#we dont have kits for it
Me when people come into a chain craft store with the most bare bones beginner supplies for every catagory in the god forsaken store and ask me how to do professional projects when none of us have been trained in the actual art of crafting itself because we were all hired on as cashier's meant to simply help you at check out and even though I can probably give you some sort of answer because I personally have done research on/ been a hobbyist with a lot of the merchandise we sell, you're still probably better off just doing your own research because I am not a fucking expert you fucking cunt ass bitch.
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milkweedman · 30 days
Knitting a freehand bag and started wondering how often people even use patterns, anyway. So--how often do you use a pattern when you make things ? This include knitting/crochet/sewing/weaving/nalbinding/bobbin lace/tatting/etc but also things like woodworking, cooking, and baking. If you want to just pick the thing you do most often that's fine.
I personally do not use patterns as I find them far more confusing than just figuring out the construction of an item and simply making it. I do very occasionally browse ravelry for inspiration but have downloaded maybe 2. In the 5 or so years since I joined. And have followed exactly 1, which I modified every single aspect of. In my defense, dyslexia.
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wikitpowers · 1 month
kitty and merthur parallels bc i'm sad pt.1 (beware of spoilers!)
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hazel-callahan · 9 months
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Minetta's Ploy: (n.) a technique used to trick your opponent into thinking that they know you, that they can anticipate your next move.
i love we love you, kit tanthalos ∞
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piningpercussionist · 2 months
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Fellas. I may go Insane.
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bonefall · 7 months
Screaming crying throwing up at the Thunder spoiler thread because
Frostpaw coming to the realization that the Park Cats have a culture that she likes better than the culture of the clans, and wanting to bring elements of it back home with her? That COULD be an actually good use of a traveling book, and it WOULD be an actually nice change to see the clans do any kind of self-reflection on the violence of their culture. Unfortunately, I don’t trust the Erins even a little bit to follow through in any kind of satisfactory way on that plot thread, so I worry it’s going to result in the Clans once again looking at an outside culture and taking a very xenophobic lesson away from interacting with it.
I'm still trying to work out my feelings on the return of the Park Cats... overall, I think I'm feeling pretty frustrated, and it's coloring my perception of them
I also really disliked Riverstar's Home, though. I hated the traveling, I didn't find the Park very interesting in practice, was annoyed by a ton of small things. It felt like the book only got good once we were back in the forest, so, maybe I'm still tasting my sour introduction to the Park cats.
I also don't have any faith in the authors to handle Waffle and Wasp well, or any of the practices Frostpaw is planning to bring home. At this point I'm expecting it. What's really on my mind is... why?
Why did they create a whole little unchanging cultural bubble, a group under glass, exactly the same as it was during the dawn of the clans... when they were just going to blast Frostpaw with The Avatar State anyway?
She can talk to Riverstar whenever. And every ancestor who served under him. And you don't even have to waste 6 chapters on travelling. Could we not have learned about meditation from Riverstar, if the Erins are soooo eager to shove the ancestors into this and write him as her spirit guide?
Like, all this time dedicated to a culture whose one trait is meditating. I have frustrations with the Sisters and Tribe, but they're interesting concepts, with their own spiritual beliefs, government, and customs. So far, the neo-Park has been bland.
Like Guardians, a bare-bones group that showed up once in an SE and just existed to serve the Clan cats for a while, and send Tigerheart back with new characters.
But like, back to the Lesson of the Park Cats, whatever thing Frostpaw could bring home
I just... man, I go off about Clan Culture and its violence literally all the time, but this arc has been ridiculously peaceful. We are 4/6ths of the way through and there was one major battle, at the end of a book, which was bloodless. All the fighting has been arguments.
What exactly is Frostpaw going to learn from the Park cats? How to be passive? Is that going to help RiverClan get rid of the occupying army? Will the power of mindfulness help them un-forget all of their battle training and remind them how to do their own laundry?
If (if.) The Erins have planned all this out, then what they're going to do next is have Frostpaw take what she's learned, and use it to help un-divide RiverClan.
Which TO BE CLEAR would be good for Frostpaw as a character!
But that's not addressing the violence of clan culture or even leaning into it. That wouldn't really be a cultural change, so much as Frostpaw having learned leadership skills... which, again, makes me wonder what the point of a culture frozen in time really was, when they blasted her with this super strong, unprecedented magic connection to StarClan.
Idk. Just, generally not vibing with this book if the spoiler thread is to be believed.
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tennessoui · 1 year
Okay but Kit, what if Obi-Wan was the model and Anakin the photographer?? 👀
ok but this is giving me the idea of a totally different scenario where obi-wan's just written his comeback novel after a few years of suffering writer's block and his new agent insists he has to take photos for the book jacket, alright, obi-wan i know you're all about privacy and writing under a pseudonym but we need your face on this book dammit your face will sell this book. that is a new york times best seller face.
and finally obi-wan agrees (reluctantly) that he'll come out as a very handsome bearded baby man to his fans, and the photographer they hire to take the headshots is anakin skywalker
anakin, who is low key obsessed with ben lars' books and writing and owns them all and has a tattoo of one of the lines on his forearm. who thinks he's just doing some headshots for obi-wan kenobi, normal day in the office.
this would lead to mistaken identity shenanigans as they flirt the entire shoot and anakin touches him a lot more than he should "to position him" and half the pictures are unusable because obi-wan is giving come fuck me eyes to the camera(man), but they leave with each other's numbers to continue the stellar banter and sexy flirting
and anakin has no idea who obi-wan is, that he's actually ben fucking lars, until they release his new book and anakin opens it right there n the bookstore to see obi-wan's face smirking up at him from the book jacket.
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yuridovewing · 1 month
the insistence that leafpool and squirrelflight shouldve just said the three were abandoned loner kits and everything wouldve been better is so weird to me, as if 1) theyre not still lying about parentage so theyre still being denied their heritage despite their family being right there, and 2) the shadowclan patrol and berrykit trap incident didnt happen like two weeks ago
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rhiannons-bird · 4 months
I’ve said this before but I keep thinking about it every time someone mentions the TWP characters. We somehow got into a situation, again, with 3 traumatised sad boy teenagers who are going to be absolute drama queens and have really interesting relationships. While Dru & Thais are our only source for girl on girl content and that kinda saddens me, and while I’m looking forward to TWP it sort of dampens my excitement and makes me a little nervous.
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dylankenobi · 2 months
Women everywhere are crying bc Evan Peters made out with that girl at Coachella.
It's me. I'm women.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2012 February Jerez Testing(via Motorsport)
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Me when people come into a chain craft store with the most bare bones beginner supplies for every catagory in the god forsaken store and ask me how to do professional projects when none of us have been trained in the actual art of crafting itself because we were all hired on as cashier's meant to simply help you at check out and even though I can probably give you some sort of answer because I personally have done research on/ been a hobbyist with a lot of the merchandise we sell, you're still probably better off just doing your own research because I am not a fucking expert you fucking cunt ass bitch.
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thatnerdinthecorner · 7 months
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wikitpowers · 4 months
we’re getting closer and closer to the inevitable, folks
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there is no escaping it…
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0bir · 4 months
the way i started tearing up out of joy when i saw this.
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fallenclan · 8 months
Kinda wondering... how will Silverbelly take care of all the clan since the other medicine cat got murdered now?
well, there's Eaglestripe at least, but between the two of them we still don't have enough medicine cats... luckily there's some kits on the way to being apprentices :)
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