#while will wishes he were dead and maybe that it would be better for mike if he were too
evie-doesnt-write · 6 months
Hanging tree but it's about Byler in the apocalypse...
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redskull199987 · 7 months
What about a Mike x fem!reader where reader helps mike through one of his nightmares?
Lifeless Stars
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader Request
Word Count:1.6k
Warnings:very angsty again, but also lots of fluff and comfort too, I also may have added Abby a bit into this because I love her and I wish I had a sister like her:,), also Movie spoilers
Summary:After the events at the Pizza-Plex, You and Mike both have problems coping with what happened. But at least you have each other…and a sweet little Girl, whose goal it was to make you smile again...
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You felt tired. Terribly tired actually. The Sun had long disappeared behind the Horizon. The House was quiet and all lights were shut off, as the entirety of your little family had withdrawn behind the warmth and comfort of your blankets. 
And theoretically, you should have been asleep. But much to your dismay, you weren’t. You had been awake for hours, downright tired to the verge of passing out, but sleep just wasn’t able to find you.
Maybe it was because of what had happened a few days ago at the Pizza-Plex. The events were still burned into your skull, the images still vivid and every time you closed your eyes, it didn’t take long before that damn Golden Bonnie crept his way up into your dreams. You supposed, that was the reason you were unable to sleep tonight.
With a sigh, you quietly tried to sit up while not waking up Mike, who had his head laying on top of your shoulder and his arm slung around your waist. As cautious as possible, you pushed him off of you and stood up. You looked at Mike once more and gently pulled the blanket back up to his face again, before making your way into the kitchen.
 ‘Maybe a cup of tea could help’, you thought. And you seriously hoped it would. Your last resort would be Mike’s sleeping pills, but you really didn’t want to use them, knowing of how much trouble they always brought Mike.
So, without turning on the lights, the house only illuminated by the shine of the Moon, you stood in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil, so that you could put on your tea. Your eyes wandered all over the room, gazing at the various pots and plates that were standing in random places. Abby’s drawing of you guys and the kids on the fridge or the Picture of Mike and his brother, when he was still alive. You sincerely hoped that he had found peace too. That he was in a better Place now, looking down on Abby and Mike with a smile on his face while patiently waiting for the day of their reunion.
The sound of the tea pot pulled you out of your thoughts. Quickly, you poured the steaming water into your cup and set it down on the kitchen table to let it cool down a bit, so that you would not burn your tongue when drinking it.
With another heavy sigh, you walked over to the couch and flopped down on it. Your body felt heavy. Too heavy. With a small hiss, you lifted your shirt, taking a look at your still healing injury. Mike might have had it worse than you, but Afton had still managed to nab at you with his damn knife. You got way more lucky than Vanessa though, since she was still in the Hospital. You really hoped that she would wake up soon, so that you could thank her properly. If it hadn't been for her, you would probably all be dead.
A noise from your bedroom suddenly caught your attention. With furrowed brows, you swiftly jogged back through the dark hallways. You could swear, it almost gave you a heart attack, when you abruptly ran into Mike, causing the two of you to stumble to the ground.
“Mike?”, You groaned quietly, blinking in the dark trying to spot him,”Mike, are you okay?”
You didn't receive an answer, but instead, you felt a pair of hands, searching for your own in the darkness.
“Mike, I’m here.”, you mumbled, reaching out for your boyfriend. Your hands hastily found his shoulders and pulled him closer to you. Only now, you noticed that he was trembling. His breathing was fast and heavy and he was slightly sweaty.
“Mike..”, you whispered, lacing your fingers with his,”Come with me.”
You quickly pulled him to his feet and guided him to the bathroom. Once you were inside, you switched on the lights and closed the door. You saw how Mike slightly flinched away, as soon as the dim light illuminated the room. You gazed at him with concern on your face, before motioning to the bathroom counter. He quickly understood and sat down on it.
With your eyes still on Mike, his hands were still trembling, you grabbed a cloth and held it under the water, before coming back to him.
With a reassuring smile on your face, you slowly stepped in between his legs. Mike almost automatically grabbed your waist, pulling your body closer to his.
“Hey.”, you tenderly grasped his cheek, making him look at you. Without another word you raised the cloth to his face, slowly wiping the sweat off of his forehead. Mike only closed his eyes, seemingly just trying to enjoy your sweet touch on his face.
“What happened?”, You finally asked, when he had calmed down again. His hands were no longer trembling anymore and his breathing had returned to normal. 
“I had a nightmare.”, Mike explained, his gaze now focusing on the ground,”I dreamed that..that, I wasn’t able to save Abby. That they took her, just like Garret. And I couldn't do anything. I was just staring like a useless piece of shit-”
“Mike.”, you said firmly, turning his face back to you,”Don’t say that. It was just a dream. Abby is safe. She’s with us. Nothing can happen to her.”
Mike didn’t say anything in return, so you tried something else instead of just talking to him. You swiftly raised your other hand, but not to his face, but to his chest. Your palm rested right above his heart, that you could feel beating rapidly. Mike only looked at you in confusion.
“Mike..”, You mumbled, searching for the right words,”What I can feel under the palm of my hand, is the Heart of a Big Brother, that’s only beating for his sister. A heart that’s beating because it’s owner decided to stay alive for his sister. To be there for her and give her the life she deserves. And not only for her, but also for me. I know what you did to save us and I will be forever grateful for that. So are Abby and Vanessa. You saved us. We’re alive because of you, Mike.”
You could feel tears well up in your eyes, because as you said them, you realized how true they were. You owed Mike your life and you would forever be grateful to have him in your life.
“I love you.”, was all that Mike was able to mutter in response, before he pulled you into him by your waist, connecting your lips in a sweet and tender kiss. You felt him holding onto you tightly and as you parted, he gently leaned his forehead against yours.
“Thank you, Y/N.”, Mike mumbled, kissing you once more on your temple.
Your sweet moment was interrupted, as you saw the lights in the hallway suddenly go on. Mike and you only looked at each other for a second, before he jumped off of the bathroom counter. He pulled you behind his body, as the two of you quietly walked over to the door. With one final step, you walked into the hallway and all your tension quickly dissolved into relief, as you saw who the culprit was.
Abby was sitting at the Kitchen table, sipping on the tea you had made earlier.
“Hey, you little thief.”, You smiled and sat down next to her, “That was mine.”
Abby looked at you apologetically, but not really:”Sorry.”
“It’s fine.”, you smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately.
“Why are you up, Abbs?”, Mike asked, also sitting down next to the two of you.
“Couldn’t sleep.”, the girl answered shyly,”So, I drew a picture for you guys.”
Wordlessly, she slid a piece of paper over to you and Mike. The two of you looked at each other for a second, before glancing at the drawing. Your heart bloomed with joy, as you realized what it was.
In the drawing, you could see Mike, Abby, Vanessa and you playing together. It looked like Hide and Seek and while Mike was the Seeker, Abby, Vanessa and You all hid from him with a smile on your faces.
“That’s really beautiful, Abby.”, you mumbled, trying not to tear up.
“Let's put it on the fridge, hm?”, Mike suggested and promptly did what he just proposed.
Abby only smiled at you and instantaneously jumped up, giving you and Mike a big beary hug. You could only embrace the girl in your arms. You had grown so much closer over the years and you were extremely grateful for that. You really did love her like a sister,
“Let’s all go to bed now, shall we?”, Mike proposed,  a smile now also on his face.
Abby and You could only nod, as sleep was now finally catching up to you. You could barely remember what happened afterwards…
Your eyes only opened reluctantly, but the sun had been poking your face for a while, so you decided to give it a shot. But as you tried to sit up, you realized that it was of no use. This morning, you did not only feel the weight of one body on you, but two.
 You blinked around a few times, before realized what was going on. Abby had asked to stay with Mike and you for the Night, so that she could fall asleep faster and thus here you were. With Mike clinging onto your left side and Abby onto your right.
But all you could do was smile at your little family and close your eyes again, pulling the two of them closer. You really were grateful for everything. And you always would be.
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joshsbimbo · 12 days
reservation for three
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part one ♡ part two ♡ part three
pairings: stalker! mike schmidt x pregnant! reader
warnings: drinking while pregnant, mike unknowingly jacking off to you, mentions of your past bf’s
a/n: i’m back from the dead
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♡ ‘Hello Mike, Thank you for making a reservation. We are pleased to inform you that your booking is confirmed. We are expecting you on Saturday at 7:00 PM.’
♡ mike closed his laptop as he sighed in relief, he promised to give you the best date ever and he would keep that promise if he had to cross every line for you.
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mikey: Hi, baby.
I made reservations for Saturday at 7 pm.
you: YAYAYAY <333 thank uuu mikeyyyy!!
mikey: Of course. I want our first date to be perfect.
you: ur too sweet :( i’m already planning what to wear for u hehe
mikey: You better show me.
But I already know you’ll look beautiful.
you: 🍑 do u likeyyy :3
image description: you angling your phone to capture (mostly) your ass and outfit. you’re wearing an off-shoulder sweater tucked into a mini pencil skirt. you purposefully lifted up your skirt a bit to show your pink panties.
mikey: Aren’t we supposed to be taking things slow?
you: ur no fun >:(
mikey: You look beautiful.
I wish I could see under those panties.
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♡ “OH MY GOD! do you know what he just fucking said?” you squeal and cover your face, not wanting your best friend to see your flushed face.
♡ “what? what did he say?” she rolled her eyes. the only thing you’ve been talking about is mike. ‘oh my gosh, mike! mike just did this. mike just did that. mike, mike, MIKE.
♡ “he said HE WANTS TO SEE UNDER MY PANTIES!!” your voice becoming louder and higher as you finished your sentence, squealing as you face plant into your stuffed animal.
♡ “he’s such a whore.” she was tired of hearing about another basic man in your life, like get a grip.
♡ “so am i! we’re perfect for each other!”
♡ she rolled over to the other side of the bed, “worst sleepover ever.”
♡ “okay! okay! look!” you throw your phone onto your bean bag which is on the other side of the room. “i’m all yours.”
♡ “you promise?”
♡ “yes!” you gasp, “let’s bake a cake! i have strawberry cake mix!”
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♡ it was saturday. he hung his suit on his racket, making sure it wouldn’t get wrinkled. he can’t afford to mess up, not when your best friend thinks he’s a ‘maybe’.. he’s not a maybe, he’s the one.
♡ who would pay for their partner’s nails without them even asking? not a shit boyfriend. INCLUDING TIP! when has a man ever done that for either of you?
♡ he looked into the mirror and made sure he looked good, picking at his teeth with floss, even putting on lotion to layer his cologne with… he learned that from you.
♡ he studied the men you used to date, desperately wanting to one-up them and it was easy… most of these men had no manners or self-respect. their instagram posts showing them flaunting their money or the “bitches'' they get. they were fucking gross. he was different. the only reason he was on social media was to look at your posts. anger and lust becoming worse at every stroke, looking at your almost nude photoshoots… but now? you’ll make it known that it’s him taking these pictures for you, that you’re his and he’s yours. he’ll make sure of it.
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♡ mike nervously picked at his nails as he waited outside the restaurant for you. the wind fluffed up his curls, adding a touch of his usual messiness to his neat appearance. his heart raced with anticipation, and he couldn't help but steal glances at his phone, checking the time as if a minute could pass by faster.
♡ then there you were. as if god herself had suddenly appeared, your presence filled the air with a captivating energy. mike's anxiousness dissolved into a mixture of relief and excitement as he laid eyes on you.
♡ “god, i underdressed.” you scan his suit.
♡ “no, you look amazing as ever.”
♡ “as do you..” you tug at his tie playfully, pulling him close like you’re about to kiss him.
♡ a rush of warmth spread through mike's chest as you pulled him. the sight of you took his breath away, and he couldn't help but feel incredibly fortunate to be sharing this moment with someone as amazing as you. you two kissed softly.
♡ “well, let me lead the way.” he holds out his arm to take you into his, entering the restaurant as his heart races. he couldn’t believe this was happening, you were finally close to him and you wanted to be with him! the smell of your perfume made his head spin, making him lose his balance briefly.
♡ you giggle, “you okay, mikey?”
♡ “i’m way better than okay.” he smiled at you like a lovesick puppy, no one has ever seen this side of him.
♡ “shut up.” you playfully hit his arm.
♡ your touch was addicting. all he wanted to do was hold onto you forever, feel you closer, be insi-
♡ “good evening! do you two have reservations?” the hostess asked.
♡ “yes! under mike schmidt.”
♡ she scanned the list and looked up, “i’ll take you to your table!”
♡ you continued to hold onto him as he followed the hostess. the table was nicely set with a flickering candle in the middle, casting a warm glow over the room. soft music played in the background, creating a romantic ambiance that perfectly matched the moment.
♡ “the waiter will be with you shortly.” she chirped.
♡ “thank you.” he gave a kind smile to her before looking back into your eyes. he scanned your appearance, adoring your red cheeks, your radiant smile, and the way your eye makeup glittered. he couldn't imagine being anywhere else, with anyone else. “you’re so beautiful.”
♡ you never felt this way about a man in forever. he actually made you feel seen, not like a piece of meat. it felt refreshing but terrifying. the guilt in your stomach became worse, what about the fucking baby in your womb? you looked away from his gaze, “oh shush..”
♡ “no, i really mean it.”
♡ you clutched onto your skirt nervously, “thank you, mikey.” it felt so natural being with him.
♡ the waiter soon came and took your orders. “can i also order a bottle of red wine, please?” he knew he shouldn’t do this, but he needed you to tell him specifically that you’re pregnant. you’re a smart girl though, you would never drink while his baby was inside you. he looked at you, “is that okay?”
♡ “of course, mhm!” you exclaimed. you didn’t want to be rude, he was offering and he already did so much for you but, fuck, was this stressful.
♡ oh. okay. do you not care about the health of his baby? how coul- no, you don’t even know it’s his. he tries to calm down but you pick up on his sudden anger from his facial expression. “sorry, i had a rough day.”
♡ you reach out and rub his hand comfortably, “i hope i can make it better.”
♡ “just you being here makes me feel better.” and now the guilt is hitting harder.
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♡ the waiter brought out the food and wine, pouring two glasses. mike tried to gain eye contact with you but you kept playing with your food, shaking as the fork tried to grab onto a piece of salmon.
♡ “hey, are you okay?” he asked. the look of concern in his face made the lump in your throat bigger, tears smudged your makeup as you tried to gather your thoughts. you took a big sip of your wine to try to stop yourself from crying, swallowing the lump along with the tart liquid. his breath hitched. seriously? he expected better from you but he held his emotions back.
♡ “mhm.. are you?”
♡ he reached out his hand to hold yours, “c’mon, princess. you can tell me.” the guilt in you grew. i mean- it’s not like some dude came in you while you two were dating, it happened way before you met mike! so why the fuck do you feel so guilty?
♡ “i’m pregnant.” you blurted out. was that.. a smile..? no, you’re crazy. his lips were turned into a frown as he rubbed your hand comfortably.
♡ “that’s okay... but this happened before we started-”
♡ “yes, yes. i actually really like you, that’s why i didn't want to,,, you know.”
♡ he pretended to let out a breath of relief, but he knew it was his baby. he tries to hide his excitement but it’s hard when his cheeks are already a soft pink and there’s an uncomfortable feeling in his pants. “i like you too.” he says as he pulls the wine glass away from you, “but this… isn’t good for the baby.”
♡ you sniffled, “i don’t even know if i’m keeping it.”
♡ “i’ll be here for you no matter what you decide to do, but i’m sure you would make a great mom.”
♡ “why are you so sweet to me, mike?”
♡ because you’re all he ever wanted since the first time he saw you, but he didn’t say that. instead he said, “because you’re sweeter.”
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thank u for reading and for being so patient with me <3 i love u all
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
if you could save any character in AOT from dying, who would you save? not in terms of changing the plot or anything like that, but because you really like the character
That's a really hard question to answer, haha. There's so many tragic deaths in AoT, and an argument could be made about why every character that died should have lived.
I think maybe the most tragic death, to me anyway, was Sasha's, because she didn't choose to die. Hange and Erwin, as heartbreaking as their deaths were, at least had some agency in it. They chose the path that lead to each of their deaths, or were otherwise accepting of their deaths. But with Sasha, she didn't choose to die, or accept it. She was shot while believing she was going home and in a celebratory mood, even, happy that she had made it to the end of the mission with all her friends.
Of course, with Erwin, you wish he could have gotten to discover the truth. But I always think, if Erwin HAD lived to see what was in Eren's basement, while he might have initially been happy at finally having proof that his father had been right, it ultimately would have left him feeling disappointed and bereft, and I think his feelings of guilt would only have intensified. To realize he'd charged ahead so relentlessly, only to find out that the world beyond the walls hated them and wanted them all dead. That indeed the discovery of the truth didn't improve their position, but only made it worse. I don't know if Erwin would have been able to deal with the knowledge that he'd sent all those soldiers to their deaths, under the belief they were fighting to free humanity, only to exchange their original struggle for any even greater one. So, in the end, I think it was better for Erwin to die without ever knowing the truth. I think it only would have further deteriorated his mental state. There was a genuine relief in Erwin when Levi told him to give up on his dream and die. He was happy to be relieved of making the decision himself, happy to be told what to do, happy that Levi had freed him from the burden of being torn between his dream and duty, and especially the guilt he felt at wanting to pursue his dream. If the decision had been left up to Erwin, and he'd chosen to live to see what was in Eren's basement, I think it would have tormented him for the rest of his life. Levi allowed him to die a good leader, and that was as good an ending for Erwin as there could be.
And then of course Hange's death was also incredibly tragic, and the realization that she won't ever get to experience any more of the world, when she was such a genuinely curious person, is heartbreaking. But there's also an element of guilt in Hange's decision to go against the wall Titans. This feeling that she was failing to live up to her role as Commander, that she was responsible for leading them to where they were, and needing to take responsibility for it in order to ease her guilt. Of course, Hange wasn't actually responsible. Eren was. He lied to Hange when he accused her of forcing him to do what he'd done because of her failure to come up with a better plan, and that exacerbated Hange's sense of guilt, which in itself is a huge tragedy. Maybe Hange wouldn't have felt so compelled to go to her death if Eren hadn't said what he did to her. But either way, I think Hange felt she needed to sacrifice herself in order to fulfill her role as Commander. It's why Levi's so distraught at her language before she makes her decision, because it's the same sort of language Erwin was using. This idea of needing to fulfill ones "duty" by sacrificing ones self. Levi knew in that moment what Hange was planning. He knew she meant to die.
Anyway, yeah, I guess this isn't really an answer to your question. I wish all three of them could have lived. I wish Petra and Marco and all of Levi's OG squad could have lived, and Mike, etc... I also thought Nile Dok's death was really sad.
But I guess if I had to choose one character who got to live out of those who died, it would probably be Sasha, just because, again, there was no agency in her death.
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floor-a · 7 months
Just finished watching the Five Nights At Freddy’s Movie. I can say that i was pleasantly surprised, and i enjoyed myself for the most part. Anyone who doesn’t want to be spoiled should stop reading here and just know that the movie is not the pile of garbage some people are saying it to be. I’m sure there’s lots people don’t like, but overall i don’t mind a lot of that stuff.
Spoilers beyond this point! Do not read if you do not want to know stuff about the movie! (I do not know how to mark something as a spoiler)
Okay, firstly, the MatPat cameo was a very welcome surprise. I didn’t expect to see him in it, and his lines were a funny reference.
The aunt was awful, i hope she is dead, that will only raise my rating of the movie.
I’d love to have seen an entire night from the perspective of that other security guard, really get more of a look at how terrifying the animatronics are.
The Living Tombstone being the end credits song was a brilliant choice, out of all the options to chose from that song was definitely the right call. It is still a bop almost a decade later, and i will stand by that opinion.
Matthew Lillard was fantastic, i only wish we saw more of him. (Maybe have shown Mike around the pizzeria, or had it be him in the training tapes, just a bit bigger of a presence in the movie. Still no complaints about it though). This isnt surprising though considering how great of an actor he is and how well he pulls of murderous individuals. Can’t wait to see him in any future fnaf movies (hopefully).
I want one of those security guard badges, who do i have to bribe/kill for one?
All of the animatronics looked brilliant, and the yellow bonnie suit looked especially fantastic. My only gripe is that we did t get to see the empty, white eyes of the animatronics, but that’s a minor thing, and makes sense given how they were technically being controlled.
The murderous animatronics were great, i only wish we got a better view of what was done to the guys who broke in, because seeing a cupcake mauling a guy to death was hilarious and i could only wish to see more. Also, loved that bonnie was in the supply closet, fun detail. Most of all, the scene where the babysitter got bitten in half was awesome and unexpected, loved it.
The springlock scene was good, would have maybe preferred a few more and faster snaps of the suit to really show the violence of the machine, and a bit more blood like how it happened in the games, but eh, it was definitely good either way. Naughty rabbits get put in the pain cupboard.
The robotic voice at the end was a great touch.
Balloon boy is creepy as fuck and definitely warrants the reaction he gets, even if he’s smaller. I would punt that asshole so far.
The fort scene felt a little out of place but it wasn’t as bad as I’ve heard some people say it was. They’re kids, and they’ve just met their friend for the first time, they’re gonna want to do kids stuff. Was it a odd? Sure, but it’s fine.
I feel like all the roles were well cast, and enjoyed their performances. Could have definitely been a lot worse.
Overall I’d give this a solid 7-8/10. While there were aspects I’d have liked to be different it was in no way a disappointment as some have said. As much as i can understand that, i don’t agree with it. Maybe it’s just that my expectations were a bit low to begin with, but i was pleasantly surprised.
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charlie-artlie · 7 months
just got back from the fnaf movie, i really need to go to bed but i have to get some thoughts out NOW 🫠
movey good C:
matthew lillard was just so so good god bless
the animatronics were amazing, i really wasn’t expecting the scene where they all played and had fun together????? it was such wish fulfillment i was just sitting there like is this real
(on that note HEY. someone had better gif that fronnie scene were theyre just playing and dancing together. 👉 get on it giffers)
maybe controversial but i liked the matpat and coryxkenshin cameos a lot they were funny and didnt detract from the flow too much
the jumpscares were not terribly hacky like i thought theyd be, and the balloon boy one was really good 👏
all of the parts and service room was so cool tbh, all of the creepy old endos and parts, the little fetch easter egg, all of it so so good
the easter eggs in general were really fun, im looking forward to watching this movie be micro analyzed for years to come
the springlock scene 🤌 cinema…..
that scene were william roundhouse kicks mike is just like. so amazing. this is going on the positives. i cant believe they did that. what an amazing movie.
in general the lighting and sound design were very nice (i mean as a layperson i thought they were nice idk XD)
no puppet?
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i feel like this story suffers from the same issue TSE has, where by straying from the games canon you’ve actually made things so much more complicated? while some things definitely made sense (vanessa being williams daughter was a nice touch and made sense for both characters fight me, also a great nod to how shes mind controlled in game canon) others feel like they just made things more complicated? like, why was garrett just a random kid in a random campsite? why was william there, why did he kill him, why do the ghost kids know him? i guess you could say, if there is a reason, it will be revealed in a later movie? but thats so many unnecessary steps when all you had to do was have garret go missing from a freddys location (like in TSE). like, mikes brothers disappearance is linked to freddys, thats why he needs to work there, you could save a lot of time aunt jane ate up. speaking of.
its such a hilarious plot hole that they just totally move past aunt janes death. like this guy is fighting tooth and nail for custody of his sister against his aunt and she shows up dead at his house and nobody is suspicious or cares. also he shows up at the hospital with a stabbed cop who’s apparently in a coma and cant verify his story at all?? the plot armor on this man!!
i realize they needed to put abby in danger at some point or else why would she even be here, but having the ghost kids want to ghostify her doesnt make a whole lotta sense >_> like they kept saying william was confusing them but they never really showed that, golden freddys spirit kid seemed pretty aware of the situation the entire time.
that one jumpscare with the kid with black goopy eyes was pretty silly lmao. feel like they could have captured the creepypasta vibe better
this is semi positive and negative, but i really really liked vanessa’s creepiness i just wish theyd leaned into it a bit more? that scene where shes staring lovingly up at the animatronics and then asks mike to dance is just so 👌 like girl what is wrong with you fr 🥰 but then her behaviors dont make much sense after that, i was a bit confused as to when she was supposed to be trying to get mike to stay and when she was supposed to be warning him away.
the writing in general was definitely a bit weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ eh
sorry if my negatives seem like bummers, but i really enjoy picking apart movies i like, and i tend to like things more when there is stuff to pick apart! (sensory fandom experience…..) in general i really enjoyed the movie and i think most fnaf fans will! it’s fun cheesy horror that has a lot of love for the source material without trying to BE it, which wouldn’t be possible anyway
man theres definitely other things i could say but i really have to go to sleep now 😭 gn!!!
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gilliverse · 1 year
BrBa15 poll results!
FAV SEASON: 4 (by Laine) FAV CHARACTER: Jesse (by Sahar) FAV EPISODE: Ozymandias (by Sarada) FAV RECURRING CHARACTER: Jane (by Riot) FAV DYNAMIC: Mike & Jesse (by Aimee) FAV MOMENT: any scene with Saul (by Anna) FAV MOMENT (glass eating edition): Jesse playing peekaboo with the Spooge kid (by Kardelen) FAV MEMES (by all of us)
and idk if this is interesting for anyone other than myself but below the cut is a complete list of all the results! :)
311 votes total! (a lot of people skipped questions so if the numbers don't add up that's why)
FAV SEASON — season 4 (123 votes) — season 2 (57 votes) — season 3 (55 votes) — season 5b (38 votes) — season 5a (22 votes) — season 1 (7 votes)
FAV CHARACTER — jesse pinkman (145 votes) — saul goodman (55 votes) — gus fring (43 votes) — mike ehrmantraut (30 votes) — skyler white (15 votes) — walter white (10 votes) — hank schrader (5 votes) — lydia rodarte-quayle (3 votes) — junior (3 votes) — marie schrader (2 votes) — todd alquist (0 votes) (thank goodness)
FAV EPISODE (there were a LOT of different answers (47 to be exact sbfsskfb) so here's the top 10) — 5.14 ozymandias (43 votes) — 3.10 fly (40 votes) — 2.09 4 days out (23 votes) — 4.10 salud (22 votes) — 4.13 face off (17 votes) — 2.08 better call saul (10 votes) — 2.06 peekaboo (10 votes) — 5.16 felina (8 votes) — 4.11 crawl space (8 votes) — 4.01 box cutter (5 votes) — 3.13 full measure (5 votes)
FAV RECURRING CHARACTER — jane margolis (66 votes) — badger (55 votes) — gale boetticher (42 votes) — huell babineaux (38 votes) — skinny pete (25 votes) — hector salamanca (17 votes) — tuco salamanca (14 votes) — andrea cantillo (14 votes) — steve gomez (11 votes) — francesca liddy (11 votes) — salamanca cousins (8 votes) — ted beneke (2 votes) — patrick kuby (0 votes)
FAV DYNAMIC — mike & jesse (94 votes) — walt & jesse (84 votes) — mike & saul (26 votes) — jesse & badger & skinny pete (26 votes) — saul & skyler (25 votes) — badger & skinny pete (13 votes) — junior & breakfast (11 votes) — jesse & jane (9 votes) — mike & gus (8 votes) — walt & gus (3 votes) — walt & hank (3 votes) — marie & hank (3 votes) — marie & skyler (2 votes) — walt & saul (2 votes)
FAV MOMENT — any scene with saul (75 votes) — crawl space ending (47 votes) — "I fucked Ted" (26 notes) — 4 days out cooking montage (26 votes) — "I did it for me" (24 votes) — gus face off (19 votes) — jesse & jane holding hands (2.07 ending) (15 votes) — "This is not meth" (15 votes) — gus handing walt the knife because he knows he can't kill him (3.11) (14 votes) — "Maybe your best course would be to tread lightly." (11 votes) — hector shitting himself at the DEA's office (9 votes) — "I am the one who knocks" (8 votes) — machine gun shootout (felina) (7 votes) — "Say. My. Name." (4 votes) — narcocorrido teaser (2.07) (4 votes) — first cooking montage (pilot) (2 votes) — ken wins loses (1 vote) — "Wanna cook?" (1.05) (0 votes)
FAV MOMENT (glass eating edition) — jesse playing peekaboo with the spooge kid (37 votes) — "I loved her more than anything" (29 votes) — "He was just like...a problem dog." (27 votes) — "Let me die in peace." (26 votes) — "ever since I met you, everything I ever cared about is gone" (23 votes) — gus murdering the cartel (21 votes) — jesse go kart (21 votes) — "What the hell is wrong with you, we're a family!?!" (20 votes) — "I watched jane die" (19 votes) — forcing jesse to watch andrea being killed (15 votes) — holly saying 'mama' after walt kidnapped her (13 votes) — "he made up his mind 10 minutes ago" (13 votes) — max's death flashback (12 votes) — skyler walks into the pool (11 votes) — the RV being destroyed (6 votes) — "Vamonos." "I wish." (4 votes) — walt paying the disappearer to stay with him a while longer (4 votes) — dead freight ending (3 votes) — "I don't want a monkey. I want you" (2 votes) — "family. you can't give up on them. never. I mean, what else is there?" (2 votes) — flashforward to walt visiting the house (5.09) (0 votes)
FAV MEME — "My name is Skyler White, yo." (146 votes) — saul goodman commercial (143 votes) — "aaaahhhh wiiiiiireeeee!" (123 votes) — "YEAH bitch, magnets!!" (119 votes) — dinner with jesse and the whites (112 votes) — pizza on the roof (95 votes) — jesse pinkman in the house (95 votes) — "I need Saul RIGHT NOW" (94 votes) — cow house (93 votes) — "the hell is a milf" (93 votes) — "They're rocks, Hank." "no, they're minerals. jesus, marie" (89 votes) — skyler's dumb blonde act (89 votes) — waltjesse toilet fight scene (87 votes) — SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP (72 votes) — badger's star trek script (63 votes) — "did you just bring a bomb into a hospital?!" (59 votes) — "I have the talking pillow" (41 votes) — "Skyler, there's rot." (40 votes) — "You brought a meth lab to the airport?!" (40 votes) — "why the hell are we making meth" (36 votes) — "I'm talking with Ted" (34 votes) — walt & jesse spraying each other in kiddie pools (33 votes) — gale karaoke (32 votes) — the universal symbol for keys (22 votes) — walt pepper spray (3.02) (19 votes) — lydia screaming into a pillow (16 votes) — tableside guacamole (15 votes) — the crystal ship (2 votes) (PLEASE?! AHFAFBFKBA)
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Magic (2) Masterlist
part one
A Little Magical Assistance (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke, implied calum/ashton G, 9k
Summary: Luke has known for a while that there is someone in the school watching over him and performing silent spells on him so he doesn’t miss the bottom stair and land on his face or lean too far over a banister only to fall and break his neck. It took him longer than it probably should to work it out, and, actually, Luke doesn’t actually realise himself until Ashton points out bluntly that you can only do a trip-fall-sprawl without actually touching the floor a few times before it’s obvious someone has their wand pointed at you, and it’s not just Peeves being abnormally friendly.
And back (ao3) - wastedheartmuke michael/luke, calum/liam, ashton/ofc G, 33k
Summary: The day Luke got his tattoo was one of his favorites, he just never thought the day will come when it'll disappear.
another human punchline (ao3) - lucashemwow luke/ashton N/R, 21k
Summary: Luke just wishes he could outrun the demons that haunt him. Ashton just wishes someone would finally see him. The crumbling mansion at the edge of the woods just might be the only safe haven they've ever had.
Babylon (ao3) - MonsterAmongCashton (IfWallsCouldMuke) calum/ashton E, 6k
Summary: “I almost pity you,” Calum whispers back calmly. “Promising me things you can’t keep just to have me.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Cally,” the nickname alone forces Calum to bite back a moan. “I’m here because of a broken promise. I do not wish to stoop that low.”
could end in burning flames or paradise (ao3) - merlypops luke/calum T, 1k
Summary: People want Luke dead but Calum would give up anything to keep him safe.
every little thing she does is magic (ao3) - merlypops michael/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Mike is trying to perform a ritual but Ash just wants to kiss her skin.
Give & Take (ao3) - Anonymous calum/ashton, ashton/oc M, 13k
Summary: Calum was unsure about a lot of things in his life. School, friendships, the like. What he didn't need, on top of all of that, was the new stresses that came with pack life, something that he had been thrown into with no warning.
And, for the cherry on top, his new alpha hated him with every fiber in his being. And Calum hadn't even done anything to the guy.
So, one could say, things were just peachy for Calum Hood.
give love a try (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke T, 9k
Summary: Luke wakes up in his bedroom, the one he's slept in for the majority of his life, only to meet himself from 2012.
And maybe Luke from 2012 teaches Luke from 2018 a little bit about love, and maybe Luke from 2018 opens his eyes and decides to face the fact that he really can't hide his love anymore.
How To Train Your Dragon (ao3) - JetBlackSunshine T, 68k
Summary: (5sos Hogwarts AU)
Keeping a baby dragon a secret in the halls of Hogwarts isn't easy...
In which Ashton and Calum come into the care of a dragons egg whilst keeping it a secret from the rest of Hogwarts and the dark forces that are after it.
i'll misbehave if it turns you on (ao3) - horriblekids michael/calum N/R, 18k
Summary: In which Calum is less than truthful with his band and may or may not have accidentally summoned a demon while drunk. Who, coincidentally, takes on the form of the person he wants most to sleep with.
It's Just A Bunch Of Hocus Pocus (ao3) - onceuponatime michael/calum, minor luke/ashton N/R, 10k
Summary: "Ashton’s grin spreads, almost splitting his face in half and Michael starts to feel a little afraid. “I dare you to break in to the old Hood house.”
Michael scoffs, standing from Luke’s lap and popping his spine. Breaking into the old Hood house isn’t that much of a dare. All the kids from Salem do it at least once, and Michael had his turn when he was like, ten. He’s a little disappointed in Ashton; he thought he could do better than that. He’s a little embarrassed for him, too, if he thought that going into that house would phase anyone over the age of twelve. “That’s it?” Michael asks, staring at Ashton with a dead expression.
“Ah, ah,” Ashton says with a glint in his eye. “You gotta break into the Hood house, and you have to video yourself lighting the Black Flame Candle.”"
Michael brings Calum back from hell as the result of a Halloween bet
I Want to Feel Your Love Like the Weather (ao3) - not_just_dreamers michael/luke, calum/ashton T, 3k
Summary: ' “Hmmm,” The boy continued to consider, now with a small smile on his face, “I’ll try a caramel tart then, if they’re good enough to steal.”
“Good man,” Calum grinned, ringing up his total and punching something else into the till, “Alright, that’ll be 50 cents.”
The boy frowned a little, “But it says-”
“I know what it says, I wrote the price cards. But you’re cute, and you looked like you were having a bad day, and I know if I’d left Michael to it he probably would’ve given it to you for free.” '
kiss you once now I can't leave (ao3) - ardenjames michael/luke G, 4k
Summary: harry potter au: Michael and Luke have been dancing around each other for years, but maybe it will take a love potion for Michael to finally admit her feelings for the Hufflepuff (featuring an excessive number of pickup lines and bad poetry).
Silver and Gold (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum, side luke/ashton E, 40k
Summary: Michael was convinced he was normal. Until, he realized that he was as far from normal as possible. Thrust into a world he'd been forced to forget with powers he doesn't want, Michael is forced to figure out that being the Savior isn't all its cracked up to be, especially when every creature he didn't know existed is counting on his to win a long fought war. But, with a cute , not entirely human boy and two kickass Valkyries, Michael might just be able to save the world and get the boy. (Considering people stop trying to kill him first.)
The Catch (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/luke T, 6k
Summary: Michael Clifford, the town witch and most eligible bachelor, announces that he'll only date the person who manages to get the key from around his cat's neck. Luke Hemmings, the awkward local photographer, keeps accidentally running into the cat, even though he knows he has no chance with Michael.
The Colour Of Our Mood (ao3) - Maluminspace calum/ashton G, 7k
Summary: Ashton's tutoring the current Hogwarts golden boy in charms but ends up getting more than house points out of it.
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
no cause i just finished reading over aemiron’s post (go read it!!) on eddie’s death and now im thinking about henry using eddie’s body again because time seems to work different in the ud, so the normal effects of time on someone (thirst/hunger) don’t matter which also suggests eddie’s body won’t decompose so even if animals take bites of him he’d have to be eaten entirely to truly be gone and and the whole kas thing was laid on way too heavy for it to just not matter. he’s gonna be super important in s5 and user aemiron laid out eddie’s connection to mike’s queerness (eddie is vital to mike’s journey with his queerness) and now my imagination is running wild with the thing he also explained about mike’s suicidiality and like.
this doesn’t have a real basis so im just saying shit but i can’t stop thinking of henry using eddie’s body to literally tempt mike into dying because when mike inevitably gets taken to the UD what if he encounters a possessed version of eddie’s dead body? but he doesn’t know eddie’s been possessed? we know mike is much more likely to believe in something that seems impossible if it means there’s a chance someone he cares about is still alive. even if it defies logical sense and dustin’s story, mike would believe that eddie managed to survive somehow in a heartbeat.
personally, i think eddie and mike have talked about being queer before in at least a coded conversation at some point which contributed to mike’s comfort in leaning into his little crush. like, he’s comfortable expressing that part of himself around eddie with leaning into him and he lets himself look in a way he only ever allowed himself to do with will. i’ve talked a little about how mike went from touching to looking with will, and mike is able to do a little bit of both of those with eddie without worrying about it. eddie created a space for him to do that without fear which makes me think mike has to know eddie wouldn’t be mad at him for it.
but basically what if henry uses eddie’s body to tempt mike into staying in the UD? the type of speech that’s like, “we can be free down here” and by using eddie’s body he could literally lure mike to his death. like, using eddie’s body means physically luring mike somewhere that henry can find him. i have the feeling illusions wouldn’t be enough to get that job done because of how quick mike is to recognize when something is off and he makes plans to work against it. eddie’s body being ‘brought back to life’ however is something mike couldn’t worm his way out of — he wouldn’t even want to.
there’s also the thing about eddie being the one to start bringing mike out of his isolating tendencies at the start of the school year. eddie has actually saved mike before, in a sense, by guiding him towards accepting himself and pulling him back into the things he loves. if eddie said he could do it again, actually take mike somewhere that they could be who they are without fear, he’d be much more inclined to follow him again. that, plus mike starting the season with no hope of will loving him back romantically, el breaking up with him, still being under the belief that lucas wishes they were normal, and dustin no longer being able to provide that comraderie he did while they were in hellfire together because he’ll be grieving, mike is going to be feeling more alone than he ever has before. eddie saved him from his loneliness once and he’s offering to do it again.
maybe it leads to mike’s fake death or the hostage theory or something, but this is a really long way of saying that i think eddie’s body could be used to lure mike to danger since mike is too smart to be taken through normal means and henry knows that better than anyone else
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jihope-less · 2 years
you know there’s a similitude between will byers and harry potter:
both having inside them a part of their enemies.
well i have been thinking what if they pull out an equal outcome, in the sense that either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives.
only will knows, he must die so that his friend and the entire world could survive. and of course will would do that. he’s selfless, doesn’t need to be told twice, he’s ready to sacrifice himself for those who loves him. doesn’t even think about telling those who loves what his fate is, because what’s the point of it.
He thought about maybe telling only El about it, after all she had been capable of bringing back Max from the dead, literally. He knew however that she wouldn’t have allowed him to sacrifice himself, after all she was his sister.
So he had to face Vecna, his everlasting enemy, alone.
However when the time came, he didn’t plan for his friends to be there around him. He hadn’t planned for his friend to witness him dying, but it was the only way.
will had brought a knife, carefully hidden in a pocket of his jeans, ready to die.
everyone else was distracted, fighting all sorts of monsters. he had to do it now. carefully taking the knife out his pocket will brought it near his view, blade facing his heart.
“Will” a voice shouted. he could recognise that voice even from miles away, how could he not, when it was the voice of the person he had loved ever since.
his body came to a stall, it was betraying his mind, wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do, all because of him. and without even realising it, tears had started pouring down his face.
it was funny how his brain didn’t even consider telling goodbye to his loved one, to mike. or maybe it wasn’t. even when he was about to move to california he didn’t really said the word goodbye to anyone. maybe it wasn’t just his thing, saying goodbye.
“William Byers, look at me” he didn’t even realise that his eyes weren’t on focus, gazing at god knows what, the blade still facing his heart in his now trembling hand.
he knew he couldn’t look at mike, couldn’t look at the love of his life and kill himself after. couldn’t do that because he wouldn’t be able to watch mike suffer, and he would have hated himself because he had been the cause of it.
“i’m sorry i have been a douchebag will! you didn’t deserve any of that. i tried to be a nice friend when you left, i called you so many times but you never answered. and i thought maybe you had moved on, even when my mind didn’t wanted you to. i tried writing some letter but as soon i folded the paper, my mind thought you didn’t need my letters or my friendship anymore. and it was so easy to get distracted when you weren’t here in hawkins. it was easier to accept. i had just lost you because you were far away, not because the way i treated you. therefore i am sorry i treated you like a stranger when i visited you, i am sorry i ignored you and i also know i forgot to wish you a happy birthday. as soon as i realised, i thought what a shitty friend i have been, and maybe i thought you were better off without me. after all you’re so brave and strong will byers. you’re compassionate and kind, always ready for helping others over your own good. i understood that when you pushed me to confess to el my love with your speech who wasn’t about el at all. i am sorry i didn’t understand it sooner. i am sorry you had to get through this all, alone. but you’re not alone now, we’re here will, i am here for you. and i always will”
will never really cried that much, and he cried a lot in his life. his life. a mess of things. a caos in which will had learned to just exist and accept things as they were. he was different. and outcasts. someone who was hated for who he loved. his best friend. mike. his life.
killing himself wouldn’t have killed only vecna but it would have meant killing also mike.
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daphnebowen · 10 months
more season four episode one things
okay guys because I’m obsessed I’m rewatching season four this time actually recording things because last time I just did what I could remember. That was also from a while ago (when i originally wrote it) some stuff might be the same but do I care? No. I was gonna jump right to episode three but then I thought “am I really gonna miss ‘maybe this time’ and ‘puppy love’ for this? No.” So yeah. Here we go! FYI, most of these just might be quotes because I’m basically brain dead right now.
THE RINA CUEEEEEE and ginas proud little smile
I absolutely love Ryan’s sparkly suit
Monique, Corbin, kaycee, and Lucas sound soooo good!!! Lucas especially he is really belting
“they have been silent in the group chat” 💀 gets me every time
ms Darbus sounds the exact. same.
Richard is screaming. I mean, I get it, I would too if my girlfriend was kissing someone else, but chill dude
“no boys?” Girl. Gina’s super smart. She can handle a boyfriend and worry about her future. I hate her so much.
mike 💀 RICKY PAY ATTENTION - I hope those clothes were clean~
”be safe” is crazy 💀
”don’t… try not to mess that up.”
”that would have been thoughtful” he’s not slacking in the boyfriend department at all
”just kept us for us” is sooooo freakingggg sweeeeeetttt “as long as we’re an us” AHHH FIND ME A MAN LIKE RICHARD BOWEN
gina: shushing Ricky. Ricky: proceeds to make more noise on his way out of the window 🤦🏼‍♀️ what is wrong with him
kourtney and Carlos are slaying
”we need to sign him up and get him educated” girl same
Ashlyn is so lost lmao
miss Jenn gets their attention so flawlessly my teachers could never
I wanna see Richard bowen’s senior prank… 😃
theyre so disappointed about doing hsm again lmao “high school musicale?!”
the east high leopards mascot is actually so disturbing
”mentally I’m not here” lmao sameeee!
”the whole gang” mins Troy Gabriella and Sharpay as per the first five minutes of the show right?
coach literally spit while saying “America’s favorite couple”
woke. I can’t.
bart Johnson is so hyped
”if it’s Mack somebody stop me before I flirt with him” “Carlos!” “Yeah, Carlos!” Ricky is so jealous omg
”Mr bluh?”
miss Jenn looks like she’s about to pass out when Monique and Lucas walk in 😭
poor Ricky I just want him to be happy
“if Alcatraz and 7-11 had a baby” Quinn 💀
they’re dead. The farm is heaven. Why did he say that so bluntly???? The way Gina’s face fell was so sad too
”I bet he sheds a lot” PLEASE
can I just say I think Ricky is way better looking and just way better than Mack??? Like this boy has nothing to worry about.
Kourtney turned British there for a moment lmao
gina cannot improvise holy crap
“opposites do attract” THE LOVE IN HIS EYES I CANT
the fact that they made Ricky’s hair darker for the Valentine’s Day part is actually crazy
“wow” part 1
Raisenets are nasty
i wanna see kourtneys instagram like I bet it’s so cute
why the freak does Dani want to know about Ricky like hop off he’s in a very serious relationship
”WISH WE WERE CUDDLING” omg WHAT (tho tbh… that would be sooo cute. I want a spin-off of just rina. No one else. Just rina one shots irl)
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kayte-overmoon · 1 year
"Mine for the Holidays" Chapter 3
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CW: past drug abuse, overdose, child neglect, dark themes.
Read it on Archive of Our Own
Or read it now by clicking the thingy!
The news of Steve’s apparent relationship spreads through his family like wildfire.
Or crabs.
It is exactly two hours and seven minutes after his phone call with Nancy that his phone is blowing up with messages from his family group chat. He’s still at work, but every glance at his phone shows a new message directed at him.
Apparently, Nancy told Jonathan, who told Will, who then told Mike, who has never kept a secret in his life.
Mike: Did u guys know Steve’s bringing his boyfriend 4 Xmas?
Dustin: WHAT
Max: Cool.
Dustin: STEVE.
Max: Lucas, you owe me $20
Dustin: STEVE!!
Lucas: Damnit Steve. Had my money on you adopting another dog before you start dating someone.
El: Aw, congrats Steeb
Steve finally mutes his notifications so he can focus on not getting mauled by a hoard of angry kittens.
He’s yet to bring himself to tell Robin about the predicament he’s found himself in and Eddie’s clandestine solution. He knows she’s going to give him shit for the rest of his life. He wants to enjoy his last few hours of dignity.
Luckily, he has work to distract him.
He learned a trick from one of his coworkers that he employs against the cats: every time he moves a group to a temporary crate so he can clean out their cubbies, he stuffs cat treats in the pockets of the obnoxious green vest he wears. The cats are too busy sniffing him and trying to climb inside his shirt to bother with scratching him.
When he leaves, he only has a couple scratches on his biceps and collarbones where his vest and the thick gloves he used didn’t protect him.
Eddie is coming over for dinner at Steve’s apartment to discuss the finer details of their arrangement.
What do you cook for the guy who makes the most decadent, outlandish pastries for a living? Steve should probably order something or get takeout to avoid embarrassing himself. But then, Eddie volunteered to save him from lifelong embarrassment, so maybe he deserves a home-cooked meal, lackluster though it may be.
But then, Eddie said he had nowhere else to go anyway. Steve frowns as he remembers Eddie calling himself an orphan and begging (albeit jokingly) Steve to take pity on him and give him the Little Orphan Annie experience. He knows the older man’s parents aren’t in the picture anymore. Their friendship has gotten close enough in the last year to have the “So your parents suck too, right?” talk, even if neither of them really went into detail. If Eddie’s uncle going fishing means he's going to spend Christmas alone if he doesn’t go home with Steve, then there’s bound to be some truth to his “orphan” comment.
Who’s Steve to judge? He may as well be an orphan. Not that he wishes he was. That might be pushing it too far. But sometimes he thinks it would be easier if his parents were dead. The truth is harder to stomach: that Steve is essentially dead to them.
“Christ, Harrington,” he mutters to himself while he lets himself inside his apartment. “Lighten up.”
Scout helps with that. He greets Steve as enthusiastically as he does every time he comes home, jumping up to give his owner the sloppiest kisses he’s ever received (well, excluding Holly Bowen in the sixth grade… but she doesn’t count).
He looks down into his dog’s light blue eyes and has a brief, intense wave of gratefulness for him. Without him and Robin by his side the past couple years, he would have been a complete mess.
The kids did their best to support him from a distance. Will came out when he was still in high school, and Max came out as pansexual through their group text sometime after she started college, so it wasn’t like queer people were an anomaly in their family. Hopper and Joyce welcomed him with open arms. They were the family he didn’t share DNA with, and they were all better off for it.
But there was something extra special about the people who gave you life completely ignoring your existence.
It probably wasn’t just the coming out as bi thing that tipped them off. Steve had never been the son his parents wanted, even when he was popular and athletic and made decent grades. His father, in particular, was never happy with anything Steve did. Once he became an adult, it became clear he would never meet their impossible expectations, even if he finished law school, joined his dad’s firm, married Nancy, and gave them 2.5 grandkids and a white picket fence.
So, he decided to stop trying.
Looking at Scout, and his small but comfortable home, and his job, and his friends, Steve realizes there wasn’t any other choice to make. This is the only place he’s ever wanted to be.
He’s happy.
He never thought, in a million years, that he would have that.
Steve shakes his head at Scout, scratching the dog’s chin until he squints happily. “Your dad’s getting old and sentimental, Scooter.”
Scout makes no comment to that, but it’s no matter.
Steve has a phone call to make.
“Oh, Steve! Hi, how are ya, hon?”
Steve smiles at the chipper greeting. “Hi, Mama J.”
Joyce laughs on the other end of the call. “I was wondering when I would hear from you. I was about to start writing you out of my will if you didn’t call me and tell me about this new guy in your life.” Guilt swirls in Steve’s gut, but before he can spiral too far, she goes on. “I’m kidding, of course, hon. Still a little miffed I had to find out from Will that you’re bringing someone, but that’s mostly because I already bought new place settings for everyone.”
He laughs softly, glad his honorary mom isn’t the type to hold a grudge. “Yeah, sorry about that. The plans kind of changed last minute, so I didn’t know he would be coming with me until pretty recently.”
Understatement of the decade.
“So, who is he?” Joyce prods, not unkindly. “Is he anyone we know?”
“No, no,” Steve says. “He’s a city guy. He runs the bakery I go to every day. Remember the cookies I sent for your birthday? Those were from him.”
“Oh! Those were amazing! You snatched him up because of that?”
With a chuckle, Steve says, “No, not quite. We became friends since I started going there pretty much every day, and it just kind of… happened.”
Joyce makes a soft coo he remembers being accompanied by a pinch to one of her sons’ cheeks when they did something sweet or made her proud. It made Steve’s heart ache. He suddenly misses her terribly. What he wouldn’t do for a Joyce hug right now. “Oh, hon. That’s great. What’s his name? What’s he like?”
“His name is Eddie,” he says. His voice catches on the name, but he powers through with a lighthearted snicker. “And everything else you’ll just have to figure out when we get there.”
“Fine,” she huffs. “I guess I’ll order another place setting.”
“It’s not a problem, is it?” He’s suddenly concerned he’s inconveniencing her with his foot-in-mouth syndrome. “I kind of asked him to come without letting you know. Will there be room? Do you have time? We’ll be there in a week, so I don’t want to be a bother if—”
Joyce doesn’t let him finish. “Steve, you are never a bother.” He clenches his fist at his side, but something in his chest unlocks at her stern words. “You could move into my house full-time without notice and I would be overjoyed. I couldn’t be happier for you. You bring that boy home, or I will drive up there and get you both, you hear me?”
Steve laughed. “Yes, ma’am.”
When Eddie arrives—in the same flannel and black jeans he wore to work, but now with his hair down and a smear of pink icing on his sleeve—Steve’s house smells like garlic and rosemary.
“You’re cooking?” Eddie’s eyebrows disappear under his fringe, impressed. He leans against the counter, making himself at home while he watches Steve cook. “I didn’t know you could.”
Steve waves his spoon and takes a half bow. “I’m a man of many talents, Munson. You’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. And besides—” He sniffs delicately, going back to stirring the pot on the stove. “I stole the recipe from Pioneer Woman, so don’t expect anything extravagant.”
Eddie laughs and shakes his head. “We all start somewhere, right?”
“I told my mom about you, by the way,” Steve says, not sure how else to broach the subject. “I called her a little while ago.”
“How’d that go?”
“Fine!” Steve’s voice goes thin, squeaky in the way he never quite grew out of after puberty, and he clears his throat quickly. “It went great. She’s not upset I’m bringing a plus-one. I got the whole ‘I’ll always accept you’ spiel. She’s happy for me, blah, blah, blah.”
“One of her kids is gay, right? The one with the—" He makes a vague gesture around his head, and Steve catches where he’s going with a laugh.
“Yeah, the bowl cut. That retired a couple years ago, luckily. But yeah, Will’s gay. And Max, one of my bonus sisters, is pan, so like, the whole family is cool with queers.”
Eddie snorts. “Good to know we won’t be hate crimed for our fake romance.”
Steve swallows thickly, trying to laugh and failing spectacularly.
Luckily, Eddie doesn’t seem to care. “So, what are we telling them?”
“Grab a bowl. I think this is ready.”
“That’s all we’re telling them?”
Steve rolls his eyes and turns off the burner, giving his soup one last stir. “Smartass. No.”
They collect their bowls and take a set at Steve’s little breakfast bar, watching Scout go to town on the rubber bone Eddie brought as their soup cools.
“You know that saying about how the best lies are rooted in the truth?”
Eddie nods.
“Well, I figure it’ll be easier for us, and more convincing to everyone else, if we stick to the facts as much as we can.”
“Okay…” Eddie blows on a spoonful of soup. “So, what? We met at my bakery on a rainy Thursday morning, and you ordered a doughnut to-go while dripping all over my floor, and I thought ‘Yeah, him. He’s the one.’?”
Steve blushes into his soup. He hadn’t realized Eddie remembers that, too. “Something like that, yeah,” he says. “I think the details like that will help us keep up the lie, you know?”
“When did we start dating?” Eddie asks. “Who asked who out? Where did we go on our first date?”
He’s put thought into this already, so he provides his answers without hesitation. “Valentine’s Day. You asked me out because it’s creepy to hit on service workers while they’re at work. And we went to the diner on Park Ave.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows, looking mildly impressed. “Isn’t that where we had lunch for the first time?”
“Um… yeah.” Steve stirs his soup intently. “You know, keeping as true to real life as possible.”
“Okay…” Eddie purses his lips, thinking. “And we’re not living together yet because…”
“My lease isn’t up until March.”
“Do I buy you flowers?”
“No, I’m allergic. But you do bring me leftovers from the bakery.”
“Are we still in the honeymoon phase or are we more like an old married couple.”
“Old married couple. We prefer watching bad reality TV with my dog to going to the movies or fancy restaurants. We’re both too poor for that.”
Eddie laughs. “Okay, rude.”
“But true.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and leans forward. “Alright, last question.”
Steve looks up at him, prepared for whatever he asks—
“Who tops?”
—except that.
Steve chokes on his spoonful of soup, nearly drowning in chicken broth. Eddie (the bastard) whacks him between the shoulder blades, laughing his ass off while Steve tries to get a chunk of carrot out of his windpipe.
“Dude!” he chokes out when he finally regains his breath. Eddie is still cackling like a madman, his face red. “You can’t just ask that!”
“What?” Eddie doesn’t sound sorry in the least. “Aren’t your siblings, like, 19? They’re bound to ask, right?”
“They’re 21,” Steve corrects. Not that it matters. “And they won’t ask that.”
Eddie leans into his space, looking at him through his lashes. “But if they do?”
With as much dignity as he can muster, Steve wipes his mouth with the napkin he didn’t notice Eddie press into his hand. “We switch,” he says, like he’s making it up on the spot, even though he’s thought about it more than once, loathe as he is to admit it. Listen, he’s a hot-blooded American Bisexual™️ and Eddie is a handsome emo nerd with nice hands. It was bound to come up (ha) at some point. “But you prefer to top, so…”
Steve is resolutely not looking at Eddie, so he can’t tell what his reaction is beyond a soft, “Huh.” A few moments pass in silence before Eddie clears his throat. “Well, I guess you have thought everything through.”
Steve chuckles lowly, his voice rough from his near-death experience with the carrot. Just that, nothing else. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Eddie clears his throat again, then proceeds haltingly. “Are you sure you want to do this, Steve? I kind of pushed it on you.”
“No, no! I want to.” Steve swallows and faces his companion again. “I want to do this. I can’t—I don’t think I can face Nancy without a date after spitting that out like that.”
A line forms between Eddie’s eyebrows. “I didn’t pressure you into it or anything?”
Steve frowns and turns in his chair. His knees bump Eddie’s thigh. The older man looks down at the point of contact—and if Steve didn’t know better, he would say he’s pouting. “Eddie,” he says softly. “You’re literally saving me from the most awkward week of my life and then a lifetime of regaining what fragile dignity I have left. You haven’t pressured me into anything. If anything, I feel like the one pushing you to do something you don’t want to. If I’d just kept my mouth shut—no, if Robin had just kept her mouth shut…”
Eddie snorts, finally raising his head again. “You’re sure?”
“Really? We just started fake dating, like, five hours ago, and you’re already ready to fake break up with me?” Steve clutches his chest, blubbering, “If you want to fake end things, Eddie, you’ll have to fake tell me to my fake face! I can’t fake take it anymore!”
“Say fake one more time.”
Eddie grins, toothy and endearing as ever. “Thanks. I needed that.”
“Seriously, man.” Steve pats the older man’s thigh then turns back to his soup. “It’ll be nice having you there, anyway. It can get a little stifling, being one of the only real adults there. The kids are great. Really, they are. But they don’t understand what it’s like to be… out here, you know?”
Eddie nods, a faraway look in his eyes that’s gone as soon as it arrives. “And it’s not putting your parents out or anything?”
“Not even a little,” Steve says. “Mama J is always happy to have more full seats at her table. Her older son Jonathan will be staying with Nancy and her family, so I think the only people staying in the house will be us, Will, El, Joyce, and Hopper. And probably Max, honestly. Her bio family kind of sucks, too.”
The older man frowns again. “Hopper’s the scary dad, right?”
Steve snorts. “Maybe at first. He softened up a whole lot when he adopted El and got with Joyce. He’ll probably try to do the ‘hurt my son and I can kill you and get away with it’ thing, but it’s all fluff. He just does it for show.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide. “Wasn’t he a cop or something?”
“Still is,” Steve says, and Eddie suddenly sits up straighter. “But he’s mostly doing desk work now. He pretends he hates it, but he gets paid to sit down, drink coffee, and let people call him a hero, so it’s kind of his ideal gig.”
“So he’s a… cool cop?”
Something in Eddie’s voice gives Steve pause. He takes a closer look at the man beside him. He’s a bit paler than he was a moment before, and he’s bouncing his knee hard enough to make his stool rattle. Oh.
“Oh,” Steve says. “Yeah, no, Hop’s great. He’s real supportive of me and Will and Max. He’s never given any indication of being, you know.”
“No, I mean.” Eddie’s spoon clatters in his bowl as he sets it aside. Scout and Steve both jolt at the sudden loud noise, looking to Eddie as he wrings his hands together. “Okay, so, there’s something I’ve never told you about myself.”
“You’re scaring me, Eds.”
“It’s not… that bad.” At Steve’s raised brows, he backpedals, “Okay, so. Maybe a little bad? I’m not an ex-con or anything. There aren’t any wanted posters with a bad drawing of my face on them or anything.”
Steve tilts his head. “Then what’s the problem?”
“I kind of… have a record.”
“Like… the criminal kind?” Steve’s voice is small when he says it.
Eddie snorts and sits back on his stool, soup forgotten. “Yeah, a criminal one. It’s all from when I was a kid, though. I’ve never been tried as an adult. I got straight before I turned 18.”
Not completely straight, though, apparently, Steve thinks wryly, then immediately scolds himself. Not the time, Harrington.
“My parents are dead,” Eddie goes on, not even trying to soften the segue. “Well, I think they are. Dad definitely is. My uncle found him in this beat-up old camper in the woods with the needle still in his arm. I was twelve.”
“Jesus,” Steve whispers.
Eddie nods slowly. “Yeah. Mom, I’m not sure about. She left when I was a kid, before Dad got really bad. He never hit me, or her. But you don’t have to throw punches to hurt the people you love.” He spreads his hands out in front of himself, staring into his palms like the words are written there in ink only he can see. “My uncle took me in, raised me the best he could. He’s a good guy, but luck’s never been on his side. He was a logger for years before he got in an accident on the job that cost him a couple toes.” Steve gasps, but Eddie waves him off, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “He’s fine. Hurt his pride more than anything. After that, he didn’t find work as easily. Especially after my dad died. Word travels fast in small towns. Nobody really wanted anything to do with us.
“I picked up enough from dear old Dad to get me in trouble,” he goes on. “Started dealing out of my backpack in the seventh grade, had my first juvie stint before I got to high school. Got held back a couple times. Kids already treated me weird because of my family, and I only made it worse for myself, so I leaned into the whole ‘burnout outcast loner’ thing. It worked for business, though. I always had customers.”
Steve frowns. “They would make fun of you then still buy shit off you?”
Eddie only shrugs. “That’s just the kind of people they were. It’s the kind of person I was.”
It’s the kind of person I was, too, Steve realizes. Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
“I shaped up, though,” Eddie says. “Got clean, spent my weeknights doing homework and my weekends doing community service. Took some culinary classes at the local technical center, et viola.” He grins and gestures at himself, with noticeably less flair than usual.
“What made you get clean?” Steve asks, then immediately shakes his head. “Never mind. Sorry. You don’t have to talk about it.”
“No, I want to.” Eddie takes a deep breath, looking anywhere but at Steve. “Believe it or not, there was a girl.”
Steve’s mouth goes dry. “A girl?”
“Yeah, but not in the way you’re thinking.” Eddie cocks his head, squinting. A wry smile twists his lips. “At least, it never got there. I don’t know. She was a cheerleader, top of her class, golden child. But she was real sweet. Too sweet, in my opinion. She did whatever people asked of her. I think it messed her up pretty bad.” He pauses for a long moment then clears his throat. “She came to me for a while. For weed to start, then coke, party drugs, whatever I would give her. She’d smile at me and laugh at my jokes, and I never thought to cut her off before it went too far.” Eddie grimaces, something behind his eyes that Steve has never seen from him: pain, self-hatred, anger. It doesn’t look right on him. “It went too far, obviously. She came over to my place after school one day and just… never left.”
Steve waits in the ensuing silence, but Eddie doesn’t have any more to say.
But he doesn’t have to say anything else.
It’s written all over his face.
“Eddie.” Steve reaches for one of his hands, which he’s still staring into. Eddie lets him, watching wordlessly as Steve takes his hand between both of his. “You know that wasn’t your fault, right? Drugs are tricky. You couldn’t have known.”
“I know.” Eddie sniffs and clears his throat, and Steve’s heart jolts when he sees the shine in his friend’s eyes. “I know. I’m… getting over it. It’s been nearly a decade and I’m still getting over it. It’ll probably always be with me, though. I’ve been trying my best to make up for everything bad I did. To make up for Chrissy.” He says her name with a reverence Steve can’t even begin to understand.
“Thanks for telling me.” Steve squeezes his hand, giving him a reassuring smile before dropping his hand. “So that’s why you’re nervous to meet my dad?”
Eddie nods slowly, staring at his hands again—just the one Steve was holding. “I’ve always been jumpy around lawmen.”
Steve snorts. “Okay, first of all, he’s the police chief of Hawkins, Indiana, not the sheriff out West.” That finally earns him a giggle from Eddie. It’s soft, and still tinged with vulnerability, but it’s enough to make him relax. “And he’s not going to care. He probably won’t ever find out. I don’t think he runs background checks on the people we date.”
“I don’t try to keep it hidden,” the older man says. “I’m not ashamed of it anymore. I’ve been in line since it happened, and I’ve served my time. It just doesn’t tend to come up in regular conversation, you know?”
Steve, who after he’s said it now realizes Hopper probably does run background checks on people his kids date, nods. “It probably won’t even be a thing. I mean, after January first, you never have to see these people again, right?”
Eddie raises his eyes to meet Steve’s. “We’re breaking up on New Year’s Day?”
Steve blinks at him for a moment. He’d assumed that would be the case, but… “Why? Do you think we shouldn’t? I don’t see the point in drawing it out too long.”
“Won’t it be suspicious if we break up immediately, though? Like, they hear we’re dating a week before we go, then break up the day we leave? Doesn’t that sound fishy?”
Steve purses his lips. “I guess you’re right,” he concedes. “What do you suggest we do, then? I was just planning on catching you texting some other guy at the New Year’s Eve party and storming out.”
“No,” Eddie chuckles. “That might be a bit much. What if you tell them sometime before Valentine’s Day? That gives us nearly a year of fake dating before we call it quits. Does that seem like a reasonable long-term fake relationship to you?”
“I don’t know…”
“Oh, come on.” The baker leans forward and props his head up on one of his fists. “You don’t want to take me on a couple extra fake dates before you break my heart?”
“Oh, please.” Steve blushes. “We both know you’d be the one to leave me.”
The older man raises an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”
“B-because!” Steve stutters, gesturing at his partner. “You’re so… you.”
“And you’re so you,” he counters. “You’re a heartbreaker, Steve Harrington. Haven’t you figured that out by now?”
“People keep telling me,” he grumbles, thinking of Robin telling him there had to be people lined up around the block dying for a chance to date him.
Eddie reaches out and pokes Steve in the cheek. “We’ve got to work on that confidence if we’re going to convince these people you’re my man.”
“Oh yeah?” Steve leans in toward him. “Why’s that?”
In a mirror of their lunch, the older man leans toward him, meeting his eye with only a few inches between them. “Because I treat my men the way they deserve to be treated. You’d be walking on air if you were mine.”
Steve gapes, any words he might’ve said catching in his throat. His face has gone from charmingly pink to full-on scarlet. He can’t bring himself to pull away, or God forbid, lean in—
Eddie leans back, cackling. “Oh god,” he wheezes, reaching up to wipe tears from his eyes. “You should see your face!”
“You’re such a—” However that sentence ends, Steve doesn’t end it. Instead, he shoves Eddie, grumbling. “Get out of my house!”
The baker just throws his head back and laughs hard enough for Scout to come check out the action.
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beastie-anon · 1 year
Misdreavus (Former pokemon) - What makes it happy is imitating the voices of weeping people and scaring everyone. It doesn’t deal well with folks who aren’t easily frightened.
Mismagius (evolved Misdreavus) - Feared for its wrath and the curses it spreads, this Pokémon will also, on a whim, cast spells that help people. (Mike and, Missie, as he calls them, Grew up together. They were his very first pokemon. He got them when he was maybe 5 and they grew up both loving to scare people! They became closer to family, And when Misdreavus found Mikes body, They evolved into Mismagius and cursed S!3v3n with a curse that even Mike wouldn't wish upon him. When Mike came back, Missie never left his side again.)
Shuppet (Former pokemon) - It eats up emotions like malice, jealousy, and resentment, so some people are grateful for its presence. (Mike found Shuppet in S!3v3ns room when he was 6, Yet despite being Mikes pokemon it mostly hung around S!3v3n. Mike now wonders if what happened was partially his fault for not noticing the obvious.. The Shuppet left his party to join S!3v3n, But since his party was already full, It just sticks around S!3v3n and waits for one of his pokemon to die.)
Rotom - With a body made of plasma, it can inhabit all sorts of machines. It loves to surprise others. (Rotom had almost matched Mikes sheer excitement and upbeat attitude back when Mike was alive. They were like best friends. Mike found Rotom at an abandoned library (which had public use computers) when he was 10. When Mike died, His once happy eccentric attitude turned to erratic and near insane half the time- Rotom tries to match him but fails.)
Mimikyu - There was a scientist who peeked under Mimikyu’s old rag in the name of research. The scientist died of a mysterious disease. (Mimikyu stumbled upon Mike when Mike was exploring unfamiliar desserted areas at around 12, And they instantly formed a bond! Mimikyu often took off his cloak when they were closer, Mimi now wonders if it contributed to S!3v3ns madness or Mike's death. Either way, It never took it off again when everything went wrong.)
Morgrem - When it gets down on all fours as if to beg for forgiveness, it’s trying to lure opponents in so that it can stab them with its spear-like hair. (Morgrem stumbled upon Mike at the worst time in his life, When he himself was starting to break down seeing S!3v3ns condition get worse and worse. Morgrem went home with him and manipulated everything, Heavily burdening Mike and making S!3v3ns condition deteriorate further. Even in death Mike is forced to carry the burden and wonder every night when he should be sleeping.. Could S!3v3n have gotten better had Morgrem not been around?)
Mespirit (One time encounter) - Known as “The Being of Emotion.” It taught humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy. (At the age of 16 Mike was feeling suicidal and felt no need to live any longer, So he strapped heavy rocks to himself and quickly sunk to the bottom of the deepest river he could find. While in the river, He realized he no longer wanted to die. He screamed and gasped the water, Hoping and begging someone would save him. Mespirit heard his cries and awoke, Guiding over and breathing into his mouth to give him air. It unstrapped him and began bringing him to the surface as he passed out, Water filling his mouth and lungs.. He awoke feeling someone pounding on his chest and trying to wake him up. His brother, Steven, Had found him. Mike can not recall what happened that day, The only thing he remembers was an angel saved his life, And when he awoke again he no longer felt depressed.)
Meloetta - The melodies sung by Meloetta have the power to make Pokémon that hear them happy or sad. (Meloetta often sung sad melodies in the dead of night, Helping everyone drift to sleep while subconsciously making them feel worse and worse. If only they had known..)
Hatterene (One time encounter) - If you’re too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch. (While exploring the forest, Mike tripped on a branch and broke his leg. He wailed and screamed for help, Screamed in pain. The bone had broken through the skin.. It was a horrible fall. What he thought was an angel approached him, Just to slice his neck, Arms, Chest, Anything it could to shut him up. He passed out from the pain and blood loss.. If Missie hadn't found him that night, He'd of died a lot sooner and S!3v3n would've been way more broken.)
Thievul (Multiple time encounter) - It secretly marks potential targets with a scent. By following the scent, it stalks its targets and steals from them when they least expect it. (Thievul often targeted Mike since Mike was often alone and went into dark alleys. Thievul would corner, Attack and steal from him on multiple occasions. Most of Mikes scars are from him.)
Boltund - This Pokémon generates electricity and channels it into its legs to keep them going strong. Boltund can run nonstop for three full days. (Mike adopted a Boltund from a shelter after hearing they protected against Thievuls. What Mike wasn't ready for, Was waking up to a dead pokemon laid across his bed, His Boltund staring at the unmoving Thievul on the sheets. Mike couldn't sleep after that. Either because of the nightmares or from the movement of another body on his sheets... Most of the time......They weren't pokemon.)
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Hide and Seek (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* omg what about Colby helping the reader hide in a laundry basket during hide and seek and she wins 😳✨
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,611
Warnings: mention of death, minor fluff, swearing
I’m laying flat on my back eating the pizza we ordered. I feel my head being lifted and placed in someone’s lap. I shift my eyes up and meet Colby’s eyes. I furrow my eyebrows and glare at him. He really has the audacity to interrupt me during pizza time.
“Don’t get mad at me. If you choke on death while eating pizza, I’m not saving your dumbass. I keep telling you to not eat laying down, Y/N.” Colby says kissing my forehead.
“If I die eating pizza, at least I’ll die doing something I love,” I shout before shoving another bite of pizza in my mouth.
“I’m something you love, why not go out doing me?” Colby asks smirking.
“For the love of God and all things holy, please get a room. This Air BnB is full of them.” Corey screams from the couch.
Everyone got together for the week and chipped in on an Air BnB. We each chose days and what videos we would film for everyone’s channel. Even Mike is here, which I thought would be more awkward than it is because Xepher and Griffin are here too. Corey and Devyn are here too, but that is less awkward than it is with that trio. The fact that we were able to get the whole family together is amazing.
We’ve gotten together for some group videos, but because the pandemic was happening at the time so we tried to keep it to less than ten people. But now that all of that is over, we figured we would surprise our fans with a slew of group videos. They don’t even know that we’re here. We all planned by taking photos and videos before we left so we can post on our stories and everyone will think we’re at home, not hanging out together. 2020 was stressful, 2021 is going to be better for all of us, so we’re getting our fans in the right mindset.
“Everyone almost done? It’s dark enough now so we can get ready to film my videos.” Sam says as he starts to grab the empty pizza boxes. Kat helps him by grabbing the empty bottles.
I shove the rest of my pizza in my mouth and shoot up. Colby stares at me in disbelief and shoves my drink in my mouth.
“My God, woman, people are going to start thinking I starve you at home. I’m not joking about letting you choke. Eat like a normal person, please.” I manage to swallow what I had left in my mouth and smile.
“I’m sorry babe, you know how much I love pizza. I’ll be much more careful this week, I promise.” I kiss Colby’s cheek and go help everyone clean up.
Everyone is lined up for Sam’s videos. Of course, we’re playing hide and seek AND playing the mafia game. I have yet to win either game, but I am dead set on winning hide and seek. I found the perfect hiding spot earlier when we were filming Kevin’s video earlier. I’m so excited, Colby is holding my hand to try to get me to stop bouncing off the walls. It’s not working. I think this has something to do with the five cups of coke that I drank earlier. That’s a lot of caffeine. I hope I can stay still in my hiding spot.
“Okay everyone, you guys have 15 minutes once I close the door to find a hiding spot. Remember, you can only move once.” Sam explains before leaving us alone.
I pull Colby’s hand and drag him upstairs. When we get to the room that Colby and I chose to stay in, I let go of his hand and take off my jacket.
“I like the idea, but we don’t have enough time.” Colby jokes.
“No— I need your help. Empty the hamper.” I say quickly as I open the cabinet door and showing him the built-in hamper. It was already full when we got here, and it’s bolted to the wall. Sam can’t pick it up and hopefully, he won’t move the clothes. It’s the perfect spot.
“First of all, that’s disgusting, those are other people’s clothes and we don’t know how long it’s been here. Second, you’re going to suffocate. You really do have a death wish tonight, don’t you?” Colby turns on the lights so I can see him
“Do you really want to talk about death wishes, Mr. X.P.L.R. in dangerous places every day? Besides, I thought of all that. Just help me. I want to win this time. Pretty please?” I pull out all the clothes and give Colby the old puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, but you’re going to owe me big time. And I’m going to text you every few minutes so you don’t die.” I jump up and run back into the room. I position my shoes so it looks like I’m hiding under the bed. I grab the tape and a towel before running back to Colby. I empty the contents of my jacket pocket into the hamper.
I turn to Colby so he can help me climb in. He scoops me up and places me gently in the basket.
“Hand me the towel, please. It’s my only buffer with the dirty clothes.” I explain, pointing to the towel.
“That’s a great idea babe, but how are you going to breathe? Or not pass out from the heat?” Colby asks as he starts to cover me with the towel.
“Don’t worry, this is why I’ve been stealing straws all night and took off my jacket. Before you ask, I stole some water and snacks so I should be good for an hour or two. Make sure you cover me well and close the doors.”
“I hope my next girlfriend isn’t a crazy dumbass,” Colby mutters as he places the dirty laundry on me.
“You’re next what now?” I move the towel and sit straight up.
“Don’t worry, I’ll wait at least a year after you’re gone. I’ll mourn you every day. I’ll name my next dog after you.” Colby is smirking, trying not to laugh.
“Okay, after tonight, we’re having a serious talk about your fascination with my death. Also, you name a dog after me, I’m haunting your ass when I actually do die. Now hurry up, time is almost out and you still have to h—” Colby throws the towel back over my head and dumps a whole bunch of clothes on me.
“I’m kidding and I love you!” Colby yells before shoving more clothes on me.
A few minutes later I feel Colby stop putting clothes on top of me. I look at my phone and see that Colby has about 5 minutes left to find a hiding place. I slide down and comfortably position myself. It’s already getting hot in here, maybe Colby was right. Like I would ever tell him that. His head is already big enough, I don’t need to fuel his ego anymore. I pull out my AirPods and turn on my favorite playlist to keep me occupied for however long I’m going to be in there. I get a text from Colby saying that he found a spot and asking me how I was. I reply to Colby and film my perspective of where I am for Sam’s video before closing my phone to save battery. This is going to be a long night, I can already tell.
“Y/N, wake up, this isn’t funny anymore.” Someone, I think Colby, yells as they shake me.
I rub my eyes and yawn before opening one eye. Sam and Colby stand over me, shining a light in my face.
“Did I win?” I ask sitting up and stretching.
“Oh my God! You little shit…” Colby falls back on the floor and mutters a slew of swear words to himself.
“Yeah, Y/N you won. And gave all of us heart attacks in the meantime.” Sam explains helping me out. Aryia, who was probably holding the camera, also helps me out.
Colby is standing up now and helping me get my stuff out of the bottom of the hamper. I notice the camera on the camera and do a cute pose in front of it. I’m not sure if I passed out from the heat or fell asleep because I was tired. Either way, I’m super sweaty now and I have never loved being out in the open more than I do now.
Sam and Ariya start to head downstairs, and I start to follow them until I feel Colby pull me back. I twirl around to face him. His eyes have a twinkle to them and the corner of his mouth are creeping towards his eyes. He has those crinkles that I love, the type he only gets when he smiles. He doesn’t do it much anymore, at least, not when we’re working. I see them a lot when we’re together, he hates them but I love them. It means he’s truly happy and it makes my heart full.
“What? Sam has to end his video.” I push Colby’s hair out of his eyes.
“Just wait a second. I know I joked a lot about you dying tonight, but when you stopped responding to my text and when I found you asleep in the bottom of the basket— No more stupid ideas for a while.” Colby kisses my forehead and strokes my hair.
“Fine, but you know that Jake and I are going to eventually cause chaos on this trip.” I kiss Colby’s cheek before going to join everyone downstairs.
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - the planning 4.0
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Summary: The two of them are coming back from their bachelor/bachelorette parties
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Sex, blowjob, squirting
Wordcount: 2.3k
A/N: Their wedding is coming closer!
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Sugar Sugar the wedding Masterlist // Previous chapter //
April 3rd 1 a.m.
This night seemed never ending, but it was kinda funny nonetheless. Seeing Genevieve live out her Magic Mike fantasy, made me turn into the Regina George’s mom of Mean Girls and film her as two attractive oiled up men were grinding up against her, while Viola kept screeching out of sheer awkwardness.
With a smile on my face, I walk into the apartment, only to discover an absolutely parched Henry on the couch. He takes a sip out of a water bottle, which is a rare sight. When he is drained like this, he usually needs a whiskey to feel better. ‘What happened to you?’ I ask, causing him to look up.
‘They pulled me into a strip club,’ Henry answers, his eyes tired and followed by a deep sigh.
They as in Greg, Noah, Gino and Peter. This must’ve been Genevieve planning the entire thing. ‘Me too,’ I chuckle. ‘Just so you know, your bare ass has my preference.’ I kick off my heels and straddle his thick thighs, before wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘You look like you’ve seen multiple ghosts over the course of the night. It couldn’t possibly be that terrible.’
Henry starts to laugh. ‘It was. I don’t think I have ever been this uncomfortable. I absolutely despised that place.’
‘Why?’ I ask him, undoing his tie a bit.
‘I had no idea they would take me there,’ he says. ‘And don’t get me wrong, those women were beautiful and good at their job, but I couldn’t stop thinking of you. It felt like borderline cheating to me.’
I don’t think I ever have to worry about Henry being unfaithful to me. Such a sweetheart. He continues to talk about the perverted types sitting there and how one guy even started to help himself a little, but because he is so busy talking, he barely notices I’m unbuttoning the top of his shirt, before taking off my thin cardigan, revealing only a light blue crop top.
Only when he finally manages to tear his gaze from the ceiling, he stops talking. ‘Oh,’ he says, leaning forward to press a kiss on my cheek. ‘This I like.’
‘I knew it,’ I say. ‘I’m the only one you want.’
‘Of course,’ he scoffs. ‘Why on earth would I want someone else?’
I shrug. ‘I don’t know. Just be honest with me. Didn’t it turn you on even a little? I mean, you told me yourself they were beautiful.’
‘Yeah, they were, but they didn’t turn me on,’ he says. ‘I mean, years ago it maybe would’ve, but now, you are the only one that can turn me on. Nobody and nothing beats your body, your kisses and your whimpers.’ He kisses my lips. ‘I love you and only you.’
‘Hm,’ I say with a smile. ‘I am probably the luckiest woman on the planet. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if you were turned on a little.’
‘Were you?’
I shake my head. ‘Oh no, I barely had time for that. I mean, besides filming Genevieve having the time of her life, I just admired certain dance moves. Damn, do those men know how to move those hips.’ I run my fingers through his hair. ‘And I know I said it before, but I’ll say it again: your ass is my absolute favorite and I prefer your hairy chest over those smooth oiled up ones I saw there.’
He starts to laugh. ‘Good thing your body is my favorite as well. No one can meet up to the standards you set.’
‘You’re so cute,’ I say to him with a chuckle. ‘Especially because you’ve spend an entire night at a strip club and now is the time where you grow a little excited.’
‘Teasing me, baby girl?’ he chuckles darkly, giving me a long kiss.
‘Maybe a little, it’s just that it’s the best way for you to give me a compliment.’ I step off his lap, before I unzip his fly. ‘Just relax, okay?’
‘Oh, sweetheart, I’m already relaxed,’ he says.
I sit on my knees in front of the couch, before I pull down his pants. He leans back, after he holds my hairs in his hand. I let my tongue run over his tip and he groans softly. The grip on my hair tightens and I look up, meeting his eyes, his teeth sunk in his bottom lip.
Deciding I’m not gonna tease him too long (he has had a long night), I slowly take more and more of him in my mouth. The tip of his cock hits the back of my throat, but thanks to the many secret blowjobs underneath his desk, my gag reflex is becoming less of a reflex now. He softly forces me down a little further and I let out a moan. The vibrations cause him to buck up his hips, leaving me to slightly gag on him.
‘Oh, shit baby, I’m sorry,’ he says.
I look up, drool dripping down my chin. ‘It’s okay, honey.’
‘Oh, it’s honey now?’ he asks cocking his eyebrow. ‘We’re not in public, so you better call me something else.’
I smile. ‘I’m sorry, daddy.’ My thighs are pushed against each other, as the heat gathers in my thong. Hearing him like this, feeling him bucking up his hips and the slight pulling on my hair. It does things to me.
When I release him with a pop, he softly pulls me up by my hair, before he presses a sloppy kiss on my lips. ‘Take off your clothes, baby girl,’ he says.
I quickly shred myself from the blue crop top that didn’t need a bra and the matching short. When my thong hits the floor, Henry grabs me by my waist, squeezing the soft flesh. ‘I love you,’ he whispers. ‘In around three weeks we’re married and you’re officially my wife.’
I can’t stop my faint blush. ‘We’re gonna get married,’ I say. ‘I can’t wait.’
He hoists me up and says: ‘Me neither.’ I expect him to take this to the bedroom, but he is too damn impatient, because he bends me over the back of the couch. Without a lot of preparation, he slides deep inside of me.
I try to gain some sort of stance, but my toes are barely touching the floor. He tightly grabs onto my hips. I push the palms of my hands in the cushions of the couch to hold myself up, as Henry rams himself roughly back inside of me. I bite my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud, but it earns me a harsh slap on my butt.
‘I need to hear you, baby girl,’ he grunts.
A strangled moan leaves my lips, before it’s followed by many loud moans that fill the living room. ‘Daddy, I’m close,’ I whine and I really wished I hadn’t said that, because he pulls out, leaving me nearly begging for more.
‘I know you’re gonna make a mess,’ he says, ‘since you always do so.’ He pulls me up and smiles. ‘We don’t want to ruin the couch, right?’
I shake my head. ‘No, we don’t.’
He carries me to the kitchen counter, placing me on the cold granite. He buries his member into my throbbing center, holding my chin in between his fingers. ‘So fucking beautiful,’ he mumbles. His thumb runs over my bottom lip, before he pulls me in a deep kiss. I open my mouth, our tongues so familiar with one another.
As his tip kisses my cervix every single time he thrusts in, it nearly forces a whiney moan out of me. He always goes deep, but it’s different this time. It feels so so different. ‘Daddy, you’re so deep.’
He smiles. ‘I know that, baby girl. You like that, don’t you?’
I nod, feeling myself flutter around him. ‘Can I cum?’ I ask, digging my nails in his shoulders.
‘Of course, baby.’
I throw my head back, as I squirt around him, indeed making such a mess. He knows me too well. As I ride out my high, Henry buries his face in my neck, sucking on the delicate skin there. I cry out, sensitivity taking over and my nails marking his back. He grunts as he paints my velvet walls from the inside, his fingers tips digging deep in my legs.
‘I’m sorry,’ I whimper, as insecurity takes over. ‘Daddy, I’m so sorry.’
‘What’s wrong, baby?’ he asks. ‘Tell me what’s wrong.’
‘I made such a mess.’ My legs are sticky, I know his legs are too and let’s just not say anything about the walls of the kitchen island.
‘Have I ever complained about that before?’ Henry asks with a cocked eyebrow.
I shake my head. ‘No.’
He cradles my face in his hands and whispers: ‘Then don’t you worry about it, okay?’
‘I’m sorry,’ I chuckle nervously. ‘I’ll try.’
Henry cocks his head, taking in every feature of my face. ‘Something’s bothering you?’ he asks me.
Maybe a little. ‘Not necessarily,’ I whisper.
‘You want to talk about it?’
I bite my lip. ‘It’s stupid.’
‘You could never say something stupid,’ he says. ‘How about a bath?’
‘Sounds good.’
✤ ✤ ✤
With my back against Henry’s chest, I stare at the ceiling in the bathroom. We’re engulfed in warm water and he finally asks: ‘So, what’s going inside your head, baby girl?’
‘Well,’ I say, ‘the other day it kinda hit me that… When you and I get married, there is a possibility for a divorce. You can exchange me for anyone you want.’
He wraps his arms around my upper body, pulling me closer to him. ‘And why would I do that?’
‘I don’t know. An opportunity?’
He gives me a kiss on top of my head. ‘I love you and only you, mrs Becky Cavill. I am not spending a lot of money on a wedding I know will fail. Heck, I wouldn’t even proposed to you if I wasn’t this serious about you.’
I sigh deeply, realizing worrying about this was absolutely nonsense. ‘I don’t even know what I was worried about.’
‘Just tell me these things, okay?’ Henry says. ‘I wanna be there for you.’
‘I promise,’ I say with a smile. ‘I promise.’
April 24th 9 p.m.
Tomorrow we’re getting married and these last few weeks have been kinda hectic. My dad is officially divorced, lives in a lovely house downtown and has yet to decorate his place, but with the wedding coming up and him actively wanting to help out, that just has to wait.
Genevieve and Viola never met my parents, but they are sure as hell absolutely mad about my dad. They continue to call him: ‘cute as a button’ and I almost feel like he is our dad, instead of just mine. Without the wedding band and my mom next to him, I realize that my dad is actually such a nice guy. We get along really well and he is dead set on improving our relationship, just like I am.
While I did suggest he’d walk me down the aisle, he found himself not worthy of it and though I told him he was, I still respect that decision.
We’re at our destination for our wedding. We chose Maui, Hawaii for a few reasons. One, the weather is great and two, my friends, Henry’s friends and my dad are gonna stay for a little vacation there, while Henry and I go to our private island to start our honeymoon.
I honestly couldn’t be more excited. Henry and I took all sorts of measurements, checking the venue, seeing if everything is alright and then, tomorrow: we’re gonna be husband and wife.
Henry has been reading his vows for at least fifteen minutes now, when he finally folds the paper and places it on the book that we’re taking with us tomorrow.
Leave it to Henry to book the most expensive room in the entire hotel, with a view to die for. My dad had his eyes on a little place, one he had been eyeing for so long. Henry arranged it for him, even making sure he had access to the pool and a taxi.
‘Baby,’ he whispers, when he wraps his arms around my waist. ‘How about a little love making? Last time before we’re husband and wife.’
‘Henry, we had sex today,’ I chuckle. ‘Aren’t you ever tired of me?’
‘No, never.’
I turn around in his arms and say: ‘I’d like to be able to walk down the aisle tomorrow.’
‘That’s why I said a little love making.’
‘How about you and I enjoy the jacuzzi?’ I suggest. ‘I’ll be naked.’
Within ten minutes we’re all set and done in the jacuzzi and I straddle his lap, before taking a sip of my wine. ‘So, when you and I are back from our honeymoon, what do you want to do?’ I ask.
‘I want to travel to some places with you,’ he says. ‘Go look for a new place for the two of us to live in. Get you pregnant.’
I snort. ‘Oh, how romantic.’
‘What?’ He starts to laugh. ‘I mean, it’s the goal eventually right?’
‘We could adopt a dog from the shelter,’ I say, ‘get a little practice in. I mean, a dog and a baby are not comparable, but still.’
‘I’d love that.’ He pulls me closer to him and gives me a kiss. ‘I’m just gonna say it now, but expect to hear this many many times. I can’t wait for you to be pregnant.’
I smile. ‘And why is that?’ I ask him. ‘So I’m even more helpless and you have to do more for me?’
He shakes his head. ‘No, because we made a baby together and are gonna have a family of our own. I mean, how amazing is it that we’re gonna be the Cavills, right?’
I squeal. ‘Oh my, that is so amazing. I cannot wait for that to happen either. I’m tempted to quit my birth control right now.’
‘What is stopping you?’
‘Well, I want to have a little bit more childless time with you,’ I say. ‘Just you and me, traveling the world.’
‘Sounds good, baby girl.’
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Analyzing the 5 plays in this drama club poster .From the bts pics of stranger things 4.
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So... some of ya’ll know I'm going through the st s4 films given to us by the official st twitter + the films reffed in the show itself or mentioned by the Duffers in interviews .
So I decided to look at the plays mentioned here. Because even if we don't see the monologues in the show directly - the Duffers wouldn't name drop anything unless it inspired them in some way. Similar to films name dropped in the show. Tw : for some dark themes .
This is just a quick little analysis I decided to do since we probably won't get any new st content today (3/22). Nothing too deep. Just mentioning things that caught my interest especially cause these plays have a lot of narrative connections to the st s4 movies I've been watching.
Invitation to a march (Authur laurents)
Reminds me of the stancy/jancy love triangle. "A young woman is having second thoughts about doing the right thing and marrying a respectable , rich, kind, young man with good prospects.By way of a prewedding diversion, this woman becomes interested in the passionate but poor and entirely unsuitable son of a local landlord.Basically, the plot concerns the efforts of Norma Brown to choose between a conventional fiance who "puts her to sleep" but is wealthy (like what her own mother did) or go for this new-poor guy. The play is principally interested in how this youthful love triangle affects the three mothers involved (whether the kids like it or not)
12th night (Shakespeare)
 - viola (el) wrongly assumes a family member (hopper) is dead. She dresses up as a man named 'cesario'. A girl named Olivia falls for 'cesario' (violet dressed as a man). "Finally, when 'Cesario' and Sebastian (violet's twin brother: assumed to have drowned - Will) appear in the presence of Olivia there is more wonder and confusion at their physical similarity. Taking Sebastian for 'Cesario', Olivia asks him to marry her, and they are secretly married in a church. Cough if Olivia is 'straight' cause she fell for Viola (as a doppleganger dressed like her twin brother).Mike being into el who multiple characters in s1 said looked like a boy and specifically like Will is...suspish and a hint he's not straight lol. just like Olivia they're both into guys . plus, this play just has a butt load of love triangles (ugh i hated that aspect). There was also romantically coded letters (which was in the s4 films) . One character is also thrown into an insane asylum and framed as 'insane'.'Pretending that Malvolio is insane, they lock him up in a dark chamber. Feste visits him to mock his insanity'. We all know the psych hospital will be narratively important- talked about it more here.
The seagull (Anton Chekhov-russian)
similar to how I believed s4 will show m*#even already broken up since the months between s3-4 : act 3 (s3) ends with Nina begging for one last chance to be with Trigorin before he leaves/moves away. They kiss and make plans to meet again in Moscow.And in act 4 there's a timeskip where it shows they've been broken up for a long time between acts- and its established they never actually loved eachother. Do i even have to spell out why this parallels the m*#even ending in s3? There is also a play within the play (this is common in a lot of the st films- they have plays- or a story within a story- which illustrate certain themes or emotions of the characters within said film : blackswan, children of paradise, highschool musical, Rushmore, book of Henry, welcome to marwen, never ending story, romancing the stone, wet hot American summer, etc).The play is Konstantin's latest attempt at creating a dense symbolist work. There is also alot of love triangles in the seagull. TW!: for se#ual ab*se/su*cidal thoughts/ inc*st (here and in other play segments). The seagull motif reminds me a lot of Jonathan's rabbit story.Konstantin romantically into Nina shows up to give her a gull that he has shot. Nina is confused and horrified . Trigorin sees the gull that Konstantin has shot and muses to Nina on how he could use it as a subject for a short story: "The plot for the short story: a young girl lives all her life on the shore of a lake. She loves the lake, like a gull, and she's happy and free, like a gull. But a man arrives by chance, and when he sees her, he destroys her, out of sheer boredom. Like this gull."  This immediately reminded me of jon's rabbit story and some of the movies on the s4 list . Like in forrest gump- Jenny (who is poor) was se*ually ab*sed as a very young girl by her father. As a child she runs away into a field-away from her alcoholic father yelling at her -there she prays that she can "be a bird so I can fly far far away" .
Jenny as an adult struggles with this unresolved trauma- being with ab*sive partners, doing dr*gs, and having su*cidal thoughts . She as an adult when contemplating su*icide, jokes 'you think i can fly like a bird ?' while looking down at a bridge.God-i'm worried about jonathan (Jenny was also a musician sort of like jon). In another s4 movie example ' mystic river ' :(in the 80s) a preteen baseball playing boy is r*ped by men in the woods. He later says he wishes he could become an undead monster to not feel the pain of that experience - cause quote " if I'm not human anymore maybe the pain will stop" (Will) . slightly off topic but he also has another personality, imagines a alternate word that dissappears when he turns his head. And as a less direct animal parallel to the play - the boy from the film also imagined his perpetrators as monsters and wolves to cope.In 'getout' the photographer character sees a dead deer in the woods and it represents a parent/his own childhood tra*ma relating to his past. similarly in 'prince of tides' the 2 siblings as kids were ra*ed by men. The older brother remembered it and the younger sibling developed DID (so didn't remember but she would draw wolves- as the perpetrators/villains in her picture stories she created . In the film they also had an ab*sive dad and were very poor. She also tried k*ling herself multiple times-but started to get better after remembering the source of her pain and trauma.  There is also the theme of multiple attempted su*cides in the play- and the play ends with yet another attempt- and the audience is left unaware of the artist's fate at the end of the play.
The tempest (Shakespeare)
Prospereo - (the perceived antagonist) is a wizard with monstrous looks, storm powers , and ability to create monster-dogs
He wants revenge on a man who tried ra*ing his family member & revenge on his other family member who wronged him years ago. I mean... pretty much my did theory.But in the end.Prospero decides to show his enemies the mercy that they did not show him twelve years earlier. He tells Ariel to bring the men to him, he will restore their sanity and then renounce magic forever.Prospero breaks the spell that the men are under .
Diary of a scoundrel (Alexander Ostrovsky-Russian)
-  I suppose this could loosely relate to Jonathan? Glumov, is a young man from an impoverished family lacking status seeking entrance into society's pampered class. A 19th-century Russian scoundrel must scheme his way out of his meager life in a small apartment -whatever it takes.He has a quick mind and some talent for seeing through the hypocrisies of people around him ( Jonathan does make a lot of social critiques about society). That gives him some advantages. A tale of one man's mission to finagle his way into upper-class society and find a cushy job. Set in 1874, this social comedy follows Glumov, a Russian youth who begins his ambitious ascent to social esteem. He progresses by wit, guile and rhetoric. Pitting one stupid person against another, he soon gains his ends. To reach these goals, Glumov will lie, flatter, and cater to the vanities of the wealthy. Unable to contain his disgust with his victims, Glumov decides to relieve his unvoiced satirical comments by recording his schemes in a diary. But he is tripped up by his uncle's wife, to whom he has made passionate love on his way to success. At the end of the play, his diary is stolen and his duplicity exposed, but he can nevertheless suceeds. The author is much more critical about the high society itself than about the main character, so the play keeps attracting generations of directors by opening possibilities for political criticism while also avoiding naming names of the current rulers.The play's aim was to overthrow bourgeois tradition and establish a class-conscious art called eccentricism giving a deliberately comic portrayal of reality.
I suppose I notice some possible commonalities-  besides s3 critiquing the wealthy/capitalism in comedic ways . jonathan since s1 has worried about his family's finances / had some resentment toward the rich . In some of the s4 movies ‘orphan’ & ‘ girl interrupted’ someone reads their diary out loud to get at them (in girl interrupted the winona character’s diary even had critiques of her new friends).  Alot of movies also have someone (usually a teen/young adult) making a documentary about their life -which could narratively replace said diary? A few movies have a poor guy adjusting to snobby rich social circles (or being poor and then getting money)- titanic, kingsmen, karate kid, the craft , godfather,  wardogs,into the spiderverse,flashdance, and many others . And movies like wardogs has a poor-young-character do shady things to finacially support his family . There’s also that whole uncle’s wife thing- which makes me uncomfortable for obvious reasons (but I’m just thinking of Lonnie’s creepy gf who was into him). A few movies had the guy’s step mom innappropriately hit on him- orange county & you got mail. And him trying to avoid her advances. Or...not to mention ... it may be a problematic coincidence /trope. But in enter the void -the guy who needs to finacially support his sibling/ does dr*gs -hooks up with his dr*g dealing friend’s married mom (who would give him money).  Or in gilbert grape- the poor teen-who has to finacially support his siblings/single mom-has his endgame relationship be a girl his own age. But before that he h*oked up with a married woman -who would give him money. Don’s plum -young film guy-propositioned by older female film director (for dream job). Not even mentioning the other films that have the guy hooking up with toxic older women (like ‘the graduate’). Or analyze this-where the therapist accuses him of having an Oedipus complex (not touching that one... but the guy in ‘enter the void’ a 100% had one). It’s possible those movies were just- inspo for s3?  A coincidence? Or s3 was foreshadowing for this in s4- but unlike s3 it will accurately be played as wrong  and a sign of Jonathan recreating past tra*ma caused by Lonnie (cough like the photos) /being desperate for money. And not played ‘comedically’ like how it mostly was in s3. But shown as self destructive  (for Jon) and immoral on the Woman’s end. Like... Billy and Jon are character foils. Both are older siblings into rock music, with ab*sive dads who shoved them into walls. Both lose it (and beat steve to a pulp when Steve accidentally triggers their daddy issues). In s3 it’s established womanizer Billy has mommy issues, than he tries ho*king up with someone his mom’s age, and the characters ref ‘back to the future ‘ and Steve incorrectly says it’s about “alex p keaton trying to bang his mom.” This could illustrate his subconscious issues with parental figures/adults cause of Lonnie’s  possible past se*ual ab*se . One film the friend even says to the guy “you don’t have friends!” guy b: i have friends! him:  no you have acquaintances! ADMIT IT! YOU’RE AFRAID OF MEN!I mean-Jonathan liked Nancy- but he initially hooked up with her cause he wanted to prove he didn’t have ‘trust issues’ from his dad. Also it’s prob a bit of a reach (and maybe a coincidence)- but the fact Murray in the same breath compares Steve (Nancy’s then bf) and Lonnie  ... uh... if you think too long about it ... it’s very sinister .  Especially because in s3: muray tells Joyce  that despite her wanting to be with a nice guy, she’s curious about “the brute” Hopper despite him reminding her of a past “bad relationship”(aka Lonnie). Like- yeah connect some dots.  Quite a few films (other than forrest gump) also have the character who (as a kid) was  r*ped by their dad/parent-  begin to do dr*gs/be pr*miscuous as adults since they never learned to properly cope with their trauma (’girl with the dragon tattoo’,  ‘black swan’, and ‘magnolia’). Unfortunately the whole relative doing such things to kid-relatives is in at least 30+ movies. 
Personally, i would be MUCH happier if Jon had a age appropriate romance- and had not a single creepy adult near him. A few movies actually imply Lonnie gets yet another ‘new model’  replacing his gf in her 20s with a new gf- who is ‘barely l*gal” and just turned 18. so there’s that possibility as well- that she’s jonathan’s age.I just want Jonathan-happy &safe. GOD. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
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