#w ppl my age. god hopefully this will help.....
minglana · 8 months
i technically went to a therapist today and i have. so many thoughts
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inchidentally · 4 months
tricky asks time! yeeeesh some of these are... yea I did my best and had to censor stuff. (part 1/2)
there's a reason I bundle these together under a cut so please skip if discourse etc is not your thing <3
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oh lordddd. so I think (hopefully) this conspiracy theory either died or ppl just decided to live in denial I really do not care either way. I can't comprehend being so far off base with Carlos and Lando's friendship as to think that Lando replying to his teammate with that clip is somehow heinous or askgfasgfsal "unlike him" it's so on brand for him.
Carlos moving to Monaco is pretty overdue tbh and yea, literally a chunk of the grid already live there. I'm sure he'll eventually hang out w Lando but why wouldn't he also hang out w all the other drivers lol. and if he - god I cannot believe ppl think this - is moving "for Lando" then why wait so long? but then you have to start asking why did he go to Ferrari and well. there's no reasoning w that shit.
side note that's very cute that Lando and Max live close together - rly supports the ask I got about how Max is the driver that Lando actually spends the most downtime with even during the offseason.
and yea, Rebecca has been with him when she's not been on modeling gigs and they both posted parallel stories from the Dolomites today. so if ppl are worried about Carlos not having support then his literal gf is there with him so he very much does. the idea that two hot people found each other on dating apps is I guess too simple!! but if they also believe that Ferrari hate Carlos then why divert resources from their already exhausted PR dept (this is Ferrari we're talking about lol) to the point of hiring, paying and arranging an entire relationship for him?? like you've got to fucking laugh this 1D 2012 stan shit off.
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agflasgj wow that was a pretty quick flip from thinking Lando's sm is run by PR to now he personally runs his karting IG!
sorry but I haven't stopped laughing since anons informing me how Charles has had a karting brand for years and this is apparently pretty common for drivers to do. everyone kept acting like it was a carlando moment so I just went with it but apparently - shocker! - Carlos made a business decision not based on Lando.
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I mean, I don't ?? Carlos has had the exact same dynamic with each of his teammates but what makes the relationship with Lando special is that they're big brother/little brother. Lando latches onto Carlos as a security blanket and Carlos likes having him around and actually is able to shut down his red mist anger in the car when it comes to Lando. apart from that they're mostly relying on the bromance format of friendship that you can see in most of the grid.
so while if Lando and Oscar had chosen to do the bromance/playing gay thing then sure I'd find it cute and ship it but like. the fact that Oscar is carrying around this sweet years-long sort of crush/fanboy thing about Lando and Lando has openly said that Oscar helps him be reminded to just be himself and be calm... like that is so sweet?? they're both so bashful about physically touching but they have this bond of being basically the same age and both being introverts.
sorry but I wouldn't replace that with a facsimile of someone else's friendship personally!
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I do not. get it ! this absolute fantasy that Lando and Carlos would've survived let alone thrived being actual direct competition on the same team has got to be someone who doesn't look at anything F1 related ever outside ships. bc I'm literally a fake and even I know that there's no such thing as teammates competing for race wins and championships with zero friction. and like between Carlos and his family airing all that kind of thing on social media and news outlets and the fact that Lando cannot hide anything on his face, moments like this one would've been happening every other weekend. it's precisely because they weren't on the same team that they could get over that as fast as they did !! even ignoring that Carlos Sr has never once hinted at a return to McLaren, Carlos would never want to risk seeming like he's begging for his old spot back AND no way in fuck would Lando accept being the no 2 driver again.
we get plenty of carlando content still and Lando has said over and fucking over how he's been pushed by Oscar to perform at a level he's never seen in himself before. how are ppl mad about that just bc they don't get a few stupid carlando challenges every couple of weeks?
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babe, Lando did have a gf and it didn't dampen carlando truthing at all. it just resulted in a breakup and Lando posting that Luisinha had gotten harassment and death threats. Rebecca is literally dating Carlos and there's a full blown conspiracy theory that she's been "bought and is paid for" by Ferrari to beard for Carlos. do not expect girlfriends to ever change that behavior and don't wish it on any woman.
I just. I'm sorry but how many years have to go by where Lando has a more intimate relationship with countless men and women than he's ever had with Carlos before they just accept that Carlos is one of Lando's F1 buddies but he's not one of his closest friends outside of it (Lando's words!!!) like just enjoy carlando for what it is and stop getting into hysterics bc they're still not fucking or dating or married aslfgjslagflsgalfg
for my own sanity I'm going to pray that twitter acc is joking bc the larry/kpop/yaoi/heteronormative fetishizing of homosexuality/the "girl one" must be hairless and look like a teenager and only bottom as if he were a cisgirl has SURELY been left in 2012. it has to be satire?? it's still extremely cringe satire but like. that cannot be real. either way, block and cleanse that tl anon. I'm not going to spend any more time on that in case they're serious bc that would be tragic.
and I've got to say one thing: I'm sure you didn't mean any harm by it but even suggesting that someone being called or assumed gay is an insult or overstepping is not it, babe. we're not here to coddle cishet ppls anxieties and prejudices or pretend that outrage about it is anything but homophobia. but I fully agree that no one should be talking about a celebrities' sexuality or sex life on highly public platforms esp platforms that the celebrity uses - and esp when it isn't censored and could show in their tags.
at least to anyone under 40 tumblr at least is a known no-go area and fandom-only. it's also extremely difficult for google to trawl (I've googled specifically for a post many times and couldn't find them) and you aren't allowed to scroll past a certain point (even on public accs) without being logged in. so there's no risk of 'stumbling' onto anything here even if it gets directly sent to them. unless the person is older in which case they prob have someone else fielding their sm. this is literally THE place to come and be stupid and silly about fandom.
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I mean I do have to agree that there's always an element of 'for the image' when it comes to the Sainz family but honestly Lando is so disarmingly sweet and genuine - and they got to know him as a such a baby - that I have to think at least most of their affection for him is real! now if they knew the carlando content they like on instagram and twitter was intended by a lot of fans as gay then bye bye carlando lol. I'm not gonna wade any deeper into that but yea. we should be grateful they don't understand that aspect of the bromance thing.
but as for the DTS thing I have to think that anyone who sees a bromance being danced around so loudly and publicly and thinks that it's actually a secret gay ship complete with paid beards is twelve years old. it makes me too sad and scared to realize these are tax paying grown women driving these narratives alfhlsahff
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IKR?? Oscar is out here with an actual form of real life fanboy crush on Lando but he's incredibly happy and content with Lily and doesn't even push himself into Lando's hobbies or life outside of F1 at all!
whereas Carlos says things like "it's weird that you all want me to kiss Lando" and literally cuffs and scolds Lando like a big brother but supposedly that's being "threatened" by a bashful quiet boy who is happily in a LTR and content to just stare at Lando from afar and be his teammate ????
meanwhile Lando is living his best life being petted and bedded and adored by a queue of lovers that stretches the entire globe and Carlos is continuing his years long habit of serially dating beautiful women and spending most of his time outside F1 training with his buddies. everyone's happy folks, let's just accept that!
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honestly anon there's a heavy sprinkling of this that I disagree with and I think I've covered why with the other asks. and I do not engage in war of the rpfs bc none of these ships are "real". and as someone who ships carlando I do have to say that there's at least some decent amount of us who don't do the larrying shit. and that Netflix/DTS have as much a role to play in false narratives as "fangirls". they could easily decide to focus more realistically on the sport but they're choosing to appeal to fans with extreme biases.
but the part about the whole yaoi/heteronormative self-insert quality of how certain people ship carlando is pretty damn accurate. I immediately skip a fic if it's clear that Lando's just going to be this empty character reacting to Carlos the whole time. it's the same thing w people who want Lando to have stayed an insecure teenager w social anxiety who leaned on Carlos' personality and experience. that era was cute but Lando grew up and his career and his life are all his own making. he doesn't revolve shit around Carlos or any other person.
like it's fine if that's how ppl choose to ship something in fandom spaces where everyone else can just block it. but it absolutely should NOT carry over publicly and I should not be seeing as much of Lando's content on various accs and platforms flooded w irrelevant comments and gifs about Carlos as I do.
in a weird creepy way, a lot of Lando pages and fan accs have sort of turned him into how they view girlfriends ?? as if Lando can't be allowed to exist without it always being brought back to Carlos and carlando - and sometimes they'll randomly make an entire edit or carousel about carlando for literally no reason ??
ig that's why they get so angry when Lando blatantly has real life intimate friendships and relationships. hence the Martin hatred mentioned above.
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anon you've got it in one. even down to how they've both dealt with the latest drama. they did that drive into Maranello together when we now know they were fully aware of what was coming. and then the BTS of their photoshoot for the 2024 race suits. and then Charles stating at the event the other day how he and Carlos have a special relationship and are friends outside racing as well.
it's got to be awkward as fuuuuuck but they're both choosing as always to put it aside and not let the relationship fall apart or into the distant coldness of Ocon and Gasly. they've been through periods similar to this before and always came back to that place of leaving all that drama at the door.
which is so funny bc if it was all just PR, then Carlos and Charles wouldn't bother! teams have never needed their partnerships to be friendly. they just need each driver to go out and get points. so for them to remain friends despite their families and fanbases being constantly at war, they absolutely are choosing to be!
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wellll, I have to disagree bc Carlos being called Ferrari's best strategist by fans means that he clearly is able to ignore team orders and is allowed to not be "perfect". honestly I think Carlos' ballsiness and inability to play second to anyone has clearly never served him poorly w Ferrari ?? this is a team very immersed in traditional patriarchal culture and for all that they are the il Predestinato brand in this era, Sainz Sr said this last season that the car had Carlos' input and customization. so idk I feel like Carlos using aggression and decision would if anything be appreciated by Ferrari. (but I do think the hardballing by his dad with the Audi interest was a step too far for them - even though it sounds more and more like the decision to not renew Carlos was already on the table long before that)
whereas I think that very culture is why Charles is both subjected to and "upheld" by it. there's a difference between a brand like Ferrari deciding to hang your banners over the parapets and them actually having your best interests as a driver at heart. I can't find it now but there was a great post about Charles' frenetic and often erratic driving style getting in the way of his obvious skill and talent. idk I feel like if I was smarter I could draw up a commentary on Charles seeing his name and his face and his successes being spread across everything Ferrari and an almost impotence from fans assigning him such unrealistic idolatry and power - while also assuming an untouchable quality that ends up making him appear weak and in need of constant defending, even from his teammates and Ferrari itself.
it's fucked up, anon, we can agree on that. Seb and Carlos suffering the blunt end of Ferrari's cudgel doesn't necessarily mean that Charles is enjoying much if any power in being protected by it. I wish I could express that better salfsgjlaf
obv again I am a fake so I may be WAY off w all of that so that's why I'm burying this at the bottom - pls ignore it if I'm being dumb <3
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figbian · 2 years
hey i know you are still in the process of writing it but the concept of an Aeneid TV series has lived rent free in my head for the last three years and i'm obsessed with your pilot. do you have general ideas for what you'd want in other episodes or ??????
omg hello anon...yes absolutely. it's an ep per book rn, and very...weird! i wanted it to be very aware of its genre (the way the aeneid is hyper-aware of its genre & its place within a literary tradition), which makes it hard to write bc. i dont know enough abt film. but thats ok i know cool film people who will help.
also oops this is long . i have so many thoughts,
in short: aeneas is aware of the camera until he isn't (book 12), fama is our narrator (instead of virgil) & she's invisible to p much everyone (until she isn't)
im very very happy to go into more detail abt the pilot bc im deep into it rn (and almost done w my first draft! hooray!) but basically in the first ep fama shifts between being in a fit from 1927 & a toga.
(this is because women who wore togas were prostitutes in rome, n tho i havent got a really good reason to make fama a prostitute i am thinking a lot abt roman plays, the prostitute character, n the subversion of gender roles by having fama be the narrator instead of virgil, whose voice is conspicuously absent from the script).
1927 is when mussolini erects the first part of the monument in the piazza virgiliana, which has 3 statues overall. i think maybe having a quiet background narrative of understanding the aeneid's reception might add to why the aeneid should be adapted in the first place. (on that note, i'd like for aeneas to be middle eastern, specifically turkish, and i picture him with an italian accent. if there are any white brit aeneases im gonna cry.)
in later episodes, fama will probably shift to other places: russia, spain/colonial mexico, etc, which ill decide based on book i think. i also want to embrace some of the cliches (like the tree gushing blood in book 3, or the classic sitcom situation between dido & aeneas in book 4), and make tthem very obvious references to the appearances of said cliches in film & tv.
some things i know i'd like to have for sure: dido only becomes aware of the camera as she dies in book 4; some hbo moments (bc gratuitous violence is the point); playing w aeneas as the dutiful traitor & playing w the inconsistencies in the aeneid in general; an exhausted fama, who has seen this go down so many times; turnus only becoming aware of the camera upon his death (AND repeating aeneas' first words to the camera).
some things im playing w: gods feeling... out of time?? perhaps even having an old hollywood feel/transatlantic accent?? emphasizing time period fuckery (a la asoue except its late republic/early imperial rome & the bronze age)??
i also really want aeneas to feel like a character. a lot of the time ppl think he's boring, and he is, but mostly he just doesn't want to be there.
some excerpts below so u catch my vibe; hopefully this kind of answers ur question. happy 2 write more tho LMAO i love the aeneid and my brain is FULL rn.
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ynkkoo-a · 4 years
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            ♡◞  𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐨  𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬  𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒖  !
            not  at  me  repurposing  one  of  my  theme  graphics  bc  i’m  a  lil  lazy  babie  ,  but  !  since  i  jus  hit  another  follower  milestone  n  the  decade  is  comin  to  a  close  ,  i  jus  wanted  to  say  thank  u  to  all  my  mutuals  n  followers  n  such  who  rly  made  this  last  year  enjoyable  on  this  hellsite  !  2019  was  tough  on  a  lot  of  us  in  a  lot  of  ways  ,  but  we  all  did  it  ,  babyluvs  !  we  saw  it  out  to  the  end  n  hopefully  the  20′s  are  a  lot  prettier  for  us  all  !  p.s.  i’m  sorry  to  anyone  not  mentioned  !  i  hav  the  memory  n  attention  span  of  a  babie  fish  ,  but  i  luv  all  of  u  soso  so  much  n  u  rly  all  do  mean  the  absolute  world  to  me  !  ♡
            first  off  ,  jus’  a  quick  an  honourable  mention  to  all  of  my  nonnies  of  the  year  ,  wherever  u  babies  are  now  !  in  particular  ,  my  cherry  nonnie  ,  my  jk  anon  (  @jminacious​​  )  ,  my  boo  ,  my  strawberry  nonnie  ,  n  my  grades  anon  !  n  anyone  else  who  has  sent  me  sweet  nonnies  ,  these  r  jus  the  recurring  ones  of  the  year  heh  !  u  sweet  nonnies  own  my  heart  n  truly  made  this  blog  such  a  lovely  n  pretty  n  positive  experience  for  me  ,  n  i  cannot  properly  express  w  words  how  much  all  of  ur  sweet  mssgs  meant  n  mean  to  me  always  !  ^♡^
            starting  off  w  the  mutuals  i  literally  never  speak  to  ,  bc  of  my  shy  babie  antics  ,  but  who  i  admire  from  afar  so  much  !  ur  all  soso  talented  ,  jus  all  around  beautiful  souls  who  deserve  the  prettiest  days  .  pleathe  feel  free  to  come  talk  to  me  ,  i’ll  luv  u  down  w  my  whole  heart  since  i’m  practically  ur  secret  admirer  anyway  .
@miyanez , @kimseokjvn , @rmsrpt , @capitae , @chunghart , @aronpiper , @jinjeongguks , @yukhciz , @cjdoesrpt , @pocmuzings ,  @chuuiez , @leeieno , @igorrpt , @luvgifs , @joonkookies , @drunkblushed , @savta , @frcylan , @jinsoouls  !
            now  ,  to  give  all  my  luv  to  those  who  literally  . . .  hav  my  heart  .  we  haven’t  talked  much  ,  again  bc  i’m  a  shy  babie  ,  tho  sum  of  us  hav  jus  recently  been  talking  more  which  makes  me  very  sparkly  ,  but  !  we  exchange  ims  here  or  there  ,  send  an  ask  or  two  ,  reply  to  n  like  each  other’s  posts  ,  support  each  other’s  content  ---  u  know  ,  we’re  cute  mutuals  !  the  ‘  will  they  ,  won’t  they  ‘  mutuals  !  for  realsies  ,  tho  ,  ur  all  so  talented  ,  whether  it  be  in  making  gifs  or  themes  or  graphics  or  writing  or  whatever  !  ur  talent  astounds  me  n  i  am  beyond  in  luv  w  u  !
@sprfluous , @chanheez , @loonarz , @jungjnsoul , @yeriimss , @hotjoong , @hiqey , @tcehyvng , @kvinabstract , @stcinfelds , @kermitgrinch , @mcninas , @doyyeon , @jminssii , @jiminslolli , @raihelps , @svnflxwer , @softcarpenters  !
            n  now  for  honourable  mentions  !  the  few  ppl  on  this  site  who  my  shy  babie  antics  did  not  keep  me  from  talking  to  n  becoming  friends  w  .  these  are  the  literal  luvs  of  my  life  !  our  ships  are  literally  *chefs  kiss*  ,  i  feel  comfy  cryin’  n  rantin’  to  u  guys  without  worryin  abt  being  annoying  n  i  hope  the  feelin’  is  mutual  ,  i  don’t  feel  even  an  ounce  of  anxiety  when  talkin’  to  u  guys  which  is  such  a  major  thing  for  me  ?  i  consider  u  guys  my  friends  sm  n  our  friendship  literally  means  the  world  to  me  .  ur  soso  talented  in  so  many  ways  n  u  hav  the  loveliest  hearts  ,  n  i’m  so  honoured  to  be  able  to  be  ur  friend  n  to  write  w  u  all  !  
            p.s.  there’s  cute  lil  mssgs  for  each  of  u  under  the  cut  !
@pointlcss , @ultraviclets , @musetories , @briingmetolifc , @heartvfire  !
♡◞  @pointlcss  !
                    alli  !  ♡  i  am  literally  so  happy  that  u  happened  upon  my  lil  1x1  post  a  couple  months  back  n  decided  to  mssg  me  abt  threading  bc  our  cute  lil  starstruck  plot  turned  into  a  friendship  that  i  am  soso  so  thankful  for  ?  there  is  not  anyone  that  i  wld  hav  rather  gone  thru  it  over  jungoo’s  long  hair  ,  tattoos  ,  n  haircut  w  .  that  one  pic  of  jjk  from  season’s  greetings  as  our  matching  discord  icons  . . .  stayin’  up  to  yell  abt  stray  kids’  n  txt’s  comebacks  . . .  i  literally  luv  this  for  us  ?  ur  soso  talented  n  making  gifsets  n  writing  ,  n  i’m  so  happy  i  cld  make  this  last  year  a  lil  bit  special  for  u  ,  bc  u’ve  made  this  year  such  a  special  n  pretty  one  for  me  too  !  i  can’t  wait  to  see  where  our  cute  lil  plot  n  ship  takes  n  i  hope  the  year  has  even  more  luvly  things  in  store  for  us  !  i  luv  n  adore  u  soso  so  much  .  u  rly  are  the  sweetest  soul  out  there  n  i’m  so  happy  to  consider  u  a  friend  !  also  thank  u  for  jus’  now  informing  me  abt  bts’  2020  tour  i  owe  u  my  lifeKSHDKJ  ♡
♡◞  @ultraviclets  !
                    ness  !  ♡  literally  . . .  the  luv  of  my  life  ,  perhaps  ?  i  remember  following  u  when  u  published  ur  first  theme  ,  bc  i  was  jus  like  .  wowow  wubbzy  ?  this  is  beautiful  n  free  n  i’m  broke  n  u  hav  my  heart  ?  n  u  know  ,  for  a  while  we  were  sort  of  will  they  ,  won’t  they  mutuals  ,  too  ,  which  was  cute  for  us  ,  but  i  think  we  actually  started  talking  when  we  were  both  in  abroad  ?  n  then  u  mssged  me  later  on  to  lmk  that  jjk  was  open  in  ur  rp  if  i  wanted  to  join  n  it  made  me  so  absolutely  soft  ???  like  .  ik  it  was  jus  a  lil  thing  but  u  captured  my  whole  HEART  in  that  moment  ?  n  now  ur  genuinely  sumone  that  i  trust  so  much  ,  like  .  the  other  day  when  u  let  me  rant  to  u  a  lil  bit  abt  smth  kinda  silly  ,  rly  ,  it  jus  meant  the  world  to  me  ?  n  u  mean  the  world  to  me  n  !!!  writing  w  u  is  absolutely  wonderful  always  n  our  current  ship  is  *chefs  kiss*  even  tho  i  hav  yet  to  reply  to  our  thread  again  BUT  !!!  i  will  do  it  ,  i  pinky  promise  ,  i’m  sorry  i’m  the  worst  .  u  deserve  the  whole  wide  world  .  ur  talented  beyond  belief  ,  ur  such  a  blessing  to  the  rpc  n  this  hellsite  as  a  whole  ,  n  i  adore  n  am  soso  so  thankful  for  our  luvly  lil  friendship  every  time  we  talk  .  u  truly  hav  made  this  icky  year  a  lot  less  icky  !  u  hav  my  whole  heart  !  ♡
♡◞  @musetories  !
                    sarah  !  ♡  u’ve  genuinely  been  one  of  my  best  friends  for  four  years  +  one  month  now  n  like  ?  wowow  wubbzy  ?  that’s  such  a  long  time  !  from  the  rp  that  shall  not  be  named  to  lit  rally  whatever  tf  we’re  doin  rn  .  u  were  the  first  person  i  ever  rly  shipped  w  on  this  hellsite  ,  even  tho  i  was  a  whole  babie  n  my  writing  was  godforsaken  at  the  time  .  n  now  we  lit  rally  hav  so  many  ships  up  our  sleeves  that  i  can’t  even  name  them  all  ,  but  i  luv  each  n  every  one  of  them  soso  so  much  ?  sum  of  them  are  so  iconic  that  they’re  jus’  eternal  now  (  we’re  rly  ALWAYS  on  our  eli  &  zazzy  bullshit  )  n  i  kind  of  adore  that  for  us  ?  we’ve  spent  so  many  our  jus’  stayin  up  into  the  night  /  morning  writing  novels  in  my  dms  ,  n  those  are  genuinely  sum  of  my  fondest  rp  memories  ?  we  don’t  rly  talk  quite  as  much  anymore  ,  but  that’s  okay  n  it  happens  !  we’ve  had  sum  ups  n  downs  ,  but  i’m  genuinely  soso  so  thankful  for  ur  friendship  these  last  four  years  n  here’s  to  four  more  heh  !  n  also  u  got  my  into  bts  so  i  owe  u  my  lifeKJSHKD  ♡
♡◞  @briingmetolifc  !
                    mozzie  !  ♡  wowow  wubbzy  ,  i  cld  genuinely  write  a  novel  abt  u  ?  we’ve  been  friends  for  practically  four  years  now  ,  too  ,  n  to  think  it  all  started  w  our  one  lil  ship  in  the  rp  that  shall  not  be  named  !  i  can  actually  n  genuinely  jus  talk  to  u  abt  anything  ?  whether  it  be  our  ships  ,  a  random  plot  i  wanna  write  ,  the  political  state  of  our  country  ,  how  fucked  ap  classes  are  ,  mister  jungoo  himself  ,  whatever  issues  i’m  having  w  sumone  that  i  need  to  get  off  my  chest  ---  there’s  literally  no  limit  or  bounds  to  what  we  can  talk  to  n  it’s  so  nice  ?  like  .  i  genuinely  trust  u  so  much  ?  u’ve  always  jus  kinda  been  That  Person  who  i  know  i  can  trust  w  anything  ,  who  i  never  felt  wld  judge  me  ?  like  i  can  jus  tell  u  anythin  ,  i  trust  u  so  much  .  ur  genuinely  one  of  my  best  friends  ,  even  when  ur  tryin  to  fight  my  babie  or  we’re  both  bein’  bratty  n  silent  treatmenting  each  other  or  ur  bein  a  stubborn  lil  babie  n  won’t  let  me  do  ur  theme  for  u  even  tho  !!!  i  luv  doing  ur  themes  !  but  it’s  okay  bc  u  hav  my  heart  ,  n  i  genuinely  ???  wld  be  such  a  different  person  w/o  u  in  my  life  for  the  past  four  years  i’m  sure  ?  n  also  ur  such  an  amazing  writer  ,  ur  muses  are  so  unique  n  ur  writing  is  so  fluid  n  ???  god  !!!  everythin  abt  u  is  smth  that  i  adore  .  pleathe  come  to  california  n  be  my  first  kissie  . . .  i  luv  u  !  ♡
♡◞  @heartvfire​  !
                    kacchan  !  ♡  oh  my  god  ???  where  in  the  world  do  i  even  BEGIN  ???  ur  genuinely  one  of  the  most  important  ppl  in  my  life  .  i  met  u  first  when  i  was  a  literal  fckin  babie  in  the  rp  that  shall  not  be  named  a  whole  four  years  ago  now  ,  n  like  .  we  didn’t  talk  a  ton  at  first  ,  but  u  were  never  weird  or  condescending  bc  i  was  young  ?  like  ,  we  eventually  did  start  talking  n  i’m  soso  like  ???  happy  that  we  got  close  ?  like  .  since  day  one  ,  i’ve  looked  up  to  ur  writing  n  u  as  a  person  ?  ur  characters  were  always  so  insanely  creative  and  unique  and  ur  writing  was  so  fluid  n  beautiful  n  just  ?  u  were  literal  goals  to  lil  14yr  old  kookoo  .  n  even  now  ,  whenever  i  do  a  reply  to  u  ,  i  will  literally  write  n  rewrite  it  five  times  over  before  posting  it  bc  i  want  to  make  sure  it’s  as  good  as  urs  is  !  like  !!!  god  ur  so  talented  !  n  like  .  especially  as  of  late  ,  we’ve  jus  gotten  super  close  ?  n  like  .  i’m  genuinely  so  happy  abt  it  ???  our  friendship  is  genuinely  a  WHOLE  blessing  in  my  life  ,  like  .  ik  i  can  talk  to  u  abt  anything  n  u  can  talk  to  me  abt  anything  n  we’ll  meet  eachother  w  the  same  amount  of  enthusiasm  ?  we  can  vent  to  each  other  n  completely  understand  n  empathise  n  talk  things  out  so  we  feel  better  n  it’s  jus  ???  we  jus’  get  each  other  ??  so  nice  .  thank  u  for  listening  to  me  when  i’m  anxious  or  sad  ,  n  for  not  thinkin  ill  of  me  when  i’m  bein  a  brat  ,  even  when  it’s  for  silly  reasons  ,  n  for  listenin  to  n  not  judging  me  when  i  talk  abt  jungoo  n  bts  ,  even  tho  i  talk  to  them  a  lot  n  ik  i  can  be  a  bit  much  sumtimes  .  like  ,  genuinely  ?  i’m  abt  to  start  crying  rn  ,  i’m  so  thankful  for  u  .  u’ve  helped  shape  me  so  much  as  a  person  .  helped  me  grow  as  a  writer  .  i  met  u  at  one  of  the  worst  n  most  important  ages  of  my  life  n  u’ve  impacted  my  life  such  an  insane  amount  ???  u’ve  always  been  the  first  person  to  talk  to  n  comfort  me  when  things  go  to  shit  n  i  truly  cannot  express  how  much  that  has  always  meant  to  me  .  i  genuinely  think  i  wld  be  a  bit  of  a  different  person  n  not  as  confident  in  my  writing  if  i  didn’t  hav  u  to  look  up  to  for  these  past  four  years  .  i  trust  u  so  much  n  i  luv  u  soso  so  much  !  n  i  am  going  to  reply  to  the  dm  u  sent  me  properly  ,  i  jus  need  2  formulate  my  thoughts  properly  first  ,  so  pleathe  hav  this  for  now  !  u  literally  hav  my  whole  HEART  !!!  ♡
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faeriefulmoon · 4 years
All of my friends’ve been in a relationship and I HAVENT EVEN BEEN ON A DATE. I can’t explain how insecure I am ab myself. Like I’m my worst enemy and I know that but I can’t help it. This random guy talks to me and he even wanted to go out but THNAKS GOD we were lockdown bc of quarantine so I didn’t have to say no even I’d have liked to say yes.
i have many friends (boys and girls) that haven’t been in a relationship or on dates and they’re 18 19 years old, it’s not something to be ashamed or insecure about. some ppl just haven’t found the right person this young. i understand being insecure, it’s something everyone deals with and it’s hard especially at this age. but you have to learn to love urself before u can love someone else. what i’ve been doing to work on my confidence is i will look in the mirror everyday and i say uplifting things like “you’re a good person” “you are loved” “you are intelligent” “you are beautiful” etc. i highly recommend trying this out and repeating these statements over and over again until u believe it. try it each day and u will gain more confidence in urself. acknowlge all the great aspects about urself and focus on those rather than the ones you’re insecure about. if u think about it, what is the use in focusing ur energy on the things ur insecure about and feeling upset? that’s not gonna change/fix them. it’s a waste of time and energy. instead u could be using that time to appreciate the qualities that make u unique and beautiful which will make u happier and more confident. confidence is so sexy! i find confident positive guys so much more attractive than a guy who’s insecure and upset. keep talking to this guy and see what happens! he is obviously interested in u and likes u and thinks ur attractive if he asked to go out w u!! once this is all over hopefully u can go on a date with him and see what he’s like in person. i hope this helps luv 💛 don’t be so hard on urself xx
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fvthomsbclow · 5 years
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COURTNEY EATON,  GENDERFLUID,  THEY/THEM.  —  looks  like  LUKE ANDERSEN is  attending   AURORIA UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they're  the  TWENTY year  old  child  of  ARIEL & ERIC ( * adoptive ! ) ,  which  means  they're  from  ATLANTICA.  heard  they're  HONEST  &  CRAFTY,  but  can  also  be  EASILY DISTRACTED &  SELF-SERVING  ;  we all have our bad days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  LOOSE WHITE SHIRTS BLOWING IN THE BREEZE, WHISPY BRAIDS OF DARK HAIR, STANDING ON A BEACH IN THE MIDDLE OF A STORM, CRASHING WAVES ALONG THE DECK OF A SHIP.  —  hylia,  9teen,  est,  she & they.
                                 when i’m sad , oh god i’m sad ,                                  but when i’m happy, i am happy                                  and there’s just no place in-between                                  for us to meet.                                  playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.
howdy folks !! so my name is HYLIA , and I’m here to play the sailor datemate of my dreams , LUKE ANDERSEN. I’m still sort of getting the hang of them since they’re a very new character , so I’m sorry if this intro is all over the place !! No TWS for now save for mentions of death , the ocean , and drowning. Hopefully this isn’t too messy ! 
So Luke is adopted - the child of one of King triton’s servants who passed away from illness. Originally , Triton was going to take them in himself , but instead , Ariel volunteered to care for the little merbaby and raised them as her own. As a result , Triton gave Luke the ability to grow legs on dry land as well as a tail when touched by large amounts of saltwater.
But , they weren’t told of their true heritage as a child. So they believed they were a human for the longest time.
They grew up loving both of their parents to the max but it was DEFINITELY evident they took after Eric more so. They wanted to travel , wanted to explore - and their dad , with his ship and naval prowess , was their hero. So from a very young age , they would accompany their dad on his travels.
It went to the point in which they were taught to pilot a ship themselves - and they even asked for one for their sixteenth birthday. Nothing else , just a vessel of their own. And they got one , naming it The Queen Jocasta. 
First voyage on The Queen Jocasta resulted in an attack by pirates - sixteen year-old Luke tossed off the side of the ship , thinking they were about to drown. But , that power they were unaware of for all this time shifted their legs into a tail , and at that point they realized , Wow , Mom and Dad really haven’t told me SHIT. 
So that was when they were explained that yeah , they were originally born a mermaid , and yeah , they were royalty both on the surface and under the sea. And that prompted Luke to spend a year in the ocean to get to know their mother’s family - returning to the surface to finish their time in Auradon Prep afterwards. This meant they graduated a year later at nineteen. 
And then when that was over , Luke decided ‘ hey, I’m gonna take a trip all around Auradon by BOAT ’ since... that’s their brand , and spent another year just sailing around the different parts of Auradon ( and on the outside of it ) for the fun of it. They’re only just now getting back to Auradon to attend Auroria. 
So one may describe Luke as an ‘old soul’ - they’re very laid back and relaxed , for the most part , keen on their interests and someone who really seems to know a lot beyond how old they are.
Extremely intelligent - there’s a rumor going around that Luke has an eidetic memory , but they won’t confirm or deny it. ( It’s true. )
OBVIOUSLY AGAIN, OCEAN CHILD. Luke loves the ocean and always hangs out on beaches or the docks if they’re not on their actual boat. Because Luke doesn’t have a dorm - no , Luke sleeps on The Queen Jocasta in their cabin. Captain’s quarters and all that. 
They love traveling just for the sake of traveling , and they can read a map like it’s nobody’s business.
Big into the classics like art and music DESPITE the fact they can’t paint , draw - but they can carry a tune well and for that reason , they play guitar nicely. 
Honestly they’re smart and into the classics and shit but also this can come off as slightly pretentious since they don’t hesitate to remind people how good of a thinker they are - they don’t say it , but they show it. 
Also they know how to dance , taking ballet classes when they were younger !! It’s just not something they remind anyone of much.
One more class they took was swordfighting in attempts to learn how to defend themselves . . . and yes , they’re great at it. Scary great.
In terms of a more direct description of their PERSONALITY , Luke tends to approach situations with again , a very laid back attitude but also one that’s brutally honest. They will let you know if they’re pissed off with you and . . . do have a bit of a temper when their nerves are ticked. Luke’s also got a bit of a dangerous tendency to always think they’re on their own and look after number one ( themselves ) and forgets that they can lean on other people for help. This doesn’t mean they don’t care about their allies - no , they greatly care about them. But Luke’s sort of used to being a mysterious , aloof , brooding traveler that they often forget they now have people they can confide in. 
They’ll do things that perk their interest - Luke really isn’t going to go out of their way for something unless there’s either something in it for them or they have a personal interest. Also , if they care for the person , but yeah.
There’s a slight cynical streak to them for no other reason than the fact they just always think they have to watch their back - and for the fact people have secrets , like their parents keeping the secret they were a mermaid for a good portion of their life. 
I promise they’re not a conceited selfish prick Luke is just VERY . . . aloof. I know I said that before but they’re distant and sort of keep to themselves and what they want. 
Their opinion on the villains and heroes coming together is that they really . . . couldn’t care less. They never were really one to focus too much on the Auradon vs. Isle debacle anyway , but also - they can understand why some VKs are pissed. BUT , since this is Luke we’re talking about - that doesn’t mean they’re going to be exceptionally nice to the villain kids , treating them the same as Auradonian kids - casually , trying to get a read on them , probably the same aloof & ‘I could care less’ demeanor they normally keep up. 
Also I should mention !! Luke is genderfluid , preferring they/them pronouns like stated before - but when addressing them with their royal title , they prefer to be addressed by the title of Prince. But Captain is even more so preferred. 
Captain Luke Andersen just sounds like BDE I’m ,
Listen I love them so much they’re the myserious captain datemate of my dREAAMS
OKAY SO. When the main puts up their WC page I will be submitting this one but I’d love an ARRANGED MARRIAGE plot for Luke. Basically , arranged while Luke was away traveling - they could either already know this person or are just meeting them now , but they’re not too keen on the idea of arranged marriage but aren’t really doing anything to fight it since it is what it is. They can either get along or hate each other , be best buddies or the like , but I think it’d be so funny if Luke - a wayward soul - was supposed to be arranged to marry someone who always has to make sure they’re not getting into trouble or something since Luke . . . CANNOT stay in the same place. At all. Bonus if this person is super duper sweet and polite in contrast to Luke’s nature of being absolutely crass & unrefined.
Their fiance: I’m so sorry for them Luke: I’m not, peace sign + middle finger motherfucker 
And if this evolves in2 an actual ship that’d b up to chemistry n shit but the main idea I had was just. An arranged marriage. Rly we can do whatever n I’d b cool w/ it.
I’d love a crew for them pls. Again - this can be with both Auradon and Isle kids , since Luke gives no shits , but I’d imagine there’s a few Auradon kids who’ve been with Luke for quite some time.
PIRATE RIVALS PLSSSSS bc I know some Isle kids are pirates and that’s B^) juicy shit 2 me.
In general I’d just rly like some friends who try to get past Luke’s aloof & distant & brooding(tm) nature and let them b... soft n stuff.
also friends in general?? great. gimme soft platonic shit bc mgod thats what gets me all the damn time
if there are some royal kids out there who wanna bfriend luke’s ass since childhood n will stick w/them... give it to me.
Flings that Luke’s had either traveling or also just in Auradon in general bc uh yeah they’re lowkey a huge flirt 
not 2 be THAT guy but Luke is a dreamboat haha... hahaha...
please clap
first love !! maybe !! idk sb who definitely luke had a thing 4 but it got lost in luke being. well. luke.
“my only love is the sea” stfu
I’m so bad writing wcs so maybe one day I’ll sit down and write formal connections so yeah.
BUT YEAH THAT’S IT !! pls pls pls feel free to either like this or hmu for plotting - I highly suggest contacting me on Discord ( rocky lynch lovebot / hylia.#0329 ) bc I’m always on Discord but Tumblr works too !! I promise u guys I don’t bite. I love u all I’m so excited 4 this !!! :^)
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samscns-blog · 5 years
      *    𝖎𝖋   ur  ready  to  two  step  into  some  absolute  BULLSHIT  tomfoolery  ,  ya  girl  𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧  is  ready  for  u  with  my  lil  firecrotch  son  ,  𝖘𝖆𝖒𝖘𝖔𝖓  .  strong  silent  type  ,  ABSOLUTE  buffoon  ,  barely  keeping  it  together  so  hopefully  by  the  time  we’re  done  w  him  he’s  still  in  something  resembling  one  piece  :’)  all  my  love  to  u  and  u  cute  asses  !  i’m  so  excited  to  get  this  all  poppin  !
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⋆  ╰  another   year   at   hollingsworth   ,  another   year   of   the  big   six rivalry   .   i   hear   that  SAMSON  MAILOTO   is   ensuring  SIGMA  ALPHA  NU   gets   a   solid   pledge   class   and   stays   at   the   top   of   the   ranks   .  oh   ,   you’re   not   familiar   with  HIM  ?  SAM   is   the  KJ  APA   look   alike   from  THE  BRONX   ,   NEW  YORK   .   a  part   of   PC  ‘16   ,  he  is   majoring   in  KINESIOLOGY   and   has   plans   to  ENTER  THE  MMA  AND  ESCAPE  FROM  THE  PUBLIC  EYE   after   undergrad   .   it   makes   sense   they   pledged   their   house   ,   their  PHLEGMATIC   &  SOLICITOUS   attributes   make   them   perfect   matches   .   however   ,   their  TREPIDATIOUS   &  AUSTERE   attributes   keep   their   name   alive   on  greek   rank   .   if   you   don’t   catch   them   dancing   to  BLEACH   -   BROCKHAMPTON   at   a   fraternity   band   party   this   year   ,   you’ll   be   sure   to   catch   them   nursing   their   morning   hangover   at  THE  SNU  HOUSE   .  cheers   to   another   wild   semester  !
⋆ ╰   𝑺 𝑻 𝑨 𝑻 𝑰 𝑺 𝑻 𝑰 𝑪 𝑺  .
𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍    𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 :     samson  ioaleki  mailoto
𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬     :    sam  ,  sammy  
𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆    /    𝒂𝒈𝒆 :    february  4    ,    twenty
𝒛𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒄     :    aquarius
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓    𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚    /    𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔     :     cismale  identifying    with    he  /  him  /  his  pronouns    
𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏     :     heteroflexible  and  pansexual  ;  he’s  never  actively  considered  himself  as  lgbtq+  but  has  also  never  given  it  much  thought  ddjdjdjdkjdk
𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏    :    kinesiology  major  at  hu  ,  aspiring  welterweight  mma  fighter  ,  us  olympic  representitive  for  men’s  boxing  in  the  2020  olympics
𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔    𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆    :    gryffindor
𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏    𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅    𝒃𝒚     :     eliot  alder  from  mr  robot  ,  kylo  ren  from  the  new  star  wars  series  ,  detective  elliot  stabler  from  law  and  order  svu  ,  steve  rogers  from  the  mcu  
𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔    :    -    trepidatious  ,  austere  ,  apprehensive  ,  hesitant  ,  antisocial  ,  hostile  ,  bellicose  .
+        phlegmatic  ,  solicitous  ,  benevolent  ,  rational  ,  stalwart  ,  loyal  ,  reliable  ,  optimistic  .
𝑃𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑇  located  here  !
⋆ ╰    𝑨 𝑵 𝑻 𝑬 𝑪 𝑬 𝑫 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 .
bullet  points  for  the  win  bc  who  has  time  for  all  the  tomfoolery  i  could  spew  from  my  ass  !
sammy’s  mom  was  a  housekeeper  in  upper  manhattan  for  some  fancy  dancy  homes  who  needed  their  gold  toilet  seat  covers  sanitized  3x  a  day  ,  u  know  the  type 🙄
samson  grew  up  in  a  run  down  apartment  in  a  small  samoan  community  in  the  bronx  and  has  always  been  a  lil  antisocial  weirdo  since  those  warm  dark  eyes  came  into  the  light  .  he  rlly  minded  his  own  business  n  wasn’t  really  curious  about  literally  anything  besides  running  and  wrestling  w  his  cousins  .  his  mom  struggled  to  keep  him  fed  and  housed  and  dressed  and  worked  relentless  hours  but  never  left  sam  needing  anything  ,  a  literal  fucking  legend  of  a  woman  and  he’s  proud  to  carry  her  last  name  !
sammy  always  felt  the  weight  of  never  wanting  to  be  an  extra  burden  to  his  mother  and  learned  to  really  be  self-sufficient  ,  likely  explaining  his  satisfaction  with  being  so  alone  
he  vaguely  remembers  the  night  his  life  changed  in  middle  school  ,  the  hushed  strained  whisper  from  the  living  room  ,  he’s  your  god  damned  son  too  ,  think  about  him  for  once  in  your  fucking  life  .  it  hit  like  a  fucking  train  once  the  story  picked  up  ,  5  time  nfl  superbowl  champ  father  to  secret  love  child  .  think  arnold  schwarznegger’s  secret  son  level  scandal  !  suddenly  his  shithead  of  a  dead  is  trying  to  salvage  his  image  ,  fighting  for  split  custody  arrangements  ,  telling  the  press  how  much  in  child  support  he  payed  ,  anything  to  save  his  ass
this  is  the  first  time  samson  remembers  being  fueled  by  rage  in  his  life  ,  as  a  relatively  well-tempered  child  ,  the  injustice  of  having  this  near-stranger  try  to  be  a  “  DAD  ” to  him  while  shitting  all  over  his  mother’s  name  made  his  fucking  blood  boil  and  becomes  a  theme  for  his  future
he  spends  the  next  chapters  of  his  life  going  to  the  fancy  private  schools  in  new  york  his  dad  picks  for  him  and  tearing  his  tie  off  on  the  ratty  bus  ride  into  the  bronx  to  go  home  to  his  mom  .  he  hates  having  to  haul  ass  back  and  forth  ,  wishing  he  could  stay  with  the  only  family  he’s  actually  given  a  shit  about  ,  but  bears  it  for  the  sake  of  not  causing  his  mom  any  more  torment  .  his  father  is  as  awful  as  could  be  imagined  ,  and  samson  hates  every  second  of  existing  with  him  ,  the  snarky  little  comments  at  school  and  in  the  ritzy  wealthy  circles  that  make  him  feel  more  of  a  black  sheep  than  he  ever  asked  to  be
this  becomes  the  root  of  his  anxiety  ,  bearing  the  weight  of  the  world’s  expectations  on  his  young  shoulders  and  repressing  his  own  needs  and  desires  as  a  result  .  he  goes  into  every  sport  imaginable  ,  his  father’s  DNA  being  increasingly  difficult  to  deny  ,  but  finds  a  particular  talent  with  fighting  and  takes  on  as  many  fighting  styles  as  he’s  able  to  master
turning  18  should  mean  freedom  for  sam  ,  but  nothing  is  ever  as  simple  as  he  could  ask  in  his  life  .  in  order  to  keep  the  child  support  payments  that  admittedly  help  keep  his  mother  afloat  ,  his  father  asks  one  more  thing  of  samson  :  hold  off  on  his  pro  mma  dreams  for  just  a  little  longer  in  order  to  attend  his  alma  matter  ,  hollingsworth  university  ,  as  a  publicity  move  and  then  he’ll  be  out  of  sam’s  life  in  every  way  except  financially  .  with  the  dream  of  completing  college  like  his  mom  always  aspired  for  him  ,  sam  agreed  and  went  on  to  appease  the  man  one  last  time  ,  joining  his  former  fraternity  to  sweeten  the  deal  (  and  secure  a  lovely  brownstone  in  his  childhood  neighborhood  signed  in  his  mother’s  name  )  and  is  a  year  out  from  graduating  and  letting  mma  be  the  only  reason  his  name  would  ever  appear  in  the  tabloids  .
⋆ ╰    𝑨 𝑵 𝑨 𝑳 𝒀 𝑺 𝑰 𝑺 .
personality  wise  ,  i  describe  sam  as  the  stupid  bitch  w  big  npc  energy  ,  if  u  want  him  to  talk  u  gotta  talk  to  him  first  and  even  then  he  might  just  give  u  that  hostile  stare  and  just  .. . .  remain  silent  KSDFSDF
he’s  about  as  NOT  a  people  person  as  physically  possible  ,  would  really  be  content  just  sticking  to  his  inner  circle  for  like  the  rest  of  his  life  without  concern  .  he  seems  like  this  rude  stand-offish  dick  but  the  truth  is  he’s  PAINFULLY  SHY  and  has  a  p  severe  case  of  generalized  anxiety  disorder  so  interactions  ?  w  new  ppl  ?  are  a  HARD  pass
did  i  mention  he’s  on  steriods  bc  that  def  adds  to  his  anxiety  and  hostility  !  lmao  !  he  started  juicing  in  high  school  when  his  dad  kept  pressuring  him  for  football  and  how  he  was  “  twice  your  size ”   at  that  age  ,  n  he  HATES  the  dude  but  he’s  also  lowkey  insecure  abt  his  lack  of  a  father  figure  so  ?  used  daddy’s  money  to  start  his  first  cycle  and  pay  off  to  test  clean  and  now  he’s  been  hooked  on  and  off  .  he’s  currently  starting  a  new  cycle  to  bulk  up  for  the  new  season  and  prep  for  the  2020  olympics  but  swears  he  wont  be  on  them  forever  :/
they  make  him  SUPER  aggressive  when  set  off  ,  it’s  a  decent  thing  that  sam’s  so  monotone  and  shy  that  he’s  also  pretty  laid  back  and  kinda  hard  to  rile  up  .  he  really  doesn’t  take  much  personally  and  won’t  do  a  huge  “  chest  pumped  bro  lets  do  this ”  show  bc  he  ?  thinks  all  those  guys  who  do  that  are  tools  LMAO  but  find  the  right  button  to  push  n  he’ll  become  the  very  thing  he  despises  !
if  u  can  get  past  the  literal  awkward  silence  and  resting  bitch  face  ,  sammy  is  actually  really  well  known  for  being  just  a  generally  decent  guy  .  the  perception  is  often  that  he’s  a  dick  bc  he  think’s  he’s  better  than  a  lot  of  ppl  ,  but  the  truth  is  he’s  just  too  nervous  to  start  conversations  n  most  ppl  assume  its  an  ego  thing  vs  a  “  i’m  about  to  piss  myself  thinking  abt  all  the  ways  this  convo  can  go  wrong  so  i’ll  just  not  talk  and  glare  @  u  instead  ”  thing
if  he  had  his  shit  together  he  would  definitely  qualify  as  a  dad  type  ,  but  since  he  doesn’t  ,  he  won’t  SSHSHSHSH  but  he’s  really  just  a  softie  deep  down  ,  he  has  a  stupid  as  HELL  sense  of  humor  and  is  really  objective  and  level  headed  .  the  gryffindor  in  him  is  DEEPLY  loyal  ,  like  to  the  death  ,  but  he’s  got  lots  of  hufflepuff  in  the  sense  that  he’s  really  willing  to  get  his  hands  dirty  to  help  those  in  need  .  u  need  help  moving  ?  someone  to  keep  u  company  while  u  babysit  ?  feel  nervous  walking  alone  after  class  at  night  ?  sammy  might  leave  u  on  read  if  u  text  him  bc  he’s  a  Dumb  Bitch  like  that  but  he’ll  show  up  on  the  dot  ,  hands  in  pockets  ,  exactly  where  u  asked  him  to  be  ready  to  do  what  u  asked  him  to  do  .  the  mans  is  a  super  hard  worker
he  def  still  feels  kinda  weird  at  uni  ?  he’s  p  smart  but  some  of  the  classes  unrelated  to  athletics  and  anatomy  have  given  him  a  REALLY  tough  time  (  dance  appreciation  for  his  fine  arts  credit  almost  tanked  his  gpa  LMAO  )  and  he’s  not  top  of  his  class  or  anything  but  ppl  still  try  to  talk  to  him  bc  of  the  whole  “  famous  dad  ,  future  olympian  ”  thing  ,  which  he  can  pick  up  from  a  mile  a  way  and  makes  him  super  uncomfortable  .  even  being  in  a  frat  w  a  bunch  of  old  money  rich  boys  makes  him  DEF  feel  like  the  odd  one  out  ,  and  he’s  just  counting  down  the  days  until  he’s  OUT  OF  HERE
in  conclusion  :  i  love  u  all  .  lets  suffer  together  .  :~)
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hueymcduck · 5 years
How about lena or fenton?
Lena first!!!!!!!
favourite thing about them: i. where do i start. the genuine growth she goes through is amazing. Literally the changes she goes through as she learns to accept and GIVE love is so wonderful to watch!!!! She has no reason to trust ANYONE because of everything she's been through with Magica and yet she still fights that urge and makes a genuine emotional connection with webby i omg im
least favourite thing about them: im gonna be SO honest - when the show first introduced Lena i didn't really like her and then as we saw more and more of her i grew to love her SO much!!!!! And i think this was intentional!!! Viewers were originally supposed to distrust Lena, in the same way that Lena distrusts everyone - god im losing it I love her so much i have to lie down
favourite line: “Cute! With the names and the colour-coded outfits... Is that like, your Thing, you’re all exactly the same?” honestly? HDL found dead
brOTP: im already obsessed with her and Violet’s dynamic...when they pranked webby.....i was smiling so big omg
OTP: weblena canon when @ ducktales staff??? please respond im crying
nOTP: this duck is a lesbian and fully in love w webbigail vanderquack so whenever someone even MENTIONS the very CONCEPT of lena with someone other than webby i break out in hives
random headcanon: when Lena moves into the mansion she has a habit of keeping things and taking things to her room because shes not used to having Things and a Stable Home and at first scrooge is like “which one of you little shits keeps taking the throw blankets from the couch” but then when he finds out what's going on hes like ohhh ok well lena’s never done anything wrong in her life so this is acceptable. and then he buys extra comfy throw blankets and doesn't say a thing when they go missing the next day
song i associate w them: “Midnight Blue” by ELO is a super Weblena song, “The Chain” by Fleetwood Mac, and “Don’t Fear The Reaper” by Blue Oyster Cult
favourite picture of them: i could write a fuckin essay about this shot but ill just say - LOOK AT HER!!!!!! shes so nervous but happy and baby and i just. just look at her.
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OK now Fenton!!!!! :) I feel like i dont talk about him much but i really adore him
favourite thing about them: he’s so excited about everything and I love that! I also LOVE his 2017 design and voice and I think he’s a much more likeable, relatable character now! He just wants to help everyone but he’s way too like jumpy and it just reminds me of a puppy i love it
least favourite thing about them: he hasn’t sung yet. dt staff wtf is up w that.
favourite line: “I am not your amigo. I'm not a mascot, or an intern, or a fancy tool. Blathering Blatherskite! I am GIZMODUUUUUUCK” like i literally love marvel movies and this line is genuinely one of the best superhero lines ive ever heard so
brOTP: I love the science boys! Him and Manny and Lil Bulb and Huey and Gyro! and hopefully fethry someday!!! and gandra!!!
OTP: GOD him and Gandra were so cute!! their first date was a disaster but they’re bicons so they'll get over it!!!
nOTP: if this wasn't a disney show fenton would kill m*rk b**ks so when people seriously ship them i cry laughing
random headcanon: He takes huey to science conferences and conventions and then they get a healthy snack after since neither of them can have caffeine/sugar :))) also idk if we have a canon age for fenton but?? i feel like he’s around my age (20ish???) 
unpopular opinion: a lot of ppl love fenton/gyro and a lot of ppl hate it and i am completely neutral on it. like i have 0 opinion dfhgsgfjh
song i associate w them: “Wham Bam Shang-a-Lang” by Silver from guardians of the galaxy, “Keep Yourself Alive” by Queen, “Almost There” from the princess and the frog!
favourite picture of them: i love this pic...hes so beat up but hes still smiling yet awkward...his brand
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ajaegerpilot · 5 years
had a nice day today ladettes .. and a good day yesterday as well. finally handed in my last assignment today so im Done w this semester finally (and my proff was so helpful today lmfao i dont think i would’ve had the motivation to finish it if i hadn’t met with him.. and also as i was helping bubble wrap glassware to help my chemistry department move into a new building i talked to one of my classmates to that class and he helped me answer one question (just by telling me ‘you dont even need to know inorganic chem to answer this’ and as soon as he said that i realized the solution) so that was helpful as well. also chatted a bit w some of my other peers, and then at 5 there was an xmas party for the chem department. i bought a box of mandarin oranges, 6 double chocolate chip muffins, and a bottle of xmas craft beer, couldn’t find the place initially and was walking around in the rain, had to try to remember the hostess’s last name lmfao to figure out who to ring (and fortunately i remembered it!), and had to ring her twice to figure out where the hell her room was (its 105 misha) so that and me carrying like three different things + an umbrella (+ my phone and wallet) made me an awkward MESS but b*nch i made it!.. and this party went a lot nicer for me than last year where i was so awkward and quiet.. this time me and 3 other ppl (2 of whom are literally 1 year older and 1 year younger than me and went to my same high school, and the other of whom apparently probably oversaw our dry grad dance XD as he worked there when he graduated - or is that even possible because I think he’s my age) ANYHOw.. we talked about anything and everything as one of them drank like 3 beers and idk I think we probably made a DND group.. i drank non-sweetened minty tea and didnt hate it for the first time in my life what is this? growth.. idk. i wasnt expecting to have a good time because i felt so awkward last year (i still had a good time last year tho) and idk this was just nice. plus yesterday i ran/walked 5 km for the first time in a long while (and i plan to do the same tomorrow, as well as pick up a friend from the ferry and take her to dinner, I’m trying to make positive healthy choices and live life well and socialize and reach out as well as exercise hopefully this will continue well and that my work will be more productive as well this coming year :3c bc i kind of accomplished nothing during the summer and now i have an NSERC to do and lmao I want to get results but idk!! i had a good time today!! we b*ched abt pseudoscience a bit and i drank tea from mug that has climate change data on it because that’s what environmental chemists are like <3 god i hope my life works out).
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monbabi · 7 years
Get to know me tag tagged by the sweet @monstafeels !! rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (oh god do i even kno 20 ppl) The last Drink: some strange soda tht i didn't like Phone call: my mom!! about the house we could move into Text message: "tht is the ugliest goddamn hat i have ever seen" Song i’ve listened to: mr. badboy by wjsn!!!!! Time you cried: uhh last night bc i was watching kihyun fancams snsjshdhfknsjf Have you 6. Dated someone twice: nope! 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: my first and only kiss was my friend's dog and it was the best thing thts ever happened to me 8. Been cheated on: if my only kiss has been a dog do u think ive been cheated on 9. Lost someone special: oh yea definitely 10. Been depressed: haha u mean my entire life? oh heck yea 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never been drunk enough to throw up 12- 14. List three favorite colors: pink, orange, yellow !! the last 2 get way too much shit but they are BEAUTIFUL COLORS!!! In the last year have you 15. Made new friends: yea!!! 16. Fallen out of love: yea :/ 17. Laughed until you cried: YEA me and my friend were looking at this sweet potato that looked like a dick in ap bio it was so funny 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yea 👀 19. Met someone who changed you: yea!! 20. Found out who your friends are: mmm sure? 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope General 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them! i dont give online friends my fb bc i dont want tht to intermingle w my irl friends lmao 23. Do you have any pets: multiple fish!! theres lulu, nunu, ora, gummy, chimmie, moomoo, and alla!! moomoo is pregnant im so excited!!!!!! 24. Do you want to change your name: back when i was a kid yea but now i love my name!! maybe one day i'll tell u guys my name but u can keep calling me en 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went to a restaurant w my friends then we crashed in my room and watched hamster cooking videos 26. What time do you wake up: um depends on if someone wakes me up or not but by myself i wake up around 12-2PM LMAO 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching pristin videos snshsgd 28. Name something you can’t wait for: MONSTA X BEAUTIFUL TOUR IN LA 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: last night! 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: um the entire time period from age 7 to age 14 31. What are you listening right now: humble by kendrick lamar 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: uh maybe like a white man at a club event but not anyone my age 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: not having the time to do anything 34. Most visited website: probably youtube 35. Moles: yikes i have a lot but the ones on my face are one of my left cheek near my philtrum and one on my left eyelid matching w jooheon :') 36. Marks: i have a birthmark on my left calf and a scar on my right knee from playing basketball 38. Hair color: black but the sun is turning it brown lmao 39. Long or short hair: eh its kinda long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: i used to but i found out she was straight so :/ 41. What do you like about yourself: my empathy 42. Piercings: only my left ear :'( im gonna repierce my right ear and get a second one on my left 43. Bloodtype: type o! 44. Nickname: uh w/o giving much abt my real name, my friends call me hoho sometimes 45. Relationship status: single :') 46. Zodiac: libra! 47. Pronouns: she/they 48. Favorite TV Show: not to be a weeb but im literally obsessed with kamisama hajimemashita 49. Tattoos: no but i wanna get them in the future!! 50. Right or left hand: right! 51. Surgery: uhhhhhh none 52. Hair dyed in different color: NO but i really wanna dye it a dusty pink so hopefully i get tht done soon 53. Sport: i used to be pretty good at basketball idk what happened i like volleyball and badminton tho 55. Vacation: i LOVE vietnam i wanna go back again 56. Pair of trainers: 2! a pair each nike and adidas MORE GENERAL 57. Eating: i jus ate my entire weight in pad thai 58. Drinking: uh rn? nothing 59. I’m about to: leave work! 61. Waiting for: monsta x’s first win (im leaving this here bc i agree) 62. Want: fishnet stockings and too faced peach palette 63. Get married: yea!! 64. Career: business! specifically marketing WHICH IS BETTER 65.Hugs or kisses: hugs bc kisses embarrass me 66. Lips or eyes: oh my godd i love both but i think i have a softer spot for eyes 😣 67. Shorter or taller: taller bc lets face it: im 5'1" i never get called to help grab anything 68. Older or younger: both are cool but bc im fairly young, older seems nice 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms, i dig big meaty claws 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive bc im so easily startled 72. Hookup or relationship: relationship! 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker i have enough reluctance in me for abt half the population HAVE YOU EVER: 74.Kissed a stranger: nah 75: Drank hard liquor: yea ive had a bit of whiskey, it was okay 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: YES it was terrible 77. Turned someone down: yea :/ sorry to the ppl ive turned down 78. Sex on the first date: this bussy is closed 79. Broken someone’s heart: idk maybe? 80. Had your heart broken: um by tht straight girl? maybe jus a bit 81. Been arrested: nah 82. Cried when someone died: oh most definitely 83. Fallen for a friend: uhh in the past yea DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: i jus snorted in incredulity 85. Miracles: mm yea 86. Love at first sight: no i think love is much deeper than tht and it needs to be developed and understood from each side 87. Santa Claus: i never did 88. Kiss on the first date: yea sure why not 89. Angels: yes! OTHER:
90. Current best friend's name: i dont have one sole Best Friend™ i have multiple and i dont wanna reveal their name 
91. Eye color: dark brown
92. Favorite movie: hmmm spirited away okay um im jus gonna tag 20 ppl tht i see often or their url jus stuck w me and im jus too shy to make friends @blossomkth @limechangkyun @hyunqvwon @glued-to-astro @chaerismatic @eggchen @userlessgirl @jessthedemigod @sonuwoo @hotseok @imwinwinswifey @ykhyun okay i give up im too lazy for this shit
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thepsychicclam · 7 years
The worst part of social anxiety is not knowing if ppl’s reactions are reality or just in your head.
I have been battling with my head for weeks abt whether or not ppl are being cool or not with me. It’s easy to say “it’s all in your head!!!” But I’m terrified I said something to upset ppl or am just overall generally annoying to ppl.
i think the problem is that i went a few yrs with very few IRL friends. i had my sister and my bff, but other than coworkers and students, i didn’t have friends or ppl i went out with. when i moved to boston, it was literally my sister. and now, i’m making some friends. i’ve gone to dinner, to their houses, you know - having friends like a normal person. 
it’s hard. that sounds so STUPID. it’s not like we’re super close or anything. it’s very casual friends. but god, it triggers my social anxiety EVERY TIME WE’RE TOGETHER. my brain just whirls and overanalyzes and is paranoid and - it sucks. i hate spending every evening after interacting dissecting what i said and thinking i’m an idiot or said something wrong. i hate being around them and not knowing WHAT to say and being awkward and not understanding how to easily join a conversation and then trying and accidentally interrupting or speaking over someone. 
like i went to one of their houses friday night, and i was so anxious i was sweating through my clothes. and i swear, my life is like bridget jones bc that is me in any social situation. and there was a semi-cute single guy there that was nice and i tried talking to him, but i became monosyllabic and stumbled over my words and my brain froze and when he looked at me and smiled, i just kinda maybe smiled and turned my eyes to the floor bc i can’t look at a cute dude and smile wtf?????
like, i used to be able to socialize with ppl. wtf happened to me??? it’s like the last decade i have been in this whole with like 2 friends and my parents and very few other “friends”. talking to coworkers and students is easy. it’s short, small talk. and you can just not say anything and no one cares. but trying to talk to friends is so difficult. 
it doesn’t help that we’re VERY different. they’re very small town southern, not into geeky things. they don’t watch the same television shows and movies i do and don’t really read books. their jobs are very different. i like them - don’t get me wrong. but fundamentally, i feel so different. and sometimes i feel like THAT person bc they have barely left their tiny town in south carolina to do anything, and i’ve traveled all over the US and europe and lived in three different states and had like a zillion jobs and have all these interests and i just have stopped saying things bc i feel like THAT guy when i don’t mean to be THAT guy. i’ve just done a lot. it’s like the one thing i have going in my life. i have no friends, no boyfriend, no kids, but i’ve lived and traveled a lot of places and done a lot. 
idk. my depression is popping up. the semester is over, so it’s summer break. it’s a weird transition time. plus, i’m working from home so i’m just going to crossfit and that’s it. i’m not getting dressed in nice clothes or fixing my hair or putting on makeup. so i hate looking in the mirror right now. yes, i know i can do those things to make myself feel pretty even though i’m just sitting on the couch, but i’m just busy and don’t want to spend an horu of my day curling my hair when i could be, idk, reading or writing or watching a movie.
and i’m behind on my dissertation again. if you’ve been following me for awhile, you know i’ve talked about the dickbag dissertation director i have. which reacts very negatively with my anxiety and depression. i’ve got 4.5/5 chapters 1st drafts written. i have comments to revise on them. i want to revise, but i just have to START. but i’ve convinced myself (with zero support from the dissertation direct) that i suck and shouldn’t even be getting this fuckign phd. i know he doesn’t think i’ll finish bc of my life and mental problems, and i KNOW i can finish and prove that asshole wrong. it’s just...probably the hardest thing i’ve ever done. if i would have known it would have been like this, i either wouldn’t have gotten one or chosen a speciality i liked less just to work with someone who believed in me.
and i have the worst case of writer’s block i’ve had in ages. like i just stare at word. it’s been like that since like january. i just want to WRITE. i have so many ideas bouncing around in my head and i’m getting depressed bc i CAN’T write like i’ve broken something inside me.
this is all so stupid. it’s just a bad bad night. i’ve been having mild anxiety attacks for like 3-4 weeks, like low level anxiety and trouble breathing like there’s a band around my waist making it hard to get in oxygen. and tonight i just...idk...i don’t want to sleep bc i want to cry but i’m fucking exhausted. my sister had minor outpatient surgery last week that took a toll on her, and she’s been sick for like 4-5 mths, and i’ve been trying to take care of her, our new dog, the house, and my 2 jobs. and my disseration. and i did this research project in my research-based comp class this semester, which was really cool, bc i’m trying to bulk up the teaching/pedagogy part of my cv (bc i hopefully will be on the job market in the next year or so). and that took a lot of time, but i got accepted to 2 teaching conferences speaking about it, so yayes for that. and i’ve been keeping up with crossfit, but my diet has been kinda wonky, so FOOD GUILT and stress eating. and my parents were here helping me with my sister for like a week, which was great, except being with my parents is like a THING and the most exhausting thing ever. we just argue the whole time and they hate being at our hosue bc we do things differently than they do, and my mom kept making all these comments about how i haven’t taken good enough care of my sister for the past 4-5 mths that she’s been sick, and like they buy all this food and stuff to bring with them bc what we have isn’t good enough, or it’s snide comments like “well, they don’t eat BREAD...why don’t you use butter? i brought my own meat bc we don’t EAT that stuff...we don’t eat *insert bad food followed by eating different bad foods but getting mad when i point out the hypocrisy*” etc etc. and my mom has an eating disorder/body image problems (runs in the family, surprise surprise) which kinda floats over into me and things she says to me, and she constantly makes snide comments about me doing crossift, and like i love my mom, but omg i just want to be like WHY CAN’T THINGS BE GOOD WHEN YOU’RE HERE?? and that upsets me bc it’s like oil and water and i feel guilty. 
it’s just been stressful this year already. we’ve had a lot going on. i just need a break. but idek what i’d do with a break bc i can’t relax. and i can’t write bc of the writer’s block,w hich stresses me out, and when i’m watching tv, i feel like i should be writing or dissertating or working, so i’m just constantly in knots.
anyway. this is just a verbal vomit post to see if i could feel better and dissipate some of these anxiety/depression feelings and get to bed. 
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survivormuxloe · 5 years
Episode #1 & 2: "so that was fun, and by fun I mean hell" - Ahrre
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So I'm so confused right now lol. Like I feel like discord should have a similar format to skype, but maybe I'm just dumb and cant figure it out. Also the only people I know/heard of are on the other tribe which is fun. Hopefully I can set myself up so my lack of understanding Discord doesn't make me look like a liability to the rest of my tribe.
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we legit just got into our tribes.. missus sweyn.. LOL. i legit don't know ANYONE!! APART FROM MY BABY RYAN!! LIKE WHO ARE THESE PPL? liek i've heard of rhys and malik from like other orgs but the other people like god.. why can't I just have my circlejerk like in emvv. ): and idk WHO IS EVNE ON THE OTHER TRIBE WHICH MAKES IT WORSE I COUD HAVE LIKE A BUNCH OF RLY STRONG PLAYERS who are gunna win every single immunity challenge.. and i ain't wantin to go premerge nnn. uhm. ya. thats my mood rn. Xo
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Oh wow, hi it’s me, Mo. I’m going into this game with an advantage of not having a social life so I can be more active. I like my tribe so far everyone’s really nice. I only know Fabricio because he won the game I got PoTS on. But I think I’m going to withhold that information of him winning his last game because I kinda wanna be allies.
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First impressions of my tribe, they’re pretty cute I guess I like people well enough but I’m always nervous about pre existing relationships people may have in other communities so that’ll be fun to manoeuvre around my plan is just to lay low be social and hopefully not stick out as a target
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deadass the challenge has barely started and wes already has 2 images.. meanwhile his ass has prob spoke in the tribe chat like once and he aint comin in  my pms anytime soon so. LAMJHNFG . better hope his social game saves him over the physical x
this is my 3rd one already but this is important. linus is the first person to say haha to me. TWO! FUCKING! HA'S!!!!!! JUST SAY LOL!!!! SAY LMAO!!! IDGAF!! Omg this is geniunely my pet peeve and i wanna scream a a a a a  a a a a a  aa
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Man, I'm back with Tobi from Survivor Ko Chang and that scares me to death. He claims he wants to start on a clean slate with me and work together again, but I don't trust him one bit and the first opportunity I have to take him out, I'm gonna do it, cuz I can't have somebody like him around. Bad for my game.
On the other hand of the spectrum, I know Michael from Zwooper and we've always had a good relationship so I think that's one person I can fully align with right out of the gate. I've also worked up some social connections with Dani, Jose and Ahrre so far, and they all seem pretty chill for the most part.
Right now, my focus is to win. I'm gonna go hard in this first immunity challenge and rack up as many points as I can. Losing the first challenge always sucks and I wanna make sure that doesn't happen for me again.
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Okay im like mad excited to play this game. One Ive been kinda down, and this should help me be able to invest my time into something and potentially help me feel better.
Seeing this cast. I love it. I have really only worked with Felix in a past org before but we havent talked in ages. So I dont have any past connections which feels great because I hate people assuming were working together because were friends?. So this wont happen this season which is great.
So far my tribe is okay. Havent had a chance to speak alot to everyone yet. However the people I have done are alright. So far my favorite person is Scott or Scooty Toots. Hes British as well as me, he's 18 and we're both starting University without a clue what were doing. Like twins?!? So hopefully he feels the same way about me too.
Alliances are key. I want to make a few smaller ones to form a majority for me. Like two allainces of three. Giving me 4 allies. Not sure if this will happen soon or not, but its my goal to take control of this game, as Ive never done it before. I dont want to come across as controling however so smaller groups is the way to do it in my head.
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Omfg y'all...... The game started like maybe 16 hours ago and I have barely spoken to most of my tribe bc I was a lil busy last night & had some damage control to handle in EMVV but like..... ??? I already found the idol in the Play Room CTFUUUU. We fucking stan. I immediately told my son Scooty because he's my bae.... I haven't had my hands on an idol in an org since like...... 703 San Marcos when I was voted out w it in my pocket (i think?? i cant remember any others so..) so BEST BELIEVE I'm going to use this correctly. THAT IS MY MAIN MISSION. I'm craving that satisfaction of a successful idol play...... I would love to cross that off my imaginary org goals list..... BUT WHEW I'M PUMPED.
I am making a pact with myself to not be an overly annoying gamebot this season because I just wanna have fun with it and make it a chaotic season, and this lil buddy is gonna allow me to be as extra and messy and turbulent as I please <3 big dick energy
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Helloo so here I am doing this org thingy so you're stuck with my thoughts of regret until I die, or you could just not read them that's also an option.
Anyhow god save the queen blabla after more time that it should've taken me I get that I'm in one of two tribes of 9 which is kinda good because with snaller tribes I feel lime everything is more claustrophobic and shit hits the wall the moment we lose a challenge. But with 9 players imo I feel more relaxed.
So summary of who am I stuck with, there are a few who I know from before so let's start with that.
First off Jose, already played an org with him and we were good allies so my first instinct was to call him a bastard and hey he took it well so hopefully it will be a smooth sailing with that lad.
But after Jose I don't expect the meta to be kind to me.
Michael and Mo were both in my last org and I blindsided them both. Tbh they were good allies until that point so I'm more than willing to work with them in this game, hopefully they feel the same way.
But anyhow then there's Felix who I think I technically played with? We meet during a merge and he went out early without us ever talking much so really this is gonna be my first time really playing with him, he's the only one that I haven't talked to yet though I hope he gets online.
Then there's Tobi. I've heard of him and from the get go he strike me as a very straight shoot-y player. Those are always interesting to play with so let's see how that goes.
There's Dani, she seems nice and compared to Tobi she seems more social instead of strategy focused but then again it's been one day and I'm talking out of my ass.
Then there's jaylen who seems nice aswell even if I haven't talked much to him.
And finally David the absolute unit, and I say that bc he instantly started focusing on the challenge, which is a breath of fresh air plus he's Canadian so what's not to like thus far.
Talking about the challenge I get anxiety by just looking at it, scavenger hunts are always hard for me bc I live with people and I want them to remain thinking I am a normal member of society so I always need to be sneaky to do this crap, plus I don't have a car or anything so I have to use public transport if I need to go anywhere.
Apart from that well I would like to set up a 5 man majority alliance just to be safe, my only fear is the ever so feared overplaying-doom. But I feel like someone like tobi would jump on that idea pretty easily so I'll have a chat with him about that idea.
Oh and also look at me I remembered to guess for the idol TWO times in a row. I could die this very same week doesn't matter that's already an improvement on my usual gameplay.
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Hi since I’m required to do these once an episode, I’ll use this one to talk about my tribe and maybe a few on the other tribe that I saw were on.
Guacamole - They seem fun. I talked with them last night, but our convo went short because we played jack box together. They seem nice though.
Linus - Mix feelings. I can get a completely loyal Linus here, or a cutthroat linus, so I’m kinda wary right now towards him but the vibes I’m getting I don’t think he’s going to be an issue, atleast for now.
Madison/Madisin - She was also at the jackbox last night and I enjoyed her, she was dying laughing at the games and I thought she was funny. So hopefully I get a chance to talk to her today.
Malik - Who? Let’s not talk about that bitch.
Rhys - He literally waits until we’re in a game to talk to me, so I peep it. And you could say I should reach out to him but it’s annoying when I have and he doesn’t do it until we’re in a game together. Boggles the mind. If I can overcome doing that, so can you. But I enjoy our current coversation as of the moment.
Ryan - We just played Mount Olympus together recently and that was a bust for us both. I’m kind of hoping we can be on the same side since it’s been a while since that’s happened. However, Ryan says he just wants to have fun so I don’t fault him if he does crazy things down the road!!
Scooter - I don’t know about him yet. We haven’t talked at all but he seems interesting. Maybe I can give a better opinion when we talk.
Steven - Very hilarious and I’m also intrigued by him. His thinking and way of talking during the jackbox had me DYING I loved it. I think he’s my new favorite new person here so far.
Wes - I only saw him once but we haven’t talked yet so idk what to say. He said he’s from ndims and is an alias of someone, I just don’t know if I know the alias since I was on that site also. But hopefully it could be someone who knows me as Orlando.
Now for the people I know on the other tribe:
Ahrre - I cant stand him too much after our last season of JPORG. He has this self righteous attitude to him and I don’t like it. However, I warmed up to him a bit during the movie times we had been present for awhile back so hopefully if we see each other again, I won’t have that opinion anymore.
Big Tuna aka Danielle - YASSS I love ha! I know her from the Skype minis and she’s amazing. I hope I finally get to play with her for once in a non mini game ❤️
Felix - Felix is a fucking wildcard. I love him, but he has really pissed me off in games in the past, and I’m hoping this one won’t be like those other ones.
Jaylen - A mess but a friend! He plays how he wants and doesn’t care what people thinks or tweaking it to better it but that’s Jaylen for you! Accept it or don’t phew.
Jose - He’s a fucking snake at times LOL but he’s lovely. I wouldn’t mind too much of being on a tribe with him.
That’s all from me for now so hope I stay around longer to see how this season goes!
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so the tea is that this tribe is drier than an old lady's pussy and its so hard to talk to these people... there are no personalities... the only people i feel mildly happy talking to are ahhre and jose... and the tea is that both of them asked to be allies w me im like o ok sis lets do this so i have at least like 2 votes i know abt... and i know david from a prior org but thats not really a good thing bc i fucked him over hardcore and like... he knows im a snake LKJHDFSLK I really don't know how to maneuver strategically with this cast butttt ill try my best hehe
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Oh wow!! I can't believe I haven't made a confessional yet what a shocker. BUT HI! I'm kind of just trying to get myself acquainted with everyone in the group, I'm not as active as I'd like to be :C but I'm trying my best teehee. On the first night or so Linus, Malik, Stephen, Madison and I played Jackbox games and it was SUPER LIT and We bonded over that and I'm v happy about thatttt. (ofc I already know madison and I already love her but I haven't talked to her in game yet aklsdjf) I just started talking with Scooty today, or Scooty? I might just call him Scooty, ANYWAY yeah we got to talk about how we type similarly and that was nice, we bonded over that and it was littY. I also got to talk to Rhys!! He also seems like a neat guy - I still haven't talked to him a lot but I think he's cool. I honestly don't know who else is on the tribe, Wes and Ryan right? Wes and I talked a little bit, but barely. and Ryan hasn't talked to me at all lmao. Hopefully right now I've made enough connections though. I'd like to make tribe swap so I can meet more people and make friends lololol - wish me luck gang!
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I’m getting along with everyone really well so I know I won’t be the first fine at the very least so I just need to lay low laugh and Kiki with everyone and hopefully I can survive for the long term
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I’m doing the Scavenger Hunt and knowing me I decided to wait till the last two hours to do everything I can. So now I have an hour and a half to film a bunch of videos
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Okay so talking to my tribe Im begining to feel less at ease with them. Mostly because most of them hardly seem to talk. Which dosent bode well for me. Could mean im on the outs and they dont like me. Or that They're all inactive.
Madison seems like the easy boot right now just because like, who?!?. Shes not been around Ive messaged her once and she left me on read.
So Steven had to leave but we still have to do the challenge as if he was competing which PROBABLY means were going to tribal. So ive been working on getting an allaince going. Ive talked to Malik and Brought the Idea of us forming a trio with someone. Luckly he picked Linus because I talk to him aswell. So fingers crossed we can get that going.
I also have a great feeling from Scooty aka scott. So like Hopefully i can get another trio with him going aswell. So then I will be solid untiill a swap.
I do have a concern that Scott and Ryan are close and Malik and Linus are close. More so that I would be their second choice out of the trio if one is made. However thats not going to effect me I dont think this early. So fingers Crossed.
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uhm so!! STEVEN QUIT which im rly sad for two reasons. one for him bc i know he wanted to do well and i hope hes doing ok and i geniunely wish the best for him and the other reason is selfish bc i literally.. planted my seeds on him already? like. all that work for nothin. and now we sitting here actin as if madison aint afk and aint gunna submit nothing..
like its the only reason ive done these dumb videos so that i wont be seen as the weak link if we ever lose again almdlddg.. but uhm hopefully my seeds that are in rhys/jones keep me safe bc if madison gets out here i have ryan/rhys/jones to keep me safe.. so im not gonna be that upset if we lose LOL esp bc ik linus/malik r gunna be scary af later on
hopefully we win tho? so i dont have to deal with this stress? i dont wanna relive louvre where i visitted every single premerge tribal except for 2.. even tho i did well hehe uhm. YAH WE’LL SEE :)
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I'm kinda bummed that this last challenge wasn't immunity anymore because we smoked the other tribe, LOL. But at the same time, I'm glad cuz I wouldn't wanna lose the challenge after one of my tribe members quit, that'd just be sad as fuck, LOL.
Also, I feel a good rapport developing further between Danielle and I. I feel like her and I can dominate this game together, but I can't get too ahead of myself here. The first couple of rounds are meant to create social bonds and I feel like I've done a good job of that thus far. Only person I haven't talked to is Jaylen and I'm okay with that, cuz if we lose the immunity challenge, he's most likely the first one to go.
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Okay, thankgoodness that the challenge was changed to reward last minuet. Because we wouldve gone to tribal.  Maddison is legit missing. I dont even care if we win or loose this next challenge because she needs to go.
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So firstly that reward was weird like woo thanks pretty crown but there’s nothing else so I’m thinking that someone else has the clue and my best bet would be jaylen bc he got the Crown Jewels the most important piece. Overall I’m very nervous for this battleship challenge because in my mind it’s mostly luck based so my fate is really out of my hands.
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Well, not much honestly but I'm gonna write a confessional for round 1 and stuff so I don't get a strike
The game is going okay I'm trying not to be aggressive talking to people, but just letting people come to me and make conversation right now honestly I'm trying to play UTR since I think considering madison doesn't exist right now I think I'm able to do that TBH. Hopefully it all works out.
I volunteered to do the battleship challenge thing because I have no life and it looked like no one else was gonna volunteer.
I actually know Linus he played with me in Epic SBB in Hell, so that's nice to not be going in with no connections period.
Sorry this wasn't that long but it's something I guess
If we lose probably another confessional will be writen but right now there isn't much to report
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I’m for sure feeling a little bit more nervous now because a lot of this challenge is about being organised and teamwork and we could barely have someone sit out so fingers crossed
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Heyo so we won the challenge so that was fun, and by fun I mean hell but hey we've got bragging rights, which is pretty much it since unfortunately Steven was medevaced out of da game so even though the other tribe lost they didn't go to tribal.
A bit annoying knowing you did that for nothing but oh well the other tribe seems to be having a rough time by itself with steven quitting and someone (Madison I think) not submitting anything lol
And I say for nothing bc technically we won reward but it was one of those first come first serve things and I only got seved a jpg image so nothing fancy there...
But at least now the next challenge is something where 8 out of 9 people on the tribe don't have to do anything and you bet your ass after that first challenge I'm gonna be one of the 8. David the unit took it upon himself to carry us to victory so godspeed lad.
However this challenge is pretty luck based so I'm saying fuck that I'm not talking my chances.
Following last confessional I talked to tobi about making an alliance and he was onboard, he proposed to have Jose on it which is great since that was my idea anyways, plus I told dani and she was also on board, and to finish up the hipotetical majority of 5 she said he was cool with Michael.
I haven't talked to him yet and Jose hasn't been online but hopefully we should be fine.
Ngl would like to have an alliance with david and felix too, david bc he seems like a total lad with the challenges and Felix because he later told me he felt the most confortable with me.
But regardless hopefully we won't even have to go to tribal (and if we do at least there are other options for the vote)
For now I shall be the dumb cheerleader of the bunch for a game of battleship.
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Ahhh, I feel so bad that I lost the challenge for my tribe. I feel like going into a challenge with the weight of the win or loss stacked against you is huge. But I did come REALLY close and my tribe seems to respect that I almost got us the win. I don't think I'll go anywhere tomorrow for tribal, but you never know.
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Yesss we won immunity. I’m happy we could after Steven left. They made our challenge a reward for that and we lost but it’s fine because WE WON immunity phew. And it’s all thanks to Wes. So far to me, Madison is looking the easiest vote off right now because I haven’t talked to her and I haven’t seen her so that’s my view on it. The three I talk to the most on my tribe are Rhys, Linus and Scoots. Then Ryan and Guacamole. Then Wes and finally Madison. I hope this game doesn’t pull a JPORG Fitzroy Island, I don’t wanna be screwed over by a random ass tribe swap. But I basically dig my tribe and hope that I won’t be the first to go.
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Whew we won?! What. I thought we were gonna fuckin loose. Noah fence Wes.
Sad tings though because Madison is probably going to strike out. Oh well.
Ya boi still hasn’t gone to tribal so stay mad.
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It’s fucking gross having to go to tribal council and I can’t be dealing but I seem to have found myself in two alliances with only dani connecting the two so I’m gonna work with dani to ride this middle ground and make it further
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I’m going home omfg. I can’t really have a deep convo with anyone, which means I don’t have an alliance even though I’m sure one has been made ugh. I’m gonna focus on surviving this round then seeing what I can get set up next round. Wish me luck whew
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I’m pissed because it’s super obvious that the other 7 on my tribe are in a mega tight alliance. Steven was my only alliance in this hole game, and like, he even told me he found an idol and then on his way out he didn’t even slip me the idol??? Can’t wait to be voted out 7-1 because he wanted a souvenir.
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So the tea is that ahrre and I made an alliance of 5 which includes him, me, Jose, Dani, and Michael which I think is cute but they are really boring so meh idk I’ll just flip during merge x JDJSJD I’m a messy bitch
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ugh i'm so glad we won immunity bc our tribe is already severely lacking in strong members bc Steven left us out to perish and Madison aint shown her face yet... so the numbers getting back to even is great for us <3
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Right so unfortunately we lost the battleship game so that means we're heading to the first tribal of the game, fun stuff.
Now as we lost I got the Me-michael-jose-dani-tobi alliance set up. Meanwhile Felix was telling me that for him it was between Jose or Jaylen, since they've been the least active. Understandable but more understandable is that I'm in an alliance with Jose so for me it seems like it's gonna be Jaylen, who I also haven't spoken much with so I don't mind, albeit every tribal we go to before swapping or merging I see it as a potential ally down the line going home, which shucks.
Either way the alliance (and everyone else for that matter) agreed on jaylen, I also told Jose in kind words to get his shit together before he gets sent home but that's pretty much it. I'm gonna try to lay down for now I don't want to bring any unwanted attention to myself.
Hopefully tribal goes well.
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Oh wow hi it’s me, Mo. Ok so currently the plan is to vote out Jaylen which I don’t have a problem with, it’s kinda sad because he is actually really nice but somewhat inactive. I’m on my way to get a burger and fries and I’m fucking ecstatic like I’m so fucking hungry it’s stupid. Also watch me get blindsided.
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So we went into this chalenge on a high after wining the reward and I was the one who got the most points out of everyone :))). Although I’m nervous this will put a target on my back, I’m happy that I have kind of proven my dominance in this game! After losing the challenge, I’m upset!! This was all luck based which sucks! After that, I started talking more with Felix, David, Michael and Ahree. Within the span of like 30 minutes, I got added to 2 seperate groups. I was like “iiii” because this can get messy fast. Michael is in both of the groups as well so I don’t feel too bad because at least there is someone else in my position as well. I get along with Felix a lot and have had quite a few good convos with him! David seems to want to lead things in the group he made, which is whatever. Keeps the target off of me, especially if we go to tribal again. I expect to make more confessionals throughout the course of the game, usually videos but I’m pretty tired right now haha.
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I just took a nap and there's no tribal and I'm always trying my best. My tribe doesn't hate me for some reason even though I sure would. Oh well. I really miss Steven I hope he's okay.
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Steven quit half way through this episode. Then Jaylen was voted out 8-1. 
0 notes
lindyhunt · 6 years
Ariana Grande Tweeted (& Deleted) Shade at Pete Davidson
Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson became the most talked about celebrity couple of Summer 2018, melting hearts worldwide with their adorable social media love fest. On the heels of their respective public breakups, the pair entered into a whirlwind romance—and they brought all of us with them. Their PDA-filled relationship gave us multiple matching tattoos, cloud-shaped phone cases, and NSFW tweets (which have since been deleted) about Pete’s manhood. And then, it was all over.
From their initial meeting on Saturday Night Live to a surprise quickie engagement to their eventual split, here’s a play by play of everything that’s happened in this roller coaster ride of a relationship.
 March 12, 2016: Ariana and Pete meet on Saturday Night Live
Grande and Davidson first meet on the set of Saturday Night Live, where she appeared as the host and musical guest, but both are in relationships with other people at the time; Grande is with longterm boyfriend Mac Miller and Davidson is dating Cazzie David.
Omg it's true 🥀 if they're both happy then it makes me happy. ~ @arianagrande #arianagrande #arianagrandebutera #maciana #arianagrandemacmiller #arianator #arianators #arianaarmy #tinyelephant #sweeteneriscoming
A post shared by taking a lil break / offline (@greedybuteragrande) on May 10, 2018 at 10:50am PDT
May 9, 2018: Ariana confirms split from Mac Miller
Grande shocks fans when she releases an emotional and vulnerable statement confirming she’s ended her two year relationship with Miller. E News reports that the split was an amicable one with the two remaining close friends, but busy work schedules drove them apart.
 May 12, 2018: SNL after party meet up
According to Us Weekly, Grande and Davidson are spotted hanging out at an SNL after party at Zuma, with Grande spending the whole night with Davidson’s mom. She was later photographed leaving with a cloud shaped cell phone case that looked exactly like the one Davidson has.
  May 16, 2018: Pete and Cazzie break-up
Davidson reveals he’s split with his girlfriend on a Open Late with Peter Rosenberg appearance, calling her a “very talented girl” and explaining that “she’ll be great and she’ll be fine.” According to People when Davidson was asked about his relationship status, he responded, “We’re not together anymore.”
May 20, 2018: Pete supports Ariana at the Billboard Music Awards 
After both confirming the end of their respective relationships, Davidson is caught on film by a fan supporting Grande at the Billboard Music Awards, her first awards show appearance since the horrific Manchester terror attack. A source tells People, “After Ariana’s performance, they were backstage and he had his arm around her, they seemed very lovey-dovey.” Fans later discover a cloud tattoo on Grande’s finger reminiscent of the one Davidson has.
May 21, 2018: The start of something new
News officially breaks that the couple is for sure an item, but according to People, the relationship is still extremely new, labelling it as “very casual”.
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018 : Ariana hits back at fan
After Miller was arrested for a DUI, fans took to twitter to attack Grande, blaming their breakup for his reckless behaviour. In a tweet that has since gone viral, Grande sets the record straight, providing new and intimate details into their “toxic relationship”.
May 25, 2018: Pete defends relationship with Ariana
Following Grande’s epic clap back, Davidson posts a long note of his own to his Instagram story, discussing his mental health, after people criticize Grande for dating someone that has Borderline Personality Disorder.
View this post on Instagram
Okay now they’re just doing it for our benefit. #CommentsByCelebs
A post shared by @ commentsbycelebs on May 25, 2018 at 2:35pm PDT
May 26, 2018: Ariana and Pete get flirty on IG
Grande and Davidson continue to fuel dating rumours, posting super flirty comments on each others IG pics all week, captured by Instagram account CommentsbyCelebs.
May 29, 2018: Ariana supports Pete at comedy show
It’s Grande’s turn to support Davidson as he performs at The Comedy Store in Los Angeles, sharing a snap to her Instagram story of him that she captions with heart eye emojis.
the chamber of secrets has been opened …
A post shared by Pete Davidson (@petedavidson) on May 30, 2018 at 10:00am PDT
May 30, 2018: The relationship is officially confirmed
The duo finally make it Instagram official, posting a homage pic to Harry Potter. Davidson’s caption is “the chamber of secrets has been opened”, possibly alluding that their relationship is outed. Grande commented, “U tryna Slytherin (I’m deleting my account now).”
  View this post on Instagram
We had a good night.
A post shared by L O N D O N R E E S E (@londonreese) on Jun 2, 2018 at 9:48am PDT
Davidson shows his love for Grande in a permanent way, getting two Grande themed tattoos; one referencing her Dangerous Woman bunny ears and the other showcasing the singer’s initials “AG”.  Davidson’s tattoo artist, London Reese, says “Pete loves him some Ariana” on his Instagram story.
June 2, 2018: Pete gets two Ariana themed tattoos
Photography by Kevin Mazur/Getty
June 2, 2018: Ariana photographed wearing her engagement ring
Long before their engagement was officially confirmed, Grande was pictured backstage at Wango Tango wearing the $93,000 sparkler.
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) June 12, 2018
June 11, 2018: Ariana and Pete are reportedly engaged
Reports begin to surface that the two are engaged, with Grande fanning the rumour mill with her Twitter activity. Us Weekly states, ” They are looking forward to a very long engagement together”, with People reporting, “It’s a recent engagement. They’re just two people who found love quickly and make each other happy all the time.”
u know what you’d dream it be like ? it’s better than that
A post shared by Pete Davidson (@petedavidson) on Jun 15, 2018 at 12:16pm PDT
June 15, 2018: Pete confirms their engagement
Davidson confirms the engagement on IG, with a post that shows off Grande’s massive ring.
‘pete’ !
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) June 18, 2018
June 19, 2018: A song about Pete
While talking to fans on twitter, Grande reveals new details about her upcoming album Sweetener, explaining she made a last minute addition to the album with the song named Pete.
ariana, pete and a few of their friends got matching H2GKMO (honest to god knock me out) tattoos! hopefully we get a picture of pete’s soon #arianagrande #petedavidson #petiana #peteiana #grandson
A post shared by ariana grande & pete davidson (@peteandariana) on Jun 18, 2018 at 1:19pm PDT
June 20, 2018: Matching tattoos round #2
Grande and Davidson get more matching tattoos, this time of H2GKMO (honest to God knock me out), posting a video to Instagram showing them off.
Tonight Pete Davidson confirms his engagement to Ariana Grande. Here's a sneak peek. Tune in to #FallonTonight for the full interview. pic.twitter.com/NjxmZ2njgR
— Fallon Tonight (@FallonTonight) June 20, 2018
June 21, 2018: Pete talks about engagement on Jimmy Fallon 
Davidson appears on Jimmy Fallon, describing his engagement as “winning a contest.”
June 26, 2018: Happy Birthday Ariana
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any cuter, Davidson posts the sweetest birthday message for Grande, calling her “the most precious angel.”
Photograph courtesy of Robert Kamau/ GC Images
July 2, 2018: Tattoo tribute to Pete’s late father
Grande debuts a new foot tattoo “8418”, which was the badge number of Davidson’s late father who was a firefighter and passed away during the September 11 terrorist attacks in NYC.
July 5,2018: Ariana addresses Pete’s Manchester joke
At a stand-up show last fall—well before the couple linked up—Pete Davidson made a joke about the Manchester Arena bombing that killed 22 patrons at an Ariana Grande concert. Essentially, the joke was that the horrific incident lead Grande to realize how famous she was, because “Britney Spears didn’t have a terrorist attack at her concert.” (Poor taste, we know.)
With the joke resurfacing on the web, Ariana finally felt she needed to comment. In a since deleted tweet, she wrote: “this has been v tough & conflicting on my heart. he uses comedy to help ppl feel better ab how f-ed up things in this world are. we all deal w trauma differently. I of course didn’t find it funny. it was months ago & his intention wasn’t/ is never malicious but it was unfortunate.”
July 23, 2018: Pete deletes all his Instagrams
When Pete Davidson wiped his Instagram account Monday — deleting ALL traces of his beloved fiancé — the Internet started freaking out. Which, after a few short hours in the dark, prompted the comedian to return to the platform to clear up a few things.
“No there’s nothing wrong. No nothing happened. No there’s nothing cryptic about anything,” he explained on Instagram Stories. “I just don’t wanna be on Instagram anymore. Or on any social media platform. The internet is an evil place and it doesn’t make me feel good. Why should I spend any time on negative energy when my real life is fucking lit. The fact that I even have to say this proves my point. I love you all and I’m sure I’ll be back at some point.”
Davidson’s departure from social media seems to have rubbed off on Grande, who responded to a fan saying that she’s also taking a step back from Twitter and Instagram. “Just sometimes can’t help but bump into some negative shit that really can bum u out,” she wrote on Monday, “and it’s not worth it honestly.”
yeh ! i’m prolly gonna post on der for a little while & take a breather from twitter & ig for a little. just sometimes can’t help but bump into some negative shit that really can bum u out and it’s not worth it honestly. promised i’d always tell you. i love u sm ! be well & happy
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) July 23, 2018
TBH, we’re really going to miss those gross PDA comments you guys leave on each other’s photos.
August 15, 2018: Pete tosses a wrench in our timeline
Okay, so this timeline might be even shorter than we initially thought. When Pete Davidson was interviewed for GQ‘s September issue, he revealed: “The day I met her, I was like, ‘Hey, I’ll marry you tomorrow. She was calling my bluff. I sent her a picture [of engagement rings]. I was like, ‘Do you like any of these?’ She was like, ‘Those are my favourite ones,’ and I was like, ‘Sick.'” The ring he settled on? A 3-carat pear diamond ring — worth $93,000.
October 14, 2018: Pete and Ariana call off the engagement
Well, it seems another one of our young Hollywood relationship timelines has come to its end. A source has confirmed to TMZ that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have split after five months of dating, calling of their short engagement. “We’re told the two still have love for each other,” TMZ shared, “but things are over romantically.”
November 1, 2018: Pete jokes about his engagement on SNL
In a new Saturday Night Live promo, Davidson jokingly proposes to musical guest, singer Maggie Rogers. “Hey Maggie, I’m Pete. You wanna get married?” Pete asks.
“No,” Rogers says shaking her head.
“0-for-three,” Davidson says to the camera.
November 1, 2018: Ariana tweets (& deletes) shade at Pete
Then, in what is perceived to be a subtweet at Davidson, Grande tweeted and deleted: “For somebody who claims to hate relevancy u sure love clinging to it huh.”
Ariana Grande just subtweeted Pete Davidson and then said “thank u, next.” pic.twitter.com/WLkNahvwnR
— Ryan Schocket (@RyanSchocket) November 2, 2018
0 notes
jessicakehoe · 6 years
Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Have Called Off Their Engagement
Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have become one of the most talked about celebrity couples, melting hearts worldwide with their adorable social media love fest.
When news broke that Mac Miller and Ariana Grande had officially broken up, fans were devastated, but no one could have predicted the whirlwind romance that would soon follow the end of their longterm relationship. Since then, there’s been multiple matching tattoos, cloud-shaped phone cases, and NSFW tweets (which have since been deleted) about Pete’s manhood.
From their initial meeting on Saturday Night Live to a surprise quickie engagement, here’s a play by play of everything that’s happened in this roller coaster ride of a relationship.
 March 12, 2016: Ariana and Pete meet on Saturday Night Live
Grande and Davidson first meet on the set of Saturday Night Live, where she appeared as the host and musical guest, but both are in relationships with other people at the time; Grande is with longterm boyfriend Mac Miller and Davidson is dating Cazzie David.
Omg it's true 🥀 if they're both happy then it makes me happy. ~ @arianagrande #arianagrande #arianagrandebutera #maciana #arianagrandemacmiller #arianator #arianators #arianaarmy #tinyelephant #sweeteneriscoming
A post shared by taking a lil break / offline (@greedybuteragrande) on May 10, 2018 at 10:50am PDT
May 9, 2018: Ariana confirms split from Mac Miller
Grande shocks fans when she releases an emotional and vulnerable statement confirming she’s ended her two year relationship with Miller. E News reports that the split was an amicable one with the two remaining close friends, but busy work schedules drove them apart.
 May 12, 2018: SNL after party meet up
According to Us Weekly, Grande and Davidson are spotted hanging out at an SNL after party at Zuma, with Grande spending the whole night with Davidson’s mom. She was later photographed leaving with a cloud shaped cell phone case that looked exactly like the one Davidson has.
  May 16, 2018: Pete and Cazzie break-up
Davidson reveals he’s split with his girlfriend on a Open Late with Peter Rosenberg appearance, calling her a “very talented girl” and explaining that “she’ll be great and she’ll be fine.” According to People when Davidson was asked about his relationship status, he responded, “We’re not together anymore.”
May 20, 2018: Pete supports Ariana at the Billboard Music Awards 
After both confirming the end of their respective relationships, Davidson is caught on film by a fan supporting Grande at the Billboard Music Awards, her first awards show appearance since the horrific Manchester terror attack. A source tells People, “After Ariana’s performance, they were backstage and he had his arm around her, they seemed very lovey-dovey.” Fans later discover a cloud tattoo on Grande’s finger reminiscent of the one Davidson has.
May 21, 2018: The start of something new
News officially breaks that the couple is for sure an item, but according to People, the relationship is still extremely new, labelling it as “very casual”.
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018 : Ariana hits back at fan
After Miller was arrested for a DUI, fans took to twitter to attack Grande, blaming their breakup for his reckless behaviour. In a tweet that has since gone viral, Grande sets the record straight, providing new and intimate details into their “toxic relationship”.
May 25, 2018: Pete defends relationship with Ariana
Following Grande’s epic clap back, Davidson posts a long note of his own to his Instagram story, discussing his mental health, after people criticize Grande for dating someone that has Borderline Personality Disorder.
View this post on Instagram
Okay now they’re just doing it for our benefit. #CommentsByCelebs
A post shared by @ commentsbycelebs on May 25, 2018 at 2:35pm PDT
May 26, 2018: Ariana and Pete get flirty on IG
Grande and Davidson continue to fuel dating rumours, posting super flirty comments on each others IG pics all week, captured by Instagram account CommentsbyCelebs.
May 29, 2018: Ariana supports Pete at comedy show
It’s Grande’s turn to support Davidson as he performs at The Comedy Store in Los Angeles, sharing a snap to her Instagram story of him that she captions with heart eye emojis.
the chamber of secrets has been opened …
A post shared by Pete Davidson (@petedavidson) on May 30, 2018 at 10:00am PDT
May 30, 2018: The relationship is officially confirmed
The duo finally make it Instagram official, posting a homage pic to Harry Potter. Davidson’s caption is “the chamber of secrets has been opened”, possibly alluding that their relationship is outed. Grande commented, “U tryna Slytherin (I’m deleting my account now).”
  View this post on Instagram
We had a good night.
A post shared by L O N D O N R E E S E (@londonreese) on Jun 2, 2018 at 9:48am PDT
Davidson shows his love for Grande in a permanent way, getting two Grande themed tattoos; one referencing her Dangerous Woman bunny ears and the other showcasing the singer’s initials “AG”.  Davidson’s tattoo artist, London Reese, says “Pete loves him some Ariana” on his Instagram story.
June 2, 2018: Pete gets two Ariana themed tattoos
Photography by Kevin Mazur/Getty
June 2, 2018: Ariana photographed wearing her engagement ring
Long before their engagement was officially confirmed, Grande was pictured backstage at Wango Tango wearing the $93,000 sparkler.
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) June 12, 2018
June 11, 2018: Ariana and Pete are reportedly engaged
Reports begin to surface that the two are engaged, with Grande fanning the rumour mill with her Twitter activity. Us Weekly states, ” They are looking forward to a very long engagement together”, with People reporting, “It’s a recent engagement. They’re just two people who found love quickly and make each other happy all the time.”
u know what you’d dream it be like ? it’s better than that
A post shared by Pete Davidson (@petedavidson) on Jun 15, 2018 at 12:16pm PDT
June 15, 2018: Pete confirms their engagement
Davidson confirms the engagement on IG, with a post that shows off Grande’s massive ring.
‘pete’ !
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) June 18, 2018
June 19, 2018: A song about Pete
While talking to fans on twitter, Grande reveals new details about her upcoming album Sweetener, explaining she made a last minute addition to the album with the song named Pete.
ariana, pete and a few of their friends got matching H2GKMO (honest to god knock me out) tattoos! hopefully we get a picture of pete’s soon #arianagrande #petedavidson #petiana #peteiana #grandson
A post shared by ariana grande & pete davidson (@peteandariana) on Jun 18, 2018 at 1:19pm PDT
June 20, 2018: Matching tattoos round #2
Grande and Davidson get more matching tattoos, this time of H2GKMO (honest to God knock me out), posting a video to Instagram showing them off.
Tonight Pete Davidson confirms his engagement to Ariana Grande. Here's a sneak peek. Tune in to #FallonTonight for the full interview. pic.twitter.com/NjxmZ2njgR
— Fallon Tonight (@FallonTonight) June 20, 2018
June 21, 2018: Pete talks about engagement on Jimmy Fallon 
Davidson appears on Jimmy Fallon, describing his engagement as “winning a contest.”
June 26, 2018: Happy Birthday Ariana
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any cuter, Davidson posts the sweetest birthday message for Grande, calling her “the most precious angel.”
Photograph courtesy of Robert Kamau/ GC Images
July 2, 2018: Tattoo tribute to Pete’s late father
Grande debuts a new foot tattoo “8418”, which was the badge number of Davidson’s late father who was a firefighter and passed away during the September 11 terrorist attacks in NYC.
July 5,2018: Ariana addresses Pete’s Manchester joke
At a stand-up show last fall—well before the couple linked up—Pete Davidson made a joke about the Manchester Arena bombing that killed 22 patrons at an Ariana Grande concert. Essentially, the joke was that the horrific incident lead Grande to realize how famous she was, because “Britney Spears didn’t have a terrorist attack at her concert.” (Poor taste, we know.)
With the joke resurfacing on the web, Ariana finally felt she needed to comment.
this has been v tough & conflicting on my heart. he uses comedy to help ppl feel better ab how f-ed up things in this world are. we all deal w trauma differently. I of course didn’t find it funny. it was months ago & his intention wasn’t/ is never malicious but it was unfortunate
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) July 5, 2018
July 23, 2018: Pete deletes all his Instagrams
When Pete Davidson wiped his Instagram account Monday — deleting ALL traces of his beloved fiancé — the Internet started freaking out. Which, after a few short hours in the dark, prompted the comedian to return to the platform to clear up a few things.
“No there’s nothing wrong. No nothing happened. No there’s nothing cryptic about anything,” he explained on Instagram Stories. “I just don’t wanna be on Instagram anymore. Or on any social media platform. The internet is an evil place and it doesn’t make me feel good. Why should I spend any time on negative energy when my real life is fucking lit. The fact that I even have to say this proves my point. I love you all and I’m sure I’ll be back at some point.”
Davidson’s departure from social media seems to have rubbed off on Grande, who responded to a fan saying that she’s also taking a step back from Twitter and Instagram. “Just sometimes can’t help but bump into some negative shit that really can bum u out,” she wrote on Monday, “and it’s not worth it honestly.”
yeh ! i’m prolly gonna post on der for a little while & take a breather from twitter & ig for a little. just sometimes can’t help but bump into some negative shit that really can bum u out and it’s not worth it honestly. promised i’d always tell you. i love u sm ! be well & happy
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) July 23, 2018
TBH, we’re really going to miss those gross PDA comments you guys leave on each other’s photos.
August 15, 2018: Pete tosses a wrench in our timeline
Okay, so this timeline might be even shorter than we initially thought. When Pete Davidson was interviewed for GQ‘s September issue, he revealed: “The day I met her, I was like, ‘Hey, I’ll marry you tomorrow. She was calling my bluff. I sent her a picture [of engagement rings]. I was like, ‘Do you like any of these?’ She was like, ‘Those are my favourite ones,’ and I was like, ‘Sick.'” The ring he settled on? A 3-carat pear diamond ring — worth $93,000.
October 14, 2018: Pete and Ariana call off the engagement
Well, it seems another one of our young Hollywood relationship timelines has come to its end. A source has confirmed to TMZ that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have split after five months of dating, calling of their short engagement. “We’re told the two still have love for each other,” TMZ shared, “but things are over romantically.”
iframe.instagram-media { position: static !important; }
The post Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Have Called Off Their Engagement appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Have Called Off Their Engagement published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
‘Celebrity Rehab’ backlash; Richard Marx likens Dr. Drew to Kevorkian
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/celebrity-rehab-backlash-richard-marx-likens-dr-drew-to-kevorkian/
‘Celebrity Rehab’ backlash; Richard Marx likens Dr. Drew to Kevorkian
Singer Richard Marx subsequently deleted the tweet and apologized for going “too far.”
I went too far with the Kevorkian crack. It is, however, my opinion that what Dr. D does is exploitation and his TV track record is not good
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) February 18, 2013
But, his point is something others are bringing up on Twitter today. As we reported this morning, country star Mindy McCready died last night, in an apparent suicide. Her last tweets were haunting, and Twitter quickly rallied to mourn her loss. Her death is now sparking a conversation about Dr. Drew Pinsky and his reality show, “Celebrity Rehab.”
Celebrity Rehab, guys. cc: @drdrew RT @buzzfeednews: Country singer Mindy McCready shot & killed herself tonight, leaving behind 2 boys.
— Jensen Karp (@JensenClan88) February 18, 2013
Ms. McCready appeared on that show, and she isn’t the only cast member who has died.
How many celebrity rehab show patients have died now? At least 4, right?
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) February 18, 2013
It is actually five.
Um did I just read w/McCready’s death that makes five ‘Celebrity Rehab’ deaths? Hopefully that show is no longer airing. Horrible.
— LilMissRightie (F) (@LilMissRightie) February 18, 2013
Mindy McCready is the 5th patient that appeared on ‘Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew’ and later died. @drdrew
— Joe ‘Monk’ Pardavila (@joepardavila) February 18, 2013
“Singer Mindy McCready is the 5th alum of ‘Celebrity Rehab’ to die.” – yhoo.it/YrXKig ~ #PinskyFail
— Adam Baldwin (@adamsbaldwin) February 18, 2013
Three cast members from her season alone have now died.
Mindy McCready is the 5th ‘Celebrity Rehab’ alum to die. The 3rd from her season alone. That’s crazy.
— J (@JessGoesBlue) February 18, 2013
Richard Marx continued to question Dr. Drew’s reality-show-based treatments.
@tannenbaumr Yeah, but any “support” group where 5 members die or kill themselves in less than as many years screams “NEW DOCTOR!”
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) February 18, 2013
@tannenbaumr And any doctor who attaches himself to reality tv is knowingly blurring the lines between treatment and ratings.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) February 18, 2013
Some point out that deaths from drug addiction aren’t suprising, sadly.
yes, 5 of his patients have died since celebrity rehab started – but find me any rehab doctor anywhere who magically cures all his addicts..
— Maggie O’Reilly (@maggieeeo) February 18, 2013
why does everyone get mad at dr. drew when someone from celebrity rehab dies? MOST ADDICTS DIE, PEOPLE. its not his fault.
— Maggie O’Reilly (@maggieeeo) February 18, 2013
@realityblurred I don’t blame Dr. Drew, but I think the show is awful.
— mjsbigblog (@mjsbigblog) February 18, 2013
I don’t think these shows are a good idea, but doubt they make suicide much more likely for these folks: buzzfeed.com/kateaurthur/mi…
— AG (@AG_Conservative) February 18, 2013
Dr. Drew gave a statement to BuzzFeed.
“I am deeply saddened by this awful news. My heart goes out to Mindy’s family and children. She is a lovely woman who will be missed by many. Although I have not treated her for few years, I had reached out to her recently upon hearing about the apparent suicide of her boyfriend and father of her younger children. She was devastated. Although she was fearful of stigma and ridicule she agreed with me that she needed to make her health and safety a priority. Unfortunately it seems that Mindy did not sustain her treatment.
Mental health issues can be life threatening and need to be treated with the same intensity and resources as any other dangerous potentially life threatening medical condition. Treatment is effective. If someone you know is suffering please be sure he or she gets help and maintains treatment.”
Readers can judge the statement for themselves. But, many on Twitter agree with Richard Marx, and question the efficacy of Dr. Drew and his public, reality-show based rehab.
@melissacarter I’m really not sure anymore.He used to be fairly reputable.Then Celebrity rehab happened.
— Leigh Ann (@darkfire007) February 18, 2013
Is it time to unplug ‘Celebrity Rehab’ TV Show? (Mindy McCready’s death makes her the 5th patient to have died after appearing).
— ZipPulse (@ZipPulse) February 18, 2013
. @drdrew is to saving addicts what @gordonramsay01 is to saving restaurants. 140 not enough to hash tag the failures. Mindy McCready latest
— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) February 18, 2013
Mindy McCready’s death offers more proof that Celebrity Rehab isn’t the place to address one’s mental health issues. bit.ly/YhhROj
— Diane Brady (@dianebrady) February 18, 2013
Mindy McCready becomes 5th ‘Celebrity Rehab’ death. What’s up with that @drdrew? Maybe the show isn’t such a great idea…?
— Connie (@SellutionsInc) February 18, 2013
another celeb rehab cast member dies.. I think it’s time to pull the plug on @drdrew ppl with addictions need GOD not to b exploited @drdrew
— I’m coolin (@JeffJohn13) February 18, 2013
Re: #McCready death. 5th celeb rehab celeb to pass. Can’t help but think Dr. Drew may be more effective w/o whoring patients on tv.
— Ken Nahl (@ken_nahl) February 18, 2013
@cbsnews maybe Dr. Drew needs to get more help or just play a doctor rather than being one. Maybe rehab needs to be off air? Rehab and TV 👎
— Taylor Lyon (@gotaylorgo) February 18, 2013
Mindy McCready becomes 5th ‘Celebrity Rehab’ death…it’s as though that entire show is just about publicity.
— Chris Bendlak (@DonZillaInc) February 18, 2013
@etonlinealert stardom and celebrity status is the cause of their condition why exploit their rehab! #DefeatingThePurpose
— Jimmy Hernandez (@CallMeJimH) February 18, 2013
Dear Dr Drew. Since Mindy McCready makes for the 5th #CelebrityRehab death, I don’t think your show is working.#Tragic
— The Kelly McKay Show (@KellyMcKayShow) February 18, 2013
Exploitation for profit at what expense?
Celebrity rehab clearly a joke. 5 participants have died. Making a mockery of people’s problems, selling itto the fools who watch.
— Andrew (@todayhemingway) February 18, 2013
To Ms. McCready’s family, and her two young, and now motherless children, it’s clearly not a joke.
Our prayers continue to be with her loved ones.
My heart goes out to the families who suffer most in the wake of the failure to save souls like Mindy McCready.
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) February 18, 2013
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/02/18/mindy-mccreadys-death-sparks-celebrity-rehab-backlash-richard-marx-likens-dr-drew-to-kevorkian/
0 notes
lindyhunt · 6 years
Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Have Called Off Their Engagement
Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have become one of the most talked about celebrity couples, melting hearts worldwide with their adorable social media love fest.
When news broke that Mac Miller and Ariana Grande had officially broken up, fans were devastated, but no one could have predicted the whirlwind romance that would soon follow the end of their longterm relationship. Since then, there’s been multiple matching tattoos, cloud-shaped phone cases, and NSFW tweets (which have since been deleted) about Pete’s manhood.
From their initial meeting on Saturday Night Live to a surprise quickie engagement, here’s a play by play of everything that’s happened in this roller coaster ride of a relationship.
 March 12, 2016: Ariana and Pete meet on Saturday Night Live
Grande and Davidson first meet on the set of Saturday Night Live, where she appeared as the host and musical guest, but both are in relationships with other people at the time; Grande is with longterm boyfriend Mac Miller and Davidson is dating Cazzie David.
Omg it's true 🥀 if they're both happy then it makes me happy. ~ @arianagrande #arianagrande #arianagrandebutera #maciana #arianagrandemacmiller #arianator #arianators #arianaarmy #tinyelephant #sweeteneriscoming
A post shared by taking a lil break / offline (@greedybuteragrande) on May 10, 2018 at 10:50am PDT
May 9, 2018: Ariana confirms split from Mac Miller
Grande shocks fans when she releases an emotional and vulnerable statement confirming she’s ended her two year relationship with Miller. E News reports that the split was an amicable one with the two remaining close friends, but busy work schedules drove them apart.
 May 12, 2018: SNL after party meet up
According to Us Weekly, Grande and Davidson are spotted hanging out at an SNL after party at Zuma, with Grande spending the whole night with Davidson’s mom. She was later photographed leaving with a cloud shaped cell phone case that looked exactly like the one Davidson has.
  May 16, 2018: Pete and Cazzie break-up
Davidson reveals he’s split with his girlfriend on a Open Late with Peter Rosenberg appearance, calling her a “very talented girl” and explaining that “she’ll be great and she’ll be fine.” According to People when Davidson was asked about his relationship status, he responded, “We’re not together anymore.”
May 20, 2018: Pete supports Ariana at the Billboard Music Awards 
After both confirming the end of their respective relationships, Davidson is caught on film by a fan supporting Grande at the Billboard Music Awards, her first awards show appearance since the horrific Manchester terror attack. A source tells People, “After Ariana’s performance, they were backstage and he had his arm around her, they seemed very lovey-dovey.” Fans later discover a cloud tattoo on Grande’s finger reminiscent of the one Davidson has.
May 21, 2018: The start of something new
News officially breaks that the couple is for sure an item, but according to People, the relationship is still extremely new, labelling it as “very casual”.
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018 : Ariana hits back at fan
After Miller was arrested for a DUI, fans took to twitter to attack Grande, blaming their breakup for his reckless behaviour. In a tweet that has since gone viral, Grande sets the record straight, providing new and intimate details into their “toxic relationship”.
May 25, 2018: Pete defends relationship with Ariana
Following Grande’s epic clap back, Davidson posts a long note of his own to his Instagram story, discussing his mental health, after people criticize Grande for dating someone that has Borderline Personality Disorder.
View this post on Instagram
Okay now they’re just doing it for our benefit. #CommentsByCelebs
A post shared by @ commentsbycelebs on May 25, 2018 at 2:35pm PDT
May 26, 2018: Ariana and Pete get flirty on IG
Grande and Davidson continue to fuel dating rumours, posting super flirty comments on each others IG pics all week, captured by Instagram account CommentsbyCelebs.
May 29, 2018: Ariana supports Pete at comedy show
It’s Grande’s turn to support Davidson as he performs at The Comedy Store in Los Angeles, sharing a snap to her Instagram story of him that she captions with heart eye emojis.
the chamber of secrets has been opened …
A post shared by Pete Davidson (@petedavidson) on May 30, 2018 at 10:00am PDT
May 30, 2018: The relationship is officially confirmed
The duo finally make it Instagram official, posting a homage pic to Harry Potter. Davidson’s caption is “the chamber of secrets has been opened”, possibly alluding that their relationship is outed. Grande commented, “U tryna Slytherin (I’m deleting my account now).”
  View this post on Instagram
We had a good night.
A post shared by L O N D O N R E E S E (@londonreese) on Jun 2, 2018 at 9:48am PDT
Davidson shows his love for Grande in a permanent way, getting two Grande themed tattoos; one referencing her Dangerous Woman bunny ears and the other showcasing the singer’s initials “AG”.  Davidson’s tattoo artist, London Reese, says “Pete loves him some Ariana” on his Instagram story.
June 2, 2018: Pete gets two Ariana themed tattoos
Photography by Kevin Mazur/Getty
June 2, 2018: Ariana photographed wearing her engagement ring
Long before their engagement was officially confirmed, Grande was pictured backstage at Wango Tango wearing the $93,000 sparkler.
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) June 12, 2018
June 11, 2018: Ariana and Pete are reportedly engaged
Reports begin to surface that the two are engaged, with Grande fanning the rumour mill with her Twitter activity. Us Weekly states, ” They are looking forward to a very long engagement together”, with People reporting, “It’s a recent engagement. They’re just two people who found love quickly and make each other happy all the time.”
u know what you’d dream it be like ? it’s better than that
A post shared by Pete Davidson (@petedavidson) on Jun 15, 2018 at 12:16pm PDT
June 15, 2018: Pete confirms their engagement
Davidson confirms the engagement on IG, with a post that shows off Grande’s massive ring.
‘pete’ !
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) June 18, 2018
June 19, 2018: A song about Pete
While talking to fans on twitter, Grande reveals new details about her upcoming album Sweetener, explaining she made a last minute addition to the album with the song named Pete.
ariana, pete and a few of their friends got matching H2GKMO (honest to god knock me out) tattoos! hopefully we get a picture of pete’s soon #arianagrande #petedavidson #petiana #peteiana #grandson
A post shared by ariana grande & pete davidson (@peteandariana) on Jun 18, 2018 at 1:19pm PDT
June 20, 2018: Matching tattoos round #2
Grande and Davidson get more matching tattoos, this time of H2GKMO (honest to God knock me out), posting a video to Instagram showing them off.
Tonight Pete Davidson confirms his engagement to Ariana Grande. Here's a sneak peek. Tune in to #FallonTonight for the full interview. pic.twitter.com/NjxmZ2njgR
— Fallon Tonight (@FallonTonight) June 20, 2018
June 21, 2018: Pete talks about engagement on Jimmy Fallon 
Davidson appears on Jimmy Fallon, describing his engagement as “winning a contest.”
June 26, 2018: Happy Birthday Ariana
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any cuter, Davidson posts the sweetest birthday message for Grande, calling her “the most precious angel.”
Photograph courtesy of Robert Kamau/ GC Images
July 2, 2018: Tattoo tribute to Pete’s late father
Grande debuts a new foot tattoo “8418”, which was the badge number of Davidson’s late father who was a firefighter and passed away during the September 11 terrorist attacks in NYC.
July 5,2018: Ariana addresses Pete’s Manchester joke
At a stand-up show last fall—well before the couple linked up—Pete Davidson made a joke about the Manchester Arena bombing that killed 22 patrons at an Ariana Grande concert. Essentially, the joke was that the horrific incident lead Grande to realize how famous she was, because “Britney Spears didn’t have a terrorist attack at her concert.” (Poor taste, we know.)
With the joke resurfacing on the web, Ariana finally felt she needed to comment.
this has been v tough & conflicting on my heart. he uses comedy to help ppl feel better ab how f-ed up things in this world are. we all deal w trauma differently. I of course didn’t find it funny. it was months ago & his intention wasn’t/ is never malicious but it was unfortunate
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) July 5, 2018
July 23, 2018: Pete deletes all his Instagrams
When Pete Davidson wiped his Instagram account Monday — deleting ALL traces of his beloved fiancé — the Internet started freaking out. Which, after a few short hours in the dark, prompted the comedian to return to the platform to clear up a few things.
“No there’s nothing wrong. No nothing happened. No there’s nothing cryptic about anything,” he explained on Instagram Stories. “I just don’t wanna be on Instagram anymore. Or on any social media platform. The internet is an evil place and it doesn’t make me feel good. Why should I spend any time on negative energy when my real life is fucking lit. The fact that I even have to say this proves my point. I love you all and I’m sure I’ll be back at some point.”
Davidson’s departure from social media seems to have rubbed off on Grande, who responded to a fan saying that she’s also taking a step back from Twitter and Instagram. “Just sometimes can’t help but bump into some negative shit that really can bum u out,” she wrote on Monday, “and it’s not worth it honestly.”
yeh ! i’m prolly gonna post on der for a little while & take a breather from twitter & ig for a little. just sometimes can’t help but bump into some negative shit that really can bum u out and it’s not worth it honestly. promised i’d always tell you. i love u sm ! be well & happy
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) July 23, 2018
TBH, we’re really going to miss those gross PDA comments you guys leave on each other’s photos.
August 15, 2018: Pete tosses a wrench in our timeline
Okay, so this timeline might be even shorter than we initially thought. When Pete Davidson was interviewed for GQ‘s September issue, he revealed: “The day I met her, I was like, ‘Hey, I’ll marry you tomorrow. She was calling my bluff. I sent her a picture [of engagement rings]. I was like, ‘Do you like any of these?’ She was like, ‘Those are my favourite ones,’ and I was like, ‘Sick.'” The ring he settled on? A 3-carat pear diamond ring — worth $93,000.
October 14, 2018: Pete and Ariana call off the engagement
Well, it seems another one of our young Hollywood relationship timelines has come to its end. A source has confirmed to TMZ that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have split after five months of dating, calling of their short engagement. “We’re told the two still have love for each other,” TMZ shared, “but things are over romantically.”
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