#why didn't you use 'expositor'
essektheylyss · 15 days
I'm also still laughing that he really showed up, introduced himself as an Archivist of the Cobalt Soul, and then insinuated that they were going to go extrajudicially hunt down, capture, and "interrogate" a Cerberus Assembly Archmage. Sir, archivists do not do that kind of thing, least of all on their own, LEAST OF ALL with a bunch of random hooligans they were just sent to collect for an unrelated excursion. Quite honestly, that was the thing I kept going back to in evidence of, there is absolutely no way this is a legit archivist.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
Death by Exposure
Written for the Phic Phight Prompts: At first Danny had been worried sick that Wes had figured out that he was Phantom, but when no one believed him it had sort of become funny. Still, after the anti-ecto act, and the GIW, and his own parents very public very violently vitriolic screeds against ghosts, Danny had to wonder what he'd ever done to Wes that the guy would risk exposing Danny to all that. (from @hpwotters-blog, or at least I think that's you're tumblr.), and Wes Weston wakes up to find an injured Phantom on the fire escape. (from @half-deadmagicperson)
With how much time he spends on basketball and his delusional conspiracy theories, no one would ever suspect that Wes Weston has another secret hobby… (from @kadziduo)
Another prompt that will be included in later chapters but isn't as of this one:
And Wes has been spending more and more time around Fenton and Co. lately - hey! he’s only trying to get some much-needed evidence against them, not trying to get all buddy-buddy with them. And anyway, they’re an entirely annoying bunch, so he wholeheartedly blames them for the fact that he’s currently being monologued at by the ghost holding him hostage. (from @a-closet-emo)
Chapter 4: Expositor
AO3 Link
[Warning for mentions of blood and violence]
Danny used a damp washcloth the clean off what was left of the blood and ectoplasm from his skin before changing, first from ghost to human, and then, once he was back in his own clean clothes, into the pajamas. When he returned to the bedroom, Wes was gone.
Danny didn't really wonder where Wes had gone because he didn't really care. He was completely wiped from everything that had happened that night, and he just wanted to get some sleep. Crossing the room, he flopped face down onto the bare bed. Without any kind of sheet or comforter, the mattress was lumpy and not very comfortable. Danny hardly noticed.
He adjusted himself so he was laying near the edge to make it easier to breathe and was just about to drift off when his arm slipped off the mattress and brushed against something hard. Not wanting to open his eyes, Danny felt around blindly until his fingers closed around something flat and solid wedged between the mattress and the bed frame. It was a close race, but his curiosity one out over his exhaustion and he pushed himself into a sitting position to see what it was.
In his hands, Danny held some kind of journal. At first, he thought it was Wes' diary, and that he should put it back because even if it was Wes, Danny wasn't enough of a jerk to read someone's diary; then he considered the far more likely possibility that it was filled with Wes' evidence of Danny's dual identity, and he should check it out, for his safety. What Danny actually found when he opened the journal was the last thing he would have ever expected.
Each page had a photograph of a bird, along with some writing, in Wes' own hand, about what the bird was, and where and when he had seen it. Danny stared at the pages in absolute shock as he flipped through them. Danny almost laughed out loud when he read a clearly very excited entry about a bird called the Red Knot which was apparently endangered in Illinois, but that Wes had spotted out at Lake Eerie over the summer.
"Sorry, it took longer than I thought to wash all that shit off my hands. They still smell like rubbing alcohol," Wes said as he came in. "Make yourself comf—why do you have that?" he interrupted himself when he saw what Danny was holding. He stomped over and snatched the journal out of Danny's hands, snapping it shut.
"You have a bird watching journal?" Danny asked incredulously.
Wes opened his desk drawer, tossed the journal haphazardly inside, and slammed it shut again. "I like bird watching. Is that a crime?"
"No it's just," Danny laughed at the absurdity of it all, "Between basketball and obsessively stalking me and trying to expose me as Phantom, I didn't think you had time for–" he snorted, and brought a hand up to his mouth to cover the amused smile there–"bird watching." He couldn't hold it in anymore, Danny burst out laughing, interspersed with winces as the action irritated his injuries.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Wes said, crossing his arms with a scowl. "I have a life outside of you, you know. You think I got binoculars with adjustable magnification just to watch you? Don't flatter yourself."
"Ouch! But, seriously, bird watching?"
"It's peaceful and relaxing!"
"You're such a nerd!"
"Well what do you do when you have free time?" Wes demanded indignantly. "Let me guess, you spend your time playing video games, right?"
"You mean a normal hobby that most teenagers engage in?" Danny pointed out. "Yeah, I do."
"You'll rot your brain."
"Whatever, nerd!"
"Shut up." Wes pouted. "You just got shot four times. Shouldn't you be resting or something? Go to fucking sleep." He crouched down to lay out his bedding on the floor.
"When do you even find time do go bird watching?" Danny asked laughingly.
"I thought I told you to go to sleep!"
"Alright, alright!" Danny laid down again and Wes got up to switch the light off before climbing into his makeshift bed on the floor. For a while, Danny stayed quiet, but he just couldn't help himself. "What's the rarest bird you've ever seen?"
"Shut up!" Wes groaned and whacked Danny with a pillow.
"Fine!" That lasted all of seven seconds. "But what is it?"
Wes sighed, but Danny could hear the smile in his voice when he finally answered. "I saw an island scrub Jay once, when my family took a vacation to Santa Cruz a couple summers ago. They're so pretty, and they're like, one of the rarest birds in the states; it was pretty awesome. They literally only live on Santa Cruz Island and nowhere else, because they're non-migratory. I spent the whole trip looking for one. Kyle and Easton spent the whole trip making fun of me for it."
Danny laughed again. "Nerd."
"If you don't wanna know, don't fucking ask!" Wes whacked him with a pillow again and he sputtered momentarily. "Go to sleep already."
"How did you even get into bird watching?" Danny asked. "That's not a normal hobby for a kid to have." Wes sighed again.
"If you're just gonna call me a nerd again, I'm not gonna tell you."
"I promise I won't call you a nerd." 
Wes didn't answer right away, probably not trusting the promise, but just when Danny thought he'd decided to just go to sleep he answered.
"My mom's a flight attendant, so when I was little I used to watch the sky all the time and keep an eye out for planes, try to guess which one she was on, you know?" he explained. "Turns out, when you watch the sky all day, you end up seeing a some cool-looking birds, so when I was seven or eight, I asked for a camera for my birthday so I could take pictures of them, and it sort of spiraled from there."
"That's... kinda sweet, actually," Danny said.
"You know, I do like video games, but actually, I'm also really into astronomy," Danny said.
"And you called me a nerd."
"Hey, bird watching is way nerdier than stargazing," Danny defended. "I mean ask literally anyone. Stargazing is, like, romantic and crap, bird watching is full-on nerdy."
"Sure, space geek," Wes said. "What's your favorite dwarf planet?"
"Haumea," Danny answered immediately, without even having to think about it.
"Knowing any dwarf planet besides Pluto is well into full-on nerd territory."
"Haumea spins so fast that gravity makes it oblong instead of round; tell me that's not cool!"
"Okay, it's a little cool, but you're still a nerd. Go to sleep."
They ended up staying a little later, swapping fun facts about birds and space, eventually falling asleep at almost five in the morning. Thankfully, spring break afforded them the opportunity to sleep in as long as they wanted. When they eventually woke up, Danny didn't leave Wes' place right away.
Wes brought him a sandwich for breakfast/lunch, and helped him change his bandages. Although, it unsettled Wes to see the difference in blood composition between Danny's two forms. It would be a couple more days before the wounds fully closed, but the bleeding had stopped. As long as Danny was still healing, his ecto-signature would be stronger, even in his human form, which meant going home was a no-go.
"What do you mean your house will attack you?" Wes asked, horrified.
"My parents have a very sophisticated anti-ghost security system," Danny explained. "I can pass through in my human form well enough as long as I don't use any of my powers, but if I so much as have my ghost sense go off, it activates and I have a dozen anti-ghost weapons in my face. It'll definitely target me with my enhanced healing working, but I can't exactly turn that off."
"Alright, fair enough," Wes said. "But you can't stay here. My dad's not that observant, but Kyle will definitely notice if you stay any longer, and neither of us wants that, trust me."
"That's fine," Danny said. "Tucker's house is empty right now, and I know where they keep the spare key. I'll camp out there for a few days. And, uh, once I can get into my house again, I'll bring you some of my parents' Fenton Detergent that'll work on ectoplasm stains so you don't have to buy new towels."
"Good, because I couldn't really afford to anyway," Wes said, his shoulders slumping in relief. "I'll come check on you at Tucker's, just in case."
"You will?" Danny asked, surprised.
"Of course," Wes said. "I won't be able to sleep if I don't know you're okay, not after, you know, everything." Ah, so he felt guilty. Alright, that made sense.
"Okay, well... thanks," Danny said, face splitting into a smile, "for, you know, everything." He started to climb out onto the fire escape, ready to leave.
"Yeah, no problem."
"And good luck with the bird watching," Danny tacked on as he transformed into Phantom and jumped off the fire escape.
"Oh, fuck off!" Wes shouted, running to the window to flip the ghost off while he laughed, turning invisible to keep the patrols off is tail as he made a beeline for Tucker's place to lay low.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Can I ask for #20 - child: "Look, I made this for you. I also made one for mum/dad/parent." with Beauyasha? Is that okay? If not, you can pick another pairing <3
20 more domestic OTP with children prompts this is going to be related to this drabble. not quite what the prompt asked but i thought it was cute.
The one thing Beau never thought she'd be grateful for was noise. In her line of work, silence is omnipresent and oppressive: silence in the library, silence while other Expositors are speaking, silently compiling research into a report, silently stalking a target through back alleyways. She's become far more comfortable with the sound of her own thoughts than she'd ever have imagined, which is why it's such a relief when she comes home on a night and opens the front door to a wall of sound.
Tonight, it's off-key Xhorasian folk songs and sizzling sausage on the stove and incoherent shrieks from the second bedroom, where, Beau assumes, Aurelia is, since she hasn't been greeted with a tackling hug about the knees as she'd've expected.
"Hey, babe," Beau calls, tossing her things unceremoniously onto the couch. "Smells great."
Yasha's singing cuts off as she turns to smile over her shoulder. "Hello! Hang on, let me get her." She takes a deep breath and bellows, "AURELIA! GUESS WHO'S HOME!"
The bedroom door slams open with such force that Beau instantly winces, anticipating the hole she'll have to patch up later. There's a blur, and then Beau is opening her arms just in time to catch the tiny half-elf girl who has launched herself up into them, already halfway through a sentence. "—so much fun, you're gonna like her, she has a pet bird but she didn't bring him, and we've been working so hard, can't wait to sh—"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Beau laughs, flipping Aurelia around so she's now sitting on her shoulders. "I missed basically all of that." It's only then that Beau spies a pair of eyes peeking out from behind the door frame to Aurelia's bedroom. "Who's that?"
Aurelia tugs impatiently on Beau's top knot. "I was telling you. That's Cherielle! She's new in my class!"
Cherielle appears, broad and tall for a girl Aurelia's age, with a familiar shade of green skin and the slightest hint of something protruding from her lower lip. She smiles shyly. "Hi, Mrs. Beau."
Beau smiles back. "Nice to meet you, Cherielle. Thanks for putting up with this one." She tickles Aurelia's bare foot, which kicks out as she giggles. "You stayin' for dinner?" Cherielle nods. "Well we're happy to have you."
Her view is suddenly blocked by the top half of Aurelia's face, which hangs upside-down in front of her. "We were making crafts!"
"Yeah!" Without warning, Aurelia launches herself off of Beau's shoulders and races into her bedroom, pulling Cherielle with her.
Beau takes the brief reprieve to go into the kitchen and kiss her wife's cheek. "You give her coffee or something?"
"No, I think she's just...like this."
"Fucking hell, when does she start hating us?" Beau pauses, then asks, "You talk to Fjord?"
Yasha takes the sausage off of the stove, nodding toward the Sending Stone on the counter. "He's already routing this way."
Just then Aurelia reappears, Cherielle in tow, and she proudly presents a bouquet of four paper flowers, each colored haphazardly and half-crushed in her hand. "Look! I made this for you!"
Beau wonders for a half a minute if she is actually going to dissolve. "You did?" She takes the flowers, crudely made and so, so wonderful, and pretends to sniff them.
"Mhm! And look—" She waves Cherielle forward, who produces a similar bouquet from behind her back. "Cherielle made one for Mama!"
"Oh goodness." Yasha wipes her hands on her apron and accepts the flowers from Cherielle. "Well they're gorgeous. The most beautiful flowers I've ever received."
Beau feigns a pout. "Thanks a lot, Cherielle. Now you've upstaged me."
The girls giggle, and then Yasha says, "Go wash your hands, we'll be eating in a few." They dash off, and Beau sets her flowers to the side with a sigh. "At least she's making friends."
"I'm not sure Cherielle had much choice in the matter." The two of them fix plates for dinner, and they set them onto the table just as the girls screech back into view. There is no silence at the table that night, not as Aurelia and Cherielle fill Beau and Yasha in on all of their schoolyard adventures, and Beau cannot imagine a better sound than the laughter and excited chatter of her little girl and her new friend.
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Fic Prompt if it catches your fancy. Expositor Beau meeting with Percy and Vex about the Residuum.
Beau walks into the room to see the fancy Lord and Lady of Whitestone sitting on the other side of her desk, conversing quietly. The woman, she knows to be Lady Vex'ahlia de Rolo is holding onto her husband's hand. Her husband, Lord Percival whole bunch of names de Rolo, listens to her talk with a soft smile. When Beau enters, they both stand and turn to greet her.
"Expositor Lionett," Lord de Rolo greets her with a smile, extending a hand. Beau shakes it firmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Vex and I will be happy to answer any of your questions."
"Thank you, Lord de Rolo," she says, the title sounding frustratingly bitchy in her voice.
Percival shakes his head, "Please, you don't need to use the titles. Percy and Vex will do just fine."
Beau nods and lets out a silent sight of relief as she rounds her desk and sits down, opening her folder. "We have records that for the last fifteen years Whitestone has been regularly sending residuum crystals to Trent Ikithon in the Soltryce Academy. Can you tell me why that is?"
Vex nods and says, "We received a letter from Professor Ikithon some fifteen years ago. He very politely asked for a supply of residuum so that he might experiment on it to discover some of it's properties."
"Did he say what these experiments would be?" Beau asks, quickly jotting down notes.
Percy shakes his head, "He didn't say anything specific, just that our contribution would do a great deal of good for the study of magic. Expositor, is he in some kind of trouble?"
Beau sighs and folds her hands, looking at the two of them evenly. "He was arrested by the Cobalt Soul a little less than six months ago for several accounts of manslaughter, treason, and...experimenting on his students with residuum crystals." She watches both of their faces go deathly pale, Vex's hand gripping Percy's sleeve with white knuckles. But Beau continues, "He was trying to seal the crystals into their arms to make their magic more potent."
"I think I'm going to be sick," Vex murmurs and she does look a bit ill to Beau.
Percy looks at Beau, "I assure you, Expositor, we had no idea what he was doing with the crystals."
She nods, "I didn't expect you to. But I do need you to write a statement, something we can use in the trial and if you have the original letter he sent we could use that as well."
"Of course," Percy nods, "we'll find it for you when we return to Whitestone." He turns to his wife who still looks very pale.
"Expositor," Vex begins, "what happened to the students?"
"Some are still attending the Soltryce Academy, the ones with living parents have been sent home, we're still trying to round up all of the graduates." Beau sighs, "And there are some we had to bring to orphanages since their parents are gone and they did not want to continue their education at the school."
Vex nods. "Can you give me the names of the orphanages? I...I don't feel as though we can just ignore these children knowing we played a part in their suffering."
"Of course." She tears out a sheet from her notebook and quickly jots down the names and hands it to Lady de Rolo. "And if you think of anything that can aid our case, please let someone from the Cobalt Reserve know."
Percy nods and stands, helping his wife to her feet after him. "We will."
Beau rises as well and shakes both of their hands, "Thank you for your time."
"You as well, Expositor," Percy gives her a head bow and the two of them leave the office. As the door shuts behind them, Beau plops down into her chair and drags a hand down her face in exhaustion.
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stardusted-bookworm · 2 years
If you're fine with platonic pairings, then how about the Empire Kids, the day before Zeenoth's trial? I'd imagine that Caleb would be heading off to Aeor, thus why he's not stated to be present.
Big Brother
A/N: I don't know if it was winter in Rexxentrum at the time of the trial but just go with it. Hope you like it!
Caleb Widogast blew into his hands to warm them as he walked up the snow-dusted pathway to the Cobalt Soul in Zadash. He could use magic but... it was nice feeling normal for once. He gingerly pushed open the doors and marched toward the Expositor's rooms.
"Sir? I'm sorry, you can't be in here," a voice called out.
Caleb turned to see a young elf walking briskly toward him.
"The library is closed for the night! You need to leave!"
"Oh no, you misunderstand." Caleb put his hands up. "I am merely here to see—"
"He's with me, Lyari."
Never had Caleb been so grateful to hear that voice.
The elf's eyes widened. "Expositor Beauregard! I, um—"
Beauregard Lionett raised her hand, cutting him off. "Don't worry about it, kid. Just remember for next time."
"Yes, Expositor." The young elf, Lyari, bowed slightly and walked away.
Caleb raised an eyebrow. "What authority you have, Expositor Lionett."
She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "Shut up." Beau turned and walked back in the direction he had been going. "Well, are you coming?"
Caleb just chuckled and followed after her.
When they got to her room, he was surprised to find Yasha fast asleep on the bed. He didn't think she'd be sleeping with the trial this close, but one look at the dark circles under Yasha's eyes tell him she'd been doing a lot more than most gave her credit for.
Beau smiled fondly at her partner and brushed a strand of hair from her sleeping face. "She's stayed up with me every night leading up to this case. During the late nights and early mornings she was there, a solid presence."
Beau looked up at him tears lining her eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without her."
Caleb knew this emotion stemmed from extreme exhaustion, but still, it shocked him to see her so vulnerable like this. Acting purely on instinct, he pulled her into a giant hug. Beau clutched onto the back of his coat like a lifeline.
He had known her for so long and knew how important this trial was to her. These long months of careful planning and evidence gathering took a toll on her physical well-being, but... Every time he saw her, she looked more and more determined. He's heard from Yasha the long hours she'd worked, sometimes not even sleeping for the night.
He was proud of her, but he, more than anyone, knew it was time for a break.
"Beauregard, I know the trial is tomorrow—" he pulled back to look her in the eyes— "but you need a break. Even for a few minutes."
Beau snorted. "Hypocrite."
"Ja, I know. That is why I am telling you you need to take a break. However, I am also understanding of the fact you would like to be prepared. So!"
Caleb pulled away and brought out the components for his Tower. "You get one night to run around the tower, do whatever you wish, only after you run through your case with me."
Beau raised an eyebrow. "Why would running it with you be any different than running it with Yudala?"
Caleb winced. "I, uh, may have areas of expertise that may help... squeeze information out of people without them knowing you are doing it."
Beau's eyes widened. "Holy shit! Are you going to be okay with that?"
He waved her off, but his mouth curled in a grimace. "Ja, anything for friends, right?"
She eyed him suspiciously but walked over to her desk covered with papers, grabbed several things, and returned.
Beau sat criss-cross on the ground. "Okay, so here's what we have."
And for the next several hours, they went over the case for Zeenoth's trial. Every detail was planned meticulously, down to the smallest question the opposing side could hurl.
Every so often, Caleb would make an addendum or critique to an existing detail. If it were anyone else, he knew he would've fallen into a dark pit. But the depth of knowledge Caleb had buried from his Scourger days proved infinitely useful to make Zeenoth and Thoreau Lionett sweat through their shirts.
When they finished, all those hours later, Beau closed her notebook and thumbed the cover. "Thanks, man. For your help, I mean. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He placed a hand on her shoulder. "You have never needed my help, Beauregard. This case was already very good on its own. I just helped point out extra details that might make the victory that much sweeter."
She pulled him into a giant bear hug, holding on tight. "You're the best big brother a girl could have."
Tears filled Caleb's eyes, blurring the world around him. He just held her tighter, not trusting himself enough to speak. Family. That's what they were. He had a sister now. If tears streamed down Caleb's face, only he and the wall knew.
After several comfortable moments holding each other, Beau pulled back and punched him in the shoulder. Hard. Caleb's pretty sure he heard something break. He would've protested, but he saw her not so subtly wipe tears off her face as well. It was fine... he was sure either someone at the Soul or even Essek had healing spells of some kind.
Voice still cracking with emotion, Beau asked, "So? My reward?"
"Oh, yes, right."
Gritting his teeth their the pain, Caleb once again pulled out his components for the Tower and cast the spell.
"As I promised." He bowed slightly. "Are you going to wake Yasha?"
She looked to her sleeping partner once again. A soft smile creeped over her face. "Nah. She looks so peaceful. I don't want to disturb her. And besides..." Beau shrugged. "I think I need time alone before... everything..."
Caleb nodded. "Well, then, the Tower is yours, Expositor Beauregard."
She sketched a mock bow. "Thank you, Mister Widogast."
And with that, she stepped through the shimmering doorway, vanishing from view.
Caleb reached up to support his shoulder. If it wasn't broken, it was going to be exceptionally bruised. But he couldn't be angry. He was proud of her. She'd come so far from that angry kid, and now here she was. About to take down her abusers the way she should've been able to a long time ago. He was just upset he wouldn't be able to see it in person.
Caleb frowned. Supposedly, the Cobalt Soul didn't want more people than necessary in the court room. That meant Beau's family, the Nein, couldn't be in that room when she finally received her justice. It was bullshit!
He turned to look at the sleeping aasimar and smiled. At least he knew nothing would stop Yasha from being in that room. At least one of them would be there with her.
Wincing, he stood and walked to the desk to find a scratch piece of paper. On it he wrote:
Dear Beauregard,
The tower will be up for the next 23 hours and 53 minutes. Please enjoy yourself. You deserve the break.
I will be leaving for Aeor later this week with... hot boi... and will spend much of tomorrow packing for the trip. I regret that I will not be there to see you win, but know that I am with you in spirit. I hope the bastard gets what he deserves. — Caleb Widogast
And with that, he picked up the note, poked his head into the tower, and called for Johann. When the spectral cat appeared, he said, "Could you give this to Beauregard please, Johann? And make sure the other cats pamper her well tonight. She has a big day tomorrow."
Johann chirped his agreement and gently plucked the note out of Caleb's hands before poofing to wherever in the tower Beau was.
Caleb smiled. What good cats he had. He should spoil them more often.
Glancing out the window, he saw snow coming down hard, almost like a blizzard. Better to teleport then.
Moments later, after several failed attempts, Caleb stood in the foyer of his temporary home in Rexxentrum. He made a couple checklists for packing the next day and went to bed.
Just before he fell asleep, a voice creeped into his head: the young elf from before, Lyari.
"Beau says that it was... a dick move to leave like that and... have fun with hot boi? Expositor Beauregard, are you sure that is—"
Caleb just laughed.
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Would you mind writing something w widofjord hugs? also all your fics make me :D jvhkjksd
I absolutely never mind writing Widofjord hugs. Both of them deserve all the hugs and I am happy to provide. I’m also happy to provide drunk Caleb crying about how much he loves his family!
Please enjoy!
After weaving his way through the crowd, Fjord slid a silver across the bar for a new drink, then gave the bartender a nod of thanks when they passed it over. He leaned casually against the bar to watch the mass of people enjoying the festivities of the coming holiday. While drinking had been going on most of the day, it had picked up as soon as the sun went down and the music and dancing took over. It didn't take long for their group to end up divided among the activities and frivolities.
As he typically did, Fjord did his best to stay out of the masses of people and observe from a distance. The few times he caught sight of one of the others they quickly disappeared among the crowd. He contented himself to sipping at his drink and letting the party go on around him without any attempt to engage.
With the last of his drink gone, Fjord considered heading back to their inn for the evening to get a good night's sleep. Before he could make up his mind, something bumped into him hard enough he almost dropped his glass. To his surprise, arms wrapped around his waist so tightly he didn't think he'd be able to get them off. The sight of long, red hair and familiar clothing immediately clued him into who decided to cling to him.
"Hey, Caleb. Are you having fun?" A watery sniff came from Caleb as he raised his head to look up at Fjord with red rimmed eyes and a bright red nose. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm really drunk."
"I can tell. Do you want to tell me why you're upset?"
"I love all of you so much, but I couldn't find any of you. I thought you left."
"I thought you were with Beau."
"Yasha asked her to dance and I didn't want to get in the way. Did you know they're in love? Beau let me help her pick out flowers for Yasha, and Yasha asked me to help her get a new journal for Beau. It's so nice to see them both so happy. They deserve to be loved."
After gently wiping the tear tracks from Caleb's face, Fjord dropped his arms down to return the hug he'd been unexpectedly wrapped up in. "That's really nice. It is nice to see them both happy."
"Are you happy, Fjord?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"You've been over here by yourself all night instead of joining us. Do you not want to spend time with us?"
"Of course, I do! There's no need to cry." While he squeezed Caleb against him with one arm, he hurriedly wiped away the tears threatening to with his other. "I promise you I want to spend time with all of you. You all are the only family I've ever had and I love to spend time with you. The only reason I've been over here is because this is where I'm most comfortable at large festivities like this. I don't like the crowds. That's it."
"So, you're not going to leave to be a captain on the seas with Beauregard as your first mate and pirate expositor and leave me behind?"
"Where did you get that idea?"
"Beauregard mentioned it and you didn't say no. I know there's no reason for you to stay, but I really want you to."
To hide the mix of amusement and horror most likely showing on his face, Fjord pressed a kiss to the top of Caleb's head. A pitiful sob rocked through Caleb as he completely melted against Fjord, so their arms were the only thing keeping him upright. With a soft sigh, Fjord pushed Caleb's loose hair out of his face and tilted his head until he was meeting Fjord's gaze.
"There are six reasons for me to stay, and you are one of them. I'm not going anywhere because there's nowhere else I'd rather be. This is my family, and I don't plan on giving that up. Got that?"
"Okay, Caleb." Once again, he brushed away Caleb's tears, then ran the sleeve of his shirt underneath Caleb's nose to clear away the snot. "Do you want to go back to the inn? Maybe, get some water and lie down?"
"What about the others?"
"They'll come back when they're ready. Is that okay?"
"Yeah. Can we get funnel cake?"
"If there's still a stand open, we'll definitely get you a funnel cake."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Let's go this way."
Before he could start guiding Caleb back to their inn, he smashed his face against Fjord's chest and squeezed as much as his skinny arms could. "I love you, Fjord. You're too nice to me and put up with me and I don't know why, but it makes me so happy."
"There is an entire conversation we need to have about that, but you should be sober for it. So, I'm just going to say I love you, too, and you make me happy. Now, we're going to get you funnel cake and water. Can we do that?"
"Ja, I want to do that."
"Would it be easier if I carried you?"
"You would do that?"
"Stand up for me." Fjord crouched down to let Caleb clamber onto his back, then wrapped his hands around Caleb's thighs to help him stay up. "There we go. If you need to throw up, I'd appreciate a warning."
After tucking his face against Fjord's neck, Caleb mumbled into the side of his throat. "Ja."
"Funnel cakes and water, here we come."
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devinuepl391-blog · 4 years
10 Fundamentals About High End Table Lamps For Living Room You Didn't Learn in School
An individual could reinforce the immune system and normally establish immunity to an HPV virus in literally a matter of a few months, prior to the time that it might start any kind of significant cervical damage. (Selected Chapters of Book)
Possibly have you ever had a common cold? Perhaps did you eliminate the infection? Of course you survived it! You cannot treat a runny nose directly, yet your body typically creates immunity to any type of cold infection within several days. We call that cured by your very own immune response!
And sure you will eventually acquire one more runny nose virus, because there are more than 300 different runny nose infections. However you will certainly unlikely acquire the exact same runny nose virus that you had previously due to the fact that you have created resistance to that particular virus.
Parents have actually in the past had a lot of the rhinitis infections. Grownups have actually established immunity to the viruses they have suffered from. So there are not so many cold infections remaining for grownups to catch. That is why parents only succumb to a few colds per year whereas youngsters may get 10-12 colds per year.
HPV is similar because human papilloma virus is simply an additional virus. And you can simply create immunity to human papilloma virus. However, HPV is better at evading your immune system than are the runny nose viruses. Moreover you need to try with more diligence to obtain immunity to HPV virus.
If somebody does not do anything it might take a couple of years to generate immunity to HPV virus. If someone takes the writer's recommendations, it requires only a few months to generate immunity to HPV. The longer one has human papilloma virus, the more likely it might trigger damage. So it is ideal to develop immunity and remove HPV as soon as reasonable.
One could strengthen the immune system and normally create immunity to an HPV infection in basically a matter of a couple of months, prior to the time that it can create any kind of severe damage. (Short Review of Book)
The majority of people become confused and assume they have not created resistance to HPV virus merely because they get infected once more by another type of the more than 100 HPV viruses. But somebody may stay clear of additional direct exposure as well as additional HPV virus problems.
Simply this book sheds light on human papilloma virus problems, the most typical sexually-transmitted infections in the US, affecting over 20 million men and women. Human papilloma virus creates cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, genital moles, plantar warts, losing unborn babies, inability to conceive and penile cancer cells.
It matters not exactly how this publication got into your hands. What matters is https://www.storeboard.com/blogs/general/are-you-getting-the-most-out-of-your-folding-dining-table-for-small-space/2707858 how you utilize such info as thousands of others that have actually become immune to HPV.
The insightful writer communicates how she normally turned around the signs of HPV virus as well as absolutely recovered her own body of the HPV virus problem by reinforcing the resistance.
Just what in the world is HPV? She kept asking herself this concern when she obtained the diagnosis back from her OB doctor. She was devastated, confused and also embarrassed. The author had tons of concerns however she did not enjoy the answers she was getting. HPV, a sexually-transmitted infection that can result in cervical cancer cells, is a lot more typical compared to what we assume. The writer created this writing in order to help others get rid of HPV.
You can enhance the body's immune system and therefore typically create immunity to an HPV virus in basically just a few months, before it could start any type of major cervical injury. (Sneak Peak Book Review)
Here is the deal, this writing is about recovery from HPV, yet it is not only about HPV virus. It is about living the very best life we might live. It is about identifying HPV as an awesome chance to take responsibility for our own health. When seen in this manner, a person could be happy for human papilloma virus. Yes, grateful! And with that gratitude and whatever else shared in this book, a person can, and an individual will certainly, recover the body! The writer recognizes this is successful since it benefited her - it transformed her life as well as her wellness.
Guess what individuals are saying concerning this encouraging publication: "Incredible! I purchased the Kindle Version. This book is amazing! I was especially eased and thrilled by the information I discovered in Chapter 10 about the supplement that you describe as the magic ingredient in the food recovery chapter."
"This publication gave me hope! I needed to expand my resources for examining this infection. When I found this publication by someone who selected an alternate kind for treatment of HPV, I needed to buy it."
One could enhance the body's immune system and consequently quite simply establish resistance to an HPV virus in literally as short of time as a few months, before it might trigger any type of important damage. (Sneak Peak Book Review)
"It is so real that your book could assist any type of woman, including my friend with mammary cancer cells."
"This quick-read book gives legitimate hope to women detected with HPV virus. I am so grateful I read it a number of months back, since I valued her frankness as well as agree completely that HPV is an infection, not an ethical judgment. Most recent clinical tests reveal my severe dysplasia has vanished."
"As a professional psychologist and yoga exercise educator, I could attest to the unbelievable power of the mind-body link. Thank You For HPV not only attends to the recovery power of your mind, it also provides you specific devices on the best ways to reduce your stress and anxiety degree and cope with even more health and wellness, tranquility and pleasure. (Select Chapters of Book)"
An individual may reinforce the immune system and quite simply establish resistance to an HPV infection in literally a matter of a few months, prior to the time that it might cause any important cervical injury. (See Book Sneak Preview)
By any chance have you once endured a common cold virus? Conceivably did you recover from the problem? Naturally you recovered! You will not treat a cold directly, yet your system typically creates resistance to a certain cold virus within several weeks. We call that being healed by your own immune system!
And of course you will most likely succumb to an additional cold virus, since there are more than 300 different runny nose viruses. But you will never ever get the exact same cold infection that you had previously since you have actually established resistance to that particular virus.
Adults have currently had a lot of the cold infections. Adults have established immunity to the colds they have had. So there are not numerous runny nose infections remaining for grownups to catch. That is why adults just acquire a few runny noses annually and youngsters acquire 10-12 runny noses each year.
HPV virus is comparable because human papilloma virus is just another infection. Therefore you could generally create immunity to human papilloma virus. However, HPV virus is more adept at concealing from your body's immune system compared to the common cold viruses. So you must persist a little harder to get immunity to HPV virus.
Assuming somebody does not do anything it might take a few years to establish immunity to HPV virus. If an individual follows the writer's suggestions, it requires only a few months to create immunity to HPV virus. The longer an individual is infected with HPV, the more likely it might create cervical damage. Therefore it is best to establish resistance so as to remove human papilloma virus when possible.
A person may reinforce the body's immune system and therefore generally establish immunity to an HPV virus in only a matter of a couple of months, before it can begin any significant damage. (Book Review)
Many people get confused because they think they have actually not generated resistance to HPV virus simply due to the fact that they become contaminated once more by a different type of the more than 100 HPV infections. Yet a person could avoid future exposure and also future HPV problems.
Clearly this book sheds light on human papilloma virus problems, one of the most usual STD infections in the United States, affecting over 20 million men and women. HPV virus creates cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, genital excrescences, plantar blemishes, losing unborn babies, the inability to conceive and penile cancer.
No matter how this publication got involved in your possession. What is of concern is just how you make use of such details just like thousands of others who have actually gotten rid of HPV.
The insightful expositor communicates how she simply turned around the signs and symptoms of HPV virus as well as totally healed her very own body of the HPV virus infection by reinforcing the resistance.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I need to shout out the Quotations section on the wiki page for "A Tangled Web" (2x77) because reading through these in order literally feels like experiencing a "Previously on" edit that gets put before a major plot episode:
Caleb: (speaking of the captured Scourger) I assume she has not had much empathy offered to her. And thus she offers no empathy, nor will she, anymore. But things maybe would be better for me if there had been a little more empathy, and there was not. Jester: But there is now. Beau: This isn't some sort of a weird masochistic self-projection type of thing, is it? Caleb: Oh, why not both? Jester: (speaking of the Traveler) No, it's not a cult! It's an organized religion. We're very powerful, and there's a lot of us followers, and ... Oh, shit, are we a cult? Matt: (as the Scourger) Good men don't conquer. They die and are forgotten. I'll die and be forgotten, but at least I know some of my deeds will have changed the course of history. Matt: (as the Scourger) "What do you want? Why did you come here? None of this is surprising. What do you want from me?" Caleb: Maybe if I could talk plainly with you and see one inch of change, I wouldn't believe we're all damned. Matt: "I hope this lesson has been very useful." Caleb: It has. You've made what I have to do very plain. Jester: (to Caleb) I walk up and I grab his hands. "I just want to say– I just want to say that I know what you went through today in the cell was very, very hard, and probably didn't go the way you were hoping it would. So if you need anyone to talk to about it or anything, I'm here for you, okay?" Beau: (to Dairon) You told me to seek out the corruption. You told me to trust no one. You told me to find the information. I could be fucking wrong, but I'm doing exactly what you told me to do. What YOU told me to do. Fuck the Cobalt Soul. You're the first person who ever fucking believed that I could make something of myself. I don't know who vouched for me over there, but I'm assuming it was you. I've always assumed it was you. Dairon: "I am proud of you. You are a fine Expositor. Which you now are, because I say so." Dairon: (giving advice to Beau) "Pry. Ask. Demand. Extract."
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