#use your best judgement
fuggivaboutit · 1 month
Sauce without a name
1 cup BBQ sauce (I use sweet baby rays original)
4 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons tomato paste
4 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
4 tablespoons mirin
Chinese five spice, garlic powder, ground ginger to taste (garlic and ginger can be fresh rather than powder)
Toasted sesame seeds to taste
Sesame oil to taste
Red pepper flakes to taste (optional)
Just kinda mix it all together. If needed, add some cornstarch to thicken.
I really like to make something similar to baked beans with this sauce; in a pot, put in two cans of lima beans and this sauce (sans starch and sesame seeds) and let cook until warmed.
Tonight, I made chicken with this sauce; cube chicken thighs, cook thoroughly, add sauce (with starch and seeds), and let thicken.
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gooferdusted · 2 years
as a birthday present to me, I better not hear a damn thing about tonight's cw activities unless it's really funny then tell me immediately ❤️
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grave-gift · 4 months
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come get your custom react images but only if you're my crazy fucking boyfriend i fucking guess. anyways.
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fate-defiant · 11 months
I can't believe they put my boy Mytho "does fucked up shit to himself because his entire identity and self image relies on being loved(in the right way by the right people)" and my girl Rue "does fucked up shit to everyone else because her entire identity and self image relies on being loved(in the right way by the right people)" togehter in the same show and never did anything to meaningfully juxtapose and explore All That
#princess tutu#rue#mytho#this is a gross oversimplification but you get it you understand#unstoppable selfishness vs immovable selflessness vs unstopable selflessness vs immovable selfishness#these two coulda been so insane their dynamic could've blown minds#i can;t tell you exactly how but it would've#what if the show ended not on them leavig entirely intentionally but lik#e#in the commotion of the story ending they just sorta fall bakc into the story and vanish into the real world#and their ending is them realizing they've both ended up in the fairytale.its not delibarate the way it was in the show#and like. rue has nowhere to go and mytho is still kinda lost in the sauce but they're both unsure how to feel and what to do#so they just kinda. pick a direction and hope for the best#this at least is how i'd tweak it to give us space to imagine they'll have the time to work through everything the show ran outta time for#otherwise id fucking. id tweak the actual show dangnabbit#but yeag.#its just like. there;s this preconcieved notion of the person you are meant to be and sometimes that constructed self has all these surviva#all these survival mechanisms that'll cloud your judgement and someitmes actively harm you the living being the real tangible organism#because you are sad ape and big leaf you need love and sunlight#but the self is an aesthetic it can survive on bad decisions#and a cookie cutter self no matter how painful is better than the uncertainty of being potentially literally anything because in the end#you are sad ape and a big leaf and you can just live however as long as theres love and light and fun and sustenance#and you die either way but the self is a character with a neat narrative attached and the ape is real and messy and uncertain#so the self fights for survival and takes over the sad ape#you Get It. You Understand.#fate.txt
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
so a couple weeks back i was gonna do cosmere tumblr yearbook superlatives but ultimately decided against it because im like. paranoid about causing drama. but anyway i was looking through lists of sample yearbook superlatives like what are some possible things i could do? and one of them was cutest couple and that is such a funny concept to me because im pretty sure the only dating pair on cosmere tumblr is tumblr user taravangians-storming-balls and her fiance. i cant think of whats funnier: people voting for people who are actually literally going to get married in real life, or people voting for people who are Just Friends and will always be Just Friends because its not 2015 and we are not 14 anymore and so we do not do long distance relationships with our tumblr mutuals anymore
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nicollekidman · 10 months
pls stop saying dyke if you're not a lesbian
i understand if you don’t like it but i won’t so feel free to unfollow if that bothers you
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ftl-faster-than-life · 5 months
FYI what makes the batfam like soldiers is the brainwashing and the subsequent formation of a new identity in the service of a unified goal, especially in a combatant role.
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hostilemuppet · 1 year
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hella1975 · 9 months
hiii i'm really sorry this is kind of a Lot but um. is it bad to leave a toxic friendship by absolutely verbally destroying the other party? because like. i think i may have broken the geneva convention with some of the things i've just said to this girl. but she started it! she called me a stone cold bitch so i said she only dates narcissistic sex offenders i feel like i may have overstepped. but it is true she is currently dating someone accused of assualt so. we both leave for uni soon so i won't see her again but like i just feel BAD and NOT GOOD about being so mean even tho she cheated on my closest friend. i also said she was a pathological cheater which IS very true but i feel may have warped her perspective somewhat. is it just a rite of passage to have that one friendship that implodes spectacularly or am i doing this wrong
'she started it! she called me a stone cold bitch so i said she only dates narcissistic sex offenders'
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willowthornhollyhawk · 4 months
Free movies right at your fingertips all for the low price of $0 with your library card!
Watch hundreds of films, television shows, theatrical productions, and documentaries without ads through Kanopy!
Looking for something to read instead? Download books, magazines, comics, and audio books through Libby!
Not sure where to start with Kanopy? Once you have your library card, here are some documentaries from my own watch list to get you started! (Tip: If a title is not available, request it through your library.)
Born in Gaza (2014) - filmed during the 2014 siege of Gaza, which left 507 children dead and 3,598 wounded, born in Gaza follows a group of young children growing up in a war zone.
Where Should the Birds Fly? (2013) - tells the stories of two remarkable young women living in Gaza and the struggle of Gazans trying to maintain their humanity and humour while hoping to find some sense of normality in a world that is anything but normal
Last Stop: Palestine (2013) - an in-depth and eye-opening investigation into life in the West Bank
The First 54 Years (2021) - Director Avi Mograbi hosts the viewers in his living room and provides insights to how a colonialist occupation works
Tears of Gaza (2010) - a record presented with minimal gloss of the 2008 to 2009 bombing of Gaza by the Israeli military.
Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land (2003) - provides a striking comparison of US and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in US coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of America political elites - oil, and a need to have a secure military base in the region, among others - work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to exercise a powerful influence over how news from the region is reported.
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jamescarstairs · 2 months
still annoyed with what my coworker said to me at work today
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wundrousarts · 1 year
What about Nevermoor characters playing Just Dance??
For me, there’s three types of Just Dance players: the person that goes hard, the person that tries their best to move around, but is still pretty reserved (either from nervousness or just plain clumsiness) and the person that just stands in place as they move their remote
Goes hard: Hawthorne, Jupiter, Thaddea, Mahir, Miss Cheery, Mildmay
Tries their best: Morrigan, Anah, Francis, Archan, Roshni
Stands in place: Jack, Cadence, Lam, Dame Chanda, Squall
I didn’t include Fen because I don’t think she’d want to join in, but let her dangle a wii remote in her mouth and somehow she’ll beat everyone
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dash-n-step · 5 months
>looking for a new media that satires
>ask the author if their work is understanding of the issues it's discussing or merely adding to what it jokes about
>she doesnt undertsand
>pull out illustrated diagram explaing what is "bringing up a topic to poke at its faults or examine the reasons it happens" and what is "tactless fetishization, ultimately appealing to fans of the very thing being critiqued"
>she laughs and says “it’s a good satire ma'am”
>look into media
>its tactless fetishization
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novelconcepts · 9 months
Shauna never quite learned where to put her rage. Lottie never quite learned to turn off her martyr complex. Either way, it keeps them warm.
They all have their own ways of keeping warm. There’s no other choice; with the cabin gone, they’re in danger of more than just pulling that queen from the deck. Frostbite. Exposure. Their old friend, simple starvation. It’s all coming for them, one right on the heels of the next, with no water breaks.
Lottie remembers complaining about summer training while the rest of their classmates lounged by the pool. Remembers watching Natalie throw up after running suicides. Remembers Tai and Van laying in a sticky heap, fresh-cut grass staining their shins, moaning about how death had found them at last.
If she could build a time machine, that’s where she’d go: back to the summer before senior year, when everyone was miserable and no one was truly suffering.
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allylikethecat · 5 months
omg yes!! i knew immortal in a strangers lap had to be yours!!
(also dont feel pressured to answer this btw if you want to keep it quiet/only for people who look)
Ok so, I held onto this for way to long because I wasn't totally sure if I was emotionally ready to claim it as mine but then I was like, the information is out there on my tumblr page if you go looking for it, and despite how dark it is, it is a fic I am weirdly proud of 😂 Thank you so much for reading and I'm going to hope this means you enjoyed it! I don't think I'm going to be claiming in on AO3 any time soon because I think it then sends an email to all of your user subscribers? (Unsure at this time) and THAT I'm not sure if I'm ready for- BUT thank you so much for reading and for reaching out! 🥰 I hope you are having a lovely week and a lovely Christmas if you celebrate! Thank you so much again for your support!
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I sent a link earlier for a new art game server, but I forgot to remove the time limit, so here's a new one!
It's got limited joins! There's no NSFW allowed and there's only a few games, but I plan on adding more that people are interested in and having small events!
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