#women creating comics
imaybe5tupid · 4 days
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Traveling alone is quite dangerous for a girl.
(my toshiro overcompensating trans man hc)
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bonus 2 ft. toshiyuki (middle brother) grown up a little but still a menace
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#toshiro nakamoto#shuro dungeon meshi#my comics#i feel like when he announced himself everyone in the household was really excited his dad especially#1) now there’s an heir 2) cause he finally thought his kid was starting to be interesting and for a short time it was kind of novel#he thought it was so cool and edgy to have a son like that but then that quickly wore off#since toshiro didn’t start becoming like him or stop being a boring person to him#and lowkey the little inheritance competition where toshiros peers are like. a bratty 14yo and an 8yo.#is his way to walk it back that he should be the heir#even though he already got acknowledged and everything#meanwhile hien trying to be a woke affirming queen and just feeding his insecurities unintentionally “you’re a man aren’t you”#their friendship changes and they try to slot each other more into their gendered expectations and drift apart#toshiro compulsively works out and trains and carries himself and acts in certain ways#to be masculine in this very conventional way to affirm himself as a man and as the heir of a samurai family#and as a counterpoint to his wastrel layabout father#he becomes the kind of stealth trans guy who lives in constant state of fear and stress. to the point his little brothers have no idea#-> creates that distance emotionally from them#dungeon meshi#i think his relationship with his dad is absolutely horrendous hes a scummy guy through and through#but i personally enjoy bad relationships in fiction where there was something good to lose in the first place#and despite everything he does still care like in the first comic hes genuinely trying to be mindful#in his own condescending thoughtless way which like confirms all of toshiros worst fears about how his father sees him#like he really got assigned the retainers who are 1) 2 teenage girls one who wants to escape the other whos lowkey scared of him#3) his ex childhood best friend who things are weird with currently 4) random woman whos never even met him ONCE before#5) his smothering nanny/teacher ALL OF WHOM dont really respect him as a leader at all or have a professional rapport with him even😭#in his dads pov he was like okay ill assign women retainers so he won’t hide from them (wrong). also ones who wont intimidate him (wrong)#damn im smart! meanwhile toshiro having a breakdown over it
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thegirlsarethriving · 2 months
btw idk who needs to hear this but. it's okay to dislike that female character who was designed/written for the male gaze. it's okay to be uncomfortable, disappointed or upset. she's not even real. you're not a bad feminist or anything. you don't have to try to pretend like she's girlboss and isn't a projection of what that male writer thinks women should be. you don't have to defend her
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lanayrutower · 7 months
being a child of divorce will make you conscious of things like 'bird misogyny' and 'bird grounds for divorce'.
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roobylavender · 10 months
i’ve never really understood why people like bronze age selina so much when it does close to nothing for her as an individual character. she’s killed off on earth two to make way for paul levitz’s dream batcat baby and on earth one she constantly worries about earning bruce’s approval by reforming into a hero who has no personal aspirations beyond being a hero for the sake of it. i’ve seen so many people say they miss this era for her and how well she was treated and it completely evades me as to why bc her importance outside of her relationship with bruce is practically non-existent. when you have a version of selina who’s unapologetic about her goals and doesn’t waste her time vying for bruce’s approval bc she knows he’s the one who should be trailing at her feet and coming around to her perspective why would you want anything else? why is this need to make sure selina is in bruce’s good graces so integral to her appeal as a character in the last two decades when even her original creators understood her appeal was her defiance and heavily guarded independence? that was precisely what attracted bruce to her: that she didn’t listen, and later on, in her post-crisis foundations, that she had valid reasons for not listening and subsequently casting him aside instead. married domestic tranquility between the two of them doesn’t capitalize on any of that
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tiktaalic · 9 months
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and if i said this was from rhaenicent
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sethdomain · 2 months
my blacksad women redesign art is blowing up, but I need some people to shut up in the reblog page man
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Captain Marvel Adventures (1941) #45
#not Billy’s true nemesis- parenting#I actually think it’s really interesting how Captain Marvel’s issues with women go beyond being freaked out when they hit on him#he’s legitimately afraid of and avoids overbearing aggressive women#and he takes that you shouldn’t hit women to a comical level that creates problems when he has to fight female criminals#which is treated like a legit weakness as not as a respectable thing#this is a part of the comedic ethos of the character’s stories#which takes the approach that you don’t have to take the character seriously all of the time#and so doesn’t avoid making him look goofy even though he himself is not a goofy wise-cracking person#and I interpret those issues from a characterization perspective as a manifestation of the fact that he’s an adult with a child’s heart#which is different from just being a regular adult#so while he’s not an immature person he has some immaturity that’s unique to him#because Billy does not have those issues with women and has poked fun at Captain Marvel for them before#this story is making clear to me that Billy can have his own issues with overbearing women#in the form of being uncomfortable with being parented#which tracks from how this version of him was orphaned as an infant and then raised by an abusive and neglectful uncle#who eventually abandoned him after stealing his inheritance#so Billy has no positive associations with parenting and is ok with taking care of himself#his positive relationships with adults are with the best big brother ever Captain Marvel and his employer Sterling Morris#as well as the Wizard Shazam who’s mentoring could be framed in a parental light but is in actuality very distant from Billy#and not involved in his day-to-day life#wait now I’m thinking about how all of those characters are men and how Billy reacted to Mary getting the power of Shazam too#which was to be like but Mary can’t have the powers because she’s a girl which demonstrated a strong belief in gender roles#that was then affirmed by the story revealing that she actually had her own distinct different girl powers#and then he had a story in which he was essentially wrestling with his own assumptions about women’s minds#like that they were naturally suspicious and therefore that their suspicion about something was not to be taken that seriously#and his deep adoration for and faith in his sister which did ultimately win out when she was proven right and also saved him#fawcett comics#billy batson#my posts#comic panels
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icterid-rubus · 8 months
My dad just gave me an early birthday present. He’d taken all of my sketchbooks, from the earliest years to college, scanned them, and created a slide show that he put on for everyone to watch together.
All I could do was sit there in abject horror as he—essentially—displayed my life’s diary entries on the big screen for everyone to consume.
He’s so proud of it and I can’t even tell him how incredibly violated I feel.
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baltears · 1 year
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sorry for punchline posting on main again but i simply cannot stop thinking about her incomprehensibly bad character concept
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rowdycloudyart · 1 year
Howdy! It's cloudy welcome welcome ☁️✨
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Rowdy: out-going, unhinged, spontaneous, intense Cloudy: serene, melancholy, calm, introverted
Rowdy and Cloudy are two characters created on the balance between the intense rowdy gal and the serene cloudy girl ☁️
Hi, I'm Adri the artist & aspiring Art Therapist here documenting my progress! This is my art blog where I post fan art, and personal projects, and talk about my overall struggles as an artist & psychology student. I'm currently 25, my pronouns are she/her, and I struggle with depression/anxiety. I decided to "label" depression w/ cloudy & anxiety w/ rowdy bc I've noticed these are the 2 character tropes I tend to draw & relate to. Drawing has always been therapeutic for me, and I think it can help others even if you "suck at drawing". Creating art & documenting my thought process is my main goal for @rowdycloudygal and I hope to connect with you soon! :D read below for more personal likes/dislikes
Instagram my tweets Patreon Youtube ko-fi TikTok
JOJO I'm fully indulging in my Jotaro obsession
Avatar the last airbender zutara 4ever
Pokemon & animal crossing (only games I'll play)
omg i used to be "teamvegeta16" online HAHA food i like:
miso soup or any SOUP YES
coffee w/ oatmilk
mmm chicken salad
seafood! ceviche, sushi, crab YUMM
kiwi ...um.. is it weird that i eat the skin??!?!
Drawing HAHAH sometimes it's hard to get into it
impatient entitled Karen-type customers/drivers UGHH
when my cat leaves the room when i wanna cuddle :(
that one hair that grows out my mole AHH
cold soup :'-(
random Unpopular opinion: celebrity obsessions are weird to me-- yet I can be completely obsessed with an animated fictional character LMAO Any other questions, or drawing requests, or if you'd like to open up & tell me about YOU feel free to send a DM so we can connect :D
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
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posts that make you feel like you’re having a stroke
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phantastragoria · 1 year
I only just now saw that lineup for the new GotG ongoing... all I can say is I'm VERY sad that they're definitely going in a different direction from the Ewing stuff but idk what else I expected lol.
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i think actually theres transformers who are trans and normal about it. including the canon trans characters. not including the one who only exists because of simon furmans incredible hate boner against women existing in any media. but im partial to people who seem like they would have really severe gender issues
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jhsharman · 3 days
Sheep Skinned, mad ad
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magpiesbones · 3 days
sometimes comics that are critically acclaimed actually just suck ass because the critical acclaimers have bad taste in media. Sometimes critical acclaimers fawn over what is essentially Toni Morrison's Beloved, but worse quality-wise and sexist.
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wickedsnack · 5 months
the way my brain is constantly on the verge of exploding about asari when i haven't even played mass effect
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