sleep-knot · 7 months
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sid + THAT skull mask pt. 2
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zalaznyart · 2 years
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The Coven
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cosmikazie · 2 months
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teehee :3c
this creature is so full of joy and whimsy anything is possible
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
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A Ghost in the Machine
Cover + Back Cover / Pt. 1 / Pt. 2/ Pt. 3 / Pt. 4 (HERE!) / Pt. 5 / Pt. 6 / Pt. 7 / Pt. 8
o O o O o O o
A Ghost in the Machine: An AvA Horror themed comic,
Written and illustrated by Sammy8D257, Beta read by a Mug haunting my fridge
CW: Bad/Unhappy Ending, accidental triggering of a panic attack
o O o O o O o
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Whooooooaaaaa I just had a weed free stoner thought..
I wonder how spelling and grammar check has and will effect the evolution of language.
Like, back before dictionaries, no one gave a shit about spelling. There are manuscripts we have that spell words like "chicken" 5 different ways on different pages. As long as the reader was able to sound out the word with the letters presented, the writing did it's job. It was only after someone said "all right, we need to streamline all of this" that anyone cared about the "right" way to spell a word.
Then there were boom periods where new compound words came into existence left and right. And new words to describe new things. The ways that sentences were structured and the way people talked seemed to shift with EVERY generation for centuries. Once global communication got easier, THAT side of it took off too. Look at the difference in the way folks communicated from the 20's to the 30's and then again the major shift through the 40's and 50's. Then comparing that to the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Every change of fashion and culture seemed to have its own take on how to wield the English language.
But now. Yes, we are continuing to make new words to describe new things. Yes, slang is evolving as it always has. What I am saying is this:
Every way we have to record written word besides pen and paper has a built in spelling and grammar checker. The rules have been decided. They are built in. If you deviate, you get a red or a green squiggly line telling you how to do it "correctly." As you type, the computer reads and SUGGESTS words for you to use.
What is this going to do for the evolution of language? Are we going to sound more or less the same from here on out? There will certainly be changes between the 2020's to the 2040's, but they most certainly will not be as drastic as the changes from the 1950's to the 1970's. Not by a long shot.
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toyota-supra · 9 months
nice little joy of playing games with someone: you get a new character and go "hey look at this" press one button to do something cool and they go "WHOOOOOOAAAAA!!!"
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minusgangtime · 1 year
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SHES not a saint and she’s NOT what you think she’s an ACTRESS WHOOOOOOAAAAA
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botanyshitposts · 7 years
What you said about prepared succulent specimens still sprouting made me think: how is death defined for a plant? with animals, it's usually more or less easy to say "oh this seems to be missing its head and spine; it's dead" whereas a lil carrot stump that has no leaves and is jus the lil rest over from cooking will often grow new leaves on the compost heap. I also recently heard that uncooked veggies etc still have active immune systems trying to resist rot etc.
wooooaaahhhh thats a good point
like, plants can go dormant (think about perennials and other plants that need a winter rest period). I would define a dead plant in a commercial greenhouse as a plant that feels very light when you pick it up (no longer retaining water), but in a scientific setting I would be more inclined to define a dead plant as an individual that has no potential to come back? Like a burned plant? 
Theres gotta be a specific botanical study about that 
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noirenia · 7 years
SHE'S HIS MAMMA?????????
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
Was that the first time Jaune made any of his teammates flustered?
Neon: *Swigs from beer* I'm calling bullshit!
Jaune: *Currently Truth Serum Drunk* I'm not lying!
Reese: Sorry J-Man, but that seems like a stretch for you. I mean where would you have even learned that?
Jaune: Seven. Sisters.
May: Why on Remnant would your sisters teach you that?
Jaune: Well it's not like they sat me down and showed me! I learned it through like, osmosis. Comes with the territory.
Neon: *Slaps some lien down* Alright then Blondie, money on the table, that you can't do it.
Jaune: Deal. *Hand reaches behind May's back, seemingly giving it a quick tap, followed by a faint snap.*
May: *Feels her chest lose all it's support as her unhooked bra comes undone within one swift move*
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Neon/ Reese: WHOOOOOOAAAAA!!!!
Jaune: *Swipes lien* Thankyou very much!
May: *Quickly covers her chest as they succumbed to gravity, blushing beet red* W-w-w-w-w-w-why did you use ME?!
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
My Favorite Moments from Every Song in Great Comet
Yes this is incredibly self-indulgent :)
Act 1
1. "Chandeliers and caviar--the war can't touch us here!"
2. "You empty and stupid contented fellows, satisfied with your place. I'm different from you, I'm different from you. I still want to do something!... Or do you struggle too?"
3. "Dresses, dresses, we'll buy what we can afford!!!"
4. "Natasha is young--and worthless and dumb!!"
5. "Constraiiinneed and strainnneeddd."
6. "I feel like putting my arms around my knees, and squeezing tight as possible, and flyyyyyying away...like this."
7. "This was Hélène's brother, Anatole Kuragin. He moved with a swagger, which would have been ridiculous, had he not been so good-looking."
8. "What makes a town pleasant, ce sont les jolies femmes, isn't that so?"
9. "Well, sweet sister, you certainly bring out the beast in men," "What can I say? It's a gift!!"
10. "All of my life I spent searching the words, of poets and saints and prophets and kings. And now at the end all I know that I've learned, is that all that I know is I don't know a thing."
11. "You'll see a coffin or a man...Everyone sees a man."
12. "Now a woman with a dress is a frightening and powerful thing."
13. "IIIII WIIILLL LOOOVEEE YOUUUU ANATOLLEEEEE. I'LL DOOO ANYTHINGGGG FOR YOUUU" (especially in the off-Broadway version. Pippa just goes off.)
Act 2
1. "Nothing matters. Everything matters, it's all the same. Oh, if only I could not see it. This dreadful, terrible it."
2. "Then I'll go to my ruin! Yes, I will, as soon as possible. But it's not your business, it won't be you, it'll be me who'll suffer!"
3. "I will protect your name and your heart because I miss my friend."
4. "And here Anatole, with a stubborn attachment small-minded people have for conclusions they worked out for themselves, repeated his argument to me for the hundredth time!"
5. "Whooooaaaaaaaaa whoaaaaaaaa whooooooaaaaa!"
6. "You will not enter MYYY HOUSEEE, SCOUNDRELLLL!!"
7. "Marya Dmitrievna tried to speak again but Natasha cried out, 'Go away! Go away! You all hate and despise me!' And she threw herself down on the sofa."
8. "Natasha, and ANATOLE KURAGINN!!" "WHATTTT"
9. "Be quiet. I will not greet you. At this moment, you are more repulsive to me than ever."
10. "Next day, Anatole left...foR PETERSBURGGGGG
11. "We wait, with...dread"
12. "But I didn't say that I could forgive!"
13. "And glancing at Pierre. Ooohhh, Pierre."
14. "It seems to me, that this comet feels me. Feels my softened and uplifted soul. And my newly melted heart, now blossoming. Into a new life."
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cicadangel · 2 years
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whoa 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 whooooooaaaaa i didnt know that 😱 😱 😱 😱 shut up woman leave me alone
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tangerinesteve · 2 years
Episode 3!!!
.....umm.... Ciri didnt fucking turn him into a tree dude....
See now.... that seems more like the Eskel i was expecting... the flashback. And i get it, he was infected and probably not himself, but they didnt have to do that to him. So fucked up.
Can he have peace after being hacked up like that?????? Jesus.
Noooooo dont give up babe!!!! She's still out there!!!!
This fuckin guy....
ITS THEIR LAND YOU OLD DECREPIT MOTHERFUCKER someone set this bitch on fire.
SHES BACK!!!! AWWW HER FACEEEEE SHE TURNED AROUND SO FUCKING FAST!!!! also.... yenna???? Shut the fuck up.
Awww does she know Yen lost her powers? (Temporarily👀👀)
Girl.... that was a witch.... does she not get that? Or is she just lying on purpose to get what she wants?
Be nice if they didnt belittle her constantly but the training montage is.... kind of cute i guess
They put him...in a cave??? Awwww poor Vesimir.
Ummmmm.... they feed the witchers to the wolves???? Is that..... normal???
Where did her pretty natural hair go???? That wig is terrible
Ugh....its fuckhead again... what a fucking cunt. Well bro.... maybe you fuckin deserved your hands taken...what the fuck did you do to Falka you fucking racist???
"No one is ever what they seem" untrue.... you seem like a cunt and you are one.
Why the witchers such dicks? Like i get it, she's not a witcher...but she's trying, she has spirit. Just help her without being dicks.
Who are you liberating??? And from what????
Can we get yen a dress that covers.... her body? That dress looks like its literally falling off of her? She's literally walking around a castle theres no need for her fucking breasts to be nearly out for no goddamn reason
Oh for fucks sake. Can someone burn this man at the stake please?? He's so fucking gross and annoying. Someone put a sword through him please
Fucking finally. FUCK HIS SHIT UP Tissaia fuckin destroy his ass.
There we go. Fuckin help her is that so hard. Jesus. She's a little badass
I think.... i think i might be a little bit in love with Tissaia
What the fuck was that? Did the tree have her scarf???
Ooohhh girl has visions. Love to see it. Ohh the trees want her magic. Neat.
Whooooooaaaaa what??? What the fuck is that thing????? Ripped that tree bitch to pieces. The fuck
I love her little hand and leg wraps.
Hot damn Papa Geralt for the win.
Okay but for reals what the fuck was that thing?
The one king, lord, whatever he is, that dude is always a creep in shows. Always!!!!
Cutting off some poor bastards head is what strength looks like??? Okay. I mean sure whatever dude.
Fuck yes!!!!! I knew she wouldn't do it!!!! That man has such a cat-ish face.
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ceaselessbasher · 3 years
What they say: Shine by Collective Soul is a good alt rock song :)
What they mean: *guitar rift, fat bird saying BEEP, guitar rift, fat bird saying BEEP, guitar rift, fat bird saying BEEP, WHOOOOOOAAAAA HEAVENLETYOURLIGHTSHINEDOWN*
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