#nothing irritates me more than the white women that walk into my store fr
Me when people come into a chain craft store with the most bare bones beginner supplies for every catagory in the god forsaken store and ask me how to do professional projects when none of us have been trained in the actual art of crafting itself because we were all hired on as cashier's meant to simply help you at check out and even though I can probably give you some sort of answer because I personally have done research on/ been a hobbyist with a lot of the merchandise we sell, you're still probably better off just doing your own research because I am not a fucking expert you fucking cunt ass bitch.
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amorisabelle · 4 years
Dirt Rich, Hoes Mad
INVOLVED: Naomi King, Maya Morgan, Isabelle Marshall, Victoria Perry, and Melaine Ashton TIME FRAME: Sunday, December 22, 2019 LOCATION: Shopping Plaza; Denver, Colorado SUMMARY: The women take a trip to the shopping strip, after Trina’s suggestion to go shopping. 
Naomi walked behind Maya and the trick, which she’d now named her, as they moved down a strip of clothing stores to shop in.
Maya walked in front of the group, her hands were covered with nice thick leather gloves and she had on a matching fur coat. She stared off at the nothing at all as she thought to herself silently.
Melaine reached out for a glove covered hand, getting Maya’s attention as the woman looked off dazed. “Oh” she said exaggeratedly as she looked at the negligee in the window as they walked past it. “That is gorgeous Maya” she pointed out as she looked over at her friend with a wide grin. “I love that” she emphasized.
“I don’t like that” Naomi said scrunching up her face in response to the woman as she looked at her.
“Well I think you should get it” Melaine said rolling her eyes in response to Naomi as she looked back to her friend.
Naomi swapped glances with Melaine and she raised a brow before she shifted on her heels. She couldn’t stand this bitch, she thought as she adjusted her fur coat.
“Me?” Maya asked a bit of a chuckle on her lips, was she kissing? Had she seen the size of her lately? “It would take two of those to even fit me” she said gripping her Louis Vuitton bag in her other hand as she pointed at the lingerie with the other. “You are trippin’” she said as a chuckle left her lips again.
“Come on” Melaine said, grabbing her hand again and leading her towards the store's entrance. “Come on, we are going in,” she told her.
Naomi followed behind the two women shaking her head disappointedly, this bitch had some nerve. To taunt Maya in her face blatantly sickened her. Why had she listened to Victoria and Isabelle? She should have told her friend the instant she said she was.
“Something’s going on with you and I can feel it,” Victoria said to Isabelle as they staggered behind Naomi, Maya, and Melaine.
Looking over at Victoria as they walked, Isabelle sighed. “He told my secretary not to call me this week,” she explained, shifting her shopping bags in her hands as she adjusted her purse under her arm and her long mink coat a bit.
“Girl, the man is just looking out for you,” Victoria said as she grabbed the door behind Naomi, walking into the shop. “You’re on vacation, Belle.”
Moving into the shop swiftly, Isabelle looked back at Victoria. “I hope that’s what it is,” she began with a shake of her head, “you know, since I made partner, he’s been so different,” she told Victoria as she began to look at a few different items.
Moving alongside Isabelle, step for step, Victoria said, “you’re busy. You are so busy. We can’t even reach you.” She gestured to herself and their friends.
Scoffing, Isabelle replied, “well…” she began with a sigh, “you know how long I’ve wanted this. Now, it’s finally happening, and I have a lot of demands on me,” she told Victoria as they looked through various racks of clothes, “and I don’t want another child. I have a career.”
Listening to her friend, Victoria nodded and pointed at her. “Ah, okay. Now we get to the bottom of this. That’s what this is about,” she said as she moved to look over at something else. “Have you talked to him?”
Isabelle turned to Victoria, leaning in. “Of course, I have but all he talks about is having a son,” she groaned softly, “and ugh, I don’t want to.”
“Belle, compromise!” Victoria said, almost pleading her friend. “Marriage is about give and take. You know that.”
“I know…” Isabelle muttered before she added, “Well, look, I compromised with Kenya.” She sighed softly before she continued, needing to explain herself. “Okay? I mean, don’t get me wrong. I love her,” she said very maternally and protectively., “of course I do but I am not having another baby.” Turning she moved to walk away from Victoria muttering, “there’s no compromise in that.” She turned to look back at her friend once more as something dawned on her and she frowned her face saying, “oh, Vic, I’m so sorry, honey. Is this difficult for you?”
As Isabelle turned to her apologetically, Victoria looked at her, her eyebrows furrowing in sadness and confusion before she said, “what? Oh girl, please. No, I’m fine,” she rushed out, waving her friend off before she changed the subject. “Oh, look at this. This would be cute on you.”
Melaine stood in the background, shuffling through the clothing racks as she searched the clothing over idly.
“We are talking about you and Calvin” Maya stressed to her friend as she sat down before her, hands resting in her pockets. “I am going to have to pray for you all” she said to her looking her over.
“Oh no” Naomi said as she looked to Maya “we need to talk about you and Levi!” she stressed back to her with a neck roll as she stood before the woman. “That’s who needs prayer” she said knowingly.
Maya chuckled at that; her husband was a saint what did the woman mean. “Levi is not so bad” she said shaking her head at her words. “I just need to lose some weight and it will get better for us” she told her personally as she adjusted her coat confidently.
Naomi rolled her eyes at that, was her friend crazy? She was beautiful no matter what size she was; she always had been beautiful. From college to now, how could she be little herself?
“It’s me” Maya said back to Naomi “I know it’s me” she added for good measure trying to convince the women that everything was all her fault because she felt deep down inside it was. Yes, though they knew nothing of the abuse and the fact that she hadn’t been able to get pregnant from her husband as of yet. She was depressed as hell and that contributed to it, but she just needed to find common ground, how to be a better wife? How to get him to love her, accordingly. “It is me,” she said looking at Victoria.
“Maya,” Victoria said as she walked over, having heard this part of their conversation. “Maya, don’t blame yourself like that.”
Naomi looked over at Isabelle, she was irritated, upset in fact to think her friend had all of this pint up inside of her about a damn man that was no good.
“I am trying to lose weight” she said to them all, desperation in her voice. “Sometimes he looks at me like I disgust him” Maya said brokenly as she dropped her head in shame. “It’ll get better” she said again trying to convince them and herself “it’ll get better, I know it” she repeated as she looked to Naomi.
“Oh, Maya,” Victoria said sadly, rubbing Maya’s arm gently.
Naomi looked to Maya and sighed, that was it. She knew the shit wouldn’t get better. “Look, Maya, honey” she breathed out with a heavy heart “I got to tell you something” she said holding her hands up as she clasped them together.
“Naomi,” Isabelle interjected quickly from her spot standing behind Maya and she shook her head at Naomi, before looking down at Victoria pointedly.
Maya looked to Naomi curiously, then to Isabelle as she stopped the woman in her tracks. What was going on between them that she didn’t know about she wondered as she sat there before them.
Melaine grabbed the piece of lingerie she thought would complement Maya’s thick frame and she walked over to the group with it. It was a set, a baby pink bra and panty set with a matching robe attached to it.
“What is it?” Maya asked them really wanting to know as she looked around at the three.
“Listen” Naomi said to the girl before she was cut off by none other than, Miss trick-a.
“Wait Maya look at what I found in your size, girl” Melaine said to her with a smile on her face as she held it up to them. “Girl, Levi is going to love you in this” she said confidently. “It’s this hot.”
Maya looked to the set and then she looked down, not sure if any of that was true at all.
“Did she just-” Naomi said looking to friends and then to Melaine. She pushed the woman aside and said “can you all get her out of here please” a disgusted look on her face.
“Naomi!” Victoria said as she stood up, pushing her friend back and away from Melaine quickly.
Maya got up from her sitting position and said “Naomi” pleadingly. “Noami!” she said again.
“What?” Naomi snapped at the woman.
“Why do you have to be so mean to her?” Maya asked her as an angry Melaine stormed off.
Melaine marched off angrily, she was so tired of this same woman. She put the set back on the rack as she moved for the exit excusing her.
“Maya, I don’t like her” Naomi stressed as he pointed at an angry Melaine as she continued to parade out.
“You don’t even know her?” Maya said disappointedly to her friend.
“No!” Naomi barked “you!” Naomi stressed looking at her with wide eyes “don't know her” she told her in response.
“Trippin’” Maya replied to her as she walked away moving to follow behind her friend.
“Okay Dr. Perry, what do you have to say about that?” Naomi asked the woman who thought she knew it all.
“She’s not ready,” Victoria said as she stood in between Naomi and Isabelle, shaking her head.
“Oh yeah” Naomi said in response sarcastically, that was very clear already among them as she turned her head, running her hands through her bob.
Sighing out with a cut of her eyes, Isabelle co-signed Victoria. “You can say that again.” As the store clerk walked up to them, Isabelle eyed the woman up and down.
“We don’t keep cash in the store,” the store clerk said to the group of loud-mouthed and clearly rambunctious women she had been keeping a close eye on since they first walked into the store.
Isabelle’s neck jerked back at the woman’s racist words and she rolled her neck slightly as she lolled her head over to look at Naomi.
Victoria was taken back by the woman and she couldn’t help the expression of disgust that appeared on her face.
Naomi looked to the white woman before and she furrowed her brows “wait” she paused “did she just say that because we are black?” she asked her friends before she moved to follow behind the white bitch. “Uh, uh. I’ma have to-”
“Naomi!” Victoria fussed, chasing after Naomi in the store.
Maya looked back to see Naomi chasing the store clerk and she looked around confused.
Melaine stood over near Maya, discussing something privately with each other before she looked at Naomi. Shaking her head as usual the woman had to show her ass every second of the day.
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Me when people come into a chain craft store with the most bare bones beginner supplies for every catagory in the god forsaken store and ask me how to do professional projects when none of us have been trained in the actual art of crafting itself because we were all hired on as cashier's meant to simply help you at check out and even though I can probably give you some sort of answer because I personally have done research on/ been a hobbyist with a lot of the merchandise we sell, you're still probably better off just doing your own research because I am not a fucking expert you fucking cunt ass bitch.
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