#when he’s chronically late
My eleven year old brother is literally more helpful around the house than my dad. With him at summer camp, there’s more chores to do around the house. When my dad’s not here, there’s less mess.
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
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nevarroes · 5 months
Gortash just rolling out of bed and throwing his shit on with 0 care vs Cas spending two hours in front of the mirror every morning . yes they come too late to every appointment they have
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silusvesuius · 4 months
Ur last reply was a canon sneak peek into Ulfric’s brain. Devs decided his true form (vile and unapproachable) would be too much for the fandom. They can barely handle him as he is. But if he had a journal, going through one of the black books would be easier than having to read through all of it, with his “backup plans” in case any of his paranoid delusions came true irl, and they’re never ending and nonsensical and he often goes on a loop when he’s in the process of coming up with them. Everything is full of scribbles and letters that look like they have been written on top of over and over. Clear signs of missing pages. He truly believes that’s his strategy journal. And if he’s not “strategizing” he’s dumping all of his frustrations about all of those people, Elisif being a recent star of his entrie. While Elenwen is probably a main character. I haven’t decided yet for Tulius. And I also have a slight feeling that he idolizes Talos to an unhealthy level and speaks of him as if he meets him every day. Like a sad sad case of parasocial relationships but with a dude who’s 33,333% real and from another era. He probably tears off the entries about himself, they make him physically cringe.
THIS MADE ME LOL SO HARD FDIKVIER4489OT5479T5OU Yeah.....YEAH....... his very personal praying to talos pattern for day number 4873, if he doesn't do it a specific way th*lmor will come to kill him and everyone he knows, there's 7 pages straight of him calling elisif names and belittling her for crying and being traumatized, while he himself is crying as he's writing it and is traumatized, tullius is comes into play later as someone he views to be hollow and as th*lmor-tainted as elisif is. somone once told him to actually write things about himself to get all the feelings out but whenever he starts doing that he gets scared cause it feels like he's documenting torture as a perpetrator of it and just starts writing about people he wishes death upon
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lunaria--annua · 6 months
For the few people that aren't my friends but remember me/ my art (or friends I haven't stayed in touch with), I wish to give an explanation for my constant week or months long disappearances:
I am a school kid stuck in an incredibly brutal school system, with a born in disability that only increases the difficulty to an insane degree. I have 10 hour schooldays and am still expected to do homework and study for intense exams (that can be up to 130 minutes long) when I arrive home late at night. This translates to my weekends also being used up for study and any free time being used for recovery from the chronic exhaustion (I do not use the term »chronic« lightly here, this is something noted by my doctor).
I really do not like letting this art blog rot only to be temporarily revived for a very short period of time once in a blue moon, but it is out of my control.
I hope (and I do think that will be the case) that in the future I will have more opportunities and energy to be creative, and will be able to share the fruits of my creativity. I miss doing art, but the constant grind from school erodes my creative passion to a degree that I barely even doodle in my notebooks anymore.
I'm optimistic this will not be forever though 💜
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edenvinity · 1 year
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edit: post canceled hes just vibing this season
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
ok ok so you know how my life has majorly revolved around my pain since july & how that has been extremely difficult :) well lately I find myself getting up later than I want to & making my bed as badly as I possibly can & getting out of the house after noon when I planned to get out in the morning & walking to the library when it’s sunny & sitting there for hours & the whole time I’m most concerned with writing & that it’s incredible what I’m doing, it’s a little paradise
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ineloquent-creature · 3 months
thank you god for putting me in a body that cannot love my friends the way i want that was so cool of you
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queenerdloser · 2 months
my dad: yeah i'll be there at 3:30p
me, like a normal person: gets ready & is all set to go by 3:30p literally on the dot.
my dad at 3:45p: sike i'll actually be there at 4:30p
me: great :) love this :)
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shayberri789 · 4 months
I'm leaving soon for a road trip back up to uni and hng the anxiety is strong rn
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tiffanylamps · 8 months
did i mean to take a break from tumblr for this long? nope. am i "back"? we'll find out together
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mosquitinho · 8 months
went through the (by far) worst 2 weeks of my life but im still getting out of bed and trying to do things. Rare mental health win
#my cat w chronic kidney disease suddenly got worse and passed away.#meanwhile his brother got sick too and the vets didnt know what it could be after many exams#and then finally after multiple trips to the vet hospital we found out he has late stage cancer#and MeanWhilEeee the house gf + i were renting got completely unlivable and we had to move out in a rush.#the pumbling and the roof were so fucked up that when a storm came around it like flooded the entire place up#so we quickly got my dying cat and his sick brother and temporarily moved in w my family and my dad is a transphobic ass#who has never even said hi to my gf literally 👍👍👍👍 he avoids us like the fucking plague and i hate his guts so much :-)#so now we're mourning titi while his brother luli is mourning too he keeps trying to look for his brother he has never been alone like this#+++ the entirety of my savings + bank account got completely wiped clean after all the vet and hospital visits for my babies#so now we're 100% broke and sad in mourning and living in a hostile home that isnt ours w my dad who hates us . But still....#but still .......#im making sure my cat Luli purrs everyday. im making sure my gf smiles everyday . she makes sure i do to .#we're taking care of each other and doing all we can to live in the midst of all this fuckery that happened all at once in our lives#we're looking for a new place to rent in the near future and i cant wait until we get to a new little home to exist and love freely#and pet our cat luli and smooch him and pet hiMmm and hang pictures of his brother titi and remember him and remember him and remember himmn
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nyxi-pixie · 1 year
the most important thing abt noah coming out is that the people going 'hehe how does our fav strAIGHT frat boy play that fucking gayass so well??😱😱' had to stfu😁👍
#its annoying when people do it abt anyone tbh#that was so fucking irritating lmfaoooo#me omw to remind the masses of hets and chronically online 12yr old queers whove never met a gay person irl that we're not a monolith🤩#it doesnt escape my notice that yall say it more violently the second anyone so much as iMPLIES that they mighy not be straight#'speculating is bad' yes! but shockingly! yelling to the moon + back that them being not straight is impossible is not the best alternative#and perpetuates every dumbass stereotype#im so tired#also if you say hey maybe stop insisting theyre str8 for no reason every 5 seconds for a cheap joke abt the queer character they play#then everyone immediately is frothing at the mouth holding a chainsaw to ur throat#def not indirecting anyone w this😟#i dont even remember who it was but someone was always putting those stupid noah straightest man in the world jokes on my dash#n i just used to stare at them like holy shit u guys are gonna be shocked when u encounter gay ppl outside of the internet.#my tags ran away from me again#but i hope u guys Hear Me on this shit bc this happens w every celebrity ever#and then ppl turn around and pretend the problem was ppl thinking they might be queer#instead of ppl refusing to believe theyre anything other than straight#anyway.#am a little late to posting abt him i know😔 have been so ia here recently but i saw it when it happened and am vv proud of him#<33 just to get a little of track at the end here#but yeah hes lovely and i wish people who were insisting he was straight would understand him as an examole that gay ppl arent all the same#but they wont cos they immediately turn to going 'omgggg our fav slayqueen i always knew hehehehe he just looks so fruitsalad'#heed my warnings i am a conduit of rage and violence and one day im going to use it on those ppl#oh fuck this was so many tags i am an unrestrained tag menace#a tennis if you will#aha like the game#anyway#byler#(<- it isnt but this is where i was seeing 'Straight Frat Boy Noah could never be gay' posts so.)#(not most of you tho<333 just a few)#right im going back to reading this 700k word fic from another fandom when will i return to tumblr?? who knows. not me
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astrxealis · 2 years
okay i'll seriously stop now (just a maybe) anyways please get into milgram listen the songs watch the mvs and all! <3
but just to ramble a bit: fuuta really is. so similar to the viewers/es
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა milgram ໒꒱ *·˚#he's a twt user and kinda chronically online LMAOOO okay but to be serious. he doesn't really realize the#real world consequences of his actions until it's too late. and in the mv he so obviously shows regret and all#there's a scene where he's looking at his self from before doing the spraypaint again and tbh yeah dudes sadistic w that kinda thing#sadistic but in sort of a good way in a sense that he wants to deliver justice. but then things escalate too far as well#<- probably starts calling out people for the smallest things. not anymore about justice#or it still is about justice but even in the littlest of things... anyways yeah he likely starts it but then the others r the ones#who put more flame to the fire. i think he has problems w attention too so this kinda yk. makes him feel seen... or idk how to phrase it#bcs dude spends most of his time online right? the whole gaming thing might be an escape from reality in that he#likely doesn't have much friends if any at all (he also doesn't really get along w anyone in the prison. but i think he is a good person bc#he cares for haruka bcs hes younger). hmm. fuuta knows what's the deal with milgram#anyways yeah i think it is all just so interesting. he's definitely regretful and feels guilty and also... he's hinted at stuff#uhm. worrying. stuff. if yeah? idk how to phrase it but i think it is safest to really vote him innocent (also he deserves it imo)#he still needs to improve w some stuff but then again i dont think we should be Extremely Harsh#yk scruntinizing everything. voting him guilty again for a 'small' yk. not that what hes doing is negligible but i mean that he's#starting to improve (even if his... mental state is getting worse it seems) and it feels wrong and is exactly what he calls out#es/the viewers for if we vote him guilty for the smallest of mistakes/injustices even when he's yk. getting 'better'#sorry for terrible explanations here i hope it makes sense oml#i dont think fuuta meant anything bad fr. and then the drama audio w es like... agh wait im putting that aside for now bcs goddamn#i think there's smth to do w. Pressure. ofc. duh. LMFAO. maybe peer pressure to join in the cyberbullying#he likely didnt mean for it to escalate but maybe he started losing himself in it all w a sort of hero complex#ahhh trying to tie together stuff from the 1st trial and 2nd trial is complicated bcs the two have similar but different themes
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ink-asunder · 1 year
Learning that my counselor doesn't know the difference between dopamine and serotonin is actually what made me finally give up on him lol
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zhuzhee · 2 years
i miss techno
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