#welcome spring I guess 😂
aibidil · 3 months
I keep seeing posts that are like "you don't need a complicated skincare regimen!" and then proceed to list like the "only" 20 things you need. Or "you don't need to wear makeup!" and then list "only" 10 makeup essentials
when I say you don't need a skincare regimen I mean you don't NEED to do anything. If you protect your skin with hat/clothes, you don't even need much sunscreen. If you're exposed, wear sunscreen. If you have some problem, seek out a solution, but these solutions aren't universal because we're all different and live in different climates. My skin doesn't even demand moisturizer most of the time. Yours might. But there's no list of things you have to buy.
when I say you don't need makeup, I mean you don't need ANY. In my early 20s I never went out without some makeup, but for years I have worn NONE (absent the odd concealer bc turns out acne never goes away) and literally nothing bad has happened as a result. Wear makeup if you want (or if you're in a culture/industry that demands it, which is very real), but let's be clear that it isn't in any way necessary
at some point, just own the fact that you like buying this shit, which is FINE.
reading these things makes me feel like I'm losing my marbles I swear to god
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cerromoreno · 6 months
🎄 Starbula Christmas headcanons! 🎄
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had fun imagining how the first Christmas after Peter’s return to earth would go. The below headcanon scenario that has resulted is extremely self-indulgent and Starbula-pining-filled. (Mutual pining is just 😩🤌) And in the spirit of holiday giving, I figured I’d share it!
It’s been about eight months since Peter returned to earth, since I’m guessing GOTG3 took place in early spring. Since then, the Guardians/Nebula/Drax and Peter have visited each other at least a few times, and everyone has settled into their new lives.
For Peter, it's been an amazing, healing eight months - reconnecting with his grandpa, finally accepting Gamora’s death and moving on, and generally working on himself. He’s stopped drinking and is trying to get his GED (which is fairly time-consuming, since he hasn’t had any formal schooling since third grade lmao).
Peter eventually starts to notice that he's been missing/thinking about Nebula more than his other friends on Knowhere. This slow realization takes a sharp turn in the fall, when Nebula comes to earth for Morgan’s birthday party and stops by Missouri to visit him beforehand. Peter ends up tagging along to the birthday party, and while watching Nebula interact with Morgan, he starts to see her in a new light. You can just read Accidentally in Love for the gist of that headcanon...as I'm obsessed with that fic lol 🙃 And yes, I adore the idea of Nebula basically being an adopted member of the Stark family, continuing even after Tony's death.
Anyway, it’s been a little over a month since Peter started realizing he might have feelings for Nebula. He plans to never tell her, since he figures there’s no way she feels the same for him, and their friendship means too much to him to screw up by confessing his feelings. Little does he know that Nebula has been in love with him for over a year, having developed a crush while they were co-leading the Guardians together. She also plans to never tell him how she feels, knowing there was no way he’d ever see her that way - and also feeling guilty/angry at herself for falling for her dead sister’s boyfriend.
So generally, there’s lots of pining afoot... all of which sets the stage for Christmas! 🎄🎉
🎅 Pre-Christmas:
Sometime in the fall, Peter invites everyone to Jason’s house for Christmas, excited to have his whole family together for the holidays. Nebula, Drax, Groot, Rocket, Kraglin, and Cosmo plan to come, and even Mantis agrees to take a break from her travels to join. 
Beforehand, they agree to do a Secret Santa gift exchange instead of getting individual gifts for everyone. They have a group Zoom call (or whatever the space-technology equivalent is) to anonymously assign who will get gifts for whom.
It’s meant to be a surprise, but Kraglin blows it when he excitedly shouts out "Yes!! I wanted Nebula!" after drawing her name. This immediately makes Peter jealous and suspicious. What is going on between Kraglin and Nebula back on Knowhere?! [Answer: Nothing, of course. This will pay off later...and I think Nebula deserves to have someone be jealous over her, after a lifetime being jealous of Gamora… 🙃]
As the holidays get closer, Peter also mentions to Nebula that since the Starks are basically her family (which he got to observe at Morgan’s birthday party), Pepper and Morgan are invited as well. He mentions that Gamora is welcome too, since she’s also Nebula's family, though he doubts she'd want to join. This makes Nebula a bit jealous, incorrectly assuming that Peter must not be over Gamora after all - and in fact, must be trying to use the Christmas party to finally win her over.
Now both of these idiots are both pining and jealous. Delicious 😂
🎁 Christmas Day:
In the early afternoon on Christmas Day, the Knowhere residents and Mantis arrive at Jason’s home, which, thanks to Peter, is decorated to the brim for the holidays. Peter excitedly welcomes them all inside, clearly loving the opportunity to help his grandparents host. Nebula almost immediately wants to die from cuteness as she watches Peter run around, helping his grandparents in the kitchen and making sure everyone is having a nice time, and generally being an adorable host.
Soon afterward, Pepper and Morgan, then Gamora (to everyone's surprise!) arrive. When everyone's settled, all the cute Christmas things commence: cookie decorating, a snowball fight with Morgan demanding to be on Nebula’s team, a big family meal, etc. Basically any cute Christmas things you can think of. The house is crammed full with all the guests, loud and chaotic and full of laughter and Christmas music blasting. At one point, Jason Quill excuses himself to the bathroom to cry a little bit, overwhelmed as he realizes how much his life has changed since last year’s quiet, lonely Christmas. 🥺
At some point, Kevin Bacon even shows up to join the festivities, since Mantis had invited him as a surprise. I love the idea that it becomes a tradition that the Guardians/Kevin Bacon always visit each other on Christmas, even if it’s just stopping by to say hi. This also probably causes another private emotional breakdown for Jason Quill: it's hard to fathom how compared with Christmas last year, not only is his long-lost grandson alive and back home, but his home is now packed with aliens and a famous movie star. Seriously, what is his life?
In fact, I'm sure at some point in the party, Jason gets so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that he pulls Peter into a tight embrace, quietly crying into his hair. 🥺 Neither of them say anything - they both understand, and just hug each other, in awe of the fact that throughout all of the grief, loss, and years apart, they've found their way to this incredible new life and family together. Ugghhh I'm emotional thinking about it.
At one point during the afternoon, Peter mentions that once it’s dark outside, he wants to go for a drive to see the Christmas lights in the fancy neighborhood nearby; he’s heard it’s fun to see the big houses lit up. Everyone’s pretty noncommittal about it, but Nebula shrugs and says sure, she's in. Peter doesn't need to know that she'd literally watch paint dry if it was with him and was something that made him happy...
Speaking of which, throughout the entire afternoon, Peter has found himself subconsciously gravitating toward Nebula. They sit next to each other at the big Christmas dinner, constantly banter during the holiday group games, etc. Neither think much of it, since they’re both close friends and have missed spending time with each other - but almost everyone else notices. And Peter isn’t exactly a subtle person when it comes to his feelings.
One of those people is Gamora. She thinks back to her words from back on the Orgoscope, that the person best suited for Peter sounds more like her sister... She decides to corner Peter and bring it up at some point, walking up to him as he's washing dishes in the kitchen and blurting, “So, you and Nebula, huh?” Peter is flustered and tries to play dumb. But when Gamora won’t let it go, he admits in a low voice that maybe he has feelings for Nebula, but he can’t mess up their friendship. It’s too important to him - she is too important to him. 
Gamora laughs at him, but also recognizes that he's clearly agitated about it all. Nebula must matter quite a lot to him. She decides to throw Peter a bone, saying that, "just in case it's helpful," she thinks her alternate self would probably be okay with this - she thinks other-Gamora would be happy to know that the people she loves the most would find happiness with each other. Because she can see Peter and Nebula clearly make each other happy. Peter is taken aback, but can't deny that he appreciates Gamora's words.
While they're talking, Nebula hears Gamora's laughter and turns to spot Peter and Gamora quietly talking in the kitchen. She can't stop the pang of disappointment and jealousy that rises up within her, again, and is immediately annoyed at herself. Of course this is what would happen. It’s fine. In fact, it’s what should happen. Even if she’d thought Peter accepting Gamora’s death and moving on was a good thing, this is better. It must be. After all, Nebula just wants Peter to be happy, and this will make him happy. She supposes that Peter and Gamora really are destined to be together, no matter what. Nebula sighs and tries to turn her attention back to the party.
But to Nebula's surprise, when Peter and Gamora end their conversation and leave the kitchen, there’s no real change in their behavior. They don’t spend extra time together, or flirt, or anything. It’s all very casual and fun-group-vibes between them. In fact, Peter instead almost immediately returns to hanging out by Nebula’s side, sitting next to her on the couch for present-opening and offering to get her a refill on eggnog at one point. Rocket notices and mockingly waves his mug at Peter: “And how come you’re not offering me more eggnog, too, Quill?” He enjoys watching how easily he can fluster Peter now, watching him immediately turn pink and bite out a retort - something about Nebula working hard to lead Knowhere and deserving a break at least for today - as he walks away with her mug.
For Nebula's part, she loves having Peter close and having his attention throughout the evening, but also tries to remind herself that it doesn’t actually mean anything. He's just a good friend, which she's grateful for.
When it’s time to open presents, everyone receives their wrapped Secret Santa gift and takes turns opening them up. Before they start, Nebula pulls out additional gifts for her invited guests - Morgan, Pepper, and Gamora - as well as a shared gift for Jason and Peter’s step-grandma, since none of them were part of the Guardians’ gift exchange. After Pepper exclaims, "Nebula, you didn't have to do this!" Nebula quietly mumbles that she didn’t want anyone to feel left out. Peter, of course, can hardly contain his adoration at seeing how thoughtful and considerate Nebula is. He already knew how much she'd changed and grown from the angry, bitter assassin he'd first met so many years ago - but sometimes, it still could take his breath away to stop and notice it.
Once it's Nebula’s turn to open her Secret Santa gift, it turns out to be a winter hat and necklace (referencing Kraglin's line in GOTG2: "I was talking about, like, a pretty necklace. Or a nice hat. You know. Something to make the other girls go "Ooh, that's nice." 😆) Nebula immediately bursts into surprised laughter, finally realizing why Kraglin was so excited to get her a gift. She can’t believe he remembered a throwaway line from nearly twelve years ago, essentially creating the longest-payoff joke ever. Peter is, of course, once again filled with jealousy watching the two of them laugh together, wishing more than anything that he’d been assigned to get Nebula’s gift. He would have gotten her something so much better than stupid Kraglin… 
Later in the evening, after everyone is tired from all the festivities and food, Pepper says it’s time to get Morgan to bed. Kevin Bacon and Gamora say they’ll head out too. As they get coats on and head for the door, Nebula observes the goodbye between Peter and Gamora (trying not to make it obvious that she’s doing so) and, to her surprise, observes that it’s quite casual. Peter doesn’t seem broken up to say goodbye to Gamora at all. That’s…strange. 
🎄 Christmas night:
After the non-Knowhere guests leave, everyone else finds their way to the couches to watch a Christmas movie (probably Elf because it’s my favorite 🥺). Once the movie ends, Peter jumps off the couch and excitedly asks who’s still up for driving around to see the Christmas lights, now that it’s sufficiently dark outside. Nebula nods and gets up, too.
However, over the evening, as more people observed Peter and Nebula dancing around each other, it became an unspoken agreement that no one else would join this nighttime drive and would instead give the two some time alone. So everyone shrugs off Peter's idea, saying they’re too tired and would rather stay in and watch another Christmas movie. Drax nearly messes it up, forgetting the plan and exclaiming, “Oh yes, I shall join you, in search of another little funny man to -” only to be shushed by Mantis and yanked back to the couch. Peter shrugs, “Whatever, your loss for all being lame.” He and Nebula start to get bundled up to go outside, with Nebula putting on her new winter hat, of course.
Starting here, Nebula and Peter’s late-night driving adventure follows the first verse of “You Are In Love” (which is such an amazing Starbula song 😭)...like basically word for word. So I recommend pausing to listen to it first lol.
They get into Peter’s car and decide to stop by a coffee shop drive-thru to get some festive drink for the road (again, cue the “YAIL” first verse 🤡). Peter and Nebula then have a magical time driving around and looking at the Christmas lights. A snowstorm begins at some point, adding to the lovely holiday vibes. Peter decides to park the car so they can walk around in the snowstorm, shoulders brushing as they look up at the lights and the snow gently falling around them. It’s basically Hallmark-movie perfect…and once again…cue the “YAIL” first verse lyrics 😆
And because I think it sounds adorable, at some point they both get hungry and can only find one local restaurant that’s open at midnight on Christmas. Maybe a Chinese place? Or a 24-hour diner?
For Nebula, this whole night is basically heaven. She’s never been on a date (nor does she expect to ever do so), and she knows this isn’t actually one, but still. It’s as close to a perfect night as she’s ever had: sitting in a cheap restaurant booth with the man she's in love with, laughing while they both try - and fail - to eat their Chinese food with chopsticks. No missions or responsibilities, no drunken Peter, no other Guardians around. Just the two of them having fun together. Is this what it’s like to be on a date with someone you love? Nebula wonders. She tries to cherish every moment, knowing she’ll likely never get this opportunity again.
Peter is feeling basically the same thing, except he does know what it’s like to go on a date with someone you love, and he knows that this feels like that. He wishes he could be brave enough to try to hold Nebula’s hand, or do something to hint at his feelings - but he can’t risk ruining this perfect night. So he keeps his feelings quiet, just enjoying time with the woman who, against all odds, has become his closest friend and the person he loves (and he does admit it to himself that night - that not only does he have feelings for Nebula, but he loves her. It’s both a scary and exhilarating realization).
Peter drives them back to Jason’s house around 1 am. Once inside, they find the living room empty, with a note on the table saying, “We headed back to Knowhere in Mantis’ ship. See you guys later. Merry Christmas.” The keys to the pod that the Knowhere crew had flown to get to earth (which was parked, invisible, on the Quill's front lawn) were left on top of the note for Nebula.
Peter exclaims, outraged: “Wait, they ditched us?! On Christmas?!" Nebula laughs and starts to say she can also get out of his hair and head back to Knowhere too, since it's late, but Peter interjects: “Wait, what about watching [some movie he'd told her about earlier in the day]?” Nebula doesn’t have to be told twice - if Peter wants her to stay and to continue hanging out, she’ll do it as long as she can. She hardly ever takes time off from running Knowhere, after all.
Peter grabs Nebula one of his t-shirts to change into, so they can both get comfortable on the couch for the movie. Which, yes, is another line from “YAIL." 🤣 Exhausted from the full day, they both end up falling asleep during the movie.
🎅 Post-Christmas morning:
When Jason walks into the living room the next morning, he gets a kick out of seeing these two losers sleeping next to each other on the couch. He internally makes a bet that they’ll be dating by the summer. (Little does he know that their mutual pining will continue for nearly another whole year, even after Peter finally gets his GED and moves back to Knowhere to help Nebula run the city.)
When Nebula wakes up, she’s embarrassed to have fallen asleep on the couch, assuming she's definitely overstayed her welcome by now, but Peter and his grandparents insist they’re glad she’s stayed over. They also insist that she stays for breakfast and to do some kind of post-Christmas family tradition. Maybe Peter's grandparents make some special day-after-Christmas breakfast every year, idk. 
Nebula ends up staying through the afternoon, maybe even helping Peter study for his GED (even though she doesn’t know much more about earth than he does), and Peter's grandparents are totally charmed by her. This is nice foreshadowing for whenever Peter and Nebula finally get together, the four of them will have a lot of family time like this. :’)
When Nebula finally heads back to Knowhere that evening, she and Peter have an extremely drawn-out and awkward goodbye at the front door, neither wanting to end this time together. Peter’s grandparents get a kick out of observing it all, including how Peter longingly stares after Nebula as she gets into the invisible ship - and how he continues to stare at the sky, even though he can't see her fly away.
And over the next few weeks/months until they see each other again, whenever Peter and Nebula miss each other (which is often!), they both comfort themselves by remembering their magical Christmas in Missouri together. 🥺🥲
Soooooo there’s my Starbula-pining-filled headcanon about the first Christmas after GOTG3! Nothing groundbreaking here, but I really do think something like this would be realistic in post-GOTG3 canon. Like, how could Peter not invite his Knowhere family to celebrate Christmas with his grandparents? And since nothing will ever stop me from headcanoning that Peter eventually develops/realizes his feelings for Nebula after returning to earth, this additional Starbula stuff also fits right in.
Anyway, this scenario was very fun to imagine 🥰 And I hope it was fun to read!
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mikazuki1709 · 6 months
Portfolio: Kaeluc Fics
I am currently trying to organize my stuff here on tumblr a little bit. This is a list of all the fics I wrote about Kaeluc. It's a lot because I have been obsessed with this ship for years now. 😂
To this point I have written 171.436 words about them. I guess you could say I love them a totally normal amount. 😝
🦚 🦉
A warm place to call home - One stormy night, Kaeya knocks on the door of his former home with a fluffy bundle in his hand. What starts as a simple incident soon and unexpectedly turns into an opportunity for the relationship between two estranged young men (G-Rating, 4.611 words)
For better, for worse, forever - Almost ten years have passed since Kaeya and Diluc got married, and together they have seen good times and bad. As they reminisce, they decide that after some really tough years, it is high time to make some beautiful new memories (G-Rating, 2.168 words)
He loves me, he loves me not - Young Master Kaeya is a man with many admirers. When he one day receives an anonymous love letter, hope awakens in him that it could be from his Diluc, who he is secretly in love with. His attempts to find out who is behind the letter cause his sworn brother a great deal of awkwardness (G-Rating, 4.901 words)
Husbands - The day of the wedding is finally there and many things go through Kaeya's mind while he waits for his future husband to arrive (G-Rating, 1.212 words)
Letters of love and affection - While Kaeya knows many ways to show affection, sometimes an old-fashioned handwritten letter still remains the best way to express his feelings (G-Rating, 1.013 words)
Make your move - When Kaeya comes to the Angel's Share to relax after a long week at work, he finds Diluc teaching chess to the traveler. The sight stirs up complicated feelings in him, but Diluc shows him that the game they used to play so much when they were younger and happier can still teach him a lesson or two about life, love and everything in between (G-Rating, 2.277 words)
Moonlight dancing - After the wedding, Kaeya and Diluc welcome their guests to the winery to celebrate with them. There is music and there is dance, and Diluc cannot help but reminisce about some fond memories from the past (G-Rating, 1.583 words)
More than mere child's play - Diluc overhears Kaeya playing a game of Truth or Dare, and perhaps he is a little too interested in the truth his former sworn brother has to tell (G-Rating, 1.575 words)
Sharing a blanket, sharing warmth - At several points in his life, Diluc finds himself forced to share a bed with Kaeya. In retrospect, it is always these nights that become important for the two of them (G-Rating, 2.930 words)
The joys of summer - Newly married, Kaeya and Diluc set off on a journey to Inazuma, where they discover the beauties of a foreign culture together (G-Rating, 2.843 words)
The language of the heart - The guestlist, the decoration, the flowers - Diluc would never have expected the wedding preparations to be this complicated. Luckily, Adelinde is there to help (G-Rating, 1.756 words)
Two glasses - It is no secret that Diluc neither likes the taste nor the effect of alcohol. Still, in the night before Kaeya's birthday, he sits down with a bottle of wine and a lot of thoughts in his head (G-Rating, 1.041 words)
Warm - Kaeya has always loved it when Diluc has held his hand. When they get closer again years after their falling out, such touches are suddenly no longer a matter of course, and Kaeya cannot help but miss them (G-Rating, 1.388 words)
Would you still love me? - When Kaeya returns from his trip to Sumeru, Diluc immediately notices that something is wrong. It takes a lot of patience before his friend finally pours out his heart to him in a special place on a frosty spring night (G-Rating, 2.499 words)
A Cavalry Captain's struggle - As the Knights Of Favonius' Cavalry Captain, young Diluc has to present his profession to the children of Mondstadt's kindergarten. He asks Kaeya to help him with this task (G-Rating, 1.390 words)
A game of truth - Kaeya challenges Diluc to a game of chess. The loser has to drink a truth potion, the winner gets to ask three questions. However, he has not expected that Diluc, just like him, agrees with certain ulterior motives (G-Rating, 1.755 words)
A lazy lunch break - Kaeya and Diluc are enjoying their lunch break together at Windrise. When Diluc falls asleep, Kaeya uses the chance to look closely at his friend's features and discovers a detail he enjoys more than anything else (G-Rating, 844 words)
Close to you - Kaeya is worried because Diluc is clearly overworked and needs some rest, but is too stubborn to admit it to himself or anyone else. Only after he has fallen ill does he realise that Kaeya was right and accepts his request to take a short vacation together. They set off together for Liyue, where they spend a few pleasant days and grow closer again, both emotionally and physically (E-Rating, 9.561 words)
Comfort Habits - When Diluc gets a report that Kaeya was seen at the Statue Of The Seven, catching crystalflies, he knows immediately what the other needs. But with things being so difficult between them, is he really the one to offer him comfort? (G-Rating, 2.165 words)
Everything I want to see - When they were children, Diluc made a promise to Kaeya, but was not able to keep it back then. For a long time, the promise seems forgotten and unattainable, but many years later they both find out that it just took a little bit longer than expected for the right moment to arrive (G-Rating, 2.605 words)
Fools in love - Kaeya bought a gift for Diluc but does not dare to give it to him. Rosaria is annoyed, but still decides to help to finally get her favourite drinking buddy back (G-Rating, 715 words)
I'll be here - When Kaeya borrows a shirt from Diluc, the sight of the other's body, so clearly changed over the years they have been apart, triggers an inner turmoil in the redheaded man (G-Rating, 903 words)
Lost and found - Mondstadt and the Windblume festival just belong together, but although Kaeya loves his adopted home, he does not only hold good memories of the celebrations (G-Rating, 2.829 words)
Seven Flowers - Young Jean tells Diluc and Kaeya about a flower magic that can show you who you will spend your life with later. When Diluc wants to try it out, Kaeya worries: who does his sworn brother hope to see in this prophecy? (G-Rating, 1.229 words)
Small favours - When Diluc asks Kaeya to put some sun lotion on his back, who is he to refuse the request? (G-Rating, 1.260 words)
Sunburnt - Kaeya is having a good time at the Golden Apple Archipelago. Seeing him like this brings a lot of complicated emotions back to Diluc (G-Rating, 1.332 words)
The brothers - Young Diluc and Kaeya are confused when the other Knights Of Favonius suddenly seem to look down on them and no longer even want to talk to them. Jean helps the two to clear up the underlying misunderstanding (G-Rating, 1.105 words)
The empty room - Little Kaeya is feeling very lost and lonely after his arrival at the Ragnvindr estate. When Diluc finds out, he does his best to console his new friend (G-Rating, 889 words)
The fever - Kaeya falls asleep at the Angel's Share because he has caught a fever. Diluc wants to take care of him, but struggles with his own contradictory feelings (G-Rating, 1.448 words)
The picture - While looking through the drawers of his desk in search of a quill, Diluc discovers an old picture of him, his father and Kaeya. It brings back a lot of memories and he can't help but wonder what his former sworn brother did with his copy of the photograph. When he coincidentally finds out the answer a little later, it unsettles him a lot (T-Rating, 6.137 words)
The promise - Even in the city of freedom, not everybody agrees with young Kaeya and Diluc having a relationship. Master Crepus has his own thoughts on the matter, but his life ends before he can share them with the two young men. Many years later, be it by chance or by fate, his message reaches them after all (G-Rating, 6.151 words)
The question - There are times when Kaeya just feels insecure and alienated from himself. One night he finds a little comfort in a place where he had not expected to experience something like this ever again (G-Rating, 1.591 words)
The secret plan - It is not a secret in Mondstadt that Kaeya Alberich does not like to celebrate his birthday. Diluc thinks that this is not okay, and he is not alone in his opinion. With determination and dedication he sets about preparing an unforgettable birthday for his beloved (M-Rating, 11.760 words)
The tattoo - Kaeya tells Diluc that he wants to get a tattoo. Diluc soon regrets not telling his friend that he does not like that idea at all… (G-Rating, 774 words)
The War In Your Eyes - Kaeya wakes up in his appartment after a night of drinking. Next to him lies the corpse of another knight, pierced by his sword. He has no memory of what happened and no idea what to do now. Diluc learns of the suspicions against his former sworn brother and can no longer pretend to be indifferent. Both have to work together to clarify what really happened and are forced to face their greatest fears and doubts in the process. (T-Rating, 39.624 words)
The winter storm - Nobody wants to be alone during the darkest days of the year around midwinter. When a snowstorm sweeps over Mondstadt, Kaeya and Diluc suddenly find themselves separated from each other, but at the same time in unexpected company. They find out that even spontaneous changes of plans can have their very own charm (G-Rating, 5.064 words)
Things left unsaid - It was a rainy day when both Diluc and Kaeya lost everything that was important to them. Estranged from each other, they parted ways. But does it really have to end like this or can their relationship be mended? (E-Rating, 18.557 words)
Today, here and now - Diluc's birthday is approaching and Kaeya is unsure what to do: He wants to be there for him because he knows very well that it is a tough day for his friend, but does Diluc want him around at all? And is there anything he can do to help and make this day the happy occasion Diluc deserves in honour of his birthday? (G-Rating, 3.311 words)
Trapped - The Acting Grand Master informs Diluc that Kaeya did not return from one of his missions. Diluc does not hesitate and sets out to find him, but things don't work out the way he had planned it (G-Rating, 2.562 words)
Under The Summer Moon - Kaeya was hoping for some quality time with Diluc at the Golden Apple Archipelago, but their travel group grew a little bit bigger than expected. When he wakes up in the middle of the night to the bright light of a huge moon, he knows their chance has come (G-Rating, 2.704 words)
A suspicious gift - Diluc receives a mysterious present that sends him down memory lane (G-Rating, 433 words)
A very peculiar feeling - Young Kaeya wonders: Why is it that he can't hold his sworn brother's hand anymore without getting nervous? (G-Rating, 643 words)
For better or for worse - Once upon a time, two boys swore an oath to each other. Many years later, one of them is no longer sure if the other even remembers it (G-Rating, 1.646 words)
Leaving you breathless - Diluc can't accept losing to Kaeya. Luckily, he has a plan (G-Rating, 235 words)
The black market auction - Kaeya tries to infiltrate Liyue's underworld undercover. When Diluc also turns up on the scene, he fears for the success of his plan. What brings the other man into the city in the first place, and can Kaeya stop him from revealing his identity? (G-Rating, 2.166 words)
The dessert - It is Kaeya's birthday and Diluc invites him to the winery to have dinner together. It turns out that he has prepared a special treat for dessert (T-Rating, 1.080 words)
The last waltz - The last dance of the New Year's Ball always has a special meaning in Mondstadt, so Diluc gathers all his courage to be able to dance it with someone special to him (G-Rating, 798 words)
The secret competition - Everybody in Mondstadt is excited about a new kind of game. Kaeya and Diluc also enter the competition for the first place (G-Rating, 1.520 words)
The Windblume offering - For his achievements in the Knights Of Favonius, young Diluc is appointed as Windblume Star. But what flower will he choose as an offering to Barbatos? (G-Rating, 810 words)
Walking in your shoes - Kaeya and Diluc find out what it means to take the other's position for one day. They both handle the situation quite differently (G-Rating, 1.265 words)
Who wants to be a pirate? - Little Kaeya is not happy with always being the one who has to play the pirate (G-Rating, 778 words)
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wangmiao · 2 years
From my RBs you can tell 😂 just got done watching Adamas. Thanks for the GIF sets. That ending was so 😂 The show in a lot of ways suddenly became realistic and grounded while having done remotely nothing like that through the series and then last minute 🤣 I guess, they were hoping to generate interest for a s2? I was damn sure Suhyeon was going to spring out last minute and when I was finally beginning to accept that there's a possibility he's dead he was not 😂 All that said it was enjoyable. All the actors, their acting, chemistry with each other and narrative dynamic was 👌
For a second, I became Team Choi x Suhyeon but then ep 16 drew me back to Choi x Wooshin 😆 I hope Ji Sung gets to do more this type of roles 🤓
Hello, friend! Haha, I did see all your reblogs, and I enjoyed reading your tags. And you are very welcome! I had fun giffing this show. But the writing of this show was messy at times, and the ending was very underwhelming for me. That was honestly not an intriguing way to generate interest for season 2, BUT I did still enjoy the show because of all the A+ acting and chemistry. 
I started to ship Choi and Wooshin since episode 3 and 4 lol. That was pretty early I guess. But I mean, Choi acted all tough and threatening towards Wooshin, but whenever Wooshin looked him in the eye and requested his help, he had zero willpower to ever say no in the end...LOL...I think that episode 14 scene between Choi an Suhyeon (Soohying) just gave us the subtext of Choi being attracted to men. Based on all of your tags (yes, I have no life and I read all of them), some of you think Choi wants both twins, some of you think Suhyeon’s face confused Choi for a moment because he was clearly into Wooshin. I think both are valid! 
I’m also looking forward to more roles like this from Ji Sung! 
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boba-beom · 2 years
you're so very welcome omg your writing is so good🥺❤ oooo, i like that. do you guys also hang out in person from time to time? maybe if there's some café you wanna go to or maybe like a christmas market (where i live they have these tiny wooden houses that make christmasy snacks and drinks and i think it's such a nice place for a date or even hanging out with your friends), you could drag his ass there😂 LOL, or just ask him yk, no violence needed. but i hope you'll get to see or talk to each-other soon🥺❤
i don't know if it's gonna be out by christmas, highly doubt it because i still have so much that i need to write (pretty sure it'll be out in spring, which is funny because the events in my oneshot/twoshot also happen in spring hehe), bUUUUUT if you're interested in my other oneshot i can send you the link to the other one? wait but then you'd know who i am 😳👀 i feel like you kinda might already have a feeling which account i might be tho LOL I DID LIKE YOUR RESPONSE TO MY ASKS TWICE.
YES I'M HACKING YOUR DRAFTS👀 PHEW I CAN'T WAIT FOR PART 1.5. also trynna find where that vlive soobin oneshot is in your drafts, but there are so many, what'd you name it👀👀👀
a win is a win!!! ohh, so you like them tsunderes. *proceeds to google how to be a tsundere* LOL. what do you wanna do on our first date😙 oooh that's so nice though, that means u must have a lot to talk about and maybe some time you can also go out together and do something you both enjoy to bond more👀 ❤
also unrelated, but i get so happy whenever you respond🥺 i have something to look forward to now haha🥺❤
- 🍓
pls 🍓 anonie, you're so sweet :< but thank you again for your support and for reading it!! I mean, we've only met in person 3 times but the second time was over 3 days and the 3rd time was over 4 days, if that makes sense? I would ask him to hang out, but he lives on a whole different island lmao so that's why I rarely see him but at least last time we hung out for the majority of it! but you'll know more later on in the series hehe we have a christmas german market too and it's so pretty! my flatmate and I went for a walk in the city centre since our flat is a 5 min walk from there, and the drinks and food smelt so good!
JFNVKJENFE WAIT WHAT,, I feel like I have a good guess but I'm not sure at the same time 🧐 BUT don't feel pressured dw <3 whenever you're ready to come off anon hehe and I don't mind around spring time either, that'd be really cute! my birthday is around spring time so I'm excited for that!
HAHAHA I'm just saying, the airport crush series as well as the soobin vlive are incredibly long and so smutty but atm I haven't felt motivated to write for that genre for a while lmao hence my spontaneous I Like U series 🤭
I find tsunderes v interesting esp when they start to behave differently, I feel like I'm decent at reading people's behaviour in person due to body language etc hehe and yeah, we have quite a few things to talk about, they end up being super long conversations so I'm good with that ^^ as for our date? how does a cute cafe sound? idk what it is, but I love going to cafes for dates :> *friend dates bc that I do lmao
WAIT PLS THAT'S SO CUTE 🥺 dw about it, I enjoy these talks, and as per, I talk a lot <3
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sob-sister · 3 months
Heyyy!! Nothings new with me lmao. All I know is that it’s spring break and I’m bout to be outside 😝😝 What about you? I also saw that Bryson Tiller is dropping a new album and I am hoping Jack will be featured on it lmao. Speaking of features I know for sure Jack and Laufey have a collab coming just because of all of the obvious evidence I’ve found. But I’m starting to wonder if it’s on her deluxe she’s dropping next month because I noticed that when he captioned his insta post one of her lyrics her official fan HQ that is ran by her team started following him that day as well as liking the post very early into him posting it without following him before that, therefore it seemed pre planned. The fan HQ also preceded to post PR on tik tok, twitter, and on their insta story about him being a fan. They also commented on I Heart Radio’s post about them potentially collabing. So it seems like the promotion is coming more from her side.
hi. any plans for spring break? anything exciting?
i am good. the days are getting longer and brighter. i feel like i am coming alive. 😂 i don't like the cold. i don't know if many of you know that, it's not like i mention it all the time. lol.
i did see that today. i guess it's likely. i was hoping bryson would have posted the track list, but we were denied such privileges.
laufey and jack need to hurry up with this collab. this has been going on since october and it's been several months since then. good catches! any chance for screenshots or links? i did notice jack was mentioned in a january billboard interview of hers. will leave a screenshot down below and a link for those interested.
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this is me being delulu, but those are the times we are in currently, so i had a thought that she could release the collab during her current break. her last performance was on march 9th and her next show is on april 8th. only makes sense to me. 🤷 when is her deluxe version coming out?
thank you for stopping by. hope you have a great day.
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awkwardturtlesex · 3 months
Hmmm... that's interesting. I guess it all just comes down to context for me.
I am from America! Though thankfully not Florida, lol. It's not *quite* that bad... but there's no ocean here, either. Spring here can be so pretty! It's just usually short-lived before the heat makes it unbearable.
That's what I'm saying! I'm not astrology expert, but I definitely dabble; and Gemini are the one sign I most commonly misplace. But the fact that you've entertained an anon this long means your cousin is definitely on to something, haha.
Thank you, oh wise one! :P
Yeah well I'd usually gauge where the level is, and if I do take it too far, I'm not too proud to own up and apologise 😊
Ahh knew it! I was gonna say I'm sorry for your misfortune, but the UK is a shit show atm too 😅 Tbh I'd love to experience some of the national parks there in the different seasons, I always see photos and they're so beautiful 🥹
She's a gemini too tbf, so whenever I do something that matches the characteristics she'll just go "yep, gemini's see" 😂 it's been fun entertaining ya, you've been breaking up my day which helps a lot when I've been doing these 12 hour shifts 😅
You're welcome anon with the balls 😌
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squeamishnerd · 8 months
The Brights
Chapter 9: Beginning of the Second Term, Part 1
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With the start of the spring term, which will include the first two courses in robotics, Beren and Julia were back at Foxbury's workbenches.
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Julia: What are you building?
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Beren: A robo-arm.
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Julia: Oh, neat. Which colour?
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Beren: Red. It's my favourite colour.
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Julia: By the way, how did the exam go?
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Beren: It went well, I got all the answers correct.
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Julia: Wow, really!? Congrats!
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Beren: Thanks. How did it go for you?
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Julia: Um… I just barely passed.
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Beren: What? What happened?
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Julia: I didn't study much… There're just so many other fun things I'd rather do. And I honestly feel like the Distinguished Physics Programme might be a bit too difficult for me…
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Beren: But you learn quickly, I've seen it!
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Julia: Not quickly enough, apparently…
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Beren: At least you passed, so you can just leave it in the past. And you're welcome to join in on the study sessions with me, Ned, and Liberty, if you want to.
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Julia: You know... I should probably do that.
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Julia: Oh, hey, you finished it already. You should try it on!
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Beren: It won't fit over my sweater, and I'm not very keen to undress right here.
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Julia: Then you have to show it off at our next building session.
Author's note: Guess who completely forgot that he was going to show off the robo-arm... Me! That's who. And now it's been ages, this is supposed to take place in January or February, and with how far I've posted on Twitter I'm in December right now 😂
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tracibar14 · 2 years
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Look who got to go home today!!!! I got to inspect my first house in Big Bear! I spent sooo much time looking at the view! I remember when I came here during spring break from my classes at CSUP. I was sooo excited by this view that I kept pulling my sweatshirt over my face the whole way back to the rental office!! Ryan was driving obviously lol 😂 He kept looking over at me and laughing, “So I guess you liked it, huh?” To say that I wanted it, was an understatement….and coming back here was a gift from the Universe. You know what, the energy of this place welcomes me back. Even with someone else’s stuff in it, it’s still my home too. This place is like a hug for my soul. Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was here I became a writer, on this deck, with that view! I mean if this can’t inspire you, lol 😂 good luck 🍀 I realized here that my imagination is bottomless and that I discovered that every time I sit down to it the words that create worlds will flow through me! I hope ya’ll are on the look out for the gifts like this that are ahead of you! Just such a great surprise and I look forward to more! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf4fuPGPnuv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mochie85 · 2 years
One-Shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
One-shots based on this May prompt list. Prompt 1: Picnics
A/N: I'll try to post one a day, but please don't hold me to it. 😂. If there's one prompt you'd like me to write specifically for another character, please ASK. I would love a challenge. Warnings: fluff Pairings: Loki x Reader Word Count: 953
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It was a mild sunny day in New York. Spring had come and you were desperate to go outside to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. It had been a dreary winter. Especially, with the lockdowns and social distancing. You couldn’t wait to finally spend some time outside and just people watch.
You gathered a small blanket with a basket full of snacks, and the latest book you purchased and headed outside to picnic at Bryant Park. Once you found an open spot, you spread your blanket down along with your belongings.
You laid down on your blanket looking up at the blue sky. Small wisps of clouds floated by as the sun’s rays began to heat your skin. A small breeze kept you cool so as not to overheat you. It was perfect! You gave a big sigh and turned over on your stomach so you can begin to read your book.
Loki was walking along the path eager to get back to the tower. He had come from the library nearby and just borrowed “Interview With A Vampire,” and was eager to settle down and start reading it. The librarian recommended it after Loki had told him he wanted something more deviant than the Shakespeare he’s gotten to know and love.
A patch of bright yellow caught his eye to the right. Loki slowed down as his eyes feasted on the attractive sight before him. He let in a sharp intake of breath when he realized it was you. You were laying on your stomach with your feet crossed in the air. Your light-yellow sundress had brightened up the small patch of grass that surrounded you. Small tendrils of your hair were blowing in the slight breeze, and you were deeply engrossed in a book yourself.
Loki couldn’t help his feet from walking toward you. His curiosity getting the better of him. He wanted to know what you were reading? What you were doing? And if he could possibly join you.
A shadow covered your book, and you heard footsteps walk along the grass toward you. “Fancy, meeting you here,” the voice said. You recognized that voice immediately and you bit down on your lower lip. You looked up as Loki hovered over you. You gave him a side smirk as you sat up to a kneeling position.
“I could say the same to you,” you countered, covering your eyes with your hand to see him better in the sunlight. “Would you like to join me?” you asked. “I overpacked snacks in the basket. You’re more than welcome to them.” You offered.
“That sounds lovely. I would be glad to. Thank you.”
“Where are you coming from?”
“I just came from the library.” Loki showed you the book he borrowed, and your eyes grew with excitement.
“You’re kidding!” You held up the book you were reading and to his surprise, you were reading the same one. “What a coincidence.” Both of you were astounded at the kismet chance.
“Yes. The librarian had recommended it to me after I told him what I was looking for.”
“Let me guess…older fellow with thick square glasses and a white mustache to match his white hair?”
“Stan! Yes, he’s the one.” Loki chuckled. “He’s been very helpful ever since I started frequenting the library.” You laughed at his anecdote.
“I see Stan come out here for lunch every now and then. He’s very friendly. Always asks me about my time as an Avenger. He loves Anne Rice. He always recommends her books to me. So I figured it was about time to see what all his hype was about.” You smiled.
“Well, don’t let me keep you from reading. I didn’t want to bother you.” Loki said starting to stand and make his way up.
“You’re no bother at all. I would love your company. As I said, there are plenty of snacks in the basket. Unless you have somewhere else to be.”
“No. Not at all.” He said settling back down to sit next to you. You smiled at him, and you resumed the position you were in before Loki came to join you.
Loki sat there and opened his book. But he was unable to focus on the words in front of him when he was blessed with the sight before him. He examined the arch of your back. He memorized the flow of your hair. He listened to the loud beating of his heart as your feet swayed in the breeze.
Loki remembered the day you came to the tower. You were quiet and reserved. Only speaking when someone spoke to you. Little by little, you let your guard down with everybody and soon you were contributing, if not starting, the conversations with people. You had a dark sense of sarcasm that took him off guard. It was such a turnaround from the usual bubbly self you portray to everyone else. Not that you were ever insincere with them. It was that you didn’t let them see that deeper side of you. He felt somewhat smug that you were so comfortable letting him see that part of you that everyone else rarely gets to see.
You sat up suddenly, reaching for the basket next to him. He watched as you gracefully took a drink of your water bottle. You narrowed your eyes at him, realizing that he hasn’t been reading his book and that his eyes are now on you too.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, capping your water bottle.
“Nothing.” He answered. He gently raised his hand and with his thumb wiped the drop of water that rested on your bottom lip. “Everything is perfect.”
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iiigris · 4 years
(It's fine!! I hope you've been taking care of yourself<3) Actually my notifications are on!! Cuz I want to be sure when you answer so I can find myself some time to message you as soon as possible !! Writing this takes a while cuz I try to find what to say hehe(⌒_⌒;)ゞ
It's morning for me but I wake up at 6 so it's alright!! And it's a promise then, both are gonna be asleep at night(b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b (aaa thank you for caring for me !!!(*ノωノ) )
Winter is really pretty!! But my favorite has gotta be spring! It's so pretty after the middle of March\(☆w☆\)
I'll try my best !!! I'll wear another jacket just in case, I dont wanna get sick ever again(〒﹏〒) (yes Natsu-chan is adorable!!)
I think you should try it!!! If you don't like raw eggs you should be careful though, hehe~
Ohhh it must be so good to know how to cook!! Why are stoves so difficult(´-ω-`)
And waaaa!!! I LOVE pastries!!! I wont be able to make any because dough is soo difficult but if you can do that then it's so awesome! I really hope the idea of your bakery goes well, it sounds so cool! Good luck!!♡(≧▽≦)
Dont worry, my ask got long too, so it's okay(^w^)
(Thank youuu I hope you have been as well!!) Ohh, that makes sense I guess! Although I’ll admit I didn’t think anyone would have notifications on for me lol.. 😅 Aah yes I know what you mean too... sometimes it’s hard to think of things to talk about haha ( ´・ω・)
Also good morning to you!! ^^ ♡ Since it’s morning for you now! I hope you slept well and have a good day!! <3  (And of course, you’re welcome! ^^ -♡)
Oooh yeah spring is really pretty too!! Where I live, we usually get lots of rain after March, but it’s even better because I really like the rain too!! :D And rain helps the flowers and new plants grow ^^ Have you ever had a vegetable garden or anything like that?
Aaa good idea!! If you do feel sick though I can send you a hug if you want, to help you feel better 👉👈  ...And I've actually never had raw eggs before, so maybe it’s worth a try! If I do have it I’ll have to let you know!!
Yeahhh, stoves are tricky -_- Don’t worry, you’ll get it eventually, it just takes practice (˶′◡‵˶)/ ~♡  And dough is difficult too!! It definitely takes more practice than stoves do! 😅😂  And thanks so much aah!! >w<  I hope it goes well too!!!
And it’s ok, I like reading your long asks!! They’re really nice to see when I wake up or after a long day ^^ ♡ 
- Eve
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