#unisex lingerie
ignispinupzine · 2 years
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By @inkycarbuncle
Lingerie by @Bluepinkpeachy 
A gorgeous man in gorgeous floral lingerie! 
Available with purchases of Elegant Orange Cake and higher tiers.
BigCartel 🌎 | Etsy 🇬🇧
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makesims · 10 months
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Nini Lingerie & Tights Set
A set based on Nini's Lady Marmalade outfit from Moulin Rouge. Both come in a variety of swatches. Download + more info under the cut.
Download (no ads, no paywalls): SFS | Patreon
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Nini Lingerie
Based on the costume design by Catherine Zuber, this full body outfit comes in 12 swatches. It slightly draws in the waist, but not too much.
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Nini Tights
These tights come in 11 swatches and are unisex! The fishnets and stockings are combined as one piece for a layered look.
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guclu26 · 8 days
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epicsauce · 11 months
i clicked on the 'unisex' tab while shopping online for lingerie the other day and all they had was socks
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catgirlshauna · 4 months
holy shit guys really proud of this one hope yall enjoy 😠🗣️
warnings: smut, bad jokes, gp!reneé
words: 2100
being a composer of music was hard, especially when you composed for artists who aren't exactly huge yet. you believe in them the most, though, they're your favorite kind of people to work with. humble, kind, just trying to get to stardom. but your new client had been kept a secret from you by your managers. why? you have no idea. what could possibly freak you out so bad that they had to hide it?
fucking reneé rapp. thee regina george, which was debatable, but you don't care. she is your favorite. yours. her voice is beautiful, her face is beautiful, her personality is by far the best you've seen. she is like finding gold in a pan of gravel, diamonds amongst coal.
today is the day you meet her. you're nervous, you've applied three layers of deodorant with a nice unisex cologne to cover it up. your heart is absolutely pounding, your chest thumping to the beat of the song they sent you samples of. you sit in your studio, which happens to be in your apartment, a luxury you could afford thanks to people like reneé, and wait patiently for her to arrive.
the knock at your door is done to the tune of jingle bells, which did in fact shock you into freezing. it's june? you snort and move to open the door, revealing the happy-go-lucky blonde bouncing on her feet. adhd. or anxiety. you could relate.
“please, come in.” you step to the side, welcoming her into your apartment. she steps in, hands intertwined behind her back as she closely examines the art and posters on your walls.
“beyoncé?” reneé grins, looking over at you for a moment.
“of course.” you reply quickly, hopelessly begging her with your eyes to follow you to your studio. she just smiles, shaking her head and whispering ‘not yet’.
“i like your place.” she muses, picking up books and reading the covers out loud to herself. “like your uh, books, too..” she adds, adjusting the glasses on her nose that look just a little too dirty to actually see out of.
“um, miss rapp?”
“yeah?” you have her full attention now. horrifying.
“can we go to the studio now…? i'd like to show you some lyrics i thought of the other day.” you try not to sound too… pushy? if you did, reneé does not notice, and nods eagerly as she follows you into the closet-like room. ah. you never said your studio was big. you cramp into your chair, gesturing for her to sit as well.
“kinda romantic in here… is that the point?” reneé wiggles her eyebrows under her glasses. you sputter, grabbing the remote and changing the color to a calm blue. reneé pouts. “don't wanna feel romantic with me?”
“not really. anyway, please read.” you push the pages of heavily edited lyrics into her hands. she sighs, adjusting her glasses once again and reading your papers. you hope to god she likes them, because? you don't have an option b. you weren't given enough time, enough warning, that you'd be working with one of your favorite artists in the world.
she ‘mhm’s’ a couple times, puts the papers down, and grins this million dollar smile at you.
“i love it. i knew my people chose you for a reason.” she beams, placing her hand over yours, her thumb rubbing over the skin of your knuckles. “great job, baby.”
the second time you see reneé is unexpected, rather surprising, and had you throwing your phone at the wall with a scream. on your screen appears a picture of reneé, with very little clothes on. the lingerie hugged her curves like rivers hug canyons, the way her tits pushed up just perfectly in her lacey bra, her puffy nipples perked and played with in one hand, and the thong, that left nothing to the imagination.
you wanted to scream again, but you were pretty sure you just woke up your neighbors. the message that popped up after makes you nearly pass out.
hot blonde mommy 🤕: oopsy
you put your phone down, eyes wide and fingers pinched at your nose.
hot blonde mommy 🤕: that was 4 angourie sorry, needed her professional opinion on my nudes LMAO
you put your fucking phone down again, and hid it under a pillow this time. your hands shook, and your stomach was buzzing in excitement. were you about to masturbate? to that? the definite answer was yes, and it was the best orgasm potentially ever.
the third time you see reneé, you're sat next to each other at a big round table, her managers on the other side. it's a business meeting, a very official one, that has you so stressed out you can't seem to sit still. and reneé, being reneé, notices almost immediately. the way your leg bounces underneath the table, the way you pick at the skin of your fingers. she notices it all. and she takes initiative, grabbing your hand into her own and intertwining your fingers. she rubs her thumb over your knuckles, soft, soothing circles that have you relaxing into your chair. she leans over to whisper, “relax, baby. i'm right here.” i'm right here. you flush, your heart racing in your chest.
one thing you love about reneé is how soft she is behind closed doors, how caring and quiet she can be. you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole of your own thoughts… does she like me? you think as she stares into your eyes, completely ignoring the very important men talking to her. the blue of her eyes, reminiscent of the polar ice caps, makes you shiver in your seat. they're so soft, so kind, that you couldn't imagine looking anywhere else.
that is until… one of your bosses clears his throat. “the meeting is over. did you pick up anything of importance?” he smiles knowingly, the holding of hands seems to not have gone unnoticed.
“yeah. yeah… i've picked up a lot of things.” you clear your throat, letting go of reneé’s hand and standing quite abruptly. “i gotta go but um… this was really insightful.” you give reneé what you hope is a beaming smile, before walking out of the room with a skip in your step. not only were you excited to hit your dab pen, you were excited that reneé seems to feel for you what you might feel for her!
the fifth time you meet reneé… well, she's drunk, on the phone, begging to come over. who are you to say no? of course you were going to say yes! what idiot wouldn't want reneé rapp drunk in their apartment?
she shows up at your door with a crooked grin, pushing her way in as you quickly shut the door behind her.
“haven't been here in a while… anything change while mama was gone?” reneé giggles, kicking off her heels and draping her body over your entire couch. you scoot her over, gently, and sit next to her.
“nah. i know unfamiliar things stress you out.” you say, a soft smile on your face as you stare down at her. she reaches her hand out to touch your face, caressing your cheek with her thumb.
“why do you care so much?” reneé asks suddenly, her eyes wide. her pupils are blown wide, whether it be from the alcohol or the loving stare she usually gives you, you couldn’t tell.
“cause i like you.” you say quietly, placing your hand over her own. she lets out a huff, a breath of surprise, and lets her hand tremble against your face.
“you like me?”
“more than anything.”
it's been a month since you and reneé started dating, and she's been getting extremely handsy as of late. saying sweetly dirty things over the phone while she's away for her tour, her hand settling right on your thigh with the lightest of squeezes to remind you she's there.
you two haven't gone beyond making out and palming at each other, but reneé has made it very clear that she wants more. which is why… well, she's set up a date at her apartment in LA. she promises it's going to be so romantic and perfect, then asks you to open the gift she left on her bed. the lingerie set she was wearing in that picture. in pink.
you nearly pass out when she texts you.
hot blonde mommy 🤕: wear it for me… please, baby?
you don't question it, not at all, and immediately find yourself putting it on. it's tight, hugging your curves, making you look as beautiful as it made her.
hot blonde mommy 🤕: is it on
you set yourself up in front of her full body mirror, sitting on your knees with your legs spread to reveal the parts of your body you know reneé likes best. the picture is sent, and not more than five seconds later she's typing already.
hot blonde mommy 🤕: let me in, baby, i'm outside :(
you run to the door, nearly slipping in your socks on the hardwood floors of your apartment. as soon as the lock is unlocked, the door is pushed open. standing on the other side? reneé, slowly squaring up to you, pressing her chest against your shoulder.
“you look… fucking amazing.” she breathes, embracing you softly. her lips graze the skin of your throat, and you find yourself tilting your head so she can get a better taste. “are you.. ready?” reneé whispers into your neck, inching her kisses towards your ear. she's breathing heavily, nearly panting because of how worked up she is.
you gently remove yourself from her body for a moment, a shy smile on your face. “can i..?” referring to her clothes, which reneé forgot existed for a moment. she quickly rids herself of her sweatpants and sweater, but now that she's in her panties? she makes it a goddamn show. she hooks her fingers into her panties and pullssss them down, revealing her aching dick.
you know you've soaked through your pretty panties already, but you don't care.
“can i put it in?” reneé pants, grinding her cock against your thigh as she pushes you down onto the bed, climbing over the top of you and straddling your hips. you can't speak, you can only blush and whimper out a yes.
reneé positions herself in front of your aching hole, pushing your panties to the side. she’s plunging in slow, her hips stuttering slightly at how tight and wet you are for her. she's had plenty of dates before, ones that ended in mind blowing sex, but for some reason she knew… this was going to be different.
she takes the lace off of your chest, revealing neglected nipples that begged for her full attention. reneé revels in the feeling of eye contact, so brushes her nose against yours, silently asking you to look her in the eyes. you flush, yet your eyes are opening to stare back into hers. she smiles, sickly sweet, before taking one of your nipples into her mouth. her tongue licks at you lazily, and soon her hips start to move again. she fucks you low and slow, like ribs at the barbecues she'd attend with her parents in north carolina.
“you don't mind if i bite, do you, baby?” reneé purrs, digging her teeth into the flesh by your nipple. you arch your chest forward into her mouth, while simultaneously arching your back to get her deeper inside of you.
she quickens her thrusts, her hands gripping at your hips to pull you into her cock. reneé bites her lip to stop from moaning, letting out a whimper. “can i cum in you, sweet thing?” she asks, her voice husky as she whispers it into your ear. you squirm in her grasp for a moment.
“never.. been cum in before.” you mutter, looking off to the side in embarrassment. reneé smiles, oh so sweetly, before pressing you into a more provocative position. a mating press. she whispers a soft ‘fuck’ and speeds up her thrusts.
“please let me cum in you, baby…” she begs, staring into your eyes pleadingly, almost like a lost puppy. you bite your lip and nod, then gasp as she fucks you harder, snapping her hips into yours. “feel so fuckin’ good, so good for me…” reneé nearly growls, her hips stuttering as she plunges herself as deep as she’ll go. you feel all the air leave your lungs as her cum fills you, and can barely recover before she's taking you into a deep kiss. “i can't wait to do this again, sweetheart.”
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leftistfeminista · 1 month
The new book by the Argentine journalist, published by Anagrama, narrates the life of Silvia Labayru, a former Montoneros militant kidnapped by the military, tortured, raped, forced to accompany Astiz in his infiltration into Madres de Plaza de Mayo.
A passage that really stood out to me in the article was-
Each person incorporated into this process was in charge of a responsible soldier who, sometimes, was the same one who had carried out the torture. If it was considered that the recovery process was giving results, the prisoner began to make some sorties. For example, he could stay a few days at his relatives' house. The kidnapped women were forced to dress "femininely" as a demonstration that they were willing to leave behind the unisex life of militancy—all those unsexy shirts and jean pants—and taken out to dinner or to the beach. fashionable bar , Mau Mau, owned by a jet-setting man named José Lata Liste.
It reveals how the forced intimacy between leftist women captives and Junta guards was not just about lust, but was a deliberate plan of systematic control. An intimate relationship between man and woman, would keep her in total control at all times. Also the way in which "unsexy shirts and jean pants" was seen as a problem in leftist women. Being unsexy was part of revolutionary women's gender subversion. The "unisex life of militancy" with equality between mal and female comrades. They had to leave that behind. They were taken out to places the very opposite of unsexy unisex jeans, like beaches and bars. Beaches where they were expected to show off their bodies in bikinis. Bars where they were expected to get drunk, loosen their inhibitions, dress sexy and shake their bodies. And typically it was a club owned by a "jet-setting man". The revenge of the capitalist class on the Marxist women who would have stolen everything from him. Making revolutionary women "sexy" against their will was the key to rehabilitating them. And it was in an everyday ordinary way like a girlfriend going to the beach or club to dance with her boyfriend. It reveals how everyday patriarchy is itself a dictatorship. If we are to understand capitalist patriarchy in its rawest form we must see the tools it used to break Marxist-Feminist women who most challenged it.
The unsexy clothing of Marxist women was seen as a problem that needed to be corrected. In a passage from the book she refers to the sense of protection her jeans gave her. And how her Junta caretaker took her to a fashionable store to get her more feminine attire
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Cover photo: Silvia Labayru and her daughter Vera in Madrid in 1978. Wearing jeans again was a way for her to reclaim her political identity from the trauma. Photo by Dani Yako extraday from her book 'Exilio 1976-1983'
From the recollections of Silvia Labayru
"Where are you taking me, Alberto?" I asked authoritatively as I finally turned up my head to face the man sitting next to me. A man who in that moment was dressed in a military uniform with a pistol on his hip, and who put these cuffs on me. His response was a harsh slap on my face.
"That's Lieutenant to you, puta." He responded, laughing heartily. "God, I don't think it'll ever get old knowing that I can finally treat you like you deserve." He added as he leant forward, riding a hand along my thigh and up to my crotch amidst my uncomfortable groaning. I don't think I've never been or ever will be so grateful for the protection that my jeans offered there, and I was even more grateful to hear the car stop. Well, grateful at the time.
As we stopped and the doors opened, I expected to find some horrible torture dungeon on the other side, but instead I saw something far, far worse. A Lingerie store. Rather than whips and nails on the walls, it was panties and lacy bras, and I honestly don't know if I felt relief or even more terror. I got pushed inside, flanked by soldiers and a salesgirl marching forward as if she anticipated our arrival.
"Good morning, Sir! How can I help you today?" The girl asked in a cheery voice as she faced Alberto, her eyes occasionally darting towards me but only to offer disapproving glares rather than the sympathetic eyes I hoped for.
"This little Communist needs a new outfit. Can you help?" He replied, smiling at my misfortune and jumping his gaze between me and the salesgirl.
"Of course! These reds used to cause quite a bit trouble for us, and for my family. I'm very glad to help them reform." She replied back with no hesitation. I had to wonder if this was genuinely how the public felt about us, or if this was just some pre-selected sympathizer. I hoped the latter. "What size is she?"
In response to that question, I immediately felt a tug on my back. "Let's find out!" my captor shouted, before signaling the guards to grip me tightly. I could barely process what was going on as I felt those jeans I valued so much get torn right off of me, before the rest of my clothes quickly followed. With each piece that got thrown onto the floor I hoped it would be the last, but the ravenous hands of Alberto's men never stopped grabbing.
A minute later, I was lying on the floor completely naked, my entire body on view for the whole shop to see. The salesgirl calmly stated my measurements, before walking off to collect her cloth torture device.
"I've always wanted to see that lovely body of yours, slut!" Alberto shouted with glee as his men pulled me to my feet and gripped my arms to deny me even the slightest bit of dignity. "Why did you hide it for so long when you knew it could make me so happy?" He continued, pushing himself against me so that I could feel the hard bulge already growing in his pants.
The salesgirl returned quickly, carrying a handful of outfits that were all equally degrading. One was little more than a few straps that didn't even cover my nipples. Another was a thong so thin that I wondered if it actually covered anything or was just designed to make the user feel uncomfortable. The next was a lacy bikini that you'd see on the front cover of a porn magazine, but never really expect to see in the real world.
"What would you prefer, sir?" The woman asked, facing toward Alberto as he carefully eyed the outfits. The only time that anyone faced towards me was to take a look at my nude body and laugh.
"Give me the bra from that one, and the thong from that one!" He replied as he decided there and then the only clothes I'd be allowed to wear for the next year or so. Moments later both were forced on, and while I appreciated the limited protection that the bra offered, the thong just felt like an insult, which was fitting given how everyone was treating me.
There were at least a dozen eyes on me as I stood there in my new costume dressed as a whore, my old outfit now lying in pieces on the floor. I never saw it again. I did see the inside of that shop about three or four more times after I left though.
After letting me wallow in my humiliation for a few minutes, I was dragged back outside into the freezing wind before being thrown into the back of the car, shortly joined by Alberto. As the door locked itself shut and the car began to move, I felt his fingers land on my thigh yet again.
"Now you finally look like you did in all those fantasies I had about you." He announced, but in a way that made it sound more like he was talking to himself than to me. As his hand rode it's way up my thigh and reached my crotch, there was nothing I could do as his fingers slid underneath and began burying themselves inside of me. I let out a cry, but that only seemed to encourage him.
I locked my eyes shut, but easily heard as his belt fell to the floor of the car. "I'm going to enjoy this. You should try to as well. It'll be happening to you a lot." He explained as that small protection the thong offered was brushed aside, and a painful journey back began…
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coochellati · 2 months
I have the bestest friend ever who drops amazing ideas!
So she showed me a fanart tiktok (I don't have tiktok, I only see tiktoks she sends me, or from compilations, but the latter is rare) of a canon x OC in an AU where the character was a designer and the OC a model. The OC reminded us so much of short haired Abba but with elf ears lol. And we began to fantasise about both Abba AND Bruno being models, and then she dropped the most amazing idea ever.
Lingerie model!Bruno
Such a galaxy brain thought!
I could imagine myself being a lingerie designer and I would work with Bruno so many times that we became good friends. He would pose in a lot of the male lingeres I designed for men or just unisex. But as time goes and we spend time together (not just modelling but also hang out) I would develop a crush on him, but being a shy idiot who overthinks everything I wouldn't tell him. And this sly man would totally would notice this and he would wink and smirk at me whenever he catches me watching his perfectly sculptured body in that material. I'm pretty sure that he would initiate some sort of plan when it's only the two of us and somehow will make me admit my love for him and he will confess that the feeling is mutual.
Oh this became waaay too long I'm so sorry 🙈 Just you know, I'm so feral over lingere model Bruno right now 😩
-PBS anon
it’s SUCH a galaxy brain thought. Ugh, Bruno would make such a good model—that beautiful, toned man would make everyone drool over his photos. I would go so feral that the doctors would probably try to give me a rabies vaccine. Also, yes. Abbacchio too. I would LOVE to see him model.
THAT’S SO CUUUUUTE!! That’s a dream romantic fantasy right there. If I was in your scenario, the crush would get so intense that I’d get so flustered over him any time I saw him, and I’d fumble my words and just be a mess and he’d probably think it’s really cute. Ugh I’d love to write something like this one day if I get the time for it 😭
No worries, no need to apologize! I love getting to read long asks, and I can tell you’ve put a lot of effort into thinking about this <3 Good to hear from you again!
(lol I know I still have one more ask to answer and I shall get to that momentarily)
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
whoops decided to google fishnet bodysuits for men and found men's lingerie that is actually Not Terrible and now i need you to join me in imagining hob wearing these
https://xdress.co.uk/products/mens-mesh-garter-body-stocking i really just need hob wearing this under his clothes while he's teaching i think
https://xdress.co.uk/collections/mens-bodysuits-and-leotards/products/unisex-fishnet-crotchless-bodysuit this for lounging around at home except with a cock cage <3
https://xdress.co.uk/collections/bodystockings/products/mens-strappy-mesh-gown pregnant hob? pregnant hob.
ALL of these are fucking beautiful and I want to own all of them holy shiiiiit.
I'm particularly obsessed with that last one, the gown. It's sooooo pretty, the way it flows down is just amazing. I am. Obsessed with the idea of pregnant Hob wearing that around the flat while he waits for Dream to come home. Maybe he lifts the gown and indulges in a little "me time" while he waits, so his thighs are sticky and he smells absolutely delicious when Dream finally comes back to him.
Once again I am regretting my lack of artistic talent bc hoooly shit we deserve to see Hob in all of these <3
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bayonettaboy111 · 3 months
Stuff I've ordered from Victoria's Secret/PINK !
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Okayy so basically, for whatever reason, I ended up getting a $100 PINK gift card from my mama cause I guess she didn't want it. Now obviously I'm not going to buy lingeries, since I'd really have no use for them, so I decided to look at the cosmetic stuff! So heres what I bought :3 I would add photos but its an odd number of them so it would look weird🙁
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・┆✦Bond Repair Treatment Mask✦ ┆・ This was kind of a compulsive buy since it was on clearance but you know, nothing wrong with treating myself 🤷‍♂️ people were saying it made their hair shiny so I added it to my cart. Though I'm not sure if it'll work all that well for me since I was curly hair - like 2c - so we'll just have to see.
Okay so I had doubts about it when I first got it but it actually works really well!! The ends of my hair aren't as split looking and my natural curls have been holding a tad bit longer. My only warning would be that it's very liquid-y so you need to be really careful not for spill it if your in the shower. 9/10
・┆✦VS HIM Platinum Body Lotion✦ ┆・ I'm gonna be honest, I've never really used cologne before 🧚‍♂️...I've mostly ever used unisex stuff. But I've been wanting to try a cologne and this VS ones had good reviews on other websites. I was going to buy the duo set but it made me go over my giftcard limit so I just settled for the body lotion. Good enough
I haven't exactly been able to wear this as much yet, as I don't really have a perfume/spray that would fit with it, but I can say it smells really good! I'm sorry I can't give a full opinion on it ahhh... 8/10
・┆✦Natural Beauty Exfoliating Body Scrub (coco milk+rose)✦ ┆・
Don't really have much more context for this other than I've been needing a exfoliater since my skin has been so dry.
Tbh it good just be the way I'm using it, as I don't have a loofah or anything like that yet, I only used a wash cloth. But anyway what I mean is that I didn't really notice much exfoliation?? I don't know it could be because I've only used it a few time or because of the fact I haven't exactly shaved my legs but yeah 😭 I need to use it more though!! And the good thing is it's very think and smells + feels good. If I get better results later I'll update. 6/10
・┆✦Conditioning Coconut Body Serum✦ ┆・
This was from a newer line of the body products so I thought I'd try it out. It's vegan too, which I think is good.
I really like it! It's made my skin really soft, esp my hands which looked like they were through hell..so very good results! 10/10
・┆✦Love Spell Duo✦ ┆・
I'll have you know that I'm an absolutely D RIDER for Japanese cherry blossom sets. I have both the body sprays from Bath and Body Works and I reallyyy wish I could find a good cologne/perfume like it. I decided to get the duo cause if I don't really like VS's spray then I'll probably still use the lotion.
It does smell really nice, it smells like Japanese cherry blossom but a bit more peachy. I will say though that it hardly lasts at all..it fades after less than an hour unless you do the vaseline trick. I usually only wear it after showers or before bed because of that. As for the body lotion, it really just smells like peaches. Overall the smell is nice but the longevity is bad. (I probably will still be trying the others though) 5/10
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The package comes in a few days so I'll make sure to review in about a week either by editing this post or making a new post!! See y'all later on that.
P.S, this post literally took so long to make for what omggg
Reviews made on 4/4/2024 <3
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direwombat · 9 months
3, 10, 22 for jakesyb and sybeli? (or dealer's choice!)
f;laskdfjads someday i'll get around to making banners now that i have two syb x canon character ships that make me want to eat drywall, anyway eeeeeeeeeee thank you liz~
3. Do they wear the other's clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
syb is a nasty dirty jacket/sweater thief and she looooooovees wearing her partner's clothes. i like to think that jacob has an army crewneck sweater that's fleece-lined and super soft that she absolutely loves (sorry not-sorry jacob. it's her sweater now), and her favorite set of "lingerie" is just a pair of panties and jacob's field jacket.
and asfl;akjsfdasdf syb's a little too uh...narrow for jacob to wear most of her clothing. altho i did just have the thought of the two of them owning the exact same iron maiden shirt (but in different sizes) that occasionally get mixed up in the wash so sometimes jacob is pulling on syb's unisex medium (which is comfortably baggy on her) and it's like he's wearing a tightly fitting crop top. meanwhile syb is using jacob's xl version of it as a sleep shirt
10. Describe their first date.
asdf;lkjasdf tbh in most universes jakesyb don't really date in the traditional sense. i joke that their first date (ie, an event that they mutually agree upon a time and place to meet) is a fistfight. they do have a snowed-in vacation at one point tho where they get pretty domestic so i guess that's kind of like a date....or at least as close as they get to one.
but in the no-cult "jakesyb country song romance au" they do actually have a proper first date. they're both at a church held party/celebration at joseph's church (augustine is a parishioner and dragged syb with him), and after both of them being super bored by how sterile the whole thing is, they decide to take off in jacob's truck, buy some beer, and they drive off into the mountains and just sit and stargaze. (they also fuck in the truck's bed, but most of the night is spent just chatting and pointing out things in the night sky
22. What reminds each of their partner?
ooooooh hmm....
wolves, obnoxious cherry red firearms, only you, the particular brand of Stupid that you get with guys who project alpha-male energy. but also late night chats over irish coffee (minus the sugar. it's just whiskey and black coffee) and cigarettes. the thrill of the hunt (as both the hunter and hunted). and the pleasurable ache of something pressing against a bruise are all things that remind syb of jacob
and rabbits/hares, bomber jackets that reek of stale cigarettes, late night war room talks, the thrill of the hunt (mostly as hunter but also sometimes as prey), absent minded humming (usually of old french songs), delicious warm and home cooked meals that aren't just baked chicken, rice and vegetables, the pleasant feeling of being challenged both physically and mentally are all things that remind jacob of syb
3. Do they wear the other's clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
same as above, syb steals eli's jacket constantly, but to be fair, eli steals her bomber jacket right back. there will be days where they're walking around the wolf's den wearing each other's clothes and no one really bats an eye. I also think when it comes to T-shirts and some tanks, they can wear each other's shirts fairly interchangeably. syb likes baggier fits and i imagine eli more on the leaner muscle (but still very strong) end of the spectrum. unisex mediums and larges get passed around constantly.
10. Describe their first date.
ooooooh ok so in katc they're very much stuck in the "under literally any other circumstances we could have been such a good couple" zone, so here are the two answers i have for an alternate timeline and the werewolf au:
au syb went into the whitetails looking for augustine first instead of going into the valley: i think there's a lot of purely one on one time between them that happens quite often (usually in the form of war table strategy meetings or "can't sleep, guess i'll keep watch on the security cams" kinds of hanging out together), but none of those moments really register to them as dates. that's just the "friends" bit in their "friends to lovers" arc. what they consider their first date is when they were out together on a scouting mission. they narrowly escape an ambush and crash at a safe house for the rest of the night because they're both injured. but they also have their first kiss while patching each other up. they pass out on the couch together immediately afterwards.
in the werewolf au syb and eli's first date is straight up a bbq challenge. like...unofficially an actual competition but waaaaaay more people showed up to the joke flyer wheaty put up at the spread eagle so they accidentally ended up grillmastering a proper event (sponsored by the spread eagle). eli won but syb put up a damn good fight. she had the superior grilled chicken/shrimp/fish, and eli had the better red meats/wild game. they were both lowkey worried their competitiveness was a turn off for the other, but actually it suuuuuuper wasn't :)
22. What reminds each of their partner?
short answers because i'm still kinda developing their relationship BUT:
bow hunting, woodland camo and whitetail deer. really good wild game recipes, long hikes and camping trips (and scouting missions) all remind syb of eli
and sweet tea on a hot day and cold beer on a hot evening. the smell (and taste) of stale cigarettes. the burn of bourbon as it goes down all remind eli of syb
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makesims · 8 months
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Backstage Romance Set
5, 6, 7, 8! Here's a set based on the Backstage Romance number from Moulin Rouge. It includes a top and bottoms for M framed sims, and lingerie and tights for F framed sims. These come in 10-12 swatches and are base game compatible.
Download + more info under the cut.
Download (no ads, no paywalls): SFS | Patreon
Santiago Vest + Trousers
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The vest comes in 11 swatches and the trousers come in 10.
Nini Lingerie + Tights #2
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My second Nini outfit! (Here's the first.) The lingerie comes in 12 swatches and the tights come in 11. The tights are unisex, as with the first Nini set.
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guclu26 · 11 days
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My new lace gstring by Penti
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jahdiel-death · 11 months
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✧˖ ° ERSCH✧˖ °
Trito Set (Shown on Legacy)
Female - lingerie+skirt in color packs (only fatpack is modify, each pack has HUD for metal, gems & pearls) Also M&F shoulder deco with HUD & modify
Located @ Midnight Order
✧˖ ° ERSCH✧˖ °
Markelus Horns
Hide & Show + Glow Options
5 Wear Styles 7 Variants
Modify Resizable Unisex
Located @ Midnight Order
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
Where have you seen Yahui Tokoyami???
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What a silly question! He’s everywhere!
A public figurehead for the LGBTQ+ in the business industry.
The son of Two Politicians from both Japan and China. His Family’s been in the papers long enough with rumours of their divorce and marriage sham. Celebrity gossip strong across the internet but rather hush hush on paper fronts. He was also in the news the day he broke away from his families pressures to become a politician himself.
He was first believed to be a girl from the day he was born til he was 10. ( Though the public was and is still very confused from this point on. ) This was due to Yahui being very petit, slender and curvy. His Father and Grandfather of the Japanese side of his heritage; dressed him as a girl following the tradition where young boys are dressed as girls so they would become stronger when they grow older.
Yahui’s hair was short at one point in his life, at 14 where the public solidified his gender as a male. Yahui grew his hair back out in defiance and from a deeper, body dysmorphic mindset about himself in general that wasn’t really registered until his late teens, 19 - 20s.
- Yahui feels confident in calling himself Genderfluid, and is very proud to state he is Homosexual. - His first love was Archer, his first kiss was Archer, his first heartbreak was Archer. - Even now, Yahui thanks Archer for not making him feel strange or weird about himself, nor his love for him, not that Yahui told him, but not rejecting his closeness at any point. - Yahui hurts still, yes, but he is slowly recovering from his one-sided love. - Yahui’s best friend is Archer Kessler… You all know about him. - His school friends were Reo and Shigure Aomori, a few pictures with them - mostly from Yahui's forced friendship shots. - Yahui is often in many pictures with Archer in public, when they were teens in schooling and partying. They were near inseparable. - Yahui is often on TV within interviews, talk shows, talent shows and promotional ADs.
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He is the face of a Men’s Face Cream, Unisex Hair and Shampoo, Unisex Gym Muscle Supplements and Protein Drinks. He is a Fashion Icon, in the form of Advertisements that are choreographed fashion shows. He has his own Fashion company, that makes and sells traditional Chinese and Japanese mixed urban clothing. Though with how big it’s got now, he is more of a Figurehead with thousands of talents under his Co. He funds several hundreds of schools in the poverty ridden sides of the countries he is from. He hates how ignored they are, and he is an avid donator to gay spaces, making four clubs so far that are LBGTQ+ zones. ( these are found in the “gay districts” in Japan and china. )
He was once banned from TV for showing off his bra to a TV host who was calling him all sorts of names behind “jokes”. After his stunt, the TV Show was sued for discrimination and harassment and flooded with bad reviews due to the sheer audacity of the host. After being called a ’shemale’ and a ’confused f*ggot’, Yahui removed his tie, unbuttoned his shirt and literally took his shirt off to show his lingerie set and obviously masculine chest and abs - whilst glowering at the Host. The episode was cut off five seconds afterwards, the Host trying to get Yahui’s shirt back on and the audience gawking in shock and some cheering.
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He is also very talented, not only in business and being a CEO of his own businesses, like his Mother. He is a very avid collector of ancient weaponry and artefacts, like his Father. He is often seen at charity auctions, private auctions and public auctions where he shows in person to buy and see what people give away without knowing what it is.
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thezolblade · 1 year
Now I'm picturing Jon playing dress up and pressuring Martin into wearing overly cute or sexy outfits like lingerie for example. And whether or not Martin feels comfortable, he'd still take plenty of photos. So many.
And the 2nd outfit ask! (Sorry I'm a bit slow getting through them right now, real life's gotten weird, nothing that won't work itself out, but, anyway, it's nice to have online stuff to come back to.)
The sorts of underwear/lingerie/sleepwear that Jon wants to dress Martin up in at home, well, they tend to fall into 3 categories:
Clothes that Martin's fairly comfortable in, and it's only being told what to do that gets stifling, though he tries to enjoy himself anyway, if he can. E.g. boxers made from nice silky fabric, fluffy dressings gowns, and anything else that's not a million miles away from what he picks out for himself.
Clothes that he finds embarrassing, but Jon can push him into wearing them. Styles that Martin associates with the gay scene enough that they feel masculine or unisex to him, even if a straight guy wouldn't wear them. Some of it he's too insecure to think he'd look good in, and other stuff he's pretty sure would look embarrassing on anyone, but even if he's really uncomfortable, he'll wear it if Jon asks (maybe after double checking that he's serious), because it's a relatively easy way of keeping him happy. And if Jon seems to genuinely think he looks good in it, that's sort of flattering... E.g. some kinds of leather gear, harness style lingerie, rainbow flag stuff, occasionally black lace if it looks good on the cis guys modelling it in the photos. If & when he and Jon are on good enough terms to relax and get kinda silly, then some 'sexy halloween' costumes might be used for roleplay.
Clothes that Jon suggests, but gives up on. If lingerie looks too feminine in Martin's eyes, and the idea of wearing it stirs up dysphoria, then his refusal takes a different tone even if he doesn't necessarily expect to be listened to, and Jon can tell that he's in dangerous territory even if he doesn't exactly get it. He's heard Martin talk about things that were deeply unpleasant, and if he can't convince himself that Martin wants things on some level then he can't sell those ideas to himself either. If Jon really had his eye on an outfit, he might ask "would you be okay with it if we both wore it?" - and sometimes the answer is still no, but sometimes Martin looks him over and bites his lip, and replies with a slightly squeaky "I guess?", and then he'll go ahead and buy them one each. Even when Jon's wearing something pink and frilly, he'll be as dominant as ever in bed, and Martin finds it quite surreal to have to hold back laughter, an unusual addition to his mixed feelings. (Jon still takes photos, but doesn't show them to Martin, on nights like this.)
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cocaina-kiyori · 24 days
♡✩ 2453✩♡ par ♡ Ƴōкαι ♡ 🐼 Via Flickr : ❥ #KNIFU. Year Of The Dragon Septum@**TMD** maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TMD/121/134/23 ** Year of the Dragon Septum - Unisex - Texture Hud - Mod/Copy/ No Trans. **KNIFU Socials linktr.ee/knifu66 ❥ #- pOOnsh - Allyn Lingerie maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Serena%20Cantari/31/60/503 ❥ #The Bearded Guy - Fucisa Life Backdrop maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moonwall/169/121/32 ❥ #[TNK] TAKOYAKI maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TOKYO%20ZERO/202/50/3181 ❥ #Lush Poses - Madison - Female Bento Pose Pack Lush - Main store maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sorriesa/48/219/1253 The Sales Room - maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MoonLand/220/53/23 10 May - 28 May ❥ linktr.ee/CocainaKiyori
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