#anyways he basically encouraged me to leave the dorms. GIRL that is scary no thank u. but he also said he was gonna keep up w me
minglana · 8 months
i technically went to a therapist today and i have. so many thoughts
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tbr-agency · 4 years
best friends.
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summary ⟶ Yugyeom is curious about what’s going to happen when everything regarding the ‘sasaeng fan’ issue is over.
timeline ⟶ September 2018
characters : Yoon Hyunji (The Bloody Roses), Kim Yugyeom (Got7)
warning ⟶ mention of blood
❝ What's with the long face? ❞ 
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The girls were in the dining room, listening to the meeting through their laptops. Apparently, there was an emergency meeting and their company executives were nice enough to do the meeting with the girls via face time.
To summaries what the executives were discussing, there were no threats so far as their own under-covers in the company were working smoothly catching the sasaeng fans one by one, thanks to the girls updating the company regarding what they see in their everyday basis.
So, the girls' job was now to keep an eye on Got7 still.
"We can't keep our guard down still," said Ahrin as she closed the laptop.
"Finally, I can go to—
"No." Ahrin and Chaeun said in unison, earning a pout from Haejin.
"I'm gonna tell Jb that you are going to the club," warned Eunhee and Haejin glared towards her, as the girl sat down while folding her arms in defeat. 
Ahrin smiled amusedly towards the bickering girls.
Hyunji looks at the time as she remembered that she had a schedule with Yugyeom, as she quickly goes up to her room, quickly changing her clothes not knowing Nara was there, leaning against the door.
"Schedule with Yugyeom?" questioned Nara and Hyunji nodded, grabbing her phone.
"Need a ride?" offered Nara and Hyunji shakes her head, then hugging Nara.
"I know you want to see Bambam." winked Hyunji and Nara frowns, walking beside the younger one.
"Look who's talking!"
"I have a schedule with him! I'll see you later!" Hyunji ran towards the main door, waving towards Nara, and before the older one could say anything, she was replied by the door closing loudly.
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"Do you want any drinks, Hyunji?" Jinyoung yelled from the kitchen, as she was sitting awkwardly at the sofa of Gpt7′s dorm.
"I-It's okay, oppa! Thank you!" replied Hyunji, hearing a chuckle from Jinyoung.
A few minutes later, Jaebeom and Bambam came out, looking surprised.
"Oh! Hyunji-ah!" Bambam waved towards her, earning a small smile from Hyunji.
"Waiting for Yugyeom?" Jaebeom questioned and Hyunji nodded.
"How's Haejin? Did she still go to the club?" asked Jaebeom, and Hyunji could see the older man was a concern. Hyunji can't help but let out a teasing smile.
"Nearly went, but we threaten her that if she goes there, we will tell you," explained Hyunji with an amused smile, earning a chuckle from Jaebeom as he shakes his head.
Hyunji checks her phone, as she frowns, already planning to scold the taller one later. Yugyeom was already 10 minutes late.
Seeing Hyunji's expression, Jaebeom quickly ran towards Yugyeom's room, to hear lots of bickering, and finally, the taller one finally got out of his room.
Hyunji stook up with crossed arms, feeling a little upset.
"Yah.. You made her wait for 30 minutes.." Jinyoung came out of the kitchen, looking at the younger one with an unhappy expression.
Hyunji sighs as she shakes her head. "It's okay, Jinyoung oppa... C'mon Yugyeom.. We have to go.." said Hyunji simply, grabbing Yugyeom's hand tightly while dragging him out.
"Have a safe trip, kids!" yelled Jaebeom and a sigh from Jinyoung.
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"I'm sorry, Hyunji." Yugyeom said softly, though Hyunji's eyes were on the road.
"It's okay, Yugyeom. Just text me next time if you are going to be late, okay?" Hyunji turned towards Yugyeom with a slight smile, and Yugyeom let out a sigh of relief, thinking the girl was going to be mad.
"Why are you late anyway?" questioned Hyunji curiously, and that's when Yugyeom froze. There was a reason why he was late, which is he didn't know what to wear.
For the first time, he goes blank on what outfits he is going to wear off for his individual schedule, and who or what might cause him to go blank?
His bodyguard.
"Well... I don't know what to wear.." Yugyeom said timidly, earning a weird frown from Hyunji.
"I don't know what to wear okay! I- I don't know what to wear.. to show my fans!" stuttered Yugyeom, and Hyunji can't help but let out a soft smile.
"The fans will go crazy whatever you wear, Yugyeom. Trust me, if you dress up as a ghost, they will probably say you are a handsome ghost." joked Hyunji and he felt his cheeks going red.
"How do I look, Hyunji? Honestly.." Yugyeom asked as he turned towards Hyunji, and coincidentally, the traffic light turned red and Hyunji quickly looked towards what Yugyeom was wearing.
A headband, black jeans, loose sleeveless shirt.
If Hyunji could honestly speak her mind, she would say that Yugyeom is sexy.
"Handsome," Hyunji said simply, avoiding Yugyeom's eyes as he felt him looking at her intensely. A wide smile appeared on Yugyeom's face.
"Thank you. You look h— Pretty too.." Yugyeom almost spoke truthfully, and Hyunji raised an eyebrow, swearing she could hear him almost saying 'hot'.
"Your welcome, but try not to get a nip-slip during the broadcast, Gyeom."
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Sitting in a corner of the room where the bean bag is, Hyunji looked around the studio. It was dark and neon-ish. What's cooler is that there were air-con and a mini-fridge.
Not as cooler as where the girls are living.
Curiosity killed the cat, Hyunji opened the mini-fridge to fill with different kinds of drink.
There were bottles of plain water, cans of beers, and a bottle of wine.
Hyunji was kind of thirsty, and seeing Yugyeom already in the middle of the v-live broadcast, she decided to grab the wine glass and plain water. She had the urge to drink the beer, but she will be driving.
Seeing Yugyeom talking to the camera was fascinating. He was very cute, showing aegyo here and there, answering the fans' questions. No wonder the fans adored him as the maknae of the group.
Hyunji decided to check on her phone, going through the old messages of the main chat of the company.
It seems that there was a date that the company had set where the company will hold its annual party, celebrating and also encouraging the staff that they had work hard for the year.
This time, the star will be the 7 of them which Hyunji loudly sigh. 
To distract herself to avoid being mad, Hyunji decided to watch videos of them during their trainee days, where they would always go to the gym cage, not knowing an hour has passed.
Yugyeom ended the broadcast with a wave to the camera, quickly ending the v-live and checking it one more time if he had ended it. 
Once he had ended the broadcast, Yugyeom updated his manager and within a minute, he received a message from his manager that he is free to go home.
Noticing that his surroundings had gone quite, Yugyeom turned around and he was about to call Hyunji when he quickly covers his mouth, then letting out a soft smile.
Hyunji was asleep, her head leaning at the side with her phone at her hand.
Yugyeom quietly went towards her, as he gently put her strands of hair that was blocking her face, behind her ear. Hyunji looked peacefully asleep and Yugyeom didn't have the heart to wake her up.
So, he decided to take her phone to put it on the table so that his bodyguard can sleep comfortably, but his plan failed.
Hyunji's hand quickly grabbed onto Yugyeom's hand, and he let out a small gasp, seeing Hyunji frowning deeply, looking a little scary.
Realizing the situation, Hyunji widens her eyes as she quickly let go of her grip.
"I'm so sorry!" said Hyunji, feeling guilty and Yugyeom chuckle, seeing how fast Hyunji's expression turned to soft.
"Ouch." cried Yugyeom playfully, as he rubbed his wrist.
"I know! I'm sorry!" whine Hyunji, earning more laughter from Yugyeom. Hyunji can't help but glare towards the taller one realizing that he was making fun of her.
"Okay, now you are just making fun of me." Hyunji slightly pouted and Yugyeom let out a grin then pinching her cheeks.
Seeing Yugyeom laughing finally made Hyunji realized that somehow, she has opened up to him.
There was a rule that the 7 girls had somehow promised to keep, which is not letting their guard down, as in there was a wall between the idols and the bodyguards.
No deep talks, no talking about the body guard's personal life and no visible affection towards each other.
The rules that were listed down were basically no use because the girls had probably done all of that ever since Haejin founded Jaebeom in the club or they found each other.
But Hyunji knows it was impossible because the 7 guys were somehow slowly becoming more attached to them.
The same goes for Got7 but they didn't know that the girls had that kind of mindset.
"What's with the long face?" Yugyeom's voice suddenly brought Hyunji to reality as she shakes her head, just brushing off her thoughts.
"You can always speak to me or Bambam, you know. We are friends." offered Yugyeom and Hyunji looked away with a smile on her face.
"I think it's the opposite. You can always talk to me if you have any problem, Gyeom, and yes, we are friends."
"Best friends?"
"If you want to." shrugged Hyunji, earning a wide smile from him.
"I'm happy nowadays, maybe because I have you by my side," Yugyeom said timidly, with a shy smile and Hyunji raise an eyebrow. 
Did Got7's Yugyeom just indirectly flirt with his bodyguard?
"That's great. I might have to kick some asses if anyone bullies you or make you uncomfortable." teased Hyunji as she looks at Yugyeom.
"Well, maybe you could kick Jinyoung hyu—
"I'll kick anyone's asses except for the other Got7 members. I love them." Hyunji retreated and Yugyeom immediately frowns hearing what she said.
"You love the hyungs but you don't love me? Are you kidding me?" Yugyeom playfully gasps, as if he was heartbroken and Hyunji roll her eyes.
Hyunji playfully glared towards Yugyeom and less than a minute, they started laughing together.
"Hyunji-ah, can I ask something?" questioned Yugyeom curiously and Hyunji gestured him to continue.
"What happens when everything is over? Are you going to leave us?"
That's when Hyunji strangely felt like her heart was broken into pieces. The thought of it made her somehow turned bitter, as she quickly let out a small smile because, in honesty, it's been a great a month and a half being Yugyeom's bodyguard.
There was a lot of running and catching, making it hard for Hyunji to guard him, but Hyunji had never once complained to Ahrin or her other members nor the companies. She would always tell the others that she had fun.
The girls even noticed that ever since Hyunji is being partnered with Yugyeom, the girl changed a lot. She rarely turned mad, compared to her old self. Hyunji was always smiling and laughing, especially when there are Bambam and Nara.
Hyunji looked towards Yugyeom, staring at him for a good minute, earning a confused look from Yugyeom.
"I don't know, Gyeom. But I can 100% assure you that we will still be best friends."
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masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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