waldgeister · 8 months
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Remember that you felt alive, sometimes - German Woodlands - Sep. k23
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Dede, 2000.
I met Dede at the turn of the millennium through the channels of community college’s media wing. He wasn’t just as enthusiastic about music as I was, he was part of a two-piece synthpop outfit which I won’t mention. He stood out as he was into Depeche Mode, New Order, Joy Division, darkwave, brit-pop, and industrial. Two out of six to me wasn’t bad and I was alien to the others, but we became quick friends along with the other writers who also were musicians themselves. Long story short: he had summer backyard parties, held performances which I (was forced to be) frequented, and even went as far as getting me a job at his pool place, simply because he was really awesome.
As an up-and-coming local musician, Dede always poured it on me to hear this, hear that, hear what he’s into at this moment, at this minute, and this lifetime. Coming from Port Jefferson, he was raised on the Music Den where they sold the best in obscure and underground titles and the town population wore their trendy shoegaze, indie, and brit-pop medals with pride and discrimination. So it was no surprise he would offer me a free mixtape because he eminated awesome. He was the ultimate tastemaker who believed he knew what’s best for everyone that came into contact with him. In other words, he was center of the universe.
Outside our time as friends, it was a heavy rotation of post-performance diner nights amidst never-ending drama with the community-college demographic. Cock-blocking by friends ensued. An interest who severely burned me and played a great game with her friends against me ended up in one of my classes. Not good. All was not lost in a still-burning hell. I kept in touch with a New Jersey girl over chat rooms during the dawn of “the internet” who sympathized with all I was going through, which was the only thing I wanted to look forward to. So it wasn’t a total flush. 
Perhaps Dede’s mixtape was one of the only few good things I have from an era of uncertainly, unease, and awkwardness. At the time I was very heavily into DHR, The Prodigy, Underworld, Autechre, and started getting into noise. Dede’s tape is a reflection of polarizing musical tastes between us; a mix of what was happening around him, his personal favorites, and how one new-wave brit-pop band endured the decades while never shaking off the Eighties tags forever with them. A mixtape where Covenant’s “Tour De Force” (1999) was his voicemail music, Apoptygma Berzerk’s “Eclipse” was played tirelessly on WUSB, and Eminem, Moby, and Robbie Williams enjoyed endless spins on radio and television.
Dede’s mixtape:
Apoptygma Berzerk “Eclipse”
Robbie Williams “Millenium”
Covenant “Tour De Force”
Wolfsheim “Lovesong”
Moby “Honey”
The Cure “Maybe Someday”
OMD “Tesla Girls”
Pet Shop Boys “Radiophonic”
Apoptygma Berzerk “Love Never Dies”
Eminem “Bad Meets Evil”
Radiohead “Karma Police”
Pet Shop Boys vs. Village People “New York City Boy”
Pet Shop Boys “The Ghost Of Myself”
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fleshmannequin · 6 months
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nocturnal-desolation · 9 months
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Idk if anyone will be interested since it's fairly catered to my music taste but I figured I'd share it just in case
I mainly picked songs I thought fit Laura (not all though), so it ended up being a lot of Wolfsheim and Depeche Mode, but hopefully, some of y'all like it :]
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dreamerinsilico · 1 year
Wow I really am going to Sparrows and the Nightingales this pairing, too, aren’t I? 
leave a light on in the night for me, that I can find you
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submissivefeminist · 5 months
I don't play hide and seek with you, dear When I touch you
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fenrislorsrai · 10 months
Wolfsheim - Find You're Here & Find You're Gone
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monkeydluffy19920 · 1 year
Ein Wort zuviel im Zorn gesagt, Einen Schritt zu weit nach vorn gewagt,  Schon ist es vorbei.
Wolfsheim - Kein Zurück
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quick translation [x]
One word said too much in anger, A step too far forward is dared, It is already over
There are numerous songs that could describe what Sanji went through back in Whole Cake Island and in this project it was this German song Kein Zurück (by Wolfsheim). The song title can be translated in many ways but for this one, the title ended up being: No road going back.
The amv follows up the canon storyline:  first verse and chorus are directly  from Sanji’s point of view, him recalling the events. Basically after finding out the marriage was just an evil plot he ends up regretting how the things end up that way and then later he decides to return where it all began (the place where Luffy declared the hunger strike).
Since reaching dreams and freedom are very important themes in One Piece it was interesting to see how Sanji was put into the toughest test of his life so far. Choosing between loyalty and whether to or not to giving up on his dream chasing All Blue with his crew and trying to save everyone.
Denn wie viel von dem, Was ich heute weiß, Hätte ich lieber nie gesehen.  
The In the Reasons to love Mugiwaras - Sanji-post is more ponders about how Sanji’s background could explain some of his behavior and personality.  In WCI arc  Basically Sanji gets sucked into a void because his character is put into so much pressure that even a normal person would go crazy by the weight of if and he still insisted to survive on his own in order to protect his nakama.
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Deine Träume schiebst du endlos vor dir her. Du willst noch leben, irgendwann, Doch wenn nicht heute, wann denn dann? Denn irgendwann ist auch ein Traum zu lange
The last verse and chorus take place on their second reunion and is more from Luffy’s perspective and I think the the quoted lyrics describe his thoughts more than well.
Before their paths parted in WCI, it’s most likely that Luffy already saw directly what Sanji didn’t: that no matter what, Sanji is always putting everyone before him. He is even ready to postpone his own dreams if it means someone else can still live on to pursue theirs. After all, all this “Germa Prince” play was just his way trying to solve the problem all by his own.
They already had this conversation back in Baratie so this was a parallel to that arc but it was about Luffy realizing Sanji being self sacrificial again and it was his job to make him stop by force since the cook can be stubborn at times.  
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Now to think about, most of the Straw Hats have been facing this same situation in their own arcs and their actions are reflecting to their own pasts. It reminds me of the movie quote: "How do you break free, without falling apart?" [x]
In Sanji’s case: suddenly his life turned upside down and he became the same boy who was trapped into the iron mask locked up in the jail and he was sinking into the despair after realizing his plan went all to waste.
So, this arc first took a carpet under Sanji’s feet (not in a funny way though) but then later Oda made it up for him by allowing him to finally escape from the chains of his past for good and even to tell Judge who his real dad is and it was a bittersweet moment to witness. After all, this all was the character grow Sanji really needed.
Luffy did the great job as a captain, his warm but determined presence in the moment of his nakama’s weakness was what was needed (in German he had this moment of “Verstehen”) and then giving the wake up call Sanji badly needed, that’s what made Sanji realize what things matter him the most and  that this time, he doesn’t have to fight his demons alone and that he is worthy.
The ending scene was also supposed to be a parallel too: Him realizing being trapped like he was when he was a kid and wanting to break free and return to his real family, the Straw Hat pirates.
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Frankly spoken one of the biggest challenges was to translate and edit subtitles for this song fitting to english speaking audience since german is a bit hard to translate word to word (especially when I haven’t spoken it for years).  For some reasons the lyrics don’t show up completely (they are a bit blurry but I will later add Youtube’s subs too).
This was actually originally just be an short amv about Sanji but eventually Luffy found also his way to it too, after all, the captain was one of the key characters in this arc in order to get their cook back.
Anyways, hope you enjoy mates :)!
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stopwalk · 2 years
Listen/purchase: Darkest of the Days by Stopwalk
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Oldie but goodie...
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audiomoods · 2 years
Now you're hiding from your child A new day's dawning Remember that you felt alive Sometimes
The Sparrows And The Nightingales - Wolfsheim
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olenrott · 2 years
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daveydoodle · 26 days
Wolfsheim - The Sparrows And The Nightingales (long version)
❤️ 🎶🖤 🎵 🇩🇪
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eros-ghoulette · 2 months
One day i'll get myself a boyfriend with this song
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makethislifeliveable · 4 months
those 90s german synthpop boys making me feel things again
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