jettreno · 2 days
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my excitement about being disappointed by another max caulfield adventure was immediately tempered by seeing what she looks like
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benji-woodside · 2 days
Are you saying you enjoy impregnating men?
Same man, same.
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akademiyas · 2 months
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day 9: vampire
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buttfrovski · 8 months
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chewedpencileraser · 10 months
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help???? ring ring ring?? new phone who dis? banana phone honka honka honk
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edensxgarden · 5 months
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And this was BEFORE she really started to grow.
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peasantpizza · 3 months
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mirage from ultrakill is worse than a worm!
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asexualstellar · 1 month
anons stop truthing me challenge IMPOSSIBLE why do I keep getting those “I bet you’re ___” anons WHO ARE YOU
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roe-and-memory · 25 days
lightning and his struggle with emotions save me….
those feelings of inadequacy that suffocate his every thought, that fear that if he messes up — acts in a way that nobody wants him to — then he’ll lose everything.. and how, for a little while, all those feelings carry over to radiator springs (maybe they even stick around for the rest of his life)
i cant see lightning as much of a crier, he doesnt seem like the type to want to express those emotions, especially in front of people, and thinking about this concept in the context of radiator springs is sooo…
hes finally got those people that love him and hes so terrified that if he makes one wrong move, says one wrong word, then they’ll kick him to the curb and he’ll be alone again that he just. Stiffles. these feelings.
for a while no one really notices, but flo is the first one to realize she’s never seen him in any negative mood aside from anger like.. ever? she tries to brush it off, make an excuse in her mind for him, but the more she tries to neglect it the more obvious it becomes that he’s purposely hiding his feelings from them and she cant figure out, for the life of her, why. she mentions it to doc, asks him quietly if hes ever seen or heard lightning cry, and the silent pondering from the man is enough to tell her that he Hasnt.
she doesnt wanna be nosy, but shes so concerned because she KNOWS there has to have been something thats upset him in his time here, he just hasnt expressed it to anyone…
but imagine her shock, three months into lightnings life in the town, he comes into the cafe on the brink of tears with scraped shins, blood staining his now torn jeans, and a glimmer of fear in his eyes.
he apologizes to her, sits down in a booth — seemingly not realizing hes wiping blood everywhere — and buries his face in his crossed arms that are resting on the tabletop. its the first time flo has seen him look this scared, and it brings up those thoughts of how long he’s been hiding these emotions from everyone. she watches from behind the counter, a half dried bowl in her hand as she finally catches the slight trembling of his shoulders and her heart just Breaks.
lightning had nowhere else to go for this — docs clinic was closed and doc himself was at home, sally was at home, Everyone was at Home — so the best idea he could come up with was hiding at flos in an attempt to get away from everyone else because when the string of events that went wrong occurred, he Knew then it was that final straw that was gonna rip the carpet out from underneath him and bring him to exhausted, overstimulated tears.
i think at some point flo stops what shes doing, studies the empty cafe, and abandons her dishes to sit down at the table with him. she scooches into the booth beside him and rubs gentle circles on his back like a mom would, and, unbeknownst to her, that just makes him sob harder.
part of her is happy that hes feeling this, but oh Boy, that mom part of her is genuinely heartbroken for him. she doesnt know what happened but she can safely assume hes in pain and startled, and she knows shes willing to sit here for as long as she needs to make sure he feels safe and comfortable again, even if it means keeping these tears a secret from people like doc and sally at lightnings request.
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riaki · 8 months
PHEW okay. rn im working on a yoshida fic but i completely spitballed and went off the rails ...... so um. might be a while before that comes out, so take some (many) thoughts and drabbles of weird stalker boy instead !! yoshida hirofumi x reader
@twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat take this for yoshi fluff n some mild angst.. for now......
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i feel like yoshida would definitely be the kinda guy to give his all in keeping it together; especially with his position as student council president (that he's only half-committed to, really) topped off with his life in the private sector of devil hunting, his image is extremely important to him. not because he has a huge ego or is self-obsessed, but he knows that a lot of people look up to him and rely on him. that being said, he's (probably, yoshida lore when) only human, and he's bound to struggle and wrestle with the workload he's chained to, and it can often get the best of his emotions and stress him out.
so a little word of encouragement here, a sweet 'washed your dishes and your clothes cus i saw you were busy' there would be everything he needs to spur himself on even if he's exhausted; hearing the phrase "i'm proud of you." from your mouth in your sweet, sweet voice? makes it all worth it. 
all considered, he doesn't want you to do too much for him; he never lets you pay for your shared meals or drive the two of you home, BUT you should give it your all in trying anyway! acts of service for him seem subtle, but they really mean the world to him when you try so hard to lighten his burden. he thinks it's the most endearing thing on the planet. on the days he lacks the energy to even utter a small mumble of protest, he'll let you take the wheel- but those days are rare, so capitalize on the opportunity! being a gentleman is tiring, so make him coffee (not black) instead of letting him buy the headache-inducing cans of sickeningly sweet caffeine from the vending machines outside his apartment when you rise early enough to; let him fall asleep in your lap and gently play with his hair while you handle a homework assignment for him or two. bonus points if he wakes up to something sweet or savory made by those hands of yours that he loves to hold so much; do that, and he might just dream of marrying you the next time he indulges in an afternoon nap in the confines of your arms. 
(and when you hold him to your chest and whisper sweet nothings into his ears on the days he's earned further affection from you? it makes him feel like he's being granted a visit from the heavens, though hell knows he'll never make it up there. but, if he thinks he's being honest, it doesn't matter to him- not when you're right in front of him, a taste of divinity. not when you're gently tracing each slope and ridge in the shape of his left ear, thumb tenderly prodding at the soft skin between the cold metal piercings on his ear. it's like you're mapping out just this minuscule section of his body, and he's found himself praying to whatever's out there that you'll always be here to give him this; that one day, you'll have ran your fingers over every inch of him, memorizing the intricacies of the very bones in his body.)
to me, his primary love language would definitely be quality time- more so for him than you (but he still hopes you enjoy it enough to indulge him. makes him feel like a kid in a candy store with free reign over his monthly allowance.) meaningful talks with you and silly fun banter is all he needs to take his mind off the stresses currently throwing him for a loop and let loose a little. that’s one of the reasons why he fell so head over heels for you— you make it a little easier to breath whenever you’re around him. also... he loves the look on your face whenever he surprises you with gifts, so count on an uninvited bouquet of flowers in some varying hue of your eye color, or surprise boxes of jewelry- that is, if he can afford it. if not, he'll take you out when the weather is pleasant enough and you're in the mood for a cup of boba or an evening out in the nearest shopping district, browsing the warmly lit stands as the chatter of people bustling by fills your ears and he holds onto your hands in the simple pretext of not wanting you to get lost as he buys every mouth-watering festival food you lay your eyes on without hesitation. maybe he'll even treat you to a quick stop at a standing ramen restaurant- and if you're too tired to support yourself on your own two legs, he has no problem carrying you. after all, with his private devil hunting, you both know he's more than capable of that. and so, rest-assured you’ll return home on those gleeful days with full stomaches, bags n boxes full of sticky dango and fresh glistening apples the shades of a red autumn, and giddy smiles coupled with painted strawberry blush that dusts your cheeks and stains your ears. and if, throughout that entire vivid night of fireworks and sweet n savory scents drifting from stalls and the treats in the hands of vivacious children, you happen to get some crumbs or powder on your cheeks, he's more than happy to wipe it away with an affectionate thumb and earnest smile— or even lean in for a taste straight from your flushed skin.
on the topic of his side job in the private sector, though- yoshida prefers to keep you as far away as possible from the side of his life that's three feet deep and counting in missions at the Bureau. and of course, he takes no pleasure in lying to your face, especially when he realizes that you realize the half-assed mutters that fall from his lips don't answer the questions you demand answers to. 
he knows it's a necessity, though. so he never tells you the truth when it comes to this matter. 
but you can only see the tip of the iceberg of cold, guilty pain that washes over him when he watches your trust in him slip like you're loosing your footing; the excuses he spins that you don't buy and the way he feels like he's being scrutinized beneath your burning gaze as your eyes rove over the rough cuts on his arms and the blooming purple bruise on his jaw that you know isn't a love mark (or at least, you hope so. your mind won’t let you consider the possibility.) makes him feel guiltier than ever. on every other occasion, he never shies away from your gaze; for one, he’s well aware of how attractive he is, but all the compliments and shy confessions he’s ever received feel minuscule when you look at him like he’s your world, so loving that it seems to make the sun shine an inkling brighter and the birds outside his window sing a little sweeter amongst the symphony of nature. but on less pleasant occasions, when it feels like you’re appraising him— no. not just him. appraising his words, weighing them on a golden scale that’s supposed to be unbiased towards the truth, but your heart can’t take the strain when you consider the possibility of him lying to you, and he feels more distant from you every time you look at him in a way that makes him want to shrink away and shut himself up from your prying eyes that he knows are only well-intentioned— which is all the more reason why he falters under the weight of them.
but it’s not like he’d ever tell you that, though. so really, it’s up to you to decide how you act; to probe him and risk a few unintentionally harsh words aimed in your direction in the hopes of confronting the issue head-on before it’s too late, or simply sit back and let it fester until it’s grown out of control and manifests into a hurtful argument for both parties. miscommunication is the enemy to your relationship :(
that being said, yoshida is a bit of a control freak. when things don’t go the meticulous way he’s planned them out, he starts to loose his cool pretty easily, stressing his pretty head off about this and that, biting on his lip and curling a hand into his dark hair. really, though, it’s a simple fix— he tends to get overwhelmed easily only when it comes to things like this, n so all you have to do is tear him away from whatever’s preoccupying him and hold him, soothe his nerves by running your hands through his hair and rubbing gentle circles into his back. like i said, acts of service are really meaningful to him, esp w his line of work— makes him feel all fuzzy on the inside, like there’s a cluster of stars in his chest, his heart stuttering like a broken engine and a bouquet of lilies flowering in his stomach, petals clogging his throat and making it impossible for him to voice his gratitude. and so, after he calms down, he’ll take your hand and pepper little kisses on your knuckles until you ask him to stop with a bright smile and a laugh that sounds like the trickling melody of a running spring water stream.
but that’s an if, though. yoshida might not always manage to calm down— and sometimes his frustration will get the better of him. it might be difficult to manage; he’s so composed and collected for the most part that the meticulous patience required to deal with his boiling vexation might be unfamiliar to you, so it’ll be a bumpy slope. so try to be understanding in the case that he ever snaps at you, and know that he never means to hurt someone as important to him as you. give him time, and he’ll come around. <3
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sketcheez · 25 days
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Found this at a college art gallery I NEED YOU WHO ARE YOU
-an object show fan
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vigilskeep · 9 months
no moustache dorian mods are so scary
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unknownn-girl · 19 days
Love looking at your blog when I’m on so much adderal it’s hindering on meth. Anyway how do you cope with the horrors?
i hope you overdose
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punkyflesh · 1 year
hooiiiii could i mayhaps get cedric with an s/o that very rarely laughs or smiles and maybe hearing them laugh or seeing them smile for the first time? thought that'd be super cute 👉👈
Cedric x Reader who rarely laughs or smiles
summary: you and cedric take a walk within the forest, and things take an unexpected turn for the best.
note: this ask has been sitting in my inbox for over a year… i am so sorry. this piece of writing is probably so mediocre but it’s my first in a while, so be nice to me!! punkyflesh actually posting??? wow!!
warnings: no warnings necessary. reader is referred to with neutral pronouns and indirect gender terms.
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Cedric the sorcerer had always been a man of few words. He was a solitary figure, - a ‘loner’, as some may say - spending most of his days kept to himself, holed up within the dark halls of his tower, studying ancient tomes and brewing potent potions. But despite his introverted nature, there was one person who had managed to break through his built-up walls and capture his heart — you. The sorcerer and yourself had met by chance one day, seemingly out of nowhere. Cedric had been collecting herbs within the castle’s greenhouse when he spotted you, standing alone in a clearing. You were unlike anyone he had ever met before, with a regal bearing and captivating presence. He had approached you hesitantly, unsure of how to address such a striking figure, but you both had instantaneously clicked the moment your eyes met and Cedric was completely head over heels, unprepared for the jolt of electricity your existence provided him with. From that moment on, Cedric had been drawn to you like a moth to a flame. You would spend hours talking about magic and history, and the sorcerer soon found himself seeking out your company whenever he could. But despite your newfound closeness, Cedric felt as though there was a distance between you both. You were a serious person - beautiful and mysterious - never one to laugh or smile without good reason, and Cedric couldn't help but feel like he was missing something.
He attempted to make you laugh with his jokes and silly antics, purposely casting silly spells that would be sure to mess up, but you would only ever offer a polite smile or a small chuckle, never a real laugh. Cedric longed to see you truly happy, to see you light up a room with your laugh and let your guard down.
One day, you and Cedric were walking through the enchanted forest together, lost in conversation about the upcoming sorcery event that he had been ogling about to you for weeks. Cedric cherished your alone time together, and adored the way your eyes twinkled in the highlights of sunlight that bloomed through the gaps of the trees. The large volume of the trees created a roof over the forest, creating a darkness over the area - it was charming and peaceful, but the blindness offered issues for the rooted floors. As you were walking, your foot caught against an exposed tree root, causing you to stumble over and fall to the ground. Cedric gasped in worry, pulling out his wand in panic as he hurriedly rushed to your side, his heart racing with concern.
But as he helped you up, something miraculous happened. You looked up at him with a glimmer of amusement in your eyes, and before he knew it, you were laughing. It was a beautiful, melodic sound, like the tinkling of bells in the wind. Cedric felt a sudden surge of joy rush through his veins and amazement at the sound, and he couldn't help but laugh along with you. For a moment, you both kneeled against the lush floor, laughing together in the forest. It was a moment of pure, unbridled happiness, and Cedric felt like he was seeing the world in a new light. As the laughter began to die down, you wiped away a tear that had escaped from your eye, beaming up happily at your lover. Cedric couldn't help but smile back. He put away his wand and helped you up to your feet, taking your hand in his. "You look beautiful when you smile," he said softly.
His gentle words caused the colour to rush to your cheeks, as you blushed and looked away, embarrassed. Cedric gently lifted your chin with his nimble fingers so he could look into your eyes. "I mean it," he said. "You have a light inside you that shines brighter than any spell I could ever cast. I love you more than anything.”
As he saw your smile grow wider, Cedric knew that he had just witnessed a rare and precious moment. He vowed to do everything in his power to make you smile like this every day, to see that light in your eyes that made his heart sing.
As you walked back to the castle, hand in hand, Cedric couldn't stop staring at you. He had never seen you so carefree, so happy. It was like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders, and he couldn't help but feel like he was the reason for your newfound joy. You had brought a new sense of meaning to his previously lonely life, and he would make sure he relayed the same energy to you.
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