to request stuff and I'll try my best with writing! Also feel free to hmu if your bored
What I Do
• All of these apply for not only S/O X Canon, Canon X Canon, OC X Canon [ as long as you can link me the info for the oc of course! ]
• Imagines
• Headcannons
• Fanfiction
• pretty much most shit lmaooo
A few extra details
• Canon Characters are not the only ones limited to being yandere, Want F/O's and Ocs to be yandere? Just request and I'll totally get on that ';)
• You can also request yanderes for different quadrants such as; Matespritship, Moirallegiance and Kismesissitude. I won't be doing Won't do it for auspisticism, Sorry ':(
• Sideblog of @dissectmyinsecurities - If you wanna check out some of my art or utter dumbfuckery, I'm there.
• Rules: I don't exactly have any, Just be respectful about stuff, I'm open to writing gore, NSFW, etc. I'll try my best but if something does, for whatever reason, Make me uncomfortable? I WILL say so. Other than that, I'll probably write anything ':)
• What Characters I write for? EVERYONE! I'll try all characters atleast once and try to get 'em done as accurately as possible!
Feel free to request! It would mean the whole timeline to me!!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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ase-trollplays · 4 years
1-5 for Thiomi?
1. What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
The fact that she’s just. So afraid to get involved with people long-term. With the exception of her matespritship, every relationship she’s had ended terribly. Shadah cheated on her for weeks before finally leaving her for the other troll. Sonja’s Comedy persona became a sociopath and a yandere, and she was forced to end things with him because she stopped feeling safe. She’s indirectly responsible for the death of her last moirail.
At this point, she considers herself to be bad luck. Spontaneously helping random people is one thing, but as far as actually being an active part of someone’s life beyond friendship? She refuses. She’s too scared to try again for fear of getting hurt (Or worse, hurting the other person).
2. What made you decide to write this muse?
Originally, she was a joke. She started as a troll version of an existing OC who’s the polar opposite of the kind of thing troll society promotes. However, as I gave her more attention, I realized “oh no she isn’t a joke anymore” and she became my first actual fantroll.
3. If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
This is a tough one. I’ve put her through more bad stuff than she deserves, but all of it developed her character and helped flesh her out in some way. If I had to pick one even to change, I guess it would be how her kismesissitude with Shadah ended. Like, instead of cheating on her for a long time, Shadah just straight up ended things with her. It would have saved Thiomi significant hurt feelings and betrayal.
4. If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
You have depression. Please get help before it gets worse.
5. If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
I would give her encouragement, to be honest. She needs it so much, and I can’t think of a better gift than assuring her she’s not bad luck and she’s worthy of love and trust.
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Can I request a romantic drabble with Vriska from Homestuck in her FLARP days pre-Sgrub, with a lowblood darling who lost to her but instead of being fed to Spidermom Vriska decides to keep them with her? (there can be threats of the former of course)
It's time for Vriska content, let's go! I didn't see this was meant to be a drabble/short at first. This is a post kidnapping scene, btw. Using a quirk generator, Vriska's speech may be off so I apologize. Sorry the plot was strange :(
Yandere! Vriska Serket with Lowblood! Darling Short
Pairing: Matesprit ❤️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping/Post Kidnapping plot, Manipulation, Threats, Stalking, I winged it on the plot as I forgot this was not a concept, Forced kissing, Some delusional behavior, Implied mind control, Forced Matespritship.
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"Look, y8u lost the game. If anything this 8s mercy!" The cerulean blood scoffs in front of you, sitting at her desk.
You sit on the messy floor with a chain around your ankle. In a castle-like hive like hers... you would suspect something like chains would be in here. You're at her mercy, a Lowblood stuck in the hive of a troll who can easily control you.
"Y'know trolls who l8se 8g8inst me are usually food for Spid8rmom.... Hope y8u know you're special." Vriska grins as she watches you obediently sit by the wall you're chained to.
"Just what makes me so special to you? We've met only a few times before!" You seethe softly, watching Vriska chuckle.
"She8sh, you ne8d 8n explanation? I was 8eing merciful!" Vriska pouts, disappointed. "Might've 8een a few times for you... 8ut I can't get you out of my head, alright? May8e 8 just wanted to hang out with you more! Luckily... I've gotten my chance now."
"... we're not even that close of friends-" You plead. "What do you even want from me?"
Vriska appears annoyed by your questions. It's true... you both weren't the closest but still knew each other. You helped her a few times and even chatted amongst her friend group... however you never saw each other often. As a result... you formed no feelings for the cerulean.
But her? She began to feel red for you....
So red to the point she had to hunt you down to satiate her growing desire.
FLARP was merely another way to bring you closer. Her whole intention was to have you lose. She could probably never feed you to her lusus with her feelings like this... but you were certainly pushing her patience.
Vriska sighs... she's never been good when it comes to personal connections.
"Easy. I want to 8ring up a deal with you." Vriska purrs, an air of sadism in her tone. She doesn't easily show her true feelings. As a result... she comes off more intimidating then you think.
"8 want you to stay here with me, a M8sprit if you will. If you don't agree..." Vriska hums, kneeling in front of you. "I have my ways 8f g8tting you to agree."
"Do you have no other option!?" You plead, Vriska grimacing in response before reaching out and touching your cheek.
"8 don't want any other troll... I want you." Vriska sneers. "Is that so difficult to understand?"
"You're delusional..." You whisper, a comment Vriska chooses to ignore. "So what if I say no? You'll feed me to your lusus?"
"I could... 8ut I'd rath8r n8t, love." Vriska hums, leaning closer. "New trolls can come along to feed her. No... I'd much rather j8st m8ke you."
"No...." You whisper softly, fear rising due to the sadistic glare in her eyes.
"Oh, so you understand 8 can just mess with yo8r mind, hm?" Vriska chuckles, watching you try to scramble away. She already had a light grasp on your mind already. "Aren't you just a helpl8ss Low8lood?"
You want to fight back but you just... feel like you aren't in control. Vriska's gaze shows she knows what she's doing as she pulls you in to kiss you. You want to fight it but you're unable to.
"Don't worry, as long as you 8ehave nothing 8ad will come to you." Vriska coos when she pulls away. "Who kn8ws? If you fight me m8y8e I w8ll feed you to Spidermom!"
You shiver when Vriska pulls you closer. Was this how she planned to make you two Matesprits? Threats and mind control!?
"Oh please... stop 8eing so dramatic! You'll 88 f8ne..." Vriska smiles, leaning into your ear.
"As long as you stay here with me... w8'll get along gr8, won't w8?"
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cryptid-catnip · 1 year
Yan!Vriska x Reader Alphabet Headcannons (S-Z)
S: Stigma - What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)? What didn't? Vriska's life has been hell for as long as she can remember. From her lusus, Terezi abandoning her, her shitty moirail and kismesis, and just life on Alternia in general. You're the first person to show her kindness while at the same not being super weak like Tavros. She fell for you very quickly.
T: Tears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? It would break Vriska's heart. She would understand why you would isolate yourself and cry, hell, she could even relate to it. That wouldn't make it hurt any less, though. She would try to comfort you, but considering that it's her fault, she wouldn't really help that much.
U: Unique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? Vriska would be essentially your garden variety yandere, but instead much more powerful with mind control, the Fluorite Octet, and the powers of a Thief of Light. Not to mention, depending on what your specific blood color is, she's much stronger than you.
V: Vice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape? Vriska is deeply insecure, and if you said that you hate her, over and over, she would stop loving you, because you remind her too much of her lusus. There's a chance she would let you go, but it very likely wouldn't be in one peice.
W: Wit's End - Would they ever hurt their darling? Vriska would hurt you, but it would hurt her to do it. She would make sure to tell you that when she punishes you. "Th8s 8s hurting me more th8n it hurts you, remem8er that".
X: Xoanon - How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over? Vriska wouldn't worship you perchance, but she would adore you. She sees you as her equal, that's one of the things she likes about you. You two are on the same level. That being said, she would go to extreme lengths to win you over. She needs you with her ::::)
Y: Yearn - How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? Vriska would pine after you for a fairly long time, but if she that someone was red for you or, gog forbid, you were red for someone, she would take you much faster.
Z: Zenith - Would they ever break their darling? If Vriska kidnapped you under the reason that you were in a matespritship with someone else, she would immediately start trying to make you fall for her. Just........ forg8t a8bout the other troll. Spidermom is digesting them as you speak. If you tried to bring about the events of V, there's a chance, small it may be, that instead of killing you, she would try to "fix" you. Just rel8x, rel8x your mind, let her take hold of it.
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Yandere!Eridan x Human!Reader - Quadrant Vacillation headcanons
💜 Eridan admittedly feels a bit scandalized at first!… But, not in a bad way. No, he could never feel negatively towards you, his beloved! It’s just that… Quadrant vacillation isn’t looked highly upon among most trolls, ESPECIALLY highbloods. It makes him feel so flustered! Your actions can be so pale, yet so red!… But, it’s not like he doesn’t like it.
🌊 Eridan tries his best to help you understand quadrants - making diagrams, telling you what he knows, watching videos, hell, he even asked Karkat for advice! But, ultimately, you couldn’t wrap your head around it! Eridan didn’t understand why at first… Until it hit him! You’re an alien! Of course, you didn’t have the same type of romantic relationships as Alternians! And he must admit, the thought of being in only one type of relationship with someone is rather…. Alien.
💜 Switching between pale and red relationships with you… Honestly sounds like a dream come true. Oh, who cares what anyone else thinks! He’ll kill anyine who dares to say anything negative about you or your love! He’s very possessive, though, so you shouldn’t really expect many people to know about your relationship - he barely lets you outside his hive.
🌊 Red or Pale, Eridan is very affectionate! Before you, he was so isolated and touch-starved, so he’s almost constantly touching you, holding you, caressing you, and showering you in kisses!! He wants you to always know that he loves you, he’s so pale and red for you! And you’re his, all his… ONLY his.
💜 He treats you like royalty, which is fitting for the moirailsprit of nobility such as himself. He’d hire some people to help out… But, no one but him so worthy of waiting on you, of touching you, of even LOOKING at you! You’re too perfect… Even if you say you can do something on your own, he’ll shoosh you and insist! You deserve the world and more!
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yanyan-stuck · 4 years
Could we maybe see some Basic Hcs for How you think different quadrent's would work as yanderes? 👀 I reckon ashen would kidnap their leaves and force them to get along
Basic Quadrants as Yanderes
-Matesprits would be normal yanderes. They want to kidnap you to love you and have you love them back. Some may have a weird way of going about this, but at the end of the day, they love something about you that makes them act like this.
-Moirails would cause problems around you, stirring up trouble and leaving you to deal with it. They might act violently towards others so that you have to tell them to stop and act as their pale quadrant, unless you want everyone there to die, of course. They may dump their problems on you, and stalk you to figure out what your problems are, because they want to help you!
-Kismeses wouldn't usually kidnap their darling, but they wouldn't give them much time to themselves either. They would probably try to get you to hate them first, and get you to develop some form of stockholm syndrome shortly after. They would always mess around with their darling, getting ever so slightly better than them and mocking or attacking them until they catch up. If they're already better than their darling, they may still down to the darling's level, even if they hate every second of it, to make their goals seem more reachable.
-Auspistices can go in completely different directions, depending on which leaf is the yandere. If the top leaf is the yandere, then what you said is pretty much how it would go. They might kidnap their darlings and force them to get along, acting as a puppeteer in the relationship to spark mild hatred into the leaves, and resolving it as quickly as they can.
-If one or both of the bottom leaves is the yandere, they may kidnap their top leaf, but they're more likely to just hang around them. They'll purposefully start problems with the other bottom leaf, and refuse to be auspistised by anyone else, so that their darling has to be the one to step in.
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botgalhs · 7 years
Was inspired by another post which, for the life of me I can’t remember so I can source. Anyway, made up a bunch of bullshit quadrants in between the four canon ones. Red Diamond, Black Spade, Ashen Heart, etc. Go nuts and enjoy if you want.
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Red Spade: A turbulent form of romance. Mainly red, but it also has a lot of snark, very rampant feelings, and constant disagreements. Usually seen being very sarcastic, and their opinions and ideals may clash a lot. Closest analogy I can think of is a sort of 'tsundere' type of romance.
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Red Diamond: Akin to a red romance, all the romance with none of the sexuality. Usually doesn't extend to much beyond some heated kissing and public hand holding. When seen in public, most would assume it's a red romance. But they spend more of their time still cuddling than making out. Likely one of the closest ideas to the human concept of romance.
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Red Club: When two matesprits fall in love so much with each other, they get distracted and can't think about anything else. Third leaf steps in so that they don't end up starving or otherwise neglecting themselves and end up dead or worse. Can lead to resentment and anger from the couple, but this is a fairly selfless quadrant, and so the risk is assumed to be a given anyway.
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Black Heart: Someone loves their partner so much that the matespritship turns possessive and somewhat violent to keep them near and others away. Uses some threats of physical force to 'keep them in line'. Sort of a 'yandere' quadrant, in a sense. In that the black is usually heaviest when they feel a threat against their matespritship.
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Black Diamond: Similar to the black heart. This would rely more on emotional and psychological manipulation. Desire to have more control over their diamond's life. Can often lead to damaging after-effects because of potential for one partner to become dependent on the other. Also carries a risk on the more powerful of the two, as they may develop a co-dependence on having their quadrant mate, and would likely fall apart if and when the diamond broke up.
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Black Club: In order to keep two people from getting at each other and forming a potentially harmful kismesissitude, the third leaf in this quadrant would put themselves in a situation or cause a time when both other leaves would be furious at them. In using this anger directed at themselves, the third leaf would rile up the other twos' anger at themselves as a distraction any time the two others fighting becomes a possibility. A somewhat dangerous quadrant, as it carries risk ranging form black to just plain physical.
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Pale Heart: Mostly pale, but with some red elements. While liking each other in a way that constitutes as red, they also talk a lot about their feelings and problems. More intimate than the red diamond. May involve some sexual elements, but not actual intercourse. The closest they might get is mutual masturbation or one person performing oral on the other, but no further than that.
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Pale Spade: A very tame sort of rivalry. More of a mutually beneficial rivalry. Where the competition of one is motivating to the other to be a better or stronger person. No heavy insults or injury is taken, mostly a lot of banter. If things do get physical, it's more of a 'make me' sort of deal, and any sexual relations had are not very hard or deep.
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Pale Club: Meant to get between two pale quadrant mates. Perhaps they're trying to help each other, but the third leaf recognizes that they're not exactly giving each other the advice they need. Or they're just telling each other things they want to hear. So their job is to dispute things between them before it spirals out of control, and makes sure that they don't give each other advice for their own sake.
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Ashen Heart, Ashen Spade, Ashen Diamond: Group these three together, because they all encompass a similar sort of idea. Rather than trying to get involved between two potential mates, the ashen leaning person tries to lead the other away from a potentially bad relationship by flirting with them in that quadrant, whatever it may be. These are romances often riddled with things like one night stands and brief flings. They don't always have to be one time, though, and can simply be done when a situation it's needed in arises.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Heyo!! I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind writing a scenario with Karkat and Human partner with the Rednsuch prompt #10 ("you can't leave! i need you, please, i'll do anything!")
You write yandere Homestuck content so well and honestly are one of my favorite homestuck writers overall (same with HTTYD, but that's a little off topic).
I can try, sure! Wasn't given a plot so I just did what came to mind ^^ Happy you like my HTTYD stuff too. Anyways, here's jealous Karkat!
Edit: Oh this just became angsty more than yandere, but I do hope you like it as much as I did to write it!
Rednsuch Prompts Found Here
Yandere! Karkat Vantas Prompt 10
"You can't leave! I need you, please, I'll do anything!"
Pairing: Matesprit ❤️/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Mature language/Swearing, Emotional manipulation, Desperation, Angst, Mild yandere compared to most fics, Attempted break up, Toxic relationship (obviously), Dubious relationship.
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Okay, he'll admit it, he messed up.... He knows his temper gets the best of him at times but surely you know that, right? Don't you know he never means to hurt your feelings?
He'll admit he was an ass to yell at you so harshly. It's natural for humans and trolls to be social. He just got upset because he felt you were ignoring him....
He, as your Matesprit/boyfriend, never liked the idea of sharing you. He felt in control when you gave all your attention to him. He feels like he's special when you shower him in loving gazes and affection.
Karkat tends to get easily jealous... supposedly now was the last straw. He ended up letting his temper get ahold of him and he confronted you. In a blind rage and ranted and raved about thr fact he didn't like you hanging out with your friends, troll or not.
That was when he messed up.
Afterwards you told him it was over. Things between you and him were over. The idea of that struck him hard.
No, no, no...! What has he done!?
"A-Are you serious...?" He isn't screaming anymore, if anything he's still in shock. His voice is soft. He feel intimidated under your harsh gaze.
"You heard me, I refuse to have you control me, Karkat." You state, not budging from your idea. It didn't matter how upset Karkat looked to you. It was about time you called things off.
Karkat goes silent as he watches you pack. You and him had shared a home for so long. He's been infatuated with you for so long.
Suddenly, his breathing quickens and he decides he needs to make a move.
"You can't leave! I need you, please, I'll do anything!" Karkat pleads, latching onto you like a scared toddler. You go into shock when you feel him wrap his arms around your waist. You could feel tears drip onto your clothes near your shoulder.
"Let me go, Karkat. Now." You try to order, only for Karkat to shake his head. His face is stained in a red tinge due to his tears. You hate that you feel bad.
You try not to focus on the fact Karkat was sniffling against you. He had yelled at you... he had shown his true colors... you can't stay here. No matter how much you try to pry him off Karkat only pushes himself closer.
"Just tell me what to do!" Karkat continues. "I'll make it up to you! I'll be better! I'll stop being so jealous.... Just don't leave me alone!"
You pause in your endeavors and take a deep breath. Karkat continues to sob into your clothes. Sighing you grit your teeth, turning yourself around and holding him back.
"Do you really promise to stop being so possessive?" You whisper, Karkat's watery eyes looking up at you. You catch him nod and sigh again. "... You're a crybaby."
Karkat stills for a moment, sniffling. He looks like he wants to fight you on that but gives up. Instead he snuggles closer to your warmth.
You really should leave him. You know you should. Yet it appears the troll has you on a tight emotional leash.
As a result... you coax your troll partner over to your bed and hold him close. The toxicity Karkat exhibits is bound to get worse. However... for now... you'll be by his side as you hate to see him like this.
Deep down Karkat feels bad for pulling at your emotions to get what he wants, he knows you see yourself as in the wrong because of him...
But now he knows, at least for now, you won't leave him.
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