#world thrift day
murderousink23 · 7 months
10/28/2023 is International Creole Day 🌎, World Thrift Day 🇩🇪, National Chocolate Day 🍫🇺🇲, National First Responders Day 🚑🇺🇲, National Make A Difference Day 🇺🇲, National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day 💊🇺🇲, Day of the Liberation of Ukraine 🇺🇦, Wild Foods Day 🇬🇧
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tautozhone · 1 month
can argue to death with me about how age restrictions on youtube are necessary but i will be DAMNED before i say Hinds Hall deserved to be age restricted. average american child on youtube can listen to H*rbu D*rbu (censoring in hopes to avoid algorithm engagement with the song) which is IOF praising genocidal propaganda, and- big fucking shocker- its not age restricted. i’m 100% sure the only reason Hind’s Hall was restricted was to deliberately suppress and avoid the spread of the song.
#tauto talks#i know damn well that it doesn’t matter that it’s songs in different languages shit in arabic is not free from age restrictions just because#it would not take a kid much leg work for someone to find an english translation if they wanted it#pop culture has an inseparable impact on the public perception of so fucking much and it sucks to say but i bet some people hadn’t had#everything delivered in a way that made them care#macklemore has a weird history of social activism in his music i apologize every day for making fun of him in highschool for thrift shop#like his song kevin does a lot to tackle americas overprescription to addiction to jail or death pipeline#it is sympathetic to the experience of an addict in ways a lot of people generally in society are not#this song did a bit to turn perspective to industries at fault and not the individual suffering#so watching hinds hall be age restricted? feels deliberate. as every move of suppression has felt#feeling particularly full of grief and hate today because i graduate soon#i can only think of every writer like me who did not get to see the stage like i will and it aches#stories the world will never see because it removed the chance#it’s almost like the youth of america are some of the most vibrant and opinionated and energetic parts of the population. youth affords time#change spreading like wildfire cannot be put out as fast as it grows#keep burning#free palestine#palestine#gaza genocide#free gaza#eyes on rafah#eyes on sudan#eyes on congo#eyes on darfur#liberate the world#hoping a swift but painful death to colonization
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i need more white and black collared shirts. those zip-up hoodies in black and green and brown. cargo pants. long-ass ties. sweater vests. regular vests. long-ass shorts. belts. pinstriped clothes. ridiculously large shoes. i am trying to achieve a Look here
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amiharana · 1 year
what do u think modern revalink would wear!! me personally I think link is either plain tshirt + cargo shorts every day of the week or crop tops and backless shirts and layers of jewelry, no in between 💀 and revali definitely thrifts bc he thinks it makes him look cool, he probably has 100 pinterest boards of outfits he wants to try, honestly if he wasn't so interested in pursuing flight school he might go into fashion 😭 OH he definitely owns a pair of aviator sunglasses, also I just get fur coat vibes from him
CARGO SHORTS HAHAHHA THAT'S VERY LINK VIBES FOR SURE!!!! like link either dresses like a dad or he's showing so much skin pastors everywhere are sweating. casually, link wears the most random graphic tee + sweatpants or old PE shorts from high school LMFAOKJDHFJKD and also flip flops. if he's feeling a little fancy he has the most beat-up pair of white airforce 1s. i lowkey think he has a pair of black af1s that he keeps in mint condition and wears on ~special occasions~ but i Love love LOVE the idea of link wearing crop tops, backless shirts, and jewelry omg 😭🤍 he only wears stuff like that also for special occasions like the usual job interview or date night with revali <3 u know that meme that's like. Steal the Look! $2,450 and it will be like Shirt -$30, Pants - $45, Shoes - $80, Lingerie Set - $2,325 because that's totally link. tell me he's not wearing the sexiest lingerie under his date night outfit like COME ON NOW! but i also believe in link wearing a lot of oversized hoodies, big shirts, and baggy jeans etc he's very stylish and in with the trends
I AGREE WITH REVALI THRIFTING he believes in sustainable clothing and Only wears clothes he's thrifted or are from sustainable and environmentally friendly companies. he actively despises those tiktok girlies who thrift and resell on fucking depop for like 100x the price like he calls them out and roasts them in an 45 min long youtube video 😭 it's so humiliating for them that some of the tiktok girlies be deleting their accounts...... i love the pinterest board stuff too, i have one of just clothes and outfits i think are neat and want, but revali has like 20 different boards for outfit ideas based on 20 different and specific vibes. revali believes in always looking his best before he leaves the house and regularly dresses like wisdom kaye or, i specifically thought of these concept photos of taehyung from proof since you mentioned fur coat? revali makes link match with him for a date night so link ends up wearing jungkook's outfit from the same concept photos. god these men r fine asf WHEWWW! revali is just as broke as the rest of us but he LOOKS rich with the way he pairs clothing together
yes to revali's aviator glasses but link makes fun of him for wearing them inside and revali's is like IT'S FOR THE AESTHETIC!!!!!!!! link wears bucket hats because i said so. idc argue with the wall for this one he would look so cute in a bucket hat and revali thinks so too. he has so many pictures of link in a bucket hat on his phone. they both have platform doc martens, link has the boots and revali also has boots but also the oxfords.
revali has a bomber jacket from his grandfather who was a pilot. link likes to steal it sometimes because it's oversized and smells like revali <3
link learned how to crochet for funsies and made revali a bright blue scarf as a gift, and revali was so touched he centered every single outfit he wore for the next two weeks around the scarf (dw he washed it, he's a clean freak). like revali cherishes it so much he has it displayed in their house 😭
last one for now and i'm gonna project even more onto link, but he luvs jewelry. he looks especially good in gold, but he rocks any piece he wears. he has so much jewelry, revali built him a whole vanity with multiple drawers and storage space for all of the jewelry. revali randomly gets him jewelry as gifts every now and then, and he always gets it custom-crafted by a jeweler who's a friend of urbosa. link almost always wears the first necklace that revali ever gifted him for his birthday and it's beautiful sapphire wrapped in gold. also link wears a body chain under his crop tops sometimes and revali is obsessed with it he cannot keep his hands off of link's waist or his eyes away from the way the chain glints against link's tummy :)
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bhaalsdeepbat · 1 month
i literally walked into this space knowing NO ONE, sat off to the side and told them, "I'm sorry, I'm like a cat. I have to just watch for a second, then I'll socialize more." and like. the entire group was just like YEAH MAKES SENSE. no one took it wrong. they just let me observe until i was ready to mesh in more. and now almost two years later I am now burrowed so deeply into this troupe that i wouldn't have the friends or opportunities i have without it.
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daydadahlias · 9 months
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ruffgem · 3 months
my daily uniform in high school was always some version of Sweater Or Buttoned Shirt Tucked Into Pants because I hated how t shirts fit me (always so fucking LONG because im short) and then one day in college i magically realized that I could just take a pair of scissors to my t shirts and cut them so that the hemlines at the bottom/arms actually fit me in the right places.......... never looked back bro all my shirts are at various states of mutilation now but its so awsom........ Im Living Life...... in high school u never wouldve caught me dead in a tank top or any form of cropped shirt but thats because i didnt see the light. its also so practical........... its always 10000 degrees in the school studios and i'm always lugging heavy shit around... and all my hobbies involve full motion of my rotator cuffs okay they need breathing room. So That's The Story How I Became A Sleeveless Shirt Wearer like mac from its always sunny. and the cropped shirt..... POCKET ACCESS! POCKET ACCESS! a long-ass t shirt will drape over all ur pockets. absolutely diabolical when you keep as many treasures within your pockets as i do. anway.......... thats my speech about how everyone should mutilate their shirts if its applicable to them. peace on earth.
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robinsnest2111 · 7 months
let's see if I can get ready and sneak out of the house without running into my parents on this most cursed of all days...
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junk-culture · 1 year
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hi 👋
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aloeverawrites · 6 months
I saw a sign on the mall the other day. The bottom half of it had been torn off. And then I looked closer.
No it hadn’t, it had just been printed to look that way. A specially made imperfection.
A company trying to be like us, saying that they slapdash signs and use torn spare bits of paper without actually doing so.
You see it everywhere, an artificial show of genuine feeling.
Things can be imperfect in a perfect way. They can be spontaneous with a carefully planned precision.
Corporations trying to say they’re real like us without getting their hands dirty by reaching out.
An illusion of togetherness bridging the gap they created with their greed. Joking about the cost of living they created as though they’re our friends and not our problems.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this I just wish they’d stop selling humanity to us.
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bloodcoveredgf · 1 year
beating the not having a life and only watching movies allegations by missing a day of watching movies because i went shopping in town and then called and watched videos with my bf for the rest of the night <3 & today was a beautiful good day full of love and laughter :)
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mariska · 1 year
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last post i just reblogged reminded me i never remembered to post these silly lil photos i took on here...ever since i had to quickly get a new phone from my other one's (rip iphone 6s and my beautiful beloved Standard Analog Headphone Plug....we had a good run old friend...........) screen literally bubbling up like it was going to actually explode from internal heating if i kept using it i now have a super cool high quality camera lens situation that i hope to be able to use for my various diy art projects and stuff but its still been less than a month since i've has this model phone and its the first like. modern within two years or so high tech camera i have ever owned in my life and i grew up in the pre-phone camera era of handheld digital cameras for broke aspiring photographers so its been very exciting for me to test things out and look at settings (i can allegedly take photos & videos in literal 4k HD with this camera lens system according to the quality options in the system settings which is. absolutely mind boggling to me in a good way i cant believe i have a camera in any format that has the potential to capture things to that extent!!!)
anyways all of that to say that i'm obviously very out of touch with how any of this modern high tech high resolution works as of now, but i picked this version of this phone model specifically because it gives me a lot of opportunities to hopefully have more personal, accessible control over visual photo/video art and editing and filming etc etc but since i haven't had a chance to really learn how to utilize everything the way i want to yet, i've been having fun taking 'portrait mode' photos in the meantime just to try and get the hang of one feature at a time, and a week or two ago when i had my Weekly Day Outside Of My Home For Therapy Appointment, one of my moms and i decided to take a drive just for the heck of it to get some air and see the world.
all of this. again. to say. here are some portraits i took of my beloved soft fluffy chicken bag (his name is Lestat de Poultrycourt 😌) while sitting in the passenger seat and cracking up with one of my moms over how hard i was trying to pose him in a way that did not show my hands like a muppet operator. i am 99% sure at least one of these pics will end up being used by me as an album cover for a song at some point in the future so look forward to that. fjshdhsgshsgshsvsh
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How have you been?
ok!! i’ve been on tumblr way less in the past months so yw for kinda just fully disappearing for a while there
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actually I don't think you guys understand. the last time I was genuinely absorbed with a book was probably Les Mis, which I listened to as an audiobook throughout half of 2020, and the last time it was an actual paper book would have been Legacy (KOTLC book 8) which came out the first Tuesday (Thursday??) of November 2019 and for which I disregarded every responsibility I had to speed read it in one day. I've had such a hard time reading the past couple years, like really just so distracted and fixated on other things that I've had to actually set timers to make myself sit down and read a goshdang book, and I'm just. gobsmacked. absolutely appalled that I picked up a book off a thrift store shelf just because I recognized the title, flipped to the first page out of sheer curiosity, and have now dedicated more time to reading in the past three days than I have in possibly the last entire year. it's not even the kind of thing I would usually pick out to read!! I'm not quite sure what to do with this tbh
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holyviolence · 1 year
the cashier at target was a lovely trans woman named elizabeth who said my lost boys docs would be even better if they were creepers. i miss her already. we could've been friends
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donotdestroy · 5 months
Bob Dylan - All Along the Watchtower (Official Audio)
Genius Lyrics
“The joker and thief are two pretty broad archetypes, but there are plenty of theories as to who they are meant to represent. Some think the Joker is a symbol for Jesus, since he interacts with a thief, and Jesus was crucified next to the Penitent thief and Impenitent thief. Additionally, some believe that the Joker is Dylan himself, and the thief is Elvis Presley, as Elvis was accused of stealing rock and roll from the African-Americans to make money. Some have gone even deeper and view the joker and the thief as symbols of life and death. A lot of this song has to do with perspective; the businessmen see things differently than the joker, the princes see things differently than the servants, the thief sees things differently than the plowmen. A concise and beautifully written song like this lends itself to so many different meanings that no interpretation can be proven incorrect. So view it however you like; all we can do is give more information to help you form an opinion.
What we do know about the thief and the Joker is that they are outsiders in some capacity. They operate outside the walls of conventional psychological safety, and would rather spend their time risking the threats of wolves and howling winds than be cooped up behind the safe walls the princes hide behind. The Joker expresses frustration and some degree of sadness at the state of the world, and shows a desire to change things.”
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