#warcraft fic
wowerehouse · 4 months
The world declares open season on Forsaken mages. A Darkspear mule handler declares that the world can fuck off then.
I was so excited by this month's interlude in Power To Manipulate Belief that I had to do a spinoff expanding on Ihz's little cameo and exploring the Forsaken resistance.
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catfirebrand · 1 year
The bed dipped beside her, and Jaina forced herself to unbury her face enough to crack open one eye. Sylvanas leaned over her, long fingers gently brushing away the hair that fell in Jaina’s face. A face she immediately felt burn red with embarrassment. Still, she fought the desire to hide further, instead turning her face out of the sheets. “Mmm?”
Well. It wasn’t exactly coherence, but she supposed it would have to do as a response.
“Good morning, sleepyhead. Ready for some breakfast?”
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nadiaofazeroth · 7 months
I have COMPLETELY forgotten to update here, which I apologize for, but I want to let you all know that Part 17 and Part 18 are now LIVE on our pages for Something Borrowed, Something Blue!!
I’ve linked it to Archive of Our Own because FanFiction has been glitching and broken for email notifications and such for a month (also, if you follow on FF, be sure that your email opt in is on because they turn it off every 6 months apparently).
Thank you for your patience so much everyone!
Part 17: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7589713/chapters/126661831
Part 18: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7589713/chapters/128038774
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mothervvoid · 6 months
1/1ch | 2k wc
Tyrande is angry.
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samejazzed · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Warcraft - All Media Types, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft - Various Authors, Warcraft Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Lord Harford, Baron Silverlaine, Commander Springvale, Caeris Felwalker, Arugal (Warcraft), Original Characters Additional Tags: Body Horror, pet death, Worgen, Scourge (Warcraft), Gilneas, Shadowfang Keep, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con Summary:
Llania, a resident of Silverlaine Keep survives it's siege at the end of the Third War, but does not emerge unscathed! She succumbs to the Curse of the Worgen and must adjust to her new reality.
 Additional warnings in End Notes
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jujoobedoodling · 4 months
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druidonity2 · 10 months
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You stumble across a sha with a unique appearance. It looks like it's struggling to keep it's original form. What do you do?
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deathbypixelz · 1 month
Six or seven years after the burning of Teldrassil, Tyrande and Maiev have yet to return from their hunt for the Banshee Queen. So Cathala, Tarinne, and a few other like-minded individuals decide to take matters into their own hands. They follow what little remains of Sylvanas' trail, investigating abandoned Horde outposts, interrogating Horde separatists, and not-quite-legally digging through old military documents. Ultimately, they discover her trail leads to Northrend, and so they follow. The hunt will be long, harrowing, and neither their quarry nor the endless icy wastes will show mercy. Not all will live to touch warm soil again.
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grimlins-chaos · 4 months
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The numbness that comes with an unfulfilled promise..
It was quiet for the most part, petals and leaves fall from the boughs above and flutter down to the city below, a few of them landing upon the surface of the lake that Alaantheria had been simply observing, her face still a bit numb from the fresh mark- but that paled in comparison to the numbness she felt in her heart and soul. She finally got to prove herself as someone of worth, not only earning the mark of shadow, but also the Scythe of Elune. The elf looked over the fantastic weapon with tired eyes. She hardly felt anything, not just in regards to her accomplishment but to all things im general. All of it felt so meaningless. She knows all her friends are worried about her, it wasn't till some time recently when she finally gained the strength to be out amongst people again- but now she was alone. The sounds of revarly from those of the guild and other kal'dorei celebrating her and her party's accomplishments, she should be happy, she should be proud. But she just.. can't..
"For someone having finally earned her marks, you don't seem too happy to bear them." A gentle voice came from behind, causing the young elf to turn around and be just a bit surprised to see the High Priestess herself of all people standing there.
Alaantheria wasn't quite sure how to verbalize it, she didn't feel like she could speak up about it even though all of her friends hadn't ever shut her down before- some of them know their own losses and she's experienced loss herself throughout her life. There was just something about this loss that cut deeper than anything else and she didn't know how to explain it. "I'm just thinking about things, High Priestess, pay no mind to me." Alaan managed a small smile, one that felt so.. wrong to put on.
The older woman's lips quirked into a mildly unimpressed frown, brows furroed as she cocked her head to the side ever so slightly, making it clear she saw right through the young elf. "We should be truthful with ourselves, Young one. And Tyrande, please." She says as she walks up to the railing to stand beside Alaantheria. "I wouldn't be a very good priestess if I were to turn a blind eye to one of my people clearly suffering, especially on a day that's supposed to be a joyus one for her. What's on your mind, child?"
Alaan sighed a bit, her smile turning into a wristful grimace. "Where to even begin.." She turned to look over the railing, resting her arms on it as she rested her weight against it. "There was someone supposed to be here.. and he's.." She paused, throat becoming tight with emotion as she could feel the tears threatening to return. "Not.." She managed to force out.
Given her demeanor and the tension throughout the druid, Tyrande seemed to have understood pretty quickly how this somebody so dear to the girl may have departed. It was but one of many reasons why she hates the legion so passionately- the way they managed to rip so many loved ones away from people, often in the most brutal and cruel ways imaginable.
Alaantheria took in a sharp deep breath, attempting to compose herself and continued. "H-he was caught in an explosion, sacrificing himself to save others." The bitter bile rose to the back of her throat, tears forming at the edge of her eyes. She wanted so badly to be in his arms again, to feel his warm envelope her tight, even toward the end when he began to drift away from her she always knew there was something in him that loved her. Now.. now she's never felt more cold.
She was met with the feeling of a hand brushing over her leafy green hair as Tyrande spoke. "The love you shared with him I can tell was one of the greatest.. and also the most painful.. Raw, pure, forever enduring.." Tyrande looked out over the lake view. "While I've only ever nearly lost him, to be left behind while my love left to help the world or to walk the emerald dream filled me with a very similar pain- to be alone while your heart is out of your reach and you're left with the phantom feeling of them at your side.. it cuts deeper than any blade. And the whole they leave behind feels like you're standing on the edge of a gaping chasm that has no end.."
The words alone were enough to do her over, tears spilling down her freshly marked face as she buried her face in her hands and her body began to be raked with sobs, finally mourning as she never truly got to express before and it hurt- it hurt so much. Why did he have to go? It could have been anyone else, but it was him. And a part of her hating him for leaving her behind, but she also couldn't bring herself to be mad at him for many more would have died. She just missed him, she wanted him home so badly.
The priestess gently stroked the younger elf's hair, giving her all the time she needed to grieve. In time Alaantheria managed to calm down, setting her hands down as she looked over the calm lake before her, seeing herself in it's reflection, in that beautiful attire with her face flushed and her eyes wet and puffy from tears. And all she could manage were a few words in a weak and she sounded so small. "I don't know where to go from here.."
Tyrande reached over and picked a small violet flower from a vine that had been growing as one with the railing as much as the rest of the vegetation that simply merged with Darnassus' structures. "Do you know why I gave you the mark of shadow?" She merely asked, causing Alaan to look up at her, confused. Tyrande however merely smiled in return, tucking the stem of the flower into the green hair just above her ear. "Associated with the night warrior of legend, it was believed that the mark of shadow represented balance and hidden potential." She then cupped the side of the girl's flushed cheek. "If I had to guess he recognized you have so much more to give than you even realize. And now he's given you the opportunity to show the world what you can do, show just how strong you are. Take the light of his memory and the love that he gave you and live." Her expression softened as she then tugged the other elf into her arms. "He may not be here in body to watch you but I have a feeling that like I and like so many to came to see you today that he is so proud of you."
That seemed to finally grab a shakey but genuine smile out of Alaantheria as she returned the hug and the tears returned, accompanied by a small ball of warmth deep in her chest. The pain was still there.. it'd never go away, but she believed she understood what she had to do now.
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ishouldgay · 4 months
You know I don’t really bother posting about how awful I find the World of Warcraft writing because everyone already knows but the fact that they’ve never had Sylvanas and Jaina interact is just insane to me. Like if I had two characters with that many parallels between the two of them I know I’d have them speak to each other. 
Like. The fact they never even mention each other at any point ??? Nothing from Jaina about how her ex boyfriend killed Sylvanas and she feels bad about it ??? Nothing from Sylvanas about how Jaina had a chance to stop said boyfriend but simply walked away?? Nothing about how there was a time where the pair of them were ruling the spilt remains of Lordaeron ??? No, Nothing ?????
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catfirebrand · 1 year
Jaina wakes, and a new perspective is offered.
Good gods, it's been over a year. I am so sorry. It's been a very rough year. Also, time is a construct and I've decided it's meaningless...
Hopefully the update is worth the wait.
Soft whispers were the first things Jaina was conscious of as she drifted slowly into wakefulness. Thalassian whispers, her tired brain helpfully supplied. If she tried hard enough, she could probably figure out what they were saying, but that seemed like far too much work and she was far too tired and cozy. And missing coffee. Waking up definitely required coffee.
Ironically, and despite her current warm, lazy, half-asleep, pre-coffee haze, she hadn’t felt so well rested since…well, before the incident in Theramore, if she were honest. Even now, she couldn’t be certain that it was the whispering that had actually woken her, or if it was the sudden absence of warmth beside her. Especially as she was forced to acknowledge the way her hand was clenched in the empty space of still-warm sheets that Sylvanas had occupied.
All of which were a lot of realizations to have before at least three cups of coffee, so Jaina supposed she could be forgiven for the groan that involuntarily tumbled from her as she buried her face in the sheets, causing an inevitable halt to the conversation by the door.
The bed dipped beside her, and Jaina forced herself to unbury her face enough to crack open one eye. Sylvanas leaned over her, long fingers gently brushing away the hair that fell in Jaina’s face. A face she immediately felt burn red with embarrassment. Still, she fought the desire to hide further, instead turning her face out of the sheets. “Mmm?”
Well. It wasn’t exactly coherence, but she supposed it would have to do as a response.
“Good morning, sleepyhead. Ready for some breakfast?”
Sylvanas chuckled. “Only if you eat something too.”
Jaina groaned again. “Tidemother. Fine, as long as I get coffee, I’ll eat whatever you want.”
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cedarsmoke4 · 1 year
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I have zero context for this ship other than the fact that @doodledoos absolutely loves it— but if you also like it he’s got some fic for it up on ao3👀
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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Like so much of the Horde and so little of the Alliance, Proudmoore understood what it was to be rejected by her homeland, what it was to see her entire world reduced to ash -- and fought all the fiercer for it. Decided entire battles, conquered cities and froze fleets with a wave of her hand…The Alliance did not deserve her. (x)
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trashgavin · 2 months
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me omw to annoy all of you with yet another snippet from the new fairshaw fic. the lads have met, officially. and what silly lads they are.
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serenums · 9 months
thinking of anduin going on a special royal visit to the dragon isles since coming back from his hiatus, & of course, all five aspects are present to welcome him, including a certain black dragonflight diplomat…
wrathion is nervous because he definitely doesn’t feel like getting slapped across the face (wrathion, the prince-turned-diplomat, getting slapped by the king of the alliance in front his dragonkin?! no, way too embarrassing), but, most importantly, nervous because he wonders how his friend feels about him nowadays. it’s been too long. can he even call anduin by that title? does he even know him anymore?
months pass, & despite a few hiccups here & there (the dragon isles are old & have this tendency of making past memories, good & bad, bubble up to the surface), they build their friendship, their trust, back up again. nights passed flying over the waking shores, skiing with tuskarr children, strolls down the ancient bough…
wrathion had never truly felt home anywhere. both unwanted & misunderstood by his kin anywhere he went for, well, most of his short life. the only time he’d felt at home (or at very least, at ease) was in that quiet tavern up in the mountains of pandaria, worlds away from any person who believed they knew his heart.
& finding his friend again, a friend he met at a place he came to love, well… you couldn’t blame him for opening up his heart.
wrathion never missed a chance to explain any aspects of draconic culture to anduin. local foods (& why black dragonflight cuisine was so much better than the rest of them), the long history shared by the centaur & the green dragonflight, how to properly care for a whelp, national holidays,…
anduin always listened. as king, he was interested in how different nations built a life for themselves, & how they celebrated their history. but he loved seeing wrathion smile so big when talking about local games. or seeing his features soften when talking about black dragonflight history, recounting tales he’d heard from sabellian & onoria. memories he never lived. anduin watched his friend pour his heart out through his words, the tone of his voice betraying this bittersweet feeling of being ‘home’.
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oldfashionedmorphine · 10 months
Will (in iawwyh) during the year 2002 after a horrific breakup and falling into depression:
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