crazybutgood · 2 years
Author appreciation origami rec: Slytherco
The fourth ko-fi slot origami rec for author appreciation is dedicated to @slytherco from @veelawings, based on her fic Crown Witness! Please click on the images for better quality.
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Image description: a golden paper spiderweb, with a red origami ladybug trapped on it. The ladybug is made from a red origami heart with its features doodled on it. Below the spiderweb is a silver origami cigarette case, opened to show white paper cigarettes inside it. Fic quotes are written on the cigarettes.
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Image description: the silver cigarette case next to the unfolded 'cigarettes' with the quotes handwritten on them in cursive in black ink. The quotes used here are typed under the cut.
I made a cigarette case as Draco has one in the fic. The golden spiderweb is a reference to the mentions of gold in the fic, specifically the part at the start where Harry is surprised to see Draco ‘sacrifice his own skin and agree to once again get entangled in the gold-spun spiderwebs of the corrupt underbelly of the wizarding society’. The heartshaped ladybug looking down at the cigarette case is a reference to Draco's sense of purpose and clarity, which Harry feels that he himself has ‘been chasing for years, a sense of self-security he has watched slip through his fingers time and again, like a child that’s caught a ladybug, having it fly away before he can count the spots.’
Through the case in the fic, and meeting Malfoy through it, Harry is now invested. It has caught his interest, made him curious, the more the story progresses, and he finds his own purpose and reason to stay. Hence, the ladybug, shaped like a heart, is depicted as caught in the spiderweb.
Both the thrill of the case and Harry and Draco's relationship is written so well. It played like a movie in my head; as Noella said, it’s really cool and cinematic. I highly encourage you to check out this fic, also featuring an artwork by slytherco!
Crown Witness (E, 70323)
After the war, wizarding society is oppressed by a new kind of plague—an organised crime group calling itself the Family.
When Harry Potter goes to interrogate a potential witness, he doesn’t expect to end up on the run again, trying to keep Draco Malfoy alive, while a manhunt follows in their footsteps, adamant on eliminating the one witness that could ruin everything.
In which Harry and Draco learn that the way to each other might just have to go through the dingiest hotels in Britain.
Quotes used:
1. He has a garrote hidden in his sleeve but stops Harry’s breath simply by standing close enough to touch.
2. “All this to you, was it about sex or power?
“It was about you”
3. a toilsome labour of stripping down the walls of a fortress to get to the treasury deep within
4. It’s a statement, as clear as day, it’s I trust you, it’s a plea and a promise, all melted into the single touch of lips.
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makeitp1nk · 2 years
HD Reverse Big Bang: Grey Eyes & Lies
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Grey Eyes & Lies
Author: makeitp1nk (AO3)(Tumblr)
ART! 🎨
Artist: veelawings (AO3)(Tumblr)
Pairing: Drarry
Rating: E
Wordcount: 17.8K
Tags: Dark harry potter, Dark draco malfoy, Murder, Implied non-con,Morally gray characters at best, Dark magic, Sex magic, Breeding kink, Daddy kink, Draco has sex with other people while Harry watches, Drarry have sex other people together, breath play, dubcon, kink with no negotiation but everyone’s into it, War trauma, anal sex, oral sex, rough sex, masturbation, Epilogue what epilogue, Magical theory, International wizarding police, Harry Potter thinks Draco Mafloy is up to something, librarian Draco Malfoy
Summary: Twelve years after the war, Harry returns from his post on the International Wizarding Police in the States to find everything has changed. Draco Malfoy, his nemesis and overall Bad Guy, is now uncle extraordinaire, master of potluck desserts, and an honorary Weasley. Fit, charming, and reformed, Harry is, as always, drawn to the man, who despite his charm and gentle nature, still holds a bit of that spark Harry knows so well from their school days.  Until Harry accidentally follows him and sees things that convince him Malfoy never really changed. In his quest to prove that Malfoy is up to something, Harry gains entrance into a world where nothing is black and white, and nobody is golden.
Author's Note: I'm a huge fan of @veelawings, so getting her art for this fest was a dream come true. She's an absolute joy to work with, and I hope I did her art justice and that y'all enjoy the fic ❤️
If you're interested, there's a killer playlist that goes along with this fic 🎵
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veelawings · 9 months
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“Oh,” Obi-Wan says, catching sight of the braid framed in Qui-Gon’s fingers. “It’s so – None of the other beads were like this.” Qui-Gon rubs one finger over the shimmering golden bead that marks the end of his Padawan’s braid. It’s about the most extravagant thing a Jedi Padawan might adorn themselves with, traditional or cultural markers aside, and for good reason: after Senior Padawan, the next rank is Jedi Knight, and Qui-Gon will sever this braid when Obi-Wan becomes a Knight. “It is an achievement worth honoring,” Qui-Gon tells him quietly. “And you deserve it, Obi-Wan.” “Thank you, Master,” Obi-Wan says shyly, that beautiful pink flush darkening his cheeks.
[Excerpt taken from 'for you and i remain the same'] Art for @thesilverqueenlady and QuiObi Big Bang 2023 Kudos and comment on AO3
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coffeedrgn87 · 2 years
Hello my lovely caffeinated friend 💖 may I request a Dronarry drabble with the prompt "jungle"?
Darling!!! But yes, of course, you can. Please know that your request hit me in all the right places, so thank you so much for that. I did watch Daniel Radcliffe in "The Lost City" a couple of days ago, so your 'jungle' prompt was spot on. Also, thank you so much for getting me to write my first Dronarry; I will treasure this request forever. With my muse juices running high, you're getting a bit more than your average drabble, but somehow I don't think you'll mind all that much.
*** CW: mild injury ***
Gently swaying palm fronds made up a lush canopy of gleaming leaves, offering Draco bright snatches of sun and the sky beyond. Ropy vines dripped off tall trees and curled around shorter trunks in suffocating loops, and Draco was half-tempted to unsheathe his machete and cut loose one of the smaller vines so that he could use it to strangle Ron.
Instead, he glanced at the map in his hand, then turned his head to glower at Harry.
“Tell me again why I shouldn’t hex his balls to the top of that tree or transfigure him into a monkey so he can finish all those half-eaten fruits here?”
Harry smirked.
“Because we care, Draco, because we care. Also, you do love his balls, as much as you like to curse them.”
Draco rolled his eyes, grumbling about how dating Gryffindors had turned him soft.
A colourful bird screeched in the distance, and a shiny black lizard scrambled up a tree. Somewhere, several armies of frogs sang in high-pitched whirrs, deep bonks, and insect-like chirps. A green snake appeared, staring with its beady eyes, but before Draco could move to hide behind Harry’s sturdy frame, Harry addressed the vine snake in Parseltongue. The sound sent Draco—Voldemort lodging at Malfoy Manor had permanently cured him of his love of snakes—into a temporary trance.
Harry nudged him, then took his hand, and they continued down the narrow path together. As the map had promised, it led them to a waterfall that fed into a lagoon pool with hidden cliffs and rocky outcroppings. Water ran in rivulets over rich soil, and a puma stalked prey from the shadows — thankfully, it didn’t seem interested in them. Stands of tall bamboo flanked the lagoon, and twisting tree roots created bumps in the path. Cashew and fig tree branches were heavy with fruit, and a green praying mantis clung to a leaf. Mosquitoes swarmed around them, but Harry’s protective shield deterred them from coming near. Although it didn’t currently rain, thick water drops pooled in stems and dripped off large leaves. Brief flashes of sunlight reflected in the lagoon’s crystal-clear water.
An exotic bird called, wings fluttered somewhere, and monkeys hooted and shrieked. Crickets chirped, and branches and leaves slapped against one another as animals leapt through the trees. The air was thick with the mixed scent of growth and rotten vegetation. Natural plant odours, animal musk, and the occasional floral scent mingled with the over-sweet smell of decomposing fruit, mud, and wood smoke. With the high humidity levels, the air tasted of water and felt thick on Draco’s tongue. He licked salty sweat off his lips and sighed.
“Honestly, Potter, you’d think his phobia of spiders would’ve done something to trigger his sense of survival by now.”
“There’s such a thing as restraints; you do know that, Malfoy, right?”
Draco rolled his eyes, but instead of responding, he pushed ahead, moving along the narrow path that guided them around the lagoon. Part of Draco longed to strip naked and jump right in, but he wasn’t in a rush to get intimately acquainted with a bunch of blood-sucking leeches, so he resisted. Instead, he swiped his bandana across his sweat-dripping face and cursed when a low-hanging branch of wet leaves slid across his bare forearm. The moss underfoot was spongy, causing the ground to sink in with each step Draco took.
He made it to the other edge of the lagoon and then allowed Harry to move ahead and clear the way with a jolting catch of his machete. Hard bamboo rubbed against Draco’s chest as he tried to forge a path through the foliage and lukewarm dew from a waterlogged leaf poured all over his head, drenching him thoroughly.
“Circe’s mother’s saggy tits!” he cursed.
Harry’s rumbling laughter echoed through the jungle, and Draco thought about hexing him, but the comforting spray of the waterfall misted his skin, and he instantly felt better.
The feeling didn’t last long.
To continue, they had to climb, and the rough burn of vines against Draco’s palm felt like the plant was attempting to take his skin off. Sweat and grime chafed his skin, and the underside of his perfectly manicured nails was black with grit. When accidentally sinking his hands into the damp, skimpy undergrowth that covered the hill, Draco wanted nothing more than to apparate back to the resort and book a week-long spa break. But, alas, Ron—convinced he’d identified someone from the Auror office’s Most Wanted List—had followed a group of tourists and was now nowhere to be found. Harry’s super-strength tracking spell had given them this map, but getting to Ron meant crossing the island’s jungle. To say that Draco wasn’t amused was the understatement of an entire millennium, but as much as it pained Draco to admit that there was very little he didn’t do for Harry…and Ron.
It took another three and a half hours of arduous trekking through less than pleasant terrain, but eventually, they made it, arriving at the ancient ruins of a lost tribal village. They stood in the centre of half-crumbled buildings, pitted steps and staircases, and weather-worn pillars surrounded by dead clumps of grass.
Meandering tree roots broke up cracked blocks of stones, and vines and other foliage weighed down on caved-in roofs. Faceless stone statues filled Draco with an eeriness he couldn’t shake, making him shudder. He kept close to Harry, walking past the inscriptions and stone carvings. He was curious, wanted to decipher them—it was the Curse Breaker in him—but his mind couldn’t focus, couldn’t create the peace and quiet he needed for his work. Still, when Harry stopped abruptly, Draco promptly walked into him.
“I think he’s in there.”
Frowning, Draco looked at the building Harry had pointed out, then glanced down at the map — Ron’s location glowed a bright gold. A sculpted archway led into a cave with dark, mouldy rock walls. Ash scares marred the stone, and dead leaves lay scattered on the ground. Dappled sunlight filtered through the trees and overgrowth, and Draco cast a wandless Lumos Maxima to brighten the place. Ropy vines were trying their hardest to break down the stone entrance, encroaching through it, while hardy grasses, ferns and scrub brushes diligently concealed the entrance. Harry walked on, and Draco followed, ignoring the wind that slipped past them and the grasses that slid against each other. A flutter of wings made Draco jump, and somewhere in the distance, a tree creaked in the breeze.
“Harry, I don’t like this; it’s a trap.”
Harry turned his head to look over his shoulder, brow arched.
“One jungle, and you’re that slow on the uptake, Malfoy? Of course, it’s a trap. Whoever snatched Ron wants either you or me or both of us.”
Draco grabbed a fistful of Harry’s shirt and tugged, pulling Harry to a halt. They’d walked about twenty feet into the cave with Draco’s bright sphere of light following them dutifully. Pressing his chin into Harry’s shoulder, Draco hissed.
“Why are we playing their game?”
Harry laughed softly.
“Are we, Draco? Are we really?”
He walked on before Draco had the chance to answer the question or consider its implication properly. They walked past uneven stone walls fissured with fingerlings of tree roots, dirt, and dead leaves animals had tracked in or had been blown in by the wind. Twigs cracked under Draco’s heavy-duty boots. He ignored the claw marks on the stone and the bats that roosted on the ceiling. Water dripped from cracks and tree roots, forming tiny pools and puddles. Somewhere an underground river gurgled, the sound echoing through the entire cave. The passageway led them to a larger cave where stalagmites protruded from the ground and stalactites hung from the high ceiling. A flashlight beam illuminated in the darkness across the cave, and Draco spotted hieroglyphs and other cave paintings. He waved his hand, sending his light sphere across the room.
When he did, a flash of green flew at him, but Harry blocked it with an almost lazy wrist flick.
“Really, Casper? An AK? Got nothing more entertaining for us?” he baited.
Draco frowned at the name. It sounded familiar, but before he had the chance to properly place it, a flurry of offensive spells flew in their direction. Draco almost automatically moved to stand behind Harry, who wandlessly conjured a gargantuan protective shield. Nearly all of the spells bounced off. One made it through, but Draco identified its aura and reached into its core to plug it apart. It promptly fizzed out.
Draco ducked behind a massive stalagmite, leaving the duelling to Harry, then lifted his arm up into the air to direct his light sphere around the cave. It circled, illuminating various corners of the spacious room, and on its second orbit around, Draco spotted Ron. Iron anti-magic shackles kept him in place, and thick vines kept him tied to a stalagmite. Judging by his appearance, he’d clearly tried to get free but had been unsuccessful. Draco’s heart lurched, but he forced the emotion away. He needed a cool head to get across the room.
“Potter, cover!”
“Got it.”
Placing his life in Harry’s hand, Draco made his way across to Ron, moving between obstacles as much as possible. Meanwhile, Harry pretended to yawn.
“Casper, at least make this fun for me; they didn’t promote me to Head Auror for nothing.”
Draco shook his head.
Sometimes he truly wished that Harry would stop baiting all his duelling partners. He even did it during practice, which drove everyone and their mother insane. Well, except for Ron and himself, of course. They’d long since learnt to accept Harry’s quirks for what they were — his ability to finally be himself. He duelled because he was exceptional at it, not because some prophecy forced him into it.
One last obstacle and Draco was at Ron’s side, drawing his wand to enervate him. Ron’s head jerked, lolled a bit, and Draco instinctively reached out to support it. Ron’s eyes flickered, and with a clouded gaze, he squished his eyebrows together. He glanced around as if looking for answers, and Draco’s determination to keep his emotions out of it until they were back at the resort, disappeared. He touched Ron’s face, mouth, and lips, inspecting every inch and healing several minor cuts with whispered wandless spells.
Ron sounded groggy. His voice was raspy, and he fumbled for words, um’ing and ah’ing as he stuttered. Draco didn’t understand any of it. He focused on healing the cuts and cooling the bruises, gently tilting Ron’s head to the side and pursing his lips. He knelt in front of Ron and wand still in hand, swished it to cut the vines and vanished them. Next, he unravelled the magic that fuelled the magic-binding shackles, and when he’d dismantled it, the iron chains fell away.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?”
Despite their predicament, Ron flushed at the term of endearment, and Draco smiled. He gently combed his fingers through Ron’s messy ginger hair, then leant in to press a lingering kiss on Ron’s swollen, dry, slightly cracked lips.
“Think so.”
Ron murmured the words into the small space between them, and Draco kissed him again, this time with a little more intent.
“If you two are done making out?”
Draco closed his eyes. He swallowed a groan, then bit his bottom lip.
“One of these days, I’ll hex the wanker.”
Ron guffawed.
It sounded gruff, and his voice cracked several times.
“You wouldn’t,” he mumbled, hissing when the tip of his tongue made contact with a small cut on the inside of his lip.
Draco immediately healed it.
“I wouldn’t, but he doesn’t need to know that.”
“He knows, you dolt.”
Draco smiled.
“I know, but back to you. For the remainder of this trip, you are not to detach yourself from my side. I will need to know where you are at all times.”
Ron smirked.
“On a bit of a power trip, are we?”
Draco chuckled.
“Perhaps. I did hike through a jungle for you, though.”
“Let the record show, as did I.”
Draco turned his head.
“Potter, just fuck off and deal with the scum you’ve got floating in a full body-bind there, he’s stinking up the place.”
Harry laughed, but the moment his eyes roamed over Ron, he sobered up and looked concerned.
“He’s OK, yes?”
Draco nodded.
“He’s fine. I’ll take care of Ron; you deal with the vermin who decided to try and ruin our holiday.”
Harry gave a curt nod, reached out to grasp Casper’s arm and apparated. A dangerous-sounding rumble echoed through the cave, and pulling Ron to his feet, he supported him.
“Come on, better get out of here before the place comes crashing down on us.”
Draco was about to lift his wand to side-along Ron when Ron placed his hand gently on his wand arm and stopped him.
“You’re not mad, are you?”
Perplexed, Draco turned to look at Ron, who looked rather sheepish.
He smiled.
“Not at all, darling; I simply love trekking through the jungle. My favourite pastime.”
Ron groaned.
“Please,” he pleaded.
Draco laughed.
“Let’s talk about it once I’m sure every inch of you is just as it should be.”
Ron’s eyes darkened at that, and Draco scowled.
“Honestly, Weasley? Now?”
Ron shrugged.
“Can’t help it; you’re fit.”
Draco whistled, then he shrugged Ron’s hand off his wand arm and after a moment of concentration, they disappeared in a swirl of magic.
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sweet-s0rr0w · 1 year
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Light some candles, run a bath, and get yourself in the mood for some top quality smut, as I present... a follow up to last year's collaborative Drarry sex scene reclist! This is an all new selection of some absolutely scorching favourite smutty scenes and fics picked by an (almost) all new cast of Drarry writers, artists, reccers and fans!!!! A huge thank you to my fabulous contributors @babooshkart, @caroll-in, @citrusses, @crazybutgood, @danpuff-ao3, @emmalovesdilemmas, @epitomereally, @geesenoises, @getawayfox, @ghaniblue, @kbrick, @lettersbyelise, @makeitp1nk, maesterchill, @moonflower-rose, @mxlfoydraco, oknowkiss, @rockingrobin69, @sitp-recs, @softlystarstruck, sorrybutblog, tackytigerfic, wolfpants and @xanthippe74 (and me!)
Please mind the tags and practice DLDR as unsurprisingly these fics feature a wide variety of kinks and some are dub/non-con. Don’t forget to leave kudos!
All Drarry unless a poly ship specified!
Under 10k
🪢505 (my hands between your thighs) by @veelawings (E, 429)
🧠A Ghost of Blissful Feelings by @alpha-exodus (E, 6.2k)
💪Arms and Elbows by @sorrybutblog (E, 2.9k)
➰️Blush by @cheekytorah (E, 2.6k)
🍸Born Slippy by @dracoladon (E, 8.1k)
👠Cinderella's Return by @toxik-angel (E, 7.1k, sequel to Draco's Cinderella Moment)
❄Chrysalis by @piarelei (E, 3.6k)
🧃The Den of So-Called Iniquity by snegurochka (E, 4k)
🌳Discipline Is the Key to Success by @drarryruinedme7 (E, 7.4k, D/H/Neville)
🧼Don't Think Twice by firethesound (E, 8.5k)
🎂Draco at Nineteen by birdsofshore (E, 5.1k)
🍷Good Enough to Eat by @p1013 (M, 2.8k)
⌛The Great British Wank-Off by p1013 (E, 6.3k)
👊Knuckles by@shealwaysreads (E, 3.5k)
💒The Last Star Falling by @tackytigerfic (M, 1.4k)
🍎Love has left a printed trace by @maesterchill (M, 1.1k, sequel to The Odd Couple)
📏Matched Set by astolat (E, 5.8k)
🧹of course i cum fast, i've got a snitch to catch by@swoontodeath (E, 7.6k)
🥃One of Those Nights by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 7.7k)
🍒The Recondite Art of Dating Draco Malfoy by @cibeewastaken (E, 3.7k)
🌲Room To Spare by @bixgirl1 (E, 5.2k)
🏅sending my love all over you by @cavendishbutterfly (E, 4.9k)
🎁Too Busy Being Yours To Fall by @6balls (E, 7k)
🐈‍⬛️Unbuttoned by eidheann (E, 6.1k)
🐺A Perfect Fit by nothing_left_sacred (E, 18k)
🔥Come Up for Air by @shiftylinguini (E, 13k)
🍆Endowment by @dictacontrion (E, 11k)
🧥Haute Allure by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 12k)
✨Merlin's Kitchen by @writcraft (E, 12k)
🍻Party of Two by fireflavored (E, 14k)
🤫Unpin That Spangled Breastplate by tackytigerfic (E, 18k)
✉️Yours Truly by @skeptiquex (M, 15k)
💦Come For Me by Frayach (E, 25k)
🥭Eager for the Sky by oknowkiss (M, 35k) chapter 5
🚦For a Given Value of Normal by chickenlivesinpumpkin (E, 23k)
⛷️Historians by @oknowkiss (E, 30k)
🐍In The Company Of Serpents by @corvuscrowned (E, 25k)
🧪Keep your hands on me by @tenthousandyearsx (E, 21k)
🕺let me see you stripped (down to the bone) by lqtraintracks (E, 24k)
🖋Let's Go Outside by cryptonym (E, 24k)
🐢Lusimeles by spqr (E, 23k)
🎩Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants (E, 35k) chapter 3, chapter 7
🍫Save My Wonders by sdk (E, 21k)
🍑The Shape of Desire is Your Name by dracoismytrashson (E, 45k) chapter 5
🪙Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks (E, 23k) the first sex scene, against the window
🕵‍♂️The Unspeakable by @the-sinking-ship (E, 24k)
🐉Chasing Dragons by the-sinking-ship (E, 99k) chapter 7
🧚‍♂️Every Me and Every You by bixgirl1 (E, 69k) chapter 4
🩺Foundations by saras_girl (E, 236k, sequel to Reparations) chapter 3, chapter 7
✨️Freedom to be by @quicksilvermaid (E, 170k) chapter 18
🐦Kept in Cages by sweet_s0rr0w (E, 77k) chapter 11
📜tissue of silver by fearlessdiva (E, 76k) the alley scene in chapter 38
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mcgregor-ewan · 6 months
merry seasons❄️
thanks to @firenati0n @read-and-write- and @happiness-of-the-pursuit for tagging me to make a little bec tree for the holidays!
no pressure but i'm going to tag @krispyscreams @babygirlbridger @halfwaytoknowhere @doublechocolate @ssmtskw @nightbirdz @veelawings @gay-flyboys @wasureneba @wordsofhoneydew @xiarem
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sitp-recs · 5 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 28
I’ve been reccing underrated fics since this blog was created and so I thought “there’s no easier @hprecfest prompt than this one” lol famous last words, this post took me ages to prepare 😂 I was initially overwhelmed by the amount of fics that came to mind, and going through my bookmarks and old recs only made it worse. How was I supposed to shortlist?? In the end I gave up and decided to rec 2 Drarry fics + 2 rare pairs. I could have included so many more but I really didn’t want this to become a tl;dr post and these rec blurbs are already going out of control, so here we go!
Day 28) an under-rated fic:
In Dreams by @moonflower-rose (E, 38k)
Harry wasn't expecting to ever see Draco Malfoy again. He also wasn't expecting to walk into a political conspiracy that morning either, but apparently that's exactly what the day has in store for him.
I’ve screamed quite a few times about this fic (see my rec here) and every time I do it’s in the hopes that more folks will stop whatever they’re doing and go feast on this. not only a delicious and intriguing case fic with Rosie’s trademark epic dialogue and superb sense of humour, this also wins the award of best fic opening I have ever read. the way I gasped at chapter one and am forever haunted by its utterly devastating ending oh my god!!! my heart belongs to this gritty Harry, and the slow burn is masterfully crafted within the urgency of their teamwork to solve the mystery combining comfort, grief and hope in a thrilling, poignant and perfectly paced adventure. plus, the emotional payoff is chef’s kiss, honestly I cannot recommend this enough!
Survival of the Species by @romaine2424 (E, 47k)
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea. The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant but before any other canon info had been released.
considering this masterpiece was published back in 2007 I think I’m allowed to say this is definitely a formative story when it comes to the creature genre, more specifically Veela fic. I first read this a couple years ago and my jaw legit dropped at the amount of world-building and carefully researched lore that went into this. so detailed and intricate and different from everything I’ve seen before or since, I was truly fascinated and couldn’t stop reading. kudos to the amazing slow burn covering years of their struggles stuck together in a dragon cave and having to rely on each other to survive. I loved seeing the hardships and how they genuinely came to care for each other, definitely one of the most moving and convincing Veela love stories I’ve read in the fandom.
Rare pair
With a Look by earlybloomingparentheses (Ginny + Deamus, E, 5k)
Now, twenty years old and done with boys and looking forward very much to putting her hand down some lucky girl’s shirt later this evening, Ginny looks at Dean Thomas’s gold-painted fingernails and feels heat pool between her legs.
I think about this fic every now and then - such a sensitive, thought-provoking and beautiful homage to the 🏳️‍🌈 community. the visceral and contemplative tone takes it beyond your regular PWP, and I’ve rarely seen gender and queerness explored quite like this. seeing Ginny figuring out and owning her identify is mesmerizing. her voice is powerful, sexy, earnest and articulates so many complex and layered feelings - I was particularly moved by the inner turmoil of not looking “queer enough”. I’m sure this fic will be eye-opening and comforting to so many people out there, and that’s why I never cease to rec it. an intimate character study, a sinfully hot and self-indulgent threesome but above anything, a poignant love letter to the queer community.
Passion, Patents, and Pen Pals at the Ministry by @violetclarity and @yrfrndfrnkly, art by @anaxandria-writes and @veelawings (Hermione/Pansy, T, 32k)
After an extremely ill-timed lovers'-tiff-turned-food-fight at the Ministry leaves her less one boyfriend and suspended without pay for six months, Hermione pleads for some position–anything–to fill her days until her suspension is up. The good news is, her temporary position in the Magical Games & Sports's Ludicrous Patents office is just down the corridor from Harry's office in General Inquiries. The bad news is Harry's officemate is Pansy Parkinson, the Ministry's operations are shockingly outdated, and every altercation between Hermione and Pansy winds up a headline in MoM's internal rogue gossip zine, Hot Goss.
rivals to secret pen pals to lovers yes please?? this hilarious Pansmione is a ship triumph and yet criminally underrated. I had a blast getting into the world of Ministry gossip & politics, and immediately fell in love with all the characters, l especially with this lovely meddling Harry. it’s SO MUCH FUN to watch poor him (and Blaise omg what a duo) in the middle of a ladies’ tug of war. I’m impressed by the amount of world-building especially around their workplace, not to mention all the side interactions and the fun, organic slow burn. I love this take on identity porn with tons of banter and Pansy and Mione connecting through their shared worldview and feminist principles, such a power couple ✊🏼 the mix of semi-epistolary, witty dialogue, dorky meddling friends and mild angst make for peak entertaining, I laughed non-stop and cheered so bad for them. femslash ftw!!!
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qobb · 8 months
QuiObi Big Bang 2023 Masterlist
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for you and i remain the same by TheSilverQueen
Cover Art by GavImp
Illustration by VeelaWings
Illustration by Bere Weillschmidt
Not Like This by dreaminghour
Cover Art & Illustration by VeelaWings
The Importance of Time by SmolQuiGon
Cover Art by acciopudding
Illustration by acciopudding
All's Fair in Love and Obliviousness by wolfiefics
Illustration by dreaminghour
In Another Life by Firondoiel
Cover Art by maXKennedy
Illustration by Bere Weillschmidt
Illustration by Bere Weillschmidt
Deep Freeze by atsuyuri_sama
Cover Art & Illustration by Kurtssingh
Illustration by Purpuddle
Laid Upon the Highland by nngi_e
Cover Art by GavImp
Notorious by sanerontheinside
Cover Art by Bere Weillschmidt
Illustration by shukruut
Tautology of Loss by scarletjedi
Cover Art by Giò Tanner
Illustration by GavImp
lay down your weary head by jynx
Cover Art by VeelaWings
Specters, Stars by thesadchicken
Cover Art by XanatosDuCrion
Illustration by XanatosDuCrion
Illustration by Eletainart
Thank you so much to all of the Bang participants this year! I felt incredibly proud while compiling this masterlist because I got to witness the effort, joy, and sometimes tears that everyone put into these stories and artworks. All the artists and authors should feel a great sense of accomplishment. Big Bang events are not easy and require a lot of you, so it is incredible to see the final results.
I hope to see you all again next year when we run the QuiObi REVERSE Bang!
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assassinsdragons · 11 months
Anon Project Round 2
Some of you may remember back in winter 2017-2018, when I did this thing to spread some love through the anon ask option we've got here on tumblr. Well, I did the same thing again, back in winter 2020-2021, though instead of just one month, I did it for two months. From the 1st of December 2020, until the 31st of January 2021.
Every day, I sent the message "Hi. I love you. 🤍" to one blog each day. I wanted them to know they're loved.
Now, I know tumblr sometimes eats asks, so maybe not everyone that I planned to give love to actually got their messages, and this roundup will therefore serve as a reminder to all of you that yes, I do love you. Even now, 2.5 years later.
So, here we go, I love all of you:
Dec 1st @creeeee Dec 2nd @quicksilvermaid Dec 3rd @faevorite-main-blog Dec 4th @legendrarry Dec 5th @fleetofshippyships Dec 6th @candybarrnerd Dec 7th @cibeewastaken Dec 8th @nadiasna7 Dec 9th @cheekytorah Dec 10th @stargazing-enby Dec 11th @keyflight790 Dec 12th @all-drarry-to-me Dec 13th @tackytigerfic Dec 14th @shealwaysreads Dec 15th @ununquadius Dec 16th @mad1492 Dec 17th @gnarf Dec 18th @restlessandordinary Dec 19th @parkkate Dec 20th @l0vegl0wsinthedark Dec 21st @ekayart Dec 22nd @lqtraintracks Dec 23rd @midgart Dec 24th @unicornsandphoenix Dec 25th @phantomrin Dec 26th @gallifrey1sburning Dec 27th @p1013 Dec 28th @scarheaded-ferret Dec 29th @firethesound Dec 30th @wordsphoenix Dec 31st @veelawings
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drarryspecificrecs · 1 year
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H/D Reverse Bang 2022 :
@harrydracobang || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 48 works The Mods : @gracerene & @writcraft Banner © : @procoffeinating (official banner) + @gnarf​ (x) + @juliustwo (x)
...And They Were Co-Teachers by @goblinmatriarch [T, 31k] — inspired by ART from @betty26blue
All Over Again by @aqua-myosotis [E, 35k] — inspired by ART from Mrs_Croft
And Still I Dream by @greenmegsnoham [E, 42k] — inspired by ART from Gaudium_Chara
At the Doorway, On the Stair by @dwell-the-brave [T, 30k]  *restricted — inspired by ART from @p1013
Bad Faith by Stopme [E, 23k] — inspired by ART from @fantalfart
Beneath the Cloak by @avenueofesc [M, 31k] — inspired by ART from @apriicat
Blame Is Shaped Like A Circle by @sleepstxtic [T, 7k] — inspired by ART from @gnarf
But We Could Be So Good by allwaswell16 [M, 12k] — inspired by ART from @chamomileteafuel
Chasing unicorns, finding love by @sassy-cissa [E, 27k] — inspired by ART from @navi1088
a convergence of inks by @thebooktopus [E, 21k] — inspired by ART from @babooshkart
Dead Ends by @toxik-angel [E, 18k] — inspired by ART from @melcarrianna
Deadheading the Odd Dahlia by @peachpety [E, 8k] — inspired by ART from @beyondtheclose
Death Comes for Us All by @lumosatnight [E, 5k] — inspired by ART from @juliustwo
Dreaming of Snakes by @deathsdaisy [E, 14k] — inspired by ART from @chizumakiii
Déjà Vu by @maesterchill [E, 11k]   *restricted — inspired by ART from @celilasart​
Eager for the Sky by @oknowkiss [M, 35k] — inspired by ART from @upthehillart
Edificabo by @doubleappled [E, 18k] — inspired by ART from @iaooa
Ever Since We Founded Rome by @ftmshepard [M, 5k] — inspired by ART from @melcarrianna
Fields of Gold by Pineau_noir [T, 19k] — inspired by ART from @digthewriter
The Final Case of Auror H.J. Potter by @pennygalleon [E, 14k] — inspired by ART from @caroll-in
Fool Me Twice by @sorrybutblog [E, 38k] — inspired by ART from dustmouth
Forever Was a Lie by @thesleepiesthufflepuff [E, 22k] — inspired by ART from dustmouth
From Behind The Wall by @nymphadoratonqs [M, 19k] — inspired by ART from @apriicat
Grey Eyes and Lies by @makeitp1nk [E, 17k]   *restricted — inspired by ART from @veelawings
The Heart Remembers by @ladderofyears [E, 28k] — inspired by ART from @rasha-dee
If You're Cold He's Cold, Bring Him Inside by Dazeventura6 [G, 7k] — inspired by ART from @okay-sky
In Bad Faith by @fencer-x [E, 62k] — inspired by ART from @secretartlair
In the Shape of Things to Come by @academicdisasterfic [E, 15k] — inspired by ART from @t4tdrarry
the long game by @ayebydan [M, 5k]   *restricted — inspired by ART from @inveigler81
Lost & Found by @gnarf [E, 17k] — inspired by ART from @ladderofyears
luminous by @softlystarstruck [T, 13k] — inspired by ART from @pato-roldnart
Monster by @orange-peony [E, 71k] — inspired by ART from @pato-roldnart
Mushrooms of Wiltshire by @shiftylinguini [T, 5k] — inspired by ART from @artdecielle
Only Getting Closer by @digthewriter [T, 5k] — inspired by ART from @ladderofyears
Orb Power by @maraudersaffair [E, 7k] — inspired by ART from @drarrydoodles
right where you should be by @jokedads [M, 16k] — inspired by ART from @digthewriter
Sinking to Swim by @pheaphilus [T, 9k] — inspired by ART from @drarrydoodles
so bitter. so sweet. by @nerdherderette [E, 19k] — inspired by ART from @sugareey-makes-stuff
Spinning Fouettés by @purplehotmess [E, 15k] — inspired by ART from Mrs_Croft
Statues Crumble by @xanthippe74 [T, 13k] — inspired by ART from @fictional
The stuff of clouds and skies by @myrtlefics [T, 7k] — inspired by ART from @jidangao
To the victor goes the booty by @vibinglikeitsstill2014 [T, 6k] — inspired by ART from @artdecielle
The Troll by @deliciousblizzardshark [M, 5k] — inspired by ART from @sator-the-wanderer
The Unspeakable by @the-sinking-ship [E, 24k] — inspired by ART from @peachbabypie
We Were Something (don't you think so) by @slyth-princess [M, 19k]   *restricted — inspired by ART from @celilasart
What Makes a House a Home by @writcraft [E, 27k] — inspired by ART from @rasha-dee
What's in a Name by JK_Terfling_Can_Suck_My_Silicone_Dick [G, 15k]   *restricted — inspired by ART from @maesterchill
WHISKY-TANGO-FOXTROT by @vukovich [E, 58k] — inspired by ART from @fantalfart
✔ other fests in 2022 ✔ fests in other years ✔ H/D Big Bang : 2021 | 2018
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belgianreader2 · 8 months
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Art for @veelawings' fic "Vencuyanir", for @dinlukebigbang. Had a blast with all this, hope you all enjoy the fic as much as I've enjoyed capturing its vibes <3
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caroll-in · 10 months
darling @decaflondonfog tagged me to share the last line I wrote (check out hers, it's brilliant!!! 😍) and since I'm finally making some actual progress with the second part of my körangi series, here it is:
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no-pressure tagging @slytherco @veelawings @pineau-noir @xanthippe74 @nv-md
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veelawings · 8 months
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He waited, monitoring what little he could sense of Obi-Wan’s presence in the Force, until he was sure Obi-Wan was well and truly asleep. He hesitated before reaching out with hand and Force to smooth away the small furrows in Obi-Wan’s brow and eased him into a deeper, more restful sleep. He needed it. If Qui-Gon was there to support Obi-Wan, his first step would be making sure the poor man slept.
[Excerpt taken from "lay down your weary head"] @qobb
Art for jynx and QuiObi Big Bang 2023
Kudos and comment on AO3
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stationintern · 4 months
Shuffle your On Repeat 10 times!
Thank you to @oflights for tagging me!
1. Green Light by Lorde.
2. Father and Son by Yusuf / Cat Stevens.
3. bad idea right? by Olivia Rodrigo.
4. yes, and? by Ariana Grande.
5. Once In A Lifetime by Talking Heads.
6. It’s Good To Be In Love by Frou Frou.
7. Trunk Fulla Amps by Self.
8. Rapp Snitch Knishes by MF DOOM.
9. I Am A Little Explosion by Self.
10. Nothing To Declare by MGMT.
I love sharing music, so this was super fun to do!
I’m gonna tag @teledild0nix @lemonlimelea @aboutdrarry @nv-md @rockingrobin69 @rainstormradish @uncannycerulean @veelawings @xanthippe74 @alltoowell-blog Sorry if you’ve been tagged before!
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 5 months
Thanks for the tags @crazybutgood (x), @lumosatnight (x) and @danpuff-ao3 (x)! This looks like a lot of fun, so here's my baby tree below:
Feel free to leave an ornament, or make your own tree! Tagging (no pressure, just for funsies): @anaxandria-writes, @phdmama, @digthewriter, @nerdherderette, @wolfspurr, @thotpuppy, @kellerific-writing, @pineau-noir, @makeitp1nk, @outtoshatter, @quackquackcey, @bleepbloopbotz, @schmem14, @nanneramma, @mkaugust, @paxortusaudere, @manixzen, @hey-flynn, @julcheninred, @veelawings, @greenmegsnoham, @thistlecatfics, @romaine2424, @phoebe-delia, @emansil and anyone else who wants to join in!
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makeitp1nk · 1 year
2022 in Fic
I am feeling rather bashful about posting this, but fuck it. I was tagged, and I shall answer. When I look back at 2022 in fic, all I can think of is you, friends.
Perdition - LCD is the fest that got me into fandom. @celilasart, thank you for being so welcoming and patient. I would have been alone on an island without you.
Rebel, Rebel - @ladderofyears, Jasper, and @daisiesfordragons cheered me on, beta read, alpha read, and brit-picked. I felt so loved and cared for--that was my intro to fandom, and I immediately knew I was in the right place. @anaxandria-writes bound it beautifully, and I'm still in awe that I have two of my fics literally sitting on my bedside table.
Grey Eyes and Lies - I got paired with the one and only @veelawings for RBB and got to go crazy/get to know better someone I really admire. Then I struggled since it was my first dark!fic and @m0se helped me to the finish line. I also met @shealynn88 while writing this one, so it's extra special.
Pictor - My dreams came true and I got to work with @crazybutgood, AND I got to keep the physical artwork!!! It didn't get as many kudos and what not as my heart thought it deserved, but @corvuscrowned helped me get past it. I am so grateful for both of you.
The Island Assignment - @lqtraintracks showed me that my writing has the potential to go beyond stereotypes with a simple change of phrase or scene. I'm still mind-blown every time you touch anything I write.
Erised (revealed NEXT WEEK, links to collection) - I was so scared because I tried something new, but @tackytigerfic helped me feel better about it. @skeptiquex beta-ed, and now I scrutinize every sentence I write [in a good way].
Kinkuary 2022 - This collection has @thebooktopus's fingerprints all over it. My first fandom friend! I was so nervous about writing smut, but then I got to beta her incredible Tonks/Charlie fic. It was so empowering and inspired me to write this collection.
Penitent - Where the priest kink so many of you know me for started. I love y'all for tagging me on all the priest kink stuff to this day <3
Green, Blue & Royally Screwed - My first fic to get a bad review in the bookmarks. It stung! @basicallyahedgehog @phoebe-delia were there to soothe my ego and throw things/elbows with me. I adore you two. This I think was the first time I wrote as it was beta-ed, and honestly, it would not be what it became without @curlyy-hair-dont-care, goddess of fandom. Really, truly.
A Dream & An Allen Wrench - A shorty, but this was the first time I poured my heart on paper. I've done it twice now, and the second time was much more difficult. It was as easy as breathing the first time because it was for @geesenoises. I treasure you, friend.
Sex, Love and Skateboarding - Taught me that I need to read squick lists CAREFULLY lol & I wouldn't even be in this fandom without my BELOVED @greenmegsnoham. Cheers to prancing around fandoms together in the coming year <3
A Kingdom or This - I got to play in Wolfstar, write with a partner, AND meet @second-sister. I've been a horrendous partner, but getting back into this fic is the first thing I'll do after I get over this wretched cold!
I started writing without knowing that it would bring me to this community and more love and support than I ever expected. Thank you for making my year. & though it's not exactly fic, I also want to send so much love to @pineau-noir, @phd-mama, @digthewriter, and @sugareey-makes-stuff from the local crew - your friendship means so much to me.
On to 2023.
If you're feeling the love - consider yourself tagged <3
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