#xela watches
xelasrecords · 2 months
Watching Saltburn like yeah that Irish boy is freaky but imagine how much fun Rosamund must be having just lounging and dropping those banger lines. She's so mother (toxic)
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brighteststar707 · 10 months
Save Seven but kill Saeran and having to live with Seven witnessing what you've done, or save Saeran but kill Seven which is what the latter would want but he's the love of your life? (I'm not really sorry I'm doing this to you and Lola💞)
Xela you CANNOT do this to me😭
You've given me a lose lose situation here. Let's see...
If I pick option one, no matter what reason I had for killing Saeran (for my sake, let's say self defense or something Mint Eye related), I lose Saeyoung. No matter how much he loved me before, I will always be the person who killed his brother. There is no coming back from that, I've basically put him in his nightmare scenario.
(Not to bring my other favourite franchise into this, but it's very Katniss and Gale at the end of Mockingjay)
We've seen what he was like during V's ending. Drinking to cope, mask all the way up, attempted murder as revenge. Hanging on for any chance that Saeran is still alive. For better or for worse, Saeyoung has tied his worth to Saeran and his safety, and having 'failed' at his only task, he will become a shell of himself. Imagine him in that situation, now also with the knowledge that the person he loves did that. There's no way he doesn't hold it against me, even subconsciously.
The worst case scenario is...not good. We'd never see each other again and I'd lose him even after saving him (that is if he doesn't try to avenge Saeran first). At best, our relationship is very strained. There is this unsaid baggage between us and our relationship is never the same again. We wouldn't last.
Otherwise, I kill Saeyoung to save Saeran. I can all but hear him yelling at me to choose this one (self sacrificing bastard).
It's the short way around to getting mostly the same effect as option one. I lose the love of my life and am left with nothing but heartbreak and trauma.
The only upside is that he dies on his own terms, and with the knowledge that the two people he loves the most are still alive. This is literally his life's purpose, if you ask him. (though I have a lot to say about that)
If Saeran ever forgives me, we might try and recover from that trauma together and then try to live life? But it's not going to be fun. If he doesn't, I probably would have to leave and try to move on from this event alone.
Hm... (I'm desperately looking for an option three right about now)
From the outside, it's easier to say that I'd choose option two because it's the one that he wants. But realistically, could I look the love of my life in the eye and kill him? Probably not.
So I guess that's my answer. I kill Saeran and have to live with Saeyoung's hurt and the what ifs of it for the rest of my life. We do NOT live happily ever after.
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(currently wishing I had two faves you could have pitted against each other instead of this 💔)
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twoyogurtluvrsonline · 4 months
Angelic NPTs
I HOPE THESE ARE GOOD they’re my first NPTs !
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Names : Angela / Angelica ; Anahera / Ana / Hera (¹) ; Ángel (²) ; Ánxela / Xela (³) ; Evangeline (⁴) ; Ange ; Cher (⁵) ; Sera / Seraphim (⁶) ; Malachi / Mal’akhi ; Evangelista (⁸) ; Chérie
¹ : Anahera, meaning “angel” in Maori
² : Ángel, the Spanish form of the name “Angel”
³ : Ánxela, Galician form of “Angela”
⁴ : Evangeline, from Greek, meaning “good news”
⁵ : Cher, coming from the mythological creature’s name
⁶ : Sera or Seraphim, coming from the mythological creature’s name
⁷ : Malachi, from the Hebrew name Mal’akhi, meaning “my angel” or “my messenger”
⁸ : Evangelista, derived from Latin and meaning “evangelist” or “preacher”
⁹ : Chérie, meaning “dear” in French but sounding like Cher as in a cherub
Pronouns : shx / hxr ; hx / hxm ; angel / angels ; heaven / heavenly ; ethe / ethes / ethereal ; div / divine / divines ; cel / celes / celeste / celestial ; bel / bless / blessing
Titles : God’s most devoted servant ! ; (Pronoun) in all their majesty ! ; The most heavenly of blogs ! ; (Pronoun) blessing you with their presence ! ; The sweetest of messengers ! ; A servant in love / A messenger in love ; (Pronoun) fondly watching over you !
Usernames : yrluvlymssnger ; thesweetestangel ; dxrling[name] ; heavenly[name] / celestial[name] ; angelofdxvotion ; [name]sentfromabove ; blessingsfrom[name] / starsfrom[name] ; fallen[name] / forgotten[name]
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minasummersch · 1 year
🌺🍰 welcome my lovely faebies! 🌺🍰
There's nothing in life that can't be solved with chocolate🍫, cake🍰, or glitter✨
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Hello everyone! Welcome to Mina's Musings, a tumblr blog run by Mina Summers. I am a half-fairy VTuber who owns and runs Marigold Bakery. I starting VTubing to make people happy and earn my fairy wings! I hope you'll join me on this magical journey together~
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I stream primarily on Twitch and occasionally on YouTube as well. You can also find me on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Discord. If you'd like to support my content you can check my Carrd for more links and info!
You can use these tags to navigate this blog and find more of my content:
#mina's musings = longer posts from Mina
#minaLIVE = Any content related to Mina's livestreams
#minaCLIPS = Clips of Mina's streams
#minaART = Fanart and commissions of Mina
#minaBAKES = Mina's baking related posts
#mina's ramblings = ramblings and thoughts from Mina
(the tags will be updated as I use them and add more)
Read below the cut to learn more about me!
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General tag: #minasummers Live tag: #minaLIVE Clips tag: #minaCLIPS Fanart tag: #minaART Baking tag: #minaBAKES Fan name: Faebies Emotes: 🌺🍰
I work a few different freelance jobs and so my schedule is constantly in flux. I usually stream weekday at 11:00 AM or 12:00 PM in the EST/EDT timezone. I'll attach my weekly schedule for the current week below:
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Content I Stream/Create
I usually stream otome visual novels or joseimuke mobile games. Some of my favorites are Ensemble Stars!! Basic and Music, Bandori, Taisho x Alice, Tears of Themis, Hatoful Boyfriend, and BUSTAFELLOWS.
Sometimes I'll stream variety content such as JRPGs, scuffed karaoke (yes it is always scuffed lol), baking or decorating desserts (rare because this is messy and requires lots of planning!), crocheting, and cozy chatting content. I like to experiment with my content when I have more time in my schedule!
I'm currently working on a larger video project where I summarize the entirety of the Ensemble Stars story backlog and lore on YouTube. The series is still very much a work in progress but I do have a livestream VOD where I explained some basics about the game universe and characters which you can watch here:
I also really love music! I try to hold karaokes as much as I can and I've recently start recording covers songs! You can check out my first cover song below. It would mean a lot to me if you gave it a like as well!
Other than that I do a bit of voice acting, sometimes while I'm playing VNs I'll even try to voice over the characters. But mostly I just record short voice clips and post them to YouTube and TikTok.
Now that I have this page I hope to post some exclusive Tumblr content such as video scripts for my YouTube videos and reviews for games, animes, mangas, and novels! I'll link back to some of those posts when I do create them.
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Mina's Model Credits
1.0 Model - Pink Dress Mina
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Live2D videos to be added soon!
Design + ref sheet + PNG + fullbody Live2D model -- _kawarumii
Live2D rigging + chibi Live2D model art and rig -- tomoxm2
Scuffed VRoid model (not pictured) -- me
Detailed VRoid model -- claire_maid
Plush doll PNG (not pictured) -- Miyukiko
Cottage core alt outfit
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Full Model coming someday!
Design -- Lapin
Lehenga outfit
Coming soon!
Designed -- Dayleaf404
2.0 Model - Secret
Coming soon!
Design -- Fei
Mina's Stream Asset Credits
This is a list of the creators who Mina commissioned or bought assets from for her Twitch and YouTube streams.
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Channel Music -- ViSO by UTALIVE and KODOMOi
Overlays and Panels -- Aurora Rosalia
Stinger -- Aurora Rosalia
Chatbox -- chroneco
Header + Profile Image -- miyukiverse
Emotes -- vera_li
Badges and Channel Points -- AvilaRozma
Mina's Fanart and Commission Credits
This is a list of all the artists Mina has received fanart from or commissioned for artwork.
Chrysalia Csilla
Sketch the Witch
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Thank you so much for reading this far! And thank you even if you didn't really read the whole posts lol, I know it's long but I wanted it to be extensive enough that you could find anything possible about me.
I'll be updating this post as much as I can to keep the info up to date. It would mean a lot to me if you checked out some of my content and dropped a follower/sub/like on anything that interests you. Comments are always welcome as well and my ask box is always open to everyone!
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wellpresseddaisy · 1 year
for the ask game - 👻🦈📚! if it’s ok :)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Probably how magic can lengthen a lifespan and how it may interact with trauma, age, and aging. 
And that Albus Dumbledore has a varied group of friends his age who all think he's completely ridiculous. They know he's brilliant (and none of them are slouches in the brains department) but they're also wondering exactly how he's managed to survive so long. The answer is bossy house elves and Minerva. 
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Dumbledore when he isn't being the Headmaster of Hogwarts, honestly. When he doesn't have to be wise and strong he's quite a difficult fish to land. 
Severus, too, sometimes. Outwardly, he's like a swan gliding over a pond. Inwardly, he's those little flippers paddling like hell and a lot of pent up rage (like a swan, he'll kill you if you get too close to his cygnets).
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
I'll read just about anything, even if I haven't seen the show or read the book (as long as the tags are in line with what I prefer). I tend to like long, plotty fics with good world building and an emotionally satisfying ending. So (and I'm restraining myself here):
Harry Potter
Digging for the Bones - Paganaidd 
A classic. It gets me in the feels every time I read it.
Ever Upward (series) - stranglerfig
I love what the author does with world building. And the house elves! The whole series is just excellent.
Piece by Piece: After Stricture - obscuredbyshadows
I don't read a ton of A/B/O fic, but this one is really good. It's good world building that'll get me every time.
Endangered Thing - nrnyx
Draco is hilarious in this. It's a definite 'read after a difficult day' fic.
Grimm (because this show was excellent for the first couple of seasons and so was the fic)
A hundredfold grief, divisible by love - xela
Grief and love and healing and some smut at the end (heed the tags). This one is sometimes hard to read, especially the beginning, but it's so, so good. And Monroe is one of my favorite characters.
I need to find a couple of Grimm fics that were on fanfic.net because now I want to reread them and recommend them.
Teen Wolf (I have watched precisely 15 minutes of the first episode. The fic is top notch, though)
Northern Blues - kaistrex
Why am I starting to sense a theme with grief and healing here? But…oof…so good. 
What I Did on My Summer Vacation - grimm
Again with the grief and healing, but also very, very funny in parts. I love Laura as the town librarian. …there may be some 'my budget kept getting cut' revenge fantasy going on for me, honestly.
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eternalsawake · 2 years
the path to destiny | prequel to 10 minutes: part one - a blackwatch!gabriel reyes x gn!reader
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rating: teen - for violence & swearing.
a/n: this is the prequel to 10 minutes, i suggest reading that first (: there’s mentions of reyes, but he’ll come along in the next part.
a/n again: the gif above is only a visualization of readers powers, not the woman (irelia).
you felt the crisp air whoosh against your face, not too chilly but not too humid; a perfect balance. this trip would be more than pleasant if the 20lb duffel bag of your belongings were carried by somebody else, but you make do.
blackwatch, a covert operations secret division inside of overwatch. taking care of operations under the radar of the public, and even the private. the moment you were offered a part of this experience was riveting, yet anxiety inducing. could you really hold your own here? how would the people be? are your gifts enough for this team?
the late tekhartha mondatta was as wise as a serpent, yet gentle as a dove. his teachings and mindset brought humans and omnics to be like minded towards each other. he was the definition of pure harmony, no discord in his soul. mondatta and his brother zenyatta’s teachings led many omnics to a path of enlightenment, but never a human before. not until you.
10 years, 7 months, and 14 days. it took you 10 years, 7 months, and 14 days until you found a hidden peace within yourself. unlocking that enlightenment felt impossible, yet you proved even yourself wrong. this enlightenment…was different. it wasn’t like you had discovered it, it was as if that energy was in you all along, only needing to be unlocked. the energy, unfortunately, took a large toll on your body. instead of slowly draining your lifespan with this energy, you learned to channel that energy into 5 carbon steel blades. the blades bent at your will. they surrounded your upper body, leaving silver colored lines running up your arms all the way into your eyes as you used that energy.
“well done my child.” stated mondatta as he watched closely. “you have achieved a level of enlightenment that me and my brother have achieved. you are the first of your kind to do so.”
“we are quite proud.” zenyatta praised. you gave a humble smile in return. you loved the temple, you loved the shambali, you loved the monks that raised you as if you were their own offspring, yet you felt…something missing. partially full, partially empty. with these thoughts, you consulted mondatta, in hope for an answer.
“if you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed. your destiny awaits you, whether you stay here or not. whether it be filled with harmony or discord.” he replied.
“but how will i know if what will be my destiny if i stay? if i leave?” you inquired.
“you have to make that choice yourself.”
a silence fills the air.
“do you know what you must do?” mondatta solemnly questioned.
“yeah, i think i do. thank you mondatta. and thank you zenyatta.”
“you are welcome, my child. now, find your destiny.” zenyatta stated.
one year later
adapting to everyday life hadn’t been as challenging as you believed it to be. yes, it was difficult masking your gifts in public, but you had your ways. “your ways” was placing your carbon steel blades in a fabric bag. not the best hiding spot, but convenient enough for you.
each week, you made a mandatory pit stop at the local grocery store to restock on supplies. food, medicine, and other supplies needed. the virtual cashier, xela gave you a sweet smile as she scanned your items. “that’ll be $54.38 today!” she said. whipping out your wallet, you rummage through, only to find $10 dollars in cash.
“shit. i’m so sorry, let me run outside real quick.” you apologize and run out the door. you shake out your wallet, hoping money will come out. no money comes out. you walk back in slouched over in disappointment. “i’m so sorry xela i can’t pa-,”
“your stuff has already been paid for, have a nice day!”
“you seemed like you needed a lil’ help.” a tanned, scruffy looking cowboy says as he hands you the bag of groceries. “thank you so much, but i don’t even know your name.” you say, still in shock and disbelief that this man paid for your groceries.
“the names cole cassidy, yours?” he asks, motioning for you to follow. he gives a quick nod as you tell him your name. “why did you do that?” you question. “you seemed like you needed it, rough week?”
“yeah a little bit. how could you tell?” you sigh.
cassidy whips out a cigar, “your face tells me er’thing i need to know. it’s the least i could do.” he replies, lighting the cigar.
as you were about to thank him once again, you are interrupted by an ear blasting rev of an engine. you and cassidy turn towards the sound. two headlights appear in the smog, burning your eyes as you look at it.
“well well, i’ve been waiting for this cassidy.” a feminine voice quips. her southern accent adds a hint of venom to the statement. the second rev of the woman’s engine inches closer.
“damn it, GET DOWN.” cassidy yells, as he whips out..a revolver?
you grab cassidy’s arm and pull him into a large alleyway, hiding behind an empty dumpster. there’s an intersection in the alleyway, splitting off into 4 different ways to go. only one way is blocked off by this angry woman. shots rang around you, ricocheting all over the place.
“you are definitely not a cowboy.”
“what makes you think that?”
“do cowboys get into shootouts with crazy women?”
“this one does.” he replies with a large grin. you roll your eyes at the comment. “so,” you yell over the gunfire, “who is she?”
“elizabeth caledonia ashe, but the gang calls her ashe.”
“wait a second.” you pause, “THE DEADLOCK GANG??”
cassidy fires a round of bullets into the smog, none seem to hit. “what are ya, a fan?” he chuckles.
“no i’m just not dense. i thought y’all got arrested, right?” you asked. “we did, 6 months ago, but i had other plans.” he sighed.
“and what about the rest of them? did they have the same plan?” you questioned, confused on how they all escaped.
“..not exactly.” he huffed. “i was given an opportunity, and i ran with it. beats sittin’ in a prison for god knows how long.”
you both were interrupted by an object thrown through the smog. it landed right by your feet. it’s bold red color made it quite clear you both needed to run.
“cmon cowboy.” you urge cassidy up. “this way,” he says, pointing to the right of the alleyway. as you both run from the stick of dynamite, you are met with a shotgun infront of your bodies. “FREEZE.” the gang member barks. “I’LL SHOOT.” another member taunts from behind. a booming explosion shakes the ground underneath, causing cassidy to lose his balance. the man with the shotgun aims his shot on cassidy, completely ignoring you.
time slowed around you, you needed to make a decision fast. could i use them? would that be wrong? it’s self defense, no?
without thinking, your blades surround you as you lunge them foward. the honed blade slices through the incoming bullet, splitting it into 2. the bullet pieces falls to the ground. cassidy stares at your form, the glowing silver coursing through your arms, your irises even glowing a silver like color. the gang member looks at you with disbelief, but before he could even reload, his face was met with cassidy’s fist.
“nice hit, took ya long enough.” you joked.
“awh shut it pumpkin.” cassidy quipped, his baffled expression turned into a sheepish grin. your little banter moment was interrupted by something else thrown at you. you can’t tell what it was, but whatever it was, it wrapped around you and cassidy. a rope of some sort perhaps. two more gang members enter the alleyway, one infront of cassidy, one infront of you. the blades that surrounded you dropped. you struggled against the rope, but it was wrapped around you tight. the female gangster stepped on your fallen blades, losing your control of the sacred item. as the gang members inched closer, cassidy leaned down to your ear.
“link your arms with mine.” he whispers, his cold breath tickling the outside of your ear.
“your breath smells like whiskey. back up.”
“i didn’t ask your opinion, link ‘em now!”
you intertwine your arms with cassidy’s, confused as to what the hell he is planning.
“on three, kick ‘em to hell.”
“i was plannin on it cass.”
you chant together.
cassidy crouches slightly over, your back flat on top of his. your body hoists into the air as you lunge your legs foward. a direct hit to the gang members chest infront of you. she collapses to the ground, rendered useless. regaining control of the blades, you cut the rope chaining you and the cowboy together. cassidy pulls his peacekeeper out of his leather holster. a perfect, deadeye shot pierced the gang member. you and cassidy huff a sigh of relief, catching your breath.
“didn’t think you could fight like that.” he says as you walk around the dead bodies, exiting the alleyway. no ashe in view, she must have dipped.
“there’s a lot of things you don’t know cowboy.” you retort, flicking the brim of the cowboys hat.
“you got an attitude jus’ like reyes, that dickhead.” cassidy chuckles, pulling out his lighter and cigar. again.
“who’s reyes? i’d definitely kick his ass.” you retort, a grin forming on your face.
“he’s…my boss basically. he’s all mean ‘n stuff but i betcha he’s ‘n old softie.” cassidy exhales, a puff of smoke filling the space between you two. you crinkle your nose in disgust of the cigarette smell. the two of you chuckle.
“ya ever heard of overwatch?” he asks, breaking the short silence.
“of course i have, they’re like ‘earths mightiest heroes’,”you air quote, internally laughing at your old movie reference, “why do you ask?”
“well, overwatch ain’t all the glitz and glamour the news makes it seem. they do A LOT behind the scene, out of the eyes of the media.” cassidy recollects, “but even there’s a behind the scenes in overwatch. like a..uh..overwatch’s dirty work you could call it. how do ya think overwatch gets all their intel, yet wantin’ to stay under the radar at the same time? they gotta secret group. this group, blackwatch, does everything overwatch won’t, but with no spotlight recognition or anythin’, it’s quite the life of you really think ‘bout it.”
“huh..i never realized overwatch had so many layers.”
“there’s some good, some less good. but i’m thankful e’rday that reyes saved my ass. either i joined his lil’ club, or i rot with ashe and her robot butler, bob in prison. trust me, you don’t wanna share a small cell with an 8ft tall robot.” cassidy states. you snicker at the comment. “it’s hell i tell ya!” cassidy yells.
“so, what’s it like in blackwatch? is it just you and reyes?” you question, curiosity taking over your mouth.
“nah, reyes is recruiting some kid, he’s missin’ a lot of his body, poor guy. apparently he can fight, but i’m not one to judge that.” cassidy solemnly replies. he stares off into the night sky, strumming his fingers against his clothed knee.
“i don’t think i’m ‘posed to do this but..”
he inhales sharply, rolling his shoulders back and licking his partially chapped lips before opening his mouth.
“you wanna join blackwatch?”
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zero-braincells-left · 8 months
infodump abt clowns if u wanna
the typo (or intentional, who knows) makes this so much better. okay so get ready for my incoherent mess of 2 braincells
-i can’t describe why al3x is my favorite out of all my clones,,, like I have the whole fuckimg romance arc with xela and justs. vibing-j has so much potential n with so many other clones. yet al3x, just some guy™️ watching this all go down in my favorite. ey have like ONE friend (vining) and half of my thoughts is “ghisjbhisbihsbhuebihbsihbduhbd,, them befriending unjust and/or IS,,” idk man al3x is just such a character and guys i swear he has potential just trust me bro
-errrrr uhhhhhhhh like I said once I made it canon that vibing-j and xela r actually related and like!!! i really wanna talk abt this I just have nothing to talk about. vibing-j being the annoying younger brother is so real tho. i should make them interact more (bonus points if the other clones don’t even know they’re brothers n it’s just like casually brought up 💀💀)
-the meowlex lore is. interesting I guess. man I’m still trying to figure it out but he’s so silly. silly little cat (who works in hell. may or may not understand everything people are saying yet is practically trapped in this poor excuse of a physical form and cannot communicate in a meaningful or understandable way /lh)
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alex-just-vibings · 8 months
.erihppas dna ydnac nottoc
We’re siblings now? Aww, someone’s being nicer than usual!
And, sure, if you wanna watch Cocomelon together, we can do that!
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cocoanmelaninsims · 1 year
What are some words that are a big part of your oc’s vocabulary? How did they pick up on them?
I love this!!!
Well for Xela, She's my simself so words she uses often responds to things Sheldon says with phrases like "Very ___-ally".
Like they were watching movies, and Xela accidentally elbowed him, he's like "How could you" and she said "Very clumsily". This she picked up from Sheldon bc he says stuff like that alot. I think he got it from a movie. She has definitely picked up a lot of his vocab.
She also uses "I just wanna talk" when she absolutely wants to anything but talk lol. She picked this up in college, and she will literally use it in any and every context.
Xela *drops something* ...*looks in the mirror* "Why are you like this? I just wanna talk."
This ask definitely makes me want to show more of her actual personality in the posts. Thank you for this interesting ask.
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alex-justs-vibing · 8 months
You were just as useless in life as you are in death. All you ever did was annoy Xela. I mean, did you even manage anything? I did everyone a favor when I killed you. Xela didn't stop me. Neither did anyone else. They all watched. None of them missed you. Xela ignores you. They all don't talk to you. You've done nothing but annoy us. Why do you even hang around? Unfinished business? No, you just want something that no one will ever give you. Just give up and go away. Because you won't get anything from us. And stay away from Xela too, because he wants nothing to do with you.
(ISTG this woman)
(This isn't hurting you, right Zero? Don't wanna hurt you.)
[justs starts sobbing]
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xelasrecords · 4 months
Last monthly film round-up for this year! I need to preface this by stating that I don't support J.K. Rowling's transphobia. Purely rewatching these films for the nostalgic warmth they basked my childhood in. I miss believing in magic.
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brighteststar707 · 6 months
15 FOR V I'm going to cry if I'm too late for this
Thank you for the request Xela! It's about time I wrote something nice and fluffy for V, it's been far too long. I hope I've done him justice here for you and you enjoy the fic <3
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Finding excuses to be alone with each other
✦ V x fem!MC
✦ Words: 1198
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Jihyun had spent a lot of time in that quiet cabin in the mountains trying to picture what his return to the RFA would look like. He had so many hopes and twice as many fears. Would his friends take him back, or are the things he did in the past unforgivable? Part of his growth in his time away was learning that he had to be okay with both answers, and that he couldn’t force forgiveness out of anyone.
When he was planning his and Saeran’s return, he had only allowed himself to hope for a warm welcome from Jumin and for forgiveness from the person he left waiting. She had filled his dreams nearly every night since he left, there was so much he wanted to tell her about his time away, he had so much to prove to her.
From the rest of the RFA, he only hoped to not be hated.
Imagine his surprise when they all surrounded him in surprise and excitement upon his return. He was the centre of attention, with two years’ worth of pent up curiosity and anticipation coming to a head all at once. There seemed to be no talk of hatred or resentment, even from her.
He hadn’t expected to only get a few minutes alone with her at that RFA party to say all that he had wanted to. She had started at him like he wasn’t quite real and he clasped her hands in his and tried to say things that could never express what he had been through in the past few years. All the growing he had done, the things he had learned, all the reasons he thinks he can actually be good for her now.
Then, everyone else descended upon them again, pressing glasses of champagne into his hand and asking him so many questions. Never mind, there would be more time later for them to talk properly.
He spent the rest of the night surrounded by more people than he had been around in years, accepting drinks and exchanging stories. Always craning his neck to make sure she was close by, pulling her into conversation at times. Everyone’s smiles had brightened somewhat, and the party was a stunning success for more reasons than one. 
The only thing that was bothering him was that he hadn’t gotten another moment to talk to her alone since their initial reunion. Everything he had wanted to say to her still sat on the tip of his tongue, desperate to spill out, only encouraged by the drinks he had been given. He wanted to explain himself, say everything his letters couldn’t possibly express. He wanted to hold her close for every warm memory of her that kept him going when he was away. He wanted to feel her breath on his skin and hear his name from her mouth so he’d know that it was all real.
He caught her eye as they were watching an animated discussion between Jumin and Zen unfold, and he was thrilled to find a glint of mischief there. He might have only returned a few hours ago, but he could read the frustration in her body language all too well. Every time someone new interrupted their conversations, she shifted impatiently from foot to foot. Now, she raised an eyebrow and her eyes darted quickly to the storeroom and back to him. It was all he needed to get the message.
A few seconds later, she slipped away from the conversation (which was quickly growing into an argument, with Yoosung and Saeyoung egging them both on) and disappeared behind the storeroom door. Nobody seemed any the wiser. Jihyun stuck around for a few more minutes before making a quick excuse (that fell on deaf ears) and joining her.
“Hi,” she says once the door is closed again. Here, her voice sounds smaller than it did out in the hall. She keeps looking at his face as if she’s internally adjusting a mental image. He supposes he looks quite different than he did a few years ago. So does she, after all.
The space they occupy is a strange one. They are practically strangers who also happen to know each other better than anyone else. She may not know the way his smile is sort of crooked but she’d recognize his voice anywhere. She has lived in his house for the past two years and he sees her face every time he closes his eyes.
She’s standing with her back resting against the wall. He joins her, leaning against his arm and angling himself towards her. They fall into a soft conversation, their faces angled close to each other so they barely have to raise their voices above a whisper. They had gone over the pleasantries earlier, and now he wants to make steps to fill in the most urgent gaps that had formed during their separation.
Up close, she admires just how well their time apart had treated him. His skin has a healthy glow and his cheeks are fuller. His hair is shorter than it was when she last saw him, but it has the look of a haircut that’s on its way to being grown out. The sides flip over his ears and make him look a little scruffy, fitting for the trip he just returned from. The front is styled in a graceful swoop that falls into his eyes every time he leans towards her.
He's beautiful.
As they talk, the pieces start to fall into place. Despite everything that has changed, things still feel the same way they did two years ago. Something sparks between them, something that could grow into something more substantial, if they allow it to.
As he talks, she reaches out a hand to brush his hair out of his eyes. He freezes, momentarily surprised, but then he chuckles gleefully. The whole scenario feels ridiculous, the two of them sneaking to a back room, slowly putting the pieces of their relationship back together while hiding away like teenagers. It’s not the grand reunion he had pictured, it’s much more mundane than that, but it’s somehow so much better.
He leans back a little to shift his balance, but she playfully tugs at his collar, keeping him from getting too far. He follows, leaning in closer than he has dared to yet, until their foreheads are touching. His hand rests on the wall by her waist so he can support himself against the wall and still keep himself close.
Everything is so new but this closeness feels familiar, as if everything before was simply building up to this moment. Their faces angle to slot together perfectly without a second’s hesitation. He can smell her perfume and feel her breath on his skin and can almost taste her. Almost.
One of them – he isn’t sure who – closes the gap and they kiss.
It's better than forgiveness, it's better than redemption. It's a promise of something new, something better. It is as familiar as a song learned by heart and it's entirely theirs.
The party carries on without them outside, and they are none the wiser.
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otcsocialnetwork · 1 year
5/19/23 TRENDS
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ghjngj · 1 year
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Las Procesiones de Semana Santa en Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Xela es muy conocida en el mundo por la belleza de sus procesiones en semana santa. Miles de turistas nacionales e internacionales llegan a la ciudad a ver este evevento. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lju5jycHr0s
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conyersmooney · 2 years
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Spanish lessons quetzaltenango guatemala making chocolate quetzaltenango
Our Spanish immersion program in Guatemala, Quetzaltenango, Xela, will allow the students to participate in daily social and cultural activities including making chocolate and visiting historic sites in the country.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhg8iVlaGZI
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——————— ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ ———————
Sitting back relaxed, she watches the movie with the car window open. A new film was released and it was gifted to them by the new director that she once helped. So the company's crew and staffs decided to watch it as an outdoor movie. And here it is, staffs and crews sitting at the laid out blankets, others sitting at the seat of their vehicles, sodas and popcorns in their hands.
Victor sighs, puts his tablet and brandy aside before wrapping his arms around her torso, pulling her close. "Mm, stop it. I want to watch. You're still reading those documents, don't you?" She moans as she breaks free, leaning in, looking outside unaware of her skirt bunching up to her waist. "I just finished reading someone's report. And that report doesn't have any mistakes. Well done." He says while tearing his eyes away from her ass.
"Later please. I'm still watching."
He leans in and hugs her again, his face nuzzling the crook of her neck. Releasing a shuddering breath, he tries to avert his thoughts of doing dirty things while the others are still watching the movie. Lips trails kisses from her neck to her shoulder, his hips grinding against her. "Stop it!" She hisses, feeling his member moving inside her.
He leans back at seat, huffing. "Mm... The movie will end soon uhn!" She covers her mouth as he jerks his hips, his cock going deeper inside her. "You've been saying that many times."
"S-stop it! There's still people outside!"
She looks back and meets his impatient eyes. His canines shows up and bites her exposed shoulder, earning a moan from her mouth. "And I'm inside you for almost two hours now." He spoke in a low voice, his cold tongue running at the bite marks he left.
She shudders, feeling his breath on her neck. His blue orbs looking straight at her face as his fingers starts to runs up and down her inner thigh. Xela turns again and glares at him. Blue eyes looks back at her with heavy lust
"First you suggest this and now... You don't want it?" Victor asks, his hands running down her abdomen, making her shiver with his touch. "I do but.. "
"I want to finish this movie first!" She manages to say, gasping as she feels his fingers suddenly goes down, inching more and more closer to her nub. Then surroundings around them suddenly became quiet, the sound of the movie suddenly died down, the whispers of the staffs and rustling of the leaves. The only thing they can hear is silence.
"Now, we'll finish this first..."
"Uhn!" She moans deliciously as he puts his hand on her hips, lifting her up before slamming into her.
"Nn! I just want to warm you u-up... Aren't you cold?"
"I'm warm, not cold. We're inside the car for a while now. And don't forget, it's already summer." Sweat runs down their foreheads as he thrusts his hips.
She gasps, throwing her head back, her hands reaching back and hooks it in his neck. "Isn't it cold earlier? Mngh!" She gasps, clenching tight around him. "An excuse to warm my cock?" He stops moving, his tip nearly leaving her warm and wet core, his hands holding her hips in place. Xela moans in disappointment, wanting to take his cock fully again but his hands prevents her from moving.
"Mm... Please...I-I'll stop teasing you... Ha...ah" He loosens his grip letting her ride him when a gentle wind comes inside the car, the paused movie is now playing. "V-vic..." She stops her movements, disappointed. "Don't you want to finish it?"
"Mm..." She whines, wiggling her hips as she leans into the car window, trying to look calm. Victor's fingers traces the cheeks of her ass before running it down to where they are connected. She grits her teeth, trying to be quiet as his fingers runs back and forth. Slender fingers teases her core before starting to draw slow circles in her clit. "Ahm..." Her muffled voice reaches his ears as she puts a hand in her mouth, trying not to moan loudly.
Big arms wraps around her again, his lips running in her neck down to her shoulders, teeth digging into her skin as he leaves bite marks. Hips jerking up from time to time, lips leaving kisses in her jaw, expert fingers caressing the part where the two of them meets. Her plump lips parts as he do, moaning silently while clenching around him.
He draws sighs from her lips, his other hand slipping inside her thin blouse, fingers caressing her breasts. "No bra..." He gazes at her as she gulps and gasps, her eyes closed. "Mm... It's night time. No one will see it..."
Victor hums, kissing the back of her neck. His teeth and tongue follows suit, leaving marks and bruises. He looks outside and sees it's already the ending of the movie. He stops time and bites her shoulder again. "You..."
"The credits are already showing. Dummy."
"O-oh... I didn't- ?! Uhn..."
"Two hours and thirty minutes Xela." He says in her ears as he holds her hips and guides her. Not long, the sound of skin slapping can be heard along with their moans. Hips thrusting, his cock going in and out on her fluttering walls. "Victor! I-i'm c-coming!" Xela moans loudly as she clenches around him, her fingers reaching down, drawing circles on her clit.
The coil snaps and she orgasms, his hips still thrusting. Her nails digs into his skin, her walls fluttering. Not long, he thrusts roughly, holding her hips against his, spilling his seed inside her.
After a minute or so, she's about to stand when he holds her close, not letting her go. "We're not done yet. Dummy..."
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