#which she came up with because ty was reading about it. for some reason. who knows why that boy does anything
katnissgirlsmakedo · 1 year
well first of all emma and julian are sooooo dyke coded so jot that down. but i digress. back to the discussion at hand. ok so after emma and jules sleep together he apologizes because he didn’t think about protection, and emma’s like dude don’t worry about it i have the rune (the birth control rune. because shadowhunters have a birth control RUNE. thanks clary <3) and then she says “and i don’t have any diseases” which is technically vague enough that MAYBE she wasn’t referring to regular human stds and she was just perhaps jokingly referring to the fact that she doesn’t have like demon pox or whatever. she’s like that she would totally try to bring some lighthearted jokes to julian’s little mental breakdown about sleeping with his best friend. however. she’s not doing that she’s just being like, matter of fact and straightforward and saying they’re fine because neither of them “have any diseases” which is vague. and maybe shadowhunters have their own stds which would be hilarious but would still bother me anyway. so like this is stupid. cassandra i didn’t want to know that shadowhunters can get stds. girl this sucks!
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utilitycaster · 8 months
To expand that point about queerphobia (also, to an extent, gender equality) from the tags on someone else's post and sort of tying it back to my post yesterday about wanting to see characters work through similar experiences: I think it makes a lot of sense in the case of Exandria and Hale to build a world that does not have queerphobia and to allow people to choose to insert it if that is something their table wishes to explore. It's very much a case of wanting to build a diverse but non-utopian world that is welcoming to a wide variety of players.
I think it's a very understandable urge to want to see characters deal with the same challenges we face, and I think there are TTRPG settings that have done a good job depicting homophobia or transphobia; it's present though not common in Fantasy High, and The Unsleeping City is very close to the modern-day real world and has, well, period-typical attitudes.
The reason I get frustrated when it comes up in discussion of Exandria, and now Hale is that it's almost always used for one of two reasons: explaining why people (either specifically or generally) don't like a character; or even more frequently, explaining hesitancy between two characters in a ship. It's a convenient way to say "this person is oppressed or afraid for reasons that are objectively in no way their fault and which make the people who dislike them objectively bigoted and wrong". The problem is, while that's a valid story to tell it's often really not the story the cast is telling with these characters. Even more frustratingly, it often is used to steamroll other stories that may place those characters in just as innocent a position.
Some good examples in which this has happened in the fandom are Jester and Dorian. Jester lives on the Menagerie Coast, which is referred to a pretty wide variety of materials as being a place that is especially trans friendly (in a world where trans and nb characters already frequently occupy prominent positions and are not depicted as experiencing pushback). Her mother, a courtesan, indicates that she takes clients of varying genders. The biggest influences on her life are her mother and an otherworldly fey entity who famously can shapeshift. There is absolutely no canonical evidence that Jester would be unaware of the broad range of genders and sexualities in the world nor that she would feel obligated to embrace one that she is not; in fact there is quite strong evidence to the contrary. But if you claim that she's experiencing compulsive heterosexuality, it excuses you from having to consider that Jester is genuinely not interested in Beau, or at the very least is genuinely interested in Fjord.
Similarly, it was, at least prior to the reveals of early Campaign 3, common to headcanon that Dorian had run away from his parents because he was trans and they were transphobic. A trans reading of Dorian is still obviously entirely valid, but he left because his parents were suffocating and overbearing and often pit him against his brother. Dorian is still absolutely the victim in this! It's a valuable thing to relate to for people who have experienced parental abuse and impossible expectations. But it does still force you to think about Dorian's parents as complex people who came to this conclusion of childrearing (even if they are still in the wrong) and not just mindless bigots to be disregarded. And I think the former is nearly always a better story than the latter.
What also frustrates me is that this rarely works through the ramifications. The systemic queerphobia that would be required to put compulsory heterosexuality in place still exists once someone overcomes that and comes out; but that never comes into play when people are talking about the ship, because it's only ever used to explain why the ship hasn't happened yet, never as a significant part of the world that would affect the characters throughout their entire lives.
These are only two examples; there are countless others, some particularly egregious (*cough* Essek comes from a society that explicitly believes in reincarnation across bodies of varying genders and the queen for eternal life is in a lesbian relationship, I promise you his fraught relationships with his parents are way more complicated than simple homophobia or transphobia) but all of which seek to incorporate bigotry not as the destructive and deadly phenomenon it is, to be explored in the safe space of fiction, but as an incredibly lazy shortcut to be discarded as a continuity error once it's served its purpose.
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gallusrostromegalus · 10 months
so if AEIWAM has Rukia starting off as lieutenant, what's the justification for sending her to the Living World at the beginning of the story?
(in the manga, she doesn't get the lieutenant's position until after the end of the Soul Society Arc, even though everyone agrees she's the obvious candidate for it. the position is left vacant after Kaien Shiba's death, with the actual duties being split between 13th company's two 3rd seat officers -- whose names ofc I don't remember, but one of them is Isane Kotetsu's younger sister?)
(I seem to remember Rukia initially not actually having *any* officer's seat because Byakuya wanted her kept away from the more dangerous missions. which is why she's on bog-standard Hollow patrol at the beginning of the series)
(idk if this throws a wrench in your worldbuilding, but you've got a whole construction site going on so what's one more trip hazard? 😅)
About four months before the canon series begins:
Ukitake probably would have been less upset if he'd received the message at the office. Or in person.
Instead, the message had been delivered to him by private courier at his home, right in the middle of dinner. Interrupting his dinner after a long day was enough of a reason for Ukitake to read the boy the riot act, but the sheer- What the hell was he thinking? Was he thinking at all??
He squinted at the letter again. Technically, it was only sent to him on the order of "The Kuchiki Clan" so this could, theoretically, be the nonsense of several different people, and not necessarily Byakuya specifically.
"Best to go address them collectively." He sighed, folding up the letter, sticking it inside his robe, and getting up.
"Sentaro? Kiyone?" he called from the hallway, putting on his Captain's Haori, as this was Official Business. "I need to step out for a bit, you two are in charge until I get back."
"Sir!" Sentaro saluted with enough force that he winced from hitting himself in the head.
"Let me come with you!" Kiyone said cheerfully.
"No, this is a private matter. You stay here and make sure the Division doesn't catch fire." Ukitake said, tying Sogyo No Kotowari to his belt. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but the average mule could learn a thing or five about stubbornness from Byakuya and a show of force might be necessary. He waved to his two third-seats, and stepped out the door.
It wasn't a long walk, but the cool night air gave him some time and space to think.
Someone in the Kuchiki clan had filed a Legal Injunction to prevent the promotion of one Rukia Kuchiki to any seated officer's position. It had arrived less than an hour after Ukitake had sent in the paperwork to finally fill his long-open lieutenant's position, and Rukia wasn't back from her patrol in the Rukongai, so it wasn't Rukia who had told them. Someone was keeping a much-too-close eye on the 13th's operations, and interference like this was dangerous as well as disrespectful.
There was a brief pause at the front gate of the compound where the new guard attempted to rebuff Ukitake by saying he needed to have an appointment.
Hm. I actually am angry. Ukitake decided, as the little prick went on about the importance of security to the clan. He turned away from the guard, squared up in front of the gate, and with a moment's concentration, he kicked through the bar and both doors to the gate neatly off their hinges, quietly enjoying the way one of them cartwheeled over the grounds and around the main building until it came to a stop with a loud splash inside the koi pond.
"Ah. Ukitake-Taicho is on his way to the main house." The guard said over his communicator as Ukitake strode into the compound, having done a very sensible about-face. "Perhaps open the main doors for him."
Indeed, he watched the servants scramble to open the main doors to the house, the maid taking her post to greet him and the others scuttling away at speed to not be on the scene, one of them going so far as to dive into a nearby bush.
"Welcome Ukitake-taicho." Bowed the maid. "The family is currently at dinner."
"Oh good I can speak to all of them!" He beamed, breezing past her and any pretense of etiquette and striding into the family home.
There was an ominous rustle of blossoms in the courtyard.
"I love him like a son, Senbonzakura, but he's behaving rather badly and needs to be corrected." Ukitake explained, not breaking his stride save to give the zanpaktou a sideways glance. "-Unless this is somehow Ginrei's tomfoolery, in which case your master will probably turn him inside out before I have the chance."
Satisfied, the ancient tree stilled.
"Thank you." Ukitake nodded, turning down the hall and came to the dining room, whose doors seem to have been surreptitiously left open rather than risk the wrath of his foot.
"Jushiro," Byakuya spoke calmly as though this were no more than a social call. "-this is a surprise."
"It is a surprise!" Ukitake agreed, voice strained as he tried to keep his tone lighthearted, tossing the legal injunction onto the table. "-I thought you all knew better than to try to tell me how to run my division!"
Byakuya, two of his uncles, a spare cousin and a handful of houseguests all stared at the letter.
"Sorry to interrupt dinner, but the letter only designates that the directive has come from a clan member so I'm not entirely sure whose nonsense this is." Ukitake explained, hands casually on his hips as he waited for an answer.
Byakuya took a sip of water, set his glass down, delicately dabbed his lips dry, and then stood up. "It is my directive, and no-one else's." Behind him, Ginrei reached over to swipe the document from the table and read it at speed. "I think that I've been quite reasonable, given the circumstances."
"Would you like to elaborate on your reasoning here?" Ukitake asked, a sentence that most people recognized as a giant red flag to about face on whatever they had been doing.
If Byakuya had a spiritual animal though, it was probably a Bull, and he interpreted the red flag as a signal to charge. "Given the paucity of heirs the Kuchiki Clan possess, as the head of the family I cannot allow any member to be exposed to an unnecessarily risky position. I am perfectly content for Rukia to be a shinigami but I cannot condone the additional risk of being a seated officer, let alone a lieutenant."
"Are you INSANE?" Hissed Ginrei, staring bug-eyed at his grandson.
"I don't see what all the fuss is about." Byakuya huffed.
Ukitake pressed his hands together in front of his face and sighed deeply. Ah. Yep. That's what I thought.
"Captain Kuchiki." He said, tipping his hands forward for emphasis. "Do you want to step out into the garden with me?"
"Not particularly. I am in the middle of-" Byakuya began and Ginrei grabbed the entire tablecloth in both hands and pulled, ripping the entire meal from the table with a loud shattering of dishware and even Byakuya flinched at the severity of the display.
"OH HOW CLUMSY OF ME." he snarled at his grandson, sauce dripping off his kimono. "Why don't you take our guest out to the garden while this gets cleaned up?"
"...Yes." Byakuya muttered. "I understand the Koi pond has a new architectural feature."
Out in the garden, it was darker, calmer, and easier to speak freely.
"Do you remember the oaths you took when you joined the court guard, and the additional ones you took as captain?" Ukitake asked as they stood in front of the Kio Pond and observed the actually rather aesthetically pleasing way the door had managed to land mostly upright with one end buried in the mud at the and then tipped just enough to be caught by one of the carefully placed standing stones in the middle of the pond, fish gumming at it excitedly.
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Citizens of the Soul Society against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Court Guard and None Other, that I take this obligation freely, without any compulsion, reservation or secret purpose, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter." Byakuya recited easily.
"Good, good- um." Ukitake rubbed his hands and grimaced as he tried to figure out how to put this "-That bit about 'allegiance to the Court Guard and None Other' You understand what that part means, right?"
"That I have sworn loyalty to the Court Guard and nobody else." Said Byakuya, still confused.
"Right. Right- you understand how 'Nobody Else' includes your own family, right? You're Captain first and Kuchiki second, and an injunction like this looks like the head of a Noble House interfering with the running of the Court Guard and that a hell of a lot like Sedition." Ukitake growled the last word.
Byakuya's eyes widened and he was silent for a long moment. "...Ah."
"Gods help me if Yamamoto had seen this- you understand why we have these rules, right?"
"The warring clans era-" Byakuya started.
"-was still going on when I was a boy!" Ukitake yelped. "It's not long gone-!"
"-Least of all for the Captain-General." Byakuya nodded, wincing. "I. Have made a mistake. I will withdraw the injunction immediately."
"Thank you." Ukitake sighed.
"Thank you also for your. Discretion." Byakuya said, carefully eyeing Ukitake.
"He won't hear about it from me." Ukitake put his hands up in disengagement, the major crisis averted but still- "Look. Is this about how I run my division or is it about you and Rukia?"
Byakuya watched a particularly round red carp swim by, knuckle between his teeth, before answering. "...The Latter."
Ukitake nodded slowly, and took off his captain's Haori and undid Sogyo no Kotowari from his belt, folding up the coat and setting it aside on the ground, sword atop it. "There. My Official Business is concluded. May I speak to you as a friend?"
Byakuya glanced up at him and nodded, turning to face his longtime friend-
The crack from Jushiros backhand rang out through the night loud enough to startle the fish.
"How DARE you disrespect Rukia like that? Do you think she's stupid? Weak?" Jushiro snarled, wide eyed and furious.
Byakuya didn't react for a moment out of shock. Some of his colleagues always had violence on the table as an option (Unohana could reassure someone they would be alive for a long while yet in a way that make one's blood run colder than a january morning), but coming from Ukitake was a nasty surprise, like being bitten by a previously friendly dog. Byakuya's cheekbone reddened and Jushiro tried to pretend his knuckle wouldn't be bruised in the morning, but eventually Byakuya closed his eyes, turning away from him.
"Then what's this about?" Jushiro demanded.
"She has to do a tour in the living world to be a seated officer." Byakuya spoke quietly. "-And even someone like Kaien Shiba was killed by a Hollow."
"I know." Jushiro sighed, rubbing his brow in frustration. "I know." he repeated, softly this time, dropping his hand and grimacing.
Byakuya looked sideways at him, eyes shining.
"Believe me- I've done everything I can to prepare her for this and then some. She's as ready for this as anyone can be." Jushiro tried to reassure him. "...But you can't keep her locked away from the horrors of the universe. That'll kill her more surely than anything she might face in battle."
Byakuya sighed, rubbing his face, but nodded. "No. You're right." He mumbled, looking exhausted. "She needs to go, and I have no right to stop her."
Jushiro opened his arms, offering Byakuya an embrace, and to his surprise, Byakuya stepped in, leaning heavily on his friend's shoulder.
"It hurts." Byakuya mumbled.
"I know. Gods above, I know." Jushiro sighed, rubbing Byakuya's shoulder. "Can you believe what you just said?" Byakuya nodded into his shoulder.
"As in, can you believe it right now?"Jushiro asked, pushing Byakuya back upright and holding him by the shoulders. "Because Rukia is going to be here any-"
"NII-SAMA! NIIIII-SAMAAAAA!!" Rukia almost shrieked with joy, bounding through the house behind them and sliding onto the porch with such force that she actually slid right off it and into the garden lawn, quickly recovering and sprinting for them. "GUESS WHAT?! UKITAKE-TAICHO JUST NOMIN- oh hey Ukitake-Taicho! What are you doing here?" She started and stopped.
"I lightly misjudged your arrival home, but don't worry, I haven't told anyone yet!" he smiled cheerfully.
"Oh- Um- Ukitake-Taicho nominated me to be his Lieutenant!" She beamed, all brightness and joy at Byakuya. "This means I can finally take my tour of duty in the Living World! I know, I know it's a serious responsibility but- Oh come on! It's so cool! I'll get to see what's been going on in the human world- there's that magical Cocola Juice that Kira tried that almost cured his depression, and building with the Tests Of Skill Renji saw-oh! Maybe I'll learn how to drive an Automobile like Momo did!"
Byakuya managed to smile softly at her as she rambled about the other wonders of the living world, and put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm very proud of you." he said, and meant it, even if he was holding back the and I'm absolutely terrified for you.
Rukia sniffled, eyes welling up with tears. "R-really?"
"Of course. You've grown into a fine shinigami. Hisana would be proud too." he smiled gently, opening his arms.
Rukia's lip wobbled, and then she tackled him for a hug, sobbing into his chest. Byakuya stroked her back as she babbled her apologies about being so excited but she's waited AGES for this and she wanted Hisana to see and-
Byakuya looked up at Jushiro as she cried, looking on the verge of tears himself. Jushiro squeezed his arm to reassure him before putting his own hand on Rukia's shoulder. "Rukia! This is a happy occasion!" he teased.
"Sorry, Ukitake-taicho." she sniffled, almost rubbing the tears away on here sleeve before stopping and pulling out a handkerchief, a habit Byakuya had spent the previous forty years ingraining into her.
"Why don't you go tell Ginrei the good news and I'll see if the kitchens can whip up something celebratory?" Jushiro smiled and Rukia nodded, bolting off, nearly sliding off the porch again, and calling for her adopted grandfather.
"Thank you, again." Byakuya whispered. "I had been exceptionally foolish. If the injunction had gone through- even without the captain-general's reaction- ...I would have terribly hurt her."
"Yes. Yes you had." Jushiro nodded. "But I'm glad I caught you in time, for both your sakes. Let's go see about getting Rukia some cake, or should we break out the good sake?" ***
The following morning, Byakuya awoke to a bright light and a piercing headache.
"Nii-sama?" Rukia called softly, and once again, Byakuya was forced to wonder what God had blessed Rukia with an apparent immunity to Hangovers.
"Rukia?" he groaned.
"Can I ask you something? Well. Two things?"
"Sure, just- ow. Come in and close the door after you?" He groaned, sitting up. Six AM, barely four hours since the party had wrapped up. Rukia entered, shutting the door against the early morning light and sitting down beside his bed.
"I- it occurred to me while I was cleaning up and I couldn't sleep, but- I promise, I won't be angry, but I need to know-" She sighed. "It's been one thing or another preventing me from doing my required tour of duty in the living world for AGES, and- You didn't have anything to do with that, did you?" Byakuya was silent for a moment. "Some of it, yes." He admitted.
"...Why?" She asked, sounding pained. "I- I promise I've trained and studied as hard as I can-"
"If something happened to you, after I promised Hisana- I- I don't know what I would do!" He snapped, entirely too distraught for this hour of the morning. "I'm sorry, Rukia. You're my sister and all I have left but it was still wrong of me to try to hold you back, just because I was scared of losing you."
Rukia stared at him, stunned, before she tackle-hugged him again, slamming him back into the bed.
"...I love you too, Nii-sama." She mumbled from the middle of his chest. "-But you are so STUPID sometimes!" she groaned from his chest.
"My Apologies." he sighed, staring up at the ceiling. "It's genetic, so you need to watch out for it too."
Rukia tipped he head up, squinting at him.
"That is. A Joke." he smiled down at her and she groaned, rolling off his chest to lie next to him, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, enjoying her presence while he could.
"What was the other thing you wanted to ask?" he said after a few moments of pleasant silence, the morning chorus of birds starting to sing.
"Oh yeah!" Rukia sat up, gesturing out in the general direction of the gardens with her thumb. "What's the front gate doing in the Koi pond?"
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peanutpinet · 1 month
Girl i need more of Johnny ans flower that was soooooo goood. If i understood correctly that requests are open could you do like a scenario where flower and medical girl are somehow together in thr nct tower building and ot goes on lockdown due to an attack pn it so jphnny and taeyong havw to save them together!?
Ours - Mafia Leader! Taeyong x Medic Girl & Mafia! Johnny Suh x Flower
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Official TY’s girl name: Kim Eunji
Official Johnny’s girl name: Chrissanna Lee
A/N: hi anon! I’m glad you enjoyed reading my recent Johnny mafia fic and even read some of my old fics, literally the first NCT fic I’ve ever made. So sorry that it took me so long to write this for you since I was travelling and have been caught up with some freelance work and also recently started a new job which tbh I don't like :') but I hope that you enjoy the story and I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations >.<!
Also, also!! Let me introduce you guys the official names for Taeyong’s medic girl: Kim Eunji and Johnny’s flower: Chrissanna Lee. Lil easter eggs of previous mafia fics
It was a rare peaceful day in NCT. Mainly because all the tasks that Taeyong had to take care of was actually done and he was just going looking over at his members’ businesses when his girlfriend and nurse, Eunji came by to his office, bringing him his lunch.
“Hey. I hope that I’m not interrupting anything boss” Eunji asked as she went into Taeyong’s office where Taeyong was with Doyoung and Johnny
“You would never interrupt anything” Taeyong smiled, standing up to greet his girlfriend with open arms and kissed the side of Eunji’s head
“Stop that. Your members are here. Hi Doyoung, Hi Johnny” Eunji greeted the other members
“Hey. It’s been a while Eunji. Sorry to ask you this but how’s Chris? Is she doing better?” Johnny asked, still worried about his girlfriend despite it being a few months since he got rid of the people who made them have PTSD
“Hey. She’s doing much better. She’s opening up more and we’re actually going to hang out together tomorrow” Eunji mentioned, grabbing both Taeyong and Johnny’s attention
“Tomorrow? Is that one of the reasons you wanted to come here and see me?” Taeyong sulked, making Doyoung fake vomit as Eunji kissed his cheek
“No. But I might as well say it whilst on the topic” Eunji replied whilst also handing over some paperwork from the lab
“And this is why I don’t want you coming when there are other members around. We don’t get any alone time and I barely get to see you” Taeyong sighed but Eunji just kissed his cheek, massaging his shoulders
“Well, Mr Leader, we just came back from a one-week trip together. Don’t you think that that’s enough for now? You know that it takes time to train the new recruits” Eunji mentioned
“Eunji is right, hyung, the new batch of recruits takes a lot of time to train because of how incompetent most of them are. The girls especially try to flirt with the dream members but you know how annoyed the boys with girlfriends are” Doyoung mentioned
“You should see Jeno almost wanting to strangle a girl because she was bad-mouthing his girlfriend when she managed to find her socials” Eunji added on, making Taeyong rise his eyebrow
“Jeno took care of it. He had Haechan broadcast a whole Twitter thread that that girl made” Eunji chuckled, remembering that time
“That’s Haechan. You can try to tease him but when it passes a line, he’ll make sure you’ll regret it” Taeyong mentioned, knowing his younger member’s habit of ruining someone’s life through hacking
“So, Eunji. You and Chris? You guys going tomorrow?” Johnny asked again
“Yeap. We’re not going anywhere crazy, trust me. We’re just going into town for a bit and we’ll come back to the NCT HQ. Is it alright to show her around the HQ?” Eunji asked
“I think that’s best. We’re actually going out on a mission tomorrow so if you can make it back before it gets dark, it would be better” Johnny mentioned, making Eunji look at Taeyong
“I too was going to tell you that I’m going to be out tomorrow but you came here first so, here we are” Taeyong shrugged, earning a light smack from Eunji
“How many of you guys are going to be out? What’s the mission this time? I can postpone my outing with Chris if you need me” Eunji asked but Taeyong stopped her by turning to hold her hands in his and kissed them
“No need for that. It’s just some light fieldwork. It won’t take that long anyway. We’ll be back by sundown. That is if Johnny doesn’t mind leaving his girlfriend for one day that is” Taeyong teased but Johnny just eyed him
“I’m not possessive. I just prefer if I was there with her but since Eunji will be with her, I’m completely fine. Chris has always wanted a girls day out” Johnny mentioned. “Thank you for looking after her, Eunji. I really appreciate it”
“Of course, John. It’s the least I could do after everything you’ve all done for me” Eunji mentioned
“Ehem, we should get going. Jaehyun told me that the others are already waiting for us” Doyoung mentioned, interrupting the conversation, making Eunji giggle
“You take care, love. Use my card. If I find you not using it, I’m gonna block yours. Don’t think you can fool me about that” Taeyong mentioned, wrapping his arm around Eunji’s waist as he, Eunji, Johnny and Doyoung left Taeyong’s office together
“I will. You guys take care of yourselves” Eunji mentioned, kissing Taeyong’s cheek
“We will. Call me if anything happens” Taeyong replied as Eunji nodded before Taeyong kissed the side of Eunji’s head one last time before she left the elevator first
The Next Day
Just as Eunji told Taeyong and Johnny the other day, she and Chris would be going out on a girls day together. Eunji and Chris went to the NCT HQ first and met up with their respective boyfriends who gave them each their own credit cards and made each girl promise to use the given cards instead of their own.
After spending almost all morning at the HQ, Eunji finally finished her paperwork and handed back to Xiaojun before bidding her boyfriend goodbye to spend the day with Chris.
“You tell me if anything happens, alright? We might be back by night but if anything should happen…” Taeyong rambled but Eunji shut him up by pecking his lips
“We’ll be alright, Tyong. We’re just going to have some lunch and then shop around town for a moment. We’ll meet you guys back at the HQ. I promise I’ll call if anything happens” Eunji replied, Taeyong still holding onto her hand
Sighing, Taeyong stood up and cupped Eunji’s face, his face softened. “Alright. I’m not going to hold you back any longer. Johnny just texted me that he’s waiting downstairs to send you both off. I’ll see you tonight then” Taeyong kissed Eunji’s cheek and let her off
After bidding Johnny goodbye as well, Eunji and Chriss went into town and headed to a local’s favourite brunch spot and after they’ve seated and ordered their food and drinks, they finally get to have some girl time.
“Do you work at the HQ every day or do you get to go on field missions?” Chris asked, making Eunji look at her
“Mainly in the lab. Ever since the incident, Taeyong hasn’t really let me go on a field mission on my own. I would always have to go with at least 2 of his members or with him. Otherwise, I won’t be allowed on the field” Eunji replied
“You went through a traumatic experience too?” Chriss asked and Eunji smiled back at her
“It wasn’t as bad as yours. Mine happened at the HQ and during one of the fieldwork. Both were because someone from within the recruits was a mole. It wasn’t as bad, trust me. I’m alright now. I was lucky honestly. I did have a trauma with guns since I was little and Taeyong helped me with it. I’ve gotten better” Eunji told Chriss who gave her a sad smile
“I guess we were both lucky to have met such amazing men and people to help us. I was completely alone for years and I didn’t think that Johnny would be the type of person that he is today. Or even when that night that I almost tried to leave but he stopped me” Chriss mentioned
“I know that it’s still hard for you to open up but trust me, you’re safe when you’re in the main circle. No one is judging you. Every other member in the main circle have their own traumas and difficulties. Even Taeyong who’s the leader and is supposed to be the strongest and toughest member. We all have our nightmares and different ways to cope them” Eunji mentioned
“How do you handle being part of this whole thing? I heard that you were one of their recruits back then” Chriss asked as Eunji sipped her coffee
“Well. That’s a long story. But to cut it short, I didn’t have such a happy childhood like yours. My parents were killed in front of me. By the time the police and the government found me, I was so weak and bloody. They took me in but trained me to be part of the NCT recruit system. Eventually, I joined the recruits and rose in the ranks. I partially think it was because since a young age I had to learn everything on my own. I also had to survive on my own. But despite being able to excel in just about anything. I couldn’t overcome my trauma with shotguns. Not necessary that I was afraid of shotguns but I just couldn’t shoot anyone in their vital parts. Especially when someone is holding a gun within an arms range towards me. I would be petrified. It happened once and I fainted on the spot. That’s why since then Taeyong won’t really let me go on field missions without any NCT members” Eunji replied
“Is it scary? To fight and see all the gruesome scenes?” Chriss
“It was in the beginning. But as time went on, the more I trained, the more used to it I was. Well, except for my trauma. But one thing that you should believe me is that the neos will try their best to keep their woman out of anything that relates to the mafia. Even if how they met their woman was through some traumatic experience like you” Eunji tried to reassure Chriss
“Now that last part I believe because Johnny has not told me anything about the mafia. He would tell me a bit of the entertainment agency he runs but aside from that, nothing” Chriss chuckled
The two girls talked and went around town, buying some things for themselves and their boyfriends until they saw that the sun was about to set. Realising that it was going to get dark soon, the two girls took the car back to the NCT HQ and told their boyfriends along the way who were still out with the majority of the NCT team on a field mission.
Arriving back at the HQ, the two girls went up to the top where Taeyong’s office was because aside from the NCT members, Eunji too had access to Taeyong’s office.
Feeling bored waiting for their boyfriends, Eunji invited Chriss to go on a little NCT HQ tour which she was more than happy to go because despite being in the building, Chriss has never actually explored the building because whenever she was with Johnny, he would just bring her to his office or the other NCT members’ office.
The two girls then headed through each floor with Eunji being the tour guide and explaining most of the rooms in the building. Because most of the people in the building knows Eunji, she would often stop by and greet them. Sometimes she would even check in on some of the new recruits.
In the midst of their tour around the building, suddenly, the building went on lockdown due to a breach in the system. Yangyang who was still in the HQ announced to the entire building to stay calm but Eunji grabbed Chriss and headed to where Yangyang was.
“Yangyang!” Eunji exclaimed, grabbing the young member’s attention
“Eunji! What are you doing here and is that…” Yangyang uttered
“It’s Chriss, Johnny’s girlfriend. What happened?” Eunji asked, striding to Yangyang who was overviewing the control room
“Someone tried hacking into the system. Haechan and Jungwoo are working on it. I’m helping them however I can from over here. Winwin, Hendery, and Chenle are searching around the building. Taeil, Doyoung, and Renjun are checking on the recruits and everyone to make sure that everyone is alright” Yangyang informed Eunji
Looking at each of the security screens, Eunji noticed that not all parts of the building were monitored. “Yangyang, what about the floor between 1 and 2” Eunji whispered
“Eun, I doubt anyone besides our internal members knows about that floor. No one should even have the access key to that floor because it’s DNA and facial recognition security” Yangyang replied back
“But you never know. I’ll go then” Eunji uttered
“Eun. Taeyong-hyung is not going to allow that. We’re in complete lockdown. Several of our members are already going around and the others are on their way back from the mission which they succeed by the way. You and Chriss should stay here and that’s final” Yangyang stated
“You’re forgetting something” Eunji stated, walking towards the door, grabbing Chriss with her
Yangyang who realised what Eunji was going to do tried to rush to her but she immediately disappeared behind the door along with Chriss.
“Hyung. I think we need to change our plans” Yangyang stated in his intercom
On the Secret Floor
“Was this place always here?” Chriss asked as both she and Eunji went into the elevator and Eunji pressed both the first and second floor while scanning her ID card
“Since the building was built. This floor is sacred and only the main NCT members and certain staffs…”
“Like you?”
“Like me. Gets their ID card with a specific chip for this. It’s sacred because, on this floor, we keep our top weapons that are still under development. Some of them can be deadly because they’re still unstable. Even if an intruder comes here and steals the weapon, it’s fine because it has a self-destruct system if an unknown person touches it. But the blueprint on the other hand, that’s what I worry about the most. No one should be able to get their hands on it” Eunji mentioned
As the door opened, Eunji instructed Chriss to stay nearby as they made their way through the floor and headed to where the weapon design room was. Going into the room, Eunji went through every single desk to make sure that all the blueprints were there but in the midst of going through the blueprints, Eunji felt something was off and immediately grabbed a backup weapon and turned around to point it only to meet the intruder who held Chriss as their hostage.
“I think it would be best if you put your weapon down and hand over all the blueprints” the intruder spoke, the knife he held almost pierced through Chriss’ skin until I let down my weapon
“You really think this is smart? I think it would be best that you let her go and turn yourself in before you regret it” Eunji tried to sound tough even though deep down she was shaking from the fear of what the intruder had up their sleeve
Within seconds, there were multiple footsteps that came but knowing NCT, those weren’t the typical footstep sounds that they would make and Eunji was right because there were some other intruders who turned out to be pretending to be some of the cleaning staff in the NCT building.
Both Eunji and Chriss were then captured by the intruders and used as hostages to get out of the building. The intruders took the majority of the blueprints that were in the room and were about to head out from the floor when the lights were suddenly off and gunshots filled the hallways along with loud combat boots sounds.
When the light came back on, the majority of the NCT members came, cornering the intruders who were on the floor, bleeding out as the members shot them but not at their vital organs. At one corner, Taeyong came forward while on the other corner was Johnny who did the same thing. Both men looked at the intruder who looked like he was going to pee in his pants but instead of shooting them or doing anything violent, both men moved forward and softly took their girlfriends away from the scene as the other members took care of the intruders.
NCT Penthouse - Taeyong’s penthouse
Back at Taeyong’s penthouse, both Taeyong and Johnny immediately got their girlfriends treated by Kun and XIaojun. After they were treated, Taeyong softly asked Eunji what exactly happened because Yangyang only told them that there was an intruder in the building and that both Eunji and Chriss were heading to the secret floor.
Once Eunji told them everything, both Taeyong and Johnny looked at each other and though the two of them want nothing more to torment the intruders, they knew that taking care of their girlfriends came first.
Taeyong decided to cook for the four of them while Johnny prepared some movie night to calm both girls’ nerves even if he and Taeyong were still angered at what happened.
“I’m sorry” Eunji spoke, grabbing Taeyong’s attention who was softly playing with her hair as she was laying on his chest while Johnny and Chriss were back at Johnny’s penthouse
“What are you sorry for? If anything I’m sorry for always getting you stuck in these kind of situations” Taeyong replied
“It wasn’t your fault, bubu. Plus, I was a recruit before I was your girlfriend. It’s still my duty to deal with these things” Eunji mentioned
“I know. I know you’re still apart of all of this and as much as I want to offer you a normal life, I know that I can’t just yet. But I’m grateful how understanding you are with all of this and how patient you have been with the situations. I just wish that you wouldn’t be so stubborn and go out of your way to deal with this on your own. At least ask a member to come with you” Taeyong lectured while Eunji just draw circles on his chest
“Lil rose…” Taeyong called out, making Eunji stared at him but decided to tease him by softly kissing his jawline, making the mafia leader groan in frustration before turning their positions around and pining the girl underneath him
“Don’t tempt me, babe, I’m already frustrated and annoyed about the intruders” Taeyong warned but Eunji wrapped her arms around her boyfriend
“I’m not. Plus, you’re not the only one that’s frustrated” Eunji smirked before squealing as Taeyong suddenly lifted her up
“Well then, let’s both relieve that frustration, shall we?” Taeyong smirked, softly pecking Eunji’s lips before carrying her to his room
Johnny’s Penthouse - Johnny’s POV
After we’ve had dinner and watch a movie at Taeyong’s penthouse, Chriss looked tired so I decided to let Taeyong know that we would be heading back to my penthouse first before anything else we have to do.
Back at my penthouse, Chriss and I were chilling on the bed while we watch through her favorite show, Avatar the Last Airbender. In the midst of the show, I noticed that Chriss fell asleep and smiled to myself knowing that she was able to rest despite what she had to go through today.
But right when I tucked her in, I noticed that her breathing was out of control and she started to stir around in her sleep. Worried, I immediately sat next to her and gently shook her until she woke up.
When Chriss woke up, I handed her some water before getting under the covers next to her, wrapping my arm around her small body. “It must’ve been scary”
But as I expected, Chriss just cuddled closer and grabbed my shirt, nodding her head. “I know that Eunji is one of your friends here but why did you take the risk and followed her when you know it could be dangerous?”
“B-because, I want to help her. I want to help you” Chriss let out, looking at me with her doe eyes which makes me want to just squeeze her tightly and never let go
“Flower. You’re too sweet but it makes me worry you know. I’m worried that something worse could’ve happened even if it didn’t. I know you’re bored staying here on your own and just going to college but I’m still worried about you. If you wanted to train some self-defense then I can help with that but other than that, I wouldn’t want you to be involved in anything dangerous, okay?” I rambled on which made Chriss chuckle
“What’s so funny? I’m being serious here. I’m worried you know that” I groaned but Chriss hugged me tighter
“I know. But you look funny when you ramble like that. You like more approachable this way” Chriss chuckled, making me smile bigger
“Only for you that is” I smiled, bringing Chriss closer and kissed the top of her head, being with her until she fell asleep
NCT HQ - 1:27 am (3rd POV)
After both their respective girlfriends finally went into their slumber, both Taeyong and Johnny headed back to the NCT HQ together and once arrived, they immediately headed to where they would always keep their captives.
Reaching one of the rooms, the two met up with Jaehyun along with Yuta who were both waiting for them. “Apparently they’re all just some kids. Well, they’re practically in their late teens, early twenties but kids nonetheless” Yuta stated
“I doubt they’re kids if they’re as old as some of our younger members. They’re old enough to take responsibility for their actions” Johnny scoffed but Taeyong made no comment
Instead, Taeyong made his way into the room and unlike previous rooms, this one actually looked like a classroom with the teacher’s desk in the far front and there were around 20 desks and chairs in the room. Only instead of students, the room was filled with the intruders who tried to steal from them and were tied down to their chairs.
“Were you really going to hurt them?” was all Taeyong asked to the intruders, specifically targeting towards the leader amongst them
When he didn’t hear any answer Taeyong sighed and went up towards them and in a blink of an eye, Taeyong managed to scare everyone by pointing one of his knives by the leader’s throat, making them swallow their saliva.
“Yuta was right. You all should be grateful that you’re just a bunch of kids. Granted that you’re as old as some of our youngest members. But that doesn’t mean we won’t discipline you. Isn’t that right, Johnny?” Taeyong stated, looking at his fellow 95 line mate who looked at the intruders with a smirk
“Of course. What kind of leaders are we if we don’t discipline troublemakers” Johnny smirked as the two most feared men in NCT tormented their intruders
A/n: I'm so sorry I've been MIA for 2 months but life has been busy. I travelled for 2 weeks, was sick for 2 weeks and now just started a new job, somehow have a lot of freelance to do and yea, life is pretty hectic. But I hope that everyone's 2024 has been good, if not, we're on the same page then.
Also, am so sad that TY is finally going to enlist but I shall wait patiently for his return :') also", does anyone play nct zone? If you do, please message me so we can be mutuals in the game. Kay. I have one more request for the NCT mafia fic. If anyone wants to request anything, even just a simple one-shot, just hit me up. I shall now go back to suffer this office job that I haven't even worked for 1 week yet :))
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forjongseong · 2 years
la boca // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: jay x fem!reader
genre: fluff and smut // warning: profanity, blowjob, thigh-riding // wc: ~2.4k
summary: your boyfriend is back from an overseas schedule and you just can't wait to jump on him
author’s note: this the fourth fic inspired by a Camilo song (actually this one is Mau y Ricky ft. Camilo)! the other three are rolex, favorito, and mareado. click here to check out the whole masterlist!
and yes! I wrote this fic right after ENHYPEN's schedule in K-Pop Flex. boy that day was a ride. the stylists came through with their outfits, LETTING JAY GO ON STAGE SLEEVELESS FOR THE FIRST TIME. was it the first time? I think it was. and ever since then us engenes have been all over the place screaming about his arms.
anyway I'm starting a permanent taglist! you can send me an ask if you wanted to be tagged in my future posts. also, I am in the process of writing a sequel for carmesí 
taglist: @hee-pster @duolingofanaccount
happy reading!
I'm dying to kiss your mouth
I've been dreaming of trying it again for some time
Because you dance like nobody else knows how to dance
You look like the beach and the waves of the sea
The floor-length curtains were wide open as Jay stood by the window, blankly staring at the ongoing traffic below. It was rush hour, people were on their way home, and being in a high-rise building made Jay feel calmer than most of the people sitting in their cars down there. He thought of calling his dad later that night to thank him for the hotel room, perks of being the son of a CEO.
As the sky started to change colors, Jay glanced at his watch. Y/N said she would be there in twenty minutes, and to Jay, it already felt like the longest twenty minutes ever. He was thinking of calling her when he heard a knock on the door. Knowing exactly who it was, Jay sprinted to open the door and smiled as he saw the one standing in front of him.
Y/N’s hair was slightly disheveled. A drip of sweat rushed down her temple and the cropped leather jacket she was wearing might have been the reason why. She took it off to reveal the yellow, flowery sundress she was wearing underneath. Jay opened the door wider to let her in and as she did, he caught the scent of her favorite perfume--yellow hibiscus.
“Sorry,” she said as she set her jacket on the nearest lounge chair along with her handbag. “I didn’t think you would arrive so early so I took my time getting ready.”
Jay smiled as he walked over to her and kissed her temple. “It’s okay.”
“I really need to freshen up. Can I use the bathroom?” asked Y/N.
Jay just laughed his heart out. “Of course? I took this room for us to spend the night. Or two. Why would you even ask?”
“Exactly. Because you paid for it,” said Y/N as she walked towards the bathroom door.
“No, it’s courtesy of dad,” Jay spoke louder when he saw Y/N entering the bathroom. “I didn’t spend a penny on this.”
Jay heard the sound of the water running for a couple of seconds before Y/N poked her head out the door to look at him. “In that case please thank Papa James for me and tell him that I want to go for lunch with him when he’s free.”
“I’m right here and you’re thinking of spending time with my dad?” Jay really just stood there beside the door, looking at Y/N who was tying up her hair into a messy bun. She merely looked at Jay, giving him a ‘really?’ sort of gaze and Jay shrugged before deciding to sit on the sofa.
“Did you make tea yet?” asked Y/N, to which Jay replied shaking his head. “Do you want a cup?”
Jay groaned and stretched out his arms as he leaned back on the sofa. “Nah, I’m good. Come here.”
Without hesitating, Y/N made her way on her sofa and before she could choose a side to sit, Jay pulled her wrist and made her sit on his lap. “Missed you,” he mumbled into the crook of her neck as she pulled him into a tight embrace.
“Darling,” Y/N stroked the back of Jay’s head lightly. “You have no idea how I felt.”
Jay pulled back to look at her and tilted his head, intrigued. Y/N sighed as she looked away and tried to pull every single detail from her memory.
“Twitter was wilding. The moment you guys stepped into the airport, each of you rocking your own style, and YOU with your exposed collarbone,” Y/N pressed her index finger to Jay’s forehead as he laughed. “And your necklace just there sitting around this area,” Y/N started hovering her fingers around Jay’s neckline and she felt his breath hitch.
“Honestly it’s like you’re begging for me to leave hickeys.”
Jay tried to bite his smirk away but failed horribly. “I’m… sorry?” he said, unsure.
Y/N shook her head. “I’m not done yet.”
Jay chuckled and nodded. He fixed a strand of her hair to the back of her ear and caressed her cheek. “Continue.”
“And when Jungwon posted a selfie update with you, the Jaywon stans went wild. Oh, people were drooling over sleeveless Sunghoon too.”
“Were you drooling over him too?”
Y/N paused to look her boyfriend in her eyes. Jay stared back, genuinely curious. “Now don’t be silly. Sunghoon looks great but can you let me finish?”
“Of course, baby,” Jay pinched Y/N’s cheek and it made her pout.
“And then! You guys were doing rehearsals and we saw updates on the timeline but what really broke us was when YOU CAME OUT SLEEVELESS!”
Jay broke out roaring in laughter at the sudden raise of Y/N’s voice, completely amused at the enthusiasm she had retelling the whole story.
“Baby, I’ve seen you naked so why was I hyperventilating too??”
Jay could not, for the life of him, stop laughing. He was embarrassed, gassed up, but also feeling so much adoration for this fine young lady sitting on his lap. “Please continue.”
“Okay. So there were a lot of photos and videos, and of course I scrambled to find a link to stream the whole thing, and I did, thankfully. Let’s just say I can relate to whatever anyone else was feeling. I also wanted to bite your biceps.”
Jay almost snorted at Y/N’s last remarks. “I’ll let you. Are you done?”
Y/N tilted her head, trying to think. “I think I am?”
“Good. Now, come closer.”
Y/N had to steady herself and hold on to Jay’s shoulders as he pulled her by the neck and captured her lips in his. As they danced with their tongues, Jay’s other hand squeezed into her hips, and she let out a soft sigh to which he happily swallowed.
“Do it,” Jay said, almost like he was drunk.
Y/N frowned. “What?”
“You said you wanted to leave hickeys. Do it. Anywhere you want.”
Y/N chuckled and pushed back the hair from his forehead. “You have a schedule in two days. You’re gonna be on camera.”
“There’s this thing called concealer, or I could just wear a turtleneck,” Jay took the liberty to take off his shirt as Y/N was still pausing to consider. “Come on.”
“Why are you so eager?” Y/N asked with a smile.
“I just want to give you what you want,” he leaned in for a quick peck. “And I love feeling your lips all over me.”
Y/N’s heart almost exploded hearing this, so to disguise her excitement, she leaned in and started planting kisses on Jay’s neck. She started on his birthmark, on the left side of his neck, and he decided to close his eyes. His hands were on her waist, rubbing her gently as she worked her way down to his collarbones, sucking and nipping and eliciting musical groans from his lips. When she decided it was time to give his right side its turn, she stopped in the middle to kiss him on the lips and he smiled really wide, eyes still closed. Once she was done devouring him, Jay opened his eyes and saw the lipstick on Y/N’s lips gone, leaving just a sheer red tint around her mouth.
“You went to town,” said Jay, amused. Y/N was rummaging through her handbag while still keeping her seat on Jay’s lap, and then she took out her hand mirror.
“Look,” she said, prompting Jay to look at the result of her work. There were several red marks already starting to bruise and Jay winced because it looked like it hurt, although what he felt the whole time was purely pleasure.
“Happy?” Y/N asked, expecting.
Jay nodded as he cupped Y/N’s face in both his hands. “Thank you, baby.”
Y/N leaned in for another kiss, this time slow and gentle. Before Jay was done with it, though, she pulled back a little, their noses still touching, and asked under her breath.
“Can I suck you off?”
Jay was hoping Y/N did not feel his cock twitch at her request. She patiently anticipated, looking into his eyes. Jay had to mask his eagerness and furrow his eyebrows.
“You don’t have to, babe,” he answered, knowing very well that Y/N much preferred to pleasure him inside her or with her hands.
Y/N pouted and removed herself from Jay’s lap, moving down to kneel before him and spreading his legs in front of her. As she kneeled, she caressed Jay’s thighs and he involuntarily flexed. She rested her head on his thigh before looking back into his eyes.
“I want to,” she said, almost purring.
“Fuck, okay,” Jay answered in a split second. Y/N smiled and started unbuckling his belt.
Not knowing where exactly to put his hands in this position, Jay just sat there helplessly. But when Y/N finally freed his cock from his boxers, his hand instinctively went to the back of her head. When she started licking, he threw his head back. When she started sucking, he stifled a groan and made a fist of her hair, his other hand gripping the edge of the sofa. With the mix of licks, sucks, and kisses going on in between his legs, Jay lost track of time, and he didn’t even have the chance to warn Y/N that he was coming.
Y/N took it gracefully, calmly helping Jay ride out his high before carefully slipping his cock out of her lips. The sound was lewd and Jay was gasping for air. The sight in front of him didn’t help. Y/N blinked, looking at him as she swallowed the last of his drops, wiping the bottom of her lips and cleaning herself to make her look presentable again.
“You’re a fucking goddess, do you know that?” Jay finally broke the silence as he kept his gaze on his girlfriend. Y/N smiled shyly before coming back up. Jay held both her hands to keep her steady as she leaned in.
“Can I kiss you?” she asked. Jay chose to answer by shoving his tongue in her mouth, tasting himself. Y/N smiled into the kiss and stroked both of his arms as she let herself sit on his lap again.
“Y/N,” Jay fixed the strands of hair again and caressed her cheek.
“Hmm?” Y/N replied nonchalantly as she dabbed the beads of sweat forming around Jay’s forehead.
“I’m sorry but I’m really too tired to do anything more tonight,” he said blatantly, seeming to have lost all pride and energy after getting the best suck of his life.
Y/N chuckled and lightly slapped Jay on the cheek, to which he reacted with a playful wince.
“It’s okay, I only came here to suck your cock anyway,” she said, obviously joking. Jay groaned and threw his head back again, sulking.
“Wait,” he suddenly sat straight back up. “I’ve got an idea.”
Y/N frowned but quickly relaxed her face as she gasped, feeling Jay’s cold fingers suddenly grazing the top of her heat.
“Alright babe, since you’re already soaking wet,” Jay tapped her hips to signal her to stand up for a while. As she moved out of the way, Jay pulled his pants all the way down to his ankles. Y/N was about to open her mouth when Jay gave a command.
“Ride my thigh,” he said, like an offering.
Y/N almost choked at the proposal. She was almost too shy to say yes, but who was she to refuse? Jay was sitting there buck naked except for his pants pooling around his ankles, and Y/N was standing with her sundress still intact, holding the curves of her torso.
“Come on,” Jay inquired. “Take off your panties.”
There was something very assertive about Jay’s tone sometimes that would always make Y/N feel compelled. She did as she was asked, and Jay put his hands on her hips again, guiding her to sit on his right thigh.
“Just keep grinding, I’ll help you finish.”
As Y/N started straddling Jay’s thigh, he kept one hand on her hips and the other pulling down the strap of her dress. When she sat down, Jay felt the contact on his skin and immediately sat up, flexing his thigh.
“Go on, babe,” Jay whispered, pulling her in closer. “Move for me.”
“I don’t think this will really…” Y/N wasn’t able to finish her sentence as she felt Jay pull the top of her dress down, exposing her breasts and latching his lips on to one of them. “…work.”
Y/N sighed as she started grinding on Jay’s thigh. The feeling of his lips on her skin, sucking and nibbling, contributed to the immense build up she felt in her stomach. Jay’s hands were stroking her hips, caressing her back, touching her everywhere else but her core.
“Jay,” Y/N moaned. “I need help.”
Jay nodded and slid a hand underneath her dress, quickly finding her clit. He pressed his thumbs on it and drew circles as her moans grew louder. His eyes were glued on her face, making sure he was able to see the signs of her reaching climax without having to tell him.
Y/N whined and hunched her body over Jay’s shoulder. He kept his pace and whispered sweetly into her ear.
“I know, babe, I know,” his other hand started stroking her hair. “I’ve got you.”
With the reassurance and the expert ministration of his fingers, Y/N finally reached her high. Jay felt his thigh now soaked in her juices, and he smiled proudly, knowing that she wouldn’t see his smug smile as she was still hunched over him.
“You okay?” he asked as she pulled back to sit up straight, still glued on his thighs.
Her cheeks were flushed, her messy bun from earlier now more of just a mess than a bun, and even her eyeliner was slightly smudged. But to Jay, she looked the prettiest this way.
“I can’t believe you just made me cum on your thigh,” Y/N said with a sigh, clearly looking more tired than him now.
“If I could I would make you cum anywhere on me, babe,” said Jay as he grabbed Y/N’s hand and kissed the back of it. “I’m all yours.”
“And I’m yours,” Y/N replied, bringing Jay’s hand to caress her cheek. “Tea?”
Jay chuckled and wondered how Y/N was able to switch within seconds, gaining her energy with just simple words of affirmation.
“Yes, please,” he answered with a smile.
Y/N planted one last kiss on Jay’s cheek before standing up and walking away. Jay let out a deep breath.
“Put your pants back on,” she said as she moved to grab the kettle. “I don’t want my tea to get cold just because we got busy fucking again.”
© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
if you liked this, please reblog or reply to the post, or stop by my ask box! thank you for reading ❤️‍🔥
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
Finding out that Georgia will be in Michael’s new project while his “girlfriend” ie; baby mama has been retweeting and promoting the show before it can even come out and isn’t in it…… OOF. I guess Michael decided that since this will be his own personal project he wants Anna nowhere near this one, especially since he can make the decision not to put her in it. Also hope David will end up in it alongside Michael where they both act and work together again
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(Grouping all of these Anons together since there is a common theme.)
So, for those who might've missed it, one of the recent GO 2 promo interviews was with Michael by himself, and in it, he talked about his directorial debut project, The Way, and mentioned that Georgia makes an appearance:
To your question, @whimhabit, this is the first time there has been any mention of Georgia in the film, at least as far as I'm aware. That would explain those comments in her interviews, though, as well as this photo that she posted on Instagram of her on the way to Wales last month:
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Regarding @phantomstars24's comments, though, I don't know that we can definitively say that AL isn't in The Way, but that makes it look even stranger that Michael didn't say anything to that effect, because he could have (and has had no compunction about mentioning her being in his projects--such as LTTC--in the past). Even if things about the production were under wraps previously (which could be why Georgia couldn't say anything/why AL hasn't said anything if she does have a part), that clearly isn't the case now since Michael did mention that Georgia is in it. But that also raises the question of why Michael would cast his lover's David's wife in the show, but not his own partner...
On top of all this, Michael also dropped another interesting tidbit in one of the GO 2 promo interviews the other day, which is that apparently his parents were in the Job sequence, but their part was cut from it. So in the course of all the GO 2 interviews, there have been mentions of multiple family members--Peter Davison and Ty, Georgia, and Michael's parents--but not AL. At this point, the omission is pretty glaring, and certainly raises some questions.
Which then leads us to AL's Insta story from last week, as well as a comment she wrote on Twitter, both of which seemed to barely receive any notice in the fandom:
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It's hard to know where to begin, but the fact that this came within the space of a day and in the midst of all the GO 2 interviews really feels like a grab for attention (which I imagine is now harder to obtain, since the SAG strike means none of the actors can promote it). But this text continues the pattern of 1) Not having Michael's name on it, for some reason; and 2) Her seemingly trying to prove something about their relationship while achieving the opposite. Of course, plenty of texts between couples can be humdrum or about everyday events, but the takeaway here is that this could've just as easily been an exchange between a homeowner and a house-sitter. Why show the three missed calls? To make it seem like he was urgently calling her (even though she ignored them all)? And then as Anon #1 mentioned, for the denouement to be him asking if the gate was closed was entirely anticlimactic.
...And then there's the comment on Twitter. Again, out of nowhere, and her reply (or parts of it) were so thoroughly weird and unnecessary. I have more thoughts to share that involve spoilers for GO 2, so I will put the rest of my response under a cut. Read at your own discretion:
The mention of his lips and kissing felt so deliberate as to be ridiculous. Rather than using the reply to praise him as an actor or his work, it seemed entirely self-serving, and specifically engineered to remind us that she has kissed Michael. (Albeit in the creepiest way possible, because it also makes it sound like she targeted him...)
I just can't help thinking that if his and AL's relationship is going great and everything is peachy keen (which actually rhymes with Michael Sheen), then why does she need to remind the world that she's kissed him? Also, we now know that David definitely has, so it makes one wonder if she feels threatened by that and by what we're going to see on screen in GO season 2.
Which brings me to another point, which is the marked difference between that Twitter response and everything we've seen in the GO 2 promo interviews. Michael and David have already been giving off "They totally kissed" energy for the last four years, but we now know that is the case for sure (and likely not just in the show). Yet in the interviews, David is completely playing it coy (largely due to not wanting to give away spoilers, of course)...but that same energy is still coming through, even without them saying anything. And I think it's coming through not just for those of us who already know about the leak, but for those who don't know about it, too. All without Michael or David ever once saying the word kiss.
So those are my thoughts on these recent developments. The interviews with Michael and David have been full of so many shippy/cute moments, but also lots of very interesting little blink-and-you'll-miss it pieces of info, so I'm glad we got to discuss those as well. Thank you all for writing in! x
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Have I admitted on this blog yet that I was deeply obsessed with Survivor for about a decade and a half? It's the only reality show I've ever watched (or had the desire to watch), but I really watched it. I got so into it, I used to read all the Survivor blogs before social media existed. It started airing when I was nine years old and I watched the first season with my parents, I think I initially got into it because I spent all my time trying to understand the complex unspoken battle that was the social system at school, one I knew just enough about to know I was the worst one in my whole school at it and that's why I was the only one with no friends, and I enjoyed watching adults play out a similar concept in a way that had slightly more clearly defined rules, and crucially did not have consequences for my personal life, so I could try to study that as some outside example in my quest to understand how people worked. Also my grandmother, who was a psychologist for thirty years, was really into Survivor so we started calling each other after every episode to talk for two hours, and we became very close as a result of that, we'd get into all the psychological reasons why things happened on Survivor and then we'd just start talking about psychology in general and that is a huge part of why I went on to get a psych degree at university, and like I said I had no friends before high school so being close friends with my grandmother was a big deal. I ended up continuing to follow Survivor even after my grandmother died when I was 16, I kept it up until my mid-twenties, around season 30. Haven't followed it in several years now, though the other day I saw my mom watching and was pleased to see they've reached season 46. Good for them. I hope they get to 50.
Anyway, I remember Parvati. I definitely remember Parvati. Her first season was in 2006, the last season that aired before my grandmother died, when she was sick but still watching. It was also the first season that aired after I started to really properly work out I was (mostly) gay, after a long succession of female contestants that I cheered for between the ages of 10-16 because I just really really liked them for reasons I couldn't quite articulate at the time. Parvati was one of the first few that I could recognize at the time I liked because she was an attractive person walking around in bathing suits, though I did not say so to my grandmother. I never came out to her before she died, but she did give me a Melissa Etheridge CD for my fifteenth birthday, after several years of listening to me always pick one or two very attractive women from each Survivor season to really really like for unexplained reasons, so I'm pretty sure she knew.
All right, is that enough to justify this? I have now tied this into my lack of friends/fear of social situations as a child, my close bond with my late grandmother, my chosen field of study and related career path, and figuring out my stigmatized sexual orientation. All of which is entirely true and Survivor really did play a part in those things, but also, I have specifically chosen to tell those parts of the story in the hopes that tying it to enough subjects with emotional depth will help justify admitting to having spent many years being really really into a reality television show. And am now reporting on reality TV-based celebrity relationship gossip.
All right, I think I've done enough of that. Parvati Shallow was a contestant on several seasons of reality TV (she first played when I was 16, then came back for several more seasons across a bunch of years), I watched those seasons when I was a teenager and in my twenties, she was really hot, Mae Martin is also hot, those two even being in a room together feels like an insane crossover episode of my extremely different interests that I have trouble believing technically exist in the same universe, but damn, good for them. Good for both of them. I hope they're having a good time. Parvati was definitely not (openly) queer when she was on Survivor, but I'm not sure heterosexuality can survive the lure of Mae Martin. Sorry for engaging in both objectification and reality TV-based celebrity relationship gossip, I'll go back to being respectable tomorrow.
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spilledbutter · 1 year
like cardiac arrest (high voltage when we kiss) - chapter 2
Summary: Jaskier needs a date, fast. Problem is, dating is harder than it used to be. Luckily, Eskel’s willing to help him out.
Or: Two idiots in love think it’s a great idea to pretend to date each other. No one is fooled.
Jaskier/Eskel | Rated: M | WC: 4k+ | CW: coarse language, sexual thoughts
Prompt fill for lovely Kei! Read Chapter 1 on AO3 or here on Tumblr.
The weekend came, and with it, the arrival of Lambert and Aiden’s monthly cookout. Even though it was November and practically snowing, Lambert didn’t cancel his cookouts for anything, everyone else’s feelings about that fact aside. (“Rain or fucking shine, Jaskier, I don’t give a fuck about something as trivial as the weather,” he’d sneered when Jaskier had bothered to ask, one day. He’d never questioned it again.) Jaskier and Eskel were going, as they always did, with the new development of needing to look like a couple. They’d decided today would be as good a test run as any in seeing if their relationship would pass as genuine. After all, who would be a better judge than their friends and family? 
It was a reasonable, terrible idea. Jaskier was absolutely shitting himself as he heard the knock on his door.
Eskel thought he should pick him up, thought they should drive there together. It did seem more natural, Jaskier supposed, but it really just meant he had no time at all to prepare himself for being a couple with Eskel and what that meant for his sanity.
He took a deep breath, which caught in his throat only a second later. 
Eskel looked… Wow. The other man was stunning in a red button-up, top two buttons undone and bloated biceps on full display. His top was paired with well-fitting black jeans, which showed off his plump backside rather nicely. He had a sherpa-lined leather jacket and soft-looking scarf hanging over one arm, Blundstone-booted feet tying it all together.
Jaskier idly cursed good genes and the color red and the time when he’d told Eskel he looked dashing in it, so very long ago. It was awful that Eskel had taken him at his word, really, because now he was left dealing with the unfortunate reality of his good taste. He was practically salivating, unable to help his staring with so much to look at. 
Jaskier was very much not ready for today, Melitele help him.
“Hi.” He sounded breathless even to his own ears, but Eskel either didn’t notice or was too kind to comment on it.
“Hi yourself. You ready to go?” 
Eskel stepped fully into Jaskier’s apartment, perfectly at ease, and bent to scratch Mattie, Jaskier’s cat, as she gave him a mrow in greeting. 
“Yeah, just about. Let me just grab my coat.” 
Jaskier moved to the bedroom and was back in a flash, slipping his arms into the sleeves of his own double-breasted peacoat and wrapping a scarf around his neck. He’d dressed for luck today, wearing all of his favorite things in the hopes that this wouldn’t all blow up his face as spectacularly as he expected it would. 
A button-up of his own, in a pretty cream color with light lace detailing around the buttons, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows to show off his hands and wrists. His lovely thrifted waistcoat covered in floral embroidery (which some might call gaudy, but really, that was due to their inability to appreciate art, thank you very much). His favorite pair of black jeans, which fit his ass and thighs like a glove. His well-loved Chelsea boots, warm and practical but stylish and rustic. The pearl earring he’d crafted from one of his mother’s old necklaces in one ear and his many, ever-present rings adorning his fingers. Your clothes are your armor, Jaskier, and gods know you’ll need it today.
He came back to stand in front of Eskel with a smile and a prayer. 
“Well, we look quite the pair, don’t we?” He hoped his usual charm was enough to mask his nerves. “You clean up rather nicely, Esk, though I don’t think that’s a surprise to anyone.” 
He brushed a casual hand over Eskel’s shoulder without much thought, missing the flare of heat in the other man’s eyes.
“You too, Jask. In fact…” Eskel took that moment to step closer, crowding into Jaskier’s personal space. He placed a careful hand at Jaskier’s waist, used the other to guide Jaskier’s fallen hand back to his own shoulder. The look in his eyes was inscrutable, his touch as familiar as it was strange in this charade they found themselves in.
Jaskier was stunned for the second time in as many days. He blinked, mouth falling slightly open. “Esk? Bit early for this, yeah? We don’t even have an audience, unless you count Mattie,” he chuckled nervously, heart pounding like a drum.
The hand was a warm, bracing heat where it rested over the linen of his shirt. Jaskier felt the touch like a brand, sparks flying from the points where they made contact.
“Hm,” Eskel rumbled, bringing his other hand around Jaskier’s lower back and somehow stepping even closer. “Figured this would be as good a time as any to practice.”
Eskel’s thumb was rubbing small, distracting little circles at the base of his spine. Jaskier was finding it harder to string together a coherent thought by the second. “P-Practice…?”
The other man’s eyes crinkled at the corners, his mouth quirking into a becoming smile. Jaskier wanted to see what it would taste like, pressed to his lips. 
“Kissing, Jask. Would you prefer I planted one on you when you weren’t expecting it? I didn’t want you to be more surprised than everyone else is already going to be.”
Jaskier spluttered, cheeks turning red. “I– well, I mean– Maybe? Probably a good idea, all things considered, would seem– normal, since we’re dating and all. Not that I’m saying no right now, but–”
Eskel took pity on him, chuckling. “Noted. I’ll remember that for later.”
He still hadn’t stopped that damnable stroking of his back. Fuck.
Jaskier bit his lip, hand tightening unconsciously on Eskel’s shoulder. His other hand moved from his side to rest tentatively on the meat of Eskel’s pec. “It might be… smart. Practicing. Do you… um, now?”
Jaskier had never been less eloquent in his life, but Eskel didn’t need pretty words to understand what he meant.
Eskel’s hand traveled smoothly from Jaskier’s waist to grasp his chin. Jaskier wasn’t small by any means, standing at just under six feet tall, but Eskel made him feel downright dainty. Something about that fact made a primal part of his brain purr with pleasure.
They locked eyes, blue meeting hazel. Jaskier took a few moments to just… look. He didn’t see any hesitation or regret in Eskel’s gaze, just warmth. The tension in his shoulders loosened, his face tilting just that little bit more upward.
Eskel, intelligent man that he was, didn’t wait any longer. 
The warm press of lips against Jaskier’s own sent a bolt of lightning down his spine. It was rather chaste, all things considered, but he’d never felt quite so many butterflies as he did now with anyone else, the warmth spreading from where they were connected all the way down to his toes. 
Eskel’s arms curled firmly around Jaskier’s hips, but his kisses remained soft, almost tentative. Jaskier felt a hunger clawing its way up his throat and just barely smothered the desperate sound that tried to escape. He pressed himself closer, arms looping around Eskel’s neck as his lips parted, praying that the declaration sitting on his tongue remained inside. 
By the gods, kissing Eskel was like the first sight of water in a desert. Like the first flowers sprouting through frost, like first love in the summer. Like the last love he hoped he’d ever have.
They’d been kissing for maybe a minute, probably less, but when they pulled apart, Jaskier was panting. He felt absolutely wrecked, heart threatening to claw its way out of his chest, every part of his being screaming about the minuscule distance between them.
Fuck, he was so fucking fucked.
“Um,” he licked his suddenly dry lips and blinked through the pleasant, dazed feeling that had taken over his brain. “Think we’ll pass the test?”
Eskel looked almost as starstruck as Jaskier was, breath coming in shallow little puffs and a faint flush at the tips of his ears, though he schooled his features quickly. Jaskier’s heart fluttered at having that effect on him, feeling the sticky ooze of pride in his gut, despite knowing it was just a physical reaction to a damned good kiss.
When Eskel spoke, his voice was rough. “I think we just might.” 
“Jask! Eskel!” Aiden’s voice carried warmly over to them as they arrived through the back gate.
The butterflies were fully present again and Jaskier wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans. Eskel’s hand was a comforting warmth on his lower back, guiding him through the gate where he waited, hesitating.
“Hey, you two! Glad you could make it!” Aiden came over and hugged both of them tightly, as if he hadn’t just seen them two weeks ago when they met with Geralt and Lambert for drinks. 
Jaskier smiled despite himself. “Hey Aiden, everyone here already? We brought refreshments.” Eskel held up their offering at Jaskier’s queue.
Aiden grinned like the cat that got the cream. “Great! Afraid Lambert made his way through most of ours last night when Geralt came over. Poor fool’s hopeless at Gwent, gods help him.”
Eskel snorted. “Don’t worry, Aid. I like you, so I won’t tell him you said that.” 
“And that’s what makes you my favorite brother-in-law!”
Eskel smiled, moving to press a casual kiss to Jaskier’s cheek before excusing himself. “Going to put these in the fridge real quick. Be right back.”
Jaskier froze, knowing his face was practically glowing at the easy display of affection, but tried to play it cool. Damn it, Eskel, you had to leave me to deal with this alone…
He supposed he should be grateful it was Aiden first. He sighed.
“So… You and Esk?” 
He glanced over at Aiden, not sure what he was expecting to find, but huffed a small breath of relief at seeing only curiosity in his expression. “When did that happen?”
“A few weeks ago. Remember Yenn’s birthday?” 
In truth, it wasn’t a hard story to sell. He and Eskel were frequently together (some might say attached at the hip), so it wasn’t surprising when they’d left together that night. Jaskier was a friendly drunk in general, even more so with his actual friends, and he knew he’d been all over Eskel. He privately remembered how hard it was to keep his mouth shut, with the cold air around them and the warmth of Eskel’s body as he’d practically carried him down the street. How close he’d been to blowing it when they’d stumbled home to Jaskier’s flat…
Aiden nodded, brows raised, and shook him out of his reverie. “So, was it you or him? Honestly Jask, I have to tell you, we’ve all talked about it over the years,” he chuckled.
Jaskier frowned, brows furrowing. Aiden didn’t seem to notice.
“We placed some bets, with interest, so I’d really love to know if I won the pot.”
“You all placed bets on when I’d finally confess? That’s hardly fair. Should’ve taken the secret to my grave just to spite you,” Jaskier grumbled.
He was more than a little indignant that they all seemed to know how absolutely gone he was over Eskel, particularly since he’d never mentioned it to any of them. Maybe it was just a testament to how well they knew him. The thought wasn’t comforting in the slightest.
Aiden smirked, saying nothing, before tugging Jaskier by the wrist towards the fire pit. 
“Come on, it’s fucking cold.”
For the fourth time in the last twenty minutes, he found his gaze traveling across the yard. Eskel was sipping at a beer and chatting with Geralt. No doubt it was about the kids Geralt kept catching stoned out of their minds in the park campgrounds every weekend. He knew it had been a thorn in his best friend’s side for weeks, reluctant as he was to do too much about it. Lambert, who had just joined the other two, suddenly roared with laughter at some bit of Geralt’s dry humor, Eskel and Geralt smirking along with him at the unheard joke. Jaskier found himself smiling fondly, watching them all together.
“Lucky in love at last, bard?”
Jaskier scoffed, caught staring, and turned to Yennefer. She was bouncing little three-year-old Ciri on her knee on the other side of the fire, looking every bit at home in Lambert’s backyard. The beer she was holding clashed with her tailored pantsuit but only added to the picture she made, and really, it was just unfair that she made that look work to her advantage. Even with the snot Ciri was surreptitiously wiping on her shoulder. 
“What can I say, witch? The man’s got taste,” he retorted with a smirk, all confidence he didn’t quite feel.
The nicknames were stupid things they’d given each other back in college, back when they were rivals fighting over the attention of a certain white-haired man who wasn’t ready for any kind of relationship. They were almost pet names, now, many years and shared bottles of wine over Geralt’s stupidity later. 
Triss smiled over at him from her place next to Yennefer, a knowing glint in her eye. She was chopping vegetables for kabobs, her skilled hands making quick work with the knife she was holding. Yennefer leaned over to her, rolling her eyes at Jaskier, and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Triss let out a smitten giggle.
A lawyer and a doctor, both beautiful to boot. He'd be intimidated if he hadn’t known them for years. 
He smiled despite himself, pleased to see his friends happy in love. It only hurt a little bit, this time, knowing he at least had Eskel’s temporary attention to comfort him.
“We’re happy for you, Jask, you know that, right?” Triss finally chimed in, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she passed him to take the finished kabobs to Lambert at the grill. 
Jaskier felt his cheeks heating, longing and wistfulness twisting sickly in his gut, and nodded. He hoped his feelings didn’t show on his face. 
The night carried on, drinks and laughter and stories about their weeks shared between them, before they finally settled at Lambert’s massive patio table to eat. It was still cold out, but the patio lamps were warm, and Jaskier couldn’t help but feel even warmer with the drink in his belly and good company around him. 
Jaskier was sitting next to Eskel, Aiden on his right, and Geralt across from them both. It was a little awkward, feeling Geralt trying not to stare at them. He hadn’t said anything to his best friend about this, knows how that must look since they all believe he and Eskel are dating now, but really, there wasn’t anything to tell. He couldn’t exactly tell Geralt he was fake-dating his brother as a ploy to best his mortal enemy, now could he? Nevermind the fact that he’d never exactly told Geralt he was in love with the man. Seemed like that was for the best, as that would only make things worse than they were now.
There was a stilted silence in the air, everyone tucking into their meals except for Geralt, who continued to look at Jaskier and Eskel as if they were a great mystery he couldn’t quite parse. Finally, Geralt must decide he’s drunk enough to say something because he huffs.
“I just don’t get it. How are you two dating?”
Everyone pauses, looking between the four of them–Geralt, Jaskier, Eskel, and the elephant in the room.
Jaskier, surprisingly, found his hackles up. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
Geralt shrugs, looking only a little sorry. “It’s just, well… surprising, is all.” 
And that just made it worse, Jaskier practically bristling like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. He starts spluttering, winding himself up into a rant about how Geralt doesn’t know fucking anything and how dare he say that in front of everyone, when Eskel’s hand lands on his thigh.
Jaskier pauses, then, looks over at Eskel. He is surprised by the warmth he sees in the other man’s eyes, compassion and tenderness and comfort all wrapped up in gold-flecked hazel. Eskel’s thumb is stroking over Jaskier’s knee, and he’s looking at him like that, and Jaskier suddenly can’t find it in him to be angry anymore.
“It’s okay, sweet thing,” Eskel murmurs. “I’ll do the explaining, yeah?”
He shifts his attention to everyone, walking them through their cover story–how they’d left their friends at the bar several weeks ago and fallen into each other’s arms. He keeps rubbing those damnable circles into the flesh on the inside of Jaskier’s knee, and Jaskier can’t quite stop himself from staring at Eskel’s mouth as he forms the words. 
Particularly not when Eskel adds in a few things they hadn’t discussed.
“I know you’re all surprised, but this isn’t really new. Not for me. I’ve always loved Jaskier,” and he takes a moment to gaze straight into Jaskier’s eyes as he says that, before looking away like it’s nothing. Like he hasn’t just shattered Jaskier’s entire world.
He continues, clueless to the storm raging its way through Jaskier’s insides. “I just finally got my shit together enough to say something about it–and I was lucky that he felt the same way.”  
Jaskier can’t look away from him, caught up in the way his eyes look at he says things like always loved and lucky about Jaskier, of all people. He feels a twinge of deja vu, thinking of the conversation with Yenn just over an hour ago. 
Geralt’s hawk eyes keep darting back and forth between them–to the foolishly besotted look Jaskier is sure must be on his face right now, to the way he’s got his whole weight leaned against Eskel’s side like he’s the only thing keeping him upright. He’s not sure what Geralt makes of Eskel, but whatever he sees, it finally seems to satisfy him enough that he crosses his arms and nods.
“Happy for you both. I mean it,” he says gruffly, making sure to meet both of their eyes to show how serious he is. Jaskier feels a flutter of affection for his closest friend, any residual annoyance from his earlier comment fully faded away now.
Geralt pushes away from the table then, reaching to grab Ciri from her booster seat. He excuses himself, likely going to put Ciri down for her late afternoon nap. It’s just as likely he needs a second to rationalize the reality that his brother and best friend are together.
Jaskier turns back to the rest of the table at this point, still unsure what he’s going to see in the rest of their faces despite Geralt’s acceptance. He looks around at everyone, at Yennefer and Lambert and Vesemir, and feels something tight unfurl in his stomach as he sees the acceptance on all of their faces, something he hadn’t even known was there. 
He lets himself smile, just for a second, and squeezes Eskel’s hand where it still rests on his knee under the table. He gets a fond squeeze back. This felt right. And although it wasn’t true, it felt good to know that everyone would be there to support them if it was.
The rest of the evening is a quiet affair, and when the stars are well into the night sky, they finally say their goodbyes to everyone and make their way back to Eskel’s car. It’s only when he’s settled in the passenger seat with his seatbelt on that Jaskier goes limp with the weight of all of his feelings, pressing the heels of his hands firmly into his eyes.
“Jask? You okay?” It comes quietly, and although Eskel isn’t touching him, Jaskier breathes in his presence like the comfort that it always is.
He takes a moment and heaves a heavy breath out through his nose before he tries to speak. “Yeah. Just didn’t anticipate that being so… heavy. And I have to admit I didn’t think about how Geralt would react to the fact we hadn’t told him first when I proposed this idea.”
Jaskier rubs a nervous hand through his hair, sighing. He feels Eskel’s eyes on him, with that same quiet intensity he always has, before his hand is suddenly in Eskel’s. 
“I’m sorry if I… overstepped, back there. Figured you’d really–want to sell it,” Eskel chuckles, weakly, and drums his fingers on the steering wheel.
Jaskier takes a moment to look at him more closely, taking in the tense set of his shoulders, the way he won’t quite meet his eyes. 
“Hey,” he says, squeezing Eskel’s hand again, “What’s going through that big brain of yours?”
Eskel is still quiet, and it’s a little unsettling. Jaskier forces himself to be patient. 
Eventually, he sighs, before turning to look at Jaskier. “We could still stop this, you know. Tell everyone it was all a big joke. I know I said it might be easier since we know each other, but I might have been wrong on that front.”
Jaskier’s heart is pounding, heart beating too hard at the direction this conversation might be turning. He doesn’t think Eskel is on to him, doesn’t think he’s noticed, but he will be if Jaskier asks what he wants to. Do you want to stop? Because I’ve never wanted anything less.
He swallows the question burning in his throat but is determined to do something about the furrow between Eskel’s brows, at the very least. No use in having the other man worried because of him.
“You did exactly what was asked of you, dear heart, no apology needed.”
Jaskier pauses, tap-dancing on the fine line between comforting honesty and revealing too much. “You know, when we decided to do this, I knew it would be a little messy,” he gave a rueful smile at that, hoping the little bit of truth in his words was enough for now. “But I can’t say there’s anyone I’d be happier doing this with than you.”
Eskel finally looks his way, a twitch at the corner of his mouth akin to a smile. 
“Yeah?” And that confident light Jaskier loves so much is back in Eskel’s eyes as he says, “Not just because I’m a phenomenal kisser?”
The moment is broken, just like that. Jaskier shoves him playfully, laughing despite the resounding crack he feels in his heart. However this ends, they’ll be okay, even if he has to make peace with just being Eskel’s friend forever. Even if he knows now what Eskel looks like right after he’s been kissed, bright-eyed and breathless and beautiful. Even if his stupid heart guts him from the inside out by the time this is over.
Eskel turns the keys in the ignition and finally starts the drive to Jaskier’s flat. The streetlights outside flicker through the windows, turning Eskel’s olive skin a lovely golden brown. They’re quiet, except for the soft music playing on the radio, each digesting the developments of the last few days.
Jaskier can’t help himself, eyes drawn to Eskel’s face again. The other man looks mostly relaxed, still frowning slightly at whatever thoughts are going through his mind. Jaskier feels the ache acutely, then, wishing more than anything that he had the courage to fess up.
Instead, he reaches over and gently takes the hand resting on Eskel’s thigh in his own, smoothing a thumb over his knuckles. He hopes it’s a comfort, however small. He misses the eyes that flick over to him as he does so, the overwhelming fondness that takes over the other man’s expression as if he can’t help it any longer.
They sit like that, clasped hands resting on Jaskier’s knee and earnestly stealing glances at each other, for the rest of the drive. 
Eventually, they pull up in front of Jaskier’s building, and Eskel parks the car. Jaskier is gathering his things and doesn’t notice when Eskel gets out of the car, hurrying over to open the door for him.
Another wave of blistering warmth rushes through him, the longing so intense he can barely stand it, but he simply beams up at his friend, getting out of the car with a quiet thank you.
“Well… this is me.”
Jaskier can’t resist glancing down at his shoes, feeling bashful, all of a sudden. He’s not sure why the feeling comes to him only now when the other man had declared his undying love in front of their friends and family earlier, but it’s there all the same.
His breath is stolen from him when Eskel steps forward and wraps his strong arms tightly around his frame, squeezing him in a hug so tight he lifts him off the ground. Jaskier is flustered, blushing at the fact that Eskel lifted him like he weighed absolutely nothing, but hugs him back just as tightly.
Eskel finally sets him back on the ground, arms still lightly wrapped around his sides. That inscrutable look is back in his eyes as he stares down at him, a soft smile on his face. Jaskier feels his insides go all squirmy.
“Goodnight, Jaskier.”
“I’ll text you, okay?” He smiles in response. Before he can stop himself, he leans up to press a soft kiss to Eskel’s scarred cheek. He gives him another quick hug before scurrying inside.
He stops to catch his breath only when he’s safely inside his apartment, leaning heavily against his locked door. Mattie comes up to him and rubs affectionately against his leg, but he can’t pay her any mind. Groaning, he slides to the floor, head in his hands.
He was so fucking fucked.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Do you remember that weird and very short clip of TF running from something or someone from s5e9 Ty’s big episode? We see Sasha, Daryl, and Glenn running. We also see Rick running and opening a door of a car, and we’re seeing that from someone’s POV. Who do you think that could be? Ty? One would think that since that’s his big episode. Was it ever explained what exactly they were running from or to? And why? Did no one ever brought that up in TTD to Chris Hardwick when that episode first aired back then? What do you think?
Yeah, for sure. It was definitely weird. And no, we've never gotten an explanation. Because of that, no one can say for sure.
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Most of us who have been at this for years have some theories, though. You can read my full "What We Think Happened After Grady" post by clicking on the title, but the gist is that we're missing 17 days after Coda that the show simply skipped over. But for some reason, Nicotero felt were important enough to tell the audience about.
Then there's that pesky trading card that came out a year or three ago, which sets up a completely different story than the one we saw. Read about it HERE.
So basically, we think they tried to bury Beth in a white church, but a walker horde came through, interrupting them and threatening everyone's lives. So, they stashed Beth, what they thought was her body, in a car, planning to come back later to finish the burial. But when they returned, her body was gone. (This explains Maggie sitting outside the car crying in 5x09.)
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So, them running might be them running to stay ahead of and get away from the horde. Of course the spoilers back when S5 was filming also talked about a major car chase near Terminus. And we never saw anything like that in S5 either. So, there might be entire storylines we never saw. There's really no way to tell.
And of course, I'll reiterate one more time that this is just a theory. Our best guess for what happened during those missing days. But the trading card, missing scenes we know for a fact they filmed in S5, and have never been put on any DVDS as "deleted" scenes, and suspicious words and social media posts by the actors are all pretty compelling evidence.
So, the short answer is that we don't know for sure what those scenes of TF running are, but we think they have to do with whatever happened to Beth's body after Coda. And if they haven't shown us those scenes yet, it's because they still plan to when she shows up. Which means we might finally see them in the spinoff. Hopefully. Fingers crossed.
(Total side tunnel, but I also think running represents escape from a symbolic standpoint. We saw the Beth blur in the opening credits and she's running in her yellow polo. I think that's to show that she escaped death/her dark tunnel/etc. We also just saw a lot of people running in S5. So, you could say this shot is also symbolic of her arc in escaping death. I'll leave it at that.)
Hope that helps. Xoxo! ❄️💓
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katnissgirlsmakedo · 9 months
and now i would like to talk about all the once upon a time characters that i put in there because well there are so many of them. obviously snow and charming got to be there a) because she’s the 30s bride in the sense that disney’s animated snow white came out in the 30s. and b) because well when they met he trapped her in a net because she stole his mother’s ring and they were super cunty to each other and then they fell in real and true love after like one day and then continued to be a little cunty for the rest of their lives…. secondly henry and ella got to be there simply because i wanted them in the cinderella section duh. and also well they’re just like snow and charming. and also henry is just like ty in a way. that’s barely true objectively but to ME it’s real. thirdly alice and robin got to be there for obvious reasons if you know alice and robin at all. but well most of you do not so i’ll explain! basically alice is so girl with horrible ethics and shit wrong with her brain and robin is so girl with mommy issues and a weird obsession with family legacy. and also they exchanged friendship bracelets one time and it was really sweet. that’s irrelevant i just wanted to tell you about it because it was really sweet… and i know i’ve just insinuated that alice is ty and robin is kit but it’s also worth mentioning that alice is also rapunzel. which in a sense makes her kit in the way that kit is just like rapunzel. it’s complex. and then finally the guys i’m positive no one recognized, gideon and rodrick. rodrick is irrelevant he’s just there i mostly just needed to include gideon in some manner. he is barely comparable to either of these guys i just like him a lot and being 15 was really fucked up for me and he was there. and so was kit <3 and well both of them happen to be guys who just cannot outwit the gods or evade their fate etc. unfortunately. anyway i also need to say i put gideon over the lyric “in those photos i saw us instead” because in that scene what he’s doing is reading his mother’s favorite book that she named him after the hero of and he’s essentially imagining himself in that role as this great hero. even though he’s not and he couldn’t be and he couldn’t even save his best friend because he was just a kid and it’s like really sad but i don’t want to get into gideon rn. or ever really i don’t like sharing him. anyway. yeah <3
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pbandjesse · 10 months
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I'm back in my hammock. I love my hammock. I miss being next to my James but I am happy right now. For the most part today was really nice. It was a good day.
I slept alright. I remember falling asleep and it was a solid night's rest. I woke up before my alarm. And would get out of bed a few minutes early. James came and made the bed while I got dressed. I really liked my outfit today. I felt pretty. I felt good.
James would walk out with me. And I decided to stop for breakfast even though I really didn't want to eat. I knew I needed too. I decided to get orange juice instead of soda but that was like $3 for some reason. And while it was fine oj, I don't think I'll do that again.
I had a nice drive to camp. I found a new band, called Hot Mulligan, and I've been enjoying them a lot. They have like the perfect 2006 emo sound. It's great. Very nostalgic.
I was a little frustrated when I got to camp. My outlets got overused last night when they tried to play a movie. But they didn't actually fix them. Which is whatever, I was able to fix them. But my issue really was that they unplugged my cord that goes to my fridge!! Rude. Thankfully it was fine but it makes me annoyed when people unplug things and don't put them back.
I went to the office to voice my displeasure. Elizabeth agreed it was very rude and she apologized on behalf of whoever did that. And I decided I would take a walk to calm down.
I went and ate berries. I love wine berries. They are my favorite berry. I enjoyed my walk. And I went to pet Quakers the duck and the goats. Who yelled at me when I walked away. But I was happy to pet them for a while.
I went back to the art building and laid in my outside hammock until Tati got there. I would finish my book today and got started on the new one. Which made me really happy. I had more time to read today and that felt good.
Tati was very helpful today, and she made some fun art with found objects. I have to hold myself back when I was to be weird about supplies. Because she's not wasting things, she's using them and that is fine but I am just feeling possessive for no reason so I am trying to let it go. I'm glad she's making art. That is what I shall focus on even if my brain is like. Fear!! Loss!! Control!! Its unnecessary, everything is fine.
And she was a big help. I was able to just focus on what was happening in the building and did my machine sewing and things were very good. Even if both my morning groups were 15 minutes late, everyone finished their little bad and it made me very happy.
I had my breakfast sandwich for lunch and hung in my hammock. Eventually Trista came to use a hammock. And Ty would join us too. We all chatted for a while. And eventually, sadly, it was time for our groups.
I would have a kid doing tipi wakan today and I felt bad I didn't have as much stuff for him to help with. But the things he helped with were excellent. He did sorting and folding fabric and just those little things that I haven't been doing but needed to be done. And when we had day camp groups he was a big help with the finishing work and putting on buttons and it was nice to have the help. So it wasn't all on Tati.
I would read during my break. And I felt excited to do the metal casting with the boys. I am for sure going to need more metal if I'm gonna do this another week. I am going to go and try to have a conversation about that tomorrow with the office. But once the boys got started they did so good. Like it was so fun. No everyone's worked exactly right, but we are getting the hang of it. Coined shapes work best, and we were able to make some fun little pieces. I love when the boys make things for their girlfriends. It's so cute. But it was just a lot of fun. And everyone did a good job.
After the last day camp group I had my tipi wakan kid work on a shield painting while I went and read my book for a half hour. And then we would finish the day with the horse girls.
I taught a few of them how to widdle and use a knife. So I was able to sign off on their knife skills portion of their tipi wakan paper. And all the girls did really good. Celia would come and join us and we shared photos of the mushroom I found this morning. When I found it it was so round but when she came by later it was all tall and flat!! So strange!
Dinner was pretty good. I was so happy we had vegetable spring rolls and I could have them!! Me and Ty would help with hand out seconds. I had two scoopers for rice and was having fun handing it out.
We got cookies for dessert. I wanted an ice cream but it's fine. I got my cookie and came up here to lay in the dark because my head hurt.
And my eyes still hurts. But it's fine. Ty came up and we talked for a long time and he filled me in on gossip and things going on around camp that I didn't know. He's a sweet boy and I don't like that there has been stuff that's bothered him. He's going to make a proposal to the office about expanding the bird enclosure so that Rocky, the turkey, can be with the other birds. I hope they go for it.
Now I am laying in my hammock. And I am very much ready to sleep. Ty just came by to get his apples he forgot on my table. But now is time for sleep.
I hope tomorrow is good. Maybe I'll get to swim before it starts storming again. It's supposed to start tomorrow night and basically storm all Friday. We'll see what happens. I just hope it's fun.
Sleep well everyone. I hope you are taking care of yourself!!
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
suzy x nonbinary reader (not because i want to kiss her or anything.... )
TY for giving me some of the finer details in DMs! I’m sorry if this is a little bare. I don't have much experience with how one would go about validating a non-binary person but I tried my best. <3 
Suzy takes her beauty sleep very seriously. She practically drowns herself in blankets and her frilly pink eye mask is super glued to her face, even the tiniest amount of light getting through would just ruin her day.
That is to say, this probably wasn’t the best time. 
Her body registered your crying but not quite enough to wake her up, making her toss and turn until you finally grabbed her to shake her awake. 
She shot up and spat her words out with a venom, taking a second to register what was actually going on, eye mask still on. 
Suzy removed it slowly and turned to you, instinctually reaching out a hand but unable to look directly at you. Yet, as years of emotion spilled from your mouth her eyes and hands made their way to your wet cheeks. 
She just stared blankly as you spoke.
Suzy wasn’t completely aware of the reason you were so scared and upset, despite your assertion, but there was one thing she knew would be true no matter the context.
“I am never going to leave you. I worship you. We’re going to be together forever.”
She finally began to smile wide, slightly applying pressure to your cheeks out of excitement like one would want to squeeze the life out of a kitten. 
“We are both a little eccentric darling...what do you mean that’s not what you’re talking about?”
You have to think about her tendency to misunderstand but mostly what she does in her free time.
Even if she wasn't on board she'd rather not have to silence you for other reasons, breaking up is off the table.
That night she pushed you back down onto your back and tucked you in, deciding that it’d be better to deal with it in the morning. 
You can’t handle an identity crisis without getting any sleep and neither could she. 
When you first explained to Suzette what being non-binary actually meant she probably asked a lot of stupid questions. 
Bear with her, before you she was probably only used to binary trans people with a straightforward path, she’d have plenty of time to learn about the whole spectrum of identity. 
Getting used to your pronouns won’t be difficult though. Believe it or not she CAN read! 
They/Them pronouns have been used in literature since the 14th century. 
She would actually quite like them, it reminds her of the “royal we.” 
Coming out to others  was going to be a double edged sword no matter which way the cards were drawn.
On one hand if coming out to your family didn’t go well you’d always have a very luxurious safety net, but either way you’d have to explain to anyone who was anyone that you’d often be interacting with from then on.
Those who weren’t already open minded would be swayed in your favor very quickly. 
Assuming Suzy’s bitch of a mother had passed at this point and she was the one in charge of cutting off trade deals and ceasing bail outs.
When it came to preparing you for coming out to your own family she’d be far less equipped. There isn’t much she can do or say but she understands that this is something you need to do.
She gives you as many chances as you need to practice what you plan to say. 
Suzy may not know your family but practice makes perfect. She can generally guide you in the direction she feels may end up in a better outcome for you. 
Whether this means leaving you with an immediate out or giving them as little ammo for vitriol as possible. 
When the time finally came she tightly gripped your shoulders and rested her forehead on your cheek, she wanted you feel her warmth.
That hot spot on your cheek a piece of her to keep with you no matter how your day goes.
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dramionediscussion · 2 years
hi! so i was just reading this article- https://sophiaismaa.wordpress.com/2018/10/16/hermione-granger-10-reasons-why-your-fave-is-problematic/ -about hermione's flaws and i really wanted to get other people's opinions about this
ty :)
The author makes some good points. Hermione does indeed trap Rita Skeeter in a jar, regardless of how good Rita is as a person and her ability to become an animagus, Hermione LOCKED her up against her will. We don't know if Rita was fed, or had air. I mean she survived but still!
She also wasn't well informed about the whole house elves thing. I think that topic in general wasn't dealt with properly by JKR. Because yes on one hand house elves are essentially slaves, but only Hermione sees that? No other person in Hogwarts realizes this? No other muggleborn, not Harry? And her friends saw her SPEW campaign as a joke. Even in fanfiction it is laughed about. But on the other hand, Hermione never took the time to understand elf history and their magic and how this whole system came to be. She just decided that this isn't right and tried to shut it down, which angered the actual house elves. Let's say she did get Hogwarts to free the elves, where are they gonna go? How are they gonna survive?
And Hermione did indeed hate Fleur because of her beauty and her being French. She and Ginny and especially Molly treated Fleur poorly when they first met her for no good reason.
AND What she did to Marietta Edgecombe is messed up! Marietta was forced by Cho to attend the DA meeting and peer pressured into sign the contract. Hermione never told anyone that the contract was spelled.
She told them that it meant they had to keep the group secret,[1] but did not inform them that she had placed a jinx on the parchment that would cause anyone who signed the parchment and betrayed the D.A. to break out in boils that spelled “SNEAK” across his or her face.[2]
The reason Marietta betrayed the DA was because she feared for her mother's job.
until she betrayed them to Umbridge, nearly expelling them all. Once that happened, they considered her a traitor and felt that many of the following events were her fault; Hermione referred to Marietta as "stupid" while Ron thought up of a large number of insults when Harry brought up the subject.
Only Cho stood up for her and called out Hermione, but everyone thought Hermione was right for doing this. Marietta's mark eventually faded away but she was left with scars.
On top of that:
... a Memory Charm was later placed on her by Kingsley Shacklebolt to prevent her from fully incriminating her fellow D.A. members.
So yeah that whole incident was very very wrong and again it's joked about still in fanfiction now.
Hermione is indeed problematic, and some of the things she does, she suffers no consequences. Remember JKR wrote Hermione as a self-insert, so of course, Hermione can do no wrong.
But it's okay to still like her. No one is perfect, and we need to remember that people can change. It is very possible that Hermione acknowledges what she did in the past was wrong and tried to make amends or at least tries to not be like that anymore.
It also shows you that the world isn't black and white, your favs can do amazing things and help so many, but still make poor decisions and hurt a few people in the process. You just need to remember to acknowledge the good AND the bad and don't make excuses or deny the bad when talking about them.
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bigyikes97 · 1 year
"the powerful lawyer lifted the chin of the naive new hire 17 years his junior who he was keeping hostage in his bedroom with no phone until their eyes met"
"'you look just like my dead brother', he implies sensually"
sorry guys they're gorgeous but I can't finish Devil Judge
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I mean if you're going to create a tense relationship built on flagrant power abuse (seniority gap, age gap, power gap) and ALSO a weird?? incest-y?? vibe??? I think you've GOT to have some insight into what's going on in your male lead's head to unpack how those themes are being applied.
But I just don't understand Ga On. I have NO idea what's going on behind this boy's beautiful blank eyes. He goes from suspecting Yo Han and antagonizing him every chance he gets with seemingly no reason, to being unfazed when he wakes up in Yo Han's bed as a phoneless hostage (ostensibly to heal from the same explosion that left Yo Han with only a tiny aesthetic scratch). Ga On ditches his job, wanders his boss's house for three days as he "heals" and then cooks him a homemade dinner with a cute note. It's like a whole different story from the "dystopian hunger games-esque trial by mob rule game show shows dark side of internet-linked democracy as increasingly horrific punishments are approved by majority vote that ignores a weakening legal system due to group think spearheaded by fashionable charisma" that I came here for.
If there was maybe gaslighting directed towards Ga On or some kind of effort made to tie this whole arc into that story I would understand it better. I had any inkling into Ga On's thoughts on this, I would know how to categorize what's going on--is it tying in via a cautionary tale about grooming, manipulation and abuse of power? Is it supposed to be as romantic as a lot of people are saying? Is it supporting or condemning Yo Han's actions in doing this, showing how he manipulates the domestic sphere as well as the entire country? As it is, poor Ga On feels like a set piece to me. He wanders around, he stumbles across some important things, he abruptly warms up to his boss and settles into his house as a permanent guest. I think all the pieces are there to build a really compelling, claustrophobic, gothic-style creepy story a la Crimson Peak, but I can't get a read on Ga On, so it just feels uncomfortable and incoherent to me.
A senior using age and power to coerce a naive new hire into this kind of strange relationship is unsexy and problematic. It's a real dynamic and a dangerous one, which is why I'm not opposed to it being portrayed; but why I AM uncomfortable at the lack of context it's given.
In my opinion, portraying this kind of heavy yet realistic dynamic is only possible if you have more insight into what's going on in Ga On's mind as the person being slowly wrapped in the web. Yet, he doesn't offer anything that makes me believe he's thinking anything about it at all. I was rooting for him more in the beginning, but Ga On seems to me like his writer simply forgot to put any thoughts behind his sweet lil face.
ALSO?? the whole thing with Yo Han being ambiguously obsessed with Ga On because he resembles his brother makes it that much stranger (???) Again, Crimson Peak, anyone? If they went full gothic, it could totally work, just like Crimson Peak worked--AS A HORROR STORY where a naive young woman is tricked by a charming man (who has a thing for siblings, ick), trapped in his big gloomy house and then uses her wits to escape and even find sympathy for her captor due to his tragic past even as she firmly condemns his actions. But Ga On, bless his heart, isn't showing us anything that might let me connect with him as a character and figure out the context of the story. It's so frustrating, I really wanted to like this one and it has so much going for it! All the characters, arcs and sets by themselves are marvelous, so it's doubly frustrating when, to me, they just don't seem to mesh.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Hi! Not sure if you saw the recent stories from Georgia’s Instagram where she posted about her step dad’s gig and that Ty and Sandi had come also. Then she posted about her son dancing with her mom and praising him for being so good and nice. Not even a few minutes later, she deletes the story and post from her social media in exchange for a photo of her and her friend, wishing her a happy birthday.
So, she decides to delete a video showing her son to be the “kind hearted young man” she was proud of him to be for dancing with her mom, for a photo of her and her friend, making it all about her….??
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I've gotten a few Anons about this and I know it was a couple of weekends ago but I'm seriously swamped with Anons at the moment and wanted to make sure I addressed this.
So, I did see the stories Georgia made about her stepdad's gig, but I did not see the deleted story or post about Ty dancing with Sandi (though if anyone has a screenshot, please feel free to link it in a comment on this post or send it to me via DM). Here are the stories the Anons are referencing, for those who might've missed it:
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And here is the post Georgia put up to replace the one about Ty and his grandmother:
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The first thing I have to note is that I was struck by the way Georgia wrote about her stepdad's gig. Passive-aggressively suggesting that somehow her stepdad is a loser because no one showed up to his gig...and then she made herself out to be the hero because she broadcasted it live? I don't know. I could entirely be reading too much into that, of course, but that is how it came across to me.
(Also--and I'm not sure why this is something people are overlooking--Georgia's "stepdad" is 54 years old, a.k.a. almost the same age as David. Just putting that out there as yet another thing that makes me side-eye her family/whole dynamic overall...)
Another thing I noticed about the Insta stories was that Georgia posted a picture of Ty looking surly and disinterested (which, to be fair, could just be what most 21-year-olds look like). But if there was some degree of contentiousness between them that night, my guess is that Ty asked her to take down the story/post. He is an adult, so probably has more of a say in what Georgia posts about him (which...when you think about it is a strange thing, because you'd think her kids who are still minors would have just as much of a say in what is posted about them), and if he didn't want that video of him and Sandra up (for whatever reason), Ty might've asked her to take it down.
All that being said, I'm not sure why Georgia so rapidly replaced that picture with the one of her friend. If she'd posted it even a little while later, it would've seemed more like something she was planning to post anyway, but to delete the video of Ty and post this seconds later instead makes one wonder if Ty was embarrassed, or if Georgia was (and for what possible reason, especially considering that she was saying how proud she was of him).
Again, as I said above, I did not see the deleted story/video, so I am missing the context there, and have written my response based on what I did get to see/what was described here. I appreciate you both writing in to share your thoughts with me, Anons. Thanks for writing in! x
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softly-potter · 2 years
A Consumption of Grief
Summary: Pansy's estranged mother has died, and after an unfortunate event at the funeral, Theo shows her who her real family is.
Pairing: Theo Nott x Pansy Parkinson
Word Count: 3,648
Warning: Implied parental abuse, shower smut, mourning
A/N: Hi all, thanks for stopping to read a quick Pansy & Theo one-shot because lets be honest, Theo deserves some happy content. I wanted to point out that after some research I could not find Pansy's parents names, so I named them myself. Ravenna for her mother and Thames for her father. These characters are obviously not canon, and unfortunately I do not own the rights to any of the other characters mentioned.
xox, a
Pansy found out the news of her mothers passing and the date of the funeral, all within the same letter. In their shared bedroom Theo was still fast asleep as she read the letter in her fathers messy handwriting, once, twice, three times before she understood that she was expected to make an appearance. She wrinkles her nose at the thought of speaking to a crowd of strangers about a person she had not seen in over 5 years, a person who disapproved of every action she did, a person who was the shell of what a mother should be.
Could have been. Pansy corrects herself, sipping thoughtfully at the coffee mug in her hand.
Ravenna had never wanted a daughter; she'd wanted a son. She had never confirmed it, but Pansy knew. She always knew she was unwanted, especially when she was sent to Hogwarts. She begged her parents not to send her away, that she could go to the school near their mansion, but they would not listen.
"It's important you know the Malfoy boy." Ravenna had instructed. "He'll make something of you yet."
Those words had been another solidifying reason when Pansy ultimately ended things with Draco.
They weren't very compatible, lacking a real spark in anything but sex; besides, it had been something Ravenna wanted, therefor Pansy had to push back.
Theo came not long after.
He was quiet yet confidant, both qualities Pansy lacks, and while he was dating Penelope, she secretly pleaded with herself that she had not liked him, that she did not wish him and Penelope ill-fortune, that he was too decent of a man, even for a Slytherin, to be bothered with someone like her.
How things had changed from their Hogwarts days.
"Whatcha reading?" Theo asks, shirtless, leaning against the doorframe with his head to the side.
"Oh nothing," Pansy replies, folding up the letter and placing it on the side table. "Ravenna died." Theo stares at her, and instantly sat beside her on the couch, pulling her into a hug.
"Pans I'm so sorry." He murmurs into her hair. He smells like sincerity, his fingers soft against her shoulders and back.
"The funeral is next week." She says, hugging him back. "I'll need to go to it."
"Of course," Theo nods, pulling back slightly so he could look at her. "I'll come as well, if that's alright." Pansy waves her hand lightly, untucking her feet from beneath her as she takes her coffee cup and pours the remaining contents down the sink.
"No need, love." She replies. "I'll just make an appearance and be back in the blink of an eye. No need to stick around places I'm not needed."
He shrugs, brushing the hair from his eyes. He knew how difficult her family was and did not push on issues regarding her mother, which she was forever grateful for. Theo challenged her, but never to the breaking point. He knew under all those sharp features and stoic grins there was a slightly damaged, fearful girl that just needed some appreciation.
Pansy pulls her coat from their linen closet, tying the belt around her waist as she pats the pocket of the coat, affirming her wand is safely tucked inside.
"Do you have to go to work today?" Theo yawns, and stretches out on the couch, his feet dangling off the side and his hands under his head in support.
"You know I do," Pansy replies, narrowing her eyes at him. "Don't try to distract me, I doubt the ministry would be appreciative."
"I'm sure Granger would understand that you need a day off." Theo suggests, and Pansy knew that he was right. Working under Hermione did have its perks, like her being a kind and understanding supervisor, but it also had its drawbacks which Theo had spent many nights listening to Pansy complain over.
"I know, but I should still be responsible," she replies, and Theo gave her a sympathetic look. "What?"
"Pans, your mum just died." He says softly, sitting up on his elbows. "It's ok to...feel that."
Pansy places her hand on the nob, contemplating his words.
"No. Ravenna died." She says and blew Theo a kiss before she walks out the door.
What exactly was one to wear to a funeral, besides black? Pansy chews her lip as she surveys her closet. Theo had already left work, giving her a dose of morning affection, and encouraging words before he left, and she had a little under two hours before the procession was supposed to start. She decides on a long black gown with sleeves, and a little silver detailing at the throat. After adorning silver earrings to match and red lipstick, she locks the door to their apartment and apparates to St. Mary's Church Hall.
Pansy lands with only a slight stumble on the dead grass of the church grounds, straightening her dress slightly as witches and wizards walked past her into the large open doors. Head high, she follows an elderly couple in, walking past them and up to the front pews. A silver metal casket was at the center of the alter, the lid closed, and Pansy breathed a sigh of relief. Glancing at the front pew, she gives a tight smile to Narcissa and Draco who were sitting down, their backs straight, and they both respond in the same tight-lipped grimace.
"I'm so sorry to hear of your mothers passing." Narcissa breaths as Pansy greeted them, grasping her palm. "We wanted to offer our condolences."
"Thank you." Pansy replies, feeling stiff, like her manners were rusty.
"There you are!"
Pansy inwardly scoffs as her father bounded over to her, placing his arms around both her and Narcissa and giving them a squeeze. "We were worried you wouldn't show."
He reeked of Jameson.
"I wouldn't miss it." Pansy sneers and sat with a huff next to Draco. Thames had always suffered with alcoholism, even when Pansy was growing up, but she thought maybe he could keep it together for the hour it took to bury his dead wife.
Apparently not.
As the funeral began, the priest talks of the life of Ravenna, her many accomplishments, and how she truly was never really gone, but lived in the hearts of those who knew her best.
"So, not in my heart." Pansy mutters under her breath, and she could her Draco snort beside her. When it is time for the eulogy, Thames waddles up to the podium and leans against it, sweat glistening slightly on his brow.
"Well, what a turn out." He bellows, his mouth too close to the microphone and Pansy cringes. "Ravenna would have been so...so overjoyed to have you all here." With shaking hands Thames removes a scrap of paper from his waist coat, unfolding it as he clears his throat.
"My wife...my wife was not an overly-kind woman. She was sharp. Her voice, her face, even her clothing had a harsh kind of shine to it." Thames says, and Pansy could feel her cheeks warm as she stares at her father, a man she had not seen in a long time, his face twisting from a drunken glow to a melancholia-like sadness. "I knew she was not well perceived, that because of her approach, she was not well liked. But she was the love of my life." He choked on the word 'life', wiping his brow with the back of his hand.
"She loved me in the only way she knew how, and she was far from perfect, but she was mine, just mine." He paused, and Pansy could see the tears at the corner of his eyes that mimicks her own. "If you could have seen her in her rawest forms. Before going to sleep, when she would play piano. Even when she was teaching our Pansy to walk."
Thames turns his head and stares at Pansy, his eyes pleading with hers, like they were asking her something.
Forgive her, please.
Pansy stares back, her hands and arms feeling slightly buzzed, like she had sipped some of that Jameson her father was so clearly depending on.
"She loved you." Thames says, as if Pansy were the only person in the room. "I-I know she was terrible at showing it, horrid even. But she adored you, her Precious Pansy."
Pansy could feel the blood thrumming behind her ears, could see all the eyes in the church now on her, and her chest felt constricted, tight like a bow string.
Forgive her, please.
Her legs feel weak as she stands up, and she could feel the cool liquid of a tear run down her cheek. "Did she?" Pansy says, and her voice tight, wobbly.
She would not cry, not in front of all these people.
Not in front of Thames. Not over Ravenna.
"She could have shown me."
Narcissa whispered something Pansy didn't hear as she removed her wand from her coat pocket, grasping it tightly, and shot her father one last look.
He might as well have been a stranger.
"Goodbye, father." Pansy whispers, narrowing her eyes, trying to ignore the tears that threatened to escape once more. "If I should even call you that."
She apparated.
She lands in the apartment with a thud, banging her wrist slightly on the dining table as she ungracefully hits the floor. She hisses, clutching her arm to her and sniffling slightly. She could tell Theo wasn't home yet, almost grateful to be alone as she rubs the inside of her arm and lets out a choked sob.
She strips her clothing and steps into their shower, turning on the water while standing beneath the faucet, shivering as the cold water hit her back and waits with chattering teeth for it to warm.
She's unsure of how long she stays beneath the spray, long enough for it to turn cold once more, and eventually she removes herself from the safety of the water, brushing her short hair out as she exits the bathroom. Theo is sitting on the edge of their bed, hands clasped together with a milk-white envelope between his fingers.
"Hey Pans," he murmured softly. "How was the funeral?" He stands and walks to her slowly, tentatively brushing his hands against her still-damp shoulders, dipping his head to look at her face.
She smiles up at him, but it feels wrong, like it was too wide, and she looks away.
"That for me?" she asks, gesturing to the envelope. Theo nods as she takes it from him.
She had been expecting some kind of backlash but so soon was a little unnerving.
The envelope explodes, jumping out of her hands and the voice of her father echoes from the howler.
"You ungrateful BITCH. How DARE you cause a scene like that?" The howler roars, and Pansy takes a step back, colliding with Theos chest. "You fucking live because we allowed you to, because I allow you to and this is how you repay us? By dismissing the memory of your mother, in front of all her peers? There is no inkling of a doubt in my mind that your lack of compassion is what killed her. You broke her heart, you wretched, filthy, awful fucking girl" his voice trips on all the adjectives he spoke, his syllables slurring. "I never want to see you again. My daughter died today, in that god damn church."
With a pop, the howler is gone, a plum of black smoke evaporating where it once floated.
Pansy is silent, blinking slowly, trying to process his words.
Forgive her, please.
Her chest feels cracked. Uneven.
"Well, that answers your question I guess." She chuckles. Her throat feels raw.
"Theo, don't." Pansy shot back. She feels herself unwinding, her forehead aching, and she know if she opens her mouth, if she tries to tell him, she would be unraveled. "Can you just...make some dinner? I missed the reception."
He pauses for a moment, starring at her until she looked away. She feels too open, too exposed.
"Sure," Theo replies, and he cups her face. "I'm right here when you need me. I'll wait until you're ready." He kisses her cheek, his lips soft, comforting, and she almost sighs in anguish when he pulls away. He squeezes her shoulders tenderly, then exits their bedroom, closing the door lightly behind him.
Dressing quickly, she steels herself, remembering the years of unaccompanied life accomplishments and the lack of affection she had grown up without, and the anger bubbles in her chest.
She's glad Ravenna is dead. Relieved, even.
Then why did she feel so tired?
She and Theo ate a dinner of broccoli and garlic butter pasta, one of Theos famous dishes, and she listens with intent as he tells her about his day. He offers her a second helping, and took it, twirling her fork around the noodles as she watches him sprinkle salt on his dish. His bangs fall in his eyes as he talks, brown eyes sparkling slightly as he tells her how one of his new coworkers had accidently sent Blaise the wrong copy of a file and Blaise was so pissed off, he'd nearly hexed the man.
Theo is her family, this Labrador of a man, his shoulders broad as he makes an animated gesture and she laughs, a real laugh, and feels the weight lift from her as easily as melting snow.
The weight returns later that night as she awakes with a start, her heart beating wildly and a sheet of sweat covers her. As quiet as she can manage, she moves Theo's arm from around her waist and tip toes to the bathroom, stripping from her lounge set and stepping into the shower. The chilled water jolts her out of her sleepy stupor, and she feels the tears creep into her eyes. Pressing the heals of her palms against her eyes, she bites her lip and lets out a sob.
Pansy rarely cries; it's an odd sensation. She is not fond of it.
She leans her forehead against the white wall of their shower as the water begins to warm, her tears stream faster, and she covers her mouth slightly, trying to stifle her sobs.
She let out a small shriek as she hears the shower curtain move, spinning around to find Theo standing there, his clothes in a pile by his feet.
"Got room for two?"
She nods, not trusting herself enough to speak.
He steps into the shower, sliding his arms round her and she leans against him. He kneads his finger tips into her shoulders, the small of her back, the base of her neck.
Its grounding and its terrific.
She began to cry again, and can feel Theos sympathy oozing out of him and she hates it.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I keep..." She falters, searching for the right word. "Keep getting upset."
"Because your mother died." He replies, moving to pull her flush against him, his lips against her shoulder.
"But she never acted like one." Pansy counters, her arms lace around his waist. She feels him press a kiss to her skin, a light electricity sprouting from the spot.
"That may be true," He replies, pulling his head back so he can look at her. "But she was still your mum, whether she acted as such or not, and you still are going to mourn her."
Leaning his forehead against hers, she shuts her eyes.
"You still have to grieve."
"What if," Pansy sniffles, not daring to look at him. If she did, if she sees his empathy, she might crack again. "What if I feel like I never got to apologize for...disappointing her."
"How could you have disappointed her?" Theo asks, his hands moving to her wet sides.
Pansy chuckles humorously. "I bet she would not have been pleased with my theatrics today."
"That's how you're handling it, then." Theo counters. "Everyone grieves differently, but everyone grieves. For some it comes in waves. For others it takes years. And still others, it's all consuming for the rest of their life."
Pansy didn't respond, but leans against him once more, his skin warm against hers and she feels the familiar need begin to pull in her lower abdomen. She snakes her hand between them, wrapping her fingers around him softly and he gasps.
"I don't think it's the best idea for tonight." Theo murmurs against her hair, but she keeps her hand there.
"Please," She says, turning to look at his face. "I just need to...to be reminded that someone...someone values me."
She feels positively ridiculous saying those words, practically begging for love, but she's so empty, so deprived. She knows he could fix that.
Theo's lips meet hers in a deep kiss, pressing his body closer and closer, entrapping her hand against them. "You are so loved, Pansy."
She swallows hard, her hand coming up to caress his curls that are matted down by the water. "Promise? Some days, i-it's really hard, I just feel worthless, and you're so wonderf-"
"You're not worthless. You are enough, Pansy. You're determined and compassionate and spirited and you are far from worthless."
She kisses him, and can feel him grow against her as he puts his hand down under her knee, slowly hooking her thigh over him. He moves his head against her neck, licking at the skin where her neck meets her shoulder, and she shudders against him.
"You are more than enough. You're everything."
Pansy kisses him again, and he lifts her leg more, dragging it slightly over his hip as his other hand braces him against the wall. She gasps against his lips, "Show me. Please." He hums slightly, taking her bottom lip between his teeth, and she can feel he's fully hard against her. Releasing her leg, he spins her around gently, his hands on her hips, thumbs rubbing in a circular motion. "Of course, of course sweetheart. Hands on the wall, love." She places her hands on the wall, and can feel his fingers between her legs, gliding between her folds easily from her arousal. He peppers her back and neck with kisses, whispering into her hair as he slips one finger in.
She gasps, her shoulders tensing, and he kisses between her shoulder blades.
"Relax," he commands, and she exhales. "Let me take care of you." She nods as she feels his finger curl inside her, and she whimpers against the wall, resting her forehead forward. She attempts to grasp him, but he pushes her hand away.
"This is about you. I can get my own release later. Lets help you relax."
During normal times she knows he'd be fast and hard, he would pin her against the wall and make her legs shake as he fucks her, pulling her hair and tell her how pretty she looks with her eyeliner running down her cheeks. But she loves that he can tell; he can tell what kind of sex she needs.
The grounding kind.
The loving kind.
There was plenty of time for the rough kind later.
Theo presses closer to her, removing his hand from between her legs and snakes it up her torso, his hand wrapping around her chest and holding her in place as his other fingers travel to her center. Pansy can feel herself breathing hard and mewls slightly when he presses against her clit lightly. Theo pushes kisses against her shoulders, and she reaches back from the wall with her left hand, fingers moving into his hair.
Forgive her, please.
Pansy stifles a sob, and feels Theo still for a moment before he moves his lips next to her ear, and pushes his fingers inside of her.
"I'm right here. We're together, me and you, a little family."
Pansy can feel her thighs tremble as he increases pressure on her clit with his thumb while his other two fingers are pumping slowly inside her.
"You're ok, sweetheart. I'm so sorry about today, we will make tomorrow better." He promises and moves his hand faster. "We're together."
He continues to pump his hands, whispering encouraging words into her hair until she feels the tears are gone and the pressure starts to build in her lower abdomen. It's consuming, and her breathing starts to pick up rapidly.
She forgets about Ravenna, about the disappointed look Narcissa had given her before she apparated, or about Thames' howler and all the absurd words he called her. She forgets about the lonely Christmases and the disapproving letters she received from her parents when she got a B+ in her Astronomy quiz, she forgets how cold Ravenna would be during holiday visits.
It's just her. Her and Theo. Their little family.
She can feel it building in her lower abdomen and tries to steady herself as she reaches the top of the peak, Theo's rhythm urging her, coaxing her to fall over.
With a small cry she comes against his hands, pulling at the strands of his hair slightly and pushing against him. Her breathing is fast, her chest rising steadily, and she can hear Theo encouraging her.
"There you go love, such a good girl. So beautiful."
She turns her head, pulling his face to hers and kisses him. He tastes like hope.
"You are not worthless. I love you so much, your fathers wrong about you. You are not worthless. You hear me?" Theo says, lifting his eyebrows as he looks at her. She removes her hands from the wall, turning in his arms. The water has cooled down significantly, and she buries her face in his chest. Her mother may be gone, and while she knew they had not reconciled, Pansy would eventually put Ravenna to rest. She knew she could, especially with Theo by her side.
"I know."
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