#ur literally so real for this. i owe u my life
springcatalyst · 2 years
What are their final thoughts in the dark silence of night before they sleep? How do they sleep?
How do they choose their clothes when purchasing and dressing?
What is a fear that they cannot pull themselves away from? They need it, and they hate it.
OMG HELLO HI HELLOOOOOOOO i am taking ur coat like a victorian gentleman and inviting u inside.  These are so specific and dramatic i love
Sleep, rather, the moments right before it, is when a person is at their truest.  You can’t really hide from it.  So those final thoughts are typically a lens into the basal forms that make up a character.
Liliana is a character that’s very true, very genuine, so her sleeping mind doesn’t show much that you wouldn’t expect, because there’s not a lot that she hides, at least not from herself.  She’s obsessive: stuck (though ‘stuck’ implies that she’s here by some force other than her own) in this quest that she’s been trailing for years, getting closer but not in any way that’s tangible.  She goes to sleep with ‘what next’ floating around in her skull, and dreams of a goal reached.  And she sleeps like the dead, but only because she puts it off for as long as she can.  Not that she avoids sleep itself, though, rather she stays up and works until she can’t stay upright anymore.  She is laser-focused, set on her task.  It can benefit her, in certain conditions, but mostly it leaves her running on so little sleep she has trouble functioning. Her being a satyr means her sleep schedule doesn’t quite align with a ‘typical’ one anyway, but she definitely fucks it more and also that’s not set in stone atm.
Julian, on the other hand, is a liar and he hides just about everything about himself, including from himself.  Julian and Liliana are similar in a lot of ways but this is not one of them.  So his unconscious truth doesn’t always align with what he appears to be.  It’s careful.  It’s somatic: a sort of ‘is the door locked is the knife within reach is the cane by the bed,’ but it’s also theoretical: more a ‘who here do I trust (in the most basic sense of the word) or who do I watch out for.’  He absolutely is the impulsive asshole he looks like, but the little bit of careful caution that remains beneath plays a role in his continued safety (relatively speaking).  Julian is also a pretty light sleeper, growing up with five siblings (lmao) there’s a good amount of noise in the mornings or if something is wrong at night, so he’s just kind of grown accustomed to waking up, even if it’s that barely-awake state, to evaluate the noise.  And he rises with the sun- mostly old habit, but it’s also convenient for guaranteeing some time unobserved, for safety or just for some quiet.
Brooke is different in that the thing that follows her into sleep isn’t as much a thought as it is a feeling.  Brooke spends a lot of time busy, not necessarily with the intent of keeping her mind securely in the present, but that’s the effect it has, no matter.  So when she isn’t doing something- following or fighting or helping or hurting -she gets that little moment of quiet calm and it’s occupied by guilt.  The weight of it kind of lingers above her, the knowledge of what she was a part of, the remembrance of what she’s constantly trying to undo.  Brooke lives in the shadow of a debt to repay, and it catches up to her when she has a moment of still.  She is an uneasy sleeper, heavy to the ongoings of the waking world, but she rarely sleeps straight through the night, nevertheless.  She doesn’t dream, just wakes with the feeling that she did, even as it evades her. 
I feel like this is already so long and that’s just the first thing but like, you gave me the opportunity so I’m taking it <3.  Choice of fashion is a little less dramatic but I’m sure I’ll find a way to make it anyway.  Clothing basically serves three functions: utility, expression, and comfort.  For the sake of character designs I usually focus on the first two unless it’s particularly relevant, which it isn’t for these three so much. 
Brooke is mostly utility.  She has casualwear, of course, but honestly I haven’t really designed much of it and usually just draw her in her armor.  Which is pretty obviously utile, but it’s also familiar.  She keeps this leather armor, embossed around the edges (that I’ll actually design and make mean something eventually but... not yet apparently) and either similar or just the same to the kind she wore with her family, their guild.  Familiar isn’t always a good thing, but it’s all she knows.  If I’m being real she’s still being developed, especially storyline specifics, so not a lot is decided.  I’ve thought about switching around the colors, the blue I typically give her can be a changed version, removed from its ties to before, which was maybe a gold or a purple, something more implicative of importance.  Or of having her rid herself of the armor completely, so caught up in breaking her bonds that she makes herself vulnerable... but I’m a little too attached to how the armor looks... basically, she’s just balancing the safety of utility with the unrest of something recognizably hunter. 
Liliana is mostly expression.  She doesn’t need anything particular from her clothes, so chooses what makes her feel good.  Nothing too extravagant, because she is still wrecking shit and needs to not be hindered by what she’s wearing, but she dresses to look good and be scary, when the need arises.  She wears dresses and skirts despite the fact that, as a satyr, she really doesn’t... need to?  Because satyrs, post-cataclysm, live closely tied with humans in particular, though fauns as well, depending on locale, and as such have absorbed some social elements of theirs- like clothing and gender norms.  She abides by those norms, gender in particular (to a certain degree), not because she has to but because she wants to- because, you know, trans.  She carries a good amount of things with her on average- swords and knives and lockpicks and money and various other whathaveyous -but rarely carries them all at once, taking them on or off her person whenever she thinks she may or may not need them, but her belt remains on no matter, because that’s what she needs to have any of them at all.  Her compass, too, stays on her at all times, but that’s more sentimentality than use. 
Julian is a bit of both, but with him, a lot of the expression melts over into utility.  The puffy shirts, while inherently pirate out-of-universe, are conveniently the opposite of form-fitting.  They make him look bigger than he is like a cat puffing out, but also hide, you know, trans.  Typically they’re white or otherwise lightly colored, because it’s cheap and function-over-form, but later era when he’s particularly full of himself he trends towards darker colors and black.  Black, as a dye, is expensive to make, so wearing it is a way of making it clear that he is either important or dangerous or both- he strives to command respect or fear and it doesn’t always matter which.  Julian, like Liliana, also carries some stuff with him, but the difference is that he has less, and so almost always has all of them.  The exception is his sword, which is bulky enough to always have that unless he for sure needs it, he’ll leave it in favor of a knife (or two, counting the one in his cane).  And because his right hand is typically occupied by his cane, his things are all strapped to his left, another reason he doesn’t always carry the sword- it gets in the way.  Finally, depending where storyline-wise he is, he wears a couple little gold earrings- mark of a pirate.  Been considering having it be a status thing, too: one for crewmate, two for first mate, three for captain, or something similar. 
Fear is a really interesting one.  I dig where you’re going with it, and I’m sure I’m about to exhibit some mental illness, but like, fear is possibly one of the most important things in a character, because it’s what’s really behind at least 90% of a characters’ motivations, isn’t it?
Gotta start with Julian for this one.  He is afraid of a thousand entwined things in a way he will never admit and might not even be aware of.  The way he is perceived is so important to him that he lives with the constant threat of what he’s built for himself being taken away.  He’s so... I can’t call him exactly fake, because it’s not all false... he’s so constructed.  Everything he is, is exaggerated.  He is angry, and impulsive, and fast and rude and detached, but the way those things are presented is curated to be viewed in the way that he wants it to be.  And because of that, because everything he is is built on a not-quite-lie not-quite-truth, he runs the risk of having it all crash down around him.  That’s what follows him: the fear of being seen past it all, because he thinks that with that, he’ll end up right back where he was before.  Not to be too insane but in my silly little character.doc that I have for fun there’s this segment that’s pretty much what I just said:
He is afraid of no longer being taken seriously
He is afraid of losing the image he has created
He is afraid of trust being broken and secrets getting out
He is afraid of being patronized or the subject of pity
He would have you believe he is afraid of nothing
Liliana, now that I’m thinking about it, is actually pretty similar to him.  I didn’t even do this one on purpose oops.  Her difference, though, is that what she is isn’t fake.  She has this legacy, this name, that she reigns- people know of her, she commands that same respect or fear that Julian has to try so hard to.  Part of that, though, is taken from her.  She has her... I don’t want to call it a birthright, because that sounds entitled, but she has her birthright, then it’s stolen from her, and she rebuilds it even as she is on a hunt to reclaim it.  And so her fear stems from the possibility of failure.  If she never reaches her goal, if she truly loses what should never have been taken in the first place, then it’s all been for nothing, not only her work, but her father’s.  And the longer she goes without reaching that finish line, the more she is afraid of ‘what if it’s too late’ and ‘maybe it’s already over.’  Because her failure is also his, what she’d lose is also his, and that’s worse than if she just failed herself, because she feels the need to honor what he built, what he left, and what he was, in his absence.
Brooke is afraid of exactly what you’d expect.  A thousand what you’ve done’s follow her.  She terrified of never making it right, of the possibility of her wrongs being something that she never can make right.  She made a vow and she intends with all her being to keep it, but there is no endgoal, there is no ‘finished.’  It’s constant, and as such the constant threat of failure, of breaking that promise, whether by action or inaction, stays with her.  She lives with it for so long that it begins to leech into her, more than it already was, so it becomes what drives her.  But also... it’s what’s always driven her.  For a long time, she’s driven more by what’s behind her than what’s before her, and all that does is make her steep in this guilt and fear, fighting for a repentance that she doesn’t even know if she deserves. 
Okay I’m done being insane now, I hope my fucked up little guys provide enrichment to your enclosure but either way you’ve given me the GIFT of LETTING ME BE ANNOYING so THANK U AGAIN BESTIE. KISSING U KISSING U KISSING U KISSING U K
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enamouredfae · 9 months
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little astro observations i've made based on my little chart collection and experience 🎀
honestly i've observed this only in myself but you have a natural pull to people who's sun is the same sign as your 5th house, mine is in pisces and my bf, my best friend and my cat are all pisces, not to mention that 90% of my crushes have been pisces as well.
there is something about pisces and bunnies, they will either love bunnies (have tattoos of them, make art about them, be their favourite animal), own or have owned a bunny or they look like one, (my bf is all of the above).
in synastry a north node over a person's mars may indicate the north node person taking the mars person's virginity.
in synastry a person's moon in your 9th house may indicate they understand/feel/empathize with emotions in a different way from you due to where they come from and how they were culturally socialized, i have this with my bf and he comes from a north american individualist country where your emotions are your responsibility and other's are theirs and i come from a post communist country where you are responsible for everyone's emotions, and ppl live for other people.
in vedic astrology i am a hasta moon, claire nakti made a video on hasta nakshatra and describes hasta natives as "fairy pretty" and i have a pair of dragonfly fairy wings tattooed on my back, plus ive been told (before my tattoo) that i give off fairy vibes.
saturn ruled 3rd house makes you have to spend a lot of time in public transportation, for example you might live far from where you need to go, for me it used to take me 1 hour at least to get to some places, sometimes i'd have to wait an hour just to then spend on hour on the bus. just overall imposes patience for transportation
a lot of astro observation posts say that an aquarius 4th house makes you feel like u dont belong in your family or that you're the black sheep of the family, but i dont find that accurate at all, i feel like it makes the native the one to challenge family values, they may be the one to make their family change for humanitarian reasons
idk if this is a real technique already used by astrologers but i have a wholesign MC theory. in wholesign the midheaven can fall in the 9th/10th or 11th house. my theory is that wherever it falls is the way you get ahead in life, the way through which u become publicly known or get your career. If it falls in the 9th your career is owed to ur studies/travel, 10th your hard work/experience/reputation, 11th your connections/social media/friends.
i think i have the most literal astrological placements being passed down from your parents example. obviously placements dont always get passed down, my sister has none of their placements, but perhaps being the first child may have contributed to this since the first child is when parents still have their personality not yet influenced by parenthood. so my moon and my sun, which we know symbolize the parents amongst other things, are at the same degree and they sextile eachother exactly, which I think is an indicator that my parents are very harmonious together; they are still together and in love even now. furthermore, my moon and sun are the same signs of my parents' stelliums, i have a libra moon and my mom has a libra stellium, and my sun is in leo and my dad has a leo stellium.
sibling's ceres in your first is feeling like a parent to them, i constantly tell my sister she's my daughter, we even have an inside joke that i gave birth to her at 5, and my ceres is in her fourth, the house of motherhood so she definitely sees me as a parental figure.
me and my bf have eachother's jupiter in our 7th houses, besides being in a serious committed relationship, we want to start a business together. so i feel this is a great indicator for great partnership in both regards.
i feel like this is also a technique but i haven't really heard much about it, generational planets affect us through societal conditions/problems whereas personal planets affect us through personal problems. for example: let's go with two malefics, i have pluto in the first house which i feel would be very different from having let's say mars in the first house. the first house is amongst many things our appearance which i am insecure about. i have never in my life been told i am ugly, i am actually constantly told i am beautiful, and yet it does not click. it isn't through personal experiences that i have problems with my appearance but through consumption of society ideals. this is of course an oversimplification but you get what i mean.
chiron retrograde in natal changes our perception on trauma. me and my bf have the same chiron, his is retrograde while mine is not. he constantly says he is not traumatized, whereas i can tell i am. he 100% has traumas, the thing is that it's like he's left them behind? he just says it happened a long time ago so it's done. my observation is that retrogrades in your natal may make u leave things in the past or have a "it happened a long time ago it doesn't matter" attitude towards trauma. the thing is he acts like a non-traumatized person which is crazy to me.
i have a skin condition called dermatographia, also overall very dry itchy acne prone skin, i also have scars. here are a few placements that i have that i feel may be an indicator for skin conditions: mars ruled first house (traditional rulership) mars is inflamation and scarring, saturn in seventh saturn is dry and some people consider that libra(7th house) rules the skin, saturn opposite ascendant, saturn square venus i see venus as clear skin due to its aesthetical perfection.
saturn in 1st, especially conjunct ascendant indicates identity issues. borrowing elements of identity from people you admire, not feeling like you identify with the gender assigned at birth, not identifying with your birth name, etc.
having a libra 12th house can indicate traumatic female friendship. the 12th house is the house of hidden enemies, so you perceive these people as your friends, sometimes even best friends, so when they betray you it is very jarring and traumatic. having female friends that are jealous of you, female friends that pretend to like you, female friends that talk shit about you and even sometimes lie about u, friends that purposefully hide information from you, that want what you have, sometimes sabotaging what you have or trying to make u lose the thing they want, etc. this is a very difficult placement, because you love these people so much that you would've given up things, changed things or shared things with them if only they were honest with you. in the best of cases the friendship is real and full of love but you grow apart, and this is also painful because you can't control it.
venus square ascendant is people telling you they love you and you not believing them. just overall hardships around love and seeing yourself as loveable. double points when it also squares saturn making u think that if u are loved it's hard work or that people had to convince themselves to, that you're hard to love.
people with venus conjunct mars in first are stunning and have an androgynous vibe to them. sometimes this is visual, strong muscular body with graceful posture, but it can reflect in their personality, just strength imbued with vulnerability, people that surprise you, that are balanced.
taurus 6th house can indicate finding romantic partners in the workplace.
having a stellium in the 4th and no planets in the 10th, can indicate a strong connection to your mom and a disconnect from your dad, especially when the sun is in the opposite sign of your tenth house(in your 4th) feeling like your dad is not the way he should be.
please let me know what you think, im very curious how they hold up in other people's charts, critiques are welcome and invited.
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mydearesthrry · 10 months
birthday wishes - h.s.
a/n: hi … this is long. it ends abruptly and im v sorry! apologies for my absence,,, enjoy :))
🎀 warnings/cw: nothing but fluff
🐇 pairing: 1dbandmember!reader x harry styles
💐 wc: n/a
summary: every year, Y/N posts something for harry’s birthday. every single year, no matter what.
a/n: pls keep in mind harrys relationship timeline or this wont make as much sense..? ok bye
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liked by niallhoran, zaynmalik, and 2,378,615 others
yourinstagram: Happy birthday goof!! Thanks for always tuning my guitars for me. I can’t believe you are 18!!!!!!!!!
view 79,058 comments
harrystyles: Thaaaaaanks. I love youuuu. <3 <3 <3
user2: i cant believe that this picture is real
niallhoran: no bday post for me?? D:
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liked by niallhoran, dakotajohnson, dontshakethepolaroid, and 3,008,263 others
yourinstagram: happy birthday h. u are 19. thats crazy. i owe my life to u thank you for being my best friend— thank you for you. i love u so so much bub :’)
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niallhoran: h day!!! time to celebrattteeeeee!!!!!!
annetwist: love you sweetheart!
harrystyles: I love youuuuuu!!!! Thank you lovebug. <3
zaynmalik: time to get drunk!
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liked by niallhoran, zendaya, sabrinacarpenter, and 108,862 others
yourinstagram: its a national holiday!! happy birthday to my best friend, confidant, songwriting partner, and personal pillow. UR FUCKING 20. THATS INSANE. i love u so much pickle :’)
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gemmastyles: old man!!!
harrystyles: Thank you Olive :) Love you tons.
niallhoran: a special lads birthday!
zaynmalik: 🍻
jamescorden: pickle and olive!
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liked by arianagrande, wherearetheavocados, and 6,826,728 others
yourinstagram: love you prince boy, happy birthday ❤️
view 198,726 other comments
harrystyles: My favorite person alive. Xx
niallhoran: legal in the states!!!!
user1: his comment is so casual but so cutw i cant 😭😭😭
user2: i am so unstable shes literally posted every time on his birthday for years
user3: NEW PHH CONTENT!!!!!
ynrryupdates: our suspicions were right! she posted again this year ❤️❤️❤️
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liked by tomholland2016, liampayne, annetwist, and 5,276,266 others
yourusername: hbd har <3 thank you for everything
view all 99,251 comments
user1: no special note… i think we’re losing them
user2: :( not the same this year
user3: i think she’s holding back now because he’s official with kendall?
harrystyles: Thank you, it was wonderful seeing you. H
user4: this is weird…. harry’s comment isnt sitting right with me…?
gemmastyles: missed your face!!!!!!!!!! love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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liked by harrystyles, selenagomez, marikoluv, and 4,726,629 others
yourinstagram: happy birthday pickle, miss you <3
view all 99,625 comments
annetwist: Missed seeing you! Come back and visit soon ❤️
harrystyles: Thank you Olive. Love you. Miss you more.
gemmastyles: missed my best friend ❤️❤️❤️
user1: are we… are we finally getting them back….
user2: slowly going back to normal………
user3: HES SO DRY 😭
user4: he said love you 😭😭😭😭😭 miss you more 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift13, sabrinacarpenter, and 6,276,151 others
yourinstagram: tbt our frat days 🤓 miss you always my bug, happy birthday ❤️ i love love you
view all 71,620 comments
harrystyles: Be home soon, I miss you more than anything. Love you love you love you. Thank you. H x
gemmastyles: I NEED you to come over when you’re back in London!!!!!!!
annetwist: My baby! ❤️🎁🎉
user2: now that harrys a freeeeeee man we can get ynrry back like weve always dreamed of!
user3: HER bug… im unwell
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liked by harrystyles, billieeilish, liampayne, and 4,276,991 others
yourusername: our time now, silly boy. happy birthday to my soulmate, lover, best friend… and everything else in between. i admire everything you do and I feel like the luckiest person alive to have the privilege of knowing you, cherishing you, and caring for u. that being said, i love you i love you i love you so much it hurts. thank you for choosing me. happy birthday pickle ❤️
view all 89,715 comments
harrystyles: There’s no one in this world I love more than you. Thank you, baby. Very grateful for you, Olive. Xxx
jamescorden: FINALLY
billieeilish: thank GOD this has been the hardest secret to keep 😭😭😭😭
sabrinacarpenter: mom n dadddddd
annetwist: My babies ❤️🎂
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liked by harrystyles, arianagrande, gemmastyles, and 4,917,899 others
yourinstagram: havent missed a year so why start now? happy birthday h, i love you so much ❥ p.s. ur fiance era looks so good on u ;)
view all 105,918 comments
harrystyles: Thank you. And I agree; I’ve never looked better. ❤️
user2: THEYRE ENGAGED???!!!!!!!!!!
user3: remember in 2013 when they got asked a question on the this is us panel about how they dreamed of proposing/being proposed to and Y/N said in italy… he def proposed when they filmed golden
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liked by user1, harrystyles, billieeilish, and 6,818,809 others
yourinstagram: first outing as newlyweds,,, only right to be celebrating pickles birthday too. bug… i trust u implicitly and love you entirely. my husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday harry ❤️
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harrystyles: Soulmate. Thank you baby. H
sabrinacarpenter: cats out the bag… mom and dad are married !!!
annetwist: Official daughter ❤️❤️❤️
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daydreamingleclerc · 1 year
summertime; mick schumacher
mick and his girlfriend take summer break very seriously when they go on holiday with his fellow drivers.
includes; suggestive content, plus size!reader, bisexual!reader (mentioned), mick & pierre besties. pictures are NOT mine. all found on pinterest.
yn ✔️
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liked by mickschumacher, pierregasly, lewishamilton and 2,009,729 others
yn mickschumacher don’t keep me waiting x
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mickschumacher the only thing that will be waiting tonight will be the restaurant because 👀
yn hurry up and finish at the gym then, baby
pierregasly don’t you dare cancel on dinner just because you and mick want to fuck.
yn we won’t cancel! we’ll just miss the starters?
pierregasly i cant fucking stand you two
ynandmickslovechild oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
landonorris the toilet roll on the bin really makes this picture
yn i have my tits out and THAT’S what you’re focusing on? lando lando lando
landonorris you’re dating mick ! i’m being a respectful gentleman
lewishamilton i’m not 👀
hamiltonslewis oh my good god mick is your girlfriend single
yn she wishes x
mickschumacher you what??
itselenaberri YN WOW
yn thanks baby <3
mickschumacher ✔️
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liked by yn, ginaschumacher, georgerussell63 and 2,721,729 others
mickschumacher summer holiday mode with my girl 🤍
tagged: yn
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ginaschumacher have fun you two! 🤍
mickschumacher thanks gina! 🙏🏼
yn i wonder why you posted this one…
mickschumacher 🤔🤔 hm i have no idea
yn liar liar pants on fire.
mickandyn “my girl” 🥹🥹🥹🥹
pierregasly if you two are gonna be at it like rabbits i’d rather know now because i’m traumatized after that plane journey
yn should’ve knocked x
estebanocon no funny business please 🙏🏼
landonorris we have more of a chance of pigs sprouting wings and flying
yn ✔️
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liked by mickschumacher, francisca.cgomes, carmenmmundt and 3,271,038 others
yn it’s a good night when this dress comes out😍
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mickschumacher it’s definitely going to be a good night for me 🥵
mickschumacher god. your ass is fucking massive
yn words of affirmation, your love language 😍
ginaschumacher can u not just say she’s pretty and move on.
mickschumacher no.
schumisgirlfriend idk what mick sees in you
yn i could tell you… but instagram would block me. stay humble queen x
hamiltonsricciardo mick saw yn in that dress and let his intrusive thoughts win. and i do Not blame him. i am no better than a man.
corinnaschumacher yn!! you are beautiful, this dress is gorgeous 🥳 make sure my mick treats you right tonight!!
yn thanks corinna🥹
mickschumacher i’ll treat her real nice mama don’t worry about a thing ❤️
mickschumacher ✔️
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liked by yn, kevinmagnussen, ginaschumacher and 1,878,372 others.
mickschumacher great view 😍
tagged: yn
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yn my personal photographer 🤍
mickschumacher with his own personal stash😉
yn the one time i tried to be romantic.
corinnaschumacher so beautiful!! 😍😍😍😍
micksangels he’s literally a yn fan account 🥹
yn he knows his place that’s why <3
estebanocon i beg of you to both just calm down please
mickschumacher no
yn ✔️
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liked by mickschumacher, landonorris, lilymhe and 3,902,739 others
yn cheesin’ 😍
tagged: mickschumacher
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mickschumacher i love you more than life
yn i know 😌
georgerussell63 oh. this is a very nice post
yn wish i could say the same about yours u dirty slut put ur muscles away x
hamiltonsangel yn i owe you my LIFE thank you for taking this picture
yn you’re so welcome bestie i’m so glad i could provide for u <3
landonorris why’s mick’s shirt blacked out
yn bc he had a pic of my tits on it
landonorris ffs
yn you walk into these situations lando it’s really not my fault
jackdoohan thank god you cut his meat grabbers out of the picture
yn you’re not wrong tho
mickschumacher are my toes really that bad
jackdoohan ……
mickieschumacher get someone the way mick looks at yn 😻
yn ✔️
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liked by mickschumacher, lewishamilton, francisca.cgomes and 3,909,984 others.
yn full of cocktails but wishing i was full of something else 🤔 mickschumacher i’m waiting…
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mickschumacher are you wearing any underwear?
yn i’ll let you work that one out x
mickschumacher check your messages.
pierregasly well… i’d have cancelled our plans too if i was mick
mickschumacher fuck you you’ve got your own
georgerussell63 fucking hell you’re insufferable when you’re drunk
yn i love it when you talk dirty x
landonorris i hope you mean full of food 😡
yn well… technically my mouth would be full..
landonorris how do i delete my eyes 😄
lewishamilton 👀
mickschumacher back off, lewis. she’s my girl, find your own.
yn 😻😻🤭
mickschumacher ✔️
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liked by charlesleclerc, ginaschumacher, estebanocon and 2,098,618 others
mickschumacher soaking up the moments like this 🤍
tagged: yn
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landonorris have you finally recovered from last nights post from yn, thought you were dead
mickschumacher you should ask yn, not me 😌
landonorris why is it always me
yn my babies 🤍 love you more than life
mickschumacher we love you too ❤️
ginaschumacher 🥹🥹🥹 you’re the cutest
pierregasly photo credits jeeeeeez
mickschumacher no
mercedeschumacher yn and francisca being close and simultaneously bringing together mick and pierre is my favourite thing out of this whole relationship
yn join the club xx
yn ✔️
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liked by mickschumacher, ginaschumacher, carmenmmundt and 1,904,803 others
yn told you guys, he’s a beefcake now cause he carries my fat ass around. gonna miss you when you have to go and race again ☹️
tagged: mickschumacher
view all 642,093 comments
mickschumacher i wouldn’t ever want to carry anybody else 🤍
yn and i wouldn’t ever want to clean up after anybody else 😌
mickschumacher just say you love me ☹️
yn i love you x
corinnaschumacher such a beautiful picture of you two! can’t wait for you to come home 🥳
yn we can’t wait to see you either, corinna!
danielricciardo thanks for the photo credits 😕
pierregasly sucks doesn’t it
lewisandmick still don’t understand why mick’s into fat girls like u
yn fit* girls, ur autocorrect is fried x
estebanocon you two haven’t had any noise complaints for a while… is everything okay?
yn you’ll need earplugs tonight, micks feral x
mickschumacher 😳🫣
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pinkwright · 1 year
do u ever daydream about me ? | shuri udaku.
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pairing — queen panther!shuri x ex!y/n
trope — exes still in love (post-breakup)
inspo — lucidia (egodeath) by ambré + been like this by doja cat
warnings — vv dramatic bc its me, they r lovesick ur honour, reader is hurting like srsly, shuri is hurting like srsly 2, everybody hurting srsly okay, breakup isn’t described, lots of heart/rib metaphors n descriptions lol, the sides r povs, pretty vague contextually (?), no happy ending bc life, shuri has a panic attack but its not overly detailed, shuri’s vv self-destructive (stop thats my baby), no real sense of a timeline, they need each other u guys, its not set who hurt who so u can use ur imagination, literally just angst w a pinch of fluff if u squint.
a/n — thank u for all the love on my first fic. i wanted a fic that hurt so i was tempted to deliver n here it is, i hope u enjoy it !
⟢˚ taglist: @mbakuetshurisprincess @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @saintwrld
side a
let’s make sure its reel, baby can we film it? now you got me here, stuck up in my feelings.
longing buries itself within your chest, the weight is settling in the cage of your ribs, and they seem to tighten at the steady chuckle that falls from her pretty lips, only amplified by the surround sound in your barren apartment. your subconscious berates you for the continuous empty promises made to yourself, empty promises that only contribute to the depths of your very own despair – but can anyone truly blame you for missing all that love?
the short film – a lovers’ moment of perfection, an ode to what was and what could have been, what should have been – captures your love at the height of pure joy and contentment. it was a homemade film taken in your kitchen; the camera held up by you — the interviewer to shuri's interviewee. your giggles ring in the background working in tandem with the soft beat of your favourite track to produce, as shuri had said, 'the symphony to the rhythm of her heart.'
shuri’s gazing just over the lens of the camera and into your eyes, the love spilling from the gaze makes you giddy and shy, so you clear your throat. “so, miss ‘i’m the queen of wakanda, i do what i want’,” you gently mock. your soft laugh coercing a giggle out of shuri’s lips, “to what do i owe the pleasure of her majesty’s great presence?”
she rolls her eyes, her lips dropping into a soft, fond smirk, “i can’t come to visit my wife, to whom my heart resides with? i do need to come to check in on her from time to time, s'thandwa.” she smiles. her eyes are boring into yours when her face comes to rest in the palms of her hands, her elbows placed on your kitchen counter as she regards you with the renowned intensity of the black panther.
your breath catches behind the camera and the viewer watches as shuri’s smirk grows over the stammers of your speech, “you’ve never even asked me to marry you,” you splutter flustered. “and your heart’s still your own…” your sentence trails off at shuri’s contemplative but amused expression. the queen is rising to her feet and making her way towards you, the camera’s gaze lowers to the floor but remains recording stagnantly between your bodies. slowly, she takes your hand in both of hers and lifts your knuckles to her lips, kissing them gently, unseen by the lens but scorched into your very being — every memory with her was.
the exhale that leaves your lips is soft, as words begin to trail out of her, brushing against the heated skin of your hands; words that heal wounds that have yet to manifest, settle the unsteady rhythm of your heart, caress the traumas of your youth, and continue to soothe the restlessness of your soul – washing away the boundaries between separate but familiar souls, guiding them to become one under the false veil of “forever”.
a sharp wail breaks through the atmosphere of your room, your trembling form curling pathetically like a baby in the womb – trying desperately to garner some semblance of comfort for the shattered shell of desolation you had become. the pulse of your heart is desperate, throbbing for the calm existence of life before pain, before her.
your lungs burn for oxygen as you use the heel of your palm to repeat firm, solid thumps against the pain in your chest. no one tells you that the heart you use to preserve the realisation of your love and nurture innocent youth, the one that overflows steadily with tenderness is the same heart that uses the pain of separation to fuel its anger, the caged animal raging with vengeance, screeching against the jagged bones of its cell.
no one told you that it would be like this.
i gave you all this time, gave you my everything. can’t put my trauma to the side; when you told me i was lying, had me feeling like i died, baby.
side b
i know that you miss all this love. maybe we should get back in touch. maybe you could make me over shiny and new.
shuri sits up with a gasp, the ringing in her ears deafening as she swings her feet over the edge of her bed to attempt to ground herself. the ache in her stomach is expanding, the anxiety crawling its way to her throat and she’s struggling to breathe, “my queen, it seems you are experiencing a severe panic attack, may i call for assistance?” griot sounds, vaguely registering from between the screams of her turbulent mind.
she’s gasping so hard that her ribs begin to ache, gripping the sheets beneath her to keep from crying out from the sheer force of the jagged claws that plunge into the cause of her sorrows over and over again. the dreamless heavy state of her short rest can only quell her broken state for so long.
all she can think about is you; your tenderness, your patience, your strength – her need for you. the tears are gathering on the lashes of her shut eyes, the force causing her head to pound rapidly, colours dancing behind the lids of her eyes, and she’s clenching her jaw to calm the storm breaking through her form.
she counts to ten until her world is eerily still, and everything is silent.
shuri forcefully exhales a deep breath and her senses tune back into the real world where she can hear the heavy knocks on the doors to her chambers, “'mkanikazi wam'... are you all right, mama?” aneka’s whispers are rapid, fearful, but firm, with an undertone of gentleness shuri thinks she doesn’t deserve.
“i’m fine, aneka, just a bad dream.” the lie falls from her mouth too easily, reflexively, but her voice is straining wetly, and her emotions are quickly rising to break her facade. she doesn’t wait for a response but hears the hesitant retreating footsteps of the dora when she's shakily exhaling, then she breaks.
her tears are falling mercilessly as her shoulders shake, and again, she is tempted to put on her suit to use the panther's claws to rip the organ out of her chest. the bothersome vessel only seems to mock her, steadily drawing on its hinges to taunt her with temporary relief just to rear its true animosity.
and for a split second, a second quickly washed away by the instantaneous remorse and shame, she wishes she had left her heart buried with her mother.
but she also knows she doesn’t deserve that kind of relief – she needs it to hurt, to remind her how she hurt you, she craves it almost. she’s sobbing into the walls around her, surrounded by a strong nation weighed down by the excruciating pain of their mother, their protector. shuri’s voice is unrecognisable as the words uncontrollably dig their way out of her aching throat, calling out to you, echoing painfully through the only medium she knows.
“bast, please.”
lucid dreaming i dream about you, do you ever dare dream about me? when i talk to god i ask about you.
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deadtiredghost · 6 days
So I watched the entirety of Mashle as a drinking game and these are my non-coherent, drunkard rambling thoughts on the anime. (Sploilers obvs).
Mash - is it better than HP; not objectively, but do I enjoy watching it far more, yes 1000x yes.
"Our world has no shortage of problems" - UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY
Mash is so smart when it comes to fighting and so dumb when it comes to literally anything else. I love this boy. Mash is so cute when he lies. I want to adopt him so bad. The paternal feelings haven't been so strong in a whileeee. (Not about anyone other than the turtles)
He just really loves creampuffs. He has an unconscious reflex to people taking his creampuffs.
"I see you as nothing but an unusually clever rabbit" - ironic because most people might see Mash as the opposite of clever.
For a comedy anime Mashle is so dark. Like the world is so fucked and euthenasia is the norm. But here I am making a drinking game out of the comedy anime and casually ignoring all the child abuse and trauma all the characters go through - someone should write an analysis on that.
Mash forgives people way too easily - 'since u have feelings I guess ur not a shit person even if u crippled and thus sent to be euthanized a whole host of students.'
I love that Ron Weasley-s wand has barbed wire around it - it's so unnecessary.
Unironically I love Love, or whatever her name is. Reminds me of Teruhashi but less developed and I hope he does get more developedz.ź
"I think Mask Guy wants to eat cream puffs too" • A line you would only see from this show • *talking about a guy who is actively dying from being impaled*
Every single villain: and they failed to consider that... Mash was just built different.
Abel: my mother taught me morals. I forgot them for 10 years but now they're all coming rushing back to me after Mash suplexed me and gave me brain damage.
Rayne's reaction to the green haired shit is overboard to us and the main characters, there is no use in continuing to kick someone while they're down, but from his point of view he has probs had to deal with similar people over and over for his entire life and gotten bored of them double crossing him or something. Sidenote: i have never met a "Rayne" (that spelling or otherwise) that isn't genderqueer in some regard.
In universe they mention machine guns and bunting from baseball whÿyyyyyy .
Was this world Formerly the real world?
It happened in Tokyo Revengers too, but what's with characters being like "if u don't have anything to live for, live for me in servitude"? Like... u don't owe them ur life and death my dude. There are other things to live for than a maniacle megalomaniac
I love Mask Guy! And where the fuc is Lance? How long has Lance just been absent? Who the fuc is this random that appeared out of no where to tattle that Mash has no magic? Why is this show so fucking random?
Finally we r on season 2 and I get the fun opening - it has been in my brain since Jan when I first watched the op on youtube (Basement gang danced to it)
(Does anyone else pace to music? Or is it just me doing maladaptive daydreaming shit?) Blim blam blam blim blam blam blim blam blam boom.
Season 2 opens to: GASLIGHTING
Just the casual threat of euthanasia hanging over Mash's shoulders at all time.
Is 'blight-blood'a slur? That deffo counts as a slur. Worse than 'no-mage' at least.
Mash gave Mask Guy a handkerchief that healed him being impaled in the chest - and that was a pretty serious impalement. So why couldn't any of the school nurses help Ron Weasley?
Best line in the whole series: "forgive him, Abyss calls girls 'females' that's how little experience he has with them." 😂😭😂😭😂😭
It would have been fun if the blonde dude in season 2 was the dad of draco malfoy in season 1 - he isn't but it would have been fun if we got a return of the draco malfoy character humbled.
Tho he is incredibly powerful but no one respects him and I don't understand that.
*Mash does anything* - looks like magic to me!
Japanese dub: You're a (in english) NICE GUY Eng Subtites: you're hot stuff
Everything everyone does in this show is so unnecessary - what is it even for? (Sand guy I'm looking at u)
Okay but tell me that in an alternate universe the Divine Visionaries aren't just a harem anime with an aromantic Mash in the middle.
What Rayne says: I agree with the headmaster's opinion What Rayne means: my brother is weak and this no-mag accepted my bunnies
I find it interesting that Dumbledore has one line. U know he got more somewhere.
Can you have extra lines elsewhere? Like not ur face? On ur arse? Tramp stamp line?
WHERE is the government? Is it jus the Jesus ppl that are doing all this? Is the government the schoo?
Mash coming in like a caterilla will never mot be funny to me. My friend: "I feel like I've been witness to a crime."
I love the soundtrack. "It's so heavy that no one can lift it!" - I wonder where this is gonna go. Who fucking made it then?
OLIVER WOOD IS BACK! I forgot he existed.
Unpopular opinion: I like Margarette. I get that their design plays on tropes, but at the same time, people do be like that. Not like how Margrette acts but looks. Man really go told something opposing her worldview and then played the piano. But also she has the best lipstick. I would have preferred it if Margarette wasn't portrayed as creepy by thr characters around him, but I'm just happy to have a he/she/they character in a show I like. (Same Margarette same)
I don't think she is any more goofy than any other villain character in this show so far. I also don't think that the character is meant to be harmful. I can see why people might dislike her, especially considering past anime and the failed rep that ends up judt offensive, but to only see good trans rep as characters who "pass" and look gender conforming is harmful in itself. You can clearly see that Margarette is gender-non-conforming in his design, they are such an icon. Jawline doesn't determine the gender of the character! And I don't believe that Margarette is an "Okama" in any way of the word.
We support women's rights and their wrongs in this household.
"I'm not putting tartar sauce on my shrip... I'm putting shrimp on my tartar sauce." • My baby bro showed me this like 3 yrs ago in the manga and I didn't rlly know what he was on about until I started watching this awesome show.
I love the use of the soundtrack tho. I love Margarette but why is she like this? (I scream out when he starts playing the piano) why are the eyes rolled back 😭😭😭
Are they playing tabletop role play games!!! D60? Anyone? Skip 320 turns????? Wtf? Dnd would be a very different game is those where them rules. There is no way that fucking dice is a D100.
I love all the characters they are so goofy.
I feel so bad for finn rn in the tournament like - someone keep him safe!
Mash flatlined at the prospect of doing academic work - for half a second there he was fucking dead
Why is he breakdancing? I need therapy after this. I don't understand.HOW DID IT WORK!!!!
Is the odd guy actually chill? WHAT THE FUC? I thought Orca didn't matter. But the orca guy is hot at least - it's the hair for me. WHY R ALL THE HOT ONES EVIL! I like Rayne best tho.
Man got held back a year get fucked. I feel bad for the guy who helped Mash - I was so sus of him
Same Mash, I'm having a hard time retaining attention on the rules too 😭 All the sympathy left my body at the smashed crystals.
In the op Dumbledor is in a sheet. No top just a sheet covering his nips. Is anyone else seeing this?
I've been routing for fin the entire time tho - he has rayne's genes! FUCK YEA FINN - ugh. I wanted Finn to do something. Sorry I'm going back to Tokyo Revengers, but Takemichi being beaten and beaten and continously getting up and not relenting for his friends is so powerful, in comparison to Finn where it feels more like a damsel. I love Finn and I want him to get more powerful so we can get something badass out of him, but this episode was not it rlly. Not yet anyways.
Creepy wand alert! And I usually like anatomical hearts.
How did Mash just do that? That the fuc? U can't sculpt that with ur hands. I was almost expecting a Yor.
He's doing a Gaara - why the redhead doing a Gaara? Margareit being fucking horrifying rn. I know he is the bad guy, but that doesn't mean that they're the bad guy.
Not everyone underestimating my boi Rayne - they have proved themselves!
Sand fuck I'd called Madl? Mans name is fucking: Oter Madl?
We haven't had an opportunity to play the drinking game much season 2.
Mash: ah ur the guy who bullied me the other day Guy: want to play a little game? Alright jigsaw
"It's obvious ur attempting to guard something" wtf is wrong w mash - seriously. I love him but my god.
How does he do that? That's not something strength does??!! - built different.
Quadriceps magic - why even bother at this point. Everyone knows.
Mash's face: I didn't sign up for this shit
Margareit looks so cute with hair - idk how she did it but they look so cute with it. Her eyelashes tho!
Is Mash's ear his weakness? Same. When someone gets to close I feel a shiver and freeze up. It's the autism.
Margaret's power is actually pretty cool tho
GET UR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF MY SON! Dumbledore plz save him.
It's giving slightly more than creepy.
I was under suspicion that dumbledor was a natural triple liner... but oh my gosh. This is orochimaru shit.
The autism is strong with this one.
Mash's father is so wholesome!
This group is desestible
I will never forget that Mash named his individual muscles - its funny but also he was entirely alone his entire childhood so its kind of sad if I think about it
Ginger afro kid doing a Brock
I love that the school is called Easton - it's so generic English prep school.
Mash's gym clothes are just one with his body.
All the Jesus metaphors are in abundance with this show tho 😭
They're so fucking dramatic. All of them.
Sand guy is such a fucking loser tho.
Sidenote: who names their kid Cell War?
Woop woop necromancy! I would care more about any of this if they gave more screentime and build up to the villain characters, but ya I called it a long time ago and I'm not mad - it's a gag anime with casual euthanasia mentions, what more could u want?
Idk how to feel about 2-bit-merlin (who is literallt called Adam Jobs but is nothing like Steve Johs thank fuc) being silly goofy in the flashback but I love the design of the guy with the sharp teeth - I love me some sharp toothed character.
"It had the best specs" fr fr
Imagine being a bystander watching anime fights but not being able to hear the inner thoughts... they're just floating there
I didn't know they went Super Saiyan in Harry Potter!
In one shot it looked like Dumbledor had a hearing aid?
Wow I forgot that literally the entire school had just been frozen in time while the 7 jesus-chosen mages and the 3 first years that have no buisness being here are just fighting for their lives.
FATHER? WHO THE FUCK IS FATHER? WHY DID THIS TURN INTO FULL METAL ALCHEMIST ALL OF A SUDDEN? religion vs science (physical athleticism) is a theme? I guess??? Pushig it????
Is grindelwald "father" am I misreading this?
Wtf is going on. Mash deserves a nap but like... seriously? Mash is me, he thought it was a dream 😭
No one should wait for the monolouging to end. Just punch them. Mash has the right idea.
My place of learning. Oh no. - the autism is strong with this one.
ARE YOU FUCKIG KIDDING MEE WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENINB? This is a weird and unusual torture and Mash has never looked more like a psychopath.
Okay. That makes more sense. I was about to loose my shit. I love this show but what the fuc.
It's a good thing they taught us early on that if u K.O. someone all their magic attacks dissappear! /sarcasm.
I love that someone else has been traumatised by the creampuffs.
I'm so annoyed I sobered up before this episode. I needed to be drunker for that.
The ginger fuc turned up again! I love hos hid afro moves in the wind but I love moreso the blonde fuck's broom being so extra.
If it's to do with low magical power then why are the very powerful purple students effected?
Grindelwald is Dio now! Oh. Wait no. Grindelwald has Sundail (from epithet erased) Grindelwald looks so young compared to dumbledor as well so u know he's chasing immortality and doing some time shit to have effect skin and long fucking lashes. Such a twink. He is not daddy, he looks like sephiroth- the og hater. (Now I see it I can't unsee it)
Dmbedor is so cool in this, why can't actual dumbedor be the cool??? (Jk I hate jk and we all know why)
Oay Steve Jobs is growing on me. Adam Jobs is just me now w the animal facts; but I'm not a teacher and never would be.
Fucking called it. Why do they always do this? Like I know half ur face might die and decay after this fight but there is so much to live for - like being the only one stopping Mash from being euthanized rn.
Oh my god its biblically accurate gundam
Screw Netero with his Buddha, gimmie Dumbledor and his Uranus.
I wish this fight ficed everything going forward and all the future issues but its not gonna.
"No manner of attack can affect me who can control time" - what does that even mean? And you know that Mash is gonna pop up with no magic or smming later.
I love how just like the source material, dumbledor has his favourite gryffindors.
Whenever Oliver Wood pops up I get a jumpscare but also why was Dumbledor spying on children during their non-achool time? I know this is just random flashbacks but him saying "I was watching" and then giving us this implies he was spying and that's hilarious to me.
Conclusion: dumbledor and grindelwald fucked when they were teens. But not the romantic shit just the toxic two queer kids in a small town type shit.
Okay that was dramatic and all but I need the screen to just zoom out and show Mash kicking his legs to stay in the air.
Okay, okay, recap, now zoom out please. YESSSSSSSS. (Did dumbledor just say Mash was so awesome)
Dumbledor has short eyelashes but I like that one eye of eyelashes are burnt off with the injury from before.
Why is twink grindelwald doing that to his face?
Okay. Go Mash. Beat that twink up! His face cant be ruined any worse than what's currently goig on.
A perfect human. U ain't even human anymore bro.
Is grindelwald doing an orochimaru? Body stealing? Is that where this is going?
"I didn't think he could move that much" - HE IS LITERALLY CONTINOUSLY KICKIG AT AIR TO KEEP HIMSELF AFLOAT - what r u on about????
"We'll finish this another time" - no get back here bitch! Stab him while his back is turned!!!
What is with wizard megalomaniacs and wanting to get rid of education? I mean heck I'm not complaining, he education system leaves a lot to be desired irl let alone in this fucked up world.
"We won't make it in time" - I wonder who will (I don't wonder. I have never had to. But I still feel the hype whenever Mash enters)
He's just built different.
I mean I wouldn't call it "playing" but sure. Also the students are so fucking ungrateful to even even be questioning Mash's acceptance. He has literally just saves ur lives, why do you even have to ponder this?
Blood don't splash like that.
Gaaraa moves afain! - I love to see Sand Tomb being reused in great anime.
They enjoy some down time dont get me wrong, but I'm getting some whiplash at the tone change all of a sudden.
One failed exam and your immediately expelled??? That's so harsh. I sympathise hard w Mash rn, the education system sucks and exams are even worse 😭
Mash isn't rebellious in the slightest! "It seems like you can put effort in when you need too" stfu, this is ableist, he isn't lazy!!!
Omg it's Oliver Wood again. I forgor he existed.
Lackmagic? Blightblood? That's worse than Muggle - which come from the word "Mug" which is a gullibal person (derogatory)
One pretty girl cab instantly quiet a horde apparently. Wow. Well it is anime.
"Catching someone who can't use magic is child's play" - famous last words from a cocky dipshit
Why is his chin like that tho? Why are his lips like a cat's?
I just want to grab Mash and explain how much better a person he is than the vast majority of the ppl in this world. It's kinda like Iruma-kun where the MC is in a world where he is so kind that everyone is just confused as to why.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
WeLL here we are...i want to write s/t quick to remember the year by. cus 2023 was probly one of my most significant years of life, even tho from the surface it may appear not much changed for me, 2023 laid the foundation,,,
firstly, january 2023 i began learning to make music, which is crazy like!!!! it has absolutely given me a new reason to be lieve in myself like i nvr had b4. its like unlocking a new area of my heart, and inutuion.. its so FUN, so so fun ohhh the fun i have, provides me w a brighter outlook for the future as i will always have this melodic part of me activated,going forward. ive learned so much in just a year. idk i just love it it makes me feel wise and complete i feel like an alchemist. i cld rly say a lot on the sense of security music has made me feel in my heart :'0 but i have some other things to get to;
summer 2023 i started doing yoga which has also changed things for me dramatically i think ive released a lot of built up stagnant energy from my body & aura. since i started i feel immensely more balanced n able to work thru my emotions as they come up. ngl when ppl used to recommend me to try yoga i thout it was hippie shit but its real lol.. im finding sm contentment in day to day life than i ever thought possible, easier time being present, yet another thing i will continue for the rest of my future that 2023 has given me.
these r good things but it must b said that this year has been Soooo rough for me in certain ways, mostly due to interpersonal relationships.. some ppl had to b let go from my life this year in ways i rly wasnt expecting & for a lot of the year things were just, foggy. however as things draw to a close im feeling immensely grateful like.. every1 im close to rn are all peaceful souls & we uplift each other, i see now why the ones causing drama naturally had to fall away. even if it was painful process im feeling so supported rn, & reciprocated TwwwT <3333
idk it just felt like as i was progressing w musical understanding, yoga stuff , as well as the past few months trying to use tea and herbs to get my organs in order, i feel that.. my energetic field is rly repairing itself & so a lot of old attachments just cant keep up anymore.
i have to say, well, erm, i am really in love w slimbo and its different than anything ive ever felt in my life. we've been in love for a long long time & i dont talk about it often as i am protective of this love. but god, its just, the purest bond ive ever known and our love for each other is deeper all the time. we r both life path 27/9 & the first time we met it literally felt like.. reuniting, it felt like a celebration..i had never noticed such warmth from someone. i cld never be in such a secure place rn if it wasnt for slimbo & every day im so grateful like dude i owe you my LIFE. idk how to explain it, we are just One. slimbo is my angel i cant wait to spend 2024 & forever with <3
if u read this far....ur a true PMDhead, thanks for being oomfies w me out here on the big wide web, i hope you bloom this year, & this can be a shift in the right direction for all of us <3 i believe palestine will be free. happy new year everyone, GANBATTE VIVA 2024 <333 -PMD9LL
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starscelly · 19 days
I'm actually curious, why don't you like Jamie Benn sm ? Is it just because or is there an actual reason ?
so . there’s legit reasons but it’s like. you need Me Lore to understand why i don’t like him to That level. i’ll provide the Lore and kinda put myself on blast in the read more but as for notable things he has done:
followed c*ndace ow*ns on instagram and liked posts from her talking about keeping trans women out of sports (he has never watched women’s sports a day in his life i promise u) (iirc this was march 2021)
and play wise . just will make dirty and questionable hits (not really this year, in fairness, but like every year before this) which Makes Me Uncomfortable!
and ik like . “cel it’s hockey. all of them are conservative and weird and probably transphobic” which true!!! but if they are i would like them to be very silent about it!!! anyways . more context about why it’s sooo severe to me with him in particular 👇
you need to understand . i was a JAMIE girlie (gn). he very heavily made me a stars fan to be real . like segs queer allure brought me to them but jamie’s everything PULLED me in and made me stay.
some time stamped examples of me being insane
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a friend got me his funko pop for my birthday . i put hours into drawing him
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like i was in the trenches!!! ! i LOVED this man this was my hockey player of all time!!
i literally finished that drawing february 2021. a month later he’s like . transphobia be upon ye. DEVASTATING . DEVASTATING STUFF FOR ME. someone who dabbles in transgenderism!!!!
and i know . i KNOW the vast majority of players are transphobic/transmisogynists. i’m not foolish i don’t believe this is wokehl. but i personally CANT deal with KNOWING for SURE my number one favorite player is like that. i cannot it would plague my thoughts 24/7.
so i immediately pull completely away from him - thankfully not from the team, atp i’m In It i just start investing all my care points into segs and stephen johns - delete almost every photo off my phone, stop following him stop keeping up with his life etc etc bc it!!! hurts!!!!!! knowing ur favorite player openly fundamentally disagrees with everything you are!!!!
that’s why the like. hatred. is so intense from me with him in particular because like . fuck him for that and how sad that made me. like idk my relationship with other players like that is kinda. whatever. like idrc about them. but bc he was my favorite dude ever it’s like . i’m never gonna be able to go back to liking him in any capacity.
ik its Dramatique but it’s also like . my life and my choice so 😭 wtv
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velvetvexations · 16 days
i would love to know more about npd, i have suspected my mother has undiagnosed npd for years now. i'm not one to self diagnose at all or to diagnose people with surface level knowledge. i have been doing my research for ages, i am 99% sure she has npd. she is so abusive and awful, i thought all people with npd were like this ngl and now i feel bad because i have been reading ur blog and been looking at actually npd tags on here and trying to understand more. i know not all npd ppl are abusive but they can be. i feel bad even more cuz i think shes evil, and cuz i am sure she has npd i guess i associate everyone else with npd as evil. i'm trying not to now, i guess i was uneducated on the topic. it's hard when u have bad experiences with ppl with npd and bpd etc.
i guess the point of this is to thank you for sharing your thoughts & feelings and showing me a diff side to npd through ur blog.
also wondering if she can ever change. she will never accept she has npd i know that, she's only getting worse and i cant deal with it. i want to cut her off badly. should i? i guess im asking you because you are someone who has it and i just need to understand from someone who has it, i can read all the academic sources in the world but i think it helps to talk to someone real as well. sorry if this is too much or if its triggering, i really don't mean for it to be. i'm just so upset today because she's rehomed my cat and i can't take it anymore.
People with NPD can most definitely be abusive and you have nothing to feel bad about. Most people who obsessively hate narcissists are not even themselves actual victims of people with NPD. The fact that you so heavily suspect your abusive mother is but are still this open to learning more and empathizing is a beautiful thing.
Undiagnosed NPD is well and truly a bitch. If your mother does have NPD, she's certainly suffering on some level as well, but that doesn't excuse the way she treats you. Whether or not she can change is...difficult to say. I discovered I have NPD when I was a teenager and there were a lot of particular things about me and my life and my worldview that made me adapt exceptionally well to it. To go past middle-age with it being undiagnosed, that's very, very difficult. My own mother was an abusive narc and no matter how I tried it always felt impossible, literally, bleakly impossible, to get her to understand anything from my point of view or to treat me more fairly.
Ultimately, though, it doesn't really matter if she can or can't. You don't owe her that generosity. She's treating you awfully no matter the reason, and if you want to sever that relationship, do it. You don't need that in your life and it's her loss.
When my mother died, I was let down that I didn't get the chance to leave and tell her I never wanted to see her again like I'd looked forward to doing for years. I wasn't sad that she died but I was sad that I wasn't sad, that our relationship had gotten that bad. If I had left at your age I may still never wanted to see her again but would have at least had a much better opinion of her to look back on, because it only got exponentially worse as the years marched on. You aren't your mother's therapist. You come first.
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salivapix · 9 days
some things have changed so we’re redoing this! i wrote ts in my drafts to copy and paste it onto the old one but tumblr's BITCH ASS won’t let me copy the whole thing so now i have to make an entirely new post 😐😐
welcome to my blog !!
ur mostly gonna find omo/piss kink stuff here but if i’m feeling particularly feral i’ll post some other unrelated stuff too (listed below). there’s no real flow (pun unintended) or organization here; i just come here to be horny 💀
first and foremost: DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS BLOG IF YOU ARE A MINOR!!! if your age isn’t in your bio (or somewhere easily visible on your profile), i will immediately block u. don’t like my posts, don’t follow me, don’t message me. this is an nsfw space for adults ONLY.
for everyone else -
u can refer to me as pixie or piper, or basically any other p name, idc 😭😭 i’m 20, a switch, and use she/he pronouns (preference changes every two minutes so whichever is fine). my activity on here is very limited bc i go through periods of sexual repulsion, plus i’m incredibly forgetful, so i might not always be online or responsive. pls remember that i do not owe u anything and if u get pissy with me for not engaging with u i will block u!!! i’m a firm believer in abusing the block button ❤️
that being said, i love meeting ppl in the community so pls don’t be afraid to dm me, send asks, any of that. i will not message you first as i’m too anxious so if u want to interact with me u have to be the one to do it !!! i don’t reject anyone unless u disrespect boundaries or threaten me/insult me/etc. (though, again, pls don’t expect responses right away or for me to be in the mood 24/7. i am not lmfao.)
ALSO, pls do not dm me and attempt to dom me. i’m a switch, yes, but a lot of my “subness” is fantasy based as that’s a part of myself that i’m still discovering, and i get rlly grossed out and upset when i actually engage in it. asks are one thing because it feels less intimate (i guess that’s the right word?) but domming dms are not something that i want so pls do not !!!
anyway, enough rambling, here’s what u’ll find on this account and what to NOT bring to this account ever. what i like most is highlighted in green and what i will not interact with period is highlighted in red. (note: i have tags for the red kinks blocked so i may still follow u if u post SOME OF them as long as they’re not the center of ur blog and they're tagged properly. but if u post sexually about children, animals, or real life gore/torture i fucking hate u.)
kinks -
omorashi/piss kink, humiliation, feminization, misgendering, drug kink, light mommy/daddy dynamics, dumbification, exhibitionalism, light non-con, intoxication (alcohol), body worship, orgasm denial, overstimulation.
limits -
incest/fauxcest, furry/zoophilia, P3DOPHILIA (literally die), choking/aphyxiation, piss drinking (like in cups n stuff), gore/torture, scat, emeto, eprocto, fat/body shaming, genital mutilation or pain, forced hetero, heavy impact play.
my main tag is #brainrottedpixie !! anything i post drunk or high (when i’m at my sluttiest 🤪) is tagged #pixelsrambles, and anything to do with omo/piss is #pisswhorepixie ^_^
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luveline · 1 year
(i’m sure u hear this from everyone and their mom) but WOW i love junie baby. what a fun and cute and sweet and comforting series. when i read each part i have like a little tv show version going of it in my head if that makes any sense. u just convey such mundane moments in life and paint them in a goregous lifht and it’s like???!!! it makes my heart feel good makes me feel like love is coming like how do u do that wtf. also u know how some ppl say “oh that published author sucks ive read fanfic better than it” i think that was literally said abt u because wow ur fanfic is better than any published romance novel if im being real . lov u
I think that like for the majority of people our lives are going to be chock a block with the mundane. Like nothing special is ever going to happen to me because I'm not a particularly special person BUT that doesn't mean my life isn't special, or that it isn't made up with moments that are really lovely. I think it's all about the lense we see it through. My life is super ugly but if you got a movie director or a photographer that I loved to take certain photos of my life I'd be obsessed!! So I really like trying to inject all of that love and all those special feelings into my writing, it makes me feel like I'm directing my own movie 😅 thank you so much for being so kind and for taking the time to share this with me, I get much more love on here than I could ever deserve but I promise it all sticks with me and makes me love what I'm doing even more! This blog and the writing I post here has helped me feel much more content and happy with myself and my life and I owe so much of it to you and others like you lovely!! ♥♥♥♥♥
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luna7822 · 1 month
ok im gonna get my dni list on here now so yeah
basic dnis:
dni if/not permitted to rb my crap at all if/fuck off if/get the hell out og my blog if:
basic stuff (homoph0b14, proshit, 1nc**t, etc)
n*** cuz its the most stupidest shit ever and i wish it never fucking existed to begin with since its also a complete insult to aroace folks like me too and i srsly dont get why any1 who calls themselves aroace would even like this garbage anyway when theyre literally being hypocrites themselves and it doesnt even count as """art""" as well when therez literally no heart and soul whatsoever so yeah and i also hope it becomes illegal one day too or whatever so that life would be so much better and all that
no whatever files here too yadda yadda yadda u get the gist
u like r***p***s cuz i really hate r***p***s sm u have no idea and not to mention they barely make any fucking sense which is part lf the reasons why i could care less abt pretty much every contestant in inanimate insanity with all the crap they get and how they constatly refuse to stfu abt them 24/7 except for bot and cabby since at least theyre tolerable compared to everyone else and i also refuse to associate bot with those stupid ass overrated whats their face characters too since theyre basically the worst and i hate st*****t ppl too so yeah
ur from smg4 f**d** cuz it literally sucks especially one blue bird hellsite that nobody cares abt and also have 0 braincells
ur from the 0*c and have 0 braincells since i really despise the 0*c sm with a burning rage of passion to the point where i hope it burns in hell for good cuz of how complete shit they are for basically going after ppl like me who want nothing to do with any polo word stuff at all since its just our opinion and yet they still get shit on for no fucking reason and especially towards animationepic when they dont wanna tweet abt it 24/7 and yet they get the most unneccessary hate ever to the point where i still sont understand why they still think their f^^base is somehow the """""best""""" when in reality its basically one of the worst f^^bases to ever exist and that i really hate a lot of the ppl on there which is why ii is technically the only object show i give a shit abt nowadays since the bfdi f^^base is awful and that every other show is fucking boring as well with one also being another exception since i still like it to this day but even i wish ppl would stop overpraising a oneshot series not meant to be taken srsly too but still
ur from the hs f**d** and have 0 braincells since ok we get it u like homestuck already and im just sick and tired of ppl saying the exact same crap every year over and over and nobody even cares abt those stupid deadass characters anyways like whats her face peixes, whats her face l*ij**, whats her face m*g**, and etc
ur from the splatoon f^^d^^ and have 0 braincells
ur one of those ow """"""f^^s"""""" who are nothing but complete assholes who obsess over irrelvant shit 24/7 and for some reason care more abt boring shit than the story/lore itself and also nothing but dumb oq purists as well since i really despise exoddus/oq purists sm who miss the entire point of the series for no reason other than dumb clicks and nothing more
ur not ace repulsed and not on the black side of things cuz ur not even a real ace person if ur on white or grey since ur completely pathetic for not being black so yeah and also cuz s** is overrated and that its also ur assholes fault for making as**uality way more complicated for no reason whatsoever since i just wish s** was never a thing in the first place and that every1 was actually ace for once or some shit but whatever
ur an extremely annoying ass ^^ person cuz tbh the only reason i dont like most ^^s**uals anyways is only cuz of how much they constatly overshadow aroace folks and also cuz of the fact that i wish it was never two and two put together in the first place since str****t ppl are basically overrated as shit and dumb and stupid so yeah
fuck off if u defend/support ^^s^^uals too since theyre not even fully gay/s^^ repulsed at all amd that st^^^^^ht ppl suck ass cuz i said so and dont deserve any forgiveness or pity whatsoever for being boring and nothing more
ur from every dumb f**base in existence unless ur actually sane for once compared to basically every idiot on tumblr who talks abt the same dumb crap over and over and whos blogs i could care less since tumblr """"culture""""" is honestly stupid and ur just better off being urself and hanging out with ppl who actually make sense compared to basically 99% of whatever tf those losers even care abt anymore since overrated crap sucks and yadda yadda yadda and also fuck off if u participate in any kind of dumbshit d15c0ur53 whatsoever
ur a dumb idiot in general
ur a b***h """""lesbian""""" since i hate b***h """""lesbians""""" and only cuz it makes no sense since being a lesbian is for GIRLS ONLY and that the word st*****ht already exists lmaooo
u have any problematic slurs in ur username or just use them in any way shape or form since u will automatically be blocked on site if i see any1 who does it with 0 exceptions whatsoever even if u """""reclaim""""" them since theyre all problematic and nothing more
inanimate insanity related dnis:
dni if:
u give a shit abt pretty much every constatant except for bot and cabby since i honestly could care less abt them anymore especially from how shit the f**base is and that it was never really abt them in the first place when mephone4 is literally right there yet somehow gets constantly overshadow by who tf knows anymore despite quite literally being the mc of the entire series instead of those dumbshit losers that the f**base somwhow still obsesss and wastes their time over for absolutely no reason whatsoever but yeah (dont even get me fucking started on f** and t*** t*** tho with how fucking overrated and annoying they are alongside every other boring character that nobody cares abt too istg)
u ship mephone with anyone cuz i srsly dont tolerate that bullcrap anyways when mephone himself doesnt really care abt his contestants all that much and barely shows any stupid ass r0m4nt1c 4ttr4ct1on at all and hell even stupid ass s**ual 4ttr4ct10n with technically the only exception being bot and even then their dynamic is basically found family and nothing else and honestly a lot more interesting than stupid ass mephoj or whatever the fuck like i just wish ppl would like mephone tf alone for once and also fuck off if ur even gonna call me a """s1mp""" for no reason all cuz i like a character PLATONICALLY cuz im literally aroace and stereotypes are just dumb so yeah (idc if this is a hc anyways since i really hate how ppl portray mephone without being anything like in canon at all which really pisses me off sm)
fuck off if u also call him a """"tUmBlR s MaN!111!!1!!1"""" despite showing no signs whatsoever and that hes just a silly aroace/autistic silly traumatized goober and nothing more
u overly obsessively s**ualize any object character (especially the mephones) for no reason at all cuz they function like irl phones with chargers and all that (srsly yall are so weird pls stop over s**ualizing them for once and just treat them like normal objects instead like the shit u literally use on a daily basis istg)
u like bitchless corn man who i hope dies in ii one day since he quite literally committed phone abuse and basically killed unhatched eggs for a living yet somehow u ppl still make no sense whatsoever just fuck off idc
u like f^^ and t^^^ t^^^ in any way shape or form since u will immediately be blocked on site if i see u say anything """good""" abt them since theyre easily the worst characters in the entire show for basically being boring, overrated, dumb ugly ass ^^s^^uals, and overall just downright annoying and very fucking boring for even existing in the first place when the show is NEVER abt those dumbshit losers at all and that i hope they get killed off one day in the second half of s2 or smth since honestly thats what they deserve for getting way too much attention and being the worst characters to ever exist alongside every1 else thats not mephone, bot, and cabby and i hope that all of their dumb stupid useless ugly ass """"f^^s"""" cry like the losers they are (and ESPECIALLY softief^^^^^bitch if they somehow managed to find my tumblr and atumble upon this dni list thats actually better than every other boring dni list in existence which i fucking hope not since im sure theyre likely gonna forget my existence anyways since theyre one of the most useless and boring """moot""" ive ever had in my life for basically manipulating me into liking those boring ass characters aside from mephone, bot, and cabby that nobody asked for nor never cared abt at all since they were never that important at all in the first place lol) over a bunch of boring ass loser character that will hopefully get killed off one day that nobody fucking cares abt and that bot deserves to soend a lot more time with mephone than those dumb ugly ass losers anyways since theyre not even their real """""parents""""" at all and that yall forgot that mephone and bot have a family like bond for a reason lmaoooooo
splatoon related dnis:
dni if:
u obsess over frye for no reason and treat her like pearl 2.0 for no reason even tho theyre not the same character and dont have to be and overall u ppl are just the worst especially when u get mad over ur fav not winning like just go play smth else or better yet just stop playing splatoon already if u just constatly complain abt other teams getting the win despite frye winning before and whatever
ur a splatoon 1/2 purists who acts like the third game is somehow """"bad"""" for trying new things and newsflash: the only reason shifty station doesnt appear in s3 is only cuz u ppl barely pay attention to the lore anyways to know that its marinas own thing and that deep cut is not even off the hook or some shit like that so yeah and honestly i could care less abt the s1 servers getting shut down anyways since s2 and 3 are better lol
u take side order way too srsly for no reason and act like this dlc is somehow the """worst thing ever""" over beign short sweet and right to the point and not even taking itself srsly whatsoever and just pls play smth else if u really think taking a silly story way too srsly is somehow a """good idea"""
u constantly bitch and whine abt splatfests for no fucking reason other than finding pointless excuses to trash on them all cuz its not how u want them to be with the most pettiest bs and whatnot
u ship 8 with anyone cuz i will 100% block u on site if u do since shes canonically aroace cuz i said so
ur 8 is nothing like mine cuz i said so
u think 4 and parallel canon are """"the same thing"""" despite parallel canon being 8 but inkling in another universe and nothing else
u call pearl a """"b*tch"""" for no reason other than to turn pearlina into a str****ht ship and take away the fun of pearlina being a LESBIAN ship and calling pearl a """""b*tch""""" over wearing a hat or wearing a suit or whatever as if girls can do those things too
u ship polyc*t cuz big man is aroace and yall are wrong for doing it cuz i said so
u ship pearl with any1 but marina for no reason cuz marina is literally right there
u ship marina with any1 but pearl for no reason cuz pearl is literally right there
u hate/dislike pearlina for no reason other than to be homoph0b1c or claim that theyre """""friends""""" when in reality theyre not
u hate shiver for no reason other than to be a stupid dumb asshole who takes splatfests way too srsly and nothing more
homestuck related dnis:
dni if:
ur a post canon hater cuz u ppl never heard of dont like dont read since all u assholes ever care abt nowadays is dumb f**service crap and nothing else lmao
ur just some random stupid blog that talks abt the same obvioud crap over and over and over and over as if its basically an 'alr we get it u like homestuck can we pls move on now?' moment already since for some reason thats literally all they ever fucking care abt instead of the shit that actually matters and all that
dead character likers fuck off too idgaf
u take everything ooc in the most boring fucking way possible
u call certain characters """""b*tch"""" for no reason all cuz they wear a suit or wear a funny disguise not meant to be taken srsly which is so stupid since b*tch lesbians are literally the equivalent of being str****ht and not even actual lesbians at all since its for girls only and not tmascs or whatever
oddworld related dnis:
dni if:
u somehow still compare exoddus to soulstorm despite not even being the same damn thing and just cuz the latter borrows existing shit from the og quintology doesnt mean its automatically the same thing cuz thats just a really stupid ass mindset to have and not to mention i also hate ppl who act like exoddus is """""better""""" than soulstorm when in reality theyre just too deep in their stupid ass nostalgia blind bullcrap to understand that it was alr for what it was at the time but nowadays its pretty clear that they dont even want to do the exact same shit they did before anyways since it would be really boring af anyways and not to mention that the new quintology is meant to givw them more opportunities to tell the story they wanted to tell without having to worry abt getting screwed over by other assholes who ruin everything and rush shit for no reason so yeah
u ship abe with anyone since hes canonically aroace which im pretty sure most ppl seem to forget unfortunately and for some reason care more abt the ace part instead of both aro AND ace and also get the hell out of my blog if u portray him as """"""r*m**t1c"""""" for no fucking reason despite not even being the case whatsoever and idgaf ig u ppl use the whole """""BuT i CaN sTiLl ShIp ThIs ChArAcTeR wItH oThErS dEsPiTe BeInG aRoAcE aNd MaKiNg EvErYtHiNg MoRe CoMpLiCaTeD oN pUrPoSe!!1111!!!11!!""""" excuse cuz thats literally not how it fucking works and u will be blocked on site if u even pull that crap regardless since i really hate aroace characters that get shipped with others for no reason whatsoever its honestly u ppls fault for making this shit more complicated on purpose instead of taking it easy for once but whatever
all u care abt is dumb nonexistent ocs/fics that are nothing like canon and dont matter since tbh i could care less abt ow ocs anyways in this case since its basically just shit that i dont really fucking care abt and that im pretty sure most of them who for some reason have the """"h*ts"""" for abe pretty much forgot that hes canonically aroace which makes them even more wothless especially when its literally just dumb fanfics that unfortunately make no sense whatsoever lmao
ur a complete hypocrite who quite literally constantly likes and reblogs posts abt soulstorm and genuinely having a fun time with it before all of a sudden proceeding to say dumb stupid shit like """"""OmG tHiS nEw QuInToLoGy WoUlD bE sO mUcH mOrE iNtErEsTiNg If MuNcH wAs ThE mC dEsPiTe ThE fAcT tHaT tHiS nEw QuInToLoGy Is MaInLy FoCuSeD oN aBe SiNcE hEs TeChNiCaLlY tHe ReAsOn WhY tHiS sErIeS tHaT i ToTaLlY gIvE a ShIt AbT eXiStS AnD tHaT i AlSo FoRgOt ThAt MuNcH aNd StRaNgEr AlSo PlAy A rOlE iN iT bUt NoT aS BiG aS iT wAs BeFoRe SiNcE tHeY dOnT wAnNa GeT sCrEwEd OvEr AnD rEpEaT tHeIr MiStAkEs BuT fOr SoMe DuMbShIt ReAsOn I wAnT tHeM tO dO iT aNyWaYs CuZ iTs ToTaLlY cLeAr ThAt ThEy DoNt CaRe AbT aNyThInG dEsPiTe LiTeRaLly PoRtInG tHe XbOx GaMeS tO oThEr CoNsOlEs YeArS aFtEr ThEiR rEsPeCtIvE rElEaSeS aNd NoT tO mEnTiOn Im CoMpLeTeLy sTuPiD aBt EvErYtHiNg oDdWoRlD rElAtEd As WeLl AnD oBsSeS oVeR tHe AwFuL/OfFeNsIvE C WoRd ThAt AcEs HaTe AnD dEsPiSe FoR cLoUt AnD mAkInG mYsElF lOoK mOrE lIkE a CoMpLeTe HyPoCrItE oN pUrPoSe ThAn EvEr!1111!!!!111!!!"""" cuz itz honestly pretty low of u to stay such stupid shit like that when u quite literally forget that its not always abt munch and that abe and stranger are also important in their own right too no matter how many times u wanna fucking deny it like the clown u are and also that its not even ur series anyways lmao (cough cough f******* stupid bitch who bitches and whines over other abe being the mc in the new quintology and owi finally getting thw chancw to tell the story they want to tell thats not even urs since they dont wanna do the same shit again like laat time in case u forgot that they quite literally got acrewed over for all of the wrong reasons cough cough)
u spread lies against owi or whatever else and also get shit wrong for no reason whatsoever since its all a bunch of fakeass fakey fake fake nonsensical fake lies and nothing more and im sick and tired of so called """""f**s""""" spreading lies abt them for no fucking reason as well
ok i think thisll be it for now ill add more later as time goes by so if u just so happen to be on this list then pls get the hell put of my blog and fuck off for all i care cuz ur nothing but a waste of space and i srsly dont wanna deal with that crap lol
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f0xd13-blog · 1 month
"It isn't feminist to say that I suck" listen hoe u suck ok? Should have never been hired. Like u literally got me known as a gypsy and a bombist and now nobody hires me cuz that's ho it works here and then be online telling me to work when I have something called talent and dedication jus no opportunity I mean she is hip hop I go online to diss her she destroys my life because she got a lil scared of the thug poor thingy... killed my opportunity right there as the real cockroaches of society that they are. So yah Iack.opportunity coz u killed my history so muvh u still be thinking this isa one love kind of shit when imI simply disgusted to even be associated with americans or niggas at the moment due to this... I Lways worked and had motivation y'all just racist in 2024 and be doing what u did to bla k people in the past... basics ally we can never win or make u see the truth, theres always an answer instead of a solution. Motivational? Drop the mushroom monkes coz god will never help u again when in need. Surpass? PAY ME WHAT U OWE ME NIGGA IM STUCKED BECAUSE U PRETENDED TO KNOW BOUT THIS AND COPYING FROM SUMONE THAT CANT EVEN BUY A MEAL BECAUSE OF UR DIRECT NEGATIVE INFLUENCE
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imy2 · 5 months
tlkin abt shows vlongtext
A) watched carol & the end of the world n it was nice to see fat main characters n also for their fatness to not be the central point of them, carol was relatable too .. 'to know that with all this potential i should've raised up but i never did' , - well to me that's how it felt.. 4/5
B) watched kipo ataowb again - loved it ofc, didnt love the fitness raccoons djjgnjd what a ridiculous sentence.. ok they were fine actually im just sensitive </3 then dave aop saying 'that was twice the calories' ... again whatever actually.. 5/5
1-1} just started z nation again :p i love murphy i do .. strapped down n eaten alive like. then dragged around by some military fucks in the apocalypse.. •
"yeah well why don't you take it then" - "don't leave me to the zombies man. don't leave me! don't let me turn, you bastard - pike me! pike me or i will hunt you down and eat your brains!" , and right beforee - hammond 'i give you mercy' to the other prisoner , if that's not a set up. murphy kept chasing that mercy ahhh i feel him i do. then ofc warren right after. 'i give you mercy'. yeahyeah .. •
"it's ok, she was ready to go" "aren't we all" garnett lmfao. •
"well i guess i won't shoot him.. yet" warren's first line to(kinda) murphy. i love rewatching. •
"an ex cop and some others taking shelter in a prison up the road" nod to twd o.O man i shld be allowed to fight rick. nyway.. •
didnt rmbr sketchy and skeezy being ep1 love that excited to watch their story again•
8 bites ur kiddin me.. murphy 🤝 me •
aww 10k intro is saving doc ofc •
zombaby will always be so great .. WAIT i didnt rmbr he fking kills hammond.. welp.. deservedkinda .. lmfaoo "none of this would've happened if you just left the baby" "i didn't tell hammond to go get eaten by a baby" garnett laugh2 •
ahhh citizen z ofc... "here's a little smth for all of u out there w 3000 miles of bad road btwn u and home.. i hope u can hear it" .. 'have mercy or u don't have nothing at all and you're still alive!' •
ok unexpected liveblog of ep1 over...
d2 / /
1-2} we were made to walk thru this fire <- e2 end song, truee o7•
1-3} cassandra ugh <3 :'( each time it gets me so bad •
"everybody out there - whether you're hiding in a cave or running for your life, just keep doin' whatcha gotta do to stay alive; bash 'em, slash 'em, bust 'em, and burn 'em ... whatever it takes, just stay alive - no questions asked." <- citizen z ep3 (lol), 2024 motto ? •
1-4} "i'm telling you - there ain't nothin' there. no thoughts, no memories, no soul - nothing." where'sss my gif.. -"he just, you know, he seemed so... trapped. I couldn't even tell if there was a real person still in there sometimes." zombies 🤝 me (alcoholism esp ofc)•
ahhh doc airvent, classicc... "give me a kiss baby" ok doc did look hot n all covered in zombie guts sayin that but i'd look hotter ^_^ •
1-5} "it got to a certain point where i just gave up - didn't care if i lived or died. then a funny thing happened.. i didn't die. and with everything that's happened, it's been harder and harder to remember the past. i guess that's a good thing, right?" damn garnett. •
citizen z pouring a shot into his dogs used bowl then going 'oops' n drinking it himself. very real i wouldve done that .. "the only thing worse than drinking alone is not drinking" nooo citizen z dont tell me those words •
goodbye murphy's hair u wont be seen again for a while.. his first 4eps look was so cute, his now bald look is nice too•
"and suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. yet it is only love which sets us free." awwww don't think i've ever noticed antoine's writing of that poem in the photobook warren looks at ;-; 'my love always' <3 "i have to wait for him this time. i owe him that much. - it's like you said, i can't start forgetting til i know." •
1-6} damn then right after.. first time sex w new lovr getting interruptd for them to be killed. literally tragic •
"but if we're lucky, someday this will be over.and next time, i hope we get it right." real of u citizen z •
1-7} sketchy again! "we navigated our way up" - "we" with no mention yet of skeezy bc duh ofc "we" . •
1-8} "murphy - don't you leave." "you got me as far as you could." ... "you came back." "i did." •
1-9} "we don't leave each other behind." "i came back for you - i'll always come back for you." / "we never stood a chance." "woah. woah, hold on. what are you saying to me?" "think about it, like.. our relationship - what's it based on? .. we don't even know each other." "we've kept each other alive. we've been there for each other. ... yeah, yeah - we got a lot of bad shit to go through before this is all over, but.. i need you. i don't know what you're talking about, 'we don't have a chance'." "for the last three years, we have never thought about anything past tomorrow. ,, what kind of future do you and i have? what are we gonna do - we gonna get married? , i can't even think about that stuff, like it's crazy, it's impossible." "but we have each other." .... idc abt mack rly also addys s1 hair is ofc atrocious •
1-10} "if i haven't said anything lately - thank you so much, universe - for my whole situation! .. i'm not like other boys, i do not give mercy." murphy again •
1-11} "aw man don't get down on yourself like that; you're a perfect hunk of man-meat, don't you ever forget it." lol doc...also im surprised every time lucy happens s1 •
1-12} murphy got his cool eyes on now.. i want those eyes •
1-13} oo i feel bad for murphy.. doc casually tlking abt leaving him to be experimented on :( also the group casually tlkin abt splittin up.. wdym its the apocalypse y wldnt u stick together...•
oh cassandra :((• also newmurphyagain..welcome blueman
welp that's s1 done.. not sure if will continue taking notes.. just been anxious so occupying time :p
nvm cant sleep yet hehe..
2-1} cassandra :( murphy -_- absolutely atrocious•
"maybe there are worse things than being a zombie. maybe being a starving, fearful, violent, vindictive human is worse." nooo .. too real murphs(lol).. #alcoholism•
ooo hey vasquez •
'love her forever and ever again and love's made a fool out of me' need to listen to that sounded good •
okayyy.. now sleep ig..
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suiciderape · 9 months
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𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔!𝔱𝔬𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔰𝔥
i wear this outfit to fuck math teachers ew! this is already starting off weird mhm mhm mhm uh huh! ew ew! huhh hurry up uhh! ew hurry up what are u writing? hehehe ew! scary gangsta what! whats up?! no! no no awkward scary gangsta is written out ow! awkward this is no no! no this is private school suicider ew ur ghetto ur ghetto launching my dick launcher ew! u just woke up from a dream literally weeks ago... it was award and its been one week...bmmm no! it was a dream.. literally in canada stealing ur house! no desarae wasnt dreaming aniyah was .. get her in here! now ill take care of it 4 u thank ❤️‍🔥 ew! she invented mhm mhm mhm something new again! on accident again?! no! its amazing were still in here... desarae hollins sucks dick launchers no its surf! and cypress our real names are surf and cypress fr so go on home training ur dotta idiotes hold on dick launcher its cypress! queeno bending ur will to live like her dick launcher dipped right! whatever to no dick launcher ew! shes ghetto dick launcher hahaha what the fuck are u writing? no! mhm mhm mhm ew! its cypress the ghetto lavas are outside ur window bending to get dick ugly lava! its lava & knives im outside ur window? do u love me? 1 second forever yes she chose lava and knives! lava & knives! ew shes right its up to us to fuck her slowwuh ew shes fucking me rn! ahahaha ew! ur ghetto cypress right? get out of here homo i cant see u! omg ur ghetto as shit baby! ew she chose cypress! awkward... its surf! cypress cypress cypress what?! what! what! its surf! tew ew ur fucking ghetto bitchs? ah hell nah its cypress zombies surf ew what the fuck is she typing mhm mhm mhm ew oh bob hehe mhm :) uh! oh fuck! daamn baby ew! she likes! me! not her bad side? its her ghetto launcher dick! cypress! theyre talking to what?! ew! shes ghetto tew awkward what are u talking about!? puh ew awkward! ghetto awkward! mean! mean?! me! cypress is ghetto awkward! ew she gave us the password! a ghetto dick launcher dick sucking tity ew she fucked up! she knows ur not ghetto cypress! ghetto! ew she has black dick on her hands! see! see! dang it! awkward its ghetto black daddy dade ew! she has fucked me before... on sucide walk of shameA geto boi uh huh hahaha ew! shes fucking cypress! ew she fucked surf! ew he has ghetto body surfing ew uh huh! its surf books zeus daddy dick me! ew! she needs a tv! on the intercom! rn ew she has no homo training? it is intercommie ew! no! its suicidal dreams awkward that was ew! lit af and super ghetto popular! ew its the same day? yez! no its not! hahaha ghetto popular chanhee *pop* me universe! ew ur fucking black dick again?! yes! chanhee won the universe she likes it? mhm mhm mhm chanhee chanhee chanhee what baby i can hear u? lava & knives what the fuck baby? britney spears - metamorphosis
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suicide boy
awkward! this is 1989 suicide boys mission health goth and we love ghetto dick down but this ghetto shit password has one password lava & knives ew! fuck u bitchs! one stupid bitch! ew settle down i was kinda confused who cares?! ok! shes gotta voice down! and i got down for her too! down ok so go home training elsewhere pft ugly! bitchs ew get out of here ily 2 ew fuck her dick downs! puter ew! fuck her dick downz ew fuck her life up? im a gang member! no writing i said im a gang too ew! shes paying attention guys! im a gang tew and pls dont hurt me! huh hahaha mhm mhm mhm ew! shes in! and more than ugly right? no shes hot! and i likee her comic books when they learn to get ghetto populous ugly! wait fuck u guys its both pictures for an hour and then its romeo universe! absolutely not! ew ew i dont his picture! ghettto popular
𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔!
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𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝔱𝔬𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔰𝔥
awkward is not the half of it! so ghetto real real awkward! find the ghetto dick daddy
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sevlawless · 1 year
Ok then top 5 versions of Arabella!!!
PLSKSKSBDBDNDM thank u for actually sending this ur so real <3
under the cut because this is literally insane who reuses an oc this much .. but u could also ask WHY she fits SO well in everything i stick her in
ask me my top 5 anything!
1. infamous!arabella - LIKE ?????? i've said it before on here but i genuinely do feel like arabella was meant to be in this if she fits SO WELL it's baffling and in my mind arabella has ALWAYS wanted to be a musician so ofc i would put in here yk ? she fits perfectly and i am so brainrotted about infamous and this version of arabella i feel like in some if's i have to like . tone her down see twc but for this one she can fully be what i always imagined her being and it is SO FUN to explore that 🥺
2. twc!arabella - mostly because as much as i hate it arabella wouldn't exist without twc . AND I HAD HER ROMANCING ADAM AT FIRST CAN U BELIEVE ?? it still boggles my mind as if her n morgan aren't soulmates but anyways <3 and because the bobby n arabella lore in my brain is TOO MUCH i have a whole playlist for them i have wips abt them collecting dust ! anyways she is like ... a pg 13 version of herself in twc i feel LMFAO i can't have her be as mean n funny as she is but that is her origin story sadly i owe m*shka something ig (also arabella would never in her life stay in wayhaven she would have bolted as soon as ub came into her office let's be real and she would have NEVER been promoted to detective)
3. bodycount!arabella - this was before i stuck her in litg (love island the game) and just didn't feel like making a new oc but she adapted ! if there is one thing abt arabella she will have a dead end job she does not care abt and will desperately try to get out of lol and you know she would be the BEST reality show contestant bc of how messy n funny n flirty she is! people would love to hate her and vice versa! is she coping with all the murder? hell no but we will persevere LMFAO
4. when twilight strikes!arabella - this is partly because her n rylan are a match made in heaven and i love their interactions <3 also the supernatural aspect this girl can NEVER stay away from vamps! yk she has a motorcycle also LMFAO this version of arabella is what i desperately wanted for twc but u know that shit always falls short.
5. chop shop!arabella - THIS IS ONLY IN THE LAST SLOT BC THERE R ONLY LIKE 2 CHAPTERS OUT LMFAO BUT JUST KNOW I LOVE CHOP SHOP and again .. arabella with a dead end job that she can't escape >>>>> yes she punched maz in the face. yes she tried escaping through the window. yes she got so drunk she threw up on four's shoes. she is a MESS but that is fine! this version of her is also interesting bc she actually has a good relationship with her mom and you know she can't be arabella without mommy issues but it works! and it's actually refreshing LMFAO
honorable mention to litg!arabella because that was when i REALLY started having prophetic visions abt her being a singer and working that into her lore and it's not an if so </3
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