#wanna one jaehwan imagines
multiphandomunnies · 3 months
wanna one
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saying that you love them in your sleep
fans ship you together
you calling them your ideal type
gf is sad about eye bags
soulmate au
hating you
pantone 14-1513
bf! guanlin
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seokiepout · 2 years
forever and a day
kim jaehwan’s scared to lose everything that he has now — the happiness, the love, and the one person without whom he couldn’t imagine his life. maybe he’s too scared, but minhyun is quick enough to hold his hand and calm his heart, like always.
posted on ao3.
fandom: wanna one
ship: minhwan (hwang minhyun / kim jaehwan)
status: completed
tags: g rated, 2.5k words
0 notes
seoulscenarios · 5 years
Day 18- The Carol 2.0
Genre: college au, fluff
Member(s): wanna one’s kim jaehwan
Word count: 618
Prompt: “I swear to god, if you sing another goddamn Christmas carol”
Song rec: the carol 2.0
You sighed for what seemed like the 50th time today. You had to meet up with your best friend Jaehwan for a rehearsal for the upcoming Christmas concert that your college was putting on, which coincidentally you were paired with him and it actually counts towards your final grade this semester so it was vital that you met up. The two of you were ridiculously well matched, having known each other since you were in elementary school when Jaehwan threw mud in your face and you retaliated by slam dunking him into the sandpit. Needless to say it was the start of a blooming friendship that only got stronger as the years went by and your love for music grew with you. You had been there for each other when you got your first tiny parts in the school play in the chorus and you couldn’t be more excited, and then when you got your first main roles opposite each other towards the end of your time at high school. It was only natural that you ended up applying for and accepted into the same college to study music, you with musical theatre and Jaehwan with composition so you weren’t in all the same classes but the department knew you two to be inseparable and so the classes you shared it was a menace.
Just like today.
You loved Jaehwan you really did. He had an amazing voice but you only had the practice room booked out for 4 hours and you were 2 hours in and had only ran through your performance piece three times no thanks to Jaehwan. You were leaning on the door as you watched Jaehwan sat on the piano seat with his guitar (why did he even bring his guitar, we’re using piano for the performance) as he sang Christmas carol after Christmas carol.
You knew that you wouldn’t be able to practice properly if Jaehwan says he wants to finish something because even though you were both as stubborn as mules Jaehwan was definitely the more stubborn so all you could do was wait for him to finish whatever he had to do. So whilst he crooned out the ridiculously high notes of Mariah, you looked over your notes from your teacher that were scrawled on your lyrics sheet and mumbled the song.
“Okay Y/N I’m done”
“Oh I heard, take a drink and let’s practice for the rest of our time here” you strained a smile at him, reaching for your water bottle and taking position next to the piano where Jaehwan put his guitar down and his long fingers danced along the keys.
“Let’s get it”
“Is it you ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh baby, a small wish that I dreamed of If you’re with me; it’s just like that song There will be sounds of bells ringing in my ear And white snow that I waited for~”
jaehwan is so obnoxious and funny and kind and i love him i really can’t wait to see what he’s going to do after wanna one (not that i want them to disband but inevitably they will and i will cry and hopefully i can go to their final concert if they have one)
love, admin leigh
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romanticahwi · 3 years
wanna one mlt have a corruption kink pls~~~~~
omg hi anon! I apologize I never saw this!
a/n: I won’t be including Daehwi or Guanlin because I’m not too comfortable with writing nsfw works for them.
Reasoning below the cut! 
Daniel- Seongwu: these four simply give off the vibes that they would like having a partner who doesn’t have much experience, and who they can practically corrupt. This also might lead into them wanting an s/o who has little to no experience in sex, so that they can taint their innocence one step at a time; they find pleasure in the fact that THEY’RE the one’s who will get to have the pleasure of corrupting you, not anyone else.
Woojin & Jihoon: I don’t think these two would care. Whether their partner is already corrupted or not, I believe that they just simply want to be able to give their lover the love that the deserve, regardless of how experienced they are.
Minhyun-Jisung: I won’t say these three would be opposed to it, because I think at the end of the day they just want to give love to their lover at any moment. However, I do see them potentially liking someone who is a bit more experienced in the bedroom.
- atalia
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is1it0true1 · 4 years
jaehwan: *breathes*
minhyun: pls stop
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hwangdol · 5 years
h.mh: i’m (not) fine.
part of the We Can’t Be Friends Series
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pairing: college!hwang minhyun x fem!reader
note: see, i’m not dead! school has just been a bitch and i haven’t really had any motivation to write but! i finally got hit by lightning and i saw the holy god hwang minhyun. anyways i’m making this into a little series for minhyun because i feel like the story i want is the best express this way. i’m a heavy curser so this also contains a shit ton of curse words. and since this is set as a college!au, there’s gonna be some more mature themes compared to my other fics and the format is a little different.   
read the preview to get a little insight (don’t necessarily need to but it would be recommended)!!!
“i’m fine,” you stressed. 
your phone was pressed to your check with your shoulder as you placed some of the carrots you selected into a plastic bag, throwing it into your shopping cart once you finished. 
“i’m not sure i believe that,” your long-time bestfriend, kim jaehwan, said from the other side. 
you rolled your eyes at his comment. it’s been about two months since minhyun’s sudden break-up and you were doing just fine. well, at least that’s what you told everyone. 
switching the phone to the other ear, you lazily pushed the shopping cart forwards. it was currently two in the morning and here you were, dressed in nothing but an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts on a friday night, grocery shopping. 
“you’ve barely been out since the two of you broke up!” jaehwan pointed out. 
“i’m grocery shopping right now!” you argued back, turning your cart down the juices and drink aisle. jaehwan had a habit of stealing your precious ice yea. “i’m buying vegetables and all of that adult shit.” 
“dude, we both know that you’re only grocery shopping because your mom has been nagging you for weeks and you need to have physical proof that you’re a fully-functioning adult, which i might have to add, you’re not.” 
“shut up,” you muttered, eyes scanning for your favorite drink. “whose fault is it that i have completely bare cabinets and fridge? you practically inhale all of my food.” 
“it’s payment for keeping your depressing ass company when i can do better things with my time.” 
“excuse you, i am not depressing, i’m merely sweating from my eyes every night,” you replied back. picking up a pack of your sweetened ice tea, you placed it into the shopping cart. “did you want anything? might as well buy your fat ass something while i’m here.” 
“booze.” was jaehwan’s replied. “get the good shit, not the one that tastes like donkey piss.” 
“fine, you fucking alcoholic,” you sighed. sadly the alcohol aisle was in another area despite it also being a beverage, which meant that you had to walk even further. 
“anyways, how do you feel about going back into the scene again?” 
“no,” you quickly replied. “i’m not doing that shit again” 
“i’m not talking about being in a serious relationship.” 
“what do you mean then?” 
“i think it’s time for y/n to return to the hoe life,” jaehwan said. “i’ve been missing my thotty bestie.” 
“you really think it’s a good time for me to get blackout drunk every staturday night again?” 
“hey, you were the one that said you’re doing fine,” jaehwan countered with your own words. “i think we need to transition out of the i’m-so-sad-i-miss-him phase and into lets-get-fucking-hammered.”  
“you act like you’ve been going through a breakup alone. this has been a team effort, it's like i’ve been dumped too,” he replied as if if made sense. and according to jaehwan logic, it did. 
a small smile picked up the corners of your lips, typical jaehwan.
he was a friend that's been with you through everything little up and down since middle school. despite his blunt words, jaehwan was the first person that you called after the breakup and watch as you went through three pints of strawberry cheesecake ice cream and ten thousand boxes of tissues. not to mention, he even offered to beat your ex-boyfriend up in multiple violent ways. 
jaehwan was the best bestfriend you could possibly ask for. 
turning the cart into the alcohol aisle, you asked, “what type of booze do you want? the sweet type or the sophisticated one?” 
“the one we can pregame with for the party tomorrow” your friend stated. 
you opened your mouth to argue, but the words got trapped in your throat once your eyes laid upon a familiar figure debating between two bottles of wine. 
“i’m taking your sudden silence as a yes to the party-” 
he didn’t seem to notice you yet as he was heavily invested in making a decision between two bottles of wine, so you quickly turned around and stopped in another aisle.
“holy shit,” you breathed out. 
“why? did something happen?” 
“he’s fucking here right now,” you spilled out. 
“you know who!” you whispered aggressively in fear that he could hear you. “i just saw hwang minhyun in the alcohol aisle!” 
“oh.” he said. “that’s not good.” 
“fuck your alcohol jaehwan, i’m going home,” you said, not wanting to return to the aisle next to you in fear of facing the last person you wanted to see right now. 
“wait! hold on,” jaehwan argued. “we need the booze so stop being a pussy and listen to me. if he’s buying alcohol at two in the morning, it doesn’t really show that he’s in the best of shape right now so just go for it.” 
“jaehwan, did you forget that i’m also going to buy alcohol at two in the morning?” you pointed out. “doesn’t exactly say i’m-doing-perfectly-fine-without-you to me either” 
“at least you have a shopping cart full of vegetables to back you up,” jaehwan try to reason. “and the other adult shit you bought.” 
“i have a total of two vegetables in my cart, jaehwan.” you said. “not a fucking farmers’ market.” 
“just go for it. he’s not someone in your life anymore so it shouldn’t matter what he thinks,” jaehwan reminded you. “i have an essay due at like six so i’m gonna go bs it, but you really need to grow a pair and buy my booze. i’ll see you tomorrow night and you better pull out that one hoe-y dress of yours.” 
and the called ended with a small beep. 
fuck, you thought to yourself. you contemplated on whether or not you really wanted to face minhyun right now. 
maybe you were lying a tad bit when you told everyone that you were okay and that you were doing just peachy without him. maybe it was a small white lie that you told to reassure everyone around you and maybe yourself. maybe you were still in love with him. maybe. 
biting on your lip, you finally made the decision to just suck it up and do it. if anything, you could just drown yourself in alcohol tomorrow. a perfect back-up plan, kinda. 
when you looked back to the aisle, minhyun was still there, except there was another bottle replacing one of the others you saw in his hands earlier. minhyun had always been particular with his food from what you could recall. actually, from what you know. 
perhaps you could just shimmy your way past him (who was standing straight in the middle of the aisle) and perhaps he wouldn’t even notice it. so with some resolve, you charged (not really) forward to get past him to get to where the tequila was. 
except, minhyun was a very hypersensitive person that becomes ten times alert once someone enters his little personal bubble. it was something that you once that was endearing and unique, now, it was the bane of your existence. 
as you tried to pass by behind him quietly, his head whipped and made eye contact with you. 
you froze as minhyun’s eyes widened once he registered who you were. 
he opened his mouth to say something, but you muttered a quick excuse me before passing by him. you ignored his stares and the heavy silence as you beelined towards the tequila section. 
you quickly placed in two bottles (and maybe a third) and prepared to leave when you heard his small voice you missed so much. 
“how are you?” 
you bit the inside of your cheek, should you respond? 
you did anyways. 
“i’m fine.”
you pushed your cart away to quickly escape, wondering exactly who you were saying it too. minhyun? or yourself?
you were a fool to think that you were okay when you were the entire opposite.
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Jaehwan: Can we bring home the goldfish?
Minhyun: No.
Jaehwan: Please~
Minhyun: No, I'll flush it down the toilet.
Jaehwan: What if you become friends, with the goldfish?
Minhyun: I'll flush you down the toilet with the goldfish before that happens.
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[Edit] Posted on wrong account!
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w1loveclub · 5 years
[1:01 pm] you daydream about wanna one’s next reunion as you listen to your teacher drone on and on about an entirely useless subject
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hoondrafts · 5 years
boyfriend! jihoon
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aegyo machine
pouts a lot
specialty: naturally cute
blinks his eyes a lot in front of you to get your attention
he knows you find him cute when he does that
it runs in his blood
acts all cutesy but gets shy right away then covers his face
acts manly in front of his friends but gets all cuddly when he’s with you
posts pictures of you on instagram with cheesy captions
says pick-up lines to make your heart flutter but he ends up the one being flustered and shy
gets flustered easily
usually not the type to initiate skinships but when you do it first, he’ll ride along
takes you out on animal cafe dates with max
loves watching kdramas
secretly plans a dinner date to surprise you but spoils it bcs he’s too excited
eating together is your typical quality time
nom nom nom
finishes your food when you’re already full
tries to impress you with his skills
“hey, you look so cute”
shy shy shy
more of a jeojang jihoon than dorm jihoon
sends cute video messages when he’s away
randomly shows you a new dance he practiced
“seriously? broccoli?”
pet grooming baby max can also be considered quality time
“max~ your mom is with meee”
loves showing off to you but blushes when you give him compliments
he loves warm hugs uwu
spoils you with your favorite things
adventurous and happy-go-lucky
no boring days with him bcs he loves trying out new things with you
enjoys extreme rides & activities and asks you to come with him
laughs at you when you get scared bcs of it but holds your hand and reassures you’re safe with him
he loves it most when you feed him
stares at you and looks away when you catch him off guard
loves it when you play with his small hands uwu
you can’t resist his puppy eyes charm
acts exaggerately shocked when you tell him how did your day go
has clingy days which happens very often
gets shy when someone asks about you
you do skincare routines together
loves buying pink stuffs for you and himself
mommy’s little boy
has mesmerizing eyes, it looks like his eyes holds an entire galaxy in them
“will you still love me even if i get fat?”
gets jealous but doesn’t say anything
but he gives you silent treatment after
“you’re mine” glares then pouts
fights rarely happen
very polite especially to your parents
teases you a lot
teaches you basic beatbox
“pls don’t be mad :<”
“i was just watching v sunbaenim’s fancams”
winks A LOT
you sometimes just get speechless bcs of his angelic visuals
in conclusion, park jihoon is an ultimate softie!
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Warming Up
Request: #195 + #198 + #204 for anon: “Join me in the shower?”, “So… we just did that.”, “Mine.”
Anonymous said:
can i request #195 #198 #204 for jaehwan??? thanks u are amazing ;-;
Pairing: Kim Jaehwan x reader
Genre: friends to lovers au / suggestive
Word count: 1057
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Jaehwan opened the front quickly and you followed him inside his apartment, shivering from head to toe. He glanced at you after kicking off his soaked sneakers and then moved up into the living area towards the bathroom. “My heating will take a while to warm this place up. We’ll never warm up in time without catching a cold in the process.”
“Your apartment was the closest,” you pointed out and sighed. “We would have gotten sick in all that rain if we continued on to mine anyway.”
“We need to get out of these clothes and do something to warm up.”
You started removing some of your layers, getting right down to your singlet and panties before you stopped. You’d known Jaehwan for most of your life so the lack of clothing wasn’t a problem around him. All the same, you were starting to feel the chill down to your bones and as you dumped your clothes on the bathroom floor, you stared at the shower in front of you.
“You should get in,” he offered, whilst shaking profusely. “You need to warm up.”
“So do you, you go first, I can wait.”
“If you come down with a cold, I am not putting up with your mother nagging me for allowing such a thing since today’s outing was my idea. Go on, in you get. I’ll get you a towel ready.”
You nodded slowly, feeling guilty for getting to use Jaehwan’s shower first. He turned his back to you so you could remove the final layers and then you stepped into the cubicle. The heat burned against the icy temperature of your skin and for a moment you focused on adjusting to the feeling. But guilt still niggled at you. Glancing around the cubicle, you then moved to the curtain and poked your head out. “Jae, join me in the shower?”
“I mean, look at you, you’re chattering your teeth together. Come on, we used to take baths together as kids, this is no big deal. It’s all about survival.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay with this?”
You smirked; he was already whipping off his top despite his question. “You forget I don’t see you as a man.”
“Hah, funny. Good thing I’ve never been attracted to you physically either then.”
Jaehwan finished removing his clothes and jumped into the cubicle with you. It was a tighter fit than you imagined and when he brushed up against you, you moved your eyes to the ceiling. You noticed Jaehwan’s similar stance and tried not to laugh.
“Thought you weren’t attracted physically?”
He chuckled. “You diverted your eyes first.”
“Should I look then?” you teased and shifted to let him have more of the water now that the burning was subsiding for you. You slipped and Jaehwan grabbed you, your bodies now flush together. You stared at your best friend wide-eyed, wondering why you had suggested something so dangerous. You were now reacting to a sudden desire within you that assisted with the burning you were already feeling on the outside.
Jaehwan groaned and you gasped at the sound. “Y/N, I think I lied.”
“Yeah, this uh definitely is different from when we were kids. Want to let go of me, I think we uh, need space.”
Jaehwan immediately did as you asked and you sucked in a deep breath to settle whatever it was that you were feeling. You willed your gaze to look up still, but you could feel Jaehwan staring at you. Looking at his face, you noticed the pink tinge to his cheeks as he looked over your chest. In any other setting, you would have thumped him for perving. But your own eyes travelled down the length of his torso and hips, surprised when you saw how affected he was. You then met his gaze, arousal coursing through you as you stepped closer to him. Jaehwan’s arms wrapped around your waist again, but this time they had a very different need.
  You fell onto your back panting loudly against Jaehwan’s sheets. He mirrored your actions and you smiled lazily as you glanced at him from under heavily hooded eyes. He grinned.
“So… we just did that.”
“Jae, we just did that three times.”
“I didn’t hear you complaining once unless I was meant to read all your moaning as opposition.”
You laughed lightly, rolling onto your side so you could stare at Jaehwan. He had always been someone you did a lot of things with. You just hadn’t imagined sex being one of them. It felt deeper than that though. Whenever you had slept with someone else, it hadn’t been as natural. You wondered if being best friends for so long removed the usual inhibitions that you felt when you bared yourself to someone for the first time. Sure, Jaehwan had seen you naked a lot of the time as a child. But you had the body of a woman now. A body that ached from how much he had been pleasuring it all night long. You blushed in the dim lighting of his bedroom, and somehow Jaehwan caught onto it.
“Why are you shy now?”
“I’ve never felt this good before,” you admitted and Jaehwan shifted closer, his hand roaming over your waist to your back. He pulled you into his body and reached for your lips.
“I’m what now?” you breathed after a series of kisses erupted between you both and you gave him a hard look. “Did you just claim me?”
“I’ve been claiming you all night long.”
“Yes but-”
“I have a confession to make,” Jaehwan cut in and you watched him grow awkward. His arm tensed around you before he stared into your eyes. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while now.”
“This, as in…?” you trailed off and Jaehwan nodded. You could barely make out the pinkness to his ears and smiled, moving your lips to the soft skin below his ear. “You’ve thought of me naked before?”
“Don’t drag it out,” Jaehwan moaned as you giggled into his neck. “I love you, Y/N. As a friend and as a woman. Be mine, please.”
“Aren’t I already? There’s no way I would have slept with you more than once just now if I didn’t want you to be mine too.”
~I am accepting drabble requests to the drabble game I am completing, to fill in my time when I cannot answer my full requests. To send me an idol and number, please check the reblog for the drabble prompt link or in my bio.
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mactuna · 5 years
Summary: yay another lovely prince au! and you’ve always been and always will be jihoon’s first and only love... ok i almost cried bc i miss wanna one very very much and i’ve been getting the feels today since i just watched ep3 of producex101
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♫ Time that passes so quickly We call it memories This new start that I’ll create with you I’ll call it love I’ll cherish you, I’ll fill my eyes with you You’ll be colored with my beautiful color You’re my beautiful flower
Prince Jihoon sat in the sunroom, staring at the single, sunshine yellow rose that rested in its glass vase, despite being surrounded by countless other roses of all different colors and sizes that had been given to him today: the Day of the Roses. The day when admirers throughout the kingdom would give roses that they loved or cared for.
♫ I feeling it, All the day I feeling it, All the time All the days I felt with you
Despite knowing that it could never happen, he stared at the beautiful rose you had sent him. 10 years ago when you both were still innocent eight-year-olds. The two of you would raid the kitchen whenever Halmeoni baked cookies, waiting until she went to wash the dishes before grabbing a plate and a quart of milk. Jihoon laughed, remembering how you basically chugged milk everyday when you were a kid. All in a huge effort to be taller than him. To your disappointment, you were probably a good eight inches shorter than him now. All in all, he missed the good ol’ days when he didn’t have to pretend to be this person he wasn’t. Be the crown prince he knew he hated. All he knew was that he missed you. A lot.
♫ I feeling it, All the day I feeling it, All the time I see myself in your eyes As we’re looking at each other We’re longing for each other I’m following your breath All of the seasons we shared are so precious
A smile on his face, Jihoon made his way to the kitchen, where his friends were waiting for him. It was his 20th birthday and he had finally become an adult. For a normal person, it was the best day ever. But to him? It was the worst day of his life. Why? His mother had finally come to a decision on which princess of which kingdom she would marry her youngest son to. Staring out the window, he couldn’t help but think of your eyes. The life and joy that was always present in them; how they would look in the summer sun when you would play in the castle’s gardens and courtyard. Those were precious times that he missed greatly.
♫ My flower, rose Always bloom next to me You’re my only love Let’s grow our love Always stay by my side
Right then, Woojin came crashing in through the kitchen’s back door, breathing heavily.
“Yah, Jihoon! Get your ass out here before your mom kicks both of our butts!”
Ah, right… the lovely, absolutely dreadful ball. Its purpose? To get Jihoon a bride. The problem? He basically, very strongly disliked almost every girl presented to him. And for the few decent ones he’d met, he didn’t want to deny them the chance to have a husband that actually loved and cared about them. But mostly because his thoughts were continuously plagued by you. After all, you and your family had only moved away three years ago. Therefore, every little detail about you was still firmly ingrained into his memory, unlike everything else that he was supposed to study. But once he stepped out into the ballroom, he saw someone that he thought he would never see again. Prince Kang Daniel, aka your brother. Seeing him gave Jihoon all the hope in the world that you would also be in attendance. But once he saw Ong Seongwoo chatting up the ladies by the punch bowl, his hopes increased tenfold. Seeing the crest on his jacket, he felt the familiar pang in his heart.
“Y/N! Where are you going? Are you leaving? Why?”
You turned back, tears in you 17-year-old self’s eyes.
“This is goodbye, Jihoon. I don’t think.. We’ll be able to see each other again. For a long time, at least.”
“Y/N! WAIT!”
But you hadn’t. You had left him behind in the awful, dreary palace. And then he saw you. Your hair was a little different and you looked a lot different with your sky blue dress on, but it was definitely you. It had to be.
♫ I’ll go close and knock You can answer me anytime you want The scent of a flower Fills my body Even when I close my eyes for a moment I can’t ever forget you
As soon as you saw Jihoon, you knew you had to get out of there. Rule #1 had already been broken and now you had no idea when you would be asked “nicely” to leave by the queen’s guards. If the King got to you first, then maybe you had a chance. But he was like a puppet to his wife, so probably not. The only reason she had even agreed to let you come was because you had promised to stay hidden from Jihoon and to not even attempt to interact with him. But of course, it had been three years and his legs had gotten even longer. Trying not to turn around, you kept walking to try and lose him in the crowd. But your efforts were in vain once you felt his light tap on your shoulder.
“Y/N, is that you?”
“No, sorry. You’ve got the wrong girl, your Highness.”
You kept walking, but he followed repeatedly tapping you on the shoulder in an effort to make you turn around in this game of one-sided tag. He had no idea why you wouldn’t admit to it, but he knew it was you for sure. Even with his eyes closed, he could tell exactly which scent of perfume was yours amongst every other lady in the crowd and where you were. How? He had asked his friend, and apothecary, Daehwi to make a nice, rosey perfume for you for your 16th birthday. But in this little game of tag you had wandered all the way out to the middle of the hallway that led to Jihoon’s study.
♫ Our memories You’re in every breath I take, up all night How can I forget the first time we met? As we hold hands even tighter I wanna feel you, andante Can’t express with words The drama we wrote together
And as soon as you set foot past the intersection in the hallway, Jihoon grabbed your shoulder to force you to turn and look at him.
“Why are you running away from me, Y/N? What did I ever do to you? Did you know how unfair it was? For the past three years, you’ve literally taken over all of my thoughts. Some nights, I can’t even sleep because I keep thinking about you!”
Grabbing your hands, he placed them against his chest over his heart.
“Y/N, you’ve stolen my heart and you’ve refused to give it back! I don’t think you even realize that you have it, seeing that you’ve been running awya form me… I’m so sorry if I did anything to hurt you. But I think you should know that I still love you.”
By then, you had reached the door that led to his study. And you were backed up to the wall. There was no more running now.
“Hoonie… I...- we...- we can’t do this. Your mom would never allow it.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you know? Why else would she ship me and Daniel off to Seongwoo’s family?! She did it so that you would forget about me, but obviously you haven’t and-”
Cutting you off, Jihoon cupped your face to crash his lips against yours. Something he’d been waiting to do again for three years.
♫ I feeling it All the day I feeling it All the time All the days I felt with you
Lips moving in sync, your shared kiss was urgent. Like at any moment, the two of you would be pulled apart by fate again. After all, eleven years ago, in this exact same spot, you had lost your first kiss to Jihoon when you had crashed into him while playing tag with Daniel inside the palace. And again, three years ago, you had kissed him goodbye in this exact same spot, where you were taken away.
♫ I feeling it All the day I feeling it All the time I see myself in your eyes As we’re looking at each other We’re longing for each other I’m following your breath All of the seasons we shared are so precious
Every little nip was just another sign of how much Jihoon had missed your touch. Just the smell of your hair already drove him absolutely crazy, not to mention even kissing you. But here he was, outside his study, kissing the forbidden love of his life. Willing every muscle in your body, you forced yourself to pull away. But your messy lipstick, tousled hair, and breathy gasps were enough to make Jihoon smirk.
“Jihoon, we can’t do this! Who knows what your mom will do to me once she finds out!:”
“Don’t worry about her, Y/N. We’re 20 now, we can just leave. And she can’t do anything about it.”
“I don’t know…”
Needless to say, you were absolutely terrified of the queen.
“Y/N, I don’t know how else to say it, but you’re the only girl I’ve loved for my entire life. And now that I’ve found you, I will do everything I can to convince you to stay. I love you so, so much Y/N. I really do.”
♫ My flower, rose Always bloom next to me You’re my only love Let’s grow our love Always stay by my side
Your heartstrings tugged at his words and you reached up gently to gently wipe away the lone tear that had fallen from his doe-like eyes.
“Jihoon, I love you with all of my heart but I don’t want you to have to live a life that involves constantly hiding from your mom just to be with me. It sucks, but I don’t think I can ever have you.”
♫ Longing fills up my empty room I’m drunk with your scent, I’m thinking of you I won’t say this too lightly Because I know both of us felt The same kind of trembling “Says who?”
The two of you jumped apart upon hearing his mother’s voice. Pulling you behind him, Jihoon plced himself as a barrier between the two of you. Although it 100% wasn’t the right time or place, you couldn’t but feel a bit woozy with every breath you took. It was like he had invaded all of your sense and it was driving you absolutely crazy. Despite that, you could feel yourself trembling behind Jihoon’s tall frame. His hand held yours firmly, trying to provide some comfort. Either way, you knew what you had to do. Shaking, you stepped out from behind him to confront the queen yourself. But you were shocked by her next words.
“Y/N, do you truly love my son with all of your heart?”
♫ It’s so hard to endure through this longing I smiled as if we met eyes and confessed Do you remember? All the seasons we shared All the seasons All the seasons are so precious
“Yes, I do.”
“So tell me, how was it with Jihoon being so far away? For three years?”
Shoving down your pride, you lay out your heart for all to see, the raw emotion evident in your voice.
“With all due respect your Highness, I hated it. I had spent most of my childhood with him and you just shipped me away! Do you know how much it hurt? How much my heart cracked when I had to say goodbye? Thinking that the next time I see him, he might be married to some other girl?Too much has happened between up that it would be impossible to kick out of my heart and I really do love him.”
♫ My flower, rose Always bloom next to me You’re my only love Let’s grow our love Always stay by my side
The Queen had already know how much you two loved each other. She just wanted to make sure that Jihoon had the best girl in the whole kingdom as his bride. She just realized a little late that you had been Jihoon’s perfect match from the start.
“Hm… I allow it.”
Wait, what?!
“Wait, mom are you being serious?!”
“Yes. Just don’t do anything too stupid.”
“Yes ma’am!”
In pure joy, Jihoon picked you up to smack his lips onto yours with a loud mwah!
“I love you, I love you, I love you and I don’t know how you did it, but I really love you.”
“And I love you my princes.”
“So what do you say to being my girlfriend, Princess Y/N?”
“I say… yes!”
And right then, Daniel and Seongwoo came in from around the corner, practically sobbing as they clung to each other. 
“Just get married already, dammit!”
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espressonewoo · 6 years
If someone asked you who WANNA ONE is show them this video;
they're a literal mess in knowing brothers, I am wheezing lol.
but I haven't watched the whole episode yet cause I barely understand korean hahaha
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peachdanik · 5 years
[Drabble] I Miss You Kang Daniel
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genre: fluff / 457 words
a/n : I don’t know but I’m sorry if this is bad:(
After going on world tour for about 3 months finally the tour is over and Daniel could spent his time with you.Today you are going to his house. After you arrived you ring the bell and his mom is the one who opening the door. “Hello Mrs. Kang” you say hello to Daniel's mom "Hello (y/n), Daniel is in his room” said Daniel’s mom. You nodded and excuse yourself to see him, Daniel’s room is in upstairs, but just when you take a step on the stair
“(y/n) later lets eat together later” said Daniel’s mom “Okayy” you smile and happily going to upstairs. 
You knock on his door room but there is no answer. "Daniel???" you called his name and there is still no answer. Then you gently open his door luckily he didn’t lock the door "Dan-" when you about to call him, you found him sleeping peacefully on his bed. You chuckles "You must be tired huh?" 
You walk over to him and sat on the floor. You pat his head hair gently while resting your face on the bed. You play with his hair gently so you don't wake him up. You found yourself smiling like an idiot because of his sleeping face is super cute, it's really different with the on stage Kang Daniel.
"I love you" you said it almost like a whisper. After you said it Daniel suddenly opened his eyes and stares at you *like on the picture* 
"You should have said that louder I barely hear you" he said it with his husky voice, his voice getting lower than usual because he just woke up IS SUPER SEXY you stopped playing with his hair and smile "I miss you Daniel" "I miss you too princess"
“How long have you been hear? why don’t you wake me up?” said Daniel looking like a big baby “about 5 mins? I think? it’s not that long. I don’t want to wake you up because it looks like you need some rest and you look cute”
Daniel laugh at your answer. Daniel shifted his body to the side “come here” he motioned you to lay beside him. You stand up and climb up to the bed. He kisses your nose and small peck on your lips. You both just talked about what happened in the past 3 months. Your eyes start to feel heavy and without realizing you fell asleep. Daniel realize that you fell asleep, he smile and kiss your forehead and start close his eyes too. 
“Daniel, (y/n) food is rea-” Daniel’s mom open the door and see both of you fell asleep while hugging each other. She smile and quietly close the door to let both of you sleep 
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kodzukenkenma · 5 years
Park Jihoon|| Late Night
Hello everyone! This is my first time writing and I hope you like this! An early birthday gift for our baby Jihoon!
Prompt: You were tired but Jihoon’s coming home soon so you did your best to make him feel at home again.
It was a tiring day for you and all you could think of is how much you wanted to lie down your bed and rest. But today is the day your boyfriend, Jihoon, is finally coming home from his three months world tour.
Although tired, you cleaned the house, made some dinner, and even set up a fortress made of blanket and a projector for a movie. You knew Jihoon loves to have quality time with you whenever he comes home from a long trip. And you didn’t want to disappoint him this night.
While you were choosing a movie, your phone rang and it was Jihoon. Not waiting for another second, you answered the call and tried to make your voice lively and excited as ever.
“Hey, princess! Are you home now?” he asks and you answered yes and even nodded though you know he wouldn’t see it. “I’m on my way right now. Do you want anything tonight?”
“Just you.” you answered and he laughed on the other line. “Hurry up before I finish all the food!”
Jihoon arrived not long after the call. You opened the door and hugged him tight as you could and he did the same. Sniffing your hair as if it’s the perfume he’s addicted into. “God, I missed you so much.” he says after breaking the hug. You chuckled at pulled him inside with his luggage.
The two of you started dinner. You expected it to be noisy and full of stories from his tour but he didn’t bother to open his mouth to talk, rather just ate and watch you eat yours from time to time.
When you both finished, he offered to wash the dished but you snatched away all the plates he was holding and told him to sit down and just watch you do your job.
“You’re tired from flight. Just rest and let me do it.” You say and shoved him to a seat. Surprisingly, he just let you do it and watched every thing that you do. Not missing one single thing.
“Stop that.” you playfully glared at him and paused from rinsing the plates.
“Stop what?” He innocently asks and placed his chin on his palm with his arms supporting the weight.
“You’re just staring at me and it’s making me uncomfortable.” You honestly said and continued what you were doing.
“It’s your fault. How can you look so thin for just three months I’m gone?” he says, standing up and approached you with a backhug.
“Well, rather than missing you, I tried to be busy so I wouldn’t notice the time. That sometimes I forget to eat. But I’m fine.” You answered.
He placed his chin on your shoulders and you can feel him breathing on your neck. His arms were wrapped on your waist, securing you. You can’t even deny it now, you really missed all this.
“I should have bought some food on my way earlier. And stuffed it in you and make you fat and chubby and healthy.” He whines on your neck and his breath makes it ticklish for you that you pushed his head away, giggling. He looked at you confusingly and realized what just happened and laughed along with you.
But his tiredness didn’t left unnoticed.
You finished washing the dishes and wiped your hand with a dry and clean cloth before hugging him, lowkey pushing him backwards to reach the sofa and let both of you fall into it.
“You’re tired, aren’t you?” you ask him. He embraced you once again and kissed the the of your head and shook his head.
“I’m never tired when you’re here. You’re my energy, y/n. You know that.”
You rolled yourself to his side. Luckily, the couch is big enough for the two of you.
“Should we watch some movie now?” He asks and you nodded.
You both made it to the fortress and you placed yourself in the most comfortable position you could ever have. Lying in his arms.
“You choose the movie.” You told him quietly. Suddenly, the tiring day came washing on you.
Jihoon took his time choosing. Asking you from time to time for your comment and you just hum in response.
“Okay. Love, Rosie then!” He pushed the play button and laid his head back. “How’s work by the way?”
But he gained no response from you. So, he tilted his head just to see your face, sleeping peacefully in his arms. He laughed a little and placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Let’s just sleep for tonight.”
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loveydpp-blog · 5 years
[11:56pm] wanna one and you spend their last minutes as ot11 dancing and screaming the lyrics to ‘nayana’
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is1it0true1 · 5 years
Wanna One as YouTubers!
Yoon Jisung: *family friendly channel* constantly vlogging about the growth of the 11 kids he takes care of and also parenting tips 101 "I got Woojin and Jihoon to say sorry for the first time today!"
Ha Sungwoon: *beauty channel* new uploads about skincare, trying and reviewing new products "My skin got whiter?? Does it really work?"
Hwang Minhyun: *cleaning channel* new tips and tricks to use cleaning up your house. sorta of like marie kondo "10 different ways to save space in your closet"
Ong Seongwu: *prank channel* well must I say more? tons of pranking on his roommates especially Daniel "24 hr memory lost prank, Daniel totally fell for it"
Kim Jaehwan: *cover channel* majority of the time he would post vocal cover but occasionally he would post dance covers.however the dance covers are what got him famous from the numerous funny behind the scenes clips. "BOY WITH LOVE - BTS (dance cover)" innocent titles but ...
Kang Daniel: *mukbang channel* sorta like Stephanie Soo, not an ASMR but talks while eating and discusses about recent K-pop events "Nuclear Noodles w/ prawns (MAMA IS RIGGED??)"
Park Jihoon: *ASMR channel* anything is ASMR with this guy, just leave your comments, he would do anything from slime to mukbangs, very aesthetic vibe overall "[ASMR] flipping pages of the book + popping candies"
Park Woojin: *conspiracy theory channel* every video will leave you spooked.goes very in depth uncovering urban legends to unsolved mysteries "10 unexplainable video clips of Lee Daehwi"
Bae Jinyoung: *study channel* you know those video that streams for a few hours of someone just studying, yeah he's that guy.he gotta keep his grades up, why not make some money too "Study with Me 7hr ver. chemistry"
Lee Daehwi: *fashion channel* he will teach you how to pair every existing item in your closet, just drop some IG DMs and he will feature you in his video "how to incorporate summer wear in winter"
Lai Kuanlin: *travel vlogs* overseas almost all the time or just basically outside in all his vlogs telling you food recommendations and he always seems to have friends wherever he go "top ten places to visit in Singapore"
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