tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 3
(Info about the event) (List of participating ships) (2CD results) (Full tournament table)
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We have finally entered round 3 out of 7! We’re down to 32 ships (out of the original 128).
Here are some new things:
I made a smaller tournament table, which is way easier to follow. I will update it starting with round 3 and will include a link in every new post. I will continue to update the full table as well.
I also made a tournament table with ship pictures! It also starts from round 3. I made it, cos it looks fun c”:
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(bigger version)
There’s also an extra question in the voting form - I’m curious to know which social media platforms people see the link to the form most often and least often. And how different platforms vote. The question is voluntary and I’m only asking it for more fandom statistics.
And finally - those of you who want to play around and make your own predictions for the tournament can download the google spreadsheet file from my google drive. It’s basically the same file as the new tournament table.
If you have any questions - don’t hesitate to contact me! ^u^
The voting will close on Monday, 13 July, 2020 at:
03:00 (3AM) PDT
06:00  (6AM) EDT
12:00 (12PM) CEST
17:00 (5PM) ICT
Click here to check for your time zone.
As usual, the pictures of participating ships are under cut:
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persimmontarts · 6 years
gren x runaan
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acerunaan · 6 years
Runaan: Someone will die.
Gren: Of fun!
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 4
(Info about the event) (List of participating ships) (round 3 results) (Full tournament table) (Smaller tournament table) (tournament table with pictures)
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We are now in Round 4 and that means we are exactly halfway into the tournament. We have 16 ships left in the competition (or 8 competing pairs of ships).
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(see above for a bigger version)
Announcements and participants under cut c:
I would once again like to take a week off. Sorry about that! >.< July 20-26 is the Reading Rush Readathon (an even where people read as many books as they can and complete challenges) and since I also have a job, I won't have time to update Rarepair Rumble. I'll try to publish the results on tumblr so you can at least know who won this round. Updating on all 6 of my social media platforms takes quite some time and I want to do it properly.
This means that Round 5 will most likely return on July 27. Round 5 is also the quarterfinal, so we'll only have 8 ships (or four pairs of ships) competing! Guys, we're getting close!
I'll try to finish Rarepair Rumble before September, because I will be moving house and I also want to start other events (as well as continue publishing results from the Shipping Poll - I still have some stuff I haven't published yet!).
Also, if you organize a TDP event of your own (a zine, a character or ship themed week, a poll of your own - anything were many people can be involved) - let me know. 1) I will happily promote your event and 2) I would like to put links to all TDP events in one place (most likely my tumblr) so that it's easier for the fandom to navigate.
A special thank you for those who answered the question about where they found the voting link - this information is very helpful to me as event organizer and it gives me some cool statistics.
If you have any feedback - don’t hesitate to contact me! ^u^
Here are the participants for this week’s round:
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 1B results
About the event · Round 1C · List of participating ships
You guys, I’m so sorry for such a late post! Real life events kept me occupied this week.
This time I had fewer participants (64, as opposed to 84 the previous week).
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
Click here for the updated tournament table
Quick results as pictures under cut 👇🏻
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Result Discussion: Favorite Ships (part 1)
The main result table · Ship list
CW: This discussion contains mentions of three ships which some people might not be comfortable with (sibling incest and adult/teen relationships). Only their shipnames are mentioned - the nature of these relationships is not discussed in any way.
Before I begin, I would like to address an issue I’ve noticed - I have not been consistent with ship names! You’ll see Jamaya in one chart and Janaya in another, Aruthari in one, Arunari in another. The decision to change Kadia to Kaudia has been recent (due to Kaudia being the ship name actually used by the shippers).
To prevent any major confusion, I updated the ship list to include alternative spellings of shipnames. If you’d like me to include an alternative ship name, please let me know! ^u^
Total Ships refer to the ships people voted for when asked to choose all the ships they ship (click here for the list). I will also use T to refer to these ships.
Favorite Ships refer to the ships people voted for when asked to choose only one ship which they consider their favorite. I will also use F to refer to these ships.
I will use the word rank to refer to the position a ship takes in terms of number of votes (rank #1 is the one with the most votes, while rank #14 is the one with the least votes for Favorite Ships. For Total Ships it’s rank #40).
As in previous discussions, I will refer to Rayllum, Janaya and Ruthari as the Trio.
Favorite Ships vs Total Ships
The first thing I would like to discuss is how favorite ships differ from total ships in terms of popularity. Cross-referencing both can allow us to understand which ships are actively shipped by people and which are just liked “in the background”.
If you read my discussion on total ships, you probably remember that I pointed out the flaw in the first question of the poll (i.e. “What ships do you ship?” is too vague a question). Hopefully comparing the two categories will counter some of that vagueness.
To compare both lists, removed any ships that don’t appear on the Total Ship list and the ones that were not chosen as a favorite ship by anyone. Here’s the list of ships that were removed from this comparison.
One problem, though - there is no way to directly compare the results, since Total Ships have 40 ranks and Favorite Ships have 14.
Trying out different methods
Take the top 10 Favorite ships as an example:
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From the table it is clear that Rayllum, Janaya and Ruthari retained the same positions in terms of popularity. Viravos appears to have jumped higher - from #8 to #4. In fact, the only ship in the top 10 that dropped in rank is Corpeli - from #6 to #9. But it’s not a dramatic drop, right?
Aaaaaand this is where it gets problematic. #6 out of 40 is a much higher position than #9 out of 14. The best way to think about is to find the most obvious points of correspondence:
F1 corresponds to T1
F7 corresponds to T20
F14 corresponds to T40
Here, F refers to the rank in Favorite Ships and T - in Total Ships.
Now things become a bit more clear. T6 is closer to the first category and F9 - to the middle. So if I were to simplify the comparison, I’d say
the Trio remain at the beginning of the list;
Viravos, Gremaya and Corpeli jumped from the beginning to the middle;
Virrow, Sorgren and Raydia remain in the middle;
Sordia jumps from the end to the middle.
This method is even more evident at the end of the list:
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These are the last nine ships on the list. At first, the green ones seem like a vast improvement in position and the salmon one - a slight worsening. But if we apply our new categories:
F1 - T1 [beginning]
F7 - T20 [middle]
F14 - T40 [end]
we see that:
Aarrow, Aaruthari, Claravos, Clyx, Grenavos and Rugren remained at the end;
Ezris, Grazi and Kasren fell from the middle to the end;
Sabos had the most dramatic fall - from the beginning to the end!
But then this method is still too broad. Aarrow and Aaruthari both get into the same group - “remain at the end”, even though Aarrow was closer to the middle of the list than Aaruthari. I figured these three categories could be broken down even further:
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I divided 40 by 14 and got 2.857, which I rounded up to 3. Hence, three T ranks for 1 F rank. This is obviously not the only way you can arrange this table, as you could alternatively “lock” the first place (1 - 1) and do the others in triplets ( 2 - 2, 3, 4; 3 - 5, 6, 7; etc), which shifts the values quite a bit.
But let’s use this one for now.
I rewrote the Total Ship ranks so that they match the Favorite Ship ones according to the table (e.g. if a ship is ranked #10 in Total Ships, the corresponding rank is going to be #4):
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This comparison is very intuitive and more accurate than the three simple categories I used before. We can compare the results for the last 9 ships again:
OLD: Aarrow, Aaruthari, Claravos, Clyx, Grenavos and Rugren remained at the end; NEW: Aarrow and Grenavos fell by three positions, Claravos - by two, Aaruthari, Clyx and Rugren - by one. (We can immediately see that Aarrow and Grenavos were the most popular of this group);
OLD: Ezris, Grazi and Kasren fell from the middle to the end; NEW: Ezris and Grazi fell from #10 to #14, while Kasren fell from #8 to #14 (Kasren clearly suffered a bigger fall);
OLD: Sabos had the most dramatic fall - from the beginning to the end! NEW: Sabos fell from #3 to #14 (I don’t know if this makes the fall feel more dramatic or not).
This method is still not very accurate:
it conflates several different positions into one (Viravos and Gremaya are now both #3, whereas originally they were ranked #8 and #9 respectively);
there are at least two ways to group the ranks into triplets, neither of which is particularly accurate and both yield significantly different results.
Notice how with this method most ships seem to have fallen in rank, some remained and only one rose! Also, even though Janaya and Ruthari did not change position, this method makes it seem like they fell in rank.
I don’t exactly know why that is, but it’s probably due to the fact that the “value” of a rank feels different depending on the total number of participants. Think of it like this - it sucks to be the third our of three, but it sucks a bit less if it’s out of 40, doesn’t it?
In the next part, I will discuss the method I decided to use in the end.
Part 2
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 1B
(Info about the event) (1A results)
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We continue going through our first round. 32 ships from Block B of the Tournament Table will be competing this week.
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
The voting will close on Sunday, 31 May 2020 at 23:59 Central European Time.
You can see this round’s competing ships under cut: 
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Result Discussion: Total Ships (part 3)
Part 1 ・ Part 2 ・ Results ・ Part 4
CW: This section mentions incest and adult/minor ships.
(only ship names are mentioned, no detailed discussion, no graphic description)
Ship list for convenience (trust me, this is the part where you need it! :D)
I will refer to ships between 3 and more characters as polyships.
OT3 - one true “threesome” or a ship involving three characters (usually a polly triad rather than a “V” relationship (triad: all three characters are romantically involved with each other; “V”: one character has two partners, but these two partners are not romantically involved with each other).
Ships with 1 to 10 shippers
The remaining bit of ships is, as can be expected, an interesting bunch!
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Yellow - ships included into the list in the poll. Blue - added by users. bigger version
Once again, we can observe how inclusion into the list made certain ships more popular than others.
Grenavos is a ship that became popular in S2 and still seems to be holding up, while Ruren was popular during S1 and I haven’t seen any new content of it in a while. I haven’t observed much about Cormaya, and Khessamaya is definitely a S3 thing. All of these ships are rather niche and there are some user added ships that, I suspect, would be closer to them in vote count (Sordia already is!).
Let’s take Raydium. I’ve seen some people who shipped both Rayllum and Claudium, but didn’t include Raydium. Some of them might potentially ship that as an OT3 (although not necessarily all of them).
Same for Jamayen, especially since when it comes to multishipping ships with the same character, Janaya and Gremaya is the most popular combo!
Ibyx is also an interesting case. As the only two skywing elves with names and proper screentime, I suspected they’d attract more fans’ attention.
Elavos and Ziravos are interesting cases, both relating to events in Aaravos’ past which fans speculate about a lot. Even though it was later clarified that
Elarion was a city instead of a person, many people had already established AUs and headcanons of human Elarion. It is no surprise to me they are reluctant to give that ship up. And I don’t think they should! People in real life name their kids Paris or London. Why couldn’t a human family name their daughter Elarion? I have a feeling some people might’ve been embarrassed for getting Elarion “wrong” and decided not to include it, which might explain such a tiny number.
Ziravos also has a surprisingly low number of shippers, but I don’t know the reason. Probably, like for most small ships, the probability that the shippers saw the poll and felt comfortable participating was simply lower.
If you saw the poll, but didn’t participate or you didn’t include a particular ship for whatever reason, could you drop me an anon ask with your reason? I’m really curious and I would like to accommodate any future poll to the needs of all my fellow TDP fans!
Ships where characters know each other or don’t
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Dark blue - characters haven’t spoken/met Light blue - characters have spoken/met bigger version
Here, we have a lot more ships where at least two characters have never met. I say “at least two”, because we venture into polyship territory (more on that in a sec).
Some of these, however, are based on my assumptions.
Claravos - they haven’t spoken or met, but Aaravos knows who Claudia is.
Elavos - connection implied in the poem.
Ziravos - heavily implied Aaravos was the one who gave Ziard his staff.
Fareli - in principle could’ve met, but just as likely could not have.
Opaya - I just realized that the probability that these two have met is rather high. I am too lazy to change the color though :”D
Rugren - I suspect they know of each other’s existence.
Sarpeli - same as Opaya, but this one is colored correctly.
Soravos - “Little Bug Pal” doesn’t count.
I mean, it makes sense that such ships would be less popular than the ones where characters know each other, but I also wonder how different the results would’ve been if I had included them in my original list. I refuse to believe that only one person ships Virunavos, for instance.
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Pink - three characters Purple - four characters bigger version
It’s no surprise that polyships aren’t as popular as monogamous ships, however I always expect there to be at least one popular OT3 in each fandom. Sure, Varrai ranks 15th on the poll by popularity, but I expected the most popular OT3 to be Raydium.
I think the reason here is the fact that Rayllum became canon relatively early in the show, making fans jump to Kadia instead (although some may see Kadia as a better dynamic? I would need to ask the fans of these ships).
Varrai, however, is most likely popular because of the interpersonal relationships of the three characters. Viren was close with Harrow, Harrow was close with Sarai, and I don’t think it’s a huge leap to assume that Viren and Sarai had a friendly relationship as well. 
If I were to classify TDP polyships, I’d say it goes something like this:
all parties involved are friends, some might be lovers in canon;
one character connects the others who are not friends or don’t know each other in canon;
friends/lovers + a character, who isn’t their friend, but they know them in canon
friends/lovers + a character at least one of them hasn’t met in canon;
all parties are related to each other;
incest + a character at least one of them hasn’t met in canon.
So what do we have then?
Jamayen, Laidriruthari, Virexarrai
Radium, Virunavos
Aruthari, Virrowvos, Viruthari, Virexavos
Aarasordia, Aaravirdia, Virsoravos, Virdisoravos
I don’t know what that says about the ships and the shippers, exactly.
a third of the ships (5 out of 15) are incest;
almost two thirds of them (9 out of 15) involve a character at least one party involved doesn’t know;
almost two thirds (9 out of 15) involve Viren, 8 involve Aaravos, 5 - Claudia or Soren, 4 - Runaan, 3 - Ethari, 2 - Harrow, Viren’s Ex-wife, or Gren, 1 Janai, Amaya, Lain, Tiadrin, Sarai, Rayla, or Callum;
12 out of 15 ships involve at least one member of the magefam;
two thirds involve only adult characters (10 out of 15);
one involves only minor characters;
almost a third (4 out of 15) are involve some combination of adult/minor ship.
Part 4
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 3 results
About the event · Round 4 · List of participating ships
Welcome back! I’m happy to announce that we had 82 participants in round 3! ^.^
Here are the results for the round 3:
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
Click here for the updated tournament table
Click here for the current tournament table
(it starts from round 3, I made it for convenience, because the full table is very big)
Quick results as pictures under cut 👇🏻
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0 notes
tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 2AB results
About the event · Round 2CD · List of participating ships
Welcome back! Last round we had 72 participants! Thank you all for sticking with the event and casting your votes c: I hope you’ve been enjoying it as much as I have so far!
Here are the results for 2AB:
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
Click here for the updated tournament table
Quick results as pictures under cut 👇🏻
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0 notes
tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 4 results
About the event
Welcome back! This week - only a quick update on the results. We’ll start round 5 on Monday, July 27.
Alright! We had 86 participants last week, which, if I remember correctly, is the biggest number so far!
I haven’t updated the main tournament table yet, so I’ll give the results as a pie chart and as a tournament table with pictures, as well as images as usual.
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
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I’m putting the regular pictures with ships, as well as my mini discussion  under cut:
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A quick discussion of the results:
1. I wasn’t sure who would win between Liren and Claudium and it’s fascinating that Claudium won by one vote only! As you can see - every vote counts! It’s a shame that Liren lost (it was the last Viren ship, after all), but I wish Claudium good luck next round - it’s going against Ezranya!
2. I’m not too surprised that Ezranya won, since it’s a very popular ship (arguably the most popular Ezran ship), but I didn’t expect such a big difference (21). Kaudia was another ship that I liked, so it was sad to see it go. In any case - I wish Ezranya good luck next round - it’s going against Claudium!
3. Here, the difference of the votes was also very surprising (29). Even though Corpeli is one of the most liked secondary ships (i.e. a ships people like, but don’t ship actively), Grenvus is also pretty popular. The tiny number of people who didn’t want to vote for either, however, shows that people who voted for one or the other most likely voted out of love for the respective ship. I wish Corpeli good luck next round - it’s going against Grazi!
4. This result was not surprising at all, seeing how Grazi is liked by many people and and Rugren is a very niche kind of ship. It’s sad to see Rugren go, but I wish Grazi good luck next round - it’s going against Corpeli!
5. Claravos never seizes to amaze me! It’s one of my favorite ships from those left in the competition and it managed to defeat a fairly popular ship - Sorgren - albeit by only 10 votes. I wish Claravos good luck next round - it’s going against Crowcos!
6. This match was very unexpected! Crowcos is a ship I added off the top of my head because I had spaces to fill and Raydia is a ship that has a stable fandom (albeit not very big). It’s also a fairly popular ship on ao3. It lost to Crowcos by mere 3 votes, but the 20 people who didn’t want to vote for either ship (plus the 5 people who skipped the question altogether), says that this match wasn’t a very popular one among most fans. Nonetheless, I wish Crowcos good luck next round - it’s going against Claravos!
7. According to my Shipping Poll, Soryx is the most popular Soren ship. However, Sabos has been liked by many fans at least ever since Sabah got a name (if not right after S3). It’s yet another example of a popular secondary ship beating a primary ship with a small following. In any case, I wish Sabos good luck next round - it’s going against Gremaya.
8. This result was not surprising at all, since we haven’t even seen Callum’s dad yet, and Gremaya has a stable fandom. Nonetheless, I still wish this ship good luck next round - it’s going against Sabos!
Did you find any of the results surprising? Did your favorite ship(s) get to round 5? Let me know in the comments!
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Alphabetical List of Participating Ships
Aanellis (Aanya x Ellis)
Aaraditi (Aarvos x Aditi)
Aarafire (Aaravos x Sunfire Priest)
Aarajanne (Aaravos x Lujanne)
Aarathari (Aaravos x Ethari)
Aaravessa (Aaravos x Khessa)
Aaravum (Aaravos x Callum)
Aarrow (Aaravos x Harrow)
Annai (Annika x Janai)
Annaya (Annika x Aamaya)
Barianne (Barius x Lujanne)
Bladeship (Big Sword Guy x Sunforge Dagger Guy)
Calren (Callum x Soren)
Claravos (Claudia x Aaravos)
Claudium (Claudia x Callum)
Clyx (Claudia x Nyx)
Cormaya (Corvus x Amaya)
Corpeli (Corvus x Opeli)
Corvia (Corvus x Claudia)
Crowcos (Marcos x Crow Master)
Crowdia (Crow Master x Claudia)
Crowvus (Crow Master x Corvus)
Crowyx (Crow Master x Nyx)
Doctorjanne (Animal Doctor x Lujanne)
Elavos (Elarion x Aaravos)
Ezllum (Callum x Ezran)
Ezoren (Soren x Ezran)
Ezranya (Ezran x Aanya) OR Eznya
Ezris (Ezran x Ellis)
Ezrym (Ezran x Zym)
Fareli (Fareeda x Opeli) OR Opereeda
Farenika (Fareeda x Annika)
Farling (Fareeda x Ahling)
Farrow (Fareeda x Harrow)
Fengren (Fen x Gren)
Floling (Florian x Ahling)
Floreeda (Fareeda x Florian)
Grazi (Gren x Kazi) OR Karen OR Grezi
Gremaya (Gren x Amaya) OR Grenmaya
Grenavos (Gren x Aaravos)
Grenius (Barius x Gren) OR Strawberry Tart
Grenvus (Gren x Corvus)
Gryx (Gren x Nyx)
Harius (Barius x Harrow)
Harrian (Florian x Harrow)
Harrling (Ahling x Harrow)
Ibisoren (Ibis x Soren)
Ibyx (Ibis x Nyx) OR Inyx
Janeha (Neha x Janai)
Jazi (Kazi x Janai)
Kaseer (Kasef x Saleer)
Kasren (Kasef x Soren)
Kaudia (Kasef x Claudia) OR Kadia
Khessamaya (Khessa x Amaya)
Khessanai (Khessa x Janai)
Lavalove (Lava Kasef x Lava Janai)
Lujessa (Khessa x Lujanne)
Lujoren (Lujanne x Soren)
Lupeli (Lujanne x Opeli)
Marcaudia (Claudia x Marcos)
Marvus (Marcos x Corvus)
Maryx (Marcos x Nyx)
Momjanne (Ellis’s mom x Lujanne)
Momxmom (Lissa x Sarai) OR Lirai
Nedrin (Neha x Tiadrin)
Nemaya (Neha x Amaya)
Nerai (Neha x Sarai)
Nereeda (Fareeda x Neha)
Opaya (Opeli x Amaya)
Opiren (Opeli x Viren) OR Virpeli
Priestessa (Khessa x Sunfire Priest)
Pyrren (Pyrrah x Soren)
Raydia (Rayla x Claudia)
Raylyx (Rayla x Nyx)
Regicide (Harrow x Avizandum)
Rugren (Runaan x Gren)
Runaavos (Runaan x Aaravos)
Runayla (Runaan x Rayla)
Ruren (Runaan x Soren)
Sabai (Sabah x Janai)
Sabazi (Sabah x Kazi)
Sabos (Sabah x Marcos)
Salorian (Florian x Sarai)
Salvir (Viren x Saleer)
Sannika (Annika x Sarai)
Sapeli (Saleer x Opeli)
Saravos (Sarai x Aaravos)
Sareeda (Fareeda x Sarai)
Sarex (Sarai x Callum’s dad)
Sarius (Barius x Sarai)
Sarling (Ahling x Sarai)
Sarmaya (Sarai x Amaya) OR Amarai
Sarpeli (Sarai x Opeli)
Soravos (Soren x Aaravos)
Sorayla (Soren x Rayla)
Sorcos (Soren x Marcos)
Sorcrow (Soren x Crow Master)
Sordia (Soren x Claudia)
Sorgren (Soren x Gren)
Sorrow (Soren x Harrow)
Sorvir (Soren x Viren)
Sorvus (Soren x Corvus)
Soryx (Soren x Nyx)
Swordjanne (Big Sword Guy x Lujanne)
Tiamaya (Amaya x Tiadrin)
Tianai (Janai x Tiadrin)
Tiannika (Annika x Tiadrin)
Veterinarius (Animal Doctor x Barius)
Vilberto (Villads x Berto)
Villorian (Florian x Villads)
Vilorian (Florian x Viren) OR Floren
Vinaan (Viren x Runaan) OR Virunaan
Virads (Villads x Viren)
Virayla (Viren x Rayla)
Vircos (Viren x Marcos)
Vircrow (Viren x Crow Master)
Virdia (Viren x Claudia)
Vireeda (Fareeda x Viren)
Virex (Viren x Lissa) OR Liren
Virfire (Viren x Sunfire Priest)
Virgren (Viren x Gren)
Viriard (Ziard x Viren)
Virkessa (Viren x Khessa)
Virling (Ahling x Viren)
Virrai (Viren x Sarai)
Virrius (Viren x Barius)
Virsef (Viren x Kasef)
Ziravos (Ziard x Aaravos)
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