#we arent telling anyone until im farther along
robyn-118 · 5 months
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hazeltears94 · 5 years
Loki convo with Reader
\Just a chapter in a fan fic I'm contemplating let me know if it intrests you/
(You and loki have history since childhood , things happened and you were separated for awhile with hard feelings both ways. Youve been brought together again in attempt to work together. Loki wants to have you to himself but youve been tricked before. )
Determined to make it to my quarters before he could reach me proved to be more troublesome than I realized. I could hear his long determined strides behind me in the long narrow corridor that housed the bunk bays of the Quinjet. 
Just a little farther and I would be securely locked behind mine , safe and secure from.. 
“Oh for God’s sake I know you hear me (Y/N) !” he growled. I blew out a harsh breath and responded to the owner of the curt tone. 
“Just leave me be Loki” I pleaded still facing my bay door hoping to be in the small bed behind it in the next few minutes. This day from hell would just not end, I had been assigned to assist in the search and recovery mission of an unknown assassin the Avengers had failed to haul in. At Thor’s request for assistance I relented to travel along with his comrades which called themselves The Avengers in search of said danger.
 I had been no sooner introduced to the one whom calls himself Iron-Man when he questions Thor’s decision to bring me in on the mission. I decided to show him my worth of being here and ability to protect myself. I had pinned him down swiftly without a scratch but did not anticipate the reinforcements that came to his aid . All at once I was being thrown against the wall of the training hall. Though Iron-Man apologized for not un-syncing his robots to a distress call I could tell he was pleased I had been shown up a bit by his inventions. 
I tried to rush and push my way into my small quarters without further interruptions when a hand shot out and pulled it shut again. Ah Yes we could not end this day without a little more banter from the God of lies and Mischief;
 Loki Odinson ,Laufeyson? I wasn't sure which he was going by these days and at this moment I decided I didn't really care. Thor had left out the smallest detail that this certain person would also be on this planet, with this mission and in my hair apparently. He had been watching my spat with the Iron-Man and when I had been throttled to the other side of the training arena he was the one who had literally disarmed the sentry robot protecting its creator from harm. I still shook spots from my vision when I saw a dark figure rip the arms from the metal warrior. All the poor machine could do was whir down as it was ripped to shreds. Iron-Man was non too pleased to have one of his metal army destroyed. It was then I discovered my savior was Loki. 
“You are avoiding me (Y/N)”  he simply stated . 
Annoyed, I rolled my eyes up to the ceiling and wondered why he couldn't leave well enough alone. He eyed me warily as he had in the training arena when he asked if I was alright. I stared up at him and tried to reason with myself as to what he was doing here and why Thor had omitted this . 
“You were always the clever one “ I replied ,sarcasm dripping heavily from my words. He had shown concern for my well-being , but I had not wanted to show weakness to any new or old acquaintances; least of all him. I dared a glare at him under my brows trying to look as displeased as I felt in that moment. He seemed utterly unfazed. 
“Just tell me , Are you hurt ?” he let loose the door and turned me towards him
Too soon to show bruising but I could feel the tender places in which I would never admit to out loud. 
“You don't need to concern yourself with me, I can manage on my own”  standing as tall as I could I still only managed to reach the bottom of his pointed chin. His hair was still raven black but he wore it longer than she remembered , it now brushed his shoulders and curled slightly more. He wore his battle armour with its thick black leather with forest green leather work woven through. A gold bangle graced its way across the span of his chest and touched his shoulders as more dark leather encompassed his arms. 
"No one is allowed to hurt you" he bit out
"Except you " she whispered
He drew back from her side studying her with a varying of emotions crossing his features; then he settled on a sleek smile that he knew infuriated her. So much looked different, hardened features where there was once only laughter but when he smiled, she recognized the boy she had grown up with 
"Yes except me" he smirked
"Because if im the only one to hurt you , it means I'm the only one you care enough to let that happen"
"Hmm.." You slowly drew away from him anger coursed through you. You steeled your gaze up at him crossed your arms across your chest and raised a brow at his cocky face. It looked like you had no other choice but to hash this out now in this small hallway where anyone would be privy to listen, Gods be with her. 
"You find pleasure when I am hurt by the person I allow " narrowing your eyes 
Loki huffs a laugh " It means you love me dear" seeming pleased with his logic he steps toward you and places a hand on your waist to drag you closer
Even angry with him and his wrong assumptions you cant stop the feeling this man stirs in you; God of mischief indeed. Trying to regain your composure internally you remain stoic outwardly. " No loki. .. " and you shove him back keeping your hand there at his chest almost bracing yourself for the next truth never meeting his gaze you stare at your hand; "it means you dont love me"
Lowering your hand you will it not to shake as you lower your head, but he catches your hand and squeezes it softly. You could feel it , the electricity , the excitement all the unused pent up emotions that never got to play out still lingered there between you. 
Sensing your intake of breath and if he couldnt already feel your racing pulse you'd swear he could hear it. You still refused to meet his eyes knowing the bit of pride you had left would vanish
He pulls you close again only a breath away from your face and he whispers "You still love me, there's little use in denying it little one" you're losing your battle at remembering why you're trying so hard to stop all this. Especially when he starts an electrifying trail of kisses from your cheek to your neck. Needing to stop this dangerous encounter fast before your will or knees give way
"Arent we smug " you breathe out but there's no harshness behind it. He's got you pinned against the wall hands at your sides finrly holding you in place while he sets you on fire with his lips . He leans back only far enough to look at your face before that same damnable smirk comes back
"Stop it (Y/N) . I want to hear you say it " he demands softly. His grip on your arms has tightened only slightly and its a good thing because if not for him holding you up you arent sure you wouldn't be in a puddle on the floor. You hate how defenseless you are. "Why" you cut out . you're still angry but now its mostly at how he still had this effect on you after all this time.
He lets go of your arm and brings your face to meet his. There it was , green eyes that you used to love watch sparkle with mischief. Your childhood friend who had turned into something more ,something innocent but strong. And you still felt it after eveything he had said and done you still loved him.
"I just need to hear you say it" he has a look of almost sadness as he's begging you to bear Your soul to him all over again.
You slightly shake your head "No"
His brows crease in annoyance now "Must you be so stubborn, I've told you there is no use in denying me, do you think I am immune to your glances when you think I am otherwise distracted" shock played across your face oh no you thought you had gotten away with just a few curious looks at him. " You think you can hide your desire from me , I can feel it (Y/N) and I want it , so why persist in rejecting me" he was now glowering down on you but it wasn't fear you felt sizzling low in your abdomen.
Your last attempt to stop this madness before you just gave up and took a flying leap from your common senses .
"Because it didn't change anything last time I said it " now you were challenging him daring him to remember that day, when everything changed.
Softening his glare he broke eye contact to look down at your lips. Giving you a moment to recover from the intensity and find whatever good sense you might have left .
"That was many years ago , things are different now" quietly he spoke and still had not met your gaze. Lies.. your mind shouted.
He was still demanding all and giving nothing he would regret losing .
Such as his heart.
Yes things were different now but not him.
"No they arent" Steeling yourself against what your words would bring from him. You pulled yourself free from his grip. "You're still selfish, arrogant, and hellbent on self destruction without a care of who you hurt "
This seemed to also snap him out of his course of action. He stepped back until he was out of reach. When he looked up at you , it was the coldest feeling , emotionless he said " So you deny you love me"
His lips that had just drove you crazy with his smile and kisses were pressed into a hard thin line. Those eyes which you got easily lost in moments ago were cold voids that seemed to stare right through you now. As if you mattered nothing to him.
Two could play this game of lies you thought .
"Like you said, it was many years ago. " and with that you straightened and turned on your heel to make your retreat.
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multifandomhoodies · 5 years
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in the two minutes my brain was working i made this meme because i think it’s funny and while no one has told me to stop talking abt work i feel like this is lowkey accurate. 
this will probably be super annoying and basically a ramble but hey ! I dont care. rondo alla turca just came on and that’s incredibly accurate of my mind rn just that super fast part. anyways. im so sorry. 
hit that read more for the entire 2000+ word dissertation i wrote about work today.
so today was wild because fourth of july babey uh it didn’t start getting different until like,,,, 8 ish? mostly till then it was just regulars who are always in the park. i forgot my earmuffs so i couldn’t backpack blow when i wanted :c. nothing weird was in the bathrooms today! there was a lemonheads box in the women’s, but like,, that’s not very weird. i had several guests tell me that i was gonna have a rough day tomorrow w/ clean up and im like lol yeah Except i dont work tomorrow sorry tue-sat crew. love you. except fuck u danager. i had to get the cans along the beach and the guy that usually runs the beach comber wasn’t there so a different guy from the other park was doing it and he doesn’t run the beach comber v often and you could Tell. also this dude barely said anything to anyone except the one dude and honestly powermove. also he has Very long dreads. also this lady ? was laying like two feet away from where i had to backpack blow and she had the audacity to like, look at me? sorry lady its 8am the sun isnt even out stop sunbathing. anyways. i had to water the flowers i planted yesterday and after that it was breaktime (gang GANG) breaktime is like,, three hours after we start work but cleaning the bathrooms and backpack blowing and getting cans took forEVER. break was funny because it was just three of us in the breakroom and we were talking about the new manager who is. just a fucking asshole. he can choke. bitch. anyways. even tony doesnt like him and tony’s like so nice. i made a joke b4 we rolled out that liam could help me clean our part of the park and danager was like hey he can do that if you want to mulch and I thought it was mulching with HIm and I was like oh nO you thought hunty! i had to deal with your stupid ass yesterday! turns out it was just liam and tony and like honestly i would have done that that would have been super fun. and liam told me that he’d told tony about what happened yesterday with mulching. danager really called liam and i off of weedeating to mulch. at like, 1:30. we go on break at 2. he didnt care and was like oh you guys can just stay after and we’re like?? no?? unless we’re getting paid overtime and you dont have the power to make us do that? and liam today was like yeah if he does that shit again im leaving and tony and i agreed. im like ill walk home man. im leaving. tony said that even steve was getting pissed at him yesterday and steve’s a really chill dude. so collectively everyone’s like FUCk danager. and he came in from outside too and was like aight guys this is what we’re doing. hannah you should be able to weedwhip farther out away from your body. you hold the weedwhip too close and if you dont do that you can get a farther range. i kid you not the four of us that werent danager just started laughing. weedeaters (or weedw(h)ackers, or as ONLY danager says, weedwhips) arent very heavy. however. they do get heavy after a while, and they shake sometimes. a lot of times. We don’t get new equipment so it shakes. I’m hardly weak, but I’m also not strong enough to hold the weedeater like he said. so as soon as he said that i should be doing that everyone laughed. like i did too im like man you’re tripping. anyways. he left again, and so did two of the other guys again so it was just tony liam and i. kenny came back in and the three of us had been talking and when kenny opeend the door we all shifted so we could see who walked in, hoping it wasnt danager. kenny bust out laughing. “yall shoulda see your faces.” tony does a dramatic renactment of us all leaning forward to see who it is. oh it was great. tony liam and i were like in hysterics abt something (i think it was something rude abt danager i cant remember now). then we all headed out to do our danager assigned tasks. I went back to weedeating this one area. reminder that it IS the fourth of july, it’s like 9:30am and im weedeating this one part of the park. priorities? what are those. anyways so i do that. I see liam and tony leave to keep mulching. i keep weedeating. I did that and backpack blew the debris and then went over to the other part of the park to check cans. i checked cans again, had a super awkward situation with like 15 people near this sign. i tried to park my cart to check hte cans and EVERYONE STARED AT ME. like i know im wearing clothes specifcally chosen to be visible to cars and the public but the fuck you gotta stare at me for! anyways i got the cart and got the fuck outta there quick. I drove around more, some guy stopped me and said he thought there should be more speed limit signs. you’re right sir. drivers will see them and not care. i was checking trash in the one part of the park and i see tony and liam driving so i wave. by now it;s almost our lunch, its like 11:15. im going to check some cans that you like actually have to walk to, but i see tony driving towards me so i wait. they pull up, ask for the time. tony suggests we take a brisk walk to check the cans. we take a walk, but it’s not very fast. it’s very slow. we stopped to talk about dumb shit. liam’s apparently found a mink? on the pier? im so jealous? anyways yeah we wasted fifteen minutes looking at cans. we turn around and Danager’s walking towards us. tony grabs some trash off the ground immediately. danager doesnt even question it. he just tells us he wants someone to weedwhip or mow this one area, or at least be aware of it. tony and liam leave with dan, i head back to the shop. i hosed out the back of my cart cuz i got something FOUL in it. it may have been human poop. not sure. it was at least poop. lunch was more joking about danager. then danager came in and they started talking about muscle cramps. tony asked regular dan if he got cramps ever. dan shook his head. we dont think dan’s human. doesnt eat. doesnt SIT. only takes breaks because he’s legally required. jury is out. danager fucks off again. liam ate some of the ice cream. we chill until danager comes back in. then we leave. danager really told us to keep our weedwhips with us (also everytime liam or i say weedwhip mockingly we whip so i mean. yeah) and if we saw anything that needed weedeated to do it. ITS THE FOURTH OF JULY. THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE IN THE PARK. tony apparently reached for his weedeater and some lady started cussing him out. something about how there’s people around and whatever (all true) and he’s like yeah sorry i was told to but yaknow what I just wont! because it’s a holiday no one wants to weedeat. so danager told us to go clean up driftwood from the beach and tony’s like oh some of it may be big yaknow ill go with you guys. completely an excuse not to do work. it was fine. we went down to the beach. got all ten pieces of wood that were there. and we did not take them back to the shop to be dealt with. no. we may or may not have taken the trashcan full of wood to the treeline and yeeted the driftwood into the treeline/woods. then we walked back up to our carts. and didnt get in them. the three of us stood around the carts for like twenty minutes just talking instead of working. who cares honestly. i dont. as long as it’s not a habit,,, we cool. somehow we started talking abt pot and liam’s like Oh yeah i’m pretty sure everyone here gets FUCKED up on that. and tony (who’s been here for a summer) was like. oh yeah for SURE. he’s like yaknow weed’s okay. not that interesting ppl overhype it. liams like yea never done it been overed it never done it and im like never been offered, never done it. a ranger rolled by and tony’s like yo what if the ranger rolled his window down and just a cloud of pot smoke rolled out and his eyes were just red. what would we do. and we all just like essentially shrug emojid and kept talking. tony came up with the great idea to move out of the full sun into some shade. we sat in the carts in the shade and talked more abt dumb shit. we decide to eventually move and check some other areas for trash. just to look busy and also get out of an area that had a lot of people and access for a cart. so we went over to another section of the park and got trash. I had two bags, and Tony’s just like yeah as long as they see trashbags in your cart no one’s gonna care what you’re doing. We went over near that part’s bathrooms and dan and even dan was like,,, i see yall are fuckin off and i dont hate that. we actually talked with dan for a bit too. then we walked over to this area where ppl throw beercans and ““““checked”““ for trash there. skipped rocks. made stupid comments about shit. we were over there for like twenty minutes. aaaaaaaaand Danager shows up. he tells tony to go water some plants in the front. it’s 1:30 at this point, tony’s gotta go load the water, haul it out to the front, water. liam and i followed him back to the carts. he got in his cart, looked around to make sure dan was gone and did the finger gun to head thing and drove off. liam and i immediately were like okay we gotta figure something out we’re staying the fuck out of danager’s way. so we go to another pier and start walking it, looking for trash. we did actually pick up trash. there was a lot. after like fifteen minutes we headed back to the shop to take our break at 2 and danager’s on his way out and he’s like oh! hey you guys can weedwhip around the building! or clean up around the dumpsters. do something. “No use standing around for twenty minutes”. okaaaaaaaaaaaaay man. so liam and i are like oh yeah of course we’ll find something to do. FUCK I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO BLOW THE GRASS IN THE DRIVEWAY FUCK FUCKIJ’DJ’FKJALKJFLAKJF goddamnit. deadass sorry for abrupt switch but im sitting in my house at 10:25pm realizing i didnt get the grass in the driveway. ugh whatever. ending my regrets and back to earlier. so as soon as danager drives his way and we get far enough away both of us are like YO FUCK THAT and im immediately like. 
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i get as far as saying the first I from this and liam and I say the rest in unison. we share a braincell, i think. good job us. we’re both OVER IT. we throw our trashbags in the dumpster and grab pickers. we’re not sweating it but we grab some trash. i feel bad for tony cuz he’s out watering when it’s breaktime. liam says he probably wont be back till 2:25 when we have to clock out by 2:30. he wound up being right. a lot of shaking heads and muttering inbetween the four seasonals (minus dan) as soon as he was back. i clocked out and i told tony that he probably wont survive tomorrow with danager and that it was nice knowing him. tomorrow two of the techs will be back because they had today off. but it’s gonna be tony, the two techs, and danager. and possibly someone from the other park. not sure tho. like the BIGGEST oof because it’s gonna be a full day of trash cleanup and they’ve got danager there. and danager works the same shift as tony so anyday tony’s in, so it danager. the sat-thur crew got lucky. he told liam and i that on saturdays, the techs are out b/c weekends. it was just tony and someone from the other park and they’d. get the trash. trashbags and ground trash. and then fuck off in the breakroom. you can’t weedeat or cut on weekends. there’s not much to do if there’s not trash. they deadass would nap. and now they’re SCREWED because danager’s there. i’m so sad the one guy from the other park wasn’t there today. I can not WAIT to find out what he thinks of danager. fascinating. i almost worked tomorrow too, of my own request because I missed so much. but im sO Glad i didnt i do not want to spend anytime around danager that i dont have to. he fucking sucks. anyways. working my first ever fourth of july was,,, eventful. it mostly consisted of trying to avoid danager and kicking it with liam and tony. and that’s stellar. I really like both of them. i love my fucking coworkers. except danager. fuck you. also! no one offered us food :( apparently there is usually good food ppl offer to you and :( :( i didnt get food. oh today at work was wild. im so sorry for this post. it’s a hefty one. is this the longest post i’ve ever made on tumblr? yes. if you made it this far good job. I saw two REALly great dogs. the one looked like a bear. the other was a gsd. good job. god i love this job. 
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ship-sinkerss-blog · 7 years
why im not cool with eridan x feferi
bare with me i get *very* pissed here - mod bb
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first of all, why is it ok for you to ship a borderline abusive relationship
eridan straight-up kills her at one point theres plenty of proof out there that he did it on purpose so dont even try to tell me it was an accident hes snapped at her for not wanting to take their relationship in the same way he does i can understand being startled and upset but he took it farther than needed she wasnt into it and their relationship was draining her emotionally, she didnt have enough room for him in her life if he was going to exhaust her like that. did you forget this part?
CC: Yes, it was a pretty close call, and got kind of complicated. CC: But Sollux finally came t)(roug)(, and now I believe t)(e full c)(ain is complete! CA: man that guy CA: hes a fuckin drama machine it is fuckin pathetic CC: YOUR STUPID FIS)(Y FAC-E IS T)(-E DRAMA MAC)(IN-E T)(AT DO-ES NOT)(ING BUT W)(IN-E AND GLUB. CC: 38P CA: fuck SORRY CC: Anyway you s)(ouldn't say t)(at about )(im, )(e is a )(ero and )(e saved my life.
or *this*
CC: I t)(ink it is not really necessary for me to be your moirail anymore. CA: wwhoa CA: wwait CA: wwhat CC: 38( CC: I am really sorry, -Eridan. It )(as just been so )(ard looking after you and keeping you out of trouble! CC: It )(as taken its toll, and )(onestly I am really ex)(austed. CA: fuck CA: this isnt what CA: i dont knoww i wwasnt expectin this at all CA: im not sure i can handle this CC: I'm sorry!!! 38'( CC: It will be t)(e best for bot)( of us. We can just sort of be... CC: Regular friends instead. CA: no CA: please dont CA: look im bein serious here dont do this CA: i wont even use my weird accent while i type ok so you know im bein really dead serious and honest about this CC: Uh... CC: Okay, I am being serious and honest too. SEE? CA: ok good CA: are you sure you arent bein hasty about this youve just been through a lot CA: i mean we are supposed to be fated to be moirails arent we CA: isnt that how it works CA: you cant just throw all that away cause youre sick of me CC: I am not sick of you, Eridan! I still really like you. CC: In order to be destined for moirallegience, both people have to be on board, don't you think? CC: But I cannot do it anymore. So I think it just wasn't meant to be all along. CC: And really, you just don't need me anymore. You are free to do as you wish! We both are. CC: I can't look after you anymore. CA: I DIDNT EVER NEED ANYONE TO LOOK AFTER ME CA: i was totally fuckin fine my ambitions were noble CA: and really none of your fuckin business QUITE FRANKLY your majesty CA: and the only reason i put up with stickin my flipper in this fuckin shithole quadrant with you was CC: Was what?
or my favorite part, where he straight-up guilt trips her
CA: im the biggest fuckin idiot who ever lived CA: i cant BELIEVE i just opened up to you like a chump when i knew what was comin CA: i am one sad fuckin brinesucker CA: overemotional sappy trash youre right im not better than anybody CA: im worse than anybody CA: EVERYBODY CA: all the bodies
if that relationship was healthy, he would have understood and tried to maintain a regular friendship they could have easily patched it up over time and it would just take feferi regaining his trust via learning that he could understand. and then theres the part where he FUCKING KILLED HER im not gonna get over it. feferi didnt deserve to die just because she didnt want to follow in his steps eridan isnt a good person and i will stick by this until i fucking die. he guilt-trips, murders, and starts drama wherever possible.
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- mod bb
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