#xander is going to off me one of these days
s-rosie · 12 days
hiii, this is my first hc post and im still a bit new to the all so pls ignore it if it is bad. some amazing tig hc creators are @x-liv25-jamieswife and @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys and i took some inspiration from them so pls check them out.
Jameson is a huge theatre nerd and he converted Avery so now they listen/watch/go to musicals together
they sing and quote them so often, everyone gets SOOOO annoyed
for Halloween, they went as pre say no to this Hamilton and Elliza one year and as jd and veronica another year and everyone LOST IT
Jameson even surprised her with Hamilton tickets but she had to solve a riddle to see where they were going
the riddle was a single letter that just said “My Dearest, Avery” and nothing else (iykyk)
Grayson has secretly watched every episode of Dance Moms and even memorized some of the dances
Avery one time did a spicy dance on TikTok and Jameson absolutely LOST HIS MIND
Alisa made her take the video down, because she said it was too “inappropriate” (even though it wasn’t even as bad as half of the other dances out there)
Jameson managed to save it beforehand and still has it to this day
Xander has read Avery’s diary and saw some THINGS things she wrote (especially about jamie (iykyk)) and he almost died but she just laughed it off
Libby often says stuff that sounds really dirty but she doesn’t mean it that way and gets very confused why everyone started laughing at what she was saying
Jameson played/plays hockey
Nash and Avery go on little outings every once and a while just for some bonding time (and a bit of lovingly trash talking Jamie)
Thea has MAD rbf like its not even ok
Rebecca can play guitar and sing and it sounds so soothing
Oren ugly cried at Avery and Jameson’s wedding
Jamie absolutely adores matching couples shirts but Avery hates them with a passion but she wears them sometimes to make him happy
Grayson loves picking flowers
Max and Avery one time pretended they were receiving awards (grammy’s, oscar’s, etc.) with the many awards the Hawthorne boys won (before javery was official) and Jameson was in a secret passage the whole time watching and they heard him giggling so she opened the passage to see him standing there and she just went beet red
he thought it was adorable and it just made him like her even more (can someone pls write a fic about this pls)
Nash is/was a barrel racer
Xander has the absolute dirtiest mind ever and can make anything he/you say sound dirty (a close second is Jameson)
but Xander is so clueless he sometimes says something that sounds so dirty and he doesn’t even realize
Max had to run a mile for school and almost died
Avery one time broke her arm while playing badminton (don’t ask me how but i can’t talk because i would too)
Jameson loves roller coasters but gets motion sick so he will ride the most intense roller coaster and immediately throw up after
Max and Avery threaten each other with telling embarrassing things they have done in the past to the others
Nash and Libby tease Avery and Jameson SO MUCH
they are always saying things like “leave some room for Jesus” and “get a room” when they show the slightest affection (out of love)
sometimes Nash will even come out of nowhere when they are watching a movie and say something like “what are we watching?” and just sit in the middle of them
Avery loved up cycling old and vintage thinga and Jameson will help
Rebecca loves to craft because it helps her relax
she even taught Libby how to crochet
after seeing the effects, no one lets Gigi have coffee
even though Savanna is cold at first, she really opens up to the group and they all love her though she thought they wouldn’t (ofcc)
Grayson and Avery once made a power point about skincare for Jamie after learning he just washes his face with body soap and cold water (*shutters*)
Avery calls Xander Xanny Poo or just Pookie but never his real name
when they were still in school, Xander made Avery a fake prom-posal after her, Xander, and Jamie had a conversation about how cringy they were
She almost murders him on the spot
Avery once threatened to slap Jameson because he was being annoyed and he said “is that a threat, or a promise? and she almost passed out
after that, Xander called Ave a sadist and Jamie a masochist for a month and a half
Grayson and Avery watch Bridgeton together
when he was younger, Jameson was absolutely OBSESSED with Gravity Falls, he would theorize about it and try to solve the mysteries (which he got most of them right)
he has the journal #3 with the invisible ink on his book shelf to this day
Jameson and Avery are always playing game pigeon
Avery and Libby bought dress-up dresses and have tea parties (sometimes Max joins)
Jameson loves to rub it in his brothers (especially Gray’s) faces that he is technically royalty
I hope you like this!!! please let me know how i can improve. all constructive criticism is highly appreciated and welcome. please give me suggestions on what i can do next. thank you so much!
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inmyheaddd · 20 days
heyy love your work could you please do the Hawthorne siblings headcannons?
hawthorne sibling head cannons
thankyou sm for the reqq, hawthorne brothers you will always be famous!! wc: 848
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when nash saw how skye was with grayson when he was first born, he was finally happy that his mom was more involved, but that was extremely short lived.
grayson would sit and talk to baby xander up until he was around 3 because he felt like he couldn’t really talk to anyone else.
xander and jameson made it their mission everyday to annoy grayson.
deep down they didn’t want to annoy him; they just wanted some sort of reaction out of their brother, like all little siblings do.
“grayson can i borrow your camera really quick?” xander would ask, knowing that he and jameson snuck into his room and hid it.
they would be stifling their laughs while grayson looked around his room for a minute, when he finally realized.
“you guys aren’t funny.”
whenever they’d pull something like this and it would go on for too long, nash would have to get involved.
xander and nash were getting ‘told off’ by nash, grayson standing beside him.
“jamie, would you like it if somebody took your things and you had to search the whole house to find them?" he rhetorically asked with a serious look on his face. jameson on the other hand, was anything but serious and was smiling widely.
“actually yes, i love searching for stuff.”
there was a beat of silence followed by nash muttering under his breath,
“yeah, i shouldn’t have asked you that.” he turned his attention to xander, who was starting to fiddle with his small hands and bite his lip.
“xander, would you like it if if someone too-“
“okay fine i’m sorry!” he blurted out suddenly. “i just wanted to play with you guys but i didn’t know grayson would actually get mad, jamie told me he wouldn’t, he said it would be funny and- and-” he rambled on so quickly nash couldn't even comprehend some of his words.
nash’s attempt at a stern face softened, “aw kid, you can always just ask to play, you know that, right?”
“but you guys are always busy,” 6 year old xander countered.
grayson finally spoke up after staying silent for 10 minutes. “i’ll always play with you, i just don’t like it when you steal my things.” he said quietly.
jameson agreed “yeah same, ill always play with you.” he paused and then continued, “but i actually really like it when we steal grayson’s thi-"
nash, grayson, and jameson came to the realization that they didn't make the best decision that day, because xander was like a never-ending talking machine, constantly asking them to play.
one time, nash and alisa were hanging out, and 8 year old xander burst into the room. “hi guys, can i play robots with you?”
5 minutes later, alisa and nash were sitting in silence, their clothes slightly wrinkled, sending each other looks sometimes, while xander was droning off about the game, the different robots, and what they do.
he went silent for a few seconds, then suddenly spoke up. “nash, were you playing with mommy’s makeup?”
“no?” nash responds confusedly, as this question was extremely out of the blue and caught him way off guard.
“then what’s that red stuff on your neck?”
hangouts were at alisa’s house from then on.
grayson and jameson were honestly inseparable before emily came around, and the old man’s expectations tore them apart.
whenever they would actually get along, for days in a row even, grayson would suddenly snap and go back to being distant. jameson would think he did something wrong, and he was honestly angry at grayson in a way, because all he wanted was to just talk to his brother. but he never ever voiced those thoughts outloud.
grayson on the other hand, felt like he was becoming weak and like he had to put on that strong persona and unbreakable facade in front of everyone, even in front of the people who were practically half of him.
"it's going to be you one day," the old man’s voice echoed in his mind
though sometimes his brotherly love for jameson — for all his brothers —overpowered and silenced that voice in his mind. 
at the end of the day, his brothers always came first. above everything.
xander and jameson (and sometimes nash) lowkey make fun of grayson when he acts all emo — xander's words.
“honestly, he’s like if edward cullen had a child with chuck bass. the most broody, seriois, and annoying guy to walk the earth.” 
xander’s attempt at being quiet at the dinner table failed, and grayson heard it. he tried to hide his laugh by taking another sip of his water.
xander and jameson always feel like they’ve accomplished something when they make their older brothers laugh.
when everyone was in different stages of their lives—xander in high school, jameson about to graduate, grayson already being graduated, and nash always off somewhere—moments when they were all having fun together were cherished tenfold.
one time jameson called a 911 because he “missed everyone too much." grayson didn’t come, and then the leather pants punishment came to life. 
the lack of their childhood in the books is literally criminal
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cassiachales · 2 months
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Journal Entry Three [And Noticing That Grayson Hawthorne Has Extremely Nice Arms]
note: y'all are so sweet with your comments like sjhfhdgjhs. anyway since some of you guys wanted to be in the taglist, i made one!! taglist: @f4iry-bell, @never-enough-novels, @reminiscentreader
Wednesday– Sunday was the last day I saw Grayson Hawthorne but that does not mean Sunday was the last day he was in my head. And oh my gods that waist. So slutty. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Xander crossed his legs from where he was leaning against the wall. “I thought Whiskey Woes would’ve been enough.”
You scoff. “Do you even know your brother? He’d rather drink his and my bottle of whiskey before answering any question.”
You remember how his lips looked on the full glass of whiskey, and how he drank the whole glass without looking away from you.
“If you get turned on by looking at a guy drink whiskey, I don’t even know who to set you up with.” Xander says.
“I don’t get turned on–”
“Don’t even start.” 
“Fine.” You huff. “But why is he so damn hot?”
“We have to make him fall for you.” Xander says, ignoring you. “Fall into his arms.” Xander wags his eyebrows suggestively, and you look away.
“One, I can’t trip on purpose, and two, that will make me look desperate.”
“Everyone’s throwing themselves at him; all you have to do is do it classily.”
You grin. “Like what? Like, oh no, the heat. It wounds my heart, Mr. Hawthorne.”
“That is such terrible acting.” A voice behind you says, and you groan.
Grayson Hawthorne is behind you, and you don’t know just how much he overheard.
And he’s leaning against the wall, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and top button unfixed.
And he looks hot.
“It was meant to be terrible.” You grumble, rolling your eyes.
“No doubt.”
You begin to wonder why someone who talks so dryly has some so close to capturing your heart.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He talks as though he’s constantly in a business meeting, and he dresses as though life is business and he’s the chairman. Except for some times where he actually looks extremely ravished. Like today. Gods I just want to run my hands through his hair and mess it all up. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“I need to ask, why do you stare so much? Is it just at me, or do you stare at everyone you meet?”
Only the attractive ones.
He raises his eyebrow. “You find me attractive?”
And there comes your habit of saying things out loud. And the fact that there’s no Xander snickering behind you, he probably left.
“You know what, I just realised that I have three essays due. So like, bye.”
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He probably thinks I’m obsessed with him or something. Maybe I am but he’s never gonna read this journal so. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
He tilted his head to the side and watched you turn and go the other way before he called your name.
Your name.
Not a “Ms.” and your last name.
Your real name.
“Your car is parked in the opposite direction, in case you forgot.”
You turn around, before shooting a thumbs up. “Totally knew that.”
His lips quirk up, and you can’t help but stare. He looks so infuriatingly gorgeous in his neatly pressed suits and perfectly styled hair and you often find your mind straying to how he would look messed up.
His hair all ruffled and his shirt with slight creases and your lips on his–
Not the last one. That was just an extra thought.
“Would you like me to drop you off? To your car?” Grayson asks, and you feel like he could do anything and you would find him every bit the gentleman.
He could kiss you and make you look ravished and wrap your legs around his waist and even then, he would be perfectly gentlemanly.
You nod. “That would be nice.”
He pushes off the wall, using his hand to show you the way. “Then? I do not have all day, love.”
Your brain is lagging.
He called you love.
And Grayson Hawthorne looks like he knows exactly what that did to you. 
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He called me love. LOVE. And by god, if that self-satisfied smile on his face means anything, he looks so smug seeing what effect that had on me. Bloody bastard. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
His confidence doesn’t slip at all, and you walk towards him.
His eyes are maddening.
It’s like a bottle of wine. Heady and intoxicating but you just want more and more even if it could poison you.
The two of you walk towards where your car is parked, and then, you feel as though the universe hates you.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Guess what happened then. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You tripped.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── I tripped. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
On a pebble.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── I fucking tripped on a pebble. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You’re falling forwards, thinking you’re going to smash your nose against the pathway when two really strong arms come around your waist.
Very strong.
You notice how good his arms look when they’re flexed like that, and god, does he look hot.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He caught me before I fell, but goodness. I thought his waist was the best part about his body. I was so damn wrong, because man, do his arms look amazing. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Are you all right?” He whispers. You feel his mouth at the curve of your ear, and you shiver.
For a moment, you berate yourself for having such a reaction to just his voice.
“Yeah.” You whisper back.
You can hear the stupid smile in his voice when he says: “I guess you did fall into my arms after all.”
You're too lost in his touch to feel embarrassed that he heard you and Xander talk about it.
He pulls you back, making you stand steady on your feet, before he removes his arms from your waist.
But he doesn’t do it sharp and quick, as though you burned him.
He does it slowly, his long fingers featherlight on your waist as they pull away.
You can still feel his phantom touch.
“Why– How do you do this to me?” He murmurs, so low as though he doesn’t want you to hear it.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Then he goes and murmurs about how I do something to him and his voice is gorgeous when he murmurs. I’m becoming one of those fangirls on the internet. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The man is seducing you, slowly. Everything about him is slow.
The way his lips touch the glass of whiskey and downs it in one slow gulp.
The way his fingers move from your waist and leaves a phantom touch.
The way he blinks now, leading you forwards towards your car again.
It’s like he knows what he does to you.
Oh, he knows.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He knows that I’m falling for him. He knows that when I’m with him, I lose myself. Oh god, he knows. And I love it. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Journal Entry Two ☆ Journal Entry Four
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harrys-titties · 4 months
“I can’t- I need to go home.” 
“No, don’t go.” He reaches toward her but stops himself just before he grabs her, bringing his arm back towards his body like the very thought of pulling Y/N back to him burned. 
She turns to him, tears brimming. “I-, no! I can’t do this anymore, Harry.” He watches as she wipes a tear. She hadn’t looked at him since they’d returned to his apartment. “All the big sighs, the angry looks. You clearly hate Xander, or maybe you hate me being here.” She chooses this point to look him dead in the eye, and Harry feels his stomach turn. 
“But you won’t say it. I keep- I thought you would but you haven’t. So what the fuck am I meant to do, huh Harry?” 
There’s no confusion in Harry’s voice when he speaks, only a sort of dejection that Y/N hates. She hates all of this! Harry was never supposed to be the person she had this conversation with. 
“Say what, YN?” 
That you love me. 
It’s on the tip of her tongue, just begging to come out. But Y/N knows this is one of those sentences that she couldn’t take back, one that would change the dynamic between them forever. She didn’t want to be responsible for that. So she says nothing and lets Harry read the frustration and begging in her eyes instead. 
The silence settles over the room, so long and thick it begins to choke her. 
It’s Harry who speaks again. “Yet you won’t say it either,” he shakes his head. “What do you want me to tell you, Y/N? That I love you being with him? That I’ve always imagined you coming here and the person you ending up with being the one person I can’t stand? What did you expect exactly?” 
“Plea-.” She opens her mouth to speak, but Harry had never spoken to her like this before, and the fear of losing him snakes up her throat and squeezes. 
“Do you want me to be happy for you? Because fine, if that’s what it takes, then so be it, but I’m not gonna be happy for him. And I’m not going to be happy that he took you away from me. And I’m never going to forgive him or accept him because he’s not and never will be good enough for you.” Harry hates the hurt that spills from her eyes.
But what was he supposed to say, that he was in love with her? He couldn’t. How could anyone say something like that so brazenly? This wasn’t a movie. She wasn’t going to run into Harry’s arms in the rain and forget the fiancé left in New York. Harry couldn’t be the Noah to Y/N’s Allie because she didn’t choose him. She’d never chosen him. 
She chose Xander, and Harry loved her too much to force her into making a decision she shouldn’t have had to. 
“I need to leave.” 
Harry sniffs, nodding like he was trying to convince himself she’d just said that. He lets the disappointment sink to his stomach and stew, beginning to feel sick with the implication that she was making her final choice, and he wasn’t it. Maybe he was never in the running and had only let himself believe it. 
Opening the door for her, he stood looking at the floor, waiting for her to walk past him so he could close it and try to forget how she’d looked at him twenty seconds ago. 
“Harry- please.” He looks at her then, and a tear threatening to fall from his eye causes him to clear his throat, “What, Y/N? Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, please.” 
She still doesn’t move. 
“I- I’m so scared, Harry.” It’s whispered so softly that he knows he would never have heard her if he wasn’t straining his ears, praying she’d admit she loved him.  
“Scared of what?” 
She laughs, but neither of them sees humour in any of this. “Of fucking up and losing you. Of hurting Xander and doing something I can’t take back. I’m scared of it not working out and losing both of you at once. Which is selfish, I know, but I can’t help it.” 
She looks so scared, so vulnerable that Harry is immediately transported back to their days at University. The hours they spent drunk sitting on the floor of her dorm room, the thousands of tears they’d wiped off of each other’s faces, every time Harry had thought of kissing her, and all the times he knew she was thinking the same thing. This gut-wrenching, spine-twisting feeling was exactly the same as when he’d told her he was moving. When her eyes held the same dullness they do now, every gaze and blink screaming that he’d betrayed her. 
“He’s not good enough for you, he won’t- he can’t take care of you the way that-" he gulps, “the way that I could.” 
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angelasscribbles · 1 month
All That She Wants Chapter 1: Riley's Dilemma
Series: All That She Wants
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam in this chapter. Riley x Drake coming and possibly Liam x Olivia.
Word Count: 644
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: none
A/N: I know I haven't written much lately. This song has been stuck in my head and then this happened.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley’s eyes cracked open and squinted in protest against the brightening dawn streaming in through the windows. She rolled over to find the spot next to her still warm, but already empty. Her gaze traveled across the room and wistfully took in the sight of her husband as he walked from the ensuite to the walk-in closet, dropped the towel wrapped around his waist, and began dressing.
“You could come back to bed,” she invited.
His eyes flicked in her direction, then quickly away as he shook his head. “No time for that. I have an itinerary to keep to.”
“But Liam…” she climbed out of the double king bed that had become entirely too big over the past eight years and made her way across the room to him, swaying her hips as she went.
“Riley, I don’t have time for—”
She ran a hand through his hair and then down the broad expanse of his chest as she leaned in with a seductive whisper. “We could make another baby.” She had been tracking her fertility, and she knew she was ovulating. Today was a good day for conception.
He removed her hand from his body and turned away from her with an annoyed sigh. Grabbing a comb, he quickly arranged his hair back to immaculate. “We’ve talked about this. Cordonia has an heir and a spare. I’ve done my duty to the crown. I don’t want any more children.”
“If you want another baby, find someone else to father it.” With that, he turned on his heel and was gone. No goodbye kiss, no nothing.
She released a breath of frustration as she looked at herself in the mirror. The red silky negligee hugged her curves and set off her tanned complexion rather nicely.
She turned from one side to the other, examining her reflection critically. Sure, she was a little heavier than she had been on their wedding day eight years ago, but she had given him two children. She was still reasonably fit, young, and attractive. So why didn’t her husband want her anymore?
Tears welled up in her eyes. She brushed them away angrily. She knew why.
Fucking Olivia Nevrakis, that’s why.
Storming back to the bed, she threw herself in it and lay there for a while, staring up at the ceiling.
She was lonely. Once upon a time, she had focused all the attention that her husband didn’t want on their children. Now they were older and in lessons much of the day, leaving her at loose ends.
Maybe Hana could come for a visit soon. Maybe she should call her mother. If Liam was going to ignore her, the least he could do was give her another baby to keep her occupied. A sweet, cuddly, bundle of joy that would love her back.
As she lay there feeling sorry for herself, an idea presented itself to her.
She sat up as her eyes widened.
She swiped her phone from the nightstand and punched in Mara’s number. “Send me the guard schedule for the day.”
She had barely pressed the end button before her phone dinged with the requested information. She opened the attachment. Her fingers ran down the list, searching for one name in particular.
He wasn’t working today. A smile crawled across her face. She knew exactly where he would be.
She called down to the kitchen with instructions and then texted her assistant to clear her schedule for the day.
After breakfast in the nursery with her children, she kissed Ellie and Xander, turned them over to the tutors for their morning lessons, and returned to her room to get ready for the day.
An hour later she stood in front of the mirror again, this time in her most flattering swimsuit. She smiled at herself, pleased with her decision before wrapping a sarong around her waist and heading out the door of the royal suite.
If Liam wouldn’t give her a baby, maybe Drake would.
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cjsmalley · 9 months
Wished Away 7:
Happy Thanksgiving (Early, I Know, Shut up):
“Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker wish to invite you to our Thanksgiving meal,” Damian said.
“Are you sure?” Bruce asked, “we’re a lot.”
Even without Damian, Bruce had many children and cooking for all of them was sometimes a tall order.
Damian smiled, “We are aware. You are not the only family we are inviting. Every child Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker has taken in we have invited along with their remaining family if they have any. Even the non-Americans have been invited.”
“We’d be delighted to come,” Alfred said for his family, “should we bring anything?”
“You may,” Damian agreed, “however, the chefs and cooks of the Palace will be preparing the main meal. It will be mostly meatless. Seitan mostly, in observance with mine and Mother’s dietary needs and our beliefs. It will also be made in-line with kosher regulations.”
“Cookies,” Jason said, looking at Alfred, “we can make vegan cookies.”
“Very well, Master Jason,” Alfred nodded, already planning for such a large batch, or several batches.
Damian grinned.
Thanksgiving Day arrived and the portal opened.
They filed through and were greeted by Sam, the younger Sam on her hip, “Happy Thanksgiving.”
Sammy just waved shyly, gaining fond chuckles.
They all echoed the sentiment and were led through the palace to one of the ballrooms, “Not even the large dining room is big enough to hold our horde,” she said with humor.
“Everyone invited came,” Sam explained before visibly remembering, “Oh, and any red wine you see? Not red wine; we have a vampire in attendance. He eats human food but not really.”
“Of course,” Bruce nodded; only Dick was of age to drink, of his children, but neither one really drank. Still, it was good to know.
“’m assuming the vamp’s friendly?” Jason voiced.
“Friendly as in doesn’t eat humans anymore, yeah,” Sam nodded, “but, well, Spike’s Spike. You’ll understand once you meet him. Don’t go after his humans and he’s nice enough.”
“Fair enough,” Stephanie nodded.
“Also in attendance are a Vampire Slayer, several witches and wizards, two magic superheroes…basically everyone you met at Damian’s birthday party’s here. I know Spike wasn’t there; he had to babysit the Hellmouth that day, so he’s really the only new face. Him and his daughter, Hope.”
“Vampires can have—”
“She’s adopted, from a separate dimension. Danny brought her to the Hellmouth group to hide her. She’s being raised by Buffy and Spike.”
They finally made it to the ballroom; the doors were wide open; servants rushed forward to relieve the Waynes of the platters of cookies they carried before they entered the room.
Most of the room was divided down the middle by a cartoonishly long dining table, bench seating on either side of it. Settings were already in place.
In one corner was a padded and gated off area where Anakin and the baby that could only be Hope played. Well, played as only young babies could, which wasn’t much.
Dotted around the room were small clusters of regular chairs and beanbag chairs, some of which were already occupied, surrounding small tables with pitchers of water and juices and, yes, blood.
Spike the vampire was easy to pick out from the masses because he had a glass of what looked like red wine in hand. Nobody else did.
The Waynes spread out, first finding Damian to say hello, then mingling and visiting with the friends made at the birthday party.
Bruce made his way towards the vampire.
“’Lo,” Spike greeted lowly over his drink, Buffy at his side.
“Hello, Buffy,” Bruce said before smiling with a closed mouth, “and you must be Spike. Bruce Wayne.”
“Not an ape, mate,” Spike snorted, “won’t attack if you smile at me. Sit down, take a load off. Hear you’re Batman. The real deal one.”
“I am,” Bruce took a seat, reaching to fill a cup with orange juice, “where did you hear it from?”
“Dawn was excited; her little brother’s bio-dad is Batman,” Buffy explained, rolling her eyes fondly, “one of my friends, Xander, is a big comic book nerd.”
“Ah. I assume there won’t be any problems?”
“Not from us,” Spike agreed, nudging Buffy with a smirk, “my girl here’s a superhero too. Won’t be any trouble from our lot. Right, Slayer?”
“Yep. No problems from us. If Danny and Sam are good with you being…you know, you then we’re good,” Buffy nodded, “just as long as you don’t put Dawnie or Hope in a suit.”
“I don’t want them out there,” Bruce grumbled, “but if I didn’t help them, they’d all be dead by now.”
“We get it, honestly,” Buffy assured, “Dawn’s given us enough gray hair,” she grinned mischievously at Spike, “she’s even given Billy Idol here some.”
“Slayer, you know that pissant stole—”
Bruce laughed.
Everyone mingled and chatted for a few hours before the meal began; servant after servant carried food and drinks to the main table as everyone found seats on the benches.
Spike and Danny placed the babies into highchairs.
By the time everything and everyone was ready, the table was fairly groaning with the meal.
Danny gained everyone’s attention, standing and grinning, “Welcome to Thanksgiving Dinner at the Palace. Thank you all for coming, even our non-Americans for putting up with our silly traditions.”
The non-Americans laughed fondly, nodding; even Alfred cracked a smile.
“For those who’re probably wondering,” he continued, “our essential living staff celebrated at lunch and most will have the day off tomorrow. Everyone else had the day off today. Now, normally we’d go around and say what we’re thankful for but we’d be here forever if we did that tonight. So, while we eat let’s just think about what we’re thankful for and enjoy the food and the company. Oh, and just so you know, everything’s kosher and most of the ‘meat’ is actually Seitan. Real meat is on the green platters. But before we begin, let’s give a round of thanks to the kitchen staff for making the food!”
Everyone applauded.
“Now, tuck in!”
They all did so with gusto; the meal was magnificent and it was clear the Palace staff had put their all into it.
Most of the Seitan was shaped into meat product appearances, looking indistinguishable from the real turkeys and hams. And it tasted almost like the real things too.
The meal lasted well into the night and everyone went home stuffed and with leftovers.
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reminiscentreader · 2 months
𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐎𝐎𝐋 - grayson x lyra
“when you kissed me, after midnight, in a outdoor pool.“
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- Lyras room was located on the seventh floor of the hawthorne island mansion, one story above the pool. She liked to spend nights on the balcony, the warm dusk air was always an experience. Not that she’d ever admit it to anyone ever, but , when grayson came out for his night-time swim she’d occasionaly scoot closer to the edge to get a better veiw of..... well, grayson.
The arrogant, professional bitch-boy Hawthorne who had invited her to the grandest game. They had barely spoken since the masquerade ball a couple days ago, celebrating the beginning of the game. At the ball, grayson had found her on the balcony. And he had sat with her. The whole night. He’d walked her back to her room and ever since then, things had been awkward between them.
Lyra was on the balcony again tonight, resting her head on the cool stone railing, gazing down into the lit blue pool, silently wishing Grayson would step out at any minute. As if he had read her mind he did. he had on a pair of sliders, a Harvard sweater, and his swim shorts. Lyra watched as he pulled his sweater off. He rolled his shoulders, flexing his back muscles. he stepped towards the pool, but as he was about to slip his sliders off. He turned around, staring up at Lyra watching him off the balcony. Making direct eye contact. Shit
After, hiding behind the railing for a minute, about to cry of embarrassment. Her phone buzzed.
Grayson - Gamemaster new message
she clicked it.
join me, tonight?
Holy shit.
Twenty minutes later, she walked onto the patio where the pool was. She had on a black two-piece, and had tied her hair up, to be honest, she was pissed that she’s have to wash her her again after swimming, but hey, it was worth it. Lyra sat on the edge, not daring to go in yet. Grayson finished his lap and swam up to the edge where she was sat. “You came?” he smiled up at her, flashing two dimples. “I don’t know why you’re acting surprised Hawthorne boy. May I remind you that, you are the one that texted me.” Grayson gave her a shrug, “get in.” He ordered her, she rolled her eyes, and slipped into the pool.
“solved my riddle yet Hawthorne?” She asked, swimming towards him. She stopped when she was close enough to rest her hands on his chest. “If I’m being honest Kane, no, I haven’t. And neither have any of my brothers.” “but,” she gave him an innocent look, “aren’t you supposed to know everything?” Grayson was not impressed. So much so, that he decided to splash her with water and swim away. How immature, she though before chasing after him.
Lyra only caught up to him when he stopped at the corner of the pool, he lent his head back and laughed softly, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. God that laugh. He looked back down at her, and when he did his nose brushed against hers. Then, he didn’t say anything, until he did. “Has anyone ever told you how utterly beautiful you are?” He lowered his gaze. “What?!?” Lyra wasn’t sure she had heard him right. Grayson moved his head closer to hers, so his mouth was just an inch from hers. “May I?” Lyra couldn’t speak, she only offered a nod in response. His kiss was soft and rough at the same time, Graysons long fingers caught in her hair, gently she brought hers up to cup his face.
Grayson only pulled away when someone cleared their throat behind them. Xander.
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Midnight drive
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Dior goodjohn x Xander scobell (oc)
Summary: Xander has been having trouble sleeping, so he goes for a late-night ride by himself, which soon turns into a late-night ride with Dior.
Word count: 1.2k
Note: sorry If this sucked
Xander lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as the clock ticked away the hours. He had been struggling with insomnia for weeks now, his mind too cluttered with thoughts and worries to allow him any rest. It seemed like no matter how exhausted he was, sleep just wouldn't come.
Frustrated and desperate for a change of scenery, Xander tossed off the covers and got dressed. He grabbed his car keys and headed out of his room to see Walker, whose room was across from him with his door open, playing the game. Walker took his headphones off one ear when he saw Xander leaving his room. "Hey, where are you going?" Walker said, pausing his game.
"Uh, I'm going for a drive to clear my head," Xander said, making Walker nod his head. "You okay?" Walker asked. "Yeah, you want anything while I'm out?" Xander asked. Walker thought about it before shaking his head. "I'm good," Walker said, making Xander nod his head. "Alright, I'll be back," Xander said, leaving. Walker heard the door shut, making him grab his phone out, and texted Dior.
Xander stopped at a red light as his phone started ringing. When the light turned green, he drove into a parking lot since he doesn't like driving on the phone. Xander parked the car, taking his phone out of his pocket, seeing that it was Dior, causing him to smile a little. He answered the call, putting the phone in his ear. "Hey," Xander said, turning the music down. "Hey, what are you up to?" Dior asked. Xander sighed, knowing that Walker had texted Dior, telling her what Xander was up to. "Walker texted you, didn't he?" Xander asked.
"He's just worried." Dior said, "It's your insomnia, isn't it?" Dior asked, "Yeah, I just need some air. Maybe get a slushy." Xander said, "Okay, now you're calling." Dior said, making Xander laugh, "Okay, I'll get you one." Xander said, "Oh no, no, you're going to come get me." Dior said. Xander sighed, knowing that he couldn't change Dior's mind. "Okay, okay, I'll be there soon. Bring a jacket; it's kind of chilly." Xander said, "Okay, see you." Dior said, "Alright, bye." Xander said, "Bye. Dior said to hang up. Xander laughed, shaking his phone as he put it back in his pocket.
20 minutes later
Xander parked his car in front of Dior Place. He took out his phone and texted Dior that he was here. After she got the text, it only took her a few minutes before she came out. Xander got out of his car. "Hey," Xander said, hugging Dior when she got closer to him. "Hey," Dior said as they pulled away, giving him a kiss on the cheek. They headed to the passenger side, where Xander opened the passenger door for her.
Dior smiled at that. "Thank you," Dior said, getting in and making Xander nod his head as a 'no problem' he shuts the door, going around and getting in the driver side. "You're ready," Xander said, making Dior nod and put her seat belt on. Let's get some slushy," Xander said. "Hell yeah," Dior said, making Xander laugh as he put his seat belt on. "Okay," Xander said as he started driving.
On the way to 7-Eleven, they were listening to their favorite songs and laughing uncontrollably. Dior was one of the few people to cheer him up, and she was good at it. It was their way of having fun and escaping the stress of everyday life.
As they cruised through the quiet streets, Dior turned her head. "How long has it been going on? Dior asked, and Xander sighed, looking out the window for a second. "Three days," Xander said, looking at the road. Dior's expression softened. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped." Dior said, making Xander shrug. “I didn't want to bother you with my problems. Plus, I didn't want to seem weak.”
That caused Dior to shake her head. "You're not weak, Xander. Everyone goes through tough times, and it's okay to ask for help. We're a team, remember?" Dior said, and Xander smiled gratefully at Dior's words. She always had a way of making him feel better. "You're right. Thanks, Di." Xander said "Anytime," Dior said, reaching over to grab Xander's hand and squeeze it, which he returned with a squeeze and a smile.
"We're here," Xander said, pulling into the parking lot. They pulled their hands away as Xander parked the car, and they both got out of the car and walked into the brightly lit convenience store. Xander grabbed a bag of chips, while Dior went for some ice cream. Then they met at the slushy machine, where they got their slushy.
After they got there, slushy Xander and Dior went up to where the cashier was, where Xander paid for the stuff.
They walked out and got to Xander's car, where he opened the Dior door, then walked to the driver's seat and got in. Xander started the car, putting the seat belts on, and they left. 7-Eleven
"Thank you," Xander said as they hit a red light. He looked at her. "For what?" Dior said with a confused look as she looked at Xander. "For just being you and for being there for me," Xander said as the light turned green, making him start driving. "I will always be there for you," Dior said, making Xander smile. "And I'll always be there for you," Xander said, grabbing Dior's hand, intertwining it with his, and kissing it.
"Thank you for coming with me," he said as he opened the passenger door. "Thank you for taking me," Dior replied, her eyes meeting his as she got out. Xander shut the door, looking at Dior before pulling her into a hug. She smiled, hugging him back. They pulled away from the hug.
Xander leaned in slowly, giving Dior a chance to pull away if she wanted to. But she didn't. And at that moment, their lips met in a gentle and passionate kiss. After air became a problem, they pulled away. They both smiled at each other, their lips still tingling from the kiss. "I hate to do this, but I should probably head home," Xander said, making Dior nod. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" Dior asked, making Xander nod. "Yeah," Xander said, giving Dior one more peck on her lips before pulling completely away.
Xander watched as Dior got safely to her door before getting into his car. He waved goodbye to Dior as she did the same before shutting her door, and Xander headed home.
Xander got back home, setting his key on the counter before heading back to his room, but stopped before he saw that Walker was still on the game. He pulled out his phone, seeing what time it was; it was 4:30 a.m. "Thank you," Xander said, causing Walker to look over and take his headphones off. Walker smiled. "No problem," Walker said. "I got you a slushy." Xander said as he stopped at 7-Eleven to get Walker a slushy. Walker smiled widening upon hearing that he put his headphones on his desk before getting up. "Thank you," Walker said, walking past. "Night," Xander said with a laugh. "Night," Walker said.
Xander walked into his room, texting Dior that he was home before he had finally fallen asleep.
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riddles-n-games · 4 months
Do you have any headcanons about averyjameson getting engaged when they're older?
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Okay, let's get to business. In all honesty, I'm kind of not ready to think about them older and engaged and yet I literally have an idea for a fic with their first child. Here you go:
Jameson proposes in Tuscany when they're on a trip to Italy (don't know why, just feels right).
When he was planning for the ring he was going to get her, he asked Libby and Max for their input. They happily helped him create a list of things before heading off to a jeweler. At this point, he hadn't told any of his brothers he was planning to propose but he did have a talk of sorts with Nash at a previous 911.
Nan helped him look through designs in her collection and connected him with an old friend of his grandfather's that helped create some of the most valuable pieces for his grandmother. The final design of the engagement ring is an oval emerald on a gold band with some fancy engravings (elegant but simple as put by Max).
Once he had the ring, he finally confirmed to Nash that he was planning to propose but let him know to not say anything to Xander or Gray yet. His brother promised and gave him tips on how to approach Toby for his blessing since that was his next step.
Now, this part of the plan is delayed for several weeks as all confident Jameson for once in his life is not feeling confident and so, after drinking a shot of bourbon for a boost, he made his way to a diner to meet with his adopted uncle.
After some small talk, Toby made him cut to the chase and although he gave Jamie a hard time, he tells him that he has his blessing and that he's grown to be a better man than him or his grandfather. Jameson cries just a little on the way home but he tells himself that was just the wind biting at his face because it was cold.
Fast forward to him planning a summer trip for him and Avery in the Mediterranean and he's finally told his other brothers. They congratulate him and eagerly give him suggestions along with Libby and Maxine and soon they share a Pinterest board with all these plans and aesthetics. And soon, it's time to jet off to Italy.
With a week long affair, Jameson is both excited and dying on the inside. Avery is pretending to be none the wiser.
Before they left, he packed her an emerald green summer dress for the day of the proposal.
They have fun at the beach, go to Florence and Pisa, make funny poses at the Tower of Pisa, horseback riding at the winery, eat overly expensive gelato and cannolis, and consume as many pasta types at they dare (no, seriously, it was a dare; you guess).
Meanwhile, every day of the week, he goes to practice proposing in the bathroom mirror. His hands get clammier with each passing day as Friday comes near.
He calls Nash and Gray for reassurance to calm down. Unfortunately, he wanders the halls more restlessly at night with the ring in his pocket.
Finally, Friday arrives. No going back. He has the day set; another day in town, then a romantic wine dinner looking out over the mountains at sunset.
He tries his utmost to keep himself distracted from the evening ahead but hour after hour goes by and soon they're back at the house, washing up and getting ready for dinner.
While Avery is in the shower, he sneaks out the dress and puts it one the bed and writes "Wear me if you dare." on a piece of paper.
He leaves for the living room and practices his lines again as he waits for her.
After a long hour, she comes and they head out to the area he set up dinner. Of course, Avery has been suspicious this whole time but hasn't called Tahiti because she is certain he's going to finally break without her even asking.
She thanks him for the dress and kisses him on the cheek, secretly wondering what the special event is. Was it the special lady's intuition telling her that there was a ring coming out soon?
They talk and talk while they wine and dine on his grandfather's finest white wine. She is itching to ask but the pasta dinner is hitting that good. Jameson is barely able to eat dinner from being so nervous.
Just as she is about to make him spill the beans, he literally just shouts, "Marry me!" Avery is taken aback, her mouth wide open and for a long moment, she doesn't say anything as her boyfriend is staring at her panicked, realizing he messed up.
Before he could start hating himself, Avery literally dives into his arms without a word and hugs him. Confused, he hugs her back and they sit like that for a long moment, her on his lap. Then, she whispers, "Yes, Jamie. I'd love to marry you."
When she pulls back Jameson is staring at her in wonder and as he's about to reach for the ring, she kisses him. A bit dazed after the kiss, he's still holding the ring box unopened and she asks if she can open it. He nods and then lets her.
She starts crying when she sees the ring and he gently takes her hand, asking if he can put it on her. Avery just nods and holds out her shaky hand as Jameson tries to stop his own hand from trembling while he puts it on.
The two kiss again and then Avery decides to go run through the vineyard, Jameson chasing after her as she heads for the stable.
They go riding and then stop in the middle of the field, spinning in circles until out of nowhere, they just start swaying to invisible music.
They don't sleep a wink that night as they whisper excitedly the whole time until early morning when they finally are too tired.
Little do they know that Xander has planned an entire engagement party waiting for them when they return from Italy.
The last two days they travel for a weekend beach date.
That took everything I got to make this. Thanks for the request, I hope you enjoy reading this long ass list.
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- grayson calls her “ms. kane” when he’s teasing her but usually just calls her “my love” or just “love” 🤭
- she’s the only one who can make him blush, and somehow managed to do it in front of his brothers. they all cheered and snapped a photo, but grayson went onto all of their phones and deleted it 💀
- whenever grayson plans a visit with gigi and sav they always make him bring lyra too because they “love her more than him” (in a joking way, but gray still told lyra and she found it funny)
- when grayson first met her parents, lyra forced him to wear a NORMAL outfit (normal pants and a nice shirt) and his brothers were all speechless when he left the house 😭😭
- whenever xander can’t get grayson to agree to something stupid, he always makes lyra ask (and he always say yes to her 🤭)
- he loves giving her nose kisses and she loves giving him forehead kisses
- before gray and lyra became a thing, gray used to wake up at around 5:30, but after they started dating and lyra started sleeping in his bed she made him get up at 7 instead because “nobody should be waking up at that time” (he’s lowk grateful for it though because he ends up feeling more energized when he does wake up)
- gray, lyra, avery, libby, max, xan, Jamie, and nash were all swimming in the pool to cool off on a hot day, when suddenly jameson pushes lyra into the pool (they’re besties so it was in a joking way 💀)
- gray gives him a look, and when lyra comes up for air and starts saying “ow, jameson you made me scrape my ankle really hard, I think it’s bleeding” the look turns into a lecture
- lyra puts a hand out for gray to hold and help her out, when suddenly her pained expression turns into a devilish grin. She tugs on his hand, and sends him flying into the pool. everybody starts laughing, when Xander’s eyes go wide and he starts telling lyra to swim to the little stairs thing that gets you out of the pool (help I forgot what it’s called 💀)
- lyra realizes at the same time what everyone else did, that she needed to swim away as fast as she could. why? because she, who is the most average and slow swimmer to ever walk this planet, just pushed a practically olympic swimmer into a pool. NOT a good idea. 💀
- she swims away, going underwater to help her move faster, when her legs suddenly get pulled from behind her. She gets spinned around and is suddenly face to face with grayson. he’s smiling, and has the same devilish expression that lyra wore earlier. taking her up with him for air, he puts an arm under her legs and one on her back and carries her out of the water baby style. xander grins and steps toward grayson, and suddenly he was carrying her ankles, and grayson was holding her arms. they threw her into the pool, and grayson teased her for the rest of the day for being a slow swimmer 🙄💗
- he’s very big on hand placement, so he always has a hand on her thigh or around her waist 🤭🙌
- lyra is a very light sleeper, meanwhile graysons a DEEP sleeper. because of this, lyra could bang pots and pans in the morning and still not wake him up, but if grayson tries to get her head off his chest with even the slightest movement in the morning she’ll immediately wake up 💀
- he’s obsessed with how she looks in dresses with the leg slit (😻) and always tells her how beautiful she looks wearing them
- grayson is in love with lyras voice, so whenever he’s having a panic attack she’s always there whispering sweet things in his ear, or even just stories that she grew up being read, and it always calms him down 😭💗💗
- acacia loves lyra and lyras mom (assuming she has a good relationship with her mom) loves grayson 🫶🫶
- grayson loves to braid lyras hair, so sometimes when she gets out of the shower and is about to go to bed he’ll braid it 💗💗
- grayson loves how she looks in dark red lipstick and can’t stop kissing her whenever she does wear it 🤭🤭
- and she loves how he looks in suits (although she’ll never admit it because she doesn’t want his ego to get somehow bigger 💀)
- grayson always has to lie about how much he spends on clothes/gifts for lyra cuz she’ll be mad if he spends too much 💀
- for example it’d go like this:
- “hey gray, how much did you spend on this necklace you got me?”
-“are you sure? dont lie”
“are you serious?? that’s way too much to spend on a necklace!”
“okay, then you’re not gonna like the actual price..”
“why? what’s the actual price?”
“just… just add one more zero…”
- because of that whole thing, she’s somehow convinced him to not spend too much money on her (he still does anyway 💀)
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 29 days
people's reaction to avery getting kidnapped head canons
the person who requested the jameson kidnapping head canons also requested i do this for avery so here it is! this is my only post today cause i had no time to write last night (i write them at night but post in the morning). hope you like them <3. @never-enough-novels asked to be tagged and also inspired some of these hcs.
he'd immediately get out his emergency alcohol stash for situations like this. it contains all of the strongest, most expensive alcohol on the market.
he is looking for clues day and night. he does not stop to eat, drink, sleep, talk (unless it has to do with clues or smth), breathe, etc.
at some point, though, he faints due to overworking himself and shit and he wakes up in nash's arms. he starts wailing and nash is there stroking his hair comforting him cause he can't breathe.
he would literally murder the person who kidnapped her the second he found them. he'd probably plunge a knife into his dick and electrocute his balls (if he's a guy).
he'd kiss her all over and cuddle her the second they got her back. he would literally not let anyone touch her and he wouldn't let go of her (not even to let the doctors and professionals give her a check up to make sure she’s alright, he’d insist on doing it himself with the doctor’s instructions).
has literally hired all of the best private investigators/police officers in the world to help cause he knows that the longer it takes to find her, the more chances there are she's already dead (and he doesn't like knowing she's suffering)
he'd be thinking up the worst case scenarios in his head (jamie too). torture/murder/SA, etc.
he's being reminded of emily the whole time and how he lost her. he thinks the same is happening to avery
he's clinging onto xander the entire time bc he's freaking out and running around everywhere, and someone needs to make sure xander doesn't accidently fall out of a window.
ends up stealing from jamie's emergency alcohol stash bc he's dying on the inside.
xander (he's extremely worried and sad but im gonna make some slightly funnier hcs cause yk):
it happens so often he created some sort of emergency alert system that goes off on everyone's phone when she goes missing (dont ask me how this works).
actually considers buying cocaine to loosen up (and actually buys it). nash catches him coming back home though and runs around after him trying to smack his head whilst xander is also running and swinging himself off of tree branches to escape his scary ass brother.
the entire situation in my last head canon convinced xander to try to act like a monkey for an entire to day to see what it would be like and note the differences between how humans and monkeys act (although he doesn't do it while avery is gone cause he's too scared about her dying and shit)
doesn't actually end up doing drugs though and gives it to the police officers cause they are being run dry by grayson and he pities them.
he's creating a gift bag/care package for avery for when she returns. he's gaslit himself into thinking there's a 100% possibility that she is returning (the one time he's allowed himself to calculate smth wrongly)
trying to pretend this is an episode of keeping up with the kardashians (even though he hates the kardashians) to lighten things up.
steals cocaine from the police officers bc he needs it too. he is completely freaking out.
in a corner holding libby in his arms, rocking her back and forth, telling her everything will be ok, and that he'll do anything in his power to get avery back.
literally puts the handcuffs on the kidnapper himself and drags his ass to jail (not before giving him a good beating)
he's cleaning up all of the branches that xander ripped off of the trees somehow when he was running away from him.
after the kidnapping, he literally does not let avery out of his sight. he's is constantly following her and keeping oren company during his night shifts.
literally crying in the corner having a panic attack. she's trying to curl in on herself and make herself small in order to not bother the officers and stuff. (sad ik but i think this is in character)
she's binge eating bc that's when she does when she's nervous but can't bring herself to bake stuff.
at some point tried to go bake but thought the huge bag of cocaine xander got his hands on was flour and she ended up ruining the batch of cupcakes (this was close to when they found avery so it didn't mess with the investigation. also they realized not long after they were baked so..)
helping xander create the gift bag/care package bc he offered and she needs a distraction.
the second they find the kidnapper, she bashed this guy so hard he ended up crying. people just stared at her in shock bc they did not know she could talk to someone like that (but also impressed)
she is considering taking the drugs xander bought but is scared her mom will somehow find out.
she's trying to convince xander that he is not capable of playing in the next tarzan film just bc he's capable of swinging on tree branches
when they find the kidnapper, she swears so hard (not her fake swearing) people are terrified. she looks like she'd be capable of killing everyone in the room in one sweep. (even grayson and oren are scared)
she's knitting a blanket with nan in order to get her hands to do smth other than shake and shit. nan tries to get her to talk about all of the gossip at her school and stuff to distract her.
she adds the kidnapper's name to her burn book.
she is literally having an aneurysm trying to stop grayson from getting the entire hawthorne family canceled cause he's treating the officers like shit.
actually hugs and kisses avery's cheek when they find her. she was terrified but would never admit that to anyone.
he is constantly on coffee runs trying to keep everyone awake so they can find avery.
hooks up with zara after they find her bc he needs to unwind somehow.
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s-rosie · 7 days
helllooooo!!!! i hope you like these hcs and please let me know how i can improve. tysm
nash and jameson did the wap dance at his bachelor party
one time, xander put on a really dirty song on (like mad at me by sexyy red) in the car and gray almost had a stroke
the brothers, ave, libby, and max once had a nerf war that lasted for 72 hours straight (avery and jameson teamed up and won)
avery’s go-to karaoke songs are obsessed by Mariah Carrie, NO by megan trainer, etc. and jameson was like “is this targeted?” when they first did karaoke
one time max was listening to a spicy audio and it accidentally connected to the car with just her and avery and now she blackmails her with the memory
when they were younger, nash paid xander in ice cream to keep quiet about a hickey he had
libby always has to pee on road trips like im talking every 30 minutes and everyone debates on leaving her at the rest stop
ave once had a dream (if you know what i mean) about jameson before they were dating, and she couldn’t look him in the eye the next day
grayson once failed cooking so bad, he had sauce splattered on his suit and had to awkwardly walk to his room to change (while everyone made fun of him)
xander and jameson will randomly break out in song like they are in a musical or sum
libby and max watch anime together
rebecca once yelled because she was mad and everyone stopped in their tracks because she never yells
nash loves legally blond because it was alisa’s fave movie before she was a lawyer and she got him into it
grayson watches the golden girls as a guilty pleasure
nash watches soap operas and always gasps dramatically at every plot twist
thea only drinks black coffee because she thinks it makes her ✨qUiRkY✨ (she doesn’t even enjoy it)
rebecca and xander hold the world record for largest blanket fort ever built because of a sleepover they had when they were kids
max says things like “im just not like the other girls ✨💖😝🤪🤩🎀💝” ironically
jameson knows swear words in almost every language
one time, jameson started to tickle avery, so she pulled out a swich blade on him
max and avery have a system where they cover for each other no matter what, no questions asked (it saved both of their asses more times then they can count)
libby, max, and avery make up code names for everyone (code name list on next post) (jameson eventually figured out who all the code names were for and now listens to the conversations and gets all of the tea and the girls have no idea)
avery is flexible, and one time max said sum like “ave, your flexible, right” and avery eas like “yeah” and jameson started to think some not-so-g-rated-things (nash then elbowed him and told him to knock it off)
libby once messed up so bad dying her hair, a chunk of it came out
xander once made a robot spider to scare jameson (becauae i hc hes deathly afraid of spiders)
those are my hcsss! i hope upu liked them. please give me tips on how i can improve and please give me hc suggestions and recommendations so i can make more. tysmm!
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lyrakanefanatic · 8 months
Okay so I’ve been seeing @hathorneheiress do tig family hcs and I wanted to try that as well
but with my own!
- Grayson and phone girl (maybe 😜) would have one daughter
- Libby and Nash would have two girls
- Xander and max would have a boy and a girl, exactly the amount max wanted
- Avery and Jameson weren’t gonna have too many kids, but then Avery got pregnant with twins so they just left it at that 💀
- Avery’s daughter and Graysons daughter are 4lifers, and they hang out all the time
- they’re also super close with Xander’s daughter
- Nash and Libby’s daughters are polar opppsites. One’s quiet and shy and the other is popular and loud, but they both are best friends
- Graysons daughter is Rory Gilmore smart, and it’s her dream to go to Harvard like her dad (yes, like Rory and yes, I know Grayson dropped out 💀)
- jameson’s son and Graysons daughter have eternal beef for absolutely no reason, but they’re also very close. Also, Graysons daughter has definitely chased him around the house with a knife before.
- maxs son is super into books like his mom, and practically lives in the Hawthorne house libraries
-jameson’s daughter is super theatric and leads the school plays at her school
- and max’s daughter is smart, and more outgoing and extroverted than her brother
- she also loves board games and puzzles, and loves chess just like her mom
- Graysons daughter is TERRIFIED of sports. Like if she sees a ball coming towards her she will run away screaming, which kind of shocked Grayson since he was so athletic and into those kind of things
-but jameson’s daughter (and son) LOVES sports, and will take any chance she can get to do them
- all of the kids (except Graysons daughter) were terrified of Grayson till the age of 5, when they finally realized he’s nice and wont kill them in their sleep 💀
- Xander’s daughter uses big words even though she doesn’t know what they mean, like machiavellian
- Graysons daughter and Savannah are besties and hang out every chance they get
- all the kids love gigi and hug her every time they see her (🥺💖💖)
- the kids (except graysons daughter) were even more scared of Savannah then they were of Grayson, and Xander’s son would even cry everytime she would try to talk to him till he was like 7
-Nash and libby have a million holes in their backyard because their daughters wanted fish and they all died, and even though the fish kept dying after two days nash would still buy them even more 😭😭
- one time they rented a huge van/trailer and tried to do cute family road trip with all of them, and it did NOT go well
- graysons daughter and Avery’s son were both beefing (again, bc whose surprised) for absolutely no reason
-Xander’s daughter was throwing up on the side of the road because she has motion sickness
- jameson’s daughter was blasting Hamilton songs and was pissing everybody off, especially her brother, because apparently Hamilton songs “make his ears bleed”
- that started another argument
- xanders son kept asking Nash “are we there yet” every 5 minutes
- Nash’s daughter (the eldest and louder one) kept singing along to her music despite having headphones in, and then ANOTHER argument broke out between her and her sister
- Nash had finally had enough and yelled at all of them saying, “stop arguing! Can’t we all have fun as a family for once?”
- all the kids felt guilty but Jameson’s daughter and graysons daughter we’re trying so hard not to laugh
- anyways they finally made it to their place and never went on a road trip again
Okay I’m finally done, sorry it’s so long I have way too many ideas 😭😭
Again, thank you @hathorneheiress for giving me the idea 🫶🫶
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cassiachales · 2 months
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Journal Entry Four [[And Grayson Hawthorne’s Lips] Yes, His Lips]
note: still can't belive the amount of love this silly little self-indulgent fanfic is getting. y'all are the reason i write <33 this chapter is also *slightly* longer than the others taglist: @f4iry-bell, @never-enough-novels, @reminiscentreader, @dahliawarner, @lanterns-and-daydreams
Saturday– It’s been four days since I last saw the reason I bought this journal. Xander’s been demanding to know what happened on Wednesday, and though I really want to tell him, I want to keep that moment to myself. A secret between me and a certain Hawthorne. I’m busy wondering what we are. Acquaintances? Friends? Something with bigger feelings? I don’t know and that keeps scaring me. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Sometimes, you wish you didn’t like guys who wear suits and have dry conversations.
But you can’t help it. 
Xander’s on the floor, his hand on his forehead. “Why didn’t the pebble work?”
“Wait, so you were the one who put the pebble there?”
“I thought it would work.” He moans. “It should’ve worked.”
You don’t tell him about how Grayson’s fingers were on your waist and how they still left a phantom touch.
You don’t tell Xander about what Grayson said.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── “How do you do this to me?” ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
And you can’t get his voice out of your head. Low and seductive and you can still feel the featherlight touch of his lips at the curve of your ear.
Grayson’s been ignoring you. When you arrived at Hawthorne House that morning, you’d seen him.
You’d almost said hi when he brushed past you as though he didn’t know you, and Xander had seen it.
“Someone give that guy a dose of happiness.” Jameson had said, his hands around Avery’s shoulders. 
And now, Xander was busy moping about how his attempts to set the two of you up had failed miserably.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He asks me that question as though I know the answer.  The only answer I want to ask is: HOW DOES HE MAKE ME WANT HIM?? Yes, he’s attractive. Yes, he’s absolutely amazing. And yes, I might be a little bit in love with him. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You get up from the floor, patting Xander’s head. “I’m gonna go get you a drink.”
He groans. “I hate drinking.”
“You definitely look like you need one.”
“I do, actually.” Then he perks up, as though there’s another idea in his head.
“Xander, don’t you dare–”
“Grayson’s office has the best scotch and wine.” He begins, ignoring you. 
“I am not getting whiskey from his office.”
“Oh, you definitely are.”
“I am not.”
“Do you want a chance with him or not?”
Obviously, you do. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to go to Grayson Hawthorne’s office and get a drink from there.
“You are going to go get your own drink.” You say, crossing your arms. “I am not going to go into that prick’s office.”
“Gotta love how he developed from being a hot guy to a hot prick in your eyes.”
“Who said I still find him hot?”
You didn’t care if people called you petty. If Grayson would ignore you, you would ignore him.
Xander gets up, nudging your side. “At least get the whiskey.”
“You’re a drunkard.”
He shrugs. 
You sigh.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── I am definitely the dumbest person on the planet for actually going to the office and getting the whiskey. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You walk down the corridors and go up staircases before you find his office.
You knock.
“Come in.” He says, and his voice sounds as though he’s half asleep.
You can’t help but wonder when, exactly, he’d actually slept through the night.
Opening the door, you step in, and when his eyes meet yours, they’re in surprise. 
He says your name.
And god, you love the way your name rolls off of his tongue.
“You’ve been ignoring me.” You whisper. You didn’t mean to talk to him about that, but the words escape you.
“Not on purpose.” He whispers back, getting up from his chair. The desk is littered with papers and he looked half-buried in them.
“It seemed like that when you just walked by me like I was nothing.”
“You could never be nothing, Not to me.” He says, and he walks towards you before his back straightens and he looks away.
Until then, until he looked away, you’d believed you could have actually been something to him.
You feel as though someone is going to take a hammer to your heart.
“How dare you say I could never be nothing and then look away? How dare you play with my heart?” You say. You’re fuming, you can’t believe that you were falling for a man like him.
Until you see him quiver. His eyes are mad and his whole body is shaking, like he wants to say something but the words just won’t come out.
He walks to you, your chests almost touching.
His hands are quivering when they’re on your arms, touching you with a featherlight touch, as though he can’t quite believe you’re real.
“Why can’t I think straight when you’re with me?” And then he says your name, and you’re falling.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He looked at me like I was the only person alive. Like I was the reason his heart was beating. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Whenever I look at you, I cannot think. Whenever I see you smile or laugh, I feel the sudden urge to join you. Whenever I hear your voice, I feel like I am a damned man and you are my only chance at salvation. How? How do you have such an effect on me? Why is it that you are the only person who crowds my mind? Why can't I help but want to be with you? Why do I want you? 
I don’t know. I don’t know why–or how–you consume my thoughts. I have never been able to give my heart but to you? When I am with you, I want to give you all of me. I’ve never been so unsure of my feelings, and then you came along.
I think I love you. I think I am hopelessly in love with you.” Your name rushes from his lips like it’s a prayer.
You can’t breathe.
His lips are nearing yours, and then they stop when they’re a finger’s breadth away. 
“I’m afraid that if I kiss you now, I’ll never feel like stopping.” He says, his voice in a low whisper. “But I’m also afraid that if I do not kiss you now, I’ll never be able to think of anything else.”
For two seconds, the two of you stay still.
Then: “Can I?”
The barest of nods.
His lips are on yours and you feel like you’re on fire.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Oh, no, I’m not writing the rest of it down. I’m afraid someone will find this and read this journal and just because of that, I am not writing anymore. But I will say this: his lips are extremely soft and his kiss is like a secret that he never wishes to give away. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Journal Entry Three
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mafiasliege · 2 months
I dare you to let me go
(This is part 7 of my fic. Enjoy reading!)
Part 6 ↓
The next two months may have been the worst time of Avery's life. Poverty, attempts on her life, pressure of the world, nothing compared to this. She threw herself even more into her work, tried not to be in the house that suddenly felt so lonely. Jameson and her didn't spend every waking moment together, even before everything went to hell, but he'd always be there. Making mischief, speeding cars on the track, sunbathing in the solarium or jumping off of his beloved climbing wall. She could feel him being there, and that was a great comfort. Now it felt so empty.
Jameson was still in the UK. He had come home for Christmas and New Year's, though. But the Hawthorne House was big enough for him to never see her.
She had to do something. Just because he told her to go away doesn't mean she'd just obey.
The next day, Alisa was in her office with Gray.
"Alisa. I need you to research every loophole on this."
The next few hours, the for of them discussed every possible outcome regarding her… proposition.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Avery?" Grayson asked her, even though he jumped on board with the idea.
"Hey, Priscilla."
"Oh dear! Get inside, you all."
"That's okay. Is Jameson not home?" That was Xander, peeking in.
"Oh no, sweetie. He's in London. He had been since his mot was here two weeks ago."
Avery frowned. "A mot?"
"The blonde one."
"What's her name?"
"Don't know, girl. Mario tells me she's the Countess of Caithness. Real charmer."
Mario was the security at the front gate. No doubt they'd talked around. Even the media had gotten the hint they weren't together anymore. Their theories only made her feel worse.
Avery tried to mask her disappointment. He was flying around the globe like it was a ball, but he'd only come home for the sake of holidays. Just when she'd tracked him down, he was in London.
She was nervous on the flight there, and Xander tried using his distraction skills to it's best.
"What do you think he's doing in London? You know, other than getting into trouble."
Avery ignored that and voiced her fears thoughts instead, "do you think he's dating someone?"
"Probably." Said Lyra, casually sipping on her Manhattan. "What? It could happen. He's single and a Hawthorne. It could even be that blonde." She shrugged when Grayson glared at her.
Jameson was not in his apartment, not at the mercy, and not with Simon. Max had stumbled into a famous bookstore. After Avery started panicking again, Lyra tried to redeem herself for her previous taunting, and dragged them to her favourite bar place in the city.
"You need to chill. Come on, the Manhattan on the flight has started losing its effect, anyway."
Inside the club, called The Onyx, Avery realised how fucked up a sense of humour life had, when she saw Jameson… with a girl.
"We did not go through so much trouble with Sheffield Grayson just for you to commit murder yourself," Grayson said, warning Avery, her dagger eyes on Jameson and the pretty blonde sitting together. He proceeded to say something that made them both laugh a lot and she touched his arm. It was his real laugh, which only made her more jealous.
"Gray's right. Max says it's harder to hide bodies in winter." Why Max knew that, no one knew. "Besides, don't you need to, you know, be married to be Countess?"
"Caithness is in Scotland, Xan. Some women there can just inherit the title. As a matter of fact, she's on google. Unmarried." She showed him a Wikipedia page.
While Lyra and Xan kept chattering, Jameson had spotted them. She waved at him. They got up and came toward them.
The blonde put out her hand, "Bridget. Nice to meet you." Avery put aside the most vivid fantasies she had sitting there of pulling the hand that touched him and burn it, and shook it instead. "Avery."
After initial introductions, avery excused herself to the bathroom.
Stay cool, calm, and collected.
Avery turned around to see Jameson standing there. She turned around slowly to face him. He looked so beautiful, it hurt. His eyes seemed brighter, somehow. And his face and posture looked more relaxed, like when you water a drying plant. She felt equal parts guilty and ashamed that it took him leaving her to feel like himself again.
"I have to tell you something." He just nodded. Her heart was thumping rapidly in her chest.
"I gave up the Hawthorne foundation. It officially belongs to Grayson now." Jameson was shocked. He blinked twice, as if it wasn't real and all in his head.
"How? I thought you couldn't-"
"I told you, I'm not letting you go. Not now, not ever. But i had too many expectations from too many people. I had to release some of it. So, I researched every loophole the past couple of months, and made it official, it can't be undone now. And i wouldn't have it any other way." She always knew the Hawthorne foundation was what Grayson really missed about losing the inheritance, and she had her own foundation, her own purpose.
She kept talking, if he wasn't going to.
"So, your girlfriend's nice." The best way to cut out the awkward parts, according to her, was to rip off the bandaid asap.
“I'm not here on a date. Bridget's just a friend,” Jameson said in a small voice.
“Then why…”
"Why did Priscilla say-" his eyes glittered with emotion.
“Because I knew you'd ask her. Because I'm afraid of getting too attached again. I've been fighting against my still-consistent longing for you, and I almost gave in. I don’t…” He inhaled a shuddering breath.
“I’m scared I’ll go back and lose myself again. I’m scared you’ll get comfortable and take back you're words. I can’t go through that a second time, Avery. I can’t.” Avery put her hands on his neck.
"I won't, Jameson. I'll never take us back to that time." She pressed her forehead against his.
“Give us another chance,” she said. “One last chance. I promise I won’t hurt you. I know my promises don’t mean much to you anymore, and that's entirely my own doing, but tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it.”
This time, it was her who waited. Waited for so long, she wasn't sure he'd even heard her. When it became clear he wasn't going to say anything, she turned around.
She hadn't even turned around halfway before Jameson grabbed her hand to gently pulled her toward him…
And kissed her.
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gloomzombie · 11 months
I'll Bury You For This
Pairing: Jeff The Killer X Male Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4,861
Chapter One: Smells Like Teen Spirit
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August 16. 7:20 am.
The sound of my alarm blaring woke me up. I groaned and flipped over on my bed, turning the damned thing off. I hate it but it's not like anyone else is gonna wake me up.
I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Ah, today would be the first day of school. The first day of my senior year to be exact. God, when did I get so old? I'll be turning 18 in two months!
"Ughh," I exclaimed in a tired voice. I stood up and went to my closet, taking out some clothes. I took those to the bathroom, my mind fogged with sleep. I'm not exactly sure how I feel starting the new year.
I mean I'm gonna go through this year, then it'll be my last summer before I start college. It feels abnormal to even think about it.
I took my shower and put on my clothes afterward. I wore some skinny jeans, a random band shirt, and some accessories like necklaces and chains. I also decided to style my hair a little so I didn't look terrible. I also put on some pencil eyeliner. Liquid eyeliner is way too feminine for me.
After all that was done, I grabbed my backpack and made my way through the hallway to the kitchen. I took out a chocolate chip muffin I bought yesterday and stuffed it in my bag.
I always eat my small breakfast in school. I can't stand being here for longer than I have to. I check the time on my phone. It read 7:58 am.
Perfect. I can go now and won't be too early. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter. I stopped at the door to put my shoes on.
"You were just gonna leave without speaking to me?" My heart dropped in my chest at the sound of his voice. Shit. I finished tying my shoes and stood up straight, looking over at where it came from.
Down the hallway stood my dad, who I've recently started calling John, in a sweat-stained tank top and plaid pajama bottoms. Classic deadbeat dad fit. "Sorry. I didn't want to wake you but I also wanted to get to school a little early." I fiddled with the hem of my shirt anxiously.
My dad rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'll just call your mother to come get your stuff while you're gone. Maybe you'll be happier there since you hate me so much."
I sighed, trying not to feel anything as I repeated my recurring responses. "I don't hate you." "Why do you hate me so much? Let's talk about this because I wanna know." He stared me down, waiting by his bedroom doorway.
"I don't hate you." "Uhuh. I believe that."
I turned the doorknob, knowing if I don't leave now I'll be here for a long time. "I'm not done talking to you! Don't walk away from me when I'm speaking to you, little boy!" He yelled at me as I walked out the door.
I quickly locked the door and about ran to my bike. I picked it up and took off as fast as I could, ignoring the sound of the door slamming open.
8:18 am.
I got to school later than I wanted to, but I didn't really think much of it. I immediately went to first period, not in the mood to deal with everyone in the hallways.
I went inside and took my seat in the back. I was one of the only people in the classroom. Even the teacher wasn't in yet. I sighed, slouching in my chair.
I let my eyes wander over the classroom and rolled my eyes. I need to listen to music if I wanna get through the day. I took my phone and earbuds out of my pocket, putting the earbuds in my ears.
I played my most recently made playlist. I decided I'd save my muffin for later. I don't really have much of an appetite after this morning.
As the students packed into the room over the next few minutes, I continued listening to music until my best friend's familiar face showed up.
I smiled, turning off my music and taking out my earbuds. "Xander!" I called. He turned his head toward my direction, previously eyeing the girl he was talking to. "Hey!" He turned back and muttered something to her, to which she giggled in response.
He made his way over to me. "Shit. Honestly, I wasn't sure you'd show," He smirked, taking the seat beside me. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Could say the same thing to you."
"Touche touche. Soo did you ever get that guy's number?" He asked, lowering his voice a bit as he spoke.
I gave him a confused expression, racking my mind for what guy he could be talking about. He spoke up again while I was still thinking about who it could be.
"The guy with long hair that worked at Spencers?" Xander rolled his eyes. My expression relaxed. "Oh, him? Nah, last time I went he was with another dude and they kissed so I mean." I answered, putting my earbuds back in my backpack.
"Wellll...you could still have asked for his number," Xander wiggled his eyebrows and I punched him in the arm. "No! I'm not doing that when he was obviously with someone." I roll my eyes, exasperated by him already.
"I would have if it were a chick." "Yeah, 'cause you're a manwhore." Now it was his turn to punch me. We laughed and talked more until the teacher finally showed up.
"Sorry students, I was caught up in the teacher's lounge," Ms. Johnson cleared her throat and put her things down on her desk messily.
"Yeah, caught up with Mr. Evans," Xander said just above a whisper. The girls in the back of the room giggled. Ah, so the fangirls are already starting.
Ms. Johnson's face scrunched up a tad as she obviously heard his comment, but she ignored it. "Now, today we won't have a lesson since it's the first day, but I do have some word searches that you will be graded on." She then told someone in the front to pass the papers back.
As the papers were being passed around, people started conversations with their friends. Xander was too busy talking to the girls around us. I try to tune it out since he can be pretty gross.
I felt a small tap on my shoulder and I turned in my seat. "Hi, sorry for bothering you. I just wanted to say I really like your shirt and like- your style in general." It was a girl I had never seen before. She had an alternative style, her teased hair and many facial piercings making it obvious.
She wore all black and on the front of her shirt was a metal band logo I recognized- Aversions Crown. I had to look down at my shirt, forgetting which one I slipped on. Carnifex. "Oh, thanks. I like yours too." I gave her a nice smile. I rarely ever found people that liked metal here, the heaviest music people usually like is older rock music and the occasional Metallica song.
"Thanks! They're one of my favorites," she averted her gaze. I could tell she was flustered even under her pale makeup. "Oh! I'm sorry I forgot to tell you my name." She realized. "I'm Lily," her black lips turned up at the corners into a soft smile.
"It's fine. I'm Y/N," I smiled back at her. It'd be cool to have another actual friend. "Lilyy! Are you done talking to that cute boy yet? I still need to talk to you about what happened with you know who," a girl from a few desks away whined.
Lily covered her mouth with her hand. "Sorry about that. Talk later?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah sure." She walked back over to the other girl and they started talking and giggling amongst themselves.
I sighed and looked back over at Xander. He was still talking to the girls that surrounded him. I never understood why he was so popular. He's an emo dude and aren't emo dudes supposed to get bullied?
He is pretty. Really pretty. But how in the hell did they think that too?
"Oh! Class, can I get your attention please?" Ms. Johnson spoke up. I looked over at her, but only a few other people did as well. "I said, can I have your attention?" She raised her voice a little and that got a majority of the class's attention.
"As you know, we don't usually get too many new students. But, this young man is an exception!" She smiled as she looked up at the "young man" beside her.
Oh? Beside her stood probably one of the prettiest guys I've seen at this school, and that's saying a lot since he had a mask on, concealing the bottom half of his face.
That got everyone's attention. "Go on, introduce yourself." His eyes slanted ever so slightly, obviously annoyed. Was it obvious or am I just paying a lot of attention to him?
"I'm Jeff. That's all you need to know about me." His gravely, deep voice caught me off guard.
Oh my GOD his voice. I inhaled sharply, sitting up a bit straighter. I need to calm down.
Ms. Johnson sighed, clearly just not wanting to deal with anything today. "Alright. Find an empty seat anywhere and finish this by the end of the day." She handed him the word search and his eyes scanned the room, probably looking for a seat.
I watched as his eyes landed on me, or rather the chair beside me then actually to me. Oh god, focus focus focus. I quickly averted my gaze to the unfinished word search on my desk, fiddling with the pencil in between my fingers.
I can't focus. His footsteps came closer and closer till it was just the sound of the plastic chair moving against the linoleum floor. I shouldn't be stressing out this much over a new guy but damn. There's something about the way he carries himself that really catches my attention...but y'know his looks help.
"Hey." I heard him speak up and I took my time to turn my head towards him, with a lot of self-control mind you. "Oh, hey." I let my eyes rest on his. I note the bluish-grey color they were.
"Saw you were eyeing the hell outta me. What was that about? You have a problem?" Jeff asked, his tone harsh and defensive. I gave him a confused expression. "No? Am I not allowed to look at you?" I asked sarcastically.
I watched his furrowed eyes soften a little. Does he like attitude or something? "Not in the way you were looking at me." He retorted, his voice laced with venom. He leaned closer to me and I could swear I could feel my face heat up.
"Listen. I'm gonna say this once and only once. Don't mess with me. I promise you, you won't enjoy what happens." Jeff's eyes pierced into mine as his words registered in my mind.
The hell? Threatening me when he doesn't even know me? 'You won't enjoy what happens.' Yeah we'll see about that.
"And what's going to happen if I do?" I retaliated. I don't like being threatened, especially by someone that doesn't know anything about me.
Jeff's eyebrow raised and he chuckled, an evil sound coming from behind his lips. "Oh, you really have no clue who you're messing with here." "Enlighten me."
"Alright, class! We have two minutes until this period is over. Gather your things and you can take your word searches. Make sure to turn them in to me before the end of the day." Ms. Johnson's voice interrupted our conversation.
"Just leave me alone if you know what's good for you." Jeff stood up quickly, picking up his bag in the same movement then walking out the door. My eyes lay on the doorway for a second.
Well, he sure is interesting. Interesting and hot, but that's not important.
10:48 am.
My next class was pretty much the same. Again, it is the first day so we didn't do much. Xander doesn't share it with me and neither did that Lily girl, so I drew most of the period.
After that class ended, I headed into the hallway. I made my way to my locker. That new kid, Jeff, was rummaging through the one beside mine. Oh great. So he took the locker that was vacant last year.
I sighed and went up to my own, unlocking it and putting my books in there that I wouldn't need right now. I couldn't help but scrunch my face at how dull it looked. I'll have to decorate it more when I can. I can't stand how boring it looks right now.
I could feel Jeff's burning gaze on the side of my head, but I ignored it. I shut my locker and made my way to third period.
I was again one of the first people there, taking a seat in the back as usual. I took a book out of my bag and picked up where I left off, tuning out the chitter-chatter and miscellaneous noises of the class.
I continued reading, getting really into the chapter, until I heard the sound of the moving of the chair sat beside mine. I look up from my book. Jeff sat there next to me, his gaze set nowhere in particular.
I let my eyes roam the room and notice something. Really? There are so many other empty chairs. After all that he said to me in first period, he's still gonna sit next to me? I couldn't help the smug expression that grazed my face. Jeff's eyes moved over to meet mine.
"Why're you looking at me like that?" he snapped. I smirked. "Well, it seems to me you're contradicting yourself." Jeff's eyebrow raised in confusion. "You threatened me just an hour ago yet," I motioned towards the chair he was sitting at, "you still choose to sit next to me."
Jeff huffed, his eyebrows knit in a tight line. "Whatever. I just like to sit in the back. Has absolutely nothing to do with you." He turned his gaze back to look in front of him as if he were thinking.
I chuckled. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, sugar." Jeff's head flung back to look at me. "The FUCK did you just call me?" He raised his voice a little, causing us to get a few looks from people.
I smirked, leaning closer just a bit. "Sugarr." I pulled back and looked back at my book, smiling at the expression the simple pet name left on his face.
12:10 pm.
After third period ended, I made my way back to my locker and put some more stuff in it for tomorrow. I took my bag with me as I made my way through the hall.
My gaze was kept at my feet. I usually keep to myself and am only ever bothered by people who somehow like me. I'm pretty sure it's just because I'm best friends with Xander though.
"Y/N?" I stopped my trip to the cafeteria and turned to look at who it was this time. It was a guy that stopped me this time, which shocked me a little bit.
It's mostly girls that stop me and won't stop giggling and smiling as they try to get me to go out with them.
"Yeah, that's me," I responded. I don't recognize him. He had fluffy brown hair and wore some baggy pants and a brown striped sweater. He was shorter than me, so I had to look down at him.
"I know you don't know me but, I've always thought you looked really cool. Do you think we could sit together at lunch?" He asked. His eyes were avoiding mine, looking down at the floor as he fiddled with his fingers. Is he really this nervous to talk to me?
"Uh.. yeah. Yeah sure," I decided it wouldn't hurt. Xander would have to suck it up if he wants me to sit with him.
I continued my walk to the cafeteria, but now with this random guy. I probably shouldn't call him random but what else would I call him when I don't know him?
We went through the doorway as we arrived at the cafe. I looked around, noticing Xander. I was planning on telling him I'd be sitting with someone else today, but I stopped myself from approaching his table.
With the way every chair at it was taken by another bleach blonde girl with self tanned skin, I have a feeling he wouldn't care one bit.
I shrugged. It doesn't surprise me. "Isn't that your friend?" The shorter male's voice spoke. I sighed. "Best friend, yeah." I kept my response short as I started to walk in the direction of an empty table.
I quickly sat in one of the chairs and the guy sat in the one directly in front of me. "Is he always an ass like that?" He muttered, which made me laugh a little.
I slid a hand through my hair, not caring if it messed up a little. "Yeah, that's just him. It doesn't really bother you after a while." I started rummaging through my backpack and pulled out my muffin and a water bottle.
"Oh, I didn't tell you my name did I?" I turned my gaze toward him as I zipped my bag back up. I shook my head and watched as his face got a little red.
He averted his gaze, biting his lip. "Sorry. I'm Gage." I took my muffin out of the wrapper as he nervously introduced himself.
It was a cute name, and it suited him very well. "Cute." I replied, voicing my thoughts aloud. I couldn't help the smile from grazing my lips as I watched his face redden and how his hand moves up to cover his mouth.
"I don't think so," Gage responds, his eyes going to mine for a split second before moving away again. I tilted my head. "Welll," I took his hand in mine and pulled it down from his face, "I think it's perfect for you."
His eyes met mine once more and he couldn't hide how red his face has gotten at this point. I chuckled and let go of his hand.
I can't ever help myself. Flirting with people is my thing. I love to make them flustered and watch as they squirm under my gaze, especially if they're pretty.
"I..Uh..." Gage looked away once more. I pulled my hand away from his and started eating my muffin. At least I'll be getting something out of this school year.
The rest of lunch and fourth period went by in a blur. The time I had left in lunch I spent getting to know Gage more.
He's pretty cute honestly. Not only was his appearance cute though, his personality was adorable. I think we're gonna be good friends, especially if Xander keeps distancing himself from me.
Fourth period was really boring, but math usually is. At least the work was just review work so it was really simple.
I make my way to my locker, putting my math textbook in it. I made my way to fifth period, not really paying attention to my surroundings.
My next class is history, which I'm not insanely thrilled about but I'll be alright. If it were something more interesting like Greek or Roman history I'd be all for it but it's just gonna be American history yet again.
I walked into class and made my way to the back, taking the seat closest to the window. I took my notebook out and opened it.
I started doodling, as I'm yet again early. I sighed, my thoughts elsewhere as I absentmindedly drew whatever my hand wanted to.
I continued drawing, even when the class started filling up more- and even when he sat next to me once more.
It's probably not gonna end well, drawing without thinking. If I'm not thinking, time is going by faster which means I'll be going home faster.
I let my eyes refocus onto my page, looking at what I drew. It was merely a sketch, but it wasn't too bad. It was a random person, just someone I drew easily.
The eye shape, nose shape, mouth shape, body shape...all were easy for me to draw which is why I drew it so often.
I let my eyes trail over to the desk beside mine, then to the person sitting at it. Jeff's eyes were staring down at my desk, my paper specifically.
I moved my gaze back over at my paper. I looked back at him and realized I drew someone that kind of looks like him. The hair, style, body type, eyes. The only thing different was how the person had a nose and mouth.
"Why did you draw me?" Jeff's gravely voice spoke up, as harsh as it was earlier. "I didn't mean to? I mean I can't even see the bottom half of your face dude, calm down." I rolled my eyes at his rudeness.
Seriously, why in the hell would I purposely draw him? He's not exactly the most unique looking person out there.
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Look, I don't understand your obsession with me but you should stop while you're ahead." He kept his eyes locked onto mine, like he was trying to blow me up with his mind or something.
I smirked. "I think you're projecting a bit here, lovebug." Jeff's eyes widened a bit before he hit the table with his hand lightly. "The fuck is with the stupid pet names?"
His small outburst made a few people turn their heads to look at us. I didn't really mind it so why shouldn't I push a little further?
I leaned closer to him, resting my elbows on my knees as I looked up into his eyes. "Oh I think we both know the answer to that, honey."
Jeff scoffed, his eyes squinted a tad. "You can't just walk up in here looking that attractive and not expect me to react to it." I kept my smirk as his disgusted expression faded into a confused one, one of his eyebrows raised slightly.
I leaned a little closer, whispering words I didn't necessarily mean. "If we weren't in a class filled with other people right now, I'm not sure I'd be able to control myself around you." I pulled back, taking in his expression.
The way the tip of his ears reddened, and the way his eyes widened; the way he was left utterly speechless. I knew I got in his mind, exactly like I wanted.
Teasing people has got to be my favorite thing to do. Some people think you're being a dick when you do that, but I really don't care. It's fun, especially when the other person isn't expecting it.
"Alright, class. Today we're going to do a simple word search of the American presidents since it's the first day." I didn't even realize the teacher walked in. Nor did I realize how everyone else was here or how many of them were listening. The giggling from some of the girls and the way a few of them had smiles on their faces proved just how many there were.
I sat back in my seat and turned my attention to the front of the class. The silence from the man beside me kept the smile on my face from fading away.
Sixth period went by all too quickly, as it was Art- my favorite class of the day. It was a simple assignment, a self portrait in your own style.
Xander shares that class with me. It bums me out a bit that we only have two classes together, but that probably won't bum me out for too much longer.
Xander barely spoke a word to me, keeping his attention on the girls that were constantly surrounding him. I drew even when I was done with my assignment.
He didn't come up to me once. The only time we talked was when I did it. I asked him if he'd want to hang out after school, but he shut me down quickly with "Nah, sorry dude. I'm gonna be "hanging out" with Jade tonight if you get what I mean," and ended it with a wink.
It felt degrading. Obviously I'm not oblivious to his sex life and whatnot, but he never makes time for his best friend. I don't want to dwell on it though.
I walked out of school, taking my bike and getting on it. I looked around to make sure I wouldn't get run over or something and started making my way back home.
As much as I hate it, I have to go straight home. My lack of friends really gets to me sometimes, especially with the fact I'm starting to lose the one I thought I never would.
I leaned my bike against the house and stared at the white door in front of me. I chewed at my lip nervously. I know I have to, so I push myself to put the keys into the doors and unlock it.
I opened the door and locked it behind me. "How was school?" I heard my dad speak up from the couch.
"It was alright," I replied simply, going to the kitchen. "Ah, it was just school, huh?" His voice was loud enough the neighbors could probably hear him.
"Yeah." I threw away some trash, including the stupid drawing I made in History. I took a water bottle out of the fridge and went back into the living room.
"God, why are you so hateful to me?" My dad asked. I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose in annoyance.
I can't stand this already. "How am I being hateful?" I asked. "The way you act." I looked at him, rolling my eyes.
"How do I act?" "You know how you're acting." "No I don't," I made my way to my room, putting my backpack down and sitting on my bed. I took my phone out, plugging it in.
"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you." I looked up and there he was, at my doorway.
I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down a bit. "What do you want?"
"Why are you being so rude to me?" He pushed. "I'm not being rude to you." Fuck I hate this. "Yes you are."
Why won't he just stop? "God, can't you just leave me alone?" I opened my eyes, staring directly at him.
His jaw dropped open and his eyes furrowed into a frown. "The hell did you just say to me?"
He walked forward, causing me to flinch back into my bed. "Why'd you do that? You know I'm not in the habit of hitting you."
Doesn't mean I like when you get close to me. "What did I do? What's your problem with me?" He insisted.
"I don't have a problem with you." I groaned. I don't want to deal with this today. "Yes, you do but fine, don't tell me. I'll just call your mother to come get you."
I stayed silent. I wanted to tell him fine, whatever will get me away from you, but that would keep him talking.
He finally left my room, so I got up and closed the door. I sighed, turning back to my bed and walking over. I took a sip of my water and sat down again.
I took my phone and went to spotify, turning on my favorite playlist. The sound of My Chemical Romance's I don't love you filled the room.
I lay back in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I started thinking about what happened today. I met three people: a girl that seems nice but I only share one class with, a guy who's sweet but I don't have any classes with, and a guy that wants nothing to do with me that I have three classes with.
And of course, Xander. We hung out all but three times this past summer. Three times. In less than three months. And he barely talked with me today.
I have a feeling this years gonna be shit, like always. The only difference between last year and this year is my dad's diminishing memory.
I moved my hands up to my face. I didn't realize the tears that were slowly making their way down my cheeks.
I pulled the multiple blankets on my bed over me, turning on my side and closing my eyes. I can't stand being awake any more today.
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