lobsteritus · 7 months
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New character concepts: Benton & Jersey!
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grison-in-space · 1 year
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So anyway, inter dog integration is going well...
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unteriors · 6 months
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Union Ridge Road, Benton, Kentucky.
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This is Benton. Benton is taking a shrimp nap after a hard day of totally breaking his agility teacher. But wait, you say, how did he break his teacher?
Benton has struggled with hind end awareness, which is dangerous for obstacles like the dog walk, a high, narrow bridge. If a dog on the dog walk turns wrong on it or forgets they have a hind end, they can have a nasty fall and get hurt. Fortunately, we have an excellent agility teacher who teaches backing up onto a platform to teach them to be aware of their feet.
First you teach them to back up. For 6-8 months, Benton and I worked almost daily on teaching him to go backwards on command. No matter what I did, for months, he sat down and visibly fretted, didn't try to back up, even though I've watched him climb stairs backwards. Finally he started reversing!
Next, you introduce a board or other contrasting texture so that they learn to target the object backwards with their hind feet. You repeat this until you see them searching for the board with their little leggies. Once he could reverse, he started looking for the board quite quickly and graduated to platforms.
Sounds successful, right? Why would this break his teacher? Sure, he went slow, but he can do it, right?
Well, there's one more piece to the puzzle. Eventually you have to get them onto a narrower platform because they need to aim. They need to be able to find the platform with their feet and steer towards them.
Benton goes backwards in circles. He cannot go straight at all. He just turns like a baffled Roomba until he finds the platform by accident or I call him off, reset him, and start again.
Today his teacher admitted defeat. He knows he needs to have his feet on the platform. He knows to look for it. He cannot go straight, even after a year. After thirty years of training agility, having her students be the best in the state at contact obstacles like the dog walk, she has admitted that he will not progress further so we're going to stop this exercise and move on to the next steps of agility.
He has broken her and I love him.
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doctorwhogirlie · 5 days
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rachelbethhines · 6 months
Speed-running Doctor Who - 3rd Doctor
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A quick and dirty guide for those who want to get into the show, but don't want to watch everything from the beginning.
For Those Who Just Wanna Get An Idea of the Era
The Claws of Axos - S8E3
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It's not the best. It's not the worst. It's just pure average Who... The Third Doctor's type of Who precisely. It hits all of the stereotypical notes that the era is known for while being an easy digestible four parts length, and is fairly continuity lite.
Plot Important Episodes
Entrances, Exits, Enemies, Lore Drops, and Character Development
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Spearhead from Space - S7E1 (first story with the Third Doctor, the return of UNIT, introduces both Liz and the Autons)
Doctor Who and the Silurians - S7E2 (first story to feature the Silurians)
Inferno - S7E4 (character development for the Doctor and Liz's last story)
Terror of the Autons - S8E1 (return of the Autons, the first story featuring The Master... who may or may not be a later incarnation of the Meddler and/or War Master, and introduces both Jo and Mike Yates)
The Mind of Evil - S8E2 (character development for The Master)!
Colony in Space - S8E4 (the first time the Third Doctor gets to travel to an alien planet and we find out that the Time Lords are using him as a reluctant 'agent' to further their agenda)
The Dæmons - S8E5 (the season finale and the Master is finally apprehended by UNIT)
Day of the Daleks - S9E1 (the return of the Daleks after a long absence and the first full timey whimey story)
The Sea Devils - S9E3 (The Master breaks out of jail and joins forces with the Silurians' cousins the titled Sea Devils)
The Three Doctors - S10E1 (first multi-Doctor story, 10th anniversary special, introduces Omega)
Frontier in Space - S10E3 (introduces the Draconians and is the final story with Delgado's Master)
The Green Death - S10E5 (Jo's last story and character development for Mike Yates)
The Time Warrior - S11E1 (Sarah Jane's first story and the first appearance of the Sontarans)
Invasion of the Dinosaurs - S11E2 (The Doctor is betrayed by one of his companions!)
Planet of the Spiders - S11E5 (final story with the Third Doctor and Mike Yates' last appearance)
Personal Favorite and Least Favorite Stories
Because one man's trash is another man's treasure and vice versa
Favorite: The Ambassadors of Death - S7E3
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Least Favorite: The Mutants - S9E4
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(disclaimer: no spin-offs or extended universe stuff was considered when making this list)
Up Next: Fourth Doctor
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6-and-7 · 26 days
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Time Ram - Sensorites and Sensibility
It's Benton's big day out as the Third Doctor gets Rammed into the Hartnell-era story, The Sensorites! It's mayhem, molybdenum, and the Master as Jon Pertwee contends with a foe who wants to Make the Sense-Sphere Great Again! Featuring an acapella score and a brief lesson in economics.
Time Ram art masterpost
Alt. versions under the cut
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gailstorm · 7 months
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Dark self portrait
(I can’t choose which one I like better)
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Children as young as 11 are confined alone to cells the size of parking spaces up to 23 hours a day at a juvenile detention center in Southern Illinois, according to a lawsuit filed by ACLU of Illinois.
Young people at the Franklin County Juvenile Detention Center in Benton must ask staff permission to flush the toilet, and they can go days or weeks without access to schoolwork. Black mold grows on the walls, according to the lawsuit filed Friday, and there are no mental health professionals employed at the facility.
The lawsuit seeks a court order compelling the facility to improve conditions immediately, on the basis of deprivation of their rights under the 14th Amendment.
“These are not conditions that anybody, let alone any child, should be subjected to,” said Kevin Fee, the lead lawyer on the case, describing the situation as “inhumane to the level of being unspeakable.”
In general, the conditions of juvenile detention centers in the U.S. have been slowly improving in the last few decades thanks to research on the harms of solitary confinement, so this case is “especially frightening,” said clinical and forensic psychologist Apryl Alexander, who works with detained youth.
“We’re supposed to be using the juvenile legal system for rehabilitation and not punishment. These are youth who are capable of change — we recognize that developmentally and personally. And so we should be treating them as such,” Alexander said.
Fee added that the Franklin detention center is used to hold kids before they have been sentenced or found guilty by a court.
The ACLU of Illinois spoke with more than a dozen youngsters who are either detained currently or have been detained at the facility within the past few weeks about their experiences there, Fee said.
“The idea that children would spend any portion of their childhood locked in solitary confinement is an egregious abuse,” Fee said.
Solitary confinement is “extremely harmful for everybody who is locked up, but particularly for children spending that much time in a brightly lit room, unable to really sleep properly,” Fee said.
The practice has been banned for youth held by the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice since 2015, and on Friday, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed legislation making it illegal to use on “young detainees in detention centers for any purpose other than preventing immediate physical harm.”
The law will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024.
Alexander added that the majority of suicides that happen in detention occur when a person is in solitary confinement.
It is also important to consider that many youth in the juvenile legal system experienced trauma before they were detained, “so putting them in solitary confinement can also be retraumatizing,” Alexander said.
Neither the Franklin County Juvenile Detention Center nor the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice immediately responded to a request for comment by The Associated Press.
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Okay so me and my partner were discussing Doctor Who himbos and these two lovely gents are by far the biggest ones.
If you are wondering why other characters people may think of as himbos aren’t here. Remember the criteria is
Pure of heart
Dumb of ass
Respecter of women
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Benton Fraser from Due South
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grison-in-space · 1 month
Uh. Anyone on dogblr ever seen anything like this? I walked into the living room just now (~ to find 3yo Benton standing distressed in the middle of the room with a very stiff back and stiff, weak legs—like a tremor or maybe some kind of spasm? He was able to keep from falling over, but he was swaying a bit in the hind end and he clearly had a little trouble maintaining his balance. That said he also offered a fairly credible sit-pretty when he thought I might give him a cookie for that—I asked him to sit, thank you, but he got a couple of cookies just for coming with me and moving—and as whatever it was passed, he seemed to have more control over his hind end. He was happy to try and walk back and forth the entire time and then hauled himself onto the sofa for a sprawl.
No head tilt. No continued balance issues. Was largely normal by the time Kawuli came downstairs with laundry—entire episode approximately 545p to maybe 550p. He was conscious and responsive the entire time.
He's got a vet appt with his behavior vet tomorrow (has seen him most recently, runs a practice with a lot of focus on animals that really need cooperative care) and our general vet has heard and wants updates because WTF, obviously tumblr is not my vet. But has anyone seen anything like this before?!
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He really is a very good boy.
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unteriors · 8 months
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S Main Street, Benton, Illinois.
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alex-supremacy4 · 2 months
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andtheirmoonlight · 1 year
jesus christ FENTO-OOOON
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rachelbethhines · 6 months
Speed-running Doctor Who - 2nd Doctor
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A quick and dirty guide for those who want to get into the show, but don't want to watch everything from the beginning.
For Those Who Just Wanna Get An Idea of the Era
Tomb of the Cybermen - S5E1
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Fun fact, this is the story that Moffat gave Matt Smith to introduce him to the show and the character. If it's good enough to inform an actor's entire portrayal of the Doctor 40 years later, then it's certainly good enough to be considered a decent summary of the Second Doctor's era.
Plot Important Episodes
Entrances, Exits, Enemies, Lore Drops, and Character Development (missing episodes will have a * next to it. You will have to find recons and animated versions to watch instead)
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Power of the Daleks - S4E3 * (first regeneration story, and the Second Doctor's introduction)
The Highlanders - S4E4 * (Jamie's first episode)
The Macra Terror - S4E7 * (the Macra do appear again in NuWho technically)
The Faceless Ones - S4E8 * (Ben's and Polly's last story)
The Evil of the Daleks - S4E9 * (meet Victoria)
The Abominable Snowmen - S5E2 * (The Doctor versus the Great Intelligence... again... First appearance of the Yeti and Professor Travers)
The Ice Warriors - S5E3 * (the Ice Warriors', aka martians', introduction)
The Web of Fear - S5E5 * (Professor Travers and the Yeti are back along with the Great Intelligence, and this time the military gets involved. The Brigadier's first appearance)
Fury from the Deep - S5E6 * (Victoria's last story)
The Wheel in Space - S5E7 * (Meet Zoe)
The Dominators - S6E1 (The Quarks are a long running in-joke in the franchise)
The Invasion - S6E3 * (The Brigadier returns and UNIT is finally established. Benton's first appearance)
The War Games - S6E7 (Last story for Two, Jamie, and Zoe. We finally learn of the Doctor's people, The Time Lords, and we meet The War Master... who may or may not be The Master and/or The Meddler)
Personal Favorite and Least Favorite Stories
Because one man's trash is another man's treasure and vice versa
Favorite: The Underwater Menace - S4S5 *
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Least Favorite: The Moonbase - S4E6 *
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(disclaimer: no spin-offs or extended universe stuff was considered when making this list.... except for the Quarks)
Next Up: The Third Doctor
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