#wow theyre really outting themselves like this.
huidol · 2 years
(Ribs - The Crane Wives)
Time has changed the metaphor
now, dust is not the origin of bone
Little girl, don't let them sell you any armor
All your ribs are still your own
The dark doesn't frighten me
I chose to close my eyes; it is mine
The night doesn't frighten me
I chose to let it thrive; it is mine
#honey blather#GRIFFIN <333#YES its another crane wives song i was gonna do uhmm. an orion experience song but ribs made me cry the first time I heard it so <333 uhm.#this song makes me loose my mind though seriously its not my favorite crane wife song that's probably like. curses or uhmm hand that feeds#but like?!?!!??!? the whole plot of the song is like. uhm the story of lilith which. okay this is like a religious thing but its not like#shitty. lilith is awesome and cool and the rules set in place were shitty#lilith didnt submit to a man and left the garden or was cast out idk anyways the whole song is about her being independant#and her story was removed from the book bc they don't want girls to follow her footsteps and be independent#and the whole song shes like You're still your own your ribs are not from a man etc etc#i listened to it and i was just like Oh god i have religous trauma <- already knew that#time has changed the metaphor dust is not the origin of bone <- talking about how since lilith's story has been wiped that everyone thinks#that women's bones are created from man'sbut in reality her bones were created from dust just likeadam FUCK DUDE!!!!#LITERALLY THE WHOLE SONG IS LIKE she literally just wants to be independent this is the most normal request how on earth could she be evill#also i promise if i get another ask i wont do another crane wife lyric i just like music. oh god wait i completely forgot about go! child#FUCK!!!! <- loves all the lyrics#sorry for the religious blather in the tags usually despise talking about it but i like this song because its like.#idk how to describe it its like. Lilith literally didn't want to submit to man and Christans treat her like a demon and its like.#wow theyre really outting themselves like this.#cw religion#tw religion
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toastsnaffler · 16 days
dating an art student was so crazy I'm just thinking abt that one birthday I had where my ex got me stickers from the etsy of the person they were cheating on me with....
#they made them address the thank you note to me and everything ajskfjfkfb. i didnt know they were cheating at the time but wow...#every time i break out my sticker collection and see them im reminded of it. but i cant throw out the stickers theyre deltarune ones 😭#like they were a rly cool artist.... just unfortunate that happened 💀#the drama was insane. my ex only wanted to sleep with them but they (other person) wanted them to break up with me so they could date#but my ex dumped them rly harshly for suggesting that i guess 'romantic' cheating was a step too far even for them lmaooo#i heard abt their breakup secondhand and god could they be cruel sometimes. they made fun of the sex theyd had w them#to all their mutual friends n everything i actually felt so bad for the other person when i found out. at least our breakup wasnt that bad#i only finally got that cruel side of them directed towards me like a year after when they wanted us to stop being friends#but yeah. its also funny in a way bc my ex only suggested i had adhd bc the other person did too + struggled a lot with rsd#which i guess they found out when they broke up with them. and then looked at that and thought huh my gf is kind of similar...#and this was like. 2 years before i even considered i had adhd myself and sought diagnosis ahdkfidjcjdjfjfjfkdbfnf#this made me go look the other persons art page up on instagram + then i recognised some of their friends/flatmates art pages and i found#their (my exs that is) grad year film which is still being shown at animation festivals... good for them good for them#i dont think they have an art page themselves tho cuz they were always v shy and weird abt sharing art on social media#like everyone else except them is tagged on things... shame i wouldve liked to see what they were making now. even if we're not friends#also one of their old roommates made some REALLY similar squid game fanart to mine like a month after i posted it huh..#not mad abt it or anything i think its cool i just didnt realise they showed my art to their friends. thats cute#ah this was years ago anyway. getting my head out of the rabbit hole#im gonna go play some elden ring and then maybe do smth fun in my sketchbook we shall seeee#.diaries
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vaugarde · 1 year
good lord. iris and cilan’s farewell episode was worse than i remember it being
how the hell do you have padding in the FAREWELL episode
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mieltelecheycrema · 2 years
the urge to talk about my ocs constantly is immense so i will
#mielmbles#mielsmocs#following my account in the summertime means you are subject to viewing posts where i obsess over these little weirdos which can be avoided#by blocking mielmbles and mielsmocs which is why i have those tags#okay so basically new little workd thing that only has three characters at the moment that im sooooo interested in omg thinking about them#constantly and it only popped up in my brain recently bringing my story total to like three that i haven’t gotten rid of#the main jist of it is this chick hears about a very powerful witch that is very popular in town and decides to see if theyre looking for#a student or help since shes always thought that magic was so cool but never really knew where to start so omg wow huge powerful and popular#witch must be a great choice for beginning erh wrong turns out the witch doesn’t even classify as a witch and is actually two witches that#switch off on a daily basis due to a curse inflicted by a past customer that makes it so one of them always has to be in animal form usual#cat but it varies and neither of them even classify themselves as witches nor do they know were their abilities come from of course the girl#doesn’t know that and its not like the witches can keep sending her off forever the girl is subborn as hell and they really don’t have much#patience so they let her in and have to bs a bunch of ways to learn magic and the such but again they have no clue what they’re doing and#tbh they’re really more like glorified herbalists/botanists that just happen to have some of the most powerful magic ever concieved so they#keep trying to find ways to get the girl out but it always backfires intensely#that’s about it for now probably more plot points later or smth#tbh this is probably the easiest time ive had coming up with a story and world ever and i’m really excited to keep thinking about it cuz i#think its so cool like i also have a bunch of little tidbits of the characters like how the witchs wear choir robes cuz when they were#younger their school kinda was shutting down for a few reasons so they snuck in and stole the robes cuz they really liked them#anyways yeah thats it i love them dearly and i can’t wait to see how my brain expands this later
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mothslimes · 20 days
one thing you can always trust in is that tumblr users are going to be weird about hozier and neil gaiman
#mik talks#tumblr users with they/he pronouns when asked to stop worshipping strange men on the internet#i have nothing for or against both of these men#except that i feel kind of bad that hoziers entire fandom is just actually allergic to the intended meaning of his songs#similar to how mitskis fans just project whatever they want into her songs even when theyre explicitly about something else. like racism#besides the point anyway i just.... i guess u can always trust a tumblr user to have a parasocial relationship with a random man#the more i spend time on this website the more im starting to see strange patterns.......like i got a bit too high....hrmmm...#there is a...man worship here. except for the lesbians all the users here are obsessed with worshipping a particular man#or more than one man. NOT DIRECTED AT MY MUTUALS ILY i mean it in a way of like.... when u interact with so much man-centered#media that u forget that women are deeply complex emotional beings TOO and yes ive seen that happen .#and convince urself every man u meet is really deep and tortured by hashtag misandry and repressing soooo much trauma.... etc#MAN OBSESSION. MAN WORSHIP. DOES ANY OF THIS MAKE SENSE#maybe its because a large chunk of htis websites population is transmasc i guess u do develop an obsession with masculinity#just like some newly out transfems get rlly into female centric anime or other things (no hate i think its awesome)#except here ur in an echo chamber of trans men obsessing over cis men and its like eeeehhhyhhhh u do know women exist too right#might be speaking entirely out my ass here and exposing my own insecurities but berhaps.#part of it is a fear that once you interact on a deeply complex level with women in fictional media you may question your gender identity#again. because so much of modern women lead media is in my experience centered around redefining what it means to be a woman#thats a level of introspection a buncha insecure transmascs who are already triyng to prove themselves as not-women every day#are often not ready to confront themselves with. u clearly define the woman label in ur head and then define urself as outside of it#well thats not really how it works and ur gonna have to accept that some women are going to be just like you. with the same gender feelings#and are still going to identify as women. the only thing that makes ur gender valid is urself unfortunately.#wow this used to be a post about neil gaiman and hozier what happened#anyway yeah stop treating these men like theyre your friends theyre not hope this helps
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notthestarwar · 10 months
God I'm legit screaming thinking about my reply to this comment again tho
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Like. Such an interesting aspect of the clones is that they did have their childhoods taken from them. It isn't the same as a species that develops at double the speed of humans! Cause they ARE humans. Which absolutely does not mean that they are adult sized children. They are adults. They think like adults. They are developmentally, physically and psychologically adults: but they are not the people they would have been, people with a whole well adjusted childhood behind them.
Which I think is frankly a fascinating thing to explore. It's a great metaphor. When looking at things like: if anyone bothered to ask, could they have consented to their place in the army? Which. Yes. On an individual basis they absolutely could. They are adults, they deserve the autonomy to make that decision and have it accepted, even if the choice they make isn't necessarily the one that another sentient with a different childhood might have made in their position. They can consent. But is it informed consent? Well no. They've kinda been brainwashed. Ethically, you're on unsteady territory there in asking them to choose when you know what their answer is going to be. Does that mean you shouldn't ask? Hell no! Of course you should ask. Does that mean you shouldn't accept their decision? Of course not! They're adults and it's their life.
The only way to approach this ethically would be to give them all the information beforehand and hope that they're as informed as possible. But really. Whatever you do, it isn't really right. The ethical thing is for noone to be in this position in the first place. This isn't ethical unless the clones did have childhoods and were not programmed to WANT to die for the republic and you don't have to ask them under those circumstances, because you've conscripted your army in a normal way.
Anyway my comment (and the fic) kinda went about this in looking at things from a Jedi perspective. Mace is asking. What the fuck do you do in that circumstance? Army has been raised and created in a horrible way, you had no idea and couldn't stop it and now they're being delivered to you. How do you do right by them? You can't! Certainly not as Jedi. Theyre in a ethical trap. They can only try their best but whatever they do, they are promoting the fucked up system that put these men in that position in the first place. Even if they could walk away from the republic (highly debatable) You either leave them to fend for themselves knowing there will be a huge loss of life, or you go in to war alongside them, hoping that in doing so you can smooth the way for them. Hoping that you'll figure out how to free them soon. Hoping that you can save as many of their lives as possible.
Like wow. Terrible situation to be in for anyone. No way you're getting out of that one without betraying them in some way. But for the jedi? Who rely on a philosophy that promotes the importance of all sentient life, to stop them falling and pretty much losing themselves to a mystic power that's gonna do all it can to turn them in to a time bomb, destroying themselves and hurting as many ppl as possible on the way out. Like I can't think of a less conflicting ethical dilemma for them to find themselves in. The war destroys the Jedi. If Palpatine was patient he wouldn't have needed order 66. They were never getting out of that alive. The war broke them, it was in complete opposition to their philosophy and they were tearing themselves apart from the inside.
Anyway this is my comment:
"It is!!! I think this is such a key way that its really hard for anyone to do right by them and be fair. They are adults, it wouldn't be fair to force them in to the life of a child. Or to patronise them. But in the same hand, they shouldn't be adults, something was taken from them and it's not fair to just ignore the fact that their childhoods were stolen from them. They aren't the people they'd be if they got to live those childhoods, but they aren't children either. They think like adults, they feel like adults; but adults that grew in to adults without the learning potential that a proper childhood provides.
It's an extreme, but it's an extreme of an issue that's unfortunately common irl. As an adult whose childhood didn't give you what what you needed, you are innately aware that you lost something that you can never get back. You can make the most out of who you are now, but without a time machine, you'll never have the childhood you should have had. And that, I think is something that Jaster himself is very aware of. When Mace tells him this, he knows the weight of it and he immediately knows that for the clones, it's so much worse.
Like I don't think it should be understated that the whole situation with the clones and the Jedi being asked to lead them was like perfect Jedi torture. It's a complete moral quandary and every way betrays their philosophy. The clones were slaves. They were born to be soldiers, trained from birth, their entire lives built around this war they didn't choose. But it was all they knew. They were indoctrinated in to that life from birth. Had the Jedi found a way to free them, I honestly think the vast majority of the clones would have been offended. They had been raised to believe their life's meaning was to fight for the jedi. They wanted to. It may not have been an informed decision, but, they did want it.
And that's when you really come in to difficulty with, these are adults that should be children. Because it isn't fair to tell another adult that they are wrong to want what they want and that they only want that because they don't have the experience to realise its a bad option. You can't be like 'I know what's best for you'. They are just as much of an adult as you. They are just as capable of thinking things through as you are. But in the same hand, had the clones been born in to a different life, would they still want to be soldiers? Probably not! But they are already adults by this point, their brains are developed, they can't get that childhood back. So to say 'I know that's what you want but it's only because your lack of childhood made you incapable of seeing what's right for you' would be humongously fucked up. There really isn't a way for the Jedi on the council to approach them that doesn't betray at least a part of what the clones are and I think that's important to address."
I do think it's a really interesting thing to chew on and a lot of the debate I see around it in my eyes misses the point completely. There isn't a right answer. There was never going to be a right answer. This didn't happen accidentally. Palpatine set it up to cause as much damage as possible. The clones were born betrayed and the Jedi, were fated to play a part in that, whatever they did. There was no way out.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
HEYYYYY so ive been thinking, what if reader is like good at singing and one day when vox tells her he’ll be out for a meeting and then they start busting down them tunes not knowing vox came back and then after theyre done singing vox is just like “wow that sucked” (bro does NOT want to compliment them🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🚫🚫)
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Sing-Song Shenanigans
A/N: HAHAHAHAHA I've been wanting to incorporate this into a new interlude and now this has absolutely given me the chance to- Vox at this point is practically wrapped around our dear Reader's pinkie, he's just in denial about it not to mention absolutely clueless. He compliments (Y/N) easily whenever he can pull the charm but his default is usually: "Haha lol u suck + ratio" while he not so subtly overheats and melts on the other side-
A/N: Also- this is the song Reader sings- I know the voice for Vox is outdated but the point is just it's his song that Reader sings lololol- Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this one and as always- happy reading!
You honestly didn't know if you should've expected this or not.
For someone as egotistical as Vox-
It kind of made sense that he would've straight up written his own theme song.
You only joked about it offhandedly-
Only for him to actually send you an audio file with a song he wrote and SANG.
Did he just have the file on hand or something??
You just looked up at the TV screen dumbfounded.
"I never aired it, I was just an up and coming overlord when it was made."
Came his nonchalant reply, you could only guess he shrugged but since his face was all you saw it was just a guess.
"I'll give it a listen later, you weren't finished with your story!"
"Right, where was I?"
And just like that, you both continued talking well into the night.
You'd actually almost forgotten about the audio file when Vox disconnected and bid you good night and adieu.
But seeing it in the chats when you opened your phone reminded you.
Well, it was probably cringe and you could make fun of Vox the next time around-
So you gave it a listen.
Only for the song to be pretty catchy and good.
Like the beat was stuck in your head good.
You didn't think that would've been the case at all.
And he said he didn't air this??
What the hell Vox???
Before you knew it, the darn thing ended up playing on loop more times than you would dare recall.
Too bad you couldn't include it into your playlist since that would mean having to publish it.
And you were just not ready to have that conversation with Vox yet.
Especially when it meant admitting that you liked listening to his singing.
And fuck THAT.
You absentmindedly hummed the tune on the way to university-
While you traversed between classrooms-
Even during breaks.
It only hit you that it actually was stuck in your head when you were asked about it.
"Yoooo (Y/N), what's that new bop you're listening to? It sounds pretty good from just your humming."
"Oh uh... it's a song a friend wrote. He sent it to me to... ask for my opinion!"
"Really? Can you send it to me too? I want to give it a listen!"
At least they didn't notice your awkwardness answering their question.
But because you didn't want to make it seem even weirder-
You hesitantly agreed to let your friend listen in as well.
Only for them to seriously cement what you didn't want to hear.
"Dude! They should publish this! It's a banger!"
"Eh? You think so?"
You knew the last thing Vox needed was another ego boost.
Maybe you could just keep silent about this whole thing?
"Hell yeah! What's their name?"
Or not.
"Of the song-?"
"The artist you goof, what does your friend call themselves? Surely they've got to be making music for a while with this experience."
Your friends had absolutely no idea you were friends with a technology demon overlord.
Even if it was their shenanigans that summoned his presence in the fucking first place!
You still couldn't decide whether to be annoyed or grateful for that fact-
What the hell were you even supposed to tell them??
"Uhhh... Vox?"
"Vox? That's a weird name. I almost thought you said 'aux', like the aux port."
You didn't notice that before, was his name actually an alias?
You weren't even surprised at this point if it was.
"Y-yeah, it's a mix of the words voice and aux! He came up with it!"
You pat yourself on the back for that bullshit reason, who cares at this point if it was right or not-
You could always just ask Vox personally later.
"Well you should ask him if we can make a music video for it!"
"Excuse me what-"
That immediately made you blank.
Did you seriously hear that right-
A fucking music video???
Problem was, you were way too deep into this conversation to back out now.
"Yeah! It would work for the music project the school's been encouraging!"
Right... the community music program your university's been doing to help spread the names of up and aspiring artists.
Problem being how in the fucking hell were you supposed to dodge a very blatant unspoken issue.
Which was the fact the song's writer and producer had been dead for DECADES.
That and you didn't even want to think of the ego boost Vox would get if you told him that your friends wanted to make a music video of his theme song.
They didn't know about him, but you were sure it would immediately go to the overlord's head.
Could this day get any worse??
"Uhhh- yeaaaah- I'll see what I can do?"
"Come on (Y/N)! You've got to at least try and convince him! This'll be a hit once it's out!"
You hated that you agreed with the fact the song most likely would be a hit.
Especially with the new rise of electro-pop.
God fucking damn it-
So that's how you found yourself pacing your living room waiting for Vox to finish with his meeting.
Well, if you guys were to make a music video anyway... might as well practice right?
Vox was a little bit concerned when you suddenly shot him a message during a meeting asking to meet up.
Especially when he couldn't really figure out what was wrong.
You seemed just fine a while ago?
Did something happen in class?
He looked back at your messages in the chat while he wracked his brain for any clues.
"Hey uh- if you're not busy I need to talk to you?"
"Why the rush doll? Miss me already?"
"In your dreams Samsung! Something came up and I need to talk to you."
"I'm in a meeting right now but I'll see what I can do."
Suffice to say, he rushed the meeting so it would end quickly.
Vox didn't really even care that there were some things that still needed polishing with the presented concept.
It was a problem he could deal with later.
First, he needed to check what was wrong with you.
So you could imagine his surprise when he saw you on his feed dancing and singing.
Had you connected your computer up to the TV while waiting for him?
Vox just silently watched your antics while a familiar tune played in the background to accompany your actions.
"So I'll corrupt, manipulate, control what they see~"
Admittedly, the overlord found himself enraptured by your movements and singing.
He really couldn't help but stare as you danced around and performed to no one in particular.
If he'd only known that you would like his music sooner-
Maybe he'd have sent you more.
"I am the master of obscuring through our technology~!"
Vox didn't really think much of the song he'd sent you the other night.
A slight nervousness hit him when he was about to sleep wondering if you'd like it-
But clearly-
He didn't need to be worried at all.
"I'll sell your every single weakness back to you for a fee!"
A part of him wanted to just appear and see if you'd notice-
But the risk of cutting your performance short stopped him from going through with it.
"Don't be a fool and stand there droolin'-"
Vox couldn't help but chuckle, well-
That line was more ironic that it should've been in this situation.
"Get those Eyes. On. Me!"
His fans whirred loudly at this point, while your dance moves were quite clumsy and even random compared to more seasoned dancers-
Vox couldn't help but think you were just friggin adorable.
"Take a chance, play my game, get the rush in your veins~"
He really tried to keep his cool-
The overlord really really tried.
But he couldn't help the stupid grin on his face when he discreetly appeared on your TV.
"I'm sending out my signal download into your brain~!"
That was when he realized your eyes were closed.
It seems like whether or not he'd have appeared you wouldn't notice.
"And I'll be conquerin' the airwaves, I'm on all of your screens-"
As much as it was his theme song, Vox felt like you could rock the vibe just as well.
Which was so hilariously disconnected that he couldn't help but softly chuckle imagining it.
Well, maybe it was about time you realized he was actually here.
"So pay up motherfuckers, you belong to Vee!"
You screamed in surprise when you heard his voice from behind you.
The direction of the speaker was far enough for you to realize your digital companion appeared on the TV.
Of course he just had to join in at the last moment!
Your face was beet red from embarrassment, he wasn't supposed to see any of that!
"Long enough, I didn't realize you liked the song that much dollface!"
You practically swore at him up and down as Vox laughed and mercilessly teased you.
He seriously could've given you any hint if he arrived!
The fucking jerk-!
"I'm not doing it for you! My friends gave a listen to your song and they want to make a music video for it!"
Vox hummed thoughtfully, he was still on his high watching you get all shy and flustered.
You were so fucking cute-
"I'll agree to it on one condition."
You were almost too scared to even ask, weighing your choices before eventually daring to inquire.
The grin the overlord gave you immediately made you regret pushing forward with it.
"Fine fine, what's the condition?"
"That you perform and sing in the music video and send it to me."
"What?! Why?!"
Vox just laughed at your expense, the fact you were practically steaming out the ears because of him was the most entertaining thing he'd seen all day.
"Why not? Can't I have a look at the final product I'm agreeing to?"
You stuttered and huffed, he had a point there.
Fucking hell....
You should've never agreed to that fucking music video!!!
"Oh shut up, you just wanna see me sing and dance."
"Not really, your performance sucked."
"Oh fuck off Vox!"
The overlord just continued to laugh at how blushy and red you got.
Maybe he did enjoy your singing and dancing.
Well, it's not like he'll ever admit it.
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xsleepinggoodx · 2 months
Stay with me forever グ横ズ亜
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Content: Chapter 223, Kantou manji arc, Flashback where before Draken dies in the beach, Mikey and you are talking alone together.
WARNINGS: Fluff, a bit of angst becuase y’all know the context behind this flashback😭, Mikey is in love with you since you were little, Mikey loves reader, reader is oblivious to it😝 , Mikey sort of confesses(?)
AN: I was rereading Tokyo revengers because I just love it so much and this scene was literally so beautiful. Like imagine being with Mikey watching the sunrise. I wish he was real bruh I would’ve married him LMAO.
Also your interest here is astrology so imagine you brought a microscope, and other astrology things because you’re smart. I LOVE SMART WOMEN BRUH THEYRE SO HOT AND THATS YOU😍😍😍
Enjoy cuties~
I highly recommend listening to these songs as you’re reading, made me tear up a little😢
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The last flashback Draken remembered was on January 1st, 2005. Toman’s founding members with the addition to Angry and Smiley with Chifuyu and Pey-Yan, and of course you, was riding their bikes to the beach, yelling at each other their excitement. Of course you were right behind Mikey, holding onto the seat, too shy to hold onto his waist but he’s wishing you’d just hold a hand on him. You had a heavy backpack filled with your bendable microscope, notebooks, maps, etc. you were the one who suggested this since you had such a passion for the stars.
“We should watch the stars and sunrise before the the new year! It’d be so pretty, I’ll bring my stuff so we can watch the stars.” You beamed to Mikey as he was sucking on his usual teriyaki. “Ooh! Sounds fun. Where?” He said tilting his head. “The beach! I heard the sky will be really clear, and the sunrise is gonna be bright, it’d be so pretty.” You said filling your cup of water. “Toman would really enjoy it!” You smiled innocently, he pouted thinking it was just gonna be the two of you. “Oh. Sure, sure~” He said continuing to pout.
“Baji!! How did the Olympus incident go?!” Draken yelled through all the harsh, loud sounds of the motor bikes speeding up.
“Those punks were just the first squad, so we beat them up easily!” Baji said, pretending he wasn’t proud of himself.
They were talking amongst themselves on their bikes, while you and Mikey had your own conversation.
“Wow, it’s chillier than I’d thought it’d be, and I brought multiple blankets and layers.” You said, holding back your shaking, keeping your hair from blowing all over the place.”
“Sounds like you need more body heat..” Mikey said, he knew what he was doing. “I have a jacket in my backpack but it’s too dangerous to take it out..” you said looking over his shoulder.
“Hold on to me then…” he finally bursted out. Shutting his mouth before he said anything else. You slightly flushed, feeling a bit giddy holding on to him. He was always physically affectionate but you were never the one to initiate it. “Oh..yeah sure.” You shyly said, holding onto his shoulder. Mikey had to stop himself from rolling his eyes teasingly.
“Silly girl, you’re not gonna get any warmth like that. Don’t be all shy now~” he teased, smiling.
“W-well I thought it would be uncomfortable for you! Since your driving and all!” You panicked. He let out a hearty laugh. “Just do it, [Name]!”
You gulped before finally wrapping your arms around his waist, he felt shivers down his spine, but not from the crisp, cold air blowing through your faces. Dammit [Name] you’re so…oblivious! He thought.
You guys parked your bikes and walked to the shore of the beach, you flattened a large fluffy blanket on the ground, preparing your microscope. The others were laughing and running. Obviously getting adrenaline from the scene in front of them. Who wouldn’t? The air was crisp, the wind slightly blowing, the moon was shining bright, slowly going down. It wasn’t snowy but it sure was cold, you spotted Mikey heading to the edge of the bridge and tilted your head in confusion. -I wonder what he’s thinking about- You thought.
“Of course you brought your microscope, you damn dork.” A raspy low voice startled you. Turning around you saw Baji smirking, sitting down with Chifuyu next to him. “Of course I did! I told you I was gonna bring it.” You puffed, he laughed while Chifuyu was looking at your notes. “Damn [Name], are you ever gonna major in Astronomy? These are some intelligent notes.” Chifuyu praised and you smiled.
“No, it’s just a hobby for me. Making something I enjoy so much into work would be so depressing.” You laughed. He nodded, agreeing. Mitsuya, Pah-chin, and Pey-yan joined looking at your notes as well, making fun of each other saying that they’d never be able to be as knowledgeable as you were. Draken praised at how you were always the brains of the group and you laughed, enjoying this moment. This was definitely gonna be a core memory for you.
You looked at Mikey at the bridge, -he’s been there for a long time- you thought. You got up, patting your clothes. “I’ll be right back guys, they nodded, still talking among themselves. You walked to where Mikey was. The wind was blowing through his tied half up hair, the last moments of the moonlight shining on him, making him look majestic. You smiled as you inched closer to him.
“It’s pretty right? I knew you’d like it~” you said proudly, crossing your arms with your chin up in the air. He chuckled as looked over at you. Moments like this made you feel so attached to Mikey, and likewise to him. You’ve guys known each other since you were young, way before Emma joined his family. You were the only person who understood him, who he could be vulnerable to, who he could always count on. When his mom died, you were the first person he ran to, he didn’t want to cry, but you had this effect on people where they could be open to you. Your warm heart touching many people, your ambitions, your sense of understanding in peoples feelings and thoughts. It’s what attracted him the most. When Shinichiro died, the same thing, you hugged him, as he sobbed to your neck. You felt so terrible for him. Why was so many awful things happen to such a good kid? You always saw stories about how bad things happen to the best people. Mikey was another victim.
Something in his heart was telling him to tell you everything about how he feels about you.
“..[Name]…” he started, it was too late to stop himself now.
“Hmm?” You softly replied. Still admiring last bit of the moonlight.
“No matter what happens, with Toman or anything else, you’ll be with me forever right?”
You looked at him finally, and found he was already staring at you. He was admiring you while you were admiring the moon. You flushed lightly, feeling shy under his gaze but unable to look away. “Of course I will. I’m willing to be with you through every trial in your life. Like always.” You smiled lovingly. His dark onyx staring into yours, you could almost see your reflection in them. His eyes shined brightly at your answer
“Then please stay with me…….forever, okay? Don’t leave me.” He said. You smiled and shook your head. “I’m not gonna go anywhere, Mikey…”
He smiled as the sun rose, the light shining on both you and Mikey as he admired your beauty.
“Oh shoot, I brought my stuff all for nothing!!” You pouted as Mikey laughed.
“Aww poor [Nickname]~~” he teased as you puffed. He smiled at your pouting face, cooing at how cute you were.
“Next time, we’ll go again. Just the two of us.” he smiled at you, a loving look in your eyes. People cool assume you guys were lovers from how he was looking at you.
You smiled yourself, looking at the sunrise. The two of you watching it together.
Draken smiled, remembering the moment before closing his eyes, death blurring his vision, thinking of walking with Emma. He just wished Mikey came back. It probably would have stopped you from leaving..
Sorry the ending is sad😊 don’t copy, translate, or repost my work please😘
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pansy-picnics · 1 month
A vat7k related question.
What do you think is Hugo's gender identity? Cus I want to hear what you think Hugo's gender is and the story behind it.
EHEHEHE personally i think she’s genderfluid and uses he/she/they pronouns…….I think he was kind of an uncracked egg up until the trials though. like, he’s been in survival mode for so long that he’s never had the time or luxury to really think about himself or his identity….i think he’s had a lot of different disguises over his career though, and those personas are either male or female depending on what the situation calls for so he’s not a stranger to dressing femininely either.
but yeah…i think for a long time hugo just identified as male by default cuz like…what else would he be LOL. if he had any doubts at all they weren’t significantly hindering him or anything so he just buried them with all the other of the emotions he doesn’t want to feel. but like the closet is made of GLASS and this becomes especially obvious when she teams up with 3 other teenagers who are also transgender so sometimes she’ll just Say Shit and they all turn around and look at her like “…….🤨”
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i have this very vivid scene in my head where varian comes out to the gang as trans and hes clearly really uneasy abt it. and hugo doesn’t know what to say so he just tries to relate by saying the first thing that comes to mind and goes “oh yeah i get it i mean. sometimes i wish i was a girl but like not all the time yk” and nuru and varian both just stop and stare at him
hugo, getting nervous: …Sorry that’s probably not the same thing forget i said anything
nuru: No i think we should talk about this?
anyways yeah….other than her traveling party giving her some weird looks nothing actually really came of these conversations bc hugo would refuse to think about herself even if you put a gun to her head
fast forward to post-trials though, and hugo’s been living in the castle with varian for about six months…it was REALLY messy for both of them while she was adjusting, but at this point shes finally started to let her guard down a little, and all of a sudden she has SO much free time and she has no idea what to do with any of it. she’s stealing collecting things, tinkering with all kinds of useless little gadgets, rapunzel is teaching her tons of little arts and crafts projects. overall shes pretty content despite everything. So anyways then the gender crisis hits them like a fucking freight train
honestly i’m like half joking when i say i think it started bc they just kept forgetting to cut their hair. like one day they looked in the mirror and they’re like “wow my hairs getting so long i kinda look like a girl lol. Wait”
AND AS FUNNY AS IT IS ITS SO. WILDLY UNFAMILIAR TO THEM. like all of a sudden theyre SO insecure for as far as they can tell, NO reason and it drives them CRAZY. i dont even think that hugo dislikes their masculine features after coming out, i think they embrace them if anything but its just like…going from 0 to 100 so fast and suddenly being so hyper aware of themselves in a way that they NEVER were before…having to realize that they’re definitely Not cis. it’s fucking TERRIFYING!!!
not to mention it hits him all at once during a time when he’s still frankly really paranoid about him and varian’s relationship, and he’s kinda walking on eggshells bc deep down he’s convinced that var’s just gonna get tired of him eventually and kick him out. its like he’s just waiting for the final nail in the coffin despite the fact that there is literally no coffin.
All that being said i think it takes him a while to work up the courage to talk to varian about it. and he knows he won’t like. hate him for being trans or anything (I sure hope he wouldn’t, at least, seeing as he is literally also trans) but varian’s already done SO much for him and helped him through literally everything already….he doesn’t want to burden him any more than he already has. he also cant comprehend that someone can just Like him, like, as a person, so he’s convinced himself that varian must see something specific in him right now and he’s afraid that if he changes himself drastically in any way then whatever varian saw in him just. won’t be there anymore. If that makes sense
as for who he actually goes to first- honestly i think it’d have to be lance. at least in my head lance was the first person hugo really started to bond with aside from varian….he didn’t start letting his guard down with rapunzel until quite a while after that. also i think he’s worried that if he tells rapunzel she’d end up accidentally spilling something to varian (which is like. Valid bc she’s a horrible liar) he’d definitely write a letter to nuru, too, but nuru is also in another kingdom, and that message takes a while to get to her, so it’s more something they talk about after the fact
when he finally does get a letter back after dumping this revelation on her it’s just like
“dearest hugo. upon reading your letter i desperately wanted to tell you that i told you so, but i realize that would be in poor taste, seeing as you are clearly struggling right now. Moreover,-“ /j
regardless of who she tells first, they obviously all support her and encourage her to talk to varian as well…And ofc varian hypes her up to no end when she finally does. i wanna say it’s a sweet emotional scene but i feel like varian was also under the assumption that she figured out the gender thing like a year ago /j
hugo: ,,,,so like. i don’t think i’m a guy
varian: . yeah?
hugo: TFYM “YEAH”?????!!!!???
hugo: ,???? NO???!!???!
jokes aside though as soon as hugo does decide he wants to explore his presentation more varian immediately consults rapunzel who gets WAY too excited about it and it kind of scares hugo a little bit. /j like Do you want to cut your hair? Dye it? Do you want new piercings? TATTOOS????
they eventually just settle on getting her a few new pieces to add to her wardrobe and that works out fine. varian sees his girlfriend in a dress and loses his mind etc etc. All is right in the world
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faun-the-fawn77 · 23 days
Here's a list of the fics I'm planning to write and their descriptions! After like two or three of these are done I'mma open requests:)
At the bottom there will be a poll! The three highest ones that are chosen will be the ones I write first cause I'm horrible at making decisions myself. I will also attach the songs to each of these so you know who it is and not just assume what song it is!
Edit: WOW LUCIFER IS POPULAR!! Can't wait to write fro him:3
Edit2: Okay, guys, I know you love Lucifer(I do too) but we gotta give some love to other Hellaverse characters😭
This will be the post where I delete the ones done(Theyre linked on my masterlist) and replace them with new fics! I will make new polls every time so I can see what people want:) If any of the fics that were there previously make a low percentage after the poll then they will be removed and replaced with a new story and new song. This will only happen if it's still there after three rounds of polls. Since that was the first one, the Adam fics from before will stay for two more voting rounds. Have fun! And don't forget to reblog:)
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Striker x F!Morningstar!Reader
"Dirty Little Secret"
Desc: SMUT! Imps and royalty never really seemed to mix. When Striker is hired to kill someone and the only info given about the target is “Little Bird”, he makes the mistake of falling for their charm and charisma. After nights spent in each other's beds, Striker realises that he’s the dirty little secret of the eldest daughter of the Morningstar family, and he doesn’t mind it one bit.
Human!Alastor x F!Wife!Human!Reader
Desc: ANGST/FLUFF! Alastor had a... deranged way of protecting those he loved. When he had learned of the men hitting on his wife while he was not with her, they had always ended up missing. When he learned of the not so innocent touching towards women going on at Mimzy's speakeasy, he made sure those guys disappeared as well. When the white people would threaten him because of the colour of his skin, their half-eaten bodies were in the paper. It all came to an end when Alastor was face to face with a barrel of a gun.
Loona x F!Human!Reader
"Bring Me To Life"
Desc: FLUFF! Loona was violent. Always has been. She was aggressive towards people who gave her bad vibes and indifferent to those who gave good ones. When on a mission with I.M.P. in the human world, she had stumbled into the kindest human yet. She was enamoured from the start when the girl had asked if she was okay and rambling about buying Loona a new coffee. Loona had stuttered out some response that was definitely incoherent which caused the beautiful stranger to giggle. Loona found someone who made her alive. Real. Someone who didn't hate her after they saw her aggressive side, even if it wasn't towards said person.
Fizzarolli x GN!Imp!Reader
Desc: ANGST! Fizzarolli had one of those traumatic pasts that scarred him both mentally and physically. When he was captured alongside the one person that created that trauma, he wished he could've died in that fire. When Striker had threatened him for being annoying, an imp stepped in and ripped the crazy cowboy away from him. The clown imp looked towards their saviour. The imp was stunning. Their glare at the cowboy made Fizzarolli blush and when the stunning imp looked his direction and lift his chin, he could've passed away from how hot he felt. Whoever this was, Fizz wanted to take them with him back to Lust.
Alastor x F!Angel!Reader
"Simple Man"
Desc: FLUFF! If Alastor could see his mom one last time in his life, he would do whatever it takes to make that happen. Well, when a hooded figure had knocked upon the hotel doors that evening, no one in that place could've prepared themselves for the fact that a literal angel was in front of them. Alastor stood in the corner, his shadow behind him just in case anything happened. When the angelic being had gazed at all the residents before landing their eyes on Alastor, they walked over and produced an envelop with his name on it. His name was written in the exact penmanship of his late mother.
Angel Dust x F!BFF!Succubus!Reader
Desc: ANGST/FLUFF! The porn industry was a tough gig. Having to be in positions you hated or having to look a certain way just to get famous. Angel knew that too well. When his best friend, the prettiest succubus in Lust, came crying to him about losing her job because the producer said she wasn't "sexy enough", he almost smashed his lamp into the wall. When she brought up plastic surgery, he could've blown the hotel up right then and there.
Stolas x F!Sinner!Reader
"Never Say Never"
Desc: FLUFF/ANGST! Stolas had grown up with the idea that Blitzo was his friend. Someone he could go to when things got tough. When Blitzo had finally told the truth about the past, Stolas was heartbroken. Running off to the Pride Ring to find at least some entertainment to heal his sadness, he didn't think that a sinner would give him hope. The hope he needed and the love he wanted.
Striker x F!Imp!Target!Reader
"I'll Be"
Desc: FLUFF! Striker was a cold-hearted imp. He fucked and he left the next morning at dawn. He didn't care much for relationships. His job was dangerous as is, he didn't need someone to protect when he had to think about his protection first. When he got a job to take out a target, he didn't expect the target to own a flower shop. Or that the target was the kindest imp he's met in Hell. Or that they were this beautiful. Maybe a relationship didn't sound too bad now...
Lucifer Morningstar x F!Human!Reader
Desc: FLUFF/ANGST! Lucifer didn't expect to be summoned on a random Tuesday afternoon. When he had popped up in the pentagram in some abandoned house, he turned around to unleash his anger on whoever was dumb enough to do this ritual. What he didn't expect was for a group of crazed satanists to start yelling and pushing a girl towards him, who by the way, looked like she was going to cry at any minute. A virgin sacrifice? Really? Lucifer rolled his eyes before moving towards the cowering girl and gestured towards an empty room to hide in before he slaughtered the lunatics who dared to summon him. After cleaning up, he walked towards the room and found the girl looking at him with a smile before she had hugged him. And that is how Lucifer found himself falling for another human woman...
Stolas x GN!Angel!Reader
Desc: FLUFF! When Stolas was just a child, he dreamed of getting his purpose. Once that purpose was bestowed upon him, he made sure to travel to the human realm when he could. One night, after witnessing an eclipse, he went to travel back home when an angelic voice had stopped him. He turned to see the most beautiful person in his life. After talking for a while about the stars, the person had gifted him a necklace. Ever since the, Stolas made sure to wear it and whenever he traveled to the human realm, he hoped to run into the mysterious person only to end up disappointed each time. When his daughter had fled to the human world, he didn't expect to run into the angel again. Or find out that the angel WAS and actual angel and that they have been watching over him since that eclipse.
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dracowars · 9 months
Hi again sweetie! Luke and reader where theyre all celebrating the whole end of the empire/death star and she gets absolutely drunk off her mind and sits on his lap and plays with his hands all giggly and theyre "just friends" and han (and leia) are having the time of his life teasing tf out of them?? Maybe in the morning shes embarrassed and apologises so lukes all sad bcs it was a "mistake" but they end up tgt later? Thankss lovee
booze and confessions | luke skywalker
pairing: luke x reader
word count: 1,9k
summary: where y/n celebrates the end of the war a little too much, ending in a confession
a/n: i feel like it has been ages since i wrote something even though it's not true lmao hope you enjoy lovely!! <3
warnings: angst, mentions of war, mentions of death
universe: star wars
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To be honest, you have no idea how many drinks you already have in your system, but when if not today are you allowed to celebrate like this? After the Death Star was successfully destroyed, the Empire was defeated and peace and tranquility will return to the entirety of the galaxy. The age of fear and terror is over, the time of fighting is over and you can finally let yourself go. Finally, there is something to celebrate, something you have been working towards for years. And today, after all the suffering, that goal has been achieved and you could not be any happier to be right here, right now: on Endor, in the midst of numerous Ewoks dancing and partying, with your friends who fought alongside you all those years while the sky above you is lit up in a variety of colours.
However, the exertion of the day affects your body, your feet slowly starting to hurt from this long, fateful day and when you see Luke sitting at a table, with Han and Leia next to him, a break from all this celebrating suddenly sounds quite attractive and you stumble and stagger towards them.
"There he is! The man of the hour!", you chuckle happily as soon as you are near them, your arms spread wide as you head straight for Luke, who examines you with a small but shy smile. Before he can answer, however, you actually trip over your own feet and almost hit the ground if it wouldn't be for Luke's strong arms to prevent you from falling to the ground.
"Woah! Be careful!", Luke warns you, but what he does not expect is that you barely noticed your little misstep and just sit on his lap, giggling with joy. "I think someone had a drink or two too many."
"Are you talking about me? Don't you worry, Luke, I'm perfectly fine!", you cheekily smile at him, swaying a bit which is why he carefully puts one of his hands on your arm so you do not fall off your seat on top of him.
"Maybe you just didn’t have enough?", you tease him, showing him his glass, turning it upside down to emphasize that it is empty. Of course, this victory also comes with a lot of pain for Luke and Leia due to the loss of their father, but Luke has assured you several times that he is fine and that he still wants to celebrate this victory, in honor of his father.
That is also why you really wanted the two of you to have a good time together, but apparently you really had a few too many drinks.
"She definitely had too much", Han comments on your behaviour, sitting across from you with an arm around Leia, followed by a laugh. "I think I have rarely seen her like this and I have seen a lot."
"Han, you could use another drink, don't you think?", you answer him provocatively, but before you can elaborate, you feel the warmth of Luke's hand running up and down your arm. Heat rushes to your face, your cheeks turning red, but you just reach for his other hand and play with his fingers enthusiastically.
"I never thought I would see Ewoks in my life! I mean, did you look at them? They are so cute, I can't believe they stopped an army of stormtroopers by themselves!", you gush in awe upon watching these little creatures dance around their fire. "Don't worry, Luke. You are still cute as hell, too."
"Oh wow, it must sting to be compared to little furry bears", Han chuckles, putting his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud. Leia, also trying to hold back her laughter for her brother's sake, hits Han with her elbow.
"Stop it, Han. I am not even talking to you, just to Luke. Look at you! Such a beautiful face!", you grin, running your index finger along Luke's jawline. Your faces are so close now that they are almost touching and as soon as your eyes meet, the world around you becomes silent.
But just when Luke thinks you are about to close the gap between you, you throw your arms around his neck and place a kiss on his cheek, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
"I really love you, Luke", you whisper, or at least think you are whispering, because Han comments your words with inhaling in shock.
"No, that is news to me. I would never have expected that in my life, with the way you always look at each other-"
"Han!" Luke and Leia interrupt him at the same time and he immediately raises his hands in the air in defense, an expression of innocence on his face.
"It is not at all fun to say if you don't say it back, Luke", you sadly pout now, skillfully ignoring Han or not even noticing him due to your numbed senses. Because you are moving too much again, you almost slide off Luke's lap once more, but he holds you tight again in the last moment so that does not happen.
"Well, I think it is time for you to lie down now. It was a long evening and-"
"B-But we haven't even danced with each other yet!", you say indignantly as Luke stands up with you and immediately grab his hand, lifting it up to do several clumsy pirouettes underneath.
To prevent you from tripping over your own feet again, Luke casually lifts you into his arms, causing you to squeal as everything around you suddenly seems to spin even more. Not resisting or fighting back, enjoying the closeness you now have to him too much, you wave to Leia and Han over Luke's shoulder and let him carry you into one of the huts further up in the treetops.
Luke gently lays you down on the small mattress laid out in your hut and covers you with the blanket, sitting next to you. Your eyes are already half closed, but one of your hands is still clinging tightly to his.
"I love you too, you can't even imagine how much", Luke admits before giving you a kiss on the forehead and leaving you to your dreams, which for the first time are only consisting of positive things.
Scattered rays of light shine into your face, causing you to wake up far too early after the previous long night. Slowly, you open your eyes and listen to the soft rustling of the leaves outside. You stretch your arms above your head as you yawn and sit up, running your hands through your face as the first effects of last night make themselves noticeable.
You curse under your breath as you rise on shaky legs, having to hold onto the wall of the small hut to keep your balance. You already regret not drinking less yesterday, but it felt so good in the moment. Completely sleepy and not yet fully awake, you stumble out onto the wooden platform high up in the trees and stop in your tracks when you see Luke standing on the railing in front of you, looking out over the Ewok village.
The light wind blows through his hair and the sunlight causes his face to shine naturally. Barely able to take your eyes off him, memories of last night suddenly come to your mind and your heart beats faster. You can't remember everything, there are some missing parts in your memories, but what you can remember brings a blush to your cheeks in an instant.
Wanting nothing more than to immediately disappear back into your hut because you just do not want to be confronted with your actions of last night, you slowly turn around, retreating, but as soon as he says your name, you know he does not even need to see you to know you are there.
With a smile, Luke turns to you, leaning his back against the railing.
"Slept well?", he asks gently, but you think you can also hear a certain amount of concern in his voice.
With a nod, you slowly walk towards him, looking away because you just can't keep eye contact, too afraid of what you might see in his eyes.
"How are you?", you ask carefully as you lean over the railing next to him and he looks at you from the side, his focus solely on you which makes your cheek feel even warmer. Playing with a strand of rope that is holding the wood of the railing together, you wait for his answer, your heart beating loudly in your ears as your shoulders touch.
"I'm good. We won so..", Luke chuckles quietly, but immediately falls awkwardly silent again.
You stand next to each other in silence for several minutes, just listening to the wind and the peaceful sounds of the forest. But you both feel that there is something unspoken between you and neither of you knows how or whether to address it. Once Luke finally clears his throat, you brace yourself for the worst.
"You don't have to be embarrassed about what happened last night if that is why you are not speaking to me like you usually do", Luke addresses the rancor in the room and you want to run away and lock yourself up somewhere and just never come out again.
"Luke, I'm incredibly sorry. I-I had too much to drink and my behavior was completely inappropriate", you apologize to him, head down because you just can't manage to look at him without immediately turning bright red. Why are you suddenly so completely out of control of your emotions?
"Oh... I see. Uhm, you don't have to apologize. I mean, if it was just the effects of having too much to drink, then it was probably just a mistake.."
"W-What do you mean?", you ask in surprise, not knowing what he is trying to imply. Or maybe you do know and just do not want to admit it.
"Well, I mean- So I- Would it be wrong of me if, deep down, I hoped that it was more than that? That it was, maybe, real?"
"Luke, what are you talking about...?"
"Would it be so bad if it was real? Do you really feel about me that way?", he asks you and now you finally look into each other's eyes and you hold your breath, searching his eyes for any signs that will tell you what is going on, if he actually means his words.
"Because if that were the case, then all I can say is that I feel the same way about you. Maybe even more", he continues, not letting you speak as he takes your hands in his. "I really really love you too. I told you yesterday, but I don't think-"
"I know. I think I heard it", is the only thing you can say in response to his confession, your thoughts swirling around in your head. You never would have thought that he would feel the same way about you and for some reason your heart now beats a little more painfully than before because you just feel so much love for this man in front of you.
"As I told you yesterday, Luke: I really love you too", you admit openly and before you know it, he wraps you in his arms and hugs you as tightly as if you wouldn't experience the next day.
And in that moment you realize that you would never find a safer place than right here, in his arms. That no matter what comes your way in the future, nothing matters as long as you have each other. And finally, after all this time, you do have each other.
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 5 months
#me going ‘hot new neighbor older ian and smitten flirty mickey / is that anything’ and just thinking about it a lot -> 🤲 right here pls
oh boy cross. oh boy cross.
(age difference - 22/32)
mickey and mandy live together and are really close to the handful of neighbors on their street (all ages/personalities/occupations). like they've formed this family and spend a lot of time together. it's so normal for them to eat dinner together during the week that they have a rotation on who hosts and cooks. lil commune, almost.
this new guy moves into the empty house next to mickey and mandy and everyone's kinda ehhh about it until they start introducing themselves one by one. mandy gets a call from Joan two houses down and is on for a LONG time. when she gets off and comes into the living room it's with some scalding gossip for mickey. the new neighbor is apparently a total dreamboat and the kindest mf on the planet and mandy declares that she's going over to welcome him IMMEDIATELY.
when she comes back she is BUZZING with how charming and funny and down to earth this guy is and mickey is all uh huh...yup...etc. because surely this is just female hysteria (mickey you can't say that). but then he actually meets ian. idk how. idk when. running into him coming home from work? idk. and like.......wow, god damn the ladies were not kidding. dude may have a decade on him but he's all built and strong and has a beard and glasses and possibly worst of all, he's very nice. very charming. but all the fawning behind the scenes is really getting on mickey's nerves, so it kind of taints it a little.
yada yada yada oh my god ian is coming to dinner. Joan has invited him into their little circle. it goes really well and everyone gets along really good and mickey's just sitting there wondering how one man can look so impossibly hot while sheepishly dodging stray compliments. eventually theyre cleaning up and it's somehow just mickey and ian and it's nice. it's really comfortable. ian is really cool and has good advice from that extra decade.
time jump. lots of dinners and hanging out with the group. one night mickey hits up his other gay friend and they secretly go to the gay bar a little past the city limit. mickey's still in the closet, even to mandy, so he needs these nights to just like...exist. him and the friend are getting drunk as fuck. mickey is laughing and goes to wobble his way to the bathroom and accidentally runs into this tall dude who turns around and ope! guess who it is! uh oh! but is it uh oh? because mickey may be getting outted, but ian's also here for the same reason. and they're kinda just standing there for a second, their smiles falling and their brains turning with this new information, and then ian gets pulled back along track by someone.
next dinner. everyone is very normal and fine but ian and mickey are chomping at the bit. when dinner's over, mickey practically drags ian into another room and goes through the whole "you can't tell anybody, alright? nobody knows" song and dance. and ian is like "yeah no of course not. and i hope that would extend to me too." and they make a pact that this knowledge will stay between them.
which is very easy. except for the fact that mickey comes to the realization that oh fuck, they are compatible. oh fuck, he really likes ian as a person. oh fuck, he knows there's that decade between them but he would drop to his knees for him in a heartbeat if ian asked him to. which he doesn't. and doesn't. and doesn't. but mickey's getting more and more attracted to him and actually, the whole beard/glasses/life experience thing is really fucking hot to him.
so he starts trying to flirt. starts laying the groundwork. mowing the lawn with his shirt off. asking ian if he wants to work out in the garage together. keeping his bedroom light on while he undresses in front of the window. he even opens it one night when he sees ian's window open too and lets just say...puts on a show, not truly knowing if ian can hear him, but hoping so.
idk how it ends. idk how far it goes. all i know is ian is Very cognizant of the age difference and makes great strides to keep everything at an arm's length. SEXUAL TENSION (bass boosted). but mickey is mickey. and mickey has a lot of fun trying to get ian to fuck him.
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sun-stricken · 6 months
Gray, Lyon and Ultear family ideas? I like to imagine Gray tells them about one of fairy tail’s exploits and they get concerned about his well-being. Mandatory family trips thatGray definitely doesn’t try to avoid (Lyon and Ultear have learnt to alert the guild when they’re coming so Gray can’t escape).
And if you don’t mind, Gray and Loke being BFFs?
Thanks! This blog makes me happy
im so happy you enjoy my blog!! i enjoy it too ;D
i’ve actually made a post similar to this before, but heres more
ty for the ask and sorry this took a while, ive been busy
Once a month (at least) family trip are a must, It started with Ultear dragging Lyon places during the 7 year gap but it started being a more regular thing when Gray turned back up
the first couple time they tried to do things together, it was a disaster
they werent familiar with each other and were hella awkward
Also, when Lyon & Ultear would mention to Gray they were coming into town, he would try to convince the team to go on an impromptu job
they’ve since learned to warn Erza of their arrival so he cant leave
‘abt to come into town, do not let that mf leave’
‘Guarding the doors & windows rn’
Grays probably walked into the guild to see one or both of them and turned right back around
The first time the showed up when Gray wasnt around they got a shovel-esque talk
it was terrifying and also confusing considering they think of themselves as his siblings so shouldnt they be giving those talks?
Ultear really embraces her oldest sibling role and pays for practically everything they do together
While Gray will try to avoid in person outings, he will blow up their phones (lacrima devices, whatever) at all hours of the night
Lyon probably has a 16 step skin care routine that he tries to nag the other two into trying it
its a fools quest tbh
They argue. so much. cannot do anything together without a disagreement. they probably have fist fought each other too
They are fiercely protective of one another, they can be pretty subtle about it but its clear as day to anyone who even slightly crosses them
They as a whole have a gambling/betting problem
They have run their pockets dry with it
They have been kicked out of multiple restaurants for being too loud
Gray tells them off-handedly abt the jobs and events he went through while growing up in Fairy Tail and they just sit back and listen in horrified fascination
they have absolutely no planned photos of them, they just never got around to it (*coughcough* grayrefusedtobeinone *coughcough*)
however! they have soooo many candid ones, Gray glared and complained when he found out (but he has half of them framed or saved on his phone)
Ultear and Lyon got pretty close duriny the 7 year gap and while Gray swears hes not jealous of it he totally is
Ultear, Lyon, & Gray; Guilt Complex Extraordinaires
Loke & Gray things :D
Nobody knows if Loke had a house, he always crashed on Grays couch
They are the reason for the sassy man apocalypse
When Lucy lets him have a day off his first stop tends to be Gray
Loke taught Gray how to cook
If Gray gets mad at him, Loke will attempt to deescalate it by flirting
Grayll be scolding him and Loke will stare at him and say smth like “are we about to kiss right now🥰”
it only serves to make Gray more angry
Orange cat friend + Black cat friend
Theyre the type to know in detail each others existential crisis’s but not each others favorite color
they do not have blackmail on each other. none. because they know if they ever did and actually released it the other would post absolutely every single humiliating thing they’ve done ever
There is no such thing as a judgement free zone with them
Their tastes are so different that when they have to get gifts for each other that if they look at smth and think “wow this is so ugly” they know its the right one
they probably hooked up at some point but thats neither here nor there
Loke, Gray and Cana were kinda like the mean girls of young fairy tail
They had a dont ask dont tell policy on their pasts, however every other personal detail abt each other was free reign
A lot of their conversations have left them with a sense of dread, confusion and hysteria
Lokes the type to walk into ppls houses like its his own, his most common victim is Gray
Loke, pulling the shower curtain back: Were out of ch— stop screaming
Gray, still screaming: HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE???
Loke, nonplussed: You left the kitchen window unlocked, also we’re out of chips
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cool-person-yey · 4 months
As always, spoilers for tmagp episode 7, if you haven't watched it wtf are you doing??? Go watch it rn
i am so worried about this episode yall
** ominous music**
** office noises**
alright Alice teaching Celia stuff
skin turning into butterflies. wow
why are you so curious celia??? huh???
why do you want to look up specific files???
ohhh chester!!!
to whom it may concern
every time i hear the words "hilltop" it activates my fight or flight istg
so you don't remember his name huh
you really out there just roasting the shit outta that guy
chill dude
a shouting human face. of course.
bear skin rug. of course.
is that guy dead
lmao theyre acting like its a pyramid scheme or shit
"all for a good cause"
leaked dark oil. oil. it was oil.
taxidermy huh
help girl way too many people are volunteering themselves to work on my shop
honestly that's a fucking nightmare
wait gunshots
go back a bit what the hell
oh fuck fuck fuck
no- yeah
knock knock
JON?????? WHAT
real stuff????
everyone at that office is fucking weird
source singular huh
aaaaaand that was it. if you'll allow me, i need to go scream in my pillow now, thank you.
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actualbird · 8 months
the real Mariluke Struggle: marius wants to stay over at Luke’s place all the time bc no pax, no crazy sad family stuff etc but luke’s bed is uncomfy!!! meanwhile luke wants to be at the von hagen crib bc wow marius has a 10/10 cloud heaven bed. solution is to obviously get luke a new bed but can you imagine trying to get that up three floors?? absolute hell.
this entire ask is so good and so FUNNY. it's problem after problem. i love that luke's bed is uncomfy, it probably is WELL past its due date and there are bits where the spring is starting to come out and thats making annoying lumps on the bed but luke doesnt replace it on the grounds that "it still works" which is like, yknow, his standards are below sea level. in spite of that, marius totally likes luke's place because of all those reasons, also because of luke, and because it's closer to pax than the estate which makes it easy to drop by, and because it's genuinely nice and cozy place.
meanwhile luke loves marius' bed and marius' bedroom (theres so much space???? the tv is so big??? the bathroom is like a 5 star hotel bathroom????) but he still gets intimidated by how Fancy(TM) the von hagen estate is and also theyve probably been caught making out like several times by vincent and one horrific time by AUSTIN so like, there are definitely perks to luke's setup where the only living being who cohabits in his space is peanut, a literal bird.
marius can buy luke an absolutely resplendent new mattress. it's so good it makes luke realize he's had back pain he didnt even know about until he test laid down on the bed at the luxury bed department store (??? idk how rich people beds work or where they come from, do they hatch from eggs?) because suddenly that back pain is Gone. it's a fantastic bed. marius cant wait to nap in it with luke and also fuck him silly on it. but like, yeah, it needs to go up Three Floors.
i assume marius probably hired movers from the luxury bed place but then those movers are confounded when they accidentally get the mattress just lodged-in STUCK in luke's narrow stairwell headed up to his living space. like, it's really wedged in there. luke and marius try to get it un-wedged themselves and theyre successful but it takes more than an hour and also luke wondering about the geometrics of the entire situation
luke: what if i just bust a hole in my wall to get it out
marius: hello???? why is that even an option????????
luke: i dunno just putting ideas out there
like i said, standards below sea level
by the time they get the bed onto luke's palette bedframe, they both just conk out completely tired and asleep on it. and to the mattress' credit, they Do get a very restful and deep sleep while on it
now marius just has to buy luke new bedsheets because luke's old bedsheets still have some blood spatter stains from when luke came home from missions too tired to clean himself up. but thats a conundrum for another day
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
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reminder that SSE is valued at 1.2 billion SEK (120 million USD) as late as may 2023. (the article preview on the bottom of the screenshot is "Here are Sweden's 82 billion-valued tech companies 2023". as in, they're on that list of the WOW! Billion!! companies.)
quotes from the article (the preview at the top):
Star Stable, which has the Danish Egmont as its major owner, has since its inception in 2011 built an entire world of horse-related entertainment [...] But the world economy and the subsequent weaker purchasing power also affect the horse world, and the company is now being forced into an organizational change that affects 15 percent of the employees. This corresponds to 27 permanent employees, the company tells Di [the magazine], and union negotiations have now begun. "It was a difficult decision to make, but necessary for the company given the new market conditions. We started a minor reorganization last year, which gave a greater focus on our online game," comments the company's CEO Johan Sjöberg. Star Stable is on Di's list of Sweden's 82 billion-valued startup and technology companies, with a valuation of SEK 1.2 billion. In 2021, Star Stable had a turnover of SEK 346 million and made an operating profit of just over SEK 33 million.
im not posting this bc i think nobody has seen it before, i assume its been posted before. im posting it to remind you that this poor little meow meow is not in any way a 10 person indie studio doing desperate things to stay afloat. theyre a massively successful company with as much money as there are bugs in star stable.
the reorganisation and stuff is really normal. i dont like how they did it, i dont like how they cut the books and comics, and i think they couldve handled all of this better by better planning in advance instead of spreading themselves thin. i also think its insane of them to not focus on improving sso itself enough for like a decade and to not have sso merch out for just as long.
but, it IS really good that they're finally properly focusing on sso itself and trying to improve their main product. i think the current writing is embarrassingly bad though and there is not much gameplay to speak of. pretty graphics will only keep them afloat for so much longer, and revamping old things might not keep old players around for much longer who have waited for years to see the story go somewhere interesting. they're trying to do better, sometimes failing, sometimes succeeding. so we now have to wait and find out if they will invest all their resources back into sso in a meaningful way or not.
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