snowpark-daily · 6 months
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Day 91
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 5
(Info about the event) (Full tournament table) (Smaller tournament table)
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We’ve finally reached the quarter final! This week, we have 8 competing ships:
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(bigger version)
The voting closes on Monday, same time as the previous rounds.
There is a special announcement in the beginning of the voting form! ^u^
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musubiki · 4 years
one beta event that i scrapped but was almost a thing was murda just straight up dying right before/during the last big fight and, as she has no women left in her family, the crow ends up going to coco
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kira-hayashi · 7 years
huhu hier 184x3, dein Crowcos war echt cool~ Hab dich jetzt auch auf dem Post verlinkt :) Wünsche dir noch nen schönen Tag~ ^7^)/
Huhu xD Und danke ^^ dir auch noch einen schönen Tag ^^
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 4 results
About the event
Welcome back! This week - only a quick update on the results. We’ll start round 5 on Monday, July 27.
Alright! We had 86 participants last week, which, if I remember correctly, is the biggest number so far!
I haven’t updated the main tournament table yet, so I’ll give the results as a pie chart and as a tournament table with pictures, as well as images as usual.
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
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I’m putting the regular pictures with ships, as well as my mini discussion  under cut:
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A quick discussion of the results:
1. I wasn’t sure who would win between Liren and Claudium and it’s fascinating that Claudium won by one vote only! As you can see - every vote counts! It’s a shame that Liren lost (it was the last Viren ship, after all), but I wish Claudium good luck next round - it’s going against Ezranya!
2. I’m not too surprised that Ezranya won, since it’s a very popular ship (arguably the most popular Ezran ship), but I didn’t expect such a big difference (21). Kaudia was another ship that I liked, so it was sad to see it go. In any case - I wish Ezranya good luck next round - it’s going against Claudium!
3. Here, the difference of the votes was also very surprising (29). Even though Corpeli is one of the most liked secondary ships (i.e. a ships people like, but don’t ship actively), Grenvus is also pretty popular. The tiny number of people who didn’t want to vote for either, however, shows that people who voted for one or the other most likely voted out of love for the respective ship. I wish Corpeli good luck next round - it’s going against Grazi!
4. This result was not surprising at all, seeing how Grazi is liked by many people and and Rugren is a very niche kind of ship. It’s sad to see Rugren go, but I wish Grazi good luck next round - it’s going against Corpeli!
5. Claravos never seizes to amaze me! It’s one of my favorite ships from those left in the competition and it managed to defeat a fairly popular ship - Sorgren - albeit by only 10 votes. I wish Claravos good luck next round - it’s going against Crowcos!
6. This match was very unexpected! Crowcos is a ship I added off the top of my head because I had spaces to fill and Raydia is a ship that has a stable fandom (albeit not very big). It’s also a fairly popular ship on ao3. It lost to Crowcos by mere 3 votes, but the 20 people who didn’t want to vote for either ship (plus the 5 people who skipped the question altogether), says that this match wasn’t a very popular one among most fans. Nonetheless, I wish Crowcos good luck next round - it’s going against Claravos!
7. According to my Shipping Poll, Soryx is the most popular Soren ship. However, Sabos has been liked by many fans at least ever since Sabah got a name (if not right after S3). It’s yet another example of a popular secondary ship beating a primary ship with a small following. In any case, I wish Sabos good luck next round - it’s going against Gremaya.
8. This result was not surprising at all, since we haven’t even seen Callum’s dad yet, and Gremaya has a stable fandom. Nonetheless, I still wish this ship good luck next round - it’s going against Sabos!
Did you find any of the results surprising? Did your favorite ship(s) get to round 5? Let me know in the comments!
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 4
(Info about the event) (List of participating ships) (round 3 results) (Full tournament table) (Smaller tournament table) (tournament table with pictures)
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We are now in Round 4 and that means we are exactly halfway into the tournament. We have 16 ships left in the competition (or 8 competing pairs of ships).
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(see above for a bigger version)
Announcements and participants under cut c:
I would once again like to take a week off. Sorry about that! >.< July 20-26 is the Reading Rush Readathon (an even where people read as many books as they can and complete challenges) and since I also have a job, I won't have time to update Rarepair Rumble. I'll try to publish the results on tumblr so you can at least know who won this round. Updating on all 6 of my social media platforms takes quite some time and I want to do it properly.
This means that Round 5 will most likely return on July 27. Round 5 is also the quarterfinal, so we'll only have 8 ships (or four pairs of ships) competing! Guys, we're getting close!
I'll try to finish Rarepair Rumble before September, because I will be moving house and I also want to start other events (as well as continue publishing results from the Shipping Poll - I still have some stuff I haven't published yet!).
Also, if you organize a TDP event of your own (a zine, a character or ship themed week, a poll of your own - anything were many people can be involved) - let me know. 1) I will happily promote your event and 2) I would like to put links to all TDP events in one place (most likely my tumblr) so that it's easier for the fandom to navigate.
A special thank you for those who answered the question about where they found the voting link - this information is very helpful to me as event organizer and it gives me some cool statistics.
If you have any feedback - don’t hesitate to contact me! ^u^
Here are the participants for this week’s round:
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Rarepair Rumble Round 6
(Info about the event) (Full tournament table) (Smaller tournament table)
Click here to cast your vote for your favorite ships!
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! We have finally reached round 6 and boy what a round it will be!
It’s gonna be a longer posts, so I’m putting stuff under cut:
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We are down to 4 ships competing for the first place! Congratulations to the ships (and their shippers!).
The Currently Nameless Future TDP Shipping Event
As I mentioned in the voting form for round 5, some time after RPR, I would like to organize another shipping event with 16 participating ships. The list will include the ships I didn’t include in RPR:
Rayllum (Rayla x Callum)
Janaya (Janai x Amaya)
Ruthari (Runaan x Ethari)
Harrai (Harrow x Sarai)
Laidrin (Lain x Tiadrin)
Viravos (Viren x Aaravos)
Anneha (Annika x Neha)
Virrow (Viren x Harrow)
Avibeia (Avizandum x Zubeia)
Ruthless (Ruth x Villads the pirate)
as well as the 4 ships that won the previous round (aka the ships above).
There losers of round 5 will compete for the last two spaces. You will be able to vote for them as well:
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I’m also working on the League Table (the table where I’ll put every participating ship according to how successful they were during the tournament).
Some ships got the same score, so I decided to give you guys the chance to decide who will go above whom.
Well, that’s about it for this round. It closes next Monday, 10 August, same time as always.
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 3 results
About the event · Round 4 · List of participating ships
Welcome back! I’m happy to announce that we had 82 participants in round 3! ^.^
Here are the results for the round 3:
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
Click here for the updated tournament table
Click here for the current tournament table
(it starts from round 3, I made it for convenience, because the full table is very big)
Quick results as pictures under cut 👇🏻
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 2CD results
About the event · Round 3 · List of participating ships
Welcome back! Last round we had 69 people voting for their favorite rare pairs! I’m back from my mini hiatus and ready to continue!
Here are the results for the round 2CD:
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
Click here for the updated tournament table
Click here for the current tournament table
(it starts from round 3, I made it for convenience, because the full table is very big)
Quick results as pictures under cut 👇🏻
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 1C results
About the event · Round 1D · List of participating ships
Welcome back! This time we had 87 participants! Thanks everyone who left their vote!
Another first - we have our first tie! It’s Raydia vs Jazi. since people couldn’t decided on the winner this round, I will add them to round 1D (it is still the first round). Make sure you vote for your favorite ship!
Tell me about your favorite rare pairs! Did your favs get into round 2?
Click here for the pie charts
(gives % + total votes)
Click here for the updated tournament table
Quick results as pictures under cut 👇🏻
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Alphabetical List of Participating Ships
Aanellis (Aanya x Ellis)
Aaraditi (Aarvos x Aditi)
Aarafire (Aaravos x Sunfire Priest)
Aarajanne (Aaravos x Lujanne)
Aarathari (Aaravos x Ethari)
Aaravessa (Aaravos x Khessa)
Aaravum (Aaravos x Callum)
Aarrow (Aaravos x Harrow)
Annai (Annika x Janai)
Annaya (Annika x Aamaya)
Barianne (Barius x Lujanne)
Bladeship (Big Sword Guy x Sunforge Dagger Guy)
Calren (Callum x Soren)
Claravos (Claudia x Aaravos)
Claudium (Claudia x Callum)
Clyx (Claudia x Nyx)
Cormaya (Corvus x Amaya)
Corpeli (Corvus x Opeli)
Corvia (Corvus x Claudia)
Crowcos (Marcos x Crow Master)
Crowdia (Crow Master x Claudia)
Crowvus (Crow Master x Corvus)
Crowyx (Crow Master x Nyx)
Doctorjanne (Animal Doctor x Lujanne)
Elavos (Elarion x Aaravos)
Ezllum (Callum x Ezran)
Ezoren (Soren x Ezran)
Ezranya (Ezran x Aanya) OR Eznya
Ezris (Ezran x Ellis)
Ezrym (Ezran x Zym)
Fareli (Fareeda x Opeli) OR Opereeda
Farenika (Fareeda x Annika)
Farling (Fareeda x Ahling)
Farrow (Fareeda x Harrow)
Fengren (Fen x Gren)
Floling (Florian x Ahling)
Floreeda (Fareeda x Florian)
Grazi (Gren x Kazi) OR Karen OR Grezi
Gremaya (Gren x Amaya) OR Grenmaya
Grenavos (Gren x Aaravos)
Grenius (Barius x Gren) OR Strawberry Tart
Grenvus (Gren x Corvus)
Gryx (Gren x Nyx)
Harius (Barius x Harrow)
Harrian (Florian x Harrow)
Harrling (Ahling x Harrow)
Ibisoren (Ibis x Soren)
Ibyx (Ibis x Nyx) OR Inyx
Janeha (Neha x Janai)
Jazi (Kazi x Janai)
Kaseer (Kasef x Saleer)
Kasren (Kasef x Soren)
Kaudia (Kasef x Claudia) OR Kadia
Khessamaya (Khessa x Amaya)
Khessanai (Khessa x Janai)
Lavalove (Lava Kasef x Lava Janai)
Lujessa (Khessa x Lujanne)
Lujoren (Lujanne x Soren)
Lupeli (Lujanne x Opeli)
Marcaudia (Claudia x Marcos)
Marvus (Marcos x Corvus)
Maryx (Marcos x Nyx)
Momjanne (Ellis’s mom x Lujanne)
Momxmom (Lissa x Sarai) OR Lirai
Nedrin (Neha x Tiadrin)
Nemaya (Neha x Amaya)
Nerai (Neha x Sarai)
Nereeda (Fareeda x Neha)
Opaya (Opeli x Amaya)
Opiren (Opeli x Viren) OR Virpeli
Priestessa (Khessa x Sunfire Priest)
Pyrren (Pyrrah x Soren)
Raydia (Rayla x Claudia)
Raylyx (Rayla x Nyx)
Regicide (Harrow x Avizandum)
Rugren (Runaan x Gren)
Runaavos (Runaan x Aaravos)
Runayla (Runaan x Rayla)
Ruren (Runaan x Soren)
Sabai (Sabah x Janai)
Sabazi (Sabah x Kazi)
Sabos (Sabah x Marcos)
Salorian (Florian x Sarai)
Salvir (Viren x Saleer)
Sannika (Annika x Sarai)
Sapeli (Saleer x Opeli)
Saravos (Sarai x Aaravos)
Sareeda (Fareeda x Sarai)
Sarex (Sarai x Callum’s dad)
Sarius (Barius x Sarai)
Sarling (Ahling x Sarai)
Sarmaya (Sarai x Amaya) OR Amarai
Sarpeli (Sarai x Opeli)
Soravos (Soren x Aaravos)
Sorayla (Soren x Rayla)
Sorcos (Soren x Marcos)
Sorcrow (Soren x Crow Master)
Sordia (Soren x Claudia)
Sorgren (Soren x Gren)
Sorrow (Soren x Harrow)
Sorvir (Soren x Viren)
Sorvus (Soren x Corvus)
Soryx (Soren x Nyx)
Swordjanne (Big Sword Guy x Lujanne)
Tiamaya (Amaya x Tiadrin)
Tianai (Janai x Tiadrin)
Tiannika (Annika x Tiadrin)
Veterinarius (Animal Doctor x Barius)
Vilberto (Villads x Berto)
Villorian (Florian x Villads)
Vilorian (Florian x Viren) OR Floren
Vinaan (Viren x Runaan) OR Virunaan
Virads (Villads x Viren)
Virayla (Viren x Rayla)
Vircos (Viren x Marcos)
Vircrow (Viren x Crow Master)
Virdia (Viren x Claudia)
Vireeda (Fareeda x Viren)
Virex (Viren x Lissa) OR Liren
Virfire (Viren x Sunfire Priest)
Virgren (Viren x Gren)
Viriard (Ziard x Viren)
Virkessa (Viren x Khessa)
Virling (Ahling x Viren)
Virrai (Viren x Sarai)
Virrius (Viren x Barius)
Virsef (Viren x Kasef)
Ziravos (Ziard x Aaravos)
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
RPR: Round 6 results
(Click here to vote for round 7)
Welcome back to Rarepair Rumble! Here are the results for Round 6.
1. While I expected Gremaya to win over Claravos, I never thought it would be over a single vote! That was definitely unexpected!
2. I’m happy to announce that Grazi and Sabos will join the next TDP shipping event. You can see the full list of participants here.
3. Here’s an updated League Table for all the ships except for the two finalists. My special congratulations go to the top 10 - it wasn’t an easy competition getting to the top 10 out of 128 is quite a feat! (Although I’m still astonished that Crowcos made it this far!)
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