sargehev · 8 months
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some sketch commissions I did!
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exxay · 9 months
Just came back to arknights from months long break and did a one pull
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Thank you, game.
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just-otter-thoughts · 7 months
I just created a Portal speedrun strat :3
And by "created" I mean optimized a 5 year old strat. It was a save glitch that involved a lot of moving back and forth between portals, I made it so you only have to change where you are twice. Wouldn't have been able to do it without YaLTeR's Source Pause Tool save glitch overlay.
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dlartistanon · 9 months
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My mind was too scattered yesterday but yes I got Yato (19th pull) and Noir (30th pull) and now the next target is Ines
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nonameorous · 2 years
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gerceginyitimi · 1 year
İki kadının günlük yaşamının Osmanlı Haremi'nin mekânlarına aktarılması*
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carmenvicinanza · 3 months
Nil Yalter
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Nil Yalter, pioniera del movimento artistico femminista mondiale, è vincitrice del Leone d’Oro alla carriera della Biennale Arte di Venezia 2024 per il suo lavoro che unisce impegno femminista e incroci di abitudini e civiltà.
La sua ricerca, che spazia tra pittura, disegno, video e installazioni, approfondisce la condizione delle donne, lo scontro tra le culture, le diaspore, lo sfruttamento delle persone immigrate e la reclusione fisica e mentale.
Ha tenuto mostre in tutto il mondo, le sue opere sono presenti nelle collezioni di importanti musei come l’Istanbul Modern, il Centre Pompidou di Parigi, la Tate Gallery di Londra, il Museum Ludwig di Colonia, il Museo Reina Sofia di Madrid e molti altri ancora.
È nata a Il Cairo, in Egitto, il 15 gennaio 1938, da genitori turchi tornati a vivere in patria quando aveva quattro anni.
Nella seconda metà degli anni Cinquanta ha viaggiato e vissuto in giro per l’Asia e il Medio Oriente.
La sua prima esposizione si è tenuta nel 1957 a Mumbai, in India, presso l’Institut Français.
Nel 1965 si è trasferita a Parigi partecipando alla controcultura francese e ai movimenti femministi (Femmes/Art e Femmes en lutte) che si battevano per il riconoscimento delle donne nel mondo dell’arte.
Nel 1973, ha creato l’installazione Topak Ev, una tenda di feltro a grandezza naturale ispirata alle tradizioni dei popoli nomadi turchi, presentata in una sua personale al Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris. La mostra comprendeva pannelli che raccoglievano disegni, collage, fotografie e descrizioni scritte a mano sulla struttura, con l’obiettivo di stimolare la riflessione sugli spazi femminili privati e pubblici. Con la prima telecamera portatile, in quel contesto, ha filmato le reazioni del pubblico e di bambini e bambine che entravano e uscivano dalla tenda, realizzandone un documentario.
L’anno successivo ha presentato un’altra opera molto significativa, The Headless Woman, un video concentrato sullo stomaco di una danzatrice del ventre e sulle misteriose scritte che la protagonista traccia su di sé, ponendo l’attenzione sull’oggettivazione del corpo delle donne mediorientali.
Negli anni a venire ha creato un’inversione dello sguardo maschile oggettivando il proprio corpo attraverso la telecamera.
La Roquette, Prison de Femmes (realizzata con Judy Blum e Nicole Croiset) è la testimonianza di un’ex detenuta del famoso carcere femminile francese.
L’installazione multimedia Temporary Dwellings, indaga le condizioni di vita e le esperienze di lavoro delle donne migranti in Europa.
Nel 1977, alla 10ª Biennale di Parigi, ha presentato Turkish Immigrants: fotografie e disegni di giovani donne delle periferie che illustrano le condizioni di vita dei lavoratori turchi a Parigi. L’idea è poi stata sviluppata in C’est un dur métier que l’exil (L’esilio è un mestiere difficile), presentata nel 1983 al Centre Pompidou di Parigi e poi portata in importanti musei in giro per il mondo.
Nel 1978 ha allestito una performance che metteva in scena la vita quotidiana in un harem nell’ambito della collettiva Femmes/Art. Il video di quella giornata, ritrovato nel 2011, è stato digitalizzato dalla Biblioteca nazionale di Francia ed è una delle rare testimonianze del movimento artistico femminista francese degli anni settanta.
Nel 1980, al Centre Pompidou, ha presentato Rahime, Femme Kurde de Turquie, video intervista a una donna curda emigrata in Turchia, corredata di disegni e fotografie, dalle quali pendono degli stracci insanguinati, metafora della difficile vita della protagonista.
Dal 1980 al 1995 ha insegnato video arte e installazioni all’Università Pantheon-Sorbona.
Negli anni Novanta, in una fase di esplorazione creativa e di riconoscimenti, ha iniziato a utilizzare i media digitali sperimentando animazione 3D e montaggio elettronico del suono.
Nel 2007 è stata tra le 120 artiste della mostra itinerante WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution al Museum of Contemporary Art di Los Angeles.
Lapidation, video del 2009, mostra l’uccisione tramite lapidazione di una ragazza sciita giudicata colpevole di amare un ragazzo sunnita a Baghdad.
Nel 2018 è stata insignita del Premio AWARE (Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions) alla carriera e ha presentato la video installazione Niqab Blues, successivamente proposta in una versione di scultura in tessuto.
È stata protagonista di una delle diciotto mostre organizzate dal ministero della cultura francese dopo gli attacchi del terrorismo islamista culminati con la strage del Bataclan nate per sottolineare l’importanza dell’arte nella ricostruzione di un legame pacifico tra culture avvelenate da fondamentalismo religioso e colonialismo.
Tutti i suoi video sono stati digitalizzati nella Biblioteca Nazionale Francese.
Per la prima volta alla Biennale di Venezia nel 2024, dove sarà insignita del Leone d’Oro alla Carriera insieme a Anna Maria Maiolino, presenta una riconfigurazione della sua installazione Exile is a hard job, insieme alla sua iconica opera Topak Ev, collocata nella prima sala del Padiglione Centrale dei Giardini.
Il suo inarrestabile attivismo artistico sta, finalmente, in tarda età, ottenendo i giusti riconoscimenti.
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frenchphobic · 7 months
im a very healthy gacha game player bc im so committed to not spending money even when i become the most pathetic person because i dont get a character i want
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garadinervi · 1 month
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Esther Ferrer, Autoportrait avec yeux rouges, (manipulated black and white photograph, red thread), 1999 [espaivisor – Galería Visor, Valencia. © Esther Ferrer]
Exhibition: Françoise Janicot, Esther Ferrer, Nil Yalter: Microhistorias en París / Microhistories in Paris, espaivisor – Galería Visor, January 23 – March 20, 2015
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arkiwii · 7 months
lone trail is coming you know people call alters like "chalter", "skalter", "yalter", "texalter", etc... we gotta decide which one to curse the tired bird with bc all of them sound awful
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annierosaart · 8 months
The Monster Hunter Crossover was great, but I do wish we got a Megaman crossover instead, specifically a ZX crossover.
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You look at Girouette using Model Z and tell me that's not a perfect Yalter.
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cerastes · 10 months
so is the monhun collab what we're assuming the next event is? struggling to figure out if I should keep pulling this limited banner or wait for yalter
After Vernal Winds, we'll probably have the Invitation To Wine rerun and Trials For Navigator 2, since those happened in CN before Vernal Winds. After that, we should have Fire Within The Sand (a different game mode), A Death In Chunfen (reel event; Qiubai banner) and then Guide Ahead Rerun before Monhun, but I suspect they'll put the Guide Ahead Rerun after the Monhun collab, so as to not have 2 rerun events so close from one another without a 'proper' event between them.
So you should still have plenty of time to save, yeah.
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locked-keye · 9 months
Arknights 6* Theme audit
Flametail and Farthooth: no dedicated theme, but there are two pieces dedicated to Pinus Sylvestris.
Eyjafjalla: no theme, but her alter has a theme
Ash: no theme, but she's a crossover op and Yalter has no theme either.
Exusiai: no theme
Gladiia: no theme listed on the wiki, but "Feels" might be it based on release date
Hoshiguma: no theme listed on the wiki, but the art for "Daydaydream: includes her
Ifrit: no theme
Magallan: no theme listed on the wiki, but I'm pretty sure "Melting White" is it.
Mostima: no theme
Nightingale: no theme listed on the wiki, but the art for "Spring's Pulse" includes her
Rosa: "Gazing from Great Heights" is for the entire Ursus student group IMO.
Saria: no theme
Schwarz: no theme. No, I don't count "A Long Vacation".
Shining: has a theme, I just wanted to note that stealing a Christian hymn for it was a hilarious choice.
Skadi: no theme
Skadi alter: no theme listed on the wiki, but I'm pretty sure "Voices" is it.
All the unreleased (on global) 6* operators have themes; it looks like it's just a handful of older ones that are left out.
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hypaalicious · 8 months
Reclamation Algorithm, aka Passenger gets his lick back
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I kinda like writing my opinions on AK side modes no one asked for, even tho this is late asf!
The tutorial for the mode sucks really bad. Skip that shit, nothing they tell you in there is how you’ll actually play 😭 That being said, I’m gonna write this assuming you’ve at least gotten the basic gist of the mode; if I break down every detail this post would be 30 pages long, and uh…
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I did not like RA until I was almost done with it, lol. The grind is TERRIBLE in the beginning which is most of the problem.
BUT! I do believe it has promise as long as all the kinks are worked out; RA is def a “beta” mode and it shows. 🥴
Build your base.
This is where the grind will almost murder you. 🥲You can do this by farming for materials in Resource nodes or by cheesing the Construction Grid. If you choose the latter route, what you’ll want to do is do enough in multiple runs to get Construction Points (how many map nodes you visit, constructs you build, raids you defeat, food you make and feed your Operators adds up). Then you quit before your home base gets destroyed, go to the Road of Prosperity and focus on activating the entire second row. That will give you a total of 30 Wood, 15 Stone, and 6 Iron at the start of each run.
Then from there, all you have to do is make a Crabbie Pump, farm enough water to make a barrier or two, place them in your Headquarters, quit the run. Rinse and repeat until you have a nigh-impenetrable fortress.
The things you should focus on crafting for your base:
Firm Platform II
Urban Style Barrier II
Fortification II
Trap Net Launcher II
Level 3 anything isn’t worth the mats. Level 2 is most important for the Barriers as it gives them camouflage. Trap Nets will be your saving grace if you build yourself an Ifrit lane.
Note: due to a bug, any ranged Operator you place on a Firm Platform cannot be healed. But they also will take no damage unless the platform they’re standing on is destroyed. Also, Angelina’s passive can heal your damaged constructs, but only if you have her set on S1.
Don’t have a great mind for path-building? No problem; here’s a basic layout from a Chinese dude on Billibilli to copy:
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What this does is force enemies to go the absolute longest way around to get to your HQ. This gives you time to set up your Operators at a choke point to nuke.
Choke point should look (roughly) like this:
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2. Hop around nodes.
Once your base layout is built, you can switch to making Monitoring Tower II. Take and place two of those in any node to make it a Sentry that allows you to reveal up to two extra nodes in every direction around the node you’re in. This will open up the map real fast if you plan for it!
The only useless node to waste an Act on is the Conflict Node. I literally only go in them to make them Sentries if they’re in a good spot on the map and exit right out.
3. Only fight Raids at your base.
Intercepting raids in other nodes is risky because you’ll be dealing with weather debuffs and randomized stage layouts. Fight em on your turf.
Note: you can always quit the run before a Construct is destroyed and it’ll be preserved in your next one. Yay!
4. Fast-Redeploys are king.
The only time I used a “real” squad was when I had to defend my HQ in raids, lol! Anything else? I brought Texalt, Yalter, Skadi, Nearlter and that was enough to handle 99% of RA outside of base raids. The 1% are the Mountain Pass and No Man’s Land nodes. For those, I just added Mlynar 😂
5. The Lost Zhayedan boss can be cheesed with Dollkeepers.
His gimmick sucks ass, and he’s just a stat stick 😭 But basically Spalter can trickle him down because switching between forms doesn’t trigger his healing.
Note: Camouflage doesn’t protect you from his retaliation strike even if you’re not blocking him. He straight up is like
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6. Can’t trigger certain endings? You may have to discard tokens.
This pissed me off because it’s not intuitive, LOL! You can get the first ending by just surviving past day 12 and beating the last Raid boss. You get the second ending by talking to Old Isin at the market, him mentioning a treasure, then coming across the Treasure Hunter randomly in a stage and picking up a Treasure Map. In order to get the third ending, you have to throw away the tokens you got from the Treasure Hunter (you gotta do this before you start a new run; it resets the storyline this way) and basically avoid talking to Old Isin first. You also have to already have completed Manticore’s side questline.
And when I say randomly? Yeah I mean RNG is gonna have you thinking you fucked up somehow. Pick the wrong dialogue option? Welp gotta wait for another random encounter to try again. Passenger ain’t show up? Keep doing runs and going into random nodes until he decides to Grace you with his presence. It’s just kinda a mess 😭
7. Making food is fun, but also not necessary to win battles unless your squad is severely under-powered.
I beat the first two end bosses without even knowing how to make dishes LMAO! The third I also will say I don’t think I needed them, but I loaded up my squad anyway just in case and I also wanted to see what the dishes actually DID. Now mind you, I’m pretty much running this mode with 6 stars exclusively so YMMV. It’s an end-game side mode in beta no less, so playing RA with an undeveloped roster is going to be a Bad Time.
That being said, after awhile I focused on making dishes for specific core operators just to make things easier. Any dish that decreases SP costs, I gave to my vanguards so I can immediately start printing DP for raid defense. Any dish that reduces redeploy time I gave to Nearlter so I can use her s2 as I believe god intended LOL! The Festive Feast that gives an Operator camouflage and an attack boost, I shoved down Mlynar’s throat so he can just park at those Mountain Pass sentinel constructs and wreck them (and everything else around him) without being targeted.
8. Build the Transregional Communication Station as soon as you are done with your base layout.
Please don’t try and find those elusive invisible “emergency exits” in Conflict Nodes or whatever, it’s a waste of time and doesn’t do what the tutorial claims it does. 😩 Building this construct is what’s gonna allow you to bail on day 9 (or 6 if you upgrade it) with like 15 items if you upgraded the Construction tree well enough. I use this to carry over rare Dishes I made or Monitoring Towers to a new run so I start with a great advantage and don’t have to start from 0 crafting. Once I brought over 15 towers and just opened up the whole map by like day 4 by creating sentries EVERYWHERE I could LOL.
Final notes:
The mode has promise, so if they bring it back later like IS I just hope HG polishes it up. But uh… I actually have no idea who the player is supposed to be in this story LOL! There’s no replay value once you beat all the endings, and there’s no point in going to all the nodes after triggering the events you need unless you just wanna beat enemies up. Base building could be much more fun if they allowed Constructs to be moved around and not just destroyed. Some folks live by creating Support machines to help farm mats faster, but I literally never even bothered with it past the tutorial. Most of the Constructs offered you do not need. Iron shouldn’t be as much of a pain to find/farm as it is. The map previews are so useless idek why they bothered, what’s a big black box gone do for me? 😭
The raids were fun, tho. They’re front loaded as hell but once you get your bottleneck of pain organized it’s simple enough! The exploding spider one I obliterated with ranged units only, the Crystal golem rush I utilized Surtr and just about every medic/healing defender I had in my roster LMAO! Ending bosses were mostly tanked by Hoshi, covered by Shining, and obliterated via Mlynar and Ifrit in the cross fire. Manticore becomes an OP beast due to her token that increases her ASPD for perma slow on S1.
But I will say this: I gotta stan Passenger for literally not giving one shit about what he destroys in order to get his lick back. He played the long game! Don’t ever make an enemy out of that man he ain’t got shit to lose and he’ll make you suffer 😭
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machine-saint · 6 months
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what a goofy map
i wound up using SA for his ability to see invisible units so that nearlter could blow up one of the heralds. surtr solos a brave while also clearing out toplane. yalter and texalter do what they usually do.
this is with the 25% atk and 30 aspd boosts; I'm sure you could find lots of fun units that become helidrops with the 25% skill reduction
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theacadominique · 2 months
wednesday, 4.17.24
today i:
did yoga with adriene
did a 30-minute strength workout
emailed a university re: being on the waitlist for their phd program
listened to ep. 4 of the coffee break french podcast
listened to ep. 17 of the artcurious podcast
finished reading "introduction to art historical analysis"
watched "how to do visual (formal) analysis in art history"
studied some french
scrolled through gradcafe and the grad admissions subreddit
went on a 1-hr+ walk
listened to the audiobook of fire and blood by george r. r. martin
watched an ep. of grey's anatomy
watched bill cunningham new york (2010, max)
artnews articles i read today (there's a lot):
"what is the venice biennale? everything you need to know"
"inside jeffrey gibson's us pavilion at the venice biennale, where color brings history to life"
"the 2024 venice biennale by the numbers"
"a guide to the 2024 venice biennale national pavilions"
"israel's national pavilion won't open until ceasefire is reached, artist says"
"venice biennale’s lifetime achievement awards go to nil yalter, anna maria maiolino"
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