copias-girl · 11 months
Hey. I saw you deleted all the excitement/nonsense from the other day, wanted to check in on you. I realized that while I've been on this hellsite for 12 years and seen and experienced a great deal of my own anon drama, I forget how overwhelming & terrible it feels when it first happens to you.
I failed to notice that, in addition to being very new to this site, you're also only 18 (please note that this is not meant to sound condescending - tone is impossible to convey via text). I was a couple years older than that when I joined here, and I carried just as much excitement and energy into everything I posted and reblogged and quickly gained a reputation for myself. From what I've observed from your blog though, mine was decidedly...less fun & positive, so I got a LOT of anonymous messages telling me what they thought of me. I would spend a lot of time thinking about those anons and the terrible things they said to me, constructive or not, objective or not. It didn't matter how many support messages I got from friends or mutuals, or how much we mocked the anons or made light of the situation - I was angry, embarrassed, felt like nothing I did would fix it, and sometimes didn't want to log onto this site anymore, despite it being the only outlet I had to express myself in this way.
It is normal to focus on the small negative in spite of the overwhelming positive - healthy? No. But normal.
My point is: Please do not let this nonsense deter you from being you. Not everyone is going to like you, and that is totally fine. Not everyone is going to like how you post/reblog on your blog. Speaking solely for myself, I generally keep a more contained dashboard I can scroll through quickly at work, so I don't follow your blog, but I don't translate my personal feelings on how you blog into my personal opinion of you as an individual. Everyone blogs differently on this site, which is what keeps it interesting. I'm also not so chronically online to go out of my way to send you a 5-paragraph essay about consent or being hypersexual in a fandom for a gay Satanic band. Instead I'll send you a 8-paragraph essay trying to comfort you and to tell you not to despair, lmao.
I LOVE your enthusiasm about how you express yourself in your posts & reblogs, and it seems there's a shit ton of blogs around you that feel the same way & express themselves the exact same way. Don't lose that spark! Don't let them rain on your parade! [Insert another cliche phrase here]!
Take time if you need a break, but please understand you did nothing wrong. Everything said to you was someone's opinion they wanted to force on you to control how you behave because they themselves are terrified of the world around them and don't understand they cannot control others. Hopefully one day they'll realize how sheltered and, quite frankly, stupid they are. I did.
My advice: if you ever reopen anons and start getting those messages again, delete them and don't engage. Most of the time they're just looking for attention, to rile you up. Classic bullying tactics.
Or print out their messages and use them as firewood. Or toilet paper. Whatever works.
Lastly, you don't have to acknowledge this or publish this message if you don't want to. Genuinely, I just wanted to reach out and make sure you're okay and to attempt to longwindedly impart some advice from my own experiences over the decade.
You do you, dude. Fuck the haters.
Thank you so so much for this incredibly kind and comforting message ♥︎ I really appreciate it more than you could imagine, it even made me cry reading it. I feel like this message is a good closer for this situation, so I’m also going to use it as an opportunity to give a little PSA about how my blog will be operating from now on.
First of all, just thank you again. I’m honestly astonished because every single thing you mentioned is exactly how I feel. The hurt of it all despite getting so much support, the empty feeling of not wanting to go on tumblr anymore despite it being my only outlet. Tumblr was supposed to be my safe space, my escape, my home, and it really sucks because it honestly doesn’t feel like that anymore.
I think the thing that hurts the most is that literally no one reached out to me as a friend in the dms to tell me that I was bothering them. I’m not a mind reader, so if no one says anything then I assume I’m not bothering them. But I do pride myself on always being approachable, I’m ALWAYS open to people messaging me with their concerns.
It’s different when it’s some faceless anon who comes off as slightly passive aggressive. If someone would have just DMed me, I definitely would have put more thought into it and taken their suggestion. Since I haven’t been on tumblr long, I didn’t even know the difference between reblogging with a comment or reblogging with tags until literally just now during this whole situation.
I just feel like I’ve been serving spaghetti every night for dinner. 9 people say they absolutely LOVE it, but then I come to suddenly find out the 10th person doesn’t. But they never said anything all this time, so how was I supposed to know?
I’ve had two people block me who I thought were my friends. One who, during this situation, even said she’d always be there for me. Basically, she informed me that our mutual friend had been upset about my comments and apparently never said anything before this, so I reached out to that friend and apologized. She apparently got triggered by my apology, and they both blocked me. That hurt. A lot. And if I’m being honest I’ve been fighting so hard not to self harm during this time.
I feel like I’ve been treated like a malicious criminal over this, when in reality everyone should know damn well I’ve never done ANYTHING to deliberately make people feel bad.
And don’t worry, I definitely did not take the comment about my age to be condescending. In fact, I wish more people would have taken it into account. And the fact that I’ve only been on tumblr for 6 months, so I don’t really know much about it.
I have a life outside tumblr. I’m a student, and I’ve had to be a full-time caretaker to sick relatives who have now unfortunately passed away. I’m grieving. My father abandoned me and my mother, so I’ve had to take over doing all the things that he used to do.
I come on tumblr, I scream about everyone’s favourite satanic antipopes, I post some fics, and then I close the app and go about my life. I don’t research the history of tumblr and what’s deemed acceptable by certain groups of people. I’m a human. I’m a real teenage girl, with feelings. I’m able to be hurt, and triggered, and everything else. I know I’ve created a personality for myself on here, and I think people often forget that I’m a real girl.
I wish I could say I’m okay, but right now that spark definitely feels dampened into a sad little ember. Since this has happened, I’ve almost stopped eating entirely, and when I do eat, I immediately throw it right back up. My Mom took me out to eat and I threw up in public. This has honestly had my stomach in knots.
Today was the first day I actually didn’t feel nauseous. So hopefully time will heal this wound. I wouldn’t wish this on ANYONE, but I’m glad to see you got through it and made it out ok. I’m hoping for the same outcome for myself too.
Now for the PSA portion of this message (everyone please read):
Will I stop being unhinged? Hell no. But I will be moving any horny comments into the tags, as suggested by the people who had complaints. The absolute last thing I want to do is alienate people and make people uncomfortable. (I still have questions about reblogging with comments tho, for example, if I say something not horny should I still put that in the tags or is it ok to comment that?)
Secondly, my best friend suggested that I should just start taking my unhinged comments and making them into posts of their own, so I’ll probably do that too. I think I might tag them with some cheesy tag, probably a pun on nsfw (not sugar for work?) so that if you’d like to blacklist that tag, you can, and then your dash will be safe for scrolling at work or wherever. And you can just click ‘view post’ if you want to view it.
So, rest assured, the horny party will never stop! But since I’ll be putting my stuff in the tags, you probably won’t see it circulating as much as reblogged comments, so if you want to see me being unhinged, just come to my page and scroll through!
Also, I’ve gotten so many other supportive messages and I want to thank everyone for sending them in. I won’t be answering them, because I don’t want a lot of stuff about this situation on my blog. And this is going to be the last time I talk about this situation on my blog. But the supportive messages really do mean a lot to me, so thank you all ♥︎
I feel malaise, so I might still be absent for a little while, but I’ll try to get back in the saddle as soon as I can. I haven’t been in the best mindset to write, but I’m really going to try because posting fics and running this account genuinely make me happy.
Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope to see you all again very soon
Love always,
Sugar <3
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forlorn-crows · 10 months
Couldn’t figure out why my tumblr notifications kept going off while I was at work, then I realized two of my favorite Ghost authors reblogged my Gay Ghoulettes video from the Cincy ritual. Damn you both!! Let me work in peace!! /s
but we love our gals!! GET NOTIFIED OF IT ♡♡♡
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foxgloveinspace · 10 months
Don't know if you've ever listened to Bastille, but I would probably just die on the spot if Sleep Token/Vessel covered "Oblivion". He and Dan have similar ranges and could easily cover a good chunk of each other's discography. "Dark Signs" sounds like a rejected Bastille song, ffs.
I have listened to some Bastille! (Idk if you can be on the internet in 2013 and not have heard at least one of their songs lol) but I don’t think I’ve heard that one? I’ll have to go give it a listen!😁
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meg-louise-giry · 2 years
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Angel or father, friend or Phantom, who is it there, staring? #the_bearded_cosplayer #musicalcon #musicalconcosplay #christinedaae #christinedaaecosplay #wishingcloak #wishingdress #wishinggown #phantomoftheopera #wanderingchild #christinedaaewhereisyourredscarf (at ExCeL London) https://www.instagram.com/p/CknnpPJMgbB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alvadee · 2 years
instead of sleeping i’m absolutely fascinated by reading through phandom drama from eight years ago....
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👩‍🎨🎨 "The Beginning" is about the end... The wandering figure is the viewer of the 1000's of macro landscapes that I have been creating for the past 20 years! This unassuming youth is Earth's final survivor! These pieces are mixed media paintings produced by photography, drawing, C.G.I., encryption then printed in crystalline layers on canvas which is finally oil painted. 🔭🌠💜👽✨🔭🌠💜👽✨ 95% of my Belongings/Art are Gone again!🙁 Some stolen, some thrown in a landfill by my ex-landlord (Peter J. Belitsos). The art that I gave my life to! 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I've given powerful healings and always helpful psychic readings since 2006. I've taught spiritual practices though my classes at the top Spiritual Centers & Expos since 2008. This includes NYCs Edgar Cayce & Meta Centers. This is why my paintings and jewelry tap you into the actual distant Future or past! 🌷🔥🌟💥⚡☀️✨ I have been trying to rebuild all my jewelry & art that was stolen when I was assaulted & robbed (10 times past few years) I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to TRULY help with sales/marketing their work & mine! I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge internet reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat. I have got by on hard work & skill alone, not cheating & it shows! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! 🌟 A very modest GoFundMe here! Please spread the word! https://ift.tt/Q7T90Pc Thank you!🌟💜🗽💜🎿💜❄️💜🦌 . . . . . . . #futuristicstyle #scififashion #futuristicart #futurism #abstractart #talismans #amulets #postapocolypse #dystopia #ascendedmaster #awakening y #alienart #ascension #wanderingchild #lostboy #lastsurvivor #Metaphysics #pleiadian #paranormalart #psychicart #Newageart #illustration #mixedmedia #scifiart #futuristicjewelry #handmadeart #solsurvivor #timetravel #stargate #spiritualart — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2jFmyhv
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thequantumranger · 3 years
I say this as respectfully as possible: *ma’am* 😳😳😳
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Thank you! 💖
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glassprism · 2 years
Thought you would like to know your "GP reviews" and "Phantom Favorites" tags don't work for me, not on desktop anyway. My sister asked me about Ben Crawford and I didn't know what to tell her so I was frantically searching through your reviews to give an opinion. He has a lovely, dark voice and incredible control, at least in that video I saw of him. Not crazy about his acting - I'd love to see a more current clip to see if he's a little less ridiculous in places.
Oh hello! Yeah, Tumblr updated their tags so that it can include spaces now, before if you put a space in a tag it would make it an underscore. Useful, but it does mess up my links. I kept meaning to fix it but was too lazy, so you gave me a good excuse to finally go do that. Should be working now!
As for Ben Crawford, here's a short review I wrote way back when, and was fairly positive, but this was also based off a 2018 video of him (possibly the same one you saw) and I also admit that I was more focused on how much I liked Ali Ewoldt's Christine compared to before. I've heard he's changed a lot since then, and I have a video of him from the re-opened production and I really ought to remember him more, but I think I was too focused on Meghan Picerno there, ha. (Oh Ben Crawford, always being overshadowed by his Christines.) Then again, more recent reviews seem to indicate he became more ridiculous? Or at least hornier. Well, something else to add to the long list of things I need to watch.
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xec · 2 years
love your Serana edit! is that one of the Seranaholic presets or a different mod?
Thank you! Yes, it’s Seranaholic with a custom HDT hair/wig by dint999 :)
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no-droids · 4 years
god YES please write some Thrawn content, if you're up for it. I am desperate for something new & good for Thrawn on AO3. Him being voiced by Lars Mikkelsen in Rebels is just *chef's kiss*
WHEWWWWWBOY LEMME TELL YOU idk what it is about his voice but the fact that he’s always so fucking CALM and he doesn’t feel the need to really speak up or enunciate things specifically and he almost slurs his words a little bit, knowing that he’s giving orders to people in the middle of drastic life or death situations and he doesn’t PROJECT like that’s bde I’ll say it right now that’s some bde that’s like a mafia boss whispering, it’s like you know for a fact that he didn’t get into that position of power from yelling louder than everybody else or drawing attention to himself, he’s there in spite of being quiet and for some reason that HITS whewwwww he’s a fucking genius too and I’d say the most narratively creative and formidable antagonist in Star Wars tbh I love him
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So I’m currently working on a mixtape for Higgs, and while it’s meant to be taken super seriously, I’ve come to the irrevocable realization that his theme song is “Bad Guy” by Billie Eilish
I just had that on not 10 minutes ago lmao.
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xxsparksxx · 4 years
wanderingchild replied to your photoset: Goodbye, little Slinky. The craziest, most...
*I’m so sorry to hear this. You’ve had her for as long as I’ve known you. she was a good girl.
She was full of original sin and mischief. But yes. She was a very good little girl :’)
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hayleychristinexx · 5 years
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“Wandering Child, so lost, so helpless” Ahh I’ve been rewatching Phantom today and scouting through @twisted_every_way ‘s account of all things phantom and it made me want to upload some Christine Daae shots taken a while back by Ian :) I’ll have some new stuff soon but for now join me in the phangirling 😆😆 Also I would like to make her stage amnita dress sometime this year 😍😍🧡🧡#phantomoftheopera #wanderingchild #christinedaae #phantomoftheoperacosplay #christinedaaecosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/BtYdGvJHi-S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lbvpirtu8ek7
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alvadee · 1 year
What did happen to "wanderingchild"? I see on old poto blogs people mentioned that person but when I look the blog has nothing to do with poto
This is such a random question.
um Yeah, she moved on. She was very active in the tumblr phandom years ago and was one of the people who kept the Broadway production and especially the Phantom back then, Hugh Panaro, so popular on here. She was (is?) friends with him and she went to see PotO on Broadway dozens of times, like, A LOT.
She could be quite opinionated and as far as I know there was a falling out with several members of the phandom years ago because she went too far when arguing about who knows what. After that she kind of quickly disappeared. I guess part of it was also that for us long time fans the obsession comes in waves and sometimes you just don't love PotO in a visible, content producing kind of way for a long time. I don't know if the wanderingchild url is still hers or someone else has the blog now, but if it's star wars stuff it's probably still hers.
Some months ago I went sleuthing because I had some nostalgia for the phandom of a couple of years ago and found her twitter. She's alive and well but wasn't posting about PotO. (and no, I don't remember the handle)
That's all I know!
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enchantedseastudio · 7 years
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Throwback to the mausoleum #hat I created. #phantomoftheopera #wanderingchild #millinery #feathers #phantom #poto #cosplay #broadway #details #enchantedsea #theatre #accessories #musicals #etsy #unique #halloween #shadow #silhouette
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worstloki · 4 years
you know any good fics where the fact loki’s still a teenager (in human terms at least-) is the main plot point?
Unfortunately, no, I haven't come across any where the age is a major plot point except these two which have explicit themes:
Two Worlds of a Hero by Nako13yeh - after capturing Loki the Tesseract starts acting up and now the entire Helicarrier has jumped into another dimension where all of them are comic/movie characters. (warnings in description but the major dark theme is rape, so please be warned)
Wandering Child by wanderingchild - This entire incomplete fic is a mishmash of mythology and has dark dark themes (sexual child abuse/rape/vore(okay that sounds bad but its for a reason)/physical abuse/sexism/psychological manipulation) where the Avengers figure out Loki’s a teen... Loki acts kinda manic but is still smart, its funny when its not tragic, and the characterization isn’t mcu!loki-esque even though the previous mcu events did happen.
Off the top of my head I’ve got a few where Loki gets de-aged to a teen or age is a minor point though:
doubt truth to be a liar by plotholes_and_paradoxes - post-ragnarok and post-infinty war loki's been deaged and thats the entire premise of this fic :D Its ongoing and there are themes of  abuse/sexism but the general typical-to-asgard type.
Comes The Hurricane by Lizardbeth - this is part of an extended universe but can be read as a standalone, and although loki's age is only explicitly mentioned in the one-shot after i'm pretty sure the intention was that loki is between 17-20. (warning for references to past torture)
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