wips-cimick · 5 months
¿Recuerdas cuando estaba apunto de morir? No pude responder de inmediato. ¿Me pregunto por qué debería seguir vivo?, ¿Qué debería decirle a un alma que vivió en el infierno y buscaba la paz a través de la muerte?. Quiero un mundo donde podamos vivir, quiero ser capaz de decirle a las personas que la muerte no es la única salvación que hay personas y lugares que nos salvarán y viviremos en ese mundo. Y eso pasará porque es lo que siempre hemos querido. ¿Y si no existe ese lugar? Seremos y lo haremos nosotros para los demás. Por favor ven conmigo y se acabará tu sufrimiento un lugar donde no existan guerras, ni sufrimiento, hagámoslo por ella quien decidió rendirse en la vida.
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shepardsherd · 3 months
I'm trying to think of oc names that sound normal and I think Supernatural/Lucifer has rotted my brain because I just can't like imagine an Angel named something like Tyler, like my brains like "What about Castiel?"
Also, when I type into Google "angel baby names" Castiel comes up.
Who the fuck is naming their baby Castiel, what supernatural fans are breeding? XD
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destructix · 2 years
athena looks like a pokemon character
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yosikawa1962 · 1 year
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寒さに負けないように って、これアルコール度数高くないかい でも、おいしいからオッケー #今日の消毒 #秩父麦酒 #熊中毒wipa https://www.instagram.com/p/CmTmiDZSV2t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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astralsoulacewof · 5 months
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Wings of Fire Peril WIP
A little Peril WIP I'm very proud of and should really finish someday
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pillowfriendly · 3 months
Writing patterns game
Tagged by @anyboli :)
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern. (i don't post them all because most are for my little pathfinder ttrpg groups. hehe. buuuut)
Rothe jumped free of his broken magitek armor, slipping up the wooded hill to put some distance between him and the damn thing before it exploded. (what it means to run - ffxiv)
Nannet’s feet kicked empty air, and the motion slid her forward. (yucky - frozen flame)
Neave should have been bleeding. (guilt trip - frozen flame)
Two days after she became khagan of the Azim Steppe, Kethry dragged a Garlean scout into the Dotharl settlement. (A Smile Better Suited - ffxiv)
The tent had been stuffy when Pakano first woke. (get woke pakano - frozen flame)
Wipa’s scream cut the night in one split, keening second. (3 act structure speedrun - frozen flame)
Kethry Ament used to have a family. (this is not warrior cats i swear - ffxiv)
Mishka loved the winter of her homeland. (ice ice baby - abomination vault)
Neave liked bees. (Enter, Pursued by Bees - frozen flame)
In Irrisen, wilderness meant silence. (swamp lore - abomination vault)
WHO UP OPENING THEIR FICS WITH CHARACTER NAMES. i fuckin GUESS. that's a bit embarrassing lmao. i had no idea i did this; making a note to jazz it up a little.
they also seem to be mostly short simple sentences, which is interesting because i generally tend towards somewhat... let's say meandering... sentence structures. but those dont seem as punchy to start with.
yes i do kind of just title things whatever. leave me alone.
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hatwolf · 3 months
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Knowledge Seeker - WIP
A little personal project
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ranboo5 · 10 months
EN: I've been told there's a formalized method for submitting propaganda to this bracket and because this has awakened a vicious instinct within me I will participate
Techno and Wilbur are not nothing Pogtopia did slay and the Techno+Ghostbur interactions are excellent. In many circumstances I would vote this. In many circumstances I would campaign or this. And in general I tend to vote cTechno over cRanboo. So it is not lightly that I say
The lame ass 5D chess game we got to see during burger arc was a highlight of the otherwise dismal prolonged petering out of the SMP and also was fantastic
Common foil dynamic W
They have separate c and cc duo names because of how influential the cduo is
Man this shit just drives me insane. Each sees himself in the other and for cWilbur this is initially a second chance a validation and for cRanboo this is a condemnation and the culmination of this w/ cRanboo fucking killing itself in front of cWilbur to change the trajectory of his life forever irreversibly changed my brain chemistry
This dynamic GAVE US cbee resolution, GAVE US cTechno apology stream and apology arc in general. The largely-unspoken spectre of cRanboo hanging in the air in Bust is unparalleled in cinema.
Even outside of burger arc, cWilbur's legacy impacted cRanboo's ideological development more directly than it did cTechno's, bc cTechno had more grounds to worry about direct manifest troubles and cRanboo had primarily to deal with dread, anticipation, and understanding how to navigate the social context it found itself in, which had been shaped by Wilbur's legacy
And finally
If you vote cRanboo and send me a screenie of you doing so I will doodle you something of your request
TOK: mi kama sona e ni: toki pi ante wile la nasin suli pi pana toki li lon. utala ni li kama e pilin utala WAWA a lon lawa mi la mi o pana
jan Tekuno pi lon ala en jan Wipa pi lon ala li lon poka la ni li ken suli, li ken musi, li ken toki e ijo mute. ni li lon. tenpo pi ma Patopija la toki ona li suli. toki ona pi jan Wipa moli kin li suli. mute la mi wile wawa e nimi pi kulupu ni, e nimi pi jan Tekuno. mi la ijo ale pi jan Tekuno li suli tawa ijo ale pi jan Lanpu. ni la sina ken sona pona e ni: mi toki e ni la mi toki WAWA, li toki e ijo SULI A:
ona tu li utala toki la ni li wawa a e musi Simesenpi lon tenpo pi kama moli
ona tu li sama la musi wawa
jan lon tu ni en jan tu ni pi lon ala li jo e nimi tu ante a. kulupu pi lon ala la sina ken sona pona e suli ona tan ni
ONA! TU! LI SAMA! LA! MUSI! WAWA! ona tu li lukin sama la ona tu li toki insa e sama ni: "jan ante ni li sama mi." jan Wipa la ni li pona, li toki e ni: "mi awen ken pona, mi awen ken ante; lon mi li pakala ala! jan pi sama mi li ken lon li ken pona!" taso jan Lanpu la ni li ike, li toki e ike ona e ike pi jan Wipa. nasin ni li kama suli ike li kama wawa; jan Lanpu li moli tan ona la ni li wawa ike tawa jan Wipa. ni li wawa tawa pilin mi kin a ona li ante wawa e nasin pi lawa mi lon tenpo ale
TAN NI TASO LA musi pi kulupu Pitu li ken pini. NI TASO LA toki pini pi jan Tekuno li ken lon. NI TASO LA jan Wipa li open e nasin pi toki pakala mute. ona li wawa tawa toki suli pi musi Simesenpi. kon pi jan Lanpu li lon toki musi "pakala"; jan ale li toki lili e ona lon toki, taso kon ona li awen lon. ni li wawa a. pilin li wawa. kon li wawa.
tenpo ante la kon pi jan Wipa li suli seme tawa jan Lanpu tawa jan Tekuno? tenpo pi ma Nulemanpe la jan Tekuno li lukin e ijo ante. ona tu li wile sama, li wile awen tan ken pakala, taso jan Tekuno li wile awen tan ken lon. jan li lon, li wile lon e moli ona; ona li sona e tan, li sona e ken. taso jan Lanpu la, tan ni en ken ni li len lili. ona li sin tawa ma Simesenpi la ona li sona ala e nasin – ona li wile sona e ken pakala la ona o kama sona e nasin kulupu. jan Wipa li suli tawa pali ni. la pali pi jan Wipa li suli tawa jan Lanpu lon tenpo ni, li suli sama ala tawa jan Tekuno lon tenpo ni
ni ale li ante ala e wile sina la o sona e ni:
sina wawa e nimi pi jan Lanpu li pana e sona pi pali ni tawa mi la mi sitelen e ijo pi wile sina
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lunar-moji · 7 months
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frye eats bricks wip
a work in progress of a joke idea i had the other day.
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mayziii · 10 months
Wipa wipa
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Nine is best tails
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wips-cimick · 5 months
"Aprovechemos ese amor que nos dan, ese amor que nunca nos va a faltar, encuentro su pelo, sus bigotes, su desastre, y sobre todo la compañía... Aprovechemos ese tiempo, no nos queremos arrepentir, al final ningún ser vivo es eterno"
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kuschelkissen · 1 year
No finished drawings, so take some WIPa
I was practicing kissies. It's needed lol
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scoutpologist · 11 months
tokiponizing some qsmp names for fun (I AM NOT GOOD AT THIS AND DO NOT KNOW ALL THE RULES so some of these will suck. sorry). the x stands for jan, soweli, or any other title they might wanna use.
Quackity = x Kukesi (ti is illegal... so sad. this one needs some tinkering, i'm sure there's another way to do it. i did this one on the assumption that you're pronouncing his name with three syllables)
Cucurucho = x Kukuluko OR x Kukulo(ko) (for ease of pronunciation)
Wilbur Soot = x Wipa Su (this one is hard, don't know if two words are allowed for a name?)
Baghera = x Pakela
Cellbit = x Selbi (???? idk this one is hard)
Forever = x Polewa
Etoiles = x Etwa
Tallulah = x Talula (easiest one lmao)
Chayanne = x Kajan (REACHING for this one)
Ramon = x Lamon (sounds like lemon.....)
Pomme = x Pon :3
Dapper = x Papo??? (help idk how to do this one)
Richarlyson = x Likalison, Likas for short
Leonarda = x Lijonata, Lijo for short
Bobby = x Popi
Tilin = x Tilin (lmao)
okay i'm tired and have to finish an assignment due in a couple hours so i'm not doing any more but like. yeah you get it. toki pona speakers feel free to correct any names that fucking suck
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2-eeillustration · 2 years
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PV-Keller Vtuber Model WIP
A peek of the Keller vtuber model I've started on to be rigged next year- I plan on him having different style toggles for PV, neutral and G.C. looks!!
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ghostbooyy · 1 year
New DND OC yeaya (His name is Wipa) He’s a sneaky little bastard
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jamesfoxbr · 2 years
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Bruiness Commission WIP
A WIP of the commission I'm making for Bruiness on Discord
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