#xisuma and evil Xisuma are twins
lady-astras · 2 months
Healed Promises - Pt 1
! By Xizara i mean Evil Xisuma, that’s the name I have him !
! These phone numbers are purely randomly typed into the keyboard, please do not try calling them !
Xisuma prided himself on the fact that he kept his promises. He was a man of honor - whatever he told someone he’d do (or implied that he’d do it), he would do it. No one would be let down under his watch, least of all his hermits. 
He didn’t see Wels all that often, but he liked to think of their pride as a bonding connection.
Maybe there was a reason for that. Maybe it was the guilt that consumed his soul every single day since he was eighteen. The guilt that ate away at him, constantly reminding him of a fateful portal he’d opened.
He’d let them down by leaving.
He always kept promises after that though. Ones he could keep, ones that were iffy. He always kept them. A promise was like a little trinket, something small that meant something big to someone else. They’d entrusted him to keep it and so he honored that wish.
Which was why he was initially so hesitant to send a reply letter back. By no means was it a huge commitment. But… did he really want to see him again?
Xizara had never, ever done anything wrong. He had always been the one to wrap Xia in blankets and whisper soothing words to her, all while he himself was the one who invoked arguments with his parents as a last-ditch effort to try to help. Maybe if he’d been more emotionally available for his siblings they wouldn’t resent him so much. Xizara had probably asked to meet him just to tell him off after gathering the courage to see him after fifteen years.
He picked up the letter to read it again, parchment clearly ripped out of an empty notebook, the paper softened from the times he’d crumpled it up and instantly regretted it.
Xisuma -
I write to you after a while to tentatively ask to meet. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, and as everyone knows, twins always stick together.
Void if only they could have stuck together, like False and her twin did. 
I know you’re busy - you always are, precious Admin child.
Was he being made fun of? Was that some form of anger being expressed in the note of always being overlooked?
So if you could please write back that would be great. We can arrange a time or something?
My new comm number is 682-720-8165 if you want to save it. If you’re mad at me just say that.
Inanis’ blessings,
Xizara Void
Dammit this was difficult. Was he annoyed or not? Surely if he was annoyed the letter would be worded differently? But he could be trying to hide it.
He pulled out a piece of paper and a fancy pen from his stationery drawer.
Hey Xizara,
Yeah I’d be down to meet! I’m pretty busy lately but as the admin of the server I’m sure I can delegate or something, haha.
Do you want me to come back home or do you want to visit me here? I can make accommodations for the air and stuff, but it’d be helpful if you still have the helmet or mask I gave you.
I don’t have much of a preference but I get the feeling I’m not really welcomed at home anymore…
You can contact me as well if you like by personal comm at 451-269-0157. If that’s the wrong number just let me know, I get my work and personal numbers mixed up sometimes.
Xisuma Void, Ad.M
He sighed, setting down the pen. The promise was inked and he was now obligated to send it.
If this was a trap waiting for him he’d rather be prepared, but if it wasn’t he didn’t want to estrange his siblings even more.
To the interdimensional post office.
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lovetunneldown · 5 months
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oooh-ee-oo i look just like buddy holly
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shepards-folly · 11 months
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Smoke & Mirrors
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doctorsiren · 9 months
Can I get Xisuma and Alex relaxing with one another?
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Brothers !!
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nightshadeowl · 10 months
Hey can we talk about how funny it is that Xisuma decided one of the primary antagonistic forces working against the Hermits in Season 8 would be fucking CRYPTO
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haleskaja · 2 years
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super rough nether twin sketches. Evil X kinda goes but I feel like X is missing something. Needs more enderman maybe
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dailyxisumavoid · 2 years
[131] warmth
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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wishing for untimely death or demise Or am I just wishing I could be like you? That the people would see me too as a poet And not just the muse
Brutus - The Buttress
I just think the song really fits Evil X and his relationship with Xisuma!
Also this is my design for Evil X in white wings, when he eventually pops up there. There is story justification for a lot of them but honestly I just like drawing scars >:D
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Version without text below vvv
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theminecraftbee · 1 month
it's fun because the things that appeal to me most about the three canonical evil clones/twins of hermitcraft are similar, but they're all different.
evil x appeals to me because he is very much Just Some Guy, for all that he's an evil force of nature; when he's sympathetic, it's because he's Just Some Guy who's been shackled to the terrible fate of being "evil", but when he's a villain (like in season eight!), the things that make him villainous also aren't the supernatural aesthetics, but the ways he is also the evil of being just some guy. for all the lightning and thunder and echo of xisuma's appearance, he isn't anyone special. (xisuma is.)
helsknight appeals to me for almost the opposite reason: this isn't just some guy, this is you, explicitly, a demon that possessed your clone and possesses all the things that are bad about you, magnified. he's a mirror, inherently, in his very creation. in the stories where he's a threat, he's menacing because he's a mirror of someone we should like; in the stories where he's sympathetic, we must confront how much of ourselves are also mirrors. (what happens if you don't like what you see in those mirrors, anyway?)
empires!false is somewhere in-between; she's not a mirror but she is the result. she's learning something you'd rather have forgotten about your past, and at her most sympathetic, we feel for the way she's been cast aside so false can 'fix her', the things done to her memory. at her least sympathetic, though, she's reflecting these pains onto others; violence begets violence, and even with it missing, the past begets her. there's no looking at empires!false without seeing the echoes of what false did to her. (there's no looking at false without it either.)
............then they also all appeal to me by being ridiculous failguys but like if you want to be DRAMATIC ABOUT IT, the ways they appeal to me are like the above,
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 2 months
One particular day EX opened up and started explaining to Zedaph the relation he has with Xisuma. EX started with simple things like that they knew eachother from the beginning of their existence, he was about to say the twins part… Then Zed was like "Oh... But they cloned one of you when he was still a baby?" and EX was just so flabbergasted that he decided to just say "Yeah… It was pretty bizarre, even our mom knew that beforehand and she didnt really care". Zed 100% buys that and started telling the others in order to win a bet they had.
He thinks hermits are both genuises and stupid, how are they so conviced of the "evil clone" trope that they can't see that Xisuma isn't an only child? Haven't they realized they use voice filters in their helmets so they can sound different? Does they really think that his name is "Evil Xisuma"???? Does he can exploit this so Xisuma appears to be in two places at the same time? He wants to really do that now.
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aquinnix · 17 days
Hermit-a-Day May 19 - "ALT" Hermit
EX didn’t like being called evil. People always threw the term around with such carelessness that it made his skin itch. It was as if that was something that he just was, an identity decided for him by countless others who never even bothered to get to know him enough to know his real name. 
EX forgot his real name a long time ago. It hadn’t been spoken for longer than he could remember. He was always just Evil Xisuma, a twin destined to live in his brother’s shadow, some wicked creature that didn’t deserve a chance to explain. 
He had a book that he kept by his bedside, writing down every single word that he thought could possibly be his name, hoping that it would one day come to him in a dream. Of course it would never be that easy. 
And EX was running out of paper. 
Was it similar to his twin? Did it start with the same letter or ring with the same sounds? Or was it something completely different? All he had left to distinguish himself was that horrid prefix. 
That’s all he was. There must have been something deeply and irreversibly wrong with him, something that made him vicious and depraved like everyone else seemed to think he was. 
Maybe he didn’t have a name, maybe that was all he was, the evil twin, nothing more. He never wanted to hurt people. Sure he had made some mistakes, he certainly wasn’t above admitting that. Was a few screwups all it took to make him unredeemable? Make him worthy of a label that would hang over his head for the rest of his life? 
EX was just going to have to do for now, at least that way he didn’t have to hear that word every single day. 
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lovetunneldown · 4 months
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3/5 villain portraits. just gotta do symmetry and hels.
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aquaquadrant · 10 months
So catching up on your htp writing and I’m not if I understand which hels is to their overworked doppelgänger? Would you mind clarifying?
hmmmm i suppose it’s been a while since i posted an up-to-date list so here ya go. every single helsmit that’s appeared or been mentioned in the HTP au. overworld players on the left, hels players on the right.
Bravo (Bravo Biz) - Tango (Tango Tek)
Jimmy (SolidarityGaming) - Timmy (AnimosityGaming)
Grian - Scáil
MumboJumbo - ClearCut
GoodTimeWithScar - BadTimesWithScar
Etho (ethoslab) - Patho (pathoslair)
Bdubs (BdoubleO100) - Dbubs (DboubleI011)
impulseSV - instinctEV
Renthedog - Rendthewolf
Keralis1 - Alisker0
xBCrafted - bXMiner
Scott (Smajor1995) - Sean (Sminor1559)
Joel (Smallishbeans) - Jones (Largishlegumes)
PearlescentMoon - OpalescentMoth
Welsknight - Helsknight (canon ofc)
bonus helsmits that haven’t appeared or been mentioned (and prob won’t ever) but i have names/concepts for anyways:
Zedaph - Zephyr
GeminiTay - CapricornSlay
ZombieCleo - HellionCloe
joehillssays- joekillsslays
iskall85 - eldrig58
VintageBeef - FreshMeat
Xisuma - Evil Xisuma (maybe?? not sure yet if hels or something else entirely)
bonus ocs:
Axis Co - Atlas Syn
Coil - Claw
Zane - Z
special cases:
falsesymmetry - a pair of twins who are each half overworld and half hels, go by false (hermitcraft!false) and sym (empires!false)
Docm77 (aka Docmonster77) - doesn’t have a hels, is an artificial player
Stressmonster101 - doesn’t have a hels, is an artificial player
if u want more deets on any of these guys, there should be some info in my ‘characters’ tag on the pinned HTP directory 💃
iJevin - iHelvin
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doctorsiren · 1 year
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Young adult X and Alex, their parents Steven and Alexandra, their uncle Hero, and their adoptive father Doomguy :D
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please please reblog and tell me about your headcanons. please ,
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