#wary perhaps
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little bit obsessed with the way she looks at him <3
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if you start the stream it'll help kill time till the update, just sayin'
i might. i actually might
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Love the idea of Kae painstakingly learning Hilichurian, at first bc he figured it was another skill under his belt then bc talking with them made him curious abt them and their origin
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fleetsonourgecentral · 8 months
Well here is another ask! (I Hope you don't get Mad)
Can I request more(Good) Fleetway Super, scourge and Fleetway Sonic just chilling together? But instead of movies they are playing games
I am always happy to answer asks about these two fkdhsad I'll never get mad for having more excuses to talk or write about them!!!
Sonic wished he could say he didn't know how he'd been dragged into this, but unfortunately, he was all too aware of exactly who was to blame for this.
It was all Ebony's fault. She was the one who kept insisting Sonic, ugh, just got to know Super. Because he wasn't that bad when he wasn't evil and trying to murder Sonic and his friends in cold blood, could Sonic not find it in his heart to get to know him a little better and stop hating him?
He should have kept refusing. He never should have given in. But for some unknown reason, Scourge of all people decided to back her up like the traitor he was. The resulting discussion had been long and torturous, and Tekno had unhelpfully chimed in with multiple comments of her own, because apparently she had never seen Super in a murderous enough rampage to be put off by him. And then Amy reluctantly backed up Tekno, because of course she did, and then-
Well. And then Sonic somehow found himself breathing the same air as Super without either of them fighting.
The process had been, so far, just as long and torturous as his initial discussion (fight) over the issue with Scourge, and to Sonic's eternal annoyance, it wasn't... well, it wasn't not working. So much so he had somehow found himself here, in the back room of the Groovy Train, Scourge firmly sandwiched between him and Super as they sat in front of a TV with controllers in their hands.
It... wasn't the worst situation Sonic had ever been in. He didn't like it, but if he had to be in a room with Super, it was better to not have the fucker trying to kill him, and so far, he hadn't. He'd needed surprisingly little instruction on how to work the game - good, because Sonic didn't have the patience to waste time explaining it to him - and had commented, with far too much snark, "We were the same person once, you know, you spent too much time on this game for me to not know how to play it."
Cheeky bastard.
They'd argued for a while about what game to play - or rather, Sonic and Scourge argued, mainly because Scourge wanted to play that stupid Marxio Brothers game solely to piss Sonic off - before they finally settled on Avenue Warrior 2, a fighting game that was definitely not one of Sonic's favourites. They just happened to have a copy of it back at the base, and it was a good way to unwind after a difficult mission.
Normally, the only person Sonic could convince to play it with him was Tails; the game supported up to four players, but no one else had ever really cared enough to play it with him more than a few times, sulking over getting their asses kicked. Pixel Brain was the only one who stuck at it, with that determined little frown that screamed he was determined to beat Sonic one day. As if, but it was nice for the kid to have a goal. Lately, he'd started to be able to rope Scourge into playing it, which was more of a challenge; Scourge wasn't as familiar with the game as Sonic, didn't know all the little tricks and secrets, but he was a fast learner, and kept Sonic on his toes. But Tails refused to play when Scourge did, saying they got too competitive when they were together, so Sonic was used to only ever playing with one other person. He'd never seen three player mode before.
"Son of a bitch!"
Apparently three player mode involved a lot of the two of them getting too caught up in their rivalry, only for Super to remind them he was there by coming in and delivering some particularly devastating moves, because of course the bastard had leeched off some of Sonic's hard earned skills after the split.
He'd be more mad about it, but every time Scourge's avatar fell was a balm to soothe the irritation.
"You fucking cheater!" Scourge accused, waving his controller.
"Not my fault you're bad at the game," Super replied, quick as a flash. He was usually so meek, but apparently the distraction of video games brought some kind of confidence out of him he didn't normally possess, at least when he was speaking to Scourge. He still shrank back whenever Sonic spoke to him, but honestly, that was perfectly fine by Sonic. He wasn't exactly leaping to become Super's friend.
The only reason he was here at all was because Scourge had talked him into it.
"Bad at the - how am I bad at the game when you're the one who-"
"Just accept you're shit," Sonic said, mashing the buttons on his controller to dodge what would have been a spectacularly vicious combo from Super. They were infuriatingly evenly matched. "I saw that coming a mile away. If you couldn't dodge it, that's your fault."
Scourge hissed, which was the only warning Sonic and Super got before he darted forward and promptly unplugged both their controllers.
"Oh fuck off, you little moss covered hairball-"
Sonic scrambled to plug his controller back in before Super could; they were both good enough at the game that being the first to get their controller working again was the difference between win or lose. Apparently, Super realised the same thing, because he was almost as fast as Sonic. Their shoulders bumped as they frantically tried to plug in their controllers, and both of them tensed at the contact.
Sonic recovered a split second before Super did, plugging his controller back in with a triumphant yell and flinging himself back to the sofa. Super wasn't far behind, snatching up his controller just in time to barely dodge a punch from Sonic's avatar. Lucky fucker.
"Do that again and I'll dangle you out the window with the wire of your controller," Sonic threatened, leaning to the side while dodging a kick like that would help him. Both of their avatars were dangerously low on health; it would be a close call, and Sonic was determined to win.
"I can always turn the console off-"
Scourge twitched like he was going to get up, and in unison Sonic and Super grabbed his arms and flung him back down. For good measure, Sonic wrapped his legs around Scourge's torso, pinning him there.
"If you wanted to cuddle, all you had to do was ask," Scourge said, tilting his head back to grin at Sonic.
"I want you to not be a sore loser."
"I'm not a-!"
"You kinda are," Super said quietly, his earlier confidence shaken from the brief physical contact the two of them shared.
Sonic took advantage of his moment of distraction to deliver a final blow to Super's character, basking in smug, triumphant victory as the game declared him the winner.
He was used to being victorious in this game, but he had to admit, it was a lot more rewarding when he had to actually work for it.
Not that he would admit it out loud. If he ever recounted this story to anyone, he'd tell them it was a landslide victory; no need to let everyone know Super of all people gave him so much trouble.
"Another round?" he asked, smiling smugly at Scourge. "Think you can take another loss without trying to sabotage me, this time?"
"I've won three of these," Scourge complained. "Super's won four. Stop acting like you're hot shit just because you have the most experience with this stupid game."
"I'm not acting like I'm hot shit, I am hot shit."
"Shut up." Scourge untangled himself from Sonic, pulling himself to his feet. "Oi, Super, got any other games? We've been playing this one for two hours now."
"In the cabinet," Super said, startled at being addressed. "In, uh... in the next room."
"Tired of losing?" Sonic taunted.
"Go fuck yourself," Scourge said, sticking his middle finger up at Sonic as he left to root through the cabinet. Sonic stuck two fingers up in retaliation, even knowing he wouldn't be seen.
Then he was left alone with Super. Great. Exactly what he didn't want out of today.
Super eyed him warily, shifting further into his corner of the sofa like Sonic was the dangerous one who could attack at any moment, and Sonic almost snorted. The fucking irony.
Having Scourge sit between them was a conscious choice made for the sake of everyone. Scourge was the only one who didn't have a problem with either of them, while Sonic and Super had many, many problems with one another, although really, Sonic was far more justified in the amount of problems he had with Super. The guy had tried to murder his friends, for fucks sake. Had left Sonic with the burning wreckage of the Tornado and the belief he'd killed the people he cared about. In his opinion, Super didn't get to feel wary about Sonic after everything he'd done.
But, for whatever reason, he was. The mutual discomfort left them uneasy around one another, so they silently agreed to just avoid the shit out of each other for the rest of their lives - a decision that, apparently, no one could respect. Scourge was supposed to be the buffer between them, but apparently he couldn't take even one single job seriously. Super could've gotten a new game and left Sonic alone for two minutes with his boyfriend, but no, apparently that was too much to ask.
Still, as much as Super shrinking away annoyed him, Sonic didn't say anything, just turned away to stare out the window, although he kept one ear flicked in Super's direction just in case he tried anything. Tekno kept saying the suspicion was unnecessary, but what did she know? Better safe than sorry when it came to Super.
If Scourge or Ebony or whoever the fuck planned this was hoping getting them alone would get them to talk, they were sorely mistaken. Sonic didn't have anything to say to Super that wasn't antagonistic, and he didn't want to deal with the bitching he'd be subjected to if he provoked Super - damn the asshole and his overprotective mums - so it was better to just silently ignore him until Scourge came back.
Not that provoking him would be a good idea. The last thing he wanted was to set Super off and turn him homicidal again.
No, ignoring him really was the best way forward, and Super, thankfully, seemed to agree, because he didn't try to strike up any conversation of his own.
They just. Had. To wait. Fine. Sonic could do that. He could sit across from the demonic entity made entirely out of corrupted chaos energy, supposedly placid and a pacifist even though Sonic knew chaos energy didn't work that way.
Sonic was reluctantly beginning to believe Super really wasn't playing the long con - he'd never really had the patience for such things, always turning on anyone he teamed up with the second Sonic came into view, so gaining the self control to be alone with Sonic and not kill him in order to build trust and kill him at a later date was unlikely to say the least - but that didn't mean anything about Super's sudden attitude change made sense to him. He knew all too well how chaos energy worked; it was every bit as wild as its namesake, out of control and unable to be contained. Sonic never remembered any of the times he went super, but he could recall the moments before transformation uncomfortably well. The swelling of power, then energy lashing inside him, screeching for mindless destruction so loudly it was impossible to fight against-
Sonic's fists were clenched. With a deep, deliberate breath, he loosened them, forcing the tightness in his chest to unwind and the unpleasant emotions to back down through well-practiced force of will.
Chaos energy could not be placid. It could not be pacified. It was a feral beast, and it could be drained, and in small doses it wasn't harmful, but it couldn't be tamed. Sonic knew, he had tried. Tried so hard to hold it back, time and time again, to suppress it.
It didn't make sense that Super - a being made entirely of that destructive energy - could do what Sonic knew for a fact was impossible. Fighting chaos energy had to be impossible, otherwise Sonic would have figured out how to do it. Otherwise Kintobor would be-
An unpleasant emotion bubbled in his chest, and he shoved it down viciously. No point in dwelling on that.
It was a relief when Scourge came back, waving a game with a triumphant smile. "Zombies! Can't believe you let us play this shit, Super, when we could've been beating the shit out of zombies the whole time."
Super straightened a little, eyes sharpening, and Sonic tensed - but his eyes were only sharpening in interest, staring at the game in Scourge's hand and not Scourge himself. Not threatening, not waiting to attack.
It took conscious effort to relax.
"Just hurry up and put it in," Sonic said, folding his arms and slumping in his seat. See? The perfect picture of relaxed. He and Super existed in one another's presence without supervision and without ripping each other's throats out. He was great at this being civil thing, so Tekno and Amy and Scourge especially Ebony could shut the fuck up forever.
"Impatient," Scourge tutted, deliberately taking his time removing the cartridge from the case like the asshole he was.
Sonic threw a cushion at him, earning a startled giggle from Super.
"Fucks sake, fine," Scourge hissed, popping the cartridge into the console and returning to his rightful place by Sonic's side, firmly in between him and Super once again.
"Don't be a dick and I won't need to throw shit at you," Sonic said. He chanced a glance at Super, who was watching the TV, and slid his hand into Scourge's, giving it a squeeze.
If Scourge was surprised by the sudden affection, he didn't show it. Just squeezed Sonic's hand right back, and didn't let go until Sonic finally relaxed by his side and the title screen came up.
"Do any of us actually know how to play this game?" Scourge asked.
"I do," Super said, picking his controller back up. "I can teach you."
Sonic's hackles raised at the idea of anyone, much less Super, teaching him anything, but he forced it down. Whatever. He could deal with it.
As they selected their characters and started the game, he leaned on Scourge. Just a little, barely a nudge, but Scourge barely leaned on him right back, and it was enough to settle his overactive nerves at least a little.
Playing video games with Super wasn't something he'd ever pictured himself doing, and it wasn't something he particularly wanted to be doing at that exact moment, either. If he had the choice, he'd rather go for a run far, far away from his maybe-not-evil double.
But as long as he was here, Scourge's presence helped, and Sonic couldn't help but be grateful for that.
The bastard still owed him so many races when they got home for helping to drag him into this, though.
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scribbling-dragon · 6 months
one of my dear irls remembered I have a tumblr while we were sat on call together the other day. he then proceeded to go through my page and find my ao3, and then read out the tags he found funny on my fics
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ghostwise · 3 months
I love how Hamal comes into his own in Antiva. He was SO young during the Blight. I can just picture Tatienne and Fomalhaut being shocked and aghast when they realize that he's TWENTY-THREE
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lildoodlecat · 3 months
The new blanket I got is purple with glow in the dark stars and constellations but unfortunately I sleep with a lamp on to keep the suffocating weight of the darkness away
#okay the blanket is actually part of a full bedset which#i have never owned a matching bedset in my life#and have been using the same blanket since i was like 8#but when we were at my grandma's for christmas i mentioned offhand that i needed new sheets#bc we didnt have any for a full bed (mine) and i was just using an old stained queen one#and she just goes 'oh i have an extra bedset for a full bed do you want it?'#and i was like ??? yeah????? if you dont need it????????#and she brings out a brand new kids purple star set and im just standing there like what. what. i love purple. that's the cutest bedset wha#AND SUDDENLY I HAVE A FULL BEDSET WITH FITTED SHEETS THE CORRECT SIZE??????#took me over a month to finally have the spoons and the commitment to change to make the switch sjxkdk#i was ecstatic abt the sheets but i was wary abt the blanket and the pillow cases#bc previously i was using some super soft pillow cases i stole from a different bedset (there's a story to that but anyway)#and of course the same blanket I've been using for over a decade#which was pretty worn I'll admit but it smelled like me idk i found it comforting#it was twin sized so it didn't really fit my bed but i basically just become a burrito or perhaps a poorly folded taco to sleep so meh#and yeah i could've just taken the sheets and stuck to my old blanket but the set was so cute.. i wanted my bed to be cute now#turns out. just like the packaging says. it's really soft#the pillow cases probably aren't as soft as the other ones but ig i barely notice#only downside is that the stiffer side of the blanket (the glow in the dark side) rustles easily#which for a 'tuck the blanket up to my ear and under my chin' kinda person is kind of annoying#but im committed. or whatever. so ✨#jay yells#if you've read this far congrats now you know abt my relationship with bedding
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south-sea · 3 months
extremely tempted to keep black moth canonically alive actually
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rosaacicularis · 2 years
human!scar and alien!grian space au <3
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jonathanrook · 6 months
can i bitch for a second
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
just like me to find love and kindness in horror movies but hear me out when ppl stop for victims and immediately help them by taking them to the hospital or a safe place... so true thank you..
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avrilsboy · 10 months
i do not work in trade publishing but most of my master's was focused on trade and genuinely it's fucking bleak. i haven't really kept tabs on the industry since 2020 so i can only imagine it's up in fucking flames.
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Genuine question that I've been thinking about - do you think it's in bad taste to refer to the Jellicles as a "tribe", given the racial connotations of that word? I know the creators and fandom probably don't mean anything by it, and I'm not trying to start a fight in the fandom but with the the racism already present in some stagings of the show and the other words that exist to refer to a group of cats, do you think another word might be a better idea?
This is actually a very good question and overarching point, anon; one that I have found myself pondering from time to time. 
I'm afraid I don't believe I have the appropriate proverbial toolkit necessary to fully unpack this the way it deserves, nor do I have any kind of authority on this subject. It's a complex and nuanced matter that is heavily intertwined with critical race theory. The term "tribe", even at a very basic level, is deeply rooted in colonialism and horribly outdated 19th century social theory. The word does not (nor has it ever) inherently exist in neutrality because of these associations.
It does bring up two very important points that I can briefly touch on while opening up the floor, though, being the idea of intent (and whether that actually carries enough weight to "justify" anything), and the other overarching matter that whatever is associated with CATS can very quickly delve into otherwise uncomfortable territory, particularly in the racialized sense, as it (whatever it may be) is immediately associated with animals. Referring to a group of animals as a "tribe" is a very slippery slope downwards, when we consider it from that angle in association to the racially charged meaning behind the word.
I would say that having a better term to refer to the Jellicles is always an easily adaptable possibility (even just calling them a group of cats) - there really is no reason that the word still has to be used. However, again, I don't believe I have any qualification to comment upon this.
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inhumanfuckingdogman · 9 months
I think being 12 and watching someone get doxxed for shipping the wrong thing maybe did something to all of us. Like psychologically
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muu-kun · 1 year
Muu Masterpost: Fashion & Aesthetic mini blurb
I'm not going to get into heavy specifics over his preferences for style across the years in this post, but instead will only being honing in on the most recent development. One built strictly on the strategy of appearing taller, therefore older and more desirable in his mind.
Being scraping by the barrel allowing him to be considered 5ft4 (though if we are going into specifics, he falls at 5ft3 and 3/4 quarters), he's not really one to stand out as the largest man in the room by any means. A trait not at aided by his almost left in time youthful appearance directly caused by the only just recently diagnosed Kallmann Syndrome.
As of yet, he has no desire whatsoever to utilize testosterone as a means of assisting him in appearing more like his age appropriate peers, and is instead opting more for the aesthetic of appearing larger since he's not anticipated to grow on hormone treatments as is anyways. That and he so greatly admires his jovial androgyny regardless of how well it fares amongst those around him.
The method of choice to achieve such a resemblance has been none other than to begin predominantly wearing three specific pieces alongside each other for the time being, and to elevate it from there over time. Those pieces are none other than very specific shirts with long, oversized bell sleeves at their ends to hide his hands, making indiscernible where his hand ends, and where the remainder of the sleeve begins; as well as high waisted, preferably slim legged pants, and vegan only platform boots. Namely those marketed by Doc Martens due to being very uneducated on what other options are out there for him to utilize. Examples of what all of those appear when paired entirely with one another is illustrated below.
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bookwyrminspiration · 11 months
I think a part of their being less fanfics is that a some of people who wrote fanfic left the fandom due to the long gaps between unlocked and Stellarlune, as well as them not liking Stellarlune.
This is shown in the way that there is a lot of AU fics or post-canon fics. While a lot fo people do enjoy writing canon-complimentary fics, it’s not something everyone is interested in, plus canon right now is kind of weird so it’s easier to just ignore it.
Also, it seems that a lot of the fandom is older now, so we are more critical of our work and have less time/motivation to write fanfic, even if we want to. Plus, as people get older, they are more aware of how characters are out of character in our writing and they therefore feel the need to make them all in character.
To add on to that, the hits to likes/kudos to comments ratio is so freaking off it’s not even funny. There’s less engagement, which leads people to believe that they are not good at writing, which means that they shouldn’t post anything.
I know what I said isn’t true for everyone, but that does feel like that’s what is happening. I am just speaking based off of what I see and experience. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
What are your thoughts on this Quil? Do you agree or disagree? Do you think this will continue or will it be resolved with the next book?
Sincerely, ⚙️
(PS I wanted to say that I did read your Kam one shot and while I didn’t really fully process what was going on, I did enjoy reading it. You did a good job at nailing their characters. When I have the time, I will properly explain every feeling that I have.)
That's a fair observation--the one thing I'd say to your comments about older fandom members leaving and current older members having less time is that fandom is always in flux. There's always new people joining and others leaving, at least here, but it doesn't seem like as many of the newer people are fic writers. Like there were some popular fanartists who aren't in the fandom anymore, but we still have popular fanartists who have joined since. And my anecdotal observation is that that doesn't seem to be happening with fic writers as much--but again, that's a casual observation not a vetted one so I may be off or just not seeing new writers myself
Though our fandom is in a weird place right now with longer wait times and the story taking an unexpected direction, so I'm sure that also has an impact. I don't think there's any one thing that's responsible, there's an intersection of different things that impact people in different ways. I'm really just focusing on one that we have more control over. We can't control all the other factors, but we can collaboratively make a supportive, encouraging space for writers of all skill levels and interests! And I think it would be neat to do so!
As for the hit/like/kudos ratio, it is disheartening at times. Though I do think we shouldn't be basing our self-worth and opinions of our writing on interaction. If someone feels shitty about their writing/skill level because of low interaction I believe they should reflect and work to disconnect that sense of self from others' opinions, not that we need to interact to make them feel better. That is something for them to work through for themselves
But at the same time, it would be naive to completely ignore how interaction shapes writing and creation in general in fandom spaces. Because it does play a role for many. Fandom spaces are a community, and community is built on interaction and support!
I have no way of knowing what will happen with the next book or what the fandom will look like--like I said, it's always changing, and my time blindness makes it very difficult for me personally to see and understand the cycle of slumps and activity. But I think we, as a fandom, do have the opportunity to take some measure of control over this.
We can choose how to react to what we see and what kind of space we want to create. We could wait for the next book and just kinda see what happens, or we could make an active effort now to interact with writers and their work when we read it, and to separate our sense of worth from the amount of interaction we get.
That doesn't mean everyone has to go out and read tons of fic and leave the longest comments in the world, just that I think many of us (and this 100% includes me too) could put in a small amount of more effort to interact with fics and writers to support fic in fandoms in a variety of ways.
I'll leave it there for now, but there is always more to be said so don't take everything as the entirety of my thoughts. The main point of my post commenting on how I saw less fic was me going "hmm, I can't control everything else happening, but interaction and encouragement is very helpful for writers and something within my control and I want to support writers more than I do currently". I'm not intending to make some grand sweeping statement or push others to do things, it's just what I've reflected on and what I want to do about it :)
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