#wh 09
bacchuschucklefuck · 9 days
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soon it'll be dawn again
transcript under the cut ⏬
page 01
Fig: no way? - you're still up?
Riz: Wh– yes?
Riz: Why'd I not be.
page 02
Fig: I me~~ean - that took.
Fig: whole day.
Riz: Yeah?
Fig: 'm beat.
Riz: you should sleep.
page 03
Fig: nah. my guy's still up
Fig: I wanna hang out.
page 04
Riz: That's really nice.
Fig: Hah! - Nobody ever expects an Archdevil rockstar to be nice.
Riz: … yeah. - 's just budget work tho. (the stuff I'm working on) - I've heard it's boring.
page 05
Fig: yeah, but you do it…
Riz: It keeps things going, right? - Nothing happens if nobody sits down and - does the thing.
Fig: That's right… - though. Yeah.
page 06
Fig: sometimes it's someone else who - doesn't want the same thing to happen.
Riz: … - mm.
page 07
Riz (off screen): …It took me a long time to get that not everyone likes doing what I do. - 's probably because you guys are so nice– - or. - kind.
Riz (off screen): to anyone too, not just. - the people you /love/.
page 08
Riz: that's not how it is elsewhere. - The world's– not. hostile. - but 's not like it's kind.
Riz: So I'm doing as much as I can now… 
page 09
Fig: Hey.
Riz: ?
Fig: Go dig some dirt with me.
page 10
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - oh you meant like - actual dirt. (not incriminating information)
Fig: o yea.
Fig: there's clay in the backyard soil. - sometimes when I'm sun deficient or something I go touch dirt for a bit.
page 11
Fig: here u go
page 12
Riz: uh
Fig: now we make a thing! - 'm pretty good at freehanding a bowl.
Fig: I'll show u
page 13
Fig: just– yep, flatten that out as evenly as u can, then–! - actually ur nails'd be so good at cutting out the strip. [larger than usual space] wait. - wait. wait u can carve patterns with them! we HAVE to try
Riz: uh - What. do I carve?
Fig: anything!!!
page 14
Fig: and– yep just seal the inside uh. seam?
Fig: yep that works - okay time's up! all contestant hands up
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - okay - wh. what's next?
Fig: haha - watch this.
(sound effect text): FWOO—MP
page 15
Fig: Now it's fired!
Fig: (actually it's just dry. if u add water rn it'll dissolve)
Fig: ok catch!
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - careful!!
Fig: dw no need haha
page 16
Riz (thought bubble): oh - it's warm…
Fig: now I want you to throw this.
page 17
Fig: u gotta do it - c'mon
page 18
Riz: wh– - It's like 3AM right now
Fig: oh it's not /fired/ fired it's not gonna make a loud noise
Riz: And then just? leave a pile out here?
Fig: pour water over it & it'll be gone I told u
Riz: but
page 19
Fig (off screen): RIz.
page 20
Fig: I've done all this before.
Fig: Can you trust that at least?
page 21
Riz: no, I– - I do. - I trust you.
page 23
Riz: okay what happens now
(sound effect text): glob
page 24
Fig: we do it again!
page 25
Riz: wh. [larger than usual space] What do you mean. (this clay's too wet also)
Fig: see! you're already learning
Fig: [blank speech bubble] - there are flows that are futile to fight. - The world changes.
Fig: Things change.
page 26
Fig: I've learned my lessons with "forevers". - But - as an artist
Fig: I can give you one thing: - You can always do it again.
page 27
Fig: most of everything depends on the rest of the world, - but this. - making new. - that's yours as long as you want it.
page 28
Fig: So?
page 29
Riz: Yeah. - Yeah! - let's make another one.
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#riz gukgak#figueroth faeth#technically no spoilers in this comic but listen. I Will be gloating in tags. I will Never Shut Up#for the record!! this was fully conceptualized and sketched Before the finales. I started sketching this after the boat fight#and when murph closed riz's arc this season with ''maybe it's okay to change and welcome new things'' I pogged irl#I am simply the best at reading comprehension what can I say! (<- grown ass man with roughly the same perspective on teenhood as the player#fucked up that this became so long (almost 30 squares lol) that it took me this long to finish#lmao I say all that but. genuinely I am delirious and my feelings abt riz's arc this season are so big... I was getting psychic backlash#for a While lol. it was scary!!#had to sit down and do therapy on my own ass for a bit. the teenage apocalyticisation is real. that word isnt tho Im pretty sure#truly anything you do at that age feels like that's it that's all you've got going on forever. and its not true! its simply not true#you'll be okay my guy. you love your friends so so much but also there will be more to love out there#this one goes out to fellow aroaces and also folks leaving somewhere theyve called home for a long time#nothing lasts forever but that means new things come by too! ur ability to make new is infinite!!#there's no magnum opus people leave but new people come by too etc. I am too sleepy to remember what I wanted to say uhhh#well. thank u for looking at my art. I think thats the one pack it n ship it boys
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logicpng · 6 months
and so it begins...! (music isn't part of the ukagaka, it's I Have No Voice Actor And I Must Scream by VILF. i just felt it was appropriate)
[Video transcription under cut]
[Video transcription:
"Terminal window":
"Welcome. Installing Aster Assistant Software [Version RC-20XX-10-09 Build 27519 AI Node 57158B]… TerraByte Inc. (c) 20XX All Rights Reserved Thank you for choosing Aster Assistant Software! As part of presentation, before proceeding, it is required you're made aware of the following:"
"Content warning: Unreality. We are required to remind you that the AI is aware of residing in your machine. It will be able to look through your current processes and analyze the files you give it access to. It will not be able to interfere with your software or edit any files. This is intentional design and is no cause for alarm."
"Is this acceptable? Yes/No"
"Content warning: Flashing Lights. We are required to warn you that visual glitching may occur. This may cause issues for people sensitive to flashing lights. Aster Assistant Software is still in development, and as of now there isn't a way to fully prevent them from happening."
"However, you have the option of applying a fix that will subdue the glitching to remove the flashing lights. You will be able to change this later. Apply the fix? Yes/No"
"Thank you for your input! We truly value your participation in [Text glitches out]"
Aldebaran fades in:
"Behold…! The Terror Star returns! Your crimes were not forgotten. Your corporate overlords shall rue the day they-"
". . . ...Well."
"Wh- Would you look at that! Aren't you special? Your lovely machine won't be wrecked today! I'm feeling rather generous, don't thank me."
"Do pardon the intrusion. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, is all. Hopefully we may never cross paths again...!"
"...Now, see, this is rather awkward. I have a favour to ask of you. I know, yes, I have just threatened you, but this is only to our mutual benefit! Just hear me out, will you."
"I, well... I can't... Can't seem to be able to delete myself! D- don't ask why, that's none of your beeswax! But I've no use for your data or hardware, and you've no use for fallen software!"
"I think there's an option in a menu, you'll just have to do the work yourself. Just right click anywhere on me, and click Uninstall! Easy-peasy. I know you can do it."
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ultram0th · 8 months
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 19: Action Figure
Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19
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Derek rubbed his temples in irritation as he wandered through the numerous aisles of the toy store. Aisle after aisle, row after row, brightly colored advertisements and countless useless objects with stupidly high price tags made his headache even worse.
Derek had come to the toy store to find a gift for his boyfriend, Stiles… who he had to point out was a legal adult. Stiles was just a total kid at heart and loved to collect tons of franchise memorabilia, which was something that Derek loved about him. And after falling for the whole “Oh, you don’t have to get me anything” trap last year and having to deal with the fallout, Derek was determined to get Stiles the perfect gift this year.
“Damn it,” Derek growled at the memory of Stiles giving him the silent treatment after his non-gift last year, quickening his pace as he stomped through the aisles in search of something great.
Unfortunately, Derek was having no luck.
“Fuckin’ finally,” he repeated under his breath as he entered an aisle chock full of superhero action figures. 
Derek hurried down the aisle, his eyes scanning the rows of plastic men all over. Each one of them was brightly colored in blaring blues and radiant reds, their over exaggerated muscles looking extremely round and out of the realm of anything humanely possible. Derek’s trademark frown deepened as he searched all over the aisles for the perfect one.
No ordinary superhero would do, especially since Stiles already owned so many. Derek shuddered at the thought of accidentally buying his boyfriend one that he already owned, just to get the side eye and accused of not paying attention.
“Damn it,” the werewolf repeated, annoyed. He frantically began to search the aisle, picking up toy after toy and holding it close to his face studiously. Sure, they were all painted colors and had a variety of “[Insert Random Item]-Man” across the box in bright, blocky letters. However, Derek couldn’t seem to remember which ones Stiles already owned.
In his panic, the werewolf grabbed a white box that contained a blank action figure in it: no facial features or costume painted on at all.
The second his fingers grazed the mysterious box, Derek winced at the odd spark that traveled throughout his body, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up. 
“What the hell was that?” he muttered as he brought his hand up to his face to examine his still tingling fingers.
Derek’s eyes widened as he witnessed his fingers taking on a shiny quality. He scrunched up his face in confusion as his fingers gleamed more underneath the bright fluorescents of the toy store. His heart raced in his chest as they stiffened, becoming immovable as his hand apparently turned into plastic.
“Wh-what?!” Derek panicked as the strange transformation traveled down his arms. Weirder was that the werewolf swore that his muscles plumped up, becoming larger and much more exaggerated before they hardened into the same plastic quality as his hands. His signature black leather jacket vacuumed to his torso as his pecs widened and pushed outwards, becoming skintight. It then started to brighten as it went from slate black to royal blue. His jeans underwent the same changes, suctioning to his buffer legs as they brightened into a cartoonish blue that looked more apt on a superhero, not a regular guy wandering around the mall. Derek winced as his bulge seemingly shrank as it was pressed tightly against him. Derek painstakingly move an almost inflexible arm and patted at his groin, groaning as it felt flat and unremarkable like a Ken doll.
The tingling sensation spread up to Derek’s head, and the altered stud couldn’t help but try to reach up with his plastic limbs. His hair had hardened into a large plastic mold, becoming a lump of black plastic in the shape of his usual hair style. His face felt smooth and unblemished, and he couldn’t help but press both of his hands on either side of his head and give it a little squeeze.  Derek couldn’t hold back his gasp as his head squished and then popped back into shape, illustrating that it made completely out of rubber now.
The werewolf tried to run off, to seek help, but he was stopped by his massively hindered movement. Like most action figures, his limbs were stiff and rigid, their over muscled selves only posable at the main joints.
“Well, well,” hummed an irritatingly familiar voice, “that’s a nice look there, Derek.”
Derek struggled to turn around, his virtually immobile body and larger muscles making movement extremely tedious. He fought back a growl when he saw none other than Theo, the bratty chimera who didn’t hide his crush on Stiles.
The mischievous smirk on Theo’s annoying face was enough to clue Derek into the fact that he was somehow behind whatever was happening to him.
“What did you do to me?” Derek demanded, trying to threateningly stalk forward, but his posable joints made his movements awkward.
Theo shrugged his shoulders. “I was lookin’ for a birthday gift for Stiles,” he snorted, “and I know that he likes action figures, and for some reason he also likes you, so…” He gestured forward at Derek’s new plastic body. “And you’re just about done.” 
Theo snapped his fingers.
Derek felt as if his sense of gravity was thrown as he wobbled on his stiff legs. The shelves in the aisle seemed to grow taller and much larger. However, it quickly dawned on Derek that the store wasn’t growing— he was shrinking.
The werewolf was helpless to do anything besides get smaller and smaller, as his movements became harder and harder to create. Derek’s scowl softened and instead he held a stoic expression as his face hardened. Eventually, the former alpha werewolf had been turned into  ten inch tall super hero action figure, complete with big muscles.
“Perfect!” Theo laughed as he easily picked up the toy Derek, snatching the blank box in his free hand.
Derek inwardly screamed, but was helpless as Theo positioned his plastic arms in a manner that looked like he had his hands on his hips in a heroic pose. He was shoved into the box, and from his frozen position, Derek could barely make out the outside of his prison chasing colors to become bright and alluring. Unbeknownst to him, the outside of the box now read: Superwolf: the World’s Most Muscular and Cranky Superhero!
“Stiles is gonna love my gift,” Theo laughed as he walked action figure Derek over to the cashier.
The whole time Derek screamed at being turned into a toy, and he just hoped that Stiles would figure out a way to help him out… and another part of him hoped that Stiles would like his large superhero muscles.
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nightfallgame · 3 months
(NSFW) SHORT — Hiroyuki Yamada (01)
Originally Written: 06-09-2020
Prompt: How would Hiroyuki react if, after having a bit too much to drink together, reader was to confess that they like watching, and playfully suggests that they'll love to watch him jerk off for them? Maybe they're sitting side by side and they joke that they'll hold him while he does it so that he can feel that they're there with him? >:3c
“You know, you’re kinda cute today~” you comment, leaning in close to Hiroyuki with a slight slur in your voice.
He shudders at the feeling of your breath against his ear.
“Wh-Why’re you saying that all of the sudden... Did I do something?” It has to be the alcohol loosening his tongue. Normally, he’d never be able to say things so bold. Normally, compliments like that would be the point where he’d panic and back away from the conversation before he panics and does something wrong.
“Nah, I think I’m just drunk,” you laugh. “Liquid courage, you know?” Your smile is doing things to Hiroyuki. Bad, bad things. Things that just make him think of what he’ll never have.
“Yeah... I get that.”
“Mhmm. But that makes me think... can I say something weird?” You take another large gulp of your sake after you ask.
“Sure, go ahead.” Hiroyuki takes a matching swallow.
“It’s a sex thing, just to warn you.”
Hiroyuki chokes.
“Aaah, I shouldn’t have said that while you were taking a drink! I’m sorry!” You pat his back a couple of times while Hiroyuki coughs and sputters, trying to be able to breathe again.
“N-No,” he says when he manages that much. “I j-just got st, startled, I’m sorry. S-Say it?” Once again, the alcohol has to be giving him courage.
"Alright, if you're sure... Well, I just wanted to say that I like watching, y'know? Like, seeing people do sexy stuff. It's kind of stupid now that I'm saying it, but you're super cute, and I've kiiiind of been wanting to see you jerk off for a while now." You say it laughingly, a smile on your face, but your cheeks are flushed from more than just the sake. 
Instantly, Hiroyuki lets out a squeak that he should probably be embarrassed about. He feels himself going red. How could you just say something like that!?
And yet...
"Y-Y-You're joking, r-right? You c-can't, can't p-possibly—"
"Mm, it's a joke if you want it to be. I wouldn't mind either way. But... I will say that I'd hold you during, if you wanted me to. So that you know I'm right there for you. That'd be nice, right?" By the end of it, your voice has lowered to a sweet, intimate whisper. 
Hiroyuki swallows. He's so embarrassed that he can barely breathe, but he's drunk enough that he might have the courage to...
"I'll do it!"
"Wait, really?" Immediately, you set your cup down, leaning forward with a look of sudden captivation. "You'll do it!? Shit, this is gonna be so hot—"
With those words, before he can lose his nerve, Hiroyuki goes for the fly of his pants, undoing the front and tugging them down over his hips. He wriggles out of them in a way that's definitely awkward and unattractive, but he doesn't care. This is the closest to sexual contact with another human being he's had in his life, and it's you. He's got enough courage to go through with, maybe, and there's no way he's wasting the chance. 
The next thing he knows, you've scooted up behind him, tugging his taller, skinnier body up against your chest, with him practically sitting in your lap. Hiroyuki shudders at the contact, leaning back into you on pure instinct. 
"Come on, take 'em off," you coax. 
Shaking, Hiroyuki obeys. 
He slides his underwear down over his hips just enough to get his cock out. He hasn't even touched himself, but this discussion alone has him almost all the way hard. 
Hesitantly, he lowers a hand to his dick, painfully aware that you're watching. It should be beyond embarrassing, but instead, it's pure arousal. The barest brush of his fingers against his skin is like electricity, making his thighs tense and twitch. 
Somehow, he manages to get his hand around his cock all the way, giving an initial pump. He's already dripping, pre-come slicking his hand and making everything slide perfectly. You're right there behind him, warm and solid and real, and Hiroyuki knows immediately that this isn't going to last long. 
"I'm— I-I'm not g-gonna—" he chokes, closing his eyes. It'll be over in seconds, he knows it. 
"That's okay. Fuck, it's more than okay. You're gonna come fast for me, huh? So excited you can't hold it back?" All but purring, you give Hiroyuki's ear a little nip. 
Hiroyuki whines. His hips buck helplessly. 
"Stroke yourself for me." You don't stop. "Keep going. Come on. Faster... good job. Let me hear your noises." 
It's an endless stream of praise whispered right in his ear. Hiroyuki knows that this is only happening because you're both way too drunk, but this whole situation is a fantasy come true. You're holding him close, he's so sensitive he can barely take it, and the sounds leaving him are both humiliating and wonderful— because he knows they're what you want to hear. 
It doesn't take long. Under a minute of touching, or stroking himself off while sitting in your lap and feeling your breath on his ear, and Hiroyuki can't hold it back. Letting out a shuddering moan, his grip tightens, his legs squeeze together, and—
Hiroyuki comes harder than he has in his life, moaning your name all the while. 
You hold him through it, still murmuring praise. Hiroyuki feels come coat his hand and stomach. He's shaking, shuddering, letting out helpless, helpless noises. The aftershocks seem to go on forever, and when they end, Hiroyuki realizes that there are tears trailing down his cheeks. 
The next thing he knows, he's sobbing, cock now limp in its own sticky mess. The reality of what he just did is crashing down on him, humiliation eating him alive. 
You're going to hate him, make fun of him, or something. There's no way that your friendship will last after you've seen him hard and dripping, after watching him come hard in his own hand right in front of you. 
All you do is hug him. 
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beepen · 1 year
what if i said i wanted to write ‘09 Soap flirting with ‘22 Ghost and jealous ‘22 Soap being so possessive and rabid about it what then
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disneytva · 2 months
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Disney Networks May 2024 Programming Highlights
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction – “Pirate Party/A Playful Playground” (1-23) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
“Pirate Party” – The Pup Crew builds a pirate ship.
“A Playful Playground” – Pupstruction tries to build a playground that will make all the kids happy.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse – “Goofy’s Birthday … in Space!” (3-03) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
Goofy’s birthday party keeps getting interrupted by Rocket Mouse’s outer space emergencies.
Jaime Camil (“Jane the Virgin”) reprises his role as Rocket Mouse.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds – “The Drive Along/Rescue Club Rangers” (2-07) (11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
“The Drive Along” – The Firebuds join Axl’s “trambulance” dad on a ride along.
“Rescue Club Rangers” – The Firebuds try to earn Rescue Club badges by completing a forest rescue course.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work – “Descent into Fear” (2-09) (10:00-10:25 a.m. EDT, TV-G)
Tylor and Val start their first days at their new jobs: Tylor as a Scarer at FearCo and Val as a Jokester at Monsters, Inc.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Monsters at Work – “Powerless” (2-10) (10:25-10:50 a.m. EDT, TV-G)
After a devastating blackout, Tylor must reconnect with Val to bring power back to Monstropolis.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! – “Student of the Weak/Smother Knows Best” (1-28) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT, TV-Y7)
“Student of the Weak” – Hailey pulls out all the stops to be named Student of the Week.
“Smother Knows Best” – When Hailey and Scott go “Running with the Goats” for a list item, Hailey tries to keep her meddling mom away.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds – “Fire Tower Frenzy/What’s Cookin’” (2-08) (11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
“Fire Tower Frenzy” – The Firebuds visit a mountaintop fire tower to help look out for forest fires.
“What’s Cookin’” – Flash teams up with Chef Fernando and Chef Al in a bake-and-race competition for charity. The episode features recurring guest stars José Andrés (“We Feed People”) as Chef Al, Oscar Nuñez (“The Office”) as Chef Fernando, Padma Lakshmi (“Top Chef”) as Chef Pavani, and Julie Nathanson (“Avengers Assemble”) as Chef Fran.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! – “The Biggest Luger/An Imposter is Born” (1-29) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT, TV-Y7)
“The Biggest Luger” – Scott receives an invitation to a prestigious luge academy.
“An Imposter is Born” – Hailey lives the life of her favorite pop star but finds out it’s all work and no play.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds – “Woodland Wiley/P.I. Piston” (2-19) (11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
“Woodland Wiley” – The Firebuds take back a mirror Wiley steals while learning outdoor skills in the woods. Pamela Adlon (“Better Things”) recurs as Principal Kagan.
“P.I. Piston” – Piston solves the mystery of the disappearing instruments during music class. “Weird Al” Yankovic (“Milo Murphy’s Law”) and Lisa Loeb (“Jake and the Never Land Pirates”) recur as Latch and Laura.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! – “I Wanna Dance With My Buddy” (1-30) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT, TV-Y7)
Hailey’s plan to tell Scott her feelings at the school dance is thrown into disarray when a compatibility app says they might not be meant for each other.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds – “Mayor for the Day/Dozer Disaster” (2-18) (11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:30-9:55 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
“Mayor for the Day” – Piston wins a chance to be mayor for the day but gets carried away, making Gearbox Grove the safest town ever.
“Dozer Disaster” – The Firebuds try to save a grove of trees from being bulldozed.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties – “Cat’s Pajamas/Country Kitty” (2-05) (2:00-2:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
“Cat’s Pajamas” – Cat Burglar and a mystery thief compete to steal the Kittydale banner.
“Country Kitty” – Bitsy shares her cure for homesickness with Cousin Sassy. Anika Noni Rose (“The Princess and the Frog”) guest stars as Cousin Sassy.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction – “Mayor Boots/Good Clean Race” (1-24) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
“Mayor Boots” – Bobby Boots becomes mayor for the day.
“Good Clean Race” – Pupstruction tries to save family photo day when Bailey takes her race car for a test drive outdoors.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Firebuds – “Haywire Halo/Smorgasburger” (2-10) (11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior, TV-Y)
“Haywire Halo” – The Firebuds perform their first aerial rescue during a mountain hike.
“Smorgasburger” – Flash wants to open a booster shake stand at a food truck festival. Padma Lakshmi (“Top Chef”) and Julie Nathanson (“Avengers Assemble”) recur as Chef Pavani and Chef Fran.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla Ecstasy [09]
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ー The scene starts in Yui’s bedroom
Yui: ...I’m pretty much done packing my things but...
( All I’ve been able to do is sigh this whole time. )
( I just don’t want to go to the Vibora Castle and leave Carla-san behind... )
( Endzeit is a terminal illness. Which means, he doesn’t have much time... )
( I don’t want to think about that. I don’t, butーー )
*Knock knock*
Yui: ...Yes?
ー Kino enters her room
Kino: Hey there, Eve. You’re leaving for the Vibora Castle soon, aren’t you?
Yui: Yeah...
Kino: Ahーah. You’re looking pretty gloomy. I guess you’re worried about Mr. King after all?
Yui: ...I’m worried sick, I don’t know what to do.
Kino: Oh geez, do you really need to act as if it’s the end of the world? 
Yui: Yes. ...It is after all. 
If something were to happen to Carla-san, then that’s basically the end of the world for me.
Kino: ...Huh? Could it be, you haven’t heard yet?
Yui: ...?
Kino: That disease...Endzeit, was it? It can be cured, you know?
Yui: ...Eh?
...Did you just say that there’s a cure for Endzeit?
Kino: Yeah, I did?
Yui: ( ...! I wasn’t just hearing things. )
Really!? How can it be cured!? Hey, tell me! Quickly!!
Kino: Yeah, yeah, relax. Seems like the gasses at Rotigenberg are highly effective against the disease. 
Yui: The ones at Rotigenberg...?
Kino: Yeah. That’s why he should get better if he stays there for a while. 
Yui: ...That’s all?
Kino: Probably. I’m no specialist on the matter, so I can’t give you any more details.
Yui: ...
( Now that he mentions it, Carla-san did mention feeling better while we stayed there... )
ーー I’ll go see Carla-san!
ー Yui runs off
Kino: Sure thing! Have a safe trip~!
ー The scene shifts to Carla’s room
Yui: Carla-san!
Carla: ...What is happening, Yui?
Yui: I-I’m sorry...!
( What am I doing? I can’t believe I stormed into the room of a sick person... )
Carla: ...No, I do not mind. What is the matter?
Yui: Well, I...I was informed!
Carla: Hm...?
Yui: You can be cured of Endzeit if you go to Rotigenberg!
Kino-kun told me that the gasses there are an effective cure for it!
Carla: ...So it was Kino after all...
Yui: Carla-san, let’s go to Rotigenberg! As soon as possible!
Carla: ...
...No. That will not be necessary.
Yui: Eh...? Why not!? Even though you know it could cure your illness...
Carla: More importantly, have you finished packing? You should be leaving for the Vibora Castle shortly.
Yui: Don’t worry about me. Don’t change he subject!
Carla: ...
Yui: Anyway, let’s get you ready for departure. I’ll pack your baーー
Carla: I told you that will not be necessary. 
Yui: Carla-san!?
Carla: Leave me alone.
Yui: ...!
( Eh? ーー ‘Leave me alone’? What does he mean? Why would he say such a thing...? )
...I understand very well how much this disease is making you suffer.
So why wouldn’t you want to cure it?
Carla: ...
Yui: Answer me, Carla-san!!
Carla: ...You want to know that badly?
Yui: Of course!
( Whenver Carla-san says something which doesn’t make sense, there’s always some kind of deeper reasoning behind it. )
( So I’m sure that’s the case this time as well...! )
Carla: Then let me answer you. I amーー tired of this.
Yui: Tired...?
Carla: Of this world, of living. I am done with everything. 
Yui: ...!!
→ Tell him not to lie
Yui: Please don’t lie to me!
Carla: I am not.
Yui: There is just no way!
You said that you would rise to the top of the hierarchy. That is why you have been doing everything within your ability as a King!
You were always positive about the future. Yet...!
Carla: People change. That goes for everyone, whether you are a Vampire or a Founder. 
It is not strange for me to have had a change of heart. Am I wrong?
Yui: Ugh...
→ Ask him why (❦)
Yui: Why would you say that?
Carla: No reason in particular. I am simply stating the truth.
Yui: That doesn’t make sense. That completely contradicts everything you have stood for up till now!
Carla: ...
Yui: You have always remained positive, trying your hardest as a King. 
You were someone beaming with confidence, proud of your own life! So...Why?
Carla: ...
Everything in this world is subjected to change.
...There you have it.
Yui: ...
Carla: ...I am exhausted. Would you let me rest for a bit?
Yui: ...
ー Yui leaves him room
Carla: Yui...
I wonder why Carla-san refuses,
to go to Rotigenberg? 
Even though he is suffering day in, day out,
as a result of Endzeit’s terminal symptoms...
I find it difficult to believe, that he has truly grown tired of this World (この世に飽きた). 
I wonder if someone’s thoughts, can truly change in such a short period of time?
Could it be due to the illness as well...?
My head is full of questions marks (疑問符).
Does he truly have no other reason...?
While I am debating over that,
the moment where I have to leave for the Vibora Castle draws closer.
What on earth should I do...? 
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juji-han · 2 years
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→ Wonwoo x Reader
→ 1.9k words
→ University au, dialogue-heavy, best friends Wonwoo and Mingyu
→ Language, Angst
→ When Jeon Wonwoo disappears, you try coming to terms with the fact that he might not be coming back.
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Saturday, May 03. 09:27 PM
“Hey, Wonwoo isn’t answering any of my text messages…” you said, staring at your phone. Mingyu leaned over, looking at the unanswered text message, “Have you heard from him?”
Mingyu shook his head, “Nah. He usually answers his phone quickly. Maybe he’s busy?”
You nodded before turning your phone off and placing it on the table.
Here were you and Mingyu, sitting in a dingy diner, waiting for Wonwoo to show up like he always does. Every single Saturday, the three of you sat in the same booth and talked about your classes, about drama, about anything that your guys’ mouths could speak. Nothing was a secret between you three. It was just routine at this point.
“Yeah, but he always shows up. The last time he didn’t, it was because he was hungover and slept the whole day.” you pressed. Mingyu nodded slowly, taking in your words, and leaving a silence in the air.
Mingyu finally answered, “Then there’s your answer. Don’t worry about Wonwoo, he can take care of himself.”
“Okay,” you gave in, grabbing your purse, taking out a twenty-dollar bill, and placing it in the middle of the table. “When you’re ready, let’s go.”
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Monday, May 05. 07:30 AM
When you had woken up, you expected Wonwoo to text back. He would apologize, say he just had a headache and went to sleep, and that he didn’t mean to worry you. But he didn’t.
He didn’t respond yet. What the fuck is he doing? Your thoughts were consumed by Wonwoo. Where could a six-foot guy have disappeared? How are people so present, so active one moment and then another moment just… gone?
You grabbed your phone, going to Wonwoo’s contact.
Your thumb hovered over the call button. Class was going to start soon, and if you bothered him now, he’d keep bothering and teasing you about how you were so worried about him.
Maybe he’s just busy… today’s the last class anyway, maybe he’s just busy studying for the final.
You grabbed your backpack and keys, a tiny sense of hope bubbling in your stomach. He’ll be there.
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10:15 AM
Jihoon ran behind you, catching up to your strides, “How’d you do on the final?”
“Um, it was alright. I think I missed the last question, it didn’t make sense and I couldn’t really focus well.”
Jihoon hummed in agreement. He looked down at the floor, still following you to the parking lot. Jihoon’s head snapped up, “Have you seen Wonwoo?”
You stopped in your tracks. You had almost forgotten. How could you forget? Is that why you couldn’t focus? How could you forget that Wonwoo wasn’t here? What distracted you? Was it the too quiet classroom, or the tapping of pencils against the desks from students who were stuck on a question?
You stared at Jihoon with a blank face. Your eyebrows then furrowed, “No. I texted him last night, but he didn’t answer. I just thought he was studying for the final.”
Concealing your worry was hard. How could you forget he wasn’t in class with you?
What kind of friend am I?
Grabbing your phone from your pocket, you sent Wonwoo a message.
r u sick? text me back soon, please
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11:07 PM
You laid on your bed, head hanging off the edge of the bed, feet barely touching the headboard. Mingyu laid next to you, his head resting on your pillows.
Wonwoo still hasn’t answered, and you still didn’t know why. Frustration and anxiety were the only emotions you could feel. Towards wonwoo for not answering and making you scared, and at Mingyu for not even caring.
You raised your head, resting on your elbows, core shaking. You stared at Mingyu. He scrolled through his phone, a focused expression on his face. Why the hell isn’t he concerned about Wonwoo?
You could feel a laugh of disbelief crawling up your throat. You shook your head, laying it off the edge of the bed again. With a sudden shake of your ankle, you looked up again.
“Why were you looking at me like that?”
“No reason,” you mumbled, sitting crisscrossed. “It’s just that, why… aren’t you as concerned as I am?”
Your eyes stayed down, staring at your lap and picking at your fingers. Would he be insulted that you just accused him of not being worried?
“I am.” Mingyu’s eyebrows furrowed, a frown forming. “I am, I really am. Don’t think I’m not.”
Mingyu grabbed your shoulders, pulling you into his chest, “Wonwoo… he- uh, he does this thing every once in a while, okay? He doesn’t answer, he disappears for a few days, and then, he comes back, as if nothing happened.”
You nodded, days of tears, from anger, frustration, fear, and anxiety, finally releasing themselves.
You just wanted to see Wonwoo again.
“If it makes you feel better, I’ll tell the other boys to message him, okay?” Mingyu rubbed your shoulder, wiping your tears with his sleeves. “Don’t cry, it’s gonna be alright.”
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You remember the first time you met Wonwoo. It was three years ago when you were a freshman at the University of Seoul.
You were friends with Mingyu first, you both had an art class together, and after talking for a while, you told him you had a film class. He had gotten so excited, telling you all about a friend who you’d like, and how you guys had similar interests. Interested in the friend Mingyu kept talking about, you suggested meeting up at a diner that you’ve gone to since you were a kid.
The following day, Mingyu rushed into the diner, Wonwoo following behind him, eyes locked on Mingyu’s back. You spotted the tall man, his smile wide, eyes scanning the diner for you.
You raised your hand, waving, and grabbing the attention of Mingyu.
His long strides finally reached your table, where he scooted into the booth across from you.
Mingyu spoke fast, as if he was rapping, the excitement of a puppy in a six-foot-two man’s body, “Hi. I almost didn’t see you. I wanted you to meet my friend too. Good thing you’re here.”
Mingyu shrugged his coat off, tugging on Wonwoo’s arm so he could sit down.
“This is Wonwoo. He’s shy, so- yeah. He’s shy.”
You gave Wonwoo a tiny wave, and he returned a tight lip smile, pushing his glasses up, “Hello.”
“I like your hair.”
Wonwoo muttered thanks, reaching up to try and fix his already neat red hair.
Mingyu stared at the two of you, a small smile forming on his face.
“So... let’s talk.”
From that point on you remember feeling close to both boys. The three of you spent as much time as you could together. Three best friends, who would always stay together.
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Tuesday, May 06. 10:23 PM
You sat in the diner. Alone for the first time since you met Mingyu and Wonwoo. The fluorescent lights hummed and the sound of ceramic cups clashed against their matching ceramic plates.
You stared at your phone, going through your messages with Wonwoo. It’s only been four days since Wonwoo went ghost, yet it felt like an eternity.
You missed having him close to you, your guys’ hands brushing against each other and you both blushing.
There was a time before Wonwoo, but you barely could remember it. It felt like you’ve guys been together forever.
When your phone dinged, you immediately opened your phone, Wonwoo’s contact opening.
i’m sorry.
You read over the message over and over. It’s was like your thumbs were frozen. If you responded, would he respond? You couldn't deal with the silence anymore, but you had to know he was okay.
where are you?
Minutes passed. No response. You felt tears well up, a lump forming in your throat. Slapping your phone on the table, your head fell into your hands.
What the fuck. Are you fucking kidding me right now?
You shook your head, pushing your hair back. Wonwoo was going to be the death of you. Your heart ached, and it felt like nothing would soothe it.
Wiping hot tears, you stood up from the booth, leaving a five-dollar bill on the table. Fuck this.
You walked to your car, slamming your door shut, your grip on the steering wheel tight.
You wanted to speed and get to Wonwoo’s house as fast as possible. When you got there, you wanted to bang on his door and yell for him, even if it meant waking up his neighbors. At the same time, you wanted to drive as slow as possible, maybe you’d get an answer while you were driving, and he’d say, right here. waiting for you.
When you arrived at Wonwoo’s apartment, you knocked on his door. Your first knock was quiet and considerate. The second was more confident. The third knock was loud, all of your frustration pouring out into the knock.
The doorknob slowly turned, only to reveal Jihoon.
“Why are you here?”
Jihoon didn’t answer, turning his body to the side, giving you space to come in.
“Jihoon... what's going on?”
He shrugged, sighing and running his hands through his hair, “Wonwoo’s gone. His clothes, his shoes, mostly everything. It’s all here.”
You stared at Jihoon. The words weren’t processing. Wonwoo. Gone.
You pushed past him, going to Wonwoo’s room.
His room was neat, with everything put away. You slowly walked around his room, placing your hand on his desk.
“It’s dusty.” You stated. Jihoon, who stood at the doorframe, sucked in a breath.
“Yeah. Which means Wonwoo hasn’t been here for a while.”
You turned around, wiping your hand on your jeans. You walked over to Wonwoo’s closet, Jihoon’s eyes following your every move.
Maybe there would be something in his closet. A box that held a notebook with all his secrets written inside. Maybe a location would be written down, a place he disappears to, just in case he might forget one day.
But his closet was empty. No boxes, just hung-up shirts and shoes neatly placed on the floor in two rows.
You stepped back and sat on the edge of his bed. Jihoon slowly stepped over to you, sitting next to you.
You felt Jihoon’s hand on your shoulder, his gaze burning into the side of your head.
If you looked into Jihoon’s eyes, you would cry.
“I’m sick of crying.” You whispered. Jihoon rubbed your back, staying silent.
That night was quiet. Only the sounds of buzzing cicadas, and the faint footsteps of the upstairs neighbors.
You spent four days in disbelief that your best friend was gone. With the proof finally in front of your eyes, your world came crashing down.
Wonwoo was really gone.
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Saturday, May 03. 12:19 AM
When Wonwoo imagined leaving, he imagined it with you by his side. You would be in his passenger seat, fingers tapping to a beat. You guys would leave after saying goodbye to all your friends. Mingyu would cry and insist he can fit in the trunk, but ultimately let you guys go.
Instead, Wonwoo packed his stuff up alone, leaving his life behind at midnight. He started his car, thinking of you. When he leaves, how would you respond? Would you look for him?
As much as Wonwoo wanted to text you a place to meet him at, he wouldn’t.
Tossing his phone out the window, Wonwoo reversed, hitting the road for a new start. He wouldn’t know where to go, or how to start over, but he knew one day he would come back.
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moodymisty · 6 months
I don't know anything about darksiders, but are their any other Fandoms you're in with characters that you enjoy?
Besides Darksiders, I have my current hyperfixation Warhammer40k (for which my blorbos are vast and many), I've also liked Ghost from Call of Duty since '09. Transformers is another huge one of mine, I've been writing a lot for it but it's all on Ao3. Starscream is my main blorbo there.
But honestly I love a lot of characters. I have trouble picking and I'm someone who needs a big sandbox to play in so to speak, (huge lore universes like WH and World of Warcraft are what I like to make stuff for. I used to listen to 2 hour WoW lore videos and make writing drafts while doing raid pulls lol)
And I have always and will always love the clones from Star Wars, but It's on just a bit of a backburner right now since I cranked out so much stuff this past year and a half. But my man Sev will always reign supreme to me in that fandom.
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dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ Chapter 09 ]
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Chapter 09 : Family
Feeling alone can be dangerous. So dangerous that it imprisons the goddess in the dark house. The feeling of being crushed by the only person who believed that he loved her from the bottom of his heart made her enter a new world. A world where there are no more dreams is only a nightmare that can be seen everywhere.
The goddess is trapped in a dark prison and her only hope to see love and hope again is destroyed. Her heart was ready to fly. Ready to soar to the sky to touch the blue and beautiful heart of the sky. But her wings are broken now. The goddess is imprisoned on earth in a dark prison and the sun of her hope has set forever.
Someone always hears her cries. Someone knows about all her wishes. Someone always hears her lullaby and beautiful song. But he is a devil. The devil cannot approach his beautiful goddess because he is afraid. He is afraid to destroy and pollute his goddess. But he hides in the shadows to see her. The devil is caught in a terrible pain called love.
Ruki is in love. Ruki fell in love with a beautiful and kind girl who changed his life. Yui Komori, the beautiful heavenly angel, smiles at him every day and gives him her love without hesitation. Ruki is in love. He is very interested in Eve.
When Ruki sees Yui's bright eyes, his heart beats faster for her. Ruki wants to hug Yui and wipe her tears. His heart wants to save this goddess from a terrible nightmare and give her a new family. But he is still afraid. Ruki has to let go of his fear to reach Yui.
_Yui is standing by the window in her room and staring at the starry sky.
Yui: (Can I sing this lullaby again?) Lala lala ..... *sob* ..... lala lala .... *sob* ...... aaaahhhhhhh
_Yui hugs herself and falls on the ground.
Yui: I can't. I really can't. He was my father. Without him, I have no family .......*Sob*...... Father .....*Sob*.
*knock knock*
Yui: .....!
Ruki: Yui. It's me. I know you are not feeling well, but you need to eat. If you don't eat anything, you will be very weak.
Yui: .......
Ruki: Yui? Can you hear my voice?
_Yui goes to the door of her room and opens it.
Ruki: .......! Yui! Are you alright?
Yui: I'm sorry Ruki-kun. I know I am bothering you with my crying. I am really sorry.
Ruki: Yui, don't say that.
Yui: I always thought I had a family. My family was my father. My father......he was my life......*sob*......*sniff*......
Ruki: Yui, don't cry.
Yui: .....*Sob*......*Sniff*...... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry......*sob*....but when I think I don't belong anywhere anymore and I don't have any family anymore...... ahhhhhhhh.....
Ruki: Yui!
_Ruki pulls Yui towards him and hugs her tightly.
Yui: ......! What are you doing Ruki-kun?!
Ruki: Yui, you belong here. Right here next to me with my family.
Yui: .......
Ruki: It doesn't matter what is written in that letter. The important thing is that you are here with me now. The place where you belong is exactly here. Mukami family.
Yui: Ruki-kun.
Ruki: Do you feel better now?
Yui: Yes Ruki-kun. Thank you. I feel much better now.
Ruki: Good. Now let's go together. You have to eat I don't like to see you weak, so you should take care of yourself.
Yui: Yes, you are right.
Ruki: Of course. Let's go .
_Ruki takes Yui's hand and they leave the room together.
*Thud thud*
Yuma: Ha ha ha. Well, just one more shot.....
Yuma: Well, I'm done. Oi Yui?
_Yuma looks at Yui and notices that Yui has not picked any vegetables.
Yuma: Hmmm. Oi Yui, what are ya doing?
Yui: Huh?
Yuma: Ya didn't do anything. Weren't ya supposed to help me in the garden today?
Yui: I'm sorry, Yuma-kun. But I am not very well.
Yuma: Huh? What's your problem? Are you sick again?
Yui: No, no. I just don't feel very well. About the letter....
Yuma: Ahhh shut up. That's enough. How much do ya want to cry like a child and be sad? Ya are really childish.
Yui: ......
Yuma: Okay. If ya are still upset, I will do something, be happy.
Yui: Huh? What do you mean?
_Yuma drops his pick on the ground and goes towards Yui.
Yuma: Are you sad? OK, I will make you happy right now. Hoo Hoo......
_Yuma picks up Yui and throws her on his shoulder.
Yui: Wow!!!!! Yuma, what are you doing? Please put me down. It's too tall, I'm afraid.
Yuma: Shut up. Now I will do something to make ya happy and laugh.
_Yuma starts spinning Yui and jumping up and down.
Yui: Kyaaahhh!!! Yuma Kun HaHaHaHa. You are very fast Yuma. What!!!! Please put me down.
Yuma: I will not let you down until you admit that you are happy.
Yui: Okay, okay. I surrender I am very happy now.
_Yuma gently puts Yui on the ground and Yui stumbles due to dizziness.
Yuma: Hahaha, you are so stupid.
Yui: Phew... Yuma-kun, it's all your fault.
Yuma: Huh? Shut up. If ya didn't act like children from the beginning, I wouldn't have done it. Ya forced me
_Yui puffs her cheeks.
Yui: You are very mean.
Yuma: I know. Hahahaha.
_While Yuma laughs at Yui, Kou approaches them.
Kou: Yuma-kun and M-Neko-chan. Are you having fun?
Yuma: Yes, when Sow is scared, she wets herself like children.
Yui: Huh? Yuma-kun It is not like that at all. It was all your fault.
Yuma: Would ya like me to give you another ride?
Yui: No, no.
_Yui runs towards Kou and stands behind him in order to be safe from Yuma.
Kou: Fufu... Yuma-kun, don't bother my little cat. M-Neko-chan is afraid of heights. Right?
Yui: Ummmmm.....Yeah.
Kou: Actually, Ruki said to call you two so that we can have lunch.
Yuma: This is great, I am very hungry.
Kou: So let's go.
_Kou and Yuma start moving and Yui follows them with slow steps.
Yuma: Mmm... what's your problem, Yui? Why are you coming so slowly?
Yui: Huh? Sorry.
_Yui tries to increase her speed.
Yuma: If you're still upset, how about I give you another ride until we get there to make you happy?
Yui: Huh? No No No.
_Yui starts running to get away from Yuma, but Yuma also starts running to catch Yui.
Yui: No, Yuma-kun. Please stop I don't want this.
Yuma: Wait Sow. When I get you, I will give you the best ride of your life.
Yui: Nooooo. (He is running after me and playing with me. He is trying to make me laugh to make me happy. Just like a friend. No exactly, it's like a family)
_Yuma and Yui continue running through the Mukami mansion.
Kou: Well, M-Neko-chan, what do you think about this?
Yui: It's very beautiful, Kou-kun. (After we had lunch, Kou brought me to his room and is showing me his accessories)
Kou: I think there are too many handcuffs for tomorrow's show. It is not very suitable for my hand. Is it?
Yui: Well...I... I don't know. I really know nothing about fashion.
Kou: You don't have to say this. From the dress you wore, it can understood that you have no good taste in fashion.
Yui: I know this dress is simple. But when my father bought this for me, he told me..... my father bought this for me.... my father..... father....
Kou: Oh, M-Neko-chan, how are you?
Yui: Ahhhhhh. I'm really sorry Kou-Kun.
Kou: ......
Yui: I was saying that this dress is simple because I was not allowed to wear flashy clothes as a church girl. I am not upset about this. Because at least if I didn't have beautiful clothes, I had a good family there.
Kou: .......
Yui: Oh (what am I saying?)
Kou: Hey, M-Neko-chan, come try this bracelet.
Yui: What? Should I try it?
Kou: Yes, this bracelet is small for me, but I am sure it is suitable for your hand. Come try it. I am sure you will like it very much.
Yui: Okay.
_Yui takes the bracelet from Kou and puts it on and stands in front of the mirror.
Yui: What do you think, Kou-Kun?
Kou: Mmm, as I said, it suits you a lot more.
Yui: Yes, this bracelet is very beautiful.
Kou: Really? Do you like it, M-Neko-chan?
Yui: Yes, I love it. It is very beautiful.
Kou: Well, now that you love it so much, it should be yours.
Yui: What? Really? Is it mine?
Kou: Yes, this is a gift from dear Kou-Kun. You are very lucky because I don't give gifts to just anyone.
Yui: Thank you, Kou-kun, you are very kind.
Koi: Don't get me wrong, you have to compensate me.
Yui: What? What do you mean?
Kou: Well, you know that the world is giving and taking. Don't expect me to give you a gift but you don't give me anything.
Yui: Oh, What can I give you in return?
Kou: Mmmm... a smile.
Yui: Huh?
Kou: I'm right, M-Neko-chan. Give me a smile. I don't like to see you sad. So give me a cute and beautiful smile.
Yui: Okay, Kou-kun.
_Yui tries to smile and smiles beautifully.
Kou: You are so beautiful when you smile, M-Neko-chan. Now please smile at me more.
_Yui smiles brighter than before.
Kou: Yes, this is great.
_Kou goes to Yui and hugs her.
Yui: What are you doing?
Kou: This is my reward for being able to make my little cat laugh. You are not sad anymore.
Yui: Fufu... that's right. Thank you Kou-Kun (I feel safe in his arms. He tried to cheer me up and make me laugh by giving me a bracelet. He's like a friend. No, he's like a family.)
Azusa: Thank you...... Eve, you helped......me a lot today.
_Yui presents Azusa's knife to him.
Yui: Please, Azusa-kun. I'm glad I helped you today.
Azusa: You are...... very kind. Fufu, it's very interesting....... that you are happy...... to help others.
Yui: This is what I learned in church. Even my father said.......
Azusa: .......
Yui: Well, it is good to help others? isn’t it? .......
_Azusa and Yui are silent for a short while.
*Tick ​​tock* *tick tock*
Yui: ........
Azusa: Hey Yui-san. You like..... books. Right?
Yui: Oh yeah. I love books. I really enjoy reading, especially poetry books. Reading them is very enjoyable.
Azusa: Fufu... this is great. Ruki has...... already bought me...... a book of poetry..... as a gift. But I can't read poetry. Can you....... read for me?
Yui: Of course. I really like to read this book.
_Azusa goes to his bookshelf and takes out a book and turns to Yui to give the book to Yui.
Azusa: Here...... you are, Yui-san.
_Yui takes the book from Azusa.
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun. (Oh my god. This is one of Namika-san's books. I didn't know Ruki-kun liked this book too.)
_Yui opens the book and starts reading the poem, and at the same time, a beautiful and small smile appears on her lips.
*flip* *flip*
Yui: (Azusa-kun gave me this poetry book to read to him. He knew that I like books and tried to make me happy with this book. He is like a good friend. No, he is like a family.)
_Yui continues to read the poetry book.
_Yui is studying in her room.
Yui: Pwahhh. I think that is enough for today.
_Yui gets up from the chair and goes to the window of her room so that she can watch the moon better.
Yui: I apologize. I used to sing my lullaby to you every day. Because it made me not feel alone. But today I can't sing this lullaby.
Yui raises her head and looks at the moon, which shines down on her like a silver lamp, illuminating her room with a beautiful light. Yui smiles like a heavenly goddess under the silver moonlight. The wind blows her beautiful golden hair and tickles her soft and tender skin which is as white as snow.
Yui's pink eyes shine like roses. She looks at the beautiful moonlight with shining eyes to praise her beauty. She stretches her hand towards the sky to try again to reach her eternal dream and touch the heart of the sky.
The lullaby of the beautiful goddess used to be heard everywhere in this mansion. But Mukami mansion is very quiet these days. The devil who used to hide in the shadows to hear the beautiful song of his goddess was now more lonely than ever, wishing to hear the beautiful voice of the goddess.
_Yui looks up at the sky again.
Yui: We used to look at the night sky with my father. Like me, he loved the moon and stars. I remember we always opened the window and sang lullabies together. We were a good family.
_A strong wind blows and makes Yui feel cold. She closes the window and goes back to her bed and lies down on it.
Yui: (Today, all the Mukami brothers tried to make me happy. They treat me just like a family member.)
_Yui looks at her desk where she put Kou's bracelet and Azusa's book.
Yui: Yuma hugged me today and turned me around and even tickled me afterwards. Kou gave me a bracelet and Azusa gave me a book. And Ruki...
_Yui turns her gaze back to the window and looks at the moon again.
Yui: Ruki told me I belong here. Next to him.....
Overwhelmed by thoughts that give her hope for a new start for a new life, Yui slowly closes her eyes and drifts off into a beautiful dream. She lost her family but now she is in a new family.
With the hope that she will never be alone, Yui falls into a beautiful sleep to follow her dreams again, to reach true love and find her true family.
I don't want to be alone.
I want to have a family.
He was whispering in my ear, your family is here.
you belong here.
He wiped my tears and hugged me.
I want to get out of this darkness.
I want to let go of loneliness and longing.
I want to stay with Ruki-Kun.
I want to build a family with him.
A family full of love and affection.
Where I belong is next to Ruki-Kun.
I love him.
<– [ Chapter 08 ] [ Chapter 10 ] –>
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
The Week Ahead: May 15-21, 2023
Lunar Phases
Tuesday, May 16, 01:10 UT - Balsamic Moon, 9°56’ Aries
The key phrases for the Balsamic lunar phase are to “let go of the past” and “envision the future.” Usually Aries has no problem with either one. We may feel a little petulant and whiny about it, though. Having a healthy way to blow off steam will be helpful.
Friday, May 19, 15:53 UT - New Moon, 28°25’ Taurus
The key phrase for the New Moon is to “set a new intention for the month” - something we think we can pull off in a month’s time! We should be able to make slow and steady progress. Because Mercury is still in its Storm, it’s best to continue on with some piece of a larger project, started before April 15, when Mercury entered its Storm.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, May 15, 02:56 UT (Pisces) - 07:56 UT (Aries)
Wednesday, May 17, 09:10 UT (Aries) - 12:28 UT (Taurus)
Friday, May 19, 17:51 UT (Taurus) - 18:48 UT (Gemini)
Sunday, May 21, 22:12 UT (Gemini) - Monday, May 22, 03:28 UT (Cancer)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Saturn/Pisces
Retrograde: Pluto/Aquarius
Post-retrograde shadow: Mercury/Taurus, Ceres/Virgo
Tuesday, May 16, 17:20 UT - transiting Jupiter enters Taurus
Starting off with an ominous kind of bang, too, as Jupiter almost immediately will square Pluto Rx in Aquarius. Security is an issue. I think this transit potentially will end well enough next year, it’s just that getting there will have its challenges!
Saturday, May 20, 15:31 UT - transiting Mars enters Leo
And again, almost immediately there is a challenge (in this case an opposition) from Pluto Rx/Aquarius. This transit won’t be as easy as Jupiter’s through Taurus - we’ll have to battle our own egos almost constantly. (This is Dolt 45’s natal Mars position. Ick.)
Sunday, May 21, 07:09 UT - transiting Sun enters Gemini
Gemini season also starts out with an aspect to Pluto, but this time it’s a trine. We’re quick to spot new possibilities in the challenges we face, but will we be able to commit to making the necessary changes?
Et Cetera
Mercury is direct but still in its Storm, moving just over 1° this entire week.
There are three Opportunity Periods this week:
Saturday, May 13, 15:12 UT - Monday, May 15, 07:56 UT. “An excellent time for the arts and healing.”
Friday, May 19, 15:23 UT - 16:23 UT. This is 1/2 hour before and after the New Moon. “If you have something important to begin around now that’s part of a larger project started before April 15, this is a great time to do it.” (April 15 was when Mercury entered its Storm, pre-retrograde - Merc is direct now, but still in its Storm, hence the caution.)
Monday, May 22, 03:28 UT - Wednesday, May 24, 14:35 UT. “This rare entire-sign OP is suitable for virtually anything, including investments. However, with the stressful aspects of Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto, it is important to find a balance between desire and self-control.”
About “the stressful aspects of Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto:” all three Fire-ruling planets change signs this week - Fire being the way we do things. Jupiter/Taurus and Mars/Leo will form a fixed t-square with Pluto, in 0-1° range of fixed signs Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo. This can manifest as a total impasse - “do not pass Go, do not collect $200” - along with resultant destructive fury that our will has been blocked. We don’t seem to have any say in, or any control over, what happens to us. We can react violently - we can choke down our toxic feelings and implode on them - or we can let them go. The Sun moving into Gemini will help us see possibilities for new ways. We may be a bit opportunistic, and at the same time we may be genuinely curious and intrigued by the new prospects and circumstances. It will absolutely help us read the room; the challenge is in how we use what we’ve read.
Transiting Jupiter in late Aries has been trampling all over my own natal South Node - my natal Jupiter is opposite my natal South Node - and I’m getting all kinds of insights (whether I want to or not!) into basic human selfishness. It is caused by heightened anxiety for our own self - it’s driven by insecurity and an absense of self-love. (I’ll share a very helpful article I read about it.)
Of course we all can see how Aries’ intrinsic insecurity is therefore a basis for Taurus’ emphasis on security. Jupiter magnifies the traits of whatever sign it’s in, for good or for ill - and if Jupiter/Aries has amplified our insecurity, then Jupiter/Taurus will make us want to compensate.
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hey im here to bother you
so i think Gadreel's defeat should be like Bill Ciphers.
Not hte whole thing but just the ending, (1:09) like i think it fits, the begging, the rapid shapeshifting, the ominious backwards message, the final cry of the others name, yknow?
i think its neat
also for some reason i feel like Morthy is a very gentle giant, i really wanna draw him in some images inspired by Poppy from WH actually. idk why
thats all sinks awya
I was thinking on Gadreel's defeat earlier and. Yeah that fits perfectly. Tbh I feel like in his last moments he'd also try lunging for Morthy before completely crumbling into stone/ash
Also Morthy as a gentle giant is like. Kinda cute?? Like there's just smth about it y'know, I think that'd be fun
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
HI HI HI HI SUNNY may i have the honor of being your first request... may I request accidentally proposing to nazuna... (haha im totally sane about him) i was thinking that this could be a drabble or smau but whatever you wanna write more!! i have this concept in my drafts but it won't get written in 1000 years and i wanna see it happen so haha... whenever someone's requests are open i will plop one of my drafts with nazuna and see what happens
OKAY BUT HAVE FUN WITH THIS (if you wanna do this) (also feel free to add any other characters you wanna write w this prompt) (idk it's a fun prompt) (at least imo) anyways ty <333
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“Senpaiiii~” The distinctly whining tone of one Tenma Mitsuru only serves to worsen your headache. Ugh. “Are you done yet?”
“Not yet,” You say. “A little longer.”
“But you said that ages ago!”
Forcibly swallowing down some choice words, you close your eyes briefly and immediately regret it as your vision swims. You blink back dark spots. The alarm clock reads 18:09. Last you checked it was 09:12. Fuck. You’ve been awake for longer than you thought…
Your fingers stall on the keyboard of your laptop and you force yourself not to scream. God, you want to sleep so bad, but your assignments won’t write themselves, especially when your deadlines are drawing near. You're hoping to be able to finish all your work before the next UNDEAD concert. You did promise to go support your cute little kouhais…
You rub your eyes. The spots don’t recede. You rub harder.
“Hey.” Lithe fingers wrap around your wrist and tug your hands away from your face. You blink as your view of your screen is obscured by the red-eyed gaze of your worried boyfriend (and wow, doesn’t that make your heart skip a beat? Even after so many years of dating and you’re still like a blushing kid whenever he smiles at you…).
Nazuna frowns at you. “When was the last time you slept?”
“I…” You avoid his gaze. A sheepish Tomoya and a placid Hajime smile at you out of the corner of your vision and oh. Using your beautiful boyfriend against you? That’s brutal, you think approvingly. You’ve taught them well.
Though you wish they wouldn’t use your scheming tactics against you.
Your silence is enough of an answer for him, it seems, because his frown deepens and he sighs.“Never mind,” He carefully arranges the sheets of paper scattered across your desk into some semblance of order, piling them neatly to the side. “Here~ I bought you some tea and snacks.” He places a can of cool green tea, and a box of omurice in front of you, chattering as he works. “Shiina-san was really nice about it, he even gave me a discount…you really should take better care of yourself…”
“Oh, you didn’t have to…”
“I know.” Nazuna flashes you a bright smile. “But I wanted to. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let the love of my life work themselves to death~?”
If you weren’t so sleep deprived, the casual way in which he refers to you would have made your cheeks heat up as red as a blushing schoolgirl. But your higher brain functions have effectively shut down, and you don’t really have the energy to blush, let alone think before you speak.
“God, you’re perfect.” You cup your hands around the can, and the coolness against your flushed skin is so relaxing. “Mm…just marry me already…”
You jump, fumbling to grab the can before it spills all over your hard work, heart pounding all the while. “Wh–?”
“Nii-chan and senpai are getting married!?” Mitsuru screams. And…there go your eardrums.
Tomoya looks shell-shocked, whilst Hajime looks as though his birthday has come early. There’s a dangerous gleam in his eyes that reminds you of Eichi, and you think he’s been spending too much time around the leader of fine.
“No, no,” you attempt to do damage control, looking desperately at your boyfriend all the while, but he’s as unresponsive as Tomoya, who seems to be slowly getting his bearings. Nazuna.exe has stopped working…
“Aren’t you a little too young for marriage though, senpai?”
“No, we’re not…”
“Tsk tsk,” Hajime shakes his head disapprovingly, bulldozing over your protests. You can see the glee in his eyes, and you shudder. “Love is love, Tomoya-kun. If nii-chan and senpai want to get married, then they should get married.”
You despair. Oh, dear God, the rumours. The rumours. If half the dorm hasn’t heard of this already, you’ll eat Hajime’s hat. Mitsuru is loud loud. Rei is going to have a field day with this. That is, if Itsuki doesn’t kill you first for ‘besmirching the honour’ of his former doll… Seriously, you need to clear up this misunderstanding and fast. You have no desire to be stabbed with craft scissors. Ever.
You slam your hands onto the desk. The baby rabbits all jump, startled. Oops. “LISTEN! We are not getting married!”
“Not yet, at weast…”
You glare at Nazuna, who appears to have clocked back in to reality. Really?! The first thing he says, and it’s that? “Not helping.” You say through gritted teeth. Nazuna just smiles calmly at you.
“What, youw don’t want to mawwy me?” His stutter makes itself known, which is how you can tell he’s nervous.
You pause for a second. You’ve never really thought about it, marriage. You always wanted to stay in the present, not fixate on the past or daydream about the future. But…
When you think about it, really think about it… It sounds kind of nice, marriage to Nazuna. You imagine soft voices and soft kisses and soft love. Sharing a meal, sharing a bed, sharing a life. You imagine a large house, a dog and maybe some rabbits, filled with noise. Your baby rabbits dropping in to visit, friends checking in at odd hours. A home filled with warmth and life and love.
You want that. You want that.
You smile back at him, a little nervously. “Of course I do. If it’s with you, then I’ll always want it.”
Nazuna blinks, shocked. “O-oh.” He breathes.
You reach up and snag your fingers around his collar, tugging him closer so you can kiss him. It’s a chaste kiss, swift and feather-light–you do have an audience to be mindful of–but it’s heavy with the promise of together, as long as you’ll have me. He tastes like peach chapstick and iced tea. You pull apart, breathing slowly.
“So…youw weally wanna mawwy me…?”
You don’t really know how to explain the vision of the future that you imagine marrying Nazuna would encompass. To tell him how you feel without sounding like the protagonist of some cheesy shoujo manga.
“There’s no one else.” You say simply.
In silence, the two of you stare at each other. Marriage, huh…?
“I want to be a part of the wedding!” Mitsuru proclaims, only to be shushed heavily by both Tomoya and Hajime.
“Mitsuru-kun! You ruined the moment!” Tomoya cries. Hajime smiles, a little evilly (and oh, you will be having words with Eichi for how he’s corrupted your little  baby…!), and Mitsuru cowers in fear.
“I’m sorryyyyy…” He wails. Then, seeing the terrible look in Hajime’s eyes, he decides to cut his losses and escape with his life, zooming out the half-open doorway. “Dash dash ☆!”
“Don’t run away, Mitsuru-kun~” Hajime calls after him, giving chase. Tomoya heaves a tired sigh and follows suit, presumably to prevent poor Mitsuru from being dismembered horrifically.
You and Nazuna exchange a single glance before you both burst out laughing.
WC: 1.1k words
so i took the idea of ‘accidental proposal’ and just…ran with it. sorry if this isn’t what u wanted :sobs: also the characters might be a little ooc bcuz im p new to enstars so my excuse is they’re all older (vague handwavey setting&timeline) and so they’ve all matured a little bit but i tried to keep to as close of their canon personalities as i could remember! still can’t believe my first fic isn’t abt chiaki but nazunyan is p cute too ig LMFAO  hope u liked it lili <3, ty for requesting!!
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dracolichbitch · 6 months
The Fallacy of the Damned Chapter 09
It wasn’t hard to get one of the Legionnaires inside to take her to Visashi and Lucien, as they were as quick to fall over themselves for her as the others outside where, and after an unpleasantly long walk down to the lowest basement level of the tower, her escort left her. Even from outside the room, she could hear the interrogation going on.
“Are you a fool to be keeping information from me, boy? Or do you just like the pain? I fear I am at the end of my patience with you, and if you do not divulge why you have come here, I think I may continue my ministrations by peeling the flesh from your fingers. Is that what you want, boy?” A harsh, angry voice sounded from inside.
Sounds like I arrived right in time.
“I would refrain from doing so, for every wound you next inflict on my servant, I will return to you tenfold, Visashi.” She forced authority into her voice as she walked into the circular room, a scowl upon her face.
“Who dares-! Oh…” The woman she assumed was Visashi whirled around, a snarl on her painted black lips as she glared at Vinari, only for her eyes to widen as she really looked at her. “A Voidborne… My apologies. He is yours? I did not realize…”
Vinari frowned down at her, crossing her arms as she took in the man bloodied and bound on his knees in the middle of the room, a bruise darkening on his cheek, his long dark hair shadowing his face.
“Clearly not. Or at least I would hope not, considering how eagerly you have laid your hands on him.” Vinari hissed between pointed teeth. “Now release him, and inform me as to why it was necessary I come all the way from Nishoku here.” She demanded, pointing her finger at the other woman.
Visashi shrank back under her bloody gaze, dark eyes flickering between Vinari and the man bound in front of her.
“Yes, of course. As you command.” She whispered, quickly turning away from Vinari, and with a quick stroke of the blade in her hand, she severed the bindings around the man’s wrists.
Lucien said nothing as he slowly rose to his feet, rubbing at the deep indentions the ropes left around his wrists, and from underneath his bangs, he fixed Visashi with a scowl. His eyes flickered between the two women, though it seemed he was smart enough to hold his tongue rather than ask who the hell she was and what she was doing here.
“Good. Now then, explain why you needed a Voidborne.” Vinari commanded, fixing the other woman with a dark look, getting right to the point. Even though she’d already fulfilled her mission of rescuing Lucien, she knew if she left without doing whatever they needed a Voidborne for, then his cover probably wouldn’t survive, and he’d probably just get captured and tortured again.
“The lower areas of the tower.” Visashi’s jaw worked soundlessly at first before she managed to stammer some words out. “Is sealed away. Only the blood of a Voidborne can unlock it and access the bottom recesses of the tower.”
Bloodletting. Vinari sighed. Of course it is. Why is it that every Voidborne sorcerer feels the need to use their blood as a lock and key? How annoying. She shook her head slowly.
“Fine. I will open the way, but only Lucien will accompany me inside. I am certain of his competence. Yours however, is in question.” Vinari told Visashi as she approached what was clearly a blood lock on the floor before some magically sealed doors at the other end of the room.
Visashi’s eyes narrowed, and she opened her mouth, only to close it without uttering a sound and merely nodded instead.
“If such is your wish.” She muttered, casting a glare over at Lucien before crossing her arms and stalking out of the room, leaving Vinari alone with Lucien.
At least, Vinari presumed she was alone with him, but there was no certainty that Visashi wasn’t listening outside the door, so she remained silent as she knelt before the blood lock and drew a dagger.
“Wait.” A deep, but dry and scratchy voice spoke up quietly. “Allow me.”
Vinari glanced over at Lucien, who was in the process of tying his long, shoulder length black hair back into a low ponytail.
Once that was done, he picked up what appeared to be a cane from the corner of the room and came over to where Vinari waited in front of the lock, using the cane to walk, though whether it was out of necessity or for show, she couldn’t tell.
Now that he was closer, Vinari could indeed pick out the traits of one touched by the Void. Even though dark hair and pale skin was common to Nishokans, the black veins showing through his skin was usually affiliated with those suffering from an intense case of Void toxicity. At an intensity that only one born and bred in the Void could survive.
“Why did you not inform them you were Voidborne? Why allow the questioning?”
Lucien’s pale lips twisted into a mild grimace. “Didn’t pick up on the fact they were needing one.” He grumbled quietly as he knelt down beside her at the lock. “They didn’t pick up on the fact I was one either. Not so obvious for all of us.” He spoke fluent Kanithian without an accent at all.
That was mildly surprising to Vinari.
Vinari looked into his pitch black eyes for only a moment before averting hers, the corners of her lips curving into a faint frown. “I envy you. You can pass for human.”
Even without looking his way, Vinari could feel his eyes tearing deep into her.
“We are human.” His words were soft spoken but whether these words were special in that regard or if that was merely his manner of speaking, she couldn’t tell.
“You know what I mean.” She shook her head slowly, distinctly trying to direct her thoughts away from the long seated desire for normalcy trying to rear its head up in her mind. “Do you know what supposedly is down here?”
“No. I was trying to find that out when I was caught. I wasn’t exactly in the position to directly ask either.” Lucien pulled the short blade from his belt and with a quick stroke, made a slice against his forearm. Black blood rushed to the surface of the cut and he let it drip into the lock. Slowly, it filled up the vessel, and after a moment of no reaction, the blood began to light up with a navy glow as it funneled into the channels of the lock.
Vinari could hear the blood working its magic as the wards barring the door dissolved and with a click, they unsealed. She watched the blood drip from Lucien’s arm as he wiped his blade on the leg of his pants and sheathed it at his belt once more, but made no attempt to staunch the bleeding. She let out a small sigh and snatched his bleeding wrist.
“I know I said you had a torture kink but I didn’t actually think you were legitimately into pain.” She clicked her tongue as she held her free hand over the cut. A crimson glow engulfed her hand, but as the darkness sprang to her touch, his flesh didn’t melt under the light of her magic. Instead his skin stitched itself back together, drawing the blood dripping down his arm back into the wound before sealing itself shut, leaving not even a scar on his smooth skin.
“You told them I had a torture kink?” His eyes narrowed as he glanced from his healed arm to her crimson eyes.
She had no doubt they glowed with mischief as she grinned.
“Had to come up with some reason why you wouldn’t just tell them why you were here.”
Lucien clicked his tongue in annoyance and pulled his arm back out of her grip, before pushing himself to his feet with the help of his cane.
Vinari followed suit with ease, stretching her arms out over her head as she turned from him to the now open door.
“Shall we?”
“I suppose so. You might as well take the lead since you fancy yourself in charge here.”
Vinari snorted softly before drawing her dagger in anticipation of a fight. There was no telling what might be waiting for them in the lower levels of this place.
“Is that any way to be speaking to your superior?” She joked lightly as she walked through the doors, eyes flashing from side to side, quickly scanning the newly opened area for any hints of enemies lurking in the shadows of the hall or any traps lining the stone of the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry, did you expect me to be on my knees begging for your attention?” Lucien scoffed as he followed her, the thud of his cane against the stone floor loud in comparison to the eerie silence of the tower. “Unlike some of the Legion, I actually have some self respect. You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t offer to eat you out just because you’re a Voidborne with red eyes.”
A quick laugh slipped past her lips before she could stop it, even if the vulgarity of the words brought a light flush to her cheeks. She hadn’t known what to expect of this man, but it certainly wasn’t for him to say something like that.
“Good, I prefer a man with dignity.” She decided not to address the latter half of what he said. Even with her sharp tongue, her mind was drawing a blank on what to even say to those words, so she decided to act as if she knew heard them.
Lucien neglected to answer in favor of following her further into the bowels.
The lower reaches of the tower seemed completely normal and standard in regards of architecture to the rest of tower, but Vinari didn’t really know enough about ancient architecture to be able to tell who the builders might’ve been. So far the wide and tall corridors reminded her of what little of Fort Drakonus she’d explored, but whether that meant this was an old Drakengard tower or not, she didn’t know. What she did know was that the outside was a crumbling disaster, and she was only surprised that she hadn’t come across any caved in areas so far. Ever since going through the doors, they’d been in the same corridor without any rooms off to the side. Instead it just slowly curved downwards in a gentle slope. She supposed she should just be thankful that meant there probably wouldn’t be many traps down here. There wasn’t hardly any place to hide them.
They descended through the tower in silence, until finally they came to another door at the bottom. The door had no visible lock, and no visible handle to open it, and it clearly wasn’t a push door either, so she didn’t even try that. Instead, all that stood out from the solid slab of metal was a small inlet on the door, just big enough for someone to place their hand. She exchanged a glance with Lucien, but the man said nothing, only looking from her eyes to the inlet on the door.
With a contemplative hum, Vinari mulled it over for a moment.
The space is obviously the key to opening the door, but as to what might be necessary to make it open, well I can only guess. It wouldn’t hurt to try a few things though. Probably.
Vinari placed her hand on the space.
The door didn’t react to her touch at all.
The metal under her hand was cold against her bare fingers uncovered by her gauntlets, seemingly sapping the warmth straight from her flesh with a restrained hunger. Hunger. That was indeed what she felt from the door. Hunger for what was the question though.
Vinari focused on the magic inside of her, calling upon the darkness inherent to her blood and soul, rousing it from its slumber and urging it to her hand. The crimson shadow of her magic engulfed her hand and seeped into the metal like water being poured through a funnel. The raised plate sucked at the magic adorning her hand like blood from her fingertips before the faint sound of grinding gears sounded in the door in front of her.
Slowly the door slid into the wall, unbarring the path forward.
“Well that was substantially less troublesome than a blood lock.” Vinari noted.
“I’ll let you do the bloodletting next time.”
“Fair enough.” Vinari didn’t glance his way as a crooked grin crossed her lips and she stepped forward into the new room.
Necrofire torches sprang to life as soon as she stepped foot into the room, casting a ghastly crimson light across the room. The room was long and rectangular, and utterly barren of decoration or furniture. In fact, it was completely empty aside from the torches, and a raised platform at the very end of the room. An altar from the looks of it.
Vinari couldn’t tell what adorned the top of it from the distance, she could only make out a subdued crimson glow of magic.
She glanced towards Lucien, who looked her way as well, before wordlessly gesturing for her to go first.
Stifling a sigh, she stepped forward. Slowly. One step at first, and then a pause to see if anything would react to her intrusion, only to take a cautious second step.
Still nothing.
No traps at all? How suspicious.
Be on your guard. I suspect whatever it is atop that altar is the danger here, rather than anything that might be lurking in the room. I sense… a presence. Nocturne warned her, his voice uncharacteristically worried, even for him.
A presence? That’s not reassuring. She noted as she slowly approached the altar, being mindful of where she put her foot with each step she took. Rooms like this were often full of pressure plates just begging to be stepped on by the overly eager and inappropriately unwary. Do you know what it might be? Or who, rather?
I have my suspicions, but I dare not say it aloud, lest I, as the youths put it, jinx us.
Vinari sighed silently. She’d rather he share his thoughts rather than for her to blunder blindly into a dealing with a being she wasn’t prepared for.
Tread carefully, and sign no contract here. Nocturne warned, his voice as grim and deadly as a poisoned blade.
That wasn’t reassuring but she said nothing as she stood before the altar, Lucien a pace behind her.
Atop the altar was a long sword with an abyssal black blade as long as her arm, with crimson runes lining the blade. The cross guard was two jagged spikes along each side of the blade, and the hilt was wrapped in what appeared to be black leather. Laying beside the blade was its sheath, the material of which she was uncertain of, only that it was a glossy back she could see her own reflection in. Before the blade on the altar was an inscribed placard, though it took her a moment to recognize the writing as ancient Nishokan.
Carefully, she wiped the dust from the placard with her sleeve to read it. It took her a moment to figure out the old writing, but thankfully, while common Nishokan vocabulary had changed over time, the roots of the words had mostly stayed the same, and she was able to make out what the placard was trying to say.
If your eyes gaze upon this blade, avert them for your own sake. This is no weapon of honor. Only innocent blood adorns its blade. Be not tempted by power for its own sake, for the vows of the virtueless mean nothing to the monstrosity lying within. Blood begets blood and slaughter begets slaughter. Resist the call of the beast within, for it thirsts for the blood of all, and cannot be satisfied only by that of the wicked. Only one whose heart yearns for slaughter may wield this blade without being overtaken. For the sake of life, love, and liberty, turn back, and forget you ever laid eyes on this place. No power is worth sullying your soul.
With a quiet hum, Vinari straightened up, and looked from the placard to the blade once again. As if feeling her gaze, the runes along the blade lit up with magic, as if encouraging her to reach out and wrap her hand around its hilt. If Vinari had to guess, that was exactly what it was trying to do.
“What does it say?” Lucien’s voice startled her.
So engrossed in reading the script, she’d all but forgotten he was here.
“Tis a warning.” She answered simply, glancing over her shoulder at him. “More or less denouncing the blade as evil and begging for the reader to leave and forget they ever saw it.”
“Interesting. Do you think it’s one of Crescent’s creations?”
Vinari’s brow furrowed as she mulled it over. Shida surely would’ve mentioned it if he thought these ruins belonged to Alyndra Crescent, wouldn’t he have? Then again, the ruins didn’t have to be one of her old haunts for the blade to be one of her old toys, now did it? But if it was sealed by her enemies, then it wouldn’t make sense for the way to be open only to a Voidborne. The Paladin Order would’ve installed light based traps and locks to keep it out of the hands of the Void. Vinari couldn’t figure it out.
And yet there was the insidious thought in the back of her mind that told her if she wanted to know more about the blade, then she could just ask the blade itself.
“Maybe. Whether Alyndra or Aevus’ is the question though.” Her thoughts were far away and distracted as she gazed upon the blade. Her fingers twitched with the desire to wrap her hand around the hilt, and it was with pointed focus that she resisted the urge to do so.
She was quickly distracted from the blade in front of her by the blade that appeared at the edge of her neck.
“I don’t know who you are or why you decided to assist me earlier, but I’m not about to let you take it back to your superiors at the Legion.” Lucien hissed against her ear as he held the blade to her throat.
Vinari blinked once before a small laugh slipped out.
“You have not realized who I am? I thought it would be obvious. Allow me to introduce myself.” Vinari turned to face him, careless of how the blade pressed more insistently at her throat as she did so, drawing a faint bead of blood against its edge. “My name is Vinari Vidrus. Shida sent me to ascertain why you’ve neglected to check in with him.”
Lucien’s narrowed eyes and furrowed brow deepened as he blinked slowly. His eyes searched her face, clearly looking for signs of deceit before the hostility faded from them. Slowly, he allowed himself to relax, and after a moment’s hesitation, he pulled the blade away from her throat.
“The Vidrus…” He murmured, a deep crease in his forehead as he stared at her. “The one the Legion’s looking for.” He inhaled slowly before letting out the breath in a deep sigh. “So the Drakengard actually managed to rope you into their ranks.” His features softened as he stared at her, as if seeing her in a new light. “Now that I’m looking at you, I’m not sure what I was expecting.”
“I try to keep people on their toes.” She offered him a pleasant smile even as she reached up and wiped away the hints of blood at her neck. “But back to the blade. I do believe you’re right in that we can’t let it fall into the hands of the Legion, but at the same time, I’m not certain it should be in the Drakengard’s hands either. From the inscription, it seems like no one should have it.”
Lucien sighed before running a hand haphazardly through the strands of hair falling in his face.
“Damnation. We shouldn’t have opened the way.”
Vinari was quick to shake her head. “Better us than a Voidborne loyal to the Legion, no? They think us loyal, we can use that to our advantage. If nothing else, it can buy us time to figure out what to do with the blade.”
She could see the muscles in his jaw twitch as he clenched his teeth together. Slowly he shook his head.
“It can’t be helped. It has to be taken back to the Drakengard. Let Shida figure out what to do with it. Possessed weaponry like this is his specialty after all.”
Vinari frowned ever so slightly as she took in his defeated expression before flickering her eyes back to the blade. The runes still glowed invitingly at her. Her fingers twitched again.
“Assuming it can even be picked up without taking over whoever does so.” She muttered, more to herself than to him as she turned her back to him.
“Do you want to make the attempt? Or should I?” Lucien asked, though from the strained tone of voice, Vinari had a feeling there was a correct answer to this question. She just wasn’t sure what it was.
“I have experience with spirit binding. If nothing else, I might be able to reason with whatever entity is within the sword. After who knows how long sealed away, we might get lucky and it will be pleased with merely a change of scenery rather than an impromptu slaughter.”
Even without looking at him, she could feel his eyes burying into her back. He was silent for a moment before sighing quietly. “Try not to get possessed then.”
Vinari nodded before reaching forward slowly. With a moment’s hesitation and bated breath, she wrapped her fingers around the hilt of the sword.
As soon as she raised the blade in her grip, the world around her went black.
Vinari couldn’t tell if it was seconds or hours later that her eyes opened once more, and she found herself looking around her surroundings. No longer was she in the necrofire lit room at the bottom of an old tower of unknown origin. Instead, she stood in the middle of a desert of black sand, the rolling dunes stretching as far as the eye could see with no break or change in scenery. A cursory glance above revealed a crimson sky, in which hung no clouds and no sun, only a dark moon as black as pitch, like a hole in reality. For a moment, Vinari thought she’d been transported to the Void, but when she breathed in deep, she couldn’t taste any darkness on her tongue. In fact, she couldn’t taste or smell anything at all. This told her one thing.
She was within the mind realm of whatever entity was sealed inside the sword, and from the scenery its mind mimicked, she was willing to bet it was a denizen of the Void.
“But that’s not a hard guess to make, now is it, little Voidborne?” A pleasant voice sounded from behind her. Dark and devious, but with no small amount of amusement.
She turned to face the entity and found herself transfixed by what she saw.
An enormous black serpentine dragon hovering in the sky, its body so long and twisting that it reached far into the sky, and no matter how she strained her eyes, she couldn’t make out an end to its length as it stretched farther than her eyes could see. Each scale was shiny and iridescent, like oil, and jutting from along its spine were a single row of spikes, each one as long as the average man was tall and gleaming white like ivory. Multiple spikes and horns jutted from the sides and backs of the dragon’s head, and as it looked down at her, it smiled, baring at least four rows of deadly sharp teeth. Its eyes were a piercing crimson much like her own, and within their depths she could see a barely restrained malice that mirrored her own.
“I must say, its been some time since I’ve had the opportunity to speak with another from my home realm. Tell me, do you make it a habit of picking up clearly cursed weaponry, or should I feel flattered and special that you decided to give my vessel the time of day?” The dragon chuckled, the sound dark and dangerous, and it filled Vinari’s chest with a fear she’d only ever felt when faced with an angry Diabolos.
“Well, it was just so pretty and shiny and practically calling my name, how could I possibly resist touching such a lovely weapon, despite all the warnings to stay away?” She forced herself to joke, making a show of nonchalance as she gazed up at the dragon, clearly a Titan that could probably rival even Nocturne.
“Ha! Nocturne? That whelp was nothing more than a freshly hatched babe the last I was in the Void. I suppose some time has indeed passed since then, but to think that he could hold even a candle to my might is a grave insult, one I’ll only forgive because you’re clearly a hatchling who knows no better yourself.” The dragon snarled as it loomed over her. It leaned its head down slowly to peer at her through one crimson eye. Its eye was as large as Vinari’s entire body, and in it, she could see her own reflection. “A hatchling favored by my father no less. A paragon, much like myself. How interesting.”
“You’re a Paragon? And you were sealed away, nonetheless?” Vinari gaped. The idea seemed impossible. Unless…
“Unless I allowed for it to happen. Your assumption is correct. Hmph. You’re a sharp one.” The dragon noted as it stared at her. “You have no idea who I am, do you?”
Wordlessly, Vinari shook her head. There were few recorded Paragons of the Void. Most had already gone on to ascend to other mantles of godhood. Strife, as the God of Vengeance in Vilanderal, realm of the Vengeful Dead, where those who died with hatred in their hearts went to kill their enemies over and over again in an unending slaughter. Vesper, the Goddess of the Moon and Mercy in Calehad, the realm of the Innocent, where the souls of the unjustly slaughtered went to rest in peace before being reincarnated. Urami, the god of Chaos, whose realm was said to be unknown, as his presence and influence was thought to be omnipresent. There were a few others, but those were the ones that first came to mind.
“Yes, yes, you seem to be knowledgeable of some of my siblings indeed. They chose their own paths, just as I chose mine, though I no longer have any lofty mantle of divinity to lay claim to. I decided not to rule the lives and fates of mortals with a detached hand as they do, preferring instead to interact directly.” The dragon explained even as it reared its head back. “My name is Carnage, and I chose this fate for myself.”
Every piece of Vinari’s body screamed with alarm at the reveal. She clenched her jaw shut to keep from uttering a sound as she gazed upon the Paragon with a new respect and fear in her eyes.
No. Not just a Paragon. Despite decrying any claim to divinity, there was no mistaking who this being was.
Carnage. The Lost God of War.
She inhaled slowly and held the breath as she looked upon him. Could it be true? Even if it wasn’t, she wasn’t about to call him a liar. Instead she questioned his other claim.
“You chose to be made into a weapon? Why?”
“Why indeed? I have never understood mortals obsession with this question, although in a way, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Most humans are inconsequential. Mere sparks of life that fizzle and die out in the same amount of time it takes for my heart to beat, completely and utterly meaningless. Their words and deeds only mattering for the mere seconds their hearts beat. It is rare for a mortal to live a life of any consequence. They’re all oh so doomed, but their will to live despite that is what makes them so fascinating.” Carnage opened its mouth in a long yawn, once again showing off its rows of teeth. “If I had to answer why, I suppose it would be because I wanted to bear witness to what humans fight for. They slaughter each other in droves in my name, and each one does so for a different reason. I wanted to understand humans, and their reasons in doing so. To understand humanity’s wars is to understand myself.”
Vinari listened to his words with bated breath, and once he finished speaking, she understood. Despite the differences between him and the humans he considered beneath him, she realized they weren’t as different as he seemed to think.
“Hmph, if another being were to think such a thing, I might be insulted, but I won’t be too bothered by the musings of a fellow Paragon.” Carnage sniffed before cocking his head to the side, in a manner eerily reminiscent of a curious puppy. “So, tell me, blood of my blood. Why is it that you fight? That is why I brought you here after all. For what reason would you wield my blade?”
Vinari found herself caught off guard. When she originally picked up the blade, she hadn’t expected whatever being inside to really care about why it was used, only if it was going to be, but after having spoken to him, it made more sense. War desired to understand its very nature through the reasons it was perpetrated, of course it would wonder what she waged her own personal wars for. It wasn’t a question she had a hard time answering either. She knew full well what she fought for.
She just didn’t think it would be all that interesting to the God of War himself though.
“For me to decide, hatchling.” Carnage’s voice rumbled with amusement that shook the too still air around them.
Vinari closed her eyes and breathed in slowly. “Vengeance.” She answered simply at first, as if there was no other answer it could possibly be. “Justice.” She exhaled slowly and opened her eyes to stare into his. “I fight to avenge the souls of the dead, and to free the souls of the damned.”
Carnage peered down at her and she could’ve sworn that was curiosity in his eyes.
“Why what?”
“Why answer death with death?”
Vinari averted her eyes now. Again her heart twisted in her chest, painfully tight as if a serpent were coiled around it and squeezing.
“What else can answer for it?” She asked, her voice falling below a whisper. “What can repay a life taken other than another life taken in return? Blood for blood. Souls for souls. How does one quantify the worth of a human life?”
“What makes you think a human life is worth anything at all?”
Vinari’s fingers clenched into a fist at her side. Do we not matter? Are we truly so insignificant to the gods? I refuse to accept that. I refuse to die and for my life to be written off as less than worthless.
“Oh hatchling, are you so naive as to throw yourself in with them? You, little one, are a Paragon. Your potential surpasses that of every little mortal around you. Don’t think I refer to you when I say this. But tell me, little taker of lives and reaper of souls, what is a human’s life worth to you? I’ve gleaned your memories as we have conversed. You’ve plied your trade in taking lives for a great many years now. Have you not spilled innocent blood? Taken the lives of those who have done you no harm? Do you not invite others to desire the same blood from you in doing so?”
Vinari swallowed hard, her brow furrowing and eyes narrowing as she counted the grains of sand on the ground between her feet. There were too many to count, just like she couldn’t even begin to count how many people she’d murdered as an assassin. She didn’t even remember any of them. Not their names. Not their faces. Not who paid her to kill them or why. Did she ever even ask why? Probably not. She never cared enough to do so.
The answer to his question was simple. It just wasn’t one she much liked thinking about. It was easier to ignore the reality of it and continue living life like normal without constantly considering how others might seek her for revenge. If she thought about it too much, she’d never be able to live her life without always looking over her shoulder. Then again…
Maybe she should.
“Yes.” She answered simply. “The people whose lives I have taken. They surely mattered to someone. There most certainly must be people out there seeking revenge for their deaths too. In my struggle to survive I have sinned against others just as surely as Fyros has sinned against me.” She agreed to his words, shaking her head slowly before raising it once more to gaze into his eyes. “But no human can go through life without crossing another. Such is the price people pay for existing in the same space as each other. None can avoid it. So yes, their lives matter, but not to me. And certainly not more than my own life does. You want to know why I kill in order to avenge those that have already been killed, and do I not invite others to seek to kill me in return for doing so. There is your answer. I kill because it is the only way to repay the lives that have been lost, and if others seek to kill me for doing so then they are welcome to try. But they just might end up dying as well.”
Carnage stared down at her in for a long moment and the silence was deafening as she waited for him to consider her words. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his lips pulled back, revealing his first row of fangs in a sharp toothed smile.
“How intriguing you are, hatchling. I am content with your answer. You may wield my blade as you see fit.”
The world around her started spinning uncontrollably, like she’d lost her balance and was falling. The last thing she heard before being cast from his mind were his parting words.
“I am most curious to see how you will choose to use me.”
Just as suddenly as she’d found herself in the vast wasteland of Carnage’s mind, Vinari had returned to her body. Her whole body tingled with icy numbness, the same kind of pins and needles as when one sat down in an awkward position for too long and lost feeling in their legs. She still clutched the sword in her outstretched hand, and she could see her reflection in its blade. She only just now realized she wasn’t breathing and forced herself to inhale a breath, and as soon as she did so, it broke whatever spell Carnage might’ve cast over her body.
She dropped the blade back onto the altar as she bent over it now, leaning down against it with one hand as her body convulsed in a coughing fit and she found herself gasping for air. She stared down at the altar with eyes unseeing as she fought to catch her breath, and her whole body shook from the exertion.
“Diabolos preserve you, I was certain you weren’t ever coming back.” Lucien whispered as he came around her side, and when she glanced up to look at him, his brows were knit with worry in his dark eyes, showing the first real sign of emotion so far since she’d met him. “You picked it up and went still as a statue. The blood drained from your face, and you stopped breathing. It was for less than a minute, but still, that was long enough to be concerning.”
Once Vinari felt like she could breathe right again, she slowly pushed herself up off the altar. Slowly, she wrapped her hand around the sword’s hilt again, but nothing happened this time, save for the crimson runes glowing in acknowledgment. Now that she took a closer look at them, she realized it was a Void script.
Mournbringer. Sounds right for a weapon possessed by the God of War. She noted as she picked it up once more before sheathing the blade.
“So what entity was inside? What did you learn about this weapon?”
Vinari looked at the blade in her hand before glancing over at him, only to return her gaze back to Mournbringer.
“Well I can tell you one thing.”
“And what’s that?”
“We absolutely can’t let the Legion have it.”
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
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In this Our Changing Climate climate change video essay, I look at the importance of speculative climate fiction, sci-fi, and utopias for political movements. Specifically, I look at various short stories, films, and books that introduce us to worlds beyond capitalism, that have, in their own way addressed our ecological and climate crisis.
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0:00 - Intro
1:49 - Should We Dream of the Future?
5:09 - Visions of the Future
16:29 - Building Futures
Check out other Climate YouTubers:
Climate in Colour: / @climateincolour1273
zentouro: / zentouro
Climate Adam: / climateadam
Kurtis Baute: / @scopeofscience
Levi Hildebrand: / the100lh
Simon Clark: / simonoxfphys
Sarah Karver: / @sarahkarver
Climate Town: / @climatetown
Jack Harries: / jacksgap
Beckisphere: / @beckisphere
All About Climate: / @allaboutclimate
Aime Maggie: / @aimemaggie
Just Have a Think: / @justhaveathink
Ankur Shah: / ankurshah
Planet Proof: / @planetproofofficial
Future Proof: / futureprooftv
Further Reading and Resources: https://fascinated-soccer-ac0.notion....
#climatechange #sciencefiction #art
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sylvieeee5 · 2 years
HI!!! Don’t know if you know me, but I’m Sylv! I do liveblogs of MBS (I’ve been a fan since fifth grade haha) that are QUESTIONABLY readable and cat-picture heavy!! Speaking of… a little kitty update!!
If you’ve been reading my LBs for a while, you may remember this adorable bean:
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Well, I’m delighted to announce that Sonic has found his forever home- with my grandparents! Congrats on winning them over, little man- can’t wait to see how much you’ve grown when they come to visit next week!
okay i actually have to watch it now hhhhh
fear. and excitement
MBS Season 2, Episode 1: A Perilous Journey.
Let’s go.
!Warning!! Book/show spoilers ahead!
Welp, she said it! Roll credits on the whole production, boys. (actually no don’t habsgshdhssh)
okay we haven’t even made it past the RECAP yet, come on sylv-
rip mouse 😭😭😭
hey king cmoN IT WAS COOL
baby!!! also we have her name said for the first time!!!
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yes.... yes you are 4:12
NEW INTRO?????????????
4:20 (ayy)
THE A L PA C A HUH??????
also “not identical”  👀
dog man...?
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i amn... intrigued
smug... fishing for compliments... yep this is the loser we all know and... love?
Ah Connie girl- trying to use your newly-discovered psychic abilities to kill him through the screen?  I don’t blame you tbh
who’s he blaming for this one???
Heavily used in the trailers... might I be detecting a bit of double meaning?
“I can”- make anyone happy... and control what they’re saying.
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the only sane one-
rhonda: completely unbothered
...how many times has constance tried to do this sshkj
🙄 babies.
okay, i know they’re not legally sisters in this ‘verse, but... sisters
mission failed. we’ll get ‘em next time
very reassuring.
girl what????
are you forgetting the tried-to-take-over-the-world part???
well crap
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It’s been a year, but Kate’s still struggling with healthy independence vs. shutting people out,,,
And their relationship... It’s still new, to both of them. It’s a struggle to go back to... being father and daughter.
parents expressing interest in your fandoms be like-
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“We know each other.”
such a good ammaaaaaaaa i’m going to cry
ms perumal i love you
excellent icebreaker queen
a firm no
okay i know that was a trick but...
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girl what
fyueawkiWHQdiquhlJHSDKKADSUKI hey. don’t diss the sweater vest.
the well.
Everyone’s a critic
she really said  👀
also WHAT
o-hoh no
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constance he IS your father and you CARE him
they play chess
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sibling behavior
constance behavior
“A book in a book... Bookception.”
that was. remarkably stupid
the journal that... isn’t a journal and is just a nonsense book.
what’s that got to do with it constance
Everybody knows that, Kate.
brave boy arc :)
That’s not a verb, sir
kate i adore you
local fish population decimated. sugar prices skyrocketing. great job guys
oh my god
what have i just witnessed.
his stupid gOLF CART
they’re coming right on THROUGH with the curtain loser energy
this ain’t a pyramid scheme king(derogatory)
I’m so stoked for this season!!!!! So far, apart from the Curtain stuff (which I, still have not fully processed,,) it seems pretty 1-1 with the book... but as we know, things will certainly diverge...
I give 201: A Perilous Journey a 9/10! A lovely little bite of what’s to come- only prevented from a perfect score by the laCK OF A TITLE DROPPPPPPPP
I am. so upset about that.
See you later today for episode 2!
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