#wip: our forgotten devils
cuntylestat · 1 year
heyy do you have a loustat fic rec list? would you mind sharing some faves?
yes of course! i haven't delved deeply into everything so i'm sure there's more out there, but i really like these. they're a mix of show fic (starred) and book fic.
begin again In which Louis and Lestat clobber each other with their respective baggage, argue in various locales, and make their own happy ending.
and back to the river* Fucking hell, Louis thinks.
the long way home Louis has a secret, something he’s never told anyone since childhood. Lestat has just moved into Pointe du Lac when Louis receives a mysterious letter. And now he’s on the brink of losing it all. Set after Louis’ turning when he and Lestat are living at Pointe du Lac, canon divergent.
go fetch god* He falls in love with a man. He loved the man because he answered a prayer Louis had been sketching in the dark, on his knees, hands down his pants that he couldn’t look at for fear of loving. Dying too, but mostly loving. They don’t go calling love fool’s gold for nothing. The very apple of Eden had a sheen to it.
objects of devotion 1999. After months on the run from the Talamasca, Louis just wants to spend Christmas in New Orleans with Lestat. Will either of them ever manage to say what they actually mean? Featuring religious imagery and a trip to Montgomery Ward.
tinderbox (or: a history of fire in colonial new orleans) [wip] 1794. Pointe du Lac lies in ashes. Lestat, desperate to keep Louis with him at any cost, tries something he's never tried before: he talks.
the devil's in the details Claudia is never turned into a vampire. Instead, Lestat and Louis end up raising a human child. A study on age and family life.
the souvenir 1908. Louis and Armand are traveling through Europe. Louis seduces a young man who reminds him of Lestat.
fear death by water (what the thunder said)* Louis puts down the knife. Claudia leaves the nest. Lestat endures.
dress up Seven scenes across canon. Costumes: what they hide and what they don't.
all our yesterdays New Orleans, 1985. Lestat, struggling with change, comes home to Louis and an unexpected gift.
the house of atreus [wip] In the summer of 1860, Claudia raises her knife to kill Lestat. This time, Louis makes a different choice.
reading between the lines “Yes?” Lestat interrupts, savoring the noise of frustration Louis lets out. “Would you have me promise to spend eternity by your side? Is that what you want?” Louis looks away sharply, but Lestat won’t have that—he grabs Louis’s jaw and turns his face, dragging those pretty eyes back to meet Lestat’s gaze. “Is it a horrible thing to want?” Louis whispers. “Don’t you want it?”
there's vertigo in my soul at your name* Louis, in all his self loathing, convinces himself that the bite never happened. It's all a nightmare but the real nightmare is the life he wakes to and just how much he hates himself. AU from season 1 episode 1, when Louis and Miss Lily leave Lestat's home.
these devils of yours, they need love too* “Kill her,” Louis demands as his furious eyes burn into Lestat’s. He wants to melt those eyes and the look of them, to turn them into nothing but a memory to be forgotten. “Do it. Prove to me how much you love me, Lestat." Louis finally does what he's wanted to for years: He asks Lestat to kill Antoinette.
on brûlera toutes les deux en enfer, mon ange* In that exact moment Lestat's expression shifted. He stopped, narrowed eyes scanning Claudia's face, then running up and down her body. 'They dared…' Lestat's voice changed as well. Instead of the mocking tone from before it was cold with fury. So cold that Louis could actually feel the temperature in the room dropping. 'They dared to hurt what's mine.'
the visit* Lestat’s mother drops in for an unexpected visit to Rue Royale. This leads to all kinds of new emotions in the Du Lac-Lioncourt household. A coming of age tale from Claudia’s perspective featuring the one and only Gabrielle de Lioncourt.
retour à vous Although he’d overseen its restoration over the past few months, it still shocks him each time he sees the New Orleans apartment again. It truly looks like their old home — the environment of their happiest days together recreated with all of the modern comfort of the present era. What truly makes him stop in his tracks each time, however, is the feeling that for the first time since Claudia twisted the knife in his heart, this place they so long called home is free of ghosts. Besides, no lover of his will live in some rundown Garden District house overflowing with vines and insects. Lestat loves the Queen’s Wreath and bougainvillea as much as the next man, but he won’t have Louis continuing to dwell in that dark little place. No, it’s time that they had a home again. A home together.
parce que c'était lui, parce que c'était moi* “So,” Daniel says, huffed on an exhale, and the book makes a telltale thump as it's placed on the nearby coffee table. “You finished burning the body. Then what?” Then what? Then we left, he wants to say. We took our bags and we walked out of that courtyard and we boarded the train and then the steam liner. We left that city, that life, behind to seek freedom and answers across the Atlantic. We didn’t look back, he wants to say. He does not say it.
i clutched your arms like stairway railings, and you clutched my brain and eased my ailing* Lestat and Louis in December 2022, working through their many problems one day at a time, while trying to enjoy life, and love, together.
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esssteee · 8 months
Thanks for the tag @yletylyf <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13
2. What's your total A03 words count? 351,919
3. What fandoms do you write for? grishaverse and castlevania. i'm still a baby writer, having started actively contributing to fandom works not quite 2 years ago.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we are the wild youth chasing visions of the future (gv, aleksander/alina), young liars (gv, aleksander/nikolai), with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai), winding and unwinding (gv, aleksander/nikolai), i will eat you alive (gv, aleksander/nikolai)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yep, almost all! if i receive several in a row, chapter after chapter and by the same person, than i will more likely just respond to the last one, but i do like giving an answer to any feedback and show of love i get!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
um, good question. i don't think I've written a true angsty ending. i have several open/ambiguous endings, but the ending for me and the devil (gv, aleksander/alina) is the most ambiguous of the bunch just because it can be interpreted as alina just going stir-crazy from being alone and forgotten for so long and imagining aleksander by her side and staying with her, so it can be angsty if you take it that way.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai) cause they end up pseudo married and ruling together (yay!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! too small a fandom writer for that and i'm ever thankful for it!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
me? smut??? XD just look at the rating for each fic and the associated tags, i guess i do love developping characters through the very intimate act of them falling in bed together. no real kinky sex or anything, but there's often lots of hidden (and not so hidden) feelings behind the act. most smut i've written can be considered rough and/or passionate, since there's a kind of desperation born out of the characters thinking they only have that one single time to be with the other so they're giving their all. i do love exploring the vulnerabilities that come from that for sure!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no i haven't. it's never really been my fav thing, but if done well, it'd read one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so, not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i had someone asking to translate one, yes.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
that i've written? aleksander/nikolai in gv for sure, aleksander/alina a close second. but as a reader, i just love love love the perfect OT3 that is alucard/trevor/sypha from castlevania (if you haven't read baba by crownofpins, GO READ IT NOW)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
none, i'm just terribly slow right now. life is throwing a ton of shit at me (dog being very sick, work is horrible, energy at the lowest point), but i keep daydreaming about each fic and slowly coming up with future parts in my head if not on paper.
16. What are your writing strengths?
ah man i don't know, getting into the character's head for which i'm writing the pov from, making their thoughts and feelings just as important as anything going on. i guess because of that i strongly favour inner conflict storylines.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
too wordy. also pantsing my way thru a fic instead of really sitting down and coming up with a plan ― we are the wild youth chasing visions of our future really forced me to come up with a strong plan, which i never would have been able to do without @theonewiththeory's immense help, girl i never would have been able to achieve what i did without you!! it is my first fic in english, the first one i wrote as an adult, and it shows, but i'm still proud of it! but i definitively continue to struggle with planning and too often i fall into the bad habit of vibing along with it. also, big external-conflict plotting is a hard thing for me, tho i wish i could become better at it since it's always so fun as a reader and i'm always impressed by writers who pull an intricate plot so flawlessly!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm not a fan of it. so often the other language is plain up butchered, and there are ways to do it without having to juggle the hassle of writing a dialogue in another language and needing to translate it so the reader knows what's going on. but as all things, they are exceptions to the rule and anything can be done well!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh man the lord of the rings (with a very mary sue oc even! but i remember having such self-indulging fun with that oc and all the research needed to flesh the story out) and the legend of zelda/ocarina of time (at least i went with link for my mc in this one!)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
when i was 12, i started a complete rewrite of ocarina of time which i of course never posted online. it was in french and i was only doing it for fun. but i still have one version of it and oh boy is it cringe-worthy XD big fail, i read that question as the first fic written ― my brain is really elsewhere these days. my fav fic is definitively with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai) which became a comfort reread when i need to feel better by reading about familiar and intimate characters. the whole series (of monsters and men) is something i'm really proud of, even with its faults and misgivings, but that third and final part has left me with the biggest impact personally.
Tagging: i'll tag a few people (no pressure, it's only if you want of course!), but anyone else who see this and wanna do it too, have fun with it (and tag me! i wanna read about people <3)
@theonewiththeory, @ladyverdance/@greensaplinggrace, @inahandful-of-dust, @aloveforjaneausten, @fantomette22, @goatsandgangsters, @zizygy, @itsnotunfinisheditsmystyle
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pellaaearien · 2 months
WIP Tag Game
I have once again been tagged by many lovely people (@dsudis, @moorishflower, @wordsinhaled, @xx-vergil-xx) to share my WIPs. Alas, I don't have WIPs so much as vibes, many started and forgotten even by myself. So here goes. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel even deeper than last time. I haven't even thought of some of these in years.
Like Real People Do (AWFA sequel)
Married fishbowl rescue
I haven't watched Trigun AU
Oracle AU
Locum Tenens
Family Reunion
Monet and the Doctor
Fool Me Twice
FFXIV, Wolmeric
Two Souls Intertwined
Lucifer, Deckerstar
Low Lays the Devil
Genderswap AU
100 Ways
Soulmate AU
Dragon Age, FenHawke
Supernatural, Destiel
Destiel fic I'm trash
Voltron, Sheith
Our story's after the end
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omgkalyppso · 5 months
🍄Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
I'm always interested in the ideas that just don't work out for whatever reason, probably because I end up scrapping about 60-80% of my ideas lol
asdhfkjlas That's so relatable.... Thank you for the ask!
🍄 Wordy but:
two ties to Menzoberranzan + a duke and two guilds on your side = a civilized, if fucked up, society of vampires
🖍 I can never limit myself to a sentence, let's be real.
b/g3 spoilers and pre-established relationship (Étoile and Wyll) conflict implied below the cut
Here's some dialogue from a vampire spawn oc, Anastasia. Turned by Leon less than a week before Cazador's defeat, with a son in Baldur's Gate. She doesn't want to go into the Underdark. She argues she isn't blood starved like so many of the rest. She is pivotal in how their little vampiric society forms:
"...Property disputes go to your member of the council. Worship of Shar or any devil, and signs of Shar or any devil should be reported to the Council. Two vampires of the House must always be in the Underdark. The council meets every new moon. Missing Council members forgo their votes, and vampire spawn are immediately up for replacement, while vampires and Étoile must have their deaths confirmed to be relieved of their positions on the Council. No vampire may substitute their vote on the council. Some votes will be open to all members of House Ienith. Punishments for law breaking will range from pain, to fines, to labour, to exile, to execution by beheading or exposure to the sun. "But we are not a stupid people. We want to eat and laugh and love again. We will flourish together. We will uplift one another. We will be free."
♻️ There are two moments of conflict with Wyll that I'm scrapping. I don't want to make him in conflict with Étoile just to honor canon that could've been more considerate to begin with. He's capable of social understanding wrt "monsters" if he can canonically romance Astarion, of being self-aware wrt the "devilish" appearances of tieflings, and of being happy helping people as Duke — really there'd be no shortage of combat, how familiar are you with the forgotten realms? dfjshgbskdjh
But that does mean that I'm losing a planned moment where Étoile leaves the duke's estate to spend a night at The Favored Knight, a classy inn in Hightown I made up and Astarion comes to comfort them. I'll share some blocked dialogue:
It's like 2 AM.
Étoile: A room is 14 gold? Innkeep: Yes, sir. Étoile: Here's twenty-five for a room, a bath and a bottle of wine, and two more if you can find me a messenger to go to the lower city? Innkeep: Certainly. Do you have a letter prepared? Étoile: No, I'll need a minute to write it. Innkeep: Of course. Right this way. I'll send three up with the bathwater, and either I or another will come for the letter. Étoile: Please. Innkeep: My pleasure, Mla'ghir. [i headcanon this name to find purchase in their vampire community and slowly fall into public knowledge; this is just a statement that they're recognized, and there's an implication of discretion as a reflection of authority]
[the letter]
Astarion. I am at the Favored Knight in Hightown. I wanted a bath and to be away from our old friend. Things did not go well. You are welcome to stay at home, but if you came to me … I would appreciate the company. All my love, Étoile
[some time later]
Astarion: Do you want to talk about what happened? Étoile: Say you love me. Astarion: Oh, Endanya, more than anything. I love you. Étoile: I love you too. Wyll, he— [REDACTED] Astarion: He's had a long time to [REDACTED] Étoile: [REDACTED] Then he wouldn't allow me time to dress before he stormed out. It felt … very undignified. Astarion: Fuck him then. Étoile: Astarion. Astarion: No, I— I don't want you treated that way. Étoile: He said we could talk about it tomorrow, and he did apologize. I want to hear what he has to say. Astarion: [indignant] He's going to hurt you again. Étoile: [resigned] Probably. Astarion: [REDACTED] Étoile: [REDACTED]
And I still want Wyll as part of their relationships, so I worried about how conflict would be to my audience. It'll be lighter. Different. Better.
I hope. LOL.
But yeah, I'm not going to share Wyll's (just) anger blocked dialogue. I'll figure it out.
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alfalfairy · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @thetragicallynerdy for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Twelve, ten for Our Flag Means Death and two for Dimension 20 (Fantasy High)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 206,896 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? Our Flag Means Death and Dimension 20's Fantasy High
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All of them are OFMD fics!
to be more than this devil inside of me with 127 kudos
bitter like whiskey, sweet like wine with 58 kudos
so much hurt is forgotten with the horizon as backdrop with 51 kudos
fled like sweet dreams, leaving thee to mourn with 50 kudos
drink of the feeling of quiet again with 48 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Most of the time yes! Although there are some comments sitting in my comments that are from a while ago that I haven't gotten to - honestly, they were too nice and I got kinda overwhelmed.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm, I tend to prefer happier endings 😅 Honestly? None of the fics I have planned have angsty endings - angst aplenty within, but not at the end. Thinking about it though, probably fled like sweet dreams, leaving thee to mourn - happy ending was implied, but not explicit.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmm, probably has to be drink of the feeling of quiet again, which feels very... summative, in its happiness? Like, it took a lot to get there, so it feels better somehow.
8. Do you get hate on fics? So far, no, and nothing has ever reached me here either 👍🏻
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nope, that is not my niche.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have never written a crossover - although when I get into interests, I do think about what kind of DnD races and classes the characters would be. Like, Oluwande as a cleric, and Jim as a rogue.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I'm aware 🤨
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? All time? Well, Jim/Oluwande got me back into fandom, and I'm honestly hard-pressed to think of another ship that I'm that invested in - for most other things, I am pretty casual.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably to be more than the devil inside of me. Which is incidentally my most popular fic. I have ideas for how it would end, but I guess I don't want to get super plot heavy with it? If I do end, I worry it won't be satisfying to the readers, but then is it worse to just leave it unfinished?
16. What are your writing strengths? Hmm, I enjoy describing the physical reactions that emotions have on the body, and I realized today that I have a tendency to focus on the ribcage lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I worry about capturing dialogue correctly, and readers thinking they would not fucking say that 😅
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I have relied on Google Translate for this, and I've been meaning to go back and update my OFMD fics to use hover/display text for the dialogue in Spanish.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Glee actually, on ff.net. I will die before I say what it was lol.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I suppose I'm most proud of drink of the feeling of quiet again, as that took a lot of time and structuring. For Fantasy High, I'm really enjoying writing and planning i have a little shadow that goes in and out with me, and I have lot of other what if ideas that are Riz Gukgak-focused that I'd like to pursue when this one is done.
Thanks for the tag friend! Tagging @hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon, @floopdewhoop, @yourlocal-charlatan, and anyone other writing followers interested! No worries if you're not :)
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iceiceparis · 1 year
A WIP Splatoon Post-Octo expansion story following the Agents 3,4, and 8.
Octavio Defeated? Check.
Tartar eliminated? Check.
Now, the Agents of the Splatoon can start living a normal life in Inkopolis,
or can they?
Even a mundane thing like hanging out in the rain infront of a convience store can somehow turn into a duel on a rooftop with a Splatana wielding expert.
Perhaps a simple Turf War game can cause a revelation into new ways how to fight in exceedinly flashy way, carefree from the chains of "practicality."
Despite no longer fighting for their lives, it seems there is no shortage of interesting things, people, and activites that seem to pop up for the Agents, is it a Inkopolis thing or just their luck?
Experience with Hachi (Agent 8's newly crafted name) the wonders of the randomness that is life along side her friends Kaori (Agent 3's nearly forgotten name), Surume (Agent 4), and many other familiar faces.
Even the newly appointed captain of the Squidbeak Splatoon, formally Agent 3, seems to have some inner fights of her own. The strongest foe she has ever faced in her life: her thoughts and feelings.
(Inspirations tapped from songs and moments from: Yakuza, Disco Elysium, Devil May Cry, and countless other media (mostly Yakuza though))
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ladykatie512 · 1 year
wip title meme
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
i got tagged by @seraphfighter. listen, you have no idea what you’re unleashing to this world lmao 😅
tagging… @nightcxty​, @neon-pink-witch​ @seraphtrevs​ @jaymber​ @miss-jennifer-cormier​ and idk who else that hasn’t been tagged yet?? if you have a wip list do this ❤️
okay um… so yeah, fml i went through like 7 folders to get all of these. under the cut because i included everything, even abandoned/forgotten wips. except for mythmance because i have an nda for that lol
a prayer in c (deacon/f!sosu, fallout)
a saint in sinners eyes (vaas montenegro&f!oc, far cry)
a warning sign (deacon/f!sosu deacon/f!oc, fallout)
and saints (nacho varga/f!oc, better call saul)
apocalypse (original fic)
baptism by fire (solas/f!lavellan, dragon age)
bermuda locket (johnny silverhand/f!v yorinobu arasaka/f!v, cyberpunk)
between the bars (f!sosu/kreig, fallout/borderlands)
bitches’ brew (kylo ren/rey, star wars)
bleed together (johnny silverhand(johnnybot)/f!v, cyberpunk)
borderlands au (handsome jack/fiona, borderlands)
comic (original fic)
cyberpunk sequel outline (johnny silverhand/f!v, cyberpunk)
devil i know (nacho varga/f!oc lalo salamanca/f!oc, better call saul)
dragon age (solas/f!oc, dragon age)
firefly/the walking dead (gen, firefly/the walking dead)
gone soverign/absolute zero (loki/harley quinn joker/harley quinn, thor 2011/the dark knight) 
happier than ever (rogue/johnny silverhand rogue/santiago, cyberpunk)
hard to be a god (nacho varga/f!oc, better call saul)
heaven (original fic)
hunters (armitage hux/f!oc kylo ren/f!oc, star wars)
i disagree (johnny silverhand/f!v, cyberpunk)
i will fail you (porter gage/f!sosu, fallout)
in waves (gen, game of thrones)
judy/oc (judy alvarez/f!oc, cyberpunk)
moondust (kylo ren/rey, star wars)
narcissistic cannibal (tate langdon/f!oc, american horror story)
ofmd (stede bonnet/blackbeard f!oc/f!oc, our flag means death)
out of this world (nacho varga/f!oc, better call saul)
paparazzi (joker/f!oc, the dark knight)
peacefall (nacho varga&domingo molina, better call saul)
post epilogue epilogue (nacho varga/f!oc, better call saul)
plug in baby (deacon/barbara, fallout)
rdr2 canon divergent (arthur morgan/f!oc, red dead redemption)
rdr2 time travel au (arthur morgan/f!oc, red dead redemption)
safe and sound (loki/f!oc, thor 2011)
self destructor (johnny silverhand/f!v, cyberpunk)
snakes and ladders (evelyn parker/m!v, cyberpunk)
spider/oc (spider murphy/m!v, cyberpunk)
stardew valley (shane/f!farmer, star dew valley)
straying out of sanity (joker/f!oc, the dark knight)
tempest (bucky barnes/f!oc, captain america:the winter soldier)
the end of eternity (loki/f!oc, the avengers)
the negative (v/f!oc, devil may cry 5)
the stage (deacon/f!sosu, fallout)
the unforgiven (gen, the dark knight)
there’s no sex in your violence (daemon targaryen/rhaenyra targaryen, house of the dragon/cyberpunk)
venom (eddie brock/venom/f!oc, venom)
vile (original fic)
violet (john hancock/f!sosu, fallout)
virus (original fic)
voices (original fic)
you are my hell (johnny silverhand/f!v, cyberpunk)
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vyther16 · 1 year
wip folder ask game!
tagged by @theleakypen (on main but shhhh)
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i’m also putting my list under the cut bc there are a lot
the only ones included are ones that i do intend on publishing someday, whether the near or distant future and does not include fics that are going to be perpetually in drafts
drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, romeo
nong time travel spiderman meme
breakfast club fanfic
k fckn lives but with more trauma
kiss of death au
love handel is surprisingly plot relevant
sxj @ stab yby
sanji & chopper make cookies
(robin) and then of our forgetting
elizabeth swann in a straw hat
lang dianxia soft smut
and then i have two chaptered wednesday fics split into multiple docs, so you can ask about the fic as a whole or about a specific doc/chapter:
wednesday time travel
01. it’s not a phase mom
joel & wednesday
art shed convo
wednesday little siblings au (not all chapters have anything worth sharing written, or will be spoilers for when the whole fic is written)
00. Prologue: One for Sorrow (Rhea Galpin)
05. Cock Robin (Xavier Thorpe)
13: Thirteen Beware (It’s the Devil Himself)
tagging: not 21 people lord almighty. but anyway: @myhamartiaishubris / @jianghuchild, @toppingjeffsatur, @rocknghorss, and any other writerly mutuals that i have forgotten due to a case of the back-to-school goldfish brain
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plagueofskeletons · 1 year
A wip word search tag game, thanks to @bittermoonswrites for the tag!
Rules: search for the words given by whoever tagged you within your wips and post them for us to see! Then tag as many whoever you want and give them five words to look for in their works.
(cat gojo au! It should’ve been a complete comedy why does everything dissolve into angst— Been on the backburner for months so I hope to finish this soon!)
He opened his eyes again. Satoru was more feline-like now and his sunglasses are gone. His blue eyes stared intently at him as he bobbed his head down in a nod.
(for Under These Dark Cold Waters)
Osamu’s eyes flicker up to him, still breathing harshly. He looks like he’s about to say something until a sudden rainfall just pours down on them.
Everyone shrieks and now they’re running back to the resort, escaping underneath the straw-roofed patios. Atsumu joins in with the hysterical laughter and Osamu does too, the fear on his face completely forgotten.
But for a second, Atsumu thinks he sees his brother glancing back to the darkened beach with a fearful look.
(Chainsaw Man and The Locked Tomb crossover with Harrow and Gideon as Aki and Angel Devil. It’s gonna be insane I promise you guys)
“You said the Blood of Eden gunmen targeted everyone. Since you’ve survived, what happened to you, Teacher?”
He was quiet for a second before he turned around with a rueful smile, “I wasn’t shot.”
Harrow blinked, “You weren’t?”
(Tsumiki-centric, au where she and Megumi are taken in by the Zen’ins and Tsumiki faces their mistreatment as a girl and a non-sorcerer. Started this in 2021, might get back around to it)
But she’s a smart girl who loves her brother dearly. She knows how to buy groceries on her own, how to make yummy lunches for school, how to clean the apartment, how to get money from the bank, and how to do it all with a big smile - because as much it tires her, Tsumiki actually loves doing it and doesn’t want to worry Megumi too much. Though she does let him help her out on cleaning days and getting food from the convenience store.
Night (got mentioned twice so twice as long lol)
(new sakuatsu wip where our main boys experience the opposite ends of being out/staying in the closet. been having fun with this one. much hurt incoming)
It was past two in the morning and Atsumu still couldn’t sleep. There was a weight pressing down on him, almost suffocating him. The urge to cry grew stronger but he couldn’t, even in the dead of night in this quiet house when he knew everyone would listen more closely to him.
And yet he takes a final act of courage and, very quietly, slipped out of bed and tiptoed downstairs.
The cool night air welcomed him but Atsumu couldn’t greet it back. Remaining silent, he hurried over to the garbage bin, carefully lifted the lid up, and dug through with hopefully less noise than a raccoon. It was hard to tell when his heartbeat consumed the landscape around.
His fingers felt the smooth metal pin and he clenched around it, grabbing it right out of the bin. He crouched to the ground, breathing heavily as he delicately held the pin in his cupped hands.
tagging @charmspoint, @chuuyasoup, @hi-raethia, @elegiesforshiva, @anubis2701, @twodrunkencelestials! there’s no pressure in doing this!
your words are stairs, wound, chill, fish, and rest!
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chenfordsource · 2 years
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Happy December! It’s time to cozy up for our monthly Bingo update post. As always, these fics and all past/future fills can be found anytime on our AO3 collection or on our Tumblr masterlist. 
BINGO UPDATE: We are a little over halfway through the original run for Chenford Bingo and have LOVED the amazing fics that have come out of it so far. So much so, that we have decided to extend the challenge to the end of season four. Exact date TBA, but you now have until at least April 2022 to fill those bingo squares!
All of the November fills and updates can be found below the cut - happy reading!
I Forget Where We Were by @farfarawaygirl Work in Progress, Rated T, Square Fills: Love Triangle, Mid-Wilshire Bullpen
The Devil’s Own by @jgoose13 One Shot, Rated E, Square Fill: Cockwarming
Every New Beginning by limey5 Work in Progress, Rated T, Square Fill: Kid Fic 
Packing Heat by limey5 One Shot, Rated M, Square Fill: Pre Canon
Why don’t we break the rules already? by limey5 One Shot, Rated T, Square Fill: Mistaken for a Couple
that’s what i like about you by lucychens / @lucyychens One Shot, Rated E, Square Fill: Las Torres Cop Bar
breakfast in bed by @magnoliamica One Shot, Rated M, Square Fill: Breakfast in Bed 
like dumb teenagers* by @magnoliamica Work in Progress, Rated E, Square Fill: Mistaken for a Couple
follow your heart before it’s too late by @pattysfics One Shot, Not Rated, Square Fill: Lopez-Evers’ House
for the night by @pattysfics One Shot, Rated G, Square Fill: Secret Identity
It’s a Journey by @pattysfics One Shot, Not Rated, Square Fill: Pregnancy
All is Forgotten by @toews-a-peek One Shot, Rated T, Square Fill: Pregnancy
However Do You Want Me by @cfr749
learning the game by @pattysfics
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tsundanire · 3 years
Seasonal WIP Update
Hey friends, lurkers, and those who have yet to decide if they want to follow this hot mess...
It’s that time of year when I give you guys an idea of what I’m working on and what you can expect to see in the near (and probably far) future. I just wanted to clear things up for anyone following me from specific fandoms, and want to know if I was going to make anymore content for that fandom. The answer is: Yes. I’ve got something (or multiple somethings depending on the fandom) for everyone sooooo without further ado, let’s go to the breakdown!
Big Bang - Despite the fest being over, this is still very much a WIP and probably will be for a while because it’s a lengthy project, and there’s large sections of the plot being rejigged. Est WC: 60-100k by the end. 
LCD Project - I had an idea for something for @lcdrarry a year or so ago and just never really plotted it out until this summer. I’ve got the first chapter or so written but have put it aside while I work through some other projects first. If all goes well I might try to submit it for LCD this coming year. Est WC: 50k ish. 
The incubi drabble - It’s on my list, and somehow I’ve completely forgotten to go back and finish this. Featuring Incubus!Draco (sort of), and prey!Harry. 
L.A. Devotee - Featuring Demon!Harry. It’s currently sitting around 10k ish? But got pushed way down the list when Big bang popped up. With any luck, I will have it finished and posted this year. Est WC: 50K+
Two Geldings... - The first chapter to this was already posted on AO3. I do have an outline for this and will get back to it, I swear, but it too got bumped down the list. We can all thank my ADHD for that. Featuring 8th Year Drarry taking care of magical horses. 
The Serial Killer project with @lyskari - Because we love writing really dark shit and planned this for whumptober and then we both subsequently got SUPER busy.  We will also be writing this eventually when things slow down. But I got a lot on my plate and I know they do too. 
Kiss your baby - This should actually be out pretty soon. It’s written, and we’re just going through some edits on it. I might add some extra bits here and there but it’ll likely be the first thing I post coming up. Possibly. 
The Devil is a Gentleman - Currently a posted WIP, with chapter two finished. (Just need to actually edit it) Featuring Modern Au, COO!Aleksander, Engineer!Alina, and a bunch of tropes. 
The 50 Reasons to have sex series - In which I write Darklina drabbles/fics based on the ‘How I met your Mother’s’ 50 reasons to have sex list. Varied. Not all related. 
The one where Arthur gets off to Merlin cussing - This one was supposed to be done already, technically it’s almost done. It just took a turn for the loving and soft which made me go... wait wtf just happened. SO I might have to pause that while I figure out what went wrong. 
The really special Christmas one - My plan is to start posting this on the 14th. I’m about 6 out of 12 chapters in, 18k I believe? I revised some stuff I just have to put a lot of time into it over the next few days in order to get it done done. 
Camboy!Arthur - What it says on the tin, but also features Roommate!Merlin and honestly? I think it’s going to be equal parts hilarious and sexy. It’s completely outlined and the first chapter or so is already done. But it was also put aside while I finish this christmas one. 
That College AU - Again, what it says on the tin + a large amount of just random plot. This has also been pushed to next year. 
That other College AU feat. Fratboy!Arthur with @zaharya - Who actually knows when we get to this one but it lives in my head rent free almost all the time. 
Witcher!Arthur - Is currently just a series of snippets that live in my docs. Will this ever see the light of day? maybe. I wouldn’t hold your breath for any time soon though. 
Our boys as Corpsekunno - The boys as youtube/streamers who flirt. Geralt is faceless but has a voice that destroys most people’s loins. Jaskier is the soft flirt who loves everyone. 
That’s not everything but those are the ones I’m really hoping to finish this coming year. Fingers crossed as many of them will probably take most of my sanity to finish. HOWEVER, I hope yall will stick with me for the ride regardless. 
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bedlamsbard · 3 years
Hi! Question about something in your recent post about season finales. When you mentioned dropping a current WIP, was that with reference to the Kanera “reluctant roommates” story? I have been wondering about the status of that one, as I’ve been enjoying it. Of course, whether you opt to continue anything or not is totally up to you, and I respect and understand that, especially with all the frustrations that SW media has recently been throwing our way!
Not specifically -- reluctant roommates is like a lot of my other concept writing, where it's an idea I'm noodling with without real intent to make it into a full title story. I don't tend to think of my concept writing as WIPs; it's the equivalent of doodling, I guess? I borrowed the term from the concept art that gets done for movies/TV.
I've been doing a lot of low-pressure concept writing over the past couple of years for a few reasons; part of it is that when Backbone was still in progress, it was just...a lot to deal with as a story when I was not having a very good time (I had a major breakup in the middle of it) and I wanted to still be writing but wasn't up to the finer points of Backbone's complicated plot. (There's some personal stuff in there, too, that's related to the breakup but which I won't talk about publicly; a lot of concept writing dates from immediately after that.) From 2013 to 2018 I was writing three major chaptered, titled fics (Wake the Storm, Queen's Gambit, and On the Edge of the Devil's Backbone), probably 800K+ in total (plus the Ouroboros ancillaries like Sound the Bells and Tales from the Eye of the Storm), and coming out of that I just really, badly needed a break from that kind of complex writing, and my attempts to go straight into another major fic failed because I kept freezing up. (For various reasons, many of which I'm not comfortable talking about publicly.) Concept writing was a low-pressure, no commitment way to keep me writing.
I've got three titled Rebels WIPs that are on hold right now -- The Starry Crown, Down in the Devil's Lair (sequel to Devil's Backbone), and Devil's in the Details (part 1 of other side AU, which is the rare piece of concept writing that actually got a full story). If Backbone hadn't been so far along when Rebels ended...I got really, really badly burned on Rebels S4, which also happened in a year that I was not having a good time (to put it mildly), and that rebounded in a lot of ways. I don't remember entirely clearly what happened with my writing at the tail end of S4 and after the finale, but I know I was struggling a lot. (I also didn't realize this until the next year, but all of my 2018 concept writing is "I thought you were dead" desperate reunions lol.) Backbone is also very firmly set in S1, and to finish it I basically had to turn my brain off on S2-4 and pretend they didn't exist in order to stay as firmly as possible in S1 headspace. I could do that for an ongoing WIP; it's a lot harder to do with a story that's not already 300K in. (Which is one of several reasons Lair's on hold.)
Crown dates from 2019, and it's another one I've struggled with a lot because it's...very angry, and I've had many, many days where I couldn't look at it because the emotions I have tied up with the canon and the events it's dealing with are not necessarily emotions I can put aside enough to work on it. Devil's in the Details started as concept writing but edits are a WHOLE 'nother kind of brainwork than fresh writing and I just don't have the energy.
(if anyone is going to ask about All Along the Watchtower, the third Ouroboros story, it is permanently on hold: I won't say never, but I get so much abuse on Gambit and Wake that the whole idea of writing PT characters, let alone writing within the Ouroboros universe, is an instant panic reaction. Every time I get a comment notification on Wake or Gambit I have to brace myself -- there's a reason I had to take a long break from posting anything to AO3.)
The thing with Star Wars specifically -- this is a problem with any ongoing live canon, but Star Wars has been my fandom for eight years and it's the one I can speak to -- is the CONSTANT VIGILANCE aspect, for me. You can't relax when the series or the season ends, even if the characters you're interested in have been killed off. They could come back at any moment, in another form, maybe contradicting something that's been well-established. They might not look the same or sound the same or act the same, but everyone will tell you that they are exactly the same. There are constant rumors about when and where they might appear and those rumors might come true or they might not. Maybe you thought the story you were interested in was important but now it's been given to another character, or it's been retconned, or it's been completely forgotten. Maybe something from the subset of the fandom you're into has already been rebranded as coming from a subset of the fandom you're decidedly not into. The canon will get retconned and everyone will tell you that it's always been this way, obviously, even though you know it's not true. I already have hypervigilance issues, for several reasons, and it's...exhausting. I feel like I've been fighting tooth and nail to stay in love with Star Wars for four years now and I'm just...tired, and there's no piece of Star Wars I love unreservedly right now that makes it worth fighting for at the moment.
This is probably a lot more than you asked for -- the short version is just that everything Star Wars is on hold for the moment because I'm exhausted and burned out on Star Wars.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 3 years
From the Depths of the WIP Folder
Because @damianisinsane wanted it and I wanted to make someone smile today. Here’s hoping I manage.
Nothing I do is ever really ‘abandoned’, but of my three long WIPs, this one’s the furthest back on the burner. I mean, still on the stove, but you have to stretch out over ten boiling pots to reach it, without scalding yourself on the burners or steam. I have a low-ish pain tolerance, so the odds of it being finished - ever - are slim.
That said, if any of my writing mutuals are ever interested in something I’m peeping about and want to coauthor or even just act as a sounding board? It would probably help my completion rate. One of my biggest problems is that I’m basically trying to write in a bubble all the time, with no one to really chatter with about things.
The proposal scene from that one crack AU where my brain decided Mary and Thomas needed to get hitched.
Thomas tried not to stare at the woman standing at the foot of his bed, but all matter of manners and deference to one's employer aside, he was having a devil of a time of it. He blinked. When the scene before him remained as it was, he blinked again. Once again, things didn't change. Lady Mary remained firmly in his room, watching him expectantly. He frowned slightly, searching for polite words. "I'm sorry, m'lady," that was a safe start, "I don't mean to be impertinent, but something seems to have gone wrong with my ears." Yes, that was good. Carson would approve of that, he was certain. He smiled for good measure, to show that he understood the absurdity of what he was about to say. "But I could have sworn you just asked if I'd consider marrying you."
"There's nothing wrong with your ears, Barrow," the woman at the foot of his bed informed him. "That's exactly what I asked."
"I see," Thomas replied, very slowly, going back to staring. "Actually, no. No, that's wrong, I don't see. I don't see at all." He shook his head, trying to clear it, to somehow force what he was hearing to make sense. "Why would you want to marry me, of all people? I mean, ignoring the fact your father will toss us both out on our ears, I'm not exactly husband material." He looked at his right wrist hopelessly for a second, then held it up for her examination, as if she might have forgotten why he was stuck in bed. "Besides, last I heard you didn't even want a husband."
"I don't," Lady Mary agreed, absently wrapping her arms around herself. "That's the crux of it, really. I don't want a husband, but until I have one, men are going to pursue me – or my money, Matthew's money, George's money, however you want to look at it. Meanwhile, George wants a father. He's said so, although I don't think he really knows what goes into that." She rethought that. "No, I know he doesn't know what goes into it, but that's not the point either, because whether he wants one or not I'm going to be hearing from other people that he needs one until he's out of Eton if I don't marry. So I'm trying to compromise. You might not be husband material, but I don't know that it follows that you aren't father material. You care about George, don't you?"
"Very much," Thomas allowed, still bemused by the whole affair. "He's a sweet little boy. It's nice...it's nice to have someone who doesn't care about anything except whether I'll give him piggy back rides and sneak him treats now and again." And suddenly, just like that, everything hurt again.
"Well, that's all I need," Lady Mary shrugged. "I don't need someone to love me. I don't need a new heir to Downton. The title is George's. The money is mine until he's grown, and that's all there is to that. Any man I marry is going to have to settle for helping me raise my son, and I'm asking if you'll at least think about taking the position."
Thomas settled back in the pillows, frowning thoughtfully. That, at least, made a bit more sense, although only just. "So it would be more of a business arrangement than a proper marriage," he tried the idea out, still trying to wrap his mind around it.
"Yes, exactly. When I was engaged to Sir Richard he said we would be more than husband and wife, we would be partners. While that didn't work out in the end, mostly because I did love Matthew, I believed at the time it could work and I still believe that." She smiled, although it was her usual, proper smile. "We would be partners. I would get to go on with my life, rather than being persistently shoved back to where I was before the war. You would get to stay at Downton, have a much nicer room than this, and, most importantly, I think, you would get George as your son."
Thomas closed his eyes, trying to picture it. It sounded like heaven, like every dream he'd ever had come true, save for maybe one or two involving good looking men. Of course, life had done a very thorough job of teaching him that if it sounded too good to be true, it undoubtedly was. "His Lordship still won't allow it."
"His Lordship won't have much say in the matter," Lady Mary countered primly. "I'm not Sybil. As I've said, Matthew's money is mine until George is grown. Papa can't disinherit me without sinking the entire estate. It's not a threat I want to make, naturally. Downton is my home. But if he forces the issue and tries to throw us out, I will."
"Huh." Thomas had opened his eyes while she spoke and now stared at her, possibly even more dumbstruck than before. That she would be willing to challenge her father, on that level, for him, was beyond imagining. Of course, it wasn't really for him, it was for George, but in the end it amounted to the same thing. Him for George. "I suppose there's a point there. Alright," he half laughed, torn between a smile and a frown, "How long do I have to think?"
She shrugged. "As long as you like, I suppose. I see no reason for the offer to close anytime soon, unless somehow Matthew walks through the door and tells us all that rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated, or one of us dies. You could even find another job, if you like, and spend some time away from here first. I simply wanted to make the offer as soon as I could."
Thomas nodded. "Fair, I suppose. Alright, then, I'll think on it." He offered her a smile as much because it seemed like the thing to do as anything.
"Good, I'm glad. Thank you, Barrow." With a parting smile of her own, Lady Mary turned and left him alone to wonder if he was coming down with a fever and hallucinated the entire conversation.
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Oh, those are interesting stories! I only really have one original story and it can essentially be summed up as “Eldritch-adjacent person adopts eight children” Anyway, do you prefer writing original stories or fan works? Which writing of yours are you most proud of?
soooo like Tiergan??? /j No, seriously though, I would read the absolute heck out of that. Good adoptive parents will never cease to make me happily emotional. I'd love to read a story about an Eldritch creature person adopting smol humans.
I... I'm currently not sure.
I like writing fanfic because, to put it bluntly, it's easy. I don't have to put a ton of work into characters, I don't find it difficult to come up with plots. It's all nice and right there and I can grab it and go. It doesn't mean it doesn't take work, I'm currently stuck on my current WIP, and it's taking a hot sec to figure it out, but fanfic is easier for me.
However, none of it is wholly mine. So, you know, there is that. I really like writing original works. I like having something completely and wholly mine. I like making my own characters, my own worlds, my own things.
But fanfiction is a TON more fun. It's hard work, but it's scarily fun. But then again, so is making my own original work. Idk. I guess I like both of them pretty equally.
The writing work I'm most proud of overall is honestly probably The Princess And The Popstar, just because it's so long and it got such *hair flip* rave reviews.
However, Unbroken is extremely close to my heart, and I think the ending of that story is one of the best things I've put time into.
Of my own original work, honestly, I'm most proud of this beginning of a story.
Loisa Von Trout never liked anyone. All the ladies at The Official Walforte Bridge-Club knew that. That’s why, when Loisa ranted on and on about her neighbors, no one really thought twice about it.
However, Mary-Jane Fawkson, who lived over on Garden Street, the next street over from Loisa, who lived on Falcon Avenue, was the sweetest most darling woman any of the bridge-club members had ever met. They couldn’t help loving her. So, when Mary-Jane joined in with Loisa, they were shocked.
Actually, shocked would be an understatement. They were stunned into complete silence, cards and every other interesting topic forgotten. A rarity, among the eight women.
“Blue hair,” Mary-Jane agreed with Loisa, “The mark of the devil, I’m sure.”
“Oh, no, Love,” Said Ellen Abram, who was the youngest and most progressive of the group, at the youthful age of seventy-two, “Blue hair is quite a fad now-a-days, you know.”
“And pierced ears?” snapped Loisa, her expression souring, “On a young man?”
A few glances went around the table, concern and tension filling the silence that followed. “Are you sure, Loisa,” said Rose, gently, “You know your eyesight has been on its way out the door,” She smiled at the ladies, “Just like my knees.”
Chuckles met that, and Loisa’s expression soured even more. “I daresay not. One could see those earrings from a block-a-way, I do declare. They were upside-down crosses.”
The chuckles died away, and Ellen said, softly, “Surely not, Loisa.”
Mary-Jane shook her head, “I do agree with Loisa. There is something terribly off about that family.”
“Something off in the family? I thought just the boy was the trouble. Oh, heavens.”
“What is it, Brenda?”
“He’ll be dallying with our granddaughters before the fall!”
Panic swept the table as a new wave of fear overrode everything else.
Marjorie snorted. “Not my granddaughter, at any rate. She’s off saying she’s a plant. The things those kids get into these days.”
The other ladies spared a moment to scowl at Marjorie. Ellen said, clipped, “Just because your granddaughter thinks she’s a plant, doesn’t mean our granddaughters aren’t in any danger of falling prey to this young delinquent.”
“I do hope my son raised my dear Theodosia better than that,” Loisa snapped, her sharp voice carrying over the table. “Twould be a shame if he were to show up on the doorstep one evening.”
((Spoilers: He totally showed up on the doorstep one evening.))
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hellishhin · 3 years
Since today is the last challenge day, Day 30 is all yours: Tell me something you wish I'd asked you, and didn't cross my mind! Rubber duck it out or simply talk as much or as little as you want about something from your wip or your wip in general! I'd really love to hear your thoughts😊
(You already know how much I love your three girls. And you've taught me so much lore about dnd?? I'm very very grateful. Your answers were always so rich and I loved reading them to the end, sometimes I was pulled right in that I even forgot it was my question that started the prompt)
Wishing you the best!
Ok so I had a whole post for this then my computer shut off and I lost it soooo take two! I am so sad underwing is ending but it's not like we are all disappearing. Let me tell you though, I have absolutely loved your questions and I have had so much fun diving into them! I needed to get back into the lore and you gave me the push I needed to do that <3
Gosh I have no freaking clue where to even start. You tell me to talk about anything but anything is a lot of things! lol! So I really think one of my favorite things is how Sadie interacts with the gods. There are so many different gods with different personalities and so many of them appreciate her for one reason or another. I'll just spoil this a bit, Sadie ended up literally in the heavens, standing in the middle of a table where the entire pantheon of deities were around the table all in their fifteen foot tall god-like forms. They had this meeting called because there were several gods vying to have Sadie bear their child and she had enough of being jumped by gods so she forced them all to a meeting and they surprisingly agreed.
She had most of the table trying to convince her to pick them to be the father of her child and you freaking BET that her husband was there and was absolutely ready to blow his freaking lid. It was one of the most fun RP scenarios we've ever done, my DM and I. Because of that meeting, Sadie eyed a few different gods and even after she chose one the others were still very interested in being next in line. I will say that this is how Sadie and Skolfi the Beastlord became close with her. But other than that, Sadie also has such a close relationship with Chaldira, aka Lady Luck.
Ok so there's just so much stuff and telling this one part is not going to spoil much. History timeeeee! When Sadie learns about this it is really profound for her but it won't be worse knowing the information beforehand gosh I can't even type fast enough I'm so excited.
So the Hin is the official racial name for a halfling. Halflings are a "nickname" given by the humans that stuck and became the common term for that race of small people. But the Hin used to be an entire nation all on their own. They used to have such rich customs and history and they used to live completely separate from humans. They even had their own pantheon of gods.
That was until the humans decided that they couldn't have another set of gods within their realm so they attacked the Hin and said worship our gods or die. There were so many brave small Hin who stood up for their deities but unfortunately it was not enough. The Hin had to bow to the humans and their gods. Years and years went by and the Hin ended up becoming halflings who were forced to worship the human gods to such an extent that their pantheon was fully forgotten. Their culture fully destroyed. I can say pretty much nobody even knows this piece of history. Sadie only learned it from the spirits of the halflings who had died a long time ago but research into it found it to be true. This upset her so so much that she made a pledge she would restore her gods to their former glory. She would tell the Hin of their culture, their history, and get them to return to what their people used to be.
Chaldira is halfling goddess who is actually in the human pantheon. This happened because Tolaar the Mad God did what he does best. He went mad and killed the human goddess of luck many years ago. This had him banished to Pandemonium, no longer a part of the pantheon anymore. In order to have her place and domain filled, Chaldira was put in her place and sort of switched pantheons. Then the humans made the Hin forget the other Hinnish gods and when they lose worshippers they lose power, nearly fading away. But they all managed to continue existing and now they are gaining power because Sadie is raising awareness.
Seeing what she is doing, Chaldira blesses Sadie with Fatespinner, her artifact of luck. It's an amazing staff for Sadie that gives her more magic, it protects her, and she continues to unlock powers for it as she proves herself to Chaldira and prove her loyalty to the Hinnish gods. But if she upsets Chaldira, like she already did once, Chaldira will take powers away. Currently the rod is at about half power from what it was because she cursed the gods and threw it away when she had to watch her soldiers die on the battlefield and nobody she called on would help.
But I digress. Chaldira and Maelel are like her goddess mothers. They both come to her when she desperately needs them and they help steer her in the right direction. Sometimes she doesn't like that direction though. Her husband convinces her to do less than great things and so she basically has a devil and an angel on her shoulder but it's more like a hot devil she married and two goddesses which you can imagine the kind of pressure that puts her under. It's always a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell because its so much easier and more fun to go to hell.
So anyway that was kind of rambly but I really wanted to talk about the Hinnish gods. They are all so sweet and lovely and the Hin deserve so much more than what the stupid fucking humans did to them. Also, in order to be successful at all Sadie literally has to overthrow the church because you can bet your ass they will persecute any Hin they catch worshipping the wrong pantheon.
By this point all I ask is that you hate the Imperial Church as much as Sadie and I do <3
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grisailledreams · 3 years
Song lyrics for you from one of my favourite songs!! King by The Amazing Devil:
Your fingernails are the colour of rust / and your veins are empty of dust / but our voices collide with each howl of the tide / singing all hell and its fire waits for us
Holy crap! 1) I had no idea that Joey Batey was in a band and 2) That this song EXISTS!!! and 3) That I needed it in my life!!! This is so good! Thank you so much for sending this in!
Now, shock and chagrin, this brought up my WIP novel "Chaotic" rather than SoS this time XD I'm sorry! I hope you still like it! It's a wee bit long, but this is honestly cut way down from what I was going to do.
((Context: Witch teams up with a disenfranchised god to steal back his magic and after that happens, all hell kind of breaks loose and the witch starts regretting her life choices.))
Gemma heaved the door shut and leaned against it, panting. The winding staircase she left behind was full of angry, muffled gruntings, but the stone shielded her from the worst of it. She pinned down a cross-beam to block off the door to buy herself some time.
The top of the lighthouse held no reflective, spinning mirrors and blinding lights, but a blue-green flame bright enough for this strange, ancient land. Sapphire smoke rose in a thick column through a hole in the ceiling. Runes in the gods' language marked the columns and masonry, telling tales that mankind had long since forgotten and that she couldn't read without a few days.
In the very heart of the fire was a silver, glistening box.
Ados's secret.
But how to reach it? The spells she knew might guard against regular fire, but this was definitely a different species. She might as well lop off her own arm. There had to be something in the room...
While she weighed her options, the clamor outside grew still without her notice. Tiny claws scuttled across the ancient, ruddy stone floor. Gemma rolled up her right sleeve and began drawing a fireproof sigil with her forefinger, adding a few Hail Mary flairs to hopefully beef them up. The claws stopped behind her, just in time for her to see the giant shadow spring to life.
Ados pulled her away with his huge, spidery hands wrapped around her torso.
"Are you insane?" he hissed in her ear.
She squirmed like a cat, weaponizing her elbows, and eventually caught him in the ribs. It couldn't have hurt him, but he let her go. In the same breath, he waved a hand and sent her flying back into the opposite wall with an oomph.
"Can we please not keep fighting about this?" he asked. His heavy steps clunked closer. All seven feet of him seemed so much larger from this vantage point. "I don't want to make you stop. I want you home. Safe. Away from all this."
"You should have thought about that before signing me up to be your personal assistant in the first place," Gemma snapped back. "What's the fire about?"
"Lightning that birthed the gods." He rubbed his forehead, exasperated. "If you'd like a history lesson, I'd be more than happy to-"
Gemma flung out a hand of her own. Golden, rootlike tendrils unfurled from the stone below Ados's feet and wrapped around his legs, then yanked him down. She was on him in a fury, knife drawn. He rolled his eyes. She sneered.
"You should be grateful it's not the Doomsword," she hissed.
"Release me," he drawled.
"So I can knock some sense into you and take you home."
"Why don't you want me to know what you've been keeping here for so long?" she shot back. Her dagger, unyielding in an unsteady hand, pressed its flat side into the soft flesh where his neck and shoulder joined up. Both of them knew she wouldn't do it. Not really. Not from that way he was looking at her. "If you ever loved me-"
"Nutha gemelot, you know I do."
"Then be honest."
Ados made to caress her cheek, but she flinched away. He turned irritable. "Why isn't theft good enough?"
"It's not a reason to start a war! Not when you're a god!" Her lower lip trembled. As the tears welled up and caught on her lashes, Gemma added, "You've been holding onto this rage for longer than my entire bloodline has been alive. I need to know what made Oleyar's murder worth it."
He pressed his lips into a hard, thin line and his face blanched. She knew that face. The one he wore when he saved her life.
"It was you."
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