#unpopular dean girl opinion lol
jellybracelet · 1 month
since you are watching Gilmore girls and are a Sam fan, I got to ask your opinion on dean forester. He’s sort of unpopular in the gg fandom but you like Sam/Jared fan so I’m wondering how that affects the way you perceive dean.
haha im still only on s3e6... I think you gotta cut him some slack because he's a teenage boy and acts like one. He was Rory's 1st BF but I don't think they're meant for each other... Rory needs to ✂️ it off. She's being sus lol (love her tho). I don't love Jess yet but I'm sure he becomes more likeable later on
(don't spoil anything for me)
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iknowitwontwork · 1 year
gilmore girls! (i hope no one's beat me to it)
favorite male character: kirk, logan and michele
favorite female character: rory, lorelai and paris
least favorite character: dean, christopher
prettiest character: lorelai and rory💕
funniest character: lorelai asdfgh
favorite season: uhhh idkkk
favorite episode: the u jump i jump jack one🥺
favorite romantic ship: rogan and trory!!
favorite family ship: lorelai and rory ofc
favorite friend ship: paris and rory
worst ship: christopher x lorelai, dean x rory
ship that is overhyped: literati—
ship that is underhyped: trory!!
an unpopular opinion: hmm it's prolly got smth to do with literati and how i think they r overhyped and kinda toxic for each other lol
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sparksssflytv · 2 years
Oooh you're watching Gilmore Girls? I just finished it!! What's your favorite character from it? And favorite ship? Tell me everything!!
yesss !! so I'm currently on season 5 and so far my fav characters are lane, luke, sookie, kirk, paris, tristan, michelle, and obviously lorelai and rory although i liked rory better in season 1 and 2 and my fav ship ofc ofc ofc tristan and rory 🤕 i love them so so so much and it makes me so mad and sad that they never got the chance to be together<\3 they both had soooo much chemistry honestly rory had more chemistry with tristan in season 1 than she had w dean tbvh and i just wish they atleast went on ONE date 😭 and apart from them i obviously looooove sookie and jackson and luke and lorelai 🥹 and rory and jess 💕 they're truly the definition of right person, wrong time <\3
and my most fav lane and dave 😭💞 i wish we saw more of them like truly i loved them so so so much 😭
also unpopular opinion: ik alot of people say logan is the best but I'm not a fan of him maybe I'll like him eventually as I go but for now he's definitely not my fav lol and yeah
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twelverriver · 2 years
Whenever I find someone else who actually likes Rory and Logan together it’s like a breath of fresh air, I feel like it’s such an unpopular opinion but imo they were really well suited for each other and neither Rory nor Logan are half as bad as people make them out to be. Their dynamic is cute and playful yet mature and sophisticated and I like it.
aaaahhh getting a girl more girls ask especially one about logan and Rory legit made sme so happy also i'm going to take this ask to be super unhinged about them <33
you're SO RIGHT it's so unpopular and I honestly do not understand why. while I was watching I was like oh yeah obviously they're well liked (never mins that I just knew about dean and jess... maybe should've been a clue lol) HOWEVER I WAS WRONG. idk why. someone enlighten me.
Rory and Logan are my favourite ship and Logan is my favourite character (with lorelai, she's a bit below him) so I'm uh very into them you could say. For me, it's a clear choice that logan is not just the best choice for her, but also the one she wants the most. Like.
Rory grows so much in her yale seasons and I love to see it so much!!! they have this sweet thing with the nickname where he calls her ace which just makes me swoon every single time and they have that you jump I jump jack episode which is just chef's kiss and SO good and he already looks at her like she's his sun and his entire world and I'm like logan!!!! you don't even know her yet aaaaahhhhhhhh !! and rory tries to be a casual for him at first even tho that's not who she is!! and like they're MESSY but they talk about it so soon after and they're always SO honest and mature with each other?? I feel like it's a good relationship cause they both learn to grow as people but also as people in a relationship cause they're besties too and genuinely enjoy the other's company and they believe in each other SO MUCH!!!
they're also amazing at getting each other out of their comfort zones like rory tries to be casual for him and loan's like fuck it I'll be your fucking boyfriend if the alternative is not seeing you at all and decides for the first tike to actually seriously date someone!! also I love how they're not afraid to say unwanted things? like rory keeps painting this picture of (Taylor swift in I bet you think about me voice) You grew up in a silver-spoon gated community / Glamorous, shiny, bright Beverly Hills / I was raised on a farm, no, it wasn't a mansion / Just livin' room dancin' and kitchen table bills which is something she does a lot and logan's like yeah my family's insanely rich bit also. you are literally a gilmore. remember your own privilege.
I just really love them so much cause I think being in a relationship is very beneficial for them both, they support each other and love each other so much and they're always very honest and they talk about stuff when something's not going great and ofc they're not perfect but I do feel like after having like 98% of all couples be majorly or at least minority rooted in the miscommunication trope, they're like a breath of fresh air. cute and playful yet mature and sophicated u said it !!!
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Hi!! I'm the fellow anti-Luke/Lorelai anon who asked about Gilmore Girls and loved reading your answers so much! To answer your question, I ship Rory/Logan so hard that I started a blog about them...but no one followed it, lol, since our ship is so unpopular. I may try again! Logan is not the kind of character I normally like and not someone I'd click with in real life, but I love his warmth, cleverness and energy and how he brought joy and adventure to Rory's life while she stabilized him and inspired him to become more mature and responsible. They're so compatible, they connect on every level, they communicate fairly well in general and very well by GG's low standards, and they're genuinely happy around each other. Like others have said they understand and accept each other as they are but encourage each other to be better too. Basically, they're everything LL aren't and it amazes me that fandom worships LL and hates Rogan! I did semi-ship Jess/Rory for one episode---the one where he comes back in season 6 - but overall I feel like Jess loved the girl she was, not the woman she became, and Rory chose Logan and even Dean over Jess again and again. She was basically done with him after their terrible S3 relationship, so I'd never believe their feelings were balanced and mutual. Plus, Rory needs a lighthearted extrovert like Logan to balance her out in my opinion. My UO here is that the revival was terrible but no worse than season 6, and despite the disgustingly casual attitude the show has towards cheating, the revival actually convinced me more than ever that Rory and Logan are each other's soulmate, still connected, still always there for each other, still loving each other no matter what. Rory hadn't even kept in touch with Jess, viewing him just as Luke's nephew by now, and I literally LOL when I see literati stans try to convince themselves that the revival was supposed to convey that Jess/Rory will be endgame! And Jess isn't Luke in good ways and otherwise----he isn't going to stay in Stars Hollow for decades while Rory raises another man's child and tries to make up her mind about whether to date him. Anyway, Rogan scenes are pretty much the only GG scenes I can see myself rewatching at this point---along with a couple of Paris's rants ;) Thank you again for reading!!
Hi! You're welcome to rant!
I agree with you on Rogan and I'm happy you are a Rogan shipper as well! How did you find my blog? Through Rogan, anti JavaJunkie, or Friends posts? I've written much on Rogan, Literati, JavaJunkie, etc..
Regarding AYITL, I also didn't think it was much worse than some GG episodes. And I loved how it showed that Rory and Logan were pretty much made for each other. Logan's goodbye to Rory was literally one of their best scenes ever. I think it's worth watching for them alone. I think I also liked Paris? But her storyline was weird. And was Lane even in it? I know she was, but not much, right? Emily was a mixed bag for me. Honestly, the cheating was so inconsequential that I didn't even care.
I'm sorry the Rogan sideblog didn't go well! It's hard to create blogs. It doesn't even matter how big the fandom is. Are you a gifmaker? It's hard when you're not, like me, haha. I have 4 blogs. The HP one isn't active, but the BTS one is, and BTS are huge yet I don't have many followers because I mostly just rant and reblog things. I have a blog dedicated to a Merlin ship now, that, like Rogan, is not very popular, so I get how you feel! You can always try again, if it makes you happy. Followers don't matter that much, just engagement.
Thanks for the ask!
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LMAO thank you for the “I get why people shipped it” about samdean!!! Back in the day when I just started watching spn and everyone on tumblr was either samdean or deancas blogging I was like It’s Samdean For Me but I didn’t realize until a year or two later that it wasn’t some sexual aspect that interested me (I never even thought of them that way, but I didn’t realize that meant I didn’t exactly “ship” them until later as well). I was just instinctively aware that the relationship between Sam and Dean was much deeper and more complicated and more fucked up than anything deancas ever were (I didn’t like destiel so that was basically being public enemy No1 on tumblr lmao). To me, deancas never felt like they had too much chemistry or too much of an emotional bond and I honestly tried hard to get it because I really wanted to read THE deancas fic of all time (The Fic Of All Time according to some people) but I just couldn’t get into it 😩 Eventually I got so annoyed at everyone constantly making everything about deancas I deleted my account (lol ofc, but I was a Sam Girl so maybe understandable). And with samdean it was like, here’s brothers and they are Really fucked up about each other, but tumblr didn’t exactly give one the option to be like “This isn’t shipping, I’m just interested in their relationship.” (At least not if you were a teenager wanting to make friends on here a decade ago lol). Long story short, it took me quite some time to figure out why samdean was so interesting to me (and how it wasn’t the shipping aspect at all) and how it absolutely WAS because it’s rooted in the very narrative of spn, and I find it funny that you’re watching it so many years later and see it, too. There really was no need for them to write it Like That lol
woah hi anon thank you for the long message!
You see, I do feel weird watching it now because the first episode aired when I was in high school and now I'm in my 30s, so one hand it feels like being late to the party and on the other it's still fun - and I'm probably better off now actually, it's still popular but not like 10 years ago. I was here in superwholock times, it must've been much harder to have unpopular opinions at the time.
I do enjoy Castiel as a character and I can see why people see him with Dean - he seems obsessed with him, no personal space, etc. - but it's the Dean and Sam dynamic that is crucial to me. In storytelling I learned about stakes, used in the context of "what will the mc lose forever if they quit/fail at the end", and it's glaringly obvious how here it's family. You are right, it is the driving force of the show, specifically the family unit that Sam and Dean form together. I do think there is some form of emotional incest going on between those two, and nowhere in hell was I expecting the series to show they are aware of the undertones. I feel like these two would destroy the universe rather than kill each other and that is powerful and fascinating. Sorry for the parallelism, but Will leaving his fake family to reunite with Hannibal and Sam leaving his girlfriend and university to go back to Dean? They're the same to me. Different kinds of love, maybe, but the same absolute depth. Both Dean and Sam got tunnel vision when it comes to each other, there's an apocalypse coming and that's no reason enough for them to kill each other.
Btw I'm sorry you felt compelled to delete your account, though I am shaking your hand in Samgirl - to - Samgirl solidarity.
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  What are your top 3 episodes from each season? :)...
no Faith? WHY????
Ackting wise? Sign me right up. Dean wise, it left me more pissed than satisfied. Dean’s thrown all this undeserved guilt over a guy dying for him then he gets attached to Layla & we get more self-loathing bc he thinks she deserves to live more than him. Then he ends up having to stop her from being saved & feels shitty abt it. The whole thing was depressing.
That’s not to say I still don’t love Faith. But top 3, I can’t do it.
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supercooladieu · 2 years
Eek! The first episode. Full disclosure- the first season is my absolute favorite and always will be. I just love it. It always takes me back. The opening song “There She Goes” transports me to the earliest naught and makes me incredibly nostalgic for my childhood. Ugggggghhhhhh I love it.
The way Luke looks at Lorelai... 🥰💗💕 He’s feigning annoyance but you know he’s harboring this longtime, intense crush. 🔥🔥🔥 Whew! How he can be so smitten with her while she wears that hat is confounding but nonetheless... I wish a man would look at me like that. 
Luke’s baseball cap has an American flag on it which is weird.
The Independence Inn! I love the Independence Inn so much more than the Dragonfly. Sorry, not sorry. Drella was such a waste of a character. I love Alex Borstein but I am so glad that Melissa McCarthy got the role of Sookie and I honestly think Drella was completely unnecessary. 
I really love the way Michel and Lorelai play off one another in this scene. Their chemistry is so good, I wish they would have kept writing Michel’s character this way instead of the direction they ultimately went in. They really did the snooty, obnoxious Frenchman thing to death but he could have been so much more.
This might be an unpopular opinion but I actually like Rory’s oversized sweater look (or as Lorelai put it, her muumuu). 
LOL I cannot picture Lane listening to Eminem. Crazy Carrie is the Stars Hollow High English teacher. 
I know this has been said by many people before but it’s ridiculous that Sookie is supposed to be this amazing, experienced chef but she is such a disaster in the kitchen. The way she chops those peppers? Where are her knife skills?? She has the audacity to correct her bilingual staff on their English grammar but has absolutely no idea how to safely operate a kitchen when she is supposedly this incredible cook? What a joke. She starts a fire on the range and the other chef just puts a lid over it but doesn’t turn off the burner? I know, I know. It’s supposed to be humorous, but still...
One of Michel’s best, most relatable and most quotable scenes. “People are particularly stupid today. I can’t talk to any more of them.” I literally feel this in my soul every day at work.
There are so many plants in Lorelai’s house! She doesn’t seem like the type that can keep houseplants alive. How are Lorelai and Sookie so put together and responsible? They’re both single women in their early thirties and they both own their own homes. How is that possible? Was it just because this was pre-2008 housing crisis? I am so jealous of Lorelai’s house. 
Emily looks 10 years older in the pilot than she does in every subsequent episode. How did she age in reverse? Oh, Richard 💔 He’s kind of a garbage person throughout much of the series but he has those few redeeming moments which somehow more than make up for all the shitty things he does. I can't help but love him. And miss him. I know I’m getting old AF because I just caught myself thinking that he looks handsome in this episode 😱 He’s just so tall and masculine. His cheeky, smug grin when he says, “So, you need money.” 😍 Okay, I’m officially creeping myself out. 
I love first season Rory + Dean. They’re so cute. Teenagers do not talk to each other like that but it’s completely endearing even if it’s not 100% believable. Dean is so open and vulnerable with Rory right off the bat. No 16-year-old boy talks like that to the girl he has a crush on. Not any of the ones I’ve ever encountered, anyway. 
Lorelai and Rory are both eating salads at Luke’s. Weird! Oh, okay Luke brought them burgers. That’s more like it. But I feel like they definitely would’ve forgone the salads altogether in later episodes. The money Lorelai puts on the table to pay for the food falls on the floor and neither of them bother to pick it up. I always find it weird that Rory/Lorelai and Lane don’t acknowledge each other when they pass one another on the street. Not a nod, not a wave, not a half-smirk, nothing.
So when Lorelai realizes that Rory doesn’t want to go to Chilton because of a boy, Lorelai is understandably emotional. However, she literally says, “You are me,” and then proceeds to try and control Rory- doing exactly what Emily would have done in that situation. She doesn’t try and understand things from Rory’s perspective outside of how the situation could go badly. I honestly would have probably acted the same way, but Lorelai prides herself on being this “cool mom” who does things differently from her own controlling, suffocating mother. However, when she’s faced with Rory having a difference of opinion and acting like a moody teenager for once in her life, Lorelai’s first reaction is to “play the mom card” and fault Rory for falling for a boy. She basically tells Rory that she has no say in the matter and will be going to Chilton regardless of how she feels rather than talking things through. Again, I know she is just reacting to a situation in which she feels like the rug was pulled out from under her, but it’s funny to me that she reacts in the same way I would expect Emily to. And even though she acknowledges how similar she and Rory are, Lorelai reacts in a way that she would have totally resented if she were in Rory’s place.
I always thought it was weirdly out of character for Richard to fall asleep at the dinner table. He wasn’t that old- he would’ve only been 57 at that point.
Emily and Lorelai’s fight is so frustrating because I can understand where both were coming from. The two of them would have really benefitted from therapy. If Tony Soprano was doing it, why couldn’t the Gilmores?
I think Luke looks less attractive when he’s clean shaven and dressed up. It’s too jarring. He’s one of the very few men that look better to me with a baseball cap on.
Oh, the song they play at the end of the episode while it zooms out on Lorelai and Rory in Luke’s window from outside! Absolute perfection! Perfect opening song, perfect closing song. Great music choices all around in this episode.
Such a good pilot! I really, truly love it. I’ve watched it a million times and I could watch it a million more. 10/10.
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deandelreys · 3 years
i want to ask all of these, but let's go with 5/6, 10, 13, and 19! 👀
thank youu!!! also hiiiiiiii it's so nice to see you back<3333 5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? i kind of touched on but destiel but like. both deancas and deansam lol... destiel stans just ship it wrong and a lot of sam girls are dominating the fandom with their annoying headcanons and making it all about possessive jealous dean wanting to control sam, and making sam passive which he isn't in canon at all.. and he's jealous and possessive too.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? i have never really hated any ships that i later enjoyed, but fandom has definitely made me go HUH MAYBE... on many ships i have never even considered lol.
10 i already answered!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character? you didn't mention a character but my unpopular opinion is dean has never done anything wrong :) especially not when he was mean to jack or cas. he should have been meaner
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? i think jess @septembersghost put it very well the other day, i hate this weird hostility and competitiveness in fandom and how people make the most uncharitable interpretations about other characters just to make their own favourite to look better. she worded it a lot better than i ever could but unfortunately i can't find that post :(
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tiktaalic · 3 years
previous anon again-that makes more sense to me, that it'd be also a reflection of the changing tone of the show. i sympathize with sam girls on that end because as much as i enjoyed certain characters and episodes from the later seasons, the show looks genuinely terrible as time goes on (like the aesthetic posts about its cinematography stopped for a reason) and doesn't have any of the cohesion the first era did. however i also don't sympathize because i still think dean is a richer character in that era as well, and that wasn't a totally unpopular opinion to have even if sam was your favorite or you liked both brothers equally so their clinging to the early seasons as like, a more pure time isn't accurate. like even in early seasons discussions people were aware jared wasn't a great actor even by WB standards. this idea that deangirls just came in with their scoobert boxers and bisexuality and just could never appreciate a Serious Dark Genre show is dumb.
you're right about sam being essentially a talking tchotchke post season 8 which i was shocked by when i binged the rest of the show i hadn't gotten to (like i already had that criticism for seasons 9 and 10 but then it just...continued for the rest of the show). if they weren't going to do anything with sam that does read as laziness on the production's end, and they should have just killed him off and used jared's salary on acquiring more music rights. springsteennatural really could have been IT.
yeah it really does look incredibly very bad : ( but as someone who "watches tv" by having the tab minimized and listening to it and only pulling it up when something important or funny is happening it doesnt bother me that much lol. i've had similar discussions w people before about how as early as season 1 dean centric episodes are... well, dean centric and dig into his feelings in a way episodes really never do with sam. while the sam centric episodes even early on usually double as plot centric episodes. dead in the water. faith. something wicked. all episodes that do some pretty extensive character work in the first season alone that really have no sam analogue to match.
and that's... kinda what the whole show is like. dean has these very deep relationships with people, so he gets scenes to flesh those out. dean has these interests he's very passionate about, so they're highlighted. vs sam where i legitimately cannot name a single interest of his besides serial killer podcasts. i well and truly believe that they were gonna kill sam off at the end of s8 when they got canceled. got renewed. didnt know what to do with sam because they were gonna kill him. in this "what the fuck are we gonna do with sam" period where he had zero bearing on the plot Something shifted and equilibrium was never restored. big agree they shoulda stopped financing jared padalecki workshopping his comedy routine and STARTED financing either lili reinhart or please mr music band please can we have your music
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lol-jackles · 3 years
I could have sworn I saw an Ask about Black Widow.   I sometimes think Asks disappears on me.  Anyways, if you’re the BW Askee, here you go.
Let's start off by saying that I like this movie.  This will shock some of you because I've said in the past that I didn't like the Black Widow character, but I’ve noticed in my circle of superhero fanboys those that love Natasha, hated the movie.  Then those like myself that originally didn’t care for the her, really liked her solo movie.  Go figure.
Black Widow is actually not a a superhero movie, it’s not a spy/international espionage movie, it’s not a thriller.  What it is, is an oddly endearing family drama. The sister relationship between Natasha and Yelena carries the entire movie.   Half the time I didn't care what the plot was, I was happy just to watch two badass ladies fight together while engaging in endless sisterly bantering and bickering.
Side note: my unpopular opinion of Black Panther is it should have just focused on T’Challa and his sister’s relationship, instead of T’challa and his mom, sister, ex-girlfriend, best friend, and his long lost cousin. It felt that T’Challa didn't have a lot of focus on him in his own movie.  
SPN side note: and bitter Sam girls this is why you shouldn't bitch about Sam having slightly less interaction with side characters than Dean did because otherwise he would get less focus on him in his own show like T'Challa did in his titular movie.
Now back to our regular program.   Florence Pugh’s Yelena is both funny and poignant, the poor girl just needs her fake family to be real  because it’s all she had.  Here’s my brief review of her performance in Little Women (X).  Florence did a good job with the “flat Russian affect”, whilst still being sarcastically and morbidly hilarious.   She sold badass without super-powers so well, like when she ambushed a guard and basically blitzed the poor bastard, and then had to struggle to drag his body over to the hand-reader.  Like Natasha, she isn’t a super-soldier, she fights ruthlessly and smart and that’s how she wins.  Yelena and Natasha have  excellent chemistry with each other, which makes it unfortunate that this is probably the only time they’ll share the screen.  Natasha reminds me of Dune Bene Gesserit sister who have incredible instinct for reading ambiguities of body language and vocal inflection and know exactly what someone is thinking, all without superpowers. 
Unlike most MCU movies, the jokes actually land. I really liked this bit with Yelena dragging Natasha for posing during her fights.  I liked the running gag with Alexei always trying to apologize for everything he’s done but no one’s listening to him.  In fact the entire cast was solid this time, which is a surprise for MCU movies, the supporting cast is usually mediocre at best.
This movie really seems like it’s a sequel to a movie that was never there. You know why most people wanted a Black Widow movie? Because we wanted to know what happened in Budapest. We wanted to know how Natasha met Clint. And sure, they tell us through some necessary exposition about how she “hid here for two days with Clint”, but it’s really not enough.  I would even prefer if there were two Black Widow movies, the first one about how she met Clint in Budapest and got in SHIELD, and the second one basically being this movie. Because now that Scarlett’s contract with the MCU is supposedly over, we’ll never know what actually happened in Budapest.  I can’t believe this makes me mad lol. 
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trials-era-sam · 3 years
Would you talk about what you like about Dabb era to spread some positivity?
Sure!! Always down to spread positivity :)
First thing that comes to mind is s13. Honestly, it's one of my favorite post-Kripke seasons (my top three for these is 7, 11, 13 which I know is a wildly unpopular opinion lol). I loved Jack so much he became my favorite character after Sam and Dean, and given the fact that I'm a Sam girl, it's not very surprising imo. So many parallels!!! I'm not gonna elaborate too much on them because the show's already done that (and also I'm bad at meta), but in s13 they managed to have him parallel Sam without having direct copies of his storylines (yes s14 I'm looking at you), and that was really nice. Also, his relationship with Sam was absolutely precious. I started cheering for scenes with the two of them together probably as early as 13x03 and I miss seeing them interact so much. Finally a character who had a more meaningful relationship with Sam than with Dean!!! What a nice change 13 seasons in ;)
Speaking of, and still in s13 although I was glad to see it continue until the last season, Rowena!!! Her character development made me go from "She's back from the dead again?!?!?" to "Oh yay Rowena's here!! :D" And I know it started when she and Sam bonded over their Hell trauma. It's nice that they gave Sam someone who could relate. <3
Also, while bringing Lucifer back was dumb (although that was Carver), it did give us that cave scene in 13x21 which is probably my favorite non-brother scene - brilliant acting and brilliant writing (yes I know I'm praising Berens shhh). As deliciously terrifying as it needed to be.
Not as much of a fan of s14 but Lebanon was beautiful and the short-lived Michael-in-Dean's-head arc gave us so many lovely brother moments <3 Plus, Game Night. Need I say more? ;)
I loved all of the callbacks to early seasons in s15, I liked the intent to explore Sam and Dean as children in s12 and then as "parents" in s13, I thought bringing back the s5 concept of Dean being Michael's vessel was a great idea, Magda was amazing, ScoobyNatural was super fun, our boys looked gorgeous in black leather jackets, Breakdown was a great horror episode that brought me back, Sam shot God, Atomic Monsters broke me in a very good way, *punch* *hug* "why don't you believe in us too?" <3, Sam's God visions were what I lived for, 15x19 ended with the ending I wanted for the show and then the finale was perfect... I could go on, but this has probably been long enough. ;p
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meowmeowmessi · 3 years
Was Dean really so abusive towards Sam through out the whole series?
I have been seeing some Dean hate a lot 😔 about him being oh so abusive to Sam. I know most of it probably because of season 9 gaslighting. That was so in character for him tho, like he will do anything to prevent Sam from dying. His whole character is protecting Sam, I’m not sayin what he did right in anyway, but I understand... he was desperate. And all the violence was when he was under the influence of the mark. I can’t seem to recalll anytime when he was downright abusive towards Sam. Was he?
Aw nonnie, don't feel down -- there's still plenty of Dean love to go around! *hugs*
Since you brought up s9, I'll start from there! Personally, I agree with you. I know it's a horribly unpopular opinion and Sam stans will crucify me for this one (which is something I find myself saying a lot lately.......), but I wasn't at all shocked or offended by what Dean did in s9. I mean, was it horrible? Yes. Fucked up? Oh yeah, definitely. Probably the most fucked up thing one brother has done to another in the whole show imo. But what were you expecting? It's Dean. Dean NOT stuffing an angel inside Sam to keep him alive and instead letting Death reap his soul would've been ooc as hell??? Jensen said so himself, Sam is the brother who has the strength to live on without Dean, not Dean (not that it means Sam loves him any less, ofc not. Just that they love in different ways). Once again, Dean gaslighting Sam was pretty horrifying, I won't deny it, but spn isn't a sunshine and rainbows kind of show. Sam and Dean's codependency is fucked up, but it's FICTION, so you can't apply your everyday logic to them. Now an argument can be made that the narrative during that arc was pretty skewed by being quite partial to Dean. Having Dean realize what he'd done wrong and apologize would've been nice and restored balance to said narrative, but we didn't get a chance to see that bc Dean went and took on the Mark, and the rest you know pretty well. Honestly? I kind of don't care anymore bc it's clear that after s10 (aka starting from s11) Dean has improved SO MUCH and I think his extra protectiveness of Sam in s11 was partially a result of the guilt Dean might have felt over the whole MoC deal and turning-into-a-demon-and-nearly-killing-Sam business. My humble opinion is that post s10 Dean has had significant growth and trying to hate on him by bringing up shit he did in the previous seasons is pretty juvenile.
For example: I stumbled upon a meta once about what a dick Dean is bc in s15 he tricked Sam into eating bacon by telling him it was actually veggie burger and equating it with the whole Gadreel mess and I was like ?????????? Are y'all high???????? I agree that a person's dietary preferences should be respected without question, but maybe take off your Literature Student Glasses for one goddamn second and try to see the scene for what it is? A big brother joking around and messing with his little brother to cheer him up? It's not that deep dude. Idk what to tell y'all, but siblings do be like that.
The Gadreel thing and the MoC issue aside, another thing bitter Sam stans bring up to paint Dean as "abusive" is the panic room incident of s4. Which is... pretty iffy, ngl. Bc when I was watching s4 I myself hated Dean (and Bobby) for putting Sam in the panic room without even telling him. It was pretty cruel. And while I STILL have gripes about it, I think it's just another example of how the show is fucked up, Sam and Dean's dynamic is fucked up (said with affection), and how Dean treats Sam like his possession. Sam is his. He gets to decide Sam's fate. He will revive Sam, he will (almost) kill Sam, and the authority to make those decisions is his, not Sam's. Bc once again, in Dean's eyes he pretty much owns Sam. After all, he's his little brother. Fucked up, yes, but you're kind of an idiot if you expected anything healthy out of these two.
And there's Dean hitting soulless Sam in s6 when he tells him there's something wrong with him. The thing is, Dean didn't give a shit about soulless Sam. None. Once he realized that Sam's soul was missing he was hell bent on getting it back, and he didn't give a flying fuck about the soulless version of his brother. And soulless Sam knew that. Imo Sam at that point was just an empty shell to Dean and he didn't care about hitting him and hurting him. Bc the one he really cared about was the Sam WITH his soul intact. Dean was positively BEAMING when Sam got his soul back and was acting like his usual empathetic self again and not the cold soulless one. And he was so so careful with him after Death erected the wall in his head. Hell, Dean temporarily died to make that deal with Death. How could you possibly say that Dean doesn't love Sam?
Other minor things that bitter Sam girls/Dean haters use to prove that Dean is "abusive" include: Dean punching Sam in s2 (in the episode where they meet Gordon for the first time. Can't recall the name of the episode rip). Dean was hurt and angry and grieving John, and yeah, maybe that's not any reason to hit Sam, but he's human. He's more prone to violence than Sam is. Doesn't make him abusive. Siblings hit each other all the time, dude. It ain't that big of a deal. And Dean even apologized afterwards. And Sam FORGAVE HIM. Same goes for Dean punching Sam in s7 imo. Anger born of worry and all that.
And lastly, one meta madness I've seen is how Sam flinches whenever Dean has an outburst of anger. Some people use this as proof that Dean (and throw John in the mix too why don't you -_-) abused Sam as a kid and that's why he reacts that way. Which is such utter bullshit lol. Sam has PTSD. He flinches at the sound of closing doors, when he hears sudden footsteps, and just any abrupt noise in general. It has nothing to do with Dean aBuSiNg him as a kid and everything to do with the trauma he suffered throughout his life as a hunter (and then there's the Cage. And the multiple times he's been sexually assaulted. And on and on and on...) (and the reason why Dean doesn't have the same reaction as Sam is bc the symptoms of PTSD are different for everyone, bc rest assured, he too has trauma).
This is just my personal opinion tho! You can think whatever you want, but for me, Sam and Dean's relationship really can't be judged based on our standards of "normal". The things they do to (and for) each other are all part of their codependency. So no, I don't think Dean is abusive to Sam. He's done shit that can be called abusive, sure, but Sam and Dean operate on a moral compass that's completely different from our own, and we have to consider their actions with that in mind.
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jay-and-dean · 3 years
hi jay. can I ask you a few questions about supernatural? Like what is your favorite season? what is is your favorite character(except dean)? what s your favorite girl on the show? is there a character you dont like at all? Ily
Hi there, of course you can ask questions about Spn !
My favorite season changes all the time, for long it was between 5 and 9, then I loved the 12th for reasons... But rewatching it lately made me really rediscover season 8 and for now, I'm going to answer this one.
My favorite character (except Dean yes)... Not easy. I mean, Sam, of course, but if I think outside of the brothers, I would say I like Donna, Gabriel and Rowena equally. (With Crowley, Henry Winchester, Garth and Jody close behind.)
My favorite girl of the whole show is Donna. My sweet beautiful sexy dimpled ray of sunshine ! I also have a massive crush on her.
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(gif by @supernaturaldaily)
There are several characters I don't like at all, some make a lot of people agree, like Amara (I find her totally hollow, useless and irrelevant), or Bella who was, for me a little cliché, or Mary Winchester that I just... Hate for who she is. And some that are more unpopular opinion like Jo, she bores me to death, or John that I will never forgive and that (people are going to kill me after this ask lol) I find a little badly constructed and not always coherent.
Please don't hesitate to come talk about Supernatural, or tell me what's your opinion or ask other questions 😊
Thanks for the ask !
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zalrb · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to follow up with the unpopular opinions I sent. Thank you for responding, and apologies about the Dean part. I meant that as just something I wanted to put out there in support of your master post for Gilmore Girls and Dean, but I didn’t phrase it well. I’m sorry!
1: I get that! I just think that more people like to talk about how Dawson is insufferable when I feel that Joey is just as much, if not more in certain circumstances, insufferable too.
2: I agree with this even though I don’t really care for his character. I want to connect with him more but I only ever do because of the acting and because of Stalia.
3: True! I generally don’t think he has much of a character. He’s just kind of there, being affable. This one may just be more of a vibe I feel that’s not based on anything too much, haha.
4: Apologies again.
5: I’ll skip over this too, LOL. Fanon ships are fun for me sometimes, haha.
1. I definitely agree that people pile on Dawson and that people don't talk about the flaws of other characters in general.
2. That's fair. I relate to Stiles because his reactions to things would be me, like I would be the one to be like, I don't understand why we have to save Jackson though, he's terrible. I burst out laughing when Scott is like let's save him and Stiles was like, it's always something with him. Because YES.
3. Also fair!
4. No worries. There's a post that delineates her relationships with all of her boyfriends and then just posts about why the hate on Dean is disproportionate.
5. LOL. I get that.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
Hmmm, I've never considered the "Supernatural: Origins" canon but that's interesting stuff! For the record, I don't think John's fucked up circumstances excuse how he treated his kids either. He was a bad father. Anyway, this is why I don't mention it. Here's a more fun headcanon: when they were in college towns, I think Dean used to sneak on to campus when he was bored and sit in on big lecture classes
I haven't read them all so my opinion may change on considering it canon cause if I don't like it then no it's not lol But no! I don't think you were excusing all of his parental choices! John was just some guy in a fucked up situation. Like dude was in over his damn head, I get why you would feel sorry for him. I just really hate him.
Also, I love that headcanon. Dean goes to those classes sitting in the back and is completely fascinated by the subject. He sneaks into different ones and just learns different things. He sometimes raises his hand and asks questions when he really can't help himself. Maybe once he finds a class he actually likes and he tries to always make it to that class. The teacher notices him sneaking in late or coming in very early. He knows Dean is not in his class but one day after Dean asked about three questions in a row, the teacher tells him to talk to him after class. Dean does. Thinking he has been caught but the teacher just gives him some books he could read to learn more.
"Tell me what you think of some of these in the next class." They would smile kindly at Dean and Dean would grin so bright.
And he would read those books so quickly, and he would write questions of things he needed further explaining. But of course, he is sneaking everything. When he is caught leaving John asks where is he going and Dean says he is going to the college to meet some girls.
Dean goes to return the books and when the teacher tries to give him new ones Dean shakes his head.
"Can't. I'm leaving town but thanks. I liked your class."
"Take them. Keep them. It's a parting gift."
Dean takes the book with another Christmas morning grin.
The teacher opens the book Dean returns and finds all the questions Dean has wrote and wished he could answer all of his questions.
sorry I went off but I love this for Dean sooo much!
send me headcanons or unpopular spn opinions
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