#yandere gakushu asano
yanderes-galore · 1 year
Assassination Classroom romantic concept for Asano Gakushu please? He's underrated qwp
I'll see what I got for you :) I'll write about him the best I can based on what I've seen of him, sorry if he's OOC, just let me know how to improve.
Yandere! Asano Gakushu Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Controlling behavior, Stalking mention, Threats, Obsession, Implied violence, Jealousy, Egotistical yandere, Forced relationship, Possessive behavior.
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Based on what I've seen of Gakushu, he is one of those yanderes who loves complete and utter control.
He's capable of it with his charismatic tongue and skills, too.
Fittingly enough his yandere traits are very similar to Karma's.
He's less sadistic than Karma, Gakushu is more calculated with manipulation rather than doing it for fun.
Gakushu is Obsessive, Manipulative, Controlling, Possessive, and very Persistent.
Gakushu is a man who likes to win.
He likes to get what he wants.
That includes his darling, whom he no doubt feels is lower than him.
Gakushu is a foil character to Karma I believe, which makes him share some similarities in behavior.
Although Karma doesn't usually see his darling as lower than him.
Gakushu feels like the type of guy to 'kabedon' his darling... y'know? The Japanese trope of pinning someone to a wall?
He likes to control and intimidate his darling, but he does it with such a sweet smile.
He's under the impression it should be easy to get you to fall for him.
After all, he's charismatic, smart, and a natural born leader thanks to his father.
Would you really turn down a guy such as him?
Even if you did, it just makes Gakushu try harder to obtain your heart.
Not only does getting you to like him stroke his ego, but deep down he really does love the chase.
What would make Gakushu obsessive over his darling is the fact you make him work for your affection.
In reality you just don't like him like that, no matter what others say about it.
Gakushu seems like he'd fit the stereotype of the spoiled popular boy who expects to get what he wants, then when he can't get who he wants, he freaks out because they hurt his ego.
You know the trope.
Gakushu is a hard man not to fall for, however.
Every word and action of his exudes charisma.
But he's always planning something.
Gakushu likes to research about his darling.
He gathers info about you like you're yet another subject he studies.
He likes to get others to spy on you then report to him.
Sometimes he himself likes to follow you before cornering you like a hungry beast.
Gakushu, like Karma, knows you've got to be something special to make him so obsessive about you.
He's determined, with all his research, to find it out.
Obviously Gakushu is manipulative.
Others listen to him as though he's a cult leader.
He doesn't mind lying, he doesn't mind breaking a few rules, as long as he wins it's fine.
Winning your heart is his goal and he'll do anything to accomplish it.
After all, the moment his purple irises saw you he knew you had to be his in the end.
Gakushu talks to you in a tone that makes it seem like you're friends.
When he does manage to get you alone he talks to you like he's here to help.
He's all smiles and laughs, gazing at you like a treasure he wants.
He wants to make you drop your guard.
He wants you to trust him so he can keep you to himself.
Gakushu sees nothing wrong with some lies here and there to gain your trust.
He isn't one for physical violence most of the time but he will send others to sabotage rivals.
He doesn't mind verbally taunting others, either.
Gakushu can be nasty with his manipulation.
He'll put together an elaborate plan to keep you to himself, then order others to execute it.
Soon... he'll make you feel alone.
Then you'll have to turn your attention to him.
He hates that you are insistent on refusing his offers.
Don't you realize how much power he has over you? He could outsmart you in an instant!
Just like he's doing now, bribing and blackmailing his way to you.
Gakushu is so controlling.
The moment he forces you to be in a relationship he wants to be your puppeteer.
He guides you with a deceptive tongue and cunning smile.
He claims he loves you, every touch and word more calculated than genuine.
He's more in love with the idea of control at first before genuinely falling for you.
He treats you like his little toy, a doll to kiss and hold all his own.
Gakushu is possessive.
He is a yandere who definitely feels an ownership towards his darling.
When he catches someone trying to get near you, he shuts it off quickly.
The nerve to touch what's his.
Safe to say, whoever talks to you is ruined in any way Gakushu feels like.
Maybe it's their reputation... maybe it's their appearance.
As long as everyone around you is out of the picture, he's happy.
Gakushu is someone who expects constant attention from you.
If he doesn't get it, he'll force it.
He likes to emphasize the fact you're still under him.
Passive comments... cornering you... it thrills him.
Even if you're dating, even if you stand up to him, one thing never changes...
You'll always be his... you're only his, no matter what happens.
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If your requests aren’t open, please ignore this. What do you think would Gakushu do if his darling (who is usually a very intelligent student) suddenly writes worse grades with the goal to join the class 3-E? They’re friends with one of the students there and after visiting the class once, have realized how nice and relaxing it is down there in comparison to the pressuring main school where they are constantly being pressured and where arrogant and mean students are everywhere. As a little extra (you can leave it out of course) the s/o also wants to get away from Gakushu for a bit since they’ve had enough of his manipulative behavior.
They are open, no worries! This idea is wonderful! I tried to characterize the reader a bit different this time for fun.
Yandere Asano with a darling that wants to get into 3-E
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The rustling of trees, the smell of freshly cut grass lingering in the room from the window that was just closed, the few students still remaining chatting in small groups or calmly writing into their notebooks. The atmosphere was so calm, so incredibly inviting that it had been etched into your mind. You did your best to fight the sigh building up, stress that had accumulated in your body trying to find a way out in some way.
Once again you let the pen glide over the paper, much slower and more scrabbling than writing as you answered the question on the test. The pressure in the room was palpable, everyone doing their best to get what they know onto the paper and the sound of clicking pencils and quiet sobs that made you feel pity only worsening the mood. Focusing on the room instead of the obstacle on your desk was a death sentence though, not for nothing were you a part of the famous class 3-A that had competitions left and right. But oh well, you had made your decision, and there was no one to stop you as you knowingly left a few blanks and made the rest look like panicked scribbles.
It was a day after that that Asano approached you, his infamous smile almost making you want to hurl at the sight. His grip on your shoulder was tight as he pretended to be concerned, asking you about your grade, the sudden drop in all of them for a fact. He had already offered to tutor you before but you had refused, and now even his father was worried about you(r failure). You put on your best smile, telling him that it was a small slip up, that you would be fine on your own and that he (should fuck off) needn’t spend any time on worrying about you. It was your indifference to the threat that made anyone else gasp in horror, that you’d be demoted, maybe even put into class 3-E, that finally tipped him off, confirming his suspicions.
You simply walked of as he stood there, watching, having to entertain some students that decided to talk to him. This was not how it was supposed to be. You were always in the same class, he had seen how much effort you put into your studies, how hard you worked to get to your rightful place. He had observed all your little quirks, memorized the way you held yourself and done his best to make sure you were his, playing the charming, kind and smart classmate that you were sure to fall for. But not only did that not work, now you were even leaving him for some damn classroom full of people not even worth the dirt under his shoes. 
His father had already given him a warning, either you get back on track or he will have to stop his interest in you. As if that would work. So, Asano tried everything he could think of to get you to stop your childish antics. He contacted your parents, terrorized those from 3-E, talked to you on multiple occasions. Nothing worked and while he had to admit the challenge was a bit fun at first, giving him an excuse to spend even more time on you, it was growing annoying. You simply were not bothered, your one goal to escape his grasp and study on that hill clearly outweighting everything else he had to offer. 
None of his other plans had worked, no matter how intricate they were and some part of him was proud, of course you, the only person he actually liked, were smart enough to get what you want, even if your opponent was he himself. 
Either way, he was slowly getting desperate, no matter how much he hid it. Your transfer would be all too soon, the only reason you were still in his class, within his reach, was his doing, but even that would not work much longer. Asano is no fool, he knows that you dislike his manipulativeness, that you could read him as if he was an open book. Even if that was what made him interested in the first place, it was ironic that this would be his downfall. As a last effort he once approached you openly, dead set on being sincere in hope that it would somehow get you to reconsider your actions. But before he could start you had already shut him off, tired of his constant clinginess the last few days, always hovering around you and trying to manipulate you to his whim. 
It’s the last thing that really sets Asano off. Fine, you want to join 3-E, change your environment a little, be closer to your friend? Then do so. It will only be a few more months until the year ends either way. What are you going to do after that? Asano is in this for the long run, practically planning out your entire future by his side. There is no way he won’t get you back, whether you want to or not. He will make sure that this is the last time you defy him. To think this all could have been avoided, that you could have stood on equal footing? There is no going back now and so you better enjoy the next few months away from him, they are going to be the last.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Hello! I really liked your Happy Death Day posts and I've wanted more of them so I have two request with that concept. 1) Happy Death Day with dazai, ranpo, fyodor, atsushi, akutagawa, chuyaa (and if you have read the manga) teruko, saigiku, tetchou, sigma. if you haven't read the manga then you can write for the first 6 mentioned with gin, kenji, yosano, and kunikida instead. 2) Happy Death Day with chiba, karma, asano gakushu, itona, isogai, nagisa, kaede, maehara, and human koro sensei.
All with gn reader please! Take your time with this request, there's no need to rush Take care :D
So, I already did this concept with Karma and Koro a while ago so they won't be included in here. Also, those Hc's won't be as long as the ones I've written for the Bungo Stray Dogs cast since I've spent approximately 10 hours+ on those due to the storm of inspiration. Hope you forgive me for that...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, protective behavior, manipulation, blackmailing, sabotage, mentions of abduction, isolation, paranoia, violence, death
Happy Death Day
Shiota Nagisa
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🐍Nagisa is the type who latches quite onto his darling, might just be a bit dependent on them due to his insecurities. So finding out that they died and he wasn't even able to do the bare minimum of protecting them shatters the poor boy. He holds back the tears stinging his eyes until he's alone though where he lets them freely cascade down his cheeks, sobbing silently. He goes through extreme withdrawal for the rest of the day as he locks himself up in the room you two used to share, doesn't eat and barely drinks something as he just stays in bed. There's still the scent of his cherished s/o clinging onto the pillow and it serves to only push him further down his agony. You won't come back tonight after all. There will be no warmth next to him when he falls asleep and wakes up, no sweet words of affection nor your arms holding him close to you. With you gone now, he feels terribly vulnerable as you were almost his comfort blanket who soothed him and calmed him. If you're gone, what's left for him?
🐍You're still somewhat sleepy, even after that agonizing dream of yours, when you're shaken gently and are able to make out Nagisa's soft and shaky voice calling you gently. It's still very dark and you're only able to make out his figure sitting in the bed. You don't need to see though as your hearing is sufficient enough to tell you about his condition. Uneven and slightly erratic breath and the occasional choked back sob tell you that he isn't in a good state right now. Asking him what's wrong is fruitless though, the only thing he wants to do is clinging onto you, listening to the steady beat of your heart. So you do the only thing you seem to be able to do in that moment, embracing him and trying to soothe whatever nightmare caused him to be so desperate. You hear him mumbling after some time where he was able to at least calm down a bit that he's sorry for waking you like that to which you reply that it's all fine. Your own dreamworld wasn't that nice to you either after all...
🐍Your senses are slightly on edge thanks to the unplesant nightmare as it is so you're more aware of what's happening around you than you'd normally be. Even your heightened state of awareness can't beat Nagisa though. The guy is already so exceptionally observant and vigilant of everything around him on normal days, thanks to the nightmare he only turns more cautious and wary though. Even smallest things like the songs in the radio or the people passing by the window are noted down in his mind. So when you start feeling creeped out by the uncanny similarities in your dream and your reality, Nagisa is already silently freaking out. Are you going to die today? No, you won't. Because this time he knows better. This time he knows what he has to do. The potential of you dying today switches something inside the normally shy, insecure and friendly boy you love. You already feel his gaze intensely drilling into you, flinch when you see the changed look in his eyes.
🐍Nagisa is capable of things you didn't think he'd do when the danger of you losing your life is dangling above his head and messes with his head. Don't forget though, darling, that this is still the same Nagisa you're seeing here. What you witness right now is merely a side to him you've never seen before simply because he had no reason to show this part of him to you. Sure, there might be guilt knocking on his mind when he forcefully locks you away in the bedroom and you hit the door and beg him to let you go but the burning desire to protect you outweights that guilt for now. You hear him muttering through the door that he's sorry but has to do this for your safety before he leaves, the aura around him predatory and hiding his bloodlust. In such a state he's truly someone to fear, even if he isn't the tallest nor the most outspoken person. He has his target locked already, they can't run for they're already trapped and can only wait for the assassin to show his true colors.
Kayano Kaede
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🟩You two have known each other since her days in Class E and even if Kaede is only an alias she used to conceal herself with to join the class in the first place. You still use that name as some sort of nickname for her though. Honestly, those last few years have been just wonderful for her though. She finally learned to let go of her vengeful side, she got new friends and she got you as her endearing lover. The fact that she even saw you this morning makes it hard for her to comprehend that you're truly gone when she receives the news. Maybe she's just trying desperately to reject what will inevitably break her. They're lying! You two were just together this morning! She refuses to listen although the truth slowly sinks in, makes her more frantic and and anxious. When her last wall of delusional rejection breaks, she's just staring into space with wide eyes, hands covering her ears before she starts wailing her heart out. Why? Why does she have to lose someone precious to her again?
🟩You sit up as soon as you wake up, deeply disturbed by whatever that dream just was, one of your hands going to the space next to you to feel Kaede's warmth. Only that you notice than that it's empty although the warmth of her body still lingers. You're slightly panicked, wipe your head back and forth in search for her until you notice the light burning in the bathroom, hear the water from the tap upon closer listening and something that sounds like sobs. When you open the door to the bathroom gently, you see your girlfriend relentlessly splashing water in her face, trying to wipe away all the tears and to regain her composure. When she sees you standing in the door frame, she quickly puts a unsuspecting look on her face and tells you that you should go back and that she'll come soon after. Only when you step closer with a serious look on your face and ask her if she's alright, eyes staring straight into hers, does she break a bit and pulls you closer to her in a tight embrace.
🟩Initially Kayano doesn't wish to concern you with her dream so she is quick to act like her normal cheerful and kind self again around you, something quite easy for her thanks to her career as an actress. Neither you nor her are oblivious though and can't ignore what is going on around you. You certainly find yourself more frightened as the hours pass by. Kaede at this point acts pretty much to be able to still appear like you're used to know her but inside she's everything but cheerfel and calm. She's terrified of the murder happening at this point just like in the dream she had. What unnerves her even more are your reactions. She knows you since such a long time, is additionally really observant and obsessive so she takes notice of the little habits you have when you're anxious and nervous. She can deduce far enough to suspect that you know something too which makes everything only more ominous. However, Kaede is quite skilled to adapt to situations, something especially needed now.
🟩She rarely lies to you but right now she deems it to be the right thing to do and if only to help your tension to leave you. She's very tenacious in convincing you to change locations with a believable excuse she comes quickly up with, keeps up the facade of her cheerful and sweet personality. You can't help but think that something is definitely off with her when she insists on you to stay inside this room and wait for her as she has something to deal with, according to her it regards her work. You discover to your shock that she locked you inside when you try to open the door. Back in Class E Kaede has always taken the role of the passive and supportive classmate. Some of the bloodlust she thought she let go off all those years ago returns to her though as she envisions how you might have been killed today. Something definitely has to be done today about that person and if there's one fearsome trait on Kaede, it's her tenacity. Don't underestimate her.
Isogai Yuma
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🟤It feels like someone just brutally knocked out all the air in his lungs when he sees you lying motionlessly on the ground, blood staining your clothes. His heart drops and he instantly falls down next to you, numb to the way he scrapes his knees as he immediately starts checking for your pulse, noticing with growing nausea that your blood is already cold. You're already dead though as you're neither breathing nor have a pulse. When he realizes that, he slumps down in shock, blood seeping through the fabric of his trousers as all he can do for a few seconds is glue his eyes to your twisted face, indicating the horror and pain you went through. Why wasn't he with you? He could have protected you. It feels like he has simultanously no yet a thousand thoughts in his head, a weird sensation that threatens to overwhelm him as he starts gasping for air. Tears start to blur his vision. You've always called him perfect but especially in this moment Isogai feels like that's the furthest thing from the truth.
🟤He wakes up with a sheath of sweat covering his skin, clasps his hands over his mouth to lower the sound of him slightly hyperventilating in order to not disturb your sleep. There's a feeling of restlessness washing over him so slowly leaves your shared bed to head to the bathroom where he just stares in the mirror for a while. Tears are still blurring his vision and he quickly wipes them away, stands there for a few moments to take deep breaths to collect himself again before going back to bed. The moment he steps back into the bathroom though, he notices how you've started to toss around in the sheets, slight whimpers leaving your lips. He's quickly by your side, shakes you gently to wake you up from your nightmare. You're clearly out of it when you initially wake up, frightened until you see him and nearly throw yourself at him. He winds up comforting you and holding you close to him until both of you manage to fall back to sleep.
🟤The following day, Isogai appears to have recovered for the most part from the nightmare he had. You on the other hand can't seem to get over the dream you had, the rough hand wrapped around your throat and the knife being plunged over and over again into your abdomen. You cling to your boyfriend more than normally for that reason but he doesn't mind, instead notices that you still seem to be scared. He tries to reassure you as good as he can, offers you to listen to what you dreamed about so you don't have to torment yourself alone with it anymore. You hesitate due to the sheer brutality of the dream, know how reliable and trustworthy Yuma is and that's why you tell him. Something about the way he tenses up tells you that something is wrong though. Suddenly he seems more on alert than before and surely he starts noting soon things he's seen before in the dream he had. A dream so vivid that it almost feels like it was something more than that.
🟤He isn't the only one who notices such things. You, with your senses on high alert, are bound to realize the connection between your dream and the reality you're currently in. You've known Isogai long enough to notice that something has disturbed him to his core too even if he might be able to hide it better than you do. The final push to your anxiety is the moment he ask you in a pleading tone to not go out today, to just stay at home with him even if you have an important meeting. Why is he asking this of you? The look in your quivering eyes cuts him straight in his heart and instead of answering you at first, he just gives you a tight hug and asks the same question again, this time in a far more pleading tone. This reeks suspicious to you and you confront him about it, ask if it has anything to do with the nightmare you told him about. He hesitates shortly but you already know so much so he tells you the truth about his dream too, something that leads you to staying in his arms for the whole day.
Maehara Hiroto
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🔶His s/o at times still feels a bit iffy about him and considering Maehara's reputation during his Class E days, he can't exactly blame them. He's been doing his best to prove his commitment to you though, has stopped flirting with women around him. Honestly, he's someone with the philosophy to live in the moment so he's never given the thought of death, especially your death, much thought. Both of you are still young after all. Maybe it's that attitude and the lack of preparation about the topic of it all that results in his strong reaction, triggered when he finds your dead body. He bursts out in tears, storms to your side and tries to stop the bleeding. A part of him is logical, knows that you're already dead and that it's too late. The other half of him refuses to accept the truth as he tries to perform CPR on you in desperate hopes that you'll open your eyes again. Minutes of uselessly trying to get your heart to beat again finally is the last dagger to pierce his heart with the realization that you're gone.
🔶You awake partially because of the hideous nightmare you just had but also because of the increasing movement next to you. Next to you, Maehara doesn't seem to dream anything more serene than you did just a few minutes ago. He's tossing and turning around, breath heavy and erratic and when your hand smooths through his hair, you also notice that he's sweating. So you wake him up to free him from whatever haunts him in his dreams. His eyes open abruptly and his hand tightens around your wrist, startled from suddenly waking up after what he just saw. You flinch a bit due to the tight grip on your wrist, know that he doesn't mean to hurt you though. You gently remove his hand from your wrist and ask him if he's alright now. Maehara stares at you as if not believing that you're sitting in front of him before a choked noise leaves his throat and in the next moment he's pulling you down to hold you, arms wrapped around you as if you might not be real after all.
🔶You know that your boyfriend tends to be more clingy as a way to prove his loyalty and also to express his spilling fondness and adoration for you. Today there seems to be something more distraught behind all the hugs he gives and the kisses he presses against your temple and your lips. Whatver has set him off in his dream remains a secret though as he never gives you and answer when you ask him about what's causing him his fear. His whole attitude is a bit overbearing though as he constantly wants you where he can see you and always wants you to be in his arms. As the hours of the day pass by, you start feeling queasy as the events in your dream happen in reality too. It unsettles and unnerves you but you swallow it all down. Hiroto on the other hand feels like he's losing a piece of his mind because of this which serves to fuel his paranoia even more. He grows even worse and when you're about to leave the house late in the evening, he blocks the door.
🔶He doesn't budge even when you start to feel clearly angry, merely shakes his head and tells you in a frantic voice that you can't leave now. You're clearly irked right now but there's also something that slowly dawns on you. You compose yourself a bit before you ask him if he perhaps had a dream about you dying on your way outside. There's a visible tremor going through his entire body as his eyes widen and he asks you shocked how you knew about that. You reply with a grim expression that you had the same dream. Your answer exasperates him as he asks you in a slightly raised voice how you can still insist to go out even if you know that this...this will end in your death. You answer that nothing is guaranteed just yet, even with everything that happened today, and that you can just take a different path. He stares at you aghast before his face hardens and in the next moment he's pushing you back, despite your protests. Forgive him but if you won't take this seriously, then he will.
Chiba Ryunosuke
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🔫Chiba has been always someone very adult-like even during his days in Class E and has kept that attitude throughout the years. He's certainly more stoic and not the most talkative but his s/o knows from the small and thoughtful gestures he does for them that he cherishes them a lot. Because of his more impassive demeanor there is no very visible reaction from him when he finds his darling. He's just eerily silent when he searches for their pulse, slaps their cheeks gently in an attempt to wake them up. He's not one to kid himself though so when he realizes that you're dead, he stops everything. He's just kneeling over your corpse, bangs covering his hair as he stares at your face. Your dull eyes unsettle him deeply, pierce his soul, so he closes them, his hand only slightly trembling as he does so. Chiba just sits like this for a while, aware that this is the last time he'll see you until his death. Eventually he stands up and finally calls the police, his hair covering the wet film over his eyes.
🔫Something soft tickles your face when you come to your senses and when you open your eyes, you let out a short shriek. Having Ryunosuke's face leaning directly over yours, strands of his hair falling into your face, is bound to startle you, especially after the dream you just had. When you manage to stumble out what he's doing, he just replies that you've been acting fidgety in your sleep and looked like you had a bad dream. You assure him in the end that all is fine but even if the darkness is keeping you from properly seeing you, you still feel his eyes lingering on you. You try to ignore it though but you keep on sensing his movement when he turns his head to look at you. Until eventually you feel how he shuffles closer to you and wraps one of his arms loosely around you. Normally he isn't that clingy so you question if there's something worrying him. He doesn't answer you for a few moments until he eventually mutters out that he didn't have the best sleep either.
🔫When morning arrives, you really notice how true that statement was. He's slightly flustered when you lean in the morning close to his face, lift his bangs up and notice the dark rings under his eyes. Apparently he didn't fall asleep anymore after waking up in the middle of the night. You're concerned but he brushes it off, reassures you that one night without much sleep won't kill him. You decide to believe him. Chiba is known to notice smaller details about the people around him and his surroundings though and especially since everything about his dream is still so fresh is he able to notice so many unusual things. Your own behavior included, especially when you start glancing around you in paranoia. Instead of saying anything though, he just analyzes and watches at first before confirming anything. It isn't until everything that happened so far this day goes exactly like in the dream that he surprises you by telling you that he won't go to work today nor let you leave the house.
🔫The way he says that in such a serious tone whilst blocking your way frightens you. What's wrong with him today? He shoots the question right back at you, points out that you've been acting skittish the whole day as if fearing that something would happen. In the moment of tension you let it slip that you've dreamed about being murdered today and that the whole day has been weird, realize what you've said instantly after and start spilling out reassurances that it's all fine though. You pause when you see the tension in Chiba's muscles and the intense stare of his. In the next moment he's storming in one of his rooms and you hear him searching for something. Your heart drops when he returns with a gun in his head. Since when did he have a gun? You ask him terrified what he's planning to do with that gun when he gives you two choices. Either both of you stay inside or he will come with you. If someone tries to attack you though, he will shoot and he certainly won't miss.
Horibe Itona
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◽️Itona isn't one to be overly emotional either although his darling certainly knows that he can be rather clingy as he's somewhat fascinated with them and the emotions they cause inside of him. You're closest to his heart, Itona sees you almost as his heart that beats outside his chest. He feels his blood running cold and his body freezing in it's position when he discovers you one day, stained in blood and inanimate eyes staring into the empty space. Fear is pulsing through his veins as he eventually steps slowly towards you, kneels down and takes you in his arms. You're so cold, a piercing contrast against his own raising blood pressure. He shakes you a few times, tries to find your pulse before putting his head against your chest, the lack of your heartbeat resonating painfully in his whole chest that feels like someone just punched a hole inside of it. He feels too hollow and numb to move for a while, head pressed against your chest. What should he do now with his live when you're not here?
◽️You abruptly sit up from the mattress as soon as your consciousness has escaped a very gruesome dream. You attempt to take a few long and deep breaths to calm down, don't want to wake up your very sensitive boyfriend. When you turn around though, you almost jump out of your skin when you see Itona sitting in bed too, golden orbs glowing in the darkness and staring straight through your soul. How long has he been sitting like that and given you that look? God, he scared you just now. Is everything alright? He blinks, doesn't answer your question and just continues to look at you with such intense eyes, something that might just creep you out a bit. Then he just crawls over to you, pushes you down and lays on you, ear pressed right against your heartbeat. You try to push him down since he minimizes your ability to move properly but he just tightens his grip on you, refuses to budge. You give up after a while, know how intractable Itona can be.
◽️From the moment you leave your bed, Horibe behaves like a duckling. He follows you everywhere in the house, almost walked into the bathroom with you when you wanted to use the toilet and even without having to turn around, you can sense his eyes staying glued to your form. Really, what is wrong with him today? He slightly annoys you with his behavior but doesn't listen when you ask him to stop it. Your annoyance is soon replaced with a lingering feeling of fear and queasiness as the day progresses and you see how things evolve around you. You've heard those news before, have heard those song playing in the radio already. All because you've experienced it already in your dream. Something feels fundamentally wrong with the way this day shapes to be but also Itona gives off weird vibes which only get worse with each passing hour. He's a really observant individual too, you know? He'll also notice everything you've noticed, probably even mundane things you've missed.
◽️You have a problem with him the moment he hinders you from going to work. Honestly, you don't want to either but what choice do you have? You're not someone who believes in supernatural things either so there's also this stubbornness to prove to yourself that you're unnecessarily worried. All your angry words fall on deaf ears though until you finally snap and ask Itona what the heck has gotten into him. It better be a good explanation too! Golden orbs pierce through yours for a while before he tells you everything in his typically very direct and brutally honest fashion. Your anger fades away then, replaced by anxiety and dread. How likely is it that both of you have had the same dream about today? The change of attitude is noted by your boyfriend, you're acting weird now that you've heard his story. When you still decide to go, he knocks you out and catches you before you collapse on the ground. He's sure that you won't like what he did but he's delusional enough to believe that he's in the right.
Asano Gakushu
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🟠Gakushu is someone who has a lot of influence and money and is on top of that willing to resort to low methods such as manipulation, bribery and blackmailing. A life with him is not one where you have too much freedom as he's someone who likes to have control and monitor what you're doing throughout the day. So how ironic it must be that he still miscalculated something, doesn't know about your murder until he's informed. He's a prideful individual who isn't prone to admitting too often that he's at fault so at first he lashes out at all the staff working in the household for not looking out for you, trembling in anger and also grief. Even the police doesn't get better treatment as he low-key threatens them to better prioritize finding the killer or else he will find a way to make them lose their job. The moment he has no one to get angry at besides himself anymore, his facade crumbles as he starts to hyperventilate slightly, your death shaking him to his very core.
🟠Upon waking up, you're surprised to find Gakushu sitting on the edge of the bed, face buried in his hands as he takes deep and shuddering breaths as if attempting to prevent himself from overreacting. When he notices that you're awake and look at him, he instantly puts on a facade though to hide any sign of emotional weakness from his side. He tells you to just go back to sleep and upon your question what he was doing just now and if he's fine, he shuts you down by telling you to not worry. His tone indicates that he doesn't want you to dig deeper so you let it be. You know better after all. He doesn't talk with you afterwards and you feel too awkward to start a conversation again. So you just lay next to him awkwardly, unable to fall asleep because of your dream though. Not like Gakushu is in any better position than you are. When he notices that both of you aren't able to fall asleep, he orders someone from the staff to prepare some tea in hopes that at least you will fall asleep again.
🟠It's not like he's going to admit it if someone were to point it out to him but Gakushu's patience seems strained today, not to mention that he's more sensitive. The staff adjusts instantly since no one wants to get on the nerves of Asano Gakushu and become the target of his displeasure. To your great sadness you also notice that he seems more keen to keep you confined in his house for the day, tells his staff to keep an better eye on you. You express your unahppiness and ask him why he's doing this since you can't recall doing anything to displease him. You don't get an answer out of him though as you're left in the darkness, stuck in his house. Gakushu is normally not an irrational person and by all means not someone who believes in preternatural things but this dream left him with a deep sense of disturbance. Not to mention that he has noticed from the very early morning already things he recognizes from his dream which leaves him with tension and unease.
🟠He's taking merely some precautions just in case this all means more than he'd like to admit. He can't help but be curious and find out whether his dream really was some otherwordly phenomenon so he informs the police about his suspicion that someone might try to attack people in the location where you were murdered in his dream. For the rest of the day he tries to put his troubled emotions back in order to focus on work although he calls you twice that day just to check on you. It isn't until later that day that he also receives a call, from the police this time. They tell him that his information apparently was right since someone was indeed attacked by a person in the location he told them about, luckily survived since the police arrived in time. The criminal was arrested too. Gakushu represses the shock that pulsates through him when he hears that his dream was actually right. As soon as he ends the call, he drops down his chair in shock. He wonders if you perhaps know something too...
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the-writing-writer · 9 months
Yandere!Karma Akabane x Sister!Reader
Warning: Karma refers to reader as “Good Girl,” “Baby Girl,” and Angel. No sexual implications are attached to them.
Karma hated the idea of you being in A-Class. Not only were you without him during class, but because he was there. Asano. His academic rival, the principals son, and a total manipulative asshole.
So when he received word he would be transferred to E-Class, he was elated. You, his only sister, being with him, where you belong.
“Y/N, you can sit next to Karma. I imagine you’d be more comfortable sitting next to someone you’re familiar with.”
Sure you’d heard about your brothers Octopus-like teacher, but seeing him in person was a lot different and definitely shocking, leaving you speechless.
As you sat next to him, he tugged your desk right next to his before putting an arm around your shoulder. “Karma... I can sit less than 2 feet away from you just fine...” you whispered, a light blush coating your face.
“You’re my baby sister, and you’re in a classroom full of assassins. Think I’ll take a chance?” He pulled you closer so your head was practically on his shoulder.
“Karma. You’re an assassin.” You joked.
“I’m the only assassin allowed to be around you. And if anyone else even dares come near you, then we’ll have one less assassin in this classroom.” He whispered menacingly.
“Karma! Care to share the gossip with the rest of the class?”
In an instant, his demeanor changed. “Nope. No gossip here, Korosensei. Just telling my baby sister how things work around here.” He said, a smile on his face before he leaned back down to you, kissing your temple gently and whispering: “Don’t forget, you’re still mine. It doesn’t matter what happens. No one will ever take you from me.”
You check the notifications on your phone as Gakushu texts you again.
‘I’ll get you out of that dump. I don’t know what my father was thinking putting you there.’ (10:32)
‘Babe… No one ever filed or submitted paperwork to get you removed from campus.’ (12:24)
You turned to Karma, who had his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his seat. In just a few moments, he turned back to face you, an evil glint in his eye.
“Something wrong… Little Sis~?”
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theyareweird · 6 months
Assassination Classroom: Asano Gakushu's Yandere for Kianna Komori —Aesthetic (Requested)
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This aesthetic features a couple moodboard. On the left side is Asano Gakushu. The right side is Kianna Komori. The middle column represents Asano Gakushu's yandere love.
Requested: @nunezs-stuff
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mrskuroox · 3 years
➴ gakushuu asano x reader x karma akabane | college AU
➴ synopsis: you like asano for who knows how long. karma is aware of that, honestly he's pretty irritated that of all people - why does it had to be asano? why not him? he's clearly better than that bastard; more attractive and intelligent. did he really have to force it out on you? for you to realize how much you love him? well... you asked for it. now you have to bare the consequences.
∟ part 1 - attraction (prologue)
∟ part 2 - misunderstanding
∟ part 3 - delusional
∟ part 4 - bet
∟ part 5 - intriguing
∟ part 6 - jealousy
∟ part 7 - trapped
∟ part 8 - freedom
∟ part 9 - punishments
∟ part 10 - mine (finale)
∟ extra - pet
∟ if the story didn't end as it is.
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➴ masterlist
➴ a/n: already finished writing. all i have to do now is to proofread everything!
➴ if you don't like my work or don't like how the story progresses/ended please leave. this is the plot that i came up with, i won't rewrite the story just to fit your liking.
© 2021 all content belongs to @mrskuroox, please do not modify or repost without permission!
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(More hc/ a mini scenario of Asano's Darling interacting w/ Gakushu because I can't get this out of my head)
Gakushu already has his own shit to deal with in regards to his father, but having Asano's Darling around the house leaves him even more on edge. He'd known that the two of them were involved somehow by how she'd interact with his dad at school; he'd never seen his father touch a teacher's shoulders and head like that in his office, and he'd rolled his eyes when she'd hastily made her way out of there with a slightly unbuttoned blouse and rumpled skirt.
If Gakushu had had been able to see her tearstained face, he might not have thought of her as just sleeping her way into a comfortable position. It's not like it'd work out well long-term, since his father only allows the best to work regardless of how well a teacher may fuck him. He was honestly surprised that she'd managed to win Principal Asano's favor that way since his father isn't the type to be swayed like that.
He'd feign politeness at first whenever she said hello to him at school or at home, insisting she didn't need to help him study and even offering to get her some tea as his father's guest. It was weird to have a motherly figure in the house, especially when he knew she was dating her dad. If he knew it wouldn't mean a world of trouble for him, he'd ask how she managed to sleep her way to success with someone like his father. She must be less innocent than she tries to seem if she pulled that off, since he's not the type to care about anything other than merit.
Soon he starts to realize something's off. Whenever ____'s in any of his classes, she'll be much more skittish when she used to be quite friendly with him. She'd tense and look down at the floor or straight ahead whenever the Principal was near her. At first Gakushu thought they were going through a rough patch or had even broken up, but he knew if that were the case his dad would've fired her now that she was falling out of favor. She would spend more and more nights at the Asano residence, but she was much less likely to go near Gakushu and would look like she was about to cry whenever he or his father just looked at her for too long.
He'd only realize how wrong he was about their relationship when he went to the bathroom late in the night and heard her begging him to just fire her and let her go home from now on.
"You really want to give up after everything I've done for you? I know you're not the type to quit something halfway. You said you wanted to help our students succeed and be someone they can rely on."
"But they can't rely on me. You were right, I'm too gullible and weak and eager to coddle them. A-and I'm grateful to you for trying to teach me to be better, I really am, but I can't take any more of this. I can either keep working at the school or I can be your...your companion. But I can't do both."
"Of course you can. I know it doesn't seem like it but I'm making you more resilient. You remember John B. Watson from your studies, don't you? 'Men are built, not born. The possibilities of shaping in any direction are endless.' It only feels this painful and stressful because you're not used to this yet. You just need more guidance and soon I'll make you the best teacher you can be to our students."
"I just wanted to teach. I thought I was doing a good job, and I was so scared when you called me in for the first time. I'm STILL scared whenever you call me in there, and I'm just so tired of being afraid. I didn't ever want to be...I didn't ask for you to do that to me...to do any of this to me!"
"I know. Don't cry, come here...come here. Good. You didn't ask me because you didn't know you needed it. You're afraid of disappointing me because you know I'm the only one who can help you. You didn't know about your own potential, but I could see it from the moment I saw you. So eager to please, so obedient and trusting; as long as you put that trust in the right place, to someone who deserves it, I can make you reach that potential. You just can't do it on your own."
"I still can't do anything on my own. I don't know why! If you see all this potential, why couldn't I find out on my own? Why did it feel so awful and dirty and wrong the first time you touched me? Why does it STILL feel wrong if I'm getting better?"
"Growing pains, dear. Human beings may be adaptable, but we're still not comfortable with change. As for the first time we were intimate...well, I acknowledge it was probably a shock for you to realize I felt this way. But the more we spend time together and the more I guide you, the easier it will be to get used to. And...even if you find that you're not cut out to teach, I can still find a useful place for you here with me."
Gakushu feels so dense for not figuring it out sooner, and he can't get rid of the nausea in his stomach for the rest of the night. Sure, someone as naive and stupidly optimistic as ____ wouldn't know what Asano was really doing, but...ugh. Why does it matter? The gullible will always be manipulated by those smarter than them, that's how the world is. So why does this bother him so much?
Maybe it's because ____ can't realize she's being manipulated even though it's so obvious. Maybe it's because he couldn't realize it even when it was so obvious. It's another easy reason to justify how much he hates his father, that's for sure. The hypocrite talks about how everything he does is for the sake of whoever he's torturing, but it's just for his own sense of pride--or in this case, to get his rocks off whenever he wants with someone who can't say no anymore. Perverted freak.
He knows it'd be best to just ignore it and focus on himself, his own problems, and what he can control. But he finds himself looking over at ____ when she's in his classrooms and keeping an eye on her in the hallways. Sometimes he'll have one of his friends stop and ask her a question just to delay her from reaching the principal's office by just a few seconds. He tried to do it himself once, but the panic on her face made him realize it probably did more harm than good. Since his presence clearly triggers her, he leaves little notes on the back of the ones she puts in his bento boxes every so often (little polite things like "Have a good day" with a scrawled smiley face) and write on the back: "Thanks. You too."
It's barely anything, but it's something he can do.
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popbubblegums · 3 years
Yandere Karma x reader x Yandere Asano
Chapter 1- Money.
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You really don’t know how you got caught. You had been working under this bakery for 2 whole years without anyone finding out. You had the found the perfect place. Not many people visit here, not many customers come only the regulars and the location is isolated. Then, why is Asano Gakushu in front of you. You don’t get it.
The smirk on his face was visible as he picked up the cupcake from your tray. He took a bite out of the cupcake and smiled kindly- no, you know him too well, his smile was fake, you know why he is here, and boy you don’t like it.
“The cupcake is delicious, did you make it?” He asked taking another bite. Well…. he seems to be enjoying this. I guess it over now, I won’t be able to pay my school fees anymore. It’s not the cliche my moms sick, it’s that-
“You seem awfully silent, lost in thought? I think I asked you a question, did you make it?” He asked- no more like demanded.
“Um, yes. I have been told I am really good at baking.” Just play along y/n, just play along.
“Yes, I have to agree with them, but I hope you know that you can be expelled for working.” Wow, professional, but I can’t, I can’t- “But I can make an exception, for you.” He said, kissing the back of my hand, his eyes made eye contact with mine. A tiny blush coated by cheeks, I mean, no boy has ever done this for me, but you can’t trust the Asano Gakushu.
“What’s the catch?” Obviously there has to be one, I mean, this jerk would do anything to get on my classes nerves, Class 1E.
“You will have to come to my house every Sunday to bake me this cupcake.” He said finishing his cupcake. “Don’t worry, I will pay you.”
“Double job, sign me up!” I exclaimed, earning a raised brow and an unamused expression. “I mean, sure, thank you, thank you.”
“Great now that is clear, can I have an Iced Latte. It would also be nice if you could show me a table.” Asked the stupid strawberry blonde.
“Sure, this way please.” I said leading him to the nearest table. There were many empty tables, only the regulars come here. The old couple, the single mother and her triplets, the non- binary journalist and the teen that always reads something or the other.
“An iced latte in large, small or medium?” I asked getting my notepad out to write the orders, I don’t really have the best memory.
“I will take it in medium.” “Anything else?” “No, thank you. “Your order will be ready in 10 minutes.” You smiled politely. You looked at the clock, it’s 4pm, time that Karma came.
Karma is a regular at the cafe, he really seems to enjoy seeing you work. Not only that, as your friend, he gives a pretty high tip. Hey! Money’s money.
“Y/n-chan, how are you?” The door chimes as you hear the oh so familiar voice.
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lys-iwm · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons for how Karma and Asano (separate) would act if they were interested in someone be it platonic or romantic?
ooooohhhh boy, do i ever. Sorry this took so long… 
Karma Akabane
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He would first and foremost, whether platonic or romantic, Karma would observe from afar… not like a creep… mind you. 
Karma would try and find out about you, like what you liked or who you hung out with. All of these things are telling in who a person is. 
From there, if he was interested, he would begin talking to you or at least remain somewhere in your sight. 
He’s not the straight forward type as many would assume, he’d much rather let you make the decision to talk to him. 
Karma wouldn’t try and be a stalker or anything, even if his actions do give off that sort of vibe. He understands that while he may want to get to know you better, he won’t force you. 
He would also be hesitant in approaching you, seeing as how his reputation and personality can off put quite a lot of people. 
He’d also try and keep it on the down low as he doesn’t want other people knowing about his interest in you, even if they are close friends. 
Karma would definitely accept the possibility that you don’t like him, and he’s cool with that. He knows that someone like him is hard to like.
Gakushu Asano
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Unlike Karma, Gakushu would be more forward in his attempt to get your attention. 
He would subtly insert himself near you or into conversations with you, ranging from asking if you need help or just wanting to get your opinion on something. 
It wouldn’t be obvious to other people that he’s interested in you. They’d just see it as a virtuoso doing his duty as the top student. 
He wouldn’t be above pulling a few strings here and there to get things to go in your favour, though. 
Gakushu would also like to keep your relationship whether it’s just an acquaintance or something more, hidden from the student body and his father.
Especially when his father’s madness finally reveals itself, he’d be more protective of you. 
He would be careful to occupy your time strategically so that you would be interested in him but not obsessive or too little. As well as not coming off as too forceful or not caring enough.  
He would also be slightly clingy but if you approached him about it, he would respectfully keep his distance and if you rejected him, he wouldn’t become a yandere… although he may take some time to get over it. 
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ojello · 5 years
The “Incident” With Gakushu |Yandere Karma Akabane x Reader|Pt.1|
Quick Disclaimer+Trigger Warning: This story is meant for the purposes of entertainment and is in no way meant to romanticize violent behaviour or mental illnesses. This story also contains mentions of suicide so if that or any of the themes mentioned makes you uncomfortable I strongly suggest reading something else. Minor note: [Rea] = “Reader” which is you~ 
When most people wake up in the morning, there are certain things they expect and certain things they don’t. Normally, sitting across from a handsome, albeit rugged looking detective falls under the latter category.
But ever since what every other adult in [Rea]’s life refers to as “the incident with Gakushu”, normal lost its place in [Rea]’s life.
The detective sits across from [Rea], helps himself to some tea her mother set out. The look in his eye is stern and empty. Like he’s seen incidents like the one with Gakushu and others incidents far worse.
He speaks kindly to [Rea]. He tells her she’s not in trouble.
[Rea] knew that. She’s doesn’t do bad things—Nothing bad enough to warrant a visit from the police that is.
He also tells her what happened wasn’t her fault. He’s not the first one to tell her that. Even if he was that wouldn’t change the fact that it was [Rea]’s fault. Partly. Most of the blame, most of the blood is on certain red-headed devil hands.
And with any luck, [Rea] will make the detective see that too. After all, his entire occupation revolves around reading between the lines, and refusing to take things at face value. If anyone would believe the truth of what happened, it was him.
“What was your relationship with Gakushu?” The detective asks. He sets his cup down.
“He was my boyfriend.” She answers.
“So you two were...” he pauses as if searching for the right word.
“Close,” he finishes.
[Rea] nods.
“Did you notice any changes him his behaviour? Anything that Mae you think he might...”
“Kill himself?” [Rea] asks.
The detective nods. He grimaces
“No. Because Gakushu didn’t kill himself. He murdered him.”
[Rea] has expects the detective to spout the same crap she’s heard the best past few days.
Now, it can be hard for people to come to terms with this, but the healthy thing for you to do is accept it.
But he dosesn’t. In fact he’s wiped away his grimace and a look of intrigue takes its place.
“Who’s he?” He asks.
“Karma Akabane.” [Rea} shutters just saying his name leaves her with a foul taste in her mouth.
The detective takes another sip of tea.
“And Karma is?”
“A friend... or he used to be.”
“And this Karma broke into Gakushu’s home. Killed him and wrote a fake suicide note in Gakushu’s handwriting.”
“Far fetched. I know, but there’s no doubt in my mind. That’s what happened.”
“And what was Karma’s motive for killing Gakushu?”
{Rea} took a sip of her tea.
“For you to understand. I’ll have to start from the beginning.”
[Rea] and Karma. Best friends. Partners in Crime as one might say. They loved getting into all sorts of trouble together. Although, [Rea] noticed Karma’s violence streak. There were times an innocent prank turned into a bloody brawl at the drop of a hat. More over he seemed to enjoy inflecting pain on others. His lips twisted into a cruel smile and the glint in his eyes matched that of a rabid dog.
[Rea] found this disturbing but Karma never beat anyone up that bad and he always stooped his assault when [Rea] told him to.
Still, [Rea] knew his bloodlust would get him into trouble one day... and it did.
A nasty fight with anther student earned Karma a month long suspension and a one-way ticket to E-class.
This meant Karma and [Rea] couldn’t spend time together at school anymore. What with being in different classes and the unspoken rule: treat students of E-class like dirt.
[Rea] do that though. She never acted rude or snobby towards E-class students. Granted, she didn’t treat them nicely either. She adopted a “if I don’t bother them, they won’t bother me” attitude with that class and its students.
She planned on treating Karma the same way. Just at school though. They could still hang out and get into trouble outside of school just like they used to.
And that’s what they did when Karma’s suspension was up. Everything return to to its normal rhythm. Until one day when they were walking home [Rea] asked:
“Why did you beat that guy up? I mean you always beat people up, but you really did a number on him this time. What did he do?”
Karma looked back at her and smiled.
“I heard he had a crush on you. Can’t have that. You belong to me.” He said.
[Rea] felt a cold beat of sweat drip down her back, but she shook it off. Karma wasn’t a stranger to dark humour.
“Haha. Hilarious. Now tell me the real reason.”
Karma stopped walking and turned around.
“That was the real reason. I love you, [Rea]. The thought of you with anyone besides me drives me crazy—no it is crazy. Why would you be with some random loser when you’re meant to be with me and only me. After all unlike them, I’d do anything for you... anything to keep you by my side. Where you belong.”
Everything about the confession… from the dark look in Karma’s eye to the words he used to express his feelings made [Rea]’s blood run cold. She found it hard to want to still be Karma’s friend let alone date him.
“Karma...” she started.
“I’m sorry. I like someone else and... I’m sure he likes me to so...”
That wasn’t a lie. [Rea] always had eyes for the star of the school, Gakushu Asano. To say she was overjoyed when she overheard girls say that he might like her would be a gross understatement.
She never told Karma since she didn’t think he’d want to talk about girly things like crushes.
“Who...” Karma asked in a voice [Rea] never heard him use. Low, loud, and angry.
“Who’s the bastard trying to take you away from me!? Tell me so I can put him in his place!”
[Rea] stepped back.
“I just remembered... my mom wanted me to pick up a few things.” [Rea] lied. She stuttered and tripped on her own words. She barely understood herself.
“Oh... I’ll go with—”
“That’s okay.... you can go on ahead. I’ll see you tomorrow though.”
But tomorrow never came. For the next few months [Rea] avoided Karma like gang green. All his calls became voice mails she didn’t listen to. The walls of texts he sent went unanswered, and [Rea] took a later train home to avoid running into Karma.
She didn’t want to distance herself from him. For the longest time Karma was a person [Rea] felt safest around. Physically and emotionally. She showed of her brash, somewhat unappealing side without fear of judgment, and he’d have her back when they got into trouble. A knight in red armour.
But... after hearing what Karma would hurt someone, not in self-defence but over petty hearsay, rumours, hallway gossip. [Rea] didn’t feel safe around someone who could snap so easily.
She had to left him go... and that hurt him but it hurt her too.
It wasn’t all bad though. She had Gakushu.
He didn’t make [Rea] forget Karma, or replace him—no one could—but he soothed the aching loneliness in her heart. That was enough.
Intelligent, debonair, and a perfectionist Gakushu drove [Rea] to become the best version of herself. Focusing on herself helped [Rea] move on. Plus he had a secret sweet side he only showed around her. [Rea] loved that about him the most.
Everything seemed fine—not great but fine. That was enough for [Rea]... until the incident that is.
They found Gakushu dead in his room a few days before mid terms. A pool of his own blood surrounded him, and his hand a note addressed to all the important people in his life.
Cause of death: suicide.
“At least that’s what everyone thinks.” [Rea] says, finishing her story.
The detective nods
“Makes sense. Son of the principal of an elite private school... top of his class... maybe the pressure got to him and he scrambled for peace—a way out. And to him the only way out was...”
“Death.” [Rea] finished.
The detective the rest of his tea and sets the cup down.
“But... I’m not convinced that’s true.” He says.
[Rea]’s eyes light up.
“You’re not?”
“Yes. Something about Gakushu’s death doesn’t set right with me. There’s also Karma’s history violent behaviour...Can I ask you a few more questions?”
[Rea] nods ready to tell him anything.
“I have a few more questions.”
“So, Karma disappeared and ceased all contact with you around the time Gauku dead, right”
[Rea] shakes her head.
“It’s true he’s  disappeared, but he still contacts me...with letters.”
“What kind of letters?”
[Rea] hugs her shoulders as a her stomach twists in knots and her mouth goes dry.
“Sick letters.”
“I’ve taken them to the police, but without a return address they can’t figure out who sent them...that and they seem to think it’s a harmless prank.”
“Can I see them?”
[Rea] nods and goes off to her room to retrieve the few letters she didn’t throw away or burn. She wanted to get rid of them all, but she figured she keep a few for evidence.
The detective reads through the letters one by one. They’re short and violent. Phrases like: I’m going to smother you. I’ll cut anyone if it makes you love me. You love me. Keep popping up.
None of them are signed off with a name, but they all end with: I’m coming for you.
The detective grimaces. He holds his stomach like he’s about to throw up.
“These are sick...but they’ll help.”
“Thank you so much.” [Rea] says.
The detective rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Thank me when the case is solved.I’ll do what I can to keep you safe, cub.”
[Rea] tilts her head.
“Sorry...that’s what I call my daughter. You remind me of he
The detective stood up. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card.
“If you notice anything that makes you uneasy or you see Karma anywhere call this number and I’ll send help right away.”
[Rea] thanked the detective, and he went on his way.
Knowing that there was someone who not only believed her, but was taking inactive to find Karma and make him pay for what he did gave [Rea] that same sense of safety she once had with Karma.
A short obituary. Next to the text a picture of the detective working on [Rea]’s case. Someone found him in his office with a hole in his head and brain matter splattered on the window behind him.
Cause of death: suicide.
Not surprising. His wife left him and took everything and his children refused to speak with him. That’s enough to make most mean look for comfort in the barrel of a gun.
[Rea] thinks the same thing at first, but her body temperature drops when she realized it might be Karma.
He kills himself a few days after he said he’d help me... this isn’t a tragic coincidence not it’s him.
[Rea] decides she’ll leave home that night. It’s not safe in town anymore. She has to go somewhere anywhere where he can’t find her.
She’s only finished packing her bag when she sees a piece of paper on her desk. [Rea]’s blood went cold as she reads it out loud.
“I’m not sure if I can forgive you for betraying me twice. Although, I might if you beg harder enough, but no promises. I’m coming for you be a good girl and wait for me.”
And that’s when it hit her.
He’s coming for me. Doesn’t matter who I go to for help or how far I try to run away... he’s coming for me. It’s only a matter of when... and all I can do hope he doesn’t kill me when he does.
A/N:Tbh I kind of feel like I copped out with the ending and I’m sorry I just didn’t have anymore creative energy to end it better. Too all you Gakushu lovers, sorry that he dies in this fic. But in my defence: nine times out of ten, if it involves a yandere there will be death.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I get a romantic rivalry thing for Karma vs Asano concept from Assassination Classroom, please?
Sure! The cool thing is how similar their characters are :) I'll see what I have for this.
Yandere! Karma Akabane vs Asano Gakushu
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Sabotage mention, Manipulation, Violence, Stalking, Swearing briefly, Forced relationship, Kidnapping mention.
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Let's start with their yandere behavior.
Karma is Manipulative/Cunning, Obsessive, Sadistic, Impulsive, Jealous/Possessive, yet also Empathetic and Laid-back.
Gakushu is Obsessive, Manipulative, Controlling, Possessive, and very Persistent.
The two act very similar and share some traits.
Despite Karma looking like he has more traits, you could argue they're even or Gakushu is worse due to his popularity.
Both yanderes share the Obsessive, Manipulative, and Possessive yandere trait.
They would never be yanderes who share, however.
They are both yandere who like to mess with your head but they'd have so much conflict.
First of all... they're in two different classes.
Gakushu is the best of the best, while Karma is part of Class-E... a class looked down upon.
Karma has a tendency to be more violent than Gakushu, but Gakushu can still be a threat.
You could meet either first, it doesn't entirely matter.
The other will eventually know about you.
You could be part of a higher class like Gakushu or be in Class-E like Karma.
When they do meet each other they seem like the type to give passive aggressive comments towards each other.
They already have a strained rivalry with each other but it only gets worse when they realize they both like you.
Karma is going to, of course, taunt Gakushu about it.
This frustrates Gakushu but he tries to keep a calm personality and vows to show Karma where he belongs.
He'll even do some taunting of his own.
They are both the type of yandere to be intrigued when they're hooked on you, researching and watching you to determine why you invade their thoughts so often.
Karma is going to tease you as he always does, he'd also rub the fact he's able to in Gakushu's face.
Gakushu isn't one for teasing... but seeing Karma so laid-back around you is infuriating.
What does he think he's doing?
Karma takes joy in harassing Gakushu.
He likes to get in his rival's head.
Gakushu likes to do the same to Karma, but it's not out of sadistic desire.
He messes with Karma in an attempt to get him to back off.
Karma mostly likes to be a pain in the ass to Gakushu as he's concerned about what he'd do to you if he let him have you.
Karma has empathy towards you... unlike Gakushu.
The dynamic is Gakushu trying to manipulate you into trusting him and only him... after all, he sees you as his little puppet/doll to play with.
Meanwhile Karma is trying to sabotage Gakushu the entire time, wanting to keep you to himself instead of leaving you to some popular kid.
If not, then the other way around happens.
There would be fights.
Karma is eager to use violence against Gakushu, especially if it means he gets to keep you.
Gakushu normally uses other means to get rid of rivals... but when it comes to Karma...
Part of him wants to beat him at his own game.
A blow to the ego
They're both pretty selfish yanderes.
They like the idea of molding your mind into what they want and keeping you as their plaything.
They taunt each other, they get into verbal fights, and they even get physical.
It's easy to think that Karma is better due to his Assassination Class when it comes to fighting.
But I'd argue that Gakushu, as the plotting principal's son, is somewhat even matched if not a little lower.
Their goals with you are very similar.
Karma cares more for you than Gakushu does though.
Gakushu is more in love with obtaining you and controlling you at first.
Karma's obsession starts with intrigue and curiosity towards you, before finally falling for you because you're you.
They both utilize charisma to convince their darling and it's like they mirror each other in yandere behavior at times.
Essentially, their entire rivalry is countering each other.
They'd both flirt, they both feel you're theirs... it's a game of tug of war.
Gakushu is more calculating than playful in his yandere behavior but besides that they rival each other in behavior.
That's what happens with foil characters... they're similar to their counterpart yet have differences to emphasize other traits.
They'd both be capable of kidnapping.
Karma learned it for hostages in his class.
Gakushu learned it from his father... probably... that's up in the air.
Karma may be a bit more capable of murder than Gakushu, but Gakushu can still make rivals disappear if he feels it's needed.
They both have such similar goals... yet despise the idea of allowing the other to win at anything.
There's no point in making a choice... both of them are nearly identical... in the end your fate is the same... a toy to play with as much as they desire.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere! Assassination Classroom Masterlist
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- Yandere! Karma Akabane vs Asano Gakushu (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Karma Akabane
- Yandere! Karma Akabane Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Karma Akabane with Shy! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Asano Gakushu
- Yandere! Asano Gakushu Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
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You can probably guess a few popular people I put in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, clinginess
I like you, but I can’t be with you
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🐼Gaara has to grow accustomed to the fact that he has admirers, platonic and romantic, himself. It’s what he has worked hard for those last years and he’s content with what he’s reached, that doesn’t take away the weirdness of it all though. He doesn’t deal exactly well when you turn his confession down for which he needed quite a bit to collect the courage. The Kazekage is a little bit paranoid and fears to be rejected, especially if you were to look back on his bloody days. That’s the main thing he’s worried about, when he gets indeed turned down what shocks him initially is the reason.
🐼He’s never really considered that you would turn him down because the fangirls are a thorn in your eye. What really stings permanently is the mere fact that you like him as well and would have wanted to give it a chance if it weren’t for his many female admirers. In a way it might be a bit soothing to know that at least there is hope, it’s what manages to keep him away from having his heart completely shattered. But it’s at the same time so frustrating, knowing that he could have a relationship with you and yet his fangirls is an aspect which has you straying away from him. His wish is so close yet so far away at the same time and the longing tightens a painful grip around his heart.
🐼Not an expert in love and a relationship so he doesn’t exactly know how to handle this perfectly, he’s very determined though that he will somehow make things work out and I’m positive that the villagers, including his fangirls, will be happy for him. All he has to do is convince you of that right now, his siblings are glad to lend a hand. Matsuri might want to help as well if she finds out since she loves Gaara and it’s precisely because of that why she wants him to be happy, even if that person can’t be her that gives him the love he wants.
Light Yagami
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✍️Golden boy Light Yagami. Smart, handsome and popular and known to rather spend his time studying than clubbing or meeting up with friends to go out and do fun activities. He took some girls out, aside from that nothing much happened though. He seems so hard to approach and so untouchable, remains polite and girls seem to love that about him in school. When he starts actively going out of his way to talk with you it’s a flattering surprise since he’s always willing to lend his help when you didn’t understand something and acts as polite as possible, almost attentive. His secret hobbies such as stalking you a bit and trying to influence you to see things more from his perspective are too subtle to pick up in the beginning since Light wants to stay undercover for now.
✍️He makes it a point to be as appealing as he can be though, he befriends friends to find out more about you, engages in conversations with everyone who can help him to learn more about you and use that knowledge to constantly flatter you. He keeps all potential rivals away as well, he’s quite smug though once he realizes that you seem to like him as well which encourages him to confess. Quick information, he doesn’t take the rejection well. It’s a direct punch to his ego and even if he can retrace your reasons, that you’re possibly scared to become a target, he’s still feeling entitled.
✍️Light is calculating though, knowing that his chances are not completely dead since you have admitted that you do like him and peeling off his mask already would be a move too bold and rash. He can wait for the point where you’ve left him no choice. The next few days, you won’t see much of him and take it as natural since he probably feels hurt, Light is scheming in reality quite a bit. He’ll go with manipulation, slowly but surely removing people from your side all whilst making an appearance in your life once again, ensuring you that he still wants to spend time with you. As for the fangirls, he never pays them much mind since he’s already decided to have darling as his s/o and if one of them would have the nerves to be mean, he will punish them for it.
Tōru Oikawa
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👑Has fangirls cheering for him left and right who constantly gift him presents and it’s not a secret that he’s had a few relationships already. They never worked out though since he prioritized Volleyball over his girlfriends. Oikawa…is plainly spoken just way too infatuated to really realize that his s/o might be uncomfortable with the tone of admirers he has, he’s way too focused on doting and pinning after them or the fact that they’re worried that they might be just one of many. That doesn’t make it less painful for darling to turn him down when he confesses and makes it all so romantic since he wants it to be as perfect as possible.
👑It’s even more painful when he starts spilling tears because he felt that deeply. He can’t be with you because you turned him down and that has him growing paranoid and insecure. It’s maybe a little bit reassuring to hear from you that you do feel the same, the moment you admit your worries and doubts you crush his poor heart once again. You’re his one and only sweetheart yet you doubt him and his unwavering devotion and love. Tōru almost, almost feels betrayed because he’s poured his sappy heart already out countless times in front of you with nice presents and his overly affectionate side.
👑It’s hard to leave because he refuses to let you, desperate to help you to see that he is genuine with you and will always be. Depressed for the coming days and at the same time also so mad with all his fans. He does know that they haven’t done anything wrong per se, cares mostly only about the aspect that they’re a hindrance in his happy relationship with you and for that starts acting more distant and cold towards them, probably even going as far as snapping a bit when they annoy him. He won’t leave your side at all on the other hand, pushing his delusions with the sweet knowledge that you like him and he just needs to show his love more, pushes his fangirls away to make you comfortable and shower you in his affection.
Miya Atsumu
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🎺Atsumu is a flirt and has a good amount of fangirls behind him as well. He has some insecurities, manages to hide them very well most of the time and instead just focuses on being with his sweet darling all the time. He’s charming for sure and way too sappy to be taken seriously by his teammates whenever it comes to you, that doesn’t mean that you might wonder how serious he really is and his many admirers are a really good way to want to turn away. Being placed in the center of attention since he’s so well known is something you might not want since everyone who knows him would talk about you and petty people might start talking that you’re not good enough.
🎺That’s why you, despite a heavy heart and sadness bubbling up in your stomach, turned him down as friendly as possible. Atsumu…just felt his heart sink when he hears that. He was quite excited, a giddy smile on his face since his brother and some of his other teammates had told him a couple of times that they had a hunch that you liked him back. Perfect , isn’t it? So why for heaven’s and hell’s sake would you reject him despite admitting that you have feelings for him as well?! He’s just not able to understand it, even when you explain yourself to him.
🎺Telling him that you doubt his sincerity awakens indignation inside of him and mentioning his fangirls leads to him feeling exasperated. If you doubt him, let him prove himself then by accepting! And his fangirls…just damn them, they’ll stay away from you! He’ll make sure of it! Grows overbearing and clingy towards you and passive-aggressive towards his fans after. Atsumu is persistent so he sure as hell won’t give up on you, you liking him back is such wonderful fuel for his delusional side. Osamu eventually puts a few words in for him as well since the mood swings of his brother because of you are annoying.
Yumemite Yumemi
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🎤Yumemi is full of herself even if she acts like a cute and caring little Popstar. She’s willing to go far for her dreams and act like a completely different person to reach her dreams and she has that act down very perfectly. The girl is delusional and arrogant so she sees herself as quite the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for, including s/o. That kind of mindset has her naturally believing that every person would obviously choose her if she would confess to them and that honor just happens to go to her lovely s/o. Expects them to accept her confession when she decides to admit her love and adoration, keeping up the facade of the innocent and cute girl who has a huge crush on you.
🎤The stars in her eyes and her innocent smile drop into a pure look of disbelief though when she gets to witness someone actually rejecting her, darling from all people to top it all. How humiliating, how unfair that is! She’s really just about to seethe and possibly let her worsened mood out on you when you start explaining to her. That has her stopping for a moment, serves to only irritate her more in the end though. She loves to be in the spotlight and her dream is it to be an actress in Hollywood, fans are needed to spread her name more around the world, even if she has grown a bit fond of being a singer.
🎤As I said, she’s sort of entitled and can’t quite understand why that would bother you since it would help making her relationship with you very clear to anyone as well. The only reason she really holds back is because she got so flustered when you told her that you actually like her back which had her stomach exploding with butterflies and brightened her mood up just enough to make up for everything else for now. Truth be told though, Yumemi is terrible because she ends up guilt-tripping you and uses her influence against you. She wants this relationship so she’ll get it under any means necessary. You love her as well, so where’s the problem? Just accept as long as she plays it sweet, her mood swings are hard to handle.
Asano Gakushu
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🟠Looking on how his father is, it’s not difficult to track down where Gakushu inherited most of his traits, including how he would be as a Yandere. Gakushu is very manipulative and catching his interest is difficult since he sees himself above any other students. So once you’ve caught his eye and intrigued his interest and love, he’s fixed on getting into a relationship with you and being your boyfriend. Being as deceiving as he is, he takes the approach where he acts like a gentleman to you, all nice with a charming and charismatic smile on his face. He wants to be in control though so behind the scenes he puppeteers everything and is the reason why friends slowly start avoiding you and lord have mercy on those who try to woo you as well.
🟠He won’t tolerate anyone trying to have you and putting up a fight against him is already lost. He seems to prefer to win the more honorable way so his ideal scenario is you accepting him, he won’t hesitate to bend rules to his own advantage if he has too though. Picks up on the signs that you like him which encourages him to confess, he worked hard to become a important person in your life so he feels happy that all the work and patience finally pays off. Gakushu is smug and confident until you actually have the nerves to shoot him down which shakes him up since he didn’t see this coming.
🟠There’s maybe a spark of irritation and frustration about to lit up into something more, he forced himself to let you explain yourself though. The irritation and faint anger against you vanishes, the frustration and annoyance stays at the end. Because Gakushu actually gets why you might feel insecure about his admirers in school, he personally never cares about them, especially since you entered his view. Genuine when he explains that he never had interest in any of them, never has and never will since you’re special and precious in his eyes. You won’t have to worry about them being a nuisance, they won’t dare to get in his way with you if they have a single brain cell and know who he is. You just have to believe him and trust him. Initially he continues using his charms and guilt-tripping, if things don’t go his way soon, he’ll resort to bribing and blackmailing though with potentially even threatening you with it.
Agatsuma Zenitsu
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⚡️Zenitsu is a wannabe womanizer who tries to flirt and woo every girl he sees as sweet and cute. He gets most of the time rejected anyways, recovers though since his personality manages to be cheery at times. It’s no wonder why his darling would be seriously concerned though when they fall in love with him and he seems to feel the same. But he’s treated other women the same so who can tell you that he is loyal and truly feels the same? The rumors apparently say that he just doesn’t want to die as a single so you have any right to be cautious. Zenitsu, despite ascending to heaven with each smile you give him, is immensely jittery about the entire ordeal.
⚡️He has a rather low self-esteem, fears that you wouldn’t want to be with a coward like him or will leave him for people who are cooler and stronger than him. You’re so perfect and lovely after all, who wouldn’t want to be with you? Tanjiro encourages him though since he just seems to know that you actually return Zenitsu’s sincere feelings, Inosuke is supportive in his own questionable ways as well. So Zenitsu gives it a chance, a stuttering and blushing mess as he confesses every single adoring thought he has in his mind. You can probably almost hear his heart splitting in pieces when you reject and he’s about to rant about how he understands and that he’s probably the biggest coward ever.
⚡️Before you add that you feel actually the same, have heard and seen for yourself though that he just seems to have a thing for girls in general. A few moments of silence before he starts drowning you in his rambles, voicing every thought out that crosses his mind. Oh my god, you are so right! He is a terrible person for playing with a woman’s heart like this! He must look so incredibly unfaithful in your eyes! He’s so sorry, he is truly a bad person! But he promises that he only cherishes you and you’re the only one for him forever! He feels low after hearing this from you, he can’t deny that you’re right though and he beats himself mentally up quite a bit over it. Zenitsu is surprisingly persistent though so he’s determined to become a better man for you and prove to you that you truly are his only love.
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The slow but infinitely more healthy relationship between Gakushu and Asano's Darling is getting to me :')
Gakushu's spent his entire life under Asano's education and seen countless people be hurt/scarred by it, so he's not surprised that his dad's close to breaking this new kind of student. At first he doesn't care about her, since he has more important things to focus on, and he figures the best way to help is to defeat and surpass Asano.
But she kind of grows on him just because despite being so scared of Asano--and Gakushu himself, just because they're so similar--she keeps trying her best to care for him in her own way. She doesn't really teach or tutor him since he mainly does that on his own...though he might find an excuse to have her read out review questions or something so she can actually...yk, do the job she ACTUALLY wants to do instead of being Asano's doll/housewife.
I've mentioned before that she'll make his meals sometimes and write little notes to put in his bento. She knows her advice isn't something Gakushu needs or wants, so she just tries little polite things like "Have a good day", "You can do it" or (when she's brave enough) "Don't push yourself too hard". He doesn't take that unwanted advice, but it feels kind of nice to have SOMEONE think he's worth caring about even when he doesn't measure up to his own standards. He and Asano view it as being coddled by someone weak instead of being supported, but...it's still nice-feeling.
Eventually they might be able to have something close to conversations, but they're usually a bit short and one-sided. ____ is afraid to say too much or talk out of turn, but sometimes she tries to push past her limits for his sake AND her own.
"Gakushu. Um, sorry to interrupt...Is it okay if I bring your laundry to you? I can fold it if you want."
"A-and I got some boxes of those snack cookies you like yesterday. I told your father it was just my way of congratulating you on winning first place in the national essay competition, but...hehe, I might have bent the truth a little. I just thought you'd like them. But keep that a secret, okay?
"Oh...thanks. I won't tell him."
"Just. Um...I'm not as experienced as a teacher, but...don't feel like you have to be the best for people--or, well, just me, I guess, haha--in order to deserve being treated nicely. You deserve that no matter what! A-at least, I think so.
...Aagghh, I'm not coddling you too much, am I? This won't drain your motivation to study?"
(Gakushu trying not to laugh at the thought of some cookies and a stuttered compliment ruining his father's attempted brainwashing) "No, it won't. Thank you."
Asano keeps trying to teach her that her empathetic and compassionate approach is just undermining her own authority AND the students' ability to learn. Students won't pay attention to a teacher that acts like a mother and coddles them without any proper structure--well, structure by Asano's definition, anyway. So she's always worried about "ruining" Asano's hard work to educate his son whenever she's kind and does stuff like this for Gakushu, but it's one of her only real ways to rebel and try to prove him wrong without being immediately punished for it.
On days where she goes "home" with Asano after school (Asano let her keep her own apartment as a way to give her a false sense of independence and separation from him), she doesn't ever talk much on the car ride back to the house unless Asano speaks speaks her first. Sometimes though, she'll try talking to Gakushu and ask how his day was. He'll almost always just say "fine" and maybe mention what he's going to study/work on once they get home, but it's still a slightly comforting routine they have every day.
Deep down she still loves learning (not through Asano's methods, but just learning for its own sake) and sometimes Gakushu will catch her spending her free time in the house reading from the large selection of books in the library. He has to be careful if he's going to just casually ask what she's reading, just because she's gotten startled a few times and dropped the book on accident. She'll show it to him and happily tell her something new she learned from it, even if it's small or something HE already knew.
"What are you reading today, ____-san?"
"Oh, Gakushu! I saw a hummingbird in one of the textbooks I was shelving at work today, so I wanted to see if there was a book here about them.
"So you found...a book on Meso-American folklore?"
"Well, I WAS reading about hummingbirds in some of the ornithology books there. But then I read in one of them that in Aztec culture they were believed to be the reincarnated spirits of fallen warriors. So then I got curious, and now I'm reading more about Aztec culture, haha."
Gakushu just sees her eager to learn and actually having fun doing it because it's FOR fun, and he's just like "...God I wish that were me 🥲"
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Aw now I'm having wholesome thoughts of Gakusho just being like *no touch!* To any bad vibes to teacher reader in a kind of familial heel turn. And totally judges Koro sensei's capability to help
It annoys the hell out of him that E-Class's teacher is the only person who can effectively keep ____ away from Asano for any extended period of time, but that's partially because he's not able to do much on his own without scaring her away. And as he gets more and more exposure to the environment in the E-Class, he gets more upset that ____ thinks he's like his father. He doesn't want to be like Asano, he has to be; he can't help who he was born to and who raised him. But he knows she's trying her best to support him even if she is scared of him...fuck, how can developing sympathy be this confusing and annoying 😑
He only found out about this after his thoughts started to shift away from what his father instilled in him through his teaching/parenting methods, which is why he even bothers to help them. If he'd found out before then, he would've dismissed it as the consequences of someone being too naive and stupid to realize they're being manipulated. The weak being eaten by the strong. And he knows that's how he would've thought about it, and it just makes him even more pissed off.
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Like Koro-sensei doesn't even want to call her broken because she's not! She's been damaged yeah, but a teacher's job means that nobody is beyond help and guidance. ACTUAL guidance, not just brainwashing/gaslighting/diddling. He already dislikes Asano's methods on the school's students, but the way he treats someone who genuinely wanted to help them and took advantage of her kindness and lack of power especially angers him. Like he legit needed to be calmed down by Karasuma and Irina because he was so close to just saying "fuck it" and zoom-rushing Asano in his office the moment he found out why ____ was acting so strange.
For bonus angst, I feel like Darling feels especially bad for Gakushu because she knows he's suffering but she can't even be I the same room as him without being afraid thanks to how Asano has raised him to he. It isn't even just due to looks (though she is uneasy around Karma and Gakushu because they both look and sound a lot like Principal Asano), but she knows that he needs help just like her. Granted, Asano hurts him much differently than Darling, but she wants to help him even if she's terrified of him by proxy.
...so she just does little things when she's at Asano's place like making him lunches, cleaning his room, and leaving little notes for him to have a good day or not push himself too hard on his pillow/in his bento lol
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