#valo mahariel
perkeleen-lavellan · 16 days
I often think about how Zevran's stories about Antiva seemed so enchanting to Valo, even when he's just talking about how he managed to get all the fish wives to ban him from the fishing stalls for life once, in the sense that prior to the Blight Valo really had no idea what city life was like, and his world was very insularly limited to his clan. The sheer size and variety of what Zevran tells him seems wondrous.
But I don't often think about how Valo will casually start to talk about how every Arlathvhen that one clan of shapeshifters always seems to wreck something, because some of them just refuse to stay in manageable person sized forms and will instead join the evening dances as a bear or something, and one time actually one of the other clan Keepers mistook an actual bear for a fellow elf for a full hour or so, until it got sick of being hand fed and was spooked off by all the kids running around, and Zevran will just be nodding along like he isn't internally questioning whether some Dalish stereotypes are actually completely deserved and how amazing that is.
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herearedragons · 4 months
updated oc list
posts with each character are tagged with #oc: [oc name] the way their name is written here (so #oc: kyana amell, #oc: watcher selene)
Dragon Age: Origins
Kyana Amell: main warden, Zevran romance
Ariel Mahariel: rogue, Morrigan romance
Zaria(Sereda Aeducan): rogue, Leliana romance
Isphire Surana: warden with a companion au, no romance
Dragon Age 2
Secret Hawke: work in progress
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Evelyn Trevelyan: mage, knight-enchanter, Sera romance
Neilar Lavellan: rogue, assassin, Dorian romance
Aqun Adaar: rogue, artificer, no canon romance
May Cadash: warrior, champion, Blackwall romance
Adina Saar: mage, Valo-Kas companion OC
Thenas Lavellan: mage, companion OC with an Inquisitor AU
Pillars Of Eternity
Watcher Selene: moon godlike cipher/ranger, explorer/The White That Wends, Edér romance (headcanon)
Watcher Lorenzo: death godlike chanter, escaped slave/Old Vailia, work in progress
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exantivancrow · 2 years
Iliad-verse World-state
The first of my related-Inquisitor series, where I, your host, write about what would’ve happened if the canonical Inquisitor backstories kissed my ass because I find them boring. The Iliad world-state is also arguably my most dramatic world-state which fits! See more OCs from this world-state below the cut. Oh and they’re all gay, shit dude, I just realized that while typing this.
Thetis Mahariel, Hero of Ferelden
an archer, ranger and duelist specialization; romanced leliana and killed her at the temple of sacred ashes upon desecrating the ashes. died killing the archdemon.
Briseis Hawke, Champion 
a blood mage with spirit healer specialization; romanced merrill and sided with the mages after letting anders go.
Patroclus Kokkinos, Inquisitor
cassandra’s cousin, a warrior from the nevarra/free marches border; romanced the iron bull and sided with the templars in the hopes of finding his younger brother damocles
Zolah Kondrat, of the Merchant’s Guild
one of varric’s contacts, and arguably his only friend (with benefits) in the merchant’s guild
Tatenen Aqun
rivaini seer and ambassador to the inquisition; lover of josephine montilyet
Silvain “Bulter”
city elf inquisition agent undercover in halamshiral; lover of dorian pavus
Sekhmet Adaar
member of the valo-kas mercenaries with the Inquisition, sera’s gf
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gayvakarian · 4 years
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some morphs I’ve made for my characters
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bearsizedant · 2 years
my dragon age ocs <3
(putting this in its own post to link to my pinned post bc i forget how to add it to my blog theme but anyway—)
(ages for the Wardens are listed as their ages during the Battle of Denerim, ages for the Inquisition Agents are listed as immediately post-Trespasser, and Hawke is listed as her age during the Battle of Kirkwall in Act 3)
Wardens (lineup)
Jada Brosca (Warden-Commander of Ferelden, Arlessa of Amaranthine, Champion of Redcliffe)
20, she/her
romances Alistair
dual-wielding rogue (ranger spec)
Oldina Aeducan (Hero of Ferelden, Paragon, Senior Warden of Ferelden)
29, she/her
romances Gorim (fuck you bioware)
2-handed warrior (berserker+reaver spec)
Taros Mahariel (Warden-Constable of Ferelden, The Dark Wolf, Advisor the the Arlessa, Dalish Representative to the Throne of Ferelden)
24, he/they
romances Zevran
dual-wielding rogue (assassin+bard spec)
Opal Tabris (Senior Warden of Ferelden, Advisor to the Arlessa)
19, she/he/they
no romance
warrior archer (champion spec)
Kirkwallers and the Champion
Ursula Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall)
35, she/her
romances Anders
dual-wielding rogue (assassin spec)
Seòras Ceadic (Lowtown resident??)
29, he/him
(in theory) romances Dorian
no combat specs
The Agents of the Inquisition (lineup)
Tahriel Lavellan (Inquisitor, the Herald of Andraste, First to Clan Lavellan)
35, he/him
romances Varric
force mage/rift mage
Hralyn (Agent of the Inquisition)
58, she/her
unknown ;)
necromancer/entropic mage
Felora Lavellan (Agent of the Inquisition, Inquisition Scout in-Training)
20, she/they
no romance
rogue archer (assassin spec)
Athene Veloranis (Agent of the Inquisition)
40, she/her
romances Solas
2-handed warrior (champion spec)
Nadia Casca (Inquisition Seamstress)
34, she/her
married to Sascha Dumot
no combat specs
Merin Dumot (Agent of the Inquisition, Assistant to the Seamstress)
29, he/him
romances Nenna
rogue archer (spec tbd)
Nenna (Agent of the Inquisition, Member of the College of Mages, (formerly) Enchanter of the Cumberland Circle)
30, she/her
romances Merin
elemental/creation mage
Dierdre Cadash (Agent of the Inquisition, Heiress to Clan Cadash, Member of the Bull's Chargers)
25, she/her
romances The Iron Bull
2-handed warrior (champion/reaver spec because I can't decide)
Senden Cadash (Agent of the Inquisition, Heir to Clan Cadash, Red Jenny)
25, they/them
no romance
dual-wielding rogue (artificer/assassin spec because I still can't decide)
"Twiggy" Adaar (Researcher Mad Scientist of the Inquisition, (formerly) Member of the Valo-Kas Mercenaries)
28, he/him
no romance
no combat specs but will throw homemade grenades at you if it comes to it
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kaaras-adaar · 3 years
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general information.
full name - kaaras taashath adaar
class - mage ( force mage + knight enchanter )
race - qunari ( vashoth )
age - 29
date of birth - haring 4th, 9:12
place of birth - starkhaven
zodiac - sagittarius
gender - male
nationality - starkhaven / fereldan
religion - andrastian
orientation - pansexual / panromantic
relationship status - default: romanced the iron bull
physical attributes.
height - 2.0 metres ( 6'7″ )
weight - 205 kilos ( 452 lbs )
hair colour - butterscotch blonde
eye colour - red with orange freckles
accent - fereldan ( southern english )
voice claim - harry hadden-paton
tattoos - n/a
piercings - n/a
distinguishing marks - facial scars, long ears
outfit/clothing style - military, formal, practical
background information.
hometown - southron hills, ferelden
current residence - skyhold / ferelden
past residences - starkhaven, ferelden, free marches
spoken languages - common, qunlat ( intermediate )
occupation - inquisitor, mercenary captain
familial information.
mother - aban adaar ( alive and well )
father - anaan adaar ( deceased )
stepfather - kos ( alive and well )
siblings - aith ( adopted younger sister ), talan’ash ( half older brother )
children - n/a
positive traits - determined, giving
negative traits - stubborn, moody
moral alignment - lawful good
mbti - enfj - the protagonist
Kaaras is a Vashoth Qunari from Ferelden, who was never brought up under the Qun. His parents left the Qun before he was born (knowing they were pregnant), and only told very little to their son of their origins under the strict religion.
With Tal'Vashoth parents, Kaaras was forced to move around a lot as a child, his parents fearing being hunted down by the Ben-Hassrath. When he was born in Starkhaven, they moved to Ferelden but a day after his birth, feeling they would be safer there and have more protection. Able to take an abandoned farmland as their own, his parents collected a few Ferelden rams and used the small amount of coin they gained from their coats to bring Kaaras up and live off. His father was able to gain extra coin here and there for doing odd jobs, but being in Ferelden, they were subject to heavy racism from the people.
At the age of five, Kaaras came into his magic, and they settled down in Southron Hills, wishing to find someone who may be able to help their son with his newfound gift. Having come into his magic via a public incident at the markets, a Tal'Vashoth mage by the name of Saarebas approached them, convincing them that their son needed to be trained unless he wished to be caught and re-educated or killed by the people. She offered her services to the family, knowing that they could not pay her, save for a roof over her head while she was in the area.
When Kaaras was ten, he ran into a young elven girl (only 7 years old) by the name of Aith from a Dalish clan in the Brecilian Forest. She was torn and beaten, so he took her back home to clean her up. His mother and father soon came home and agreed that she could stay with them until she recovered, having learned that she had been sexually assaulted by Templars on the road after her clan had kicked her out for being a mage. Aith soon became part of the family, though, and a sister to Kaaras. Unofficially, they adopted her and she took on the Adaar name.
At the age of twelve, Kaaras’ temporary home was attacked by bandits, and his father was killed trying to protect him, Aith and his mother. Kaaras became the man of the house, and was determined to hunt down the bandits who attacked his family.
For many years, he suffered serious night terrors due to the trauma and PTSD. Saarebas was the only one who could calm Kaaras down, and she soon saw his potential as a fighter. She offered him a position in the Ash Ataash mercenary group when he turned seventeen (Aith joined with him), where he could put his magic and focus to use.
With the group growing bigger, there were too little jobs in Ferelden, so Kaaras moved with the mercenary group to the Free Marches, where Saarebas' company came in contact with the Ralshokra, a qunari driven company who was more than happy to merge the company in with their own.
During his time with the Ralshokra, Kaaras met Stenn, another qunari who he soon fell in love with. Stenn was like the calm in a storm for the emotional hell that Kaaras suffered being away from his home and blaming himself for his father's death. They soon became a fairytale romance. However, when bad instructions and innocent lives were at stake, Kaaras' trust in the Ralshokra started to shatter. Saarebas died in this incident, and Kaaras decided to leave the company. Stenn stayed, and their relationship was strained, making them part.
Kaaras moved up to Starkhaven and started recruiting more men. He became the captain of the company and they settled there doing mercenary work for the next few years under the title of the Beres-taar (meaning ‘shield’). Kaaras devoted his life to this, to making better decisions, to letting go of his hate and unhappiness. This was his new goal.
The Beres-taar were quick to make a name for themselves, having some of the advantage of former Ralshokra members. Kaaras was a natural born leader, and with the mistakes of the former band he’d been in, he was determined to give his company a good and loyal name for the work they did. This eventually got the attention of nobles in the area, and they earned a decent living.
Eventually, their name was known enough in Starkhaven that they were suggested to aid with protecting the Divine during the peace talks. Kaaras was asked specifically by reputation and having previously worked with the Prince of Starkhaven and nobles. Kaaras’ company themselves were not overly large, but they were hard workers who showed dedication to their jobs. Numbers was a must, however, so Kaaras was fine when he got the news that another band would be accompanying them--the Valo-Kas.
During his travel back through Kirkwall, Kaaras and Stenn reunited, however, things had changed between them, and Kaaras had changed too much as a person to continue a romance. The events at the Conclave happened, and they were separated, Kaaras became the Herald and Stenn remained in Kirkwall.
The Inquisition soon became Kaaras' new priority. During Inquisition, Kaaras learns that he has an older half-brother (from his father's side) named Talan'ash, who ends up betraying the Qun to find him. His mother eventually re-marries, much to Kaaras' dismay, to a Tal'Vashoth named Kos. After Haven, Aith returns home on Kaaras' request to take care of their mother, as Herald/Inquisitor could put her in danger. She helps raise the rams and keeps the farm up and running. She also reports to Kaaras as a middle man so letters are not sent directly home. She visits Skyhold when she can.
Kaaras is a kindhearted and giving man. In many ways, he can be seen as a juxtaposition, enjoying the simple things of his farm-home upbringing to the fanciest of palaces from having worked with nobles. He is protective of the ones he loves, and a merciful enemy. Kaaras is a firm believer in justice and honour, and has the personality of a true knight, however, he can also become extremely moody and is very stubborn. As Inquisitor, he takes his profession seriously and is dedicated to making Thedas a better place and helping those he can.
Previous World States:
Hero Of Ferelden - Lyna Mahariel (rogue) alive and well, romanced Zevran.
Champion of Kirkwall - Garrett Hawke (mage) alive and well, romanced Fenris
The Inquisitor’s Path:
- Recruited all available inner circle members - Recruited Mages of Redcliffe as allies - Recruited Alexius to work for the Inquisition - Saved everyone at the Fall of Haven - Accepted role as Inquisitor as a qunari standing for Thedas - Hawke survived the Fade/Stroud left behind - Recruited Warden’s as allies - Killed Erimond with own sword - Bribed Celene, Gaspard and Briala to work together/everyone lived - Arrested Florianne and had her work for the Inquisition - Recruited Dagna - Studied as Knight Enchanter - Recruited all agents available - Destroyed Samson’s armour - Had Samson under Cullen’s control for the Inquisition - Performed the Elven rituals - Morrigan drank from the Well - Met Mythal in The Fade with Kieran - Softened Leliana became Divine
The Inner Circle:
- Saved the Chargers - Romanced The Iron Bull - Reunited Dorian and his father - Gave the heart of a Snowy Wyvern to Vivienne - Shared cookies on the roof with Sera - Helped Solas free his friend - Cole was made more human - Blackwall served the Inquisition under Thom Ranier - Encouraged Cullen to stop taking lyrium - Elevated the Du Paraquettes
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lcgacyofages · 4 years
Hello, this is a multimuse RP blog for the Dragon Age franchise. I go by JB and I’m over 25 years old. This blog is filled with mature content, from violence to sexual situations and I would advise to follow at your own risk. I do try to tag things but sometimes it slips and Dragon Age is a mature game series.
Undercut is a list of muses by media as well as cut into primary, secondary, and request only. I have a female Mahariel rogue for my Warden, a Female warrior for my Hawke, and a male Lavellan mage for my Inquisitor. I also have a variety of companion and NPC muses as well. I am still working on setting up google docs and a few profiles yet.
Interest Tracker located here
Dragon Age: Origins
Eliana Mahariel - A bit spunky and mischievous, Eliana is headstrong and doesn’t take kindly to being talked down to. Naturally curious and friendly, though, she does try to do the right thing. Sometimes that right thing is revenge against Loghain.
Arik Tabris - Companion non-HOF Tabris, who was recruited three months before the events of the game. He’s known as being severe and ruthless and not entirely diplomatic.
Zoria Amell - Amell Non-HOF Companion, where she leaves with the warden during Broken Circle after being put in isolation and the chaos enabling her sister, Aurora, to free her in order to protect both of them. Her phylactery was destroyed, she finds out, so she flees instead of returning to the Circle.
Request Only
Dimetrea Brosca - Brosca Non-HOF Companion. Instead of getting into the end of the Brosca origin, Dimetrea decides to leave and go to the surface for a better life and becomes a mercenary. She employs herself to the warden when she meets the group after dealing with a band of darkspawn.
Lir Cousland - The middle child of the Couslands (typically). He went off with Fergus to the Battle of Ostagar. The youngest Cousland managed to barely escape and was able to tell him of the betrayal at home before succumbing to their wounds. Lir managed to survive Ostagar and vowed revenge on Howe.
Dragon Age 2
Atena Hawke - Leans a bit towards red at times, Atena is a former soldier in Cailan’s army. Highly protective of those she’s close to, she wants to avoid confrontation but often her own patience and protectiveness makes that difficult. She sides with the mages.
Dazbo Amell -  The older brother of Zoria and Aurora. Dazbo was at Kinloch Hold, helping his older brother, Sorin, with his plan of faking a study on magical families and how to curb it but actually plotting to get all of the Amell siblings out. When Uldred revolted, Dazbo managed to escape without his siblings after destroying his phylacter his templar handler had, and fled to Kirkwall. As far as any else is concerned, he was killed at Kinloch.
Request Only
Alric Hawke - A what if twin for my Hawke. He plays as her impulse control, often the more cautious of the siblings. He has a good heart, but being a mage, he knows he has to step lightly. He decides to be an instructor to the apostates of Kirkwall, in secret, feeling that is the best way to avoid abominations.
Katarina Anhalt - A templar transferred to Kirkwall who meets Hawke in Act 2. Transferred to Kirkwall to try to toughen her, she’s sympathetic and compassionate, having become a templar in an effort to protect people, mage and non-mage alike. She wants to follow her duties but she has questions about how things are run in Kirkwall.
Sasha Fitz - an elf blooded human raised by his elven mother in the alienage. His father is a Kirkwall nobleman and his mother’s former employer. Sasha has a strong contempt for the rich and well-to-do of Kirkwall, to the point he works as a thief known as The Hooded Figure (Hood for short). He steals from the elite and redistributes the wealth to the less fortunate.
Selena Porter - An Orlesian apostate mage who operates as a smuggler of a variety of finery to Kirkwall. She works independently and sometimes with other groups. She’s skilled at seeming to know when and were guards are going to be, in order to get her shipments in safely.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rajmahel Lavellan - A young elf sent to spy on the Conclave, due to his decent relations with humans and strong social skills, he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it the right place at the right time? Far from home, his daughter, his family, Rajmahel now takes on the task of saving the world from what threatens it.
Arik Tabris  - by the time of Inquisition, the Hero of Ferelden has gone seeking a cure for the Taint. Arik has stepped in as Commander for Ferelden. If the Inquisitor does not exile the wardens, Arik becomes a companion/advisor.
Aurora Amell - Aurora is the youngest of the Amells, having been at Kinloch with her sister. A gifted healer, Aurora worked as an assistant to Wynne before the Mage Rebellion. She joined the cause and was at Haven but not the Conclave. She joined the Inquisition to get justice for the friends she lost at the Conclave and works as a main healer.
Idrilla Lavellan - at the request of her brother, Rajmahel, Idrilla brought his daughter to Skyhold shortly after they found it. She works as Rajmahel’s most trusted agent, often times handling the more brutal jobs. She’s also knowledgeable in the arcane and has abilities gained from finding an artifact as a youth, which she utilizes in helping her brother.
Seigfried Trevelyan - The older brother of Maxwell Trevelyan, a templar who died at the Conclave (base setting). Seigfried was also meant to be there, at his father’s orders, but he was held up in Haven due to a personal matter. Angered at the death of his brother, Seigfried joined the Inquisition to get justice for his brother. His past military experience is useful in training the new recruits.
Request Only
Hildegard Cadash - Hildegard is the aunt by marriage of the Cadash killed at the Conclave. Hearing of their death, the major figure of the Carta decided to offer her contacts and skills to the Inquisition. Because no one messes with her family and gets away with it.
Inatar Adaar - Younger sister of the Adaar killed at the Conclave (base). She also works with the Valo-Kas but decided she would join the Inquisition to get revenge. She’s known to be brash and hot-headed, not the type to hold back. Twin to Shamut Adaar.
Sergio di Vasco - A former Antivan crow who decided instead of fulfilling a contract on the Herald’s life, he would warn them instead. Tired of being a pawn and wanting to make something of himself, he joins the Inquisition. He knows the Crows won’t take lightly to this and is always looking over his shoulder.
Shalelan Amalasis - A Dalish warrior from the Amalasis clan in Antiva. Shalelan is sent as an envoy to a Dalish Inquisitor, to work with the Inquisition and hopefully sway for some help with Clan Amalasis’ feud with the merchant princes of Antiva.
Shamut Adaar - a qunari mage, younger brother of the Adaar killed at the Conclave. He learned his magic from a tal-vashoth apostate and works with the Valo-Kas like his siblings. He goes with his sister to find out who killed their sibling.
Other - May be able to fit in with game timelines in some verses
Request only
Antoinette de Ghislain - formerly an Orlesian bard, Antoinette ended up marrying into the de Ghislain family with an arrangement with Laurent de Ghislain. After having two children, an heir and a spare, the couple don’t spend much time with each other and Antoinette decided to earn an income for herself by writing erotic fiction about the heroes of Thedas, a hot topic among the Orlesian nobles.
Emrys Moysten - A Fereldan mage and Isolationist, Emrys formerly worked with the Inquisition but once the threat of Corypheus was past, left to see about setting up a mage commune away from others who would be a hinderance and in danger from the magic. He finds himself in Tevinter and realizing the danger is not yet passed.
Etienne de Rousseau - a former Senior Enchanter for the White Spire. The legitimized bastard son of Maquis de Rousseau and his mage lover, Etienne has had some ease being a mage. Yet he joined the Mage Rebellion after the events of Asunder and knowing things were too far gone. He was sent by Fiona as the negotiator to the Conclave, where he was killed. He does have AU where he functions as an advisor in the Inquisition.
Falon’Din - the Evanuris and God of Death and Fortune. Vain and ambitious, Falon’Din has always sought for his own personal gain and power, often putting him at odds with Elgar’Nan. When the Breach occurred, Falon’Din managed to find his way out through a rift, but by cruel fate, vallaslin appeared on his face and worked as a seal, containing a fair amount of his powers. He now seeks to undo the seal so he can gain control of the world while the other Evanuris are locked away.
Fenvir - the what if child of Idrilla Lavellan and Solas. Fenvir is a gifted dreamer and mage, but often finds himself feeling as if he doesn’t fit much of anywhere. Deciding he needs to stop his father and persuade him to find a different path, at 18 years, Fenvir leaves home to find a better solution and a way to convince his father to stop his plans.
Mathras Myriani - A former priest and soothsayer of Mythal’s temple. Mathras, in his youth, made the mistake of trying to advise Falon’Din during one of his visits and was blinded by the enraged Evanuris. After the fall of Elvhenan, Mathras did what he could for a time to help the elves left with their destroyed world. Yet he soon found himself falling into Utherena. He was guarded for a time but was forgotten when the Imperium conquered. He awoke in 9:30 due to the stirrings in the Fade.
Vincentius Titus - the former apprentice of Magister Aurelian Titus, he is now magister in after his death. He was born to a Soporati family but abandoned them in his ambitions. He is a blood mage and feels the Chantry holds back the Imperium and desires to return to the old ways, but with better social movement for mages, no matter the class they were born into while non-mages have little rights.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
20. Trembling - Tash Adaar + Gale Lavellan, Ser Jesse, Arcadia Va’nas, Markus Amell
Tash sighed happily, patting his belly appreciatively. The Baron sure knew how to throw a feast. The party was still going on strong in the reclaimed Suledin Keep, but Tash knew he had to find some rest. He had offered to let most of his honor guard stay behind at the festivities, and some had agreed (General Surana had stayed behind, slightly tipsy and cuddled up with Blackwall, and Aron had remained at Skyhold with Dorian), but the rest were with Tash, escorting him to his quarters.
Tash looked up to Markus. Ser Amell had been part of the Valo-Kas for many years when Tash found himself with them, and the knight was like an older brother to him. Markus had been the first one of the Valo-Kas to arrive in Haven, riding his horse to deliver a message from Shokrakar to Cullen demanding Tash be freed. And then they had joined, and Markus became one of Tash’s honor guard upon his appointment as Inquisitor. The man always wore a dark eye mask that matched his dark hair and leather armor, making him a mysterious figure at the Inquisitor’s side. But mainly Tash figured it was to hide his resemblance to his elder brother, King Aster of Ferelden, whom he had only met a few years ago.
Gale wrapped his arm around Tash’s shoulders, cheeks fairly flushed. Not from drink, but from talking with the Baron, who had told him that Josephine’s father Yves, had wholeheartedly approved of his relationship with Josie, especially after reading a glowing letter from Lord Adorno Ciel Otranto. The son of one of Leliana’s old friends during the Fifth Blight, Athalan Mahariel, Gale was Tash’s personal bodyguard and friend. 
Then there was Ser Jesse of Starkhaven. A tall man with long hair in a short ponytail, he had been one of Cullen’s fellow Templars back in Kirkwall, but had quit the Order after defying Meredith’s orders. Varric had recommended him for a position as one of Tash’s honor guards, and the man had accepted. He could be awfully serious, but he was kind and open-minded towards mages, so Tash liked him.
And Ser Arcadia Va’nas. A Dalish elf with Elgar’nan’s vallaslin, she referred to herself as a New Emerald Knight, and fought to protect the elves under the Inquisition’s protection. Even Sera couldn’t quite find her too elfy for her tastes, as Arcadia protected city elves as well, and even once helped the Red Jennies by leading a raid on an Orlesian hamlet that had kidnapped elves to sell to Tevinter as slaves. Tash liked the way she could stare down any noble who seemed about to say something like “ox” or “rabbit” and make them temporarily lose their tongues.
But now they seemed less like guards and more like friends as they meandered, easy conversation flowing between them. Even Jesse had lost his stoic demeanor and teased Markus about wearing his mask even indoors. Gale winked at Tash and stooped down to scoop some snow into his hands, packing it into a snowball. He tossed it at Jesse, who yelped and jumped into the air as it hit his neck.
Jesse raised an eyebrow, leaned down to grab some snow, and toss it back. Arcadia burst out in laughter and pulled Tash out of the line of fire as Markus and Gale began ganging up on the ex-Templar. 
Tash laughed and joined in with Arcadia, moving and using magic to create a small snow wall and begin attacking all sides. 
But he didn’t notice the overhang of snow above him, that was struck by a snowy missile thrown wide by Jesse’s long arm.
And without warning, Tash was smushed under a large pile of snow.
In most cases, this would have been something to laugh about, and Markus let out a chuckle as the four began to scrabble at the snow to pull Tash free.
But something was wrong. Tash was trembling, far too violently for it to be from the cold. He whimpered in fear, his eyes seeing something far away, and his breathing was shallow and fast. The boy shook, beginning to hyperventilate.
“Tash?” Markus asked, worried. He and Arcadia began rubbing his arms, trying to warm him. “What’s wrong?”
But the boy wasn’t seeing them. He was still terrified, trying to curl into a ball, shaking violently.
Gale was the first to see it. “Haven. He’s in Haven.”
“What do you mean?” Arcadia asked, confused. Jesse’s eyes widened.
“He’s back there. Buried under the snow. Alone.” the ex-Templar explained.
“He has nightmares about it.” Gale whispered. He gathered the young mage into his arms, hugging him close. “We need to calm him down.
“Tash? Can you hear me?” Gale asked softly. Finally, the boy’s gold eyes fixed on him. 
Jesse patted him on the back. “Try looking at Gale. He’s here, holding you. He won’t go anywhere. Just focus on him, and try to breathe.”
Tash struggled to nod, shaking. Clammy beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. For a moment, he was silent as he stared at Gale’s face. The elf struggled not to distract Tash, not to smile nor frown in case it hurt the boy. He felt Tash slowly stop shaking and begin to breathe normally. Gale hugged Tash close.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“Don’t apologize.” Jesse said softly. “It was out of your control, and nothing to be ashamed of. You’re a brave lad, and you’ve been through a lot.”
“I’m here now. I’m gonna protect you, Tash. You don’t need to worry.” Gale whispered.
Tash nodded, clinging tightly to his friend. “Thank you...”
Arcadia motioned along. “Come on, let’s get him out of the cold. What he needs is a nice, relaxing sleep. Yes?”
Tash nodded again. “That... that sounds nice. Yes.”
For now, he felt safe. Tash hoped he could hold on to this feeling.
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Worldstate 6
Found Families
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Warden : Kamela Mahariel (tag)   
Class : Rogue/Mage (Ranger)
Pairings : F!Mahariel x Tamlen (up to his death) ; F!Mahariel x Carver
Anora is queen.
Alistair stays with the Wardens.
Alistair goes through Morrigan’s ritual.
Ambassador between the Fereldan Wardens and the Orlesian Wardens.
Mahariel replaces Stroud in both DA2 and DAI events.
She falls for Carver as he joins the Warden, and they eventually have a quick Dalish wedding.
She is Bethany's warden contact in Inquisition.
She is left in the Fade, will possibly get out thanks to the Eluvians. 
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Champion : Abbassira (tag)
Class : Warrior / Bruiser (Juggernaut)
Pairings : Abbassira x Arishok (pre-Act I), Abbassira x Kaaras Adaar (oc ; after DA2); Bethany x Anders
Claire Hawke dies in the Prologue.
The twins reach Kirkwall.
Abbassira is Tal-Vashoth, somehow replaces the outcast from the first part of “Blackpowder Promise”, but joins the crew when asked at the Hanged Man. 
Carver joins the Wardens.
Abbassira is the one fighting and killing the Arishok in duel, but it’s Bethany that publicly takes the title of Champion afterwards. 
Sides with the Mages (a bit dubious, but trusting Bethany’s choice and her understanding of the situation).
Travels South with Bethany and Anders after the final events of DA2, and she joins the Valo-Kas mercenary company. Its leader, Kaaras Adaar, has lived a long time with the Avvar and offers to bring Anders and Justice to a trusted Hold for advise. In exchange, Anders and Bethany teach his daughter, Asala, the basics of spirit healing. 
Abbassira starts a relationship with Kaaras.
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Inquisitor : Asala Adaar (tag)
Class : Mage (Rift Mage)
Pairings : F!Adaar x Blackwall
Daughter of Kaaras Adaar (oc), leader of the Valo-Kas mercenary company. 
She is still fairly young and was on her first job at the Conclave when she stumbles upon Corypheus’ plot.
Templars are leashed.
Bethany is the one answering Varric’s call. 
Mahariel is Bethany’s Warden contact.
Mahariel is left in the Fade, the Wardens are forgiven.
Celene rules with Briala.
Blackwall joins the Wardens. 
Drinks from the Well.
Vivienne is made Divine and the Inquisition is kept as peacekeeping force.
Wants to redeem Solas.
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perkeleen-lavellan · 1 year
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No one has to know
It’ll be our secret
It doesn’t have to be betrayal
Just kiss me and don’t say those words
‘I love you’
I really needed a break from an insane backlog of work that’s been piling up and decided to finish this thing that’s been lying around forever. I will never stop loving these stupid, stupid boys. They may not have been destined to remain together but they sure as shit were destined to love each other.
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herearedragons · 9 months
OC list
Dragon Age
Kyana Amell: my canon Warden. Starts out as not the best person and learns to connect with/care about other people over the course of the Blight while also becoming less and less pro-Circle. Romances Zevran.
Ariel Mahariel: archer rogue whose obnoxious jokes and “ladies’ man” persona are a mask for his deep desire for a family. More responsible than he appears at first. Romances Morrigan.
Zaria: born Sereda Aeducan, she took on a new name after being exiled to the surface. Spent most of her youth in the Deep Roads. Maintains a stoic, noble attitude, but has a kind heart. Romances Leliana.
Isphire Surana: born a mage but not that powerful of a caster, she depends on stealth and persuasion for her survival. Later becomes an Arcane Warrior and masters the blade. Befriends Mouse, and after he finds himself in the waking world during Inquisition, they travel and fight together.
Rina Hawke: a mage whose grief and fear for her loved ones leads her to form a pact with a Despair demon, which gives her power at first, but almost succeeds in possessing her at one point. Blue/purple personality, pro-mage, Carver is a templar, romance undecided.
Kane Hawke: a rogue who is Just A Guy and not really suited to the larger-than-life roles life keeps putting him in. Still manages to pull through every time, even if it’s not as pretty as Varric describes. Blue/purple personality, pro-mage, Bethany is in the Circle, romance undecided.
Theo Hawke: a warrior who takes the reaver specialization maybe a little too far, experimenting with dragon blood to find a way to get even more strength from it. Red/blue personality, pro-mage, Bethany is a Warden, romances Merrill.
Neilar Lavellan: canon Inquisitor. Dual-wielding rogue, really more a follower than a leader by nature, but upon being forced into the role of Inquisitor, tries his best to become what the title demands of him. Allies with the mages, drinks from the Well of Sorrows, romances Dorian.
Evelyn Trevelyan: a young mage and the daughter of diplomats, struggling to navigate the increasingly perilous situations she keeps ending up in ever since coming into her magic three years ago. Allies with the mages, romances Sera.
May Cadash: sword-and-shield warrior, a former Carta enforcer seeking redemption through her new Andrastian faith. Recruits the templars (TBD whether as allies or prisoners), romances Blackwall.
Aqun Adaar: archer rogue, a half-human engineer/mercenary doing his best to fix whatever can be fixed with his newfound position of power. Disbands the templars, no canon romance.
Adina Saar: a Vashoth mage raised by a spirit of Freedom and a member of the Valo-Kas.
Thenas Lavellan: the First of Clan Lavellan (not Inquisitor), known for his ability to see glimpses of the future in his dreams.
Pillars of Eternity
Selene: moon godlike cipher/ranger with the Explorer background. A former Giftbearer who abandoned her duty and ran away from her community, living in the wilderness for several years before making her way to Gilded Vale. Romances Edér.
Firi of the Red Scarves: an NPC from my campaign I made into an OC. High elf rogue/warlock whose patron is a fiend cursed to serve mortals as a familiar for two hundred years.
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moodybidoof · 6 years
I need to update my DA character page cause the canon world state in my head has since changed
Malka Amell is Fereldan’s Commander of the Grey, and the Hero of Fereldan
Aisling Mahariel is the Warden-Constable, and Arl of Amaranthine
Bran Mahariel is an apostate, and maybe replaces Morrigan as the Inquisition's adviser on magic and elven history, once Morrigan and Solas leave
Senka Tabris is a Friend of Red Jenny
Daniel Hawke is Malka’s cousin and the Champion of Kirkwall
Liz Hawke probably doesn’t need to exist anymore tbqh bc I just made her to make different choices and turns out I don’t usually make those choices for a reason
Vira Lavellan is Inquisitor
Beyza Adaar survived the Conclave and is hired by the Inquisition along with the other surviving members of Valo-kas
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vvakarians · 7 years
6 and 2 for any of your DA kids (I love them all)
I’ll do it for all my mains, just for you :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What is their preferred weapon?
Original Canon kids:
Warden-Commander Tauriel Mahariel (Hero of Ferelden and Queen Consort): Big Mama Bear has a Giant Fucking Sword, which is really just a big Greatsword named Arlathvhen.
Senior Warden Cassiopeia Cousland (Queen of Ferelden): Local Blind Bard prefers her daggers most of the time over her bow, their names are Diplomacy and Mercy. 
Ophelia Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall): Lovable Asshole has an actual Halberd as a staff, and it’s name is Justice (they wanted to name it Little Shit but Fenris forbade them from doing so).
Halcyon Hawke (Former Knight-Captain, Princess of Starkhaven): Eldest Hawke Sib uses a sword and shield. The shield is the Amell crest one given to her by Leandra, and her sword is some Kirkwall noble sword she looted when they came to the City of Chains, aptly named after her late mother. 
Hero Hawke (Former Tranquil, Pirate): Twin to Ophelia uses a dagger and her fists almost 1000% of the time, her staff is usually just for show. Her daggers name is Bloodletter because it’s a terrible pun since she’s a blood mage.
Calliope Lavellan (Herald, Inquisitor, and Reincarnation of Falon’Din): White Haired Death God has a few preferred weapons depending on the time of the story. During Inquisition and Trespasser it’s a Sulevin Blade named Enasalin that has a Master Dragon Slayers rune embedded into it. In between DAI and whatever the next game will be, they train with a halberd to which they name it Felassan.
Second Canon kids: 
Warden-Commander Aviel Tabris (Hero of Ferelden, Lover of Divine Victoria):  Small Nb Bard Boy prefers his bow given to him by Leliana before he left to find a Cure for the Blight, it’s name is Heartstring. 
Warden-Constable Heracles Cousland (Right Hand to the Commander): this Big Man loves his sword looted off of Howes body, it belonged to his father and he calls it Second Chance. 
Valentyne Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall): Fast Rogue Boy loves his Daggers that his father left him in Lothering, they are named Silvertongue and Toothpick, can you tell he has a bad sense of humor.
Sybyll Hawke (Viscount of Kirkwall): Gentle Blood Mage actually doesn’t use much of their staff, which is pretty menacing even when strapped to their back; unless it’s an emergency they have a set of sewing needles that are really sharp along with a razor blade that they pilfered from Varric’s shaving set that they use their blood magic with. 
Hezekiah Hawke (Hunter of Slave Masters): Lean Beef NB uses a Valo-Kas Iss that they won in a game of knivesies in the Hanged Man, they didn’t name it yet and are always open to suggestions, as long as they aren’t...vulgar (looking at Valentyne)
Honi “Honey” Adaar (Herald, Lady Inquisitor): Everyone’s Favorite Qunari Babe uses a Archon Staff that she hasn’t really come up with a name for, but her spirit sword that she uses she has come to call Andraste’s Fire. 
Ayashe Lavellan (First of Clan Lavellan, Inquisition Spy): Inquisitors Best Friend uses the Accusers Staff that you can get in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, and has named it Harellan. 
What kind of fighter are they: defense focused, offense focused, balanced, or flexible?
Offense focused: Calliope Lavellan, Honi Adaar, Heracles Cousland Valentyne Hawke, Halcyon Hawke, Tauriel Mahariel, and Ophelia Hawke.
Defense focused: Sybyll Hawke, Aviel Tabris
Balanced: Ayashe Lavellan, Hezekiah Hawke, Hero Hawke, and Cassiopia Cousland 
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gayvakarian · 4 years
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he’s just so short..... I love he
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10, 11, 13, or 20? Or all of the above! Whatever you feel up to :D
(Thank you for the ask! I didn’t know how to find these on my phone, but now I do, so sorry for the long time responding! D:)
10. Do they have any family?
Sula has a big ol’ family! And they traveled for a time with many families, until it became too dangerous for that. But her primary family is her Grandmother, her mother and aunt, her father, her older brother, younger brother, and baby sister: Herah, Asala, Kassaraanda, Tal, Hassan, Yorrick, and Asara in order. :D
11. Are they better with children, animals, or neither?
Sula actually has always felt a bit awkward with kids, despite having a lot of time in her younger days helping with her sister and other kids in their ever changing family. She has always wanted a family, but was never quite sure how to go about treating children. That goes away with age and when she starts her family, but she never gets better with animals. She has absolutely no skill with animals, and finds most of them a bit frightening and off putting--with the exception of Storvacker. They click right away. 
13. Can they cook?
As a means of survival, her entire family learned to cook. However, they became adept at survival cooking, and making dinner with whatever they could acquire. Ken( @inlovelikethemovies)’s Adaar, Nessuno, was the cook of the Valo-Kas, but always was baffled by Sula’s strange soup that she could make, which some days could be adequate, and other days phenomenal, and never with the same ingredients. He always pestered her to teach him how to make her weird survival soup, but she would just shrug and say ‘You just put stuff in the pot and eat it’ as if anything could be so simple. So, she can, in order to eat, and sometimes is VERY good, but its kind of a crapshoot.
20. If they met, how would your Inquisitor get along with your Warden? Your Hawke?
Of all of my other dragon age characters, Sula is surprisingly the most balanced and mature. That said, she always looked up the Hero of Fereldan, and Hawke, but finds meeting Hawke and Mena, (and would find meeting Setah) wanting. 
With Setah, if they ever could have met, she’d probably have found a kindred spirit--someone passionate, driven, kind, and fierce. But Setah Mahariel as Hero of Fereldan presents sort of a worst case scenario--she sacrificed herself for her people (something Sula wouldn’t hesitate to do), but also did so knowing full well there were other options, and refusing to listen to her team. She acted as a great leader, but did not take her comrade’s advice to heart, and the consequences of that were very great, and felt to Inquisition--Sula would learn from these stories that life is more complicated than heroic sacrifices really allow, and that its more effective to stay around if you can to help bring peace.
With Mena, Sula probably would be obsessed with her, adoring her whole history--but she’d find the person behind the story of the Princess turned Warden Commander a little cold. She’d take a lot of Mena’s advice though, while offering her own. I think they could eventually become friends, but it would take warming up on both their sides. (Varric would probably help.)
With Mariah Hawke, Sula adored her from the Tales of the Champion. Meeting her in person was practically a dream come true. As Sula got to know Mariah, she was continually disappointed, and continually shown that Hawke is a lot more of a tragic, broken person than she would have known. Sula 100% doesn’t agree with Hawke on a lot of topics (Hawke is a lot more radical in her opinions on mages’ freedom [very pro, while sula is pro but in a more vivienne way]; Hawke is very interested in the Qun as a philosophy and helped the Arishok hunt down Tal-Vasoth [Sula pretty much thinks that’s all fucked]; Hawke jumps to action without thought, Sula is a bit more cautious [but does tend to act without consulting others on what she’s gonna do]). As Sula learns that Hawke left behind Fenris and their children without telling them to be able to make things right (and as Hawke’s... depressive desire for martyrdom comes to light), Sula pities her, but there’s too much on the line for her to spend a lot of time fixing Hawke. So pretty much, Hawke just falls from grace in Sula’s eyes, and leaves the Inquisition as a major example of what not to do. 
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musingmycelium · 6 years
Ooo tell me about your ocs
oh man i have so many, but since this is my da blog i’ll gush about my da ocs! also there’s a cut bc i uhhhhh went way longer than i probably should have lmao 
i only have two wardens -killian mahariel and ellanis tabris. killian is a big softie; she loves the little things and stopping to smell the roses. the blight was rough as fuck for her, but she fell in love with leliana so it wasn’t All bad. 
  ellanis on the other hand has had it rough since he first displayed magic. his uncle -shianni’s father- came up with a p nasty solution to keep him out of the circle without raising the suspicious of the templars. they staged an ‘accident’ which crushed his left leg, forcing him to walk with the aide of a cane -his focus- for the rest of his life when ellanis was around 7. but it kept him out of the circle sooo they never told ellanis about the truth of his ‘accident’ either, so he’s always been slightly grateful it happened so he could stay with his family. he romances zev in every game i’ve played with him bc he sure is a Sucker for romance. i’ve got Several hawkes,,, but i think my favorites are wren and galahad. they’re my hawke twins bc Yea. Wren is the oldest and she’s a Hot Fucking Mess in absolutely every way you can read that phrase. i love her though, and she romances merrill and isabela bc poly ships give my poly ass life. 
galahad is the biggest fuckin nerd you’ve ever met; constantly reading and building ideas and being a nusiance with unwanted but generally funny information. he ALSO always has a pun ready bc he finds those to be Peak Humor. he’s an absolute bear of a guy too which always throughs people, and he, like me and p much everyone else, fell head over heels for fenris. starting wiTH HIM RIPPING A GUYS HEART OUT OF HIS CHEST LIKE  D A M N. both wren and galahad are mages too, wren’s a spirit healer/blood mage/elementalist and galahad is force/primal/entropy 
my inquisition kids i also have a bunch bc i’ve fleshed out most of clan lavellan and the valo-kas i’ll just stick with my most fleshed out tho so its da’ean and idrilla
da’ean is.. a Mess who doesn’t want to admit it. he left for the conclave thinking he’d be gone a month at most and its turned into him never being able to go back home. he’s upset and confused at first but after the attack on haven he squares the fuck up and gets down to serious business bc maybe these people aren’t clan but they’re friends and definetly people he wants to keep alive. eventually he comes to terms with his own feelings of failure -with no small amount of help from dorian and bull- and shit goes to hell in tresspasser BUT his story is all in my wip fly little bird soo i won’t go into All of his story here bc spoilers 
okay last one best one, Idrilla Lavellan. i love her so much, her ‘canon’ story is her coming to skyhold to help da’ean after wicked eyes wicked hearts since she’s the First she knows stories about eluvians and all that jazz -plus she’s been kinda worried about da’ean since thats her little brother. when she gets there she Immediately gets to work but she butts heads with morrigan and solas fairly often, she treats them with respect bc she Does respect the fact they’re intelligent well trained mages but she isn’t treated with the same respect and it grates on her Quickly. she does finally earn their respect though, and even finds solas to not be so bad when he’s not shitting on her heritage which she corrected him about the first time he did it in front of her. when solas leaves at the end of the main game she figures something is up [they never really broke up since she wasn’t the inquisitor solas could lie to himself more thoroughly] and tries looking for him in the fade seeing as she’s a dreamer too. buut thats probably enough on her lmao i’ve gone on for far to long. 
thanks for listening to me ramble! i do love talking about these nerds 
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