#watch me forget i scheduled this after i wake up
darkwolf989 · 2 days
heyy ik this is weird to ask but cam you do valentino's daugher x vox idk why but im screaming for content and honestly i think it would be interesting to see if they "got along" you coulf say you dont have to do this i just find this a interesting concept like imagine if they had more of a special bond then valentino and his own daugher plus im sorry if this is to much to ask for
Hi there,
Sorry for the delay! Take a peek at this one- and let me know if you were thinking a different vibe!
“Hey, Uncle Vox!” I called cheerfully as I walked into his office.  Two more nights, two more until my final game of the school year. As an avid water polo player, my games were the height of my highschool experience and this final game this year was one I had been working hard towards. I tossed my backpack on my desk next to my Uncle Vox’s and slid myself into my chair. 
My weekday routine had been the same since I started school. With my father being The Valentino, and the odd hours he worked, it was my Uncle Vox who usually woke me up early and kept me on a schedule. Brushing my teeth, getting me dressed, breakfast and out the door when I was little. Now that I was sixteen, that morning routine looked a little different. Instead of waking up at seven, I woke up at four with Uncle Vox. We hit the gym together, then parted ways until it was time for breakfast- or more importantly, coffee. Sometimes my dad joined us, and sometimes my Auntie Vel joined us. But with their ever changing schedules more often than not it just wasn’t practical for them to join. So Uncle Vox stayed the consistent one. 
“Hey yourself, kid,” Vox replied as he stood up out of his chair. “Your dad is on the line, he wants to chat with you.” 
I slid into Vox’s seat and my fathers face appeared on the monitor in front of me. My heart soared. I bet he had a big surprise waiting to celebrate after tomorrow night.
“Hi Daddy!” I said cheerfully. “Are you ready to watch me rock it tomorrow?” 
My father’s face looked sad. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about bebita. I’m sorry, I won’t make it. I have a crisis to handle down in the greed ring and I…” 
I could feel the sadness wash over me. The rest of the conversation went in one ear and out the other and I tried to hide my crushing disappointment. 
“I’m sorry baby, but your Uncle Vox and Auntie Vel will be there and they promised to keep me updated.” My father finished. “I’ll make it up to you later okay? We can do whatever you want. Daddy daughter day.”
Yeah, sure. I had heard that one before. To date, he owed me no less than six daddy daughter days. And the flowers and trinkets he sent to make up for his absence didn’t help either. He tried- I knew it. But nothing he said or did would make up for his lack of presence. 
I signed off and put my head in my hands as I tired to keep tears from falling down my face. I felt Vox’s hand on my shoulder and I looked back at him as I bit back bitter disappointment. 
Vox seemed to recognize the look on my face. “Aw honey, I know. But we’ll be there. I promise.” He squeezed my shoulder gently. “Your Auntie Vel and I will cheer you on.” 
“Yeah, at least someone cares.” I muttered as I rubbed my eyes. 
“Now you know that isn’t true sweetheart,” Vox began. “Your Daddy loves you very much, his work just…”
“You make time for me!” I said angrily. “You make it a point to sit with me and go to my games and ask me about my day, I can’t remember the last time I saw my dad at one of my games or even just right after school!” 
“My schedule is a lot more fluid than your dads is sweetheart,” he replied calmly. “I understand your frustration, but if your dad could make it he would.”
It was the age-old argument. After a few seconds, I stood up and Vox pulled me into a hug. 
“Hey, you’re loved. Don’t forget that, okay?” He planted a kiss on my forehead. “Now let’s get that homework done.” 
I scowled but sat back down at my desk. The homework rule had been instilled by my father from my first days of preschool. Home. Snack. Work. Sometimes at my pink desk in my room, if it was Dad or auntie Vel picked me up. But more often than not, it was uncle Vox who showed up in the limo and he had work to do too. As I grew, the desk next to his grew as well. From a tiny pink plastic chair to a full grown pink office chair- I sat right by Uncle Vox almost every single day. 
His snack drawer too changed as I grew- from cheeze-itz, to fresh fruit, to protein bars and goldfish. 
“Hey, can you check this one?” I asked after a few moments of work. “Uncle Vox?”
“Did you try it three times three different ways and watch a video?” He replied back without another glance. 
“Then, sure.” He lifted his head up and picked up my homework sheet. He glanced it over. “I think this is a quadratic formula problem. You forgot the square root sign- remember the song?”
“I do but…”
He cleared his throat. “X equals negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus for ac all over two a!”
To his credit, the song was a great study tool. To my mortification, Vox couldn’t sing worth a damn. 
“You’re way too enthusiastic about math,” I muttered as I made the correction. 
“But I was right wasn’t I?” He teased as he turned back to his computer. 
“That’s not the point,” I replied. Not to my surprise, the problem worked itself out. “Thanks Uncle Vox.” 
I stood up and leaned in between him and his desk wrapped my arms around him. “And thanks for being the best uncle a girl could want.” 
I felt him return the hug. “Love you, kiddo. More than you’ll ever know.” 
I released him and he grinned. “If you get your homework done quickly I’ll take you to the pool and run a few practice rounds with you. And then I’ll take you out to dinner- see if Auntie can meet us.”
The work that went into Vox being able to get into the water was tremendous- not to mention he’d be leaving his job early. 
“Really? You have time for that?” I asked. 
“For you sweetie? I’ll always have time.”
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I wake up at three in the morning to go to the airport
I got two hours of sleep because I make good life choices
I’m in the last boarding group so I have to courtesy check my suitcase
Ten minutes later I have a moment of utter panic because I can’t find my suitcase
In my defense it is extremely morning and I got two hours of sleep
Flight itself is mostly uneventful
Apparently we landed just ahead of a nasty storm
The pilot says all the planes behind us were probably getting diverted to other airports
Man I really dodged a bullet
Sure my flight to Kansas City is probably delayed but there’s some slack in my schedule, I can manage
My flight to Kansas City is not delayed
It is cancelled
If I reschedule online I can’t get to Kansas City until tomorrow
Tomorrow *night*, specifically
I mean technically I could go to Chicago and then back to Kansas City and get there at 8 or so but that seems way too convoluted and anyway it’s too late to make the connection
Wait a second
I am not actually going to Kansas City
I am going to a tiny campground in the middle of nowhere
I am just meeting friends in Kansas City because it’s on the way
I could go to other places
Briefly consider renting a car to just drive from Dallas to the camp site
There is a flash flood warning
Also: two hours of sleep
Never mind definitely not doing that
I stand in line for one hour and fifty-five minutes to talk to a person
The people just ahead of me in line are dealing with their second cancelled flight in two days across two different airports
Damn that sucks
The airline books me on an afternoon flight to Springfield
If the camp site is in the middle of nowhere then Springfield would be the edge of nowhere
Friends make arrangements to get me picked up
At this point I am exhausted and my feet hurt and my phone’s battery is nearly dead
I get to my gate and collapse in a chair
Text from the airline:
The flight to Springfield is cancelled
I was booked for less than an hour
Maybe the planes behind mine are the ones that dodged a bullet
I get in another line
At this point I have been in the airport for five and a half hours and I’ve been standing for five of them
At least the line is shorter this time
Agent says there are no open seats on flights to Springfield for the rest of the evening
But he spends a minute refreshing to see if an opening comes up
An opening comes up
In first class
(I’ve never flown first class before)
At PRECISELY the same moment I get a text from my partner
Trump is convicted on all counts
You know what
I take it back
Today doesn’t entirely suck
I don’t even mind when that flight is delayed two hours too
More time to nap and watch the gundam lesbians show
(Holy shit that’s some intense tonal whiplash at the end of the first season)
(So good)
Am I forgetting something?
Probably not
I get on the flight
My three hour layover took twelve hours
Goodbye Dallas I’ll see you in hell (Dallas)
Land in Springfield just after midnight
My suitcase is in Kansas City
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polyshowtime · 2 months
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34 notes · View notes
landosjpg · 2 months
chicken shop date | ln
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the one where your boyfriend gets invited to the chicken shop date and you’re not really happy about it.
lando norris x gender-neutral!reader
word count: ~1.1k
warnings: just reader being a tiny bit jealous and insecure & fluff at the end
note: based on this request. took me a little longer than it should had but i wanted to watch the interview before to know how to approach it, but hope you enjoy it!
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"i'm just not really fond of the idea!" you huffed, sinking further into your boyfriend's couch, dramatically crossing your arms under your chest with pouty lips.
your reaction got a laugh out of lando and he let his body plop down next to you, looking over at your saddened expression with a soft smile on his lips.
"baby, come on. i'm gonna be late," he cooed, his fingers trying to reach for your chin to get you to look at him so he could give you a kiss goodbye, but you easily managed to turn your face in the opposite direction before his lips could touch yours.
this gesture got a sigh out of lando, making him drop his hand to your lap in defeat.
"it's gonna be alright," he said, his voice still sweet as he tried te reassure you, knowing that under your over dramatic reaction lied the anxiety of him getting even more popular.
just the previous evening, his team had informed him that he was scheduled for a new interview in the morning. when he finished telling you all about it after hanging up the phone, your eyebrows were furrowed and the pout you made hadn't left your face since that very moment.
the chicken shop date.
you usually watched the show, so you knew how big of an audience it had. it wasn't the fake dating part that worried you, but the huge amount of fans it would get him.
it was a little stupid, you knew, considering that he was one of the most popular faces of the sport. but you couldn't help the little insecurities that surfaced from time to time, thinking that he could find someone to replace you at any given minute.
lando's hand squeezed yours softly, making you get out of your mind and look back at him. he knew what you were thinking, so he gave you a reassuring smile before bringing your hand up to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles. so you gave in.
"just don't be funny. or nice," you said, trying your best to forget about your worries and trust that nothing would change. "don't be cute, either."
"i can do that," lando chuckled, and with your hand still in his, he leaned closer to you to finally peck your lips.
"good, cause i don't want to share my boyfriend with any more people," you added, making him smile as he pulled away and got up from his spot next to you.
he found your overprotectiveness rather cute sometimes, and every single time he tried to comfort you, reminding you that you were the only one he wanted.
with your little act over, you looked up at his figure in front of you as he gathered his things before leaving the house. he looked extra good; you had noticed how the color of his hoodie was bringing out the blue of his eyes a few minutes earlier and how his curls were still a little damp from his shower, one of them perfectly falling over his forehead.
he turned to look at you one last time, leaning to kiss your forehead and whisper an "i love you" before he left the apartment in a rush, your little tantrum surely making him arrive a good couple of minutes late.
lando had asked you to join him in australia so you could spend a few days exploring the city before he had to go back to work. and naturally, you had accepted.
as any other day, you woke up in his arms, limbs tangled under the bedsheets and your cheek softly pressed against his bare chest.
you lazily turned around, trying not to wake him up, to reach for your phone to check the time. that was your intention, but as you saw your phone blowing up with notifications, you remembered.
the episode had come out only a few hours earlier.
not wanting to spoil yourself scrolling on social media, you quickly opened youtube and looked it up, feeling a little uneasy once again. you weren't sure what you could expect, lando hadn't said much about it when he returned home that day.
you couldn't help the smile that creeped up to your lips the second he appeared on your screen, his soft spoken voice warming your heart and making you snuggle closer to him, your back against his chest now.
you felt the grip around your waist getting a little tighter, his knees tucking behind yours.
"are you serious?" his voice was hoarse, his breath on your skin as he hid his face on your neck.
"you didn't think i wouldn't watch, did you?" you giggled when he pulled you closer to him, only getting a soft groan from his lips as an answer.
he didn't say anything else, just kept pressing soft kissis to your skin as you finished watching the interview, your smile growing wider at his shyness.
once you were done, you put your phone down and turned around to face him again. your eyes met his under the soft morning light, the corners of your lips moving upwards at the beautiful sight in front of you.
"it wasn't that bad now, was it?" he whispered, clearly referring to your tantrum the day of the filming.
"it was fun," you admitted, running your fingers through his curls slowly.
he hummed, letting his eyelids flutter close once again at your touch.
"i'm still not happy about sharing my boyfriend with new people," you playfully added after a few seconds, the little pout on your lips, but lando was quick to kiss it away. "and i could've asked you those questions myself," you sassed, making him roll his eyes with a chuckle at your words.
"maybe you should go on a date with me if you want to ask me those questions so bad," he said, trying to nuzzle his face on your neck again to hide his smirk.
"smooth," you giggled, wrapping one of your legs around his body and pulling him a little closer to yours. "i'd love to go on a date with you, baby."
he smiled at your murmured answer, kissing your jaw before mumbling himself, "tomorrow night then?"
with a slight nod of your head, you hummed and let your eyes shut close to enjoy a couple more minutes in bed with your boyfriend before the alarm went off.
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3K notes · View notes
tripleyeeet · 10 months
SUMMARY: When you awake to find Astarion attempting to drink your blood, you find yourself making a interesting decision.
PAIRING: Astarion & Female Reader (reads as Gender Neutral but future chapters will be femme focused, just a heads up!)
WARNINGS: Bloodsucking, that's about it?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, so I'm aware I'm way ahead of schedule for this Haunted Hoedown thing but I'm going to be gone for a few days in the middle of it so I figured I'd get a headstart now to make sure I get every day done but also to build the hype? Maybe?
Basically this is going to be a little twelve part miniseries based on prompts from this writing challenge. I'll make a masterpost either tonight or tomorrow with all the ones I chose, plus some other stuff, so you guys know what's going on!
The prompt for this particular day was "I want to watch you bleed."
The squirming tadpole behind your eye is what wakes you up. Its constant movement, wriggling from edge to edge quickly prompts you to groan and palm your eye, attempting to suppress the feeling as you blink through the darkness. It takes a moment to adjust —to feel that twitch of the creature die down— and when it does there’s a sigh of satisfaction that leaves your lips.
Despite how long it’s been, you’re not sure you’ll ever get used to the fact that you have a parasite living inside your mind. Even after experiencing the insertion firsthand, you often forget it’s there, looming behind your retinas, awaiting use every time you run into another. Normally it’s so still, barely inching out of place; sitting there, incubating within your thoughts. Tonight though, something’s urging its presence. Keeping it awake as you close your eyes again, scrunching up your face once it moves a second time.
Angrily, you sit up and turn your head, suddenly catching Astarion’s gaze, noticing the open-mouthed grin he offers in response. 
You narrow your eyes, focusing on his teeth. How bared they are; ready to strike at a moment's notice despite the only food lying around being you. “Were you just about to bite me?” you ask and almost immediately he attempts to play it off as if it were nothing, scoffing and rolling his eyes. 
“I wasn’t going to hurt you if that’s what you’re insinuating. I was only going for a nibble.” 
You can feel your tadpole squirm. He’s telling the truth, albeit for reasons that are more selfish than he lets on. Despite seeming otherwise, he only wants to drink from you for strength —for energy. His desire to kill you is minuscule, lingering in the shadows of his mind for a potentially later day but surprisingly such notions don’t scare you. Astarion may be a bloodthirsty creature but for now, he’s an ally.
“And you didn’t think to just ask first?” You raise a brow at him, watching his expression twist into something bordering between confusion and interest. 
“I’m sorry, just ask?” he parrots, exploring your features and how they remain calm despite the context.  
He was expecting you to be angry. To throw some kind of fit and deny. It’s what any normal person would do, but considering the circumstances, offering up a little blood to build up the strength of someone on the same side is worth more than the annoyance that forms across your face. 
“Yes, like a normal person,” you chastise, taking in the scowl he offers in response. 
His brows furrow at the sound of your words, angling upwards to appear as sinister as possible, and you can’t help but snort. Something about his constant disapproval is almost humorous at this point.
“Normal? Darling, I’m a creature of the night. A blood sucking fiend. A—“
“Vampire, yes, we’re all well aware given the teeth.” You poke at your own canine, tapping the enamel with open lips just as he swallows hard and narrows his eyes. 
“Yes, well, obviously considering such details I thought it inappropriate to ask. People don’t typically agree to such perilous sounding terms,” he says, voice light and airy. Casual, you might say, despite the context. 
“So instead you were just going to go for it?” You raise your brow, a smirk playing across your lips as he rolls his eyes. 
“Seemed like the best possible option… at the time.” 
You offer him a quiet ah, nodding your head as the two of you remain still, watching each other. Trying to gauge how the other is feeling without the use of your tadpoles. 
Based on what you know about Astarion you assume he’s too stubborn to ask. Now that he’s caught, regardless of whether or not he needs the blood, he’ll never find himself in a position to be desperate enough to say those simple little words. Being a man of persuasion, he’ll most likely just talk his way into it —make it seem like the whole thing was your idea in the first place before diving right in. 
It’d be respectable if you weren’t the victim. If it were Wyll or Gale and you were to bear witness to his deceptions, you’d fully support it. Encourage it even if he were to ask your opinion.
Since it’s you though, you can’t help but feel a bit frustrated. Astarion and you have never been particularly friendly. Having only been around each other for a few weeks, all you’ve talked about is the Illithid and how you plan to get rid of it —what you’ll do after it’s gone. But even the latter conversations hardly spark specific details. Mostly they’re just brief mentions of wanting to run away. To become hidden after the war is over. 
You assume someone’s looking for him based on the way he speaks and carries himself. When you’re on the move he hides within the pack, using you all as a shield while he looks around. Always on high alert, his ears twitch at any foreign sound, his eyes dart to meet the faces of anyone you may come across. At night, he’s always the one to keep watch and over time you’ve come to realize it isn’t just because he doesn’t sleep. It’s because he’s looking for someone. 
Even now, as he stands above you, you can see his eyes looking past you to focus on the underbrush. The way they narrow with focus, pushing past your face. He can sense something that you can’t —feel the eyes of some foreign presence staring at the two of you. 
You’re tempted to use the tadpole to find out what exactly it is but quickly refrain once you hear the shuffling of branches behind you followed by Astarion’s breath of relief. 
“You alright?”
His eyes shut for a split second. His chest heaves a single breath and in that moment you’re struck with an odd sense of sympathy. The feeling of pity laces throughout your thoughts as you imagine Astarion’s life before all of this. You imagine it isn’t great. Considering he’s a vampire, there’s probably at least an inkling of trauma there after living, dying and coming back as something other than yourself. No sane person would be the same after that, especially when taking into account all the symptoms. Before his transition, he could do mundane things. Enjoy the pleasantries of life like the sun and sleeping and food. 
Nowadays, all it seems he craves is blood and power. Flesh of whatever he can get his greedy little hands on. The upper hand in any possible argument. Both make what Astarion is on the surface, but looking at him now, wondering what else lies behind that thick, defensive coat of first impressions, you know there are other things. Nicer ones he refuses to showcase. 
They’re the details of his life before everything. Traits reserved only for himself, and for some uncharacteristic reason, you’re tempted to find out what they are. 
“If you need to…” Trailing off, you feel your stomach twist at the realization of what you’re about to offer. The consequences are high, maybe even too high, but perhaps the benefits could be deemed higher. At this point, you’re certain no one else will give him what he needs. They’re all too noble or guarded to allow Astarion, regardless of his current allegiance, to drink. 
They don’t trust him. And even though you find yourself in the same boat, feeling the skepticism of your words start to echo in the back of your mind, you know it’s the most logical thing to do. Sure, it may not be the right one. By a long shot, it’s probably one of the worst ideas you’ve ever had, but you know deep down that it’s necessary for your survival. To ensure that, when all this blows over and the potential of you going your separate ways occurs, Astarion doesn’t view you as an enemy.
“If you need to drink, you can.” 
His eyes widen only a bit. Just enough for you to notice the slight shock that spreads across his features. “I can?” 
There’s a reluctance you feel begin to bubble up but instead of acting on it you merely shut it down, nodding your head. “Yes, but only a little. Don’t want you bleeding me dry before this whole thing is all over.” 
Somehow that makes him laugh. “Oh, darling, I wouldn’t dream of such a thing.” 
You force yourself not to smirk as he lies through his teeth. Knowing him, he’d suck you dry if it weren’t for the fact that there’s safety in numbers. “Unfortunately for me this isn’t a dream.” 
“Fair point,” he replies, taking a short step forward. After that he slowly begins to crouch towards the ground, watching you closely —focusing on the rise and fall of your chest as his face falls mere inches from yours. “For now though, I promise to do no such thing.”
“And you’re certain you’ll keep it?”  
He hums, a grin pulling at his cheeks. “For now,” he muses. “In the future though…”
He’s so close you can feel his breath. Hot and heavy puffs pushed through a low, far too sultry tone of voice that has you pressing your lips together in a thin line. 
Out of everyone, Astarion’s always been the most intriguing. The one you’ve had this constant back and forth with, debating whether or not to approach or run. Aside from the obvious vampirism, it’s quite obvious that he isn’t like the others. From what you’ve been able to piece together, he doesn’t have a cause. A God or some sort of leader he’s willing to lay down the law for. He’s not noble like Wyll or faithful like Shadowheart. He’s just Astarion. A bloodied wolf all by his lonesome, following the rest of the pack. 
You’re sure he has desires like the rest of them. Wants and needs that’ll inevitably be gifted to him at the end of this —so long as you all survive. Like everyone else, he has a purpose in mind, but what that purpose is is unbeknownst to you thanks to the charm he offers in replacement of the truth. Because of this, he feels almost like a treasure chest. A trove of untold riches kneeling before you, tempting you to open. 
“I’m sure the future will have us far enough away from each other where that doesn’t happen, so I won’t worry.” 
Almost immediately, he can tell you’re fishing for information. The way his brow slightly upturns and the flirtatious grin across his face transitions into more of a smirk. It makes you internally curse, knowing that no matter how hard you try you’ll never beat him at his own game. His way with words is too precise. Too calculated, even for someone like you who grew up convincing people of your lies. 
“You never know. Perhaps after this is all over I’ll follow you. Linger amongst the shadows until the time is right.” 
You can’t tell if he’s kidding. His voice is too convincing to be completely certain, so you merely roll your eyes. “Yes, well, if you do decide to drink me to death, be sure to make it quick.” 
He clicks his tongue, leaning slightly further in. “What would be the fun in that though?”
There’s an unfamiliar ache inside your chest. A rupture of pain that wreaks havoc against your ribcage, pounding. Now that he’s close to you, you can assume it’s always been there but because he’s so good at posing a distraction you weren’t fully aware of it until now. 
“Fair point,” you repeat his words back to him, deeply inhaling just as the tadpole suddenly shifts in tandem with your chest. Ebbing and flowing across your inner eye in time with your shaky breath, you notice Astarion pick up on it, humming knowingly. 
“You fear me, don’t you?” 
Despite the answer being blatantly obvious, your lips remained sealed. Closed off, regardless of the truths the rest of your body spills. 
“It’s quite alright, darling. It’s normal. Creatures of the night are hardly meant to be trifled with.” 
He’s in your face now, a mere hair’s length away, once again baring his teeth. Against your lips, you can feel the movement of his words pushing through the air, coating you in further reluctance as the withheld breath inside you finally releases. As it hits his face, he blinks and pulls away. Ever so slightly giving you the space you need to recollect your thoughts and swallow back the fear. 
He’s terrifying. Even you have to admit that. Unlike Lae’zel he’s more calculated in his intimidation, opting to pull you in —to make you feel comfortable— before he ultimately strikes. Because of this, his threats feel more authentic. Less like simple tactics used to get you to back off. They aren’t words of warning —they’re promises. Declarations of a moment he’s more than willing to make a reality if given the chance.
“Do you want my blood or not, Astarion?”
Your patience is thin. Your chest is in pain and while the tadpole inside unwittingly reaches out to his, driving you both closer as he instructs you to lie back down and get comfortable, all you can feel is temptation. Desire. 
Upon resting your head, you feel the connection between you grow stronger. Inside, your head flashes with icy sensations that trickle down towards your neck. Small tremors of what’s to come as Astarion positions himself around you. 
When he leans down, there’s a moment where you think of retracting. This is all too sudden, you think. A mistake made in hopes of gaining the upper hand. Just moments ago you were made unaware of the full potential of Astarion’s charms, but now that you’re lying beneath him, awaiting the moment he sinks his teeth into your flesh, you can feel the regret begin to build.
“It won’t last.”
Pulling yourself from your thoughts, you look to see him staring over top of you. Both of his arms are planted on either side of your head, bending at the elbow so that he’s low and close. “I’m sorry?”
“The pain. It won’t last long, I promise.”
Strangely enough, he sounds sincere. Not that that means much when a good portion of the words that exit his lips are lies. Still though, instead of returning to that previous headspace you merely breathe and nod, waiting for the moment the tadpole’s connection vibrates with confirmation and Astarion begins to lean in. 
It’s a slow process. Above you, his shoulders shift, pushing his arm to cup the back of your head and expose your neck. Against your skull, Astarion tightens his grip to steady the endless thoughts that race through your mind as you share a glance. It’s small but important. A moment of recognition that tonight is not the night you die at his hand, but merely a preview of what might come if your paths wrongfully cross. 
At the last second, you give him a curt nod and feel him dip, running the tip of his tongue along your jugular before the presence of teeth poke holes through your flesh. At first, it's painful. The blood that’s sucked through your veins pulsates through the open wound in stinging waves as you feign a soft groan. Then Astarion’s grip around your head tightens at the sound, pushing you further into his mouth. Further into the euphoria he takes as the feeling transcends into something numbingly cold. 
Your eyes flutter shut at his continued feed. The feeling in your hands begins to fade even as you somehow find them moving to Astarion’s back, one of them pressing against his shoulder, the other finding purchase in his locks. At that point, you can feel Astarion moan against you, desperation filling his every cell as his teeth shift further into your neck, prompting your eyes to shoot open. 
He’s going to kill you at this rate. To drink you drier than an insect's husk, so, through half-conscious pushes, you tell him to stop. To let go and to keep his promise as you grip the roots of his hair and pull. 
As it happens you see his eyes shift to yours. They’re blown out completely, the whites of his eyes stained red to match his ruby pupils. For a moment, they remain locked to your half-lidded ones, honing in on the way they start to flutter again before you see them tightly close. Then he finds himself ripping away and gasping for air. Coughing through the thick blood that coats his tongue as he stares down at your neck.
The wound is only slightly gaping. Two well-defined puncture wounds sit side by side, but at the moment you can’t feel them. Instead, there’s still only numbness. A space of nothing that lingers between your head and chest, making you shift to sit up and place your hand there, finding more blood. 
“See? Over before you know it, right?” He laughs but all you do is glare. 
“You almost killed me.”
“Ah, yes, but notice the key word being almost.” 
If you weren’t so heavy-headed you’d punch him in the throat. Maybe strangle him if you could get the right angle. “Yes, fine, you’ve had your fun. Now, do you need anything else or am I fine to pass out now?” 
You expect him to say something else. To make some quip about the safety measures of post-bloodsucking, but he doesn’t. Instead, he merely inches closer, staring at you as he reaches for your bloodied hand and pulls it close. 
Once again, your tadpole wriggles against your will. Throughout your skull, it practically dances as Astarion glances down, taking two of your fingers into his mouth with careful precision. If anyone were to see they’d most likely faint at the mere lewdness of it. Frozen in time, your body refuses to move as he laps the blood off your skin, staring at you through hooded eyes that make you want to scream.
You’ve never been in this kind of position before. Sure, you’ve experienced many kinds of intimacy, both sexual and not, but somehow this feels different. Forbidden, in a sense. As if sharing this moment is not only wrong but also against some sort of ethical code. 
At first, you wonder if it’s because blood isn’t necessarily something that’s given. Always taken. In battle, it’s ripped from your skin through the means of injury. Punctured or sliced out of you at the hands of a sword. No bond goes along with it. No mutual agreement that any life will remain once the deed is over. 
But then you begin to think of Astarion. The elven vampire now infected with the Illithid. Like you, he’s been changed. Subtly shifted into something new. Overall, your transformation isn’t nearly as different as his. Before the infection, you could still enjoy the pleasantries of being human, but still, there’s this connection that draws you towards him. It makes its presence known within the tadpole. Throughout the movements that echo in your minds as Astarion cleans the last of the blood away, looking at you with soft eyes.
“I consider this a gift, you know,” he says, dropping your hand, and moving away to stand without so much as a thought. 
You blink back your confusion, trying your best to focus on the genuine-looking smile that appears as he takes a few steps backwards, never breaking eye contact until he telepathically adds I won’t forget it then stalks away. 
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eideticallys · 1 year
Who Needs Time Management When I Have You?
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pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary: one of the many perks of having a boyfriend with flawless memory is that you do not have to remember stuff—he remembers them for you.
genre: tooth-rotting domestic fluff
word count: 1.5k
author's notes: i wrote this because domestic!spencer reid is a guilty pleasure of mine. i can definitely picture him as an attentive boyfriend because aside from the fact that he has flawless memory, he's an overall caring guy. with that said, i hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this! also posted on ao3 (spencereids).
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ONE OF THE MANY PERKS OF HAVING A BOYFRIEND WITH FLAWLESS MEMORY IS THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REMEMBER STUFF—HE REMEMBERS THEM FOR YOU. Do you have a dentist's appointment at 9? Covered. He will be waking you up at 7 with breakfast in bed. Your sister’s birthday is coming up. No worries! He has already ordered a bouquet ready to be sent on the day. It is amazing, and you thank your lucky stars for him every morning when you wake up and see him cozily sleeping beside you.
However, you were out of luck on the boyfriend angle today. You had your monthly—or if the BAU is free—girls' night scheduled tonight. As much as you enjoy having girls' nights with the BAU girls, Spencer also likes to spend some time out with the guys for a nightcap or something, whatever the men at the BAU enjoy when there is no case. And that means, your boyfriend is busy getting ready to go out as well. Although Spencer has never forgotten a thing in his life—even when he is on the brink of life and death—you do not want to stress him out even more by asking him what you think you have forgotten to prepare.
So, today when you were running around the house like a madman trying to collect the stuff you need to bring to Garcia’s for girls' night, you have no one else to blame but yourself. You have depended on your boyfriend to remember stuff for you that you always leave the preparation at the very last minute. At the moment, you believe you’ve never hated yourself as much as you did now, which is quite the feat considering that you’ve hated yourself a lot before for chickening out on confessing your feelings to boy wonder—your boyfriend, Spencer Reid—only to find out he shares the same feelings.
Scratch that, you hate your boyfriend right now more than you hate yourself.
Currently, that same boyfriend has been snickering nonstop at you dashing left and right and gathering the things you need to bring. Face masks? Check. Wine? Check. What else were you forgetting?
“You know, there’s this study that says only 82% of people have a time management system.” 
Your ever-loving boyfriend, Spencer, decided to share. You were about to chuck the throw pillow at him because you could hear the I told you so in his voice, but you knew his fact-sharing and nagging was his unique way of saying, “I love you, but you could’ve remedied this problem by preparing the stuff you’ll need the night before.”
“No, I don’t, Spence. But, do tell.” 
At this point, you’re pretty sure Spencer was sporting a shit-eating grin and was probably holding in a laugh at the strain in your voice from recalling whether you’ve got everything so you can head over to Garcia’s. You’re pretty sure Garcia is about to talk your ear off if you’re running late. You missed out on the last girls' night after you bailed on them, wanting to spend the night with Spencer, watching Star Wars, and eating takeout.
“There's a survey done recently which revealed that 90% of people say better time management can lead to increased productivity.” Spencer started explaining, hands waving around as if to demonstrate the numbers in front of him. “However, only 18% of people have a proper time management system.”
“Well, it just reminded me of you.” Spencer pursed his lips now, as he tried to explain his thoughts without annoying you. “If you just had a proper time management system like a to-do list or a planner. You could save at least..” He stared at his watch and did the math, “You could save at least one hour and forty-three minutes of your time instead of panicking over whether you got all the things you need for girls' night.”
“I don’t need that when I have you. Don’t you think so?”
This made your boyfriend blush, and you giggled, heading towards his direction, so you could wrap your hands around his waist and bury your face into his chest. You were the luckiest person alive for getting to date someone as wonderful as Spencer.
What you just said would not have made anyone flush and nervous, but Spencer was different. You knew he’s never been in a formal relationship with anyone before you. Thus, from time to time, he still gets embarrassed by your antics which you’ll always be endeared by. You live to see your boyfriend getting flustered because it gives you a reason to shower him with affection like now.
“I love you too, Spence.”
You looked up at your boyfriend, who looked like he was about to burst from your directness. You and he may deal with a lot of blood and gore during work, but he can be the most fainthearted person alive when it came to your affections.
“B-but I didn’t say I love you..” He trailed off, confused as to why you were suddenly proclaiming your love for him. You grinned even more as you pinched the tip of his nose.
“You didn’t have to, Spence. I know your nagging is one way of you saying you love me, and I love you for that.” 
Spencer scrunched his nose and rubbed the back of his neck out of shyness. If you could keep him in your pocket for safekeeping, you would. He’s just too precious for this world.
“But, as much as I love you, I know just as much that Penelope will have my ass kicked by Emily if I get to her house late,” you broke free from your boyfriend’s comfy arms, checking the bags you packed while doing so. “I have to go, baby. I think I got everything I need.”
Picking up your bag and care package, you ruffled your boyfriend’s brown locks, which made him frown a bit and sigh. You snickered at his reaction and proceeded to walk towards the front door. You were about to reach the staircase just outside your shared apartment when you realized something. 
You forgot your car keys.
Berating yourself in your head, you were certain once you entered that door, Spencer would be on your case like a mother duck. He can be too fretful when it comes to you. Oh well, that is one thing you love about him. Huffing, you slowly turned the doorknob and found Spencer leaning on the wall just inside the door with his arms crossed, looking at you smugly. You rolled your eyes.
One thing about Spencer Reid is he can be a cocky little shit when proven right. And that happens most—if not all—the time, with his IQ of 187 and eidetic memory. Unfortunately for him, he also happened to date a cocky little shit—you—who likes to fluster the living lights out of him. And right now, you just thought of the perfect way to get back at him.
But first, your car keys. Spencer next.
Once you have retrieved the pesky item—like it’s the car keys’ fault, you forgot to get them—you turned towards the door, not paying any attention to your boyfriend, who was already cracking up at you. Only when you’ve reached the door, your back towards Spencer, did you smirk. Oh, he’ll never know what’s coming to him. You did a U-turn and 
“Forgot something, sweetheart?”
“Why, yes I did, Dr. Reid,” you stated plainly, beelining towards him, making him take a few steps back until he ended up with his back against the wall. He's so easy to fluster. "I forgot to do this."
You slanted your head and pressed your lips against his. Your bodies were snug against each other as you kissed heatedly against the wall. You could feel the flutter of his long lashes against your cheeks as he parted his lips slightly to kiss you deeper. You could taste your shared breath, smell his faint perfume, and feel the slight scruff of a stubble about to show up. Warmth blossomed in your chest when you felt Spencer caress your face as if you were fine porcelain.
Kissing Spencer Reid never gets old in your books. Despite his lack of romantic experience and being the eager researcher that he was, Spencer was an eager lover—he would kiss you every chance he'd get to know how to please you, which paid off, by the way. This may be a biased opinion but you think the best kisses you have shared were with Spencer.
However, like all good things, kissing Spencer has to end, or Garcia will have you banned from her house for running late.
You pulled away from Spencer and grinned at him, to which he returned with a stunned smile. You chuckled when you noticed your lipstick smudged on the corner of his lips and brushed a finger to erase it. You wouldn't want your boyfriend to be the subject of Morgan's teasing once they're together after this. Noticing the daze your boyfriend is under is about to wear off, and he was about to say something, you beat him to it by pressing a smooch on his nose and pulling away completely. 
"I gotta go, Dr. Reid. Don't miss me too much!"
You scampered towards the door and shot a wink at your bewildered boyfriend—who was now sputtering in indignation for interrupting what he was about to say. He is so cute.
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Part of your world
Pairing: Miguel o'hara x female reader
Word count: 4500
Warnings: none
Content: soulmates, longing, loneliness
“Why hasn’t she shown up for her assignment yet?”, Miguel questioned his AI assistant, tapping his fingers away as he scheduled another spiderman to take up your work.
“Didn’t you hear?”, LYLA asked him.
 “Hear about what?”, he turned to her feeling confused.
“She quit.”, LYLA spoke to him as she filed her nails.
“Why didn’t I know about this?”, he grew tense.
“Wait, it’s your job to tell me these things.”, he was annoyed, sure, you skipped out on your task but not having you around him somehow felt more worse.
“I did.”, LYLA yawned feeling unenthused by this conversation.
“You didn’t seem to fret about it too much?”, she continued hopping around him studying expression.
He slumped back into his chair, how had it slipped his mind?
“I sanction the resignations, why wasn’t it passed by me?”, he questioned further. Was there a flaw in the system he didn't know about?
“Because she had a valid reason.”, LYLA searched through her storage to bring up your video.
“I’ve found him, at last. Now I want to embrace a quieter life with him, one that is without all this madness.”, he watched you speak, gesturing to his monitors behind you. His sleep ridden eyes latched onto your face in the recording as though the very sight of you was the remedy for his aching heart.
He could feel his claws take shape, he wanted to go berserk, to trash everything that was in front of him. But seeing the way you sighed, like you had enough, his heart only softened more.
“Tell Miguel I’m sorry.”, was the last he heard your voice before his screen flashed to black. Leaving him to sit in the silence, with the inevitable truth that you had left. You didn’t choose spider society. You didn’t choose him. He hung his head, after years, after being the very reason he set out to enter the multiverse, he didn’t get the only desire he longed for.
He reached for his vial and took a shot, his shoulder stinging with pain, he had to rest or much rather forget. He got up and left, with less vigour than when he arrived, than when he thought he had a chance. Now it was all lost, again, over and over, why couldn’t he have one good lasting moment before it got ripped away from him.
Entering his apartment, he embraced the darkness as he trudged into his room. His suit deactivating to expose his skin to the cold, he didn’t want the warmth, it reminded him of you. But ever since he had seen you, his dreams were replaced with nightmares. Every time he slept, he would wake up in a realm where you were next to him. His dreams of Gabriella and his time as a father was now replaced with his longing for love.
You wouldn’t let him sleep, every move you made he would feel it as though it was real, as though this was his life with your fingers on his cheeks, your body looping in and out of his bed sheets. Your hair spread out on his chest, his heart always skipping a beat when you lifted your head to see him. But he could never hold you close or stop you from leaving.
Nightmares. Like now, your siren like voice telling him to find you, your lips saying sweet nothings as you kissed his forehead and the ease he felt as you ran your fingers through his hair. He was going to go mad at this rate and no amount of his green vials could save him.
He woke up gasping for air as cold sweat dripped from his forehead. He took a few seconds to calm down as he sat in the dark room, alone, pulled away from your touch,  the only light coming through the window from the city that never slept, just like him, kept alive by your neon lights. He hid his face in his hands. Desperate, he couldn’t settle or digest the fact that he was going to be lonely, forever.
That is, only if he could find you again. He stopped himself. The fear gripped him. He had already done it before, jumping universes in search of a better life and it ended with him losing his daughter. If he were to try again and as a result lose you completely. His eyes widened, he didn’t know how he would continue to exist.
Atleast now, he looked out at the view, you were happy in someone else’s arms. So he settled into his pillows again, you were better off without having to be with him. But one gnawing question chewed on his self control. Who was this mystery man? This ordinary fool who was lucky to have you?
He retracted and detracted his claws as he couldn’t seem to find an answer instead a solution arose in his mind. He could never live in peace if this question was left unanswered. So knowing the pain that he would carry coming to know that he couldn’t be the one, he needed closure. He got up, activating his suit in the dead of night to grab his gadget and head to where you were.
Your city was quaint, it was unlike Nueva York. He could begin to understand the appeal, as he quietly swung over the roof line, it had a suburbian aspect to it,most of the lights were out, the neighborhood was sleeping and as he got closer to your house, he breathed a sigh of relief. The lights in your living room were turned on. But as he approached the slope of your roof, he spotted another parked car outside your house. It was a utility vehicle with soil bags and horse food in it’s truck. So you fell in love with a farmer. That was the complete opposite of who he was.
Taking in a deep breath, he prepared himself as he got closer to an open window, and there you were. In the warm glow of your lamp, seated on your comfy couch, speaking to this man.
Could Nueva York ever offer you a semblance of the beauty you had here?
The more he watched your mannerisms, it was clear you were having an argument of some kind.
“I gave up the mantle.”, he could hear the agony in your voice.
“Isn’t that enough?”, you held onto the edge of this man’s sleeve.
“I don’t want you to stop being you just so you can be with me, amor.”, he heard the man speak and his heart stopped.
He leaned in and there he was, a version of him, the one who lived in this universe. An ordinary version of himself. You had fallen in love with him, just in another world, he touched the glass as though it was a barrier.
“But you know it’s more than that.”, his version spoke as he pulled away your hands from him to hold it together.
“I just don’t feel the same.”, he placed them on your lap as he took his car keys.
“No, just give it time.”, you got up along with him.
“Just give us time.”, you pleaded but it was falling on deaf ears. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Watching him leave and take with him the future you desired.
He hugged you and you were the only one who was an emotional mess. He kissed your forehead and whispered goodbye, leaving you to stand in the middle of your living room like a ghost as the door closed softly while you kept thinking this wasn’t how it was to be. But as the clock struck twelve, you let the sorrow take you as you fell to the ground, weeping.
He wanted to run to you, to hold you and tell you that he did love you, that he would give you all the time in the world. But this was how it was, like the glass layer separating him from you, he will always be outside looking in and never by your side. He heard the vehicle drive away and all he could think was that the version of him who was here had to be the stupidest.
Maybe he could convince his version to come back.
But with the silent night stretching on and your quiet sobs breaking his heart, he wanted to intervene, even when his mind was telling no. He wouldn’t alter your story by involving himself in it. He stilled when an idea came to him.
If he pretended to be this other version … no
He couldn’t pretend anymore, that was what got him into this mess.
But maybe just long enough to ease you. Maybe. Definitely. He swung away in search of a change of clothes, which he found outside someone’s house that was kept out to be taken. He then purchased a roll of bandage from the pharmacy, to put the hand his gadget was on in a cast to disguise it.
He stood outside your door, suddenly nervous to knock, he paused to muse his hair, trying his best to look like the man you had fallen in love with because he knew he was nothing like him.
He knocked and heard you run to the door. It opened to the sound of your voice calling his name and he forgot why he was here. As he crossed the threshold, he could tell this was what his dreams were about, that he too unknowingly had longed for an ordinary life with you. His distant eyes were brought back when he felt you wrap him in a hug. He relaxed into your hold.
“You came back?”, he heard you ask and the breath in his lungs vanished as the warmth of your body seeped through him. This was real.
“I was an idiot.”, he replied.
An idiot to have not told you sooner about your significance in his life.
“I realized the moment you weren’t in my life, oscureció cada rincón de mi universo.”, he let his hand hold you close. All this was his own truth.
“A few seconds away and you’ve turned into a poet.”, you sniffed pushing away from him to see his face again. He was never this eloquent before.
But you brushed it aside, intertwining your fingers with his as you led him to the couch to only then see the cast. “Were you in an accident?”, you asked worriedly.
“No.”, he looked like he was new to your place, observant of your surroundings, of you.
“Just pulled a muscle as I slammed the car door.”, he explained but you could sense that something wasn’t right. The timing of when he left, he would have been half way across the city by now and it would be impossible for him to make a return trip so soon. You leaned towards your blinds and peeked outside, the road was empty. He had walked to your house.
“So you’ve changed your mind?”, you asked him. His eyes now on you as if they were alive with adoration.
“I’ve loved you since the beginning, what is there to change?”, he said lost in the proximity and the color of your eyes. You were caught in a moment and almost felt your soul stir before his eyes widened as though he remembered something and leaned away.
“I mean, what I said before I left doesn’t hold true anymore.”, he clarified himself as he cleared his throat.
You hummed, placing your hand on his cheek to trace your thumb over his top lip, he froze under your touch.
“Where’s your scar gone?”, you asked, now sure about who this was.
“What scar?”, he furrowed his brows and it only confirmed your suspicions.
You reached forward and ripped the bandage to see the multiverse portal gadget on his hand, leaving you both in a state of shock.
“Do you think this is funny?”, you grew tense, but your frustration had found it's breaking point.
“No let me explain – you cut him off.
"For a second I almost believed you.", you pushed away from him as he tried to reach for you, your eyes turning cold and distant.
"Hold on that was the truth – he began to argue but you had no interest to listen to him. This would end in a disaster if he kept popping up into your life.
"I want you to leave,", you walk back to him.
"Go back to Nueva York.", you said as you reached for his gadget to set the coordinates but he pulled away his hand.
"What?", he asked looking baffled.
"Leave. I don’t want you here.", you seethed but you were fighting back tears.
"After what I witnessed? That you were in love with a version of me?", he reached for your hand again, his eyes searching yours.
"No.", he said resolutely.
"Why won’t you just leave me alone?", you pulled away from his touch afraid that it might set of a world ending event.
"Because without you in my life, it withers away.", he said in an outburst which caused you to freeze. Your eyes widened as clutched the side of his head in pain.
"I feel like I’ve told you this before.", he winced and you but you lip.
"You did.", you said softly.
"But I made you forget, in the hopes my departure would not break you.", you found his eyes and you had to look away because they shimmered with the hurt of having been betrayed.
"You did what?", he gasped as he asked.
"Miguel, you are all about the canon. We, are not canon.", you wrapped your arms around you.
He got up and slowly approached you.
"But we are.", he said softly, like that was the reason for everything in his life.
"We are, when we fall in love within our respective universes.", you sniffed, trying to push away the utter hopeless you felt,
"You knew?", he asked with a hint of surprise in his voice, to which you nodded.
"So find my version in your universe and let go of me.", you looked up at him and watched him crumble.
"I can’t.", he said, the edges of his eyes glistening.
"You don’t exist in my universe, the first time that has happened.", he looked away as he explained.
"How do you know?", you asked.
"Cause you were the reason I made this.", he pointed to the gadget in his wrist, your eyes widening at his words.
"To come find you, but when I couldn’t, I settled for a life in another universe that I thought would soothe me, instead I lost it too.", A small tear drop ran down his cheek, breaking to utter bits.
"My logic was right, but his heart wasn’t it in. It’s the first time this has happened too, you rejecting me.", you reached up to wipe his tear, when
"Give me a chance.", he whispered.
You couldn't help but scoff because you knew the life he had to offer.
"You can’t give me something you don’t have?", you told him maintaining eye contact.
"And what is that?", he furrowed his brows.
"A chance to enjoy the mundane.", you replied, now impatient to put this conversation to an end. It had caused enough hurt for the both of you. But he didn't stop.
"Come back with me and I’ll show you", he held out his hand for you, as though it was only your to take.
"Miguel", you tried to protest but he was adamant.
"Just one day.", he pleaded.
"And by the end of it, tell me you felt nothing and I’ll bring you back.", he was being honest.
You looked at his out stretched hand, the hope in his eyes and the years of longing with which he said,
"Just, please.", he took a step closer to you.
You knew how he truly felt about you, because he appeared one night outside your balcony as you were watching the night sky to tell all of it. To tell you that you made his nights torturous with your presence invading his mind. You felt it too, that connection, the tug on your heart everytime he entered the room almost as if there was a thread that pulled you to him.
He was lonely, so were you. Tired of trying to find the other in your own worlds when in the sleepy state you were in, you let yourself lean into his touch. So he pulled you in, his warm body keeping away the chillness of the night. You knew this was going to be a mistake, the stake of the universe hanging over your head. The monitor on your desk had come back with no results, in your search for his version in your universe.
So maybe being here in his arms was the closest you could get. And after endless days craving for him to arrive in your life, maybe you could just enjoy this second. So you pulled him close and kissed him.
Desperate hearts finding solace in the warmth of the other.
But after that, one thing led to another, he carried you as he undid your buttons, you kissed him not wanting to be anywhere else. You had spent the night together and that was the first time you had seen him sleep so peacefully, his hand resting on your back as you rested your head on his chest.
Nothing had happened, the universe didn’t collapse but maybe it was because you hadn’t told him that you loved him. But as you were contemplating on trying it out, you monitor beeped. It's search result coming back with one positive result. And it was brutal the pain you felt, as though it was separating two souls that were one, to leave him behind, to pull away from his arms. But it had to be, your story was never meant to intersect with his.
So you did the most heart breaking thing you had ever done. He had to forget this, forget you, so you placed your finger on his forehead as he stirred awake. His eyes lighting up the moment they spotted you, his mouth opening to tell you that he loved you but you couldn’t let it happen. Not now after you knew this was going to break the canon storyline. You activated your telepathic powers and watched as his words turned into a whisper as he was put into another sleep. When he woke up again, he would have no recollection of all this.
But now as he stood before you, with the same agonizing expression, you couldn’t find the strength to tell him no. Not when after everything, you were both alone again.
“Fine. One day.”, you said subduing your fears as to what the outcome might be.
All you craved now was to just be by his side and as you took his hand, there it was, that resurgence within you, that spark, one you did not feel with his version in your world.
The moment you got back, he was pulled away for work and so were you. But he didn’t let go of you, he had you next to him as he slotted the assignments while you both enjoyed a late brunch to take out noodles. He was laughing, making jokes, and the very essence of his joy lightened you up as well. Swiftly using his chopsticks, he held out a piece of honey chicken up to you, as if this was how it had always been. You and him sitting in his office whiling away time. You leaned in to take a bite, you were sure he never shared his meals with anyone else before.
Overseeing spider society’s progress demanded he got out of his office and so he took you with him. Although you were both indulged in doing your jobs, it felt fun doing it together. He instructed the new recruits while you pointed them towards their allotted sections. As he spoke to them, he would sneak glances at you, reminding himself of your presence and that was enough to get him going.
The latter part of the day was spent catching criminals here in Nueva York and a couple anomalies from a few other universes. But it was different than what you had thought it would have been, a life with him. It was well balanced. Sweet in the slow moments, thrilling in the adventurous journeys and mostly, less lonely. That in his soft touches and murmurs, you could feel your heart had found a home in his.
The day was coming to an end. He didn’t need to remind himself of it, because you hadn’t told him of your decision yet. So he got you some ice cream before he took you to the highest point in Nueva York, so that your final moment could just be with him.
It was surprising, he knew everything about you, what you liked, what you disliked and unlike the menacing image he had instilled in everyone’s mind, he showed you his truest nature. One that was gentle, kind and nurturing. All your favourite qualities. The city looked tiny below you as he found his spot next to you. The sky a painting of orange and pink as you thought of what you were going to do.
“Why did you make me forget?”, he turned to you.
You popped the end of your waffle cone into your mouth as you told him, “I kissed you and I didn't want to hurt you.”
He gave you a nod, his eyes looking away at the distant view before finding yours again.
“Right and I,”, he paused, his gaze well aware of what had happened between you two. You nodded in response, dusting your hands.
“It's all coming back to me now.”, he said softly and it reopened the hurt you felt.
“I didn’t mean to erase our time together, Miguel.”, you inched closer to him.
“I was sure it was you, but then that was when I had found him and I was scared,”, you couldn’t face him, you couldn't finish the sentence.
“You were scared you would destabilize the universe.”, he held his hands together.
“I've been there.”, he sighed.
“How cruel,”, you laughed pushing away his wind swept hair.
“Fated but just but of reach.”, you said to which e huffed a laugh too as his expression sobered when his eyes found yours.
The sun was now a red ball of fire descending into the horizon as his hand inched closer his pinky finger touching yours.
“So what’s it going to be?”, he asked turning to you, asking you how you felt about this day, if was enough to give you a taste of everything he had to offer.
“I… I liked today.”, you said sheepishly but there was line you couldn't cross.
“Maybe we could be friends?”, you suggested, to which he vehemently declined.
“That won’t do.”, he smiled.
“I want you constantly. In my arms, in my head, in my bed, everywhere.”, he gestured with his hands, as though being high in the sky deemed him confident enough to spill his secrets.
“Ah then I’m afraid the canon universe is going to crumble.”, you bumped his shoulder with yours.
“I’m afraid so.”, he said with a sad smile.
As the stars began to descent into the twilight sky, he just couldn’t seem to let you go. If that kid got away with breaking canon events and did his own thing.
What’s to say he couldn’t?
He looked at you, he wasn’t doing anything too drastic. A sense of resolve settled over him. He took your hand in his. This felt good and solid and true. So maybe, it was just his own thinking that was stopping him.
“But what if we did?”, he asked.
You didn’t want to leave, this was the life you were trying to mimic, back in your universe but you couldn’t happened because it needed him, the man who held your hand as his eyes mirrored the sky.
“What?”, you asked not quite following his train of thought.
“See where this goes?”, he answered to which you laughed.
“Miguel o’hara wants to break the canon, LYLA would have a fit of she could hear this.”, you continued.
“I’m being serious.”, he got you to look at him as you stilled.
Maybe you had gotten it wrong. You had kissed him and nothing had happened. He said he loved you and the world didn’t end. So maybe, you were searching for the wrong man. Maybe he had been right in front of you this whole time.
“And what is your reason to wreck the universe this time?”, you smiled as you caressed his cheek. His eyes softening as he felt your touch.
“I just really want to kiss you.”, he whispered and with the he guided your chin towards him to place his lips on yours.
Your heart was in your throat as you squeezed your eyes shut, afraid that if you opened them you might see him vanish. He held your hand tight, as though you were the only one that could offer him solace in his fears. A few seconds passed and he pulled away to see you, to check if everything was lost. But it hadn't, everything remained the same. The soft wind rustling your hair, the gentle moonlight illuminating his face as the night sky provided you with the cover to truly enjoy the meaning of this revelation.
That you were meant for each other.
“The world is still intact?”, he asked holding onto the side of your face.
“I believe so.”, you mumbled, now only wanting to crawl up into his arms.
He hummed as he picked you up in joy. To then seat you on his lap to face him, this was how it had been that night, irresistibly drawn to each other because your hearts were tied together. Now there was no need to run.
“No sabes lo feliz que me hace oírte decir eso.”, his hand found the back of you neck while you leaned closer to seal any gap between you and him. Your hands sprawled across his chest as he pulled you in.
“I might had an idea.”, you smiled and that small gesture was enough for him to find your lips again in a passionate kiss, because he wasn’t going to be alone anymore, all his sacrifices had led him to you.
“I’ve always longed to be a part of your world.”, he spoke in between his kisses, as he continued till he sat back breathless.
You looked down at his flushed cheeks as he gasped for air but didn't want to let go as though he didn’t want to waste another second of this new found life.
You didn’t want to either, so you pulled him by the collar of his suit and kissed him again beneath the starlit sky.
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fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
Chapter 8 - May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor
Guys, Max was never going to be her dad (that’s gonna be reserved for Christian lol). Everyone on the grid will be a brother figure, unless stated otherwise – like Fernando is leaning towards the wise grandpa rule and Lewis will be the cool dad (I have a funny story line to go with this idea). All that to say, Max and Kelly will look after her when she needs it most. I also switched the titles. On with the show, and don’t forget to comment if you want to be added to the tag list and or if it’s somehow not tagging you! Much love <3  
Well, to Max’s dismay and according to google, you cannot adopt your 20 year old teammate that he had met hours earlier.. He had called Kelly early Thursday morning to whine. The more sensible part of his brain also knew that Christian wouldn’t let that happen either. And Kelly had to quickly remind him that he could still watch out for her. 
Max seemed to finally agree at the thought of being one of the protective adults in her life. He knew that you had your manager, who you seemed to trust. But, that didn’t help much when you spoke of how lonely you were. He was going to make it his mission to get you to move to Monaco, where he could keep an eye on you. 
“Maybe Christian could adopt her,” he muttered, staring angrily at his coffee. What that cup did to offend him, he didn’t know. But what he did know, was that he’d see you again later that night. Another festival for him to attend to. He only wished that Formula 1 went back to racing, and not putting on shows that had a strict attendance policy. 
At least you would be there. There was a change in the schedule so that you could be with him, Checo, Daniel, and Yuki on whatever thing they were being put on for the night. The buzzing of his phone ended his staring contest with his cup. 
It was a text from you. 
Little Racer : 
max, i need your help 
what are you wearing tonight??? 
i have an idea, and I think it’s stupid but i want to do it 
Big Racer : 
If it’s you, I don’t think it’ll be stupid. 
Probably what I always wear. Jeans and whatever Red Bull top they give me. 
Little Racer : 
that’s so grandpa core of you maxie 
and what is this all proper grammar for texting lollll 
you are not beating the allegations you millennial 
Max’s brows furrowed. He was not a grandpa or a millennial. He just liked to use the normal setting on his phone with proper capitalization and end marks. He would just have to ask Charles or Lando to see if they agreed with you. They wouldn’t though…would they? Your next message had him actually dying. 
Little Racer : 
do you think that Christian will be mad if i come dressed like elvis?
he said i could but i don’t know… 
Big Racer : 
You wouldn’t dare. 
Little Racer : 
oh boy ladies and gents, he doesn’t know 
*looks into the camera like an episode on the office* 
Big Racer : 
Did you seriously type all of that? 
Don’t answer. 
20 bucks says you won’t. 
The three little dots danced on his screen as he waited for you to respond. 
Little Racer : 
just you wait maxie, just you wait 
You didn’t text him anything after that. Max could only call Christian to understand what just happened. He picked up after three rings. 
“Hello, Max.” 
“Hi Christian. First off, happy birthday.” 
“Thank you son. But I know you didn’t just call me to wish me a happy birthday. You could have told me that later tonight.” In the background, it sounded like a coffee machine was running. Max hoped he didn’t wake him up. 
“Well, Y/n just texted me about wearing, uh.” Max didn’t want to say it out loud, because now it sounded stupid. 
“An Elvis costume? Max, the kid called me last night to ask. Said she didn’t want to ruin an image for us if she showed up like that. But I told her that it would be fantastic idea. Poor kid sounded scared.” 
Max let out a low hum. He didn’t like the sound of that. You were in no position to worry about such a thing. If anyone was to ruin Red Bull’s image, it would be him. He had no filter and Christian often had to tell him to reign in his thoughts. 
Max spoke, “I think I’m going to see about her moving to Monaco. She mentioned she has a flat in Nice, but that’s far away from Milton Keynes, and not close enough to anyone. Christian, she has no one.” 
It took a while for Christian to reply. Max could just imagine the older man running his hand along his forehead. It was hard to think of someone so young to be so alone. 
“Yeah, I think that would be best for her. I’ll make sure she can afford it. Hell, it could even be a property that we buy just for her to stay in when we have breaks.” 
Max listened and nodded his head along. Now it would only be to convince you to move. But suddenly, he remembered his previous conversation with you. He smacked his hand on his head. 
“Is everything alright Max?” the Brit on the phone questioned. 
“I just lost 20 bucks.” 
You however, had no idea that this conversation was happening. All you knew was that you had the go ahead from Christian to wear your beloved Elvis costume. Would you make a fool of yourself? Maybe. 
But who cares. It’s Vegas. To your chagrin, Vito had told you that there would be no walk out, but there would be dramatic paddock entrances. He still promised that you would get your song. That’s all that mattered to you. 
While you waited for the night to begin, you roamed the hotel. Because you were bored, you actually did a lot. 
You started off with breakfast. You were sad that they didn’t have the machines that made Texas-shaped waffles, because that was only in Texas, but the pancakes would do. And because you’re trainer would kill you for not eating well, you took it upon yourself to have a yogurt with some fruit as a side. 
After letting the food settle, you went to the gym for that daily grind. It had been a while since you had been able to work out, but you needed to get back on track. You would be racing tomorrow and you needed to be at your best. You lifted some weights first, starting with the smaller ones as warm ups before you got to the bigger ones. The stretch bands were very useful as you squatted the weights. 
After you were done, you hopped on the treadmill. By using the lower speeds, you were able to practice your runway walk, as if you would ever be a model. But the speeds increased and you found yourself in a full sprint by the end of the run. Five miles wasn’t bad, and you knew you could have gone farther, but you wanted to take a quick dip in the pool before getting ready. 
The water was a nice cool down for your overheated skin. Running was not your first choice of exercise. You’d rather run out of money, than run in real life. It didn’t make sense, but it did. The chlorine in the water was making your hair gross, so you decided to get out so that you could take a shower. 
Like the kid you were, you had your outfit laid out the night before, as if you were going on a fieldtrip. 
You allowed to take your time in the shower. It wasn’t every day that you made your F1 debut. That had your bones chilled. Your Formula 1 debut. You. Putting your head under the stream, you rinsed out the hair mask that you put on. There would be no nervousness. You were born for this. 
The thought of Max’s texts earlier made you giggle. You were glad that he was so welcoming. You would be much more nervous if you had met the infamous Mad Max. But this was more cat-dad Max. Kind Max. 
You only hope that you won’t screw things up. 
You turned on your playlist as you started to actually get ready. You ordered room service so that you didn’t have to go somewhere to eat. The food was amazing, well, as amazing as hotel food could get. You curled your hair as the remnants of your skin care routine dried. You mumbled the words to a song as you stuck a French fry in your mouth.
Once your moisturizer and various oils and toners dried, you started on your more pronounced makeup look. You knew you were going to be photographed throughout the night, and you needed to look good. Looking at the window, you noticed that the sun was setting. That meant that it was time for you to get dressed, and Vito would be there to pick you up shortly. 
Your outfit consisted of a sparkly white crop top and some white pants. A red scarf topped the outfit off. 
You would be arriving right behind Max and in front of Checo. You were excited to see the two men again. Moreso, you were excited to earn 20 bucks. With sunglasses on your nose, you were ready to hit the Sin City. 
Vito could hardly contain his laughter when you got in the car. 
You raised an eyebrow, “What?” 
He shook his head as to somehow rid himself of his laughter. “Nothing kid.” 
“Well Christian said I could wear it. I’ll blend right in. And besides, I’m almost immediately changing into my race suit.” 
He nodded his head at your reasoning. You had pulled off crazier things before, so he didn’t know why he was surprised. Maybe it was because he thought that you might not want to in F1. But, on the inside he was happy that you weren’t losing your child-like nature. He never wanted to see that seeming innocence to leave. He knew that you weren’t totally innocent, but he never wanted to see you hurt to an extent that you quit being happy. That was his favorite thing about you. You seemed to care about what others thought of you, but you knew how to make yourself happy. And if wearing an Elvis costume to the paddock would make you happy, then he would protect your decision. 
You could see the flashing lights even before you got out of the car. American paparazzi were on another level. You knew that Red Bull were one of the last ones to show up, and that freaked you out. Almost every single driver was already on the other side of gate. Your nerves settled when you saw Max get out, and you wanted to follow him. But, you realized that this was what you were waiting for. 
The familiar sounds of 33 Max Verstappen (the original one) could be heard through the car doors. Max’s face morphed into one of almost disgust. You let out a giant laugh and rolled down your window before you knew what you were doing. 
“Max, I love the music. Very Mad Max-esque.” 
He quickly flipped you a loving middle finger as he scanned his card to be let into the paddock. Multiple Elvis impersonators gathered around him for a picture. You hadn’t noticed, however, that the moment you rolled your window down, all of the cameras and photographers were now pointed at you. 
You buzzed with energy when you heard Life is a Highway start to fill the air. 
On the other side of the paddock, Max had stopped to talk to Lando, Oscar, Carlos, and Charles. He also was waiting for you so that you could walk with him to the Red Bull hospitality. He glanced over to see if you were out of the car at least. 
“Nice entrance mate,” Lando clapped him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes. He’s sure that you roped Christian in to play the song. 
“Well what did they play for you?” 
Lando deflated and muttered, “Let’s go Lando.” Carlos and Charles, along with Max, laughed at his demise. 
Charles suddenly looked over Max’s shoulder. At that moment, Carlos spoke up. 
“I didn’t know Checo was a Cars fan.” The drums and guitar seemed to be turned up to the highest setting. What. An. Entrance. 
Max had a glimmer in his eyes, “He’s not.” 
And suddenly, there you were. In your Elvis costume. And you were loving it. You waved at all the people around you, quickly becoming a crowd favorite. 
From his right, Charles hums and Lando’s jaw is dropped. 
“That’s the new rookie, correct?” Suddenly, George was with them, along with Alex. 
Max only chuckled. “Yep.” He popped the “p.” 
Charles spoke up, “She’s nice. I met her at Arthur’s birthday party, but didn’t speak to her much.” 
“You all will love her. Trust me,” Max said, eyes widened as you got crowded with the other Elvises. You smile could outshine a thousand suns. 
Your eyes quickly met his and you gave him a giant wave. He beckoned you to come over. You flashed a nervous look before it melted away, replaced with bravery. If there was a time to meet some of the grid, you really hadn’t wanted to be dressed as Elvis. 
Your steps were quick and you made it over in no time. Now, most drivers are tall, but look short next to George, being the giraffe that he is. However, you were another thing. 
You’d definitely be taller than Yuki by a couple of inches. But you stood closer to five-foot-six (167.64 cm.), almost 5 inches shorter than Max, and four inches shorter than the rest. 
You gave a shy wave as you spoke, “Hi, I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You suddenly remembered something. You turned to Max and held out your hand. 
The boys’ eyes widened as Max fished out his wallet and placed a bill in your outstretched hand. 
“Pleasure doing business with you sir.” You mocked a salute. 
Lando tsk-ed, “What did our Max loose a bet on?” 
“He said I wouldn’t come dressed like this. Little did he know, I’ve had this in my closet for years.” Lando couldn’t help but laugh at your revelation, and neither could Carlos and Charles. 
“Yeah, kid, you should have told me that Christian already gave you the go ahead.” 
“And where’s the fun in that?” You had a shit-eating smirk on your face. Lando was the first one to speak up. 
“How old are you? Max over here keeps calling you kid.” 
“I’m twenty.” 
It was an amazing recreation of that one tik-tok trend. I’m twenty, insert looks of disgust, uhg. Your heart dropped at their reactions. 
It was Carlos who surprised you. He quickly patted your head, “Aw, just a baby.” 
You looked at him in awestruck. You leaned over to Max and all but whispered, “Max?” 
“Yes kid?” he said in full voice. 
“He’s older than you right?” 
“Can I do the thing?” Max looked Carlos up and down before smiling. 
“Go right ahead.” The smile that you had was wiped off your face. You squared your shoulders and held out your hand. Carlos took it with a confused look. You gave him a firm handshake. 
“Thank you Mr. Sainz.” You swear he did a full body cringe. He was about to say something, but Christian had waved the two of you over, yelling something about time to get ready. 
You flashed a smile at the small group, “It was nice meeting you!” You all but bounced away as Max calmly walked by your side. 
��Did she just?” Lando looked to Carlos, who was frozen in his spot. He looked like someone had just told him that his car had blown up on the way here. 
He looked at his hands. “Mr.,” he gulped, “Sainz?” 
Oscar finally piped up. “Well, you are old.” Carlos looked close to a breakdown. 
Charles put a hand on his shoulder as he watched you and Max walk on the ramp. Max’s face was now stone-cold, yet yours still radiated so much warmth. “Come on mate. We got to go.” 
As they walked away, Carlos questioned, “I’m not old, am I?’ Charles could not, would not, should not, give him an answer. 
Lando and Oscar just looked at each other and then back at the disappearing duos. Laughter filled the air as they also began to walk to their respective hospitalities.
As you and Max got closer to the garage, you got a little quieter. 
“I don’t think they liked me very much. I knew the costume would be a bad idea.” The look of dejection was all over your face. Max looked over at you and huffed. 
“Kid, they just don’t know you yet. They’re also stressed about this race. No driver liked to drive on a track that was built in a month.” 
“You’re right.” 
“Kid, I’m always right.” You hit his shoulder. 
Christian was quick to get you, Checo, and Max all together for a couple of pictures. Since it was Christian’s birthday, there was cake and everything for a small celebration. After, the three of you were told to get into the racing suits for the opening celebration. 
You were with Mitch while you did so. 
“You’re telling me. That Kurt Cobain is going to perform. And I’m going to miss it! With John Legend!” Your eyes were wide as you zipped the suit up. 
“For the last time kid, you can meet them after.” You pouted as you tied your shoes. 
“Fine. But let me say, this is very Hunger Games of them. So Americanesque.” Mitch just let you talk. 
After you were ready, minus the helmet and all that, Mitch led you to the glass box. You turned to look at her. 
“Promise me that you’re not going to be dragged away to your death. This is so Katniss Everdeen coded and I cannot lose you like she lost Cinna.” Mitch was going to tell you off for worrying too much, but she could see through your eyes that you were trying to actually tell her that you were scared of the whole thing. No wonder you were rambling, you were just nervous. 
Mitch brought you into a hug and squeezed. You practically melted as you squeezed her back. Over your shoulder, Max was looking at the whole ordeal. He’ll give you a hug right before they went up. He knew how scary this world was. 
Mitch was given the signal that everything was about to start. You climbed into the box and some official closed the door. 
Mitch looked up at you, “May the odds be ever in your favor.” Your jaw dropped in appall as you were slowly being lifted. So she did know the movie! 
Max put a comforting hand on your shoulder as your face was suddenly hit with a breeze. All around you, people were cheering and lights were flashing. You suddenly wished you had brought your sunglasses with you. 
Max scoffed as he raised his hand to wave. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“This isn’t racing. We’re standing here, being observed, like a bunch of clowns.” 
“At least this won’t last long. We’ll be in the car soon Max.” You were right. If it meant anything, he would be back in the car soon, in his element. 
A beep let you three know that the machine would be going down in the next few moments. When the machine jolted down, you quickly stood up straight, hand behind your back, and put three fingers to your mouth. Your lips kissed your fingertips before you held the three fingers up. 
It was still loud as you did it, but the crowd died down as they watched you and mirrored your display. You watched in awe at the raised hands. 
The three of you lost sight of the crowds as the box was now back where it started. Max looked at you in bewilderment. 
“What was that?” 
You let out a large gasp. “You’ve never seen the Hunger Games?” You must have been loud because someone else gasped as well. Looking over, you were met with the sight of blond hair and striking blue eyes. 
“Max, you’ve never seen the Hunger Games?” Logan stomped over. 
“Dude I know. So not girl boss of him.” Max looked at the two of you in confusion. Girl? Boss? 
You and Logan were quickly swept into a conversation about American tendencies while Max just stood in between the both of you, looking like he’s in the middle of a midlife crisis. You and Logan were only pulled away when you needed to get into the car for free practice. 
As you left, you turned around and faced Logan, giving him a look of faux sympathy. “May the odds be ever in your favor.” 
“At least you didn’t volunteer,” Logan laughed as he turned away. 
 Max was still in the middle of his midlife crisis when Christian came to tell everyone that it was time to head to the garage. 
You felt your heart rate picking up as you got closer to the garage. You took a deep breath and exhaled. 
It was show time. 
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @digitalizeduniqueness @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @treehouse-mouse @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959
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scarletevening · 5 months
polished [ simon 'ghost' riley ]
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read too many mafia simon fics [ more specifically @cordeliawhohung. omg j the thought of her fics gets me all bothered.] ANWAYS. bodyguard/underdog fic of him... ugh, got me drooling. i can't help but ramble about him like this.
cw: suggestive, public teasing/mentions of public sex, some fluff, mafia au, established relationship, mostly just headcannons/rambling, no real plot, obsessive-ish simon, fem! reader.
simon "takes care of what belongs to him" riley who doesn't let you even see the bill of the restaurant he takes you to. only taking you to restaurants that have his card at registration, that don't ever print and only e-mail receipts.
who acts like all hell will break loose if you even try to pull out your wallet, immediately wrapping his large hand around yours, smiling as his gruff voice mumbles to the waitress, or cashier, or bartender, or whoever else would be cashing you out. even when you pout and whine, he chuckled, his lips curving into a smile and he pulls his mask just over them, to shush you with a kiss.
simon riley who never lets you slip away from his touch, smiling as he lets you sit on his meaty thigh, your back pressed against his broad shoulders as you sit in the private room with some... friends. you knew otherwise, with the way the women changed every hour, but you didn't. you stayed, the hand splayed around your waist unmoving as his masked face trails its lips down your spine, kissing the nape of you neck through the fabric.
who makes sure to schedule every appointment for his girl. your nails, your brows, you spa, anything else you want, need, desire. he'll do it, he'll wash more money, wake a little earlier, blaming it on a morning run, bidding you goodbye with a kiss on your forehead, closing your bedroom door to load his gun. but it didn't matter, not when he got to see your cute little face warm up and smile, thanking him in that sweet coo as you tugged gently at his collar; a kiss as a thank you.
simon riley who makes sure you never, ever, ever are alone, unsafe, without him. he goes everywhere with you, the grocery store, he loiters at your little diner as your best tipping customer, sitting beside you as you get your nails done. and even when you think it's just you and your girlfriends, giggling and drinking tea from cute china cups, he's had some snake through the security cameras for him to watch. to keep you safe.
who never lets you take charge, who makes sure he can fulfill all of your desires. learns all your reactions, how the way his mask rustles against your cheek makes you blush as he whispers into your ears. how you always bat your eyelashes when you get needy. how you can barely last an hour with the way his rough fingers tap at your waist in the private club, watching the other couples flirt. how you let him tease you on his lap, as if no one else could see the way his fingers snuck under your skirt. how you always forget your own name when you feel the knot tightening in your belly, so impatient as he forced you to wait until you were in your own bed to satisfy you.
simon riley that learned how to cook your favorite breakfast so every morning after. bringing you tea, a plate of food, and a kiss to bed as you woke up, marked up and sore. you happily tucked you into his chest as he held a silver spoon to your lips.
who loves you dearly, the apple of his eyes, the sun to his moon, his woman.
i didn't mean to make it this long... hehe. if you recognize the car in the banner... i fucking love you. [pls buy me one.] edit: i literally forgot to fix the tag before i posted imma cry.
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laurenairay · 3 months
every breath, every hour has come to this - S. Jarvis
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Summary: Seth Jarvis was your best friend, your rock, your protector…but could he ever be anything more?
This is my entry for @callsign-denmark’s Luck of the Puck fic exchange! I’ve written a Seth Jarvis story for @mp0625, and I really hope you like this – it’s my first time writing for him and I had a lot of fun with it! Thanks for providing some really great prompts for me to work with.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: some bad language, hurt/comfort, alcohol, terrible date, I fudged the Canes’ game schedule.
Title from: A thousand years, Christina Perri
For as long as you could remember, Seth had always been in your life. Two peas in a pod, two goofy little kids, always attached at the hip. Even as hockey became more and more of a fixture in his life, you were right there in the stands, cheering him on at the top of your lungs as his biggest fan. You were his staunchest supporter, always giving him reassurance when his self-confidence cracked or faltered. He was your loyal protector, pushing away anyone that was ever mean to you, including shitty boyfriends. Everyone knew in your small suburb in Winnipeg that where one of you went, the other was sure to follow.
So it was exactly no surprise to your parents (and his) when you followed him down to Raleigh the moment his entry level contract was signed.
You didn’t know what you would do without his energetic personality lighting up your day, the ultimate hype-man even before dates that both of you knew weren’t going to end well, or his sweet smiles in a terrible morning after a fantastic night out with his team. You didn’t know what you would do without his built arms wrapped around you on the sofa while you watched awful reality tv or cheesy movies, broad shoulders perfectly places to rest your head on, and especially waking up after a shared nap together, cementing his self-proclaimed King of Naps title.
Or seeing him wake up from a nap by himself, and his whole face lighting up when he saw you there too.
For as long as you could remember, you’d been in love with Seth, and there was nothing you could do about it. You’d seen the girls Seth went on dates with, and they were nothing like you. Even when the two of you were going on your first dates when you were barely teenagers, his ‘type’ seemed to be the complete opposite of you – so you’d always endeavoured to make sure the guys you dated were the opposite of him. It was the only way to preserve your heart, to keep your incredible friendship with Seth as wholesome and solid as you needed it to be, and not once had you ever messed that up.
Seth Jarvis was the best person in your life and you never wanted that to change. Not for anything. That didn’t mean that you didn’t know how hard your life was going to be when he eventually found his soulmate – but that was a problem for future you, and you refused to do anything but live in the moment.
Speaking of living in the moment…
“Hey Seth, do these shoes go with this dress?”
Living with your best friend really did have its perks – you could always guarantee an honest opinion on your outfit from him.
“Hmm, you can’t go wrong with a little black dress and nice black heels, but where is he taking you?”
“Does that matter?”
“Well yeah, you like those shoes and I know you don’t want them to get ruined by a sticky floor,” Seth pointed out.
He really did know you so well.
“He said he’s taking me out to dinner, but he didn’t tell me where or what the venue was like,” you admitted.
You ignored Seth rolling his eyes.
“The dress is gorgeous but I would change your shoes if you aren’t sure. Maybe those black ankle boots? Not too casual but not too fancy,” Seth suggested.
“You are amazing,” you grinned, jogging back to your room to kick your shoes off.
“And don’t you forget it!”
You just laughed at his shout across the apartment, pulling on the ankle boots he suggested. Just as you thought, he was right. With a swipe of lipgloss,  you were ready, so you grabbed your leather jacket and headed back out of your room.
“Hey, sweetheart?”
“Yeah Seth?” you asked, spinning on your heel.
“Have fun tonight. You look amazing – don’t let him forget that,” Seth said seriously, making you laugh, “And if you need anything, anything at all, call me.”
“You’re going to be my knight in shining armour?” you teased.
“With a guy you don’t know taking you out for a first date on St Patrick’s Day? Absolutely,” Seth mused.
Well you couldn’t fault him there.
“Wish me luck!”
If only you’d know just how right Seth would be.
“Seth?” you whimpered, hiccupping into your phone.
“Woah, hey, what’s wrong?”
“I know it’s only been three hours, but can you pick me up?” you pleaded.
“Of course, I’ll leave right now. Three hours or three minutes, it doesn’t matter. Send me your location pin, but stay on the line?”
You just sniffed, nodding even though you knew he couldn’t see you, doing as he asked.
“Okay, I have it. That’s a real shitty bar, sweetheart.”
You choked out a sob. He had no idea. “Real shitty date too.”
“What did he do?”
You could hear him running out of your shared apartment, down the stairs rather than waiting for the elevator, and your heart ached with how willingly he dropped his peaceful evening just to help you.
“He lied about taking me out to dinner. Instead he took me to a bar where a bunch of his friends were, and when I asked him why he lied he told me he wanted to celebrate St Patrick’s Day with his buddies and thought I could come along. Which, fine, okay, he thought I would get on with his friends, so I went along with it. Most of his friends were fine, welcoming even, but they were getting drunker and rowdier and I don’t mind that if I’m with people I know and trust like you or your friends, but with strangers? No way. And then he…”
You trailed off, groaning at the memory, Seth just cursing under his breath. You could hear him driving, not even caring for once that he was probably breaking the speed limit. You just wanted him here.
“What did he do?”
“He started getting handsy. Slapping my ass, pulling me into his body with an arm around my waist, all of that shit, making his friends laugh even though it was obvious I was uncomfortable. But then he grabbed at my boobs and-”
“He fucking what?”
Over all the years of Seth protecting you from nasty dates and boyfriends, you’d never heard him so angry. Never.
“He groped me, in front of everyone. But I shoved him away immediately, I swear!” you insisted.
“Hey, I believe you sweetheart. I know that stuff makes you uncomfortable. I swear I’m going to kill him, I’ll-”
“No, no, I don’t want you to get in trouble, okay? I left the bar already,” you said firmly.
“You left the bar? But your location says…”
“I’m outside the bar, still in eyesight of the bouncer just in case, but I’m outside. I walked out the bar because I couldn’t stand to be near him after him threw the remainder of his beer at me for rejecting him.”
“He fucking what?!”
Okay, that was the angriest you’d ever heard him.
“Told you he was a shitty date,” you mumbled, sniffing again as your eyes stung with tears once more.
“This is not your fault. He was an absolute asshole and none of this is on you.”
“Just my luck, right?” you said, huffing out a bitter laugh.
Seth just cursed under his breath again, continuing to mutter about how men were shit and you deserved better and all the things that usually would put such a smile on your face…but right now it just made you want to be home, safe with him, curled up in his arms. Nothing felt better than being with Seth and it was only because of the few drinks that you had that you allowed yourself to think like this. Thankfully, it couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes before you saw a familiar car screeching into the parking lot, and you finally felt like you could breathe.
He pulled to a stop only metres away from you, and you wasted no time in walking over to him, even as he got out of the car and slammed his door shut, jogging over to meet you halfway.
“Shit, sweetheart, look at you,” Seth scowled.
You groaned softly as he took in your blurred mascara and beer-soaked top, and grabbed his hand to break his attention.
“Can we just go? I want to get as far away from here as possible.”
You rested a hand on his chest, gently guiding him backwards towards his car, out of earshot of the bouncer and anyone else who deigned to leave, Seth’s fuming expression never leaving the dive bar you were walking away from.
“Is he still inside? Is that asshole still in there?” Seth demanded.
“Hey, no, come on, leave it. He’s not worth it,” you pleaded.
“He doesn’t get to treat you like that and get away with it. No-one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? No-one.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and your body thrummed with heat at his furious words, his eyes wild in a way you’d only ever seen on the ice. His fists were clenched, his nostrils were flared, and his shoulders were squared, all the while his cheeks flushing with anger as well. It was only the brief flash of desperation across his face that let you know he wasn’t mad at you – no, this was Seth’s protective side coming out in full force, dialled up to 1000.
“Seth, I…”
You trailed off, running a hand through your hair as you struggled to find words to defend yourself, relying in his car to lean against and keep you upright. He might not have been mad at you, but it still didn’t feel good to know that your situation was making him react like this.
“It’s not like I go out of my way to date assholes,” you eventually managed, “they just seem to find me.”
“Shit, sweetheart, I’m not accusing you of anything. I just…”
He cut himself off, seeming to need a moment to think, and you waited silently for him to give you something. Anything. Eventually he cleared his throat, the wildness in his eyes replaced by an anguish that made your heart ache.
“I can’t take it anymore. I just wish you’d see what you could have, right in front of you.”
What was he talking about?
Right in front of you?
The more seconds the silence stretched on, the more your confused thoughts swirled and the more frustrated Seth looked, until he groaned in frustration.
“I’m talking about me,” he said through gritted teeth, looking like he wanted to be literally anywhere else.
Oh shit.
“You?” you repeated, your voice cracking.
“Yeah and now I wish I’d never said a damn thing so can we please pretend that you’re really drunk instead of tipsy, and never talk about it again?” Seth muttered, avoiding your eyes.
As all of his words started to sink in, you found yourself shaking your head as decades-buried hope dared to surface.
“You’ve never said anything at all! You like me?” you said, needing him to say it again.
Seth huffed out a laugh, still not looking particularly comfortable.
“How could I say anything? I’m nothing like any of the guys you’ve ever dated,” he muttered.
“Because I purposely date guys that are nothing like you!” you shot back.
You groaned as embarrassed heat filled your cheeks, turning your head away to give you a chance to save a scrap of dignity, but then Seth’s hand was cupping your face, gently turning you back to look at him properly. Never had he touched you like this, so delicately and with such purpose. His eyes were a storm, barely giving you anything to go on outside of the intensity, and it was all you could do to let out a shaky breath as he dropped his hand but stepped a little closer.
“I’m going to need you to give me a bit more than that, sweetheart,” Seth said, barely more than a murmur, edge of his voice a little rough, “What do you mean?”
“I purposely date guys that are nothing like you…because you’ve had my heart for longer than I care to remember. I never thought you could ever be interested in me because of the girls you date, and the thought of dating someone even a little bit similar to you was heartbreaking, so I just…went for the complete opposite. Clearly it’s been working out really well,” you said, choking off a bitter laugh as you finished.
Seth’s lips parted in surprise, and for once he was stunned into silence. It was only the fact that he hadn’t moved to step away that saved you from wanting to curl into a ball on the cold ground. Still, that didn’t stop the anguish from building inside of you like a volcano ready to erupt at the slightest provocation.
Eventually he let out a shaky breath, smiling weakly.
“We’ve wasted so much time,” he said softly, shaking his head.
“We…have?” you asked, still in disbelief.
“We have.” Seth nodded, smiling at you in a way that encouraged you to finally smile back at him, giddy without being able to stop yourself, “You’re my goddamned soulmate, how could I ever want anyone but you? And knowing now that you’ve felt the same way all this time? It’s everything. I wish I could say I’ve been playing the long game but honestly I never thought you’d ever want me back. But we need to put a pin in this conversation until tomorrow.”
What? Why?
You didn’t know what was showing on your face but it made Seth laugh – a little deliriously, maybe, but a bright laugh that you were so used to all the same.
“You’ve been drinking, sweetheart. You’ve literally just ended a bad date covered in beer, as well as had quite an emotional night,” Seth explained.
“That still won’t change how I feel about you in the morning,” you pointed out.
His smile turned a little bashful, but definitely pleased, making the butterflies in your stomach riot.
“Then I look forward to hearing you say it again tomorrow. Just…let me take you home? Away from this gritty old bar parking lot?”
You nodded without hesitation, making him huff out a laugh again but take your hands.
“Take me home, Seth,” you murmured, squeezing his hands, barely able to believe the words coming out of your mouth.
With Seth’s wide grin, it looked like he could barely believe it either.
“We’re going to be amazing, you just wait.”
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a damn poet - Connor Bedard
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requested; @chericherilvr 💓
summary; Connor Bedard x reader
Connor is so busy trying to have his best season that he forgets about things that really matter. He needs to learn how to be a poet to save your relationship.
warning(s); angst! fluff, argument, maybe grammar errors
author's note; it took me hours to finish this one. It was an honor for me to write this request. ♡
Deep in your heart you know how Connor feels for you. He wouldn't invite you over another continent, joining his world championship, if he wouldn't love you. But something inside you breaks. Seeing all these hockey couples with cute pictures, sending their girlfriend flowers and the players screaming from the rooftop how much they love their girlfriends.
Connor is not like this. He loves you, he cooks your favorite food and watches all movies you want to watch. He's so focused to play the best rookie year he could do and lost the focus on his private life. He doesn't want to post your relationship official, because of his fan base.
You're self-evident for him.
"Hey love", you smile with big eyebags, touching his shoulder as he walks in the hotel room. It's your first time after three days having a real conversation with him.
"Hi", his mouth is straight, kissing your temple and waking in the bathroom. You're exhausted from love-bombing him. You're so tired of being so upset.
"How was your day?", you ask him, hearing the shower. "I can do better", his voice echos back. "You're already enough, my love", you shout back and throw your body into the bed. You spread your arms apart, your legs are on the ground.
Connor comes out after a few minutes ago in a towel, his hair is still wet and he's looking fine.
"What is that?", he grabs a paper from the desk.
"So I hold onto your shirt, as I stain it with blood
Will I finally find my own peace?
Clear my mind out of my thoughts, then state that I'm in love
Tempted with the idea of dying in these sheets"
"I'm writing songs ", your voice shakes. Connor never noticed this because he's always busy and you're asleep when he comes home. You're working full-time in a job you don't like and at night you're writing songs. Hopefully to live from that one day.
Connor looks up from these lines, "since when?", he breathes in. Hid eyes get red. Red like crying. "over a year", you sit up on the bed, your arms are supporting your back.
"Why didn't you tell me, babe?", he sniffles.
Babe. How long didn't you hear this nickname?
"You were busy", you tell him the truth. Maybe he'll break up with you. Connor sobbs, "are you really feeling this way? Finally finding your own peace?", his blue eyes searching yours, you can see how much it burdens him.
"your lyrics are professional, they're so good", he cries and tries to hide it. Whipping his tears with his wrist, face to his bag with all clothes.
He's putting a shirt on, turning around. "I just need time to realize this, babe", he kisses your lips, you taste the salt from his tears.
"You have an important game tomorrow, I'm ok with that ", you response. He nods and lays down. Without a kiss, hug or this comfortable feeling.
He lays down and let you alone with all these thoughts in your head. He doesn't seem to care much about you. Maybe it's time to leave.
Next day Connor feels like shit, even in his hockey clothes, nice fans around his team. He slept surprisingly well, but feels like the night after silvester.
It burns in his chest, you don't feel happy. But why? Since when you're writing songs? as a good boyfriend he should know. What is he missing in this relationship.
He's not shitty boyfriend, he didn't know it's hurting you. He thought its okay that he's having a strict time schedule.
"Concentration, Bedsy!", his teammate hits his shoulder to wake him up from daydreaming. Like a robot Connor played his best game but the celebration feels like a crime.
"Yo Connor are you going out with us?", some boys asking him in the cabin to celebrate their win. "No", he wants to see you. He forgot how stunning you are. How hard working you are. You're a poet and he had no clue!
He walks in your hotel room, lights are out. Just some papers all over the bed. He grabs one paper, reading the lines.
'He grabs me by my neck
Puts a dagger to my heart
Tells me I'm a mess
That I'll never be enough'
Gosh, it hits him. You are more than enough. You're his safe place. He reads every paper, focused about what you feel. It's time to hear out what you need.
He grabs his phone, calling you.
"Hello?", your voice sounds happy. "Where are you, babe?", he asks interested. "I'm at the whirlpool inside the hotel, I'll come over in 5 minutes, okay?", you're scared he's mad when you're late. You thought he's celebrating with his team and won't come to bed until midnight.
You pack the stuff and walk back to your shared room.
The opened door shows you the sort out papers with your lyrics on your bed shelf.
Connor lays in bed, smiling softly. It's typical Connor, he's a clean guy.
He smiles. He smiles at you without talking about hockey. "Congratulations for winning, I'm proud of you", you stutter.
This view feels so surreal, having a relationship after months. Having a boyfriend waiting for you.
"You look beautiful", he grins angelic.
You stopped the last step, "what did you say?". Maybe you have issues with your ears.
"You look beautiful and I love you", he talks loud.
"Love you too?", your honest reaction. The last time he said it, he broke is jaw and was out of his mind because painkillers. Months ago.
"Uhm can we talk, please?", he pets your hand, when you lay down with him. It feels like home. Smelling his perfume, hearing his breath and touching you.
"Sure", you get insecure what's coming next.
"Ok it's not easy for me", one tear runs down his cheek. You're frightened, just able to nod.
"Why do you write songs with me as enemy?", his voice is distanced and cold.
"Oh I'm sorry I don't write lies!", you defense yourself.
"I'm a good boyfriend!", he argues, "you treat me like I'm self-evident!", you yell your frustration out of your lungs. So much pain inside your chest wants to come out of your mouth. So much unsayed words.
"No-", he argues back, more tears are coming out his blue eyes.
"Yes Connor! Yes, it's true! I love writing songs and I hate my job so much! I am crying every night because my boyfriend doesn't care about me and I'm all alone and you're hiding me from fans because you could have a ruined career, I get it!", you sob under choking your salty tears. You're outraged.
You take your pillow and lay down on the floor, Connor looks down, "come over".
"No", "god damn come over!", he huffs.
"You have practice tomorrow, good night!".
That's the last time you saw him for the next two days. He's busy. Semifinals are tonight and Connor posted something on Instagram, you're too upset to check.
One WAG comes to you at the game, giggles and tells you, "never thought Bedsy is a poet!". The game is already on fire but your fingers are like a magnet, they want to switch what he posted - even if he's an idiot.
He posted a picture of you reading a book in the garden, laughing at you without pressure, without hockey and in his caption;
"You can feel, when someone traces your skin
You can kneel, run, jump and also can spin
And when I close my eyes I wish I was just like you"
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munsonsprincess11111 · 5 months
Panic attacks.
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: Eddie's having a bad day in school. He's doing everything not to have a panic attack. He doesn't even know what's wrong with him. He's sat at lunch leg bouncing. Hands sweaty. He needs help but the man will never admit it.
Eddie's sat at lunch n he's a hot mess. Shaking. Heavy breathing. He feels like the rooms spinning. Like everything ten times louder. Feels like he could throw up. He needs help. He doesn't even know what's wrong. Will he ask for help? Nope.
"Dude are you sure your OK?" Gareth askes concerned.
Eddie just mumbles and keeps his face in his hands.
You come walking over. Smiling ans joyful.
"OH no the devil in disguise." Jeff jokes as you approach the table.
"Hilarious honestly you should ditch hellfire and join the comedy club your that funny." You joke back. You look down at Eddie and your face goes from happy to concerned. "You OK hunny?" You ask noticing his state.
He nods but other then that ignoring your even stood there. Normally Eddie's hands would be all over you by now talking non stop. You know somethings wrong.
"You sure?" You ask raking your fingers through his mess of curls. As your nails make contact with his head he flinches. You pick up Eddie's tun lunch box and hold your other hand out. "Common." You say to Eddie.
He finally looks up at you confused. "Let's go Common." You walk off. Eddie looks at the rest of hellfire and then gets up and walks off with you. Once you exit the cafeteria his head drops to your shoulder as you walk along taking his hand in your free one.
You both say nothing. Just walk down the halls in silence. Enjoying eachothers presence. However Eddie is still on the verge of his break down. "Where did you park?" You ask quietly "normal spot." HE mumbles back. You nod and walk to where Eddie parks.
He unlocks the side door opening it for you then climbing in after him. You pull the sofa in the back and turn it into the bed. You kay down opening your arms for Eddie. Eddie comes over and lays down next to you. Putting his head on your chest arms around your waist and hooking one leg over your legs.
You wrap your arms around him holding him close to you. Eddie closes his eyes and his breathing starts to slow down. His leg still bouncing slightly. But he's finally calming down.
"What's going on hun?" You ask quietly. You sit still holding the boy. He let's out a shakey breath. He hides his face in the crook of your neck finally speaking.
"Everything is becoming stressful again. I wanna skip lessons but I don't wanna fail. I'm not sleeping until late cause I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. And when I wake up I wake up late so I forget my meds which really isn't helping. By the time I remember I'm in first period. I go home take them and bam another night not sleeping. But if I Dont take em all together then I feel worse. I just need a break. And I feel like I've barely seen you and I really just need you and only you right now. The only time I see you out of school is with someone else present where its a group hang out. And I feel really fucking selfish but I just need something."
He broke. His eyes welled with tears. His breathing uneven. And a shaking mess. You run your hand comfortingly through his hair.
"Babe. You should've told me. We can hang out anytime just us you say the word I'm all yours OK? Don't feel selfish for needing something. How about I come stay at the trailer tonight? We van watch some movies and start fixing your sleep schedule for starters. I'll stroke your head until your asleep. N ill make sure we wake up on time and you take your meds." You whisper stroking his back.
He let's out a relaxed breath. "I don't deserve you. Your fucking perfect thank you love you so much. N yeh I sleep way better when your at mine no Idea why guess its just comfort." HE removes his head from your neck looming at you
"I love you to n ill always be here for you. I'll stay tonight so u get up for school n ill stay the weekend even Sunday night? That OK?" You ask. Eddie nods putting his head on your chest. 10 minutes later you both walk back into school hand in hand. You take Eddie to class and he promises to meet you at your class after school and you part ways.
-next morning-
6:53am. The clock read when Eddie woke up. He looked at laying on your side. Arm still drapped over Eddie. He squeezes you tighter kissing your head. "Babe, gotta wake up sleepy." HE says laying sweet kisses on your face.
You stir awake amiling at Eddie. He kisses your lips and you scrunch your face. You knew full when you had morning breath but Eddie didn't care. "Howd you sleep?" You ask running your hand up his side.
"SO fucking good. Best night sleep in about a month I won't even lie to you." HE says kissing your neck.
"You fell asleep so early 9 o'clock u went." You smiled at Eddie.
"Mmm was the head and back scratches." HE lays next to you hugging you.
You smile at him happy you could help him. Laying your head on his chest. You stayed in that position for another 5 minutes before getting up and dressed for school.
Your making toast for you and Eddie as he walks out slipping his top on giving you a brief glimpse of his happy trail which your eyes went to immediately.
"After school." HE winks kissing you.
"Meds hot shot." You says as the toast pops and you butter it. He opens the cabinet getting out his anxiety and adhd meds popping one of each in his hands.
"DO I need the adhd one I'm so fun without it." Eddie askes smirking popping both pills in his mouth drinking some milk from the cartoon.
"Mmm your fun on it to even better actually." You say passing him his toast.
"Mmm ok" he eats his toast and then you both brush your teeth. He stands behind you keeping one hand on your waist as you brush your teeth. And then off to school and you arrive with 10 minutes to spare.
You both approach the hellfire members and they look shocked to see Eddie. "Morning ladies." Eddie greets himself to the boys. Lighting a cigarette in the process pulling you close to his side inhaling and exhaling the smoke. "Cold isn't it."
"Dude your early to school jeez." Gareth says hugging his girlfriend trying to keep warm.
Eddie looks at you and smiles. "Thanks to y/n made me sleep n get up never knew actually needed to do that." HE said finishing his smoke tossing it on the ground.
Everyone parts ways ad the bell goes but you and Eddie. He walks you to the you both had kissing you. "Do we have to go in." HE smiles into your lips.
"Yep common." You kiss him one more time. "I love you."
"I love you too." ONE last kiss and a sutle ass swat and Eddie and you walk into class and arrives on time to the teachers and everyone else's response.
Yeah his anxiety gets the best of him sometimes. But he knows he will be OK as long as he's got you.
You and Eddie sit in the back wanting to be out rhe way. And Gareth walks in sitting in the middle row. "OH my god he came in on time shock to everyone thought the freak couldn't tell the time the amount of school he's missed." Jason comments seeing Eddie his friends laughing. Eddie gets a devilish grin on face.
"OH my god Jason carver came in 30 seconds thought he'd be able to count the amount of school he's attending or can't you cause your heads to full of me. If that's the case I'm honoured Jason but I have a girlfriend maybe one of your boy toys there will get u there in 23 seconds." Eddie smirks putting his arm around your shoulder. You can't help the smirk that creeps on your face.
Jason looks stunned at Eddie that he actually just said that infront of the class. Gareth still staring at the front then chimes in for Jason.
"He's backkkkkkkkkkkk."
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wonijinjin · 9 months
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synopsis: you had a nightmare and cheol is ready to calm you down even in the middle of the night
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship | pairing: seungcheol x gn! reader | warnings: nightmares, cheol calls reader ‘angel’ and ‘my love’
it was dark when you opened your eyes, sitting up in panic. you just had a very intense nightmare and it caused you to shoot up in bed, waking up in the process.
seungcheol was sleeping beside you peacefully in your shared bedroom, despite your sudden movements he didn’t seem to be awake which you were grateful for. he had a full day of schedules in front of him, he needed to be fresh and get the most amount of sleep he could. your mind quickly went back to the reason why you were awake, pieces of it flashing in your head, making tears cascade down on your cheeks as you tried to muffle your cries.
what you didn’t know was that cheol was in fact awake by the time you started crying, his sleepy brain trying to process what was happening to you at probably 2-3 AM.
“hey angel, what’s wrong? what happened? tell me my love.” he spoke up as he sat up and scooted behind you, to which you let out a surprised yelp, even forgetting to continue crying for a second. “i had a bad dream. it was so bad cheol, there was so much blood, you died and i was dying too and i didn’t know how to save us-“ you hiccuped, the waterworks starting again, this time with full force. seungcheol was gently rocking you in his arms at this point while you cried into his neck, a pout on his face indicating how much it bothered him to see his baby suffer. “slow down angel, you are safe, you are here with me, it was just a dream. i am well and alive and so are you.” he caressed your back, then your wet cheeks, kissing the top of your head. “i am sorry cheol, i am so sorry i woke you up, you should be asleep now, you have work early in the morning-“ “no my love you are more important. i am your boyfriend, i want you to always tell me if something like this happens.” he used to have many nightmares too, which kept him up for many nights, so he understood how scary it must’ve been for you. “how about i get you some tea and we watch something you want on the TV? will it help you calm down a bit, hm? it might take your mind off of the nightmare, i will stay up with you as long as you need, love.” to this you answered with a single shy nod, still shaken up, and he got to work. he carried you to the couch and he made you some tea while you settled in with a blanket and your favourite plushie pillow. after choosing Tangled you both got comfy and layed down to cuddle. he could still feel your rapid heartbeat, and could only hope this would make you sleepy so he could get you to bed fast so you can get enough sleep. after half an hour he noticed how your weight felt heavier on him and looked down at you, only to be greeted with a soft smile and your quiet snores, arm grabbing his shirt in little fists. he cooed at this sight, he felt proud that you were comfortable with him, that you felt safe in his presence. he turned the TV off and patted your hair lazily, sleep overtaking his tired form too. “good night my angel. i will always be here for you if you need me. i love you so much.”
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notjustjavierpena · 6 months
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: A few ideas poured into one. Thank you for all of the attention Hubby Javier is getting lately, makes me all teary-eyed.
Summary: Baby kicks and house-shopping, is there anything else to say?
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader (no y/n)
Tags: +15, Pregnancy, domestic married, idiots in love, making out
Word count: 1.7k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51723856
There’s a low hum coming from the radio in the kitchen. You’re on your back underneath white soft sheets that have warmed up to feel like a hug, drifting in and out of sleep to the soft pop song and a noise of mugs clinking.
It’s early morning and you have yet to get out of bed. Javier is doing his morning ritual, and it causes even the annoying ding of the toaster and the drip of the coffee maker to make you smile. The very sound of his existence outside of your own little bubble is proof that he isn’t just a figment of your imagination, that things are actually as good as they see, and the fact makes your eyes shut and your sleep more undisturbed than it’s ever been.
He wakes you half an hour later, gentle as ever.
“I’m heading to work, baby, Lord knows what messes I have to clean up today,” Javier says and bends down to kiss your forehead. He runs a hand over your hair which you say is way too greasy for him to do. He smiles, tuts, and heads towards the door. 
“Don’t forget we have that thing later,” you call after him as he exits the bedroom. You look after him despite him already being out of sight, awaiting his answer that will probably consist of him profusely apologizing for forgetting but you interrupt yourself by gasping out loud. You call for him a little louder.
“You okay?” Javier stands in the doorway not a second later. He has furrowed his brow. 
“Come here,” you hold out your hand with a grin. When Javier takes it, you guide his palm down to your just-starting-to-show pregnant belly.
“Is he kicking?” He asks with a voice that is a little more squeaky than normal. He doesn’t move his hand, doesn’t seem to dare in case he’ll miss it, and doesn’t get to say hello for the first time. 
“I swear if he gets your sleeping schedule and starts waking up around this time from now on,” you groan but Javier seems too transfixed to laugh at your joke. He kneels down on the floor, watching and waiting expectantly. 
“Talk to him,” you instruct, arching your back slightly to push your belly further into your husband’s hand, “He’ll react to your voice. I promise.”
Javier checks his watch on his other hand but he doesn’t show signs of being in a hurry. He rubs your stomach a little, kisses your skin, “Come on, bebito. Your dad needs to go fight villanos for the state.”
You giggle at the way he speaks so softly, switching to the same pitch that one would address a puppy with. He looks at you with red cheeks and you just want to kiss him, “Stop laughing.”
“Sorry, I just love you,” you continue your tiny giggles, not trying to stop them from bubbling up in your throat, “I’ll stay still. Just don’t give up.”
It takes a few more minutes before you feel Lucas move again. Your stomach jumps underneath Javier’s hand and the move surprises him to the point where he nearly falls on his ass, another laugh erupting from your chest. 
“Was that him?” He gapes at you and you nod. He quickly regains his composure to feel for more kicks. His eyes have lightened up and the smile he is sporting is pure joy mixed with disbelief, “That’s so badass…”
A few moments pass. Javier gets excited again, thoughts of work forgotten, “There! Again!”
“He loves you, baby,” you say, “He’s saying hello.”
“I can’t wait until he’s here,” he admits and whispers hello back to his son, resting his cheek against your belly whilst looking up at your face. He smiles as you run a hand over his hair, “I love you two too. Should I just stay here all day?”
“As nice as that sounds, we have that thing later,” you say, “The house tour.”
“Shit,” he says as predicted.
“You better be there, Peña. Your son needs that backyard,” you try to sound stern but Lucas kicks once more. You chuckle happily instead, and in the next moment, you don’t know if you are referring to Lucas or his father because Javier’s eyes practically sparkle, “Well someone’s excited.”
Javier had brought up the idea of a house the second you arrived home from your honeymoon along with a confession of having looked at possible sellers in the area since you got engaged. However, the idea had faded, had been put on hold due to everyday life getting in the way until now. Fulfilling the fantasy has become a reality since you found out that you are pregnant.
Now it has also been put into motion.
It’s the first house that you are seeing together. You went last week, fell in love with the place, and now, you want Javier’s opinion (and approval). Even though the house doesn’t have the same charm as your shared apartment, and despite the apartment space holding so many memories that you cherish, you know your current living situation won’t suit a growing family. 
“Right, I’ll be there,” he kisses your belly repeatedly, “I’ll see you later, mijo.”
“Go,” you usher him gently, “We’ll be here when you get back too.”
“Te amo, momma,” Javier says before he leaves your side, his voice so genuine you might slide underneath the covers because you can barely contain your happiness without giggling like a schoolgirl. 
“Te amo también,” you say back and then lay back to hear the sound of the front door closing. 
You use the rest of the morning to snooze and have a one-sided conversation with your unborn child, only getting out of bed when you cannot procrastinate anymore or you’ll be late. You wash your greasy hair twice in the shower and snack instead of eating a proper meal, scared that you will experience a fit of nausea during the house tour. Despite having a fair reason, you don’t think that vomiting in the bathroom of the house you are considering buying will go well with the seller. Javier would probably make a joke about marking your territory whilst stroking your back to make you stop crying.
Though later that day when you enter the house that you have already seen and daydreamed about, you immediately notice the crinkle of Javier’s nose at the mention of the rooms. Kitchen, bathroom, dining area. Smile. Three bedrooms. Nose crinkle. 
The realtor seems to notice it too, and she gives you a sympathetic look and touches your shoulder gently. You don’t flinch because she seems genuine and nice, “Why don’t I give you two some privacy? You’ll be able to look around without me hovering over your shoulder and without me making you hold back any negative comments.”
Javier hums, already wandering around and seeming lost in his own thoughts.
“That’d be great, thanks,” you smile and chase your husband down as she leaves. You find him running his knuckles over the kitchen counter, knocking once as if he has a clue about the material. It’s almost sweet the way that he is practicing his dad-mannerisms already. 
“You don’t like it,” you say matter-of-factly.
Javier whips around at hearing your voice, “What? No, I like it. It’s just—“
“Just what?” You join him by the counter, leaning against it. 
“There are only three bedrooms,” he notes as if it’s the most logical explanation in the world. 
You raise a brow and lay a hand on your protruding belly, “You do know there’s only one baby in here, right? It’s not like I’m about to give you a barbershop quartet.”
Javier laughs genuinely at the mental image. He moves to stand in front of you, reaching to hold your pregnant belly and rubbing its sides gently. He can see the disappointment in your eyes which makes him tut and you pout. 
“I’m just thinking ahead here, mi vida,” he rests his forehead against yours, chuckling at the sight of you pushing out your bottom lip. He rubs a soothing circle into your stomach with his thumb, and brushes a strand of hair from your face with his other hand, “Don’t pout. You know I’m weak.”
“You don’t love it the way I do,” you squeak out, “And this is within our price range.”
“We’ll borrow money from my Pop, hell, he’ll pawn his whole house for us,” he reaches up to cup your face in both his hands, tilting back your head so he can repeatedly peck your lips, “And no, I don’t love it the way you do.”
You reach for one of his wrists, offended. 
“But,” he interrupts before you can protest, “If we’re having at least three kids then we’re already a bedroom short.”
“Three?!” You say in a horrified tone.
“Eventually,” he soothes.
“That’s almost a whole litter, Javi.”
“Well, you don’t have to drop them all at once,” he jokes, pauses, and then continues, “I’m just asking you to keep our options open with me.”
“But this kitchen,” you whine, gesturing to the farmhouse sink that you’ve fallen so deeply in love with, “I wanna do the dishes here and I hate doing the dishes.”
“I’ll build you your own kitchen, baby, with a rich-people-sink and a dishwasher,” he presses his thumbs into the underside of your jaw, “How’s that sound? Bién, no?”
You half-frown, half-smile. It does sound nice.
“There it is,” he says as you finally smile fully and allow a new daydream to manifest in your mind, “That’s my girl.” 
A few long seconds pass with kissing him in a house that won’t be yours after all, arms slung around his neck, and standing on your toes as you make out. God, you love the confidence that Javier radiates. Suddenly everything seems possible. 
“Besides,” Javier pulls back a little, mischievous, ”Did you see that backyard? A soccer team has 11 players, you know, and with the way Lucas is kicking…”
“You better stop that talk right now if you ever wanna get with me again, Mister,” you answer but then you kiss him again.
“I’ll tell the realtor that we want something bigger,” he takes a step back but you grab his arm. He allows you to pull him back in.
“I need a hug. Just five more minutes,” you beg.
And so he does, holding you tightly in an embrace that is pouring with love.
“Okay, five more minutes.”
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natriae · 1 year
A fun white day
warnings: far to loving, deepthroat, masterbation (male), p in v, ushi is soooo pussy drunk (could be read on its own but some characters will not make sense)
5k words
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one year later
"so how are things going with the wife," 
"She's not my wife," Ushijima responded to his teammate in the crowded bar. You're not his wife, yet.
"yeah yeah, did you get her anything for Valentine's day?" He asked, forgetting that the two of you celebrate differently than they do here. 
"We don't do that. She gets me something then I get something for her next month," 
"oh yeah, yeah I forgot," His teammate was far too drunk already while Ushijima hadn't even gotten through his one beer. "Well, I can tell you this. Get her a sex toy! My wife loves the vibrator I got her," Ushijima's face flushed at his friend's comment. Other people at the bar began to look over at them at the outburst. Deciding it was time to go home, Ushijima grabbed his teammate and drove him back to his house. He couldn't even bring himself to look at his wife when she opened the door. 
That night when Wakatoshi got home he was welcomed with a quiet house. You and Isa were in France spending time with Tendou, and Ushijima couldn't go with you guys. Even though that was the plan. Ushijima's manager had scheduled him for an important meeting that he couldn't miss. Sadly, he wasn't able to spend time with his best friend and his now family. He sulked to his room missing your bright energy engulfing him as soon as he opened the door. Once he was ready for bed he got in the covers and pulled out his phone for one last look before hitting the pillow. He thought back to his teammate's remark and searched up sex toys. He's never used one, and he doesn't think you have either. While scrolling through a dildo had caught his eye. It was a custom dildo. He could get a mold of his penis, and you would be able to use it whenever he wasn't there. 
The two of you had now been together for a year. Falling asleep together in the same bed and then waking up tangled in each other's arms. Yet not once had the two of you had sex in your time of being back together. The six foot three man laid in bed thinking about what face you would make when you used the dildo. What face you would make when you were using his own cock. Bouncing up and down on him, and using him for your own pleasure. He felt his dick begin to harden at the thought and attempted to dismiss it, but the thought of you stripping for him made him go crazy. He already has a hard time keeping it in his pants when he watches your thighs jiggle as you walk. He's worried he'd scare you away if he tried initiating it. The last time the two of you did it, at 19 and 18, he left immediately the morning after, but now he knows about after care and all the other stuff. He just needs to prove it to you. He adds the dildo to his cart for now, and he will maybe buy it after post nut clarity. His left hand goes under the covers and in his boxers. He felt like he was 18 again secretly fisting himself after games where you looked so pretty cheering him on. He used to get erections everyday in highschool seeing you, but it interrupted his volleyball practice and deep down he felt terrible for thinking about you that way. He learned to keep it down, and then the two of you finally had sex, but it's been years. He's only had sex once. With you, and his cock had been craving your sweet pussy ever since. He began to slightly stroke his cock in a way he thought you would do it, but it wasn't the same. Your hands were soft and his weren't. He picked up his phone with his right hand and began to scroll through his camera to a picture of you on y'all most recent date. You were wearing an expensive silk dress Ushijima had brought you as a gift from across the world. The photo was of you sitting across from him at the white clothed dinner table in a fancy Italian restaurant. In the photo you were leaning forward a bit so there was a perfect amount of cleavage. His dick jumped a little and a tingle went down his stomach. He began to slowly stroke his dick again as he looked at the picture. He imagined your makeup being ruined from gagging on his thick cock. How loud you would be doing it. How you never do anything half assed, and how you would try and deepthroat him. He thought about your pretty face covered in his cum. How you would thank him for the meal, and begin licking your lips trying to get all of it. He started to think about his cum dripping from your pussy. He couldn't believe he got to fuck you at 19 without a condom, and didn't spread you legs to watch it drip out. He tightened his fist a bit to bring himself a little pain. He wanted to recreate how tight your pussy was that night. Finally what brought him to his high was the thought of your big pregnant belly. Your boobs would get bigger, your face would get rounder, and your thighs would get fatter. He was going feral over the thought of you pregnant with his baby. He quickly threw the covers off of his body, and jerked his cock faster as he reached his high. Small huffs and groans were heard in the small room while the first spurt of cum came out of his cock. He hasn't cum this hard in a long time. He tried to catch his breath pulling out his hand to find it covered in white. Looking down he noticed his boxers had a dark patch on his crotch too. He quickly got changed, and returned to his bed looking at his phone. He looked at the dildo in the cart for a few more minutes before ultimately deciding to buy it.
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1 month later
14 March 
Walking into the house both adults couldn't stop thinking about one another. They had just gotten back from dinner, and ushijima was clad in a white button up and black slacks. You, on the other hand, wore the same dress Ushijima got off to just a month ago. You were still unaware of the fact of course. Isa was spending the night at a friend's house allowing you and jima some alone time. When the two of you reached the bedroom you walked up to the broad man and put your hands on his chest. You kissed his jaw and left a peck on his lips. The two of you only kissed a handful of times and made out once. It wasn't unusual, but it was still special to him to receive a kiss. 
"jima," you said in an airy voice. The way you said his name has the blood flowing straight to penis.You were looking up at him and suddenly your large doe eyes weren't as innocent as they were before.
'Can I do more?' he could tell you were asking. He nodded his head once and you left one more peck on his lips. Your hands began trailing down his chest feeling each bump from his muscles through his shirt. You unbuckled his pants and began pulling his shirt out of them. You left small kisses on his jawline and felt the small stumble on your lips. He smelled so good. So manly in a way you would let him do whatever he wanted to you. You began unbuttoning his shirt and slowly lowered yourself as you reached the bottom of his shirt. Now on your knees you looked up at the tall man and his head was looking down at you. He couldn't get over how pretty you looked right now. Both of your faces were flushed red at the intimate moment. His hands remained on the button of his pants and told him, "toshi i've never done this before…i-i'm sorry if it's not good," He watched you in a way that said it's okay. "you're the only person I've had sex with," He remained quiet at your comment. Had he had sex with another person while the two of you weren't together? He watched your eyebrows draw together in thought. He panicked that you got the wrong idea and immediately shook his head. 
"You're the only one I've had sex with. The only one I want to have sex with," He was so sure about everything. You couldn't help but smile and find comfort in his words. You continued to unbutton his pants and bring down the zipper. After you pulled down his pants you looked at the small wet patch on his boxers. You could see his cock jump through the boxers every time you moved your hands on his strong thick thighs. God everything about him was large and muscular. Pushing him back he got the memo to go sit on the plush bench that rested at the end of your bed. Ushijima brought his left hand down to your face and cupped your chin so you looked up at him. He then ran his thumb over your lips before sliding it into your mouth. 
Deciding to give the lucky man a show you closed your eyes and began to slowly lick and suck on his thumb. He gasped a bit in surprise and pulled his thumb out to then work on getting his boxers off. You forgot just how big he was down there. 
It was pretty average length, but he was gurthy. His thick cock hung down while he sat. He was taking his shirt completely off and you sat in awe of the Greek god in front of you. Strong pecs, and eight abs starting right under it. His big biceps that would bulge out in every shirt he wore. There was a prominent V-line and green haired happy trail that led from his belly button down to his beautiful cock. He was so veiny and inviting. He's cock seemed so heavy it could barely hold itself up. You left small kisses starting at his knee trailing up his leg til you reached his pelvis. Then you repeated the same on the other side. Both of you thought back to how he did the same to you all those years ago. It felt so good and you haven't even touched him yet. 
You lifted your hand and put one on his cock and the other rested on his thigh. You heard toshi take in a breath of air throught his teeth as soon as you touch him. He was so sensitive right now. He could cum at any moment if you let him. You sat up a little on your knees and let a glob of spit slowly drip down from your mouth. Landing perfectly on the mushroom head. His pretty, dark red, leaking tip. His dick was a bit tanner then the rest of him and it made him all more appealing. You lifted his dick up more so it stood straight and leaned you head down to lick a soft stripe on a vein that started in between his balls and up to his tip. He had such big balls. They hung down over the side of the plush bench, and you couldn't help yourself but pay more attention to them. No wonder you got pregnant the first time with those big breeder balls. If Ushijima could see into your head right now all he would hear is the word cock over and over again. He jumped a bit when you cupped his ball and put it into your mouth. You suck gently on it while you fondle the other. You switched and repeated it on the opposite ball. You stopped when you saw his thigh begin to shake from the simulation. 
You looked up to see your 'toshi watching you with hooded eyes as you left small kisses and kitten licks on the head of his cock. Finally you moved your head down to take it in. You started sucking softly on the head giggling a bit at his expressions. He looked so pretty. His head started to lean back, but he kept forcing himself to look down at you. His mouth was open and his chest kept rising and falling. You moaned around him and he let out a gasp. His groans were music to your ears as you tried to force his cock deeper. Taking him out of your mouth you spit on his dick again and begin moving your hand up and down jerking him off. When you began to suck again you felt a large palm thread through your hair pushing you lightly down on his cock. The master bedroom was full of so many sounds from just two people. Gagging, groaning, and gasping was all that could be heard. You could tell 'toshi was close by his abs tightening up and his breathing picking up. While you sucked on his cock you forced yourself to deepthroat him. You stuck your tongue out to lick between his balls as tears began to fall from your eyes. At one particularly loud gag that had spit seeping from both sides of your mouth Wakatoshi pulled you off as you coughed for air. He stood up and began jerking his wet cock off at the sight of your flushed face with red, teary eyes. Your eyes held so much love. Your large doe eyes looked up at the man as he came undone. His head leaned back and he closed his eyes tightly as he came all over your face. You tried to stick your tongue out to catch the thick ropes, but most of it landed on your face and your pretty black dress leaving it stained by your loving boyfriend's semen. 
Once Wakatoshi composed himself he hooked his hands under your arms and brought you to your feet. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you harder than he ever has. There was so much passion in the kiss. He didn't want you to get away from him. The cum that was on your nose got on his and he couldn't care less about it. He licked your bottom lip and then inserted it into your mouth. As your tongues danced together he began unzipping your dress and letting it drop to the floor. When he finally departed from you he saw the tears fall from your eyes. You had a small smile on your face and watched his eyes roam around your face. 
"Why are you crying, bunny?" His deep voice had a small crack in it as he spoke. He was very worried that you were in pain. Had he done too much? Did you not enjoy it as much as he did? Did you not want to move forward?
"because i'm happy," You said, his hands raised to your face and you placed your hands over top of his, "i'm so happy right now," There were small cracks in your voice as you spoke though sniffles, tears, and your quivering lip . You really were so happy. There was so much love between the two of you and just a year ago you were convinced everything was lost for you. But here he was holding you close. Skin to skin. Wanting to show you through his actions how much he loved you. He nodded his head once and dropped his hands to your thighs. He wanted you to jump so you did. Wrapping your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist. He turned around and gently laid you on the bed treating you like glass. He kissed down your body starting at your lips then down your neck, to your chest. One kiss on each of your breasts above your bra. Then down your tummy, one each on your hips, then he lifted up each leg at a time and kissed up to your calf. He came back up to your panties and left one kiss on your pussy through the item of clothing. His eyes were shut and he stayed there for a moment before opening his eyes and looking up at you. He looks so pretty between your legs, and he thinks you look so pretty from this view. His brain short circuited when he looked back down at your panties covering your heat. Without thinking much more his strong arms reached up and ripped your underwear open. You gasped at the force in which he ripped them off. 
"jima-" you gasped, but he seemed far too hypnotized to look up or even react to your outburst. He wanted nothing more than to stuff his face in your beautiful pussy.
"if you lick it, it's yours," 
"huh," you said, what does he even mean by that?
"tendou always said that if you lick it, it's yours, so if i lick it does that mean it's mine?" He asked, still not looking away from the glistening hole.
You giggled finally realizing what he meant and you nodded your head, "yes baby, if you lick it it's yours'" you couldn't help but continue to giggle until you felt his tongue lick up your already wet pussy. God, it's been far too long. He was basically making out with your pussy at this point. Kissing and sucking. He brought his left hand up and used his pointer finger to begin drawing small circles on your clit. His face kept looking up to yours and back down to your pussy to make sure you were feeling good. It was so hot to see the bottom half of his face covered in your slick, and how his eyes showed that he still wanted more. Shoving his face back between your legs, his tongue started to move in and out of your pussy. He'd curl it up as soon as he got it as far as he could then scoop your cum out. Eventually he moved his left hand down from your clit and slowly brought his middle finger into your vagina. You were still so tight, and his singular finger was so thick. Eventually he tried fitting in another, and then a third. Your loud moans could probably be heard from around the block. He was more than proud of himself. You caught his small smirk before he went to suck on your clit. You brought your hands down once you felt the small knot tighten in your stomach. Noticing your hands tugging and pulling on his hair he started speeding up a bit at his fingering. He was still sucking on your clit and his tongue kept flicking the small bean. It felt like you were gonna pee again. It felt like the future and the past were all meshing together as your thighs tightened around his head as you came. 
When he crawled back up so the two of you were face to face he took his forearm and wiped at his mouth, and oh my god was he sexy.
"I need to grab a condom," He told you in his deep, sultry voice. You immediately shook your head no and tightened your hold on his shoulders. " I need words, bunny." 
"no, no condom please," You could barely think and his cock wasn't even in you yet.  Your bottom lip jutted out as you gave him your best doe eyes. You wanted nothing more than to feel his fat, veiny cock hitting your cervix and the risk of having his baby again. You could tell in his face that he wanted it too. He wanted to watch his cum leak out of your used pussy, and leave you nothing but cock drunk on your toshi. Yours. Everything is for you. He seemed careful about what he should do next so for a little more convincing you started rubbing the front of your right foot on the backside of his thigh as you reached behind your back and uncliped your bra. He noticed your struggle to take the bra off, and when he turned to throw it in the laundry basket you quickly brought him back down on top of you. Slightly shoving your boobs in his face. For such a big man he had such a simple mind. You began pawing at his chest and he finally got the hint. With one arm holding him up beside your head he reached down to grab his cock and begin lining it up to your pussy. You spread your legs a little bit wider as he began to rub his cock over your pussy. When it got caught on your clit you let out the most beautiful whine. He started with just the tip letting you adjust, and then slowly started to sink down. You were so lucky. You have such a handsome man on top of you, and he seemed just as out of breath as you are. He closed his eyes and let out a quiet groan at how tight your pussy was gripping him. He loved it, and no matter how badly he wanted to cum he wouldn't allow himself until you came first. If there was one thing he was good at it was discipline. He felt your arms hook over his shoulders again once he halted. He was balls deep, but he still would listen to anything you wanted. Pulling him down a bit your noses touched as you left a feather light kiss on his lips. 
"Do it hard, please," is all you had to say for Toshi to get the memo. He slowly pulled his hips back just to slam them in hard. He repeated this as your moans got louder. He got more excited hearing your beautiful voice and began to speed up. 
"toshi, toshi, toshi," you said smiling and giggling, " I know you're excited right now, but that kinda hurts me," you knew he didn't quite understand his own strength sometimes. He quickly apologized and began going at a medium speed.
"Is this good?" he asked as he watched your face contort and you bite your lip. 
"uh toshi~ it's perfect baby," You moaned again after finishing your sentences and tears fell down your face. How could you ever think this was painful, maybe it's because of childbirth and your vagina isn't the same as it used to be but this feels heavenly. He started grunting and breathing heavily like a bull as your fingers clawed at muscled back. He wanted to make you feel so good, and he was doing just that. 
"tosh-toshi uh i'm gonna cum baby," His mouth was now open a bit, and he gazed down at you unable to handle how good he felt. Everytime his abs would clench your pussy would clench too. It was so soft. His fist couldn't compare. 
"i'm gonna cum too," is all he could get out before he started letting out quiet whimpers that gradually got louder as both of you came. His body fell on top of yours and you wrapped your arms and legs around him to ride out your high. Once Toshi stopped whimpering and whining you couldn't help but get sad. To hear such a strict and disciplined man whimper over your pussy was like music to your ears and totally added to how wet you already were. 
His head now rested on your chest as you brought your hand up to begin massaging his scalp. You could feel his chest rise and fall as his dick came out of your now messy vagina, but his relaxing stopped as soon as he hopped up like he just remembered something. He scooted down a bit on the bed and lifted both your legs up in an attempt to bring your knees to your chest. 
"jima what are you doing," 
"Watching," is all he said as he stared at your pussy, "push," 
"push like you're going to pee," his eyes did not once move away from your pussy. He watched as the white liquid came dripping out of your pussy in fat globs. God, he swore he was gonna come again on the spot. You tried to look down as much as you could just to see the man absolutely hypnotized. You don't think you've ever seen him this focused in your life. When he finally got out of his trance he gazed up at you and then walked into the bathroom.
You lifted yourself up jumping at the sticky, uncomfortable coldness between your legs to try and figure out what he was doing. You heard  the faucet for the bathtub begin and you panicked that he was just gonna leave you here alone like he did last time. You leaned back on the king size bed and covered your eyes with your hands. Ushijima came back into the bedroom and began lifting you up bridal style. Your hands quickly left your eyes staring at the man in confusion. What was he doing? He then began walking with you into the bathroom and gently set you in the tub where the warm water was still filling. He disappeared once more to strip the bed, and then finally climbed into the tub behind you. Toshi wrapped his arms around you and brought you to lean back on his chest in the warm water. You could really get used to this. 
~~later that night~~
Crawling into bed you saw Toshi come running out of the bathroom in his boxers. He had just finished brushing his teeth, and remembered that he had a gift for you. Coming out of the walk-in closet you couldn't help but watch his abs as he moved. He had eight of them. You smiled at the fact as he sat down on the bed facing you and handed you your gift. It was a smallish rectangle box and you kept glancing up at his unmoving face as you began to rip the wrapping paper off. You didn't quite get what you were looking at until you turned the box to the side and saw the dildo displayed.
"Jima!" you shouted at him. There was a large text box that wrote 'customizable to a specific penis'. "you didn't!" 
"Do you not like it?" he asked with genuine confusion displayed on his face. Your jaw was on the floor unable to believe the gift he got you.
bonus bonus:
Ushi: where did you learn to give head like that?
you: i read....a lot
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tags: @mineta-phobic @rukia-uchiha-98 @ssc7514 @megumuro
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thisapplepielife · 5 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
Taking Over the Neighborhood
Prompt Day 21: Snow | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Fluff, Neighbor Meet-Cute, Snow, Platonic Stobin, Cat People, Eddie POV
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Eddie hates winter. 
It's cold. It's miserable. 
And the snow. 
The goddamn, motherfucking snow. 
He looks out the window, and he's not sure he's even gonna be able to get home by closing time. That's the shitty thing about working nights in the winter. Sometimes, when you're really unlucky, you get stuck at work.
They get a few more inches of snow, but he's determined to make it home, come hell or frozen water. His van can just suck it up.
He has to drive about ten miles per hour, but he does make it home. Then he gets to wade through his snow-covered sidewalk. Fantastic. 
His jeans are wet from the knees down, and he's freezing, so he jumps in the warm shower. Even if he'd really rather just crash.
The next day, he wakes up just after lunch, and while he's drinking his first cup of coffee, he notices that his walk has been shoveled. That's weird. He definitely doesn't know any of his neighbors that well. He hasn't lived here long, and his schedule isn't exactly ideal for meeting neighbors. Maybe it's some of the kids in the neighborhood, and he owes them money now. Which, he wouldn't mind paying, he definitely appreciates it.
Maybe he'll see 'em out working.
So, Eddie sits by the window and waits. Soon enough, a guy is walking across the street with a snow shovel. Eddie's never seen him before in his life. Doesn't know if he has a wife, a boyfriend, six kids or a dozen cats. No clue. Maybe all of the above, for all Eddie knows.
But, Eddie pours another mug of coffee, slides on his boots, zips up his coat and goes out to thank him.
The guy's just walking up the driveway when Eddie opens the door, and he freezes in his tracks.
"Hey, thank you, your handiwork is greatly appreciated!" Eddie hollers, offering him a big smile. "I'm Eddie."
"I'm Steve," Steve says, and Eddie smiles at him. "I kinda figured that either you worked nights, or were a vampire," Steve teases, "But look at you! Out in the daytime."
Eddie laughs, "Not a vampire. Bar owner, though, so lots of late nights," Eddie says.
"I hope you don't mind, I was doing mine, and just thought I'd help."
"I really appreciate that help, Steve," Eddie says, handing him the cup of coffee. Steve accepts it with thanks, and Eddie takes the shovel from his hands, and shovels up the small amount of new snow that fell overnight.
"So, a bar, huh? Which one?" Steve asks, and Eddie pauses for a second.
"Hellfire Club," Eddie finally says.
"Oh, that's cool! Small world. My best friend and I have been there a few times. It's great. We liked it a lot. There's not a lot of queer-friendly bars in the area, and a new one is always appreciated," Steve says, and Eddie relaxes.
"I'm glad you guys liked it," Eddie says, smiling, "it's taking up all my time. Hence, the rumors of me being a vampire, apparently."
Steve laughs, and Eddie leans on the shovel, just looking at him. He's very pretty, and maybe, some flavor of queer.
It's Eddie's lucky day.
"You hungry? I can make breakfast? As a thank you for all your manual labor," Eddie offers, and Steve actually nods, which sends a thrill through Eddie. He hadn't expected that, not really.
But he ushers Steve into his house, and they both take off their snow boots at the front door, and then Eddie leads him into his kitchen. "There's more coffee in the pot," Eddie says, and he watches as Steve refills his mug. "Milk or cream in the fridge if you want some, and sugar in the container right there," Eddie adds, pointing.
And Steve doctors up his coffee.
"I should have asked earlier, I forget not everyone drinks it black," Eddie says.
"Oh, I like it both ways," Steve says, stirring his coffee with a spoon he got out of the dish drainer. 
Eddie would be so lucky, if Steve likes it both ways.
Steve scoots onto the bar stool, and drinks his coffee while Eddie makes breakfast. 
"How do you like your eggs?" Eddie asks.
"The runnier the better," Steve says, and Eddie pulls his hands to his heart, dramatically. 
Steve laughs.
"A guy after my heart," Eddie declares, and starts frying some bacon, and puts bread in the toaster.
"How long have you lived across the street?" Eddie asks, glancing over his shoulder at Steve.
"Four, no, five years. My best friend, Robin and I, moved from a small town in Indiana," Steve says.
"I didn't know who lived over there. Single person? Family with six kids? A dozen cats? It could have been any combination," Eddie teases.
"Well, it's one bisexual, one lesbian, no kids, and 2 cats."
Eddie smiles, teasing, "We're taking over the neighborhood."
"The gays?" Steve asks, grinning.
"No, the cat people," Eddie teases, clicking his tongue and a big, black cat comes racing into the kitchen.
"That's Midnight."
Steve reaches down and scratches him behind the ears, and it makes Eddie smile.
Once the food is ready, they sit side-by-side and eat at the counter. Midnight eating his lunch in the corner, on the floor. They talk, and Eddie is happy he's making a friend in town. 
Then there's knocking on the front door, and Eddie gets up to go answer it. That's weird. Gareth would just walk in, so he doesn't know who it'd be.
He opens the door to a woman with a bob haircut, "Did you kidnap my best friend?"
"Yes, and I'm force feeding him breakfast," Eddie answers. "You must be Robin."
Steve laughs from the kitchen, then hollers, "How did you even know I was over here?"
"I followed your footprints. And I saw your shovel, dingus," she says, and pushes her way inside. 
Eddie steps aside to let her enter.
Maybe he'll make two new friends today.
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