artaline · 2 years
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high stakes
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heheheku · 8 months
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newhorizonsxiv · 11 months
What was your first heartbreak, and what happened? (Ghislain)
"Can't break something you don't have, hmm?" Ghislain gives a wink and a smile before walking away. ((OOC actual answer since this is something the character would absolutely not talk about himself but his first heartbreak came when his parents sold him to House Malveaux. Prior to that he'd had his heart set on joining the clergy and escaping from the Brume into a quiet ascetic scholar's life. The loss of that dream was the first genuine heartbreak. Thanks for the ask. ))
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svperluminous · 4 years
Attention Dragon Prince shippers!
Today is the first day of spring and I decided to make a shipping poll to see which ships are popular in the fandom. I will be collecting responses from March 1 until March 31, closing the poll at 10PM (22:00) CET. I will later present the results on tumblr tagged as #tdp-ship-poll.
The poll consists of three questions: what ships you ship, what your favorite ship is, and how old you are. You may choose to ignore the last question - I'm just curious if there's a correlation between the age of the characters shipped and that of the people who ship them.
I spent the last couple of days going through tumblr and ao3 to find any ships I didn’t know about and these make up the list you see in the poll. I don’t know if I got all the ship names correctly - some ships had more than one and I just chose what sounded best. I’m sure there are some ships I missed. If that happens to be a ship that you like - I would be happy if you added it as one of your ships under the option “Other”. If you ship characters with yourself or your OC’s, add the entry as “[character’s name] x me” and “[character name x OC]. Cross-fandom ships are also acceptable.  
Without further ado - let’s start this poll!
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 3
(Info about the event) (List of participating ships) (2CD results) (Full tournament table)
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We have finally entered round 3 out of 7! We’re down to 32 ships (out of the original 128).
Here are some new things:
I made a smaller tournament table, which is way easier to follow. I will update it starting with round 3 and will include a link in every new post. I will continue to update the full table as well.
I also made a tournament table with ship pictures! It also starts from round 3. I made it, cos it looks fun c”:
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(bigger version)
There’s also an extra question in the voting form - I’m curious to know which social media platforms people see the link to the form most often and least often. And how different platforms vote. The question is voluntary and I’m only asking it for more fandom statistics.
And finally - those of you who want to play around and make your own predictions for the tournament can download the google spreadsheet file from my google drive. It’s basically the same file as the new tournament table.
If you have any questions - don’t hesitate to contact me! ^u^
The voting will close on Monday, 13 July, 2020 at:
03:00 (3AM) PDT
06:00  (6AM) EDT
12:00 (12PM) CEST
17:00 (5PM) ICT
Click here to check for your time zone.
As usual, the pictures of participating ships are under cut:
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draw-eat-repeat · 4 years
Okay, so Viren somehow create a spell that let him transfer his mind through time, and first thing he does is tries to save Harrow. But king, as stubborn as he is, never let him because he want to stop "cycle of violence". After few attempts Viren understand that time-spell uses his own life as it's source and bigger jumps takes more life out of him. His condition gets worse and worse with every use. Viren tries and tries again, calculating every move and event, only to hit dead end once again. In every jump he learns new things that he wasn't noticing before like how little attention he paid to his son or that Harrow hides how much more Sarai's death hurt him. He feels that next attempt gonna be his last and after spending a lot of time on a new plan. Finishing it, he uses spell one more time and get not to long before events with lava golem. His last plan was to find alternative solution and change Sarai's fate. He succeeded and now everything is better than ever. With knowledge of future he fix approaching problems on their root and now there no hunger,no mourns, no kill, no assassination and Katolis is living its best year. Viren even feels sad that he will enjoy this peaceful time only for next two weeks.
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veerahy · 7 years
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raylendaerthe · 6 years
Means to an End
The Captain’s cabin was quiet save for the distant lapping of water against the hull outside. The soft red glow of colored candles accented the room, each of them settled meticulously in a large circle with the Captain himself settled in the center. The dark-skinned elf sat seiza-style, knees bent with his lower legs folded beneath him, palms resting on his thighs. In front of him sat that enigmatic black book, its cover opened to a random inkless page. He’d been there for hours, sitting in silent meditation, eyes fluttering this way and that behind their closed lids.
“Shepherd of Shadows, Disciple of Death, hear my plea. A soul untended needs your aid.”
He’d been repeating the ancient chant for hours in his mind, ears flickering for any noise, change in temperature, or irregular subconscious tick. A wind blew calmly outside the cabin, the ambience of the sea air allowing him to settle into a more focused state.
“Shepherd of Shadows, Disciple of Death, hear my plea. A so-”
And like that, his ears popped. His eyes flickered open to see only inky blackness. He was still in the Captain’s Cabin, he knew it. But his mind was elsewhere. It felt as though his subconscious had been snatched and tossed to another plane. Before him sat another elf in the same seiza-style meditation pose, knees bent into black nothingness. He wore a frayed robe and his hair was braided in the style of the ancient Highborne.
“Your dedication is praiseworthy, Lord D’aerthe.”
The figures mouth didn’t move nor did his eyes open, yet Raylen knew that it was his voice. Who else’s could it have been?”
“I, uh, thanks?” was all he could manage, still gathering his thoughts to realize just where the fuck he was.
The figure flickered a knowing smile. “I was hoping it would be a bit longer before we spoke. You’re turning out to be quite the bearer. I’ve not seen such tenacity since I myself was the bearer.”
“You’re talking about the book, right?” Raylen tilts his head to the side, eyeing the figure up and down. The figure was silent, but Raylen needed no confirmation of that fact.
“What is it you need of me, Bregan D’aerthe? I’m quite the busy being, as you know.” Ray’s brow furrows as he remembers exactly why he spent so many hours chanting what he thought to be melodramatic bullshit.
“There is one, an elf who seeks to reclaim death’s earning; A soul rightfully claimed. The soul’s name was Virray, and her pursuer is relentless.” 
The figure sits silent for a few moments. “I see. The Shadowlands are no place for the living. That in itself is a perversion of the cycle. But as I’m sure you know, there are many who try, and many whom my duty it is to stop. Why should I prioritize this one over the others, hm?”
Raylen winced. He knew that one was coming. Well, nothing risked nothing gained. “If you safeguard her, then I’ll grant you the permission you need to walk the living world again. I’ll be your vessel.”
The figures eyes open, a glowing and radiant crimson emanating from the sockets. “My time has come and gone, Lord D’aerthe. What desire would I have to use you as a vessel?”
Raylen’s golden gaze flickers over the figure. “The order is a perversion of what it once was. A cult that worships the ‘Highfather’ and does his bidding. Help me bring it back to the old ways. You and I are the only ones left on the path.”
The figure once again sits silently, it’s piercing gaze lingering on Raylen for what felt like an eternity.
“Very well. I was hoping your time with the teachings would allow you to handle this on your own, but there is legitimacy in your words. I’ll find the one called Virray and protect her. And in return you’ll grant me permission to use you as a vessel. Begone, I’ll contact you when the deed is done.”
And just like that, Raylen was back in the Captain’s cabin, surrounded by the candles which had long since extinguished. The sun had begun peeking over the horizon. What would it be like to be a prisoner inside his own flesh? The elf shuddered at the thought, but he realized it was necessary. A means to an end.
Tags: @remnants-of-winter @izeraxaxas
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a-drift-at-sea · 7 years
Ending - 1/3
The morning came far too soon, sooner than she'd wish. Her back was to Gen, who quietly snoozed with the covers bundled up at his waist. His arm was removed from her hips carefully, slow and steady to not wake him so that she could remove herself from the bed. Myst's hands moved up, collecting her wild sapphire locks and pulling them into a loose bun, just to get the strands out of her face. She sat at the edge of the bed, hands rubbing at her exposed thighs. Those mismatched eyes were fixated on the ground, a shaky breath pressing from her as her hands collected betwixt her knees. Her body sunk forward, head bowed as she collected her thoughts. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, she rose from the bed and moved into the living room to don her armor. The doing of clasps, fixing the sheathes of her blades to her back.. it all seemed slower than usual as her hands shook and mind strayed from the task. After a good fifteen minutes of fumbling with her things, she had the leather situated, blades strapped down to their harness. Myst leaned into the doorway of the bedroom, taking it what would be her final glance of him, at peace in his sleep. Tears stung at her eyes as she turned her back from the room and started towards her desk, silent as could be. Her hands lofted the quill that had sat in the ink well over night, tapping the end of it once or twice into the ink before it pressed down onto the parchment that was there.
My Light,
You're wondering what went wrong.. where I am, if I'll be returning - why didnt I wake you? It's best we leave the details to the unknown, it will be best for the both of us. This - me leaving - isn't because of you. It's been coming for a long time, I knew what I was up against and I made my last days worth living. I had you, and Virray.. I had a true family, you have shown me what it means to be loved, what it means to be in love, what it means to have a purpose. You are my purpose.. you always will be, Malfoy. I love you to the end of time, you mean so much to me, but I cannot give you the world.. and I am sorry for that. You deserve the best, you deserve all those people that love and adore you. I only wish I could be there, like I promised, the time you drew your last breath. After everyone had died.. I promised it would be us. I'm sorry I cannot uphold that promise. I kept a lot from you. I kept so many secrets, I didn't let you in and I am sorry. This does not make sense, I know. It will soon enough, I promise. I cannot tell you when I'll be back.. or if I'll be the same person when I do. If.. something happens, you will know. Please do not look for me. Please do not hunt them down. Live, be happy. Please don't forget about Virray, she loves you dearly - check up on her, take her out.. please don't turn her away because she reminds you of me. Embrace her. You need her as much as she needs you. The home is yours, if you wish to stay. You deserve more than what you had at the shop.
I know you'll have questions, I have someone that can tell you everything.. his name is Malirus, if I happen to not make it, he will send you my soulstone. Please keep it safe. When he does bring it to you, he will answer as many questions as he can, perhaps allow some closure if you will listen. He is not the enemy, do not get mad at him, do not get frustrated.. he'll do anything in his power to help. Be safe, I love you.
Myst rose from her desk, lifting the parchment up and to the side to reveal another page, where she would begin writing again. Ena,I asked you not to leave, yet here I go abandoning you. I'm sorry, but I cannot be all that you wanted me to be. I'm not who you think I am, I am not some simple assassin with a habit for killing and eating flesh. Your answers will come soon enough, I promise. Stick to the shadows and be safe. N The letter was folded up as her quill was placed back into the well, leaving the one for Gen open on her desk for him to find. A shaky breath left her, sending a fleeting glance to the bedroom before she moved towards the door. Her hand lingered on the knob, forehead meeting the wood as she collected herself. When the door was opened, the action was swift and silent, closed behind her as she stepped out into the early morning light. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. @wrath-gar
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kayawagner · 6 years
Raam Scoria
Publisher: The World Anvil
Raam Scoria è un Livello Urbano diviso in due aree principali: la Zona di Alienazione e le Aree Emerse. Alcune centinaia di anni fa, mentre i diaframmi erano ancora chiusi, si è verificato l’Incidente. I dettagli sull’Incidente sono scarsi e avvolti da un alone di mistero: quello che si sa, però, è che ha reso tutto il fondo del Livello inospitale e pericoloso. Formalmente governato dal Virrai Agon (ossia “Triangolo Assoluto”), il Livello è però alla mercè di un essere superiore. Segreti, propaganda e una forte divisione in classi fanno di Raam Scoria la polveriera perfetta per le vostre avventure nelle Arche di Nostalgia: La Flotta Nomade.
Raam Scoria è un supplemento per Nostalgia: La Flotta Nomade.
All’interno di questo libro troverete:
Una descrizione completa delle Aree Emerse, della Zona di Alienazione e dei rispettivi punti di interesse
Dettagli sugli usi e costumi della società di Raam Scoria
Una panoramica delle Fazioni in lotta sul Livello
Un cast di PNG pronti all’uso
Una cronologia dettagliata degli eventi
Una lista di spunti per avventure con cui iniziare subito a giocare
Price: $7.28 Raam Scoria published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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newhorizonsxiv · 1 year
Introducing the Alt Army
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Oh hey! I finally got one of those fancy pinned posts. 
The alt army is larger than this but these five are the ones I RP on and write fic for the most so these are the ones I am pinning.
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J’lyneth Khal
* Sunshine and Snark * Wit and Whimsy * A Maze of Masks *
RP Profile  
#j’lyneth khal
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Ilthus Dawnsinger
* Freelance Troubleshooter * Insufferable Bastard * Trash Cat *
RP Profile
#Ilthus Dawnsinger
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J’shihan Tia
* Someday I will stop being cruel to this character * Today is not that day * Tomorrow isn’t looking good either *
RP Profile
#J’shihan Tia
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Corafel Velasyn
* The Princess Saves Herself in This Story * The Dragon Helps a Little * No Knight in Sight, Yet *
RP Profile
#Corafel Velasyn
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Ghislain Virray
* Think Honoroit if Emmanellain was cruel instead of just clueless * And then he dies * And the poor kid has to go on the run to avoid getting blamed for it *
RP Profile
#Ghislain Virray
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 1B results
About the event · Round 1C · List of participating ships
You guys, I’m so sorry for such a late post! Real life events kept me occupied this week.
This time I had fewer participants (64, as opposed to 84 the previous week).
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
Click here for the updated tournament table
Quick results as pictures under cut 👇🏻
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 2AB
(Info about the event) (List of participating ships) (1D results)
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We are finally entering round 2, which means 64 ships out of our initial 128 have left the competition.
Round 2 will be divided into two parts: 2AB and 2CD (the letters stand for different blocks of the tournament table).
The voting will go as usual with one alteration - I added a third voting option - “I don’t want to vote for either of these ships. A friend on on Discord pointed out that although you can skip the pairs you don’t care about or don’t like, the power of the binary choice makes it hard to skip them, getting the person stuck on making a choice. And it does make sense - I definitely feel that I want to make a choice whenever I’m presented with it, even if I don’t have an opinion on the subject matter.
The extra option also gives me some statistics on which ship pairs people don’t want to vote for.
Here’s an example of a ship pair with three possible answers:
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Everything else will be done as usual.
This week, the voting will close on Monday, 22 June, 2020 at:
03:00 (3AM) PDT
06:00 (6AM) EDT
12:00 (12PM) CEST
17:00 (5PM) ICT
Click here to check for your time zone.
You can see this round’s competing ships under cut. This time, there aren’t any ships I would consider problematic, however some of the ships have been the subject of heated debates.
The ships in question are Ruren (Runaan x Soren) and Calren (Callum x Soren). I don’t see these ships as problematic, but I respect people’s decision not to interact with them.
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 1B
(Info about the event) (1A results)
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We continue going through our first round. 32 ships from Block B of the Tournament Table will be competing this week.
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
The voting will close on Sunday, 31 May 2020 at 23:59 Central European Time.
You can see this round’s competing ships under cut: 
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 2AB results
About the event · Round 2CD · List of participating ships
Welcome back! Last round we had 72 participants! Thank you all for sticking with the event and casting your votes c: I hope you’ve been enjoying it as much as I have so far!
Here are the results for 2AB:
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
Click here for the updated tournament table
Quick results as pictures under cut 👇🏻
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Alphabetical List of Participating Ships
Aanellis (Aanya x Ellis)
Aaraditi (Aarvos x Aditi)
Aarafire (Aaravos x Sunfire Priest)
Aarajanne (Aaravos x Lujanne)
Aarathari (Aaravos x Ethari)
Aaravessa (Aaravos x Khessa)
Aaravum (Aaravos x Callum)
Aarrow (Aaravos x Harrow)
Annai (Annika x Janai)
Annaya (Annika x Aamaya)
Barianne (Barius x Lujanne)
Bladeship (Big Sword Guy x Sunforge Dagger Guy)
Calren (Callum x Soren)
Claravos (Claudia x Aaravos)
Claudium (Claudia x Callum)
Clyx (Claudia x Nyx)
Cormaya (Corvus x Amaya)
Corpeli (Corvus x Opeli)
Corvia (Corvus x Claudia)
Crowcos (Marcos x Crow Master)
Crowdia (Crow Master x Claudia)
Crowvus (Crow Master x Corvus)
Crowyx (Crow Master x Nyx)
Doctorjanne (Animal Doctor x Lujanne)
Elavos (Elarion x Aaravos)
Ezllum (Callum x Ezran)
Ezoren (Soren x Ezran)
Ezranya (Ezran x Aanya) OR Eznya
Ezris (Ezran x Ellis)
Ezrym (Ezran x Zym)
Fareli (Fareeda x Opeli) OR Opereeda
Farenika (Fareeda x Annika)
Farling (Fareeda x Ahling)
Farrow (Fareeda x Harrow)
Fengren (Fen x Gren)
Floling (Florian x Ahling)
Floreeda (Fareeda x Florian)
Grazi (Gren x Kazi) OR Karen OR Grezi
Gremaya (Gren x Amaya) OR Grenmaya
Grenavos (Gren x Aaravos)
Grenius (Barius x Gren) OR Strawberry Tart
Grenvus (Gren x Corvus)
Gryx (Gren x Nyx)
Harius (Barius x Harrow)
Harrian (Florian x Harrow)
Harrling (Ahling x Harrow)
Ibisoren (Ibis x Soren)
Ibyx (Ibis x Nyx) OR Inyx
Janeha (Neha x Janai)
Jazi (Kazi x Janai)
Kaseer (Kasef x Saleer)
Kasren (Kasef x Soren)
Kaudia (Kasef x Claudia) OR Kadia
Khessamaya (Khessa x Amaya)
Khessanai (Khessa x Janai)
Lavalove (Lava Kasef x Lava Janai)
Lujessa (Khessa x Lujanne)
Lujoren (Lujanne x Soren)
Lupeli (Lujanne x Opeli)
Marcaudia (Claudia x Marcos)
Marvus (Marcos x Corvus)
Maryx (Marcos x Nyx)
Momjanne (Ellis’s mom x Lujanne)
Momxmom (Lissa x Sarai) OR Lirai
Nedrin (Neha x Tiadrin)
Nemaya (Neha x Amaya)
Nerai (Neha x Sarai)
Nereeda (Fareeda x Neha)
Opaya (Opeli x Amaya)
Opiren (Opeli x Viren) OR Virpeli
Priestessa (Khessa x Sunfire Priest)
Pyrren (Pyrrah x Soren)
Raydia (Rayla x Claudia)
Raylyx (Rayla x Nyx)
Regicide (Harrow x Avizandum)
Rugren (Runaan x Gren)
Runaavos (Runaan x Aaravos)
Runayla (Runaan x Rayla)
Ruren (Runaan x Soren)
Sabai (Sabah x Janai)
Sabazi (Sabah x Kazi)
Sabos (Sabah x Marcos)
Salorian (Florian x Sarai)
Salvir (Viren x Saleer)
Sannika (Annika x Sarai)
Sapeli (Saleer x Opeli)
Saravos (Sarai x Aaravos)
Sareeda (Fareeda x Sarai)
Sarex (Sarai x Callum’s dad)
Sarius (Barius x Sarai)
Sarling (Ahling x Sarai)
Sarmaya (Sarai x Amaya) OR Amarai
Sarpeli (Sarai x Opeli)
Soravos (Soren x Aaravos)
Sorayla (Soren x Rayla)
Sorcos (Soren x Marcos)
Sorcrow (Soren x Crow Master)
Sordia (Soren x Claudia)
Sorgren (Soren x Gren)
Sorrow (Soren x Harrow)
Sorvir (Soren x Viren)
Sorvus (Soren x Corvus)
Soryx (Soren x Nyx)
Swordjanne (Big Sword Guy x Lujanne)
Tiamaya (Amaya x Tiadrin)
Tianai (Janai x Tiadrin)
Tiannika (Annika x Tiadrin)
Veterinarius (Animal Doctor x Barius)
Vilberto (Villads x Berto)
Villorian (Florian x Villads)
Vilorian (Florian x Viren) OR Floren
Vinaan (Viren x Runaan) OR Virunaan
Virads (Villads x Viren)
Virayla (Viren x Rayla)
Vircos (Viren x Marcos)
Vircrow (Viren x Crow Master)
Virdia (Viren x Claudia)
Vireeda (Fareeda x Viren)
Virex (Viren x Lissa) OR Liren
Virfire (Viren x Sunfire Priest)
Virgren (Viren x Gren)
Viriard (Ziard x Viren)
Virkessa (Viren x Khessa)
Virling (Ahling x Viren)
Virrai (Viren x Sarai)
Virrius (Viren x Barius)
Virsef (Viren x Kasef)
Ziravos (Ziard x Aaravos)
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