#very excited to cause some problems on purpose soon...
thatcoyperson · 8 months
HI OK so we just finished up our second session of CSMP and I'm once again here to provide a summary of it for the masses [anyone who cares]. For context about this please check out the first post I made :]
Life count, pairings, and summary are below the cut!
TTheTinkerer [He/It] + Vinrhin [He/She] - 3 Lives RensRelay [He/Him] + Kenophbia [He/Him] - 3 Lives SteviaStevie [They/He] + Delphiez [She/Her] - 3 Lives ThatCoyGamer [He/Ae] + MaxAnthrax [He/Him] - 2 Lives Necromanttic [He/Him] + SkyIHigh [He/Him] - 2 Lives Casp_Shield [It/It's] + TheToySoldier [He/It] - 3 Lives Fizztic [He/Him] + SwiftSneaking [She/Her] - 3 Lives P3bbs [Any] + Zoimbiez [He/Him] - 3 Lives
So the session started out pretty uneventful. As people started to log on and get situated, I started building something to serve as a base while discussing with Max and Maven our plans for the session. In short, our plans came out to scam people with the enchanter and mine for resources since we were broke. Not a bad plan, but not the most eventful.
Maven messaged Log and Millie about using the enchater, and we met with them at spawn to make a deal. They'd get to enchant in exchange for 20 iron and 20 arrows. Not the most balanced deal, but it was the only way to get enchantments so they accepted. While they were enchanting, Max worked to light up spawn and made an offhanded comment about things likely being safer if the spawn forest wasn't there. So I burnt it down for fun. Arson!
After the deal was done, we messed around with Log and Millie a bit before returning to our base to prepare to mine. Maven went off on his own to strip mine, while Max and I went off to find a cave.
On the way, we crossed by Stevie and Meg's base, who were talking about wanting to explore a mineshaft below their house. The two of us asked if we could join them, and they agreed. Thus begins our mining trip.
Things start off pretty smoothly - the four of us work our way through the mineshaft, mainly picking up iron and coal since that's what we went down for. Things started to get stressful about halfway through when Stevie and Meg have their first near-death experience at the hands of a few stray cave spiders, and then their second one about 10 minutes later at a significantly larger amount of stray cave spiders. The first close call brough them down to about 3 hearts I think and the second down to half a heart.
Nothing of note happens for another few minutes, until Max runs into some cave spiders, gets knocked into a cave, and loses us our first life to the hands of a skeleton. A true series of unfortunate events.
Stevie and Meg are able to recover most of my items, but Max's are in a pit full of mobs and are left to despawn for safety. Stevie agrees to return my items once they escape the cave, which leaves me and Max itemless for a while. So, we decide to go around to other peoples bases and beg for literally anything like sickly Victorian children.
The first group we end up finding is Millie and Log - or ChampDuo as they're known as - who have a house along the border. Turns out they are also broke and we don't get anything from them, but still stay there for a while since it's nighttime and Max and I were scared. While staying there, a witch appears out of no where and chases the four of us away from there, and we split away from ChampDuo after that.
The second group we ended up finding was the new house of The Fairies, but only Vin and Jonah were there at the time and are also broke. We take a mental note of their base location and leave to head back to our own base.
On the way, we pass by Tango and Tills base while they're out, loot a few things from their chests, and then spend the break there.
After break, Max and I head home and split up shortly there after, Max to go strip mining and me staying up top to build a bit. While I'm building, Stevie, Meg, and Sky all come by and hang out for a bit and return my items while I finish building Couples Therapy. Cause why not have Couples Therapy in Double Life. They probably could've used it in the original one.
I give some really bad advice to all three of them in a very poor attempt to mend their relationships, when Stevie says he hasn't seen anyone outside of this small group of people for most of the session. So I take them all to The Fairies house. And, honestly, I would love to explain what happens there, but it was just- we were all being idiots that's all I'm gonna say about that. Nearly the whole server was there it was- it was something. I think Maven kidnapped Keno during it but honestly I think Maven just wanted to kiss other men.
At the end of my stay, Jonah comes over to say goodbye and I invite him to come with me since I don't wanna go back alone. He said he didn't want to abandon his team to be with me [again], and so I invited Vin along as well, which technically counts as not abandoning your team for the person who's only really shown loyalty to you for the past several seasons, right?
We go home, and the two of them talk about how they're bored since Keno and Ren aren't really up for causing too many problems this season and they want to be a menace to society. I suggest the idea of them teaming up with me and Max since we think Maven is kissing other men, and they're on board for it. Max gets home, I inform him that they're down to team up, and - while he's hesitant at first - agrees since him and Vin also have seasons worth of lore to their dynamic. The session ends shortly after.
Honestly kind of feeling like I wanna betray and kill them, but we'll see if I end up doing that.
Full recordings of the sessions are posted on my youtube [ThatCoyGamer], including this one which'll be up soon!
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cepheustarot · 8 months
What awaits you in October?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur. You build your own life and destiny.
Choose one or more cards. Trust your intuition.
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Card 1: The first event will be that you will find yourself in a problematic situation, the solution of which does not depend on you and you may be in an unstable state, be nervous and overthinking yourself. It is also possible that you will have to work for some time or be with a person who is very hot-tempered or very sensitive and literally takes your every word to heart. In this case, you will have to constantly control your flow of words in order not to offend a person, and this is very stressful and there is a high risk of quarreling with a person. The second situation will be a change of workplace! You will get tired of the old job with its conditions, or you have lost interest in it and decide to try yourself in another field. You will definitely find something that you will like; perhaps they will pay less at this job, but at least this activity will be genuinely interesting to you. If you are not working, but studying, then change your specialty to another one. You can also stop getting carried away with what has been of interest to you for many years and discover something new. The third situation indicates a change in the social circle! This is probably due to the fact that you decided to change your field of activity. In any case, you could be forced to communicate with someone you don't like and this month you will to dot the «I», break ties. If there are no such people, then in any case you have a high chance to meet new people, you will literally attract to yourself, people themselves can approach you, start a conversation, make a lot of compliments. You will be in the spotlight!
Сard 2: I see that you planned to see your family, mostly your grandparents, but this meeting will not take place, because force majeure will occur, some problem that will need to be solved as soon as possible and this is exactly the situation that will disrupt your meeting. I also want to note that a person with experience will come to your aid, a creative personality, prone to empathy, emotional, sociable, maybe it's you or your friend / acquaintance. However, you will definitely find a way to solve this problem, although this unexpected situation will cause you great excitement and stress. Also, the second situation speaks about big spending in money. Alternatively, your finances may go to solve the problem described above. Otherwise, you will spend this money on an expensive gift to some person, or you will arrange a party or any other event that will require a lot of money to organize. Perhaps you will be preparing documents for the purchase of real estate, cars, businesses, etc., in this case, I advise you to pay special attention to the terms of the contract, since there is a risk of being deceived and investing in something that may not pay off! This month you will also work hard or study hard. Perhaps you will have a stuff at work or you will need to do your work before the end of the deadline, there may be a similar situation at study. Your boss or your teacher can make a lot of comments, get on your nerves and generally not accept the work done. Or you can work together with someone in a team and your partner can pull you down, which is why your common cause will not be as successful as it could be if you acted alone.
Card 3: The first situation is that there is a factor that causes your plans to collapse, but! You will successfully eliminate this factor, as you will find a solution to fix the situation, you are very smart and resourceful, so you will definitely cope with difficulties. However, if you were the one who was going to disrupt someone's plans, then you will soon be exposed, do not think that you can get away with it.
The second situation will be the opportunity to pause, take a break and relax after all the difficulties in life. Most likely, there was a period in your life when problems were only getting worse and all your strength was spent only on solving them. Fortunately, this month you will have the opportunity to relax and unwind, it will be a good time to pay attention to yourself, take care of yourself, do what you have been putting off for a long time, but could not do because of the circumstances. The third situation indicates a meeting with close people with whom you have not seen for a long time. It can be your family, relatives, childhood friends or your lover. The meeting will be wonderful and you will be satisfied, it will be a pleasant memory for you for a long time.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback <3
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elvenbeard · 10 months
2077, November
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"Heeey... All good? What're you doing out here, so early?"
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"Couldn't sleep... Wanted to watch the sun rise."
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"Well, here I am!"
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2077 was a hell of a year. It left its marks, mental and physical, trauma and scars alike, memories and lack thereof. A year ago Vince was working at Arasaka, desperate to stay in the corporate world despite it slowly destroying him from the inside out. A year later Arasaka is only a shadow of it former self - and in a way Vince felt like a shadow, too.
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Six months had been Alt's prognosis, at most... then he'd die. For good this time. Vince knew the drill. But he also knew he would try everything in his power, utilize all means possible and necessary... Because yes, 2077 had been one hell of a year, of loss, despair, betrayal and pain... But also of hope, trust, friendship and love, and connections, however unlikely they may have seemed.
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The road ahead is still long, and it will be far from easy. But he is at peace knowing he won't be walking it alone.
Vince through the years (9/9)
Aaand the series is complete! ;A; Ending it on a somewhat bittersweet note with a few of more pictures this time cause look at them looking at each other ;___;
Vince has always been a deeply lonely person trying to find his place and purpose - as you'll surely have gathered reading along this far. By 2077 he finally finds his people, real friends in the most unlikely places, that he cares about and that care about him. And after how badly his previous relationship with his Arasaka-coworker Shou ended, he wouldn't have expected to get another shot at love, too. I definitely feel like he found a soulmate in Kerry, very scared in the beginning that his feelings for him were only brought on because of Johnny, and should he get rid of Johnny he'd also lose the connection to Kerry. He didn't though, thankfully. Vice versa, Kerry found someone who really understands his loneliness and struggles and takes them seriously. They really match very well on many levels and bring out the best in the other (on most days at least :P), something I neither planned for nor expected, and probably why I'm so obsessed with them at the moment XD They really are each other's sun, driving away shadows and doubts, a light in the darkness.
But yeah, Vince has a lot to lose really, and together with Kerry and everyone else they try and find a way to solve the Relic-problem so now that he found his place and people he can stay with them, live the balance of quiet and exciting life he deserves and always wished for.
The scars I gave him here (and damn, it hurt me to make them 😭) are not 100% canon yet... I'm gonna explore and explain what they are and how he got them in my post-ending fic soon-ish.
But yeah... V gets his happily ever after with his loved ones, in one way or another, and CDPR can take my headcanons from my cold dead hands xDD No but really, I get it. In a world like Cyberpunk there's no such thing as a sunshine-and-rainbows happy ending with world peace and all... and even mine is gonna come at a certain cost. But if anyone, V deserves some peace and love after that shitshow :D
That being said:
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Before and after! The scars are drawn on, and I used the relief layer effect in Photohsop to give them some dimension. Was really a matter of playing around with colors and layer modes to make them somewhat convincing looking, but I'm really liking the result a lot!
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Once again it gets me how different Vince looks without his iconic hair and makeup 😭 Believe me, he had a really really hard time when he was told "we gotta shave your head for this procedure" cause throughout his life his hair has been a really important part of his self-expression. From dyeing it blond as a teen to rebel against his parents, to going completely wild afterwards, conforming to Arasaka, then slowly finding himself again... With everything gone he felt like yet another part of him was gone and yeah... wasn't a good time, that time in late 2077.
If you've read along all the way: thanks so much!! I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed creating it and sharing a bit more about Vince's background and how he became who he is. When I'm done writing my post-ending fic I might go back to writing and sharing his background story fic, detailing everything from this series a bit more, and you'll get to know some of the people I only mentioned in passing (his mother, his first real boyfriend, his coworkers, etc.) a bit better, too.
So... Thanks for sticking around!! :D
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polipiper · 2 years
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader Theme: Hogwarts AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
During Harry’s time in Hogwarts, and after, there were many tales that nobody talked about in the magic world. Stories that were soon forgotten, or ignored due to the battles involving the magic trio and he who must not be named.
But there is one that was worth remembering, an unconventional story of a boy and a girl that had nothing in common, but fought until the very last minute together.
Chapter 2: The boy that stole Christmas
The first month passed by so quickly. You met more students from different houses thanks to Joonie — who became a great friend instantly. He had to go separate ways sometimes to hang with Jin and Yoongi, you could see he felt bad about it but you and Cho kept reassuring him it was alright, he needed to see his other friends, too.
Joon also felt bad for leaving you and Cho in some of your classes, he partenered up with Yoongi. It’s not like you were alone, Cho and you were partners, but you could feel eyes on you every once in a while, and every time you looked around you saw how Namjoon had his eyes on you…but with a worried face.
You realized you started to have issues with only one of the classes. Sure, you were a first year, but as a Ravenclaw you couldn’t help but feel worried. You knew the assignment, understood every single step, ingredient, and tool you had to use, so why did every potion you brew ended in a catastrophe? (Ok, you knew you were exaggerating, but you swear you would end up setting the classroom on fire some day).
“Look, we can study together every once in a while”, Namjoon suggested one day while you were having dinner. “We can ask if we can take the classroom one day after the class period, or during the weekend, and we can go through it together.”
The idea excited you and you couldn’t help but give Joonie a big smile. “Would you really do that for me?”.
“Of course Y/N! We’re friends, I can always help”.
The three of you got permission to use the classroom one Saturday morning, with the condition to leave everything clean. Snape left only the things you needed for the potion to cure boils (just to make sure you didn’t brew anything you shouldn’t…and specially for the safety of the whole classroom).
“I think I see your problem Y/N”. Namjoon said with a smile, after going through the process several times.
“Oh please do tell, I’m tired of this”.
“One of the steps is to remove the the cauldron from the fire, before you add the porcupine quills. You are doing it right, since it’s not causing the damage that it should if you do it the other way around…the problem is…for some reason your cauldron is not lowering the temperature as much as ours, it’s still kind of hot”.
“But why?“ you frowned at him, with Cho carefully listening to him. She was amazed, she didn’t realized that was the issue, he was pretty attentive.
“I’m not quite sure, since it doesn’t seem you’re doing anything different from us. But with this potion what you can do is just wait a little longer than the rest of us. It could be the cauldron? The material? I don’t know. But waiting a little longer can help to reach the temperature, let’s try it one more time, but you’ll wait 10 more minutes than us, ready?”.
“I can’t believe you reached to that conclusion. Let’s try it!”. The three of you seemed excited and immediately started to work on your potion one more time.
You were impressed, but you thought that maybe you shouldn’t. Namjoon seems to pay a lot of attention to detail, so of course he would be right. It seemed like something so simple and obvious for him.
Another month passed and you were doing better in potions, everything seemed alright in your classes and you were learning a lot. But Joonie kept glancing at you on every once in a while, and you felt hesitant to ask him what was going on. Something was bothering him, since later you realized he seemed to be avoiding you on purpose.
You tried focusing on your classes to stop thinking about what you did to Namjoon, you don’t recall saying anything wrong or doing something that could bother him. You weren’t sure if he had been talking to Cho or not, he probably did, since those pitiful eyes were only directed to you.
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Christmas was approaching, which meant most of the students were going back home for the Winter break, you decided to stay at the castle so you could continue practicing, there was no way you could do it at home so your parents understood you were still so eager and focused to learn.
Cho unfortunately had to leave your side, but you were happy she could leave to see her parents.
“Are you going to be ok?”. Cho asked. “You can still change your mind and go to your parents, or mine! I swear my dad is a great cook, he always makes a great dinner for Christmas”.
“It’s alright Cho. I know why you’re asking, and it’s probably something you don’t want to talk about. But it’s ok, I will focus on something else, but trust me…next time I’m going to yours and try your dad’s cooking”. You laughed.
“Look…”. She smiled, but she seemed like she wasn’t sure to keep going or not, she seemed like she knew what was going on with Joonie. “Yes, I can see something shifted, and I’m truly sorry. Wish I could understand him more, you know? But give him some time”.
“Don’t worry, I think I know what is going on, but I won’t push it. I do miss him, but I can’t force him to talk”.
Cho gave you a smile, and you both decided to drop the topic and go on with your day.
It continued like this, both of you ignored the conversation until it was time for her to leave.
“Please be careful, and try to hang out with the other girls, I don’t want you to struggle”.
“Don’t worry Cho, I’m alright. I’ll keep my mind busy with other stuff, it can’t be that bad”.
You both hugged and said your goodbyes. You realized that Namjoon was gone too, so at least you won’t notice him ignoring you in the almost empty castle.
More days passed and it was Christmas Eve already, you were looking forward for the Christmas dinner and to hopefully take something to your dorm too. You were about to round the corner and reach the Great Hall until you crashed with something —or rather someone.
“Hey, watch where you’re going!”. You recognized that voice—Min Yoongi, and until you locked eyes he realized who he was talking to. “No wonder why you’re so dumb and clumsy, it had to be a Mudblood”. He said this with his voice full of venom, but you were confused about what he just said.
“Oh? Excuse me?!”. You were furious, how dare he call you dumb?. “First of all, I’m not dumb you idiot, I wouldn’t be in Ravenclaw if I was. Second, what the hell is a Mudblood?!”.
He started laughing…laughing! “Bloody hell, see what I mean? You don’t even know what that means. But it kind of makes sense, Mudbloods are just that oblivious”. He made a few steps closer to you, making you nervous. “Mudbloods are a vile excuse of wizards, wizards that come from parents with no magic. Scum like you that don’t deserve a place here. Do me a favor, and try to never walk near me again, how does that sound?”.
You froze, you knew some Slytherins could be judgemental about blood status, but never expected these words to be directed to you with so much hatred and disgust. How could someone be this mean? It’s not like you chose this, you had a peaceful life back home, with your non wizard parents and non wizard world.
“Why did I do to you anyway?! And fine, it’s not like I want to see your ugly face again”. It was a lame comeback and you knew that, you just wanted to run away from the situation, so you turned around and ran to your bedroom.
You didn’t dare to go back for your dinner, you couldn’t stop crying for some reason. The biggest part of you told you to ignore him, that not everyone thinks like that. But there was a small part of you that felt like he may be right, or maybe most of the students did not want you there…like Joonie. And that’s the part that won…small, but hurtful enough.
And this is how you spent Christmas. Alone, and full of tears.
A/n: soooo this is the end of chapter 2! I decided to change a few things, but hopefully you like it 🙏🏻 please let me know your thoughts, I’m enjoying this too much! Hopefully you will too.
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 year
hw event 15 (funky murder mystery time) plot call! hit the 'like' button and i'll send you a plotting message, maybe not today but definitely tomorrow/wednesday at the latest, and we can pick some people to plot with. this will double as a starter call; i'll add threads here as we plot them. (but as a side-note, i probably will drop most non-event stuff once this starts, just for my own sanity. if it's a thread i'm really enjoying i'll keep it but otherwise if it's not hugely plot-related it'll probably get cut, rip)
wei wuxian: this man has died 3 times already, so he's not concerned. also his personal life is going great at the moment, so I can't see him getting too distracted by these murders when he's got better things to do than panic.
wei wuxian starters for: marlene mckinnon (mcrcki)
yuri plisetsky: he is tired of this bullshit. will be compulsively texting his friends and acquaintances to make sure they don't go out alone. will he be investigating? no, because he's a 21 year old, without any background in detective work. but for plots he's more than willing to tell your character that their theories are stupid and ridiculous
yuri plisetsky starters for: lizzie midford (drvcxrys)
orpheus: probably doesn't even know this is happening, tbh. does not read the news, does not eavesdrop on people at the cafe. blissfully living his life without a care in the world.
orpheus starters for: vanellope von schweetz (flyaboveitall), sirena (vcndetta), samwise gamgee (softsliders19)
wen kexing: his security system at home and at work are great. he'll be worried about a-xiang and chengling more than anything, so he'll want to keep an eye out on them/for them, but solving a mystery is none of his business.
wen kexing starters for: zhou zishu (youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
xie lian: xie lian is unfortunately in the category of 'i care too much' and 'let's work together and help solve this, okay?' he is pretty sharp when it comes to solving mysteries, but definitely wants to team up and coordinate with other people, because the more minds working together, the better! he is very optimistic that they can get this wrapped up soon.
xie lian starters for: mu qing (masqce), qi rong (tragcdysewn), ji euntak (spellbcok)
blathers: man is just trying to do his job at the museum, ok. please do not pull him into anything, he does not want to be involved, he is too aware of true crime podcasts to think that his contributions would be useful.
blathers starters for: ahkmenrah (purelybilateral), stede bonnet (softsliders19)
he xuan: this is not his fault. he did not cause this. he will have a few people he wants to keep an eye on but will be minding his own business otherwise.
he xuan starters for: shi qingxuan (irresistiibles), chunyu (tragcdysewn)
sha hualing: murderers? finally some excitement that this city needs. she will be causing problems on purpose, such as purposefully fucking with evidence and trying to leave fake clues for investigators. because that's good, cheap fun.
sha hualing starters for: eddie munson (recklcssabandon)
liu qingge: if he sees someone even vaguely suspicious, he will not hesitate to stab them with his giant fucking sword. so consider your characters warned.
liu qingge starters for: adora (flyaboveitall), anakin skywalker (recklcssabandon)
loid forger: finally a chance to utilize his spy skills! he has not been "officially" put on this case, but in the interests of helping keep the city safe, he will be investigating, so if you want anyone to team up with, give him a call.
dongfang qingcang: let everyone kill each other, he literally does not care. caring is beneath his paygrade.
chu wanning: he'll feel an obligation to contribute, probably by investigating on his own. i don't think he'd want to work with anyone else, because he doesn't want them to get potentially hurt, but that motive probably would not come across well and instead he will most likely come off like a loner asshole, rip
chu wanning starters for: mo ran (tragcdysewn), cisco ramon (vcndetta)
filippa kosta: yeah, they're ambivalent. this shit happens all the time. it is what it is and they just hope they don't get stabbed to and from work, but-- they have decent insurance, so.
filippa starters for: josh washington (purelybilateral), fred weasley (rcquicm)
qi yan: she's suspicious about why this is happening, but trying not to get involved. she works at the white house, so i'm sure tensions there are relatively high. if you have a white house employee character as well, this is a good potential plotting opportunity.
qi yan starters for: leia organa (mcrcki)
kaz brekker: keeping eyes out everywhere. he won't be trying to solve the murders unless someone he knows falls victim to it, but-- he's a good person to bounce ideas off of, because he does know crime pretty well.
kaz starters for: elliot alderson (purelybilateral), inej ghafa (irresistiibles), nikolai lantsov (rcquicm)
mo xi: he'll mostly be wanting to keep an eye out and make sure gu mang doesn't go wandering around alone, stupidly. he'll be concerned about the situation, but one or two murderers can't be that big of a deal, right?
pei ming: no murderers on the loose will keep him from enjoying a good time. he may, in fact, talk his bar owner into throwing a serial killer themed party at the bar one night. bad idea? probably. fun, though? hell yeah
pei ming starters for: victor nikiforov (irresistiibles)
lee rang: look, man is down to use this as an opportunity to cause some chaos, so if you want one of your characters to get injured or psychologically fucked with in some way, we can plot with him.
lee rang starters for: zoya nazyalensky (masqce), lee yeon (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), sabrina spellman (spellbcok)
that's what i've got! hit the like and we'll figure out a couple threads to do during the event 🎉
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mskatesharma · 2 years
Simone's LA Times podcast left me so ambivalent...She was delightful per usual and I'm glad she has some TBA projects so I can support her work elsewhere. But I think I'm finally over the show....
TVWLM is the only Bridgerton book I like, so I was happy to peace out from the fandom after S2. But S2 left me so dissatisfied and Simone and JB have made it seem like they'll have a decent story in S3, so I was gonna stick around. But Simone's reveal that they had written a backstory and flashbacks for Kate—but ultimately scraped it—has just left such a sour taste (compounded by everything else) and IDK that I can't reconcile it anymore. Like do I still want to follow this show?
They've got no problem giving all the white women characters their due (Eloise, Daphne, Penelope, Violet), but Kate, her family, and Lady Danbury have been horrendously written. There's no reason to be optimistic they'll try to course correct next season. Obviously Simone & JB have some idea of what their storyline is (seems she's been permitted to hint about a baby), and it sounds promising when they sell it, but I doubt it'll actually be that substantive/thoughtful...They didn't care to do right by Kate & Kanthony their own season, and now they've got a new central romance plus a million subplots to contend with S3.
Just feeling very disillusioned about a show I once really enjoyed despite its many issues.
I LOVED the LA Times interview, the questions were really good, and they actually asked about stuff other than representation. I also feel like Simone felt comfortable, especially seeing as she offered to tattoo the interviewer lol. I’m so excited to hear about what she has coming up, and I hope there’s an announcement soon because news about Bridgerton is just depressing as shit.
Anon, I am so tired of the shit that we continue to find out after the release of season two. Like it’s no secret that I have my issues with how shit the writing was for season two, but this latest thing is just...yeah. Part of me wonders if the way Simone (and Jonny) continue to bring stuff up is their way of trying to get it included next season? Like trying to force the show’s hand? (Also, I did start answering this ask yesterday but got annoyingly angry and depressed while answering so I had to leave it lol, sorry)
I am so fucking annoyed. And you’re absolutely right, it does leave such a bad taste in the mouth.
And you know what I find quite insidious about the whole thing? Is that they had these flashbacks included in the sides that Simone auditioned with, giving the impression of a somewhat thorough exploration of Kate's background and cause of her trauma and grief, as well as making it seem that Kate's background (including being Indian) and life in India was going to be given consideration, only for them to scrap the scenes entirely once Simone was cast. I honestly find it somewhat disgusting, and to be honest, it makes me feel sick. It’s like they enticed her with those scenes, and the promise of that kind of thoughtful focus, only to get rid of them once she was cast. Those scenes were bait.
And look, I know just because these sides and scenes were used for audtion purposes, doesn’t mean they were always going to be included in the show, but that makes it even worse? I didn't necessarily want flashbacks of Kate's time in India because I didn't trust the show to handle such scenes sensitively enough, but the fact that these scenes were written in the first place and then scrapped, ENRAGES me. It makes me feel violent. They wrote and included this stuff because they knew it was important for Kate's character, to understand her as a character and her motivations, and I don’t understand why it wasn’t included. So we could watch Jack and Portia have the same conversation over and over again? So we could watch any of the other sideplots go nowhere for far too long? WHY DID THEY TREAT KATE’S GRIEF AND TRAUMA AS THOUGH IT WAS MEANINGLESS AND THAT IT DIDN’T MATTER???
The WOC on this show are so poorly served, and I fucking hate it. I think maybe they’re saving Lady Danbury’s backstory for the Queen Charlotte spinoff, but, that’s still shit because not everyone who watches Bridgerton is going to watch the spinoff. Plus, if they keep the main elements from RMB, then Lady Danbury is involved in Polin’s story as well? And it’s gross, because her sole purpose in life is not to be the Bridgertons’ romantic fairy godmother?? Like fuck off with this shit. It’s offensive. I really thought they would expand on Kate and Lady Danbury’s relationship, and have Lady Danbury confide in Kate about her life and why she gave Kate the advice she did after the non-wedding...but they didn’t. And then you have how they treated Kate in HER SEASON. It honestly felt like she was a side character in her own season at times and I just...FUCK.
Like, my expectations for season three regarding Kanthony were already rock bottom, and with everything new that comes out, my expectations just get lower. It’s depressing, and I just...it gets more and more obvious that this show doesn’t actually care about ‘diversity’; for them it doesn’t actually have to be substantive, it’s just icing that they can sprinkle on the top and then ask for the plaudits for their superficial diversity. And it pisses me off that their superficiality gets hardly any traction or criticism.
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thestudentfarmer · 1 year
Hello hello everyone!
Sorry it's been a bit, we all know how personal stuff can be sometime. Anyway up to the post!
I've an empty garden bed for a bit but since I had squash in it I'm gonna add some good stuff back and try something a lil different.
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Now if you don't know what's in the jar thats all cool! it's lentils, since their a legume and relatively cheap and I've extra from food pupropses I've decided to try planting them as a sort of cover crop/ green manure.
☆🌱 What is a green manure you might ask? 🌱☆
 a green manure is plant material grown that is not grown for produce. Instead it's grow specifically for the purpose of improving a soil's nutritional value or texture. Green manure or cover crops are usually planted after a garden's produce crops are harvested and done (though you can interplanetary smaller cover crops while larger ones are grown to give ground cover) then churned into the soil just before the next planting season to add valuable organic material to the soil that will break down over time.
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It's not pretty right now, but that can be fixed up :) I'm watering the soil after scoring it a bit. You don't need to score but I did cause we've had some cool weather as well as a lot of rain recently so compaction might be a problem. Plus itll help shuffle those lil established weeds while their small and not seedy
I sprinkled around the lentils willy nilly, mostly cause I won't be harvesting this growth, I'll either till it back in or if it's too much material I'll pull half out to feed to the gals as a food source and special treat.
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After shuffling the dirt a bit over the seeds I like to cover the rows with screen or a very light tarp. Being in close proximity with neighbours I know I'll have issues with pigeons and the smaller birds trying to pick off the seeds. As soon as the majority sprouts ill be removing it till the next planting.
Jan 22, 2023 is the start of the lentil experiment.
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Also very exciting news, I cannot recall if I mentioned last year I ended up planting a bunch of pumpkin seeds cause they sprouted... but they have lil pumpkins coming in now! I hope they make it to past green though, we had some frost a few days in a row and the leaves as you can see got a bit damaged :( I'm gonna let them go as long as possible :)
That's it for this week's garden update :)
🌱🌻Happy Gardening🌻🌱
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king-maven-calore · 2 years
Hii Ann
I read what you wrote about the end of BB and even tho i can't understand it in a personal level i know how important representation is (specially if having it is not the norm or the "common thing") and not being conscious of that, for an author like VA, is disrespecful to the very least.
However I still don't understand quite well the main reason of the problem: what boder you is that Victoria kill the only gay character? That she used their sexuality as a reason to die, not in a homophobic way but in a "people will miss this one more cause of their sexuality" way.
(Perdón mi ignorancia soy más paki q la Bresh en la actualidad)
(Vos tan Bresh 💑, y yo tan Fiesta Plop✨) The more time passes, the more I can articulate why this wounded me so much beyond "I'm a sensitive gay" lmao so I'll try to be precise.
In a way, the problem with Ridha's death has nothing and everything to do with her sexuality. It has nothing to do with the cause or the circumstances of it. You see, if we reduce her POV to its basics it's about a flat character whose sole purpose in the story was as a tool for plot progression. Her chapters were never about developing her beyond "Elder princess gathering forces to save the realm". We as readers are supposed to care about her death on the basis that she's one of the good guys and the emotional repercussions it will have for Dom, who loves her. Other than that, I don't see why anybody would find her non-existent personality compelling enough or empathize with enough to truly be devastated by her demise. So, even from a writer's standpoint, it's a "safe" death, rather than tragic.
Readers are not going to "miss it" bc of her sexuality, but bc she was barely in the story. They are mostly going to be relieved their faves were spared. This is fine of course. I'm not pointing fingers. I don't even care if someone says they are glad it was her who died.
The problem is that she was the one character where an element of queer identity made a significant appearance, in a way that was used to build a relationship with another (Lenna, the raider chief), and thus, excitement. And it was used carelessly. In an ideal world, Ridha dying after displaying this deviation from the norm wouldn't mean much. But this is not an ideal world, and it is problematic within the context of the story because while there are other bi characters (Erida, Sorasa, Sigil) and a gay character (Charlon) none of them display their attraction in ways that matter. Both Erida and Sorasa are in M/F romantic storylines, Sigil is casually mentioned having a threesome with another woman, Charlie is in a ~complicated~ relationship (or past relationship) with some guy, and it's not depicted.
Do you see the pattern I'm drawing? It's all so very diverse, but not really. Because the queer storylines are sidelined even though the plotty plot still leaves room for three M/F romances. And I would have been okay with a half-baked F/F romance too, cause my bar is super low lmao, but it was quickly aborted by death.
And here's when the context created by other media comes into play: the percentage of lgbtq+ characters dying is so high in contrast with other characters that you come to expect it. It's a joke in the community, how a character coming out or a same-sex love interest being introduced into a story must mean they are going to die soon.
How would you feel if 9 out of 10 of all the romcoms you love changed the ending so one half of the pair died? you soon would tire of it. You'd grow sick of seeing it. It's all in the numbers.
Back when I read RQ and Evangeline was revealed to be a lesbian, I was sure she would be dead by the end. It was a given. I was resigned to it like I always am. But then she survives! and not only that but other gay couples were shown and mentioned. When Maven dies it's the tragic natural conclusion of a complex negative arc for a very well-developed bisexual boy. His sexuality matters even when it's not central to the story.
When Ridha dies, the only RB POV whose queerness had any relevance at all in making a weak character somewhat more human, it leaves the number of gay couples at zero (there is the insinuation of an M/NB couple between two tertiary characters, I'll give you that). So, VA just killed 100% of a demographic. And it was my demographic🙃, so that made the death personal even though it wasn't. It made it painful, even though she was a disposable character from the get-go. That, my friend, is the problem. This whole mess fits neatly into a broader problem of straight writers carelessly disposing of queer characters way more quickly than they would of "regular" ones.
As a straight girl, you're not obligated to care about this or feel angry, but please understand where the pain comes from for those of us who get this ending 99% of the time in media.
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secretariatess · 3 months
Kylin 50
            It was only a matter of days before the materials for the building arrived.  Ofjaet and Jyl went through the village, picking out trustworthy villagers who had skill in building.  Or at the very least, could follow instruction.
            Kylin had partly assumed that he and Rei would’ve moved on, but the project became an all-hands-on-deck kind of situation, and he found himself helping where he was called to while Rei was constantly dealing with disputes, as soldiers came by to watch.
            Though it was an amazing and huge gift from the dryads, it did come with the flaw that the dryads let their imagination with it run wild.  It resulted in a grandiose design, one that was “the simplest I could convince them to get,” as Ofjaet told Kylin.  It would have one giant room that the front doors would open to.  It would have side rooms of varying sizes, some lined with bookshelves.  Stairs would lead to a spacious second floor with a couple of big rooms and rooms with bunks.  If Kylin had to guess, he would have to say that the dryads were inspired by cathedrals and castles, bot of which they had never seen and never understood the purpose of the rooms occupying such buildings.  They had insisted on at least two secret passageways, and several areas where one could hide in the walls.  Each room was to be given elaborate decorations, carved into walls, doors, shelves, sills, and anywhere else a dryad thought it needed something.  Every dryad of the clan had chosen one design motif to be put in the building, which was touching.  But while a good portion of them had put thought into their motif, it was evident that some of the dryads had picked the first thing they could find in their excitement, creating little motifs of twigs, acorns, and spiders.
            On the front doors were to be the design of three cedar trees, a tribute to the dryads who now made the very walls of the building.  The doors were being done by the dryads themselves, to be delivered when they were done.
            Since the center was too big to be made entirely of the dryad wood, only select parts were made by that wood, focusing on the exterior and load bearing walls, and the front doors.
            Its unusual design definitely provoked questions from the villagers, in which the only answer that could be given was a resigned sigh, a shrug of the shoulders, and a “It’s just how dryads are.”
            Despite all the odd requests, progress was made, leaving a giant structure surrounded by the brown and bare ground where a village once stood.  The builders jokingly called it the Castle of the Veil, which evolved into a few crowns being twisted from dried vines.  Anytime someone was deemed “too bossy” without good cause, a crown was placed on his head and he would mockingly be called “Your Majesty” until the crown was removed for someone more fitting.
            Of course, the guidelines for crowning became looser with time, and Kylin found that even simply passing on a message could result in being crowned.  In one morning, he had successfully dodged six crowning attempts.
            Soon, not even the likes of Ofjaet and Rei were safe.  Ofjaet merely passed on the crown with a gracious smile, a “Oh, but I couldn’t, I must abdicate” while gently placing it one the one who attempted to bestow him with it.  Rei went a completely opposite direction.  At first baffled and perhaps a little annoyed, he warmed right up to the joke, and then some.  He appeared to be attempting to collect the crowns, demanding to know the reason one was removed, pointing to his stack if anyone questioned him, and unabashedly wearing them when talking with the soldiers causing problems.
            Unfortunately, Rei’s fun had to come to an end.  He had informed Kylin that he was intending to leave sooner rather later, after he was confident that things could be handled without his constantly telling the soldiers off.  The morning of the day he planned to leave, he strutted around the building area, enjoying his final moments of having the most crowns before passing them off.
            Kylin waited for him as he finished his rounds in the partially done main room.  As he stared in the direction of where he knew the captain to be, he heard above the sounds of construction and stomping about footsteps unlike the rest.  It was not the boots of a Ranger or soldier, or the footwear of the villagers.  It wasn’t even the footwear of the Elves, designed to allow for soft treading.  It was completely foreign to him.
            He twisted around to face where the front entrance of the center was to be.  His assessment that it was someone foreign was correct.
            It was a woman wearing garb he was unfamiliar with.  Considering the symbols embroidered on the fabric, it could be assumed she had connection with the church.  It was at one time a white garment, dirtied by travel- a hooded tunic that reached her knees, slits in the sides to allow freer movement.  She wore matching trousers and undershirt, completed with a gray sash, gloves, and boots with metal tips.  Her hood was up, betraying strands of thick, bushy red hair.  Of her face, only her eyes were exposed, the rest of which was covered by a mask not unsimilar to the ones the Rangers had.
            Her eyes locked with his and she confidently strode forward.  She stopped a couple feet away, head tilted back to continue staring at his face.
            “I came with the hopes of speaking with your captain,” she said.
            Kylin blinked, unable to come up with a single reason why this woman wanted to speak with Rei.  Her accent was reminiscent of the merchants he’d heard who were from other parts of Harlofelp, and while the Veil Villages had churches and followed the religion of Harlofelp, none of them were visited by the more important sects of the religion.  There was little sense in her speaking with anyone from the Veil, let alone the Rangers, who did not deal with merchants beyond ensuring safe travel, nor did the Rangers as a whole impose or decry religion.
            “Who are you?” he asked abruptly.
            “My name is Kendra,” she said nonchalantly.  “I have matters to discuss with him that would impact all of you.”
            He wasn’t about to take her at her word on that, but it wasn’t going to be his problem.  He glanced over to where he could hear Rei and called out to him.  He heard Rei excuse himself and head over to him.
            When he drew closer, Rei opened his mouth to tell Kylin off for being impatient, but Kylin quickly gestured to the woman.
            “She said her name was Kendra,” he explained before Rei could say anything.  “She wanted to talk to you.”
            Rei looked her up and down, eyebrow raised.  “You aren’t from the Veil. What business would someone across the river want with me?”
            “There is quite a lot,” she said.  “Perhaps we could go somewhere a little more private to talk?”
            Rei gave her a look but said nothing as he motioned for her and Kylin to follow him. He brought them to one of the tents set up for sleeping quarters.  He settled himself at the small, flimsy table with folding chairs placed in the center of the tent and littered with playing cards.  Kylin sat next to Rei while Kendra sat opposite them.
            “So, what business do you have that you thought us?” Rei asked again.
            “Thought of?”  She chuckled.  “Involved in. I know you are closely tied with the kidnapping of Prince Selim.”
            Rei narrowed his eyes.  “On whose behalf are you here?”
            “I work for the patriotic organization known as the Myst,” Kendra responded smoothly.  “My interests are for the wellbeing of Harlofelp.”
            Rei lean back. Kylin glanced him, hoping he would have some sort of explanation.  He had never heard of “the Myst”, let alone a group that considered themselves specifically patriotic.
            “The name is familiar,” Rei confessed.  “Don’t your people cause trouble in Chester?”
            “If you had been in Chester, you would understand,” she said dismissively.  “As I said, though, this is about Selim.”
            Rei pursed his lips, waiting for her to continue.
            “Selim has fallen gravely ill,” she said.  “The royal healer, who accompanied the Crown Prince down here, claims a chance of survival, but especially now that he is back at the castle, there is no chance of that.”
            Kylin bit the inside of his lip, forcing back all the thoughts htat flooded his mind.  Especially the ones regarding Amelia.
            “Are you suggesting that the healer intends to kill him?” Rei asked.
            “Unfortunately, we cannot confirm that,” she said.  “We cannot clear him of suspicion, but he may be operating with genuine motive. What we know is that someone does not want Selim to come home. Having failed to prevent that, they do not want him to live.”
            “The king showed little care for him,” Kylin said, confused and annoyed.  “Selim himself told us that. He isn’t even the Crown Prince. Why is he being targeted?”
            Kendra pointed at him as though he had hit on something.  “It is because the king does not care. Selim is the ‘prince of the people,’ the one to rely on. Not because that’s what he actually was, but because making him so put someone in control of the people. The king’s feelings and actions towards Selim are the feelings and actions he takes towards his people.”
            “They want to make him a martyr,” Rei surmised.
            She nodded.  “Precisely. If he dies, the people will blame the king for his inattentiveness, for his lack of care. They will attempt to dethrone him.”
            Rei let out a long sigh, not taking his eyes off Kendra.  After a long pause, “So where do we fit into this?”
            “The king will not go down without a fight,” she answered.  “He will redirect their anger; he will pass on the blame. He will accuse you, the Rangers, of having a hand in his death. He will declare a war on you, and he will not just drive you out of the villages. He will seek to destroy you.”
            Rei leaned forward and carefully placed his elbows on the table, lacing his fingers together and pressing his mouth against them.  Kylin surveyed Kendra, searching for any hint in the exposed part of her face that would betray . . . something.  What, he did not know.  Perhaps a trace of a lie, that what she presented was not as grave.  Kylin could not place himself as a friend of Selim’s, but he certainly did not view him as an enemy and the idea of him being assassinated was wholly unpleasant.  Even more so knowing that Amelia did view him favorably.  On top of that, for his murder to be used as reason to go to war against the Rangers . . . .
            He glanced at Rei, wishing he would say something.
            At long last, Rei said, “And what are we supposed to do about this?”
            “You need to go up and clear your name by healing him,” she said.  “Or at least try. If you do so, the king cannot claim that you intentionally murdered his son.”
            “If we do not succeed? If he dies in our care?”
            “We do not want Masitof as king, understand,” she said.  “But we also do not want unnecessary war. We have people in high places who can help defend you, at the very least in the face of the people. However, if you do not show at all, we have little to support you.”
            “It sounds as though you and those you are claiming to want to martyr Selim have similar goals. How do we know that this was not your plan, but have realized too late what the retaliation will be?”
            “We are not the same,” she stated, almost affronted.  “We do not know who they are, but the information we do have of them makes us uneasy. On the surface, they appear to want to benefit the people, to better their conditions. But the fact that they are willing to so manipulate the very people they want to help, misrepresent someone, and kill him for their sake tells us that the interests of the people are not their end goal.”
            “You work in the shadows also.”
            “Yes, but for the people. We listen to what they say- not tell them what they should believe.”  She folded her arms and it was evident she was frowning behind the mask.  “We are not asking you to fix the situation in Harlofelp for us. However, we share a similar goal in that we do not like certain conditions. Your focus is just mainly the Veil. You would not just be helping us by coming up; you would be protecting the villages from the disaster that will befall them from the king’s retaliation.”
            “My issue here,” Rei said after a pause, “is that you could very well be playing me. That this is a set up, because war is actually your goal and it won’t happen unless you can directly pin the blame on us.”
            Kendra nodded slowly, thinking.
            “You cannot heal Selim yourselves?” Rei questioned.
            “We cannot get close to him,” Kendra said.  “Otherwise, we would. You, however, would have an advantage with your own healer.”
            Rei looked over to Kylin.  “Go find Ofjaet for me.
            Kylin nodded and left.  It did not take him long before he found Ofjaet.  After he showed the diplomat to the tent, he remained outside, deciding it would be better to be reinvited instead of assuming that he was.  Shortly, Kendra stepped out.  They exchanged a glance, but nothing else.  He could hear the two in the tent talking, but blocked out the words by focusing on other conversation nearby.
            For Amelia’s sake, if it were his decision, he would send a party up.  In addition, considering how long they helped keep Selim captive, it felt wrong to ignore him when he was in trouble.
            It was not that simple, however.  Given the king’s dealings with the last person from the Veil who helped his family, having the Rangers show up offering their services was unlikely to yield a favorable reaction.  That besides there was the potential of involving themselves in Harlofelp’s political mess.  A mess they had no part in.
            “You folks building a church?” Kendra asked, breaking the silence between them as she nodded at the center under construction.
            “It’s a community center,” he answered shortly.  He did not particularly care for being friendly towards her at the moment.
            She seemed unfazed by his lack of warmth.  “Fascinating. I would have assumed you would have started with houses. But I suppose this would be better.”
            Kylin said nothing in response.  He was not keen on entertaining a conversation with her.
            Thankfully, he was spared from any other attempts made by her as Rei and Ofjaet exited the tent.
            Kendra looked at them expectantly.
            “After consideration, we will send a group up,” Rei said.
            “Excellent,” was her response.
            “I assume you now have to inform your people,” Rei said.
            “On the contrary. I will be accompanying you up,” she said.  “I know the fastest way up, and it also avoids the potential of meeting anyone who really wants their martyr.”
            “I see You will have to wait. I do not have everyone I was sending here and ready to go.”
            “Certainly. Presuming there is a sense of urgency.”
            Rei replied only with a look.  “Ofjaet, as you were. Kylin, with me. Kendra, we will gather in the sixth village.”
            The dismissal could not be denied.  She paused, a little surprised at the abruptness of it, but decided not to say anything.  Instead, she went on her merry way without even so much as a glance over her shoulder.
            Rei took Kylin to the tree line, well out of earshot of anyone else.  Kylin had a feeling he knew what Rei was about to tell him.
            While he could agree with the decision to save Selim, he certainly did not mean for himself to go.  He had never left the Veil and he had no intention of doing so.
            “I am sending you up,” Rei declared, as Kylin suspected.
            Kylin opened his mouth to object.
            “No, I have a purpose,” Rei said, cutting across him.  “You will be going not just to provide security for those I am also sending, but also because, if the opportunity presents itself, I want you to take Selim on as an apprentice.”
            Rei might as well have punched him in the stomach.  He stared at his captain, the blood draining from his face.
            “You must certainly be joking,” he said weakly.
            “I am not.”  Rei’s face could not have been more serious.
            “I thought you didn’t want him as a Ranger!” Kylin argued.  “After all you said to him?”
            “I was reluctant, yes,” Rei admitted.  “But after careful thought, his joining the battle and carrying his weight, and still have the desire to join- I think that speak volumes. He still has learning to do, but I do not think he is incapable of learning.”
            “And all of this political nonsense?” Kylin aggressively reminded him.  “If one group wants to kill him and his father is feeling particularly unfavorable towards us . . . .”
            “Which is why I said if the opportunity presents itself. Taking Selim out of the equation there does have benefits for us. He cannot be used as a tactic to start war against us. The rest of those groups can figure out politics without him.”
            “So your solution is to have him join us in front of the king?”
            “No one will be able to say that we were trying to kill him,” Rei countered.
            “They’ll have other things to say,” Kylin grumbled.
            Rei dug into one of his pouches and pulled out a copper pin of a bird with its wings folded.  An apprentice pin.  Rei seized Kylin’s wrist and pressed the pin into his hand.
            “You will still need an apprentice,” Rei reminded him.  “As per our agreement. I think someone who isn’t as young will not make you as anxious.”
            Kylin stared at the pin, having his doubts about that.  Selim had shown he could be strong-willed, and if apprenticed, it would mean Kylin would be responsible in keeping him alive.  It was not as good a match as Rei thought.
            “You will be going up with Taileia, who will be able to perform the apprentice vowing.”
            Kylin barley heard him.  He still hadn’t taken his eyes off the pin.
            “You’ll do better than you think,” Rei said reassuringly.             If only that were true.
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gameonoverdogcom · 6 months
0 notes
self introduction!!
what's good!! my name's mayhem, i use they/them pronouns and i'm an 18 year old college student majoring in japanese (playing ensemble stars actually does help me learn a little bit lol). i've been playing ensemble stars for a month or two so i'm only rank 43 right now :/ but holy hell i am obsessed with this game. i love rhythm games (even though i'm not very good at them) and the characters in this game are fantastic, i've been hyperfixated on it for like a month and my friends are sick of me lmao
as my bio says, i'm a shuP/valkyrieP; yes i love mika as well, but there's just something about shu that makes me adore him more than any other character in the game. maybe it's because he's weird and strange but also sweet at times? maybe it's the fact that he's a (technically successful) cringefail? i don't know. but ever since i saw ex-valkyrie's 2-episode arc in the anime he's had me in a chokehold!! his character development!!! the artistry!!!!! UNMATCHED!!!!!!!
anyway... other characters i love and why!!
-wataru: he's silly :3 and i love his voice. fills me with serotonin every time i hear him go SuBarAsHii~ in the middle of a live. he is... the only member of fine i don't hate. eichi is a complex character but i personally do NOT like him (also i'm a shuP of course i hate him). tori is a brat. and yuzuru is barely worth mentioning. but i love how chaotic and goofy wataru is. truly the only good member of fine
-mayoi: if you couldn't tell, i love men that are weird and strange!!! love them dearly. also i kind of relate to him, at least with him having intrusive thoughts (that shit fucked me over in middle school lol). i love his hair and i love his sharp teeth and i love how he actually cares so much that it's the only thing that can override his anxiety. lastly, if i had vents and could go from place to place without being noticed you bet your ass i would every time.
-rinne: now i haven't finished chapter 5 of part 1 so i'm not sure how his story ends. however, i can say i've thoroughly enjoyed seeing him cause problems on purpose. i love when i'm in a live and he goes KYAHAHA and i'm like oh right rinne is here. his character development in the first half of chapter 5 alone has been amazing so i'm excited to see where his story goes.
-rei: as someone who very much identifies with the whole goth/emo/alt aesthetic, you KNOW undead is among my favorite units. rei is an amazing character in the anime (i mean, he helps so much, trickstar literally wouldn't have been able to do any of the shit they did without him) AND he made eichi faint by whispering some hard truths in his ear. based.
-leo: sadly i haven't seen that much of him, both in-game and in-anime, but i adore his energy. i'm also a songwriter, so i get the artistic struggle and whatever bullshit. honestly i think he's really cute and i'm excited to keep watching the anime because i'm on episode 13 and they showed him in episode 12 so surely that means he'll be in the show soon right guys? right?
anyway!! now i'm gonna move on to my favorite songs (and you'll probably be able to tell what my favorite units are based on them lol)
2wink: play tag, welcome to 2wink acrobatics
AKATSUKI: akatsuki iroha song, festival night picture scroll, strike -blade of resolve-, wild blooming flowers, pale red promise, perfectly-imperfect
ALKALOID: believe 4 leaves, kiss of life, hysteric humanoid, living on the edge, artistic partisan
Crazy:B: ariadne at the fingertips, crazy roulette, honeycomb summer, risky venus, helter-spider (idc that it's for halloween it bangs)
Double Face: =EYE=, stippling (these are the only double face songs i know)
Eden: the genesis, dance in the apocalypse, majestic magic, sunlit smile (eve), the beast of the end (adam)
Fine: never-ending symphony, neo sanctuary, holy angel's carol, crossing heart, the tempest night (wataru ily. 「愛」!!)
Knights: grateful allegiance, little romance, mystic fragrance, voice of sword
Ra*bits: joyful box, fallin' love=it's wonderland (best ra*bits song by far), love ra*bits party, milky starry charm
Ryuseitai: comet halation, unrivaled meteor ranger, ryusei hanabi
Switch: majestic magic, fragments of imagination, emerald planet
Trickstar: only your stars, rebellion star, crossing heart
UNDEAD: gate of the abyss, immoral world, melody in the dark, nightless world, valentine's eve nightmare, destruction road
Valkyrie: acanthe, kohaku to ruri no rondo, gaisenka, cloth waltz (UNDERRATED ASF), memoire antique, raisanka, enthralling theatre, tonight on the moonlit castle, sei shounen yuugi, sajou no roukaku, eternal weaving
also. bukubu new stars. koga ball <3
i think that's pretty much it? i guess i could confirm i'd consider my "favorite" units to be valkyrie (duh), undead, crazy:b, akatsuki, and alkaloid. i'm also aware that valkyrie just released a new album like a couple weeks ago so i surely will be checking that out and giving it a good listen over the next few days. i'm excited to meet more ensemble stars fans :3 if you wanna be mutuals just lmk i'm starved for people to ramble autistically to!!!!!!
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
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So they're all making it hard for a son and he sees things all the time that they're doing and they're trying to say the more luck are the ones doing it and when it is Tommy f2 and the Max and some foreigners and they're making his life completely miserable and our son is using power and boy what a power and we are too and we are magnificent. But the point of the movie is well taken this is what Matt wants to do with our son later on and he wants to retrieve Hera but for real and he wants them to run around on this adventures but the whole thing is coming down his adventures are real and they're not precursors it's really real life and real experiences even though he doesn't think so he thinks he'll regain the Midwest and rebuild and using us he says and he says as slaves and he's separated out of the Midwest on purpose and the code and many idiosyncrasies in this movie proves it and it's coming up in the near future and it's time to ask who figures it out and it is astounded and aghast and horrified and he believes his friend and from work it says it's true this is insanity and he's doing tons of weird s*** and he says I see why but what would you do to us was illegal and wrong and it might have caused a huge problem and he agrees that it said nasty thing to do and very wrong but it might have been necessary and then he says he has a plan to revive them and I'm more distraction and so forth so he's going to town on Mac and finding out it's all true and foreigners start doing it it's coming out very soon and she goes into some sort of living Dead movie it's cuz she said it but really this is more important. And it introduces certain characters like Samuel l Jackson haven't seen for a while and Lily's character who does some very famous movies additional to this which is a hugely famous movie. There are times when I remember when I wonder what we're doing he doesn't know the name of the movie right now and they're blocking it. And is a stunted giant and this angry lot and these Macs are way off isn't that patience for them in any way I think it's old or something cuz he's sharp-witted and talks like thrim they're nuts. We're proceeding with our plan is going well and yeah we have to push and he wants us to big whoop you don't really have power so give me a break. The opening the doors you're blocking for us we hv no goals and objectives. We're not going to start doing our plan and we have an idea of how and we are running several different plans at the same time but here in Florida it needs a lot of attention and it has been let go and I send a suffering and we need to come here he's a young man he's also going to start growing. And people need to see Queen Elizabeth II to see what happened. She's involved but he was the one who started it and she's a witness and he put it away for it. And they're doing the job and it's exciting and happy a lot of people are happy about it but it's very difficult and it's a lot of distractions like Samuel l Jackson's fedora. It's probably the raspberry Beret and it's a song about our son a little bit oh because he was giving them the rest and it came out and these guys are in trouble. Oxygen levels are up to 25 they were staying up around 22 during the day and nobody's used to it and it's going to go up to 26 at night for the next few nights and days and then it's going to go up further to around 28 how about your. And people are starting to see the oxygen levels going up and he's going to start growing in a couple weeks and he'll grow an inch probably about 20 days from now so it's happening
Thor Freya
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lserver362reviews · 1 year
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While I haven't seen all of the Disney "live-action" remakes I'm going to say I think this is the best one and should not disappoint any fan of The Little Mermaid (1989). As soon as the title came on screen I got chills just from reflecting what the original means to me over the previous days leading up to seeing this and seeing this fresh take with real people. Not shortly after that I was missing Avatar 2 and realized just how good that CGI is. The CGI throughout was solid enough but there were definitely some weird places (Eric swinging on a mast rope, the explosions in the grotto). Then I saw Javier Bardem and was absolutely shocked as I did not know he was in this, and boy did I laugh, and I didn't stop laughing whenever he was on screen. Why is he in this? He looked so silly in the end with the blankest of expressions and the wettest of hair. Funniest part of the film for me, hands down. The pacing overall was real slow but in a way where the cinematography was also too chaotic 80% of the time. I just wanted to be able to take more in in each scene. I loved the island kingdom (Barbados?) and the day in the market was of course still my favorite part. I did really like the new music there but was a little wistful for that original theme to come in in some way (www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGgDjmv5X08&list=OLAK5uy_kdasrLkkCnSUzHNU0EL3Jub5WyEMdnkYY&index=16). Kiss the Girl was a highlight and particularly well adapted to this version. Throughout this, Eric really grew on me, and I liked how we got his wants and back story. His study really made me think of the library from Beauty and the Beast. Halle Bailey as Ariel was a really really good choice but in places she felt a little too green, in some ways that worked well for Ariel's naivety and wide-eyed wonder, but other times it just felt like a subdued performance and then caused really contrasting dynamics (and I do mean that in regards to her acting as well was the singing itself). I have my qualms about losing a bit of the showtune broadway sound I'm accustomed to because she doesn't have that background, but I recognize that this is completely a me problem. I hope her versions mean to kids what Jodi Benson's meant to me and that they wear out whatever version of a cassette tape they have now, like I did listening to the soundtrack. I don't think as a kid I would've been able to relate to a voice that technical and doing those runs! (BUT maybe it's not about me, and insert the Broadway-so-white discourse here) BUT as soon as Halle said, "C'mon, Flounder, don't be such a guppy," she had me and once again, I had chills. She was a really good Ariel. I just wish this hadn't been her debut starring role (excited to see what she does next!). I really liked the costume choices (those tails, Eric's hat, all the dresses, the hair) although I wish they had recreated the date day dress from the animated film. The added songs were mostly poorly written, except For the First Time. That was a really nice addition. I wish we got a bit more of the relationship between Ariel and her dad, but I liked the relation of Ursula to Triton. Once again I ask, how does he have so many kids? and does this make Flotsam and Jetsam Ariel's cousins? I thought Melissa McCarthy did a great job and I don't know if I should've been so surprised really. I wish they had gotten a better makeup designer, read a drag queen, because I'm just left to wonder if they purposely made her eyebrows all janked up in order for her to be less beautiful? But she did what need to be done and it wasn't her fault for the dialogue and lines that got taken out (i.e. weirdly sanitized). I was very surprised that they kept the final battle scene fairly beat for beat to the original (scary!). I thought Disney didn't kill their villains anymore! I do wish that we understood what the heck was going on in her soul garden in this one a bit more, and why was she fighting with her own tentacles? (I'm asking dumb questions now-remember: kids movie). The fantastical sea creatures and the regular sea creatures were very muddled in general to me. Also getting rid of ALL the ensemble moments was unforgivable. Under the Sea is for an ensemble!!!! I did like the visuals in that sequence though. But in the wise words of Patti Labelle during the 1996 National Tree Lighting, "Where my background singers???" Some of the shots that recreated moments from the original, like the hair flip out of the water against the sun or the big moment on the rock, just hit at me as strange. I'll try to unpack what I mean by that at some point. The enduring legacy of Howard Ashman and Alan Menken really make this movie a hard one to mess up (although Lin must be stopped) and I found it a little bittersweet that Howard's dedication was almost hidden, way down, under all the credits (Please watch Howard on Disney+). Out of curiosity I did compare (I know, I know, I should stop right there) Part of Your World (OG: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXKlJuO07eM and New: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf7Dss2gCe0 ) and I think it speaks for the whole movie itself, in that, this new version is so much slower. The original movie clips along and I really missed the original songs per minute ratio during my watch of this. I think that kind of messed with the whole tone of the movie. I don't think it settled on a tone where there's a balance of being a musical and telling a story outside the music. I like the story changes here but I wonder if it's a problem of gravitas. For (the biggest) example: the Hans Christian Andersen quote at the beginning-really, I get that it's the original original source material, but this run time is too long to try to infuse some sort of it's about the story not the music, when really the story is in the music! Give me more music and get to it faster! At the end of the day it's a story about wanting more, not just adventure per se, but to belong in the space that is full of wonder, curiosity, and love for this experience that we are gifted only once. The folks at the Austin Danger Podcast did a lovely and very eloquent review that lines up with a lot of my experience watching this film (at a 6:30 PM showing with my best friend that I met on the bus to Kindergarten, with children reacting all around us): podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-little-mermaid-2023/id1605702441?i=1000616640386
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jessicaellison · 1 year
Fildena 100 mg is a medication powerful to deal with erectile dysfunction. It includes sildenafil citrate. It is a phosphodiesterase kind 5 inhibitor that helps to relax the muscles and boom blood drift to the penis, making it simpler to reap and preserve an erection. The pill is taken orally, commonly 30-60 minutes before sexual pastime. The prescribed dose of this remedy is 1 pill an afternoon consequently do not take more doses.
Like all drugs, this 100 mg can also purpose facet effects. Some very common damaging outcomes include flushing, headache, and upset belly. More serious aspect results are possible, along with adjustments in vision, listening to loss, and an erection that lasts longer than four hours (priapism). If you revel in any of those aspects' effects, it is essential to talk with a healthcare professional as soon as feasible.
The medicine isn't always suitable for all and sundry, and it's miles essential to speak with a healthcare professional earlier than beginning this. And this applies to some other remedy you're taking for any sickness.
How does it paint?
Fildena 100 mg consists of sildenafil citrate, that's a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. When a person is sexually aroused, the brain releases chemical compounds that motivate the muscle groups of the penis to loosen up. This all permits blood to flow into the penis and reason an erection. Phosphodiesterase type five is an enzyme that breaks down a chemical referred to as cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This chemical is accountable for enjoying the muscle groups of the penis.
Sildenafil citrate works by inhibiting the movement of phosphodiesterase kind 5. This allows cGMP to build up and continue to relax the muscle mass of the penis. And this intern accelerated blood movement in the penis. This can help a person acquire and maintain an erection.
It's essential to notice that the drug is not an aphrodisiac and could now not cause an erection on its own. This needs sexual stimulation to behave well.
Benefits of Fildena 100 mg
This 100 mg pill treats male sexual health problems. Some potential benefits of this medicinal drug encompass:
Improved capacity to achieve and keep an erection:
By growing blood glide to the penis, this 100 mg can assist men with ED to gain and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.
Increased self-assurance:
Fildena 100 mg pill can assist men with ED to experience greater confidence in their capability to carry out sexual, which could improve relationships and the typical nice of life.
The medication is taken orally, making it a handy remedy alternative. It ought to be taken 30-60 mins before a sexual hobby and can be enthusiastic about or without meals.
It's vital to observe that this medicinal drug isn't always suitable for anybody. Therefore it's far more important to speak with a fitness professional before beginning this or another remedy to affirm it is okay and powerful for you. If you're experiencing ongoing difficulties with erections, it's an excellent idea to speak with a healthcare expert for the right evaluation and remedy.
How to apply Fildena 100 mg?
Fildena 120 mg is an oral medicinal drug taken by mouth. One has to use the pill at least an hour earlier than intercourse. It may be fascinating about or without meals, however, it is essential to observe that the medicine may additionally take longer to paint if it's miles excited about a high-fat meal.
The recommended starting dose for that is one tablet taken once day by day. Your healthcare company may additionally modify the dose primarily based on your reaction to the medicine and any side consequences that you can revel in. It is critical to follow your healthcare issuer's instructions and now not take extra or less of the medicine than directed.
Avoid doubling up the medication. By mistake, if you have missed any dose take the dose as you recall.
Fildena 100mg lets you get a proper erection which is wanted for intercourse. It is essential to use it at least an hour before you need to have intercourse. The advocated dose of sildenafil is one tablet an afternoon or as needed.
Side Effects
The medicinal drug has suitable outcomes however in a few instances, it can have a few side effect
Common Side effects are:-
Nasal congestion
Stomach dissatisfied
Dyspepsia (indigestion)
Back pain
Myalgia (muscle pain)
Less common side effects of this tablet consist of:
Visual adjustments (including adjustments in shade perception, and improved sensitivity to mild, or blurred vision)
Tinnitus (ringing inside the ears)
Palpitations (abnormal heartbeat)
Hypersensitivity reactions (which include hives or allergic dermatitis)
Serious side effects of Fildena 100 mg are uncommon, but they could arise.
Chest pain
Difficulty breathing
Face, lips, and throat swelling
Rash or hives
Changes in hearing or vision
Priapism (extended or painful erection)
It is crucial to be aware that this isn't always a complete list of all feasible facet outcomes of this one hundred mg medication. If you reveal in any aspect results that are persistent or bothersome, or in case you reveal any side effects that are not listed here, you need to speak to your healthcare company. They can offer you with in addition statistics and steering on coping with any aspect results that you can experience.
Is it ok to use tablets of Fildena 100 mg?
It is generally not recommended to take more than one tablet of this 100 at a time. Each pill of 100 mg pill consists of 100 mg of sildenafil, which is the maximum encouraged everyday dose. Taking multiple pills at a time can increase the chance of side effects and might reason an overdose.
It is pretty vital to comply with the amount and dosage instructions instructed by way of your medical doctor or pharmacist and now not exceed the suggested dose. If you've got questions or issues about the proper use of the pill, you have to communicate with your doctor or pharmacist.
What are the substitutes for Fildena 100 mg?
Fildena 150 is a medicinal drug that incorporates sildenafil citrate as its energetic aspect. Sildenafil citrate is a kind of medicinal drug referred to as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor that is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in guys.
It is essential to be aware that these medications may also have exclusive dosing instructions and ability facet results, so it's miles vital to seek advice from a healthcare company earlier than taking any medication. They can help determine the maximum suitable treatment option based on your character's wishes and clinical history.
What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is a not unusual situation that affects a person's capability to obtain or hold an erection enough for sexual intercourse. There are many ability causes of erectile dysfunction, consisting of:
Physical fitness situations:
Erectile dysfunction can be a result of physical situations consisting of heart ailment, excessive blood pressure, obesity, and coffee testosterone degrees.
Psychological situations: Mental health conditions along with anxiety, despair, and stress can contribute to erectile dysfunction.
Medications: Some medications, along with antidepressants, blood stress medications, and capsules used to deal with prostate cancer, can reason erectile dysfunction as a side effect.
Lifestyle factors: Smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse can contribute to erectile dysfunction.
Age: Erectile dysfunction turns into more common as men become older.
Relationship issues: Difficulties with conversation, trust, or intimacy can contribute to erectile dysfunction.
It's essential to notice that many men experience occasional problems with erections, but this doesn't necessarily imply they've erectile dysfunction.
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morhath · 1 year
I love hearing about people's game people!! So from the dnd character questions list, how about: 1, 14, 27, 29, 38, 39, 53, 62
1. What does your character typically keep in their pockets?
I'm going to answer this for Cas, my protector aasimar artificer, because I was playing her yesterday and this came up. The answer is everything. She is like a tall, nerdy Mary Poppins in full plate armor. She has extra weapons that she gives away to people. She carries booze because she knows one of the other people on this assignment is going to want some.
14. Does your character value promises? Are they good at keeping them?
I think I have multiple characters who value promises but because of what I am like as a player, they're terrible at keeping them. I get distracted and cheerfully go along with the party's goals, forgetting that my character has their own motivations. One example would be Idris, my half-elf fighter. They're supposed to be investigating a secret society on behalf of the king, but they keep getting sidetracked into Nautical Shenanigans. Their wife is going to show up soon (I'm VERY excited), so it's possible she's going to get them back on track somehow.
27. If they were a ghost, how would they haunt in the afterlife?
Greg, my rock gnome abjuration wizard, would cause so many problems on purpose.
29. What does your character have too much of?
Cas has too many weapons. She clanks when she walks.
38. What fairytale/myth suits your character the best?
Senna, my human druid whose gimmick is that they don't speak Common fluently, has a lot of fairy tale elements to their backstory. Even though I'm not in that game anymore, I still don't wanna spoil exactly what their backstory is, so I'll leave it at that.
39. What does your character believe their party lacks?
Greg: real intellectuals (besides himself, of course)
Judith, my half-orc necromancy wizard: manners and emotional intelligence
Idris: a sense of propriety
Senna: a sense of propriety but in a MUCH more unhinged way than Idris
Cas: I think she's pretty satisfied with her coworkers, actually. They have a really good party balance for their job.
Lembas Bread (joke character, elf ranger): single hot lesbians in her area
Alex (future character, ??? bard): an appreciation for Real Music (he means My Chemical Romance)
Unnamed Future Tiefling Rogue: a sense of trust! ;) (they are holding a comically obvious bottle of poison as we speak)
Unnamed Future Evil Paladin: the correct point of view
53. What does freedom mean to them?
Ooh, I'm thinking about this a lot with Idris, because they don't KNOW. Their character arc is supposed to be, basically, "stuck up noble who unquestioningly works for the king realizes that the system is bad and goes Full Leftist" so their answer is going to change a LOT as they keep going.
62. Who does your character think is the most put together in the party?
Greg: himself, but he also thinks Mara (the rogue) is cool, because she's willing to to stupid shit in the name of science.
Judith: absolutely none of these chucklefucks, herself included (with fondness).
Idris: themself, but the bard (also a noble) is a close second, even if he is annoying. His fashion sense is probably better than Idris's.
Senna: everyone is a good friend! :D
Cas: absolutely none of these chucklefucks, herself included (with despair and impostor syndrome) (fine, maybe "Mr. Tookit" kinda has his shit together, except for the drinking).
Lembas Bread: has a carefully curated Fantasy Instagram so she can better sell her #girlboss #entrepreneur #weed
Alex, the paladin, and the rogue don't have parties yet so I can't answer for them.
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5 Signs you need to change your window shutters
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The window is a component that plays a very important role in the overall appearance of any home. The window treatment is one of the components of a house with the most potential for a security threat. Shutters are an excellent alternative to blinds since they are significantly less likely to become loose or damaged. In most households, window shutters in Surrey are changed every seven years.
However, pay attention to these warning signs if you had your window shutters replaced a long time ago. The following indicators will direct you to the modifications or replacements that need to be made to the window shutters in your home:
1. Your shutters look pale and old. Problems like bent slats and flaking paint aren't just unattractive. They also indicate security threats. Shutters naturally fade over time, but a lighter colour implies they no longer block as much light as they used to. 
And if you notice that even when the shutters are closed, light can still filter in via tiny cracks, your shutters may prove unusable soon.
2. They have gone loose. Do you worry knowing that something will happen when you attempt to open or close your shutters? The shutters' lifting mechanism may be broken, so you may soon live without shutters. One other possibility is that you have your shutters fitted improperly.
The slats they are attached to may be too big and bulky for the mechanism to work right. Over time, the strain will cause the structure to collapse. If your shutters in Surrey are broken, you should replace them quickly for security reasons.
3. They are flapping in the wind. The problem worsens if your shutters sway and move with the wind. Both indoor and outdoor shutters are affected by this. During a storm, if one of your shutters comes loose from the wall, it could fall and could damage something or injure someone. Always double-check that your shutters are securely fastened to the wall when cleaning them. You can only re-secure them so many times. Also, getting new, well-fitting window shutters in Surrey made to your specifications and discarding the old ones is always good.
4. You've replaced your windows with new ones. If you've recently renovated your home, you may have noticed that the windows aren't the same size as before. Get some new shutters now while the price is right.
You may rest assured that your new shutters in Surrey will fit perfectly if you have them made by a business specializing in custom window coverings.
5. They've lost their edge. It would help if you got rid of those window coverings. Your initial excitement for that charming fashion sense has since died down. When the old shutters make you resentful or sad, it could be time to replace them with new ones. Adding chic new Surrey shutters to a property serves a worthwhile purpose because they contribute to an increase in that home's market value.
The Ideal Shutters for Your Home Window shutters give your home an aesthetic appeal and a peaceful vibe. However, relying on the same old shutters for longer than life can make your interiors & facades look bad. Hence, it's suggested to change them over 4 to 5 years.
If you plan to redesign your home this month, you should contact Bright Light Shutters. When you've decided to end the misery of your old, worn-out window shutters and want to replace them with new ones, why not go with the best? Their knowledgeable installers will visit your residence or place of business to provide guidance and estimate costs. You are going to feel relieved that you decided to better yourself.
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