#underground champion (luka)
the-trails-we-blaze · 2 months
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sopuu · 1 day
ever since I've discovered your champion Jesse au, I have been hyperfixating on it a WHOLE LOT. I cannot wait to see what happens in it!!!! :D it's just so interesting! With Lukas being down in the underground as well just adds on more to how interesting it is!!!
I have a question about it too. How did Jesse get the clock and manage to get Radar free? Did he hand the torch he had off to Lukas?
gosh thank youuu so glad it’s been enjoyable 🥺 i was looking at some concept art a while ago and i saw lukas in the underneath and went like 🫵 YOU!! SHOULD’VE BEEN THERE!!! man. missed opportunity. anyways
ngl i kinda forgot about the torch 💀 but that can be fixed easily! since jesse gets blasted off to an island higher up to the rest of the gang he simply has to throw it down to lukas and bam the trapped fellas are saved. though i’ve always wondered why they can’t just…punch their way out lmao. i guess it’s for storytelling purposes but yknow food for thought
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auduux · 4 days
MCSM S3 Fun Facts/Headcanons Part 2
Severely misjudged the amount of time it takes me to write. Another teaser should actually be out today.
Text under the cut.
Radar is half white-half spanish in my mind, so he knows a few Spanish words, and will sing to himself when he's nervous. His favorite song to sing is "O Sol E A Lua" (by Pequeno Cidadao), his mother used to sing it to him when he was a kid. Because of it, he's very familiar with the myth about the sun and moon and likes hearing regional versions of it from travelers. Radar never learned much Spanish because his mother, who was 100% Spanish, died when he was very young. His father, the whitest of white men, didn't know a lick of Spanish but tried to teach Radar at least what he knows from his mother. Spanish is also a rare language in Beacontown. The only memory of his mother that he has is her singing to him. Ivor did find Soren, in the first place he looked, actually. He had returned to the end. Now Ivor's just trying to convince him to go back. He sends Jesse letters regularly. Well, he sends the letters to the admins keep, and whoever picked them up first sends the letters to Jesse, since she was out traveling (for fem Jesse, he sends them to beacontown for male jesse). Because Lukas spends 99% of his time with his cats, creepers will run away from him since he smells like a cat. (I stole this from someone too, forgot who it was as well 😭) Bintaaaaaaa Jack picked up adventuring again after Jesse and Petra left (for fem Jesse), but doesn't go that far out anymore. He frequents the admins keep to ask Romeo if there was any new treasure nearby. He hasn't forgiven Romeo, but he's willing to be civil. With her people gone and "home" now in the above world, Xara cleaned up the rubble of her former city and rebuilt and fortified Fred's Keep. Most Fred's Keep citizens returned to the underground once Xara finished her work and the giant enderman was gone for good. Xara also made Romeo get rid of his death trap and the sunshine institute. Nurm and Lluna became friends after the thing with Xara's prison. She is one of the few animals he likes. Many of the champion city people moved to Beacontown after Romeo bombed their city. Some went off traveling. Romeo did NOT kill all the champion city people! This was actually supposed to be canon! There was supposed to be a shot of admin Jesse teleporting all the champion city people away after blowing up the city but their budget was too low.
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mc-art-etc · 2 years
OKAY SO i kinda have an au that I think of all the time that literally ties into my oc’s stories and what I think of with mcsm it’s like. Post game so I’m calling it the post Canon Au bc it happens after canon and is all bullshit and joy from there!!! Petra is exploring, Axel and Olivia run boomtown/redstonia, Jesse Radar and Lukas work together to run Beacontown plus Jesse is hiring more people to help them actually get the town up and running because come ON there is no way Beacontown just existed and ran perfectly from day one. Ivor and Harper help out when they can but are mostly out exploring, Gabriel lives in town and has Sunday tea and story telling with Jack and Nurm, Ellegard and Magnus are both alive because I hate them and love them both and they hang out with Axel and Olivia, Soren just kinda shows up from time to time, sky city people are doing their own thing and the blazerods get out of jail and go on adventures, Aiden writes about it and Gill and Maya are dorks love them all (blazerods my beloveds) the YouTubers don’t exist because I think that episode was fun but it was bad writing to just add in YouTubers but thank god mcsm wasn’t made in the recent year lol can you imagine who’d we get instead, might make replacement generic characters for them and Cassie is out of her pit and seeking revenge but she’s also somewhat chill, wants to go home still aka see Hadrian and Mevia and Otto and Harper but that’s a whole other mess!! Stella is rebuilding champion city and getting therapy and the underground people are living and trading with the people above ground, and Romeo and Xara have kinda gone off on an adventure to redeem romeo and also bond some, and that’s basically it right off the bat of my mind lol I love them thank you for reading this ramble
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
Feral Jocks Kwami Swap Hero Themes
Okay so like- these are the general vibes each of their costumes give off?? Idk it's hard to explain
Chartreux Noire (Cat!Alix) - street art, more punk than goth
Crimson Beetle (Ladybug!Kim) - just a classic super hero, cape, gloves, boots
Kitsune (Fox!Kagami) - she has like, the silent energy of the mysterious masked figure in an anime that once they join the protagonist after revealing their alternate plot they get like 90% less intimidating?? The alternate mask style and the scarf and all that
Shell Shock (Turtle!Max) - protector, the knight in green armour that will be the shield to your sword
Hornet (Bee!Chloe) - the sword to your shield, hits fast and hits hard, all points and intimidating lines, dark eyes to unnerve
Multimouse (Mouse!Marinette) - break dancer vibes, I gotta redo that design for real one of these days...
Hopper (Bunny!Nathaniel) - the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland but coloured like the French Flag
Basilisk Bleu (Snake!Juleka) - the mysterious visitor in the suit that makes the love interest feel intimidated
Wyvern Rouge (Dragon!Luka) - the mysterious Pirate King that will steal your lover if you aren't careful
Wishbone (Dog!Adrien) - the kind of look the best friend in a coming of age story wears in late fall when it's too warm for a jacket but too cold for just a shirt
Mustang Mare (Horse!Sabrina) - greaser from those old movies that "is a bad influence) on the prim and proper protagonist
Tamarin (Monkey!Lila) - the wild monarch of the forest, feral forest dweller with something unsettlingly magical about them...
Bengal (Tiger!Nino) - secret Night club Archer. Yeah that's it-
Capricorn (Goat!Alya) - sweet farm kid is secretly an underground fighting champion
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Can we hear about Juleka in your Atla AU?
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
Juleka is first mentioned by Luka. Team Avatar run into him and he asks for help finding his missing sister.
Well they find her!
Bob Roth runs an underground fight club where most of the fighters are various Benders who have been kidnapped and brainwashed. Juleka, along with Rose, Ivan and Mylene, are the captive competitors.
Juleka, now under the name Panthera, is the Champion. No one's been able to beat her. Even with Bob Roth"s brainwashing trying to make her lose, her Bending is strong and unpredictable.
The "unpredictable" bit is because while an Earthbender, she was taught by Waterbenders so her style is incredibly different.
She is a hell of a powerhouse. And since the brainwashing means she doesn't have pesky issues like "morality" or "loyalty to her loved ones", she has no issue wrecking everyone who is trying to save her!
Except Rose because Power of True Love but ya know.
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quiviktories · 5 years
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❝ i don’t want to be the one the battles always choose
                             ‘cause inside i realize that i’m the one confused. ❞
                                             quivi nikolayevna  -  #002 : secrets.
IN GENERAL: She's the undefeated champion in an underground fight club and has severely injured multiple people in the ring. 
IN DETAIL: ( TWs for violence )
 It was just a means of making more money. She couldn’t support her full tuition with just the small inheritance she had - and so far , no jobs were calling back. She was growing desperate , until once , maybe she found herself at a local gym , whaling away at a punching bag. It must’ve been impressive , since she was invited later that day to an address of a supposedly abandoned warehouse in Rochester. But instead ?? Everyone there was gathering to fight.
Co-ed fighting was allowed , and Quivi stepped in. She didn’t know what name to really take on , so unfortunately the title of Dominatriks was given to her. She dealt with her opponent extremely quickly , and worked up a ladder of fighter to eventually take on the former champion herself.
And... she won. 
The fights gather on Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights ; it’s in by no means a safe way of earning money , but fighting’s something she’s at least good at. She’s gone to the hospital one or two times and has sent many to the hospital far more than that.
It’s something she knows she can’t do forever , but for now , it’ll have to work.
She just doesn’t want people to think she’s a monster for earning money like this.
DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW THIS SECRET? : Currently , no , but I’m not opposed to people attending those fights and finding out the reigning champion is Quivi of all people. 
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOUR CHARACTER HAS TO HIDE? : Other than her adoptive twin is the Instagram influencer Lukas Nikola and that she’s helping his baby mama take care of his daughter, nope !!
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grovyrosegirl · 6 years
Post season 2 headcanons if Jesse chooses to stay in Beacontown? :3
*throws giant stacks of headcanons onto the desk*
I’m so glad you asked, dear anon!
Jokes aside, I’ll be putting these under a read more because one, I ramble too much, and two, just in case there are still some people who don’t want spoilers. With that said, I hope you enjoy!
It’s safe to say that it’s a long recovery period for everybody in Beacontown. Romeo did some pretty awful things during his time disguised as Jesse, and people are not going to be quick to forget that. Jesse tries their best to help their town move forward and recover, but again, it’s gonna take a while.
There are some people who are still suspicious of Jesse, though the number of these individuals depends on what happened to Romeo. If Romeo made it out of the terminal, he faced the town and told everyone the truth, so people who are suspicious of Jesse isn’t really that big of an issue since most people in Beacontown accepted the truth. On the other hand, if Romeo didn’t make it out of the terminal, there are way more people who doubt Jesse’s story. Luckily Jesse’s friends stick by them of course, and the New Ocelots try their best to tell the townspeople what really happened, but it’s way more difficult in this scenario.
Lukas decides to settle down in Beacontown again, and he moves back into the Order Hall. He still keeps his cabin of course, but now it’s more of a weekend getaway place if he wants to take a break from town every once in a while or just needs some quiet. Jesse likes having him back in the Order Hall, as it always kind of got a little too quiet when everyone moved out.
Lukas and the New Ocelots help a lot with the “Beautification Project” as Lukas gets to use his builder skills again. He’s basically head architect on a lot of the buildings that got wrecked by the Admin (like Jack’s shop for example) and on helping rebuild Champion City. He still writes in his free time of course, seeing how he has a whole bunch of new material for his next book.
Seeing how Radar got a new title of Co-Hero in Residence/Clockmaster/Senior Intern and Lukas is now officially working with Beacontown again, Jesse keeps trying to give him his own official title. (Much to Lukas’ annoyance)
“How about ‘Author in Residence’ as your title?”
“Jesse no.”
“Oh! Oh! Wait, I got it! Ocelot in Residence. It’s perfect.”
One of the hardest parts of rebuilding Beacontown is cleaning up all the darn lava Romeo put everywhere. It takes them at least three weeks before they can get rid of all the unwanted lava.
Jack and Nurm stay with Jesse at the Order Hall until they finish rebuilding their shop. It’s during these few weeks that Jesse learns two things: Jack snores very loudly and Nurm is a very good cook.
The giant floating tower Romeo built is now basically a community center. (Don’t worry, they added a staircase.) They got rid of all the jail cells and Romeo’s office and replaced them with a library and some gardens. It’s a great spot for town meetings and celebrations.
After some time passes, Jesse and Petra keep in touch by writing letters to each other. It’s a bit hard, seeing how Petra’s always traveling, but they make it work when they can.
Months after everything settles down, Ivor pops in and out of Beacontown in between his travels. He’s tracked down Gabriel and Magnus/Ellegaard, but Soren’s still missing. However, it seems that his latest lead has given him some very helpful clues to where Soren might be…
If Jesse brought the residents of Fred’s Keep with them, then they are enjoying life above the bedrock. Binta and the others have even begun setting up a brand new town, which they named “Fred’s Meadow”. It’s not too far from Beacontown and Champion City, so Binta, Jesse, and Stella often meet up for town meetings together.
Champion City is busy rebuilding too, and many people in Beacontown are helping their neighbors fix their homes. In between rebuilding, Stella and Lluna visit Jesse a lot.
Stella wants to become a better fighter so she can defend her city in times of crisis. Because of this, she asks Jesse to give her swordfighting lessons. (Of course she will never admit to asking Jesse for this because it’s not like she NEEDS Jesse to learn how to be a better fighter or anything. Baka.) Jesse’s totally fine with that, and the two start becoming better friends during their lessons.
One of the first things Xara and Romeo do to help people in the Underneath (in the scenario where they’re both alive) is freeing the prisoners of the Sunshine Institute. Xara helps them make their way through the maze and make it to the Oasis. Once they’re there, the prisoners and associates have a few options. They can either stay in the Underground and help with the rebuilding, use Xara’s portal to get back to their own homes, or go to Beacontown. Most of them go back home, but some of them might head to Beacontown. I mean who knows maybe Oxblood could totally move to Beacontown with Geoff cough cough
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yellowbrothers · 4 years
The last time I saw my brother was the day I left Nevada. He was a dark silhouette in my rear-view mirror, haloed by the rising sun, shrinking with every mile I put between us.
Though the sun had yet to clear the horizon, the heat was already oppressive; it clawed its way under my shirt, digging its claws into my skin until I beaded sweat. The desert smelled of oil, of burning rubber, of dirt and sand and blood.
My brother was a speck in the distance.
Joseph Yellow was born in a heat wave so powerful it melted streetlamps. The sun followed him wherever he went. It was there in the lit end of his cigarette; in the shining diamond stud in the center of his left ear; in the warm smell of teakwood and sweat that lingered on his thrift-store jacket.
He lived life with a careless kind of arrogance; his mouth was always tilted in a half smile and his eyes squinted behind his shades.
Even though he was six years my senior, by the time I could count we were a package deal. He would tuck me under his arm and say, “This is my brother. He’s gonna make us famous one day.”
The first time I beat him at cards, I was twelve. We played for pretzel sticks and baseball cards in the church basement with decks so worn that someone had redrawn the hearts and spades with sharpie. We played in a circle on the floor.
At the time, I thought it was dumb luck that I had beaten my brother, or maybe he had let me win. But he just started a new game – then another, and another. He would quiz me: “What cards does Lukas have, Paul?” he might ask, and I would dig through the recesses of my brain to come up with options. It became a game within the game; a dozen boys in a circle quizzing me on their mystery hands while Joseph grinned, his smile blinding and warm.
Neither of us had ever really been good at anything; Joseph played little league for a while, but he had to stop when Mom left. I wasn’t much of anything, either – not smart, not even pretty like my brother – but cards clicked. And my brother – well, my brother could read me as well as I could read the deck, and before long we had a pile of pretzel sticks and a Babe Ruth card between us.
We looked nothing alike; Joseph was blonde, where I was dark. His profile was sharp where I was square and squashed. Until I hit sixteen and sprouted a few inches, the only thing we had in common was a last name and our cards. But within a couple of years, our cards and names were a stronger bond than a nose or hair colours ever could have been; as soon as I was tall enough to fake my way into the smaller parlours along the Las Vegas strip we were the Yellow brothers, reigning blackjack champions of the seedy underground. Sat next to the other, we were something else: my brother’s easy confidence and my honed skill earned us the right to our arrogance. It didn’t matter anyway; we were on top of the world.
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gromykosemper · 7 years
Man, that  inveterate, meaning obsessed creature is the only being on Earth capable of creating,manipulating,and inventing Symbols. His use and misuse of it have led to the rise and fall of societies, and the dark and golden ages of Men. In contemporary times, where symbols are allover us, Men have forgotten the very power of it. In Artistic production, that very unique character that is endemic of Man,Symbolic use is more often than not a necessary ingredient. We have seen the use of Symbolism from the Cavemen who uses Symbols to "recall and remember" important events of their lives, their meager hunt, their relationship with the world,etc...We have seen them in the Ancient world where Religion used it to make Men worship Gods, and eventually Men worship Men. The Ikonos, that is the symbol of something that is magnanimous has been obssesing man from Generations to Generations. In the modern age,we were made to worship commercialistic, mercantile products..new phone, new clothes,the latest in fashion, the most epic films, the most in demand models, the best physique, the most famous of the famous, etc.All Symbols made in the service of Men for the glory of their carnal needs. Symbols enslaved by money, greed, and Power! In words, pictures,films,acts, everywhere, we see symbols chained, shackled, abused!!!! But there are those few who use it to manifest a life far deeper than the shallowness of our Times,and the Times before Us! That few spiritually gifted Men and Women who uses symbols to paint pictures of the state of Man in all his weakness and strenght, his richness and poverty, his darkest and lightest, his most truthful and most ugly self. These we trace from a unique lineage of creators from the past: from the Primeval cave painters, to the ancients Archaic Symbol makers like the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, The Chinese, Indians, Greeks, Romans, to the great painters of the Middle Ages, through the early Rennaisance painters like Massacio and Giotto, Fra Angelico, Filippino, Boticelli, to Mantegna, Del Sarto,down to the Masters of the Golden Age like the immortal Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael Guillo Romano, Albrecht Durer, to that of Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, and unto one of the most visionary of all, Heironymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, and their followers, and trailing the artistic bloodlines of the likes of Bocklin, Caspar David Friedrich, and eventually landing on one of the most individual visionary that of William Blake ,trailing unto that of Khnopff, Hodler, and that graceful Klimt, and passing the torch unto the champion of the Symbolist faith, Gustave Moreau, Paul Gauguin, and then going underground only to be revitalized by Giorgio de Chirico which sparked the plug of the Surrealists:Dali being one of its most scrupulous maker, Leonora Carrington, Kay Sage, Remedios Varo, Leonor Fini and peripherally that uniquely personal goddess, Frida Kahlo, The Fantastic Realists and its founding fathers like Ernst Fuchs, and then through a generation outside of it, Peter Blume, Paul Cadmus,George Tooker,  even that regionalist Andrew Wyeth! Then cometh the second wave of Fantastic Symbol makers like Roberto Venosa and Matina Hoffman, Maura Holden, Brigid Marlin, Otto Rapp, De Es, HR Giger, Lukas Kandl, Zeljko Djurovic, Reinhard Schmidt, Michael Parkes, Phillip Rubinov Jacobson, who also taught a lot of third generation inheritors like Amanda Sage, Madeline Foerster, Peter Gric, and many Others. We also witnessed something happening outside the realms with Robert F. Williams, Mark Ryden, Ron English, Ray Caesar, and many classified under the Pop-surrealist Umbrella. Then we had the powerful Agostino Arrivabene, the masterful Nicola Verlato, the ominous Michael Borremans, the acidic Nicola Samori, the bizaare Christian Rex Van Minnen, and the lucidly dark works of Nicol Samori. Then we  witnessed 21st century birthing of the Fernal Community led by Liba Warring Stambollion and the fusion of diverse artistic talents under the umbrella of Dreams and Divinities. Thus the blood of the "Symbol Maker" preserveth! And so we witness a new dawn of Man. Man using Symbols to "paint/draw/sculpt/write/create" something that can emdow us, empower us and give us Hope in a World where the misuse of it is apparently staggeringly blinding. We need to preserve the "blood", we need to continue this lineage. We need to make use of Symbols to inspire, preserve, unite. It is the only unifying thing to do in this age where division and war predominates. We need Men and Women as Symbol makers. Show original message
Gromyko Semper,  The Maker of Symbols, 2017
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Yo if you don’t mind can you explain your MLB atla AU please?
Long story short: ML characters in the ATLA universe. There is a tag if you want to go through all that. I'll list off various plot points.
Both Marinette and Adrien are the Avatar because I cannot let go of my Split Avatar AU, but Mari has the four Elements while Adrien has the Spirit Powers(and is a Nonbender). They find this out later though so it's assumed that Marinette is the singular Avatar at first.
Mari lives in the Northern Water Tribe. Nino and Kim are childhood friends. Tikki is their Waterbending Teacher (all the Kwami are Humans in this). Mari is told she's the Avatar and the group sets out on a journey for her to master the Elements and help people.
The first stop is the Fire Nation because news of the Avatar being found has gotten out and Gabriel has requested her help. His wife is in some Spirit World - related coma and he wants to see if the Avatar can help. Mari can't just yet, but she'll do what she can once she trains up her powers.
The crew also runs into Adrien, Chloé(who is Princess of the Fire Nation), and Sabrina. There's plot-related reasoning, but the three end up running away from home and joining Team Avatar.
While figuring out the Split Avatar thing they go to a library run by Trixx with his assistant Alya. Alya is interested in Avatat Lore and joins the group to research them! Politely though. They're friends!
They then run into Lila who is conning a town into thinking she's the Avatar by using Airbending and trickery to fake other bending. The Team outs her lies quickly but somehow convince her to stick around with them and will eventually teach Mari Airbending. She somehow ends up becoming the mom friend by default because she's the only one with any sense of self-preservation.
Kagami shows up at some point as a sort of bounty hunter hired to bring Adrien amd Chloé back home. She is defeated with the Power of Friendship. Literally. She befriends Marinette immediately and then feels conflicted because taking Adrien and Chloé home would make Marinette sad. So she gives up and joins the Team.
Alix is a Kyoshi Warrior who joins the Team when they dropped by the Island.
They run into Luka next, who is looking for his sister. The Team decides to help him. We also get to meet Anarka along with Jagged who is a pirate captain.
Eventually they find out that Bob Roth has a secret underground brainwash fight club. He's kidnapping talented Benders and using a device to basically control them. Juleka is the Champion, but Rose, Ivan and Mylene are also there. The only non-brainwashed competitor is XY who actually has no idea what all's going on.
When figuring out where Bob Roth got the device to brainwash people, they meet Max who accidentally designed that and bring him on board.
Eventually they circle back to the Fire Nation so that Mari and Adrien can help with Emilie's Spirit-Coma, and Chloé talks to her own parents and challenges Audrey to an Agni Kai. Which she wins because fuck Audrey.
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Related to that Atla mean girl group- yeah I get that, I was just making the connection- I’m excited to see more for your actual avatar au though- can we get more info on that actually?
Before I kick this off, I want to say that I don’t know if I’m putting it directly in the ATLA Timeline or just ‘in that world’. What I mean is I’m debating on if ATLA (and maybe LOK) happened previously in this world or if the world is just set up the same. 
If it is in that timeline, then it’s far enough in the future that it’s mostly irrelevant anyway. If only because the Avatar Cycle has made it back to Water. 
First thing I’m doing with it is the Split Avatar AU. Which has it’s own post here. 
Marinette is the Avatar that can control all the Elements, Adrien is the Avatar with all the Spirit stuff, and is a nonbender otherwise. 
The Kwami and the Guardians are the White Lotus. 
Mari, Nino and Kim are childhood friends in the Northern Water Tribe. When Mari finds out she’s the Avatar, Nino and Kim go with her as company as she travels the world. 
Adrien’s plot is a little similar to Toph, despite being a nonbender. Basically Gabriel wants to keep Adrien safe in the house because he’s a nonbender and it’s dangerous out there. Adrien is rebellious and sneaks out a lot, and has learned to fight with regular weapons thanks to Sabrina and Chloé. 
Speaking of my girl, Chloé is kind of a combo of Zuko and Azula with a little bit of Toph thrown in. I’m making her Fire Nation Princess because 1.) it lines up with that, 2.) that makes her dad technically Firelord which is FUCKING HILARIOUS.
By most circumstances, Chloé should be considered a prodigy Firebender. Even having that cool blue fire that Azula had because that fucking slaps. However, Audrey is a fuck and nothing Chloé does will ever be enough for her. With encouragement from Adrien, Sabrina, and her Firebending teacher Pollen, Chloé has already begun to realize this. 
Chloé is also supposed to stay in the palace or at her friends’ homes, with guards keeping her safe inbetween, but she also likes to sneak out. The three of them hang out together unless they get caught by various bodyguards. 
The three run into Mari, Kim and Nino and befriend them without anyone realizing the importance of half the group. Eventually Adrien, Chloé and Sabrina decide to run away and join Team Avatar. 
They meet Alya next. Her family is mixed, with her mom being a Firebender and her dad an Earthbender. Nora and Alya are Earthbenders, Ella and Etta are Firebenders (and yest that is a terrifying thought). 
I don’t have all the plots for rest of the class planned out yet but I have some: 
I’m using that plot someone sent to me about Luka and Juleka and the underground brainwash fight club. Short version: Luka asks Team Avatar for help finding his missing sister, they end up at this underground fight club and find out that benders are being kidnapped and brainwashed into fighters. The current Champion is actually Juleka, and some other classmates might be involved. 
Kagami is a Firebender who uses Lightning. I debated about which Element because in Canon she uses air, water, and lightning(fire), so I could justifiably use any. But since Kagami has Dragon stuff she ended up Fire Nation. 
Kagami is originally sent to try and force Adrien and Chloé to come home. However, she runs into Marinette first and befriends her. When she attempts to take Adrien and Chloé away, Mari is justifiably angry and Kagami is like ‘no. I cannot make you upset. You are my friend and I refuse to upset you like this’. So she gives up and stays. 
Lila is... interesting. And it’s one time I’m actively writing her a redemption arc instead of leaving it open-ended.  
The Team runs into Lila in some town where Lila has convinced the locals that she’s the Avatar. In reality, she’s an Airbender using tricks to fake Bending other Elements. I mean, we’ve seen Airbending fake Earthbending by moving rocks with air in ATLA, and she does similar with water. for Firebending she pulls a trick of using Airbending to concentrate oxygen into one place and has a hidden spark ignition(Yes that’s a FMA trick). 
None of the Team falls for her tricks, and they quickly out her as a fraud. However...
Marinette sees Lila has actual Airbending talent. And, well, she needs an Airbending teacher! Everyone thinks she’s crazy, even Lila. At first Lila says ‘no, fuck you, you ruined my chances at fame and fortune here’. But she quickly realizes that ‘teaching the Avatar’ is another route to fame and fortune, especially since traveling with the Avatar will let her meet other big names she could actually use. 
The Team knows she’s a liar and shuts down any attempts to manipulate them, even learning to spot the differences between real Earth/Water/Firebending and Lila’s fake version. But eventually they do end up getting through to her and befriending her for real. 
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Avatar au- fight club arc-btw Im the original one who dreamt this, just wanted to give more ideas) They bump into Luka cause they were about to be captured and he helped. He explains that he’s been after these guys and they decide to help. It takes place beneath Bob Roth’s casino-where it’s easy to Get lost (Crime Corner shenanigans). Maybe Mari gets roped into the fight club. Order from Luka to Champion is probably Ivan or XY, Rose, maybe Marc/Nath if they bend, then maybe XY, finally Juleka
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Oh this arc definitely kicks off with the Crime Corner getting into trouble. And even though this is, you know. Brainwash underground fight club, I'm downgrading the electric fence. It still hurts! It just won't kill you.
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