wheres-mary · 2 years
Hi ^v^ i just Wanna ask, What's ur opinion on Omori :)?
I think it is a cool game! I really like it! I still want to play it but I don't have the money enough to buy it waah
also sorry for being gone for so long, I'm busy with school, I'm sick anddd personal problems, but I'll come back with more drawings! I promise!
now everyone, please take care, see you soon!!
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vamprisms · 9 months
science fiction as a genre was invented specifically to show lesbians some greasy sweaty women in tank tops fixing machinery
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poundingwaves · 17 days
After some much needed post-battle rest, Gorgug is still left with one mystery to solve. How the hell is he supposed to figure out Mary Ann’s phone number? First, he asks Fig for help since she’s apparently on lime level. She laugh reacts to his message and tells him she has absolutely no clue what Quokki Pets is but she’ll meet him at Basrar’s.
Fig offers to Wanda Childa Mary Ann to try to get more information out of her and Gorgug practically begs her not to. They agree instead to request Adaine’s research expertise. Adaine sends them a bulleted list of Quokki Pets facts including where to find the game. The three of them meet at the Elmville mall to see if Mary Ann actually left her phone number there. Adaine starts mage handing copies of the game over to Fig (disguised as an employee) who opens them to see if there are any notes inside. Gorgug purchases a copy for himself. Maybe actually playing the game could be a good idea (and impress Mary Ann if that’s even possible). 
After being booted from the store, Mary Ann’s number still eluding them, they consider that finding Mary Ann’s profile could help. They enlist their tech genius, so Riz shows up with his equipment ready to go. He hacks into the Quokki Pets message boards and finds a high level user located in Elmville with the name Mangostrawb. Gotta be her. So they look through her posts on the message boards and mostly just find her showing off her Quokkis, leaving scathing comments on non-optimized builds, or occasionally dropping tips for new players. After scrolling through dozens of pages, they’re positive Mangostrawb is Mary Ann but that’s still not exactly helpful.
They finally call it quits for the day and go their separate ways, vowing to keep helping Gorgug get to that bench. Late that night as he’s embarking on his Quokki Pets journey, Gorgug gets a text from an unknown number. He opens it. “you don’t just get quokki pets. they come to you”
Gorgug sighs and puts his crystal down. She's so fucking annoying.
And so hot.
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ullilya · 8 months
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Best sister 💜
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n-jostcn · 9 months
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the song of achilles — madeline miller
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night shift — stephen king
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euripedes — anne carson
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circe — madeline miller
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a conjuring of light — v.e. schwab
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west wind — mary oliver
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the song of achilles — madeline miller
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the fragile threads of power — v.e. schwab
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odetojupiter · 27 days
the fact that kevin day also witnessed a man being chopped up in the tower at evermore after neil’s audition is mad, and it’s something that is very much not addressed ever. like, maybe part of kevin was so accepting of how things were in the nest because he knew that this is the second branch, and if he were to leave, he’d become the main branch’s problem because he knows too much, and the main branch casually chops men up as a warning to literal children. and then he’s still called a coward for leaving ?? but also a coward for wanting to go back to make the inevitable less painful for him ??? and that’s not even considering what riko and tetusji did to him specifically, before even jean arrived at the nest. and his mother’s death would’ve been quite recent at that point. just insane.
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sun-marie · 11 months
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Been replaying ME1 and I got slammed hard with Anderson/Shepard father/daughter feels 🥺
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demidevildonnie · 6 months
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nativity scene
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violaobanion · 2 years
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PERSUASION 2022 | dir. Carrie Cracknell
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alasforher · 8 months
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‘cause you left your wife twice
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typewriter-worries · 1 year
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the fallen angel becomes a malignant devil
Fallen Angel, Alexandre Cabanel | The Fallen Angel, Willem de Zwart | Angel of Grief, William Wetmore Story | Fallen Angel, Roberto Ferri | The Lament for Icarus, Herbert James Draper | Art & Lies, Jeanette Winterson
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I'll post more pictures of the whole cosplay later when I get a chance :)
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chocostrwberry · 6 days
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I’ve gotten a few asks for Marichat in my au, so HERE THEY ARE, THE BEST SHIP OF THE LOVESQUARE- 🩷🐾
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rooolt · 18 days
it’s so funny because the whole season was spent with like adaine oisin flirting, Fabian ivy flirting, fig creating a woman for Ruben to fall in love with, hell, even people shipping kipperlilly and Kristen and me specifically making jokes about kipperlilly having a crush on riz, and yet the bad kid x rat grinder ship that was canonized was better than I could have ever imagined
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bloodwhet · 4 months
silent hill 2 remake is looking good
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*tries to organize my thoughts*
*remembers i'm not in school and therefore beholden to neither heaven nor hell nor any man's grading system*
*joyously shredding & tossing all my carefully arranged 3x5 mental notecards into the air like so much beige confetti. raising my arms in victory, cheering raucously until i accidentally inhale bits of homemade confetti*
(*coughing up itty bits of paper like a cat evicting a hairball with a firm understanding of tenants' rights*) wait wat happens next
#i marie kondoed my thoughts and *i* feel great. but now my stream-of-consciousness has escaped containment#so many innocent bystanders at stake#every time i try to organize my thoughts i run out of plastic bins and have to make a trip to the container store where i get even more dis#racted so. you can't just hand me THIS brain and NO catalogue OR library classification system#and expect me to single-handedly sort through all this nonsense? bad form but fucking form not in my job description#aNYways. formal education sure did a FUCKING NUMBER on us huh#(a number i measure not in gpa or dollars of student debt.#but in the number of therapy sessions & medical debt it will take to recover.)#seriously folks. our education systems are...innately traumatizing for a huge number of students. and we NEED to address this.#the fact that it is culturally common for adults to have anxiety nightmares about school/exams...even decades later?#that is not cute. it is Alarming.#no one--much less entire generations--should be spending their developmental years in an environment of chronic stress & pressure & strain#and yet that is the reality for millions and millions of pre-teen and teenage and young adult students#this isn't healthy and it serves and empowers NO ONE#...except of course the many exploitative educational & financial & debt-collecting institutions thriving from the current balance of power#and of course it's a nefarious and powerful way to sabotage/erase the middle class#which billionaires and the wealth-inequality creators they finance couldn't possibly have any noteworthy interest in whatsoever#it's not like there's an elite group of people with huge financial incentives to drain/steal resources from the masses...#anyways sorry for going all Conspiracy Theory on you.#obviously the billionaires who control the vast majority of our resources and news and political campaign funding#are not tied to every single itty bitty social issue and i'm a silly billy to imply it#please tell elon musk to ignore this tweet i am so subservient and acquiescent#mr musky u r so good at inheriting slavery-built mining fortunes & buying other people's companies#& building rocket ships & fancy cars that do NOT explode/catch fire & also NOT running billion dollar companies into the ground#mr musky u r so talented genius billionaire playboy with 10 kids and ex-wives who find you creepy af babe u r basically iron man
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