#what i mean is leather = sabine
cmentary-drive · 17 days
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My girl
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cameoamalthea · 1 year
So about Sabine Wren
When we see her in the Ashoka Teaser:
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(Brilliant casting, wonderful hair, and costume design)
She isn't wearing armor.
And sure, she's not in combat, the war is over, but Sabine isn't a soldier, she's a Mandalorian.
Mandalorians are a people, children of Mandalor. That's why Bo-Katan calls Din 'brother' when she first meets him and refers to the rest of the Mandlorians as her brethren. (This is a basic translation of 'vod' meaning brother, sister or comrade in the way you might call a friend bro or sis.)
Mandalorian is a religious and cultural identity. The Resol'nare is the six core actions that are the heart of her culture/religion:
Wearing armor.
Speaking the language.
Defending yourself and your family.
Raising your children as Mandalorians.
Contributing to the clan's welfare.
When called upon by the Mand'alor, rallying to their cause.
Wearing armor is number 1. Some factions interpret number 1 as never remove your helmet in front of others.
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Most interpret it as wearing armor and removing your helmet where practical.
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(look, it's Sabine's mom)
Even Mandalorians who are not practicing, but are Mandalorian by Leniage will still wear armor. Not just because Beskar Armor is amazing, but because armor connects the wearer to their family who passed it down to them.
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"The armor I wear is 500 years old. I reforged it to my liking, but the battles, the history, the blood, all lives within it, and the same goes for every Mandalorian. This armor is part of our identity. It makes us Mandalorians who we are." - Sabine
For those born Mandalorian, their armor is a priceless heirloom. Foundlings who are not adopted into a family that can pass down armor are gifted extra pieces of armor by the entire community. Every scrap is sacred and goes to someone, it either connects you to your family, history, and blood or to everyone's family, history, and blood as part of the greater family of Mandalorians.
We've seen Sabine without her armor before, when going undercover she's worn imperial uniforms, but it is strange to see her forgoing beskar by choice.
I love how the design uses patches where she had emblems on her armor (I did that for my Disney Bound of her). It's very thoughtful costuming. So what is the meaning behind having her wear a leather jacket (Ezra's Jacket?) and forgo armor.
Has she exiled herself for not being there during the purge?
Sabine was estranged from her birth family during Rebels, but her birth family and people remained a core part of her identity and motivation.
In this scene, her adoptive Jedi father teaches her to wield the Dark Saber and to connect to her emotional truth.
"The truth... is that... I left to save everyone. My mother, my father, my brother! Everything I did was for family, for Mandalore!"
Joining the rebellion was for Mandalor and to atone for the harm she had done to her people while at the Imperial Academy (her system was imperially controlled, it was expected that she join, and she was a prodigy who joined young)
"I built weapons, terrible weapons, but the Empire used them on Mandalore, on friends, on family. People that I knew. They controlled us through fear. ( Scoffs ) Mandalore! Fear of weapons I helped create. I helped enslave my people! I wanted to stop it. I had to stop it. I spoke out! I spoke out to save them. To save everyone!"
In Rebels Sabine clearly identifies as a Mandalorian and that's an important part of her identity.
You can't tell she's a Mandalorian in the top photo, perhaps because she no longer believes she deserves to be one.
As shown above, her family and people are the most important thing to her. She left her found family to reunite with her birth family and found a rebellion on Mandalore which she led. However, after fighting alongside Bo-Katan Sabine felt that Bo-Katan should be leader.
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(And so did everybody else, Bo-Katan was heir by blood but she was for all intents and purposes elected leader by popular consent)
Sabine then left to return to the Rebel Alliance and fight alongside her found a family in their rebel squadron and remained with them to safeguard Lothal.
Sabine left the Mandalorian Rebellion. She was not there when the rebellion failed. When the Empire set out to destroy her planet and kill everyone on it. She is a survivor of genocide and was not with her people fighting when it happened. Worse, the genocide was a response to a rebellion she started but was not there to see through.
It's not her fault. It's not any Mandalorian's fault.
But how must she feel?
Now recall the Resol'nare: half of the six core actions are about family, clan, and people.
Defending yourself and your family.
Contributing to the clan's welfare.
When called upon by the Mand'alor, rallying to their cause.
Sabine was not there to defend her family or contribute to her clan's welfare. She was not with Bo-Katan, the Mand'alor, she put in power, to help.
Perhaps Sabine no longer wears her armor because she no longer feels worthy of being a Mandalorian.
When Ahsoka sees her on Lothal Ahsoka is in gray robes like she wore in the Mandalorian.
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In the Rebels epilogue Ahsoka is in white.
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Sabine also looks different in this scene:
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Sabine could not have grown her hair to the length in the Ahsoka trailer if that scene took place after the Rebels epilogue. However, she could easily crop her hair short between the trailer scene and the epilogue.
She's also wearing her armor again. Maybe when we first meet Sabine in Ahsoka we will see her in a darker place. She's given up on being a Mandalorian. She's grown her hair out in mourning. Maybe Ahsoka gives her hope, so she puts on her armor again and cuts her hair short, symbolically shedding the weight of grief and guilt.
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kingofdoma · 10 months
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Welcome, one and all, to the long-awaited Final Fantasy Sexyman bracket!
I'm so happy to get this bad boy going. So many of you have waited so long to have YOUR PICKS go into the gauntlet and find out who the greatest sexyman known to Sakaguchi's superior series is!
Now, what is a sexyman?
... I do not fucking know.
Seriously, it's been one of the most nebulous concepts to me, because no one seems to have the same definition.
I mean, just look:
What is it to you? [I Robot meme]
the type man 2013 tumblr would have loved drawing as a skinny twink in a suit. Personality is usually rancid
Sexymen take many forms. G'raha Tia XIV is also a sexyman, for very different reasons than Cid.
Guy who may or may not actually be sexy... yet people are attracted to and you'd be embarrassed to admit you're attracted to.
EARNED confidence. Secure enough to occasionally be vulnerable. Kindness. May not always understand how you feel but is willing to hear you out. Genuinely funny. Lifts people up rather than putting them down, but WILL roadblock haters. Makes you feel safe, welcome, appreciated. You feel warm just being around him. Makes you want to be better; may even help you believe you can be better. Good balance of "can I help?" and "you got this." Takes care of himself but isn't obsessed with fitness. More like an ancient Greek statue, less like an overstuffed leather sofa. Has more than one outfit. Also, a man who can cook can ABSOLUTLEY get it.
The friends I made along the way, specifically you.
"Ohhh I can't NOT fuck him"
Someone I wanna cuddle with.
a guy who we can sexualize. sexy and sexualizable.
HES SEXUALIZABLE. hes sexy and needs things done to him that canon wont do."
See? Barely a bit of overlap!
But yeah, whatever your definition of sexyman is, vote for them.
Also, just to clear the air, I made an executive decision and cut Cactuar and Titan from the running. They're... I just needed them to have SOME character, gang. Plus, the two creatures that were not actual characters were the two that were bumping me over 32, so I cut them. Sorry. Want me to incorporate them? Lemme know! I'll do something with them!
Here's the bracket!
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All I can manage tonight is Right Side, so... right side! Left side next week!
Here are the links!
Edge vs. Rubicante
G'raha Tia vs. Kiros and Ward
Dio vs Sabin
FuSoYa vs. Auron
Gilgamesh vs. Bugenhagen
Tellah vs. Zidane Tribal
Bartz vs. Gogo
Minwu vs. Cid Kramer
Happy voting, guys!
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calling4glaives · 2 years
Personnel File 4: Titus Drautos
While technically if we continue to go alphabetically by first name, Drautos should appear later, he is referred to more often as Drautos and so we're doing him next. :P Sorry for the late posting; there were too many rabbit holes that caught us up, especially regarding his name. *grumble grumble* As always, pictures are courtesy of @capsource, who is a blessing.
Titus Drautos
From the Facebook blurb:
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Name: Titus - Latin: the name of the co-ruler of Rome with Romulus, the Sabine (native tribe) king Titus Tatius, thereafter a common Roman name: an Emperor known for his martial skill (including the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem); Titus Andronicus, a fictional Shakespearean character who commits terrible acts of revenge; a fictional tyrant with good intentions; and many others. WARNING: this is a tvtropes-level time suck. Drautos - ??? - This one is harder. Google translate tells us it means insurance in Lithuanian, though I think we can probably disregard that one. It could be many words that have been Latinized into a name by adding "-os" to the end, including English sources like draught or drought, or Greek ones like dragon, drao - a verb for action that also gives us the term drama, or drax - a handful. Using the Japanese spelling, it could also be Doratos, meaning “of a spear or shaft of wood”. Germanic/Norse sources have a similar word draugr that can mean both the undead creature we’re most familiar with through games and stories but also a trunk of a tree or a fighting man. Following that back to older roots, we get the reconstructed words dreugana which means to deceive or a retainer (which is appropriate) and druhtiz which means a band of retainers, a troupe. Derived from those, and somehow even more on topic, is the Old Norse drótt which means a household, a people, or the group of bodyguards of a king and all sorts of other fun ideas for sources. Do I think Square thought this hard? Probably not. Is it fun anyway? Yes.
Equipment: Drautos is one of the most colorful people we see in Insomnia, with his red leather jacket and panels. (As Drautos he uses black and red with purple and silver highlights, and as Glauca silver and purple with black and silver highlights). In some ways, his look is reminiscent of Genesis from FFVII, albeit played much more seriously.
His uniform seems to be a combination of the Kingsglaive uniforms - the cuffs around the wrists and upper thigh, identical boots, what looks to be the base of a hood in his wide inner collar, the symbol down the front (though whether he wears it in honor of his glaives or they of him is a bit of a chicken and egg debate, and we don’t see that long version on the Royal Guards or the Kingsglaive after the fall, as best I can tell) - and the common markers of status among Insomnian/Lucian elites - the high collar (though very exaggerated in his case), the asymmetric longer left sleeves, the hint at longer robes via the skirt panels – and his own personal style - the overlapping jacket front (and the requisite Square fashion zipper, which is how you know he’s a main character), the mail and reinforced leather piece over his shoulders, and the braids connecting his shoulders and mail sleeves.
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His necklaces and medals have the feeling of formal awards, though we see literally no one else wearing them. In the field, he wears the symbol of the Kingsglaive on his many necklaces, though this is replaced by some sort of cross-like medal when he dresses up; this, with the addition of the other medals somehow attached to his jacket, is the only difference between his field and formal uniforms. (He wears the field uniform again during the fall of Insomnia; I guess he had time to remove the medals and change the necklace when he was missing during the panic over Luna)
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The only comparison with Drautos’s medals are the ones won for Chocobo racing, though the medallion portion of those appears flatter and simpler. The chains and braids might have a parallel in the pair that cross Nyx’s chest, though his is worn much differently that Drautos’.
The leather shoulder piece almost resembles the leather and reinforced collar of Nyx’s field uniform, but is still much larger and differently shaped. The pattern inside the high collar almost appears to match the dickies from the Luche-style uniforms.
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When he is driving in Noctis's car with Nyx, he appears to have ditched both the high collar (which seems smart, just for the peripheral vision) and the shoulder piece, mail, oversleeves, shoulder braids, and medals. I wonder if this is why he can tell Nyx to drop the formalities – he’s “out of uniform”. [[NB: unlike the bros, Drautos enforces seatbelts in the car]]
He has a classical western straight-edged sword belted at his side, just as his glaives carry theirs sheathed on their persons rather than in magical storage as Clarus and Cor do. Unfortunately, he never uses this sword in the movie.
ETA: Drautos also wears his sword on his right hip, implying he is left-handed, while Glauca wields his sword in his right hand or with both. As we never see Drautos as Drautos use his sword, which hand is actually dominant or if he is ambidextrous is unknown.
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He also, unlike most of the glaives, has an actual cell phone rather than ear pieces.
Background: Drautos is from Cavaugh, the island where Insomnia sits, but not actually from Insomnia. His village is destroyed about 30 years ago during the war, and then he is taken in by Regis. Despite this closeness, Cor and Noctis both refer to him as Drautos rather than Titus in the audio drama and opening scene respectively, which implies a sort of distance, but he is trusted implicitly by them all. He clearly resents the wall being withdrawn by Mors and how Regis is running the fight (“For the honor of my home, I fought and killed under a king I loathed. And still, he betrayed me. He betrayed us all.” - the betrayal is presumably the treaty and Insomnia being sacrificed for Noctis, because it comes after the loathing and fighting, plus Regis didn’t pull back the wall himself, he inherited that position and didn’t change it).
After that, he rises to be one of the top three swordsmen in Lucis, along with Cor [[and presumably Clarus?]] and takes over the Kingsglaive at some point in the fifteen years between its founding and the present. He was probably the founding leader, but it’s never outright stated. Sometime in there he became Glauca. He could be the original Glauca, who is presumably the one who killed Queen Sylvia, or there could have been many over the years. It’s hard to tell under the armor. Clearly he’s been doing this long enough to recruit fellow traitors and put this plan in motion, but that could be anywhere from a year to a decade to two. What assurance does he have that Niflheim would keep its word, and how did he get the armor?
The man is running two armies, one from quite the distance. If he’s done so for long, it is both a sign of competence – that’s a huge amount of work, even if one is small and the other is mostly automated, and on top of that he has managed to do so undetected – and possibly of incompetence – when he holds all the cards, he still hasn’t been able to bring Lucis down yet. [[How did this man have any time to sleep?]]
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Rank: The shoulder tabs he wears are slightly fancier than the rest of the glaives’, and appear to have a wide/narrow/narrow pattern that matches, if anything, the common sleeve insignia for vice admirals across many navies. Though he is called "Captain" throughout the movie, he appears to be of higher ranking for practical purposes, based on his status in Lucis.
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Death: There is debate over whether the psychomancer who has Nyx’s kukris is Nyx or Drautos, who had Nyx’s kukri in his chest while Nyx had none. I tend to think the streaks and reddish eyes (though it could be the light of dawn) as Drautos dies indicates demonification, as is the fact his eyes crack open as we last see him.
Personality: Drautos clearly cares about his past and his responsibilities very much. He is a harsh leader, but has the respect and loyalty of his soldiers, and is capable of moments of relative softness in private. He has a tricky mind capable of assessing those around him and taking their actions into account in his plans, and is capable of projecting an image and living a double life for years. He is unbelievably determined and dedicated to his idea of right.
Relationships: The facebook blurb says he is a hard man to please, but he clearly has some relationships with his soldiers and superiors.
-Nyx Ulric: Drautos is Nyx’s mentor, and seems to care for him as well, though less than his cause. The car ride seems a last minute attempt at feeling out Nyx’s loyalties, and minutes after he orders Nyx’s death and Nyx is shot on those orders, he holds his hand and seems to have some reason to still want Nyx’s good will - either as a way to ease his death, or perhaps merely as a key to the ring and the princess. He has multiple opportunities to kill Nyx from the signing room onward that he just doesn't take.
-Regis Lucis Caelum: Drautos’s issues with Regis seem to be personal as much as political, but he seems to respect him as well. Regis is unsurprisingly shocked by the reveal of Glauca’s identity moments before his death, but though he contemptuously shoves Regis’s body to the ground, Drautos does no further damage, nor does he draw out that death. And while the bow before might be mocking, the salute after seems sincere. Otoh, he misses several chances to kill Regis without him knowing that Glauca was the one who killed him, including right after removing the ring from his hand.
-Luche Lazarus: Drautos trusts Luche with everything from running battlefields to what his true intentions are, but due to the time constraints of the movie, we don’t get to see moments like Nyx’s where they actually talk. Is it a commander-loyal subordinate relationship, one of true trust, or is Luche yet another tool?
Behind the Scenes: Drautos is portrayed, voiced, and given his face from the wonderful Adrian Bouchet, who is very nice to us all. If you don’t know him by now, check him out on twitter.
Everyone has theories about Drautos, and most of his past is left for us to fill in. Please share your theories and speculations, or things we might have missed! We'd love to hear it. (Or, you know, see you explore them during Legends week)
2022/7/14: Edited to fix some information surrounding Regis's death.
2022/11/2: Edited to add information about handedness.
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arthurthefaceless · 1 year
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Her heels click on the floor when she walks into the store, blonde hair in a loose braid and lips a warm shade of pink that makes her smile to the storekeeper look even friendlier. Sabine is a well-known face here and today she's here once again to gather some supplies to support her small business. Leather, mostly, but she's also out of D-rings and other little bits and pieces that they sell here. A few of the other regulars greet her, nobody in a rush to come offer her advice or help because they know she knows exactly where to go for what she came for. Her backpack is empty, ready to be filled, and green eyes trail along the cottons and linen rolls with funky prints while fingertips flick the pricetags here and there to see if any of it is worth her time. None of it grabs her attention as she makes her way through the store heading to the leathers. Once she gets there, her eyes first fall on the tall figure standing in front of the tall racks stacked with the more expensive selection. He's easily way over 6 foot (maybe a basketball player?) and from the shape of his coat it's easy to see he's not only height but also quite wide-shouldered. Now that's interesting to her -- Sabine would be lying if she claimed this isn't how she likes her men to be. But the man seems lost in thought, very focused on his task at hand which makes her doubt her initial assumption. Maybe he's a designer. A model, perhaps? She doesn't think she's ever seen someone this tall on any runway, though.
In silence she returns to what she originally came for, and soon enough she's found something she likes. Sturdy, thick leather in a nice reddish tan color. For only a moment her eyes flick up to the tall man and she thinks about if this color would look nice on him; it would, but she thinks something vibrant would also be good. He hasn't taken his hood off yet and she'd love to see his face, gauge what kind of person he is and whether a fiery red would match his personality. And like that she idles for a few moments, fascinated and feeling like an intruder. She doesn't notice she's been holding her breath until he finally moves to reach above his head to rub a roll of midnight blue satin between his fingers just like she does when she sees something she isn't sure about, and letting out a muted exhale like she doesn't want to interrupt his important decision-making, Sabine suddenly realises there is something off about the man.
His hand, for starters, is immensely large. And not only that, but from only a few feet away she can see that he has odd fingers: pointed, very long and no fingernails whatsoever. A glove, maybe? But then what would the point be of feeling the fabrics?
Mesmerised she watches on. They aren't gloves and the moment that fact finally settles in her mind, Sabine sees his hand change. Not changing shape -- but the skin changes. As if he's becoming the fabric himself. It sends shivers up her spine if she actually thinks about it, like she's witnessing something secret and like she's intruding on something deeply private. But at the same time he must have heard her coming in and with how long she has been keeping as quiet as a mouse behind him, he can't possibly not know that she's watching him.
'If you don't want that satin, I'll gladly have it.' The words leave her mouth before she can stop herself and she overestimated him, seemingly -- he almost jumps out of his skin from the sudden break of silence and turns on his heels to see who it is that just gave him a near-heart attack. Now it's Sabine's turn to be shocked, because this man not only has to fingernails but also does not have a face. His entire face is just -- she doesn't know how to describe it at first. Blank. Like she's looking at some futuristic helmet. 'Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!' Politeness kicks in before fear and she has successfully resisted the reflex of stepping back to create more distance between her and this odd stranger. Instead she moves from where she is to approach him, half to apologise and half out of curiosity, and this time it's the man who takes a step back. A pang of guilt tightens in Sabine's stomach at the realization he has probably seen the expression of absolute shock on her face when he turned around. 'It's -- it's fine, I was lost in thought.' His voice is not what she expects. It's a warm voice, the kind that could be a great storyteller or would sound pleasant on the phone, and suddenly Sabine wants to know what his name is, and how her name will sound when he speaks it. He seems much more awkward than her and another step closer she notices he's not just awkward but he's shy. Shy! So tall, looking so much like something quite scary, and he decides to be shy...
'I do want that satin, though. I'm sorry,' he then continues, and even without having facial features one can hear the apologetic smile in his speech before he reaches again and pulls the roll off the shelf. When he puts it down he finds Sabine standing next to him, all big-eyed and glancing at another roll where he'd just grabbed one. 'Could you... get that one for me? The light pink. That's leather, right?' He hesitates for a moment but then he follows up on her request, nodding in response to her questions before shuffling the pink roll into his hand so he can give it to her. It's actually perfect for what Sabine is looking for and with it in his hand, it's easy to see that this is a color that would contrast with him beautifully. It's not that she hasn't noticed it before, but only up close like she is now can she see that his skin tone is impossibly dark. In her line of work she's seen so many different people, but never someone with a skin this intensely black. Ah well, there are already enough odd things about him so this doesn't particularly shock her anymore. Like this they prolong the conversation for a while and she finds out he's a fashion designer, currently interning with a men's magazine but working on improving his skills. He's very nice and indeed as shy as Sabine thought at first, but he's eager to talk to someone with similar passions. She just tells him she's a leather worker -- he doesn't need to know the nitty gritty details, not yet at least.
'Hey, maybe this is a little bit forward, but would you like to have some coffee sometime? I actually still need someone to model my next work on and I think you might be kind of perfect for it,' Sabine asks him after a quick glance at the clock by the door. She has an appointment and is already late, but she doesn't just want to go and risk never seeing this guy again. 'Oh, and my name is Sabine, by the way.' She holds out a hand and when he takes it, she can't help but feel that it's soft like velvet and warm, his grip firm but not overly so. 'I'm Arthur. And I'd actually really like that, Sabine.'
The way he says her name that first time has her tingling all over.
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prettypinkprincessxxxx · 10 months
Miraculous Descendants (Mirandants) au part I: New Queen, New Chances
Remember I had this miraculous descendants au thingy, me and my sister actually came up with this au and we never actually finished writing it and I only posted one or two chapters of it here and back in amino (I used to use that app not anymore tho) | decided to rewrite it since my writing style changed a bit. Should I actually start posting in ao3 or wattpad, idk a lot about those sites I will download them. What do you guys say about this?
To explain this au shortly in Disney's descendants franchise villains are punished to live in a isle with no wifi or magic and since Hawkmoth is technically considered a Disney villain this makes Adrien a VK, considering he's Hawkmoth's direct descendant. Realising this canon information made us imagine this au.
Long long ago a beautiful girl called Sabine breaks the curse that was put on prince Tom with true love. Years later when a villain called Hawkmoth attacks their kingdom, together they defeat him. After defeating Hawkmoth the gentle prince formed a kingdom with his lover and they became the queen and king of the land. They decided to call it Aurandon. Beauty and Beast had the biggest and the most splendid wedding you can ever imagine, more than 6,000 people attended and the whole world broadcasted the wedding. Everything seemed perfect for a while since they defeated Hawkmoth. Sure they had defeated their biggest enemy but they didn't know what to do with the villains now so they formed a court, they decided to consulate matters to the court to have better solutions.
Eventually the court decided to sent all the villains to an isle that has no magic or Wifi. At first Queen Sabine and King Tom thought it might not be the most perfect solution but what could be a better punishment than sending all the villains to live together without any luxury, the young couple decided to approve the "Isle prison" idea and with that they sent Hawkmoth and rest of the villains to the Isle which later got the name "The Isle of the Lost”
2 years later Queen Sabine and King Tom had a beautiful baby with bluebell eyes and pink cheeks, they named their baby "Marinette" which meant "the one who is born to shine" Marinette truly shined in every place she went, she quite literally resembled her name meaning. Everyone in Auradon loved the young princess. Her beauty made many people fall for her and her kindness and elegance charmed every young man and woman in Auradon.
Princess Marinette was now a 17 year old teenager who will be crowded as the queen soon and she has many responsibilities she has to face. On top of this she has these strange dreams about a mysterious boy who is no older than her. She tried to imagine the boy in her dreams again but she didn't remembered a lot. All she remembered was the boy was dressed in patched dark purple and black leather clothing, it was obvious that the boy in her dreams was not from Auradon but more importantly who was he? Was he imaginary or an actual person. Marinette didn't remember meeting anyone like him before.
"Marinette, girl you there?" She zooms back to reality as she hears Alya's voice. "You okay?" Her friend asks to her " called your name like few times but guess you were really thinking hard this time" she chuckles at Alya's comment and tries to brush of her thoughts about the mysterious boy aside.
"It's nothing, I'm still thinking about my first official proclamation" Alya gave her an understanding look, she had told Alya about her plan on bringing kids from Isle to Auradon but she left out the part where she decided Hawkmoth's son should be one of them. She know even her best friend who supports her every decision would protest against it.
"It's just I know it will be a big talk in Auradon and I don't want anyone to feel unsafe because of my decision but Alya the kids in Isle, they don't deserve to be punished for their parents faults" Alya held Marinette's hands to show her support.
"Girl, I understand what you mean and I know you will always want the best for your people but you should be ready for the protests that will happen, it won't be easy for everyone. Just don't forget whatever happens me and rest of our friends will always support you no matter what" Marinette smiled at her best friend softly. "Thank you Alya, I know I can always count on you" they hugged and talked for a while shortly after one of castle's servants knocked on the door and announced she should be at her coronation dress preparation.
While having her coronation dress being prepared with final touches Marinette found herself gazing through the window looking at the Isle of the Lost. The Isle was always cloudy and Marinette wondered have the kids there ever saw sun?
"Sleeve. Head. Ah-ha!" She heard the tailor hum in excitement of finishing the coronation dress.
The dress was truly beautiful and Marinette was even more lucky to have the opportunity to design her own coronation dress. The dress itself was mainly pink, pink as Ariel's dress. The sleeves of the dress were the same as Belle's dresses sleeves but the sleeves were white unlike the rest of the dress. The dress had a upside down rose like look which honor her parents tale Beauty and the Beast. The ends of her gowns skirts were red unlike the rest of the dress. Dress also had pearl white patterns on its top. Marinette loved frilly dresses so all of her gowns were like that. She decided to wear a ladybug necklace to match her miraculous. For her hair she was planning on to make it a bun and decorate it with small ladybug clips since she is the holder of ladybug miraculous which was given to her on her 14th birthday. She had the biggest coronation that was ever hosted when she was given the miraculous and officially became ladybug. It was the best day of her life. She remembered being almost 14 and looking from the same window to Isle wondering what is going on there while she was preparing for parties and balls, having all the luxury.
"How is it possible that you're going to be crowned queen next month? You're just a baby!" She softly laughed at her dad. He always likes to imagine her daughter younger than she is.
"She's turning 18, dear" Sabine told her husband with a loving smile. Her dad pretend to be shocked and than wiped a happiness tear from his eye. "They grow up so fast?
"Hey, papa! Hey, Mama!" She rushed towards her dad despite the tailor warning her not to ruin her dress and hugged both her parents tightly.
"18? That's far too young to be crowned queen" her dad continued. "We were around her age when we became rulers as well" her mom said as they both laughed at her dad. "She's ready to be the queen of Auradon, dear" Marinette gave her mom a huge smile, it felt like her mom was not only saying this to her dad but also boosting Marinette's confidence before her proclamation.
She cleared her throat. "Mama, Papa" Marinette took a deep breath and announced her first official proclamation to her parents. "I've chosen my first official proclamation. I've decided that the children on the isle of the lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon" queen Sabine and king Tom gasped. She saw the tailor dropping the pin he was attaching to the dress. "Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned" she said trying to prove her point.
"The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" queen Sabine was the first one to speak. Her mom and dad were now holding each other tightly in both hands. "We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most. I've already chosen them" Marinette continued to explain her plan despite the negative reaction that came from the room. "Have you?"
Her dad asked trying to sound as calm as possible but Marinette could understand from his nervousness that he was fearing the possibilities of her decision.
"Tom why don't we listen Marinette's plan, I'm sure she already planned it. We know not every villain is as evil as we think. Who are their parents?" the queen said, she was clearly interested in her daughters idea.
"Shan Yu" Fei was really going to be mad at her for this, her friend's mom is Mulan after all. "Dr.
Facilier" thank heavens tiana and naveen didn't had any kids. "Hans Westergaard, Evil Queen" The last was the worst for her to explain. "And Hawkmoth?
Her parents were surprised to hear their worst enemies kid was picked by their daughter to bring to Auradon. "Hawkmoth! He is the worst villain in the land" Marinette knew Hawkmoth is extremely dangerous and what he is capable of. She always feared him escaping from the Isle of the Lost and attacking her people but learning he had a son.
Marinette couldn't help but feel sorry for his son.
"Papa, just hear me out here!" Her dad crossed his arms and shook his head as if in 'no' She couldn't blame her dad for reacting badly, they wanted to protect their daughter and people of Auradon. "I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes"
"Papa, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life? Papa?" Her dad’s expression softened a bit.
"You know Hawkmoth better than I do" Her dad cut her off. "Yes, that's why you should listen to us" she sighed, she knew it was going to be hard but the result was going to be worth it all. Those kids deserved a chance to have a normal life even if they are son of the most evil villain alive.
"Daddy don't you understand that is why we should save his kid from him, I looked at Isle kids files and especially chose the ones who need the most help and, and you and mom and anyone here know how horrible Hawkmoth is, do you think he would make a decent parent?" Her parents were silent for a moment.
The royal couple exchanged worried looks, it's like they had a silent debate going on. "I suppose their children are innocent" her mom finally said as her dad nodded. Marinette gave them a huge grin, it was her victory smile.
"We are so proud of you Marinette" they hugged their daughter once more. "Well, well done. Shall we?" Queen Sabine held her husbands arm. The royal couple walked away leaving young princess alone with her thoughts.
was always so confused with Descendants timeline because all those fairytales took place in a different time period and to be honest them living in the years let alone century makes no sense so my logical explanation for this is ✨magic✨ also in this au Sabine is the Beauty and Tom is the Beast btw incase you didn't noticed. Love you all🫶🏻🫶🏻 also should I keep the name "mirandants" ? | will use that hashtag so you can follow that hashtag to keep an eye on my au too💕
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A Failed Betrothal (4)
Am I doing this right? I mostly do write this when I am between the state of sleep and awareness. Hope you enjoy this.
(Part 1) (Part 3)
Marinette came to a dungeon cell with two other prisoners. One of them was awake and he looked vaguely familiar. The other had an ugly red helmet that didn’t help with the headache she had.
“Do you know where we are?” She asked the handsome stranger with beautiful green eyes, her throat a little dry.
Wait. Handsome?
No bad Marinette. Don’t fall for fellow prisoners, no matter how cute he looks. Oh Kwamis, she was already screwed.
He still hadn’t replied. Maybe he didn’t understand French. She tried to ask again in another language before her enhanced hearing picked up the sound of footsteps. She faked unconsciousness. Later, she heard the iron door open. She looked through the tiniest slits of her eyes she could muster while the two held a staring/glaring match. Oh shit, that’s the fame Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra’s, head of the League of Shadows, and the boy she was glaring at had some resemblance to her, so he must be her son, Dennis? Daniel? Damon?
"Damian, I hope you know what you should do."
Ohh..Damian. Where had she heard that name before?
"To be forcefully married to that little girl. She is no one special. Why am I getting married to her?"
Ouch, that hurts. Well, Damian, just because I forgot your name does not mean you can call me a little girl. I can also kill you very easily and painfully.
“Well, Jason, you are awake. You can be the best man for the wedding.”
“No. I don’t know what game you are playing but you better release us. B is gonna find us and you will pay. Let the girl go. She is innocent in all of this.” Red Helmet, Jason, is officially not going on her hit list for his atrocious fashion choices. But that red monstrosity still needs to go.
"Ladybug may not seem like it but she possesses great power that my father converted for centuries. Speaking of, she should be awake by now."
Marinette felt her hair being yanked. A little pain was expected but the really sharp claws digging into her scalp was not. Making her cry and tear up.
”I am so sorry, kit.” Plagg whispered in the kwami language, loosening his claws.
"Tch, See, she is more pathetic than I thought. She is not powerful." Damian growled out.
Geez, thanks for the compliment, it’s not like you ever had a tiny cat dig its claws into your scalp out of surprise. (Damian once had a kitten thrown at his head and if he knew about Plagg, he would have been sympathetic.) Marinette started begging for mercy, hoping they would buy the helpless girl out of the suit that is ill-suited for the job she had been chosen for and had no idea on how to escape.
“Like I thought, weak. She is not deserving of the title of my wife.”
Oh kwamis, what did she ever do to have such a picky groom? The more he insults her, the less she wants to be married to him.
"Appearance can be deceiving. Despite her demeanor, she is the current wielder of the Ladybug Miraculous and the Current Guardian. The old Guardian, the old fool had promised her in exchange for his protection."
Great, another reason to stop her mother from killing a senile old man.
"That doesn't mean I want to marry her. She is not worthy of an Al Ghul or a Wayne. Look at her, crying at the slightest feeling of pain."
So that’s where she heard it from. The boy was the son of the daughter of a guy who leads a secret order of assassins and a man that owns a multi-million business. How even did a billionaire meet an assassin, ends up in bed with her and lives? Something to think about for later. She quieted down her sobs, (beat that acting, Rossi) kept her voice low to hatch out a plan with Plagg in the kwami language while the mother-son duo bickered.
“Hey, Plagg before you go, you think I can do that thing, the one which your one of your past holders from Japan can do.”
“You have a lot of potential for destruction but you have not used the ring for a long time yet so I am not sure.”
“I will give it a go anyways. Nothing to lose after all. See you later, Plagg.” Marinette smiled, one that drove fear into the hearts of even the bravest of people. Plagg returned it, already loving the new Guardian before zipping out of the cell to do some scouting. Using the enhanced strength the French superheroine got from prolonged use of the Miraculous, she yanked the chains of the walls and wrapped them around Talia’s neck, cutting off her air supply.
The League of Assassins thought that they could kidnap her and get away with it. But they were no match for the daughter of Sabine Cheng, the deadly Blue Reaper. A high ranking member from the group of assassins and mercenaries called the Guild of Night, who had semi-retired. Kidnapping her was a bad move to make as it meant they had declared war on the Guild, despite the reason behind her abduction having a completely different intention.
She whispered as such to the older woman in her tight grip, making sure the League would know how much they had fucked up. After dropping the limp body, she took a deep breath and tried channeling some of her energy for what she was about to do.
Well, here goes nothing.
She breathed out on the shackles, turning it to rust.
She introduced herself as Lady and concentrated the energy from before into her hand, forming inky black orbs of destruction in order to free her fellow captives. She felt a little drained from doing magic out of the suit and tried not to show it. Plagg returned, informing her of where the Ra’s and the Pits were. She grinned at the thought of showing old Ra’s who the boss is and made sure he regretted ever messing with her. She explained about Plagg as vaguely as she can, no need to let anyone know about the miraculous than necessary. Sure her plan sounds insane but the boys don’t know who they were with.
She would worry about that curse after she got out of Nanda Parbat. Although she could probably find something in the grimoire to reverse it, she was still an amateur at magic so it was best to have a professional to take care of it. Marinette didn’t want to be with such an asshole, no matter how striking he looks in those regal robes.
Picking off the League assassins, one by one was easy especially in her transformed state. She hadn’t appraised her suit properly but from what she had seen, it wasn’t like Chat Noir’s leather get-up. She was armoured in vital areas and her colour scheme was mainly black with green accents. There were vials that were probably poisons and pouches which she decided to look at later. She still had a long braid as a tail from her brief stint as Lady Noire and she wondered why her suit was different. While hiding in a niche she found, she called the bakery via the comm in one of her various pouches.
“Papa, it’s me, Marinette. Do you know where Maman is?”
“She went out of Paris, talking about how this League must pay. I think she is meeting up with several of her old friends. Are you alright, my little blossom? I know you can take care of yourself but I worry.” The relief in Tom’s voice was palpable. However, she was right and the Guild was going to war against the League. Marinette was adored by nearly everyone in the Guild due to her strangely bubbly and cheery personality in the harsh and brutal lifestyle.
“I am fine, Papa. Did Maman use the Horse to leave? And how are my friends?” She knew they might be in a panic after her disappearance.
“I think she did. I didn’t see Kalki when I went to feed the kwamis. Your friends panicked when they found out you were kidnapped. But they are fine now, mostly worried about you. Took care of some akumas and senti monsters by themselves. I think your fencer friend, Kagami, knows more about the League than she lets on.” Of course, she does. Her mother was a member of the Guild before being blinded due to a mission. Kagami and her actually first met during a reunion party of sorts.
“Thank you, Papa. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
She hung up and dialed the personal phone number her mother uses that only Marinette and her father knows about. She waited for the call to connect, trying to think of ways to stop her mother from storming into the League’s base of operation.
“Maman, it’s me. I know you want to attack the League right this minute. But I have a better plan. Can you get Tikki’s earrings from Alix? We can use them and the ring to destroy the Lazarus Pits. Make them really angry.” She peeked out of the niche she was hiding in. She had been there for a while and needed to move to gain some grounds.
“Where are you? And are you okay?” Panic and worry filled her usually composed mother’s voice.
“I am somewhere in Nanda Parbat and I am fine. I was nearly married off to Talia’s son but I am not now. I think.” Marinette replied. Better to rip that band-aid off before she showed up with her would-have-been-husband. She jumped out of the niche and looked
“Kalki, Full Gallop. Okay, we will talk about the ‘nearly married’ part later. What was this plan to destroy the Lazarus Pits?” Sabine thought she was already used to Marinette’s brand of craziness that was her normal but apparently, not.
“I am currently on my way there. Plagg said we need Tikki to get rid of them. Since the League pissed me off and by extension you and the rest of the Guild, I thought our first move against them is to destroy the Pits and a trail of bodies. By the way, can you get some cheese for Plagg?” Marinette ran through the halls, knocking out some poor sod with a whack on the head.
Silence. She thought Sabine had hung up when-
“Voyage. Alix, where are you? We need Tikki for one of Marinette’s insane plans. And Marinette, stay safe, sweety, I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”
“Bye, Maman. See you there.”
Marinette turned another corner, the last one before the path that leads to the entrance where the Lazarus Pits were. She only managed to find it with Plagg’s voice in her head, whispering directions and Tikki’s luck. Unfortunately, the luck ran out because the entrance had a lot of guards who had spotted her.
She hoped her mother would get here soon. Thankfully, being transformed gave her a boost and would help her to hold her ground for a while.
Damian and Red Hood followed the trail of unconscious bodies and sounds of fights, trying to find Lady. Damian was impressed at the level of her skills to defeat many of the League’s assassins although he could probably do better. They relied on his memory to find the Lazarus Pits which was their best bet to finding her as she claimed to be able to destroy them. If Lady possessed such powers, they must find out whether she is a threat to the world or not. And also break the infernal curse they have.
Red Hood was silent mostly. He made a few jabs about how kick ass his ‘bride’ was and how the current Robin should not let her get away. Damian tried really hard not to just maim his adopted brother and also ignore that little fluttering in his chest that happened every time they saw an unconscious assassin left behind by Lady. The sounds of fighting got louder as they got nearer to the entrance. They turned the final corner to see Lady fighting against the guards who outnumbered her. But she seemed to be doing fine against them. Mostly.
One had slipped through her defenses and nearly stabbed her in the back if it weren’t for Damian grabbing one of Red Hood’s guns and shooting a rubber bullet to the neck. He jumped into the fight, grabbing the fallen assassin’s sword and taking out the knife he got from his mother. Jason joined in too, not going to let the two teens have all the fun.
“Thanks for the save, Al Ghul but I don’t know why you bothered when me being dead would solve your curse problem.” Lady said as the guards laid around them and they tried to catch their breath.
“It’s Wayne. I go by Wayne these days. Being an Al Ghul is not something I learned to be proud of. And as much as I don’t want this curse, your death is not worth that price.” he replied, “Although, I have to wonder why you would choose to die rather than live.”
She chuckled, “Okay, Wayne, to answer your question. Petty teenage drama makes death much more preferable. On top of that, I have responsibilities that I was practically forced into for doing one little act of kindness.” Her tone was joking but there was a touch of bitterness in it. It made Damian want to find out what caused it. Red Hood looked at her in concern. Lady went down the stairs, ignoring their reactions to her words. They followed her, not wanting to lose sight of her again.
The Lazarus Pits emitted a green glow that lit up the cave and cast strange shadows on the walls. At the edge of the glowing toxic green waters was a woman in dark blue clothing and strangely enough wearing sunglasses. Strapped to her sides were two Dao, ancient Chinese swords. She wore a vindictive expression on her face as she stood staring at the green lake, likely to kill anyone who gets in her way. Damian didn’t recognize the woman as part of the League but taking no chances, he got into a fighting stance and Hood did the same. Lady calmly approached the woman. He reached out to grab her to stop her suicidal nature when she shocked him by speaking to the blue-clad assassin in French,
“Hey, Maman, sorry I am late. I had a little trouble with the guards upstairs. You have Tikki?”
Lady’s mother rushed to hug her, “灵儿 (líng er), I am just glad you are alright. I knew you could handle yourself.”
How the hell did Lady’s mother get to the Lazarus Pits faster than them and snuck past several vigilant guards? Before Damian could question further, a red blur appeared and went to Lady’s face, hugging her cheek. It appeared to be the same size as Plagg but was red, looked like a bug and had a black dot on its forehead.
“Oh, Marinette, you are alright. I was so worried when your mother showed up, saying you were kidnapped and needed my earrings to escape.” Unlike Plagg’s nasally voice, her voice was sweet and shrill.
So, my bride’s name is Marinette. Such a unique name for an intriguing girl.
Wait what?
Wayne, stop thinking such ridiculous notions. That is probably the curse working. Resist against it. He will not be ensnared in the traps of such magic. He hoped that the curse will be reversed before he turns and act like those fools in Grayson’s idiotic shows or Todd’s ‘secret’ romance novels.
“I am fine now. See,” reassured Lady, “We actually need you and Plagg to reverse the Lazarus Pits to what it was before someone made the wish that resulted in them in the first place. Oh, I almost forgot. Plagg, claws in.”
Green light flashed, leaving Lady in her wedding robes (which actually flatter her body. Shit. Think of something else. Drake with a smug superior smile that needs to be wiped off his face. Grayson and his plans for ‘family bonding’) and Plagg to reappear.
“Cheese.” whined the cat-like kwami(?) to which the older woman held out a brown bag that smelled and made Plagg perk up in delight. He proceeded to open the bag, taking out a slice of stinky cheese, muttering about the greatness of camembert.
Todd cleared his throat and asked in English, “Umm...Pixie as much as your reunion is touching. Who’s the new lady?”
“Oh Right, sorry. Well, Red Hood, this is my mother, the Blue Reaper of the Guild of Night. Maman, this is Red Hood and the one next to him is my husband-to-be and Talia’s Spawn, Damian Wayne.”
Lady introduced them, also in English. Damian stilled in fear, recognizing the name. The Blue Reaper nearly became his mother-in-law. She was famous for her efficiency and ruthlessness. And gained her nickname from the blue clothing she often wore as she killed her targets. His eyes also widened at how his grandfather had gone a little too far now by kidnapping the Reaper’s daughter. There were other organizations that could possibly take down the League if it weren’t for the somewhat truce between Ra’s and the other leaders. The Guild was one of them and having the Lazarus Pits to revive their soldiers made the League a little more powerful. But if what the mother-daughter duo were planning succeeded, then the League was going to have one of its most deadly wars in its history and would probably never recover from.
“Tikki, Plagg, you guys ready?” asked Lady.
“Yes, Guardian.” They both replied and emitted a blinding red and green light which Damian shielded his eyes from. When it died down, the Lazarus Pits no longer glowed a toxic green and looked… like normal hot spring water.
“Oh. I wished I could see Ra’s face when he finds out.” Lady laughed. Plagg and Todd joined in.
“Pixie, I am beginning to like you.”
“Voyage. That being said, it’s time to go home, Marinette. Your father must be worried sick about us by now. I hope you boys can find your own way back.” A portal opened up, showing a cozy living room. Damian grabbed Lady’s wrist as she moved towards it.
“Wait, let us come with you. We need to contact someone to get rid of the curse on both of us. And we can also call our father to send us tickets for a ride home wherever you live.”
“Curse? Marinette, you never mentioned a curse in your call.” Blue Reaper said, raising her eyebrow.
“I will explain later. They can come with us and I am pretty sure Ra’s knows that we have escaped by now.” Lady grabbed the two brothers and dragged them through the portal.
She then threw herself onto the couch after releasing her hold on them and the two pocket gods went to comfort her after her ordeal. The Blue Reaper stood where the other portal was and fed a floating tiny gray horse, that must be the same species as Tikki or Plagg, some sugarcubes.
“You boys must be tired but the showers are upstairs and we might have some clothes your size. Dinner will be ready in an hour. You can stay the night if you want. Welcome to Paris.”
Tag list: @alysrose-starchild, @buginetye, @lookatthestars1, @blackroserelina, @macncheesemonster, @mochinek0, @myazael, @tonicxworld, @thewitchwhowaited, @t1dwarrior-of-earth, @kissa-chan, @iwantasecretidentity, @theymakeupfairies, @user00000003, @woe-is-me0, @kashlyn, @mochegato,@moonlightstar64 , @greatcatblaze, @moongoddesskiana, @tazanna-blythe. @tonicxworld, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @frieddonutsweets, @local-witch-of-mn, @lady-bee-fechin, @iglowinggemma28, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @k-tea-and-coffee, @jayjayspixiepop, @all-mights-asscheeks, @idk-j-go-with-it , @loysydark, @thenillabean, @lolieg, @zalladane, @silvergold-swirl
(Part 5)
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gettiregretti · 2 years
Copy the first few lines of your last ten fics, note any fun observations, then tag a few more friends.
I tag @mistr3ssquickly @hixystix @sempaiko @thatonegreyghost @sassyimperium
I don’t have ten lol, unless you want me to dip into FMA (pointless here). They aren’t all the openings but they are all what I would probably use for summaries on ao3. So chapter 1 a few paragraphs in.
Death Match / Zeb and Kallus meet in the gladiator pits as ISB agent and imprisoned fighter
When Crull started to close the heavy cell door on him, Kallus was already running. He scooped up a training staff, felt the bite of leather against old wood, and took aim.
The door was closing rapidly, and his chances of escape shrank along with it. Carefully, Kallus focused his mind. When he let the staff fly, it sliced true through the damp air of the training room and right between the door and its locking system. For a single breath, it wedged there and the space was held open.
A breath wasn’t enough. But it had to be enough. So he ran.
(This one is probably problematic in a ton of ways but I’m trying to straddle the line between indulgent fandom trope and bad taste)
Rebel Cell / in custody an empire doctor changes Kallus’ body so that it betrays him the way he betrayed them (ABO)
Alexsandr Kallus has only been part of the rebellion for a week, but he has already become a ghost story. Kanan only ever notices him slipping in and out of his scheduled interviews (interrogations; and they all know it) with an energy that’s getting progressively more gaunt. There is a kind of carefulness about him, like he’s stiff. Like it hurts to move.
(Sometimes you just make your fav lubricate from the butt. Fight me)
Love is in Your Blood / A new fighter joins the Resistance, and he’s from a species no one has ever seen before. Kallus is caught up in him too fast to be natural, but maybe that’s just Zeb’s jealousy talking.
“Kallus sure is getting friendly with the fishy new guy.” Sabine drops heavily onto some crates beside him. Zeb doesn’t bother to hide what he’s looking at. “Didn’t think he knew how to make friends, since he’s always trailing you.”
“Rinti,” Zeb growls, response clipped.
“He’s called Rinti. And he came with Hondo.”
Sabine’s eyebrows do some complicated movement designed to optimally convey teenage scepticism. It’s devastating, and Zeb has never loved her more.
(Just ready to make them both suffer as much as possible. Touch starved Kallus doesn’t know if this is love or a ruse because he doesn’t really know what love is ABLOOBLOOBLOO)
(Spoiler it’s not love)
Once More Unto the Breach / I watched Winter Soldier and decided it needed to be Kalluzeb’d
“There now. Agent, are you with us?”
Agent. She means him? From context, apparently so. Thoughts are so hard to tie together.
He turns his head with some difficulty, neck jellied like an overcooked vegetable. The masked person by his side wears white and has a sickly green face mask over mouth and nose. A human, medical expertise probable. A woman, he thinks.
“Yes,” he replies. His throat hurts. The screaming has left its mark.
“Stable, Doctor,” another of them pipes up from the left. The person pinning his leg remains silent, but his grip is secure. Agent… -Agent. Agent realises he can’t feel the heat of the grip - only the pressure.
“Good. A minor delay, but training will resume in ten minutes. This time you must keep your emotions under control, understood?” The doctor is looking at him. Agent gazes back.
“I suppose I must.”
(What it says on the tin. Not a straight-up rewrite at all, more about the empire testing old tech they don’t understand on traitors too effective to waste)
Untitled / Kallus and Zeb fall in together. But Kallus is sure someone on base is stalking him, and everyone wants to know how Zeb could ever forgive the man who eradicated his entire world.
Zeb snarled. “Everyone keeps tellin’ me that, like I’m stupid, but I didn’t see anyone else at this table back on Lasan! It was me, and it was him. And no one else has any business digging through that to make some moral fucking point.” He slammed his tray on the table hard enough that the bread rolled out of its compartment. He ignored it, appetite gone, and turned his back on the stunned faces of the group. “Don’t look for me until take-off,” he ordered, rising from his seat and stalking from the mess.
(Born from me listening to a lot of true crime podcasts -until they made my anxiety spike and I had to stop- and wondering if Zeb is just too tired to overcome the past he and Kallus have. if he decides he’s just going to grab happiness in both fists before it’s gone)
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starshine583 · 4 years
New Girl on the Block (5)
(The next update is here! Feel free to check out the mini series connected to this fic called Journal Entries. I will warn anyone who checks it out that I’m probably not going to continue the entries, though.)
Ch.1 / Ch.4 / Ch.6
Chapter 5: Late Night Visits
Felix idly watched the elevator light flicker from circle to circle as he reached the top floor. He tugged lightly at the green color of the shirt that Marinette had given him, preparing for his mother’s overbearing questions. She’d been trying to get him to wear something other than his suits for at least a year. When she saw him in this attire, she was going to have a fit.
Felix blew out a sigh. Normally, he would have changed back to his other clothes by now- Mme Sabine did an excellent job of cleaning them and tucking them into his bag, neatly folded -but Marinette told everyone that they could keep their outfits. After an offer like that, it seemed rude to change. 
The elevator emitted a soft *ding* to inform him that he’d arrived on his selected floor, and Felix drew in a deep breath, watching the golden-colored doors slide open. Here it comes.
The family penthouse was shrouded in darkness, save for the flames that flickered in the fireplace of the open living. It cast a soft, orange glow on the furniture and floors, and in the midst of the distorted dimness, Felix could make out his mother lounging leisurely on one of the light blue couches. It wasn’t unlike her to keep the house lights off while he or Father was away. She claimed that it helped think and relax. 
When the elevator doors rattled closed, his mother sat up from the couch and turned to him, her eyes bright and curious. A part of him hoped that she couldn’t spot his new outfit in the darkness, but that hope was quickly dashed as she hopped up with a gasp.
“Oh my goodness!” She exclaimed, sounding like a child on Christmas morning. Felix barely had time to set his bag down before she got to him, pawing up and down to study the fabric. He briefly wondered how a woman who wore six inch heels could move with such speed and agility.
“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Is it my birthday? Are you really my son? What happened to your old clothes? I thought you were going to visit Marinette’s house!” She flicked the lights on to get a better look, and Felix squinted as his eyes adjusted.
“Yes, I’m really your son,” He replied firstly, taking a step away from her incessant touches, “And I did go to Marinette’s house. That’s why I needed new clothes.”
Bridgette frowned, both at his step away from her and his comment. “What happened to your old clothes? Did Claude spill something on them again?”
“You could say that Claude was the Catalyst, yes.” He grumbled, the memory of Claude’s mocking laughter flicking through his mind. 
“Well, where are your other clothes then? Should I call M. Bernarde over to clean them?” 
Felix shook his head and gestured to his bag on the floor. “No need. Mme Sabine has already taken care of it.”
“Mme Sabine?” Bridgette parroted curiously. She knelt down and flipped over the brown, leather flap to pull out the clothes.
“Ah. Marinette’s mother.” Felix explained. “She insisted that I refer to her as ‘Mme Sabine’.” 
A smile graced Bridgette’s lips as she stood, tucking Felix’s clothes in her arms. “That’s very sweet of her.”
Felix nodded and knelt down to grab his bag as well. “M. Tom and Mme Sabine both have an uncanny resemblance towards you when it comes to their behavior.”
“Oh?” Bridgette’s eyes narrowed with amusement. “So what I’m hearing is: Marinette’s parents are wonderful people.”
Felix chuckled, flashing her an indulgent smile. “Of course, Mother.”
Bridgette grinned and ruffled a hand through his hair. “I definitely raised you right. Do you want some tea? I can make some while you go change. I know that’s not your usual preference of clothing.”
Felix hummed at the offer, reaching up to touch his collar again. “Tea sounds nice, but I think I’ll keep the outfit.”
It was already ten o’clock at night. If he were to change into anything, it would be a pair of pajamas, and he wasn’t in the mood for that yet. There were still things that he needed to jot down in his notebook before settling down for the evening.
Bridgette’s eyes bulged out of her head. “You mean you actually like the outfit?”
Felix shrugged. “The clothes are comfortable. It might not be my usual attire, but it’s also not unbearable. Besides, going up to change now would only be a waste of energy.”
Bridgette placed a hand on her hip and breathed out an incredulous laugh. “If I had known that going to Marinette’s house was all it would take for you to break your ‘suits’ streak, I would have you sent you there ages ago.”
Felix playfully rolled his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be happy that I dress well? Father’s quite pleased with it.”
Bridgette clicked her tongue, setting his clothes on the dining room table next to them to cross her arms. “Yes, that’s because your father is just as uptight as you are. You both need to loosen up a little.”
Felix chuckled. “Where is Father? I thought he was supposed to be home tonight.”
“He’s up in his study.” Bridgette answered, tilting her head towards the stairs. “There’s an important meeting at the bank tomorrow, and he wanted to prepare.”
Felix nodded. That was understandable. “What kind of tea are you going to make?”
Bridgette perked up at the reminder and spun on her heel to head towards the kitchen, her cream-colored dress flowing around her legs with the action. “I was thinking of Iron Goddess, but is there something different you might want?”
Felix shook his head as he followed behind her. “Iron Goddess sounds marvelous. I haven’t had that in a while.”
Bridgette moved to the stove and turned it on. Then she pulled out her flower-decorated kettle and set it on the burner. Felix stood next to her, quietly watching her pour the needed amount of water into the kettle. 
“So tell me how Claude managed to ruin your clothes for the twentieth time.” She said after a moment while handing Felix the dried, tea leaves.
Felix took the tea leaves and fished out a measuring spoon to scoop the accurate amount. “Twenty-second, actually, and I’m not entirely sure what happened.”
One moment, they were trying to put flour on the dough. The next moment, the flour was on them. Not the dough. He remembered everyone coughing up flour, and the white clouding his vision as the substance floated around the room. He remembered Claude laughing and Allan sighing in defeat when he finally got hit. Allegra had pinched the bridge of her nose at one point, undoubtedly asking herself what she would do with all of them.
Then he remembered Marinette’s face, flushed from embarrassment, as she scrambled to take the flour bag off of him, and her giddy smile, moments later, as she threw the bag onto Allan. 
“M. Tom was teaching us how to make croissants.” Felix said, starting at the first thing he could clearly recall. “When he left to deal with an unruly customer, Marinette attempted to take over the lesson. Unfortunately, she didn’t anticipate Claude’s tumultuous mannerisms.”
A laugh escaped Bridgette. “Can anyone truly prepare for Claude?”
Felix shook his head. “Not that I’ve seen.”
He tipped his measuring spoon into the infuser, letting the leaves fall into it. Then he reached across the stove and dropped the infuser into the kettle.
“Claude inevitably spilled a fourth of their flour bag onto himself and Allegra, and when Marinette went to fetch more for the rest of us, she tripped. I tried to catch her, but the flour bag was too heavy to handle. So we both ended up falling and getting covered as well.”
Bridgette snorted. “How chivalrous of you. It’s nice to know you’re fond enough of Marinette to try to help her when she needs it.”
“I didn’t do anything special.” Felix said, a twinge of irritation stirring in the back of his mind. She acted as though he let people fall in front of him on a regular basis. 
..of course, he did watch Claude land face first into the cement one day without so much as twitching. But in his defense, the brunette had been pushing Felix to the limit that day. He thought it only fair to let the boy suffer a little. 
“Anyone decent would have done the same thing.” Felix added, referring back to Marinette’s trip.
Bridgette nodded thoughtfully. “That’s true.. So you’re saying you’re not fond of her, then?”
“No, I-” Felix cut himself short, realizing what he was about to say. 
It’s not that he disliked Marinette. She was a kind-hearted person and, as of right now, hasn’t done anything to displease him. But for some reason, the word ‘fond’ sounded.. too strong. Too incriminating. 
His mother’s bubbly laughter broke him from his thoughts.
“Relax, sweetheart. I’m only teasing. I know you enjoy Marinette’s company.” She said, lightly tapping her fingers under his chin. The assurance didn’t appease Felix in the slightest. In fact, it only birthed a new form of discomfort. Why did the thought of enjoying Marinette’s company make him squirm? Wasn’t it normal to enjoy someone’s company once you were around them for a while? 
“So how did you get the new outfit?” Bridgette inquired next. “Did you have to stop baking and go on a last minute shopping spree?”
“No, Marinette had plenty of outfits.” Felix answered, gladly accepting the subject change. “It was quite impressive. She’d told us that she was a fashion major, but I didn’t realize that she was actually making clothes at this moment and time.”
“Wait, what?!” Bridgette blanched, her eyes blowing wide as she straightened. “You’re telling me that she made those clothes? The ones you’re wearing right now.”
Felix barely managed a nod before Bridgette swooped down to inspect his clothes all over again.
“You’re kidding!” She gasped, feeling over the seams and fabrics. “You didn’t tell me that she was a fashion designer! And a talented one, no less!”
“Didn’t I?” Felix replied, subtly leaning away from his mother.
Bridgette shook her head. “No, you didn’t! You’ve told me that she’s a new student who got in on a scholarship, that she lives in a bakery, that she’s clumsy, and that she’s somehow anxious and level-headed at the same time, but I’ve never heard about her aspirations towards being a fashion designer.”
“Huh..” Felix mumbled. The fact must have slipped his mind earlier. “Well, that’s how she attained the scholarship. She’s majoring in fashion. Claude, Allegra, and Allan all got outfits from her as well.”
“That’s incredible..” Bridgette muttered. “She must really be something.”
Felix nodded, being inclined to agree. No one got an early scholarship to Rosemary Highschool without having an immense amount of drive and talent. The clothes he wore now proved that.
A sharp whistle cut into their conversation, and Bridgette swiftly moved back to the stove to turn it off. She then grabbed two mugs from the counter- one deep green and one deep blue -and poured some of the scalding liquid from the kettle into both cups.
“So what happened after everyone changed?” She asked, getting back to the original topic.
“Nothing much.” Felix admitted. He took the dark green mug that Bridgette offered him with a ‘thanks’ before adding, “Marinette took our clothes to Mme Sabine for her to wash them, and the rest of the visit was spent playing video games or talking.”
“Did you play games as well?” 
An involuntary snort left Felix’s lips, and he shook his head. “Certainly not. I looked around Marinette’s room instead.”
“Oh?” His mother scooted closer to him with a sly smile, the same way she always did when she expected to hear something ‘juicy’. “Did you find anything interesting?”
The treasure chest of birthday gifts resurfaced in Felix’s mind, along with the card that he’d found.
“Nothing out of the ordinary.” He lied. It wasn’t his place to disclose such things, especially when he hadn’t been told directly about them. Felix wanted to learn more about Marinette, not share her private life with the world. “She seems to have quite an obsession with the color pink, though.”
Bridgette laughed. “Really? How bad?”
“Well, it’s not as bad as your infatuation with sky blue,” Felix said light heartedly, “but it still covered almost everything in her room. I was shocked that her hand-made outfits weren’t all pink as well.”
Bridgette hummed. “You do need to have some variety in the fashion world. Otherwise your clothes will become bland and predictable.”
She took a small sip of her tea and sank against the counter, reveling in the warmth it provided. 
“So how do you think Marinette’s fairing in the group so far?” she asked after a moment.
Felix took a sip of his own tea as he mulled over his answer. “She certainly knows how to hold her own. Allegra and Claude have already pledged their loyalty to her, claiming that she’s family even though we’ve only known her a week.”
“You think they’re rushing things?”
“I think they’re impulsive and rash as always.” Felix shrugged. “Marinette can be a great asset to our group, but that’s hardly a reason to devote themselves to her.”
Intrigue flashed in Bridgette’s deep blue eyes. “So you think she can make the group better?”
“Currently, yes.” Felix responded. “The way she interacts with each of us brings a strange sense of balance to the group. She adds this splash of color that we’ve apparently been lacking.”
It’s something he’s noticed often in the past week. Marinette will listen intently to Claude’s stories and ideas, therefore sedating his chaotic atmosphere. She’ll compliment Allegra’s styles and discuss compelling topics with the blonde, easily satisfying the girl’s need to dig up controversy and drag it to light for the sake of a good argument. She’ll even share looks and teasing comments with Allan, praising him for his photography skills and giving him the constant validation that causes the boy to smile just a little bit more. Her routine of asking Felix’s opinion and actually taking it into consideration admittedly soothes his ever-rising temper as well.
In a way, she kept them grounded, and that was something that their group desperately needed if you asked him.
“Wow~” Bridgette sang, taking a long sip of her tea. “That’s a lot of praise coming from you, Felix.”
Something turned inside Felix’s chest at the comment, and his grip on his mug tightened. Why did he feel as though he had been caught for something? Nothing he said had been untrue. 
“I’m merely stating observations.”
“Of course.” Bridgette muttered into her cup, an air of amusement in her voice. “Observations.”
Felix narrowed his eyes at his mother. Her sly smile told him that she wasn’t quite agreeing with him in the way that she said. Almost like she was insinuating something or knew something that he didn’t. Bridgette was known for drawing irrational conclusions, though, so he didn’t dare ask what that something was. Felix simply took another sip of his tea and continued telling her the smaller details of his visit. 
Evening in Paris, a time where the streets are empty and the lights are full. The city of love always had a way of illuminating the night sky with its abundance of lanterns and street lamps. Couples could often be found strolling along, enjoying the romantic atmosphere, but tonight, company was scarce. Only the occasional car divulged the fact that the drowsy town was not quite asleep. 
Chat Noir didn’t blame the civilians for staying inside. The frigid month of January was tolerable in the morning, but at night, the frosted winds had no mercy. He tugged up his scarf to compensate for the chill that nipped at his cheeks and nose, and although it did little to help, he continued skipping across the rooftops. Nathalie would be checking on him in roughly an hour to make sure he was asleep. That gave him roughly thirty to forty-five minutes to get to Marinette’s house, convince her to transfer back to Dupont, and get home. 
Well, he didn’t expect to convince her fully- Marinette can be extremely stubborn -but he could lay the groundwork. For example, if Chat Noir could figure out why she left, maybe Adrien would be able to fix it. 
The balcony came into view a few minutes later, and Chat Noir picked up the pace. Using his alter ego to snuff out information wasn’t something that he put to practice often, but all attempts to talk to Marinette as Adrien so far have failed, and he couldn’t wait for his schedule as a civilian to open again. 
His feet landed on the Dupain-Cheng rooftop, but the ice on top of it caused him to slip. He let out a yelp and threw his hands forward to claw for support. The high pitched whine that came from his gloves when they caught on the ice made him wince, but it was better than falling off the edge of the roof. He scrambled upwards to safety, blowing out a sigh of relief as he found Marinette’s window. That was close.
Now that he had steady footing, Chat Noir stole a peek into Marinette’s bedroom. The last time he came to her house uninvited, it was while she was sleeping, and that did not end well for him. Therefore, he’s started checking whether she’s ‘ready’ for him or not.
Marinette buzzed around her room, a bright smile on her lips as she gathered empty soda can, cups, and plates. Why were there so many drinks and plates? Did Marinette eat that much or did she have someone over earlier? If she did have someone over, then who would it be? Everyone at Dupont was still grumbling about her supposed misdeeds. Did someone finally come to their senses and apologize? 
Chat Noir perked up. This was great! If she’s reconciled with one of her old classmates, it would be that much easier to sway her in his direction.
Fueled by a fresh spark of hope, he climbed up to Marinette’s balcony. The coolness of the metal railing seeped through his gloved hands as he grabbed it, but he hardly cared as he swung himself over. His padded feet hit the wooden floorboards without a sound, and he knelt down to knock on the trapdoor.
“I can’t believe how much fun today was!”
His knuckles faltered in the air at the sound of Marinette’s voice. She sounded positively giddy, which was nice, but who was she talking to? He didn’t remember seeing anyone in the bedroom with her. Were they sitting outside his viewpoint? Should he come back later?
“When everyone got covered in flour, I thought the rest of the night was going to be horrible, but they looked like they had a good time.” Marinette continued, oblivious of her eavesdropper. 
Chat Noir frowned slightly. ‘Everyone’.. Did more than one person come over? How did they get covered in flour?
He shook his head and checked his baton for the time. 10:20pm. If he was going to talk to her, it needed to do it now. 
Tentatively, he knocked on the trapdoor, hoping beyond all hope that she was making a simple phone call. Marinette would be ticked if he came over, uninvited, while she had someone else visiting.
Her idle chatter immediately ceased, and Chat Noir shifted nervously on the floor. Please be alone. Please be alone.
His ears twitched to the sound of movements. Footsteps were making their way across the room. Then up the first ladder to the loft. Then up the second ladder to the balcony. Then-
Marinette pushed her way through the trapdoor, offering him a warm smile. “Hey, Chat! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you around here. How have you been?”
Chat’s shoulders sagged in relief. It’s been forever since he’s seen that wonderful smile. “I’ve been okay. Mind if I come in?”
“Not at all.” Marinette held the trapdoor open long enough for Chat to grab it and started climbing back down the ladder. “I was just cleaning up from having my friends over.”
So she did have people over! 
“Which friends?” He asked, trying not to sound too eager as he climbed down the ladder behind her. Could it be Alya? They were best friends, after all. Or Nino? He was always skeptical of Lila’s tales. Oh! What if it was Nathaniel? Chat remembered the red-head having a soft spot for Marinette a while back. Or what about-
“My new friends from school!” Her enthusiastic reply shattered his hopes, and Chat Noir froze, the trapdoor rocking shut above him. She had.. new friends? Already? She’d only been gone a week or two..
“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I transferred from Dupont to Rosemary!” She added, completely oblivious to the bomb that she’d just dropped on him. It shouldn’t surprise Chat that she had new friends, since Marinette was amazing, but..
“What about your old friends?” 
Marinette shrugged, dumping a few soda cans into the trash bag that lay in the corner of her room. “Oh, you know. Lila’s been rallying them against me for a few months now. I figured that wasn’t good for my mental health or my education, so I decided to leave.”
Guilt festered in the pit of his stomach, and Chat Noir cast his gaze to the side. He understood where she was coming from. Lila hadn’t been making life easy for her as of late. 
“Do you miss them?”
“Nope!” The answer was immediate and cheerful, and it shot a knife right through Chat’s heart.
“There’s not a single part of you that wants to go back?” He persisted. School had been difficult for her with Lila’s lies. He got that. But it still hurt to know that she was willing to throw them away like they hadn’t been friends for the better half of two years. 
Marinette shook her head, shoving the imagined knife deeper into his chest. “If they wanted me to stay, they should have treated me better.”
“What if they’re sorry?” He asked, probably faster than he should have. “What if they missed you and wanted you to come back? Wouldn’t you forgive them?”
Weren’t friends supposed to work things out? 
A sigh fell from her lips. “I don’t know, Chat. No one’s even apologized yet. Even if they did, I’m not sure that I’d want to go back?”
“Why not?” Chat all but yelled in exasperation. If everyone apologized, that would mean no one was upset with her anymore. The problem would be gone! So why would she want to stay away from them?
Marinette frowned at him. “If I go back to Dupont, it’ll only show them that their actions don’t have any real consequences. They need to learn that they can’t just treat people however they want.” 
Chat Noir didn’t respond, because what could he really say? She was right. He knew she was right. You can’t rage against someone day after day and expect them to take it. Even so, he couldn’t help wanting her back. They needed her. He needed her.
“Why are you so concerned about this anyway?” Marinette inquired, breaking him from his thoughts.
Chat Noir managed a sheepish smile. “N-No reason. I just don’t want you making any rash decisions is all.”
Marinette eyed him for a moment, then shrugged. “Well, I don’t think it’s rash to get out of a toxic situation, but why don’t we change the subject? Do you want to play games? I can bring up snacks if you plan on staying long.”
Chat Noir pulled out his baton to check the time. 10:40pm. Drat.
“Actually, I should get going.” He replied, slipping on an apologetic smile. “Patrol and all that.”
Marinette gave an understanding nod. “No problem. Thanks for stopping by.”
“Thanks for having me.” Chat Noir said with a small wave. He then clambered back up the ladder and pushed open the trapdoor. The freezing air hit him full force, but he didn’t have time to be skittish. Nathalie would be coming to check on him in twenty minutes, and that didn’t include the possibility of her coming to check on him early.
He shut the trapdoor behind him, making sure it was tightly closed. (Just because he had to get frostbite didn’t mean that Marinette had to) Then, Chat Noir swung himself over the railing, slid down the Dupain-Cheng’s rooftop, and started homeward.
He’d wanted to change Marinette’s mind about Dupont, but in the end, he was the one who had his mind changed. With Lila running about and spreading lies, it wouldn’t be fair to ask her to return. However, if his classmates were too.. say.. change their ways and learn to appreciate Marinette, she might be inclined to come back. All he had to do was convince them that Lila was a liar and that Marinette was an actual angel, and he would start with apologizing. What the school Marinette said she transferred to? Rosemary? Yeah, that’s it. Rosemary.. Wasn’t that the prestigious school for rich kids that Father almost sent him to? How did she manage to enroll there? He thought the tuition was supposed to be extremely expensive.
Chat Noir shook his head slightly. How she enrolled at that school didn’t matter. What mattered was that that’s where she’ll be most of the day from now on, and as soon as he got even a second of free time as Adrien, she will be the first person he sees.
Tag List:  @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks @tbehartoo @woe-is-me0 @raeuberprinzessin @lazuli-11 @miss-chaos27 @trippingovermyfeet @sadpotatoondrugs @ladybug-182 @jaggedheart11 @marinahrasauce @i-need-blog-ideas
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Jonc de mer and Acropora
For Maribat March 2021 day 3 prompt Warmth. (If you squint hard enough).
This is part one of an I don’t know how many part fic. I hope you stick around because it’s going to be a ride.
Jonc de mer is French (I think) for Seagrass while Acropora is a type of coral (purple coral actually). Sticholodinae is a subcategory of Ladybugs that, as far as I can tell, have either no spots or one big splotch surrounded by smaller spots. The email address in this is fake, please do not send emails to it because they may get redirected to a very real person named Menene.
Of course a big thank you to @maribatmarch-2k21 for putting on the event, now lets get on with the fic.
The only thing Marinette remembers of her mother is the warmth she provided against a harsh cold. She remembers very little about her mother’s family, only that she seemed to be surrounded by purple anytime they were close. She only remembers so little because her mother, and her mother’s family, were slaughtered by the false king and she was left for dead. Thankfully, a pod of passing merpeople heard her cries and carried her to the closest shore. She tearfully waved goodbye to the pod as the surf carried her ashore.
She was taken in that day by a wonderful man, stocky in build with short brown hair and green eyes. She knew her life would change, beginning with the man renaming her. The name her mother gave her would always be what Atlanteans called her, it was as much a part of her as her purple eyes and her permanently tan skin. The man, named Tom, renamed her Marinette because she seemed to rise with the sun.
Marinette and Tom met Sabine in Paris, France. Sabine was a beautiful woman of Chinese descent with black hair and grey eyes. She smiled at the father-daughter duo sweetly and when Tom wasn’t within hearing range Sabine told Marinette that whomever her mother was, she was one lucky lady.
Sabine was aghast at the sight of little two year old Marinette struggling to hold herself together while she has to tell the kind lady that her mother is no longer with her.
Sabine walked right up to Tom afterwards to demand he married her right that instant so they could raise Marinette together.
They were legally married by the end of the day and Sabine had started the process to legally adopt Marinette.
Marinette had always felt drawn to the Seine, it is what drew her parents to purchasing a building just down the street from the river. Tom and Sabine wanted to always be close by when she had access to the river. One of them would always accompany her, needing to know she wasn’t going to get swept away in the Seine.
Marinette was five when she met him. Tom was sitting a few meters away on a nearby bench reading a newspaper.
The boy, who could only be the same age as her, had short blond hair cropped close to his head, deep brown skin and pale green eyes. His eyes reminded her of seagrass, the way they seemed to be hundreds of different shades of green all at once.
Marinette smiled, her eyes following the lines his gills left as he began treading water. “Hello.” She bowed her head in greeting and was delighted when he bowed his head in return.
“Menenne. I am Kaldur’ahm, it is a pleasure to meet you.” The boy, Kaldur’ahm, extended his hand in greeting.
Marinette simply clasped his hand and shook it in greeting, tucking away that name for later. “It is certainly a pleasure to be meeting you.”
They continued to meet up for years, Kaldur’ahm getting more and more comfortable around her, eventually enough so that she could introduce him to her Papa. He introduced himself as “Kaldur Durham” and Tom is hard pressed to find anything he doesn’t like about his baby girl’s new friend.
In the end the two Dupain-Cheng’s introduced Kaldur to Sabine, who simply smiled and asked if he was staying for dinner.
The Dupain-Cheng family simply gave him what he needed, time to tell them about himself and the opportunity to relax. However, Marinette continued to feel a pull to the Seine.
They were eleven when Kaldur, who Marinette had taken to calling Jonc de mer, told her that his mentor, Arthur Curry, was joining a conglomerate somewhere in America and that he was going with him. Kaldur held Marinette as she cried, not knowing that he was surrounding her in a familiar warmth.
The very next day, when they were saying goodbye, Marinette looped a scarf made in orchid, black, melon green and pale yellow yarn around his neck. “This will keep you safe, no matter where you go. No matter how far away you are.”
Kaldur grabbed her hands and nodded. “I will have you with me wherever I go, Acropora.”
Marinette smiled and pulled her hands away so she could quickly write something down on a scrap piece of paper. “When you get settled in America, email me.” She handed over the piece of paper and smiled as he looked over what she’d written on it.
[email protected] ;) look me up Jonc de mer”
Since Tom had found her on the beach of Sicily, they took family vacations to Italy and it was on one of these family vacations that Marinette made a friend.
Marinette was eight, as was the little girl, when they met. The two were just running around and through the waves. They played for hours, just smiles and laughs passed between the two no words needed. The next day they finally introduced themselves before they continued to play.
They spent everyday together, so much time in fact that Marinette felt comfortable enough telling her about Kaldur, however whenever the duo were around someone who hadn’t been given special Marinette friendship rights, the duo referred to him as the boy with blond hair and green eyes.
When Marinette was eleven she finally became friends with Chloé Bourgeois. It was a few days after Kaldur had gone to America when Chloé happened across her while she was sketching something for a client.
“What are you making?” Chloé asked.
Marinette closed her sketchbook with a little more force than was strictly necessary. “It’s a commission and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t attempt to steal it.” Marinette would feel bad about being mean to Chloé later but for now all she cared about was making sure that her sketch was finished in time to present it to the client.
Marinette was sat next to Chloé in the classroom on the day she received her Miraculous. Chloé was being her usual bratty self when a girl who was classically pretty walked in the room and visibly stuck her nose up at Chloé.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.”
Marinette gave her a once over, noting her lack of sense. Why would anyone pair an orange flannel with light blue jeans and black shoes with giant tongues? Marinette let out a nearly silent “tsk” before placing her hand on her friend’s arm. “Don’t listen to her Blondie. I know you aren’t evil.”
Marinette debuted as Sticholodinae, although all of Paris just called her Ladybug while Chat just called her M’Lady, a day before Stoneheart. She was photographed and seen swinging over the Paris streets testing her capabilities and her limitations.
Her suit, which Tikki said was not what she was expecting because every past Ladybug’s suit was mainly red, was mostly black. While her body was encased in black fabric, it was Kevlar enforced and didn’t shimmer in the sunlight. She had what appeared to be a bulletproof vest under a thick leather jacket which was black and faded to a very dark red at the bottom hem and the cuffs at the ends of her sleeves. Her legs were reinforced with a pair of joggers which had a very dark red waistband and were tucked into a pair of black reinforced combat boots. Her suit looked segmented like a bug to the untrained eye, however she knew that her suit wasn’t segmented but actually appeared to be scaled like a fish. Her hair was pulled up and back into a bun that looked like a work of lattice on the back while her face was obscured through several methods. Her eyes were obscured by a pitch black mask with white eye lenses while she had a charcoal gray tactical half face mask covering the bottom half of her face so that all anyone could see of her face was her forehead.
She knew her suit wasn’t what most thought of when they pictured a Ladybug, but she would do whatever it took to stay safe so that she could reunite with her Jonc de mer.
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Cat’s Definitive Ranking of Every ML Episode as of 4/22/21
Are you guys ready for this? I did the thing. You’re all welcome. Don’t ever ask me for anything again. You can watch me get progressively more unhinged in real time. 
Now, just to preface this, I did not give this too much thought. Most of these are just my gut feelings. I went through every episode and just made some snap judgments based off the lasting impressions I’ve been left with. These are my opinions. If you don’t like them, tough. And also I don’t care. Go spend 4 hours making your own damn ranking. And shut the hell up. Anyway, this is probably the longest post I’ve ever made, so I’m gonna put it all under a read more. Click on it if you have an hour to read it. Okay, here we go!
1.     Origins II- Good starting point for our heroes. Good establishment of canon ships and character dynamics. Umbrella scene literally stole my wallet. Cannot emphasis enough that I am whipped for the umbrella scene. I wrote a whole ass AU just to say how whipped I am for the umbrella scene. In the Rain will play at my wedding. Jk. Weddings are for suckers. But dammit if I don’t want these kids to get married. 10/10
2.     Origins I- Good introduction to lore. Good introduction to characters. Good establishment of status quoyo. Just good. 10/10
3.     Simon Says- Listen, I am nothing if not a shipper at heart. This episode just sparks joy. And the whole series almost ended when Gabriel almost jumped off the roof. I was really rooting for this one. This was the episode where I saw Ladrien and went yes, ma’am, I’ll have one of those. 10/10
4.     Evillustrator- Are you all surprised? Cat, the MC-skeptic ranked the pivotal MC episode so highly? Well, let me tell you all a thing, I started this fandom out a MC shipper because of this episode. Their first interaction is gold. I don’t deny that. I enjoy it. This is the MC dynamic I fell in love with. Yall toxic shippers ruined MC for me when you opened your mouths and spat in the face of Ladrien and baselessly declared MC the sin-ship. We all know it’s Ladrien. Stop kidding yourselves. Boy in leather catsuit? Please. Basic ass vanilla bitches. I’m getting off-topic. Solid episode 10/10. We love to see it.
5.     Stormy Weather- Baby’s first Miraculous episode. It holds a special place in my heart. It’s a solid episode. Good establishment of what the show is. Fun villain. Good times. Fond memories. 10/10
6.     Riposte- Listen, I know I’m an Adrinette stan, but hear me out: Ladrien. It’s just so good. And Kagami was compelling in this episode. It was just really solid. It’s my favorite s2 episode. If you ask me if I want to rewatch Riposte, the answer is always yes. 10/10. We stan.
7.     Gorizilla- Okay, so this episode has some solid Adrinette in it, but the real reason it ranks so high is that fucking Ladrien trust fall. I stare at that scene for hours, you guys. HOURS. It is absolutely just *chefs kiss*. Sometimes when I need a pick-me-up, I just go watch gifs of that catch on loop. 10/10. Beautiful. Radiant. Carefree.
8.     Gang of Secrets- I have been keeping most of my opinions to myself about s4 (mostly because I’ve backed way the hell out of this fandom), but GoS was pretty solid. Gotta say, it’s the first episode in a long time with this show that made me actually excited to see what happens next. Most other episodes I was like, okay, that was cute. The show is still meh overall. But GoS really got me like oh shit, is ML good again? 10/10 for making me feel things again.
9.     Oblivio- Told you guys this one was probably rated higher than I thought. Oblivio is just really fun. There is good Adrinette. That “No wonder I fell in love with you” paired with the softest of Adrien smiles just sends me. And the kisses. The unquestionable trust. These two kids literally woke up together alone in an elevator with no memories and said welp, you’re my boyfriend/girlfriend obviously, I don’t make the rules. Honestly, how anyone could argue that these two dorks aren’t made for each other after that episode is beyond me. 9/10
10.  Backwarder- Okay, I know I am weird and alone for this one, but I really liked this episode. It got a lot of shit for the constipation capsule thing at the end, but like who cares? We finally got some more backstory on Fu. He got a love-interest who is dope as hell. This episode is my favorite lucky charm use ever. Like that queen DID that. I like Backwarder, guys! Fuck off. 9/10.
11.  Kwamibuster- We all know I am a Marinette-stan by this point, but our girl was SHINING this episode. This bitch said gimme all them and let me go whoop this bitch’s ass, and she DID. Hawkmoth could never. Multimouse is a gift, and Marinette is a boss ass queen.  9/10
12.  Chat Blanc- Listen, this episode was very good. I enjoy the idea of my children being happy in another timeline somewhere very much. We got all 4 sides of the square in an episode. It’s just really solid. I know this is the fandom’s favorite, and everyone is gonna shit their pants because it didn’t make my top 10, but this is my list. So, I put it at number 12. It’s good. I like it. It just didn’t steal my wallet like other episodes did. Put the pitchforks down. It’s gonna be okay, you can still love it more than me. 8/10
13.  New York Special- I know everyone felt some type of way about this special, but I wasn’t mad at it. My perception of it might be clouded because I watched it in Disney World where I was chilling and having a great time, but like this special really did somethings for me. The Adrinette was top tier. Tippy top tier. Even though they hurt us in the end, I am okay with it because it just means the children will grow and come out stronger. I don’t care if it’s not technically canon. Ask me if I give a fuck. I don’t. I had fun here. 8/10. Solid.
14.  The Collector- This one might shock a lot of you, but let me paint you a scene. It’s the first episode of s2. We have just come off a 2 year hiatus. The fandom is thriving. We’re hungry for canon content. We have hopes and dreams and expectations. Everyone is going wild with theories. This episode confirmed something that was long since obvious (in my opinion) and ended the stupid arguments people had been having. It made Gabriel actually seem semi-competent. We got our first taste of how Chat/Adrien will react to his dad being Hawkmoth. We got a peek at their life. Adrien’s isolation and sadness. They were so close to figuring it out. The battle was epic. Like Collector really had them on the ropes there for a second. It’s a solid episode, yall. I’m not wrong. Hate me all you want, but this episode brought it. 8/10
15.  Despair Bear- Is this episode up this high because of the Adrinette slow dance scene? YOU BET YOUR ASS IT IS. Okay, but fr though, shipping aside, this episode gave us hope that Chloe was actually gonna redeem herself. I mean, she didn’t but, we didn’t know that at the time. Seeing her run around trying to be nice was fun. And then she actually did something good, and we had a moment of okay, she’s capable. We’ll get there. We didn’t. But what a ride this episode was for making us think she would. 8/10
16.  Startrain- Cat, you’re just ranking all the Adrinette episodes highest. And? What of it? Are you surprised? You clicked a blog that has simping for Adrinette in the description, and you’re surprised all my favorite episodes have Adrinette? I’m not wrong, you’re just an idiot. The Adrinette nap cuddles aside though, this was a pretty good episode. If you don’t think too hard about the whole space thing, we got a look at Max’s life, his mom is a driven, smart lady doing her best. Adrien rebels against papa for once. Alya stops a Lila scheme. Chloe gets to play the hero. Alya and Nino actually investigate like the heroes they are. Gabriel gets to realize what a dumbass bitch he is. I mean. Guys. Startrain is solid. 7.5/10
17.  Sapotis- This one shot up in rank for me after GoS, but tbh it’s always been a solid episode. Alyanette sleepover? Check. Alya becoming a superhero? Check. It’s a fun episode. And looking back, it’s nicely called back to later in GoS. We love it. 7.5/10
18.  Sandboy- Idk why I enjoy this episode as much as I do, but I do. Sandboy is a cute bean. I love his aesthetic. We also get hilarious looks at everyone’s nightmares. “Plagg, who turned you into a sock?” cracks me up cause like Adrien, bby, no XD And Chat Noir’s nightmare. I think it would have been interesting though if since Sandboy dusted the Agreste mansion, if we got a peek at Hawkmoth’s nightmares. It would have been a nice hint of plot to go along with Master Fu’s nightmare. Also Plagg giving the akuma the slip like the clever boy we know he is deep down? 7.5/10
19.  Furious Fu- If you guys haven’t realized by now that I love Fu, idk what you’re doing. Pay attention. I know that some people don’t like him, but I’m just gonna say it, you’re wrong. Fu took care of the Miracle Box for over 100 years, and this episode kind of gives some insight to what the Order was like. Very strict. Lots of rules. And ya know what, Fu said fuck the police, I’m gonna befriend these little magical demigods, and fuck off! Like what an absolute legend. I was really happy to see him living his best life, and that he and Marianne got married because it’s what he deserves. We love to see it. 7.5/10
20.  Gamer- People like to shit on Marinette in this episode, but like honestly, if I were in her shoes, I’d have probably done the same thing if I had the skill. Ain’t nothing wrong with a girl trying to spend time with the boy she likes. And Tom and Sabine being absolute shipping trash. I love them. And the awkward Adrinette. The introduction of the lucky charm that Adrien STILL carries. Wholesome. This was a good episode for their friendship, and we love to see it. 7.5/10
21.  Christmaster- Okay, I know a lot of people hated this episode when it aired, but I thought it was really funny? Everyone skidding around in the ice rink was hilarious. If you don’t take this episode seriously, it’s really fun. Chris is pretty cute, and damn right Ladybug is the best kid in the world. Idk. This episode is fun. I’m not mad at it. Sue me. 7.5/10
22.  Weredad- What? Another MC-heavy episode in Cat’s top 30? Listen, I don’t hate canon MC. The fans just annoy me. This episode was funny. The secondhand embarrassment and cringe was real. Plagg taunting Adrien because he knows the secret was great. Marinette being a self-saving queen was great. It’s a good episode. I like MC, you guys. I do. I swear! 7.5/10
23.  Miraculer- This episode was interesting to me, and I think it’s still a good development episode. For one, Sabrina finally got her own akuma episode named after her. Secondly, because it’s a big step for Chloe, just not in the way we expected. It totally makes sense that Chloe can’t have her Miraculous back because literally everyone knows her identity. Can’t argue that logic. And she is the first person to ever refuse to become akumatized, so like mad respect. I know a lot of people had high hopes for redeemed Chloe (myself included), but I think watching a character fall from revering someone to hating them is also an interesting path. The friends to enemies arc as it were. Idk. I liked this episode. It was an opportunity for Chloe to grow, even if she didn’t in the end, but we’ll talk about that later. 7.5/10
24.  Lady Wifi- I like Alya. I feel like I don’t say that much, and people make some assumptions because of MDCSP, but MDCSP is just a concept I wanted to explore. It doesn’t really reflect how I feel about any one character. Except maybe Lila. And Gabe. But every other spite fic I’ve written branching from Chameleon, the class has been fine. Alya has been fine. So, let it be known that I like Alya. Lady Wifi was a fun episode. Putting aside the fact that she thought Chloe was Ladybug for no reason, I like her akuma. I like the interactions we get with LadyNoir in this episode. After GoS, this episode gets a bit funnier. It’s solid. 7/10
25.  Dark Cupid- I don’t have much to say about this one. LadyNoir. That’s it. That’s the tweet. Send it. 7/10
26.  Volpina- So many things about this episode. It introduced a new antagonist who we didn’t exactly 100% know was going to be an antagonist at the time. This episode sparked a lot of fun fan theories for a while. Who was Lila? How was she going to shake things up? Not to mention this episode gave us a taste of plot and lore, and set up Marinette meeting Master Fu officially. Lots of intrigue sparked from this episode. And that LadyNoir door scene? OOOOOO 7/10
27.  Hearthunter- One word: Adrigaminette. This episode was so cute for them! I loved seeing them all goofing and running around together. Adrien and Kagami being absolutely in love with Marinette when her hair is down. They both love her, I don’t make the rules. Not to mention, Marinette takes a big step by letting her friends be happy without her. Kagami not wanting to hurt Marinette. The drama!! Gabriel being a messy ass bitch to his friends. It loses points for the abomination of an akuma, but overall, I wasn’t too mad at it. Yet. 7/10
28.  Glaciator- More MC in Cat’s top 30? It’s more likely than you think. Listen. Listen… Listen. MC is fine. This episode was the closest thing to fanfiction that we got. The balcony scene was really sweet. I was drinking the irony. We got introduced to Andre the icecream fraud. Andre the please just give me the flavor I asked for man. I could have done without Chat pouting, but the LadyNoir in the end was pretty good. I wish they’d done more with Ladybug’s feelings for Chat. Had her question herself a bit more after this one, but overall, it’s cute. 7/10
29.  Zombizou- A lot of people started hating Mlle. Bustier after this episode, and like I can kind of see it, if I squint, but I did not draw that same conclusion from this episode. Mlle. Bustier just wants good things for all of her students. They’re 14 ffs, she just wants to be a good influence on all of her students and wants them all to be successful. But go off, I guess? Plus, this episode was basically just a spoof on zombie apocalypse movies. We got so many things. Julerose, Myvan, DJWifi. Chloe actually showing some depth and emotion. LadyNoir. We won this episode, babes. Sorry you didn’t get the memo. 7/10
30.  Timetagger- Okay. This is the last episode in the ones that I’d venture to call “good.” Number 30. I enjoyed Timetagger. I know people have feelings about timey-wimey bullshit, and like I’m not gonna lie and say I’m thrilled with it either (I mean, I changed the rabbit’s power in MDCSP) but that being said, Timetagger was so sassy. Bunnix was cool as hell. We get to see that LB and CN are still doing the thing in the future. So many questions sparked from this episode. It was fun. Idk. I liked it. That’s all I got. 7/10
31.  Malediktator- Okay, from this point on, less comments because this is the section that are more or less just meh to me. Like they’re fine. This episode was fine. Chloe was fine. Chat playing with the laser was cute. 6.5/10
32.  Mayura- Adrien’s speech at the end. Nuff said 6.5/10
33.  Ikari Gozen- Ryuko/Ryuuko. Gals being pals. 6.5/10
34.  Reflekdoll- I talked about this earlier, but I don’t hate this episode. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Sue me. 6.5/10
35.  Anansi- Nino is the goodest boy. Also I need more of the gang taking Adrien on adventures via Facetime. Stat. 6.5/10
36.  Shanghai- This one is new, and tbh I still haven’t watched it with subs, but I had a good time. Fei was cute. The boy squad was cute. Adrien bonding with Great Uncle Cheng was cute. Hawkmoth getting literally dunked on was *chefs kiss* 6.5/10
37.  Gigantitan- I love overly supportive, ride-or-die girl squad. 6.5/10
38.  Party Crasher- Idk why this episode was funny to me. Kim is the purest bean. We don’t deserve him. 6.5/10
39.  Desperada- This episode was an emotional roller coaster, and even though we all collectively hate Aspik’s stupid egghead, we love the Ladrien this episode provided us. 6/10
40.  Oni-chan- Listen, I loved seeing Lila get a tiny bit of karma even if she made it up in the end. I loved Chat going off on her. I loved seeing her get outsmarted in the end. 6/10
41.  Frightningale- My good lesbian Clara Nightingale. We stan. 6/10
42.  Style Queen- I like Audrey in a “she’s the worst person I’ve ever met, I want to travel the world with her” kind of way. She’s funny to me. Idk. I love her firing everyone. She’s the one I love to hate. She’s the worst, but we love her for it. Plus this episode gave us Plagg’s adorable little Cataclysm that destroyed half the city. 6/10
43.  Gamer 2.0- Chat confidently strutting in heels made this episode worth it. And we get to see the beginning of Marinette being overwhelmed. Plus it was the return of gamer!nette. 6/10
44.  Troublemaker- I don’t hate this episode as much as the next person either. It was fine. Jagged is a manchild, but we love him for it. He’s a Marinette stan which like mood. The Adrinette at the end was cute. I wasn’t mad at it. Idk. It’s fine. 6/10
45.  Reflekta- Where are all my Juleka stans at? I loved the LadyNoir banter in this ep. V. cute. 6/10
46.  Dark Owl- This episode was fun. And it really shows their level of trust. Plus Plagg and Tikki interacted. 6/10
47.  Timebreaker- Have I ever mentioned that I like Alix? I like Alix. 6/10
48.  Silencer- I don’t hate this episode as much as you’d expect me to, and that is 100% because of the LadyNoir. 5.5/10
49.  Prime Queen- Chat purrs. 5.5/10
50.  Syren- I think the fish power-up is adorable. Ondine is a gem. Kim is a pure bean, but we been knew. 5.5/10
51.  Befana- I like Gina, but this episode fell flat for me. Almost as flat as the animation. 5.5/10
52.  Reverser- Another episode that everyone hates that I am actually fine with. This episode made me like Nathaniel more. Probably because I was previously indifferent toward him. Marc is cute too. 5.5/10
53.  Mr. Pigeon- Marinette is one clever girl. And the Adrinette hand-touch. 5.5/10
54.  Felix- Felix is a gremlin of chaos. A true chaotic neutral. He gives his uncle the finger, and I think that’s beautiful. 5.5/10
55.  Truth- Bet you expected this episode to be higher. While I did enjoy watching toxic people’s world crumble, this episode still gets a meh from me dog. 5/10
56.  Lies- The Adrigami was cute, and I respect Kagami as a character. The akuma could have been better tho. 5/10
57.  Princess Fragrance- Not much to say here. 5/10
58.  Copycat- 5/10
59.  Bubbler- 5/10
60.  Mime- 5/10
61.  Animan- 5/10
62.  Robostus- 5/10
63.  Ladybug- This episode ranks this low purely because I don’t care about GabeNath, and I hate that Lila won something in the end. But Adrien saying I won’t hesitate, bitch! At the end was nice to see. 5/10
64.  Catalyst- I know I ranked Mayura way higher, but Catalyst fell flat for me. Like it was fine. Wasn’t as into it though. 4.5/10
65.  Puppeteer- One of my favorite lucky charm uses. 4.5/10
66.  Pixelator- My favorite Cataclysm. 4.5/10
67.  Horrificator- That almost-Adrinette kiss tho 4.5/10
68.  Pharaoh- 4.5/10
69.  Kung Food- 4.5/10
70.  Rogercop- 4/10
71.  Guitar Villain- 4/10
72.  Dark Blade- 4/10
73.  Bakerix- 4/10
74.  Antibug- And now onto the bottom 10. To start us off, I will just say: UGH, this episode annoyed me. First of all, Sabrina didn’t even get her own episode. Chloe was a piece of shit. Idk why they made Ladybug the one in the wrong when Chloe was being obnoxious. Ugh. 3/10
75.  Captain Hardrock- I’m gonna be honest. My apathy for this episode has grown into loathing. Toxic stans are 100% to blame. Birthday ruining, bitches. This is the reason I threw a breakup bash after Truth. Yall deserved it. 3/10
76.  Christmas Special- I didn’t hate this episode as much as everyone, but it still wasn’t great. 2.5/10
77.  Stormy Weather 2.0- This episode was really dumb. It didn’t need to exist. 2.0/10
78.  Queen Wasp- Why did we give Chloe a Miraculous after this episode? 2/10
79.  Animaestro- Did we really need a self-insert? Did we really? 2/10
80.  Puppeteer 2.0- Listen, this episode would have made more sense in s1 or at the very latest early s2. Adrien gave a whole ass speech on how great Marinette is, then he turns around and is like idk if she likes me… Clean it up. 2/10
81.  Miracle Queen- I could talk at length about how much I hate the ending of this episode and what they did with Chloe and Master Fu, but we’re just going to remain calm and give it a solid 1.5/10
82.  Frozer- This episode made no goddamn sense. I call bullshit on so many things. Just ugh. 1/10
83.  Chameleon- Surprisingly, even though this episode sparked many, many spite fics out of me, it’s not my least favorite because at least Ladybug semi-redeemed this episode. Still really dumb and ooc tho. 1/10
84.  Feast- Okay, okay, okay, here we are. Bottom of the barrel. Cat’s most hated episode, and you wanna know why? You want to know why this episode fills me with the rage? Because we spent two fucking seasons building up all this mystery and lore and intrigue surrounding Fu’s big mistake, and they dropped the fucking ball! They did my mans so dirty! They could have really deepened his character, deepened the Order, deepened anything other than whatever fucking affair Gabriel and Nathalie have going on, but NO. They made it some stupid, bland-ass thing that got resolved magically in the end, then just ignored it for the rest of the season. I will never not be salty about how they did my boy Fu in this show. I’m happy he found his peace, but fuck if I’m not livid about how they did it. Whatever. Chat being done with Ladybug’s shit when they’re about to get eaten was funny I guess. .5/10
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khneltea · 3 years
No one told me we hit 100 followers. Oh my god. You guys- *cries*
Now for some pirate au daminette I mean what
This is actually gonna be my first fic?? I think. Like, full maribat fic in parts and everything (I hope I finish it)
The sea breeze was cold against her flushed cheeks, her eyes bright with mirth as she was spun around in circles by her Papa. Her Maman was sitting in the shade of the little cottage they had built near the rocks, right at the edge of their small town.
"Higher, Papa, higher!" Marinette's high-pitched voice squealed, her exuberance blatant on her face. No matter if she was three, or if she was seven, Marinette still loved it when her Papa spun her around on the beach.
Her Maman sighed tiredly, shaking her head in a good natured manner. Her Papa on the other hand, did the opposite of what she asked and brought her gently back onto the fine and soft sand. Her small lips formed into a childish pout, and she went dashing off into the small waves, soaking the bottom of her frock that matched her bluebell eyes. When she danced, it was like the sea celebrated with her. When she jumped to mimic the waves, they seemed to follow her instead. And when she laughed, the sapphire blue sparkled under the sunlight, incomparable with the duller ocean blue.
Chuckling, her Papa chased her into the sea, scooping her up yet again and bringing her back to shore. "Come on now, little cream puff, your Maman wants to tell you a story."
Her eyes sparkled, and she scrambled to the side of her mother. "I wanna hear the story of the Sea Lady again! Maman, tell me the story of the Sea Lady and her Kitty!"
"Haven't you heard that story about a hundred times now, my little fairy?" Her Maman was not one to make a fuss about retelling this particular one, but her daughter's reply was always so endearing.
"But it's my favourite! It's about Maman and Papa!"
"Not about Maman and Papa," her father gently said, "it is like Maman and Papa."
She frowned. "But you found Maman on the beach, and she made wonderful things?"
Her parents sighed as she stared at the with confused eyes. Their daughter and her thoughts. "Maman is not the goddess of the sea, and we are only bakers."
"But Maman is pretty enough, like Tikki! And Papa is super strong, just like Plagg!"
Tom and Sabine merely chuckled and ruffled her ebony hair.
The bell from the townsquare rang across the hills and cliffs, a faint ringing echoing through the wind. Tom and Sabine, startled, exchanged looks, both in fear, scooping up their little daughter and racing back into their little cottage. Marinette let out confused noises, what was all the fuss? They hurriedly got her water-logged blue dress and donned her in a more meek and well-treated one, a simple light grey frock that went all the way down to her mid-calves that she normally only wore to Sunday Church. Her hair, which was normally in childish pigtails, was put into a smooth plait and twisted up into a simple bun using one of her Maman's hairpin. She had barely slipped her best leather shoes on like her Maman had asked when her Papa picked her up in his arms, her Maman following alongside them.
"What's going on, Maman?" She whispered, her eyes finding her Maman's trembling ones. She didn't understand, why did her Maman and Papa look so afraid?
They had reached the town square where many of the town's residents were already gathered. As they took their place in the crowd, the body of mass shifted ever so slightly, creating a quarter meter distance further away from the family of three than any other group in the crowd. Whispers and murmurs were rampant, all speculating why the town bell had rung. Usually, it signalled the start and end of Sunday Church. The only other times it has rung has been when the town's mayor had to say something. Half the time, it was the normal precautions or reminders against breaking the law, as well as one or two pirate sightings near the coast, but in the past decade or so, there hasn't been a peep nor hair of a pirate near their shores.
A herald stood upon the rotting wooden stage hastily brought out. It was quite a sight to see, a proper meesenger with the fancy blue coat and the golden lapels, topped off with the pompous white wig, black stockings, and shiny heeled leather boots. He cleared his throat, unfurling a letter in his hands.
"Bear witness to this glorious day when Ambassador Bourgeois' daughter has chosen this poor village to offer up one of their own daughters to serve their honorable house as the young lady's personal handmaiden." His voice was condescending, mocking their lowly births and undecorated clothing. The sneer on his face was a fixture, blatantly obvious under his upturned nose. "Be honoured that the young mistress has deigned this insufferable hovel of a town suitable."
Her Papa's arms tightened around Marinette, and she stuck her arm out to her Maman, who clasped it tightly. She didn't fully understand some of the words that the strange man had mentioned, but she knew one thing: he could take her away from her Maman and Papa.
A little girl no more than a year older than her stepped up beside the herald, her back straight and her face hidden arrogantly beneath a black fan. Her golden day dress had been ruined from the trip over to this hole in the ground that her Daddy had told her he was sponsoring, and she wasn't feeling the nicest. Her blue eyes quickly swept over the small crowd of people, all the little girls ducking their heads behind their mother's skirts, shielding their faces from hers. The older ones stood slumped over on the side, trying to look their best in front of a prospective employer, maybe someone who could get them out of this town, but she dismissed them with a mere glance. She didn't need someone older than her to reprimand her and kiss up to the adults. She needed someone young, someone malleable, someone innocent and weak. Someone she could control with just the slightest raise of tone, who will bend with the tiniest lift of a finger given the proper training.
Her eyes stopped at the small girl huddled in her father's arms, tightly clutching onto her mother's fist. The difference between her and all those other girls were simple.
She looked Chloe straight in the eyes.
Chloe's blue eyes glinted in malice, and she loftily raised her gloved finger, pointing straight at the black haired girl. "I picked her."
Thank you so much for reading!!!!!
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Spider Vs Bird
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 I worked a long time on this fic. I really liked working on it though and I hope you enjoy it
 Peter met Marinette when they were six-years-old. She had been sent to camp in New York. She had been scared to be so far away from home, and while fluent in English spoke with a heavy accent that made other kids look at her funny.
           Peter had never been away from his parents for more than a few days, ever. He wasn’t happy. He was miserable in fact.  Peter had been sitting alone behind a tree, having escaped canoeing, face hid in his knees. His wanted nothing more than to go home. He sniffled.
“Don’t cry,” A soft voice said next to him. He looked up and saw a pretty bluenette with big blue eyes and a kind smile on her face looking at him. She looked about his age. “It’s okay. Do you miss home too?”
           Peter nodded, and tried to make it look like he was crying. The other boys could be really, really mean. “I want my pops and dad.”
“I miss my mama and papa too,” Marinette said. “I’m really far away from them.”
“Where are you from?” Peter ask curiously. He hadn’t met many people from different countries before and never a kid his own age.
           Marinette played with her hair, “France. Where are you from?”
“New York City,” Peter smiled. “It’s far but not as far as Paris. Do you miss it?”
“Yep; a whole a lot,” Marinette opened the care package from her Mommy and Daddy. It just made her miss them so much more. Her grandma Gina went to this camp when she was small, and so did her dad, so they sent her there too. “Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry.”
           And just like any kid, Peter didn’t ask why she was asking. “I like vanilla.”
“Are you allergic to anything?”
           Marinette nodded and pulled out two cupcakes from her care package. It had been sent overnight. “Here you go, have one.” She handed him a big vanilla cupcake.
Peter’s eyes went wide and he gave her a toothy grin that showed he was missing one of his front tenth. “Thank!” He bite into it. “This is really good,” he said with his mouth full.
“My parents made them,” Marinette smiled then bit into her own chocolate cupcake. “They’re bakers!”
           Peter blinked at her with wide-eyes, “That’s so cool! So they cake cookies and cake and like everything right? You must get to eat as much as you want. I wish my parents were bakers!”
           Marinette just laughed. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.
           Steve and Tony would get letters from his son all about the new friend he made. And get a picture of their little boy with his arm around a blue-haired.
“Her name is Marinette,” Steve read the letter. “She’s French. Her parents are the best bakers in the world who send her weekly goodie packages. They have the coolest job ever!”
           Tony blinked, “We’re superheroes.”
           When they picked up Peter a month later from camp, he was ran up to him holding Marinette’s hand, “Dad, Pops; this is Marinette! She’s the best. She really smart and funny and cool. She’s my best friend ever! And-”
           Tony laughed, “Easy there, squirt. Take a breath. Hi Miss Marinette.”
           Marinette blushed but grinned big, “Hi, Mr. Stark, sir. Peter’s really nice. Like really nice. He even stopped a big kid from killing a poor little spider. He was really brave!”
           Peter grinned, “You’re really brave. You’re the one who pushed him when he pushed me the ground. You even made him apologize. It was awesome.” He told his parents. “Can I got to Marinette’s? Please. I want to see her bakery.  Pretty please.”
“Paris is a long ways away bud,” Steve teased. “You didn’t even want to leave for camp remember.”
“Not without your Ameri-bear,” Tony added with a chuckle. “You’ve been sleeping with that old teddy bear ever.”
           They stopped laughing when they saw Peter giving them a wide-eyed look, his mouth dropped opened, with his face a bright red. Before they knew it, Peter was shoving them towards the car, “Be right back, Mari.”
           Peter glared, “Don’t blow this for me.”
           Tony snorted, “Blow what? Do you even know what they means?”
“Yes,” Peter huffed indignantly, though it was a lie. “Marinette’s really, really nice. And smart. And funny. She doesn’t think I’m weird. Or too smart or anything. And she’s so pretty. Like really, really pretty.”
           Steve cooed, “Aww, you have a crush on Marinette.”
“NO!” Peter shouted. His face back to a bright shade of red.
           Tony smirked, “So I shouldn’t send out the wedding invitations then?”
           They were there for every milestone of Peter’s life; the day he was born, the day he crawled, his first word, his first steps, his first lab explosion, his first missing tooth, and his first day of school. Now they were baring witness to the first time Peter visibly looked to be contemplating murder. Unfortunately, it was at them.
“Mari’s parents are really cool,” Peter stated. “Just be cool like them.” Then he ran back to Marinette.
“I’m Tony Stark,” Tony said incredulously.
“I’m Captain America!” Steve said at the same time.
           Still, they ended up meeting the rest of the Dupain-Cheng family, and found them delightful.
           It was from that summer on that the Avengers got used to seeing Peter and Marinette running around the tower together. Peter also got used to be teased for his supposed crush on his best friend. Natasha ended up taking Marinette under wing and training her in combat and the art of spying.
           However, it was only two years later, when the Avengers responded to an intruder alert and found Marinette standing over a hogtied Nick Fury, with a fierce look on her face and Peter looking proud, that Tony said two magical words:
“I ship it.”
           Damian Wayne met Marinette when they were ten-years-old. Damian had only been living with his father for five years but still had trouble acting like a normal kid. The life of a league of shadows member was hard to break from; especially if it’s ingrained from a young age. He had been chastised more than a few times for leaving off on his own, especially in a place like Gotham.
           When Alfred informed them that an old friend and business associate was coming to visit with her granddaughter, a girl Damian’s age; it was to no one’s surprise when his father took him aside and made him promise to be polite.
           The woman Gina had showed up in the beginning of summer. She arrived on a motorcycle that had been so loud they heard as soon as she pulled up to the house. Alfred had answered the door with a chuckle.
“Penny!” The woman exclaimed and jumped at him with a hug. She had short silver, nearly white, hair and dressed mostly black and had a studded black leather jacket on and boots. “Ugh, still as boring as ever, I see,” Gina said once she pulled back from the hug.
“Gina,” Alfred smiled. “You haven’t change a bit.”
           Gina just laughed, and turned her attention to Bruce, “Brucie; I heard you took my advice to go exploring the world. How’d you like it?”
           Bruce smirked, “It was… educational.” He had known Gina since he was a boy, having spent a few summers with Tom, even gone to his and Sabine’s wedding. The woman hadn’t been to visit since Bruce adopted Tim and Cass. “You remember my boys?”
“Dick,” Gina said pulling the oldest Wayne boy into a tight hug. “You get more handsome every time I see. So sorry to hear you and Barbs broke up. I know some amazing girls I can introduce you to.”
           Dick just laughed, “I’m fine flying solo for now.”
“Jason,” Gina said crossing her arms, with a raised eyebrow. “I haven’t seen you since I let you steal my last motorcycle.”
           Jason smirked, “let me?” The only reason he’d happily come to the Manor was because Alfred told him Gina was on her way. She was the coolest lady he knew growing up.
“Oh please,” Gina waved him off. “You drove it to the Barnes and Nobel’s on 4th, and it sat there for like three hours. I have a tracker on my stuff, kid. I let you. Now give me a hug.” Jason laughed and hugged her.
           The same went for Tim and Cass. Cass excitedly told Gina in Chinese all about her adventures in Hong Kong. Tim told her about his trip around the world. Then finally it was Damian’s turn.
           Gina smiled softly at the youngest of Bruce’s kids, “And who’s this?”
           Bruce put a hand on his son’s shoulder, “This is Damian.”
“Nice to meet you, Damian,” Gina said.
           Damian nodded stiffly, “Pleasure.” He wore a black tailored dress pants and a high collard green turtle neck.
           Gina rolled her eyes, “God, Bruce, he’s nearly as uptight as you were at his age.”
“I was not uptight,” Bruce defended, despite knowing he was bratty little shit when he was Damian’s age.
           Alfred snorted but smiled, “And the young guest you brought with you.”
           Gina grinned and held out her hand to her granddaughter who had stayed close to the motorcycle, “She’s a bit a shy.” She told them. “This is Marinette.”
“Hi!” Marinette waved shyly, blushing a bit.
           The family cooed at the sight of the little blue-eyed, bluenette, in a baby blue shirt with a yellow happy face and dark jean short, with her hair in pigtails and big smile on her face. So innocent, so sweet. Bruce, of course, had been acquainted with Marinette. He had gone to the baby shower for her and stopped by the bakery whenever he was in Paris. The girl was the sweetest little thing.
           When Damian and Marinette got sent off to play together, only Alfred, Gina, and Bruce thought it was a good idea. Damian didn’t know why he was being punished. And certainly there were more fitting punishment than spending time with some little kid.
           He sent a cold glare at the bluenette, once they arrived in the entertainment room, “There are video games and movies over there,” Damian pointed to the TV. “Amuse yourself. Or perhaps you would prefer a coloring book and a teddy bear,” He said sarcastically.
           Marinette crossed her arms, “First of all, I would love a coloring book, thank you very much. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He snorted. “And Bruce said we should play together; get to know each other. Or do you frequently disobey an order?” If Damian was a rebel, Marinette needed to know. Because there was a fine line between rebel and troublemaker.
           Damian huffed, “Fine; let’s play a game then. How about… Mortal Kombat.” He sent her a cruel smirk. “Not the video game. Real life. It’s simple. We fight and the first person to die or cry,” He said with distaste. “Loses. Up for it?”
“What weapons do we get?” Marinette asked. Bucky and Natasha had taught her for the last four years on a variety of weapons. Though she knew it was only because of Steve’s doing that they hadn’t taught her how to use a gun yet. They even got a shield agent assigned to Paris to train her throughout the school year.
           Damian raised an eyebrow, curious. He had expected her to run screaming from the room in sheer terror, crying to her grandmother. “What do you prefer?”
“Bo staff.”
“Same,” Damian said. “Let’s take this to the backyard.”
           When Marinette yelled to her grandma that she and Damian were going to play in the backyard, Damian marveled that no one came out with questions filled with suspicious. Granted the first time Damian said he was going to go play in the backyard, he ended up in Watch Tower going over surveillance footage.
           Marinette and Damian stood ten feet apart on the grassy field, each held a long black bo staff. It was quiet. Damian had set an alarm on his phone to begin the fight. Marinette set hers to play music.
           When the loud beeping sounded and Carrie Underwood’s champion started playing, they charged at each other.
           It was a mix of attacks and dodges. Their staffs met; each putting their full force behind it.
“It is not wise to meet a Wayne in Battle,” Damian growled at her.
           Marinette rolled her eyes, “If all Waynes are as big of a jerk as you are, you must all be used to be called out to fight.”
           Damian attacks. The two kids stand in one place, trading feints, thrusts and parries with lightning speed, almost impossible to follow. The youngest Wayne was reluctant to admit, even to himself, that Marinette had no trouble matching him. “You know what you're doing, I'll give you that.”
“Not too bad yourself,” Marinette nodded.
           The two slow walked around the length of the imaginary circle. Until they were in the exact opposite of their initial positions.
“Your taste in music is terrible though,” Damian added on. Marinette let out an angry hiss like a cat and attacks,
           Their duel continued. Their staff flash and ring. Suddenly, Damian swung his staff, partially letting go. Marinette seeing the staff free sailing, ducked quickly. Not seeing Damian catch it at the last second, and then send a kick flying at her chest. Her weapon flew out of her hand. Marinette crashes to the ground, and with a quick swing her legs, sweeps Damian’s feet from under him, losing his weapon in the process.
           Marinette and Damian jumped up, right back in the fighting position. What happened next was a mix of punches and kicks, and headlocks. Until they found themselves once again across from each in their imaginary circle.
Marinette’s hair was a mess, pigtails having come lose. She was covered in welts and bruises from the staff. There was blood on her shirt and dripping her nose.  Damian didn’t look any better. His well-groomed look was gone. His turtleneck had torn. His lip was busted. There was bruising around his neck from when Marinette had wrapped her legs around it and held him in a chokehold, like Natasha had taught her, until he managed to maneuver out of it.
           Giggles burst from Marinette before she could stop them, “You look ridiculous,” She laughed.
“Shall I show you a mirror?” Damian said with a smirk. He chuckled.
           They both shook their heads, looked at each other again, and they each fell over laughing. They only stopped when the sound of applause reached their ears.
           Damian and Marinette looked up and saw the entire Wayne family and Gina watching them.
           Alfred nodded approvingly, “I see she takes after you Gina.”
“That she does,” Gina grinned. “You’re grandson could give a young you a run for your money.”
“How long after you been there?” Marinette squeaked.
           Bruce fought not to smile. “Just as the music started to play. We were going to invite you both in for ice cream.” He had been furious at first at his youngest child for deciding to spar with a civilian but the fury had faded as it became clear that Marinette could keep up with his son. There were times when he was sure one was trying to kill the other but they always held back; even if only just.
           He looked at Gina, “It’s nice to see Damian getting along so well with someone.” He would regret those words soon enough. Very soon.
           Damian and Marinette spent the next few days running after each other and trying to one up another in best surprise attacks. Bruce’s older kids took bets. Jason and Cass voted that Marinette would eventually win. Tim and Dick sided with Damian.
           One day, after lunch, Damian commented on his field trip his class was taking, “The zoo,” he wrinkled his nose. “It’s barbaric. Animals trapped in cages while less human beings gawk in amusement. There’s a new wolf exhibit my teacher is dying to see. It’s all terrible.”  
           Marinette agreed. While she liked the zoo, she always thought the animals looked really sad. She took a sip from her juice box, “So let’s do something about it.”
           That night, after midnight, the two kids climbed out of their windows, onto the roof, and quietly raced into the darkness. When they made it to the Zoo, they wasted no time in disabling the security cameras and breaking in the wolf exhibit. Damian, dressed in his the Robin costume he wasn’t supposed to have yet, managed to calm the wolf down as Marinette, dressed in mostly black with a red mask on, stole a truck (something she learned from Clint.) By the time security managed to get the cameras working again the kids and wolf were gone. All without a trace.
           The kids, and wolf, ditched the truck about a mile from the manor and raced home. They snuck back in through the tunnels of the Batcave that let the batmobile move securely without anyone seeing it.
           However, when they finally got to the Batcave, they were met with the exasperated looks of Batman and Alfred and the highly amused looks of Gina, Nightwing, Redhood, Blackbat, and Robin.
           Damian nodded slowly, not even bothering to try to hide the giant wolf, “Father, I decided that Marinette should stay for summer. She is much more pleasant than I originally thought. And don’t worry, Marinette figured out you were batman her third day here. She even found the cave all on her own.”
           Batman narrowed his eyes. He took of his cowl. He had been alerted that his son and Marinette were missing from their rooms just seconds after he was alerted about a break in at the zoo. He knew his son well. And it didn’t take a genius to be two and two together. “Grounded! One week.” He looked at Gina who nodded in agreement, though the smile was still on her face.
           The kids huffed but nodded.
“And wolf is going back!” That was met with loud protests.
           Marinette stayed at the Wayne Manor for another month. Not long after the grounding was over, Damian came into the living room where his father and siblings were and informed his father that he was leaving, “Alfred is taking Marinette and I to the movies. There is a showing of the new Little Mermaid movie she desires to see.”
           Bruce closed the book he was reading, “Very well. I’ll tag along. We can make a family day out of it.” Dick was the first to agree followed shortly by the others, who wanted to see the havoc Marinette and Damian tended to create.
           Damian visibly froze, “No, father.” He stated firmly. “I had… hoped it would be just Marinette and I. We can be trusted, I assure you.”
“It’s not a matter of trust,” Bruce started but Jason interrupted him.
“No! Way!” Jason yelled, his eyes wide with a sudden realization, and a grin his face. “You like her.”
           It was the entire room’s turn to freeze. All eyes on Damian who had blush slowly creeping onto his face. “Marinette has proven herself to be a strong and intelligent ally. She is worthy of my regard.”
           Jason shook his head, “No. You like her, like her.”
“I have come to value her friendship highly,” Damian said but the deepening redness of his face told a different story. He went to elementary school, he knew what like-like meant.
           Dick cooed, “Baby bird has a crush.”
“I do not!” Damian hissed.
           Cass snickered, “It is alright. Marinette is quite lovely.”
           Tim smirked, “And she has rather nice green eyes. A bit dull though.”
“Blue!” Damian corrected quickly. “She has marvelous blue eyes. They are not dull. They shine brighter than the sun. They sparkle when she laughs, you dolt.”
           Silence filled the room. Damian looked horrified at his words. Bruce looked at his young son with raise eyebrows and a small smile on his face.
“I am leaving now, father,” Damian stated. “I will return as soon as the movie ends provided we do not stop for frozen yogurt. Good day.” And then he swiftly left the room, leaving his siblings snickering in his wake.
           Bruce opened back up his book, “I ship it.”
           The declaration caused the room to fill with shouts.
           Marinette would spend half of every summer for the next few years in Gotham; training with Damian under the guidance of Batman himself. Eventually going onto meet the rest of the Justice League. She and Damian used the zeta beams to hang out as much as possible.
The other half of her summers, Marinette spent in New York City at Stark Tower with Peter and the rest of the avengers. Learning under the tutelage of The Black Widow and The Winter Soldier, two out of four of Peter’s godparents (the others being Rhodey and Pepper of course), while Peter learned under his parents.
Damian officially became Robin at 12. Peter became Spider-man at fourteen. And Marinette became Ladybug at 13. It was to no one’s surprise the two boys were the first ones she told about being a superhero. And it was not to her surprise when they couldn’t keep it from their families for long.
“Aww, look you two match,” Tony said upon seeing Marinette transform. “Couples costumes.” The genius would later admit he had that mouth webbing coming. He still ship Peter/Marinette so hard.
           Three weeks later, Bruce had said, “A little bright, isn’t it?”
“Do I even need to mention the first Robin costume?” Marinette snapped back. Though she was secretly glad that as soon as she saw the original Ladybug costume she had Tikki teach her out to change it. Gone was skintight onesie. Now she dressed in a more armored uniform. That was mostly black with bright red polka dots everywhere.
           Bruce smirked. He was proud of the girl who had become his son’s closest friend, and obvious crush. He really hoped his son would ask out Marinette soon.
           Then the Avengers and Justice League found out. Marinette found herself defending Paris with a league member or an Avenger for like six months before she finally told them where to shove it. She would call them if she needed them.  Though she didn’t mind Robin or Spiderman dropping into help every now and then when their secret identities were in town.
           Chat, who had grown become a brother to Marinette once their identities had been revealed to each other, had fanboy’d so hard the first time Robin came to help. And then again when Spiderman appeared, after catching Ladybug in a web after she’d been knocked from the top of the Eiffel tower. Then Marinette had to reveal that she knew the Avengers and the Justice league.
           It took Adrien five seconds with Peter Stark-Rogers to know he had a crush on Marinette. And he cheerfully told Peter, “I’ve got the god of destruction in my pocket. I’ll feed you to him if you hurt her.”
           It took Adrien three days to realize Damian Wayne liked Marinette. And he braced himself, held his ground, and told the teen, “You like Marinette. She’s my sister. I just want you to remember: Cats eat birds.”
           He thought it was really menacing until Damian sprayed him the face with a water bottle, “Bad kitty.”
           Adrien hissed.
           As good as Marinette’s superhero life was going, so was her fashion career. MDC was slowly become well known high-class designer and household name thanks to Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Natasha, and even Lex Luther wearing her clothes.
her normal life had gone in the opposite direction.
           Lila had come to class and lied her way to the top; she went on and on about all the celebrities she knew. She promised all the students great chances and opportunities. Only a few didn’t eat it all up. Marinette, Chloe, Nathaniel, and Adrien called out her lies relentlessly. This caused the class to think of them as jealous bullies and had them ostracized to the back at Lila’s subtle behest. Unfortunately for Lila, Adrien had been quick to join them. And nothing she, or anyone else in class, could say to convince the blond boy otherwise.
           Marinette had thought of most of the students as friends but hadn’t been too surprised when they turned against her. She had never been to close to any of apart from the ones who joined her in back. For a while she had considered that maybe Alya would become her best friend but decided against it once she learned just what type of journalist she was. The glasses-wearing girl was always out for the next big scoop and didn’t seem to care how she got it; even if it meant putting herself in danger.
           Alya had also been adamant for a long time that Ladybug and Chat Noir liked each other romantically despite both heroes denying it repeatedly. She only stopped when Chat Noir told Alya that Ladybug was his sister.
           When Lila came, like the rest of the class, Alya ate up her stories and promises of a future at famous newspapers like the Daily Planet or the Gotham Gazette.
           And when Marinette claimed Lila was lying, Alya was the first to accuse Marinette of being jealous. The girl never seemed to get the message that Marinette and Adrien didn’t like each other that way and only thought of each as siblings at best and best friends at worst. Alya didn’t listen or care. Whenever Lila gave a tear-filled eyes saying that Marinette was being oh so mean to her, Alya was the first to defend her new bestie. The rest of the class following suit.
           It didn’t take long for Marinette to be voted out of being class president. This made Fearsome four, as Nathanial had nicknamed them after he and Chloe were given permanent spots as heroes, snickered as Marinette had pulled several string to for the annual class trip; so much for the class staying at Stark Tower with the Avengers or visiting Gotham and staying in luxury hotels. Oh well.
           Once she wasn’t class president, all the little things that Marinette had done in addition to the positon had stopped as well. She stopped planning dances, fundraisers, and birthday parties (mostly because she was never invited to go to anyone’s in classes anymore.) No more free sweets from the bakery for anyone but her three friends. No free commissions. No babysitting. No banner designs. Nothing. Squat. Zero.
           This of course caused anger from the other students in class as they had gotten used to all the free Marinette provided and tasks she did.
           Alya huffed, “You’re just getting back us because we’re not your friends anymore.”
           To which Marinette replied coldly, “Your point being?”
           It was suffice to say when Marinette fifteenth birthday rolled around and Marinette’s mom forced her to give invitations to the entire class, the students were quick to rip up the invitations in front of her face.
           Lila smiled, “Sorry, Marinette. Everyone’s throwing a party for me that day. No one can come.”
“Thank god,” Marinette said to their shock because it was obvious the girl was sincerely relieved. “My mom forced me to invite you, and I had no idea how to politely tell you I didn’t really want you to come.”
           On the day of Marinette’s birthday, Saturday, while the class was enjoying their own party, Marinette just finished setting up a mock carnival with rides, games, and concession booths, and an area for bands to play.  Adrien had even gotten his dad, Nathalie, and Gorilla to come on the threat of shaving his head bald.
Then Marinette’s guests started to arrive. Marinette’s schoolmates, the ones she had started to befriend after being made an outcast in class arrived first; the drama club, the art club, the fashion club, cooking club, and the world Travelers’ club had turned out be made up of some great people.
Adrien, Chloe, and Nathaniel stayed close to Marinette side; each wearing an earpiece.
Jagged Stone in all his rock and roll glory arrived first. Clara Nightingale practically danced her way in. Lois and Clark and the rest of the Kents were a bit more subdued. Though Cat, Nadja, and Lois immediately located rivals and the three could be found gossiping and sharing stories with each other. The same could be said when Style Queen Audrey, Wilhelmina Slater, Gabriel Agreste, and Miranda Priestly. Then it was just a slew of people; from friendly neighbors Marinette grew up with to famous models and actors and chefs.
She immediately greeted Damian with a hug, and thanked him for the perfectly wrapped green present. A second later, Marinette did the same to Peter, and thanked him for the blue present.
The two boys eyed each other.
Marinette looked confused, “Damian I told you about Peter, right? I talked about him all the time. And the same for Damian, Peter.”
“You didn’t mention he was Peter Stark,” Damian stated.
“Peter Stark-Rogers,” Peter corrected. “And you’re Damian Wayne.”
And Marinette finally realized she had forgotten to do one major thing; tell the Avengers and the Justice League that Marinette worked with both of them. Or at the very least Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne who looked ready to bring out the big guns.
Both superhero teams were very much aware of the others superhero identities as the Avengers never hid theirs and Tony hacked into the Watch Tower.
Lex Luther and Oliver Queen, the third and fourth richest men in the world, looked highly amused. While Gabriel looked like Christmas had come early. He had no idea Miss Dupain. He knew allowing Adrien to befriend the girl was smart idea.
The other heroes subtly watched the two for any signs that a fight might break out. Bruce had never forgiven Tony for hacking into the watchtower and uncovering Batman identity.
“Brucie,” Tony grinned and held out his hand. “You’re looking great today. No idea you’d be here. Or that you knew Marinette.”
           Bruce shook his hand a bit too firmly, “Her grandmother is an old family friend. I was at her parents’ wedding. I was at their baby shower. I’ve known Marinette for years.”
“We met Marinette when she was five,” Tony said. “She and Peter met at camp. Aren’t they adorable together,” He nodded to the two.
           Bruce forced a grin on his face, “Not as cute as she and Damian. They’ve been nearly inseparable since they were ten. Wouldn’t be surprised if hear wedding bells in the future.”
“Of course you will,” Tony laughed. “I’m sure Marinette will invite to her and Peter’s wedding.”
           The two glared at each other.
           Their significant others just shook their heads. Selena, aka Catwoman, looked amused. While Steve looked so done with this world.
“As one of Peter’s godfather’s,” Bucky said. “Should I be offering to fight Damian’s godfather?” He joked.
           Clark glared, his eyes turning a bit red, “Anytime you want.”
           Rhodey slapped Bucky on the back, “That’s all you man.” He was not fighting Superman over a case of puppy love.
           Diana looked a bit confused, “Should I engage in mortal combat with Peter’s godmother then?”
           Pepper crossed her arms, feeling last of the extremis still pumping through her blood.
           Natasha’s eyes narrowed, “It’s not required. But I wouldn’t mind a friendly spar or two.”
“You are the Black Widow, yes?” Diana asked. “A most excellent fight it will be then.”
“Where is Shazaam?” Thor’s voice thundered. “I wish for a fight as well.”
           Billy Batson had never been so happy that he wasn’t in his superhero form before. Quietly, he made his way to the Ferris wheel. He was going to avoid the god of thunder for as long as he possibly could.
           The magic users found each and decided to compare their abilities. It didn’t go well. Clint got turned into a frog… again.
           When Fury arrived he eyed the superheroes that were there; avengers, justice league, and the ones (dare devil, Jessica Jones, the Xmen) who were mostly unaffiliated. And briefly wondered if the kid who had hogtied him was planning world domination. He wouldn’t doubt it.
           The rest of the part went really well. Chloe, Adrien, and Nathaniel watched the superheroes in attendance like hawks. And were forced to break up more than one fight, or arm wrestling match that got out of hand. It ended up trending on social media, as various celebrities had posted pictures of themselves at the party. And then suddenly the world was asking wanted to know just Who Marinette Dupain-Cheng was. Marinette took that moment to announce that she was MDC. Which blew up the story even more.
           The only downside was that Peter and Damian seemed to have entered into a competition of some sort, the same with their fathers.
           At the end of the party, when sayings the goodbyes, Marinette swore she distinctly heard, Tony hiss, “Spiderbug forever!”
“Daminette!” Bruce snarled back.
           And she had vocally asked why Bucky was giving Superman wary glances but no one would tell her. Adults were weird.
           Monday came and the entire school, and all of Paris was buzzing about Marinette’s party. When she got to class, she was met with unhappy faces of her ex-friends.
“They wouldn’t let us inside,” Alya was quick to complain the moment the bluenette stepped through the door.
“We even told them we knew you,” Nino frowned. “The Bouncers didn’t believe we were invited.”
           Marinette shrugged as she went to her seat between Adrien and Chloe, “its invitation only. What happened to your invitations?”
           All the students frowned. They had been told the same thing at the door. And had been miserable when they remembered they destroyed the invites. Even Lila had nearly shed real tears when she saw just who she had missed meeting for real.
           Alya crossed her arms, “We tried calling you. But you changed your number! How could you not tell your bestie you changed your number? When did you change your number?”
“When I realized you still had it.” It was a cold response. One that Damien would’ve been proud of. “And I’m not your bestie. We’re not friends, remember? Why did you even try to come to my party, you were too busy last I checked.”
“That’s before we saw how awesome your party was!” Kim said honestly. “Dude who knew you knew so many celebrities.”
“Prince Ali was there!” Rose said excitedly. “I really wanted to see him.”
“Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Lex Luther,” Max whined. “I was so close but so far.”
           That was pretty much how the rest of the morning went, with a side of her ex-friends trying to question Marinette about being MDC and all the celebrities she knew. Marinette didn’t answer a single question.
           Just before the lunch bell rang, there was a knock on the door, “Hello, I’m here to pick up Marinette for lunch,” Damian Wayne smiled charmingly as he walked in. “My father’s waiting.”
           The class gasped. Lila’s mouth dropped.
           A second later Peter Stark-Rogers walked in the classroom, “Marinette, you want to go to lunch,” He said excitedly. “Dad’s waiting outside.”
           Again the class’s mouth dropped.
           Outside of the school, Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark glared at each other.
           Marinette looked confusedly at her friends, “Sorry, I didn’t know you guys wanted to go to lunch. Or that you were still in town.” She told them. “It’s okay, though.” She said brightly. “You can join me and Roy.”
           As if on cue, Roy Queen walked into the classroom, a big smile on his smile, “Hey Mari, you read-Oh shit!” He said upon seeing Robin and Spiderman. The two heroes sent the Red Arrow twin glares.
           Two minutes later both Tony and Bruce’s phones pinged. They opened it and read the texts they got from their sons.
           They looked up, and met each other eyes. “We kill Oliver together,” Tony offered.
           The Green Arrow watched through binoculars from a safe distance, “Long Live Roynette!”
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pretchatta · 3 years
swoon june day 17: holding hands while walking
rating: general; kanan jarrus/hera syndulla; 500 words
The sights and sounds of Garel were as far removed from those of Lothal as could be – the smells even more so. After rolling plains, the whisper of the wind in the grass and the crisp smell of spine tree needles, Garel City was almost overbearing. Hundreds of buildings were packed together to line streets that bustled with people and traffic. The air was thick with noise and exhaust fumes, and the smell of rotting garbage came from every other alley.
It was the Spectres’ turn to make a supply run for the rest of Phoenix Squadron, and Kanan couldn’t help but notice how his crew matched their surroundings. Between Sabine’s bright colours and Zeb and Ezra’s rough-housing they were like a microcosm of the city all on their own. It certainly explained why he sometimes felt so overwhelmed in his own home; the Ghost was a lot smaller than Garel City to contain so much chaos.
They reached the central marketplace, a slightly wider area just as teeming with life as the preceding streets. Brightly coloured market stalls ringed the square, their canopies covering beings of all sizes and species that shouted out their wares and prices. The mingled smells of myriad different products, from food to luxuries to engine parts, filled the air. Kanan saw an opportunity for respite.
“Zeb, Ezra, you two take the food stands,” he ordered, pointing at the pair. “Sabine, you find the parts the mechanics need to make their repairs. Hera and I will get the rest of the list.”
“Copy that, Spectre One,” Zeb rumbled cheerily. He immediately began teasing Ezra again, something about how the kid needed supervision for a basic market trip. Kanan tuned them out as they were swallowed by the crowd. Sabine was already gone, apparently jumping at the chance to roam the electronics stalls on her own. Kanan smiled. Peace at last.
Or as much peace as one could get in the busiest space in the city.
He gestured wordlessly to Hera and they started walking together, falling instantly in step. There was something wonderfully familiar about this, something that stretched through eight years of supply runs on planets across the galaxy, all with this same woman at his side. Since joining Phoenix Squadron and taking on everything that entailed, moments like this where he was alone with Hera were few and far between.
Kanan's heart leapt in surprise when he felt Hera’s hand slip into his own. He looked down at her to find she was already smiling up at him.
“How are you doing, love?”
“I’m good,” he replied, smiling back and giving her hand a gentle squeeze. “Sometimes I just need to remember that I have everything I need, right here.”
She pointedly looked past him to the stall they were passing. “Gundark bone protein powder?”
“You know what I mean.”
Her eyes sparkled with mirth. He gave her hand a tug to bring her closer; close enough for him to lean in and press a kiss to the top of her head. The nerf leather of her flight cap was soft against his lips. Yeah, this was everything he needed.
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 2
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Disclaimer: Masterlist
The day before Christmas… was a nightmare. Marinette had to admit that Damian was right. Her parents volunteered to help Alfred in the kitchen. The butler tried to argue, but his fighting with Sabine was an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object. In the end, they got a compromise that the baker couple would help that day, but would be banned from the kitchen for the rest of Christmas. 
The boys meanwhile were ordered to decorate the house and prepare the formal dining room. And it was a mess. First, Dick and Jason spent almost an hour arguing over the decorations, only to then see that Mari and Damian already decorated the room with the merchandise Damian somehow got imported from Paris without their knowledge. Jason tried to dismantle the decorations that were put up without a warning, but it ended with Damian chasing him with a sword… again. It didn’t help that Todd kept riling the youngest Wayne up. Technically second-youngest since he was older than Marinette by a few months, but that’s beyond the point.
Then, when Jason ended up with a slight limp after he crashed into a cupboard when trying to cut the corner and Damian’s bloodthirst got satisfied, it was time for decorating the Christmas tree. When Mari saw the tree, she almost toppled over. It was put in the hall before the stairway to the second floor. It was tall enough to almost reach the ceiling. 
“That’s your tree?”
“In my defense, I tried to order a smaller one. It’s not my fault they gave size in the metric system.” Tim argued. 
“If you cut on coffee and instead got some sleep once in a while, maybe you would’ve noticed.” Jason snickered. 
Dick took the opportunity to climb upstairs and start decoration, only to be caught by Steph, who proceeded to decorate on the other side. Seeing the two already started, the three other boys also raced to start putting decorations. It was a mess, but somehow Marinette found it endearing. It felt… homey. Then she grabbed some decorations and joined Damian. Then she teamed up with Steph to make a large bat symbol on one side out of gold tinsel garland. Then she made a red ‘R’ inside it.
And this time nobody got hurt. 
After that, Dick and Jason left for their respective homes. Tim and Steph left shortly after, leaving Damian and Mari alone with the adults. Technically, Cass also stayed at the manor, but unless she wanted to be seen, only Alfred (and now Sabine) could find her. 
The teens decided to stay in the Manor. Marinette was dead set on making everyone their gifts by hand. She brought several unfinished designs that could be adjusted. Damian was kind enough to collect the measurements for each family member from Alfred. 
And so Mari then spent all evening in her room, where she worked on adjusting and finishing everything. She was beyond grateful that her room was already equipped with a sewing machine and anything else she would need to make the gifts. The whole time Damian sat nearby to offer some advice. Mostly, he just enjoyed watching her work on the designs. 
“Do you think putting a Red Robin logo on this tie would be too much?” She asked, showing a red tie with black accents. It had a meticulous black stitch going through the narrow part. It spelled MDC over and over.
“Maybe put it inside, so that it only shows when he put it upside-down,” Damian answered. 
“But then nobody will see it.”
“There is a bigger chance someone sees it than if it’s on the front.” The boy deadpanned. 
“Don’t be mean.” She scolded him, but her pearly laughter kinda ruined it. She put the tie away and reached for the sunglasses she was working on. They used to be black, but she tinted the glass deep-red and then added details at the side. Now, there was a small silver bullet-shaped decoration where they would fold. She had a case ready where she stitched the shape of a red handgun at the top of black leather. 
“And this?”
“Habibti. They will definitely love your gifts.” He gave her a soft smile. “If not, I will introduce them to my sword” He muttered, hoping she would not hear it.
“Damian!” She shouted. His hopes went in flames. “No murdering people!”
“Can I at least maim?” He asked with a hopeful voice.
“Hm… only if you ask me before.” She giggled at his expression. 
“I think it is high time I retreat to my bedroom. It’s almost midnight, Angel. Go to sleep.” He stood up and walked outside, only to be met with Sabine’s judging eyes. She watched him carefully before smiling slightly. 
“Good. You can go. I will tuck her in.” 
After she passed him, Damian let out a breath he didn’t know he held. That woman was scary.
The next morning was still hectic, but no longer so chaotic. Mari spent half of it locked in her room giving the designs final touches. She did not let Damian or her parents in since she focused on their gifts and didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Alfred was the only one who got a peek inside and he didn’t even fear Sabine, so the chances he would tell anything to anyone were less than Joker genuinely apologizing to everyone he ever hurt. 
Finally, around midday, Marinette finally revealed herself. The room was a mess of cut fabric, loose papers, and Kwami knows what else. There was also a bowl of water in the corner. 
“That was a race.” She commented before grabbing Damian’s hand and dragging him into the living room to share a tea and cookies. All adults cooed. 
“So, Habibti. Care to reveal what you made for me?” The boy asked hopefully once they were both sitting side-by-side on the two-people couch. She held a cup of steaming tea while Damian put his in a small cup holder while he was eating a cookie. 
“Nope.” She grinned. “But I can tell you that you will like it.” 
“From you? I will like any gift.” He answered smoothly.
“Stop it!” She squealed, blushing heavily. “You can’t say things like that out of the blue.”
“Why?” He asked, giving her a barely noticeable smile.
“I can’t go around blushing all the time!” 
“But you look so cute with red cheeks.” 
“You don’t look so bad either, Mi Amor,” she retorted. She wanted to get some reaction from him, but he only smiled slightly more. 
They rested, cuddled together for a bit, enjoying the silence that surrounded them. It was interrupted when suddenly Cass dropped out of the blue. Or from the ceiling, but they would’ve sworn she was not there before. 
“You… Cousin?” The girl asked. 
“Oh! You must be Cassandra!” Mari recognized her. Cass was maybe her height. She was dressed in workout clothes. “Nice to meet you. I’m Marinette.”
“Marinette,” Cass repeated. “Call me Cass. Everyone does.” 
“Um… Sure. You can call me Mari if you like?” Both Damian and Cass grinned at that, much to the french girl’s confusion. “Did I miss some joke?”
“No, Angel. It’s just that Grayson’s daughter is named Mar’i” Damian looked at his beloved’s expression. 
“Oh. Oh…” The realization dawned on her. “Well, then what about… Nettie?”
“Nettie… Like it.” Cass responded.
“Cass doesn’t speak much.” The boy took it upon himself to explain. “She first learned to communicate through body gestures.” 
“Maman told me. I can’t believe aunt Sandra left you with that monster. Maman told her some things though, so maybe next time you two meet she will apologize.” 
“Mother… Apologize… Me?” The girl asked in disbelief.
“Maman is a very persuasive person.”
Cass didn’t speak about that, but a memory of the hug two of them shared yesterday surfaced at the top of her thoughts. 
“Anyway, you wanted to get to know me? Well… um… I’m fifteen, soon to be sixteen. I love fashion and design and I make almost all of my clothes. I also practice some martial arts in my free time. I love sketching outdoors. There is this small park next to my parent’s bakery that I love to visit. In the past, I adored the works of Gabriel brand, but after the owner turned out to be a major bastard I kinda decided to just stick to my own stuff. What else… I prefer tea to coffee unless I need to pull an all-nighter, my favorite sweets are macarons and my uncle named his soup after me when he won the cooking competition.”
“Soup… good?” Cass decided to ask. 
“Oh! It’s the best. Actually, maybe we could ask uncle Wang to cook for our wedding, Dami! Can we? He would be invited anyway but then people would get to…” 
“Of course, Habibti.” Damian interrupted her.
“Wedding?” Cass had more questions.
“Oh… Um… You didn’t know?” Marinette doubled back. “Of course you didn’t know. Damian tried to keep it down and I ruined it. Please don’t tell anyone. I’m so sorry Dami! I forgot! I was just so…” 
Damian, following the usual routine when Mari started to panic, pulled her to his chest, and hugged her. He whispered something low enough for Cassandra not to hear. She did notice the couple’s body language. Devotion and love.
When Marinette finally calmed, Damian let her out of his embrace. “Thanks. I still keep some of my… less desirable habits.” 
“It’s no problem. At least I have an excuse to cuddle with you without my brothers’ merciless teasing.” 
“Wedding.” Cass urged them. Her curiosity was peaking. 
“Ah! Right. So basically Talia kidnapped me and decided I would marry her son and then we both woke up tied before the altar and she threatened to kill us and our families if we didn’t go through with it. And I was so scared back then. And T… And I had no way to do anything else.” 
Cass saw her tense and stopped herself. There was more to it, but she didn’t drill. She would learn later. Or just get it out of Tim. He knew everything. 
“Well, now we’re stuck and there is this weird spell on us that makes it impossible to cheat on one another. At least I assume it works both ways since Damian didn’t test it.” There was no doubt in her voice and her body showed complete trust. Cass was actually impressed. 
“The bitch that my mother is,” Marinette wanted to scold Damian on the language he used, but then again, he spoke about Talia so he wasn’t lying, “used some old curse on us, probably from the time my grandfather was still young. We are tied together. But we made it work.” 
“Magic… bad.” Cass scoffed. 
“No!” Mari quickly protested. “I mean not all magic is bad. It all depends on who uses it! Besides, everything turned out better than I could’ve ever hoped.” 
“Good. I… Like you.” Her cousin smiled. “Hug?” She asked.
“Sure.” Marinette nodded and before she knew it Cass tackled her into the couch, almost breaking her bones. 
“Oooh!” a new voice cooed. Damian immediately whirled around with a small dagger that he pulled from wherever he kept it. Selina Kyle was standing there, watching everything.
“Tt. I don’t like being spied upon.” Damian scowled. 
“Relax, lover-boy. I just came and I was curious where everyone went and who were the new people.” 
“Oh. That’s probably my parents. Alfred kicked them out of the kitchen today. They will probably be relaxing in the garden since they rarely have a chance to just relax. They run a bakery in Paris.” Mari smiled at the newcomer. 
“Really now? And you’re the unlucky girl that got stuck with the short, dark, and brooding?”
“Tt. I’m not short.”
“I don’t hear you arguing about the dark and brooding part.” Selina teased. 
“Angel, meet my father’s fiancée, Selina Kyle. She is also Catwoman.”
“Oh. She is in on the family business then?”
“Tt. Yes. I don’t keep things hidden from my wife.” Damian kept scowling.
“Aren’t you a dutiful husband?”
“I’m not afraid to defend my wife’s honor with a sword, thief.” The boy threatened. Selina measured him for a moment.
“Good.” She turned to Marinette. “He will do. If he is causing you trouble, you can crash at my place.” She gave her a small square paper with an address before leaving. 
“Um… What was that?”
“Tt. That was Selina for you.” Damian was still in a bad mood until Marinette snuggled closer to him. 
Around five, the guests started arriving. It was unanimously decided that the youngest couple would be the ones to greet their guests. And looking at the size of the table, there would be more guests than Mari assumed. Damian was now dressed in a flawless black suit with a matching bowtie and a white shirt. Mari chose to wear the red dress that she knew left Damian speechless every time he saw her. Her hair was let go and formed waves cascading down her back. 
Jason was first. He came on his bike alone. While everyone dressed in something elegant, he opted for an oil-stained t-shirt and brown leather jacket, complete with black cargo pants and heavy boots. Marinette had to admit he gave a bad-boy vibe that told her to stay away. But she’s seen this with Ivan and she was pretty sure Jason was, in fact, a big softie once one got to know him. 
Next to arrive were Tim and Stephanie. She wore a black and purple knee-length dress. It had no sleeves and hugged her form tightly. The design was several large squares of material sewn together so no two colors were the same. It was an interesting design. Tim wore a blue suit with black accents and a white shirt. They looked like a nice couple. And the boy looked almost awake, which was a success. Also, they were dragging a giant bag of gifts. 
Shortly after, a small van pulled close and five people exited. There was an older couple, a joyful boy around their age jumping around them, and two people Marinette recognized instantly. You couldn’t hang around Alya and not recognize Clark Kent and Lois Lane-Kent.
“Tt. Jon.” Damian greeted the boy.
“Sup Dames? Hello fair lady.” He greeted them, happiness almost oozing from him. Jon went as far as kissing her hand. 
“Could you stop with the flowers and rainbows?” Wayne growled.
“But it’s Christmas!”
“Tt. I know.” Damian was angry. Seeing it, his beloved grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly.
“Hello Mr. Kent, Mrs. Lane-Kent.” Marinette greeted the adults, hoping to diffuse the situation  before Damian gets too riled up. 
“You must be Marinette. I remember Jon mentioning you when we talked about his trip to Paris.” Clark smiled. He then nodded toward the older couple. “These are my parents, Johnathan and Martha Kent.”
“It’s nice to meet ya, girl.” The man nodded toward her. 
“Hi. I’m Marinette.” She gave them a smile. Just as the Kents went inside, another car pulled in. 
This time, it was Dick with his wife, Kor’i, and daughter Mar’i. They all got out of the car.
“I still don’t understand why you insist on driving this thing. I could’ve flown us here twice as fast.” The woman had distinctively orange skin and her eyes were entirely green. Marinette instantly recognized her as Starfire. She wore a white shirt with bell-like sleeves that reached to her elbows and blue jeans that ended just above her ankles. Dick had a dark-gray shirt and jeans. She would classify their outfits as smart casual. 
“Yeah, daddy! I can fly too!” To prove her point, the little girl rose a bit into the air. She was dressed in an oversized purple jumper that reached to the ground. She also wore white trainers. Her skin was less orange than her mother’s but the color was easily visible. And her eyes were also entirely green without any white. And she was flying. Her hair was black though, as opposed to her mother’s fiery red. 
“Sweety. Come here.” Kor’i reached up and grabbed the floating daughter. The girl immediately nuzzled into her and smiled victoriously. She got exactly what she wanted. Marinette couldn’t help but giggle.
“Tt. I still find her annoying.” Damian scowled. 
“I don’t know, she looks cute to me. And you already admitted that you love cute things.” To make things worse for her love, Marinette gave him puppy eyes and a bright smile. He tried to scowl, but couldn’t muster enough strength to oppose his wife.
Dick almost tripped over the car when he started laughing. 
Since they were the last to arrive, Marinette and Damian returned inside to join everyone for festivities. 
Somewhere else, in a much darker place, a lone figure stood in an empty room. His clothes were dirty and torn. The light entered only through a small window. 
“So you see? It was all a set-up!” He shouted. 
From the shadows, another figure joined. 
“But of course, sweetie. Of course.” They said in a patronizing tone. “I will of course help you.”
“You understand me. And what about… Marinette?” 
“I don’t understand your obsession with her, but I can share.” 
“Whatever. She will be mine!”
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7thcirclebaker · 3 years
Crack idea with some angst:
Freaky Friday style Akuma about a mother who doesn't understand her kid so it swaps people with their mother/parent. Very sneaky because wants to avoid being caught to properly experience swapping with child to understand life. Is initially aiming for Ladybug but CN takes the hit and suddenly Emile Agreste is in a teenage boys body in a leather catsuit and is just rolling with it because she is a) a good actress and b) from a posh English family which means she absolutely knows how to fence, do archery etc and the Akuma seeing this didn't throw out the cat holder at all just nopes out of there. Cat mom is then going to grill LB on what's going on and Lb is like, how do you not know it's been a year, "I've been in a coma dear, I tend not to get the news" Cat mom goes towards Agreste manor and detransforms now knowing her husband is up to shit and possibly shagging his assistant and is like nah fam, I gotta find out more information before I tell Gabriel because he's clearly a fucking idiot without me. Is horrified at the fact that Adrien models so much and how shitty Gabe is being. Googles her and the news and finds out the depth of Gabe's stupidity. Patrols with LB, asks more questions, also about what about a broken miraculous and that and plays it off as Mayura looked like she was getting weaker, just noticed things from an outside objective viewpoint, definitely knows nothing more, no sir. Goes to school as Adrien, some people swapped, but not many because sneaky Akuma. Nino immediately twigs that this isn't Adrien and Emilie is introduced to the class. Marinette doesn't make the connection between Emilie Agreste appearing in her son's body and CN because she's too busy worrying about this Akuma and the fact CN is currently in a coma and also doesn't have a mom for this entire time. Chloe gloms onto her Aunt in a hot minute because she's been missing for two years goddamit. Lila tries to lie and manipulate, Emilie shoots through that in a snap, might work kinda with her husband, she's no idiot though. Starts a short diary of her thoughts on ppl in case she never gets to actually talk to Adrien again but she wants him to know she's happy he has good friends, proud of him, etc. Overhears Lila threaten Mari for something tbd. Goes to ask the story there, finds out about the lying, notices Maris signs of a crush around Adrien (dazing slightly looking at his face etc)
Having learned a lot, patrols with LB looking for the Akuma and follow as up on healing damage from a broken miraculous. Lb has some ideas that kinda amount to these 5 different things might work because I tell them to as LB guardian, why? Cat mom is like, sit down for a second pls, you need to learn some stuff. Dishes the dirt. Lb has many realizations, some vindication and much panicking. Cat mom helps with the panicking, many a pre show jitter has she helped others with, Adrien gets empathy from her. Lb makes a plan to go straight to the source of her problems, arms Sabine with a miraculous too in case she gets hit she can jump right back in.
Plan; Emilie confronts Gabriel on being a shit dad and a worse villain, demands both miraculous to show him how to do it properly, transforms and immediately leaves. This does not go that smoothly
Gaslighting Agreste is like why didn't you tell me you were swapped. I didn't think Adrien got hit, etc. Starts to figure shit out, back up is called. He is eventually beaten and Adrien is back in his body, v.confused. he's given a brief catch-up. Is more confused and v.sad. Natalie tells them where Emilie is and LB fixes things. Adrien now has decent mom who drags him and Mari plus possible friends on trips to her favorite shooting locations to share stuff with her son and also Mari you might find inspiration and also confidence to ask my son out.
-- my personal pref for Emilie is that she's a decent mom but the reason Adrien had little other friends and had always been homeschooled is because he was taught on sets with his mother and got into fencing and stuff from like weirdly specific set knowledge for various movies and they just moved to stay in Paris when she got sick and couldn't act
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