#woop this is a long post
hero-in-waiting · 9 months
😄 for leather, ✏️ for won’t say I’m in love, 🎲 for alllllllllll of themmmmm
😄 What part are you most excited to write?
baassssiclly the fic is gonna end with john fucking rodney while rodney is wearing his season 4 leather jacket and nothing else so that's gonna be fun lol.
✏️ Have you deleted any scenes or strayed from your initial plan?
I just deleted like 3k! Not because the scene wasn't good, but because its the Moment in the fic. The oh moment and i liked the one i wrote, but it wasn't the vibe i had had in my head for the last 60k i had written and it was stalling me from writing the rest of it. so i scrapped the whole thing and rewrote it and i like this one a lot better.honestly. might rewrite it again because its The Moment I've had in my head and i want it to be perfect.
🎲 Scroll wildly through your WIP doc and post a snippet from where you land when you stop!
I Won't Say I'm In Love:
“Hmm,” Radek said. “So, there is no one?” Evan shrugged. “As far as I know there isn’t. Unless you wanna know who I’m fucking.” “No, do not have the time to listen to that list again,” Radek said, shaking his head. “Hey!” Evan said, slightly offended even though it was true. “Hi!” Evan looked up as David appeared in the doorway, looking between Radek and Evan. “Oh, you weren’t saying hi?” David asked, even as he walked over and kissed Radek hello. “Well, it could double as a hello,” Evan said, tapping his stylus against his tablet. “Mostly I was just being insulted.” “I called him a slut,” Radek said, beaming at David.
His phone rang again and he checked it, seeing the same number. He ignored it, but after a second thought added Rodney’s name to his contact list. The phone rang again, and this time John picked it up. “We’re sorry, the number you have dialed is no longer in service. Please hang up and try again,” John said in the same voice he had once used on CO’s he didn’t like. “Bullshit,” Rodney muttered. “Look! I know I’ve been a bit of a dick lately but there’s a good reas—” John hung up
John pulled back from Rodney and sneezed, shaking his head to clear it only to sneeze, and keep on sneezing until he started to get frustrated. He was aware of Rodney hovering, hands fluttering in the air and holding something it took John a moment to realize was a tissue. He took it and blew his nose, shaking his head as something still tickled his nose. He finally managed to clear it and breathed in, smelling something new. “Cologne?” he asked, hearing how stuffy he sounded. Rodney took a few, hasty, steps back. “Yeah, new one,” he said. “I uh…take it that it doesn’t work for you?” John waved for Rodney to come closer and leaned in to kiss him again, only to sneeze when Rodney got closer and he backed up, shaking his head. “Ah, Jesus. What is that? Pepper spray?” he asked, rubbing both hands over his face as he tried to stop himself from sneezing again, but it was a lost cause. “Smoke Show. It’s supposed to have notes of pink peppercorn,” Rodney said, rubbing the side of his neck, looking at John before shaking his head and walking into the bathroom, the shower starting up a second later.
One More Lonely Soul
“Is this urgent?” he asked, interrupting Bates. He dropped his hand to look at his new Senior NCO and then at Ford, a kid entirely too young to be an XO in his opinion, but John was still too new to question anything, even if he had a thousand questions. Bates opened his mouth, closed it and glared. “I would think considering the past week you would find the security of this base to be quite urgent.” “I think the only thing the past week has shown us is that any preconceived notion anyone had should be kicked out the door,” John replied before he leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “Look, Sgt. None of you want me in this position, and I’m not gonna Monday morning quarterback Colonel Sumners decisions regarding chain of command, but, and no offense here Lt. Ford, but, I don’t think he is quite ready to be in Command. Right?” “No argument here,” Ford said quickly, looking over at Bates and back at John.
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tooquirkytolose · 2 months
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~The Most Beautiful Woman in The World~
Download on itch.io for extra content!
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jacazull · 5 months
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It’s time to do something fun to thank y’all for being here! If any of you follow my sister @vi050iv then you might be familiar with the band au doodles she posted a year ago on insta. Casey, Junior, and April are in a band managed by Sunita, and they sing about triumphs and rising against odds. They’re called The Underdogz 💥I referenced the cover of an idw issue I really like when drawing this~ (pretend I drew a z instead of an s in their banner)
Anywaysss I will doodle some prizes, so there’ll be a deadline (I’ll give plenty of time). Of course you’re free to keep doodling for the band au long after the date passes.
- Please use the hashtag #jacazull1kdtiys and tag me
- MUST HAVE Casey, Junior, April, and Sunita doing something band related (signing autographs, costume fitting, practicing, battle of the bands, posing for an album photoshoot etc)
- You’re free to add other characters or ocs as long as The UnderDogz are there
1st: Fullbody of any character
2nd: Halfbody of any character
3rd: Bust of any character
All prizes will be lined and colored in flats!
As an additional gift, I’ll be sharing the spotify playlists my sisters and I made for Rise over a year ago. Some songs may be a bit silly or out of place, but we had to compromise a lot LOL. Songs are taken out and added every now and then, but I hope y’all can enjoy them.
Casey: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2cxt5JGKkv5bziUFWF6JAE?si=hU-A4oBoRzqy1Pl6zcsHKQ&pi=u-BT8s5FrWT3CU
April: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6g850asOOGeF4OsPi1Bb8J?si=lEa0b6aASMi7P5OdvApR8Q&pi=u-fq7uj8oLSZGf
Junior: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1j6Rf7mt7Yl5TfMpBRwTOw?si=cBxlZ3KhQxmEQ2aBKxhPqQ&pi=u-ATNIY-fKSwez
Raph: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Kt2htp2OpXDQgEFiRZnih?si=8q-kCtnBTTmCRQSJLNnMWw&pi=u-aToiW0YOQcSv
Leo: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ZAWkn0QDysAXZgX7KqNuM?si=JYrB-Dx2Qoqnas-FEl4rUg&pi=u-240kik8DTgO_
Donnie: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5LaxNqoN451ErZQTAb0GUu?si=cdTNkIvjThe_2X15c1aKvQ&pi=u-uR1PkEe4QrSc
Mikey: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08dBF9Eq6Ouj7yI0NB9zUQ?si=jxkXATyeTB-8bUGrIamR4Q&pi=u-C_fx-iF2TJeB
Okie I think I covered everything. Have lots of fun!!!
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zaacoy · 11 months
Tang in dresses I think he'd like :3c
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orokay · 5 months
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My (hopefully) last batch of large ko-fis for a while!
I had an interview for the paid training opportunity through ovr on Thursday so I'm waiting to hear back from them to know for sure, but regardless of if I get it or not, I'm going to be taking a much needed break from larger ko-fis to recuperate and draw for myself. In the meantime I'm going to keep mini's open, so if you're interested in supporting me until I (fingers crossed) start this new job in February, please check out my commissions page on ko-fi! I’m currently unemployed! If you’d like to help me out you can buy a mini or donate to my ko-fi! Thank you so much for all of your support!🌺
I don't want this to turn into a novel, so I'll try keep this brief, but I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for supporting me through this period of my life. It's been a really rocky road, but I don't know where I'd be without the generous support of all of you guys who commissioned me, donated, and boosted my posts. Thank you so so so so so much! I want to send a special, huge thank you to Jax who commissioned me almost every time I opened them. I can't tell you how happy I was every time you popped up in my emails. You've been a dream commissioner to work with I honestly don't have the words to express how much working with you meant to me! Thank you again! I hope I'll be able to draw more of your characters for you in the future! ♥
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daily-odile · 3 months
wait quick question is it ok if I say shes pretty in the tags? I fear it may be considered weird or obsessive to some people
I may also just need to ask regardless according to suggestions
friend, being insane about odile is the Point of this blog. Please go fuckin wild.
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charming-doodles · 1 year
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Lil baby man can go feral as a treat :3
Based on this post
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syinqbudz · 6 months
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the ghost of christmas past, christmas present, and christmas yet to come.
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zel-zo · 7 months
Bird Boy Body Pillow design IS in the works and is honestly almost done: will likely be posting it next week!!!
For now, heres a little doodle of *someone* controlling Quiet's hand:
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Lovesong (Sparrow/Nicky) mood board... web weave... thing. Happy V-Day! 💕
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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (missing sources will be added as they are acquired, sorry about that!)
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7lizardsinacoat · 3 days
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I've crossed the border line of weightless
One deep breath out from the sky
A digital painting of Hozier!
Inspired by how I feel when I listen to I, Carrion (Icarian), and by post-impressionist art. Specifically inspired by Portrait of Postman Joseph Roulin by Van Gogh
click for better quality!
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allyooops · 3 months
What about Whirlwindflux captivated you so much? Did you ever feel insecure or not “good enough” for him?
GOSH. ok. Even before we got together romantically, we were very close friends. I'd never met someone so friendly and approachable, he's easy to talk to, laugh with and befriend. When feelings changed I really started to notice how he gave his whole self to a conversation, the true version of him is the only one he gives. I was captivated by all of him. I think you kind of have to be to attempt a long distance relationship, you have to be enraptured by their whole self, and I am. I am so ridiculously in love with him it's crazy, I somehow managed to meet my soul mate?? Madness.
Insecurity is a hard one, I struggle with depression and anxiety, have for a very long time. Sometimes bad brain likes to scream y'know?? And I do remember the first time he was explaining a concept that I really couldn't even grasp that I had the thought of "oh no I'm too stupid to be dating this certified genius 🙃" BUT!! it helped to simply reframe that thought, he is definitely a smart dude, but we have very different sets of knowledge. When it comes to tech and math he's definitely the guy, but for anything food or biology I'm the gal. We have this beautiful overlap of food sciences that's fun? When we get talking about all the new things that are coming out for how the world might sustain its food needs, or the new techniques that are being utilized by farmers. He's an amazing conversationalist, and I could quite honestly listen to him talk all day.
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scudden · 5 months
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Blade Barrage
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psychesart · 1 year
little marylily snippet of something bigger that i'm working on!
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unxpctedlygreat · 1 year
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Faerghus Four praise lines (all A-rank praise lines) !
Most are character-specific, but Dimitri has the same lines for Sylvain and Ingrid (at the bottom of the post), and Sylvain has one unique line for Felix and Ingrid each, and one that they share (last three one pics)!
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tf2heritageposts · 1 year
the mercs and which pokémon generation would be their favorite:
scout: strikes me as either the douche who actually liked sword and shield or someone who’s new to the series and only has played pokémon go or scarlet and violet
pyro: gen 2, specifically crystal. likes the sprite work the best and tries to shiny hunt for pokémon they think look the coolest or the cutest
soldier: barely understands how video games work, but his favorite is gen 5 because it’s based off america, specifically pokémon white/black 2. he blasts through the story by overlevling his starter and braveriary he named uncle sam in all caps because he didn’t realize there was a lowercase option, then uses shock and awe as he sweeps the place with no regard for super effective moves or strategies. sun tzu would be ashamed
demoman: while there was a dlc for sword and shield for an isle based off scotland, there’s no way in sweet hell he’d actually like those games, let alone ones based in britain. he’d probably like gen 3 or 4, ruby and platinum respectively. he plays competitive very casually, and only really plays the lower tiers because he finds them more fun than the higher tiers. also they have his favorite pokémon in them
engineer: honestly, he’d probably like any of the games, but i think he’d love gen 1 specifically for it’s interesting glitches. god knows he’s the type of guy to look for ways to fuck up a game like pikasprey. he’d probably like yellow the best
heavy: uhhhhh my brain says he’d be a genwunner, but considering he has a lit degree, he’d probably like gen 5 since it has one of the best and most mature stories in the series. would choose black/white 2 but prefer white 2
medic: he’s a genwunner i’m sorry i love him but he only has the gameboy games and nothing else, on original carts too. he doesn’t have a real play style, he mostly just plays the games over and over every time he’s bored. may try speedrunning it sometimes. he has all three but he prefers blue
sniper: probably either gen 3 or gen 7, though he specifically plays the games to collect critters and not really to actually engage with the story or do competitive or whatnot. he has the national dex completed on every save file he does. plays emerald, fire red, and honestly he’d probably play sun or moon
spy: gen 6, it’s based off france come on. he plays competitive and will bully everyone else for their “bad competitive teams” because everyone else tends to just use their favorites. he also plays only OU and UBERS because he’s lame like that. he also has both games because he’s fucking rich and has two ds’ he trades to himself with
merasmus: gen 4, but he likes the gen 2 remakes the best. when soldier isn’t pissing him off he does shiny hunts and uses magic to manipulate the odds because he’s an impatient motherfucker. plays heart gold
pauling: probably wouldn’t care about pokémon honestly, but she strikes me as the kind who’d actually like the spin-offs the best, specifically any of the mystery dungeon games, but specifically gen 4
saxton: realistically he’d probably break a game console and call it for kids, but if he did manage to like a game, he’d like the pokken games or scarlet and violet, and doesn’t care which one it is
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