jlkrealtors · 2 years
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Every year on July 18th, World Listening Day encourages people to take time to listen to the sounds of nature.
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lostinyv · 11 months
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“You can only listen when the mind is quiet when the mind doesn’t react immediately when there is an interval between your reaction and what is being said.”
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bluemountainofarkansas · 11 months
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Do you hear that? It’s World Listening Day.
World Listening Day is hosted each year by the World Listening Project, a nonprofit organization that is “devoted to understanding the world and its natural environment, societies, and cultures through the practice of listening." The World Listening Project explores acoustic ecology, a discipline that studies the relationship between humans and the natural world as mediated through sound.
So quiet down, open up your ears, and get ready to study soundscapes today on World Listening Day.
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softpowertech · 11 months
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World Listening Day 2023
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sristiglobalschool · 11 months
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World Listening Day serves as a reminder of the importance of listening for students. We open up a world of knowledge, understanding, and development by actively listening.
Tell us which sounds motivate you to pursue learning in the comment section below!!
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npskudlu · 11 months
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Today, on World Listening Day, let us come together to experience the power of community & conversation!
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bestmessage · 11 months
World Listening Day Messages and Quotes
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This day was started as an initiative under the World Listening Project and is now hosted by them. Here are some World Listening Day messages and Listening quotes and sayings for you to share with your friends and family and celebrate the day.
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detund · 2 years
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DU™️ #Repost @rebecca__goldberg ・・・ Photo recap from the inaugural @detroitfrequency sound walk on @worldlistening Day!🚆🎤 🔊 Thanks to our small group for a fun day experiencing the sounds of the city in a different way. Funds have been donated to @undergroundmusicacademy. 📷 @monicas.view #detroitfrequency #detroit #soundwalk #sounddesign #fieldrecording #detroitpeoplemover #qline #woodwardave #community #communitybuilding #detroitpeoplemover #worldlistening #worldlisteningday #listeningacrossboundaries #rebeccagoldberg https://www.instagram.com/p/CgizMDjuNDQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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estefania-aa · 2 years
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Escucha Còdol de Estefania AA en #SoundCloudhttps://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/uRbYv Còdol [12 min - Barcelona] Pieza sonora de la Playa “Es Codolar”, bajo la muralla de la Vila Vella en el núcleo histórico de Tossa de Mar. Paisaje sonoro donde se entremezcla, la historia pasada con el presente de vacaciones. Ruidos. Naturaleza limitada por murallas de piedra contra el ataque de los otros... Vientos que chocan. Seres que se adaptan a las vibraciones humanas, al privilegio humano que desdibuja la huella de la memoria de todos. Grabación desde los límites del canto rodado, desde la frontera entre la tierra y el ser humano. Estefania AA ------------------ Còdol [12 min - Barcelona] Sound piece of “Es Codolar” Beach, under the wall of Vila Vella in the historic center of Tossa de Mar. Soundscape where past history is intermingled with the present of vacations. Noises. Nature limited by stone walls against the attack of the others... Crashing winds. Living beings that adapt to human vibrations, to human privilege that blurs the traces of everyone's memory. Recording from the limits of the boulder, from the border between the land and the human being. Estefania AA . . . . #soundscapes #fieldrecordings #ecoacoustics #bioacoustics #worldlisteningday #wld2022 #listeningacrossboundaries #codolpiece #estefaniaaa #gees #catalunya #tossademar #barcelona #soundart #soundandlimits #listeningproject #soundconscience @worldlistening @estefaniaaa_____ #grupodeexploraciondelentornosonoro @soundcloud (en Tossa De Mar, Costa Brava) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgMLAb_jL41/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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merdeslawoffice · 2 years
World Listening Day
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World Listening Day occurs annually on July 18. Every year, the World Listening Project, a nonprofit organization, hosts this special day with a special theme. Their mission is to understand the world and it’s natural environment through the practice of listening and field recording. READ MORE
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Cada 18 de julio se celebra el Día Mundial de la Escucha o World Listening Day, para reflexionar acerca de cómo los sonidos afectan nuestra vida cotidiana, así como la búsqueda de posibles soluciones a los problemas que generan.
Asimismo, se pretende dar a conocer los siguientes proyectos, relacionados con los sonidos:
Proyecto Paisaje Sonoro Mundial.
The World Listening Project.
Foro Mundial de Ecología Acústica.
¿Cómo se originó el Día Mundial de la Escucha?
Este día mundial ha sido creado en el 2010, por iniciativa de las organizaciones World Listening Project y Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE).
La selección de la fecha de esta efeméride está relacionada con el aniversario de nacimiento del compositor canadiense Raymond Murray Schafer, el día 18 de julio de 1833.
Schafer fue un compositor, escritor, pedagogo musical y ambientalista. Creó el World Sounscape Project o "Proyecto del Paisaje Musical del Mundo", y efectuó diversas contribuciones a la ecología acústica.
World Listening Project
Es una organización sin fines de lucro fundada en el año 2008, con la misión de educar y crear conciencia sobre nuestro entorno sonoro y su importancia para la salud y la supervivencia de nuestro planeta.
Diseña e implementa iniciativas educativas que exploren los conceptos y prácticas auditivas del mundo y la ecología acústica.
Lema año 2022: "Escuchar más allá de las fronteras"
Con este lema se invita a explorar la importancia de escuchar a través de las ramas del conocimiento, trascendiendo todas las fronteras geográficas y tecnológicas.
Asimismo, descubrir otras áreas y formas de escuchar, conectando al mundo con los paisajes sonoros existentes y cambiantes.
¿Cómo se celebra este día mundial?
Te invitamos a escuchar los sonidos, voces y silencios que se generan en tu entorno. Organiza en tu comunidad un soundwalk, una actividad relacionada con la emisión de juicios críticos acerca de los sonidos que se escuchan.
¿Cuál es tu sonido favorito? Comparte información interesante sobre el Día Mundial de la Escucha en las redes sociales. Utiliza los hashtags #DíaMundialDeLaEscucha #WorldListeningDay #WLD22
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lou-wilham · 11 months
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The Prince of Daybreak // MM Original Fairytale
It's #WorldListeningDay so here's a snipped from The Prince of Daybreak featuring the word Listening.
"Did it work?" Claudia whispered.
Takayoshi shook his head, he was not sure. But he felt that maybe Selene was listening, even if she had not said as much. So he took a breath, and prepared himself. "Goddess Selene, I ask only this, that you protect Cricket until I am able to. From both himself, and his uncle. I worry it will take me too long to reach him, and that by that time the damage will be done. Please. . . do all that you can to look after him in my stead."
She did not answer, and the array continued to glow steadily. It turned something in Takayoshi's stomach to see it, he shifted unsure on his feet.
"If it is a price you want, I give my ability to make music. Make me deaf, for all that I care. Just. . . Just protect Cricket." The last word broke coming from his lips.
The array faded without a word, but the wind picked up, pulling leaves from the trees around them to flutter in a lazy circle. And then Takayoshi saw it, a white rabbit peeking just around a tree trunk, its fur glowing in the moonlight. He let out a breath, his shoulders relaxing.
"Well?" Leo asked.
"I think it worked." Takayoshi felt himself smile, if just around the eyes.
A cursed prince. A journey toward destiny.
Cursed twice over, Takayoshi has but one choice, find an ancient archive before his curse swallows the man he loves forever. His new friend Claudia-warrior, historian, sass-master all rolled into one-comes along for the ride.
To find answers, Takayoshi will have to defeat monsters, learn to trust others, and face his own hubris.
A frolicking LGBTQ+ fantasy novel steeped in action, wit, and all of the corniness. Perfect for fans of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, Neil Gaiman's Stardust, and William Goldman's The Princess Bride.
For lovers of the #twoprincespodcast.
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strichinina · 6 years
Avrei voluto annotare un milione di fatti, ultimamente, scrivere di un milione di cose successe più o meno casualmente, ma non ne ho avuto le energie. Ricordarmi con l'ausilio del nero su bianco di come sian passati in fretta l'11 e anche il 12, così in fretta da non farsi notare, giorni temporaleschi e fuori stagione come mai prima di adesso.
Tipo del fatto che, nonostante tutto, è anche tornato il profumo di brioches appena sfornata sul tuo collo o di pera dolcissima, succosa e matura, e con esso le onde del mare troppo alte e l'aria tremante sull'asfalto per i gradi elevati, come pomeriggi fa a Rodia e a San Saba, di ogni goccia di sudore avviluppata all'altra intenta a precipitare giù, lungo colline e sentieri di epidermide ambrata, ad increspare lo specchio dell'acqua sino ad agitarne la composizione molecolare e scatenare tumulti e tsunami da cui farmi proteggere dalla tua anima salvagente.
Ieri non riuscivo affatto ad alzarmi dal letto.
Forse avrei voluto scrivere dell'incontro con il tuo ex, intento a concedermi scuse forzate per avermi cacciata dall'associazione per il solo fatto di essere la tua compagna e perché convinto che le associazioni siano un oggettino su cui pisciare sopra per mostrare la propria supremazia; di quanto avrei voluto dirgli di non permettersi di ridere in quel modo mentre parlavi e chiedevi spiegazioni, di quanto poco carino e controllante sia stato il suo aspettarsi silenzio sull'accaduto o il suo dirmi di essersi accorto di aver sbagliato per poi rincarare ugualmente la dose suggerendomi di andare a cercare altro, continuando a cacciarmi senza motivo alcuno.
Ma devo ricordare, devo ricordare del colore dell'oceano nei piatti comprati insieme all'Ikea, perché che il blu fosse il colore dell'amore e della famiglia non lo sapevo neppure, e anche del panico paralizzante all'idea di essere stata beccata in pieno a baciarti nel reparto degli oggetti da cucina, da una compagna del liceo.
Di ieri e dei rumori antropici per il WorldListeningDay al Dalek e nella stanza blu, in cui anni fa suonavo il basso con i miei vecchi gruppi, trasformata in Antartide a 360°, e in quella rossa in cui proiettare lo spettrogramma di suoni psichedelici di iceberg che si sfiorano, ascendenti e discendenti, dei rituali di accoppiamento di un anno, suggestivi da morire e concentrati in 20 minuti, della foca di Ross (ommatophoca rossii), e dei richiami Led Zeppeliniani della foca di weddel (leptonychotes weddellii) nei mesi di Novembre, di queste piccole cose che, alla fine, sono le sole a contare davvero.
Non vorrei mai dover dimenticare il vento pungente da far battere i denti a Tremonti, contrastato dalle tue braccia sempre caldissime, in quella sala prove immersa nel verde, con la sua vista da sempre mozzafiato, così familiare. Avrei voluto possedere una moviola per mostrarti proiezioni di ricordi, per dirti di custodire anche il mio passato.
Non vorrei dimenticare nemmeno un istante vissuto in questa casa che mi ha vista diventare donna, afosa in modo soffocante e snervante nei mesi estivi, nostro primo nido d'amore.
Vorrei lasciare un segno su ogni parete (forse lo farò).
Ma il tempo è scaduto.
E io proprio non ricordo di cosa avrei voluto scrivere dettagliatamente in questi ultimi 15 giorni.
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leobayers · 3 years
Why Do We Celebrate World Listening Day July 18, 2021?
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How to Observe World Listening Day
Go on a solo listening walk
Pick a route, any route. Live near a beach? Take a stroll along the ocean and listen to the waves. Or maybe you want to walk through the woods and hear what the wind sounds like going through the trees. If you don 19t live near anything resembling 1Cnature, 1D walk a ten block loop around your neighborhood. Take out your headphones, don 19t say a word, and try to pay attention to each individual sound you hear along the way.
Host a listening quiz
Use your phone to record a bunch of sounds from your environment, from a particular bird call to the sound of a truck driving down the street. Invite your family and friends over and see if they can identify each sound as you play them.
Go to a concert
You don 19t have to listen to natural sounds to appreciate the spirit of World Listening Day. Buy tickets to a concert 14it could be a symphony playing Beethoven, that hip new electronic musician at a cool underground club, a Led Zeppelin cover band in the back of a dive bar, you name it. No matter what genre, challenge yourself to tune out all the background noise of your fellow concert-goers and really isolate and appreciate the sounds of the music.
Why World Listening Day is Important
It gives us an excuse to quiet down
Have you stopped to think about how much of your day is consumed by words? If you 19re saying them you 19re reading them, listening to someone else 19s, or even thinking them. World Listening Day gives us a reason to back away from words and hear the sounds between and around them.
It makes us mindful about the noises that soundtrack our lives
Think of it this way: depending on where you live and how you move throughout your day, every person has a completely unique soundtrack that plays behind their daily routine. Car noise, wind in your ears, silverware hitting a plate, clicks from a keyboard, papers rustling 26 You 19re so accustomed to these sounds that you probably don 19t even think about the fact that you 19re hearing them. But we bet you will now, huh?
It applies to any and all environments
Whether you live in the middle of a bustling city, out in a quiet suburb, or way out on a remote farm, the principles of acoustic ecology can be applied to your life. That means you don 19t have to go an inch out of your way to celebrate World Listening Day.
Shhh 26 do you hear that? It 19s the sound of World Listening Day approaching on July 18. World Listening Day is put on every year by the World Listening Project, a nonprofit organization that is 1Cdevoted to understanding the world and its natural environment, societies and cultures through the practice of listening and field recording. 1D They explore acoustic ecology, a discipline that studies the relationship between humans and the natural world as mediated through sound. It falls on July 18 to honor the birthday of Raymond Murray Schafer, a Canadian composer and environmentalist who is seen as the founder of acoustic ecology. World Listening Day was established in 2010, and each year the holiday has a specific theme tied to it. Past themes include 1CH20, 1D 1CSounds Lost & Found, 1D and 1CListen to You! 1D This year 19s theme is 1CListening to the Ground, 1D which asks us to consider the sounds of the literal ground in all its surfaces, from soil to asphalt, whether we 19re losing metaphorical ground, and whether we can find new ground by listening for it. So quiet down, open up your ears, and get ready to study soundscapes on World Listening Day.
Special deals to celebrate World Listening Day!
pehr Promo Code: 10% Off Your Order - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Outdoors Offer: Extra 15% Off Sitewide - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Festicket Discount: 10% Off May Sale - Get 10% Off May Sale. Valid on selected festivals.
Charles & Keith US Promo Code: 10% Off First Order When You Sign Up For Charles & Keith Emails - No coupon code needed. Prices as marked. Tap to shop the sale now.
Olloclip Discount: Free Shipping on Orders $50+ - No coupon code needed. Prices as marked. Tap to shop the sale now.
Twice Offer: Free Shipping on Your Order - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
pehr Discount: 10% Off Your Order - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
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holliejameson · 3 years
Why Do We Celebrate World Listening Day July 18, 2021?
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How to Observe World Listening Day
Go on a solo listening walk
Pick a route, any route. Live near a beach? Take a stroll along the ocean and listen to the waves. Or maybe you want to walk through the woods and hear what the wind sounds like going through the trees. If you don 19t live near anything resembling 1Cnature, 1D walk a ten block loop around your neighborhood. Take out your headphones, don 19t say a word, and try to pay attention to each individual sound you hear along the way.
Host a listening quiz
Use your phone to record a bunch of sounds from your environment, from a particular bird call to the sound of a truck driving down the street. Invite your family and friends over and see if they can identify each sound as you play them.
Go to a concert
You don 19t have to listen to natural sounds to appreciate the spirit of World Listening Day. Buy tickets to a concert 14it could be a symphony playing Beethoven, that hip new electronic musician at a cool underground club, a Led Zeppelin cover band in the back of a dive bar, you name it. No matter what genre, challenge yourself to tune out all the background noise of your fellow concert-goers and really isolate and appreciate the sounds of the music.
Why World Listening Day is Important
It gives us an excuse to quiet down
Have you stopped to think about how much of your day is consumed by words? If you 19re saying them you 19re reading them, listening to someone else 19s, or even thinking them. World Listening Day gives us a reason to back away from words and hear the sounds between and around them.
It makes us mindful about the noises that soundtrack our lives
Think of it this way: depending on where you live and how you move throughout your day, every person has a completely unique soundtrack that plays behind their daily routine. Car noise, wind in your ears, silverware hitting a plate, clicks from a keyboard, papers rustling 26 You 19re so accustomed to these sounds that you probably don 19t even think about the fact that you 19re hearing them. But we bet you will now, huh?
It applies to any and all environments
Whether you live in the middle of a bustling city, out in a quiet suburb, or way out on a remote farm, the principles of acoustic ecology can be applied to your life. That means you don 19t have to go an inch out of your way to celebrate World Listening Day.
Shhh 26 do you hear that? It 19s the sound of World Listening Day approaching on July 18. World Listening Day is put on every year by the World Listening Project, a nonprofit organization that is 1Cdevoted to understanding the world and its natural environment, societies and cultures through the practice of listening and field recording. 1D They explore acoustic ecology, a discipline that studies the relationship between humans and the natural world as mediated through sound. It falls on July 18 to honor the birthday of Raymond Murray Schafer, a Canadian composer and environmentalist who is seen as the founder of acoustic ecology. World Listening Day was established in 2010, and each year the holiday has a specific theme tied to it. Past themes include 1CH20, 1D 1CSounds Lost & Found, 1D and 1CListen to You! 1D This year 19s theme is 1CListening to the Ground, 1D which asks us to consider the sounds of the literal ground in all its surfaces, from soil to asphalt, whether we 19re losing metaphorical ground, and whether we can find new ground by listening for it. So quiet down, open up your ears, and get ready to study soundscapes on World Listening Day.
Special deals to celebrate World Listening Day!
Twice Coupon: Free Shipping on Your Order - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Outdoors Coupon: Extra 15% Off Sitewide - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Olloclip Deal: Free Shipping on Orders $50+ - No coupon code needed. Prices as marked. Tap to shop the sale now.
Twice Promo Code: Free Shipping on Your Order - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
FORAY GOLF Discount: Free 2-Day Shipping on Sitewide Orders of $150+ - No coupon code needed. Tap to shop the sale now.
pehr Coupon Code: 10% Off Your Order - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Beauty Coupon: 20% Off Sitewide - Get 20% Off sitewide
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coralharmony · 3 years
Shhh 26 do you hear that? It 19s the sound of World Listening Day approaching on July 18
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