#wake up klance nation
bluespirlt · 4 months
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(updated!) klance fan cast ❤️💙:
dallas liu as keith + michael cimino as lance
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greensphynx · 4 years
Waking up a Dreaming Man
A fanfic for Voltron: Legendary Defender for my 10 Years of Fanfiction Anniversary
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Shance (plus bits of Klance and one-sided Sheith)
Warnings: Explicit non-con not in the preview and referenced psychological torture
Prompt: A fic from 2010 
If the last twenty months or so had taught Shiro anything, it was that his last escape from the Galra had been as improbable and insanely lucky as winning the jackpot in a national lottery was, and if the chance of that happening once was effectively zero, then it was equal parts foolish and masochistic to hold out any hope for it happening again.
Even if this time there were people who may actually be looking for him - especially Keith would be too stubborn to let it go, and where Keith went Lance would follow - but they had their hands more than full with the Galra Empire as it was, and the likelihood of them finding the one ship that held Shiro in this vast universe was negligible.
Just like Pidge's chances to actually find Matt and their father, although Shiro had never dared to even  think  that thought around her.
No, there was no rescue this time, no miracle escape.
This was it.
He was kept unconscious most of the time, but occasionally they woke him up for tests or questioning, sometimes both. Worse was when they started inducing dreams - nightmares that were going to haunt him the rest of his life no matter if that would be long or short; dreams that reflected reality so well he believed them until they too twisted into nightmares; and then sometimes good dreams, actually pleasant, lovely dreams that he wished desperately would last.
He knew they were trying to break him, to break his mind. Eventually he would no longer figure out when he was dreaming and start answering their questions about Voltron, thinking he was just talking with his team. Or maybe this was a first step to condition him into believing in a twisted reality of their own making, turning him into their bloodthirsty Champion once more with no idea that he had once been something more.
Maybe, maybe they just wanted to break him completely, shattering his sanity until all that was left was a catatonic body vegetating in their prison.
Whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good - it was going to be  worse  than what he was already getting now. And  whatever it was,  he refused to go down without a fight, he refused to stop struggling to hold onto his  self  and to keep any information he had about Voltron locked away as deeply as he could.
The latter was easy when they questioned him awake - the worst they could do was torture, after all - and more difficult but still doable in the induced nightmares. What he feared was the nice dreams with his friends, because if he was going to slip, it would be to them.
He had found one crude, but particularly successful strategy against even that. Most of those seemingly pleasant dreams involved the two people he wanted to see most, and well… he could make sure there was not going to be any talking when it was just them.
This time as well, although the dream was different than the others had been. Usually he would be in the Castleship, free and the fight with the Galra just a small whisper in the back of his head. There would be nothing to stop him from doing whatever he liked, in those dreams, lulling him into a safety that was hard to prepare for.
This time he was still in his cell, the dream starting with a groggy wake up from hurried footsteps down the hall, followed by an electric buzz and a sharp snap that sounded like something sparked, and then his cell door sliding open.
Find the rest on AO3
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marci11e · 4 years
hey hey hey, everybody wake up. i just had a dream that voltron season 9 dropped and existed. it started with the democratic candidates being assigned element signs, like in atla (Biden thought he was gonna be good but he was fire nation). there was some fucking thing about a male lion coming in and claiming he was simba’s dad. shiro had like a new pink metallic body armor design, with long, straight shiny pink hair. there was another klance moment, akin to the elevator scene (trunks) and lance was fixing a pipe and i think he made some joke and we were supposed to eat it up. i remember waking up (in my dream) and being like “there’s no season nine” and then checking the tags here and being like “well, i’ll be” and there was fanart and everything and i went back to sleep (in my dreAM) and now i’m awake, like for real, and wondering just one thing: what
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Renegade Dawn, Chapter 2 [klance fic]
the klance pacific rim au 
Here’s Chapter 1, if you haven’t read it yet! And here’s the AO3 link if you’d rather read it there. 
Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of yourselves xoxo
Chapter 2
September 2029—Year 22 of the Kaiju War
The Kaiju roars in agony as the plasmacaster blows through its chest and destroys the heart cavity. Its empty screams echo off of the buildings and the partially destroyed Wall of Life in Los Angeles as it collapses.
“Great job, beautiful!” Lance exclaims, moving into a complete standing position on the gyro-stabilizers, the elliptical pedals that hold him in place in the cockpit.
“Are you okay?” Allura asks, looking over at him through her helmet. She looks tired, but her eyes are bright, just like they are after every Kaiju kill. Clawtooth, codename for the Kaiju that attacked Southern California early this morning, had gone down after a long fight. Some of the coast was destroyed in the battle, with a large piece of the completed and supposedly indestructible wall torn to shreds.
Lance nods, surveying the Kaiju’s body where it’s scattered in pieces around them. He says, “Yep. I’m glad we were here. This son of a bitch would have ruined L.A.”
“Riptide, get back to the coast and prepare for pickup,” the voice interrupts from the comm system, speaking over the heavy noise in the cockpit of their Jaeger. Lance and Allura don’t recognize the voice, but that’s probably because there are only a few officers left at the Shatterdome. Even Lance, Allura, and their Jaeger, Sunshine Riptide, had been only half an hour from being relocated to Hong Kong when the Kaiju was tracked heading toward L.A.
Through the drift, Lance can feel how angry Allura is about them being relocated. He hums along with her, equally as pissed, and they start walking back toward the coast, crushing the skull of Clawtooth for good measure. Fuck Kaiju.
“It’s bullshit that we’re doing this,” Allura grumbles aloud, even though she knows Lance can feel and hear everything in her head. She must be really angry to vocalize it too. “The only reason L.A. isn’t in ruins is because of us.”
“I know,” Lance agrees, tapping at the control panel hanging from the roof of the cockpit. “I thought the Wall of Life was supposed to be indestructible and keep everyone safe, but this bastard tore through the wall in less than twenty minutes. Cutting the Jaeger Program is a bad idea.”
Allura hums in agreement, and they trudge toward the coast.
The first time that Lance met Allura was one of the most embarrassing and best things to ever happen to him. After the Garrison, Lance received his placement at the Shatterdome in Los Angeles. It was a miracle really; L.A. had been his top choice because it was close to his family and it was still one of the more active bases on the Pacific Rim.
Lance had been brought into the Jaeger Program, the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps, with a dozen other new candidates from across the world, including Allura. Lance had spotted her first, standing in line with the other cadets, all beauty and grace. She hadn’t even glanced his way, which obviously meant that she was just his type. After the briefing from their superior officer (that Lance had barely listened to; he had been fantasizing about his future with Allura, whose name he hadn’t even known at the time), Lance had walked up to her, smirked, and said, “Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.”
Allura had stared at him for half a second before slamming her knee into his crotch. She’d left him curled up on the ground, moaning and biting back tears as the other cadets laughed.
Later that day, when they were being paired up for physical training, one of the officers paired him with Allura, and she had frowned at him before throwing the first punch.
Lance dodged, sweating nervously. His voice shook more than he wanted to admit when he said, “Listen, about earlier—”
She threw him on the ground and smirked, “Do you believe in doctors? Because you’re going to need some serious medical attention when I’m done with you.”
Honestly, the heart eyes that Lance had for Allura just got worse after that.
His training from the Garrison finally kicked in, and after a few minutes of her thoroughly kicking his ass, he was able to get back into the fight. Once he was paying attention, he discovered that they were somewhat evenly matched. She was good, but Lance could keep up and hold his own too.
They drew a decent sized crowd. Eventually, Lance thought that their superior officer came over to watch as well, but he was so focused on the fight and the energy between him and Allura that he wasn’t paying attention to anything else.
Allura had him pined to the ground, and Lance was fighting his way out of it when a sharp whistle broke his concentration. Then, a voice barked, “Enough!”
Both him and Allura turned to look. A few officers were standing there, along with the Marshall. Lance immediately rolled to his feet, face burning, wondering what they had done wrong.
“Interesting,” the Marshall had said, raising an eyebrow. “It seems as though the two of you are drift compatible.”
And the rest had been history.
Lance and Allura started their training together then, since they were ahead of the other pilots in their program who hadn’t found a co-pilot yet. The Marshall and their commanding officers all kept a close eye on their training, and after two years, they started building Lance and Allura’s Jaeger, a Mark IV angel, if Lance was honest. He and Allura had fought with the engineers over her name and design for weeks.
They became best friends somewhere along the way. The first time that they had done a drift test, it had been so different from the last time, the time he had tried with Keith. With Allura, he had all the training that he and Keith hadn’t had. He understood exactly what the drift was and how it worked; he knew what he needed to give to make this work with Allura.
He wasn’t even worried about drifting with Allura. It had been as easy as breathing.
Now, as he thinks about it, he can feel Allura going through his memories with him, smiling at several of the times they’ve had together so far.
Lance wonders what they’ll do if the Jaeger Program is completely decommissioned.
The tone in the drift shifts enough for Allura to speak again. She says, “That won’t happen. The Wall isn’t a good enough defensive tactic. Jaegers are the only thing strong enough to fight the Kaiju.”
“What if we’re moved over to Hong Kong and they ground us?” Lance asks.
Allura is worried about it, he can tell through the drift, but she says, “I don’t think that will happen. Sunshine Riptide is the most successful Jaeger that’s still operational. The only Jaeger that had stronger pilots and more drop-kills than us at the time was Black Paladin.”
“Yeah, and that worked out well for them,” Lance mutters, voice bitter and sad at the same time.
Allura prods at the feeling gently, but Lance guides her away from it. Even though it’s been three years, he’s still not ready to share that aloud with her. She’s seen everything, of course, but drifting with someone is different. There are things that Lance has seen in Allura’s memories that he would never dare ask her about. This just happens to be one of his.
“That was a freak accident,” Allura challenges him, secure in it now, after years of thinking about it, worrying over it, regretting it. “It was before the new system for categorizing the Kaiju was developed. If they had known that Kaiju was a Category 3, they never would have sent Black Paladin in without backup.”
“I know,” he sighs. He doesn’t argue with her, mostly because she’s right, but also because he’s tired. They’d been deployed at 2:45 this morning, and it was well past 08:00 now. Lance needed a nap.
They walk the rest of the way in silence. As they leave the city, it starts to wake up behind them. There are several helicopters zipping through the skies, getting close enough to film them as they walk. Absently, Lance hopes that someone has gotten their kill on camera so it will play repeatedly for the next couple of days. It would be a good thing for the world to see. Despite the destruction of the city and the potential lives that had been lost, the United Nations needs to know that defunding the Jaeger Program is a terrible idea. If Sunshine Riptide hadn’t been here, all of L.A. could have been destroyed.
The helicopters and the loading ship are waiting for them at the coast, and as they make their way over to it, Lance grins at Allura and says, “You wanna wave to the crowds?”
She laughs, bright and easy, and they both turn and lift their arm to wave in the direction of the city.
“Please proceed onto the loading dock, Riptide,” the voice from base replies, probably completely aware (and unhappy, if Lance has to guess) at their publicity stunt.
He smirks over at Allura, and they follow orders.
“Prepare for drop,” the AI hums through the cockpit, and Lance and Allura jerk as the helicopters release them. They drop to the ocean, hitting the water and seafloor with a sharp thud. They’ve been dropped far enough out that they can barely see the coastline because the impact from the drop can often cause a small earthquake if they are too close to any fault lines. In a fight with the Kaiju, it doesn’t seem as important, and the Wall does help avoid damage to the city, but the Jaegers have to be careful when being transported.
Which means that Lance and Allura have to walk all the way over to the Shatterdome now.
Once they’re standing upright, Allura picks up her right foot, and Lance echoes her immediately. They walk through the water, and the coastline gets closer and bigger with every step.
Through the drift, Lance can see that Allura is thinking about the last time they were here in Hong Kong, when they fought against the Kaiju with two other Jaegers: Metal Lipstick and Black Paladin.
It had been a legendary battle. It was the first time that there had ever been a double event—two Kaiju coming through the breach at once. They had lurked down the Pacific and descended upon Hong Kong hour after their arrival. Sunshine Riptide had been deployed from L.A., journeying across the ocean to join the fight with Metal Lipstick and Black Paladin.
Both were mythical Jaegers. In fact, with Sunshine Riptide there, they were the three most powerful Jaeger teams in existence, all fighting together at once. Metal Lipstick, piloted by a set of twins from Australia, had some of the best defensive tactics in the world, and Black Paladin—well, Black Paladin was the most successful Jaeger to have ever been built. Its life was young, having been built specifically for its pilots, but its power couldn’t be defined by age.
Lance can still hear the echoes of the other pilot’s voices in his memories, but he blinks hard. The last thing they need is to get caught chasing the rabbit in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
They don’t talk as they make their way over to the coast. It doesn’t take long to get there; the Hong Kong Shatterdome is built on an island off the coast of the city, where the Jaegers have easy access to the water so they can stop the Kaiju before it reaches the coast. The massive building sticks out against the rest of the coastline. Shatterdomes are easily the biggest structures on the planet, and to house Jaegers, they have to be.
Up ahead, the base has a loading tank prepared for them. It’s designed to roll the Jaegers into the Shatterdome to avoid hurting the pilots in such close quarters. Even though the Shatterdome is big, it’s not big enough for a Jaeger to just walk inside with its pilots.
“Sunshine Riptide,” a distinct voice, heavy with an Australian accent, filters through their communication system. “Welcome to the Hong Kong Shatterdome!”
Allura grins immediately and reaches up to hit her speaker. “Hello, Marshall. It’s nice to be here.”
“Under unfortunate circumstances, I’m afraid, but we’ll have to take what we can get in these times I suppose, eh?” he asks, voice still bright. “Please be careful on the loading tank and removing yourself from the Jaeger. A team will be out to assist you and bring you into the facility.”
“Copy that, boss,” Lance says, smiling at Allura. Even though they might be getting the plug pulled on them, he guesses that it’s worth it to see Allura this happy. She doesn’t get to see her uncle, Coran, very often anymore, not since he took the Marshall’s position. At least she will get to spend some time with him while they’re here.
They trudge forward, continuing up onto the loading tank easily and carefully climbing up out of Riptide. When they open the top hatch, Lance is blinded by the sun. It glints off Riptide’s sharp metal, flickering different colors in the light.
Coran’s team helps them climb down to the ground, and Lance shakes himself, blinking to get the haze of the drift to fade. Staying in the drift for a long time takes a toll on the mind, and it still makes Lance a little dizzy and overwhelmed after they’ve been in for a long time.
Allura grips his arm and jostles him softly, “Wake up.”
“I’m awake,” he says, batting her hand away.
Groups of officers and military personal are standing around them and their Jaeger, looking up at Sunshine Riptide in all her glory. She stands tall, so tall that she’s blocking the sun. She’s a Mark IV, rebuilt for Lance and Allura when they finished their training. She was decommissioned after being torn to shreds in one of the very first Kaiju battles, but they rebuilt her, loaded her up with a new neural interface, and slapped on a bright orange coat of paint. She has two plasmacasters, one in each fist, built to destroy the Kaiju in close combat, which she’s designed for. To Lance, Sunshine Riptide is one of the most beautiful Jaegers in existence.
Some of the people around them are also looking over at Lance and Allura, and their expressions are too close to awe and amazement. Any other day, he would be preening under the attention, smirking and flirting his way through the crowds, but today, he’s too worried about their future.
Allura glances over at him when one of the officers gives them the go ahead. The Shatterdome’s bay doors are opening a few hundred yards ahead of them, and there are people everywhere. Every Shatterdome has been pulled and moved to Hong Kong, so everyone in the Pan Pacific Defense Corps is grounded here now, well, what’s left of them.
Lance removes his helmet, tucks it under his arm, and steps up to Allura’s side. She nods, and they step out in front of the tank where their Jaeger has been loaded. It’s a brisk walk, but it’s something that Lance always takes pride in. People in front of them clear a path, parting for them, and they enter the Shatterdome bay to a round of applause because of their most recent victory.
The base is full. There are soldiers, mechanics, and scientists crowding the floor, and there are even more people on the higher levels as well. In this bay, there are a handful of Jaegers—probably the last ones in the world. Only three have made it this long and this far; Crystal Venom, Omega Shield, and Razor Edge sit in the Shatterdome already, and now that Sunshine Riptide joins them, that means they have four Jaegers left in this fight.
Within the last few months, Kaiju activity has increased exponentially, more than it has over the entire length of the war. More and more Jaegers have been defeated because of the growing number of attacks and strength from the Kaiju. Now, there are only a few remaining.
It’s why the United Nations pulled the funding for the Jaeger Program. Jaegers were dying so fast, and the Wall seemed like the only other option. Jaegers are expensive to make and run and investing money in something that seemingly doesn’t work does seem like a waste.
But Lance knows that it’s not. Jaegers are the only things that stand in the way of the Kaiju destroying their world. If there’s anything he can do about it, he’s not going to let that happen ever.
“Ah! And here’s a friend you may remember. Sunshine Riptide, welcome to Hong Kong!”
Lance hears Coran’s voice before he sees him, but when a crowd of soldiers clears out of the way, there he is, standing in the middle of the base, gesturing up to their Jaeger. He’s standing with two other people. The person on Coran’s right is short and looks young. She’s dressed in a navy-blue military uniform with a pair of round, large glasses on her nose. On Coran’s left, there’s a tall man, dressed in a leather jacket with a duffel slung over his shoulder. His black hair hangs down to almost his shoulders—
“Pilots!” Coran calls excitedly, “Join us!”
Lance feels Allura hesitate at the same time as him. Normally, she’s very excited, not at all hesitant, to catch up with Coran. But this time—this time is different.
Because Keith Kogane is standing on Coran’s left, and he’s looking over at Lance like he’s just come back from the dead.
After the Garrison, Lance hadn’t heard anything from Keith in almost two years. He never really forgot about him, never forgot the feeling of drifting with someone and almost being destroyed by it. He thought about it a lot actually, especially as he trained with Allura. He thought about what could have been different, what they could have done to make it better, to maybe have not tried to kill each other and destroy any semblance of a chance at being co-pilots.
In the end, Lance always reminded himself that it never mattered because they weren’t drift compatible and they never would be.
The first thing that he ever heard about Keith after the Garrison was in an online interview. He had been checking his tablet, scanning through the news, when he saw it.
Jaeger Black Paladin takes down largest ever Cat 2 Kaiju in Hong Kong last night. Pilots Takashi Shirogane and Keith Kogane famed for victory.
Allura had found him later, obsessively looking through the internet for more information about Keith.
As it turned out, Keith had found drift compatibility with someone else too—Takashi Shirogane, an older and more experienced pilot from Hong Kong. Staring at his face on the tablet, Lance had a vague feeling that he knew this man, and he finally he realized that it was because of the memories he got from Keith when they drifted together.
Keith and Shiro were placed in a Mark IV Jaeger, Black Paladin, in Hong Kong. Keith had even finished his training almost six months early so they could put them in a Jaeger. The fight with the Cat 2 Kaiju in Hong Kong had been their first battle together, and they quickly ran through the ranks of all other Jaeger pilots in the world. Their drop-kill numbers were so high, accuracy so amazing, that they were deployed for every Kaiju attack they were physically close enough to.
Lance and Allura were finally deployed for the first time eight months after Keith and Shiro’s first victory, and Sunshine Riptide ripped through the Kaiju just as quickly as Black Paladin did. It made Lance smug, and he often wondered if Keith kept up with him as much as Lance watched the headlines for Keith’s name.
Almost a year later, the first ever double event happened in Hong Kong. Lance and Allura were deployed from L.A., and Metal Lipstick was sent over from Australia to join Shiro and Keith in the fight. It wasn’t the first time that Jaegers had teamed up to fight the Kaiju, but it was the first time that all three of the most powerful Jaegers were fighting together.
Lance remembered it like it was yesterday. He and Allura had physically jerked when he had heard Keith’s voice for the first time since they were eighteen.
“Prepare for drop,” the AI hummed just as the helicopters dropped them in the ocean, right on the other side of the Kaiju.
“Nice to meet you, Sunshine Riptide!” the voice from Lance’s memories—Shiro’s voice—said, echoing in the cockpit of their Jaeger.
Lance smirked and hit the button on his comm system, “Same, we’ve been waiting on a chance to save Keith’s ass.”
Shiro laughed a little, but Keith was back, growling, “Fuck you, Lance.”
Allura and Lance joined the fight then, putting aside everything else. It was harder than any other fight so far, even with all three Jaegers. Allura and Lance led the first one, codename Diablo, while Black Paladin and the Australian Jaeger, Metal Lipstick, finished off the other.
Diablo had Lance and Allura around the waist, crushing them slowly as the plasmacaster powered up. Then, they shoved their left fist into its chest and fired.
“Empty the clip!” Lance shouted through clenched teeth, his ribs aching, as they kept firing into the Kaiju. “Empty the clip!”
Finally, Diablo fell into the ocean, just as Black Paladin and Metal Lipstick were turning to aid them.
Allura grinned, reached up to the comm, and said, “Thanks for the help, but we’ve got it.”
Lance was laughing, grinning at her too because holy fuck, she was the best thing to ever happen to him.
After the battle, they were all stationed at the Hong Kong Shatterdome for a few days to get repairs done on their Jaegers. Sunshine Riptide was so damaged that she wouldn’t make it home without the important repairs completed first.
Lance met Shiro officially for the first time, but when they shook hands with each other, he felt how weird it was. He already felt like he knew Shiro from seeing him in Keith’s memories, even just the little that he had, and Shiro was looking at him the same way, like he knew him too.
Keith had stood off to the side with his arms crossed, glaring in their direction.
“This is Allura,” Lance said to Shiro, reaching out for her arm to pull her forward. “She’s my co-pilot.”
Shiro smiled at her softly, and Lance grinned while they shook hands. She was being uncharacteristically nervous now, meeting Shiro. Lance would tease her about it later.
“You guys were impressive,” Shiro said, looking between both of them. “We’ve been keeping up with your deployments, so we were excited that you were coming for this one.”
Allura started to thank him, but Lance interrupted. His grin widened, and he shot a look over at Keith, “Oh yeah? Keith’s just been waiting for a rematch.”
Keith rolled his eyes, not at all friendly, “Whatever. I’d still kick your ass.”
He laughed and winked at him, relishing in Keith’s glare and how he couldn’t take his eyes off Lance’s frame. Sure, they hated each other and were rivals in every essence of the word now, but who said Lance couldn’t have a little fun with it?
It wasn’t the only time that they had seen each other since the Garrison. They spent a couple of more days at the Hong Kong Shatterdome, and when Allura took to hanging out with Shiro, Lance and Keith had no other option than to be around each other too.
It worked out, mainly because of how much Allura berated and begged Lance into being nice to him so she could talk to Shiro. He listened to her, only because she was his best friend and loving co-pilot, so when they all went out to a dive bar where no one would recognize them to celebrate, Lance called for a truce.
“I’m just saying,” Lance’s voice was a little too loud because of the last couple beers he’d had. “This is stupid. You’re stupid.”
“Wow,” Keith had crossed his arms over his broad chest. “What a great way to talk to someone you want to be friends with. Really, has anyone ever told you how good you are with people?”
Lance scowled at him, “I’m not giving up.”
The other man had shrugged, “Whatever, Lance.”
After that night, things between them became a little better in terms of the limited amount of times they had to deal with each other. There were only a handful of times and places where they were deployed to fight together, and even fewer times where they got to see each other outside of the Jaegers and the Shatterdomes.
Which is right about the time that Lance developed a huge fucking crush on Keith. In all actuality, it hadn’t developed—Lance had finally become aware of it.
He had been working on a plan to get Keith to start talking to him again. In fact, Allura was even talking to Shiro, which was good for him too. If Allura could get Shiro on their side, then they would all four have to spend time together and—
Then the accident happened.
Black Paladin was deployed to defend Hong Kong from a supposed Cat 2 Kaiju, codename Knifehead. They were already sent out to meet Knifehead in battle when the Marshall and techs realized that the Kaiju wasn’t a Cat 2—it had been the first ever Cat 3.
And Black Paladin was unprepared for it.
Lance can still remember watching the video feed of it the next day. Seeing Knifehead tear off their Jaeger’s arm, then, completely rip out the right side of the Jaeger—Lance thought he was going to be sick while watching it.
Sunshine Riptide hadn’t been close enough to help. Even if they had been deployed at the same time, there wasn’t anything that they could have done.
That morning, Lance and Allura had received the report at the L.A. Shatterdome. Shiro was dead, and Keith—Keith was in a coma. He had killed the Kaiju on his own, controlling the Jaeger by himself, and effectively killing his brain with the amount of strain on the neural bridge. He had even gotten the Jaeger back to the coast on his own, lasting almost a full hour in battle by himself.
It made sense that they thought he wouldn’t make it.
So Lance and Allura—they didn’t know what to do. It was like their world had been ripped away from them. Black Paladin—Shiro and Keith—they had been the strongest and most successful Jaeger pilots ever.
And the Kaiju had taken them away. Just like that.
In the time that Keith was in a coma, there was another Kaiju attack, another Cat 3 along the coast of California. Allura and Lance had begged the Marshall to deploy them, and when they went, they were both so angry that they ripped the Kaiju to shreds, hoping every last helicopter got it on camera so it would play it, as if it would justify all the wrongs the Kaiju had already done to them.
It hadn’t.
Lance and Allura did their best to deal with it. Allura was so sad, and Lance was practically distraught. When they drank too much one night and stumbled into bed together, Lance didn’t regret it because at least he had felt something for a little while.
A few weeks later, Keith surprisingly woke up from his coma, but before Lance and Allura could get over to Hong Kong to visit, he left the hospital, left the Shatterdome, and disappeared without a trace.
And it’s been three years since.
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
Klance Fic Recommendations Pt. 2
I’m here with the second list of fics that deserve all the kudos! Enjoy!
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here
Rated M, NSFW scenes, swearing
Childhood Friends AU
13 Chapters (135,555 words)
Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
My Notes: This friendship is just really close to my heart. The buys are sweet and stupid and pining endlessly. How can you not fall in love with this fic?
Your Love Has Shown Me Proof
Rated Teen and up, swearing
Time travel/Parents AU
2 Chapters (22,483 words)
“This situation is a bit more complicated than we initially realized.”
Lance raises an eyebrow, but Pidge is the one to question that. “Define complicated.”
Allura takes no more time beating around the bush, “Well, I received a transmission. Keith and Lance--from the future, that is--would like to have their daughter back."
or: Lance and Keith deal with a walking spoiler, in the form of a little girl who just wants to get back to her own home.
My Notes: This one is super cute! If you’re looking for something heartwarming and fluffy, you’ve found it. Also, Klance children are the best thing, and older Klance is great, too.
life after death
Rated Teen and up, swearing
Amnesia Au
Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice.
She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes--”
He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.”
After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
My Notes: This one is unbearably good. The emotions Lance feels are so deep, when he feels them you feel them. And the dialogue is really realistic, how sometimes things are just too hard to say, and things you say will come out wrong or be misinterpreted. I’ve cried a couple times, not gonna lie, this fic is really good.
P.s. I’ve heard this fic be compared to Dirty Laundry, so if you liked that, read this {?}.
That Which I Desire, Destroys Me in the End
Rated Mature, intense description of mental illness, suicide attempt, suicidal idealization, and other things that may be triggering, mentioned NSFW 
Inpatient AU
10 Chapters (29,383 words)
Lance McClain is admitted to Altea, a nationally renowned mental hospital run by the ever so quirky Allura, who has a different means of helping her patients. Along the way, he meets a group of people who he teaches what life is again, and maybe, he even finds it in himself.
My Notes: This fic was real. It’s depictions of mental illness just grab you by the throat and don’t give any mercy, don’t glorify anything. And while I advise you not to read this if you are one to get triggered easily, it is definitely worth a read.
Sorry this is super short, I had to cut it because AO3 will be unavailable to me for a while (school laptops, am I right).
Anyways, if you read these, make sure you support the wonderful authors behind them! Bye!
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carpemermaidtales · 6 years
WIP Meme
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous
Oh boy, thanks for the tag @gracie137blogs​ now we get to delve into the WIP Folder of Doom™️ hahahaha I do actually tend to name my files with something descriptive because I have somewhat of an archiving habit from my day job, so I don’t think any of these will be toooo wild. Long AF list, so under a cut to save your dash ;)
A Fragile Web - wand bond hogwarts 8th year repair - Ah, an aging wip with 20k that’s going no where. Good to see you again, old friend. Looking mighty fine with that thick coating of dust you’re sporting. New Year’s Promises - Another aging wip that’s nearly all written that I can’t seem to finish arg! Maybe this year will be the year?? Who knows, all I know is that I keep meaning to finish it so I can release it sometime between Dec-March every year I attempt to get it done. *sweats loudly* Post War WWW - This was going to be my HD Big Bang project until I had to drop because of my work schedule. I had some really fun stuff planned with it, especially Draco working with tinkering with magical objects and charms spells. Snapchat Sexting - Ohhhhh I need to finish this!!! Dang I started this in like Feb and forgot all about it, but it’s the usual whacky concept of tech comes to the wizarding world as a vehicle for Drarry to sext via social media hahaha. Harry is very Shook™️ in this little fic. Accidental Marriage Bond - Oh nooo they’re accidentally married and bound magically oh noooooo. Kidfic Adoption Partners - Probably my fave of my wips that I haven’t had much time to work on, the idea is that drarry are very close business partners that are mistaken for partner-partners when draco decides he wants to adopt. Grimmauld Place is Sick??? - Idk what to call this one hahaha, but it’s basically your run of the mill oh no Harry isn’t sure what’s up with GP and Draco Malfoy is His Only Hope at Finding Answers.
Banquet AU Canon Diverge - Omg this was my big project at the beginning of the year that I put on pause after almost 30k because it’s only 3 chapters in and it’s already so big. Basically just a big YOI canon divergence after the banquet and clothes sharing and social media. Yuuri wears Victor’s Olympic RU jacket and I get a little emosh every time I think about it :’))))
Our Hearts Ablaze - a/b/o in space - Just your basic oh no I thought I was one class and turns out I’m another but no worries because your pal has your back and will help you out through this Trying Time. Amnesia Lance - Back around season 2 I had this wip idea where Lance gets hit during battle or whacks his head somehow and wakes up with amnesia and thinks team voltron kidnapped him. FWB Klance - Probably what it says on the tin tbh Waxplay Klance - Hnnggg my candle-moment fic. Just needs one scene to be complete, note to self please go back and finish this. Let Me Take a Bite Out of You - lovebug/fakedating/soulmate/garrison au - A wip I started and even posted ch 1 of last year because I’m a monster and every time I get a comment from a reader hoping the next chapter is coming I cower under a blanket. It’s not abandoned, though, I swear. I just need to untangle the plot and write the damn thing. It’s a biiiig epic with conspiracy, a race against time, and everything ending up just as it should when the series timeline starts.
Jaimeric Modern Fake Dating AU - Holy shit this story is massive. It was plotted out with @goldentruth813​ and @gracie137blogs​ months back when we were crying together about Jaimeric and Aimeric and how we needed a story where he lived, so this is our version of that.
Berenger Character Study - I read Pet and then Berencel took over my life. This is just a short Berenger POV character study of the events in Pet.
Zutara Accidental Bond Post War - A maaaassive outline for a story picking up right where the Agni Kai with Azula ends and the events of that fight cause a spirit bond to manifest in Katara and Zuko so that they’re tied together and can hear each other’s heartbeat. In the midst of putting the Fire Nation back together they have to embark on a journey to the spirit world to find out what happened to them and if they can undo it. Haikyuu!! Oisuga - Fake Dating - Oh no >:)))) Suga’s parents >:)))) want to set him up with marriage interviews >:)))) and he makes up a fake boyf >:)))) and Oikawa over hears and thinks the description fits him well enough >:)))) so he slides in and pretends to be the fake boyf >:)))) and now they’re invited to a weekend family reunion at Suga’s family onsen in Miyagi >:)))) Oisuga Week - Starbursts - Need to finish up these last 2 chapters but this is a wip that started for a ship week in august that’s been post-as-i-go, essentially Oh no, and they were roommates with looootttsss of pining. HQSS - Haikyuu!! secret santa exchange fic that’s nearly done, can’t talk much about it but it’s cute and for a very fun ship <3 Kurosuga - FWB - A future fic plot from a convo on an hq writing server about Kuroo and Suga being friends with benefits while falling in love with each other the whole time, so a big pining, bittersweet sexy fic dealing with hiding emotions and soaking up as much physical intimacy as they can get away with because their touches speak so much louder than their words. Original 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Soooo I’m kinda....doing a thing.... 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Matchmaking Ghost - This is the wip I did the 7-7-7 meme with. If you enjoyed Phoenix Repair Services then you might like this one, it’s a pretty similar concept of house repair going totally wrong with a handyman from the protag’s past to fix the mess, only now there’s a ghost involved in the mix haha! Also it’s tentatively set in Boston because haunted New England houses are a Vibe™️. It’s got a persnickety ghost and a snarky protag who refers to himself as “””emotionally efficient””” because he’s the picture of good mental health 😹 😹 There are 12 other wips that have gathered in this folder but I’ll save the deets for later, this one is the most fleshed out at this point.
Sooo that’s me and my writing folder right now hahaha, someone send a shovel so I can dig myself out, yeah?
Tagging: If you want to play, you’re tagged!
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
I've Been Waiting ( For You )
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FT6UBz
by comicpages
Lance Mcclain was in love with someone he had never even met. He didn’t know their name or gender, nor did he know their age or nationality, but he did know that one day he would. One day, he’d be able to list off every single fact there was to know. One day, he’d be able to hold their hand, and kiss their lips, and wake up in the mornings wrapped up in their arms. One day, the mark on his wrist promised, he would be with someone who the universe had specifically made for him. Someone who fit with him like a matching puzzle piece— and frankly, he couldn’t wait.
Words: 2530, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Coffee Shop ( Blues )
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Takashi Shirogane, Allura (Voltron), Curan, Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), I Don't Even Know
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FT6UBz
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I've Been Waiting ( For You )
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/13877259
by comicpages
Lance Mcclain was in love with someone he had never even met. He didn’t know their name or gender, nor did he know their age or nationality, but he did know that one day he would. One day, he’d be able to list off every single fact there was to know. One day, he’d be able to hold their hand, and kiss their lips, and wake up in the mornings wrapped up in their arms. One day, the mark on his wrist promised, he would be with someone who the universe had specifically made for him. Someone who fit with him like a matching puzzle piece— and frankly, he couldn’t wait.
Words: 2530, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Coffee Shop ( Blues )
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Takashi Shirogane, Allura (Voltron), Curan, Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), I Don't Even Know, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/13877259
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"We can sail away tonight on a sea of pure moonlight. We can navigate the stars to bring us back home. In a place so far away, we'll be young - that's how we'll stay. And with your hand in my hand I am closer now to finding Neverland.”
Heavily inspired by “Neverland” by Zendaya. I just really, really needed to see some sweet Klance comfort. I hope you enjoy it! Full fic is under the cut, or on Ao3 here :) 
Lance sat on the floor of the castle’s bridge with his legs drawn up under his chin and his glassy eyes fixated on a blank spot on the castle’s star map. He let out a soft, shuddering breath and leaned against one of Allura’s glowing pilot pillars, tightening his arms around his shins as a new wave of tears spilled over his blotchy cheeks.
“Ten thousand years.” He said, his voice catching pitifully. “Father.” He choked out, biting back a soft sob as memories of King Alfor filtered through his mind. God, he could practically smell the juniberry flowers that used to bloom all around their kingdom and see Altea’s two suns setting on opposite horizons.  
He had been so caught up in his own sadness that he completely missed the sound of footsteps approaching him from behind. He nearly fell forward in surprise when he felt a light hand fall onto his shoulder. He swiped his sleeves under his eyes and over his cheeks in a feeble attempt to erase his tears from existence, but the evidence still remained. More tears fell to replace those that had been removed in mere moments, anyways. With a sigh, he turned his head to face the intruder. His heart gave a surprised little thump in response to the eyes that met his own.
Keith was knelt down in front of him, eyebrows pinched in concern. The paladin’s hand still weighed down his left shoulder, but he can’t say the pressure was unwelcome. If anything, it was grounding. Lance had felt far off – he had been caught up in the memories of a land that no longer exists, but Keith’s touch was enough to drag him back into reality. Whether he wanted to return or not isn’t up for debate – he’s part of the only resistance powerful enough to fight back against the Empire, now. He can’t afford to lose himself in the past and miss out on the present.
He offered Keith a shy, wobbly smile that probably looked a little ridiculous with the tears streaking down around it. He let out a little sniffle and nodding once as if to say it’s okay; I’m okay. Obviously, Keith saw right through him.
After a moment’s hesitation, Keith tugged Lance forward and wrapped his arms around the prince. He used one arm to support Lance’s shoulders and the other to cradle the prince’s head against his chest. He didn’t say anything, though. Actions speak louder than words and all that. He wouldn’t even know what to say right now, anyways.
Lance struggled to pull himself together for a moment before deciding that no, that wouldn’t be happening right now. He allowed himself to crumble into Keith’s embrace, a shockingly loud cry torn from his lips as he buried his face in Keith’s bare chest (he’s so distressed that he doesn’t even have the energy to try to flirt with Keith by complimenting the pecs he’s crying into).
He trembled in Keith’s arms like a leaf in a hurricane and the sound of his sobs filled the room. He honestly wouldn’t even be surprised if he’s being loud enough to wake someone else. For a centuries old castle, the walls aren’t very thick.
After allowing himself a few minutes to break down, he pulled away with a quiet apology for losing it like that. He kept his eyes glued to the ground and didn’t mention the hand still tangled in his hair, lest Keith take it away.
“What… What were you looking at?” Keith asked, his voice rough and endearingly unsure. He’s never been very good with words or emotions, but he knows that Prince Lance needs him right now. He needs to talk about whatever caused him to fall apart so spectacularly. At least Keith isn’t so socially inept he’d ask a crying boy if he’s okay. That would most likely be pretty high up on the list of things to avoid asking, right now. He had assumed that bringing up what Lance had been looking at when Keith first saw him would be a safe option, but if the way Lance choked up on a brand-new wave of tears was anything to go by, he’d say he’s probably dead wrong.
Lance struggled to speak for a few minutes, but Keith didn’t try to interrupt or change the subject. The damage from his question is already done, and he’s far too curious to try to take it back, anyways.
After a few more ticks, Lance took a deep breath and sat back to face the glowing star map all around them. He reached out with both hands and zoomed in on the blank space in the center of the map. His heart cracked at the sight alone. He’s immensely grateful for the arm Keith had left around his waist. He scooted a little closer as discreetly as possible.
“This… That empty patch of space… That’s where Altea used to be. My entire solar system – my entire galaxy.” He said, clenching his jaw to bite back yet another whimper. “That’s where Altea and so many other planets used to be before Zarkon betrayed us and decimated the entire galaxy. Daibazaal, Altea, Nalquod, Rygnirath, the Dalterion Belt… All of it is gone, now.” He breathed, bundling his long sleeve over his fist so that he could wipe away the tears that continued to spill over.
Keith was at a loss for words. He had no idea how to respond to this. He’s already shitty with normal conversations; how is he supposed to be able to comfort someone whose entire galaxy was destroyed while he was asleep? Eventually, he decided to forego words and pulled Lance even closer, instead. He wrapped both arms around the prince and (awkwardly) pulled him into his lap. He hid his burning face by pulling Lance’s into his chest and hoped the prince wouldn’t feel his heart trying to beat its way out of his chest. He gazed up at the immense spot of empty space on the map and his heart ached for the prince in his arms. He doesn’t even have any real family left on Earth and the thought of losing it to someone like Zarkon was enough to make him feel sick. Lance had a family, friends, and an entire life on his planet. He was its prince, for God’s sake. The only saving Grace is the fact that Allura and Coran had awoken from their cryo-sleep with him. Keith can’t possibly imagine waking up 10,000 years in the future and billions of lightyears away from his home with no one else to lean on. The mere thought sent a chill of loneliness through him, and he tightened his arms around Lance just a little more.
“Tell me about it.” He said, after realizing that Lance probably wouldn’t continue without some kind of prompting. The poor prince was so forlorn that he would probably cry himself to sleep without really letting anything out, if Keith allows him to.
“Wh-What?” Lance croaked, pulling away from his burrow in Keith’s neck to meet the paladin’s eyes, his own shining with confusion.
“Tell me about Altea. About your home.”
“Oh.” Lance breathed, slumping down against Keith’s chest as his mind raced with the sights and sounds of his once-great planet. “There are so many things to say. Where can I even begin?
Altea was… Unique. As I’m sure you can see in Allura and Coran, our people were highly adept with diplomacy and bargaining. We played a part in countless important events in the history of the universe. We oversaw the rises of nations, the falls of kingdoms, the formations of alliances, and the births of legendary heroes – most notably, the birth of Voltron. That isn’t all there was to us, though. Our planet was beautiful. Picture a land unlike any you have ever seen, where life is eternal and evergreen and a future of guaranteed happiness is always within reach. Gorgeous, vibrant juniberry flowers blossomed everywhere Alteans lived, our lakes and oceans were pure and untainted, and we had a wholesome, symbiotic relationship with all around us. We were a peaceful people by nature. It’s why Zarkon had no trouble destroying us. In fact, Voltron was the only true weapon we had in our arsenal, and it wasn’t even constructed for us – it was built to spread peace and stability across the galaxies. Aside from the great beast, Altea only had small blasters and the defenses built into the castle, but they were never truly used until the Great War against the Galra began. We were wiped out in mere days because of our lack of weaponry.” He said, his eyes shifting from Keith to refocus on the blank space on the star map. It was obvious that while he was very obviously sitting in the red paladin’s lap, his mind was several galaxies and centuries away.
“As I said, we were a peaceful people. We had no hostile intentions when we constructed Voltron or used it to neutralize the threat that had been established on the Galra home-world, Daibazaal. We merely wished to prolong the era of tranquility we had brought about, along with the Galra and the other species of our galaxy. We did not deserve to be so brutally slaughtered – my entire species… Gods, I can’t even stand the thought. My people… I left them when they needed me most.” He choked out, his hands flying up to his face to muffle his whimpers. His subjects. They all looked up to him and Allura as the next generation of royalty, and they had been let down. The Alfor forced both of his children to abandon the planet during its most dire moment and allowed its entire civilization to perish. If Lance had only been there. If he had been there, he could have done so much to help. He could have organized a retreat by filling the castle with as many Alteans as possible before take-off. He could have manned the defenses and fought back against the Galra invaders for as long as the particle barriers would allow it. Maybe his presence wouldn’t have made much of a difference, but at least he could have done something. He wouldn’t be damned to this hellish present – lost and alone and one part of a near-extinct species, 10,000 years from the life he once knew.
“I’ve taken to calling it Neverland.” He said, after his tears had subsided once more.
“What?” Keith asked, blinking dumbly down at the Altean prince. The sudden shift in conversation caught him off-guard, but he can’t say it was unwelcome. Anything is better than being forced to watch this beautiful boy cry.
“Altea. I’ve begun to call it Neverland, after a story Pidge told me a little while ago.” He explained, slowly standing from Keith’s lap to step closer to the space map. He mourned the loss of contact for a moment, but he had to do this. He needed to see it, and he wanted to share it with Keith.
He swiped his hand across the map to dismiss it and placed one hand on the piloting pillar to his left. He shut his eyes, reached out with his quintessence the way he had been taught to do, and made contact with the castle’s systems. After a few ticks of trying, the window-screens all around the bridge lit up and filled the room with brilliant blue light that shone red behind his clenched eyelids. Once the light faded, he stepped back and opened his eyes. Beautiful fields of red and green spread out all across the screens, and twin suns blazed high up in a pale blue sky.
“I figure it would be easier to just show you. The castle stores recordings of its surroundings every time it is stationed somewhere new as a cautionary measure, in case we ever need to go back and review our surroundings for anything. This is – was – Altea. This was where the castle was docked on my planet. Where Allura and I grew up.” He said, sucking in a shuddering breath as he took in the beauty of his home-world. He is so immensely relieved that his father had thought to include the camera systems. If it hadn’t been for that, his memory of Altea would eventually grow foggy and inaccurate. This way, he has what very well may be the last genuine image of what was his home.
“I call it Neverland now because of its twin suns.” He explained, gesturing towards the blazing balls of fire high up in the sky. “Second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning, right?” He laughed, though the sound was nowhere near as light or melodic as it usually is. It was sad – so incredibly sad.
“It’s more than that, though.” He continued, cutting Keith off before he could say anything. “It’s… a land that is eternal, now. It exists only in my mind, frozen in time, and it will remain there until I die. I may be several millennia old now, but in my memories of my home, I’ll be young forever.”
Keith was at a loss. He had absolutely no idea what to say or do, right now. Never in his life has he cursed his lack of social skills quite so colorfully as he is now. He aches to comfort the prince standing just mere feet from him, but he doesn’t know how. He’s worried that if he opens his mouth, he’ll say the wrong thing and ruin the moment. Lance is trusting him right now. He can’t let the prince down. He wants to prolong this bonding moment for as long as possible. It may be a bit selfish of him to want to keep Lance in this state, but he can’t fight what his heart is telling him, and it’s very insistent that this moment should last forever. Eventually, he worked up enough courage to man up and just say something.
“When… When I was young, I had a star.” He began, worrying his lower lip between his teeth to help him focus on choosing his words with extreme caution. “Whenever I was frightened or felt alone, I turned to the night sky and stared at my favorite star until I felt better. It wasn’t the biggest or the brightest, but it was the only true constant in my life. Even after I left the Garrison and spent months alone in the desert, it was there for me. It’s the only thing that has never, ever left me.” He said, stepping into Lance’s space until he was pressed against the prince’s back. His heart struggled to beat out of his chest and his breath was coming out a little too quick, but he knows that this is what he wants. He reached out with shaky hands and laced his fingers with Lance’s at the prince’s sides. He lifted one of Lance’s hands and mimicked Allura’s actions from his first day on the castle to bring the star map back up. Once he managed to do it (without making a complete fool of himself, thankfully), he used their interlocked hands to pull up Earth and the rest of the Solar Sytem. Using Orion and The Little Dipper as his reference points, Keith zoomed in on one of the smallest stars nestled just between the two constellations. “I named it Keith 2.” He admitted, laughing a little at his own ridiculousness.
Lance hesitantly leaned back against Keith’s chest, his cheeks burning a deep blue color as Keith’s breath ghosted across his ear and neck. “It’s beautiful.” He whispered, tilting his head a bit to inspect the small, pulsating ball of fire. He could see why Keith had chosen it. It was small and kind of dim, but it blazed just as hot as (if not hotter than) it’s brethren – just like Keith. For whatever reason, Lance finds it extremely endearing, and he’s deeply touched that Keith is willing to share something so intimate with him.
“I wish I could take you back to your home.” Keith sighed, leaning his forehead against the back of Lance’s shoulder blade. “I wish I could make you happy.” He said, squeezing Lance’s hands a little tighter as he spoke. “We could sail away tonight on a sea of pure moonlight; I would navigate the stars and bring you back home. I would do anything to keep you from crying like you were ever again.”
Lance sucked in a breath and he felt tears welling up in his eyes again for an entirely different reason. “Keith.” He breathed, releasing the red paladin’s hands so that he could spin around and pull him into his arms. His heart is beating wildly and he’s probably being even more bold than he has been in quite some time, but he can’t deny that this is what he wants. For all the mindless flirting he does with everyone, he’s positive that this is real. What he feels for Keith – what he’s been feeling since he first met the human – is so much more than a fleeting infatuation. Perhaps his survival of his planet’s annihilation may bring some good to his life, after all.
“Keith.” He repeated, cradling the boy’s cheeks and tilting his head up so their eyes would meet. “I can’t say that I’m happy, right now, but I promise that you just being here with me is enough to make me feel so much better.” He said, leaning down to press their foreheads together. He would be sure to tease Keith for their height difference later. For now, he’s too caught up in the moment. Standing here, bathed in the light of Altea’s suns and Keith 2, with the boy of his dreams cradled in his arms, he feels complete again.
“And with your hand in my hand, I am closer now to finding Neverland.”
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Do you have recommendations for a Klance slowburn fic? (Doesn't really matter if it's an AU)
Friend f r i e n d it’s been ages since I actually got to sit down and read a fic but I’ve read lots of them in the past so you definitely came to the right person :P (I actually wrote one of my own; it’s called Magic Me Some Love and is about Galra!Keith/Magician!Lance in a medieval fantasy setting, if you’re into that.)
Now. Slow burn klance fics that aren’t on pretty much every fic rec list out there already with a minimum of either 60k words or that are unfinished still:
Ignorance Is Bliss by YouAreInAComaWakeUp
As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew?Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he’s the less-evil one, too, so that’s always a plus.
The Message by Shipstiel
Keith is texted by accident by some idiot one day, and honestly he’s not even sure why he responds. Or why he keeps responding. Yet somehow he finds himself drawn in, and okay, so maybe this fool is mildly entertaining after all. Who would’ve thought.
>>wrong number AU with an extra dash of angst. But if you’ve read any of the other fics this author has written you’ll know that they specialize in fluff and that absolutely shines through in the fic^^
Quest for Altea by fandomlicious
20 years after the legendary sword Voltron was drawn from its stone by Queen Allura, it is stolen and eventually lost in the dangerous Balmeran Forest. To prevent the rogue knight Zarkon, his witch companion Haggar and their army of Galra warriors from claiming the sword and conquering all of Altea, it falls to Lance, with the help of a dark-haired hermit, to embark on the treacherous journey, save his kingdom and reunite his broken family.
>>if you don’t mind OCs that you get to know throughout the fic taking on a more important role, you should totally check out this fic. It’s plot heavy and reads like a published novel :D
Foreign Scenes by bwyn
Lance has been dreaming of travelling since the first time he heard stories from his family as a child. Now, having finally the time and money to do it, he goes on a trip to Europe to see some of the most culturally rich cities on the continent. Except he keeps bumping into the same guy over and over again, in random cities, doing stupid shit, and ultimately dragging Lance into his trouble, too.
>>it’s one of the few fics that I haven’t read personally yet and still won’t hesitate to recommend. lots of my friends have read and praised it, apparently it’s fluffy and fun. it’s absolutely on my to read list :D
Crossroads by manamune
When Keith crashed his Lion into a Galra warship in order to stop it from destroying a solar system, and more importantly, his friends, he was fully prepared to die for it.What he didn’t prepare for was to wake up in an alternate universe where he and Lance were dating.
>>this one. if you haven’t read it yet, go read it. it was my fav voltron fic for a long long time!!!! it’s got it all, plot, romance, character development, realistic amounts of angst- it’s very very good. 
Drive It Like You Mean It by Zizzani
The Castle of Lions is the venue for the city’s most dangerous illegal street races where drivers come to test the cut of their tires. Lance has long defended his title as champion, but when a newcomer shows up and threatens his position things take an interesting turn.
>>not into cars and street racing AUs? neither am i, my friend, and yet this is one of the best voltron fics i’ve read. trust me when i tell you that you want to read everything written by this author.
Sharps and Accidentals by Zizzani (! unfinished!)
Keith is a talented up and coming violin virtuoso. Lance hates him immediately.Or an AU in which Lance and Keith both attend the same music university. Keith is deaf. Lance is Trying™.
>>if there is one deaf!AU you should read then it’s this one. it’s really amazing all around - i’ve been following it since 2016 and i still always get excited over e-mail updates.
Ghost of the Future / Shadow of the Past by wittyy_name & Zizzani (! unfinished!)
When Lance is thrown through time, his future self from one year ahead is transported to the past in his place.-When Lance is thrown through time, he finds himself one year in the future, in place of the Lance that should be here.
Stick It by noussommeslessquelettes
After a run-in with the law, former national phenom turned delinquent Keith Kogane is forced to return to the regimented world of elite gymnastics, facing old foes and new challenges.
>>!!!!!!!!!! it’s such a good fic!! based on such a good movie!!!!! i’m kinda upset that not more people have read it, it’s good, give it a try, it won’t disappoint^^
Not That Bad by varelsen
A college AU featuring coffee shops, silly rivalries, motorcycles, arcade games, friendships, and lots of warm, fluffy feelings that are both confusing and delightful all at the same time.
>>the summary nails it. also starring socially anxious!keith but despite that he seems pretty in character. it’s amazing and i really love this author’s style of writing :D
He Who Fights Monsters by magisterpavus
In a world where monstrous dragons terrorize humanity daily, the Garrison trains valiant Knights to slay the evil beasts and defend Earth. But when Knight cadet Lance Espinosa is kidnapped by a strange red dragon who kills its own kind, certain truths are revealed…and so are the true monsters.
>>dragon au i repeat dragon au this is not a drill everyone - this fic!!! is freaking!!!! amazing!!!!!!! it’s in my top 5 minimum go try it out :D
Altea High by Lixie (! unfinished!)
Go back to school they said. It’ll be fun they said. Yeah, sure. It’s tons of fun scaling lava walls, accidentally setting things on fire, and being babysat by the school’s flirt.When Lance signed up (*cough* bribed *cough*) to show the new firebug around the school he thought it would be a piece of cake. He did not anticipate the sour attitude, spontaneous explosions, intimate moments in elevators…
>>the sky high au you always knew you needed :D it’s still in the very early stages but the fic is really fun so far!!
Blue Shells and Comic Books by SonofHades (! unfinished!)
Lance has too much time on his hands, Keith doesn’t have enough. Lance leans more towards being outgoing and sociable, while Keith keeps to himself and can be mostly unpleasant. Neither think they have anything in common. What they don’t realize, however, is that there happens to be a very popular graphic novel that connects them together. Lance happens to be an avid reader and Keith just happens to secretly be the author.
>>another fic i’m super pumped for oh my god. each new chapter mail has me grinning like a maniac. the waiting between updates is suffering but all worth it in the end. it’s fun and interesting and i love it!
Flirting With Death by drippingpen (! unfinished!)
Keith commits the ultimate taboo as a grim reaper: he saves a life.More specifically, he saves Lance’s life.Now they are forever linked, unable to survive without the other. Keith must protect Lance from the forces that are trying to right Keith’s wrong and kill Lance.
>>skdfghjksfhgdksjfhgjfjd i cannot describe it. the plot is really amazing and keith and lance are so attracted to each other but they can’t kiss because that would literally kill lance. it belongs to the top most interesting voltron fics out there :D
in your shoes by lydiamartin (! unfinished!)
The one where Keith and Lance live in different cities but swap bodies – and angry love notes – multiple times a week.
>>Kimi No Na Wa (your name) AU!!!! so basically anything but your typical body switch AU :P give it a try, you will be surprised by it, especially if you haven’t seen the movie.
Of Lions And House Cats by Ms_Towa (! unfinished!)
Keith is a superhero who’s been pining after the cute boy who works at the music shop across the street from HQ. He also doesn’t know that the cute boy is the same vigilante he wants to bring to justice.
>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the chapters are insanely long but they’re all worth it. the plot develops rather slowly but it’s perfect as it is :P the slowest of burns. despite that it never made me lose interest in it so definitely go check it out if you have multiple hours of nothing to do!! :D
I’m gonna stop here because this list is already insanely long but it is faaaaaar from finished, believe me. This fandom produces so many good fics I can’t keep up with it ; - ;
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kidsflash · 7 years
idk how many of you have watched both young justice AND voltron but picture this:
klance failsafe au
for any of you who have not watched here  is the episode or if you just want the scene im talking about here  
background: the team is sent into a virtual reality simulator for a train for failure mission. meaning no matter what they do the mission will get worse. it’s all absolute worst case scenario.
lance is kinda both wally/ m’gann
hunk would probably be dick
shiro is kaldur
idk who pidge is bc they arent superboy
coran and allura are members of the justice league that died
so theyre in the simulator right and theyre fighting off a HUGE army of galra soldier trying to get back to their lions
so theyre just all left to fight on their own 
but the thing is theyre doing well and theyre talking down these soldiers pretty well
 and then theyre all about to move on but keith is still a bit behind bc he’s killing off the last soldier. 
 then he thinks theyre all completely dead so he starts moving on
oh boy was he wrong. 
keith starts heading back to the group when lance turns around. 
a fucking galra comes up behind keith and blasts him causing him to basically disintegrate
lance: *wally voice* KEITH
shiro: get inside all of you. *kills the soldier*
cut to lance in his lion agonizingly screaming while punching the control panel of his lion
shiro: there will be time for mourning
lance in his lion: *continues having a complete fucking break down*
cut to the next part and coran comes out of nowhere
pidge: coran?? how are you here?? we watched you get disintegrated?
shiro: be careful it might be a trap.
lance: no it’s not! it’s really coran
this gives lance so much false hope
coran says he has something to tell them but he for the life of him cant remember bc his mind is so clouded
then lance says “that gun they shot them with doesnt kill, it teleports! keith is alive!”
everyone is kind of skeptical but lance goes “look coran’s alive! and he got hit with the same thing keith did! everyones alive they just got teleported inside the galra prison! keith is alive!... oh and so is allura”
then they carry on with the mission and all this hope is the only thing keeping lance going 
then shiro dies
but lance still has faith
then pidge dies.
but lance keeps telling them it’s fine theyre fine theyre with keith!
but pidge’s death is what finally clears up coran’s head enough to know one thing. that gun is not a teleportation ray. it kills. they cannot save them.
this is when lance really loses it.
lance: no! youre wrong! keith is alive! you being alive proves he’s alive! he’s-
hunk: stop it lance! ive been scanning for them ever since we got inside. theyre not here. keith is gone.
Tumblr media
lance finally accepts keith is dead
but knows he still has to fight to defend the universe
it’s what keith would have wanted
then in battle hunk dies
the quietness of only his and lance’s thoughts is finally enough to clear coran’s head enough to remember why he came here
so he shocks lance into snapping out of it by killing him
then finally they all wake up
and lance is so happy to see keith is alive
well. happy to see all of them alive but oh god keith
allura explains to them that they were all in a virtual exercise but  what they didnt know is that it was a train for failure exercise. even though they didnt know exactly what it was they all knew it wasnt real, that’s why when allura and coran died they didnt mourn.
but everything changed when the fire nation attacked keith died
lance’s subconscious couldnt recognize the difference between reality and the simulator so when he watched keith die his emotions took over the whole simulator and fucked everything up thus causing everyone then forgot they were in a simulator.
convinced everyone so much this was actually real life that keith didnt wake up after he “died” and slipped into a coma
lance cant help but think this is all his fault. 
that’s when coran had to go in
lance was so in denial about keith’s death he was trying to fix up any reality where keith was still alive
thats why when coran came in to try to get them out of the simulator he forgot. lance’s emotions were to high strung and tampered with his memory
and also when coran came in it made everything worse bc it gave lance more hope that keith was alive
lance’s love for keith actually fucked everyone up and caused him to forget nothing was real
and lance has no idea what to say
but he still refuses to admit his feelings for keith
haha cuz no homo bro haha he was just really worried about his bro 
ps everyone watch young justic
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whattheklance · 3 years
Klance ATLA au
during the war with the fire nation, before the avatar returned, Lance was a water bender, born to a noble family in the Northern Water Tribe.
Keith was the mysterious baby found after a failed raid from the fire nation. On a ship that was abandoned when the water benders boarded it, a single baby was all that was left behind. He was adopted by a family with vitriol hate for the fire nation and all its atrocities, who saw this act as saving grace for the child before he could become “one of them.”
He was for the most part loved as their own, but when his fire bending powers developed around the age of 8, they turned him out to the cold (literally). In their eyes it was disgusting. He was disgusting.
Keith: the lone firebender in the water tribe, forced to raise himself and live on his own in an otherwise wealthy community. Trading his own labor for goods he needed, and sometimes forced to steal them, because of the prejudiced way he’s treated.
Lance: grew up, went to school. Heard stories of “the fire nation boy” who peer pressure taught him to avoid. Until he was old enough to make decisions in spite of it. He was curious about him. Who was he? Why was he here? Before he ever gets the chance to seek him out, Lance wakes up one night to find Keith in his house, robbing his family. Instead of attacking or throwing him out, or waking his parents, or calling authorities, he strikes up a conversation, as if they ran into each other on the street. Lance lets Keith keep what he took and gives him a few more things. “We don’t need anything, but you do. Take them.”
That’s who they are, how they meet. They get to know each other. Eventually they sail off on an adventure to help Keith find out where he comes from or some family, and to learn proper firebending. On his own all he could do was accidentally create sparks or fireballs, sometimes his hands or breath would get really hot. He could make bursts but had no real control. 
friends to lovers happens on their adventures
(i haven’t come up with why a war ship would have a baby onboard or why he’d be left behind, but it’s the idea that I like, forgetting more exposition)
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ao3-shallura2 · 6 years
I've Been Waiting ( For You )
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FT6UBz
by comicpages
Lance Mcclain was in love with someone he had never even met. He didn’t know their name or gender, nor did he know their age or nationality, but he did know that one day he would. One day, he’d be able to list off every single fact there was to know. One day, he’d be able to hold their hand, and kiss their lips, and wake up in the mornings wrapped up in their arms. One day, the mark on his wrist promised, he would be with someone who the universe had specifically made for him. Someone who fit with him like a matching puzzle piece— and frankly, he couldn’t wait.
Words: 2530, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Coffee Shop ( Blues )
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Takashi Shirogane, Allura (Voltron), Curan, Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), I Don't Even Know, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FT6UBz
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