#update 2 i got them printed anyways <3
synnepiruru · 2 months
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aicosu · 8 months
Guys, I hate to do this.
Any of you who know me in any circle know that I'm a very professional, very private lady who hates any sort of disc horse breeds that might give me a headache. But this one is important, and my goal here is the integrity and reputation of artists.
For my credentials: I have been a part of five zines in the past. Two I moderated, and one I ran, created, laid out, printed, and shipped in its entirety.
So anyway:
I joined Hellcheer and the Kindred Freaks Zine very late. Well, after sign ups, check-ins, etc. I saw it was happening in april-ish and shot a DM to the twitter to join. I did both a full art page and a cosplay page.
At the time, the server was quiet but kind. We got updates on the number of orders and books being made.
@Lawless is the runner of the Zine. They created and organized it. They are in charge of the main emails, the selling website, the orders, the shipping, and the funds. (To be clear, this level of sole responsibility is not ABNORMAL in a zine. And is not always an issue.)
@Valerie is the 'social media' mod. They are in charge of managing announcements and answering questions on Twitter and Tumblr. Please keep in mind: No one wants anything but a fast and easy recovery for both Lawless and their mother. Medical emergencies, heck—LIFE happens. It's always okay to put a hiatus on anything, even product with money, in order to take care of yourself and family. Every single contributor only wants them to be clear in what they need and how we can help.
So lets break down what's happening.
Back in May, Lawless went radio silent on the status of books and merch coming in. Another contributor and I, @Toguchin, start dming Lawless to make sure everything is on track. They come back after a week and apologize for being MIA, explaining that their mom got sick. We thank them for all their hard work and wish them and their mom well.
On July 15th, after contributors and customers inquire on delays to meeting the announced shipping deadline, Lawless makes a twitter post saying shipping has started and contributor copies will be happening. They proceeded to go MIA from the server discord and have been since.
The following week, contributors and customers discover that shipping HAS NOT started. Labels have been created and printed, but nothing appears to be in transit at all.
Toguchin and I started getting reached out to by customers worrying their packages are lost. We report this to the zine server to NO RESPONSE. Except @Ashlee, the discord mod who also has heard nothing.
July 20th to 22nd with customers complaining and theorizing a scam in mind; Toguchin and I propose that PDFs be given out to assure and apologize for delays.
We as a server discover a few things: 1. We cannot access the list of buyers at all in order to email apology zines because Lawless did not share the account information with anyone. 2. We cannot access the main email for the same reason. 3. Valerie, the social media mod, deleted discord and distanced themselves from the Hellcheer fandom and has not been checking the Twitter or tumblr, or discord notifications since May.
Ashlee and Ichikun contact Valerie to sign on.
I made a new email and said fuck it, we need to do something to assuage fears, let them send receipts to honor their zines. Valerie didn't know what to post or say or how to answer everyone, so I gave them a copy paste.
Still no words from Lawless but hoping for the best knowing the have a medical emergency, Ashlee and I begin answering the new email for PDFs, but cant help people change addresses or give them any update!!!
Throughout the weeks mods and contributors ping Lawless constantly asking if they need any help! Any help at all, answering emails, changing order addresses, heck a few of us ask if we can pick up the books and packages and ship stuff for them so they can hands off the project and take care of their mom. No response.
We send message after message saying if Lawless can share picture proof, that would be great cause scam theories and chargebacks are starting. BUT ALSO, we let Lawless know we and customers will ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTAND delays if they just communicate it. That if they post in server and on Twitter that shipping needs to wait a month or two, no one will mind. No responses.
July 31, Lawless makes a Twitter update with comments disabled that they are shipping ALL packages that monday with a picture of packages. They also call Valerie privately and tell the issue that USPS refuses to pick up shipments from Lawless has, and they can't leave their mothers side from the post office. They also claim they can only deliver ten packages at a time at the post when they go. *USPS has no such rules. Me and other mutuals who run shops have never had such a problem.
A week later, we realize that customers and our packages are still not in transit. Labels printed only. Most of us assume all packages are just label printed and sitting at Lawless' house.
We beg for updates from Valerie or Lawless. Valerie doubles down on Lawless old reasonings and also officially goes MIA until present day.
Throughout August, USA packages get delivered. A few more updates are made straight to Twitter and Tumblr with comments off. Radio silence in server.
As packages arrive, we all become aware from people's posts and pictures that random Stranger Things Art Stickers are included. No credit to any artist is given? No contributor is responsible for this art. These are suspected to be BOUGHT from Amazon. STOLEN arts amazon sellers resell in packs. NO contributor is okay with this!!! Valerie responds with no response at all.
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As of now:
No response to missing digital copies. Ashlee and I cannot give out any without receipts because we have no access to buyers list. Nor can we answer missing packages inquiries cause we have no info. International packages unaccounted for. SCRUNCHIES FREE OR OTHERWISE UNACCOUNTED FOR. Zero word on contributor copies. Zero word on donation status. Zero word on generated profit or book and shipping cost. No way to verify funds at all. No word from Lawless to contributors since July 15. From Valerie since the 31st.
Some notes:
Turning off twitter comments was NEVER what any one of us wanted. A ZINE LAYOUT was never shared. So until people had them in hand or in PDF none of us realized that the credits DO NOT POINT TO ANY SOCIAL MEDIA. All of our usernames are handle-less? This was extremely disappointing. This one matters to me: Our FanEdit artist was not aware their work was not getting a full page. Again no pre-layout was shared. So their work is tiny and in the margins of the front and back. That's not okay. All of us wanted to help in any way we could. NONE of us doubt Lawless intentions or emergencies. But lying, misleading, non-communicating and turning off comments are all things we did not consent to. All of us only wanted a cordial, honest response. None of us actually cared about delays as much as we did communications. There has been many noticeable times Lawless has been online, posting privately or otherwise, even active on Discord and has not reached out.
Why make a post:
Customers should know contributors fought for them. That we did everything we could and our reputation as artists in the fandom shouldn't be tarnished cause two creators decided to disappear. Contributors should get their copies. Many of us BOUGHT bundles. I've been in five zines and every single one gave out free contributor copies WITH merch!!
I'm also attaching all server screenshots for integrity. I'm in half a mind to release the zine PDF publicly, for free, for everyone at this point. I personally think it's only fair since many are still missing just that. But I do not want to insult anyone who paid for just the PDF regardless of the potential contribution to charity. But it's really up to customers, not me.
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thebrandywine · 22 days
20 Questions for Fic Authors
@catgirladjacent tagged me! and i like to infodump! let's go!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
97 including some that are under pseuds, though I did orphan a few once I started fixating on Resident Evil more fully. I was embarrassed lmao
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
865,796 o__o
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Resident Evil exclusively now!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
don't worry about this one cuz it's under a pseud lol
[every picture tells a story], 387 kudos
[lantern], 376 kudos
broken machine, 356 kudos
[the quality of mercy], 332 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do!!! more often than not it's just with some emojis now lol but i relish and treasure every single comment i get
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, this one has yet to be published :) don't worry! <3
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmm... probably Two Cakes (which is coming out this month)? made me feel all sappy at least :]
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not now, but I definitely got some hateful comments on things when i was a lot younger-- mostly people complaining that i was a bad writer or that i should delete (which i did, so they got their wish lol). now if anything i mostly get people who comment on my stuff to kind of pressure me to update XYZ (the nivannedy catboy fic is notorious for this, which is why i haven't been working on it very much lately). the block button is my friend tho <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
yeah :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think someone wanted to at one point and then never did lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i've talked with some people about this before but we've never gotten around to it :P
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i love chreon but there's just SOMETHING about nivannedy---
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the lethan re7/re8 rewrite. i really want to keep working on them but i just have so much more on my plate that i keep pushing it off, especially when it'll require the research of rewatching playthroughs a few times to reimaging the plot points. maybe one day tho!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i've been told that my dialog is good which makes me happy because there are a few fics where i'm actually really proud of it :3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
describing things, especially people! for some reason i always feel like it breaks the flow so i just... am like "there is a man. anyway--" sorry readers but it's your job to imagine him skjfnskdnf
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i only speak english and i'm also VERY american. i don't personally want to mess around with that because it would be google translate type shit and that's just sad imo :/ so since i don't know enough i will abstain
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon!!!!!!!!! i literally found THE first fic i ever wrote which would have been somewhere between third and fifth grade because i PRINTED IT and DREW PICTURES. it is called The Mysterious Manaphy and makes no sense. i read it aloud to my partner and they howled. yeah, it was just that good
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
listen, i love broken machine, but dualities has seriously taken the cake!!!!!!!!!
thank you for tagging me claire :3 i tag @flurrin @fonulyn and @silvercap!!!
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all-hallows-street · 5 months
Guess whose financial mistake arrived early...
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I will give more in depth looks later (I have to work to afford such questionable purchases), but a quick individual review of what I got:
Neil Demon Plushy
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Not a plush toys collector at all; my closest reference is the IKEA shark. He is heavier than he looks, very sturdy (?) if that makes sense. Doesn't seem like he will deform any time soon. The details are adorable and I don't see any glaring defects.
All Saints Street Hoodie
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Surprisingly large for me. I was worried they only had one size made for the Chinese market. I'm 1.7m (5 foot 7) tall for reference and this is still a bit too big for me. Will likely get too small for anyone over 6 feet tall. The quality is good! Very soft. Velvet interior. I don't know much about shirt stamping, but since it's not in the fabric I'm guessing the stamp might start to crack after multiple washes.
All Saints Street Vol. 1-3 Collection
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Now this is something I can talk about more. The sleeve was unfortunately damaged in shipping and the books have very minor damage in the spine and vol 2 has a minor case of dog ears. The quality of the paper is great! It is color paper, not glossy one you see in comic book issues, but it's thicker than the black and white you see in manga. Would still make sure to have a dehumidifier if your storing place is not dry. I've already experienced book wrapping and it's painful.
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Each volume contains around 80 chapters with one extra chapter not on bilibili. They also contain a message from Lingzi and WSJ's editor, plus all character bios even for ones we never got one (Enrique, Eduardo ans Anthony). And if a Weibo post is correct some might have been updated from the ones online (Axel grew 1 cm in the book bio).
Of course later I'll look over everything to see if there are any significan changes to make a note of. Also it came with this lol.
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I have the Alice in Wonderland art somewhere, I'll post it later as well.
All Saints Street Anniversary Playing Cards
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The playing card decks from the 6th and the 7th anniversary. As you can see I haven't opened the 7th, but I got the 6th a while ago on AliExpress so I expect them to be similar.
This is something else I can review more in depth, coming from a family that loves playing poker. The quality of the prints is beautiful, however I keep them in the box all the time because the quality of the cards itself is not good!
The cards feel like store bought cardboard; good playing cards are made out of cardboard, but this deck doesn't have the same treatment. They are so fragile, even by just handling them to get the face cards I've already made slight damage to the edges. I wouldn't play any game with them, much less shuffle them. I don't even want to imagine how much they will bend. Also the Crystal card came with damage (the small white spot on the edge) from the store. Pain.
Anyways. I'll frame the face cards because they are so pretty and I want to keep them in the best condition... I don't know what I will do with the rest of the 36 cards. Maybe practice magic tricks? Lol. Before all this I've been working on how to scan all the face cards and post them, but it's been more difficult than expected. If you have ever tried to digitize prints you will know. Once I have them, I'll post them alongside high quality scans.
When it comes to my review of PandaBuy... On one hand it was an excellent service and experience. On the other... I don't even want to reveal how much the shipping was. I wouldn't recommend anyone else do it unless you are stupid with your money (like me), even then
I would advice to do your own research. PandaBuy and all agents to buy from China are definitely better when you buy in bulk. My package was 'only' 2kg. Many people buy over 10kg to make it worth it. I'm already committed so if new volumes come out I will buy them, and maybe also get counterfeit Gucci shoes or something since that's what most people use this agents for...
That's all for now. Feel free to reply or send any questions you have.
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aeoneris · 9 months
for archival reasons, and because rise has officially ended, i'm coping by looking back at the past two years and thinking about the master utsushi rabbit hole. this is based on a long reply i sent to a mutual but i think it deserved to have its own post where others can read it and i can expand further on certain details. or something. i don't know. i have no idea who will read this but if you do, please enjoy...
the ballad of master utsushi.
he was there regardless.
always watching.
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i wound up getting attached to utsushi-kyokan (master/instructor utsushi), ウツハン/utsuhan (utsushi x hunter) ship, and finding his Japanese fan community late 2021, and i've been chatting with mutuals and friends i made there since. at that time, capcom had opened up pre-orders for his nui (plushie). this plush is lovingly referred to as "Unui-kun", and people love to take him around and bring him places. here's my Unui-kun in new york city lol
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fans love to dress him up and make clothing and accessories for him. had i known just how attached i would become, i would not have set my Unui-kun to ship via surface mail delivery because it took about 2-3 months extra for him to arrive... ;;
but anyway, it seemed that his popularity was growing because they continued to make more merch of him. he seems to have more than any of the other characters.
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many of these are limited print/pre-order only, or were from specific events like the capcom cafe features. trying to get his merchandise became crazy, because scalpers started to pick up on how badly people wanted goodies of him?!
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just how popular is this guy?! what's with the character tax!!
and how did this even happen... we're playing monster hunter, not an idol game! but i think it really speaks a lot for itself how rise had such colorful characters that you could get attached to. it seems he really jives with many female and queer players, so good on capcom for that hehe. many of the japanese fans i've met are either older women, very often mothers, or gnc, which i found to be really cool. the english-speaking utsushi fans are usually the same, too. the solidarity is real...
I found out that a lot of ppl, including myself, shared a similar experience: they missed out on a majority of utsushi's flavor text in base rise bc they didn't talk to him or the other NPCs very much during village and high rank quests, and therefore didn't even think much of him until after the fact. people double-taking when going through the game again and actually catching on to his antics... I think what really got things going was when they released his DLC voice and learned about his, uh, extremely affectionate lines towards the hunter when it comes to mew mew and blowing a kiss LOL. (the "welcome back, master!" line?!?! there's so much art of him in a maid outfit... and the way he says ace/manadeshi in his sleep at the table?!?! scandalous?!?!) even for me, he got my attention only once i saw the official art of him (realizing "hey he's got a cute design actually") and eventually encountering utsushi x hunter fanart on pixiv. another thing that got me noticing him was brian david gilbert's now deleted tweet about how zac efron and utsushi are the same. thankfully, we have the internet archive to save the existence of this post and i have to make sure people experience this lost media.
once i realized how weirdly close he was to the hunter, the gears started turning
i confirmed that ppl really did notice that it was unusual for an instructor character to refer to his pupil as "manadeshi (beloved/dearest disciple)" in the manner that he does, being so close to them in a way that felt so familiar and warm. he was already popular enough that by valentine's day 2022, fans literally sent real chocolates to capcom addressed to utsushi. i knew about this for a while, but i was shook that they wound up officially addressing that this really happened during the last update video.
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after they received his chocolates, they immediately got one of the (female) illustrators on board to quickly draw that really cute valentine's day art of utsushi. the japanese tweet for that artwork had even a little bit more text than the english one…
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that "i'll always be watching over you" line…
(and while i'm here, i have to mention the valentine's day art we got for 2023- i made a separate post about THAT.)
we started to suspect capcom caught on to this niche community's love for utsushi, and they started to kind of... troll us??? LOL.
throughout the previews of sunbreak last year, they would start obsessively sneaking utsushi into those chibi artworks. and when npc followers were announced, people were scrambling to find out if he was going to be one of them, but there also was some weird radio silence about him for a bit...
in one of the earlier trailers that showed the elgado hub for the first time, there was a very short part of the clip where ppl could see someone standing in the distance at the corner of the screen. all the utsushi fans went nuts because they were taking a magnifying glass and zooming up at there wondering if it was really him, because everyone wanted him to be there in sunbreak LOL.
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of course we'd eventually find out that would be his perch for most of the game! it was only during the final preview trailer before the release of sunbreak did they finally announce utsushi as a follower, as if they were saving the best for last. and sunbreak dropped, we got to see him in elgado and enjoy hunting with him. and it didn't end there. he wound up being featured in two of the short stories released last summer, and we would not forget this incident.
when i think about how easy it is to just play through the story and miss out on following specific out-of-the-way flavor texts, let alone know about all this outside of the game, i wonder if utsushi joining the hunter in the battle against amatsu in the penultimate battle was strange, because he has such a spotlight on him, even being the one who allows you to ride an apex which was normally impossible. if people didn't acknowledge him before, certainly people would love him now.
his final line after you defeat amatsu: it's cute and silly in english... but in japanese, his line and delivery was extremely, almost unabashedly... romantic. many people were shocked because it sounded like a fervent confession.
"I'll say it once more... You are my pride, my beloved disciple."
finally, during the last update video…
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we got this line straight from the director LOL. utsushi wound up being his personal favorite character in rise, and perhaps why we wound up seeing more and more of him in sunbreak.
all in all, if you kept up with the flavor text of rise, and if you followed utsushi's dialogue throughout the base game and expansion, the emotional pay off at the end was even better! and it is a shame when this stuff is mostly optional or you have to go out of the way for it, with so much being missable with every bit of progression. but making a monhun where story and character interactions are pushed more… i think they were on to something. it's probably something that could be divisive, but personally I think they should go all in on it more in the future. Rise proved that they could make charming and memorable (not to mention, named) characters... if they lean into it more in a future entry, then i hope they do it in a way where everyone can enjoy it and not feel like they missed out. but I also hope they would make it so that people don't feel overwhelmed with flavor text... it comes down to taste, but i think i have faith that monhun can try making more character-driven stories while still keeping the core of the series in tact.
here are some more miscellaneous utsushi things that i didn't know how to fit in earlier:
he's been featured multiple times in capcom cafe entrees. here's his matcha latte dango drink:
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and for the sunbreak stories: a cake based on his fight with rathalos together with the royal guard, and then a drink that represents his... uh, struggle across the ocean to chase the hunter to elgado. because they will never let him live that down. i won't either.
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here's a t-shirt of utsushi and kagami you can pick up on amazon right now. kagami was a very interesting arc when he was first shown- he was introduced as a long time friend of utsushi, training together in the past, but eventually parting ways.
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his seiyuu in japanese is a sentai actor who loves monster hunter, so essentially, kagami is lowkey like a self-insert for him lol. he's goofy in english because he's voiced by a certain youtuber, but in japanese he takes a different direction of silly because he has a "chuunibyou" edgelord cringe way of talking. it's such a shame that kagami wasn't really in the game itself besides being mentioned in a few mission descriptions because i would've loved to see him interact with utsushi and the hunter, and i wish the royal knights and many of the NPCs had more cutscenes or something. it makes me think, if it weren't for the pandemic, could rise's story and scenario have been something more because of the DLC voice characters like hibasa/monju/kagami? anyway, a popular headcanon is that utsushi and kagami are ex-boyfriends lol (i personally like this one and adapted it for my utsuhan fanfics). but there are even those who ship kagautsu too (although it is rare because people overseas are a little wary of shipping characters who are based on real people).
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and lastly, one of my personal favorites... the diseased kyokan shirt. this is from an online capcom shop, and you can use a proxy service like fromjapan.com to order it.
if you read this all, thank you! happy hunting! with the instructor! we love that guy! the guy of all time!
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vladdyissues · 5 months
Hi, it’s me, the asker who was so curious about Danny at school ✨
I got three things to say, silly thing first, 1. I’m so curious about what Danny’s diet is gonna be. I was rereading that chapter, and if Vlad has to eat meat to stoke the flames, does that mean Danny has to go vegetarian? That would be so fucking funny, I’m ngl 😂 but also sad, bc then he’d be thinking about Sam all the time 🥺 anyways, I’m just interested to see what you do with it 👀
2. You got me thinking about enemies to lovers, hardcore. And I realized, when I enjoy that kind of ship, I’m not here to see them become all lovey-dovey and domestic. I’m here to see the pain, and the toxicity, and the deep codependency of it all. The ‘I hate you, but I can’t leave you’, and the ‘you might kill me one day, and I embrace that.’ If you’ve watched Hannibal, you know exactly what I mean 😂 For Vlad and Danny, I don’t really give a fuck if it’s pompep or badgercereal, i just want angst and codependency 😈 I think that’s part of what I like about your story so much, is that it’s toeing the line between the two relationships. Halfway parental, and halfway toxic/romantic love.
3. You’ve fucking ruined me for other fanfiction rn 😭😂 I can’t read anything else for more than five minutes 🥲 Partially bc I’m so invested in the story, but also bc your writing style IS SO FUCKING GOOD. YOU SHOULD BE WRITING ACTUAL BOOKS, LIKE WTF. Anywayyysss, I’ll just curl up into a little ball of boredom on the floor till you update again 😂💕
Sending much looooove, 😘 I hope the brain to fanfic pipeline is working out for you 🤌
Hello and holy shit! What an ego-bloating kind and generous ask this is! Let me jump right in:
1. I don't want to spoil the plot too much, but Danny's diet is going to be key in unraveling a very important part of Vlad's enigma, and I cannot wait to get to that point. I've been sprinkling crumbs of information throughout the story thus far, laying down a foundation upon which to build this Big Thing, and the next chapter (14) will—or should, anyway—finally begin to deliver on it.
2. My friend, you've just given me an epiphany: it's not so much Enemies to Lovers that we adore, I suspect, as it is Enemies and Lovers. That's exactly the tag I'd use to describe Hannigram, and it's such a different and exciting dynamic. I've never quite—well, scratch that—okay, I've never written Enemies and Lovers in such depth as I am with Familiar. There's something darkly satisfying about letting lovers remain ugly; the notion that deep, abiding affection can exist in tandem with fear and disgust; that even monsters—in the very act of being monstrous, or perhaps because they are monstrous and not in spite of their monstrosity—are capable of loving and being loved.
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3. Frhgahrglahrglahg I'm going to print and frame this one and hang it on my wall for days when I feel utterly inept. I've been writing fanfiction for a while now, and I've written volumes of silly, embarrassing, poorly-executed tripe, so if I haven't at least gotten a little bit good at what I'm doing, I doubt I ever will 😆 That said, I'm putting a lot of effort into Familiar, I mean pulling out every stop and employing every nut and bolt in my mental toolbox to craft a good story (and reading. Always reading), partly as a challenge to myself and partly out of sheer love for this great ship and its fandom. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and awesome. I only hope my tiny contribution continues to entertain.
Speaking of which, the wait for this next chapter shouldn't be long. The feedback I've been receiving is phenomenal, and it's definitely helped to fuel me along when my mania wavers. I'm incredibly grateful to you and everyone reading enjoying this story. Thank you thank you ♥
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Citra emulator: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney trilogy
A hopefully comprehensive guide on all the malfunctions ive run into so far. Because honestly, ive recommended aa on citra to so many people, the least i can do is give yall a guide for when you run into problems.
Spoilers under the cut for aa1 (rise from the ashes mostly).
1. Ema's aluminum finger print powder (Rise from the ashes)
In the final case of the first game you meet the Skye sisters. Lana is the Chief Prosecutor and Ema is a high school student who wants to become a forensics scientist. In her guest to prove her sisters innocence Ema will employ a couple of tools like Luminol blood splatter detecting spray and finger print detecting powder.
How does the aluminum powder work? You click on a suspicious surface. Make sure to cover all of the fingerprint with white powder/pixels!
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And then what? This is an emulation of a Nintendo game. You are prompted to blow in your mic to blow off the powder and reveal the fingerprint. But well. You can't exactly do that now can you?
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How can you get around this?
Maybe if you have a mic you could connect it to your laptop/pc and blow there but i don't know if that would actually work since i don't have a mic and therefore can't give it a try. But theres a way to get around this obstacle! A way that took me like an hour and a lot of research in ace attorney and emulation related forums to find 😭.
You will have to go on the top left corner of your screen and open the configuration option. I think.
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Now as you can see my program is in greek which is not exactly making this easier to understand for the rest of you. But nonetheless we will persevere!
What you have to do is go Configuration -> sound -> microphone -> real device ??? It must say something like that. It might take you a little bit of trial and error but you can find it. Try a few of these choices and see which one works. This will make your laptop/pc pick up on the games music and use it to "blow away" the powder by itself. Problem solved <3
2. Playing connect the dots with Ema's name (Rise from the ashes again)
In the final day of the trial we have a piece of evidence that almost everyone hates: that goddamn jar. Aside from its ridiculous resemblance to that monstrosity the blue badger when you rotate it in a highly specific way, this jar holds yet another secret. And that secret is a name written in blood that seems to have been wiped off. We are asked to "connect the dots" to prove whose name is written there. Normally connecting the dots would make red lines appear on the jar that make up Ema's name but well. If this worked as intended i wouldn't be making this post now would i.
When playing in Citra the lines won't show up. Nevertheless, you can still beat this new obstacle: just connect the dots anyway. Be extra careful: you don't want to forget one of the smaller ones. If you connect them all and present the evidence in court the game will progress as it should. Personally, when i was playing i kept forgetting to connect the top right dot in M and got penalised a few times too many over it. I suggest starting from the bottom of E and progressing carefully from there.
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Ema's name wiped off the jar's surface.
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Ema's name after you've connected the dots or how it would look if citra hadn't messed that one little detail up.
Aaaand those are all the malfunctions i stumbled upon on aa1. Honestly, could be worse. And they were both on the same case too, so maybe there won't be any more trouble in the rest of the trilogy games. But if i find any more i will come back and update this post. It will probably take a while tho, im very slow when it comes to video games.
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maydayfireball · 1 year
Len model finished !! His video was suppose to be a black background like rin's was, but i got a little carried away.. Just like Rin, check below for the model progress timeline and video credits !!
Turning Rin into Len ! I'm lazy and i want these two to look very similar, so i just edited rins face and body. Time elapsed: 00:34:53 (his head isn't smaller i just didn't screenshot well.)
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2. Struggled drawing Len's hair ! I wouldn't normally include this part in my time, but like. fuck len. tumblr helped pick which one i used of these two blue prints. Time elapsed: 01:07:00
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3. Len hair finished ! Why does this man hate me ! Time elapsed: 02:46:44 (almost two hours, huh..)
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4. Body rig ! Unlike rin, I decided to rig len from scratch. This is because his base is too different from anyone else's to get away with weight transferring. (significantly shorter than kaito / gackpo, but with a different body shape than rin.) So here's a gif of his silly little arm movin. Time elapsed: 04:08:32
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5. Hair Rig / Physics. For all the models (except rin) I've done their hair rig / physics right after rigging the body. This is mostly so i can have a fully optimized base to work off of later when making outfits. For rin i just.. forgot to do her hair lol. anyway time elapsed: 04:34:30
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6. Outfit Designing. I didn't time this for rin since that timing was more for commission reference sake, and more clients won't have me designing their stuff. so it wouldn't have made sense to include it. but here we are. Rough outfit sketch. Fuck drawing headphones. Time elapsed: 05:06:05 for all my original models, the concept was more or less blending their design aspects together. (with the exception of gackpo, who's only difference between updates is colors and slight hair changes.)
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7. Outfit modeling ! He went pretty easy, since It was just a matter of making parts i already did for Rin. So anything I struggled with last time, i had practice for. Time Elapsed: 7:50:25
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8. UV Mapping. I included this step into texturing last time, but I felt like separating it this time around. Basically, i unwrapped all the UVs for the model and laid them out on a texture sheet to draw over. From what i've seen, a lot of people do this differently / in different orders? like they might uv map and then immediately texture the shirt, before moving onto the next piece of clothing. But texturing (using my tablet in general) hurts my shoulders typically, so i try to get it all out of the way at once. So i uvmap before even pulling the tablet out. Time elapsed: 8:50:48
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9. Texturing. My neck hurts ! Time Elapsed: 11:40:19
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10. Extruding, triangulating, exporting.. and then spas / toons. i think last time i included the extruding / triangulating in meta under texturing? But i've decided to break it up this time. Basically, i add depth to parts of the outfit, manually turn quads into triangles on tricky sections (like shoulders and hips) so they're easier to rig. Basically getting it ready for pmx before i export it. Time elapsed : 12:45:23 (left is unextruded / mirrored, right is extruded with the mirroring fixed.)
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11. Rigging adjustments and physics ! Basically, used the weight transfer plugin to transfer the weight onto the outfit to match the base. I then cleaned the rig up and added bones / physics for parts that needed them. Time elapsed: 13:40:25
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12. Cleaned ! Honestly there wasn't much to do, since most of the cleaning (like renaming bones) carried over from Rin.
Total time elapsed: 13:41:56 !!
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Significantly less time than Rin, but that's honestly to be expected. Overall three days worth of work? Since I didn't. actually work on him much the first day.
I've also discovered that my models shoulders tend to disagree with game rip motions (which is why they look so. sharp. in the video), though i've noticed other models doing this as well.. it occurs since most motion rips don't use the rotate bones, but mine are made with those in mind. Kind of annoying, but maybe i can find a work around.
Final thoughts??? He might be my favorite original model right now honestly. I really like him. I might even distribute him and Rin, with expressions to remove their headphones and arm warmers.
Video Credits: Song: My Love Is Hellfire by SLAVE.V-V-R Len Cover: XZenvii Motion: anonRipper, Colorful Palette Scripts: TearlessHen, thtrandomlurker, minmode, skyth effects: おたもん, soboro, beammanp, 化身バレッタ, 呉石
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
Sewing Things Update
So I uh, I worked for hours on sewing all last week and this past weekend, and uh well I didn’t finish anything but I did do a lot of stuff. So, a scattershot update:
1) I am making a muslin of this dress, out of muslin (amazing), and it has you bind the neckline with bias tape, which I had not done before. Well, I thought I hadn’t, and I didn’t understand the directions, but then i started to do it and duh this is the technique I used to finish the inside necklines of like, all the supportive kirtles I made for garb between 2006 and 2012. I just did the last stitching by hand for those, which gives a different look. But it’s entirely the same geometry as that.
Anyway here’s a photo, featuring me not feeling like cutting bias binding out of the muslin so I used the closest scrap to hand that seemed like it was cotton. I’m going to overdye the muslin if it turns out as something wearable anyway-- I also didn’t prewash it so it’s gonna depend how much it shrinks. This was all kind of an experiment. but I have some fabric I really like that I want to use for the final version of the dress, so I figured muslin was a good way to go.
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[image description: a beige muslin garment sits on an ironing board with pins holding down the turquoise bias binding applied to the neckline.]
2) Once I lined the neckline I assembled the front and back bodices, and that meant it was Sleeve Set in Time and i hate gathering so I let myself hand-sew the gathers in. They turned out better on the second sleeve than the first, but now I know that technique.
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[img description: beige muslin fabric, with a seam in the middle, and the fabric to the left is slightly gathered while the fabric to the right of the seam is flat.]
3) Muslining stretch garments: I got the pattern for this knit wrap dress exclusively so I could make cropped tops out of it, as I’ve always loved the idea of a wrap top and have never been able to buy one that fit me. I’m muslining it in dress length though, because like, why not, I’ve never had a wrap dress that fit me either. I have this huge wodge of really crappy cotton jersey that I got on clearance from dharma trading because it’s not *quite* white, and I’ve discovered that it’s reasonable quality fabric BUT it becomes grungy-looking upon the first wash. So it’s great for muslining because it was so cheap, and then I’m going to attempt to overdye it when I have a stash of muslins to overdye, and we’ll just see. Some of these muslins may not turn out wearable so I also may take them back apart, but these are all problems for future me. Meanwhile I’m squeezing the pattern pieces for as many things as I possibly can onto this stuff.
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[image description: a stretch of white fabric is across two smallish tables; pattern pieces are drawn on in Sharpie because it’s a muslin so who cares what it looks like i just need it to be accurate so i can make my fit adjustments!]
4) and I finally read the pattern yardage charts correctly for this dress, which I have been longing to make but it needs 7 yards of fabric... if it’s 45″ wide and you’re making one size larger than I am. So actually, I have 4.5 yards of 55″ of this fabric I think is really cool, but then I need a contrast fabric to make the neck and waistbands out of.
and it crossed my mind that like i could... i could make inkle bands for this purpose. I posted a question to the forum (this is a Club pattern, which I got by subscription, and there’s a forum that goes along with the Club) and the dress designer told me that the neckline ties do need to be on the bias to stretch a little, but the waistband does not, there’s an interior piece stabilizing it, so it could be made out of anything. So I have gone through my weaving threads and tried to figure out what colors would coordinate.
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[image description: a length of fabric printed with animals and women and flowers, with a hand-woven inkle band lying atop it.]
This test band is too wide and too short, I need it to be like 120″ long and half an inch wide or less, but the colors work-- cream, black, blue/gray, and bright green.
This is Mood’s Elysian Menagerie Cotton Voile and this girl is my new girlfriend:
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[image description: a close-up of a woman printed on the fabric, who has her head at a coy angle and is wrapped in a blue-gray towel with a vine flowing around her.]
we’re going to be very happy together, if only i can figure out how to do the waist ties on this dress.
I bought the fabric with a different pattern in mind but the scale is so large on this print, that even with the size pattern pieces I’m using (i’m a US size 20) the girls and peacocks and zebras and giraffes would get chopped up, so I decided to use this dress because it’s in big vertical panels. The woman in this print is larger than my hand. So, I’m gonna give this a shot.
Also pray for me I’m not doing a muslin before hand because it’s SO much fabric and muslin is too thick, this needs to be pretty lightweight, and I don’t have four and a half yards of unwanted gauze or chiffon lying around. (Also, i’m a little worried that I will use up ALL of my sewing energy on these muslins and wind up with ZERO finished garments, so I’m going to go for it. The pattern pieces are so big that even if i fuck it up beyond all saving, I’ll be able to recut something else out of it. This may be famous last words but like. I gotta commit.)
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hikari-ni-naritai · 8 months
Really enjoying your fishing escapades!! Im still working on a few, not to mention Ocean fishing.... Hope you'll have better luck with some than I though, especially Floating Boulder, Charibenet, Ruby Dragon and god damn Lancetfish that thing is an asshole. I get Moby Dick now. Anyhow good luck with your fishing!!!! <3
i tend to have really good luck most of the time so im sure itll go fine! though ive heard fuckin HORROR stories about some of these fuckers. triple mooch fish in like tiny time windows are nightmarish. ive only had to do like, one of those, but i had to do it a fair few times bc i was trying to desynth for a swimsuit top lmao. i havent made it too far in my fishing quest, ive been going down the fishing log in order basically, so ive cleared limsa and middle/lower la noscea. eastern la noscea ive done a bunch of them but now im waiting on rain for like 2-3 spots, fog for one (FUCK that crab ive had him on the line like 8 times but he gets free every time), and one for clear skies after rain, and then western la noscea im waiting on a 3 hour mooch window and . something weather and time based? idr what the details are.
but its fun! fishing is good and i REALLY love the tool they gave us in endwalker where if youve caught 5 big fish, you can spend your big fish points to mooch with shitty small fish for 2 minutes. im no longer beholden to the wretched GP sink of the . whatever that is. patience 2? idr. trying to catch shit with fish eyes sucks still and theres no point even trying if youve gotta mooch it. but its a nice little challenge. i also think the fisher's intuition mechanic is cool. im looking forward to getting into the expansion zones later on! skyfishing and lavafishing and saltfishing and voidfishing its like a dream i love it. so many fucked up fish!
my number 1 most desired thing (after 100 glamour plates obv) is a Fucking Tacklebox oh my god. i hate carrying around 30 baits. thats so much inventory space. let me just put them in a box and get them out whenever i need them. please yoshi p im fucking begging you. im on my hands and knees.
anyway this will be nice i think, in my house design theres spots for fish prints, so i am thinking ill collect a bunch of rare fish and print them onto canvases to put in my house. nepto dragon is gonna be there for sure. the others i may rotate out as i collect more rare bitches. im saving nepto dragon for the fishing quest tho first, bc i want to get that out of my log. its a point of pride. i havent caught any of the other fish and i know hes the last one but. im keeping him for that.
incidentally i couldve swore id caught one before but i just earlier got the tutorial notification for when you catch a fish that requires a weather type that follows another weather type. so i guess that was the first one id done lmao. god i have been talking a lot about fishing. im glad youre enjoying my fishing adventures i will be sure to keep you updated! <3
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pancakeke · 1 year
chist. So my 3D printer has been insane for a while, and recently stopped working entirely. The fix was extremely easy but monoprice cobbled together the worst user manual ever that didn’t address any real issues. It tells you to contact their support email if you need help, which I did, and they never ever responded to my messages.
First issue: the printer (Monoprice mini SLA) stopped reading files I manually added to the 8GB SDHC card that came bundled with the printer. I could still add files via the shitty web UI (which still managed to add files to the SD card somehow?) so whatever. The thing was still usable so I just rolled with it while trying to get monoprice support to respond to me.
Second issue: I updated the printer’s firmware through the settings of the web UI. This update button does not seem to exist anymore so I don’t know what the deal was with that. Anyway, I got updated to firmware version 3.88. The install was corrupt and things started going wrong. I tried printing the same file 3 times but the print always stalled around 70 layers in and the printer screen would turn off. I gave up and went to bed for the night, but the next day the web UI was no longer usable. Whenever I tried to access it, the page would freeze and take the printer down with it.
Then I got sick and didn’t touch the printer for months but that takes us to this past week. I rip it apart to check all the cables and make sure nothing looks burnt out. Everything is fine.
I try formatting the original SDHC card. I try other SDHC cards, I partition them, wipe the partitions, format as FAT32, FAT16, NTFS. I use window’s disk management, diskpart, a special SD card formatter, nothing makes any of the cards work with the printer.
I go to google and see someone saying to use an SD card 4GB or under formatted as FAT. Ambiguous. That might mean better luck with an SD (opposed to SDHC) card. The page also says that monoprice does not support any firmware versions except the ones you can get from monoprice’s website. I check monoprice’s site. The latest supported firmware is 3.83. Why did the automatic update put me on 3.88 if it wasn’t supported? Also why doesn’t monoprice say anything about not using the update button on the web UI??
I get a 2GB SD card. I put the latest monoprice firmware on it. I stick the card in the printer. No files found. To cover all my bases I throw a print file on the card and put it back in the printer. One file found? So this card works? How does it see the print but not the firmware?
I do more googling. There’s a thread that says the firmware file MUST be named “update” for the printer to recognize it. The download direct from monoprice adds the firmware version to the file name (so the name is “3.83-update”), which makes it invisible on the printer’s menu. Changing the file name makes the file work. Monoprice’s site and their user guide say nothing about this.
I update the firmware to 3.83. It installs correctly. The web UI connects again and the printer can read SDHC cards again.
This was so stupid. If monoprice just added 2 sentences to their user manual saying to troubleshoot with a non-SDHC card and to only use their provided firmware files (after renaming them) this would have been super simple to resolve.
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Hii! <3
Me there, since I last asked about getting ungettable fanfics in paper.
Update is that I accidentally found a bit time today and dived into the topic like I always do things: try and fail until you get it right. I know you mentioned something about "just putting it into Word and printing it out like...", but since I almost never work on computers, I felt bit helpless.
So, first I tried on a laptop, but Word there had for some reason no option to add columns, which made me move to the good old phone.
After copying the text to the document, I edited it a bit (deleting double "enter"s, font, size, underlined words etc). That's when it got tougher, because, well, pages.
I made a little model to help me visualise it:
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And there came the looong part of organising it all up, but like I said- tries and fails. I figured out two important tips:
1. on every column add a highlighted page number.
And 2. Mark first and last word of the page in different colours.
It helped me a LOT and I might've hadn't managed it without. There's how it looks like:
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After that just un-highlighted them and it's just like that:
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I still have to get the numbers in control, but apart from that, it's ready for printing! Just gotta remember that every page is double-sided, so the printing has to be... brained.
Dunno if anyone needed this, but thought I'll share anyway. This fic is Coup De Foudre by prettysailorsoldier if anybody was wondering. There are longer ones I wanted out, but decided to take it easy for the first one.
All the love! <3
(referencing this post)
Hi Lovely!
AHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE when you guys share your processes with me!! Thank you so much for this, hahah! The way you did it is actually a print setting in most Word-type applications... on Macs it’s called “print double sided spreads” or something like that, so it will print across a full sheet. LOL AHH I can’t explain it because it’s one of those “natural” things I know because of my job as a graphic designer, but yeah, when we do larger 16 page pubs, trying to remember how a layout will print is annoying LOL. InDesign makes it a LOT easier, heh.
Thank you so much for sharing your process, and here’s the fic you referenced above:
Coup de Foudre by prettysailorsoldier (T, 6,446 w., 1 Ch. || Teenager/University AU || Alternate First Meeting, Skiing, Winter, Sherlock Speaks French, Christmas Fluff) – When John and his friends decide to blow off some steam after finals with a holiday to the Swiss Alps, he's expecting a week of roaring fires, hot chocolate, and snow as far as the eye can see. He is not expecting to fall head over heels for a fellow guest--a young Frenchman known only as "Blue Scarf"--but John's not one to let a little language barrier get in the way, and, with the help of Google Translate, it might just be a Christmas to remember after all. Part 7 of 25 Days of Johnlock
Cheers again for following up!!! <3
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aurorawest · 1 year
Reading update
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Once again Cat Sebastian took characters I actively disliked/didn't care about from a previous novel and made me love them. This one was lovely and the twist totally took me by surprise, even though it shouldn't have. A+ Cat Sebastian please write more books (I have totally already preordered her next book).
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Who would think a book about living through the AIDS epidemic in NYC in the 80s would be as funny as this book is? It will also tear your heart out and stomp on it. Highly recommended. This was a 5 star read. Also takes place partly in Minneapolis (and is by a Minnesotan author) so it gets bonus stars for that.
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Another delightful entry into Roan Parrish's Garnet Run series. This one was the most lighthearted. My only problem with this series is that I kind of don't want the old characters showing up as much as they do. I never like them as much when they're just side characters.
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Neal Stephenson...you might want to consider taking a break from writing. Parts 1 and 2 were pretty good - typical Stephenson, though I wouldn't say he's at his best in this one. The science is super interesting (I have no idea if it's realistic) and it's an interesting doomsday scenario. Part 3, on the other hand, was unnecessary and simplistic (Cold War in space! Noble Savage! White Savior!). It was such poor payoff for the first 2/3 of the book that I repeatedly wished he hadn't bothered at all—and that I hadn't bothered reading the book.
Also it was almost 900 pages long.
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I didn't LOVE love the first book in this series, but you know, it was good enough for me to pick up the sequel. I was actually enjoying this one more, but it fell apart for me during The Break Up. One of the main characters is basically allowed to get away with his bullshit because...I don't know, he's just Like That. It irritated me.
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Despite the printing error, I was able to read this book. I love this series and am sad it's over. If you want a good space opera with a friends to lovers to enemies to lovers again, I highly recommend this one. It's also Very Gay! Plus great female characters.
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This is a queer military series so if that's not your thing, you won't like this book haha. So far it's followed two guys serving on a submarine. It's pretty typical Annabeth Albert, and tbh the military stuff is pretty secondary (and in this one there is 0 time spent on a sub). This one has a single dad as the love interest, and while I'm always pretty eh about romances involving children, Albert does it pretty well.
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Man was this one heavier than I thought it was going to be. Milo and Marcus both come from very conservative families and meet at Bible camp, where they room together and fall for each other, though neither of them acts on it. Milo decides he's going to tell Marcus how he feels, only for Marcus to disappear from camp. Three years later...Marcus moves to Daytona Beach and starts at Milo's high school! There is a lot of internalized homophobia in this one and a lot of Milo struggling with what he's been taught in church and by his parents, and at times it got hard to read. It was really good, though.
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This is one that I kept almost buying because it's pretty, but then I'd read the summary (again) and think, eh. I ended up picking up a used copy at my local indie bookstore, and...eh. Definitely not a bad book. I loved the world, and I really like Lexos. Rhea was...not great. I realized after reading this that I really don't care for the current popular trope of the Unhinged Woman Who Doesn't Know What She Stands For. Like, she's got this thing that's ostensibly driving her, but that thing gets taken away, and now she's empty. I don't know that I've ever seen it pulled off in a way where I didn't go at the end, "Oh, so she actually was just a super flat character all along?" I was trying to think of examples of male characters who fit this trope. I'm sure they're out there but I couldn't think of any. Anyway, I'll probably read the sequel, because the world really was cool, and Lexos is poor little meow meow material (spent his whole life trying to earn his father's love and respect, never could).
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Oh man this book was great. The first one had some horror elements, but this one was straight up horror for large portions of the book. Like, action-horror—think Army of Darkness. I love all the characters so much. The bond between Rune and Brand is *chef's kiss*. Male friendship done beautifully.
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KJ Charles is like Cat Sebastian in that no one does historical romance like she does. I confirmed once more that I love the interwar period, especially when one of the mains is a Wounded Veteran of WWI. This book actually reminded me of Cat Sebastian's Hither, Page (which is post WWII) which I love, so I was pretty primed to also love this. I'd love to see the further adventures of Archie and Daniel, but considering it was written in 2015, I'm not sure that's going to happen.
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I liked this book, but also the dialogue got very annoying at times. Is this how The Kids talk these days? Also rolled my eyes hard at the section devoted to the author getting up on his soapbox to share how he feels Call Me By Your Name is really problematic. But overall I enjoyed it, and the bi rep was top tier, as was the yearning.
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Okay so while I enjoyed this book well enough, it would have been half the length if Pons had cut out all of the 'I've never felt so connected to another person in my life' paragraphs. I swear, the main character was constantly connecting with his boyfriend in a way he never had with anyone else ever. The book was very much about Will, but there was some heavy stuff introduced about Graham that I didn't think was really given the due it deserved. But it was a sweet love story, and a story about healing. Also I didn't see the twist coming.
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So coincidentally, Call Me By Your Name was right there in my TBR pile as I was reading This is Why They Hate Us. I liked it a lot, though the weird racist interlude really threw me and I can't figure out what the metaphor was or what Acimen was trying to say.
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Fam, I am finally reading Dark Rise. It is not gay yet, but I'm only up to page 100. I really didn't know what it was about and only picked it up because Pacat wrote it, so the plot has surprised me so far. Very different from Captive Prince.
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noro-noro-noro · 2 months
had a mess of weird dreams. 1. weird terraria update 2. going to a distant wedding with my dad's side of the family 3. interlude: murder mystery? 4. thee paint shop
Terraria update. i remember there was some tunnel in the basement that took us to a dark and fucked up and scary cave. you could only play as octopath characters. there was a late game miniboss we managed to killed early next to a specific rune in the ground on accident so t made an enchantment platform, which helped us get etter. there were new fish and new bugs in this area so I put them in my net. the fish were aggro tho but dropped a lot of resources, so I was mad wheb nh sister drained the lake. there was also a new thing where the right side of the map would always be auto converted to a fungus wasteland until you did a miniquest. there was a character called Beast Master that could also spawn in the wasteland and be converted to fungus. but he was modtlu fine. abyeay we bad to uncovert the area to access the ocean normally. it was really annoying.
at some point that for my dad's side of the family we had to go to a wedding. & then they eanted my help with a shirt design, so we went to an art store in the middle of a latge shopping center - they revealed the shirt to me. also we couldn't go through the back door bc there was this WHOLE other thing going on too actually.
some kind of convoluted murder mystery.
1. this guy was accused of some crime recently after he got out of jail, but he wasn't in the area at the time - his overbearing family was freaking him out, so he went to a nice vacation rental to hide out.
2. this other guy who was either a professional clown or some kind of clown hobbyist played a stupid orank on him that actually got him in trouble le in the first place, and he dirst wanted to run away from the situation but then felt really vad and wanted to go make it up and then apologize. . but he did so in his clown costume bc he was shy.
3. the family was feeding off the drama and also indirctly shifting blame to the first guy since I think he was rich from a false accusation settlement?
4. the cops first accused the first guy based on e everything, but that guy was creeped out by the clown showing up at the place & he thought the clown was yhere to kill him. he was confused on why the clown was cooking for him & hanging out & veing someone to play Mario kart 8 against, but it wasjust creeping him out more & more & he did what he did best becore the clown could apologize (it was implied hed done this before) and jumped out the winfow into the ocean. the ocean was warm, and the waves were high. anyway then these weird red string like fairy things upholders of justice showed up to the vacation place with the clown inside. they probably would have obliterated (???) everything maybe? but the cops put them to sleep for the time being.
anyway we couldn't go through the back door kf the store bc it was likely the things would wake up.
back to the store. the shirt was was a [my workplace] branded shirt with xia ji on it that was like WANTED [mugshot] 2027 except he was innocebt now so they wanted to add a color to the print hat was "wanted" crossed out & they wanted to use paint, but I thought wed need one of tbose paint pens instead to really get the scannable hand drawn vibe they wanted, so I was interacting with the workers very friendly & they eere bringing me stuff & also the store was full of anime loving losers & also my friend A from college. everyone left after sundown & the people were chilling while my sister & dad were standing there & I was still doing swatches. it seemed like the employees were never allowed to go home based on the conversations I overheard, (they could go to other places in the shopping center to get food & etc) but they seemed fine with it - at least until the parking lot lights stopped turning off 2 years ago.
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to-call-your-own · 3 months
Okay. Okay! I know no one reads these text posts because they are way too long and boring, and I'm totally okay with that, but for some reason I feel compelled to write updates from time to time. Like a live, online diary, yeah? Those are a thing.
I just saw my last update post and, man... it's no longer relevant. For one thing I've already decided on my Heath-Deuce dilemma. The solution is: I want as much as possible. Like, five of each. And I've parted my G3 Deuce with my G1 Heath because I've convinced myself in my head that G3 Deuce didn't treat Heath quite right and I got angry with him for that. I mean, me and my best friend came up with this story involving G3 Deuce, and it was all fun and games, you know? Just chilling and laughing and making up a story based on some preposterious concept – we do that a lot. That was until something clicked in my head and I felt some... uh... some sort of contempt towards the doll. Based on the story I literally made up. For a poor fucking character of a doll. At some point he just fell on the table face first and broke his glasses, and I didn't bother to pick him up until the end of the day. Now I feel pity for him. I'll just get him a G3 Heath or something, sometime, maybe. We'll see.
Either way, that solves it! Right?! I'm not insane. Dusting my hands off nervously. That's the part where I feel like I reveal way too much and consider not doing that. But tldr is strong, so I'm probably safe. That being said! Now my G1 Heath (Home Ick) is with my G1 Deuce (base). They are just bros for now, and their relationship is still quite strained, y'know, because of the G3 Deuce. Uhhhhhhhhh
Funny coincidence, the base G1 Deuce also had broken shades when I bought him. And after G3 Deuce fell down, his own shades broke in a similar fashion – an earpiece broke off. It just blew away man, took some real effort to find it. Think about it.
Either way, now my MH collection consists of whooping:
2 Invisi Billies (1 - the one I took pictures of, incomplete, now even more because I took from him, legs probably broken, yellowed ever so slightly, just a tiny bit, you wouldn't even notice, hair is cut, he's nice; 1 - same one, but almost a full set thanks to the first Billy, crisp fresh, mint condition, it was a good deal)
3 Jacksons (1 base - almost a full set, beautiful print, amazing hair, looks like a biblical martyr when naked; 1 base - quite incomplete, alright hair but probably cut, had to fix the dents on his face and mostly succeeded; 1 picnic with Frankie - hair incredibly greasy, needs a reroot, nice face though and, well, a full set if you don't count Frankie and accessories)
2 Holts (1 beach - full set, baby; 1 base - not a full set, two left arms, but I get all can get these days... planning on fixing him anyway)
2 Lagoonas (1 picture day - extremely wonky, hair keeps getting greasy, kinda yellowed, print not perfect, one fin, almost a full set but she makes me tired; 1 fitness - good condition, two fins, got her hair fixed, almost a full set but I want to restyle her)
3 Heaths (1 home ick - Indonesian, good condition, alright print, almost a full set, slightly stained; 1 ghoul fair – Chinese, amazing print looks like a model, full set + Holt's beach rag for some reason, feet slightly stained, I restyled him, 1 nude - Indonesian, good print, I restyled him too)
2 G1 Deuces (1 Boo York – was already slightly restyled, nice print albeit his eyes are slightly ehhh disaligned, he's beautiful, lacks his shades though, 1 base – surprisingly almost a full set if you don't count the glove, hand was dented, made him a glove to cover it (then replaced his dented hand but kept the glove anyway), also fixed his shades by making a new earpiece with fimo soft clay (kinda worked), alright print but his eyebrows were partially erased, painted them in but the shade is a bit darker HE'S FINE) + 1 unidentified Deuce head (yeah he's going to become a full doll at one point, so I'm counting him in)
1 G3 Deuce (the only brand new doll among these, alright print, but there was a factory defect so out of the box the fingers on his right hand were partially melted, had to reshape them with scissors 🤦🏻‍♀️ and now his shades are broken, too. Awful condition for a relatively new doll)
1 Garrott (my first MH doll, I like him, broke his hand at one point but glued it back together, slightly restored his face, new earring out of the keychain, his hair is balding on the nape due to the careless haircut, no wings, he's in bad shape alright)
When I say "full set", I don't include the diary and the stand and the box. So... yeah, technically only G3 Deuce is full set.
Secondary market is ruthless. And fairly expensive for cheap, used dolls like Monster High. The battles I partook in... the battles I lost. You'd be surprised. Or not, if you know what I'm talking about.
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notony-tonyno · 3 months
emily antonia. she/her. prehistoric millenial. a relic of the Before Times.
obligatory welcome post. this is a marvel sideblog. i follow from @sithdownani.
about me: i still have the original .zip file containing every single issue of marvel's civil war that i downloaded in 2010. old enough to remember printing copy-pasted a"friend"gers tower-era fanfics from livejournal so i could read them in the middle of my university history classes. literally wept for joy when they announced avengers 1 was greenlit by paramount studios. i am ancient. don't mess with me.
what i like: tony stark. steve rogers, a.k.a. peter's original father figure. deadpool's sparkly nail polish collection. wandavision has been my otp since kindergarten. wanda and pietro are magneto's kids period. the one where literally everyone adopts peter parker.
favorite fandom tropes: clint in the vents. peter, resident Youth of avenger's tower, eating peanut butter straight out of the jar at 2 a.m. steve sleeping on a grease-stained sofa in the corner of tony's workshop. bucky and sam: special guest stars on brooklyn 99. coulson will always be everyone's favorite. kate and yelena are everyone's problem.
what i do not like: people forgetting that a lot of these comics were written for kids who felt (and feel) like outsiders. x-men gave my weird ass a place to belong in my youth and i'll be damned if that wasn't the entire point of the series. fandom drama. discourse in general, but especially discourse that reads like a disagreement between unhinged eighth graders. The Bad Ending.
under the cut: myspace survey from 2008 (to really drive home that i am too old to be here) in case, for some reason, you want to know more about me:
1. Ever been to a professional sports game? i bleed los angeles blue
2. Ever get engaged? yeah. i'm getting married about it.
3. Have you ever been on TV? yes.
4. Ever been to prom? only under duress.
5. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more? i once hallucinated a blue coyote running across all 15 lanes of the southbound 405 through some part of orange county because it was 3 a.m., i'd just ended my third consecutive 12 hour work shift of the week, and my daily commute was 2 hours one-way
6. Have you ever been to a concert? favorite performance i ever saw was a defunct j-pop boyband front-man who happened to be playing at the nokia club for mysterious reasons
7. Have you ever been in a car accident? sideswiped by a big rig the day of my university music department audition. got a scholarship for showing up anyway.
8. Did you ever learn another language? studied classical latin in high school because apparently i had big plans for updating the roman empire
9. Do you wear make-up? you mean modern war paint? i sleep in it, baby
10. Ever caught the stove on fire? once caught the house on fire with a loaded drier and burned the entire place to the ground
11. Ever meet someone famous? in my misspent youth i was almost internet famous for writing a novel about two guys who ate a lot of ramen and beat the shit out of each other.
...so yeah, that's me. 'sup.
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