myfloatingrock · 6 months
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Wunderkind Berlin
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seb-boo · 17 days
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Sebastian Vettel, 18 years old, sits in the car at his first F1 test (Jerez 2005)
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bebemoon · 7 months
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look for the name: WAN
khaite "lally" cotton dress in white
{beauty} white brows and lashes @ wunderkind rtw autumn 2o1o
maison margiela "glam slam" crossbody bag in white
elena velez ecru cotton ribbed "suspension" sleeves
ralph lauren polo white leather ballerina lace-up sneakers
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hes-being-macgyver · 4 months
felt the need to share all of my mac & co. inspired playlists…
disclaimer: i try to update these but i’m sure i’ve fallen short. these tend to be based on fanfics or random ideas from my head so don’t take these too seriously lmao.
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acommonloon · 14 days
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Our kiddo texted, “the girls want to Skype.” Wonderful news, his wife, was just offered a job promotion to the Tacoma, WA area! By summer our granddaughters should be living on the same continent as us.
I thought they’d never move back here. Thought they loved Belgium. So much for my thoughts. So happy!
Also, now I’ll get to explore Seattle and we’d already planned to visit D’s cousin in Portland this fall.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 2 years
From the village of Iğdır to Harvard.
Always with the first place, always by getting 100% scholarships...
An amazing success story 👏
This article is a short story of what man can achieve if given the opportunity.
Name: Mutlay Sayan… Son of a poor farmer family…
He was born in a small village of Iğdır. The year was 1988…
He couldn't go to school. Because to help his family, he was working in the fields and taking care of the animals.
Mutlay Sayan was 11 years old when the family migrated to Istanbul due to financial difficulties in the village. His peers had finished primary school, but he hadn't even set foot in school yet.
He worked for two and a half years in a textile workshop in Istanbul. He was helping his family.
He could only start primary school at the age of 13. The beginning is the beginning…
He was so ambitious and hardworking that he finished all his classes, middle school and high school with first place.
Mutlay developed a math project in high school and when he won the first prize with this project, he won a 100 percent scholarship at the University of Vermont in the USA. This school gave 100 percent scholarships to very few students. It was like a miracle…
He studied chemistry there and finished first.
Getting into medical school in America is very difficult. It is applied after completing 4 years of university education. Medical education is also 4 years… Each university selects only 100 students from 20 thousand applications.
Mutlay Sayan was able to enter the medical faculty with the first place and 4 years later, he graduated with the first place and became a doctor.
He was so successful that the university administration bought him a house and gave him a car.
After graduating from medical school with first place, Mutlay Sayan worked as an assistant doctor on Radiation Oncology at Rutgers University.
He broke a record among his peers by publishing more than 60 scientific papers at his young age.
Every year, 20 promising young scientists are selected from among 100 thousand scientists in America. This is the most important award given to young doctors in the scientific world…
And they are given the title of “Wunderkind”. The meaning of this German word is WONDERFUL CHILD.
Young Turkish doctor Mutlay Sayan was chosen as GREAT CHILD among 100 thousand young scientists.
All of America's universities competed for the Wonderful Turkish Boy.
Mutlay Sayan chose Harvard University.
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من قرية إجدير إلى هارفارد.
دائمًا بالمركز الأول ، دائمًا بالحصول على منح دراسية بنسبة 100٪ ...
قصة نجاح مذهلة
هذه المقالة هي قصة قصيرة لما يمكن أن يحققه الإنسان إذا أتيحت له الفرصة.
الاسم: موتلي سايان ... ابن عائلة فلاح فقير ...
ولد في قرية Iğdır الصغيرة. كان العام 1988 ...
لم يستطع الذهاب إلى المدرسة. لأنه كان يعمل في الحقول ويهتم بالحيوانات لمساعدة أسرته.
كان موتلاي سايان يبلغ من العمر 11 عامًا عندما هاجرت العائلة إلى اسطنبول بسبب الصعوبات المالية في القرية. أنهى أقرانه المدرسة الابتدائية ، لكنه لم تطأ قدمه المدرسة بعد.
عمل لمدة عامين ونصف في ورشة للنسيج في اسطنبول. كان يساعد عائلته.
لم يتمكن من بدء الدراسة الابتدائية إلا في سن 13 عامًا. البداية هي البداية ...
لقد كان طموحًا ومجتهدًا لدرجة أنه أنهى جميع فصوله الدراسية في المدرسة الإعدادية والثانوية بالمركز الأول.
طور موتلاي مشروعًا للرياضيات في المدرسة الثانوية ، وعندما فاز بالجائزة الأولى بهذا المشروع ، حصل على منحة دراسية بنسبة 100٪ في جامعة فيرمونت بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. قدمت هذه المدرسة منحًا دراسية بنسبة 100 في المائة لعدد قليل جدًا من الطلاب. كان أشبه بمعجزة…
درس الكيمياء هناك وانتهى في المركز الأول.
يعد الالتحاق بكلية الطب في أمريكا أمرًا صعبًا للغاية. يتم تطبيقه بعد إكمال 4 سنوات من التعليم الجامعي. التعليم الطبي هو أيضًا 4 سنوات ... تختار كل جامعة 100 طالب فقط من بين 20 ألف طلب.
تمكن موتلاي سايان من دخول كلية الطب بالمركز الأول وبعد 4 سنوات ، تخرج بالمركز الأول وأصبح طبيباً.
كان ناجحًا لدرجة أن إدارة الجامعة اشترت له منزلاً وأعطته سيارة.
بعد تخرجه من كلية الطب بالمركز الأول ، عمل موتلاي سايان كمساعد طبيب في علاج الأورام بالإشعاع في جامعة روتجرز.
حطم رقما قياسيا بين أقرانه بنشره أكثر من 60 ورقة علمية في سن مبكرة.
في كل عام ، يتم اختيار 20 عالمًا شابًا واعدًا من بين 100 ألف عالم في أمريكا. هذه أهم جائزة تمنح للأطباء الشباب في العالم العلمي ...
ويتم منحهم لقب "Wunderkind". معنى هذه الكلمة الألمانية هو طفل رائع.
تم اختيار الطبيب التركي الشاب موتلاي سايان كطفل عظيم من بين 100 ألف عالم شاب.
تنافست جميع جامعات أمريكا على الصبي التركي الرائع.
اختار موتلاي سايان جامعة هارفارد.
Iğdır’ın köyünden Harvard’a.
Hep birincilikle, hep 100% burslar alarak...
Müthiş bir başarı öyküsü👏
Bu yazı, insana imkân verilirse neler başarabileceğinin kısa öyküsüdür.
Adı: Mutlay Sayan… Yoksul bir çiftçi ailenin oğlu…
Iğdır'ın küçük bir köyünde doğdu. Yıl 1988 idi…
Okula gidemedi. Çünkü ailesine yardım etmek için tarlada çalışıyor, hayvanlara bakıyordu.
Köydeki geçim sıkıntısı nedeniyle aile İstanbul'a göç ettiğinde Mutlay Sayan 11 yaşındaydı. Akranları ilkokulu bitirmişti ama o henüz okula adımını bile atmamıştı.
İstanbul'da bir tekstil atölyesinde iki buçuk yıl çalıştı. Ailesinin geçimine yardım ediyordu.
İlkokula ancak 13 yaşında başlayabildi. Başlayış o başlayış…
O kadar arzulu ve o kadar çalışkandı ki, tüm sınıfları, ortaokulu ve liseyi birincilikle bitirdi.
Mutlay, lisede bir matematik projesi geliştirdi ve bu proje ile birinciliği kazanınca, Amerika'daki Vermont Üniversitesi'nde (University of Vermont) yüzde 100 burs kazandı. Bu okul pek az öğrenciye yüzde 100 burs veriyordu. Mucize gibiydi bu…
Orada kimya okudu ve birincilikle bitirdi.
Amerika'da tıp fakültesine girmek çok zordur. 4 yıllık üniversite eğitimini bitirdikten sonra başvurulur. Tıp öğrenimi de 4 yıldır… Her üniversite, 20 bin müracaat içinden sadece 100 öğrenci seçer.
Mutlay Sayan tıp fakültesine birincilikle girmeyi başardı ve 4 yıl sonra birincilikle bitirip doktor oldu.
O kadar başarılıydı ki, üniversite yönetimi ona ev tuttu, altına araba verdi.
Mutlay Sayan tıp fakültesini birincilikle bitirdikten sonra asistan doktor olarak Rutgers Üniversitesi'nde Radyasyon Onkolojisi üzerinde çalıştı.
Genç yaşında 60'ın üzerinde bilimsel makale yayınlayarak yaşıtları arasında müthiş bir rekor kırdı.
Amerika'da her yıl 100 bin bilim insanı arasından gelecek vaat eden 20 genç bilim insanı seçilir. Bilim dünyasında genç doktorlara verilen en önemli ödüldür bu…
Ve onlara “Wunderkind” unvanı verilir. Almanca olan bu sözcüğün anlamı HARİKA ÇOCUK'tur.
Genç Türk doktoru Mutlay Sayan 100 bin genç bilim insanı arasında HARİKA ÇOCUK seçildi.
Amerika'nın tüm üniversiteleri Harika Türk Çocuğu'nu kapmak için âdeta yarışa girdi.
Mutlay Sayan, Harvard Üniversitesi'ni seçti.
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bitter69uk · 11 months
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Born on this day: inspired, despairing and uncompromising German director Rainer Werner Fassbinder (31 May 1945 – 10 June 1982) – one of my most treasured European art cinema filmmakers. Expressions like “wunderkind,” “monstre sacré” and “enfant terrible” are all applicable here. All these decades later, his best films (like Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974), Fox and His Friends (1975) and Veronika Voss (1982)) still sting like a slap across the face! Reminder: The free monthly Lobotomy Room film club is screening Querelle (1982) – Fassbinder’s final movie – on 15 June at Fontaine’s bar in Dalston to commemorate Pride month! Pictured: Fassbinder (centre) with Gunther Kaufmann and Brigitte Mira in Kamikaze 1989 (1982).
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unes23 · 1 year
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Caroline Winberg at Wunderkind SS05
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transistoradio · 1 year
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Isaac Buckminster Owens, “Wunderkind,” Dark Horse Presents #149 (December 1999).
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yaworldchallenge · 2 years
🇧🇬 Bulgaria
Region: Eastern Europe
Author: Nikolai Grozni
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304 pages, published 2011
Original language: English
Native author? Yes
Age: Teen - Adult
Fifteen-year-old Konstantin is a brash, brilliant pianist of exceptional sensitivity in the bleak and controlled environment of Sofia, Bulgaria, in the 1980s, struggling toward adulthood in a society where honest expression often comes at a terrible cost. Confined to the militaristic Music School for the Gifted for most of each day and a good part of the night, Konstantin exults in his small rebellions--smoking, drinking, and mocking Party pomp and cant at every opportunity. Through it all, Konstantin plays the piano with inflamed passion, transported by unparalleled explorations of Chopin, Debussy, and Bach, even as he is cursed by his teachers' numbing efforts at mind control.
Hypnotic and headlong, Wunderkind's dazzling portrait of youthful turmoil gives us a stunningly urgent, exquisitely observed, and wonderfully tragicomic glimpse behind the Iron Curtain at the very end of the Cold War while reminding us of the sometimes life-saving grace of great music.
Other reps:
Genres: #art #slice of life #communism #historical 20th century
My thoughts:
The chapters are all named after classical music pieces, so the background reading music is built in for you with this book.
Review to come.
Link to buy
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secondhand-goose · 6 days
Synesthesia in Hollywood: Watch me solve crime by using my connected senses to calculate the exact position of the sun on March 3rd, 1276 A.D. because time tastes like oranges and I see on a color spectrum only visible to God and Mantis Shrimp when I listen to Beethoven.
me with synesthesia: I am failing math because the colors of the numbers just blur into a nasty brown colored-soup and also I cry when I touch raw cheese because it is ~s p i k e y~
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sunraysandrunway · 29 days
Wunderkind Spring 2005 Ready-to-Wear
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thetunesclub · 5 months
Wunderkind is gaining more listeners with his latest song 'Cigar's at the Whiskeybar'
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